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第一章. 总论

第一节 国际私法的调整对象和方法

一、国际私法的调整对象国际私法的对象就是涉外民事法律关系(civil legal relationship involving foreign elements),就是指具有涉外因素的民事法律关系。

二、国际私法的调整方法直接调整方法(DIRECT):统一实体法规范Rules of uniform substantive law间接调整方法(INDIRECT):冲突规范Conflict of rules二者的比较?第二节 国际私法的范围(the scope

一、各国学者的主张(Scholars)国际私法的范围就是国际私法的规范构成问题英国:管辖权规范Jurisdiction rules;冲突规范Conflict of rules;判决的承认和执行规范Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Jugdements rules国籍规范Rules of nationality;外国人的民事地位规范Rules of Civil Legal Status for Foreigners;冲突规范;国际民商事管辖权规范;外国判决的承认和执行规范 德日:冲突规范

苏联:外国人民事地位规范;冲突规范;统一实体法规范;国际民事诉讼程序规范国际商事仲裁规范Rules of international civil litigation and international commercial arbitration外国人民事法律地位、国际民事诉讼及仲裁程序)第三节 国际私法的渊源(The sources国内法渊源:法国:在民法和其他单行法规的有关章节中,分散规定一些基本的国际私法规范中国:在民法典或其他法典中以专篇或专章形式较系统地就各类法律适用问题作出规定瑞士:以单行法或法典的形式系统制定国际私法规范国际法渊源: (1)国际条约:


有赖于国家的承认和允许以及当事人的选择第四节 国际私法的性质(The nature)

一、关于国际法性质的不同主张(different opinion)


2、国际私法是国内法 (巴丹Bartin、戴西Dicey、比尔Beale)


二、国际私法的国际性国际私法主要是国内法但有国际因素 第五节 国际私法的名称和定义(The name and definition) 法则区别说(Theory of Statutes) ;私国际法(Private International Law) ;国际私法(International Private Law) ;冲突法(Conflict of Law)


Different opinion about the scope of PIL? 2.The relationship between PIL and ICL?第一节 国际私法的理论发展史(Theoretic history of PIL巴托鲁斯的法则区别说Bartolus----theory of statutes 历史背景

•意大利资本主义萌芽 •经济的发展 •城邦共和国产生

•后期注释法学派(Post-Gloarist) 的兴起


(二)杜摩林的意思自治说 Dumoulin----Autonomie de volonte杜摩林(Dumoulin,1500-1566)——《巴黎习惯法评述》在赞同巴托鲁斯“法则区别说”的基础上,明确提出在契约关系中,应该适用当事人自主选择的某一习惯法。

(三)胡伯的国际礼让说Huber----international comity



(一)萨维尼的法律关系本座说Savaign -----Theory of basic seat of legal relationship(sitz des Rechverhaltniese)

1、内容任何法律关系依其性质都与某一特定的地域相联系,这个特定的地域就是该法律关系的本座(Sitz[德],Seat[英]),该类法律关系就应适用其本座所在地法。任何法律关系都有自己的本座,不同性质的法律关系其本座也不同。因此,立法者应当首先区分不同种类的法律关系,并根据各类法律关系的性质找出其本座,然后依照该类法律关系的本座来确定应当适用的法律Conflict of rulesLex domicilii;Lex situs;Lex fori;Lex actus;Lex loci actus;Lex loci contractus;Lex loci solutionis;Lex loci delicti commii

2、具体规则萨维尼把涉外法律关系区分为人、物、债、行为、程序等几个不同种类,并且认为:住所——人的身份能力的本座; 物之所在地——物权法律关系的本座; 债的履行地——债权关系的本座;

行为地——行为方式不论财产行为还是身份行为,均应以为其本座; 法院地——程序问题的本座

3、意 义 萨维尼“法律关系本座说”的提出,不仅在解决国际民事关系法律适用的方法论上实现了根本的变革,而且大大推动了欧洲国际私法成文法的发展,对当时和后世都产生了巨大的影响。

(二)孟西尼的国籍法说Mancini-----Theory of nationality law




(三)斯托雷的属地法说Story-----doctrine of comity

(1)基于主权原则,内国对境内的一切人、物及法律行为有绝对的支配权; (2)基于平等原则,一国法律不能支配其本国领域外的人和物;


(四)戴西的既得权说Dicey----theory of vested rights



如果法律相互冲突的两个州或多个州中只有一个州具 有正当利益,而其他州无正当利益时,这种冲突就称

为“虚假问题”或者“虚假冲突”。两个或者两个以上州在某类民事关系中都具有正当利益而且这些州的法律规定 相互冲突时,则就是法律的“真实冲突”。

(二)里斯的最密切联系说Reese----Theory of most significant

relationship第二节 国际私法立法史(legislative history of PIL)

一、国内立法史(The history of domestic law)

二、国际统一立法史(The history of international uniform legislation)

第三节 我国的国际私法立法史The legislative history of PIL in China一.诸化外人,同类相犯者,各依本俗法;异类相犯者,依法律论。



