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牛津小学英语3A第七课 Unit 7 教案 教学设计

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牛津小学英语3A第七课 Unit 7 教案 教学设计


step 1 .free talk T: Hello, what is your name?

S :My name is …

T: Look, this is my sweater.

S :Oh, it is nice.

T :Thank you.T :Look, that is my blouse.

S: It is nice.

T: Thank you.T :(教师示意,交换)

T :It is nice .

S : Look,.This is my new book.T :It is nice .

S :Look,that is my shirt .Step 2: 教师指着一女生,让学生说

S: This is her blouse.指另一个女生

S :This is her T-shirt.教师指着另一个男生,边指边说: T: This is his shirt.( 重读) T :This is his pencil-box.(多说几遍) Teach “his’train practise T :This is his …

That is his

让学生练习这两句 Step 3

1review the words that we have learned 2 study the new word 拿出一件长裙what is this ? 教师呈现:dre, teach “dre” practise 同法学习“skirt,coat ,T-shirt” 3,play a game 教师画简笔画,学生猜猜看究竟是什么, step 4 T:Look,this is my blouse. Look at my blouse(twice) Teach “look at “ train practise

教师教授歌谣“Look,look,look,look at my „”


在练习的过程中,呈现出look at his/her..如指一男生说:look,look,look,look at my pen 教师改成

look,.look,look,look at his pen.让学生举一反三,引出look at her„ step 5 在上一环节教师可渗透It is smart .then teach “It is smart” (动作呈现)师:look at his „

生: It is smart.Look at her …

It is smart 生生对话:check it listen to the tape 教师指着一女生

T :Look at her blouse.

S :It is smart.T ;Yes, we also can say “It is pretty”

Teach “It is pretty”

同法根据“it is smart” T:Look at my blouse.

S :It is smart/pretty.T:Thank you.(拿一件新衣服()

Look at my new …

S:It is smart/pretty.重读:new 且提醒新旧东西

左边:新文具盒, 右边:旧文具盒;(NEW?)NO, teach “new”

new book.my new book.

New pencil .my new pencil, 学生照例子举例子 T:Look at my new skirt.S :It is pretty.(twice) Exchange and pair work T :listen to the tape and read after it

牛津小学英语3A Unit7教案 It’s nice!


牛津小学英语3A Unit 7教学设计

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牛津小学英语3A第七课 Unit 7 教案 教学设计
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