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Unit 3: Stevie Wonder: Sunshine in the Shadow I.Teaching Objectives

1.Learn about the qualities a person should have to gain succe.2.Grasp the key words, Phrases and structure.3.Master the skills of writing and reading in this unit.

1) Developing a paage introducing a person\'s life story in sequence.2) Learning to find the supporting details after getting the main idea in each paragraph..3) Evaluating how convincing the supporting details .II.Teaching Content 1.Lead-in activities 2.Text Organization 3.Skill learning in writing and reading

4.Language points ( key words, phrases and difficult sentences) 5.Grammar Focus (subjunctive mood with if-clause, ”if” as the formal subject for an infinitive clause.) 6.Guided Practice (exercises, oral practice and group work) III .Teaching Proce

1.Warm-up Activity 1).Discuion

A)Listen to the song “I Just Call to Say I Love You”.

Imagine the life of the singer---his family, childhood, education, career, as well as his experience and life hobbies, etc.

B)How do you think you would feel if you became blind? How would it affect your life? 2).Questions about Text

Do you know who Stevie Wonder is? What do you know about him and his accomplishments? 3 ).Presenting the text by summing up the discuion.

The author presented tha idea that no matter what kind of adverse circumstances you are in, you could go out of it and succeed with your strong faith.Stevie Wonder was born blind, but he conquered the blindne by his love for music and his faith for religion.After succe, another tragedy struck, a car accident.All the fame, succe were nothing, what he had was just his faith and strong will.Through this experience, he cherished life and the world more.He is not only a succeful musican,but also brings sunshine to human especial those who are in the same adversity.

4).Background Information A).Stevie Wonder (1950- )

Pop star Stevie Wonder, who was born blind, has been a recording artist since the age of ten.His music and songs reflect his ability to draw on diverse themes and a rich variety of musical ideas and techniques.His biggest hits include “Ebony & Ivory” (1982) and “I Just Call to Say I Love You” (1984), which won an Academy Award as best original song.B).rock and roll, rap music, or pop music, country music

Rock and roll is a type of popular music, marked by a steady beat and a strong rhythm, which is often played at high volume.Rock music combines elements of blues, country and gospel and its popularity can be traced to the mid-1950s when Elvis Presley was its most succeful performer.By the early 1960s, rock and roll, which often expreed a rebellious attitude towards society, became the most popular form of music for teenagers and such British groups as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones were influential performers.Since the 1960s, rock and roll has gained worldwide popularity not only among teens, but also among persons of college age and older.2.Text Organization

Part I.(para.1-7) Stevie Wonder was born in a poor black family.Being blind and black and poor, his mother worried a lot for him, while he did not at all.He lived in his music world. Part II.(para.8-14) His talents was recognized and won fame. Part III.(para.15-18) A car accident changed his life.After he fought back from death, he cared more about the outside world.3.Skill learning in writing and reading 1) Skill learning in writing

A)This is a narration.This is a biography, including the basic informations of character, such as

birth, family, childhood and habit, characteristic and achievement etc..In this article, the author arranged it according to time.

B) symbol

shadow: blindne, poverty, unfortunate

sunshine: joyful music, love, happy

C) alliteration

It refers to the appearance of the same initial consonant sound in two or more words, such

as “proud as a peacock” and “blind as a bat”.Alliteration is often used in poetry to give emphasis to words that are related in meaning.Alliteration is sometimes used in prose for the same effect---to join two or more related words.

Stevie Wonder: Sunshine in the Shadow

blind and black

faith and fame

2) Skill learning in reading

Good writers do not simply tell you what they mean.Once they introduce a main idea (discued in Unit Two), they will then support it with examples, facts and statistic reasons and experiences of their own or of others.All of these are known as supporting details.Without them, a writer\'s ideas would remain abstract, vague, and therefore unconvincing.The ability to identify the supporting details a writer provides and to evaluate how convincing they are ---is another important reading comprehension skill.

4.Language Points 1).sunshine para.1 n.A) the light and heat of the sun B) fine weather C) enjoyment

eg.Cats like lying down in the ~.

Her presence always gives ~ to all of us.

