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King George VI: [Logue is sitting on the coronation throne] Get up! Y-you can\'t sit there! GET UP! Lionel Logue: Why not? It\'s a chair.King George VI: T-that...that is Saint Edward\'s chair.Lionel Logue: People have carved their names on it.

乔治六世:给我起来!你不能坐哪儿!快起来 莱诺•罗格:为啥不行?不就是一椅子么。

乔治六世:呐……那……那是圣爱德华的椅子。 莱诺•罗格:人家都随便刻了名字上去了。


King George VI: L-listen to me...listen to me! Lionel Logue: Why should I waste my time listening to you? King George VI: Because I have a voice! Lionel Logue: ...yes, you do.

乔治六世:听……听我说……听我说! 莱诺•罗格:凭啥我要浪费时间听你说话? 乔治六世:就因为我说的话举足轻重。 莱诺•罗格:……没错,的确如此


Queen Elizabeth: My husband\'s work involves a great deal of public speaking.Lionel Logue: Then he should change jobs.Queen Elizabeth: He can\'t.Lionel Logue: What is he, an indentured servant? Queen Elizabeth: Something like that.

伊丽莎白王后:我丈夫的工作涉及大量公众演说。 莱诺•罗格:还是换个工作比较靠谱。 伊丽莎白王后:能换早换了。

莱诺•罗格:难不成是个受人摆布的奴仆? 伊丽莎白王后:也差不多啦。


Logue: What was your earliest memory? King George VI: I\'m not...-here to discu...-personal matters.Lionel Logue: Why are you here then?

1 King George VI: Because I bloody well stammer!


乔治六世:我不是……到这里来讨论……个人隐私的。 莱诺•罗格:那你干嘛到这里来?



Lilibet: What\'s he saying? [watching a clip of Hitler speaking] King George VI: I don\'t know but...he seems to be saying it rather well.




King George VI: If I am King, where is my power? Can I declare war? Form a government? Levy a tax? No! And yet I am the seat of all authority because they think that when I speak, I speak for them.But I can\'t speak.



Lionel Logue: Please don\'t do that.King George VI: I\'m sorry? Lionel Logue: I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you.King George VI: My physicians say it relaxes the throat.Lionel Logue: They\'re idiots.King George VI: They\'ve all been knighted.Lionel Logue: Makes it official then.

莱诺•罗格:请不要那样做。 乔治六世:啥?

莱诺•罗格:抽烟吸到肺里相当于自杀。 乔治六世:我的医生说那样会放松喉部。 莱诺•罗格:他们是白痴。

乔治六世:他们都被授了爵位了。 莱诺•罗格:那就是官方白痴咯。

推荐第2篇:国王的演讲TheKingsSpeech 台词

The Kings Speech 国王的演讲

你好 有人在吗Hello.Is anyone there? 我正上厕所I\'m just in the loo.约翰逊夫人你好 过来了啊Hello Mrs.Johnson, there you are.抱歉我这儿没接待员 我喜欢凡事从简

Sorry I don\'t have a receptionist.I like to keep things simple \"人能安贫就是富\"“Poor and content is rich and rich enough” 您好 How do you do 啊 就您一个人Ahh traveling alone 这么说可能有点别扭…

Now this is slightly awkward 不过您迟到了But I\'m afraid you\'re late.恐怕确实来晚了Yes, I\'m afraid I am.约翰逊先生没来Where\'s Mr.Johnson? 我过来没告诉他He doesn\'t know I\'m here.这么开始治疗 前景不光明啊 That\'s not a very promising start.没错 我丈夫做过的治疗都没效果 他已经放弃了

No.My husband has seen everyone to no avail.He\'s given up hope.他还没找我呢He hasn\'t seen me.您这么信心十足 You\'re awfully sure of yourself.只要他想治好 I\'m sure of anyone who wants to be cured.他当然愿意 Of course he wants to be cured.

公开讲话是我丈夫的职责之一My husband is required to speak publicly.那他应该换个工作 Perhaps he should change jobs.换不了啊He can\'t.契约缠身的苦差事? Indentured servitude? 差不多吧Something of that nature.Yes 带你老公来我这儿转转吧 Well, we need to have your hubby pop by...星期二我有空

Tuesday would be good...

罗格,不管演讲结果怎样 Logue however this turns out 我都不知道该怎么回报你的帮助

I don\'t know how to thank you for what you\'ve done.奖个爵位?Knighthood? 排除杂念,只想着说给我听Forget everything else and just say it to me.说给我这个朋友听Say it to me as a friend.在这样严峻的时刻,可能是国家存亡的紧要关头 In this grave hour perhaps the most fateful in our history 我向领土上的所有子民

I send to every household of my peoples 不论是国内或是海外传达这份消息both at home and overseas this meage 我和你们一样,百感交集

spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you 只希望我能挨家挨户亲自向你们诉说

as if I were able to cro your threshold and speak to you myself.我们大部分人,都是第二次经历战争的洗礼

For the second time in the lives of most of us we are at war.不止一次,我们尝试过寻求和平之道

Over and over again we have tried to find a peaceful way out 求同存异,化敌为友

of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies.然而徒劳无功。我们被迫卷入了一场战争

But it has been in vain.We have been forced into a conflict.我们所面临的,是一个邪恶信念的挑战

For we are called to meet the challenge of a principle which 如果敌方取胜,世界的文明秩序将毁于一旦

if it were to prevail would be fatal to any civilized order in the world.这样的信念,剥去伪装的外衣 Such a principle stripped of all disguise 只是赤裸裸的权力追求

is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right.为了捍卫凝聚起我们的所有

For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear 我们无法想象去逃避这样的挑战

it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge.为了如此崇高目标,我呼吁国内的民众

It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home 海外的子民们,万众一心

and my peoples acro the seas who will make our cause their own.我希望你们能冷静坚定,在时间的历练中团结向前 I ask them to stand calm and firm and united in this time of trial.任务将会困难重重,前路可能乌云密布

The task will be hard.There may be dark days ahead 战场将不再局限于战场之上。

and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield.只有掌握真知才能正确行事

But we can only do the right as we see the right 在此我们虔诚的向上帝承诺

and reverently commit our cause to God.如果我们大家坚定信念

If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it 上帝会保佑,我们必将获胜 then with God\'s help we shall prevail.




King George VI: [Logue is sitting on the coronation throne] Get up! Y-you can\'t sit there! GET UP!

Lionel Logue: Why not? It\'s a chair.

King George VI: T-that...that is Saint Edward\'s chair.

Lionel Logue: People have carved their names on it.







Lionel Logue: Do you know any jokes?

King George VI: ...Timing isn\'t my strong suit.





King George VI: L-listen to me...listen to me!

Lionel Logue: Why should I waste my time listening to you?

King George VI: Because I have a voice!

Lionel Logue: ...yes, you do.






[小编:have a voice这里有双重的意味,国王指的是说话的分量,而罗格却是说不单单有说话的分量,还有演说的能力。]

Stanley Baldwin: Your greatest test...is yet to come!




Queen Elizabeth: My husband\'s work involves a great deal of public speaking.

Lionel Logue: Then he should change jobs.

Queen Elizabeth: He can\'t.

Lionel Logue: What is he, an indentured servant?

Queen Elizabeth: Something like that.











Logue: What was your earliest memory?

King George VI: I\'m not...-here to discu...-personal matters.

Lionel Logue: Why are you here then?

King George VI: Because I bloody well stammer!







Lilibet: What\'s he saying? [watching a clip of Hitler speaking]

King George VI: I don\'t know but...he seems to be saying it rather well.





Myrtle Logue: Will their Majesties be staying for dinner?

Queen Elizabeth: We would love to, such a treat, but alas...a previous engagement.What a pity.





King George VI: If I am King, where is my power? Can I declare war? Form a government? Levy a tax? No! And yet I am the seat of all authority because they think that when I speak, I speak for them.But I can\'t speak.




King Edward VIII: Sorry, I\'ve been terribly busy.

King George VI: Doing what?

King Edward VIII: Kinging.






[As King George is lighting a cigarette]

Lionel Logue: Please don\'t do that.

King George VI: I\'m sorry?




Lionel Logue: I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you.

King George VI: My physicians say it relaxes the throat.

Lionel Logue: They\'re idiots.

King George VI: They\'ve all been knighted.

Lionel Logue: Makes it official then.










[Talking to Churchill about the influence that Wallis Simpson seems to have on Edward VIII]

Queen Elizabeth: Apparently she has certain skills - acquired at an establishment in Shanghai.






Bertie\'s wife: Hello.Is anyone there?

Lionel: I\'m just in the loo.Hello Mrs Johnson, there you are.Sorry I don\'t have receptionist.I like to keep things simple.\"Poor and content is rich and rich enough\".Bertie\'s wife: For?

Lionel: Shakespeare.How are you?

Bertie\'s wife: How do you do?

Lionel: Ahh, traveling alone.Now, this is slightly awkward.But I\'m afraid you\'re late.

Bertie\'s wife: Yes, I\'m afraid I am.

Lionel: Where\'s Mr Johnson?

Bertie\'s wife: He doesn\'t know I\'m here.

Lionel: That\'s not a very promising start.

Bertie\'s wife: No.My husband has seen everyone to no avail.He\'s given up hope.

Lionel: He hasn\'t seen me.




Bertie\'s wife: You\'re awfully sure of yourself.

Lionel: I\'m sure of anyone who wants to be cured.

Bertie\'s wife: Of course he wants to be cured.My husband is required to speak publicly.

Lionel: Perhaps he should change jobs.

Bertie\'s wife: He can\'t.

Lionel: Indentured servitude?

Bertie\'s wife: Something of that nature.Yes

Lionel: Well we need to have your hubby pop by...Tuesday would be good...He can give me his personal details and I\'ll make a frank appraisal.And then we can take it from there

Bertie\'s wife: Doctor, forgive me.I do not have a “hubby”.We don\'t „pop\'.And nor do we never talk about our private lives.You must come to us.

Lionel: Sorry, Mrs J, my game, my turf, my rules.You\'ll have to talk over with your husband.And then you can speak to me on the telephone.Thank you very much for dropping by.Good afternoon.

Bertie\'s wife: And what if my husband were the Duke of York?

Lionel: The Duke of York?

Bertie\'s wife: Yes the Duke of York.

Lionel: I thought the appointment was for “Johnson”? Forgive me, your Royal...?

Bertie\'s wife: Highne.

Lionel: Your Royal Highne.

Bertie\'s wife: Johnson was used during the Great War when the Navy didn\'t want the enemy to know „he\' was aboard.

Lionel: Am I considered the enemy?

Bertie\'s wife: You will be if you remain un-obliging.You\'ll appreciate the need for absolutely discretion.

Lionel: Of course.How did you find me? Your Royal Highne.

Bertie\'s wife: The President of the Society for Speech Therapists.

Lionel: Eileen McCleod? She\'s a sport.

