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My Lords and Members of the House of Commons, I am most grateful for your Loyal Addrees and the generous words of the Lord Speaker and Mr.Speaker.This great institution has been at the heart of the country and the lives of our people throughout its history.As Parliamentarians, you share with your forebears a fundamental role in the laws and decisions of your own age.Parliament has survived as an unshakeable cornerstone of our constitution and our way of life.History links monarchs and Parliament, a connecting thread from one period to the next.So, in an era when the regular, worthy rhythm of life is le eye-catching than doing something extraordinary, I am reaured that I am merely the second Sovereign to celebrate a Diamond Jubilee.As today, it was my privilege to addre you during my Silver and Golden Jubilees.Many of you were present ten years ago and some of you will recall the occasion in 1977.Since my Acceion, I have been a regular visitor to the Palace of Westminster and, at the last count, have had the pleasurable duty of treating with twelve Prime Ministers.Over such a period, one can observe that the experience of venerable old age can be a mighty guide but not a prerequisite for succe in public office.I am therefore very pleased to be addreing many younger Parliamentarians and also those bringing such a wide range of background and experience to your vital, national work.During these years as your Queen, the support of my family has, acro the generations, been beyond measure.Prince Philip is, I believe, well-known for declining compliments of any kind.But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide.He and I are very proud and grateful that The Prince of Wales and other members of our family are travelling on my behalf in this Diamond Jubilee year to visit all the Commonwealth Realms and a number of other Commonwealth countries.These overseas tours are a reminder of our close affinity with the Commonwealth, encompaing about one-third of the world’s population.My own aociation with the Commonwealth has taught me that the most important contact between nations is usually contact between its peoples.An organization dedicated to certain values, the Commonwealth has flourished and grown by succefully promoting and protecting that contact.

At home, Prince Philip and I will be visiting towns and cities up and down the land.It is my sincere hope that the Diamond Jubilee will be an opportunity for people to come together in a spirit of neighbourline and celebration of their own communities.We also hope to celebrate the profeional and voluntary service given by millions of people acro the country who are working for the public good.They are a source of vital support to the welfare and wellbeing of others, often unseen or overlooked.And as we reflect upon public service, let us again be mindful of the remarkable sacrifice and courage of our Armed Forces.Much may indeed have changed these past sixty years but the valour of those who risk their lives for the defence and freedom of us all remains undimmed.The happy relationship I have enjoyed with Parliament has extended well beyond the more than three and a half thousand Bills I have signed into law.I am therefore very touched by the magnificent gift before me, generously subscribed by many of you.Should this beautiful window cause just a little extra colour to shine down upon this ancient place, I should gladly settle for that.We are reminded here of our past, of the continuity of our national story and the virtues of resilience, ingenuity and tolerance which created it.I have been privileged to witne some of that history and, with the support of my family, rededicate myself to the service of our great country and its people now and in the years to come.Most Gracious Sovereign, We Your faithful Commons are honoured to be here to commemorate and celebrate the sixty years of Your reign.We too are pleased to have contributed to the Jubilee Window to be revealed shortly and which will mark this occasion permanently.Time is better preserved in this historic place than in fallible human memory.Time also tells its own story.Sixty years ago, rationing meant rather more than a short wait before the arrival of the latest electronic item.Sixty years ago, Britain had just emerged from a war of an intensity never seen before or since and had slipped into the shadow of the Korean conflict.Sixty years ago, a new “Elizabethan Era” was awaited with enthusiasm tinged with uncertainty about the challenges ahead for the country.If, as Gandhi aerted, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”, then Your Majesty must have found Yourself countle times over the past six decades.You have dedicated Your life to others.The daily example that You set, mirrored by our courageous armed forces of which You are Commander-in-Chief, is extraordinary.Yet perhaps Your Majesty’s most profound contribution has been to the continuity that has made change manageable.For transformation is inevitably turbulent.It has been Your singular accomplishment, Your unique capacity, to hold together that which could have been torn asunder.You have moved with the times and allowed the times to move around the rest of society.This is a different Britain from 1952 but not one detached from then.We are in so many ways a much bigger, brighter and better United Kingdom.This is a land where men and women today are equal under the law and where Your people are respected, regardle of how they live, how they look or how they love.This is a nation of many races, faiths and customs, now beginning to be reflected in Parliament.All this progre has occurred during Your reign.You have become, to many of us, a kaleidoscope Queen of a kaleidoscope country in a kaleidoscope Commonwealth.This gathering is one of many diverse events acro these islands in tribute to You and this great anniversary.Our affection as a nation will rightly embrace the Duke of Edinburgh and other members of Your family.These will be moments striking for the sincerity expreed as much as for the scenery encountered.Sixty years of stability.Sixty years of security.Sixty years of certainty.Sixty years of sacrifice.Sixty years of service.Gandhi also observed that “in a gentle way, you can shake the world”.Your Majesty, in a gentle way You have shaken this United Kingdom and the world for six decades.On behalf of all the members of the House of Commons, may I thank You wholeheartedly for all that You have done, are doing and will do for the good of our country.We, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, are aembled here today to celebrate sixty years of Your reign.We record with warmth and affection our appreciation of Your dedicated service to Your people, and Your unequalled sense of public duty over the yearsa hall of kings and queens for almost a millennium.While this Hall has seen many historic events, few are permanently commemorated.So we look forward with great anticipation to the unveiling of the stained gla window which members of both Houses have commiioned in honour of this day.When placed in the window above the great doors, Your Coat of Arms and Royal Cypher will bathe the Hall in colour and be seen daily by members and staff as they walk through to their offices—and by the many thousands of visitors we receive here weekly, from both home and abroad.For we must remember that Your Jubilee will be celebrated with joy in Your other realms and territories, and throughout the rest of the Commonwealth.The Commonwealth as we know it today is of course one of the great achievements of Your reign and under Your leadership continues to flourish, with a membership of 54 countries.It is still growing.It is a tremendous force for good in the world and we are aware of its special personal significance to You.Many of us present here today take an active part in the work of the United Kingdom Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Aociation.We work to share our experiences, to learn from one another, and to promote democracy.But our efforts are as nothing compared with those of Your Majesty in the service of Your beloved Commonwealth.Over the years You have visited all but two Commonwealth countries—some, many times—and attended all Heads of Government meetings since 1997.We look on with admiration and pride at the triumphs of some of Your recent tours and it is significant that members of the Royal Family are representing You this year at the Jubilee celebrations being held in all those lands in which You are Head of State.Your Majesty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Aembled give thanks for this Your Diamond Jubilee.We look forward to the years to come and we pray that You and Your realms may enjoy the peace, plenty and prosperity that have so distinguished Your reign.\'