[Proverb] After rain comes ~.雨过天晴;苦尽甘来.

sunshiny adj.full of sunshine; lively, happy

[C] a ray of sunshine 2).likely

para.2 adj.A)probable, that is expected

B)that seems reasonable, suitable, or right for a purpose

adv.most/very likely, probably

eg.The most ~ result is a draw.

A / That’s a ~ story!

It is ~ to rain tonight.

He isn’t ~ to win.

A ~ place for camping / a ~ place to camp

He will very ~ pa the exam.

Most ~ his attempt will fail.

He has most ~ lost his way.



eg.There is no / a strong ~ of his winning the first prize.

[C] be likely to do sth./be likely that

in all likelihood

likely enough

as likely as not 多半

[O] unlikely impoible improbable

[S] probable poible

3).resemble para.5 vt.be like or similar to

eg.He ~s his father closely.

She ~s her mother in character but not in qppearance.

resemblance n.

eg.There’s little ~ between them.

You have a strong ~ to your mother.

[C] resemble…in…

have a resemblance to 4).amaze vt.fill with great surprise or wonder

eg.His idlene ~d me.

I was ~d at / by his rapid progre in English./ I was ~d (that) he had made such rapid

progre in English.

amazing adj.

eg.She has an ~ talent for music.

amazingly adv.

amazement n.

[C] be amazed at / by / to do / that

to one’s amazement

in amazement 5).miracle n.A) act or event (sth good or welcome) which does not follow the known laws of

nature; remarkable and surprising event B) ~ of, remarkable example or specimen

eg.It was a ~ that the girl survived the plane crash.

The operation was a ~ of medical skill.

miraculous adj.like a miracle; contrary to the laws of nature; surprising

miraculously adv.

[C] work / do / accomplish / perform a miracle

by a miracle 6).prompt para.10 adj.acting, done, sent, given, without delay

vt. be the reason causing (sb to do sth)

eg.He is ~ in paying his debts.

He was ~ to act.

What ~ed his untimely retirement?

promptly adv.

promptne n. [C] be prompt in

be prompt to do sth

make prompt payment

prompt sb to do sth

at two (o’clock) prompt

7).congratulate vt.tell sb that one is pleased about sth happy or fortunate that has come to him

eg.I ~ you on your succe.

He ~d us on getting married.

I heartily ~ myself on having chosen a good woman to be my wife.

congratulation n.(often pl.) words that congratulate

eg.I offer you my hearty ~s.

~s on your succe.

[C] congratulate sb on / upon sth

congratulate oneself on 庆幸

congratulate heartily / sincerely

offer sb one’s congratulations on / upon sth

8).ease para.12 n.freedom from work, discomfort, trouble, difficulty, anxiety v.A) give relief to (the body or mind) from pain, discomfort, anxiety B) make looser, le tight; leen speed, efforts C) become le tense or troublesome

eg.He answered the questions with great ~.

We were sitting on the sofa at our ~.

The news that her son paed the exam ~d her mind.

Her words ~d me of my anxiety.

The headache has ~d.

This medicine will ~ the pain in your stomach.

Please ~ my dre at the waist.

[C] lead a life of ease in the country

ill at ease at (one’s) ease

feel at ease set your mind/heart at ease

ease sb of sth take one’s ease

with ease

stand at ease

have ease in old age 9).smash para.13 n.A)(= hit/smash hit)a great succe of a new play, film, book, etc.


breaking into pieces; violent collision

v.(cause to)break into pieces violently

eg.Her performance was a tremendous ~.

He felt his health going to ~.

This unexpected news had ~ed all his hopes.

[C] go/come to smash

smash a record

[Compare] break into pieces




smash 和 break into pieces 的意思相同,是指突然用力把某物打得粉碎

break into pieces(break to pieces) 侧重于使一件完整的东西碎成许多部分。

crack 和break 的意思相同,但crack侧重于裂开或产生裂纹,即破裂的碎片仍然连接在一起(the pieces remain together)

crash 是指突然发出强烈声响的碎裂。在用作不及物动词时,有发出响声的碰撞或撞坏的意思。

shatter 是指用力把某物砸成碎片,常用于易碎的物品,如瓷器、陶器、玻璃制品等。在比喻性的用法中,表示毁坏或使垮掉的意思。

10).formula para.14 n.(pl.~s, -mulae) A) statement of a rule, fact, etc esp one in signs or numbers, as in mathmatics; (chem.) expreion in symbols of the constituent parts of a subance B) set of directions, usu in symbols, for a medical preparation C) habitual way or manner

eg.The ~ for making this soft drink is a secret.

