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大学班长选举演讲 各位同学、老师:




我相信,凭着我新锐不俗的“官念”,凭着我的勇气和才干,凭着我与大家同舟共济的深厚友情,这次竞选演讲给我带来的必定是下次的就职演说。我会在任何时候,任何情况下,都首先是“想同学们之所想,急同学们之所急。” 我决不信奉“无过就是功”的信条,恰恰相反,我认为一个班干部“无功就是过”。我将与风华正茂的同学们在一起,指点江山,发出我们青春的呼喊。当师生之间发生矛盾时,我一定明辨是非,敢于坚持原则。特别是当教师的说法或做法不尽正确时,我将敢于积极为同学们谋求正当的权益,如果同学们对我不信任,随时可以提出“不信任案”,对我进行弹劾。你们放心,弹劾我不会像弹劾克林顿那样麻烦,我更不会死赖不走。









我自信在同学们的帮助下,我能胜任这项工作,正由于这种内驱力,当我走向这个讲台的时候,我感到信心百倍。 十七年间吸取的精华沉淀在此刻





















Thank you all.Thank you very much.Thank you.Thank you very much.Good evening, my fellow Americans.I appreciate so very much the opportunity to speak with you tonight.Mr.Speaker, Lieutenant Governor, friends, distinguished guests, our country has been through a long and trying period, with the outcome of the presidential election not finalized for longer than any of us could ever imagine.

Vice President Gore and I put our hearts and hopes into our campaigns.We both gave it our all.We shared similar emotions, so I understand how difficult this moment must be for Vice President Gore and his family.

He has a distinguished record of service to our country as a congreman, a senator and a vice president.This evening I received a gracious call from the vice president.We agreed to meet early next week in Washington, and we agreed to do our best to heal our country after this hard-fought contest.Tonight I want to thank all the thousands of volunteers and campaign workers who worked so hard on my behalf.I also salute the vice president and his supports for waging a spirited campaign.And I thank him for a call that I know was difficult to make.Laura and I wish the vice president and Senator Lieberman and their families the very best.I have a lot to be thankful for tonight.I\'m thankful for America and thankful that we were able to resolve our electoral differences in a peaceful way.

I\'m thankful to the American people for the great privilege of being able to serve as your next president.I want to thank my wife and our daughters for their love.Laura\'s active involvement as first lady has made Texas a better place, and she will be a wonderful first lady of America.I am proud to have Dick Cheney by my side, and America will be proud to have him as our next vice president.Tonight I chose to speak from the chamber of the Texas House of Representatives because it has been a home to bipartisan cooperation.Here in a place where Democrats have the majority, Republicans and Democrats have worked together to do what is right for the people we represent.We\'ve had spirited disagreements.And in the end, we found constructive consensus.It is an experience I will always carry with me, an example I will always follow.I want to thank my friend, House Speaker Pete Laney, a Democrat, who introduced me today.I want to thank the legislators from both political parties with whom I\'ve worked.

Acro the hall in our Texas capitol is the state Senate.And I cannot help but think of our mutual friend, the former Democrat lieutenant governor, Bob Bullock.His love for Texas and his ability to work in a bipartisan way continue to be a model for all of us.The spirit of cooperation I have seen in this hall is what is needed in Washington, D.C.It is the challenge of our moment.After a difficult election, we must put politics behind us and work together to make the promise of America available for every one of our citizens.I am optimistic that we can change the tone in Washington, D.C.I believe things happen for a reason, and I hope the long wait of the last five weeks will heighten a desire to move beyond the bitterne and partisanship of the recent past.Our nation must rise above a house divided.Americans share hopes and goals and values far more important than any political disagreements.Republicans want the best for our nation, and so do Democrats.Our votes may differ, but not our hopes.I know America wants reconciliation and unity.I know Americans want progre.And we must seize this moment and deliver.Together, guided by a spirit of common sense, common courtesy and common goals, we can unite and inspire the American citizens.Together, we will work to make all our public schools excellent, teaching every student of every background and every accent, so that no child is left behind.Together we will save Social Security and renew its promise of a secure retirement for generations to come.Together we will strengthen Medicare and offer prescription drug coverage to all of our seniors.Together we will give Americans the broad, fair and fiscally responsible tax relief they deserve.Together we\'ll have a bipartisan foreign policy true to our values and true to our friends, and we will have a military equal to every challenge and superior to every adversary.Together we will addre some of society\'s deepest problems one person at a time, by encouraging and empowering the good hearts and good works of the American people.This is the eence of compaionate conservatism and it will be a foundation of my administration.These priorities are not merely Republican concerns or Democratic concerns; they are American responsibilities.During the fall campaign, we differed about the details of these proposals, but there was remarkable consensus about the important iues before us: excellent schools, retirement and health security, tax relief, a strong military, a more civil society.We have discued our differences.Now it is time to find common ground and build consensus to make America a beacon of opportunity in the 21st century.I\'m optimistic this can happen.Our future demands it and our history proves it.Two hundred years ago, in the election of 1800, America faced another close presidential election.A tie in the Electoral College put the outcome into the hands of Congre.After six days of voting and 36 ballots, the House of Representatives elected Thomas Jefferson the third president of the United States.That election brought the first transfer of power from one party to another in our new democracy.

