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Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world, thank you.

We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people.Together we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come.

We will face challenges.We will confront hardships.But we will get the job done.Every four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power.

And we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition.They have been magnificent.Thank you.

Today\'s ceremony, however, has very special meaning.Because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another.

But we are transferring power from Washington D.C.and giving it back to you, the people.

For too long, a small group in our nation\'s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth.Politicians prospered, but the jobs left.And the factories closed.

The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country.Their victories have not been your victories.Their triumphs have not been your triumphs.And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all acro our land.That all changes starting right here and right now.Because this moment is your moment.It belongs to you.

It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all acro America.This is your day.This is your celebration.And this, the United States of America, is your country.

What truly matters is not which party controls our government but whether our government is controlled by the people.January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.

The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.

Everyone is listening to you now.You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction -- that a nation exist to serve its citizens.Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families and good jobs for themselves.

These are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public.But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exist.Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted out factories scattered like tombstones acro the landscape of our nation, an education system flushed with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge.And the crime, and the gangs, and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.

We are one nation, and their pain is our pain.Their dreams are our dreams, and their succe will be our succe.We share one heart, one home and one glorious destiny.

The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.For many decades, we\'ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry, subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military.

We defended other nation’s borders while refusing to defend our own.

And spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America\'s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.

We\'ve made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has diipated over the horizon.One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind.

The wealth of our middle cla has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all acro the world.

But that is the past and now we are looking only to the future.

We aembled here today are iuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital and in every hall of power.From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.From this day forward, it\'s going to be only America first -- America first.

Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families.We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs.

Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.I will fight for you with every breath in my body.And I will never, ever let you down.

America will start winning again, winning like never before.

We will bring back our jobs.We will bring back our borders.We will bring back our wealth, and we will bring back our dreams.We will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways all acro our wonderful nation.We will get our people off of welfare and back to work rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.We will follow two simple rules -- buy American and hire American.

We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world.

But we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone but rather to let it shine as an example.We will shine for everyone to follow.

We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones.And unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.

At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.

The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God\'s people live together in unity.We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreement honestly but always pursue solidarity.When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.

There should be no fear.We are protected, and we will always be protected.And most importantly, We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement.We will be protected by God.

Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger.In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving.We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining but never doing anything about it.

The time for empty talk is over.Now arrives the hour of action.

Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done.No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.We will not fail.Our country will thrive and prosper again.We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease and to harne the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.A new national pride will stir ourselves, lift our sights and heal our divisions.It’s time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget -- that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots.

We all enjoyed the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American flag.

And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the windswept plains of Nebraska, They look up at the same night sky, they build a heart with the same dreams and they are infused with the breath of life by the same Almighty Creator.

So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words -- you will never be ignored again.

Your voice, your hopes and your dreams will define our American destiny.Together, And your courage and goodne and love will forever guide us along the way.We will make America strong again.We will make America wealthy again.We will make America proud again.We will make America safe again.And yes, together, thank you.we will make America great again.God ble you.And God ble America.Thank You.


We are very bleed to call this nation our home.And that is what America is: it is our home.It\'s where we raise our families, care for our loved ones, look out for our neighbors, and live out our dreams.It is my prayer that on this Thanksgiving, we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country, strengthened by a shared purpose and very, very common resolve.In declaring this national holiday, President Lincoln called upon Americans to speak with \"one voice and one heart.\" That\'s just what we have to do.We have just finished a long and bruising political campaign.Emotions are raw and tensions just don\'t heal overnight.It doesn\'t go quickly, unfortunately, but we have before us the chance now to make history together to bring real change to

Washington, real safety to our cities, and real prosperity to our communities, including our inner cities.So important to me, and so important to our country.But to succeed, we must enlist the effort of our entire nation.

This historic political campaign is now over.But now begins a great national campaign to rebuild our country and to restore the full promise of America for all of our people.

I am asking you to join me in this effort.It is time to restore the bonds of trust between citizens.Because when America is unified, there is nothing beyond our reach, and I mean absolutely nothing.

Let us give thanks for all that we have, and let us boldly face the exciting new frontiers that lie ahead.Thank you.God ble you and God ble America.


absolutely [\'æbsəlu:tli]

adv.绝对地,完全地;独立地 adj.统一的;一致标准的




campaign [kæm\'pein]



prayer [prɛə]



restore [prɔs\'periti]



vt.恢复,修复,使复原 n.决定之事,决心,坚决

resolve [ri\'zɔlv]









adj.通宵的,晚上的,前夜的 v.徵募,参与,支持
















但是在这里,在我们的党代会,不会有任何谎言。我们将用真相为美国人民送上敬意,而不是别的什么东西。 这些事实如下:




















































周一,我们听过三位家长的倾诉。他们是丽·安·门多萨(Mary Ann Mendoza),萨宾·德登(Sabine Durden)和我的朋友杰米尔·肖(Jamiel Shaw),他们的孩子被非法移民杀害。几位家长仅仅是万千受害者中三个勇敢的代表。当我的团队在全国游历,没有一件事情能对我产生更深的影响,只有那些我同失去孩子的父母们共同度过的时间。他们失去了孩子,因为在我们国土上肆虐的暴力。我们可以解决,也必须解决这个问题。

这些家庭没有迫切地提出抗议,没有游行示威去保护他们的利益。因此,我的竞争对手将永远不会遇到他们,不会去分担他们的痛苦。相反,她更想去那些提供避难所的城市。然而,哪里是凯特·施泰因勒(Kate Steinle)的避难所?哪里是玛丽安,萨宾和杰米尔孩子们的避难所?哪里有避难所去保护那些被残忍杀害、忍受惊恐折磨的美国人?




















而另一方面,我的对手想让我们国家的矿业公司倒闭,让钢铁工人失去工作——这是我当总统决不会发生的。我要让工厂重新开工,工人重新就业。在这些新经济政策下,数万亿美元将开始流入我们国家。 这笔新财富将改善所有美国人的生活质量——我们将构建明天的公路、高速公路、桥梁、隧道、机场、铁路。反过来,这将创造数以百万计的就业机会。我们将拯救失败学校的孩子们,帮助他们的父母送他们到一个可以选择的安全学校。


















我的对手要她的支持者背诵一个三字忠诚誓言。念作:“我站在她这边”(I’m With Her)。我选择念诵另一个承诺。





我们将让美国再次强大! 我们将让美国再次骄傲!






9月19日,特朗普在72届联大发表演讲,首次以美国总统的身份,明确地向国际社会表明了美国的外交立场,期间严厉谴责了伊朗、委内瑞拉、朝鲜等危及当今国际秩序的国家,直率、大胆、正义感十足,而且很多语言耐人寻味。 特朗普抨击了朝鲜、伊朗和委内瑞拉等流氓国家,再次清晰说明“美国第一”的政策,同时号召联合国团结主权国家去解决世界问题。他的发言获得了广泛的褒扬,被赞为“勇敢睿智”、“明辨善恶”、“重建美国的世界领导地位”、“击中邪恶黑暗的心脏”等。


以色列总理内塔尼亚胡说:“在我三十多年的联合国经历中,我从来没有听过这样大胆和勇敢的演讲。川普总统讲出了当今世界面临巨大危险的真相,发出了强有力的呼吁来对付危险和确保人类的未来。” 阿富汗总统:美国帮我们走向稳定

阿富汗总统加尼(Ashraf Ghani)在联合国的发言中,用了很大篇幅来赞美川普总统的阿富汗和南亚战略。

他说,川普总统宣布了打击恐怖主义和稳定南亚的战略,这让阿富汗与美国和国际社会的持久伙伴关系得到了更新和重新定位。 他还说,美国提供了对阿富汗的极大支持,美国在阿富汗的驻军时间长短将视条件而定,“ 我们欢迎(美国的)这一战略,这使我们有了通向稳定的途径”。 日韩高度评价美国对朝鲜强硬立场




前美国驻联合国大使博尔顿(John Bolton)说:“在我看来,这是川普总统迄今为止最好的演讲,清晰而又直接,我认为讲话的核心是批评朝鲜和伊朗。在联合国的整个历史上,从来没有对(邪恶的联合国成员国家)这么直接的批评。” 美国财政部长姆钦说:“总统有力地勾画了全球各主权国家团结在一起的道路,讲了流氓政权和不负责任的领导人所造成的威胁。总统明确表示,美国不会允许伊朗或朝鲜的暴君一边完善大规模毁灭性武器,一边将世界人民当作人质,我们期望联合国的盟友跟我们一起促进安全、繁荣与和平。” 川普总统“击中了邪恶黑暗的心脏”

川普的前国家安全助手高尔卡(Sebastian Gorka)说,联合国已经成了人权恶棍国家都能“教育我们(民主国家)”的地方,而川普总统的发言则“击中了邪恶黑暗心脏”。

参议员佩杜(David-Pulp)说:“现在(世界)比任何时候都更需要美国的领导,这个世界比我一生中任何时候都危险,我很高兴看到川普总统和黑利大使在联合国积极应对这些挑战。总统非常清楚,首要任务是改善联合国的问责制和提高效率。太久以来联合国的预算缺乏透明度,过度依赖美国的捐款。 ” “重建奥巴马时代缺失的全球领导地位”

共和党犹太联盟(RJC)执行主任布鲁克斯(Matt Brooks)说:“川普总统在联合国的演讲是总统和美国人民的历史性时刻。总统阐明了一个明确的观点,即美国将为美国公民的最佳利益服务,并与全球负责任的国家合作来维护世界安全。 “今天总统强调的几点都说明了他的观点:抵制伊朗和朝鲜核野心,反对叙利亚的野蛮制度,打击国内外激进的伊斯兰恐怖主义等。 “今天的演讲强烈地肯定了美国在世界舞台上的领导地位,这在过去八年(奥巴马担任总统期间)中一直是缺失的。RJC为川普总统喝彩!” “很少领袖像川普一样毫不含糊地明辨善恶”




To put it simply, we meet at a time of bothof immense promise and great peril.It is entirely up to us whether we lift theworld to new heights, or let it fall into a valley of disrepair.简而言之,我们处在宏大前景与巨大危险并存的时代。是让世界提升到新的高度还是堕入无法修复的深渊,这完全取决于我们自己。

The scourge of our planet today is a smallgroup of rogue regimes that violate every principle on which the United Nationsis based.They respect neither their own citizens nor the sovereign rights oftheir countries.当今世界的祸患是,一小撮流氓政权违背联合国所遵循的一个个原则。它们既不尊重自己的国民,也不尊重他国主权。

If the righteous many do not confront thewicked few, then evil will triumph.When decent people and nations becomebystanders to history, the forces of destruction only gather power andstrength.如果正义的大多数不能对抗这几个少数的邪恶政权,那么邪恶就会胜利。当正直的民众和国家成为历史旁观者时,破坏性因素就会积蓄力量变得强大。 No one has shown more contempt for othernations and for the wellbeing of their own people than the depraved regime inNorth Korea.It is responsible for the starvation deaths of millions of NorthKoreans, and for the imprisonment, torture, killing, and oppreion ofcountle more.没有哪个国家比堕落的朝鲜政权更藐视他国和本国民众的福祉。朝鲜当局应该为数百万饿死的生命负责,也要为无数朝鲜人所受的监禁、酷刑、杀戮和压迫负责。 We were all witne to the regime’s deadlyabuse when an innocent American college student, Otto Warmbier, was returned toAmerica only to die a few days later.We saw it in the aaination of thedictator\'s brother using banned nerve agents in an international airport.Weknow it kidnapped a sweet 13-year-old Japanese girl from a beach in her owncountry to enslave her as a language tutor for North Korea\'s spies.当无辜的美国大学生瓦姆比尔回国几天就去世后,我们都见证了朝鲜的暴行。利用禁品神经毒剂暗杀独裁者兄长,也让我们见证了平壤的暴行。我们知道朝鲜在日本海滩绑架了当地一名13岁少女,逼迫她作朝鲜间谍的日语教师。 If this is not twisted enough, now NorthKorea’ s reckle pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic miiles threatensthe entire world with unthinkable lo of human life.如果这还不够扭曲的话,那么就看看现在:朝鲜肆意追求核武器和弹道导弹,使整个世界面临失去无数生命的威胁。

It is an outrage that some nations wouldnot only trade with such a regime, but would arm, supply, and financiallysupport a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict.No nation onearth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclearweapons and miiles.令人愤慨的是,有些国家不但与这样一个政权做生意,而且还向这个利用核冲突危及世界的国家提供武装和经济支持。没有一个国家愿意看到这群罪犯用核武和导弹武装自己。

The United States has great strength andpatience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have nochoice but to totally destroy North Korea.Rocket Man is on a suicide miionfor himself and for his regime.The United States is ready, willing and able,but hopefully this will not be neceary.That’s what the United Nations is allabout; that’s what the United Nations is for.Let’s see how they do.美国有极大的力量和耐心,但是如果出于被迫而保卫自己或是盟国时,我们将别无选择,只能彻底摧毁朝鲜。〝火箭男〞(译者注:指金正恩)正在给自己及其政权挖掘坟墓。美国已经准备好了,愿意、同时也有能力采取军事行动,但我们希望不必走到这一步。这是联合国的宗旨,也是联合国成立的目的。让我们看看他们会怎么做。

It is time for North Korea to realize thatthe denuclearization is its only acceptable future.The United Nations SecurityCouncil recently held two unanimous 15-0 votes adopting hard-hittingresolutions against North Korea, and I want to thank China and Ruia forjoining the vote to impose sanctions, along with all of the other membersofthe Security Council.Thank you to all involved.无核化是唯一可以接受的结果——是朝鲜意识到这个问题的时候了。联合国安理会近来以15:0的投票结果一致通过了两项严厉制裁朝鲜的决议案,我在此感谢中国和俄罗斯与安理会其他成员一道投票支持制裁。感谢所有参与的国家。 But we must do much more.It is time forall nations to work together to isolate the Kim regime until it ceases itshostile behavior.但我们必须做出更多努力。该是所有国家一同孤立金家政权、直至其停止敌对行为的时候了。

We must protect our nations, theirinterests, and their futures.We must reject threats to sovereignty, from theUkraine to the South China Sea.We must uphold respect for law, respect forborders, and respect for culture, and the peaceful engagement these allow.我们必须保护我们的国家,包括国家的利益和未来。我们必须抵制对主权的威胁,包括在乌克兰和南中国海发生的事件。我们必须坚持尊重法律、尊重边境、尊重文化以及在尊重基础上所进行的和平交往。

The Iranian government masks a corruptdictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy.It has turned a wealthycountry with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted roguestate whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos.Thelongest-suffering victims of Iran\'s leaders are, in fact, its own people.伊朗政府戴着民主的面具,背后却是腐败的独裁政权。它把一个历史文化悠久的富裕国家变成了一个经济枯竭的流氓国家,主要输出的是暴力、血腥和*。实际上,伊朗领导者最长期的受害者是伊朗人民。

Rather than use its resources to improveIranian lives, its oil profits go to fund Hezbollah and other terrorists thatkill innocent Muslims and attack their peaceful Arab and Israeli neighbors.伊朗没有用其资源来改善人民的生活,而是将石油利润用于资助真主党和其他恐怖组织,这些组织杀戮无辜的穆斯林、攻击其和平的阿拉伯邻国和以色列。 We call for the full restoration ofdemocracy and political freedoms in Venezuela.The problem in Venezuela is notthat socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has beenfaithfully implemented.(Applause.) 我们呼吁委内瑞拉全面恢复民主和政治自由。委内瑞拉的问题不是没有认真执行社会主义,而恰恰是因为他们太忠实地实行社会主义那一套了。(说到此处,鼓掌大起。)

From the Soviet Union to Cuba to Venezuela,wherever true socialism or communism has been adopted, it has delivered anguishand devastation and failure.Those who preach the tenets of these discreditedideologies only contribute to the continued suffering of the people who liveunder these cruel systems.从苏联到古巴、再到委内瑞拉,真正的社会主义或共产主义所到之处,都伴随着痛苦、毁坏和失败。那些宣扬这些侮辱人类尊严信条的人,只是给那些生活在这残酷制度下的人民增加了痛苦。





We are very bleed to call this nation our home.And that is what America is: it is our home.It’s where we raise our families, care for our loved ones, look out for our neighbors, and live out our dreams.