Bertie\'s wife: She warned me your antipodean methods were \"unorthodox and




controversial\".I warned her...they were not my favorite words.

Lionel: I can cure your husband.But for my method to work, I need trust and total equality here in the safety of my consultation room.No exceptions.

Bertie\'s wife: Well then, in that case...When can you start?

妙语佳句 活学活用

1.Poor and content is rich and rich enough: 人能安贫即是福

2.to no avail: 没有什么效果,不成功,也可以说成of little avail或者without avail。

3.indentured servitude: 契约缠身的苦差事。Indentured指的是“受契约束缚,必须为人干活的”, servitude则指“奴役(状况),任人差遣(的状况)”。

4.my game, my turf, my rules: 用现在流行的话来说,就是“我的地盘我做主”。

5.drop by: 顺便拜访。

例如:My friend Mike stopped by and had dinner with us last night.(昨晚我的朋友迈克顺便来访并留下来吃了晚饭。)

6.unobliging: 不近人情的。Obliging则表示“乐于助人的,热情的”。

例如:The obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave.(这位有礼貌的侍者并不急着催促我们离开。)

7.be a sport: 口语,(尤指在困境中)开朗大度,讲交情。也可以说be a good sport。

8.antipodean: (常作幽默)澳大利亚和新西兰,澳新。 antipodean day则是指“过日界线的日期”。

9.unorthodox and controversial: 这里可以译为“旁门左道,很有争议”。







Lionel: He\'s a good lad, Willy.He could hardly make a sound, you know, when he first came to me.My boys made those.Good, aren\'t they.Please, make yourself comfortable.I was told not not to sit too close.when speaking with a prince, one waits for the prince to choose the topic.

Bertie: Waiting for me to...commence a conversation one can wait a rather long wait.

Lionel: Do you know any jokes?

Bertie: Timing isn\'t my strong suit.

Lionel: Cuppa tea?

Bertie: No thank you.

Lionel: I think I\'ll have one.

Bertie: Aren\'t you going to start treating me Dr Logue?

Lionel: Only if you\'re interested in being treated.Please, call me Lionel.

Bertie: I...I prefer Doctor.

Lionel: I prefer Lionel.What\'ll I call you?

Bertie: Your Royal Highne, then Sir after that.

Lionel: A bit formal for here.I prefer names

Bertie: Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George?

Lionel: How about Bertie?

Bertie: Only my family uses that.

Lionel: Perfect.In here, it\'s better if we\'re equals.

Bertie: If we were equal...I wouldn\'t be here.I\'d be...at home with my wife and no-one would give a damn.

Lionel: Please don\'t do that.

Bertie: I\'m sorry?

Lionel: I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you.

Bertie: My physicians say it relaxes the throat.

Lionel: They\'re idiots.




Bertie: They\'ve all been knighted.

Lionel: Makes it official then.My \'castle\', my rules.Thank you.What was your earliest memory?

Bertie: What on earth do you mean?

Lionel: Your first recollection.

Bertie: I\'m not...here to discu personal matters.

Lionel: Why\'re you here then?

Bertie: Because I bloody well stammer!

Lionel: You have a bit of a temper.

Bertie: One of my many faults.

Lionel: When did the defect start?

Bertie: I\'ve always been this way!

Lionel: I doubt that.

Bertie: Don\'t...tell me! It\'s my stammer!

Lionel: It\'s my field.I aure you, no infant starts to speak with a stammer.When did it start?

Bertie: Four or five.

Lionel: That\'s typical.

Bertie: So I\'ve been told.I can\'t remember not doing it.

Lionel: I can believe that.Do you hesitate when you think?

Bertie: Don\'t be ridiculous.

Lionel: How about when you talk to yourself? Everyone natters occasionally, Bertie.

Bertie: Stop calling me that!

Lionel: I\'m not going to call you anything else.

Bertie: Then we shan\'t speak! Are you charging for this, Doctor?

Lionel: A fortune.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1.lad: 昵称,男孩儿,小伙子。




2.make a sound: 发出声音,这里指威利刚开始接受治疗时,话都说不出来。

例如:So absorbed was he that we didn\'t dare to make a sound.(他是那样全神贯注,我们都不敢出声了。)

3.make yourself comfortable: 别客气,请随便坐。

4.strong suit: 优点,长处。

例如:Bill\'s strong suit is being able to eat more than anybody else.(比尔的特长是能比任何其他人都吃得多。)

5.Royal Highne: (用作王室成员的尊称)殿下

6.Sir: (贵族头衔,用于爵士或准男爵的名字或姓名前面)爵士。这里指公爵。

7.no one would give a damn: 没人会在乎。这里是说“没人会管我结巴的事”。例如:But I don\'t give a damn about it.(我毫不在乎别人怎么说。)

8.knighted: 被授以爵位。Knight就是欧洲中世纪的骑士、爵士。

9.Makes it official then: 那就是官方的笨蛋了。

10.My \'castle\', my rules: 我的地盘我做主。类似于精讲台词一里面的my game, my turf, my rules。

11.You have a bit of a temper: 脾气还很烈嘛。

12.natter: 唠叨,闲聊。

例如:He nattered (on) about his work.(他唠叨自己的工作。)

13.a fortune: 这里是说咨询费“一大笔钱”。也可以说“a small fortune”。

这里再向大家介绍几个含有a fortune的短语:

a hostage to fortune 可能招惹麻烦(或担忧)的东西(或许诺);造成后患的事物 make a fortune 发迹、致富、发财



In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas, this meage, spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you as if I were able to cro your threshold and speak to you





For the second time in the lives of most of us, we are at war.

Over and over again, we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies; but it has been in vain.

We have been forced into a conflict, for which we are called, with our allies to meet the challenge of a principle which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world.

It is a principle which permits a state in the selfish pursuit of power to disregard its treaties and its solemn pledges, which sanctions the use of force or threat of force against the sovereignty and independence of other states.

Such a principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right, and if this principle were established through the world, the freedom of our own country and of the whole British Commonwealth of nations would be in danger.

But far more than this, the peoples of the world would be kept in bondage of fear, and all hopes of settled peace and of security, of justice and liberty, among nations, would be ended.

This is the ultimate iue which confronts us.For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear, and of the world order and peace, it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge.

It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home and my peoples acro the seas, who will make our cause their own.

I ask them to stand calm and firm and united in this time of trial.

The task will be hard.There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield, but we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God.If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, ready for whatever service or sacrifice it may demand, then with God\'s help, we shall prevail.

May He ble and keep us all.









推荐第4篇:国王的演讲 英文读后感

The King’s Speech

32013100028 孟雨

This is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem.Widely considered by all but his father unfit to be king, George is reluctantly thrust unto the throne and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate.Overshadowed on the global stage by powerful orators like Adolph Hitler and Benito Muolini, the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue to find his voice and courageously lead his people into the most devastating war humanity has ever faced.

This is a powerful, hilarious and deeply moving story, told against the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a profeional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted.The screenplay, written by David Seidler (who also wrote Tucker: The Man and his Dream), is excellent.The dry British wit is hilarious.I was literally slapping my knee during some of the scenes.Tom Hooper (Elizabeth I) does a superb job directing this movie.The buildup to the climactic finale is skillfully executed and prompted the audience to erupt into spontaneous applause.(Apparently, this also happened at the Roy Thomson Hall premiere.) Geoffrey Rush (Elizabeth: The Golden Age) does a fantastic job as Lionel Logue and Colin Firth (A Single Man) is excellent as King George VI.

I saw the second public screening of this movie at the Ryerson Theater during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).Tom Hooper was present to introduce the movie.He was joined by Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush after the movie ended for a brief Q&A.

It turns out that David Seidler also had a stuttering problem as a child and drew inspiration from the king\'s struggle.Early in his career he wanted to write a screenplay about it.He dutifully asked the Queen Mother for permiion.She agreed but told him \"not in my lifetime\".Little did he know she would live to be 101 and he would have to wait another 30 years.

Another interesting tidbit we learned was that near the end of the shoot, the crew finally located one of Lionel Logue\'s grandsons, who just so happened to live about 10 minutes away from the director.They got acce to Lionel\'s diaries and correspondence and managed to incorporate some of it into the script.

This movie is an unqualified must see.

推荐第5篇:国王的演讲 英文影评

Shining Friends

Besides your family and your relatives, who will help you without any paid? Who will inspire you when you are disappointed? Who will always beside you when you are impecunious? Who will remind you of continuing hard work when you get dizzy with succe? The answer is apparent: real friends.Life with a bosom friend is sufficient.I do really agree with this saying after I watch the movie The King’s Speech.

The King’s Speech is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem with the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue.Bertie, King George VI, is a fatherly, responsible but self-abased and irritable prince.Lionel, an Australian speech therapist out of profeor is a calm, wise and affectionate old man.When the two men of different character meet because the duche recommends Lionel to cure the king’s stuttering interesting things happen.

When they first meet, Lionel insists on calling himself Lionel and calling the prince Bertie, which is immediately objected by the prince.But at last, the prince accepts Lionel’s special teaching method and treats him as a friend.This is a movie without an antagonist.The strongest enemy that King George VI must confront and beat is himself.When he is a prince, he is expected too much but he is never too streful to escape; on the contrary, he is familiar with national affairs and international situation and he cares much about his people than his brother Edward who is expected to get to throne at first.In his subconsciousne, he wants to be a1

good king and be affirmed by his father, but he shrinks because his stuttering.Lionel absolutely knows his king and endeavors to cure him and encourage him to confront himself.As all of the friends in the world, Lionel and King George VI have quarrels, after which they come together.It is no doubt that King George VI treats Lionel to be his real friend; otherwise he won’t let Lionel call himself Bertie which is the proprietary rights of his family, he won’t leak his miserable childhood to Lionel, he won’t swallow his pride to apologize to Lionel and he won’t insist on Lionel to be his consultant after he knows that Lionel is not a doctor.Lionel treats King George VI to be his friend rather than a king; otherwise he won’t ask for equal and always behaves unhurriedly, he won’t say something poignant to the king for the sake of his friend.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.There two themes which move me deeply.One is that after King George V’ death Bertie comes to Lionel’s to pour out his tormented; when he thanks Lionel, Lionel says “what are friends for”.Only real friends will say this because they want to help you but never expect rewards.The other is that when King George VI has only 40 minutes to prepare his speech and he needs his friend Lionel who asks the driver to drive to the palace as fast as poible in spite of the fighter plane’s flying above him.Maybe the best best friend is someone who cares about you more than himself.Their truehearted friendship reminds me of some lyrics in the song Shining Friends: See my smile, my friendship.We are with you, holding hands, you have got to believe you are my destiny.We are meant to be your friends.That’s what a friendship should be.I think they are shining friends of each other.