Shortly after the election, Jefferson, in a letter titled \"Reconciliation and Reform,\" wrote this.\"The steady character of our countrymen is a rock to which we may safely moor; unequivocal in principle, reasonable in manner.We should be able to hope to do a great deal of good to the cause of freedom and harmony.\" Two hundred years have only strengthened the steady character of America.And so as we begin the work of healing our nation, tonight I call upon that character: respect for each other, respect for our differences, generosity of spirit, and a willingne to work hard and work together to solve any problem.I have something else to ask you, to ask every American.I ask for you to pray for this great nation.I ask for your prayers for leaders from both parties.I thank you for your prayers for me and my family, and I ask you to pray for Vice President Gore and his family.I have faith that with God\'s help we as a nation will move forward together as one nation, indivisible.And together we will create and America that is open, so every citizen has acce to the American dream; an America that is educated, so every child has the keys to realize that dream; and an America that is united in our diversity and our shared American values that are larger than race or party.

I was not elected to serve one party, but to serve one nation.The president of the United States is the president of every single American, of every race and every background.Whether you voted for me or not, I will do my best to serve your interests and I will work to earn your respect.I will be guided by President Jefferson\'s sense of purpose, to stand for principle, to be reasonable in manner, and above all, to do great good for the cause of freedom and harmony.The presidency is more than an honor.It is more than an office.It is a charge to keep, and I will give it my all.Thank you very much and God ble America.Good evening.




在思想工作上,我做到了以下几点: 第一,

第二, 认真学习马克思主义理论,进一步提高入党积极分子的思想政治觉悟树立正确的入党动机,用把朴素的、感性的认识上升到自觉的、理性的高度; 通过实践锻炼,不断端正自身对世界的认识,正如马克思主义认识论告诉我



第三, 认真学习了胡总书记的17大报告,坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要







Thank you so much.Thank you all. Well, this isn\'t exactly the party I\'d planned, but I sure like the company.

I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you--to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign, who drove for miles and lined the streets waving homemade signs, who scrimped and saved to raise money, who knocked on doors and made calls, who talked and sometimes argued with your friends and neighbors, (APPLAUSE)who e-mailed and contributed online, who invested so much in our common enterprise.To the moms and dads who came to our events, who lifted their little girls and little boys on their shoulders and whispered in their ears, \"See, you can be anything you want to be.\"

To the young people, like 13-year-old Ann Riddle from Mayfield, Ohio, who had been saving for two years to go to Disney World, and decided to use her savings instead to travel to Pennsylvania with her mom and volunteer there as well.To the veterans and the childhood friends, to New Yorkers and Arkansans who traveled acro the country, telling anyone who would listen why you supported me.

To all those women in their 80s and their 90s, born before women could vote, who cast their votes for our campaign.I\'ve told you before about Florence Steen of South Dakota, who was 88 years old, and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside.Her daughter and a friend put an American flag behind her bed and helped her fill out the ballot.She paed away soon after, and under state law, her ballot didn\'t count.But her daughter later told a reporter, \"My dad\'s an ornery old cowboy, and he didn\'t like it when he heard mom\'s vote wouldn\'t be counted.I don\'t think he had voted in 20 years.But he voted in place of my mom.\"。”

To all those who voted for me, and to whom I pledged my utmost, my commitment to you and to the progre we seek, is unyielding.You have inspired and touched me with the stories of the joys and sorrows that make up the fabric of our lives, and you have humbled me with your commitment to our country.

Eighteen million of you from all walks of life--women and men, young and old, Latino and Asian, African-American and Caucasian, rich, poor and middle-cla, gay and straight--you have stood strong with me.And I will continue to stand strong with you, every time, every place and every way that I can.The dreams we share are worth fighting for.

Remember--we fought for the single mom with a young daughter, juggling work and school, who told me, \"I\'m doing it all to better myself for her.\" We fought for the woman who grabbed my hand, and asked me, \"What are you going to do to make sure I have health care?\" and began to cry, because even though she works three jobs, she can\'t afford insurance.

We fought for the young man in the Marine Corps T-shirt who waited months for medical care and said, \"Take care of my buddies over there--and then, will you please help take care of me?\" We fought for all those who\'ve lost jobs and health care, who can\'t afford gas or groceries or college, who have felt invisible to their president these last seven years.