It is my prayer, that on this Thanksgiving, we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country, strengthened by a shared purpose and very, very common resolve.


In declaring this national holiday, President Lincoln called upon Americans to speak with “one voice and one heart.” That’s just what we have to do.


We have just finished a long and bruising political campaign.Emotions are raw and tensions just don’t heal overnight.It doesn’t go quickly, unfortunately, but we have before us the chance now to make history together to bring real change to Washington, real safety to our cities, and real prosperity to our communities, including our inner cities.So important to me, and so important to our country.But to succeed, we must enlist the effort of our entire nation.


This historic political campaign is now over.Now begins a great national campaign to rebuild our country and to restore the full promise of America for all of our people.


I am asking you to join me in this effort.It is time to restore the bonds of trust between citizens.Because when America is unified, there is nothing beyond our reach, and I mean absolutely nothing.


Let us give thanks for all that we have, and let us boldly face the exciting new frontiers that lie ahead.


Thank you.God Ble You and God Ble America.



Review on The Speech of Ivanka Trump On November 9, the next president of America was voted by people.Donald Trump, a succeful busineman who had never participated in politics, won the election and surprise many people.In the whole election , his daughter , Ivanka Trump, played an important role.on July 21 at the Cleveland’s Quicken Loans Arena, candidate Donald Trump‘s daughter Ivanka Trump delivered an impreive speech at the Republican National Convention.so.here,we talk about some Review on The Speech of Ivanka Trump.First,Ivanka, looking pretty in a not-so-expensive pink dre that was from her own label, took her father’s side and pitched him unabashedly, saying he is not anti-women and also will support Americans all through his tenure, if he is elected.Second,she promised that her father will fight for equal pay for women and affordable childcare for parents, iues the Republican nominee has rarely if ever addreed on the campaign trail.Her primetime speech elicited repeated applause and much praise from delegates in the arena.Last, Touting a side of her father rarely seen on the campaign trail, Ivanka Trump cast her father as a leader who would fight to addre the student debt problem and would be a champion for equal pay for mothers and single women.In conclusion, Ivanka Trump’s speech is important for her father who can be elected the next President.I think that Ivanka Trump is the greatest aet Donald trump has.

My father is a fighter.When the primaries got tough and they were tough, he did what any great leader does.He dug deeper,worked harder, got better and became stronger.America will no longer settle for anything le than the best.We must reclaim our country\'s destiny and dream big and bold and daring.It was like that for us to growing up.He taught us that potential vanishes into nothing without effort.



唐纳德·特朗普 美国共和党总统参选人 发表时间:2016-04-30





但要规划未来,首先我们要回顾过去。我们有很多值得骄傲的地方。上世纪四十年代,我们拯救了世界。最伟大的一代击退了纳粹和日本的帝国主义者。接着,我们再次从极权的共产主义手中拯救了世界。冷战持续了几十 1 年,但我们赢了。里根总统说“推倒这面墙”时,民主党、共和党一起让戈尔巴乔夫就范,苏联解体。



很不幸,冷战结束后,我们的外交政策严重偏离方向。我们未能在新世纪制定新政策。事实上,随着时间的推移,我们的外交政策越来越没用。愚蠢和无知代替了原有的理智,这带来一个又一个的外交政策灾难。我们屡屡犯错,从伊拉克、埃及、利比亚再到叙利亚问题。所有的这些行动都将区域置于混乱中,给“伊斯兰国”的成长及繁荣提供了空间。这一切都始于一个危险的想法,即我们可以在这些国家中推行民主,即使这些国家从未经历过民主或根本对民主不感兴趣。我们撕碎了他们本有的政府机构,之后又对我们塑造的机构感到万分惊讶。结果导致干扰地区发生内战,出现宗教狂热, 2 数千名美国人丧失生命,数万亿美元打了水漂。无政府的真空状态刚好被“伊斯兰国”利用。伊朗也急着钻空子,获取不当得利。









3 特朗普政府将引领一个合理武装、合理资助的自由世界。 第三,我们的盟友开始认为他们不能依靠我们。






事实上,他们和我们的盟友一样,感到很困惑,但更严重的一个问题是他们不再认真对待我们。奥巴马总统坐空军一号到达古巴时,没有领导人去 4 迎接他——这可能是空军一号光荣的历史上从来没发生过的。接着,同样的事情发生在了沙特阿拉伯——那完全没有尊重可言。






5 在希拉里国务卿干预利比亚失败后,班加西的伊斯兰恐怖分子竟然占领了我们的领事馆,还杀害了大使和三位英勇的美国人。而希拉里竟然什么都没有做,还回家睡觉,这简直难以置信。克林顿在视频中指责这一切,但这都是借口,纯粹是谎言。我们的大使是被谋杀的,国务卿误导了大家——顺便提一句,事发早晨3点钟,电话打给她时,她还在睡梦中。现在,伊斯兰国每周通过卖利比亚的油,赚取了数百万美元。






6 须停止无意义的移民政策,停止向国内输入恐怖主义。暂停移民政策,重新评估将帮助我们防止产生下一个圣贝纳迪诺——你只要看看世界贸易中心和9·11事件就知道了。



俄罗斯和中国以非常快的速度来拓展军事能力,但再看看我们。我们的核武器——我们的终极武器——已经慢慢地萎缩,急需进行现代化和更新。现役军队已经从1991年的200万缩减至如今的130万。海军从那时的500艘军舰缩减至现在的272艘。空军也比1991年缩减了近三分之一。执行作战任务、驾驶B-52s 的飞行员比这屋子里大部分人都要年长。




7 我们也将改变贸易、移民和经济政策来使我们的经济再次强大——让美国人再次成为世界第一。这将保证我们的工人能够得到工作,获得高薪,这将使税收增长,从而增强国家的经济实力。





我们甚至本来有机会捉住本拉登,但没有这么做。接着我们的世界贸易中心大楼和五角大楼遭遇恐怖袭击, 这是美国历史上最严重的一次袭击事件。



8 同时,对于那些证明是我们朋友的人,我们必须慷慨。我们渴望和平地生活,并与俄罗斯和中国建立友谊。我们与这两个国家有严重分歧,所以必须擦亮眼睛对待他们。但我们并不一定非要成为对手。我们应该基于共同利益,求同存异。像俄罗斯就已经看到了伊斯兰恐怖主义令人恐惧之处。




我竞选总统后,我会号召北约盟国进行首脑会议,并与亚洲盟友进行单独的会议,在这些会议中,我们将不仅讨论财政支出的平衡,也将重新审视如何采取新策略,来解决共同面临的挑战。比如说,我们将讨论如何优化北约过时的使命和结构——跳出冷战限制——来面对共同的挑战,包括移民和伊斯兰恐怖主义。无路可选时,我将毫不犹豫地部署军事力量。但如果美国 9 参战,就一定要赢。除非有必要,除非我们有计划能取得胜利,否则我永远不会随便派遣精锐部队参战。







10 最后,我将和盟友一起合作,重振西方价值观和制度。但我不会试图去传播“普世价值”,因为不是每个人都认同这种价值观,我们应该清楚:加强和促进西方文明及成就要比军事干预更能在世界上促发改革。










12 我们将永远致力于拯救生命,事实上是拯救人性本身。但要发挥这种作用,我们必须让美国再次强大。








































Thank you.Thank you very much, everyone.Sorry to keep you waiting.Complicated busine, complicated.Thank you very much.

I\'ve just received a call from Secretary Clinton.She congratulated us.It’s about us.On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign.

I mean she fought very hard.Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.

I mean that very sincerely.Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of pision, have to get together, to all Republicans and Democrats and independents acro this nation I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.

It is time.I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me.For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I\'m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.As I\'ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family.

It is a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will.

Working together we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream.I\'ve spent my entire life in busine, looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world.

That is now what I want to do for our country.Tremendous potential.I\'ve gotten to know our country so well.Tremendous potential.It is going to be a beautiful thing.Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential.The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.

We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals.We\'re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none, and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.We will also finally take care of our great veterans who have been so loyal, and I\'ve gotten to know so many over this 18-month journey.

The time I\'ve spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors.

Our veterans are incredible people.We will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal.I will harne the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all.It is going to happen.We have a great economic plan.We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world.At the same time we will get along with all other nations, willing to get along with us.We will be.We will have great relationships.We expect to have great, great relationships.No dream is too big, no challenge is too great.Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.

America will no longer settle for anything le than the best.We must reclaim our country\'s destiny and dream big and bold and daring.We have to do that.We\'re going to dream of things for our country, and beautiful things and succeful things once again.

I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America\'s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone.

All people and all other nations.We will seek common ground, not hostility, partnership, not conflict.And now I would like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this, what they are calling tonight a very, very historic victory.

First I want to thank my parents, who I know are looking down on me right now.Great people.I\'ve learned so much from them.They were wonderful in every regard.I are truly great parents.I also want to thank my sisters, Marianne and Elizabeth who are here with us tonight.Where are they? They\'re here someplace.They\'re very shy actually.

And my brother Robert, my great friend.Where is Robert? Where is Robert? My brother Robert, and they should be on this stage but that\'s okay.They\'re great.

And also my late brother Fred, great guy.Fantastic guy.Fantastic family.I was very lucky.

Great brothers, sisters, great, unbelievable parents.To Melania and Don and Ivanka and Eric and Tiffany and Barron, I love you and I thank you, and especially for putting up with all of those hours.This was tough.

This was tough.This political stuff is nasty and it is tough.So I want to thank my family very much.Really fantastic.Thank you all.Thank you all.Lara, unbelievable job.Unbelievable.Vanea, thank you.Thank you very much.What a great group.

You\'ve all given me such incredible support, and I will tell you that we have a large group of people.You know, they kept saying we have a small staff.Not so small.Look at all of the people that we have.Look at all of these people.

And Kellyanne and Chris and Rudy and Steve and David.We have got tremendously talented people up here, and I want to tell you it\'s been very, very special.

I want to give a very special thanks to our former mayor, Rudy Giuliani.He\'s unbelievable.Unbelievable.He traveled with us and he went through meetings, and Rudy never changes.Where is Rudy.Where is he?

[Chanting \"Rudy\"]

Gov.Chris Christie, folks, was unbelievable.Thank you, Chris.The first man, first senator, first major, major politician — let me tell you, he is highly respected in Washington because he is as smart as you get, senator Jeff seions.Where is Jeff? A great man.Another great man, very tough competitor.He was not easy.He was not easy.Who is that? Is that the mayor that showed up? Is that Rudy?

Up here.Really a friend to me, but I\'ll tell you, I got to know him as a competitor because he was one of the folks that was negotiating to go against those Democrats, Dr.Ben Carson.Where\'s been? Where is Ben? By the way, Mike Huckabee is here someplace, and he is fantastic.Mike and his familiar bring Sarah, thank you very much.Gen.Mike Flynn.Where is Mike? And Gen.Kellogg.We have over 200 generals and admirals that have endorsed our campaign and there are special people.We have 22 congreional medal of honor people.A very special person who, believe me, I read reports that I wasn\'t getting along with him.I never had a bad second with him.He\'s an unbelievable star.He is -- that\'s right, how did you poibly gue? Let me tell you about Reince.I\'ve said Reince.I know it.I know it.Look at all of those people over there.I know it, Reince is a superstar.I said, they can\'t call you a superstar, Reince, unle we win it.Like secretariat.He would not have that bust at the track at Belmont.

Reince is really a star and he is the hardest working guy and in a certain way I did this.Reince, come up here.Get over here, Reince.

Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.It\'s about time you did this right.My god.Nah, come here.Say something.

Amazing guy.Our partnership with the RNC was so important to the succe and what we\'ve done, so I also have to say, I\'ve gotten to know some incredible people.

The Secret Service people.They\'re tough and they\'re smart and they\'re sharp and I don\'t want to me around with them, I can tell ya.And when I want to go and wave to a big group of people and they rip me down and put me back down in the seat, but they are fantastic people so I want to thank the Secret Service.

And law enforcement in New York City, they\'re here tonight.These are spectacular people, sometimes underappreciated unfortunately, we we appreciate them.So it\'s been what they call an historic event, but to be really historic, we have to do a great job and I promise you that I will not let you down.We will do a great job.We will do a great job.I look very much forward to being your president and hopefully at the end of two years or three years or four years or maybe even eight years you will say so many of you worked so hard for us, with you you will say that — you will say that that was something that you were — really were very proud to do and I can — thank you very much.

And I can only say that while the campaign is over, our work on this movement is now really just beginning.We\'re going to get to work immediately for the American people and we\'re going to be doing a job that hopefully you will be so proud of your president.You will be so proud.Again, it\'s my honor.

It\'s an amazing evening.It\'s been an amazing two-year period and I love this country.Thank you.

Thank you very much.Thank you to Mike Pence.