The King’s Speech is a biographical movie but not a boring one.Besides the impreive friendship, it also contains many wonderful elements, for instance, visual performance of its actors like Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter, winding plot, real background and suitable costumes.The King’s Speech is thought highly by people and it receives 4 awards from Oscar, including best film, best director, best actor and best original screenplay.In my opinion, it is love that accomplish this movie; love between friends, between husband and wife, between father and daughters, these are the most affecting plots.The King’s Speech presents the background of that time to us, tells us how to confront defects of ourselves and annotates us what bosom friends are.In relief, it definitely lives up to its frame.


A review of One Flew Over the Cuckoo`s nest There is a widespread anecdote : A frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.This story called The boiling frog .And One Flew Over the Cuckoo`s nest just demonstratses this phenomena.People in the cuckoo`s nest just like this frog who get accustoumed to the life that is schedualled and controlled by others and lose the courage to leave.And it takes a lot to go out this slowly heated water.People in the cuckoo`s nest who are compelled to eat medicine and listen harsh music and are not allowed to watch the ball game are threated badly.Although they always complain about the Cuckoo`s nest ,it never occurred that they want to flew over this disgusting place .They has adapted to the life of being principled ,and their awarene of resistance has died out.When Memurphy comes to there ,he begins to resist the authority of nurse Ralched by claiming to turn down the music and change the schedual to watch the ball game and bring people outside to go fishing.At last , the chief`s awarene of resistence comes to be aroused and leave this water that is slowly heated succefully.

My review of The King`s Speech The succe of the king`s speech lies in his strong perseverance as well as an equal and trustful relationship has been built between the king and Dr Longue.There is no doubt that the king is a man with a strong will,which is one factor of his succe .In order to overcome his stuttering problem,he meets many doctors and suffers a lot,but he always doesn`t give up.At the beginning of the film,he puts up with the suffer of insertingr seven marbles,which gets him angry at last.He still goes to see Dr Longue although he has told his wife not to introduce any doctors to him .Besides,he insists on repeating tongue twisters even when he goes out to persuade his brother David.Another factor is that there is a relationship with total equality and trust.Owing to the king is faithful in Lionel,he can accept his special




as jumping ,shouting ,rolling on the ground,ect..Due to the equality and trust,the king considers Lionel as his friend,and shares what he has experienced when he was a child and his fear of his father and brother.So that Lionel gives the king faith in his voice and makes him believe in himself through communication with the king and stimulation by siting on Saint Edward`s chair.Therefore,the king can have courage to give a succeful speech and becomes the symbol of nation resistence.




This is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem.Widely considered by all but his father unfit to be king, George is reluctantly thrust unto the throne and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate.Overshadowed on the global stage by powerful orators like Adolph Hitler and Benito Muolini, the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue to find his voice and courageously lead his people into the most devastating war humanity has ever faced.

This is a powerful, hilarious and deeply moving story, told against the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a profeional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted.The screenplay, written by David Seidler (who also wrote Tucker: The Man and his Dream), is excellent.The dry British wit is hilarious.I was literally slapping my knee during some of the scenes.Tom Hooper (Elizabeth I) does a superb job directing this movie.The buildup to the climactic finale is skillfully executed and prompted the audience to erupt into spontaneous applause.(Apparently, this also happened at the Roy Thomson Hall premiere.) Geoffrey Rush (Elizabeth: The Golden Age) does a fantastic job as Lionel Logue and Colin Firth (A Single Man) is excellent as King George VI.

I saw the second public screening of this movie at the Ryerson Theater during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).Tom Hooper was present to introduce the movie.He was joined by Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush after the movie ended for a brief Q&A.

It turns out that David Seidler also had a stuttering problem as a child and drew inspiration from the king\'s struggle.Early in his career he wanted to write a screenplay about it.He dutifully asked the Queen Mother for permiion.She agreed but told him \'not in my lifetime\'.Little did he know she would live to be 101 and he would have to wait another 30 years.

Another interesting tidbit we learned was that near the end of the shoot, the crew finally located one of Lionel Logue\'s grandsons, who just so happened to live about 10 minutes away from the director.They got acce to Lionel\'s diaries and correspondence and managed to incorporate some of it into the script.

This movie is an unqualified must see.


Rarely do you get to see a movie that promises a lot and then, lives up to it\'s promise.The King\'s Speech is a rare piece, indeed.

The movie starts off with a stammering speech and signs off with a staggering one, with hardly any glitches in between.The basic premise of the movie is fairly simple.A king with a stutter is helped by a maverick speech therapist to overcome his problem and become an inspiring orator.That sounds like a very known territory to most movie goers.But few minutes into the movie, and you realize that this one simply pushes the bar a notch higher.

It is a very pleasing movie, doesn\'t lead the audience into a lot of uncomfortable questions.However, the artistry lies in the overall balance of the movie.You slowly start getting gripped by David Seidler\'s screenplay.The actors are superb, takes it slow and steady with superb grip on each of their characters.While Colin Firth puts in a spectacular performance (one you can\'t mi), Geoffrey Rush goes a bit more old school and pulls off a subtle and deep portrayal.One that fills up your heart but also keeps your brain active.Humor comes in here and there, with a very easy flow and steady pace.Not for a single moment do you perceive the movie as dull.Helena Bonham Carter is good.Guy Pearce is appropriate, though he does look a bit too casual at times (maybe that was an intentional character flaw)。

Most of the movie had been filmed indoors, albeit with eloquent art direction.But the occasional sequences shot outside had been filmed very beautifully, portraying a very dreamy picture of the then England.Sometimes, the camera goes in too close to the characters, and stays there for a while, just long enough to give us a sense of suffocation, quite an artistic equivalent of a speech disorder ! But then again, negative shades had been whitewashed with joyous ones and you never perceive it as a dark movie.Direction wise, Tom Hooper is bang on ! This is the kind of a movie where you want to give a lot of credit to the director.The set-up is such that the dramatic elements are high but needs to be tamed, so that it doesn\'t goes over board.And Mr.Hooper hits the bulls eye ! Perfect balance.

All points considered, it\'s a brilliant movie and a must watch.


The King\'s Speech is both a lot funnier and, strangely, a lot more polite than you\'d probably expect.

The humour mostly comes from Geoffrey Rush\'s speech therapist, who aims to cure Colin Firth\'s Duke of York\'s terrible stammer.And this is increasingly imperative; as the film begins, reigning monarch King George V (Michael Gambon) is ailing.There is some controversy over the next-in-line – Guy Pearce\'s Edward.Not only is Edward a bi-plane-flying, party-loving socialite but he is also in a relationship with American divorcee Wallis Simpson (Eve Best)。 Marrying her would cause a constitutional crisis – and potentially rip apart the Church of England.

With the advent of radio, the monarch must be able to speak well, and Firth may well be in the job sooner than he thinks.After trying many options, wife Helena Bonham Carter\'s Elizabeth finally turns to an Antipodean, specialising in some rather unconventional techniques, based on London\'s Harley Street.The Duke and the speech therapist form an unlikely friendship, verbally and even physically bouncing off each other with middle-aged abandon.

These scenes are the backbone of the film.They are funny, entertaining and performed by two actors obviously enjoying themselves enormously.Geoffrey Rush delivers great line after great line and Firth \'reacts\' with a deadpan straightne.You\'d wish there would be more of these moments.Additional comedy comes from some of the background characters.For instance, Timothy Spall\'s Winston Churchill rides the line of parody (mostly) succefully.

As for the film\'s politene – some of it comes, predictably, from Firth\'s monarch-in-waiting.He\'s mild-mannered and sensitive royalty, and Firth employs a similarly understated approach than that of his work in A Single Man.The portrayal is quinteentially English, and as good as we\'ve come to expect from Firth recently.

The remaining politene comes from the film\'s level of drama.There are crown-loads of dramatic potential here – the troublesome father-son relationship between Gambon\'s truculent, demanding monarch and Firth\'s stammering son; the tension coming from the American interloper; the painful, unfolding, prelude to the Second World War playing out – but it\'s all background noise.Sometimes it feels forgotten about entirely, and historical perspective is, almost tastelely, lost.And although there is a definite direction and development throughout the movie, there\'s only a sprinkling of edge-of-your-seat material.Any drama is tentative and inoffensive.

So, although there is a lot of humour, crowd-pleasing fun and some award-worthy performances, there is a lack of edge and darkne here.Triumph over adversity is fine if you get the measure of bitter and sweetne right.The King\'s Speech fails, and the end result is questionable and problematic.


Rarely do you get to see a movie that promises a lot and then, lives up to it\'s promise.The King\'s Speech is a rare piece, indeed.

The movie starts off with a stammering speech and signs off with a staggering one, with hardly any glitches in between.The basic premise of the movie is fairly simple.A king with a stutter is helped by a maverick speech therapist to overcome his problem and become an inspiring orator.That sounds like a very known territory to most movie goers.But few minutes into the movie, and you realize that this one simply pushes the bar a notch higher.

It is a very pleasing movie, doesn\'t lead the audience into a lot of uncomfortable questions.However, the artistry lies in the overall balance of the movie.You slowly start getting gripped by David Seidler\'s screenplay.The actors are superb, takes it slow and steady with superb grip on each of their characters.While Colin Firth puts in a spectacular performance (one you can\'t mi), Geoffrey Rush goes a bit more old school and pulls off a subtle and deep portrayal.One that fills up your heart but also keeps your brain active.Humor comes in here and there, with a very easy flow and steady pace.Not for a single moment do you perceive the movie as dull.Helena Bonham Carter is good.Guy Pearce is appropriate, though he does look a bit too casual at times (maybe that was an intentional character flaw).

Most of the movie had been filmed indoors, albeit with eloquent art direction.But the occasional sequences shot outside had been filmed very beautifully, portraying a very dreamy picture of the then England.Sometimes, the camera goes in too close to the characters, and stays there for a while, just long enough to give us a sense of suffocation, quite an artistic equivalent of a speech disorder ! But then again, negative shades had been whitewashed with joyous ones and you never perceive it as a dark movie.Direction wise, Tom Hooper is bang on ! This is the kind of a movie where you want to give a lot of credit to the director.The set-up is such that the dramatic elements are high but needs to be tamed, so that it doesn\'t goes over board.And Mr.Hooper hits the bulls eye ! Perfect balance.

All points considered, it\'s a brilliant movie and a must watch. Even now, the die is being cast.By 5pm today Pacific Time (1am tomorrow GMT), academicians will have lodged the last of their Oscar votes.On Sunday, these may or may not provide The King\'s Speech with the coronation so many expect.Yet even if, in spite of that avalanche of nominations, this doesn\'t happen, perhaps it won\'t matter all that much.This film can manage without Hollywood\'s ultimate accolade.It\'s built its own legend already.


It\'s not just the ecstatic reviews, the sackload of awards and the startling box office takings.This is a film that\'s had people queuing around the block to see it and standing up to applaud as the credits roll.Yet it\'s a low-budget costume piece of the kind the Brits have delivered so often before to no particular effect.Its triumph has therefore shattered much conventional wisdom.

