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The Crucifixion of Jesus耶稣受难记感想

发布时间:2020-03-03 10:17:59 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

The Crucifixion of Jesus

During the time I was watching the movie, I thought it was a kind of tolerance.After I finished watching, I deemed it as the baptism of the soul.

I always recalled the words that Satan said to Jesus at the beginning"Do you really believe that one man can bear the full burden of sin? No one man can carry this burden.I tell you.It’s far too heavy.Saving their souls is too costly.No one.Ever.No.never."These words still lingered in my ears.Especially, after Jesus was captured by Romans, he was scourged and affronted and even he was forced to wear the crown of thorns and crucified.He suffered a lot.Seldom, did he speak for survival during his suffering.Several times, he looked around.I could see the vague images of those standers-by.I wondered what Jesus saw.Were those their poor heart and spirits? I had no clue.But one thing that I firmly believed was that he didn’t resent them.Because He had preached that"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.For if you love only those who love you.What reward is there in that?"I never saw hatred in his eyes.Even it was about the last several minutes of his life, he still prayed for them, "Father, forgive them.They know not what they do."

He was always tempted by Satan.Thanks for his strong willing, he overcame all those temptations.Without any regret, he shouldered all the sins of the ignorant people and did his best to purify them.“You are my friends.There’s no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends.” He put what he said into practice.A most chilling scene was a freak who was cuddled in Satan\'s arms and stared at Jesus with strange and unapprehended eyes.In my opinion, the freak was the symbolization of those ignorant people.The freak was the sin, while it was Jesus who paid the cost.When he said” my god, why have you forsaken me?”, I suddenly realized Jesus was not god and he had the feeling of the bad hurt and he was not too powerful to stand it.I can\'t imagine if I were him, would I have the courage to love and sacrifice for my enemies? Judas one of his disciples betrayed him and even his most loyal disciple Peter denied to know Jesus for three times.He saved a lot of people with his power.Sadly, no one stood out to help their savers.Would I forgive and continue loving these so-called friends after their indifferent deeds as Jesus?

About Jesus mom Mary, she yelled,” My son, when, where, how, will you choose to be delivered of this?\" Her tears kept running all the time.what a moving scene that Mary ran to hug Jesus just as what she did in Jesus\' childhood.Jesus said,” Mother, I make all things new\" to Mary.Actually, I was confused.Did he really make anything new? When and how and why couldn\'t I see that? I gueed if it meant that he wanted to teach people a rather heavy leon at his life’s cost.Maybe he believed only that sacrifice could awake their deep good.Probably due to I am an atheist; I still think that cost was too high.After all, \"he has power to lay his life down and power to take it up again.\"

Through this movie, i begin to rethink whether it is good that i am an atheist.it was said that we should in awe of somebody.When you are alert to think that somebody is watching you, guilty comes into being.Thus, that can direct us to recognize white from black and then do the right thing efficiently.



耶稣受难记有感 英语作文








The Crucifixion of Jesus耶稣受难记感想
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