行弹劾的可能性。 ▲ 图为美国副总统彭斯。(美联社) 美国政坛近期因《纽约时报》发表的一篇匿名文章掀起轩然大波,全美舆论都在猜测这位特朗普政府内部的“反抗者”究竟是谁,白宫一时人人自危,《华盛顿邮报》称这是美国现代总统史上从未出现的情况。美媒从遣词造句上分析称,该文很可能出自美国副总统彭斯。为此,彭斯亲自出面否认,并称白宫内部从未讨论过援引美国宪法第25条修正案对特朗普进行弹劾的可能性。


彭斯在采访中对该匿名文章以及《纽约时报》进行猛烈抨击,并将该文的匿名作者称为“耻辱”。他说,“我认为这篇文章的匿名作者以及《纽约时报》都应为此感到羞耻。在我看来,此举显然是为把人们的注意力从经济成就和特朗普总统的成功上转移开来。” 《纽约时报》9月5日刊发了一篇白宫高层官员以匿名方式投稿的评论文章。文章以《我是特朗普政府中的一名反抗者》为题,声称白宫高层对特朗普反复无常、不分是非黑白的行为深感惊讶并暗中反抗。文中描述特朗普性格急躁小气,缺乏道德信仰,没有首要原则来指导决策,因此他的领导风格冲动且琐碎,使得白宫官员经常要面对其导致的混乱。



《华盛顿邮报》称,这篇匿名文章是美国现代总统史上前所未见的突破性事件。报道称,这篇文章进一步加深特朗普的疑神疑鬼,他已经不知道周围哪个人可以信任。两名知情人士透露,特朗普对此“勃然大怒”,并称怀疑此人来自国家安全相关工作领域或司法部;大受惊吓的助理们则取消原订会议,关起门来商量应对策略,并通过文章行文方式分析作者身份,或至少猜出来自哪个部门。一名白宫前官员说,这就像恐怖电影中人人都明白,“那通电话来自屋内”。 这一事件已让白宫内部“人人自危”,白宫高官纷纷发声称“不是自己干的”。美国副总统彭斯、国防部长马蒂斯、白宫幕僚长凯利、司法部长塞申斯、国家情报总监科茨、国务卿蓬佩奥、国土安全部长尼尔森先后站出来否认,第一夫人梅拉尼娅也连忙撇清和匿名文章的关系,公开批评该文章的作者“正用懦夫般的行为在伤害美国”。

《纽约时报》还报道称,一名匿名人士7日晚间表示,白宫目前已将嫌疑人名单缩小到十几人的范围,列出了一份12人的名单,认为匿名文章的作者可能就在这些人之中。据报道,几位白宫官员仍认为嫌疑最大的是美国副总统彭斯的助手,他曾负责撰写很多演讲稿。 特朗普7日则呼吁美国司法部对《纽约时报》展开调查,并称要对这家媒体“采取行动”。他在空军一号上对媒体表示,“司法部长塞申斯应该调查那篇文章的作者究竟是谁,因为我真的相信这事关国家安全。”《纽约时报》随后发表声明称,他们相信司法部“不会参与到如此公然滥用政府权力的行动中”。至于美国司法部是否已展开调查,该部门发言人尚未给出明确答案。

推荐第10篇:特朗普就职演讲视频完整版+文字版放出,中文字幕 l

特朗普就职演讲视频完整版+文字版放出,中文字幕 l

特朗普就职演讲视频完整版+文字版放出,中文字幕 l 金钱法则2016-11-10 22:20:00阅读(14625)评论(1) 声明:本文由入驻搜狐公众平台的作者撰写,除搜狐官方账号外,观点仅代表作者本人,不代表搜狐立场。举报


小编啥也不说了,热乎儿刚出锅的视频 赶紧趁热看,看完记得分享 美国新总统特朗普就职演说: 《我们要重新放飞美国梦》

《特朗普:我们要重新放飞美国梦》 下面这个视频是

特朗普女儿给父亲拉票演讲 被称为演讲届的教科书!

特朗普的女儿=霸道女总裁+超模+学霸+32D大美妞 下面这个视频

《150秒认识美国新总统特普朗》 看完惊呆了

《150秒认识美国新总统特普朗》 以及下面这个,今日最佳段子



希拉里犹豫了一下,然后趁店员不注意,伸手取了3块糕点藏进口袋。 她小声对特朗普说:“你看我多聪明,店主什么都没看到,而我甚至都不需要撒谎,我一定会战胜你赢得美国总统宝座!”





















正如我之前说的一样,我们的竞选不是竞选,而是一个伟大的、不可思议的运动- 由上百万辛勤工作的男人女人组成。











我们会重建基础设施- 高速公路、桥梁、隧道、机场、学校、医院。



我们也会照顾老兵们- 他们对国家相当忠诚。














我想告诉整个世界- 虽然我们把美国利益优先,我们会对每个国家足够公平。



























另一个伟大的男人,伟大的对手- 他很难缠 - 本卡森医生。感谢你。




His Tone Dark, Donald Trump Takes G.O.P.Mantle 特朗普的非常规提名演讲

CLEVELAND — Donald John Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday night with an unusually emphatic appeal to Americans who feel that their country is spiraling out of control and yearn for a leader who will take aggreive, even extreme, actions to protect them.

克利夫兰——周四晚,唐纳德·约翰·特朗普(Donald John Trump)接受了共和党的总统提名。期间他对美国人发出异常明确而坚决的呼吁,后者感觉自己的国家正走向失控,渴望有一位领导人采取强硬乃至极端的行动保护他们。

Mr.Trump, 70, a New York real estate developer and reality television star who leveraged his fame and forceful persona to become the rare political outsider to lead the ticket of a major party, drew exuberant cheers from Republican convention delegates as he strode onto the stage of the Quicken Loans Arena and delivered a speech as unusual as his candidacy.


Portaying himself as a bold truth-teller who would confront and retaliate against threats to the United States, Mr.Trump challenged Republican orthodoxy as he promised to end multilateral trade deals and limit American intervention in global crises.He denounced “15 years of wars in the Middle East” — a rebuke of his party’s last president, George W.Bush — and pledged to help union members, coal miners and other low-wage Americans who have historically supported Democrats.

特朗普将自己描绘成一个勇于讲真话的人,愿意直面和反击美国面临的威胁。他承诺终结多边贸易协议,限制美国对全球危机的介入,对共和党的正统观念形成挑战。他谴责“在中东的15年战争”——相当于指责前任共和党总统乔治·W·布什(George W.Bush)——发誓帮助工会成员、煤矿工人和其他美国低收入者,这些人以往大多支持民主党。 “These are the forgotten men and women of our country,” said Mr.Trump, a billionaire with a mixed record of job creation and layoffs.“People who work hard but no longer have a voice — I am your voice.” “这些是我们国家被遗忘的人,”既创造了工作机会也曾经裁过员、好坏记录参半的亿万富翁特朗普说道。“努力工作但不再有机会发声的人们——我就是你们的声音。”

Facing a restive party on the final night of a convention that has been unusually turbulent and divided, Mr.Trump undertook a last-ditch attempt to galvanize the audience by focusing sharply on their Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, and on multiple enemies to American stability.

在一场异常混乱、意见不一的大会的最后一晚,面对一个躁动不安的政党,特朗普最后一次竭力煽动台下的观众,方式是集中、尖锐地攻击他的民主党对手希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton),以及危及美国稳定的多方敌人。 He dwelled particularly on illegal immigrants and lawle Americans, saying they are as dangerous for the nation’s security as the Islamic State and Syrian refugees.In doing so, Trump advisers said, he sought to win over undecided voters who are sickened by the recent violence against police officers and worried about safety yet are unsure if Mr.Trump has the temperament and abilities to be commander in chief.


“The first task for our new administration will be to liberate our citizens from the crime and terrorism and lawlene that threatens their communities,” he said.


“I have a meage to every last person threatening the peace on our streets and the safety of our police: when I take the oath of office next year, I will restore law and order to our country.”

“对于威胁到我们街头的和平以及警察安全的每个人,本人有一句话:当我明年宣誓就职的时候,我会恢复美国的法律与秩序。” While nomination speeches are traditionally optimistic and personal, full of hope and revelations that cast candidates in the best poible light for voters, Mr.Trump largely shaped his speech to resonate with a tense nation.

传统的提名演讲基调乐观、带有个人色彩、充满希望、将候选人最好的一面呈现给选民。然而,特朗普大体上是在用自己的演讲引发情绪紧张的国民的共鸣。 Sounding often like a wartime president, Mr.Trump used the word “threat” several times as he promised to “defeat the barbarians of ISIS” and take a strong hand in dealing with Iran, China, and other countries that he regards as adversaries.He also recited homicide rates in American cities and the thousands of illegal immigrants with criminal records, promising to control violence at home and abroad.特朗普的语气常常像是一位战时总统。他承诺要“击溃ISIS野蛮势力”,以强硬立场应对伊朗、中国及其他一些被他视作对手的国家,言语间多次使用“威胁”一词。他还援引美国城市的他杀率和成千上万有犯罪记录的非法移民数据,许诺要在美国本土和海外遏制暴力。

“It is time to show the whole world that America is back — bigger, and better and stronger than ever before,” Mr.Trump said.


He was blistering about Mrs.Clinton, too, and her tenure as secretary of state, arguing that her diplomatic strategy in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and other countries had led to civil unrest and political chaos and rendered her unfit to be president.


He speculated audaciously that President Obama regretted putting her in charge of the State Department.他大胆揣测,奥巴马总统后悔自己让她执掌国务院。

“America is far le safe — and the world is far le stable — than when Obama made the decision to put Hillary Clinton in charge of America’s foreign policy,” Mr.Trump was to say.“比起奥巴马决定让希拉里·克林顿负责美国对外政策的时候,美国要不安全得多——全世界也要动荡得多,”特朗普这样表示。

In a bid to appeal to Democrats unhappy with their party’s embrace of Mrs.Clinton, he invoked the political meage of her chief rival, Senator Bernie Sanders, and suggested that Mr.Sanders shared Republicans’ critique of her record.

为了吸引不满本党拥护克林顿的民主党人,特朗普提及了她的主要对手、参议员伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)的政治讯息,还表示桑德斯赞同共和党人对她履历的批评。

“Her bad instincts and her bad judgment — something pointed out by Bernie Sanders — are what caused many of the disasters unfolding today,” Mr.Trump said.“But Hillary Clinton’s legacy does not have to be America’s legacy.The problems we face now — poverty and violence at home, war and destruction abroad — will last only as long as we continue relying on the same politicians who created them.” “她糟糕的本能,加上她糟糕的判断力——伯尼·桑德斯指出了这一点——导致了今天呈现的许多灾难,”特朗普说。“但是,希拉里·克林顿的政治遗产不必成为美国的遗产。只要我们继续依赖那些制造问题的老面孔,我们今天面临的问题——本土的贫困与暴力、海外的战争与破坏——就会延续下去。”

Championing his “America First” foreign policy theme, he played on the anxieties of some voters that the rest of the world no longer respects the United States.And he pledged to act quickly to make Americans feel better about their country and put foreign allies and adversaries on notice that the nation would focus exclusively and forcefully on protecting its own interests.


“My meage is that things have to change — and they have to change right now,” Mr.Trump said.

“我要发出的信号是,必须有所变化,而且是必须现在就变,”特朗普说。 The convention hall was full for Mr.Trump’s speech after several nights of empty seats and muted enthusiasm among delegates, many of whom were still ambivalent about Mr.Trump’s nomination.Delegates were rapt as Mr.Trump’s elder daughter, Ivanka, introduced him as a leader who would “take on the bold and worthy fights, who will be unafraid to set lofty goals and relentle in his determination to achieve them.”