普遍看法是,如今不再有观众在大银幕上观看小成本戏剧。老影迷已经灭绝。英国电影别指望赚大钱:本土市场不够广阔;需要资金雄厚的投资商,但无从觅得;公共资助不足,而且投资者不知如何挑选优胜者;同时即便有优秀影片诞生,它们也进不了本土影院,遑论出口海外了。2 We were told that these days, there\'s no longer a big-screen audience for small-scale drama.That older cinemagoers have become extinct.That Britflicks shouldn\'t expect to hit the jackpot: our home market\'s not large enough; deep-pocketed investors are needed but can\'t be found; there isn\'t enough public funding, and those who disburse what there is don\'t know how to pick winners; while even if the right films were to get made, they couldn\'t get into our own cinemas, let alone the rest of the world\'s. 现在英国人打开了眼界,但为了从此经验中受益,英国人还需要知道:为什么《国王的演讲》如此成功?

We\'ve now learned different, but to benefit from this leon, there\'s something we need to know.Just why has The King\'s Speech been such a succe? 业内专家并不知道答案,因为他们并没有预料到本片的胜利。现在,他们会推崇Prescience公司和英国电影协会等投资方的远见、四象限受众选择法、针对评奖季的定位、Momentum公司和英国分销商的卓越营销,以及美国同行温斯坦兄弟机智的搭桥引线。不过他们也承认除此以外还有更多原因。 We\'ve now learned different, but to benefit from this leon, there\'s something we need to know.Just why has The King\'s Speech been such a succe? 于是,和许多评论家(以及电影艺术与科学学院奖的提名者)一样,这些专家表示他们相信本片有杰出的表演、精致的剧本、优秀的美术指导以及动人的摄影、服装、剪辑、作曲和混音。然而,即使你相信所有这些好评都不算过誉,但从什么时候开始电影只要够出色就能被大众接受呢?我们现在不是在谈论一部经典电影(本片还不够老),我们讨论的是一部大卖电影。大卖电影往往要引发共鸣,而不仅仅是铺陈其优点。

So, like many of the critics (and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominators), they point to what they deem to be magnificent acting, a fine script, clay production design and, for that matter, impreive cinematography, costumes, editing, score and sound-mix.Yet, even if you\'re sure that all this esteem isn\'t at least a little exceive, since when was mere excellence enough to bring in the crowds? We\'re not talking about a claic (yet); we\'re discuing a hit.And those tend to strike a chord, not just parade merit. 《国王的演讲》导演汤姆·霍伯认为本片和《阿凡达》一样是在挖掘相同的跨文化理念。好吧,那到底是什么理念?

The film\'s director, Tom Hooper, has opined that The King\'s Speech appears to be mining the same cro-cultural myths as the likes of Avatar.OK, so what myths are we talking about? 一位美国分析师以《功夫梦》为范例,在本片中准确找到10个关键元素,证明本片就是披着一线大片外皮的B级片,和其他类似电影一样受他鄙视。对于小说家米歇尔·罗伯茨而言,本片就是关于性别的:“从艺术手法上讲,有缺陷的国王象征了所有普通人,当他重获话语权时,就能恢复所有力量。继而他可以领导人民去战斗。”

An American analyst has identified 10 key elements that locate the film firmly in the paradigm of The Karate Kid, thus revealing it to be a B-movie story decked out \"in A-list rags\", like other such exercises he disdains.For novelist Michèle Roberts, it\'s all about gender: \"The damaged king, who by artistic sleight of hand is Everyman, can be restored to full potency when he gets his voice back.Then he can lead his people into war.\" 你被说服了吧?这就是麻烦所在:任何人都可以发表意见。如果你要用个人偏见来支持自己的理论,那么要如何证明你错了?询问影迷也没有多大作用,因为许多理论会臆断影迷们拥有一些潜意识反应,而且即便影迷认识到这种反应存在也可能不肯承认。不过,有一些常见的对电影的诠释好像非常合理。

Persuaded yet? That\'s the trouble with this game.Anyone can play.If you want to fuel your theory with your own prejudices, who\'s to prove you wrong? There\'s not even much point in asking cinemagoers, since many theories will aume subconscious responses which their owners might not own up to even if they were aware of them.Still, some frequently offered interpretations seem perfectly commonsensical. 也许这就是一个讲述克服逆境的简单故事,其情节严格遵守《热带惊雷》中深刻阐明的道理:主角要有缺陷,但不能完全是白痴。或者它就是普通的男性友情电影,捎带描绘一点阶级对立、奇迹还有“每个成功的男人背后都有一个伟大的女人”。这些主题都挺俗,本片似乎没像其他电影那样强调这些主题。

Perhaps it\'s a straightforward matter of triumph over adversity, with the tale adhering strictly to the rule so memorably spelt out in Tropic Thunder: \"Never go full retard.\" Or it\'s a standard bromance, with a bit of cla war table-turning and behind-every-succeful-man-there\'s-a-strong-woman.All of these may be popular themes, but this film seems to deploy them le emphatically than plenty of others have done. 于是我们必须考虑故事背景,转变为更独特、更具时代精神的观念。在部分被本片激怒的左撇子人群眼中,萧条世道所诱发的怀旧情绪“使得深为复古的《国王的演讲》受到过度的赞誉”。一些人则将本片受赞赏归因于“唐顿庄园综合症”,即华美服饰对受资本主义压迫的受害者有着过度的吸引力。其实应该是皇家服饰本身(我们在观赏“电影版的皇室婚礼”)让这些观众更为敏感。而且本片本可以展示浮华得多的场面,或许其有限的预算支持拍摄出壮观得多的景象。1 Consideration must therefore turn to the more glamorous, zeitgeisty notions that have been toed into the frame.Nostalgia generated by hard times \"accounts for the exce of admiration heaped on the deeply retro The King\'s Speech\", in the eyes of at least one of the lefties that the film has annoyed.Some such thinkers blame the \"Downton Abbey syndrome\", that is, the perverse attraction of the trappings of poshne for the downtrodden victims of capitalist exce.That these should actually be the accoutrements of royalty itself (we\'re watching \"a sort of cinematic royal wedding\") provokes even deeper alarm.Yet the film dwells on grandiose spectacle far le than it might have done, or perhaps than its limited budget would have allowed. 人们相信社会同一性将消亡,于是民族自豪感得到了重振。对影片的这样一种诠释让一部分人痛苦,又让另一部分人欢欣。梅尔文·布拉格说:“在该电影的最后几分钟里,和我周围许多人一样,我深深地感动了。我觉得我们或者因为失去曾经的拥有而悲痛,或者在希冀能有所保留。我们希望自己独一无二而且被独立看待,这是很正常的。”1

The revival of national pride as a reaction to the supposed diolution of social identity is another explanation that also distrees some.Still, it much cheers others.Here\'s Melvyn Bragg: \"It seemed to me in the final minutes of that film, when like many around me I was deeply moved, that we either mourn the lo of what we had or wish to retain a version of it.Not unusually we want to be unique and to be seen to be unique.\" 或许应该注意到,战时观众为出现在新闻短片里的乔治六世鼓掌,就好像当代英国人为《国王的演讲》鼓掌一样。不过,本片不止打动了英国人。它在海外赚到的票房是在本土的三倍。其中大部分来自美国,试图解释其原因的利基理论比比皆是。本片被认为“隐喻了奥巴马——又一位在艰难时期用话语感动人民,而被赞美、尊敬和崇拜的领导者”。1 It should perhaps be noted that wartime audiences applauded the real George VI\'s newsreel appearances just as our own applaud The King\'s Speech.Still, this film hasn\'t clicked only with the British.It\'s taken three times as much money overseas as it has here.Most of that\'s come from America, and niche theories as to why this should be so abound.The film\'s been considered \"an allegory for the age of Barack Obama, another leader who has been celebrated, venerated, lionised for his ability, in challenging times, to move people with his words\". 另一看法是,据说美国人很乐于看到区区殖民地百姓强硬对抗狂妄的英国佬(英国佬现在仍胆敢小看曾经附属国的臣民)。更重要的是,本片被认为是在颂扬来自新大陆的亲切随和、直白奔放的价值观和信仰,能治愈陈腐的欧洲人那呆板顽固的文化。 “本片讲述的不是治疗口吃,而是治疗思想,”一位专家表示, “友谊对于伯蒂而言是有待探索的未知领域。洛格使伯蒂变得完善。”一些年轻英国人出人意料地喜欢此片,他们可能也喜欢这个观点。他们可能从片中看到了对老一代人粗暴态度的反抗。

Alternatively, Americans have been said to rejoice at seeing a mere colonial socking it to the snotty Brits, who still dare to look down on their former imperial subjects.More fundamentally, the film\'s been seen as celebrating the new world\'s informal, touchy-feely values and faith in therapy at the expense of the stiff-upper-lip culture of the stuffy Europeans.\"This is not about fixing a voice, but fixing a mind,\" notes one savant.\"Friendship is a voyage into the unknown for Bertie.[Lionel] Logue is gluing him together.\" Some of the younger Brits who\'ve been unexpectedly keen on the film may also have liked this angle.They may see it as a rejection of the oppreive attitudes of the older generation. 也许现在你有如下想法:《国王的演讲》显然结合了许许多多很有效的元素,一定就是这些元素单独的影响力累积起来,最后征服了观众。或者,你可能会总结认为该片有如此多吸引人之处,每个人总会为其中一处而着迷;所以本片爱好者是由多个完全不同的群体组成的。

Time, perhaps, to take a breath.Maybe by now you\'re thinking one of two things.The King\'s Speech clearly prees an impreive number of highly effective buttons.Surely it must be the cumulative effect of all these separate impacts that induces audiences to succumb.Or, you may be concluding that the film has so many attractive aspects that almost everybody will be beguiled by at least one of them; the throng of enthusiasts is therefore made up of entirely disparate sub-groups. 我们可以很容易地从这些分析中找到自己认可的一种,但也许每一种分析都有一点站不住脚。如果回顾那些伟大的电影,从《乱世佳人》到《ET》,或者从《音乐之声》到《大白鲨》,我们也很难认同它们只是各种成功元素的大杂烩。总的来看,热门电影不是知道很多事的狐狸,而是知道一件大事的刺猬。(此比喻源自古希腊诗人阿寄洛克思。)那么,既然说了这么多他人的意见,下面我也来试试解开本片成功的奥秘。

It\'s easy to adopt either of these analyses, but perhaps each is a bit of a cop-out.When you look back at cinema\'s great succees, from Gone with the Wind to ET, or The Sound of Music to Jaws, it\'s hard to believe that any of them can be put down to a mere ragbag of ingredients.On the whole, the big-screen hit turns out to be not a fox that knows many things, but a hedgehog that knows one big one.So, since everyone else seems to have had a go, here\'s my stab at the riddle inside the enigma. 本片的故事的确很有力而且讲得动听,但也并不特别。在我看来,是片中的政治内容将它提升到了现有高度。