1、The content of main theory in Europe and America

2、Conflict of rules in Ancient China.冲突规范(conflict of rules)第一节 冲突规范



Concept of the conflict ruleThe norms indirectly regulating facts of private

international law form a special group of statutory provisions called conflict rules.On a broader plane a conflict rule is understood to mean a norm regulating any conflict of law, to wit, determining which of several relevant rules is to be actually


冲突规范是同实体法律规范、程序法律规范相并列的一种独特的法律规范。 冲突规范对涉外民商事法律关系的调整是间接的,没有一般法律规范调整社会关系所具有的明确性。


二、冲突规范的结构 structure of conflict of rule 范围categories系属attribution

三、冲突规范的类型types of conflict of rule冲 突 规 范 的 类 型单 边 冲 突 规 范:它的系属直接指出应适用内国法或者外国法的冲突规范。如:在中华人民共和国境内履行的中外合资企业合同、中外合作企业合同、中外合作勘探开发自然资源合同,适用中华人民共和国的法律。双 边 冲 突 规 范:系属不直接规定某类涉外民事法律关系应适用内国法还是外国法,而是抽象的规定一个待推定的连结点,根据涉外民事关系中连结点的所在,确定该民事关系应适用何国的法律。如:涉外结婚的效力,适用婚姻缔结地法。重 叠 适 用 的 冲 突 规 范:系属中规定了两个或两个以上的连结点同时指出两个或两个以上国家的法律,来确定涉外民事关系当事人之间的法律关系。如:“夫妇非依其本国法及法院地法均许离婚时,不得为离婚之请求。选 择 性 的 冲 突 规 范:它的系属中规定的多个连结点同时指出两个或两个以上可适用于某类涉外民事法律关系的法律,法律实施者或者当事人可从中选择一个调整该涉外民事关系。无条件:立遗嘱的形式,依立遗嘱人的属人法或立遗嘱时所在地法均为有效。有条件:对于调整夫妻财产关系所适用的法律,夫妻双方可以在他们的住所地法律或他们的本国法中作出选择。当事人没有选择的,适用夫妻双方共同的本国法律,没有共同本国法律的,适用缔结婚姻时夫妻共同住所地法律,没有共同住所地法律的,则适用财产所在地的法律。”

四、连结点(connecting factors)



五、系属公式formula of attribution 一)概念 系属公式是由于长期国际民事经济交往的作用,冲突规范中的连结点,在各国的国内立法和国际条约,以及各国的司法实践中逐渐趋向一致,表现出较为稳定的法律规定。


系属公式:属人法( Lex personalis);物之所在地法( Lex rei sitae);行为地法(Lex loci actus)当事人合意选择的法律(Lex voluntatis)法院地法(Lex fori) 最密切联系地国法(The law with which a relationship is most closely connected)旗国法(Law of the flag) 第三节 准据法 Lex causae

一、概念准据法 (applicable law)是指通过冲突规范所援引的、用以确定某一国际民事法律关系双方当事人具体权利和义务的、特定的实体法规范。


Character of applicable law 1.由冲突规范所援引2.能够确定国际民商事法律关系的效力或者当事人的具体权利和义务

3.根据冲突规范系属中的连结点,合具体国际民事法律关系的法律事实来确定4.不是笼统的法律制度或法律体系,而是一项项具体的法,即具体的实体法规范 第一节 自然人Individuals

一、自然人的国籍 (Nationality)自然人的国籍是指自然人作为某一特定国家的成员而隶属于该国的一种法律上的身份。 国籍的积极冲突国籍的消极冲突NEGATIVE SOLUTIONS: As the territorial link between an individual and a place, domicile has been variously defined.As a result ,lex domicile is often used to solve negative conflict solution.我国的解决方法: 1988年最高人民法院《意见》



二、自然人的住所Domicile 住所是指一个人以久居的意思而居住的处所。一般说来,确定自然人的住所的标准应该考虑主客观两个方面的因素:一是在一定地方有久居的意思,二是在一定地方有居住的事实。

住所的积极冲突住所的消极冲突我国的解决方法: 《民法通则》第15条规定:公民以他的户籍所在地的居住地为住所;经常居住地与住所不一致的,经常居住地视为住所。

对于住所的积极冲突和消极冲突的解决,最高人民法院《意见》第183条中规定:1.当事人有几个住所的,以与产生纠纷的民事关系有最密切联系的住所为住所。2.当事人的住所不明或者不能确定,以其经常居住地为住所。 第二节 法 人Companies, aociations and institutions



5.管理中心地原则或住所地原则6.营业中心地原则 7.复合标准 我国的做法

•我国对于外国法人国籍的确定,采取注册登记地主义。1988年最高人民法院《意见》第184条规定:“外国法人以其注册登记地国的法律为其本国法”。•对于内国法人国籍的确定,则采取登记地主义和准据法主义相结合的复合标准。 《民法通则》第41条第2款规定:“在中华人民共和国领域内设立的中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业,具有法人条件的,依法经工商行政管理机关核准登记,取得中国法人资格。”