Good evening.One year ago, I introduced my father when he declared his candidacy.Inhis own way and through his own sheer force of will, he sacrificed greatly to enter the political arena as an outsider and prevailed against(尤指长时间斗争后战胜) a field of 16 very talented competitors.For more than a year, Donald Trump has been the people’s champion.And tonight, he is the people’s nominee(候选人,被提名者).Like many of my fellow millennials, I do not consider myself categorically Republican or Democrat.More than party affiliation, I vote based on what I believe is right for my family and my country.Sometimes, it’s a tough choice.That is not the case this time.As the proud daughter of your nominee, I am here to tell you that this is the moment, and Donald Trump is the person, to make America great again.Real change — the kind we have not seen in decades — is only going to come from outside the system, and it’s only going to come from a man who has spent his entire life doing what others said could not be done.My father is a fighter.When the primaries(美国初选) got tough — and they were tough! — he did what any great leader does: He dug deeper, worked harder, got better and became stronger.I have seen him fight for his family.I have seen him fight for his employees.I have seen him fight for his company, and now I am seeing him fight for our country! That’s been the story of his life and, more recently, the spirit of his campaign.It’s also a prelude to reaching the goal(…的序幕、前奏) that unites us all when this party — and better still this country — knows what it is like to win again.If it’s poible to be famous and yet not really well known, that describes the father who raised me.In the same office in Trump Tower where we now work together, I remember playing on the floor by my father’s desk, constructing miniature(缩小的,微型的) buildings with Legos and erector sets, while he did the same with concrete, steel and gla.My father taught my siblings and me the importance of positive values and a strong ethical compa.He showed us how to be resilient, how to deal with challenges and how to strive for excellence in all that we do.He taught us that there is nothing we cannot accomplish, if we marry vision and paion with an enduring work ethic.One of my father’s greatest talents is his ability to see potential in people before they see it in themselves.It was like that for us too, growing up.He taught us that potential vanishes into nothing without effort.And that, like him, we each had a responsibility to work not just for ourselves, but for the betterment of the world around us.Over the years, on too many occasions to count, I saw my father tear stories out of the newspaper, about people he had never met who were facing some injustice or hardship.He’d write a note to his aistant in his signature black felt-tip pen and request that the person befound and invited to Trump Tower to meet with him.He would talk to them, and then draw on(利用) his extensive network to find them a job or get them a break.And they would leave his office, as people often do after being with Donald Trump, feeling that life could be right again. Throughout my entire life, I have witneed his empathy(移情) and generosity towards others, especially those who are suffering; it’s just his way of being in your corner when you’re down.My father has not only the strength and ability neceary to be our next president, but also the kindne and compaion(同情) that will enable him to be the leader that this country needs. My father has a sense of fairne that touches every conviction(坚定的看法或信念) he holds.I’ve worked alongside him for more than a decade now at the Trump Organization, and I’ve seen how he operates as a leader, making important decisions that shape careers and change lives.I’ve learned a lot about the world from walking construction jobs by his side. When run properly, construction sites are true meritocracies.Competence in the building trades is easy to spot, and incompetence is impoible to hide.These sites are also incredible(难以置信的) melting pots, gathering people from all walks of life and uniting them to work toward a single miion.There have always been men of all backgrounds and ethnicities on my father’s job sites, and long before it was commonplace(司空见惯的), you also saw women. My father values talent.He recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it.He is color blind and gender-neutral.He hires the best person for the job, period.Words and promises, no matter how visionary they sound, will only get you so far.In our busine, you’re not a builder unle you’ve got a building to show for it or, in my father’s case, city skylines. Most people strive their entire lives to achieve great succe in a single industry.My father has succeeded in many at the highest level and on a global scale.One of the reasons he has thrived(繁荣,茂盛) as an entrepreneur is because he listens to everyone.Billionaire executives don’t usually ask the people doing the work for their opinions of the work.My father is an exception.On every one of his projects, you’ll see him talking to the super, the painter, the engineers, the electricians.He’ll ask for their feedback(反馈); if they think something should be done differently or could be done better. When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, effort and excellence.This has long been the philosophy at the Trump Organization.At my family’s company, there are more female than male executives.Women are paid equally for the work that we do, and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out.Women represent 46 percentof the total U.S.labor force, and 40 percent of American households have female primary breadwinners.In 2014, women made 83 cents for every dollar earned by a man.Single women without children earned 94 cents for each dollar earned by a man, whereas(然而) married mothers made only 77 cents.As researchers have noted, gender is no longer the factor creating the greatest wage discrepancy — motherhood is.As president, my father will change the labor laws that were put in place(到位) at a time in which women were not a significant part of the workforce, and he will focus on making quality childcare affordable and acceible for all.As the mother of three young children, I know how hard it is to work while raising a family, and I also know that I am more fortunate than most.American families need relief.Policies that allow women with children to thrive should not be novelties(新颖的事物); they should be the norm(标准,常态).Politicians talk about wage equality, but my father has made it a practice at his company throughout his entire career.He will fight for equal pay for equal work, and I will fight for this too, right alongside of him.Americans today need an economy that permits people to rise again.A Trump presidency will turn the economy around(扭转经济) and restore the great American tradition(恢复传统) of giving each new generation hope for brighter opportunities than those of generation that came before.In Donald Trump, you have a candidate who knows the difference between wanting something done and making it happen.When my father says he will build a tower, keep an eye on the skyline.Floor by floor, a soaring(高耸的) structure will appear, usually record-setting in its height and iconic in its design.Real people are hired to do real work.Vision becomes reality.When my father says that he will make America great again, he will deliver.We have a chance this year, to reclaim our heritage as a country that dreams big and makes the impoible happen.Fortunately, Donald Trump is incapable of thinking small.When I was a child, my father always told me, “Ivanka, if you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well think big.” As president, my father will take on the bold and worthy fights.He will be unafraid to set lofty(崇高的,伟大的) goals, and he will be relentle in his determination to achieve them.To the people all over America, I say, when you have my father in your corner, you will never again have to worry about being let down.He will fight for you all the way, all the time.Every time




2016年他在白宫召开了最后一次记者招待会晚宴,他称之为correspondents’ dinner,但我们知道正确的表达应该是news conference。之后他也有提到一个词叫pre core也就是记者团。其实我们可以看出奥巴马本人也有一些感慨,他说明年这个时候站在这里讲话的就是别人了。”Next year at this time,someone else will be standing here in this very spot,and it’s anyone’s gue who she will be.” Anyone的用法其实很多变,它很容易和everyone混淆。

◎ 我们可以看到松江区一模的72题。任何为实现梦想而付诸行动的人都应受到尊敬。任何人很容易翻成everyone,但其实它在肯定句中指的是所有人,而任何人是whoever或anyone。

▍“Eight years ago,I said it was time to change the tone of our politics.” The tone of our politics也就是我们政界的风气。The tone of sth.是一个非常地道的表达,也就是…的风气。奥巴马在提到加拿大总理的时候,他说”In fact, sb.recently said to me, Mr.President, you’re so yesterday, Justin Trudeau has completely replaced you.He’s so handsome, he’s so charming, he’s the future.And I said, Justin, just give it a rest.You’re so yesterday 也就是你太过气了。Yesterday在这里是副词作形容词。Give it a rest也就是你够了。之后,奥巴马在展现家庭温馨时也用了词性转换。”Meanwhile,Michelle has not aged a day.The only way you can date her in photos is by looking at me.Age和date都是名词作动词。

◎ 关于age的用法,我们可以看到青浦区的翻译第1题,如今生态旅游已受到不同年龄旅游者的青睐。这里的难点主要在于不同年龄和生态旅游。不同年龄可以译为of all/different ages。Of+n.的结构可以看做形容词用来修饰前面的travellers。很多人会把生态旅游去和biology和biography联系起来,但其实他们是非常比一样的,生态旅游应该是ecotourism。

▍作为记者招待会,当然有几个部分是必不可少的,包括对过去一年的展望。与其说展望,不如说是奥巴马通过幽默感表现出的委婉的控。他说”In a short six months,I’ll be officially a lame duck,which means congre now will flat-out reject my authority.And this is going to take some getting used to.It’s really going to——It’s a curve ball.I don’t know what to do with it.Take some getting used to 是一个习语,原句应该是take some time to get used to。Flat是平坦的,flat-out 也就是直接地。如果我们把当中的—去掉,它就解释为全力地。

◎ 同样的,这样的复合形容词有很多,我们可以看到黄浦的30题。The matter,then,is far from clear-cut,though experience are available evidence indicate early care is reasonable for infants.它的空是划在了indicate,分析句子结构我们可以发现它that,这句话主要是一个让步的关系。Clear-cut这里的意思很好猜,也就是清晰地,明确地,那上半句就解释为原因不明细。 ▍除了来自国内的压力,奥巴马也表现了对国外的态度的不满。”Even some foreign leaders,they’ve been looking ahead,anticipating my departure.Last week,Prince George showed up to our meeting in his bathrobe.That was a slap in the face.“A slap in the face指的是打脸般的羞辱。Anticipating是一个分词作状语的结构,它和动名词,动词不定式都是非常重要的考点。之后他说在英国参加了一系列白人的活动,”just in case anybody is still debating whether I’m black enough.I think that settles the debate.In case和in case of我们都知道是以防。 ◎ 那么在徐汇卷的73题就出现了这个词:每月她都会留出一部分钱以备不时之需。我们可以把它翻成she sets aside some money monthly in case of need.我们也可以用in case+句子的用法,比如in case there’s a rainy day.

▍settles the debate 我们知道是解决争议,之后奥巴马也有提到一个词叫settle down,这里的settle有安定的意思,也就是冷静。

◎ 在黄浦区的26题它写道:But tests that/which have been used measure this development are not widely enough accepted to settle the iue.这里的settle the iue就是解决问题,解决争端。

▍记者招待会自然少不了政治类话题,他说:”Also,I would be remi,let’s give it up to our host——Larry Willmore.”这句话其实非常难懂,为什么呢?一个是would be remi。他的原话应该是”I thought I would be remi if I forget him.“

◎ 这是一个虚拟语气,我们可以看到徐汇卷的72题:我以为你会和我一起乘地铁去北京。这句话看上去简单,但很容易翻成I think…you will的结构。但其实他以为是已经是过去了,所以应该是一个虚拟语态。I thought you would go to Beijing with me by high-speed rail.才是正确的。那么回到原话,它应该怎么翻呢?那就是不能忘了他,让我们为我们的主持人鼓掌喝彩。

▍奥共和党主席Reince Priebus 也来到了现场:”GOP chairman Reince Priebus is here as well,glad to see that you feel that you\'ve earned a night off.“ earn a night off按照字面意思是挣了一个晚上的休息时间。奥巴马还提到了共和党的另外一个竞选人叫Ted.他说:”He called a basketball hoop a basketball ring.What else is in his lexicon? Baseball sticks? Football hats?”当然对于我们来说,这个翻译可能很通顺,棒球棍、橄榄球帽似乎并没有什么不对。但是棒球棍地道的表达应该是baseball bat,橄榄球帽就不用说了,应该是helmet,如果是棒球帽的话也应该是basebdall cap,而不是baseball hat。当然对于川普的嘲讽也是必不可少的。在提到川普拒绝来晚宴的时候,他说:”Is this dinner too tacky for the Donald?”tacky这个词其实非常实用,它完整的表达应该是tacky and corny,指的是俗气。奥巴马也模仿了当年共和党员工作时的场景,他说:”Security,bar the doors!”这里的bar the doors我们都知道是关门。但其实bar也可以作为名词,相当于barrier。他在过去的演讲中也曾提到他的父母说:“他们为我起了个非洲名字。“ ”They would give me an African name,Barack,or bleed,believing that in a tolerant America,your name is no barrier to succe.”这里的barrier也就相当于bar——阻碍、羁绊。

◎ 那么在这次的一模考卷中,其实出现了很多很多的barrier。那么就可以知道bar也很可能用来替换barrier成为今后的一个热词。

▍奥巴马也提到了一位来参会的民主党员,也就是Burney。”I’m a little hurt though Burney that you’ve been distancing yourself a little from me.I mean,that’s just not something that you do to your comrade.”you’ve been doing是现在完成进行时,也就是你一直在与我保持距离。 ◎ 那么distance yourself from sb.也出现在了虹口卷,翻译的第四题:现代互联网技术的发展越先进,人们在现实生活中的人际关系就会越疏远。(likely)它的关键词给的是likely,但我们知道难点其实并不在此,而在于先进和疏远。先进我们应该都会翻,叫advanced,那么疏远呢?用的就是distance的形容词distant。这句话就应该是the more advanced the development of technology is,the more distant the relationship between people/people’s relationship are likely to be/ become in the real life.

▍当然记者招待会还有一个重要的话题就是对于新闻媒体界的评价。他说:”At home and abroad,journalists like all of you engage in the dogged pursuit of informing citizens,and holding leaders accountable and making our government of the people poible.Dogged指的是顽强的,那么后面的of the people poible也就是为人民服务的政府。其实还有一个我们熟悉的词就是民有民治民享。Of the people也就是民有,那民治和民享呢?整句话很有可能出现在翻译当中,我们可以把它翻成the government of the people,by the people and for the people。这句话其实很完整地表达了记者的职责。后面他又说:”Taking a stand on behalf of what is true does not require you shedding your objectivity.In fact,it is the eence of good journalism.”objectivity是客观性,它的反义词subjectivity是主观性。The eence of是一个非常重要的词,叫…的精髓。很多人会认为它只有一个意思,也就是要素,但其实更多地,我们用的是精髓。

◎ 我们可以看到虹口区33题The research showed that over the past 35 years,women’s happine has declined,both comparing to the past and relative to men even though the lives of women in the US have improved in recent decades by most objective measures.这里很明显是填一个形容词。那么我们知道在10选9当中很多的选项都有形容词的倾向,比如inadequate。那么在这种情况下,我们分析上句The lives of women have improved。这个动态关系其实就是由男女平等引起的,那么后面的是什么措施呢?也就是公正的,客观的措施,也就是objective。


▍在2017年1月20日,Donald•J•Trump发表了就职演说,标志其正式登上历史舞台。“You came by the tens of millions to become part of the historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before.”这里我们发现like也可以作具体的个体名词——类别使用,the likes of which has never been seen before就是unprecedented, 所以译文很简洁,即你们千千万万,远道而来就为了参加这一史无前例的历史性运动。

▍先是宣誓:“The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all!

▍Americans.”office在这里指职位。同样,在曾经的竞选中批评卡森时:“He wrote this I gue before he was running for office.”run for office即竞选职位,又有在野和执政表达为out of office和in office。

▍Trump 这次的演说可以说是色调灰暗,表现为危机观和政客的贬低以突出自身的重要性。危机观比如“Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted factories scattered like tombstones acro the landscape of our nation, an education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge.”(居住在内陆城市的贫困母子,全国各地如墓碑般横亘的停摆工厂,依靠高额学费运营的教育体制剥夺了青年才俊汲取各类知识的机会。)从这句话中我们可以看出“谈判的艺术”,英语中也有修辞手法,但不能完全用中文的眼光来看待,而需要积累,之后也有更多例子。Trapped in poverty和scattered like tombstones 这类分词作形容词的用法也出现在了段落总结句中“We aembled here today are iuing a new decree to be heard in every city.”We aembled here是一个整体,但可以转换为动词来翻译(我们聚集于此)再比如,“For many decades, we’ve enriched foreign industries at the expanse of other industries, subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military.”(多年来,我们发展了别国的工业,本国工业却步步倒退;我们为别国筹措军费,本国的军费却紧巴巴。) at the expanse of将两部分以明确的逻辑关系联系在一起。

◎ 除此之外,英语还有副词等工具来调整语序,使句子简洁明了。我们可以看到闵行区一模翻译76题:这家饭店虽然位置不佳,但因菜肴丰富、服务优良而深受食客青睐。(locate)整体是转折关系,后半句是由“菜肴丰富”和“服务优良”两个要素构成的因果关系。看到locate,我们会条件反射be located in,但相较后半句的结构,句子会显得冗长,所以可以考虑用副词来修饰locate。译为Although this restaurant is not ideally located,it is quite popular among dinners because of its rich dishes and excellent service.”

◎ 还有高考完型中”Anything we can do to improve our ability to predict the events is well worth the effort.”其中well修饰worth节省了很多功夫。

◎ 而对政客的贬低体现于“We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action”,这里将no longer前置进行强调。

◎ 关于强调句,我们可以看到松江区一模的翻译75题:务必保管好你的密码,否则别人会获取你储存在电脑中的重要信息。(acce)很容易反应出have/get acce to,“务必”我们熟悉的是be sure to。这里实质上是强调,所以可译为do keep your paword safe.all talk and no action 即光说不干。Hillary Clinton在竞选中也用了类似的表达:“The facts speaks for themselves.” ,即事实证明了一切。

▍Trump在竞选中也多次表达对政客的不满:“We have people that are selling this country down the drain.”(我们有人把这个国家出卖到血本无归),drain原意排水孔,尤指钱的消耗。Down the drain形象地表达了政客和领导人合伙出卖国家之迅速,即血本无归。

▍他在演说中大多继承了竞选中的观点,他重申其经济观以拯救本国经济(主要体现为通货膨胀、贸易不平衡和失业率)。正如APM中名为Trump’s America的报道中所说“Raising interest rates,just sort of contract expansionary fiscal policy actually does the president a salad,if in fact keeps the economy overheating.”