This is indeed a robust and well-executed human story, but it\'s not an exceptional one.For my money, it\'s the political dimension that\'s taken it into the stratosphere. 本片塑造了一个领导人,而且其上映适逢欧美领导人令许多民众感到失望。民众已心知肚明不能指望那些领导人来解决问题,但还是希望他们至少尽其所能。然而相反的,从英国到阿拉伯,那些领导人证明了他们只为自己考虑。而伯蒂只想尽自己的职责。为了做到这一点,他愿意承受辛劳和侮辱。但他甚至不会去行使权力,因为他的命运是成为君主,但不是支配国家。

The film is about a leader, and it comes at a time when many of us feel that our leaders have let us down.We\'ve learned that we can\'t expect them to solve our problems, but we\'d at least like them to do their best.Yet from Westminster to the Arab world, they\'ve been demonstrating that instead, they\'re in it for themselves.Bertie, on the other hand, wants only to do his duty.To achieve this, he\'s prepared to submit himself to both exertion and indignity.In return, he won\'t even get to exercise power, since he\'s destined to reign, not rule. 伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊认为《国王的演讲》的成功,体现了对世袭制的广泛支持。从某种意义上说,他可能是正确的。英国人已经认识到,民主制需要候选的领导人作出虚假的承诺,当然,他们不可能兑现这些承诺。伯蒂没有必要承诺什么,因此也不需要抛弃他的诚信。 Boris Johnson sees the succe of The King\'s Speech as demonstrating popular support for the hereditary principle.In one sense, he could be right.We\'ve come to realise that democracy requires potential leaders to make us false promises; naturally they then fail to fulfil them.Bertie has no need to make promises, and thus no need to forgo his integrity. 伯蒂与我们所知的大部分领导人不同(他的对手希特勒是个典型),因为他不想要权力。人们和电影一样,更喜欢主人公有充分理由不情缘做主人公。人们常说,越贪心就越得不到。下议院议长根据仪式挪到他椅子上时不情不愿不是没有理由的。

He differs from most of the leaders we know of (archetypally Hitler, his antagonist) in that he doesn\'t want the job.People, like films, prefer reluctance in a hero with good reason.It\'s often been said that to want the top job should be enough to disqualify someone from actually getting it.Not for nothing is the speaker of the House of Commons ritually dragged unwillingly to his chair. 伯蒂的弱点使我们感到亲切,而不会有损他在隆重仪式上的魅力,当然如果上I\'m a Celebrity这种电视节目时就不一样了。虽然他是贵族,但他没成为伯灵顿俱乐部的公子哥儿,他并不拥有一切天然优势。与那些公子不同,即使某事物不再吸引他,他也会坚持下去。当然他的兄弟就放弃了,就像我们也会遗憾地痴迷于个人的权利欲望。

Bertie\'s vulnerability shows him to be one of us without negating the pomp that lends him glamour, as might an appearance on I\'m a Celebrity.Though he\'s blue-blooded, he\'s not one of our own Bullingdon toffs, already bleed with every advantage that life can bestow.And unlike them, he won\'t be walking away if the game ceases to appeal to him.His brother, of course, does just that, his behaviour foreshadowing our own unfortunate obseion with personal rights and cravings.

总之,我认为《国王的演讲》代替了现实生活中将令我们卖力鼓掌的演讲。当然这是一家之言。 In short, The King\'s Speech stands in for the real-life speech that we\'re all desperate to applaud.But what do I know?

推荐第9篇:国王的演讲 英文观后感

King speech

This is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem.Widely considered by all but his father unfit to be king, George is reluctantly thrust unto the throne and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate.Overshadowed on the global stage by powerful orators like Adolph Hitler and Benito Muolini, the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue to find his voice and courageously lead his people into the most devastating war humanity has ever faced.

This is a powerful, hilarious and deeply moving story, told against the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a profeional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted.The screenplay, written by David Seidler (who also wrote Tucker: The Man and his Dream), is excellent.The dry British wit is hilarious.I was literally slapping my knee during some of the scenes.Tom Hooper (Elizabeth I) does a superb job directing this movie.The buildup to the climactic finale is skillfully executed and prompted the audience to erupt into spontaneous applause.(Apparently, this also happened at the Roy Thomson Hall premiere.) Geoffrey Rush (Elizabeth: The Golden Age) does a fantastic job as Lionel Logue and Colin Firth (A Single Man) is excellent as King George VI.

I saw the second public screening of this movie at the Ryerson Theater during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).Tom Hooper was present to introduce the movie.He was joined by Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush after the movie ended for a brief Q&A.

It turns out that David Seidler also had a stuttering problem as a child and drew inspiration from the king\'s struggle.Early in his career he wanted to write a screenplay about it.He dutifully asked the Queen Mother for permiion.She agreed but told him \"not in my lifetime\".Little did he know she would live to be 101 and he would have to wait another 30 years.Another interesting tidbit we learned was that near the end of the shoot, the crew finally located one of Lionel Logue\'s grandsons, who just so happened to live about 10 minutes away from the director.They got acce to Lionel\'s diaries and correspondence and managed to incorporate some of it into the script.


72 00:09:03,730 -->00:09:06,728 QQ你好 有人在么? Hello.Is anyone there? LL我在上厕所

I\'m just in the loo.LL啊 约翰逊夫人 您来了 Ah, Mrs.Johnson There you are.LL抱歉 这儿没有前台 我喜欢凡事从简

I\'m sorry, there\'s no receptionist.I like to keep things simple.LL\"安贫知足即是富\" Poor and content is rich and rich enough QQ您说什么? Sorry? LL莎士比亚名言 您好么 Shakespeare.How are you? LL您好 How do you do? QQ还不错

Ahh, traveling alone LL说来有点尴尬 但是...恐怕您迟到了

Now, this is slightly awkward, But..I\'m afraid you\'re late.QQ是啊 是有点晚 Yes, I\'m afraid I am.LL约翰逊先生在哪儿? Where\'s Mr Johnson? 我瞒着他过来的

LLHe doesn\'t know I\'m here.这样的开头不太乐观啊

不 不 是这样 That\'s not a promising start.

No.no look QQ能找的医生我丈夫都看过了 但都不见效 My husband has seen everyone to no avail.QQ他已经放弃了

Awefully \'fraid he\'s given up hope.LL他还没来我这儿看过呢 He hasn\'t seen me.QQ您相当自信啊

You\'re awfully sure of yourself.LL只要病人求治愈心切

Well, I\'m sure of anyone who wants to be cured.LL他当然期望病能治好 Of course, he wishes to be cured.QQ我丈夫他...他得做公开演讲 My husband is umm..he\'s required to speak publicly.LL也许他该考虑换个工作?

QQ 换不了 Perhaps he should change jobs?

He can\'t LL他签了卖身契么 Indentured servitude? QQ性质差不多 就算是吧

Something of that nature.Yes LL得让您老公过来看看了

Well we need to have your hubby pop by...LL我有空

Uh..Tuesday would be good...LL跟我谈谈

He can give me his personal details LL做个全面分析

and I\'ll make a frank appraisal and then, LL就可以开始疗程了 We can take it from there.QQ 无意冒犯

Doctor, forgive me.QQ首先我不叫他\"老公\" I do not have a \"hubby\".QQ我们不\"看看\" We don\'t \"pop\" QQ也从来不谈论生活隐私

and nor do we ever talk about our private lives.QQ您...必须上门治疗

You...must come to us.LL歉了 约翰逊夫人 我的地盘我做主

I\'m Sorry, Mrs Johnson, my game, my turf, my rules.LL您得回去跟您丈夫商量

You\'ll have to talk over this with your hauband LL再打电话告诉我你们的决定

and then you can speak to me on the telephone.LL感谢您过来 恕不远送

Thank you very much for dropping by...Good afternoon.QQ那如果我告诉你我丈夫是约克公爵呢 And what if my husband were the Duke of York? LL约克公爵? The Duke of York? QQ是的...约克公爵

Yes...the Duke of York.LL预约上不是写的约翰逊么

I thought the appointment was for Johnson? LL请恕罪 尊敬的? Forgive me, your ...? LL王妃殿下

尊敬的王妃殿下 Royal Highne.

Your Royal Highne.QQ\"约翰逊\"曾用于一战战场 Johnson was used during the Great War; QQ海军不想让敌人察觉潜入了军舰

when the Navy didn\'t want the enemy to know he was aboard.LL说...我被当成敌人了? Am I...considered the enemy? QQ要是你不肯合作的话 就是了 You will be, if you remain unobliging.QQ对于此事必须严加保密

You\'ll appreciate the need for absolutely discretion LL一定一定 您是怎么找到我的呢 王妃殿下? Of course.How did you find me, Your Royal Highne? QQ矫治协会会长向我推荐的

The President of theSociety Speech Therapists.LL·麦克列奥德? 她还真敢 Eileen McCleod? She\'s a sport.QQ醒我说您的疗法

Dr McCleod warned me your antipodean methods QQ破传统\"又\"富有争议\" were unorthodox and controversial.QQ告诉她...这两个词我都不太喜欢

I warned her...those were not my favorite words.LL信心能治好您丈夫 I can cure your husband.LL我的疗法见效

But for my method to work LL求您们信任并平等相待

I need trust and total equality; 265 LL要在这儿 我的会诊室进行治疗

Here, in the safety of my consultation room.LL例外

No exceptions.QQ吧 既然如此...Well then, in that case...QQ时候开始? When can you start?


BOVRIL NOURISHES YOU TO RESIST \'FLU WW还是不太顺啊 伙计 Still sounds a bit rough, mate.爸 是你让我开那么慢的! u make me drive too slowly, Dad! WW伦敦桥接你妈了吗

Did you pick mum up from Bridge? LL乎一整天都在开车

Yes, I\'ve hardly been out of the car all day.WW下午来了位特别的访客

I had a special visitor this afternoon.GG离开餐桌吗?

有多特别? May I please leave this table

How special, special? WW 小家伙 逼着你听爸妈的无聊对话 No, You must stay, bored stupid,

listening to your parents?inane conversation.GG爸爸...也谢谢妈!


Thanks Dad..and Mum!

and Mum.GG

你是要去见吉恩么? Me too.

You meeting Jean? GG人啦 No, someone else.WW士?高材生? Doctor? Doctor? WW帮着兄弟们一起洗碗么? Can\'t you help your brother with the washing...了

I\'m fine.是谁呢 莱昂奈尔?MM Who\'s it Lionel? 既然不能说干嘛还提MM Why bring it up if you can\'t talk about it? 茉特尔 就是一个女士WW Myrtle, It\'s just a woman, 让我帮她丈夫看病而已WW looking to help her husband.WW我还收到面试演出的通知

Oh! And I had a call?for an audition.我最爱的一出戏 WW

你哪部不喜欢来着WW One of my favorites.

