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世界十大最著名毕业典礼上的演讲 1.david foster wallace,美国著名小说作家、评论家、幽默作家,代表作《无尽的玩笑》,入选《时代周刊》“百部最佳英文小说”。david foster wallace2008年9月13日患抑郁症自杀家中,享年46岁。 david foster wallace, kenyon, 2005 learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think.it means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience.because if you cannot exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed. this addre at kenyon was vintage wallace: a smart, occasionally meandering discuion of the iues that consumed him, from the banality of life to the meaning of consciousne.i know that this stuff probably doesnt sound fun and breezy and grandly inspirational, he concluded.what it is, so far as i can see, is the truth ...the capital-t truth is about life before death.it is about making it to 30, or maybe 50, without wanting to shoot yourself in the head.all the reasons wallace didnt make it to 50 are apparent here; in hindsight, the speech reads like the first draft of a suicide note for an author who took his own life last year at age 46.while its a macabre read, theres tons thats worthwhile here: the speech crackles with wit and intelligence — and offers tricks for escaping the depreion to which wallace ultimately succumbed。

2.steve jobs,苹果电脑创始人,声名显赫的“计算机狂人” steve jobs, stanford, 2005 your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life.dont be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other peoples thinking.dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice.and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition ...stay hungry, stay foolish. 3.conan obrien,美国著名脱口秀主持人。 conan obrien, harvard (cla day), 2000 i left the cocoon of harvard, i left the cocoon of saturday night live, i left the cocoon of the simpsons.and each time it was bruising and tumultuous.and yet, every failure was freeing, and today im as nostalgic for the bad as i am for the good。 so, thats what i wish for all of you: the bad as well as the good.fall down, make a me, break something occasionally.and remember that the story is never over. when conan obrien spoke at harvard universitys 2000 cla day, he had a lot of things to say — many of them about harvard.obrien graduated from the prestigious university in 1985, and he took at few shots at his alma maters expense.the last time i was invited to harvard it cost me $110,000, he said, so youll forgive me if im a bit suspicious. he endured along the way.he discued his bombed television pilot, embarraingly bad reviews and what it was like to be 28 and unemployed in new york city, proving that no one, not even the man who would one day take over the tonight show, escapes disappointment and self-doubt.but despite his stumbles, obrien kept going.and he told harvards cla of 2000 that they should too。 4.ruell baker,《纽约时报》专栏作家,1982年普利策奖获得者。成名作为个人自传《成长》。 ruell baker, connecticut college, 1995 listen once in a while.its amazing what you can hear.on a hot summer day in the country you can hear the corn growing, the crack of a tin roof buckling under the power of the sun.in a real old-fashioned parlor silence so deep you can hear the dust settling on the velveteen settee, you might hear the footsteps of something sinister gaining on you, or a heart-stoppingly beautiful phrase from mozart you havent heard since childhood, or the voice of somebody — now gone — whom you loved.or sometime when youre talking up a storm so brilliant, so charming that you can hardly believe how wonderful you are, pause just a moment and listen to yourself.its good for the soul to hear yourself as others hear you, and next time maybe, just maybe, you will not talk so much, so loudly, so brilliantly, so charmingly, so utterly shamelely foolishly。

baker, a pulitzer prize–winning author and columnist, knows how to reach college kids.hes funny and engaging (the best advice i can give anybody about going out into the world is this: dont do it) without being cynical, and lands enough light jabs to remind his audience that his advice — from get married to sleep in the nude — is worth heeding。 5.winston churchill,英国前首相。 winston churchill, harrow school, 1941 never give in.never give in.never, never, never, never — in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. no leader in history, perhaps, matched churchills capacity for 6.george marshall,1880-1959,美国将军、政治家,出任国务卿期间,推出欧洲复兴计划。 篇2:十篇著名的大学毕业典礼演讲 1.winston churchill (harrow school) memorable quote: never give in.never give in.never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense.never yield to force.never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. 3.jon stewart (college of william and mary) memorable quote: im sure my fellow doctoral graduates--who have spent so long toiling in academia, sinking into debt, sacrificing god knows how many years of what, in truth, is a piece of parchment that, in truth, has been so devalued by our instant gratification culture as to have been rendered meaningle--will join in congratulating me. with jokes, but stewart also dished out valuable advice to graduates near the end, telling them to love what you do and get good at it.4.theodor geisel (lake forest college) memorable quote: as you partake of the worlds bill of fare, thats darned good advice to follow.do a lot of spitting out the hot air.and be careful what you swallow. in 1977, the beloved theodor geisel (a.k.a.dr.seu) was chosen as the memorable quote: out of the many here aembled, it is the heart of he or she that i seek who looks at a life of vapid materialism, of capitalist exce, and finds it simply intolerable.it may be one hundred of you, or fifty, or even ten, or even one of you who makes that choice.i am here to honor and applaud that choice and to warn you that, though the suffering may indeed be great, it is nothing to the joy of doing the right thing. evergreen state college via audiotape.the speech was controversial because abu-jamal was a death row inmate convicted of murdering a police officer.students, law enforcement officers, the policemans widow, congreman tom delay and a number of others protested the schools choice of speakers, but abu-jamals speech was delivered 6.ruell baker (connecticut college) memorable quote: the best advice i can give anybody about going out into the world is this: dont do it.i have been out there.it is a me. american columnist, pulitzer prize-winning author and political satirist ruell 7.will ferrell (harvard university) memorable quote: after months of secret negotiations, several hundred secret ballots, and a weekend retreat with vice president dick cheney in his secret mountain bunker, a cla day speaker was chosen, and it was me.you obviously have made a grave error.but its too late now.so lets just go with it. love him or hate him, actor will ferrell is responsible for one of the funniest and memorable quote: i have two last pieces of advice.first, being pre-approved for a credit card does not mean you have to apply for it.and lastly, the best career advice i can give you is to get your own tv show.it pays well, the hours are good, and you are famous. candid advice for college grads.he also shows off his ability to ask for a mcdonalds happy meal in five different languages.9.david foster wallace (kenyon college) conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience.because if you cannot exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed. in 2005, a couple of years before his tragic suicide, influential postmodern author 10.j.k.rowling (harvard university) memorable quote: the knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive.you will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity.such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more than any qualification i ever earned. j.k.rowling may be one of the best-selling authors of all time, but before she published harry potter she was an unemployed single parent one step away from 10大最佳毕业典礼演讲