那我们知道美国被称作melting pot,它的双胞胎是salad bowl,大家可以自己去查它们之间的区别。

▍Trump在竞选中也提到:“Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the middle east.” eat up解释为占据,这里是拟人。所以他将移民比作强盗:“We must protect our borders from the ravagers of other countries making our products,stealing our companies and destroying our jobs.”;将现在的美国比作垃圾倾销厂:“The U.S has become a dumping ground for everybody else\'s problem.”,而Hillary对此表达了不同的观点:”We have to work more closely to make sure that they and we are on the same page, we have to lead the world because the alternative to us leading the world is a vacuum.”

▍他表达民粹主义以拉拢人心:“For too long, only a small group in our country has reaped the rewards of our country while the people have borne the cost.(长期以来,只有华盛顿的小部分群体享受到政府政策的利益,其他美国人民只是承受代价),并展现美好愿景“We will get our people off of welfare and back to work, rebuilding our countries with American hands and American labor. We will follow two simple rules:Buy American and hire American.”(我们将使国民不再吃低保,让他们重回工作岗位,用双手和汗水重建祖国。我们将遵循两项简单的规则:购买美国商品,雇佣美国公民。) ◎ Reap the rewards和on the same page称为求雅换词, 我们熟悉的例子是在松江区74题:听到两位宇航员安然无恙返回地球的消息,人们欣喜若狂(wild)译为Hearing the news that the two astronauts returned to earth safe and sound,people were wild with joy.get people off of welfare即让国民不再吃低保。

◎ 在静安区第一篇语法中也考察了对off的理解:Surfer Mat Jones told Channel 7 News that he (21) has gone (go) into water off a New South Wales beach and left his new iPhone 7.这里解释为从岸上下水。Water和off连在一起的短语有water off a duck’s back(对牛弹琴).The Buy American Act曾在1933年实施过,Hillary在竞选中对此反驳道:“Instead of the economy(Basic bargain),they’ll buy every American for every American,we were told that if we let those at the top pay lower taxes and bend the rules,their succe will trickle down to everyone else.”trickle down指向下滴流,形象地表现了过程的不可靠,具有强烈的讽刺意味。

◎ “谈判的艺术”还体现在过渡句,Trump在竞选中曾用到“Here’s the beauty of all.”来吸引注意。

◎ 从政治类演讲中我们还可以积累政治专用词汇,例如Trump在宣布竞选时谈到的第二修正案:“Firmly support and back up the second amendment.”再例如这次也谈到给予老兵应有的待遇,老兵称为veterans,简称vets。Hillary也曾谈到:”Our national troops didn’t get acce to the same health care benefits but they were being called up more and more.”

◎ 对于call的搭配,我们仍需注意,这里的call up是召集而闵行区51题B选项call off解释为取消。


▍下面我们结合APM名为One week into Donald Trump’s economy一文来回顾Trump上任的第一周。“First up,we try to cram President Donald Trump’s very busy first week into five minutes of radio.”“This is a very interesting way of doing policy of throwing things up in the air to flow them and see how the public response.”他对所有进口商品实行了20%税率,然而...“For economists,taxation is a may busine,it’s kind of shooting yourself in the foot.Now,if it’s a part of the entire cooperate ,then the ideas that the exchange rate would adjust and the effect to the American consumer wouldn’t be that great.”shooting yourself in the foot 从字面意思理解就是搬起石头砸自己的脚。


Good evening.One year ago, I introduced my father when he declared his candidacy.In his own way and through his own sheer force of will, he sacrificed greatly to enter the political arena as an outsider and prevailed against(尤指长时间斗争后战胜) a field of 16 very talented competitors.For more than a year, Donald Trump has been the people’s champion.And tonight, he is the people’s nominee(候选人,被提名者).Like many of my fellow millennials, I do not consider myself categorically Republican or Democrat.More than party affiliation, I vote based on what I believe is right for my family and my country.Sometimes, it’s a tough choice.That is not the case this time.As the proud daughter of your nominee, I am here to tell you that this is the moment, and Donald Trump is the person, to make America great again.Real change — the kind we have not seen in decades — is only going to come from outside the system, and it’s only going to come from a man who has spent his entire life doing what others said could not be done.My father is a fighter.When the primaries(美国初选) got tough — and they were tough! — he did what any great leader does: He dug deeper, worked harder, got better and became stronger.I have seen him fight for his family.I have seen him fight for his employees.I have seen him fight for his company, and now I am seeing him fight for our country! That’s been the story of his life and, more recently, the spirit of his campaign.It’s also a prelude to reaching the goal(…的序幕、前奏) that unites us all when this party — and better still this country — knows what it is like to win again.If it’s poible to be famous and yet not really well known, that describes the father who raised me.In the same office in Trump Tower where we now work together, I remember playing on the floor by my father’s desk, constructing miniature(缩小的,微型的) buildings with Legos and erector sets, while he did the same with concrete, steel and gla.My father taught my siblings and me the importance of positive values and a strong ethical compa.He showed us how to be resilient, how to deal with challenges and how to strive for excellence in all that we do.He taught us that there is nothing we cannot accomplish, if we marry vision and paion with an enduring work ethic.One of my father’s greatest talents is his ability to see potential in people before they see it in themselves.It was like that for us too, growing up.He taught us that potential vanishes into nothing without effort.And that, like him, we each had a responsibility to work not just for ourselves, but for the betterment of the world around us.Over the years, on too many occasions to count, I saw my father tear stories out of the newspaper, about people he had never met who were facing some injustice or hardship.He’d write a note to his aistant in his signature black felt-tip pen and request that the person be found and invited to Trump Tower to meet with him.He would talk to them, and then draw on(利用) his extensive network to find them a job or get them a break.And they would leave his office, as people often do after being with Donald Trump, feeling that life could be right again.Throughout my entire life, I have witneed his empathy(移情) and generosity towards others, especially those who are suffering; it’s just his way of being in your corner when you’re down.My father has not only the strength and ability neceary to be our next president, but also the kindne and compaion(同情) that will enable him to be the leader that this country needs.My father has a sense of fairne that touches every conviction(坚定的看法或信念) he holds.I’ve worked alongside him for more than a decade now at the Trump Organization, and I’ve seen how he operates as a leader, making important decisions that shape careers and change lives.I’ve learned a lot about the world from walking construction jobs by his side.When run properly, construction sites are true meritocracies.Competence in the building trades is easy to spot, and incompetence is impoible to hide.These sites are also incredible(难以置信的) melting pots, gathering people from all walks of life and uniting them to work toward a single miion.There have always been men of all backgrounds and ethnicities on my father’s job sites, and long before it was commonplace(司空见惯的), you also saw women.My father values talent.He recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it.He is color blind and gender-neutral.He hires the best person for the job, period.Words and promises, no matter how visionary they sound, will only get you so far.In our busine, you’re not a builder unle you’ve got a building to show for it or, in my father’s case, city skylines.Most people strive their entire lives to achieve great succe in a single industry.My father has succeeded in many at the highest level and on a global scale.One of the reasons he has thrived(繁荣,茂盛) as an entrepreneur is because he listens to everyone.Billionaire executives don’t usually ask the people doing the work for their opinions of the work.My father is an exception.On every one of his projects, you’ll see him talking to the super, the painter, the engineers, the electricians.He’ll ask for their feedback(反馈); if they think something should be done differently or could be done better.When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, effort and excellence.This has long been the philosophy at the Trump Organization.At my family’s company, there are more female than male executives.Women are paid equally for the work that we do, and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out.Women represent 46 percent of the total U.S.labor force, and 40 percent of American households have female primary breadwinners.In 2014, women made 83 cents for every dollar earned by a man.Single women without children earned 94 cents for each dollar earned by a man, whereas(然而) married mothers made only 77 cents.As researchers have noted, gender is no longer the factor creating the greatest wage discrepancy — motherhood is.As president, my father will change the labor laws that were put in place(到位) at a time in which women were not a significant part of the workforce, and he will focus on making quality childcare affordable and acceible for all.As the mother of three young children, I know how hard it is to work while raising a family, and I also know that I am more fortunate than most.American families need relief.Policies that allow women with children to thrive should not be novelties(新颖的事物); they should be the norm(标准,常态).Politicians talk about wage equality, but my father has made it a practice at his company throughout his entire career.He will fight for equal pay for equal work, and I will fight for this too, right alongside of him.Americans today need an economy that permits people to rise again.A Trump presidency will turn the economy around(扭转经济) and restore the great American tradition(恢复传统) of giving each new generation hope for brighter opportunities than those of generation that came before.In Donald Trump, you have a candidate who knows the difference between wanting something done and making it happen.When my father says he will build a tower, keep an eye on the skyline.Floor by floor, a soaring(高耸的) structure will appear, usually record-setting in its height and iconic in its design.Real people are hired to do real work.Vision becomes reality.When my father says that he will make America great again, he will deliver.We have a chance this year, to reclaim our heritage as a country that dreams big and makes the impoible happen.Fortunately, Donald Trump is incapable of thinking small.When I was a child, my father always told me, “Ivanka, if you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well think big.” As president, my father will take on the bold and worthy fights.He will be unafraid to set lofty(崇高的,伟大的) goals, and he will be relentle in his determination to achieve them.To the people all over America, I say, when you have my father in your corner, you will never again have to worry about being let down.He will fight for you all the way, all the time.Every time.









我父亲有种公平观,与他的每一个信念息息相关。我已经在川普集团和他一起工作超过十年,我看到他作为领导是如何运筹帷幄,做出塑造职业生涯和改变人们生活的重要决定。我从在他身边从事建筑工作中学到关于这个世界很多的东西。 正常运营时,建筑工地是真正唯才是举的地方。建筑业中能力显而易见,而无能却无法隐瞒。这些工地也是令人难以置信的大熔炉,它把各行各业的人们聚集在一起,团结起来朝着一个目标努力。在我父亲的工地上,不同背景和种族的人总是在一起。在司空见惯之前,你也偶尔能看到女性。










I’ve just received a call from secretary Clinton.She congratulated us.It’s about us.On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very ,very hard-fought campaign.I mean she fought very hard.Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.I mean that very sincerely.Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division, have to get together, to all Republicans and Democrats and independents acro this nation I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.It is time.I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me .For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.As I’ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family. 我刚从克林顿国务卿那儿接到一个电话。他祝贺我们获胜。这是关于我们的事。

在如此艰难漫长的竞选中,我非常感谢她和她的整个家族。 她是一个战士。希拉里工作时间很长,一直非常努力。她对整个国家做出了贡献,我们欠她一个感谢。

我是认真的。现在我觉得美国人应该弥补裂痕,重新团结在一起。 全美所有的共和党人、民主党人、自由党人,现在正是我们一起团结人民的时候。





Thank you.Thank you very much, everyone.Sorry to keep you waiting.Complicated busine, complicated.Thank you very much.谢谢你们,非常感谢你们每一个人。抱歉让你们久等了。真是棘手的工作,非常棘手。再次感谢你们。

I\'ve just received a call from secretary Clinton.She congratulated us.It’s about us.On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign.我刚刚接到了国务卿希拉里的电话,她向我们表示了祝贺。这是有关我们的事业和我们的胜利,同时我也向她和她的家庭表示敬意,她们在这场硬仗中坚持了下来。

I mean she fought very hard.Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.我是说,她真的在拼尽全力战斗。希拉里在这场持续很久的选战中持之以恒地奋战,同时,对于她为国服务的经历,我们欠她一个感谢。

I mean that very sincerely.Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division, have to get together, to all Republicans and Democrats and independents acro this nation I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.我真诚地向她表示感谢。而现在,是美国从分裂的伤口中重新捆成一团,集结在一起的时候了。我想对所有的共和党、民主党和独立人士说,现在是我们重新作为美国人站在一起的时候了。

It is time.I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me.For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I\'m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.As I\'ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family.这个时刻到了。我向这片土地上的每一位公民承诺,我会做一名为每一个美国人服务的总统,这一点对我尤其重要。对于在过去不支持我的那些人来说,我现在需要你们的指导和援助,让我们一起把这个伟大的国家团结起来。就像我从一开始就说的那样,这不只是一场选战,而是一次伟大的和无与伦比的运动,这场运动由数百万勤奋工作的男男女女组成。他们热爱自己的国家,他们想要一个更为美好和光明的未来。

It is a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will.这场运动属于所有美国人,来自所有种族、宗教、背景和信仰的美国人。他们期待我们的政府的为人民服务,并且希望他们的期待不会落空。

Working together we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream.I\'ve spent my entire life in busine, looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world.我们一起努力,开始这项刻不容缓的任务:重建我们的国家,重塑美国梦。我的一生都在商界摸爬滚打,我看见了那些来自世界各地的项目,和人群中未被开发的潜力。

That is now what I want to do for our country.Tremendous potential.I\'ve gotten to know our country so well.Tremendous potential.It is going to be a beautiful thing.Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential.The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.这是我现在想为国家做的工作。这个国家有着无穷的潜力。我已经如此了解我们的国家,确信她包含无穷潜力。这将是一件非常美好的事情。每一个美国人都将有机会实现他或她所拥有的全部潜能。这个国家曾经被遗忘的男人和女人将不再被忽略。

We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals.We\'re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none, and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.We will also finally take care of our great veterans who have been so loyal, and I\'ve gotten to know so many over this 18-month journey.我们将修复我们的内陆城市,并重建高速公路、桥梁、隧道、机场、学校和医院。我们将重建基础设施,并且更重要的是,这些重建项目会给数百万人带来工作。同时,我们也终于能照顾好那些忠诚而伟大的老兵,在这场持续18个月的竞选旅程中,我认识了他们当中的不少人。

The time I\'ve spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors.能和他们共同经历这场选战,是我最大的荣幸之一。

Our veterans are incredible people.We will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal.I will harne the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all.It is going to happen.We have a great economic plan.We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world.At the same time we will get along with all other nations, willing to get along with us.We will be.We will have great relationships.We expect to have great, great relationships.No dream is too big, no challenge is too great.Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.我们的老兵是无与伦比的。我们将会启动一个让国家经济增长、重焕活力的项目。我会挖掘出我们所拥有的创意和才能,并且,我们要呼吁那些最优秀和最聪慧的人,为了我们所有人的利益而去最大化地利用他们的才干。这是我们能够做到的事情。我们有一个极好的经济计划。我们能够让经济增长率提升一倍,并成为全球最强劲的经济体。与此同时,我们会和其他国家处好关系,如果他们愿意和我们好好相处的话。我们会做到的。我们将和这些国家建立友好的关系,我们将和他们缔结伟大的友谊。没有哪个梦想是过于远大的,没有什么挑战是我们无法克服的。我们的未来尽在我们的掌控之中。

America will no longer settle for anything le than the best.We must reclaim our country\'s destiny and dream big and bold and daring.We have to do that.We\'re going to dream of things for our country, and beautiful things and succeful things once again.美国将永远朝着最美好的未来进发,我们将重塑我们国家的命运并追逐最远大的梦想。我们必须要做到这一点。我们将再次为了我们的国家而心怀梦想,心怀赢得美好和成功的梦想。

I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America\'s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone.我想对全世界的人们说,当我们把美国的利益置于首位的同时,我们也会公平地对待每一个人。

All people and all other nations.We will seek common ground, not hostility, partnership, not conflict.And now I would like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this, what they are calling tonight a very, very historic victory.我们会与其他所有国家和人群寻求共同利益,而非敌意;寻求合作,而非冲突。现在我想利用这个时刻感谢那些曾帮助过我的人,是他们帮助我取得了今晚这一历史性的胜利。

First I want to thank my parents, who I know are looking down on me right now.Great people.I\'ve learned so much from them.They were wonderful in every regard.I are truly great parents.I also want to thank my sisters, Marianne and Elizabeth who are here with us tonight.Where are they? They\'re here someplace.They\'re very shy actually.首先我想感谢我的父母,他们此刻正在天堂注视着我。他们都是很伟大的人,我从他们身上学习到很多。他们在每个方面都做得很好。他们是伟大的父母。我还想感谢我的姐妹,玛莉安娜和伊丽莎白。她们今晚陪我来到了这里。她们在哪儿呢?她们在台下某个地方,她们都是害羞的人。

And my brother Robert, my great friend.Where is Robert? Where is Robert? 我还想感谢我的弟弟和朋友罗伯特。他在哪儿呢?