I entered this race because I have an old-fashioned conviction: that public service is about helping people solve their problems and live their dreams.I\'ve had every opportunity and bleing in my own life--and I want the same for all Americans.Until that day comes, you will always find me on the front lines of democracy--fighting for the future.The way to continue our fight now--to accomplish the goals for which we stand--is to take our energy, our paion, our strength and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama the next president of the United States.

Today, as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run.I endorse him, and throw my full support behind him.And I ask all of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me.

I have served in the Senate with him for four years.I have been in this campaign with him for 16 months.I have stood on the stage and gone toe-to-toe with him in 22 debates.I have had a front row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit.

In his own life, Barack Obama has lived the American Dream.As a community organizer, in the state senate, as a United States senator--he has dedicated himself to ensuring the dream is realized.And in this campaign, he has inspired so many to become involved in the democratic proce and invested in our common future. Now, when I started this race, I intended to win back the White House, and make sure we have a president who puts our country back on the path to peace, prosperity and progre.And that\'s exactly what we\'re going to do by ensuring that Barack Obama walks through the doors of the Oval Office on Jan.20, 2009.

I understand that we all know this has been a tough fight.The Democratic Party is a family, and it\'s now time to restore the ties that bind us together and to come together around the ideals we share, the values we cherish and the country we love.

We may have started on separate journeys--but today, our paths have merged.And we are all heading toward the same destination, united and more ready than ever to win in November and to turn our country around, because so much is at stake. We all want an economy that sustains the American Dream, the opportunity to work hard and have that work rewarded; to save for college, a home, and retirement; to afford that gas and those groceries and still have a little left over at the end of the month.An economy that lifts all of our people and ensures that our prosperity is broadly distributed and shared.

We all want a health care system that is universal, high-quality and affordable, so that parents no longer have to choose between care for themselves or their children or be stuck in dead-end jobs simply to keep their insurance.This isn\'t just an iue for me, it is a paion and a cause, and it is a fight I will continue until every single American is insured--no exceptions, no excuses。

We all want an America defined by deep and meaningful equality--from civil rights to labor rights, from women\'s rights to gay rights, from ending discrimination to promoting unionization to providing help for the most important job there is: caring for our families. 。

We all want to restore America\'s standing in the world, to end the war in Iraq and once again lead by the power of our values, and to join with our allies to confront our shared challenges, from poverty and genocide to terrorism and global warming.

You know, I\'ve been involved in politics and public life in one way or another for four decades.During those 40 years, our country has voted 10 times for president.Democrats won only three of those times.And the man who won two of those elections is with us today.

We made tremendous progre during the 90s under a Democratic president, with a flourishing economy, and our leadership for peace and security respected around the world.Just think how much more progre we could have made over the past 40 years if we had a Democratic president.Think about the lost opportunities of these past seven years--on the environment and the economy, on health care and civil rights, on education, foreign policy and the Supreme Court.Imagine how far we could\'ve come, how much we could\'ve achieved, if we had just had a Democrat in the White House.

We cannot let this moment slip away.We have come too far and accomplished too much.

Now, the journey ahead will not be easy.Some will say we can\'t do it.That it\'s too hard.That we\'re just not up to the task.But for as long as America has existed, it has been the American way to reject \"can\'t-do\" claims, and to choose instead to stretch the boundaries of the poible through hard work, determination and a pioneering spirit.

It is this belief, this optimism, that Senator Obama and I share, and that has inspired so many millions of our supporters to make their voices heard. So today, I am standing with Senator Obama to say: Yes we can.

Together, we will work.We\'ll have to work hard to get universal health care.But on the day we live in an America where no child, no man and no woman is without health insurance, we will live in a stronger America.That\'s why we need to help elect Barack Obama our president.

We\'ll have to work hard to get back to fiscal responsibility and a strong middle cla.But on the day we live in an America whose middle cla is thriving and growing again, where all Americans, no matter where they live or where their ancestors came from, can earn a decent living, we will live in a stronger America, and that is why we must elect Barack Obama our president.

We\'ll have to work hard to foster the innovation that makes us energy-independent and lift the threat of global warming from our children\'s future.But on the day we live in an America fueled by renewable energy, we will live in a stronger America.That\'s why we have to help elect Barack Obama our president.



Thank you so much.Thank you all. 非常感谢各位!谢谢你们!

