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英语会话 主题:Man and nuture

发布时间:2020-03-03 23:32:50 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Topic: Man and Nature

Anny: Mary , I haven’t seen you for a long time, how was your vocation? Mary: I hope it could be longer, I just came back from my grandma’s home Anny: You went to countryside, didn’t you? Mary: Yeah, and I had a good time there.Anny: I’ve never lived outside the city , I really want to know how is there? Mary: It’s so quiet and the environment is satisfying.Anny: YES, I think so .I ever paid a visit to my good friend in countryside ,there was so interesting .He brought me to many places and I saw a lot of wonderful scenery.We climbed to the high mountain top to see the sunrise, it was amazing.Mary: I see .I like watching the stars shining in the sky, especially in summer nights.But I never saw that view in the city.Anny : I agree with yon.I don’t like the atmosphere in city gradually.It just make me feel streful.Hey, Lucy and Pidy are back.Pidy;Hi! Did I mi something nice? What are you talking about and where are you going next? Anny: Nothing special, we just talked about the life in countryside .I plan to go shopping latter.How about you ? Pidy;I fell a bit chocked this day .Lucy accompanied with me to see the doctor just now.Anny: What were the doctor say? Was that serious? Pidy: Don’t be too nervous, I ’m fine.I had a little pneumonia(肺炎), doctor said it was so lucky that I came to him early, if the day was put off ,the consequence cannot be imagined.Mary: Thank god.I have a friend who had pneumonia, but he didn’t go to see the doctor in time, which grown into lung cancer in the end.Anny: I’m so sorry to hear that ! It is so terrible! Mary: I think so .SO say Pidy ,what were the causes to your pneumonia? Pidy: The doctor told me that I breathed into too much dust.My house is only 20 miles away from the manufacturing district, the smog is so dense(浓的) and the air polluted is more and more critical in surrounding areas.Now, many works built up, I can’t imagine how the living environment will be in the future .Therefore, I’m looking for a new house.I MUST MOVE.Lucy: I support you .I ever saw the smog … so dark and it was black .In addition ,the exhaust gas from cars pollute the air and that’s a sign of wasting energy.Mary: I agree with you.I usually think that we can try to use cars not so often, so that the situation of air polluted will be improved.Lucy: That’s right.Citizens can suggest the government to put up with a compromise of car using.Mary: Pidy, did the doctor said others?

Pidy: He gave me a prescription and suggested me to change the living place.YOU know I’m supposed to do so.

Mary: If I were you ,I would moved to the countryside.It’s so difficult to find a place where the air is clear in the city.Lucy: That’s a good idea, nowadays more and more people are concerned about the healthy problems and pursuing natural living environment.

Anny: Maybe now people begin to realize that we can’t be the slaves of civilization anymore.We do harm for the nature by the name of civilization for a long time.People must know that nobody can live outside nature.Mary:

We must find an effective method to help human beings to return to the harmonious relationship with nature.It’s not only good for this generation, but for the younger generations.Anny

:YES.Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious, now it’s a worldwide problem.There are a dozen of things we can do to help improving our living and natural environment, such as planting more trees, stop using plastic bags, dealing well with the polluted water and so on.

Lucy: We are thinking about the same things.If we get well with nature like our ancestors do, we would not get to much modern diseases ,of course, we would be more healthy and happy.All in all, mankind can’t be so selfish and ignore the limitation of nature.Taking care of nature is taking care of ourselves.Pidy: Man and nature…that’s a profound(深刻的) topic.Hey, Anny did you say you want to go shopping? Shall we go together now, we four?







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英语会话 主题:Man and nuture
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