二、法人的住所domicile of legal person各国对法人住所的确定方法管理中心地说营业中心地说依法人章程之规定说我国的做法


三、外国法人的认可(recognition of foreignlegal person) 所谓外国法人的认可,是指内国对外国法人的主体资格及其在内国从事民事活动的认定和许可。



国际立法: 是指有关国家通过缔结国际条约,规定相互认可对方国家的法人国内立法:




对来中国进行投资活动的外国法人,因合同必须经政府机关批准才生效,其审批过程也包括了对外国法人的资格的审查,因而也可理解为采取了特别认可秩序; 对来中国进行货物买卖的外国法人,则无须政府审批程序,当可理解为采取了一般认可程序。

第三节 国 家(STATES)

一、国家作为国际私法的主体的特殊性 (1)需要遵守民事法律关系的平等性

(2)以国家本身的名义,由授权的机关或负责人进行(3)以国库财产作为承担因此而产生的涉外民事责任 (4)国家享有豁免权


(一)国家豁免权的内容 司法管辖豁免(jurisdiction immunity) 是指国家不得作为被告,国家的财产也不得作为诉讼标的在外国法院起诉 执行豁免(execution immunity是指对国家所有的财产不能在另一国法院采取诉讼保全措施和强制执行措施


1.绝对豁免论(absolute immunity) 一个国家,不论其行为的性质如何,在他国享有绝对的豁免,除非该国放弃其豁免权

2.相对豁免论(relative immunity) 主张把国家行为分为主权行为和非主权行为,或称公法行为和私法行为,主权行为享有豁免权,而非主权行为则不享有豁免权3.废除豁免论 (abrogative immunity) 主张从根本上废除国家豁免原则,并确认国家不享有豁免是一般原则,在某种情况下所出现的豁免则是例外


4、我国赞成通过协议来消除各国在国家豁免问题上的分歧。 第四节 国际组织(international organization)


(3) 政府间的国际组织在参与国际民商事法律关系时享有一定的特权和豁免

二、国际组织的特权与豁免 国家的豁免权 国际组织的豁免权




1、How to solute the positive conflict and negative conflict of domicile or nationality? How about China?

2、The theory of diplomatic immunity of states?




Relevant Principles of treatmentNO.1 国民待遇(National Treatment) 又称平等待遇,是指一国给予外国人以同本国人同等的待遇使其与本国享受同等的民事权利和承担同等的民事义务NO.2 最惠国待遇 (Most Favored-nation Treatment) 是指一国依照条约的规定给予另一国的待遇,不低于它已经给予或将来给予任何第三国的待遇。

NO.3 不歧视待遇(Non-discriminate Treatment) 是指缔约国彼此不把低于其他一般外国人的权利和优惠的专门性限制,适用于对方的公民和法人NO.4 优惠待遇(Preferential Treatment) 是指一国为了某种目的给予另一国及其自然人和法人以特定的优惠的一种待遇。NO.5 普遍优惠待遇(GSP,Treatment of Generalised System of Preference简称普惠制,是指发达国家对原产于发展中国家或地区的商品给予普遍的、非互惠的


Q:1.What is the difference between national treatment and most favored-nation treatment? 2.The concept of GSP(Treatment of Generalised System of Preference).











三、论述题 萨维尼的法律关系本座说的理论价值。 Part Ⅰ Characterization 1 CONCEPTION In a choice of law situation, a court must determine at the outset whether the problem presented to it for solution relates to torts, contracts,property, or some other field.In other words,the court must go through the proce of determining the nature of the problem,the proce called “characterization”.2 Conflict of charatersation WHY? ⑴.Different state has different definition of the same legal fact (2)Different state has different division of substantive law and procedure law (3)Different understood of the same word3 Solutions on characterasion(1)The lex fori theory (2)The lex causae theory(3)Analytical jurisprudence and comparative law(4)Falconbridge’s view