Well, this isn\'t exactly the party I\'d planned, but I sure like the company. 这场聚会并不是我事先计划好的哦,但是我很感谢有你们的陪伴。 I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you--to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign, who drove for miles and lined the streets waving homemade signs, who scrimped and saved to raise money, who knocked on doors and made calls, who talked and sometimes argued with your friends and neighbors, (APPLAUSE)who e-mailed and contributed online, who invested so much in our common enterprise.To the moms and dads who came to our events, who lifted their little girls and little boys on their shoulders and whispered in their ears, \"See, you can be anything you want to be.\" 从今天开始我想要感谢所有的人——感谢那些倾注了你们的热情和希望在这次竞选活动中的人们,感谢那些长途跋涉,在街上挥舞自制标语的人们,感谢那些省吃俭用,踊跃募款的人们,感谢那些到各家各户敲门,给每个人打电话,并且和你的朋友邻居们讨论甚至争论起来的人们。(鼓掌)感谢那些通过电子邮件和网络进行捐助的人们,感谢那些在我们的公共事业上大量投资的人们。更要感谢那些带着小孩子参加我们活动的父亲母亲,他们轻声地告诉肩膀上的孩子们:“看啊,有梦想就能实现!”

To the young people, like 13-year-old Ann Riddle from Mayfield, Ohio, who had been saving for two years to go to Disney World, and decided to use her savings instead to travel to Pennsylvania with her mom and volunteer there as well.To the veterans and the childhood friends, to New Yorkers and Arkansans who traveled acro the country, telling anyone who would listen why you supported me. 我也应该感谢像安这样的年轻人们,她今年刚13岁,来自俄亥俄州的梅菲尔得市,她决定把过去两年中本为去迪士尼攒下的钱用来去宾夕法尼亚和妈妈一起充当志愿者。还有那些退伍老兵,孩提时的朋友,以及纽约和阿肯色地区的人们,感谢他们不远万里来到这里,是他们告诉那些愿意聆听的人们为什么要支持我。

To all those women in their 80s and their 90s, born before women could vote, who cast their votes for our campaign.I\'ve told you before about Florence Steen of South Dakota, who was 88 years old, and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside.Her daughter and a friend put an American flag behind her bed and helped her fill out the ballot.She paed away soon after, and under state law, her ballot didn\'t count.But her daughter later told a reporter, \"My dad\'s an ornery old cowboy, and he didn\'t like it when he heard mom\'s vote wouldn\'t be counted.I don\'t think he had voted in 20 years.But he voted in place of my mom.\" 感谢那些在女性可以有选举权之前出生的

八、九十岁并在竞选活动中投票的女士们。我在之前提到过来自南达科他州的88岁的Florence Steen, 坚持让他的女儿带一张缺席选举人票到她的床边。她女儿和朋友在她的床边放了面美国国旗并帮助她填选票。没多久,她离开了人世。根据国家法律,她的选票不能生效。后来她的女儿对记者说:“我爸是个脾气不大好的老牛仔,听到我妈的选票失效时他很失落。我想他有二十多年没有投过票了,但他这次代替我妈妈投上了一票。”

To all those who voted for me, and to whom I pledged my utmost, my commitment to you and to the progre we seek, is unyielding.You have inspired and touched me with the stories of the joys and sorrows that make up the fabric of our lives, and you have humbled me with your commitment to our country. 感谢所有支持我的人们,那些我发誓过要尽我所能对他们奉献的人们,还要感谢我们坚韧不屈共同前进的过程。你们那些充满喜悦和悲伤的故事编织着我们的人生,并且激励和感动着我,你们对国家的承诺和担当使我自惭形秽。 Eighteen million of you from all walks of life--women and men, young and old, Latino and Asian, African-American and Caucasian, rich, poor and middle-cla, gay and straight--you have stood strong with me.And I will continue to stand strong with you, every time, every place and every way that I can.The dreams we share are worth fighting for. 你们这1800万人来生活的各个阶层——无论男人和女人,年轻人和老年人,拉丁裔和亚裔,非裔美国人和高加索人,富足的、贫穷的和中产阶级的人,也无论同性恋者和非同性恋。你们给与我有力的支持。无论何时何地,我将尽我所能,坚定地和你们站在一起。我们拥有同样的梦想,值得我们一起为之奋斗,为之拼搏。

Remember--we fought for the single mom with a young daughter, juggling work and school, who told me, \"I\'m doing it all to better myself for her.\" We fought for the woman who grabbed my hand, and asked me, \"What are you going to do to make sure I have health care?\" and began to cry, because even though she works three jobs, she can\'t afford insurance. 记住——我们奋斗,为了那个在学校和工作间不断奔波独自抚养年幼女儿的单身母亲,她说:“我所做的一切都是让我这个母亲更称职”。我们奋斗,为了那个抓住我的手问我:“你打算怎样来保证我的医疗保障?”,然后痛哭的妇女,那个同时做着三份工作,却依旧不能支付保险的女人。