My brother Robert, and they should be on this stage but that\'s okay.They\'re great.我的姐妹和弟弟罗伯特,他们应该出现在台上的。但是没关系,他们都很棒。

And also my late brother Fred, great guy.Fantastic guy.Fantastic family.I was very lucky.我还想感谢我已经去世的兄弟弗雷德,他也是一个很好的人,他很优秀。能成为这个优秀家庭的一员,我感到很荣幸。

Great brothers, sisters, great, unbelievable parents.To Melania and Don and Ivanka and Eric and Tiffany and Barron, I love you and I thank you, and especially for putting up with all of those hours.This was tough.我拥有优秀的兄弟姐妹,伟大的父母亲。我还想感谢梅拉尼娅、唐、伊万卡、艾瑞克、蒂芙尼和拜伦。我爱你们,我感谢你们,感谢你们在过去艰难的几个小时里对我的陪伴。等待结果的过程真是艰难。

This was tough.This political stuff is nasty and it is tough.So I want to thank my family very much.Really fantastic.Thank you all.Thank you all.Lara, unbelievable job.Unbelievable.Vanea, thank you.Thank you very much.What a great group.这是一件非常辛苦的事业。选举过程艰难而又令人厌恶。所以我十分感谢我的家人。他们真的都很棒。感谢你们所有人,感谢你们所有人。劳拉,你完成的工作使人惊叹。瓦内莎,谢谢你。十分感谢你们。多么优秀的一支团队。

You\'ve all given me such incredible support, and I will tell you that we have a large group of people.You know, they kept saying we have a small staff.Not so small.Look at all of the people that we have.Look at all of these people.你们一直以来给予了我令人难以想象的坚定支持。我想告诉你们,我们拥有一支庞大的团队。你们知道,一直有人声称我们的团队很小。我们的数量并不少。看看我们团队里的这些成员,看看他们所有人。

And Kellyanne and Chris and Rudy and Steve and David.We have got tremendously talented people up here, and I want to tell you it\'s been very, very special.台上还有凯莉·安、克里斯、鲁迪、史蒂夫和大卫。台上站着许多有才华的人。我想对你们说,这支团队真的很独特。

I want to give a very special thanks to our former mayor, Rudy Giuliani.He\'s unbelievable.Unbelievable.He traveled with us and he went through meetings, and Rudy never changes.Where is Rudy.Where is he? 我想特别感谢我们的前任市长,鲁迪·朱利安尼。他很棒,十分优秀。他和我们一起去各州宣传,一起开会,他从未改变。鲁迪在哪儿呢,他在哪儿? [Chanting \"Rudy\"] Gov.Chris Christie, folks, was unbelievable.Thank you, Chris.The first man, first senator, first major, major politician — let me tell you, he is highly respected in Washington because he is as smart as you get, senator Jeff seions.Where is Jeff? A great man.Another great man, very tough competitor.He was not easy.He was not easy.Who is that? Is that the mayor that showed up? Is that Rudy? 克里斯·克里斯蒂州长,诸位,他真是不可思议。谢谢你,克里斯。他是第一人,第一参议员,第一市长,重要的政治家。我告诉你们,他在华盛顿非常受尊敬,因为他和你一样聪明,参议员杰夫·赛辛斯。杰夫在哪儿?另一个伟大的人,非常强硬的对手,赢他很不容易,不容易。那是谁?是市长鲁迪吗?

Up here.Really a friend to me, but I\'ll tell you, I got to know him as a competitor because he was one of the folks that was negotiating to go against those Democrats, Dr.Ben Carson.Where\'s been? Where is Ben? By the way, Mike Huckabee is here someplace, and he is fantastic.Mike and his familiar bring Sarah, thank you very much.Gen.Mike Flynn.Where is Mike? And Gen.Kellogg.We have over 200 generals and admirals that have endorsed our campaign and there are special people.We have 22 congreional medal of honor people.A very special person who, believe me, I read reports that I wasn\'t getting along with him.I never had a bad second with him.He\'s an unbelievable star.He is -- that\'s right, how did you poibly gue? Let me tell you about Reince.I\'ve said Reince.I know it.I know it.Look at all of those people over there.I know it, Reince is a superstar.I said, they can\'t call you a superstar, Reince, unle we win it.Like secretariat.He would not have that bust at the track at Belmont.到台上来。他真是我的好朋友。但我告诉你,初识他时他是我的竞争对手。他是和民主党对抗的人。本·卡森医生。本在哪里?迈克·赫卡比也在这里,在台下某个地方。他很棒。迈克和他的家人带着莎拉一起来了,谢谢你们。麦克·福林将军,麦克在哪里?还有凯洛格将军。有超过200名将军和上将支持我的竞选,其中有很多特别的人。我们有22位获得过荣誉勋章的人。

有一个很特别的人,曾经有报道我俩不和。我和他没有任何不睦。他是一个让人难以置信的明星。你们怎么可能猜得到?让我来和你们说说雷恩斯。我说过,雷恩斯,我就知道,我就知道。看看这里的人。我知道,雷恩斯是一个超级明星。我说过,雷恩斯,除非我们获胜,他们可不能叫你超级明星。就像秘书处纯种马。在贝蒙锦标赛的跑道上飞驰时,他绝不会失败。 Reince is really a star and he is the hardest working guy and in a certain way I did this.Reince, come up here.Get over here, Reince.Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.It\'s about time you did this right.My god.Nah, come here.Say something.哦,这是你的时刻,你做得很棒。老天,别这样,来这儿,说点什么。

[Reince Priebus: Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united States, Donald Trump! Thank you.It\'s been an honor.God ble.Thank God.] Amazing guy.Our partnership with the RNC was so important to the succe and what we\'ve done, so I also have to say, I\'ve gotten to know some incredible people.真是优秀的人!与RNC(共和党全国代表大会)的合作对我们的成功来说非常重要。我想说,我结识了很多优秀的人。

The Secret Service people.They\'re tough and they\'re smart and they\'re sharp and I don\'t want to me around with them, I can tell ya.And when I want to go and wave to a big group of people and they rip me down and put me back down in the seat, but they are fantastic people so I want to thank the Secret Service.我还要感谢这些特勤安保人员。他们坚强、智慧、敏锐。我想说我可不敢惹他们的麻烦。当我想接近人群、和人群招手示意的时候,他们总会拉开我,把我摁在座椅上。可他们都是很棒的人,我要感谢他们。

And law enforcement in New York City, they\'re here tonight.These are spectacular people, sometimes under appreciated unfortunately, we we appreciate them.So it\'s been what they call an historic event, but to be really historic, we have to do a great job and I promise you that I will not let you down.We will do a great job.We will do a great job.I look very much forward to being your president and hopefully at the end of two years or three years or four years or maybe even eight years you will say so many of you worked so hard for us, with you you will say that — you will say that that was something that you were — really were very proud to do and I can — thank you very much.还有纽约的执法人员,他们今晚也在。他们很棒,但有时得不到赏识,我们感谢他们。他们说这次胜利是历史性的事件。如果这次胜利真的是历史性的话,我们必须做出好成绩,并且我保证我不会让你们失望。我们会取得伟大的成果。我非常期待成为你们的总统,也希望在接下来的两年三年四年,甚至可能八年里,你们可以这么评价我们:你们中的许多人都为民众尽了很大努力。我希望你们会说我们让你们骄傲,我只能——谢谢你们——

And I can only say that while the campaign is over, our work on this movement is now really just beginning.We\'re going to get to work immediately for the American people and we\'re going to be doing a job that hopefully you will be so proud of your president.You will be so proud.Again, it\'s my honor.我只能说竞选结束后,我们的工作才刚刚开始。我们会立刻开始为美国人民服务,我们会做出成绩,让你们为你们的总统感到骄傲。你们会非常骄傲。再次声明,能成为你们的总统,我很荣幸。

It\'s an amazing evening.It\'s been an amazing two-year period and I love this country.Thank you.今晚真是神奇的一夜。过去的两年时光很精彩。我爱这个国家。谢谢。

Thank you very much.Thank you to Mike Pence.非常感谢。也谢谢迈克·彭斯。




Mr.Speaker, Mr.Vice President, Members of Congre, the First Lady of the United States, and my fellow Americans:议长先生、副总统先生、国会议员、美国第一夫人和美国同胞:Le than 1 year has paed since I first stood at this podium, in this majestic chamber, to speak on behalf of the American People -- and to addre their concerns, their hopes, and their dreams. That night, our new Administration had already taken swift action. A new tide of optimism was already sweeping acro our land.距我第一次站在这个讲台上不到一年事件,在这个庄严的地方,代表美国人民发言,表达他们的关切、他们的希望、他们的梦想。那天晚上,我们的新政府迅速采取了行动。新的乐观主义席卷全国。Each day since, we have gone forward with a clear vision and a righteous miion -- to make America great again for all Americans.自那天后,我们不断前进,目标清晰,使命正义,让所有美国人的美国再次伟大。Over the last year, we have made incredible progre and achieved extraordinary succe. We have faced challenges we expected, and others we could never have imagined. We have shared in the heights of victory and the pains of hardship. We endured floods and fires and storms. But through it all, we have seen the beauty of America\'s soul, and the steel in America\'s spine.过去一年,我们取得惊人的进步和非比寻常的成功。我们面临了预料到的和从未想象过的挑战,我们共同经历了胜利之欢和艰难之痛。我们遭遇了洪灾、大火和风暴。可一路走来,我们见证了美国灵魂的美丽,美国脊梁的刚毅。Each test has forged new American heroes to remind us who we are, and show us what we can be.每一次考验都造就了新的美国英雄,提醒我们记得我们是谁,向我们展示我们可以成为什么。We saw the volunteers of the \'Cajun Navy,\' racing to the rescue with their fishing boats to save people in the aftermath of a devastating hurricane.我们看到”卡津海军“志愿者在灾难性飓风后用自家渔船赶去营救人民。We saw strangers shielding strangers from a hail of gunfire on the Las Vegas strip.我们看到在拉斯维加斯,陌生人护着陌生人躲过枪林弹雨。We heard tales of Americans like Coast Guard Petty Officer Ashlee Leppert, who is here tonight in the gallery with Melania. Ashlee was aboard one of the first helicopters on the scene in Houston during Hurricane Harvey. Through 18 hours of wind and rain, Ashlee braved live power lines and deep water, to help save more than 40 lives. Thank you, Ashlee.我们听到许多美国人的故事,海岸警卫队士官阿什利·莱珀特就是其中之一,他今晚和梅兰妮亚一起来到旁听席。在飓风哈维中,阿什利乘坐第一批直升飞机抵达现场。冒着长达十八个小时的风雨,阿什利不顾电线和深水之危,救出四十多条生命。谢谢你,阿什利。We heard about Americans like firefighter David Dahlberg. He is here with us too. David faced down walls of flame to rescue almost 60 children trapped at a California summer camp threatened by wildfires.我们还得知消防员大卫·达尔博格的故事。他今天也来到这里。大卫不畏火海,从受森林大火威胁的加州夏令营救出近60名儿童。To everyone still recovering in Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, California, and everywhere else -- we are with you, we love you, and we will pull through together.所有还奋战在德克萨斯、佛罗里达、路易斯安娜、波多黎各、维京群岛和加利福尼亚等所有地区的所有人,我们和你们在一起,我们爱你,我们会一起坚持到底。Some trials over the past year touched this chamber very personally. With us tonight is one of the toughest people ever to serve in this House -- a guy who took a bullet, almost died, and was back to work three and a half months later: the legend from Louisiana, Congreman Steve Scalise.过去一年中的一些考验让这个屋子里的人感同身受。今晚和我们在一起的是众议院中最坚强的人之一,他挨了枪子,几乎死掉,可三个半小时后又回到工作岗位:路易斯安娜的传奇,议员史蒂夫·斯卡利塞。We are incredibly grateful for the heroic efforts of the Capitol Police Officers, the Alexandria Police, and the doctors, nurses, and paramedics who saved his life, and the lives of many others in this room.我们对救了他的生命和这间屋子里许多人生命的国会山警员、亚历山大警员、医生、护士和护理人员表示诚挚的感谢。n the aftermath of that terrible shooting, we came together, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as representatives of the people. But it is not enough to come together only in times of tragedy. Tonight, I call upon all of us to set aside our differences, to seek out common ground, and to summon the unity we need to deliver for the people we were elected to serve. 在可怕的枪击发生后,我们团结一心,不管共和党人还是民主党人,我们都是人民的代表。但只有在悲剧发生时团结起来是不够的。今晚,我请求所有人搁置分歧,寻求共识,团结起来,为了选举我们的人民服务。Over the last year, the world has seen what we always knew: that no people on Earth are so fearle, or daring, or determined as Americans. If there is a mountain, we climb it. If there is a frontier, we cro it. If there is a challenge, we tame it. If there is an opportunity, we seize it.过去一年中,世界看到了,我们一直都明白:地球上没有那个民族像美国人一样无畏、勇敢、坚决。如果有座山,我们就爬过去。如果有边界,我们就跨过去。如果有挑战,我们就驯服它。如果有机会,我们就抓住它。So let us begin tonight by recognizing that the state of our Union is strong because our people are strong.请注意,今晚的国情咨文是最有力的,因为我们的人民有力。And together, we are building a safe, strong, and proud America.让我们一起,建立一个安全、强大和骄傲的美国。Since the election, we have created 2.4 million new jobs, including 200,000 new jobs in manufacturing alone. After years of wage stagnation, we are finally seeing rising wages.自从当选以来,我们创造了240万个新工作岗位,其中仅制造业就有20万个新岗位。多年的工资增长停滞后,我们又涨工资了。Unemployment claims have hit a 45-year low. African-American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded, and Hispanic American unemployment has also reached the lowest levels in history.失业率达到45年来新低,非洲美国人失业率创史上新低,拉丁裔美国人失业率也创历史新低。Small busine confidence is at an all-time high. The stock market has smashed one record after another, gaining $8 trillion in value. That is great news for Americans\' 401k, retirement, pension, and college savings accounts.小企业信心达到史上最高。股市连破纪录,市场增加了8万亿美元。这对美国人的401k账户、退休金、养老金和大学储蓄账户都是好消息。And just as I promised the American people from this podium 11 months ago, we enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history.正如我11个月前,在这个讲台上向美国人民承诺,我们推行了美国历史上最大的减税和税改。Our maive tax cuts provide tremendous relief for the middle cla and small businees.大规模减税给中产阶级和小企业带来巨大好处。To lower tax rates for hardworking Americans, we nearly doubled the standard deduction for everyone. Now, the first $24,000 earned by a married couple is completely tax-free. We also doubled the child tax credit.为给勤劳工作的美国人降低税率,我们几乎给所有人的标准扣除额翻倍。现在夫妇赚24000万美元完全免税。我们还让儿童税务抵免翻倍。A typical family of four making $75,000 will see their tax bill reduced by $2,000 -- slashing their tax bill in half.赚75000美元四口之家会看到税单少了2000美元,税单减半了。This April will be the last time you ever file under the old broken system -- and millions of Americans will have more take-home pay starting next month.今年四月是你们最后一次按破碎的旧体系纳税,下个月开始,数百上千万美国人的税后收入会多起来。We eliminated an especially cruel tax that fell mostly on Americans making le than $50,000 a year -- forcing them to pay tremendous penalties simply because they could not afford government-ordered health plans. We repealed the core of disastro

