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发布时间:2020-03-03 07:16:10 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

X:Ladies and gentlemen.Good afternoon! Welcome to our dubbing competition! Thank you for being here! I’m hoste of this competition, and my name is Daisy H:尊敬的各位评委各位老师还有我们亲爱的同学们,大家下午好!我是今天的主持人黄翔

X:We are here to show the diversity of English, to enrich extracurricular activities, to improve our English level, and to cultivate the comprehensive abilities.H:展现英语风采,丰富课余生活,提高英语水平,培养综合能力。 X:Let\'s deduce a colorful life with the movies.H:让我们用电影来演绎生活的多彩。

X:Without a doubt, everyone has a crush on films and TV shows.We can help ourselves to speak English more fluently, and rebuild our confidence by the re-dubbing of English filming productions.H:毫无疑问,通过英语配音,我们能说出一口流利而标准的英语,从而真正意义上的告别聋哑英语,重塑自我!

X:First, let’s introduce today’s judges and guests.

H:首先让我介绍今天到场的评委和各位嘉宾,他们分别是: H:现在让我们用热烈的掌声有请为我们配音大赛致辞


X:Now, I declare that the first English Film and TV Dubbing Competition of Wuhan Technology and Busine University starts right now.H:现在我宣布武汉工商学院第一届英文影视作品配音大赛 合:现在开始

X: So, have you ever heard the song \"Let it go\" H: 你是指迪士尼动画电影冰雪奇缘的主题曲吗?

X: Right,our first group is going to dub a video clip from the movie \"Frozen\".H: 那么接下来有请来自第一组\"千阳\"的两位女生为我们带来Frozen冰雪奇缘的配音,大家掌声欢迎 H: 那么现在我来公布第一组的得分情况

X: And the second group is called \"Gorgeous\",and they\'re going to dub the Japanese animation \"Your Name\".H: 这部电影在去年特别火,我想大家一定很期待它的英文版是什么样的,那么掌声欢迎来自\"Gorgeous\"的两位女生为我们带来\"你的名字\"配音片段 H: 现在我来公布第二组的得分情况

X: Well, everyone says that women are hard to gue, but I think men\'s minds are harder to gue.你觉得呢? H: 嗯,那我们就在下一组\"三人行\"的配音电影\"他其实没有那么喜欢你\"来一探究竟吧

X: Let\'s welcome to the third group\"三人行\" of three girls to bring us the dubbing of the movie\"He\'s Just Not That Into You\" H: 掌声欢迎

H: 现在我来公布第三组的得分情况

H: 现在的名著经常被改编成各种影视剧,上一组选手为我们展现了现代的女性对感情的执着,接下来第四组选手将会为我们展现19世纪初,处于保守状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情

X: Let\'s welcome to the group\"坚韧\" to bring us the claic love story \"Pride and Prejudice\"大家掌声欢迎 H: 现在我来公布第四组的得分情况

H: 我听说在外国人眼里,中国人都会功夫,再加上熊猫是咱国家的国宝,电影功夫熊猫就此孕育而生 X: Yeah, I\'m looking forward to fifth group\"泥土里的豌豆\" to bring us their dubbing clip of the animation\"Kung Fu Panda\"掌声欢迎这两位选手

H: 现在我来公布第五组的得分情况

X: Well everyone loves the super hero movies, the Wonder Woman is my NO.1 crush right now, but the bad guys in superhero films tend to appeal to us too, like the \"Suicide Squad\" H: 其中的主要角色\"小丑女\"也成为了这两年最受欢迎的角色之一,那么接下来有请第六组的\"Supreme\"的5位选手为我们带来\"X特遣队\"的配音,大家掌声欢迎。 H: 现在我来公布第六组的得分情况

X: Think about it, a rich American mean girl comes to an traditional British Girl\'s boarding school, that must be so funny.H: 那么掌声欢迎第七组\"Dream Chaser\"为我们带来wild child\"野孩子\"电影配音。 H: 现在我来公布第七组的得分情况

H: 记得小时候听过很多好听的童谣,后来发现有很多经典的歌曲都来自下面这部电影\"音乐之声\" X: That\'s correct, I can\'t wait to see the eighth group\"TF Girls\" to bring us their dubbing of the claic movie\"The Sound of Music\" H: 现在我来公布第八组的得分情况

H: 接下来的这部电影又是根据经典文学作品\"雾都孤儿\"改编的,相信大家都读过小说 X: \"Oliver Twist\" also reflects the deeply ingrained heritage of contemporary people.H: 那么掌声欢迎第九组\"lions\"的五位选手为我们带来雾都孤儿的配音 H: 现在我来公布第九组的得分情况

X: In addition to the dubbing of the film, we also have the dubbing of TV series, and the next group will bring us a clip of claic American TV series \"Desperate Housewives\" H: 接下来就请大家欣赏第十组\"Dream High\"的三位选手为大家带来美剧\"绝望的主妇\"的配音作品,掌声欢迎

H: 现在我来公布第十组的得分情况

X: Ok , we have seen lots of genres, this one based on a fairy tale in modern time, it\'s a Cinderella Story.H:当灰姑娘的故事放到现代会产生什么样的火花,接下来将由第十一组\"Elite\"的五位选手为我们带来配音作品\"灰姑娘的玻璃手机\",掌声欢迎。 H: 现在我来公布第十一组的得分情况

H: 想知道英国上流社会的人的生活是什么样子的吗?想了解他们之间的种种爱恨情仇吗?第十二组选手将会为大家带来著名英剧\"唐顿庄园\"的配音片段。

X: I can\'t wait to see it.Let\'s welcome the last group\"Etuder\" to bring us their dubbing of the British TV \"Downton Abbey\"H: 掌声欢迎。

H: 现在我来公布第最后一组的得分情况,第十二组最终得分xxx,而我们工作组正在紧张统计各组成绩,各奖项将会花落谁家,我们即将揭晓! X:We are enthusiastic; we have dreams! H:我们拥有激情,我们拥有梦想! X:Let\'s deduce a colorful life with the movies.H:让我们用电影来演绎生活多彩!

X:Congratulations to all the contestants and thanks to all the guests and judges! H:感谢大家的参与,感谢各位选手,评委以及嘉宾们

X:Ladies and Gentlemen, the first English Film and TV Dubbing Competition of Wuhan Technology and Busine University comes to the end! Let’s look forward to the next competition.Thank you all!









配音大赛 主持稿