We fought for the young man in the Marine Corps T-shirt who waited months for medical care and said, \"Take care of my buddies over there--and then, will you please help take care of me?\" We fought for all those who\'ve lost jobs and health care, who can\'t afford gas or groceries or college, who have felt invisible to their president these last seven years. 我们奋斗,为了那个身着海军陆战队T恤的年轻人,那个为了医疗护理等待了数月的青年,他告诉我说:“请照顾好我在那里的朋友,然后请你也护理一下我好吗?”我们奋斗,为了所有失去工作和医疗保障的人,为了所有不能支付油费、杂货费或学费的人,为了所有过去7年被他们的总统所忽略的人! I entered this race because I have an old-fashioned conviction: that public service is about helping people solve their problems and live their dreams.I\'ve had every opportunity and bleing in my own life--and I want the same for all Americans.Until that day comes, you will always find me on the front lines of democracy--fighting for the future.The way to continue our fight now--to accomplish the goals for which we stand--is to take our energy, our paion, our strength and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama the next president of the United States. 我参加这场竞选是因为我有一个古老而又传统的信念:公共事业应该帮人们解决问题,实现理想。在我的人生中,我得到了许多机会和祝福。但我希望所有美利坚民众也能够跟我一样。在那一天到来之前,你们都能看到我站在民主阵线的前沿,为着未来而奋斗。现在继续我们的战斗并实现我们所秉持的目标的方式就是拿出我们的精力、我们的信念、我们的力量,尽我们所能去帮助奥巴马成为美国下一任总统。

Today, as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run.I endorse him, and throw my full support behind him.And I ask all of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me. 今天,在我宣布退出我的竞选之际,我祝贺他的胜利和他所参与的不平凡的竞选。我赞同他,并尽我所能在背后支持他。我恳求你们加入到我的这项工作来,就像你们曾经为我所做的那样,坚定的支持奥巴马。

I have served in the Senate with him for four years.I have been in this campaign with him for 16 months.I have stood on the stage and gone toe-to-toe with him in 22 debates.I have had a front row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit. 我已经和他在议会里共事了四年,在竞选里战斗了16个月,在台前近距离对峙了22场战役。我对他的参选了如指掌,也见识了他的力量与决心,他的风度与毅力。

In his own life, Barack Obama has lived the American Dream.As a community organizer, in the state senate, as a United States senator--he has dedicated himself to ensuring the dream is realized.And in this campaign, he has inspired so many to become involved in the democratic proce and invested in our common future.奥巴马的一生都在追求美国梦。从一个社区组织人做起,到国会参议院,再到美国参议员,每走下的一步都确保着梦的实现。这次竞选中,他鼓励很多人参与到民主进程中来,并激励他们为我们共同的将来出力献策。

Now, when I started this race, I intended to win back the White House, and make sure we have a president who puts our country back on the path to peace, prosperity and progre.And that\'s exactly what we\'re going to do by ensuring that Barack Obama walks through the doors of the Oval Office on Jan.20, 2009. 当我开始竞选时,我的目的就只有一个,那就是赢回白宫,保证我们中走出一名总统,把我们的国家带回到和平,繁荣和发展的轨道上来。这就是我们为什么要力挺奥巴马2009年1月20日入主椭形办公室的原因。

I understand that we all know this has been a tough fight.The Democratic Party is a family, and it\'s now time to restore the ties that bind us together and to come together around the ideals we share, the values we cherish and the country we love. 现在,我明白,我明白这将会是一场艰难的斗争,但民主党本身是一家的。现在,正是时候,重新拉上把我们绑在一起的纽带,为我们同样的理想,珍视的价值,热爱的祖国而献身吧。

We may have started on separate journeys--but today, our paths have merged.And we are all heading toward the same destination, united and more ready than ever to win in November and to turn our country around, because so much is at stake. 我们曾经殊途,但今日终于同归!我们朝同一目标前进,为了赢得11月的选举,我们更加团结,更加胸有成竹,看看我们的国家,因为这一切早已刻不容缓!

We all want an economy that sustains the American Dream, the opportunity to work hard and have that work rewarded; to save for college, a home, and retirement; to afford that gas and those groceries and still have a little left over at the end of the month.An economy that lifts all of our people and ensures that our prosperity is broadly distributed and shared. 我们都想要维护美国之梦,想要劳有所得,为大学、家庭、退休存钱,能够付得起汽油和杂货,到月底还有点存款的经济。想要一个能够鼓舞我们所有人,确保基本上共同繁荣的经济!