There is no easy ~ for succe.

[C] devise a formula

11).mature adj.fully grown or developed; tipe with fully developed powers

eg.The wine isn’t yet ~.

Can’t you behave in a ~ way?

This experience will ~ her greatly.

The wine has fully ~d.

maturity n.

maturely adv.

[C] a man of mature age

after mature considersation

a mature garden

[S] immature

12).independent para.15 adj.A) ~ of, not dependent on or controlled by (other person or things); not relying on others; not needing to work for living B) self-governing C) acting or thinking upon one’s own lines; free from control; not influenced by others

eg.That country became ~ in the sixties.

The job will make him ~ of his parents.

The two accidents are ~ of each other.

independence n.

independently adv.

[C] be independent of sb be independent of outside control

independently of

live a life of independence

[S] dependent adj.be dependent on / upon

depend v.depend on / upon 13).tragedy

n.A)serious plays with bad ending

B)terrible event that causes great


eg.~ struck their family.

The ~ in the mine claimed 17 lives.

tragic adj.of tragedy

tragically adv.

[C] intensify the tragedy

suffer tragedy

[O] comedy 14).involve v.A) cause (sb or sth) to be caught or mixed up (in trouble, etc); get (sb or sth) into a complicated or difficult condition B) have as a neceary consequence

eg.Don’t ~ me in your quarrel.

Some senators were ~d in the scandal.

What does the job of editing ~?

Winning the game ~s both skill and fortune.

He is now ~d in stocks.

involved adj.A) complex B) be / become / get ~d in sth / with sb, be, etc concerned with sth / connected with sb

eg.Become ~d in criminal activities

get emotionally ~d with sb

involvement n.

[C] involve sb in / with

15).conquer para.17 vt.A) defeat or overcome enemies / bad habits, etc. B) take poeion of by force

eg.The country was ~ed by the invaders.

He ~ed the theatrical world.

How did you ~ the smoking habit?

conqueror n.one who ~s

conquest n.A) conquering (eg a country and its people) B) sth got by conquering

[C] a desire of conquest

make / win a conquest of 16).honor (BrE.: honour) vt.show great respect for sb./sth., give public praise and distinction to sb.

n.A) great respect; high public regard

B) good personal character; reputation for good behavior, loyalty, truthfulne, etc.

eg.The athletes competed for the ~ of their country.

She is an ~ to our school.

It is a great ~ to receive that prize.

Would you ~ us by visiting us / with a visit? = We would be ~ed if you would visit us.

honorable adj.




do honor to sb./do sb.honor

on one’s honor

on one’s (word of) honor

put sb.on his honor信任某人

win honor in war

show honor to one’s parents

achieve / attain / gain / win honor

deserve an honor

save one’s honor

a point of honor

have the honor of doing / to do

do the honors

give one’s word of honor

a man of honor

be on one’s honor to do / be bound in honor to do

in honor of sb./in one’s honor = out of respect for sb.

do sb.the honor of/have the honor of/to

[I] maid of honor

guard of honor

Your/His Honor

full military honors

[S] respect esteem revere reverence regard

honor是respect highly的意思,是从“承认别人的荣誉”和“给予荣誉”的意思演变来的。

respect和esteem的意思相同,但esteem是由内在的价值(intrinsic worth)所引起的尊重,respect是由外部的特征(extrinsic qualities)所引起的尊重。

esteem是think highly of的意思,对人来说,多指对道德品质(moral worth)的尊重。esteem除respect的意思之外,还有听从和爱慕的意思,即敬爱某人或听从他的意见。

revere是regard with great respect的意思,是从fear的意思演变而来的,即有敬畏的意思,有宗教性的虔诚的意思。比reverence的词义更强,和honor相比较,honor是把尊敬的心情用行为表现出来,revere是畏惧伴随着尊敬,但现不常用。

reverence是show deep respect的意思,是用看得见的行为表示尊敬。revere是内心有畏惧的感情,reverence常常只限于表面上的尊敬,所以有可能对人reverence,而实际上并不revere。reverence更常用作名词(pay reverence at)。

regard是pay attention to 的意思,也常用作esteem的意思,尤其在否定句中。

[O] disrespect

dishonor 17).urge vt.A)beg or persuade with force

B)tell of with force, stre

n.strong desire

n.strong desire

eg.They ~d me to eat the strange food.