(5)English court theory4 In our country 在识别问题上,我国立法中没有明确规定,实践中也没有相关的司法解释。在理论上,学者一般都主张依法院地法,但在某些特殊情况下也考虑其他的识别方法。 《示范法》第10条:“对国际民商事关系的定性,适用法院地法。但如果依法院地法不能适当解决的可以参照可能被选择适用的法律”。Part Ⅱ Renvoi1 Conception If a judge in country A is referred by his own rule of the choice of a law to the “law” of country B, but the rule of the choice of law in B refers such a case to the “law” of A, then the judge in A must apply the internal law of his own country.The operation of this famous doctrine demands that a reference to the law of a country shall mean a reference to the whole of its law.(1)remiion(2)transmiion (3) indirect remiion(4)foreign courts theoryPart Ⅲ Reservation of Public Order1 ConceptionUnder the traditional approach to choice of law, the forum\'s conflicts rules would direct it to the law of a particular state, initially without regard to the content of that law.Upon examination of the other state\'s law, the forum might then discover that the other law offended its local public policy.In these circumstances, the forum would not entertain the foreign claim.2 Two theories of Reservation of Public OrderException theoryPrincipe theory3 Legislation (1)Standard of legislation (2)the ways of legislationDirect:Japan Indirect: France Conjoin: Italy 4 In our country 《民法通则》150条规定:“依照本章规定适用外国法律或者国际惯例的,不得违背中华人民共和国的社会公共利益。” 2007年7月23日最高人民法院发布法释[2007]14号《最高人民法院关于审理涉外民事或商事合同纠纷案件法律适用问题的规定》第7条:在适用外国法律违反我国的社会公共利益的情况下,不再适用该外国法,应当适用中国法。Part Ⅳ Evasion of Law1 Conception which also called “fraud a la loi” ,means the party want to evade the law by making connecting factors which can be choose to solve the legal relationship.2 ElementsSUBJECTIVE; SUBJECT; WAY; OBJECT; OBJECTIVE 3 Nature Melchior:Part of reservation of public orderKegel:Different from reservation of public orderReservation of public orderEvasion of law DifferenceReason;nature;consequence4 Effect Evade native law and foreign law ------InvalidEvade native law-----invalid Evade foreign law ------validEvade native law ------Invalid5 In our country •最高人民法院1988年《意见》第194条规定:“当事人规避我国强制性或者禁止性法律规范的行为,不发生适用外国法律的效力。”• 2007年《最高人民法院关于审理涉外民事或商事合同纠纷案件法律适用问题的规定》第6条:上述情况下,应当适用中国法。Part Ⅴ The Proof of Foreign Law 1 Conception At common law, the only law a court would recognize was that of its own state.The law of other states and countries was but a fact.Thus, when choice-of-law rules referred to the law of another state or country, that law had to be pleaded and proved like any other fact.2 Ways The parties raise the iue of choice of lawThe judge ascertain Conjoin3 In our country 根据1988年《意见》第193条和我国民事诉讼法的理论和实践,人民法院在审理涉外民商事案件时,对外国法的查明可由法院依职权查明,人民法院如果不能确定其内容,可通过下列途径查明: 1.当事人提供;

2.由我国订立司法协助协定的缔约对方的中央机关提供; 3.由我国驻该国使领馆提供; 4.由该国驻我国使领馆提供; 5.由中外法律专家提供。


第10条:外国法无论是由当事人提供还是由法院依职权查明,均需要经过当事人质证。对外国法的内容,当事人经过质证没有异议的,人民法院应予以确认并适用;当事人有异议的,由法院审查认定。Part Ⅵ Incidental question1 Conception The problem of the so-called incidental question arises when,in the course of deciding a case,an iue which is subsidiary to the actual iue to be decided arises.2 Elements (1)a principle question governed by the law of country A (2) a subsidiary question in the same case,which could arise on its own and Is governed by the law of country B(3)the application of the law A must produce a result different from that which would follow rom the application of the law B Q:

1、The solutions on conflict of charatersation.2、Definition and types of renvoi.

3、Different between reservation of public order and evasion of law.4、The ways to proof of foreign law.

5、The formation of incidental question.PART Ⅰ Individuals1 Choice of law in capacity of rights(1)Reason of conflict2 SolutionsLex actus Lex foriLex personalis2 Choice of law in capacity of acts(1)Reason of conflict2 SolutionsLex personalis→Lex actus我国的法律规定——关于自然人行为能力的法律适用我国《民法通则》第143条规定:“中华人民共和国公民定居国外的,他的民事行为能力适用定居国法律。”最高人民法院在1988年《意见》中又作了进一步补充(1)定居国外的我国公民的民事行为能力,如其行为是在我国境内所为,适用我国法律;在定居国所为,可以适用其定居国法律;(2)外国人在我国领域内进行民事活动,如依其本国法律为无民事行为能力,而依我国法律为有民事行为能力,应当认定为有民事行为能力;(3)无国籍人的民事行为能力,一般适用其定居国法律,如未定居,适用其住所地国法律。” PART Ⅱ Companies, aociations

and institutions 1 Choice of law in capacity of rights and acts Lex personalisPS:The activities of foreigners should subject to constraints within the native law.我国的规定 1988年《意见》第184条:


1、Chinese choice of law on the legal capacity of natural persons .2、Chinese choice of law on the legal capacity of legal person .PART Ⅰ LEX SITUS1 Why apply Lex situs?The court must decide whether the property interest involved is a \"movable\" or an \"immovable.\" The basic test for distinguishing \"movables\" and \"immovables\" is how closely the particular interest is connected with land.The situs of land has traditionally been the most important and prevailing \"contact\" with problems involving land or interests, and there is a very strong public policy favoring the application of that law to all such problems2 How to determine the location of objects? Location Immovable property;Tangible movables;Intangible movables3 The scope of lex situs .Characterisation Of real and personal propertyObjective Range of Movable property .Protection method of title to property .The manner and conditions of acquisition, transfer, change, eradication of title to property .Types and content of title to property4 Poible exceptions to the lex situs rule The goods are in transit Ships, aircraft and other transportationForeign state property The matter on non-man land Bankrupt of foreign company5 China’s choice of law in respect of real•《民法通则》第144条:“不动产的所有权,适用不动产所在地法。” 1988《意见》第186条补充:不动产的所有权、买卖、租赁、抵押、使用等民事关系,均应适用不动产所在地法。 Movable property•《海商法》第270条:

