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南京青奥会 中英文致辞整理

发布时间:2020-03-04 01:45:54 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


The 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games 南京青奥会组委会(NYOGOC) YOG:青年奥林匹克运动会的英文缩写(Youth Olympic Games ) 组委会:organizing committee 分享青春 共筑未来

Share the Games Share our Dreams

跳水 diving 游泳 swimming 射箭 archery 田径 athletics 羽毛球 badminton 三人制篮球 3x3 basketball 拳击 boxing 皮划艇 canoe-Kayak 自行车 cycling 马术 equestrian 击剑 fencing 足球 football 高尔夫球 golf 竞技体操 artistic gymnastics 艺术体操 rhythmic gymnastics 手球 handball 蹦床 trampoline gymnastic 五人制曲棍球 hockey5s 柔道 judo 现代五项 modern pentathlon 赛艇 rowing 帆船 sailing 射击 shooting 乒乓球 table tennis 跆拳道 Taekwondo 网球 tennis 铁人三项 triathlon 沙滩排球 beach volleyball 举重 weightlifting 摔跤 wrestling 七人制橄榄球 rugby sevens



尊敬的习近平主席和夫人, 尊敬的巴赫主席和夫人, 尊敬的潘基文秘书长,







Full text of speech by NYOGOC chairman LI Xueyong (CHN)

LI Xueyong addrees the opening ceremony.

NANJING, Aug 16.Full text of a speech by International Olympic Committee president Thomas BACH (GER) to the Opening Ceremony of the 2nd Youth Olympic Games, Nanjing.Your Excellency XI Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, Your Excellency BAN Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, Excellencies, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen.Nanjing Nihau, China Nihau, Dear young athletes.These are your Games.This is your moment.So young athletes please join me, let us all capture it – so get your smart phones out and let’s set the record for selfies … By sending this selfie with the hashtag “YOG selfie” , you are sending a strong meage around the world: You are showing your paion for sport and for fair competition.You are demonstrating that Olympic sport reaches beyond competition.It is also about sharing, learning and making friends acro the globe.You are here to enjoy the competitions and to deliver your personal best performance.You are here to experience and promote the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect.You are here to celebrate the Olympic spirit.Enjoy your Games! Our Chinese hosts, with their great friendline, their wonderful hospitality and their world-famous efficiency, have set the stage for you.You have already felt the enthusiasm of the thousands of volunteers welcoming us so warmly here in Nanjing, China.Thank you our volunteers! So please join me all in thanking the Chinese people, the people of the Jiangsu Province and the people of this great city of Nanjing: Thank you very much; merci beaucoup; xie xie.And now I have the honour to invite His Excellency XI Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, to open the 2014 Nanjing Summer Youth Olympic Games.






活力青奥 青春南京





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