第18篇:特朗普达沃斯演讲全文 (英文中文)

特朗普达沃斯演讲全文 (英文中文)

2018年冬季达沃斯论坛进入最后一天,北京时间21点,美国总统特朗普发表本次论坛闭幕发表了15分钟的演讲。特朗普表示,美国在努力改革国际贸易体系,以使守规矩的国家都能获益,人们如果想获得自由开放的贸易的话,就不能允许有些国家利用现行体制,给别国带来伤害。Klaus Schwab:总统先生,您在昨天到达达沃斯时受到热烈欢迎,现在我非常高兴,正式欢迎美国总统特朗普出席世界经济论坛年度大会2018年结束环节的会议。总统先生,您可能很难想象,我们是多么期待聆听您的演讲,不仅是在座有3000名领导人,还有数以百万计的全球各地的观众,这是在各地媒体的帮助之下实现的。总统先生,我代表在座的商界领导人们,请允许我在此祝贺您的具有历史意义的税收改革这个方案上个月通过了,大大减少了美国公司的负担,增加就业,刺激经济增长。不仅在美国起到了作用,而且给全球经济带来了很大的触动。达沃斯这个地方是国家和行业的领导人能够共事之处,共同推进全球和平与繁荣。我们居住的是个相互依赖的世界,一国的决策,尤其是美国的决策,会影响所有其他国家。我相信今天我们需要把握好平衡,既要照顾到必要的国家的和社会的考虑,与此同时,又要加强我们多边的体系,来应对贸易投资、恐怖主义和移民这种大家都关心的问题。

总统先生,美国的角色尤其是您本人的领导角色是极其关键的,为此原因,您在这儿发出的信息将与我们大家都息息相关。当然,我清楚您的领导力是会受到人们误解或者偏见的,所以对我们在座的各位来说都非常有必要直接听取您的声音。本论坛已持续了近50年了,就是为了建立一个对话全球合作的基础,用您的话说,就是要建立强有力的主权国家,虽然价值不同、文化不同、梦想不同,但不仅仅是共存,而是并肩协作,以相互尊重为基础。女士们,先生们,我们一起欢迎美国第45届总统特朗普先生。以下是特朗普总统的演讲全文:PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: It\'s a privilege to be at this forum where leaders in busine, art, diplomacy and world affairs have gathered for many, many years to discu how we can advance prosperity,security and peace.I\'m here today to represent the interests of the American people and to affirm America\'s friendship and partnership in building a better world.Like all nations represented at this great forum, America hopes for a future in whichever one can prosper and every child can grow up free from violence, poverty and fear.Over the past year, we have made extraordinary strides in the US.We\'re lifting up forgotten communities, creating exciting new opportunities and helping every American find their path to the American dream: the dream of a great job, a safe home and a better life for their children.唐纳德·特朗普:谢谢施瓦布博士,我很荣幸能够到这里来,在此商界的领导人和科学与世界事务的领军者多年来一起在这里汇聚,讨论怎样能推动繁荣、安全和和平,我今天在这里来代表的是美国人民的利益,并且来确认美国在建设更好世界当中的友谊和伙伴关系。全世界在这个论坛上有很大的表现,我们希望看到的未来是大家都能繁荣,每一个儿童都能够成长过程当中没有贫困和担心。After years of stagnation, the United States is once again experiencing strong economic growth.The stock market is smashing one record after another and has added more than $7 trillion in new wealth since my election.Consumer confidence, busine confidence and manufacturing confidence are the highest they have been in many decades.过去一年当中,我们取得了很大的进展,我们帮助那些被人遗忘的群体,给他们提供了令人激动的机会,让每个人都能找到他们实现美国梦的道路,这个梦想就是有好工作、安全的家庭,而且给子女带来更好的生活。多年来我们在滞胀之中,而美国现在再一次经历了强劲的经济增长,股市创了一个又一个纪录,而且增加了新财富价值7万亿美元。

Since my election, we\'ve created 2.4 million jobs, and that number is going up very, very substantially.Small busine optimism is at an all-time high.New unemployment claims are near the lowest we\'ve seen in almost half a century.African-American unemployment has reached the lowest rate ever recorded in the United States and so has unemployment among Hispanic Americans.The world is witneing the resurgence of a strong and prosperous America.自从我入主以来就达到了这么多,消费者的信心、商界信心和制造业的信心都处于在几十年来的最高点。自从我当选以来,我们创造了240万个就业机会,而这个数字还在非常大幅的上升,小公司很乐观,新的失业率的申请救济的数量大大下降,50年来没有过,非洲裔移民的就业率也创纪录,而且西班牙裔美国人当中的失业率大大下降,世界上正在面临着重新复苏而起的强有力量德国美国。 I\'m here to deliver a simple meage: there has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest and to grow in the United States.America is open for busine, and we are competitive once again.The American economy is by far the largest in the world, and we\'ve just enacted the most significant tax cuts and reform in American history.We\'ve maively cut taxes for the middle cla and small businees to let working families keep more of their hard-earned money.We lowered our corporate tax rate from 35% all the way down to 21%.As a result, millions of workers have received tax cut bonuses from their employers in amounts as large as $3,000.The tax cut bill is expected to raise the average American\'s household income by more than $4,000.我在这里给大家讲一个很简单的信息,要想雇佣、建设、投资和增长,在美国现在是最好的时期,我们对商界开放,我们再次拥有竞争力了,美国经济目前是世界上最大的经济体,我们刚实施了美国历史上最重大的税收改革,我们大大地降低了中产阶级和小企业的税收,让工作的家庭能保留他们艰难奋斗而获得的更大部分的收入,而且我们的税收从35%一直下降到21%,于是数以百万计的工作人员从他们雇主那里得到了税收的减少,甚至可以达到3000美元。税收的改革给每个家庭能增加4000美元的收入。The world\'s largest company, Apple, announced it plans to bring $245 billion in overseas profits home to America.Their total investment into the United States economy will be more than $350 billion over the next five years.Now is the perfect time to bring your busine, your job and your investments to the United States.This is especially true because we have undertaken the most extensive regulatory reduction ever conceived.世界上最大的公司苹果宣布计划要把2450亿的海外利润返回到美国,他们的总投资进入美国的数字将会超过3500亿美元,这在今后5年会实现。现在请把你的业务和就业机会和投资带到美国来,这是大好时机,尤其是现在,我们已采取了最广泛的监管措施的减少。

苹果:遣返全部海外现金, 为美国贡献3500亿美元(新闻稿全文)Regulation is stealth taxation.The US, like many other countries, unelected bureaucrats -- we have, believe me, we have them all over the place.And they\'ve imposed crushing anti-busine and anti-worker regulations on our citizens with no vote, no legislative debate and no real accountability.之前的监管是隐藏的税收,美国和其他很多国家都一样,那些官僚们,相信我我们国内都是如此,他们建立那种压垮人的反商业的、反员工的税收体系,而且也没有经过立法辩论,也没有真正的问责。美国或发生\'财政大屠杀\'? 扒一扒美国财政都花哪去了In America, those days are over.I pledged to eliminate two unneceary regulations for every one new regulation.We have succeeded beyond our highest expectations.Instead of two-for-one, we have cut 22 burdensome regulations for every one new rule.We are freeing our businees and workers so they can thrive and flourish as never before.We are creating an environment that attracts capital, invites investment and rewards production.America is the place to do busine.So come to America where you can innovate, create and build.I believe in America.As President of the United States I will always put America first, just like the leaders of other countries should put their country first, also.在美国,那种日子一去不复返了,我给出的承诺就是要消除所有那些无益的监管,只要有一个新的监管规定我们就成功的超过了所有人的预期,不是废2立1,而是先解除22个繁重的监管负担,以此来换取树立一个新的监管规定。我们让商界和员工能自由发展、繁荣发展,超过以往我们所建立的环境来吸引资本和投资,而且能够奖励生产。美国是做生意的地方,来美国吧,你能够创新、立业和建设。我相信美国,我作为总统,美国的总统,我将总是把美国放在第一位,就像其他国家的领导人一样,也应该把他们的国家放在第一位。But America first does not mean America alone.When the United States grows, so does the world.American prosperity has created countle jobs all around the globe and the drive for excellence, creative and innovation in the US has led to important discoveries that help people everywhere live more prosperous and far healthier lives.但是,美国第一并不意味着美国独自而行,美国增长了世界也会增长,美国繁荣创造了无数的工作就业机会,在世界各地都是这样,而且都向卓越迈进,驱动创新带来了非常重要的发现,帮助了世界各国的人民,让他们生活能更加繁荣,而且更加健康。As the United States pursuing domestic reforms to unleash jobs and growth, we are also working to reform the international trading system so that it promotes broadly shared prosperity and rewards to those who play by the rules.We cannot have free and open trade if some countries exploit the system at the expense of others.We support free trade, but it needs to be fair and it needs to be reciprocal. 伴随美国追求国内改革的同时,伴随创造就业和增长的同时,我们也在努力改革国际贸易体系,以促使广泛共享的繁荣和奖励,守规矩的人都能获益,我们要想获得自由开放贸易的话,那就不能允许有些国家去利用这种体制,给别人带来伤害,我们支持自由贸易,但必须是公平也必须是互惠的。Because in the end, unfair trade undermines us all, the United States will no longer turn a blind eye, including maive international property theft, industrial subsidies and pervasive state-led economic planning.These and other predatory behaviors are distorting the global markets and harming businees and workers not just in the US, but around the global, just like we expect the leaders of other countries to protect their interests. 因为不公平的贸易就会破坏我们大家的努力,美国不再会睁一只眼闭只一眼了,其中包括对知识产权的偷窃、补贴以及国家操纵的计划经济,这些都有点像捕猎者的行为,将伤害国际贸易体系,伤害就业机会和员工,不仅伤害美国,其他国家也一样受害。就像我们预期其他国家领导人也应该要这么做,他们要保护他们自己的利益。As President of the United States, I will always protect the interest of our country, our companies and our workers.We will enforce our trade laws and restore integrity to our trading system.Only by insisting on fair and reciprocal trade can we create a system that works not just for the US, but for all nations.As I have said, the United States is prepared to negotiate mutually beneficial, bilateral trade agreements with all countries.This will include the countries in TPP, which are very important.We have agreements with several of them already.作为美国的总统,我总会保护我们国家的利益、我们的公司以及我们的员工。我们将加强我们的《劳工法》,保证我们贸易体系的正直,只有坚持公平合互惠的贸易,才能建立起一个不仅利于美国而且利于其他国家的体系,就像我之前所说,美国做好准备是要谈判,协商相互有利的双边贸易协议,我们和各国都愿意谈,这其中也会包括那些在现有的泛太平洋[股评]协定(TPP)之中的国家,他们很重要,我们和他们其中几个国家已经有了协议。We would consider negotiating with the rest, either individually or perhaps as a group if it is in the interest of all.My administration is also taking swift action in other ways to restore American confidence and independence.We are lifting self-imposed restrictions on energy production to provide affordable power to our citizens and businees and to promote energy security for our friends all around the world. 我们会考虑和其他国家也达成这样的协议,可以是单个谈也可能是作为一个集团来谈,只要符合大家各自的利益就行。我的政府也在采取迅速的行动,也就是说要恢复美国的信心和独立性。我们解除了自我施加的限制,在能源方面的限制,以提供可支付得起的能源支持我们的商业,并且促进能源安全的发展,帮助我们世界各地的朋友。No country should be held hostage to a single provider of energy.America is roaring back, and now is the time to invest in the future of America.We have dramatically cut taxes to make America competitive.We are eliminating burdensome regulations at a record pace.We are reforming the bureaucracy to make it lean, responsive and accountable, and we are ensuring our laws are enforced fairly. 没有那个国家应该成为被能源绑架的那种国家,我们美国是开放的,我们要为美国的未来投资,我们大大削减了税收,使得美国能够具有竞争力。我们在消除那种负担沉重的监管,我们在改革官僚体制,使其更加精简,具有反应能力,而且负起问责,我们要确保我们的法律公平地执行。