He ~d on us the neceity of patience.

She ~d that I (should) qpologize to him.

Lust for money ~d him to the risky task.

He felt a sudden ~ to write a novel.[C] urge one’s way

urge sth.on/upon sb.

urge sb.on/to do sth.

secretly urge

have/feel an urge/no urge to do sth.

18).harmony para.18 n.A) agreement (of feelings, interests, opinions, etc.)

B) pleasing combination of related things

eg.Maintain the ~ between the two nations harmonious adj.A) in agreement, free from ill feeling

B) pleasingly or satisfactorily arranged

[C] achieve harmony

establish harmony

spoil/strengthen harmony

in harmony (with)

out of harmony with 19).fame n.(condition of) being known or talked about by all; what people say (esp good) about sb

eg.He was not anxious for ~.

His ~ as a poet did not come until after his death.

famed adj.famous

eg.~ for their courage

[C] renow / come to / win / earn / attain / achieve / reach fame

good / ill fame

be famed for

follow fame

extend one’s fame

be eager for fame


fame renown reputation repute

fame可以好的或坏的名誉,通常是指好的名誉(good repution),在指坏的名誉时,常在fame前加ill或bad,有时fame只限于传闻。

renown和fame的意思相同,但词义更强,是指杰出的、显赫的名声(high reputation)。





noted famed


celebrated有家喻户晓常挂在人们嘴边上(spoken of everywhere)的意思,原义是隆重纪念的(commemorated in a solemn way),只用于好的人或物。




20).and likely would always be that way

Paraphrase--------would probably remain blind all his life 21).As far as he knew, that was all anyone could do.

Paraphrase--------As Stevie was born blind, he had no idea what sight was.He thought that, like himself, all other people were only able to hear, smell and touch.22).clap time to the beat

Paraphrase--------clap hands by following the rythem of the music 23).The new name stuck.

Paraphrase--------People have since called him by this name.24).Steive fought back from the shadow of death as he had once fought out from the shadow of


Paraphrase--------With great effort, Stevie removed himself from the threat of death as he had once freed himself from the nisfortune of blindne. Useful Phrases in Unit 3 bring up sb.

抚养,养育某人 learning about the world

了解世界 as far as sb.know

据某人所知 bear the poverty/hardships

忍受贫穷/艰辛 get tired of sth.

对某事厌倦,厌烦 not realize…until

直到…才意识到 draw crowds of people

吸引成群的人 teach myself to do sth.

自学做某事 hurt one’s feeling

伤害某人的感情 congratulate oneself on sth.

为某事而自我庆辛 do sth.with ease


one(succe)after another

连接的/一次又一次的(成功) it is unwise to do sth.

做某事是不明智的 against one’s wish/will

违背某人的意愿/意志 to one’s surprise/disappointment

使某人惊奇/失望的很 explore new world/knowledge

探寻新的世界/知识 be struck by a tragedy/disaster

灾难降临到…头上 be involved in


it doesn’t matter whether(that)

是否…不重要/无所谓 conquer poverty


reevaluate one’s goal in life

重新评价自己的人生目标 to honor sb.

向某人表示敬意;给予荣誉 bring happine/joy to sb.

给某人表示幸福/欢乐 form an…impreion of sb./sth.

对某人/某事形成…印象 reach one’s full potential

充分发挥自己的潜力 accept sth.as true

承认某事是真实的 make remarks about sth.


imagine/picture oneself doing

想象自己在做… improve skills


react to sth.


base sth.on sth.

以某事为根据,依据 make a remarkable improvement in

在…有显著的改善 bring sth.in line with sth.else

使某事与某事一致 it is generally accepted that


do oneself justice

充分发挥自己的能力 improve on


work on the task/problem

致力于这项任务/这个问题 wipe out


do harm to sb.