We all want a health care system that is universal, high-quality and affordable, so that parents no longer have to choose between care for themselves or their children or be stuck in dead-end jobs simply to keep their insurance.This isn\'t just an iue for me, it is a paion and a cause, and it is a fight I will continue until every single American is insured--no exceptions, no excuses。


We all want an America defined by deep and meaningful equality--from civil rights to labor rights, from women\'s rights to gay rights, from ending discrimination to promoting unionization to providing help for the most important job there is: caring for our families. 我们都希望有一个美国所界定的深入和有意义的平等;民事权到劳动权,妇女权到同性恋权,结束歧视到促进统一,再到为最重要的事情--关怀家庭--提供帮助。

We all want to restore America\'s standing in the world, to end the war in Iraq and once again lead by the power of our values, and to join with our allies to confront our shared challenges, from poverty and genocide to terrorism and global warming. 我们都希望重塑美国在世界的形象,终止伊拉克战争,再一次让我们的价值观引导我们,同我们的盟友一起面对我们共同的,贫穷,杀戮,恐怖主义和全球变暖的挑战。

You know, I\'ve been involved in politics and public life in one way or another for four decades.During those 40 years, our country has voted 10 times for president.Democrats won only three of those times.And the man who won two of those elections is with us today. 对我来说,这样或那样的公众生活和政治生涯已经有四十年了。在这四十年里,我们的国家举行了十次总统选举。民主党只赢得了其中三次。今天,赢得这三次中的两场的人就和我们在一起。

We made tremendous progre during the 90s under a Democratic president, with a flourishing economy, and our leadership for peace and security respected around the world.Just think how much more progre we could have made over the past 40 years if we had a Democratic president.Think about the lost opportunities of these past seven years--on the environment and the economy, on health care and civil rights, on education, foreign policy and the Supreme Court.Imagine how far we could\'ve come, how much we could\'ve achieved, if we had just had a Democrat in the White House. 90年代,在民主党的总统的领导下我们取得了极大的进步。经济的飞速发展和在和平和安全的领导地位使我们赢得了世界的尊重。可以想象,要是过去四十年我们也有一个民主党的总统,我们会取得如何巨大的进步。想一想过去的七年我们错失的良机吧,环境上的,经济上的,卫生保健上的,还有民权,教育,外交政策和最高法院上的。要是我们有一位民主党白宫主人,想一下我们走到了多远,我们取得了多少的成就。

We cannot let this moment slip away.We have come too far and accomplished too much. 我们不能够让机会错失,我们期待得太久,奋斗得太长。

Now, the journey ahead will not be easy.Some will say we can\'t do it.That it\'s too hard.That we\'re just not up to the task.But for as long as America has existed, it has been the American way to reject \"can\'t-do\" claims, and to choose instead to stretch the boundaries of the poible through hard work, determination and a pioneering spirit. 而今,前路并不平坦。有人说,那太难了,不是我们力所能及的,我们不可能梦想成真。但自从美国诞生以来,我们就有一个美国式的对“不可能”说不的方式----通过努力的奋斗,坚定的信念和积极的心态尽全力触摸那叫做可能的界限。

It is this belief, this optimism, that Senator Obama and I share, and that has inspired so many millions of our supporters to make their voices heard. 这种信念,这份乐观,激励了我和奥巴马;这种信念,这份乐观,激励了百万的你们,让支持的声音响彻太空。

So today, I am standing with Senator Obama to say: Yes we can. 因此今天,我选择和Obama参议员站在一起说:没错,我们能。

Together, we will work.We\'ll have to work hard to get universal health care.But on the day we live in an America where no child, no man and no woman is without health insurance, we will live in a stronger America.That\'s why we need to help elect Barack Obama our president. 我们将一道奋斗,我们将全力以赴,以实现各人都可享有的医疗保健。一旦到了美国出现一个没有孩童,没有男人,没有妇女得不到医疗保健的美国的那天,我们就是生活在一个更加强大的美国里。那就是为何,我们必须帮助奥巴马去成为总统。

We\'ll have to work hard to get back to fiscal responsibility and a strong middle cla.But on the day we live in an America whose middle cla is thriving and growing again, where all Americans, no matter where they live or where their ancestors came from, can earn a decent living, we will live in a stronger America, and that is why we must elect Barack Obama our president. 我们将全力以赴,重掌财政责任和一个强势的中产阶级。一旦到了美国出现中产阶级再次繁荣成长,不管他们或者他们的祖先来自何方,能得到一个体面收入的那天,我们就是生活在一个更加强大的美国里。那就是为何,我们必须帮助奥巴马去成为总统。

We\'ll have to work hard to foster the innovation that makes us energy-independent and lift the threat of global warming from our children\'s future.But on the day we live in an America fueled by renewable energy, we will live in a stronger America.That\'s why we have to help elect Barack Obama our president. 我们将全力以赴,鼓励创新,以使能源需求独立,并让我们的孩子远离全球变暧的威胁。一旦到了美国使用了可再生能源的那天,我们就是生活在一个更加强大的美国里。那就是为何,我们必须帮助奥巴马去成为总统。










Thank you so much.Thank you all.


Well, this isn\'t exactly the party I\'d planned, but I sure like the company.