船舶所有权的取得、转让和消灭,适用船旗国法。 •《海商法》第271条:

船舶抵押权适用船旗国法。 •《海商法》第272条:


•《民用航空法》第186条民用航空器优先权,适用受理案件的法院所在地法。 PART Ⅱ Nationalization1 Nationalization Nationalization concerns the expropriation of a complete sector of the economy and frequently affects the expropriation of natural resource.It is generally done within the framework of economical and political policy options and is formally carried out by decree of the governmentThe extraterritorial aspects of the nationalization decree The extraterritorial effects of the nationalization decree refers to the effectivene of the nationalization decree to aets which has been abroad at that time or subsequently transferred abroad.(1)Recognition of the extraterritorial effects of the nationalization •After the implementation of the nationalization of a country, the country would transfer aets abroad through trade, the original owner of the property claims to property rights.(2)Does not recognize the extraterritorial effects of nationalization •A decree has no extraterritorial effect on aets which located in foreign countries although belong to domestic enterprises.3 Compensation for nationalization none Adequate, timely , effective ;Appropriate reasonable Soviet Union usa ;chinaPART Ⅲ TRUSTS1 Trustettler 双赢 trustee 2 Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and their RecognitionThe convention was drew up at fifteen seion of Hague Conference on Private International Law which was signed in 1986.It includes 5 chapters.Choice of law rules--TRUSTSProper law of trusts:The law chosen by settler;the choice may be expre or be implied from the terms;The law which is most closely connected.1.The scope and poible exceptions of lex situs.2、The extraterritorial aspects of the nationalization decree.

3、Choice of law rules in trusts.

4、China’s choice of law in respect of real.CHAPTER 9 CHOICE OF LAW IN RESPECT OF CONTRACT Capacuty to contract Formality of contractFormationPerformance

The concept of the applicable law of a contract,which has been known to the English court as the “proper law”,which governs, as well be seen, almost, if not quite all,contractual iuesTWO THEORIES:Unity of the contractThe applicable law can govern the whole contract.Sciion of the contactOne can split contract up and make differet parts subject to different laws.3 Principle of applicable law to contractThe theory of autonomy of willThe theory of objective methodThe theory of most

closely connected & Doctrine of characteristic performance Proper law of contract(1)Traditional approaches of contracts•Traditionally, courts applied separate choice-of-law rules to \"validity\" problems as opposed to \"performance\" problems.All problems relating to the validity of a contract were to be determined by reference to the law of the place where the contract was \"made\".\"Performance\" problems were governed by the law of the place at which performance is called for in the contract.(2)Modern approachMost modern courts have abandoned the \"validity\" vs.\"performance\" distinction in favor of more policy-oriented approaches----- \"most significant relationship\" approach: The Second Restatement approach applies the law of the state having the \"most significant relationship\" to the transaction and the parties with respect to the particular iue or type of contract involved.(1)The Theory of Autonomy of Will

RestraitExpre choice of law ?or Inferred choice of law?Beforce contracting?or after? The content of contract---madantory rules(2)The theory of objective method

objective method

a.the place of a contract or performence b.the seat of the courtc.nationality and domicile of chater-partyd.situs of object(3) The theory of most

closely connected relationship & Doctrine of Characteristic Performance

How to

restrict of most


connected relationship Doctrine of Characteristic PerformanceIt provides that the contract is presumed to be most closely connected with the country “in which the party who is to effect the perfprmance which is charateristic of the contract has ,at the time of the conclusion of the contract,his habitual residence”.(4)Proper law of cotractSubjective stage

Objective stageStage of proper law4 Legislation in China《合同法》第126条,《民法通则》第145条规定:“涉外合同当事人可以选择处理合同争议所适用的法律,法律另有规定的除外。涉外合同的当事人没有选择的,适用与合同有最密切联系的国家的法律。QUESTION