Aren\'t they all? 肯定特别有意思 It Could be a lot of fun.MM相信你一定会演得很棒的 I\'m sure you\'ll be splendid.余剧团里 这个团有很高的评价WW In the amateur scene, they\'re a highly regarded group.从帕特尼区来的WW From Putney.就到这吧 姑娘们 明天讲第四章QQ at\'s all girls.Tomorrow, Chapter IV.MM行\" THE FLIGHT 知道他们飞...MM I long to know they fly to.我等不及了QQ I can\'t wait 哦 他们飞走了!GG Oh, to fly away! 多幸运哪!GG Weren\'t they lucky! MM来讲个故事嘛 Now Papa tell a story! GG能改扮企鹅? Could I be a penguin instead? MM我想听企鹅故事


Now I want to hear a penguin story.

Very quickly GG 有两位小公主...Once, there were two princees...伊丽莎白公主(现英女皇伊丽莎白二世) Prince Elizabeth GG格丽特公主 and Prince Margaret.GG的爸爸是一只企鹅

whose Papa was a penguin.GG一个女巫给他施了魔法

This was because he had been turned into one by the wicket witch.GG...给他造成很大困难...This was an...inconvenient for him..GG他喜欢把小公主们搂在怀里

because he loved to hold his princees in his arms...GG企鹅做不到

you can\'t do that if you\'re a penguin, GG它翅膀跟鲱鱼一样短

because you have wings like herrings.MM没有翅膀

Herrings don\'t have wings.GG翅膀 形状...像鲱鱼

Penguins have wings which is shaped like herrings GG糕的是

and make matters worse...GG把他丢到了南极

is that she sent him to the South Pole.GG不会飞 所以回去要...走很久很久

which is an awfully long walk..back.if you can\'t fly.GG呢...等他走到海边 So..When he reached the water, GG一头扎了进去 游得非常快

he dived in through the dept so fast...GG时他就到达南安普顿了

that he was in Southampton waters by lunchtime.GG儿 他搭上2:30的船来到韦布里奇 And from there, he took the 2.30 to Weybridge, GG拉彭交叉口换车

changed at Clapham Junction GG位路过的勇士问了去白金汉宫的路

and asked a paing Mallard the way to Buckingham Palace.GG着泰晤士河一直游 He swam up the Thames, GG从排水孔钻了出来 out through the plughole, GG子

and gave the cook, GG还有...惠特克夫人大吃一惊 Mama and ...Mrs Whittaker quite a shock.GG们听到了骚动声

Now when the girls heard all the commotions, GG跑来厨房 帮他仔细地擦洗干净

they ran to the kitchen where they gave him a good scrub, GG他一条小鱼 亲了它一下 a mackerel and a ki.GG们亲吻他时 and as they kied him, GG他变成了什么? gue what he turned into? MM英俊的王子! A handsome prince.GG短尾巴的信天翁 A short-tailed Albatro.GG大大的翅膀 With wings so big GG的公主们都搂在怀里

that he could wrap them both his two girls together.205 :15:51,546 -->00:15:52,868 辛普森夫人也会去么?MM Will Mrs Simpson be there? 我哥哥坚持要她去MM My brother\'s insisting.他是认真的?MM Is he serious? 你是说当真要她来参加晚宴?GG About her coming to dinner? 不 对她的感情是认真的?MM No.About her! 对一个有夫之妇? 不可能GG A married woman? He can\'t be.她可是会的MM She can.对了MM By the way, 我觉得我找到了一个很有趣的人MM I think I found someone rather interesting.住在哈利街 是一个医生MM On Harley Street.A doctor.别再说了GG Out of the question.不想再说了 我已决定不接受治疗GG I\'m not having this conversation again.The matter\'s settled.


(1925) King George V reigns over a quarter of the world\'s people.He asks his second son, the Duke of York, to give the closing speech at the Empire Exhibition in hand...Sterilized.

Now...if I may take the liberty? ...insert them into your mouth.Wembley, London.The King\'s Speech You\'re live in two minutes.Your Royal Highne Sir Thank you Let the microphone do the work, sir.I am sure you will be splendid.Just take your time.Time to go.Good afternoon.This is the BBC National Programme and Empire Services taking you to Wembley Stadium for the Closing Ceremony of the Empire Exhibition.where His Royal Highne the Duke of York will read a meage from the his father, his Majesty, King George the fifth.British Colonies and Dominions have taken part, making this the largest Exhibition staged anywhere in the world.Your Majesty, flashes, and steady red means you\'re live.Using the new invention of radio The Opening Ceremony was the first time his Majesty the King addreed his subjects on the wirele.At the close of the first Season The air to the throne His Royal Highne the Prince Wales made his first broadcast And today, his younger brother his Royal Highne, the Duke of York will give his inaugural broadcast to the Nation and the World.I have received from his Majesty the…the…the ...the King Piccadilly, London

Inhale deep into your lungs, your Royal Highne.Relaxes your larynx, does it not? Cigarette smoking calms the nerves and gives you confidence.If Your Highne will be so kind as to open your Excuse me, Doctor.What is the purpose of this? It\'s the claic approach that cured Demosthenes.That was in Ancient Greece.Has it worked since? Now if you would be so kind as to read.A wealth of words.

Fight against those marbles Your Royal Highne.Enunciate!

A little more concentration your Royal Highne.I nearly swallowed the bloody things! Thank you so much, Doctor, it\'s been most interesting.Your Royal Highne Insert marbles!

He can insert his own bloody marbles....! Tick, tock, tick, tock.

You can\'t keep doing this, Bertie.I know.Promise me Promise me: no more.Harley Street

Dr.Chapman, L Logue, Speech Defects

Australia is calling;Sydney bridge celebrations mar Hello.Is anyone there? I\'m just in the loo.

Hello Mrs Johnson, there you are.

Sorry I don\'t have receptionist.I like to keep things simple

“Poor and content is rich and rich enough” For?

Shakespeare.How are you? How do you do Ahh, traveling alone

Now, this is slightly awkward But I\'m afraid you\'re late.Yes, I\'m afraid I am.Where\'s Mr Johnson? He doesn\'t know I\'m here.

That\'s not a very promising start.

No.My husband has seen everyone to no avail.He\'s given up hope.He hasn\'t seen me.

You\'re awfully sure of yourself.

I\'m sure of anyone who wants to be cured.

Of course he wants to be cured.My husband is required to speak publicly.Perhaps he should change jobs.He can\'t.Indentured servitude? Something of that nature.Yes Well we need to have your hubby pop by...Tuesday would be good...He can give me his personal details and I\'ll make a BOVRIL NOURISHES YOU TO RESIST \'FLU Still sounds a bit rough.

You make me drive too slowly, Dad! Did you pick mum up from Bridge?

Yes, I\'ve hardly been out of the car all day.I had a special visitor this afternoon.May I be please leave the table? How special is special?

You must stay, bored stupid,listening to your parents\' frank appraisal.And then we can take it from there Doctor, forgive me.I do not have a “hubby”.We don\'t „pop\'.

And nor do we never talk about our private lives.You must come to us.Sorry, Mrs J, my game, my turf, my rules.You\'ll have to talk over with your husband And then you can speak to me on the telephone Thank you very much for dropping by.Good afternoon And what if my husband were the Duke of York? The Duke of York? Yes the Duke of York.I thought the appointment was for “Johnson”?Highne.Your Royal Highne.Johnson was used during the Great War when the Navy didn\'t want the enemy to know „he\' was aboard.Am I considered the enemy? You will be if you remain un-obliging.You\'ll appreciate the need for absolutely discretion Of course.How did you find me? Your Royal Highne The President of the Society for Speech Therapists Eileen McCleod? She\'s a sport.She warned me your antipodean methods were “unorthodox and controversial”.

I warned her...they were not my favorite words.I can cure your husband.But for my method to work I need trust and total equality here in the safety of my consultation room.No exceptions.Well then, in that case...When can you start? inane conversation.Thanks, dad!

- And mum.You\'re meeting Jean? No, someone else

Doctor? Doctor? Don\'t you help you brother with the washing up I\'m fine

Who is it Lionel?

Why bring it up if you can\'t talk about it?

Myrtle, just a woman looking to help her husband.And I had a „call\'.For an audition

- One of my favourates.- Aren\'t they all.

- Could be a lot of fun – I\'m sure you\'ll be splendid In the amateur scene, they\'re a highly regarded group From Putney.

That\'s all girls.Tomorrow, Chapter ,The FlightI can\'t wait Oh, to fly away! Weren\'t they lucky! Now Papa tell a story!

Could I be a penguin instead? Now I want to a penguin story.Very quickly

Once there were two princees

Princees Elisabeth, and Princees Margret Their papa was a penguin

This was because he been turned into by a wicked witch

This was inconvenient for him because he loved to hold his princees in his arms

and you can\'t do that if you\'re a penguin, because you have wings like herrings.Herrings don\'t have wings.

Penguins have wings which like the shape of herrings.And what make matters worse she sent him to the South Pole

which is an awfully long walk back if you can\'t fly.When he reached the water He dived in, through the depth so fast that he was in Southampton Waters by lunchtime.From there he took the .to Weybridge, changed at Clapham Junction and asked a paing Mallard the way to Buckingham Palace.He swam up the Thames and out through the plughole, giving the cook mama and Mrs Whittaker quite a Logue.Lionel Logue.Well, Mr Logue,

I\'m not hearing the cries of a deformed creature yearning to be King.

Nor did I realize Richard the Third was King of the Colonies.

I do know all the lines.I\'ve played the role before.Perth.

- Major theater town, is it?Ah.You\'re playing music.let me play it back to youjust take your time form your words carefully Science, I am enabled, this C Relax! Just try it!

...this Christmas Day, to speak to all my p- Do it!

Lying bastard.

- You\'re playing music.that is the question:yes this is actually quite good fun.Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmother.Short the humming each time Manufacturing…the district…

- Another deep breath and “jack and Jill”went up the hill Just sway… perfect

We are not permit to ask…to Loosen the shoulder

Ding dong bell, Puy\'s in the well Who put her in? Little Johnny Green Have a short memory Bertie? Come oncowking

Anyone who can shout vowels in an open window can learn to deliver a speech.it is ...fatherfather Sandringham Estate

- Hello, Bertie.I see you\'ve been coming outwhat\'s going on here?… what you\'re taking about would you do that?Let me help you sirthank you sirDavid, the dinnerYou sure?Oh! For heaven\'s sake..that was a lucky gue! Don\'t listen to egghead.Go on, Dad. “the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not.Sometimes a thousand twanging instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometimes voices, That, if then I had waked after long sleep, Will make“Swanee River”

- I love that song.Sing me the chorus.I\'m not going to sit me sleep again:”

Alright, clever clogs, what comes next?the clouds me thought “The clouds me thought would open, And show riches Ready to drop upon me; that...”” ...when I waked, I cried to dream again.” It\'s such a sad thought.My next patient must be a bit early.You better go lads, I\'m sorry.Won\'t be a moment, Clifford.Bertie, they told me not to expect you.Sorry about your father.I don\'t wish to intrude..No..Not at all, please come in I\'ve been practising.One hour a day.In spite of everything.What\'s going on there? I was, sorry, mucking around with my kids.Do you feel like working today? A Curtis bi-plane.I\'ll put on some hot milk.Logue, I\'d kill for something stronger.I wasn\'t there for my father\'s death.Still makes me sad.I can imagine so.He was brewer.At least there was free beer.Here\'s to the memory of your father.I was informed, after the fact, my father\'s …last words were:

“Bertie has more..guts than the rest of his brothers..put together.”