I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you--to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign, who drove for miles and lined the streets waving homemade signs, who scrimped and saved to raise money, who knocked on doors and made calls, who talked and sometimes argued with your friends and neighbors, (APPLAUSE)who e-mailed and contributed online, who invested so much in our common enterprise.To the moms and dads who came to our events, who lifted their little girls and little boys on their shoulders and whispered in their ears, \"See, you can be anything you want to be.\" (APPLAUSE)


To the young people, like 13-year-old Ann Riddle from Mayfield, Ohio, who had been saving for two years to go to Disney World, and decided to use her savings instead to travel to Pennsylvania with her mom and volunteer there as well.To the veterans and the childhood friends, to New Yorkers and Arkansans who traveled acro the country, telling anyone who would listen why you supported me.

我也应该感谢像安这样的年轻人们,她今年刚13岁,来自俄亥俄州的梅菲尔得市,她决定把过去两年中本为去迪士尼攒下的钱用来去宾夕法尼亚和妈妈一起充当志愿者。还有那些退伍老兵,孩提时的朋友,以及纽约和阿肯色地区的人 1 们,感谢他们不远万里来到这里,是他们告诉那些愿意聆听的人们为什么要支持我。

To all those women in their 80s and their 90s, born before women could vote, who cast their votes for our campaign.I\'ve told you before about Florence Steen of South Dakota, who was 88 years old, and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside.Her daughter and a friend put an American flag behind her bed and helped her fill out the ballot.She paed away soon after, and under state law, her ballot didn\'t count.But her daughter later told a reporter, \"My dad\'s an ornery old cowboy, and he didn\'t like it when he heard mom\'s vote wouldn\'t be counted.I don\'t think he had voted in 20 years.But he voted in place of my mom.\" (APPLAUSE) 感谢那些在女性可以有选举权之前出生的

八、九十岁并在竞选活动中投票的女士们。我在之前提到过来自南达科他州的88岁的Florence Steen, 坚持让他的女儿带一张缺席选举人票到她的床边。她女儿和朋友在她的床边放了面美国国旗并帮助她填选票。没多久,她离开了人世。根据国家法律,她的选票不能生效。后来她的女儿对记者说:―我爸是个脾气不大好的老牛仔,听到我妈的选票失效时他很失落。我想他有二十多年没有投过票了,但他这次代替我妈妈投上了一票。‖

To all those who voted for me, and to whom I pledged my utmost, my commitment to you and to the progre we seek, is unyielding.You have inspired and touched me with the stories of the joys and sorrows that make up the fabric of our lives, and you have humbled me with your commitment to our country.


Eighteen million of you from all walks of life--women and men, young and old, Latino and Asian, African-American and Caucasian, rich, poor and middle-cla, gay and straight--you have stood strong with me.And I will continue to stand strong with you, every time, every place and every way that I can.The dreams we share are worth fighting for. 2


Remember--we fought for the single mom with a young daughter, juggling work and school, who told me, \"I\'m doing it all to better myself for her.\" We fought for the woman who grabbed my hand, and asked me, \"What are you going to do to make sure I have health care?\" and began to cry, because even though she works three jobs, she can\'t afford insurance.


We fought for the young man in the Marine Corps T-shirt who waited months for medical care and said, \"Take care of my buddies over there--and then, will you please help take care of me?\" (APPLAUSE)We fought for all those who\'ve lost jobs and health care, who can\'t afford gas or groceries or college, who have felt invisible to their president these last seven years.


I entered this race because I have an old-fashioned conviction: that public service is about helping people solve their problems and live their dreams.I\'ve had every opportunity and bleing in my own life--and I want the same for all Americans.Until that day comes, you will always find me on the front lines of democracy--fighting for the future.(APPLAUSE)The way to continue our fight now--to accomplish the goals for which we stand--is to take our energy, our paion, our strength and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama the next president of the United States.(APPLAUSE)


Today, as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run.I endorse him, and throw my full support behind him.(APPLAUSE) And I ask all of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me.(APPLAUSE)


I have served in the Senate with him for four years.I have been in this campaign with him for 16 months.I have stood on the stage and gone toe-to-toe with him in 22 debates.I have had a front row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit.


In his own life, Barack Obama has lived the American Dream.As a community organizer, in the state senate, as a United States senator--he has dedicated himself to ensuring the dream is realized.And in this campaign, he has inspired so many to become involved in the democratic proce and invested in our common future.


Now, when I started this race, I intended to win back the White House, and make sure we have a president who puts our country back on the path to peace, prosperity and progre.And that\'s exactly what we\'re going to do by ensuring that Barack

4 Obama walks through the doors of the Oval Office on Jan.20, 2009.(APPLAUSE) 当我开始竞选时,我的目的就只有一个,那就是赢回白宫,保证我们中走出一名总统,把我们的国家带回到和平,繁荣和发展的轨道上来。这就是我们为什么要力挺奥巴马2009年1月20日入主椭形办公室的原因。

I understand that we all know this has been a tough fight.The Democratic Party is a family, and it\'s now time to restore the ties that bind us together and to come together around the ideals we share, the values we cherish and the country we love.


