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发布时间:2020-03-03 09:20:18 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Jane Eyre was an orphan girl.She was born in a poor family.Because of the typhoid, her parents died one after another in a month.Later Jane was adopted by her uncle.She suffered from much discrimination and was abused during the ten year after her uncle’s death.And then, she was sent to the orphanage.In her life, she was forced to battle against the cruel guardian, a harsh employer and a rigid social rule.

After reading this novel, I was moved by Jane Eyre, who has a strong-mind and is very brave.Frankly speaking, I feel very sympathy for her at the beginning.However, on closer reflection and analysis, it was what she had gone through that had made her the special character.Without these sorrowful experiences, Jane was not Jane that we respect and like anymore.

I have appreciated all words and thoughts of Jane’s in her hard time.

She says, “I am poor, mean, is not beautiful, diminutive, I do not have the soul not to have the heart? You were wrong! When we pa through the grave, stands in front of the God heel, is equal because we are equal!” In her opinion, all men are created equal.Though she was not a beauty, she was poor, she doesn’t feel self-conscious.On the contrary, she looked down upon the dignitary.She thought they’re very stupid.One thing I appreciate her most is she never bows to life.

The novel tells us, one of the most beautiful things in our life is the dignity and love.The ending of the novel arranged this life for the heroine.Although I think this ending is too perfect.But I still respect the writer’s ideal of the good life--dignity and love.After all, in today\'s society, people seem to crazy enough to bury love for the money and status.Few people like Jane to leave all for love and personality.











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