1、Proper law of contract.2、sciions of contract

3、Doctrine of Characteristic Performance

4、choice of law in respect of contract in China第十章 侵权 CHAPTER 10 TORTSPart 1 General torts 1 TortsTorts are civil wrongs recognized by law as grounds for a lawsuit.These wrongs result in an injure or harm consituting the basis for a claim by the injured party.2 Tort chioce of lawThe application of the lex loci delicti is the prevailing doctrine on the continent of Europe today.(1)Lex loci delictiA:The place where the act is committedB:the place where the results of act occur A OR B(2)Lex foriThe theory that tort liability should be governed by the lex fori is of German origin.It was advocated by Savigny in 1849.3)Lex loci delicti and Lex fori “double actionability”:As a general rule,an act done in a forign country is a tort and actionable as such in England,only if it both:as a tort according to English law;actionable according to the law of foreign country where it was done.4)proper law of tortsParty’s will Most closed connected doctrine3 Legislation in our country 我国1986年《民法通则》第146条:★侵权行为的损害赔偿,适用侵权行为地法律。★当事人双方国籍相同或者在同一国家有住所的,也可以适用当事人本国法或者住所地法律。★中华人民共和国法律不认为在中华人民共和国领域外发生的行为是侵权行为的,不作为侵权行为处理。 我国最高人民法院1987年《意见》第187条规定:“侵权行为的法律包括侵权行为实施地法律和侵权结果发生地法律,如果两者不一致时,法院可以选择适用。”2 Paticular tortsMaritime torts

Aviation torts

International highway tortsProducts torts


1、General torts choice of laws.2、Proper law of torts.

3、Applicable law to torts in our country.Part 1

Marriage 1 Requirments of a valid marriage(1)The requisite formalities are complied with; (2)The party have legal capacity to marry; (3)They freely and knowingly consent to do so; (4)Marriage is consummated.2 Choice of law in eential validity of marriage1)lex loci celebrationis•The law of the place where the ceremony takes place,which reflect the rule locus regit actum.2)lex peisonalisEach party’s law(Japan)

Party’s common law(VietanamA Vietnamese man (age 20) marry a Japanese woman(age 16) (Japan -16,vietnam -18)

2 Choice of law in formalities of marriageCivil ceremony Religious(1)lex loci celebrationis•The law of the place where the ceremony takes place,which reflect the rule locus regit actum.(2)lex personalisIt would hold the marriage valid if it accorded with the parties’personal law,it would be valid here,just like in Spain and Portugal.3、Legislation in our country(1)中国公民和外国人结婚•《民法通则》第147条规定:“中华人民共和国的公民和外国人结婚适用婚姻缔结地法律。” (2)外国人和外国人结婚1)双方当事人均为外国人已在外国结婚到我国境内后要求我国承认其婚姻效力的,原则上应适用婚姻缔结地法,但以不违背我国公共秩序为限;


(3)中国人之间在中国境外结婚 •根据1983年《关于驻外使领馆办理华侨婚姻问题的若干规定》,原则上适用婚姻缔结地法,但如果当地有关当局为此征求我国驻外使、领馆的意见,若其婚姻违反我国婚姻法关于禁止干涉婚姻自由和禁止重婚等强制性的规定,我方既不能承认该婚姻的有效性,也不能为其出具任何证明。4.领事婚姻(Consular marriage)在驻在国不反对的情况下,一国驻外国的领事或外交代表为本国侨民依据本国的法律办理结婚是手续而成立婚姻的一种制度Part 2 Divorce1 Jurisdictiondomicile(England US)nationality(FranceGerman)2 Choice of law in divorceLex fori(England)Lex personalis(France)Lex fori+ Lex personalis(Japan)

3、Legislation in our country•Jurisdiction 1.中国公民一方居住于国外,一方居住于国内,无论哪一方向人民法院起诉,国内一方住所地的人民法院都有管辖权。如国外一方在居住国法院起诉,国内一方向人民法院起诉的,受诉人民法院也有管辖权。 2.中国公民双方在国外但未定居,一方向人民法院起诉离婚的,应由原告或被告原住所地的人民法院管辖。•3.在国内结婚定居国外的华侨,如定居国法院以离婚诉讼须由婚姻缔结地法院管辖为由不予受理,而当事人向人民法院提起离婚诉讼的,由婚姻缔结地或一方在国内的最后居住地人民法院管辖。•4.在国外结婚并定居国外的华侨,如定居国法院以离婚诉讼须由国籍所属国法院为由不予受理,而当事人向人民法院提起离婚诉讼,由一方原住所地或在国内的最后居住地人民法院管辖。•5.配偶均为外国人(含华裔外国人)或无国籍人的离婚诉讼,比照前项管辖原则处理,即人民法院认定一方当事人的住所或经常居所在中国,也可行使管辖权。Choice of law rules•我国《民法通则》第147条规定,中国公民同外国人离婚,适用受理案件的法院所在地法律。 Part 3 Matrimonial relationship1 Personal relationship Lex personalisLex actus2 Property relationshipAutonomy of willThe law of most closely relationshipLex personalisPart 4

Childrenlegitimation and adoption 1 Legitimation(1)marriage—— lex personalis of father(2)claim——lex personalis of father or child (3)statute——lex personalis of parents or child 2 Adoption(1)lex fori(2)lex personalis of adopter or adoptee3.我国的法律规定:•《收养法》第20条:外国人依据本法可以在中华人民共和国收养子女。•国务院《外国人在中华人民共和国收养子女实施办法》:外国人收养子女应符合《收养法》的规定,并不得违背收养人经常居住地国的法律。Part 5 Maintenance and custody1 maintenance (1)the law of the maintenance debtor’s domicile.(2) the law of the maintenance creditor’s domicile