He couldn\'t say that to my face.My brother.What about him?I\'m sorry? What songs do you know? here wobbling You can with me.

Because… you\'re peculiar.I take that as a compliment.Rules are rules

I\'m not…crooning “Swanee River!” Try “Camptown Races” then.

“My brother D, he said to me, doodah doo-dah...”No

Does it feel strange, now that David\'s on the throne? Tell you the truth, It was a relief...Knowing..I wouldn\'t be ..King.

But unle he produces an heir, you\'re next in line.And your daughter, Elizabeth, would then succeed you.

“You\'re barking up the wrong tree now, Doctor, Doctor.”

“Lionel,” You didn\'t stammer.

Of course I didn\'t stammer, I was singing! Well, as a little reward,

you get to put some glue on these struts.No, not at all David and I were very close.Young bucks...You know.Did you chase the same girls?

David was always very helpful in arranging introductions.

We shared… the expert ministrations of “Paulette” in Paris.

Not at the same time of course.Did David ever tease you? Oh yes they all did.

“Buh-buh-buh-Bertie”.Father encouraged it. “Get it out, boy!”

Said it would make me stop.” Said...”I was afraid of my father,

and my children are damn well going to be afraid of

8 me”.

Are you naturally right handed? Left.I was… punished.Now I use the right.Yes, that\'s very common with stammerers.Anything other corrections? Knock knees.Metal… splints were made...worn…day and night That must have been painful.Bloody agony.Straight legs now.Who were you closest to in your family? Nannies.Not my first nanny..she loved David...hated me.When I..was presented to my parents for the daily viewing, she\'d...She pinch me so I\'d cry, and be…handed back to her immediately, then she wouldn\'t…

- sing itDo you want a top-up?you\'re the first ordinary Englishman...Thank youI have to keep doing this This is your fault.Oh no One hundred year old spruces removed to improve the


Who do you think she is?

Nonethele...we must try to be pleasant towards Mrs Simpson.

You know she calls me “The Fat Scottish Cook”? You\'re not fat.I\'m getting plump.You seldom cook.

- I sifted seven.Their Royal Highnees the Duke and Duche of York.

How lovely to see you both.

Welcome to our little country shack.I came at the invitation of the King.Your Majesty

- All rightThank you.DavidDoing what?Haven\'t I any rights?where have you been all this time? I\'ve been talking to.Never mind.I tried to be All that work, down the drain.My own ..brother...I couldn\'t say..a single word to him in reply! Why do you stammer more with David than you do with me?

Because you\'re bloody well paid to listen! Bertie I\'m not a geisha girl.

Stop trying to be so bloody clever!

What is it about David that stops you speaking?

What is it about you that bloody well make you want to go on about it the whole bloody time?

Vulgar but fluent.You don\'t stammer when you swear.Bugger off!

Is that the best you can do?

Well bloody bugger to you, you beastly bastard.A public school prig can do better than that.Shit.Shit, shit, shit!

Defecation flows trippingly from the tongue? Because I\'m angry! Ah.Know the f-word? F..Fornication(通奸)? Fornication? Oh Bertie.(Fuck)

Fuck.Fuck, fucking, fuck! Bugger, bugger, bugger! Fuck Fuck a

- Balls Balls FuckityAbsolutely not.

But he\'s going to anyway.All hell\'s broken loose.Can\'t they carry on privately? If only they would.

Where does that leave you?

I know my place! I\'ll… do anything within my power to keep my brother on the throne.Is it that serious? Your place may be on the throne.I am not an alternative to my brother.Don\'t take liberties! That\'s bordering on treason.I\'m just saying you could be King.You could do it! That is treason! I\'m trying to get you to realize you need not be government?

Does the King do what he wants,

or does he do what his people expect him to do?

As crowds on Donning Street watch Ministers come and go

There raised an age-old problem.

Can the King separate his personal life from his public duty?

- What\'s the matter, love?Don\'t attempt to instruct me on my duties! I\'m the son of a… King...the brother of a King.You\'re the disappointing son of a brewer! A jumped-up jackeroo from the outback! You\'re nobody.These seions are over! Through here sir.Garden Entrance.Prime Minister\'s Office.Dawning Street It\'s not just because she\'s an American.That the least of it, it\'s because she is soon to be a twice divorced American and the King, as the head of Church of England… can not marry a divorced woman.And sir, I apologize for the nature of this, but...according to Scotland Yard, the King has not always poe exclusive rights to Mrs.Simpson\'s favours and affections, sharing them with a married used car salesman a certain Mr Guy Trundle.In addition, it is also rumored that Hitler\'s ambaador, Count von Ribbentrop, sends her carnations every day......Should His Majesty continue to ignore the advice of His Government, He must abdicate.Otherwise His Government has no choice but to resign.Prime Minister, you\'d leave the country without a…He\'s scared.Frightened of his own shadow.Isn\'t that why they come to you?

This fellow could really be somebody great.He\'s fighting me.

Perhaps he doesn\'t want to be great.Perhaps that\'s what you want.

I might have overstepped the mark.Apologize.Deep of good.

I\'m very sorry, Mr Logue,the Duke is busy I\'m happy to wait.Or I could come back later.As I said, the Duke is terribly busy.Thank you Thank you

Parliament will not support the marriage.But there were other reasons for concern.He was carele with state papers.He lacked commitment and resolve.

There were those that worried where he would stand when war with Germany.We\'re not coming to that?

Indeed we are, Sir.Prime Minister Baldwin may deny this,

but Hitler\'s intent is crystal clear.War with Germany will come,

and we will need a King we can all stand behind united.

I fear..my brother is of sound mind at this time Have you thought what you will call yourself? I…I…

Certainly not Albert, Sir.Too Germanic.What about George? After your father George the sixth.

It has rather a nice continuity to it, don\'t you think.David! Thank God.You look exhausted!

without the help and support of the woman I love...

And I want you to know, this decision has been made le difficult to me by the sure knowledge that my brother, with his long training in the public affairs of this country......and with his fine qualities......will be able to take my place forthwith without interruption or injury to the life and progre of the empire.Acceion Council.St James\'s Palace.th Dec, I meet you today..in..in circumstances which are ..I\'m sure you\'ll love it.Thank you darling, saddles, Margret Yes mom.Good boy.thank you Don\'t worry, we\'ll get you food in a minute Mama, will we have space for our horses in our new home? Of course we will, darling, we\'ll have a palace of rooms.Curtsey.Your Majesty.How was it? I\'m trying to… familiarise myself with what a state paper looks like.A despatch from Mr Baldwin which I don\'t understand a word of.David\'s finances.The Christmas broadcast – I think that might be a mistake.Don\'t worry about that Plans for the Coronation.I think that\'s an even bigger mistake.I\'m not a King.I\'m a naval officer.That\'s all I know I\'m not a King, not a king.No.Dear.Dear, dear man...I\'m sorry.You know, I refused your first two marriage proposals, Not because I didn\'t love you, but because I couldn\'t bear the idea of a royal life Could bear the idea of a life of tours and public duties, a life that no longer was really to be my own.Then I thought...he stammers so beautifully...they\'ll leave us alone.

STAND BY THE KING.GOD SAVE THE KING Waiting for a king to apologize, one can wait rather a long wait.I\'m afraid we\'re slightly late.This is home.Myrtle\'s at bridge.I\'ve made sure the boys are out.It\'s lovely.Absolutely lovely.Yes, of course Would you like some tea, Ma\'am? Yes.I\'ll help myself.

Off you go now.Or must I knock your heads together? Here\'s your shilling

I..understand what you were trying to say, Logue.I went about it the wrong way.I\'m sorry.So here I am.

Is the nation ready for two minutes of radio silence? Every stammer always fears they will fall back to square one.

I don\'t let that happen.

If I fail in my duty...David could come back.I\'ve seen the placards

“God Save Our… King!” They don\'t mean me.

Every other monarch in history succeeded someone who was dead, Or about to be.

My predeceor is not only alive, but very much so.Bloody me! I can\'t even give them a Christmas Speech.

- Like your Dad used to do?Yes.Bertie, come here

12Yes Shall we go through? Trust me it\'s important.What is it? Your...your...It\'s “Your Majesty”, the first time.

After that, “Ma\'am”, as in ham, not Ma\'lm as in palm.I haven\'t told her about us.Sit down, relax.I\'m told your husband calls my husband Bertie and my husband calls your husband Lionel.I trust you won\'t call me Liz.Your Majesty, you may call me Mrs Logue, Ma\'am.Very nice to meet you, Mrs LogueYes we can.Look, I need to wait for the opportune moment.You\'re damn right.Get out there, man! Oh! Hello, Myrtle darling! You\'re early.I believe you two have met! I don\'t believe you know....King George VI? It\'s very nice to meet you Will their Majesties be staying to dinner? We would love to, such a treat, but alas...a previous engagement.What a pity.Archbishop.Welcome your Majesty.What a glorious transformation, Sir.I hope you\'ll forgive us if we continue our preparations.Now, allow me to guide you through the ceremony.We begin, of course at the West Door, then into the nave.I see all your pronouncements are to be broadcast, Archbishop.Ah, yes, wirele is indeed a Pandora\'s Box.I\'m afraid I\'ve also had to permit the newsreel cameras.The product of which I shall personally edit.Without momentary hesitation.This is Dr.Logue from Harley Street.He\'s… my speech therapist.Your Grace Had I known Your Majesty was seeking aistance I would\'ve made my own recommendation.Dr.Logue will be attending the Coronation.

Well of course I shall speak to the Dean, but it will be extremely difficult.

I should like… the Doctor to be seated in the… King\'s Box.

But members of your Family will be seated there, Sir.That why it\'s suitable.

And now, if you don\'t mind, your grace we need the premises.

My dear fellow, this is Westminster Abbey! The Church must prepare his Majesty.My preparations are equally important.With complete privacy.If you don\'t mind.Those are my wishes, Your Grace.

I will place the Abbey at Your Majesty\'s disposal...this evening.

Your Majesty.

Look, he again.Come on.

I can\'t believe I\'m walking on Chaucer and Handel and Dickens.

Everything alright? Let\'s get cracking.I\'m not here to rehearse, \"Doctor\" Logue.Call me Lionel True, you never…

called yourself \'Doctor\'.I did that for you.no training, no diploma, no..qualifications.Just a great deal of nerve.

the star chamber inquisition, is it? You asked for trust and..total equality.Bertie, I heard you at Wembley, I was there.