what makes a great speech? persuasion. 成就一场演讲的是什么?说服力。

分析沟通技能公司quantified impreions的专家认为,这是与听众建立联系的关键点——至少当听众是大学毕业生时是这样的。

这家公司选出了31场被媒体称为精彩难忘的毕业嘉宾演讲,对照一般演讲和日常对话数据库进行了评估。分析涵盖了80项不同的指标,结果发现,这31场演讲最普遍的共性就是说服力指标或变量。 and based on that, quantified impreions came up with a list of 10 best speeches. 根据这项分析评估,quantified impreions评选出了十佳毕业典礼演讲。 these speeches are the best because the speakers persuade the audience to be emotionally moved, says noah zandan, quantified impreions president. “这些演讲非常出色,演讲者从情感上说服了听众,让他们真心被打动,”quantified impreions的总裁诺阿?赞登说。 turns out, the best speakers persuade by doing three key things.they explain their relevance (i was just like you).they give insight (heres what life will be like).and they use inclusive words:you, we, us, with, along. 分析显示,这些顶级的演讲人做了三件关键的事情。与听众建立联系(“当时我就像你们一样”)。提供真知灼见(“我们来谈谈,未来生活将是什么样子?”)。使用包容性的词汇:你们、我们、和、与。

排在第一名的人不出意料是奥普拉?温弗里。她五年前在斯坦福大学(stanford)做的那次演讲事实上超出了她上周对哈佛(harvard)毕业生做的演讲。 the speech ranked no.3 below is particularly historic this week: its 50 years ago this month that john f.kennedy, in the midst of the cold war and on the heels of the cuban miile crisis, startled the soviets by offering unilateral nuclear restraint. 排名第三的演讲本周特别值得怀念:五十年前的6月,正值冷战时期,古巴导弹危机(cuban miile crisis)刚刚发生,约翰?f.?肯尼迪提出的单边核克制震动了苏联人。 1.oprah winfrey2005, kenyon 2.大卫?福斯特?华莱士——2005年, 肯尼恩学院(kenyon) 3.john f.kennedy1977, university of california, riverside 4.玛雅?安吉罗——1977年,加利福尼亚大学大学河滨分校(university of california, riverside)

5.winston churchill2013, smith 6.阿瑞安娜?赫芬顿——2013年,史密斯学院(smith) 7.oprah winfrey2012, syracuse 8.阿伦?索尔金——2012年,雪城大学(syracuse) 9.former yahoo (yhoo) ceo carol bartzmadison 9.前雅虎(yahoo)ceo卡罗尔?巴茨——2012年,威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校(university of wisconsin机会从来不会主动敲门 这与财富无关,而是与成功有关 8.谷歌全球销售高级副总裁奥米德·柯德斯塔尼(omid kordestani),2007年,圣何塞州立大学 谷歌全球销售高级副总裁奥米德〃柯德斯塔尼

精彩语录:为了保持我的敏锐,我必须象移民一样思考和行动,他们的乐观和动力让我受益匪浅。移民是天生的梦想家和斗士。 9.1999-2005年惠普ceo卡莉·菲奥莉娜(carly fiorina),2004年,加州理工学院 惠普ceo卡莉〃菲奥莉娜

精彩语录:什么才能称得上你们这一代的伟大之处?我认为是使用你们在这里所学的知识,不仅仅是找到与计算机连接的方式,而且找到与人的连接方式;不仅仅是架设桥梁填补技术间的鸿沟,更是架设文化间的桥梁;不仅仅是使用数字和公式创造,更是使用语言去引领。在这个过程中,填补愚昧与智慧间的差距。(有几个人能明白这句话的意义?) 10.通用电气ceo杰夫·伊梅尔特(jeff immelt),2007年,圣母大学 通用电气ceo杰夫〃伊梅尔特 精彩语录:通过你的决心让自己脱颖而出,努力锻炼自己的能力,为生活设定一个目的,你将定义你自己的目标。努力工作并实现你的梦想。