2 Custody(1)lex personalis of who is custodies (2)lex fori 我国法律规定:“监护的设立、变更和终止,适用被监护人的本国法律。但是,被监护人在我国境内有住所的,适用我国的法律。”•

1、Our legislation of choice of law in marriage.•

2、Jurisdiction of divorce.•

3、Choice of law in maintenance,custody and adoption.Part 1 Intestate succeion1 ConceptionIntestate succeion is comparative to testate succeion, which is determined whether there left a will of deceased2 Choice of lawIdentity •Succeion is governed by the lex domicile of the deceased in the case of immovable and movable property(2)Distinction•Succeion in the sense of distribution is generally governed by the lex situs in the case of immovables and the lex domicilii of the deceased in the case of movable property.3 Legislation in our country•1985年《继承法》第36条对涉外继承的法律适用作了明确规定:


最高人民法院在《关于贯彻执行若干问题的意见》中规定:“涉外继承,遗产为动产的,适用被继承人住所地法律,即适用被继承人生前最后住所地国家的法律。”•1986年《民法通则》第149条规定:“遗产的法定继承,动产适用被继承人死亡时住所地法律,不动产适用不动产所在地法律。”民法通则》规定具有四个方面的特点:坚持法定继承的区别制适用于涉外法定继承关系准据法的确定 这里的“遗产”指我国境内外的一切为被继承人生前所有财产,包括动产和不动产

发生被继承人住所的积极冲突或时际冲突时,以死亡时的住所为准 Part 2 Testate succeion1 FormationCapacity of making will Contents of wills Formality of willsRevocation of wills2 Choice of lawLex personalityLex situs Lex actusPart 3 Heirle estate 1 Theories Rights of succeionRights of pre-occupy2 Choice of lawBelongs of heirle estate——

1、applicable law of succeion

2、lex fori

3、lex situs •

1、Choice of law in succeion in our country.•

2、Choice of law in testate succeion in England.第十三章 管辖权 Jurisdiction1 General theory ConceptionJurisdiction means the competence of the courts to hear and decide a case2 Legislation of countriesEngland:•Action in personam Action in remGerman:domicileFrance:•nationality The basis of jurisdictiondomicile nationality presence The place of objectThe place of causes for suit4 legislation in our country•我国国内立法和实践关于国际民事管辖权的规定主要反映在我国1991年的《民事诉讼法》和1992年的《意见》中,虽然《民事诉讼法》第二十五章只就部分涉外民事案件的管辖权作了规定,但依据《民事诉讼法》第237条,该法中某些关于国内民事案件管辖权的规定同样可适用于对涉外民事案件管辖权的确定。 1)普通管辖general jurisdiction•普通管辖是以被告的住所地作为连接因素而行使的管辖权。我国也是以被告的住所地作为行使涉外民事案件管辖权的依据。根据我国《民事诉讼法》第22条的规定,凡被告(自然人、法人或其他组织)的住所在我国境内的涉外民事案件,我国法院有管辖权。 2)特别管辖special jurisdiction•特别管辖是指以某些种类的国际民事诉讼与特定国家的联系作为行使管辖权的依据。•《民事诉讼法》第243条规定:对在中国境内没有住所的被告提起的合同或其他财产权益的诉讼,如果合同的签订地或履行地、或诉讼标的物在中国境内;或者被告在中国境内有可供扣押的财产或设有代表机构的;或侵权行为在中国境内的,中国法院有管辖权。


(3)专属管辖 exclusive jurisdiction•《民事诉讼法》第四编第246条为专属管辖条款,该条规定,因在我国境内履行的中外合资经营企业合同、中外合作经营企业合同、中外合作勘探开发自然资源合同发生纠纷提起的诉讼,由我国法院管辖。

•《民事诉讼法》第34条的规定,下列案件由我国法院专属管辖: (1)因不动产纠纷提起的诉讼,不动产所在地在我国境内的; (2)在我国的港口作业中因发生纠纷提起的诉讼;


(4)协议管辖agreed jurisdiction•第244条确立的是明示协议管辖原则。该条规定,涉外合同或涉外财产权益纠纷的当事人,可以用书面协议选择与争议有实际联系地点的法院管辖。选择我国法院管辖的,不得违反诉讼法关于级别管辖和专属管辖的规定。