We have the best colleges and universities in the world and we have the best workers in the world.Energy is abundant and affordable.There has a better time to do busine in America.We are also making historic investments in the American military because we cannot have prosperity without security.To make the world safer from rogue regimes, terrorism and revisionist powers, we are asking our friends and allies to invest in their own defenses and to meet their financial obligations.Our common security requires everyone to contribute their fair share.My administration is proud to have led historic efforts at the United Nations Security Counsel and all around the world to unite all civilized nations in our campaign of maximum preure to de-nuke the Korean peninsula.We continue to call on partners to confront Iran\'s support for terrorists and block Iran\'s path to a nuclear weapon.We\'re also working with allies and partners to destroy jihad into terrorist organizations such as ISIS, and very succefully so.The United States is leading a very broad coalition to deny terrorists control of their territory and populations, to cut off their funding and to discredit their wicked ideology.I am pleased to report that the coalition to defeat ISIS has retaken almost 100% of the territory once held by these killers in Iraq and Syria.There is still more fighting and work to be done and to consolidate our gains.我们有世界上最好的大学和学院,我们有世界上最好的员工,藤原很多,也支付得起,要做生意的话,到美国去现在是最好的时期。


We are committed to ensuring that Afghanistan never again becomes a safe haven for terrorists who want to commit ma murder to our civilian populations.I want to thank those nations represented here today that have joined in these crucial efforts.You\'re not just securing your own citizens, but saving lives and restoring hope for millions and millions of people.When it comes to terrorism, we will do whatever is neceary to protect our nation.We will defend our citizens and our borders.We are also securing our immigration system as a matter of both national and economic security.我们也要确保阿富汗不再成为恐怖主义的温床,这些家伙想犯下大规模的杀害平民的罪行。今天在场所有人,我感谢有关各方加入了这个努力,不仅是保障各国公民的安全,而且恢复了数百万人的希望。说到恐怖主义,我们将会竭尽所能保护各个国家,我们会保护我们的边界和人民,也会确保我们的移民体系更加健全,以保护我们的国家安全和经济安全。America is a cutting-edge economy.But our immigration system is stuck in the past.We must replace our current system of extended family chain migration with a merit-based system of admiions that selects new arrivals based on their ability to contribute to our economy, to support themselves financially and to strengthen our country. 美国拥有走在技术前沿的经济,但我们的移民体系太过落后,必须更换现有的移民体系,因为这些未来的移民来到美国,必须要能对美国和美国的经济做出贡献。

In rebuilding America, we are also fully committed to developing our workforce.We are lifting people from dependence to independence because we know the single best anti-poverty program is a very simple and very beautiful paycheck.To be succeful, it is not enough to invest in our economy.We must invest in our people.When people are forgotten, the world becomes fractured.Only by hearing and responding to the voices of the forgotten can we create a bright future shared by all.The nation\'s greatne is more than the sum of its production.A nation\'s greatne is the sum of its citizens, the values, pride, love, devotion and character of the people who call that nation home.我在重建美国,与此同时,我们也承诺致力于开发我们的劳动力,我们让人们从依赖走向独立,因为抗击贫困最好的方法非常简单,就是给他们工资,让他们找到工作,要成功,不仅要在经济里头进行投资,我们必须要在我们的人民身上进行投资,如果人民被遗忘的话,世界将变为分化的世界,只有听取广大人民的声音,并做出回应,才能够创造所有人共享的美好未来。所有的人结合起来之后国家会更加强大,一个国家就是由其人民和价值奉献以及种种不同个性的人结合起来,国家才会更加强大。

From my first international G7 summit to the G20 to the UN general aembly to APEC, to the World Trade Organization and today at the World Economic Forum, my administration has not only been present, but has driven our meage that we are all stronger when free, sovereign nations cooperate toward shared goals and cooperate toward shared dreams.Represented in this room are some of the remarkable citizens from all over the world.You are national leaders, busine titans, industry giants and many of the brightest minds in many fields.我参加7国集团的会议、20国集团的会议,参加联大、亚太经合组织、世贸,今天参加世界经济论坛的会议,我的政府不仅积极参与,并传达我们的信息,也就是说我们要作为主权国家共同合作,有共同目标,这么一来才有共同的梦想。今天在场有来自世界各国的出色公民,你们是各国的领军企业和领导人,也是大型企业,也是在各个领域出色的人才。

Each of you has the power to change hearts, transform lives and shape your countries\' destinies.With this power comes an obligation, however, a duty of loyalty to the people, workers and customers who have made you who you are.So together let us resolve to use our power, our resources, and our voices not just for ourselves but for our people, to lift their burdens, to raise their hopes and empower their dreams, to protect their families, their communities, their histories and their futures.That\'s what we\'re doing in America and the results are totally unmistakable.你们当中每个人都有力量、有能力能改变生命、改变心态、改变你们国家的命运。有这种权利也必须有相应的责任,也就是对人民的忠诚、对客户的忠诚,他们让你们走到今天这个地位。所以,我们要使用我们的能量、能力、资源和声音,不仅是为了我们自己,而是为了我们的人民,为他们减少负担,提升其希望,让他们能实现梦想,保护他们的家园、社区和过去的历史和未来,这正是我们在美国正在做的。结果非常出色。

It\'s why new businees and investment are flooding in.It\'s why our unemployment rate is the lowest its been in so many decades.it\'s why America\'s future has never been brighter.Today, I\'m inviting all of you to become part of this incredible future we are building together.Thank you to our hosts, thank you to our hosts, to the leaders and innovators in the audience, but most importantly, thank you to all of the hardworking the men and women who do their duty every day making this a better world for everyone.Together, let us send our love and gratitude to make them, because they really make our countries run.They make our countries great.Thank you and God ble you all.这是为什么出现了新的企业、新的投资来到美国,这是为什么失业率是史上最低的,这是为什么美国的未来非常光明。今天我邀请各位成为这光明未来的一分子,共同打造未来。感谢今天的东道主,感谢这些具有创意的领导人,感谢各位男男女女,在各个领域每天辛勤工作,肩负起自己的责任,让我们这个世界成为更美好的世界。我们要给他们传达我们的爱和感谢,因为他们让我们所有人的国家真正的运行起来,他让我们所有的国家更加伟大。谢谢!愿上帝保佑各位!Klaus Schwab:非常感谢,谢谢总统先生阁下振奋人心的致辞。论坛的传统是,让我来给您提一两个问题。第一个问题是,税务改革为什么对您的政府带说如此重要?


所以现在确实发生的事情是非常特别的,后来苹果公司说要把3500亿美元拿到美国来进行投资,我也和CEO蒂姆·库克聊过,我说你得在美国盖厂,这是一个很大的投资案,这个金额确实非常大,我本来以为3.5亿,但是结果是3500亿。3.5亿其实也很不错了,他说总统阁下,我是3500亿美元的金额要投进来,我说确实非常了不得,这是庞大的金额。此外还有我昨天认识新朋友,伟大的企业家们,他们不断在美国投资,其中有一位先生说,因为减税他要再投20亿美元在美国,我说特别厉害,但20亿被人比下去了,因为许多人都在几百个亿地投。我们有全新的美利坚合众国,来自世界各地的人都想要到美国来进行投资,这和过去完全不一样。在场也有许多团队的人,他为我辛勤工作,不仅在税改方面,在其他方面也是如此,我当选之后的一年确实是非常出色、非常棒的一年,我们作出了巨大的努力,各种调查、各种表格,例如非裔美国人的失业率是史上最低的,这是过去从没见过的情况,拉丁裔美国人也是如此,妇女就业率也是如此,失业率是7年来最低的。这种蓬勃的精神是从来未见的,我从没见过这种我国所出现现在令人振奋的精神,我要感谢所有人,他们投入了几百亿,非常感谢各位。 Klaus Schwab:总统先生阁下,我想问一个比较个人的问题。


Klaus Schwab:但是提问之前我首先要赞赏您的内阁成员积极参与本届年会,积极参与讨论,非常感谢!唐纳德·特朗普:非常感谢我的部长和一些将领们。Klaus Schwab:非常感谢来到这儿,我想提的个人问题是,在您担任总统之前的一些经历,对于您担任总统来说哪个领域是帮助最大的?

唐纳德·特朗普:我是个商人,对我来说是,有商人的经历非常成功,挣钱挣的非常成功,买啊卖啊,也有出现失败,但最终转亏为赢,得到非常好的价格等等,我做的非常不错,这需要一定的能力。从历史上来说,没有这样一个商人当选为美国总统,通常是政治人物或军事界的人物,在过去美国史上都是将军或政治人物当总统,从来没有商人当选过总统,所以平心而论施瓦布博士,我认为反对党说,你们有些人也支持反对我的人,但是我当选之后股市涨了50%,我本来以为会下跌50%,当时确实这么认为,即如果我当选的话会有大量的法律法规出台,但我作为商人我了解法律法规的影响。 另外一个方面,关于媒体他们过去对我的攻击是非常不成比例的多,在我整个生活当中我总是在跟媒体作对,但作为商人的时候我一直是比较喜欢媒体的,一直到我成为政客才发现媒体是多么坏,而且他们多么的假。但整体来讲,有人说他们也不是那么坏吧,也没有阻止你当选美国总统。现在我们新闻团体是非常出色的,而且工作做的很好,我觉得也是很好的时机。我觉得美国,如果要不是我上台,美国原总统、原内阁所实施的设立条条框框,在历史上有的时候会阻止美国的经济发展,如果再持续四五年的话情况会跟现在完全不一样,我们现在在一年之内所减少的规章制度和减少的官僚主义,是过去4年甚至18年都完全做不到的,但我们做到了。当然正常的规章制度是需要的,从历史上来讲,我们是第一届做了大量规章制度削减的内阁。


Klaus Schwab:总统先生,感谢你来到我们世界经济论坛,我们各界人士齐聚一堂,我们听到了您最后一段,就是说每天日常生活当中,有很多你刚才提到的每个普通的人、辛勤工作的人,现在都在一点一滴地打造我们更美好的世界。谢谢!


Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world, thank you.

We, the citizens of America are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people.Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come.

We will face challenges.We will confront hardships.But we will get the job done.

Every four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power, and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition.They have been magnificent.Thank you.

Today’s ceremony however, has very special meaning, because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, DC, and giving it back to you, the people.

For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital have reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth.Politicians prospered — but the jobs left and the factories closed.The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country.Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all acro our land.That all changes starting right here and right now, because this moment is your moment It belongs to you.It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all acro America.This is your day.This is your celebration.And this, the United States of America, is your country.

What truly matters is not which party controls our government but whether our government is controlled by the people.January 20, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.

Everyone is listening to you now.You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before.At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction that a nation exists to serve its citizens.Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves.

These are the just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public.But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists.Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones acro the landscape of our nation, an education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge; and the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealised potential.

This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.We are one nation and their pain is our pain.Their dreams are our dreams and their succe will be our succe.We share one heart, one home and one glorious destiny.The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.For many decades, we have enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry, subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military.

We have defended other nations’ borders while refusing to defend our own, and spent trillions of dollars overseas while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.We’ve made other countries rich while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has disappeared over the horizon.

One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions upon American workers that were left behind.The wealth of our middle cla has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all acro the world.But that is the past and now we are looking only to the future.

We aembled here today are iuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.From this day forward, it’s going to be only America first, America first.Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families.We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs.

Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.I will fight for you with every breath in my body.And I will never ever let you down.

America will start winning again, winning like never before.We will bring back our jobs.We will bring back our borders.We will bring back our wealth.And we will bring back our dreams.

We will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways all acro our wonderful nation.We will get our people off of welfare and back to work, rebuilding our country with American hands and American labour.

We will follow two simple rules buy American and hire American.We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example.We will shine for everyone to follow.

We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and united the civilised world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate from the face of the earth.At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.

There should be no fear.We are protected and we will always be protected.We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement.And most importantly, we will be protected by God.

Finally, must think big and dream even bigger.In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long it is striving.We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining, but never doing anything about it.

The time for empty talk is over.Now arrives the hour of action.Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done.No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.We will not fail.

Our country will thrive and prosper again.We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease and harne the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights and heal our divisions.It’s time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American flag.And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky.They fill their heart with the same dreams and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator. So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words You will never be ignored again.

Your voice, your hopes and your dreams will define our American destiny.And your courage, and goodne and love will forever guide us along the way.Together, we will make America strong again.We will make America wealthy again.We will make America proud again.We will make America safe again.And yes, together, we will make America great again.

Thank you.God ble you.And God ble America.Thank you.God ble America.


Make America Great Again

1321190240 龚琰驰


摘要:让美国重现伟大,这是特朗普给美国人的承诺。 特朗普作为一匹黑马,在希拉里都竞选很久了以后才跳出来要和希拉里竞争,他的高调激进的言语引起了美国民众的欢呼和拥护,尽管美国主流媒体和选前的各种民调明显看好希拉里,但选民用选票表达了不同的声音。特朗普除了赢得自己所有优势州之外,还拿下对手优势州之一威斯康星州。此外,特朗普在佛罗里达、北卡罗来纳、俄亥俄、宾夕法尼亚等“摇摆州”的得票数也超过希拉里。作为一个“体制外”的政治家,特朗普最后出人意料得当选的美国总统。由于特朗普在竞选时提出的许多激进的口号和未来的政策,所以特朗普在上任后,他将推行的政策值得我们关注。

关键词:特朗普 主要政策主张 中美关系 美国全球政策



虽然很多人说特朗普“特不靠谱”,但谁也无法否认,他的子女才貌双全,个个优秀。第一任妻子为特朗普生下了3个孩子,分别是大儿子小唐纳德•特朗普、大女儿伊万卡•特朗普以及二儿子艾瑞克•特朗普。目前,兄妹三人一起在Trump Organization地产做副总裁。


我们家的文化就是做事情要有目的,要出最大成绩。我父亲做事很大胆,所以能自创大公司,我花很长时间观察他怎么工作,然后我建了自己的公司。当好领导者,你要是看过我父亲怎么激起员工斗志的话,你自己都会被带动起来。 重点是坚持:世上没有任何事物可以取代坚持。才华不行,那些有才华的人不能成功的实例太常见;天赋不行,“没有回报的天赋’都快成一句俗语了;只有教育也不行,这个世界到处都充满了教育失败的人。但只要你坚持,你就无所不能。
























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