My son Laurie said “Do you think you could help that poor man?”

What, as a failed actor!?

It\'s true, I\'m not a doctor, and yes I acted a bit, I recited in pubs and taught elocution in schools.

When the Great War came, our soldiers were pouring back from the front,

shell-shocked and unable to speak

and somebody said,\"Lionel, you\'re very good at all this speech stuff.

Do you think you could poibly help these poor buggers”.

I did muscle therapy, exercise, relaxation, but I knew I had to go deeper.

Those poor young blokes had cried out in fear, and no-one was listening to them.

My job was to give them faith in their voice and let them know that a friend was listening.That must ring a few bells with you, Bertie.You give a very noble account of yourself.Make inquiries.It\'s all true. Inquiries have been made! You have no idea who I have breathing down my you\'re the bravest man I know.you\'ll make a bloody good king.What on earth\'s going on, Sir? It\'s quite all right, Archbishop.

Mr Logue, you should know that I have found a replacement English specialist

with impeccable credentials.Hence, your services will neck.I vouched for you and you have no…credentials.But lots of succe! I can\'t show you a certificate there was no training then.All I know I know by experience, and that war was some experience”

May plaque says, „L.Logue, Speech Defects\'.No Dr., no letters after my name.Lock me in the Tower.I would if I could! On what charge? Fraud! With war looming, you\'ve saddle this nation with a voicele King.You destroyed the happine of my family...all for the sake of ensnaring a star patient you couldn\'t poibly hope to aist! It\'ll be like mad …King George the Third, there\'ll be…Mad King George the Stammerer,

who let his people down so badly in their hour of need What\'re you doing? Get up! You can\'t sit there! Get up Why not? It\'s a chair.No, it\'s not, that is… Saint Edward\'s Chair- People have carved their name into it! That chair is the seat on which every King and Queen It\'s held in place by a large rock! That is the Stone of Scone,I don\'t care.I don\'t care how many Royal arses have sat in this chair- Listen to me...! Listen to me...! Listen to me...!Lionel Logue, Major Harding is expecting me

This is my son Laurie

- Thank you Laurie -Good luck dad

- The King\'s speech, we have about minutes to the broadcast...”

In your head, now: “I have a right to be bloody well heard!”

Bloody well heard, bloody well heard, bloody well heard myself! Now Waltz.Move! Get continuous movement. “For the second time in the lives of most of us we are at waArchbishopPrime Minister.Congratulations.First Lord of the Admiralty.I didn\'t.Thank you, Mr Churchill.I made it cozy.Some fresh air.

There you are, darling.

I am thistle sifter, I have a sieve of sifted thistles and a sieve on unsifted thistles..

I am thistle sifter, I have a sieve of sifted thistles Bertie, darling, make sure it\'s not switched on!

Remember the red light will blink four times and then I\'ve asked them to turn it off,

because we don\'t want that evil eye staring at you all the way through.One minute, sir.

I am sure you will be splendid.second, sir

Logue, however this turns out,

I don\'t know how to thank you for what you\'ve done.Knighthood? Twenty seconds.

Forget everything else and just say it to me.Say it to me, as a friend.

In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history,

I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas this meage

spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you

as if I were able to cro your threshold and speak to you myself.

For the second time in the lives of most of us we are at war.

Over and over again we have tried to find a peaceful way out

of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies.

But it has been in vain.We have been forced into a conflict.

For we are called, to meet the challenge of a principle which,

if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world.

Such a principle, stripped of all disguise,

is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right.

For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear,

it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge.It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home and my peoples acro the seas, who will make our cause their own.I ask them to stand calm and firm, and united in this time of trial.The task will be hard.There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield.King George VI made Lionel Logue

a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order in .

This high honour from a grateful King made Lionel part of

the only order of chivalry that specifically rewards acts of personal service to the Monarch.

Lionel was with the King for every wartime speech.Through his broadcasts, George VI became a symbol of national resistance.

Lionel and Bertie remained friends for the rest of their But we can only do the right as we see the right and reverently commit our cause to God.If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, then, with God\'s help, we shall prevail.That was very good, Bertie.You still stammered on the “w”.

Had to throw in a few so they knew it was me.Congratulations, your Majesty.A true broadcaster.Thank you, Mr Wood.Congratulations, your Majesty.Congratulations, your Majesty.Thank you.Good Perfect Your first war time speech.Congratulation.Expect I shall have to do a great deal more.Thank you, Logue.Well done.My friend.Thank you...Your Majesty.I knew you\'d be good.Thank you......Lionel.(first time call Lionel) Onwards? Congratulations, Sir Couldn\'t have said it better myself, Sir Your Majesty, I\'m speechle.Congratulations, Sir Gentlemen.So how was Papa, Elizabeth? Halting at first, but you got much better Papa.Ble you.And how about you, Margret? You were just splendid, Papa.Of course I was.You\'re all ready? Come on girls.




How did give a speech for a king?

This is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem.Widely considered by all but his father unfit to be king, George is reluctantly thrust unto the throne and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate.Overshadowed on the global stage by powerful orators like Adolph Hitler and Benito Muolini, the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue to find his voice and courageously lead his people into the most devastating war humanity has ever faced.This is a powerful, hilarious and deeply moving story, told against the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a profeional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted.The screenplay, written by David Seidler (who also wrote Tucker: The Man and his Dream), is excellent.The dry British wit is hilarious.I was literally slapping my knee during some of the scenes.Tom Hooper (Elizabeth I) does a superb job directing this movie.The buildup to the climactic finale is skillfully executed and prompted the audience to erupt into spontaneous applause.(Apparently, this also happened at the Roy Thomson Hall premiere.) Geoffrey Rush (Elizabeth: The Golden Age) does a fantastic job as Lionel Logue and Colin Firth (A Single Man) is excellent as King George VI.I saw the second public screening of this movie at the Ryerson Theater during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).Tom Hooper was present to introduce the movie.He was joined by Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush after the movie ended for a brief Q&A.It turns out that David Seidler also had a stuttering problem as a child and drew inspiration from the king\'s struggle.Early in his career he wanted to write a screenplay about it.He dutifully asked the Queen Mother for permiion.She agreed but told him \"not in my lifetime\".Little did he know she would live to be 101 and he would have to wait another 30 years.Another interesting tidbit we learned was that near the end of the shoot, the crew finally located one of Lionel Logue\'s grandsons, who just so happened to live about 10 minutes away from the director.They got acce to Lionel\'s diaries and correspondence and managed to incorporate some of it into the script.This movie is an unqualified must see.



《国王的演讲》讲述伊丽莎白二世的父亲乔治六世国 王在无证医生——罗格的帮助下克服口吃的障碍,向 民众作演讲,并在二战期间成为英国人的精神领袖的 故事。

王子是一个很自卑的人。 从小生活环境的压抑、孤独、谨小慎微、怯俱等因素的影响使他越来越自卑,不相







































时间:2013年11月2日(星期六)晚上6:30 地点:高一教学楼五楼多媒体


约克郡公爵(柯林·菲尔斯 Colin Firth 饰)因患口吃,无法在公众面前发表演讲,这令他接连在大型仪式上丢丑。贤惠妻子伊丽莎白(海伦娜·邦汉·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)为了帮助丈夫,到处寻访名医,但是传统的方法总不奏效。一次偶然的机会,她慕名来到了语言治疗师莱纳尔罗格(杰弗里·拉什 Geoffrey Rush 饰)的宅邸,传说他的方式与众不同。虽然公爵对罗格稀奇古怪的招法并不感兴趣,首次诊疗也不欢而散。但是,公爵发现在聆听音乐时自己朗读莎翁竟然十分流利。这让他开始信任罗格,配合治疗,慢慢克服着心理的障碍。乔治五世驾崩,爱德华八世继承王位,却为了迎娶寡妇辛普森夫人不惜退位。艾伯特临危受命,成为了乔治六世。他面临的最大挑战就是如何在二战前发表鼓舞人心的演讲……










乔治五世的祖母是维多利亚女王,祖父是萨克森·科堡·哥达亲王,亲王的父亲是德国公爵,英国王朝也随之命名。乔治五世继位后不久,第一次世界大战爆发,英国军队屡次遭受德国重创,死伤无数,英国人对德国深恶痛绝,捣毁德国人的商店,对本来备受宠爱的德国种小猎狗拳打脚踢,连德国面包都没人吃了。尴尬的是,国王却冠着一个德国姓氏,愤怒的民众怀疑王室同情德国。乔治五世对这种怀疑感到震惊和伤心,但他理解人民的情绪,1917年7月17日,他宣布王室改姓温莎,并放弃德国授予他的一切头衔和所有世袭权利,以示与德国划清界限。温莎是一个具有鲜明英国特色的名字,来源于温莎堡,英国最古老的王宫之一,据说是英王征服者威廉一世选址奠基的。温莎王朝大幕拉开,延续至今。乔治五世晚年正值两次世界大战之间,他与民众共赴国难,广受欢迎和尊敬。1936 年乔治五世逝世,举国哀痛,遗体运到威斯敏特大教堂,有将近100万人不分白天黑夜前来凭吊。


































3. 乔治六世登基后将名字艾伯特改成乔治,是为了向父亲乔治五世致敬,并不是像电影里丘吉尔说的那样,是因为艾伯特这个名字“太德国”。


















然而,身份不容许他如此沉默。他必须开口,流利的演讲。这并不是一件容易的事。这是与自己的较量,与那些轻视的目光的较量,与命运的较量。那些铺陈在他心底的往事被他一件件拾起,那些最初隐秘而又屈辱的情感一点点亮出。像是从自己身上一刀刀除去伤口的腐肉,明智而残忍 。










The movie is about King George VI who suffers stammer .is the father of the queen ofEngland, Elizabeth II .Making a speech is one of the basic ability of kings ,for they need to deliver a speech to their people in some occasion ,which can encourage the people and give them hope .Unfortunately, but Albert was suffering from severe stammer .To get rid of his stammer ,he tried his best to practice all the time ,just like a element school student .In the end ,he made great progre .during the world war II , Britain and France were madedeclare war on Germany .Albert decided to deliver a speech in publish in reaction to the war .And his speech is very wonderful ,which strengthened the hopele people .It is a quite tough task to cure of stammer for everyone .However ,Albert overcame it and made wonders .When it comes to his succe ,we can not ignore what his wife had done for him .including searching for a doctor for him and being with him no matter what happened .In addition ,his doctor played an important role in his proce

of succe .Because he never lost his patience and instructed him in any condition .Even if Albert lost his temper and had words with him .Sometimes ,a movie can inspire us in a certain extent .I realize that life is not fair to everyone in the beginning of one’s life .But if you work hard enough , the god will give us a fair result according to how much you have done for your achievement .In short ,we shouldn’t lose the direction of life .We are surrounded by groups of people who support us forever .Last but not least ,we must believe that our potential is unlimited.