•第245条确立了推定管辖原则(默示协议管辖原则)。该条规定:“涉外民事诉讼的被告对人民法院的管辖不提出异议,并应诉答辩的,视为承认该人民法院为有管辖权的法院。5.Staying of actions and restraint of foreign proceedings(1)Forum non conceniens Doctrine of forum non convenience, by the virtue of which a court will decline to exercise the jurisdiction it procees because it is not the most suitable court to hear the case but some foreign court is.Competent jurisdictionThe burden lies on the party who raise it There is a more appropriate forum Factors point to another forum No such forum exsits,a stay will be refusedNot be able to obtain justice in foreign court,a stay will be refused (2) Restraint



proceedingsParallel proceedingsAgainst litigationAnti-suit injunctionQUESTIONS•1.What’s the difference of legislation on jurisdiction between England, German and France?•2.Legislation of jurisdiction in our country.第十四章 司法协助 INTERNATIONAL JUDICIAL CO-OPERATION 1 Gerneral theory(1) ConceptionInternational judicial co-operation is refers to a State’s court or other competent authority, on behalf of or to aist in the implementation of certain litigation relating to judicial conduct according to another state court or other competent authority or party\'s request.(2) The basis for co-operationTreaties and Reciprocal relationship (3)The authority for co-operationCentralauthority Authorities Foreign bodies 2 Service abroadDiplomatic and consular service Personal Service Announcement Service Mail service Negotiation service (2)Indirect service•Indirect service must be served through international legal channels, namely the need for central agencies are involved in the countries concerned, so it must go through special procedures.(3) Service in our country我国法院需要向国外送达司法文书 (1)依受送达人所在国与我国缔结或参加的条约规定的方式送达;






(7)上述各种方式均不能采用时,公告送达。外国法院向在我国境内的当事人送达法律文书 (1)外国与我国有条约关系的,依照缔结或参加的国际条约规定的途径进行。需适用我国参加的多边条约的,我国声明保留的除外; (2)没有条约关系的,通过外交途径进行;



3 Taking of evidence abroad (1)Direct taking of evidenceDiplomatic and consular Taking of evidence CommiionerTaking evidence of the parties or legal representatives (2) Indirect taking of evidenceThrough international legal channels: The Hague Convention of Taking of Evidence (3)Taking of evidence in our country•我国《民事诉讼法》规定我国人民法院与外国法院可以依据国际条约或互惠原则,相互请求代为调查取证。但外国法院请求我国法院代为调查取证,不得有损于我国的主权、安全和社会公共利益,否则,不予执行。如果我国与外国缔结的双边司法协助条约中有域外取证方面的规定,按条约的规定办理。

4 Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgment1.An court may find itself called upon to recognize or enforce a judgment rendered by a foreign court.2 The basis of recognition and enforcement •Native law or international treaty.3 Defenses to enforcement•Fraud •Natural justice •Public policy •Conflicting judgment

4 Methods of recognition and enforcement Request made ;The review of foreign court decisions recognition and enforcement•Executive Order •At common law

Q:•1.The methods of service abroad and taking evidence.•

2、How to recognize and enforce a foreign judgment?International Commercial ArbitrationPart Ⅰ General theory1Conception An arbitration award usually arises out of a contract to submit a dispute to settlement by arbitration.volunteerAutonomyflexible international2 Types of arbitrationAd hoc arbitration Institutional arbitration 3 List of major arbitral institutions 1)ACICC (2)ICSID (3)AISCC (4)LCIA (5)AAA (6)CIETAC Part Ⅱ Arbitration Agreements1 Conception The arbitrator’s jurisdiction is derived from the agreement.Thus the validity ,interpretation and the effect of the agreement is governed by its applicable law.arbitration clause arbitration agreementsother written files2 contents of agreement(1)Matters in dispute submitted to arbitration (2)Place of arbitration and arbitral bodies (3)Arbitration Rules (4)The effect of an arbitral award 3 validity of arbitration (1)Formality of arbitration agreement (2)Capacity of the parties(3)Arbitrability of dispute

4、The independence of the arbitration clause The independence of the arbitration provision is invalid or when the contract expired, as a part of a contract is invalid the arbitration clause does not follow.Part Ⅲ Applicable law on international arbitration Autonomy of willThe law of the place of arbitrating Lex personalis

Lex arbitri1.Recognition and enforcement of arbitration award1958---THE NEW YORK CONVENTION ON THE RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN ARBITRAL AWARDS 2 Refuse enforcement incapacity Arbitration agreement invalid Not given proper notice The award was outside the scope of the agreement Tribunal or procedure was not in accordance with the agreement The award is not yet binding or has been set aside or suspended

1、Compare ad hoc arbitration with institutional arbitration,what’s their advantages and disadvantages?

2、When will a court refuse to recognize the a foreign arbitration award according to New York convention in 1958?第十六章 区际私法Inter-regional Conflict of Laws 1 Inter-regional conflict of law Inter-regional conflict of laws refers to the legal systems conflict between the different internal regions of a country2 Characteristics of Inter-regional conflict of lawsvdomestic law vapplicable law vconnections and differences with PIL 3 SolutionsConflict of laws approach Substantive law approach 4 Inter-regional conflict of law in China(1) Causes vThe return of the territory and the reunification of the country.v \"One Country Two Systems\" policy implementation.(2) Steps of solution(A) Apply their respective fields of private international law by analogy (B) Through the common acceion to the Convention to solve inter-regional conflict of laws (C)Uses of substantive law to avoid and eliminate inter-regional conflict 1Solutions to Inter-regional conflict of laws .1Causes and Characteristics Inter-regional conflict of laws in China.