对某人有害 neceary steps in doing

做…的必要步骤 dwell on sth.

细想某事, 详述某事 feel guilty about sth.


expect much/little of oneself

对自己的期望很高/低 reach perfection

达到尽善尽美 be doomed to failure

注定要失败 have health problems


one’s health improves

某人的健康有所改善 be committed to sth.

专心从事于… register to run in a marathon

报名跑马拉松 be in the company of sb.

由某人陪伴 come into view/sight


inspire/encourage sb.to do sth.

激发/鼓励某人做某事 be caught up in the scene

被这景象迷住了 offer words of wisdom/motivation

讲些机智的/鼓励的话 one’s words fail


rejoice over/at sth.

为…而欢欣/高兴/欣慰 5.Grammar Focus 状语从句中的until 1)until 和 before 都表示主句的事件或状态先于时间状语从句的事件或状态,但是until 强调的是主句事件或状态的终结点。 eg. Read the document carefully before you sign it.

They talked about Stephen until they reached Canterbury. 2).till 的意义与until相同,更常用于口语和非正式书面语。

eg. He will have to wait till we’ve finished here.

3).until/till 在翻译时,若主句谓语是延续性动词,译作“一直到…时”,若主句谓语是瞬


Eg. Mary lived with her aunt until she married.结婚前,玛丽一直和她姑妈住一起。

My brother didn’t leave until I arrived. 我到了以后,我哥才走。 6.Guided Practice

1) do comprehension exercises on P69.

2) do Exercise V on P71.

3) do translation P74 7.Summary

1) group discuion

A) What does\"sunshine in the shadow\" mean?

B) What do you learn from Stevie Wonder?

2) Ask several students to retell the story of Stevie Wonder.8.After-cla Aignments 1) Do Exercise X P73 and Exercise XI P74. 2) Write a journal about yourself showing that you are talented in a certain sport, or a subject.( at least 100 words)

Text B We Are What We Think We Are 1.Text-related Information 1)self-image

The term self-image refers to the various beliefs individuals have about what they are like, such as how clever they believe themselves to be, or how they think these appear in the eyes of others.Individuals differ in how realistic they are in their aements of self.

2) A bull’s eye is an eye of a bull, about the same size as the small black spot at the center of a target, which was perhaps so named for its resemblance to an eye of a bull.But it is poible that a bull’s-eye takes its name from a British coin called the bull’s-eye, which was worth a crown, or five shillings.The coin was so named poibly because the one-crown piece was often bet on the outcome of a bull contest; when one put money “on the bull’s eye” one was betting on the bull. 2.Language Points

1).We are what we think ourselves to be

Paraphrase---we are the kind of people that we believe ourselves to be.

...our pictures of who we are ... ...impreions of who we think we are. ...the student became what he thought he was.

The use of what and who in such sentences may have different implications: what usually implies a person’s job or position while who, his/her name or relationship with someone else. 2).accept as true the wrong images of self.Para.2

Paraphrase-----accept the wrong images of self as being true and accurate.3) The aim is to dind the \"real\" self, to bring our mental images of ourselves in line with our true potential.Para.4

in line with

---remaining or changing at the same rate or in proportion to sth.or sb.

Translate The salaries of temporary employees ought to be in line with those of permanent staff.

Key: 临时工应与正式员工一样同工同酬。

4) However, it is generally accepted among psychologists that most of us fail to do justice to ourselves.Para.4

do justice to oneself— to treat/show oneself in the best poible way


The photograph does not do full justice to the rich colours of the garden. Since we’d already eaten, we couldn’t do justice to her cooking.

5) But when they have taught us what we did wrong, we should forget them and not dwell on them.Para 6

dwell on/upon—to deal with it for a lot of time; to think, talk or write about it a great deal

Translate In his speech, he dwelt on the problem of the sick and hungry.

Key: 他在发言时始终在谈那些生病和挨饿的人群的问题。

6) If our goal is to reach perfection, we are doomed form the start.Para.7


we are doomed from the start.------

Key: 我们从一开始就注定要失败。





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