We may have started on separate journeys--but today, our paths have merged.And we are all heading toward the same destination, united and more ready than ever to win in November and to turn our country around, because so much is at stake.


\\We all want an economy that sustains the American Dream, the opportunity to work hard and have that work rewarded; to save for college, a home, and retirement; to afford that gas and those groceries and still have a little left over at the end of the month.An economy that lifts all of our people and ensures that our prosperity is

broadly distributed and shared.



We all want a health care system that is universal, high-quality and affordable, (APPLAUSE)so that parents no longer have to choose between care for themselves or their children or be stuck in dead-end jobs simply to keep their insurance.This isn\'t just an iue for me, it is a paion and a cause, and it is a fight I will continue until every single American is insured--no exceptions, no excuses。(APPLAUSE)


We all want an America defined by deep and meaningful equality--from civil rights to labor rights, (APPLAUSE) from women\'s rights to gay rights, from ending discrimination to promoting unionization to providing help for the most important job there is: caring for our families.


We all want to restore America\'s standing in the world, to end the war in Iraq and once again lead by the power of our values(APPLAUSE), and to join with our allies to confront our shared challenges, from poverty and genocide to terrorism and global warming.


You know, I\'ve been involved in politics and public life in one way or another

6 for four decades.(APPLAUSE)During those 40 years, our country has voted 10 times for president.Democrats won only three of those times.And the man who won two of those elections is with us today.(APPLAUSE)


We made tremendous progre during the 90s under a Democratic president, with a flourishing economy, and our leadership for peace and security respected around the world.Just think how much more progre we could have made over the past 40 years if we had a Democratic president.Think about the lost opportunities of these past seven years--on the environment and the economy, on health care and civil rights, on education, foreign policy and the Supreme Court.Imagine how far we could\'ve come, how much we could\'ve achieved, if we had just had a Democrat in the White House.


We cannot let this moment slip away.We have come too far and accomplished too much.


Now, the journey ahead will not be easy.Some will say we can\'t do it.That it\'s too hard.That we\'re just not up to the task.But for as long as America has existed, it has been the American way to reject \"can\'t-do\" claims, and to choose instead to stretch the boundaries of the poible through hard work, determination and a pioneering spirit.

而今,前路并不平坦。有人说,那太难了,不是我们力所能及的,我们不可 7 能梦想成真。但自从美国诞生以来,我们就有一个美国式的对―不可能‖说不的方式----通过努力的奋斗,坚定的信念和积极的心态尽全力触摸那叫做可能的界限。

It is this belief, this optimism, that Senator Obama and I share, and that has inspired so many millions of our supporters to make their voices heard.


So today, I am standing with Senator Obama to say: Yes we can.(APPLAUSE)


Together, we will work.We\'ll have to work hard to get universal health care.But on the day we live in an America where no child, no man and no woman is without health insurance, we will live in a stronger America.That\'s why we need to help elect Barack Obama our president.(APPLAUSE)


We\'ll have to work hard to get back to fiscal responsibility and a strong middle cla.But on the day we live in an America whose middle cla is thriving and growing again, where all Americans, no matter where they live or where their ancestors came from, can earn a decent living, we will live in a stronger America, and that is why we must elect Barack Obama our president.(APPLAUSE)


We\'ll have to work hard to foster the innovation that makes us energy-independent and lift the threat of global warming from our children\'s future.But on the day we live in an America fueled by renewable energy, we will live in a stronger America.That\'s why we have to help elect Barack Obama our president.



We\'ll have to work hard to bring our troops home from Iraq,and get them the support they\'ve earned by their service.But on the day we live in an America that\'s as loyal to our troops as they have been to us,we will live in astronger America and that is why we must help elect Barack Obama our President.(APPLAUSE)


This election is aturning point election and it is critical that we all understand what our choice really is.Will we go forward together or will we stall and slip backwards.Think how much progre we have already made.这场选举具有决定性的意义。我们都理解我们的选择有多么重要。我们将会继续前进,抑或是停滞后退?现在,想想我们已经实现了多大的进步。

When we first started,people everywhere asked the same questions:Could awoman really serve as Commander-in-Chief?Well,I think we answered that one.(APPLAUSE)


And could an African American really be our President?Senator Obama has answered that one.(APPLAUSE)Together Senator Obama and Iachieved milestones eential to our progre as anation,part of our perpetual duty to form amore perfect union.现在,想想我们已经实现了多大的进步。我们刚开始的时候,到处都有人在问同样的问题——女人能够领导国家吗?我想,答案已经很清楚了。



9 Now,on a personal note– when I was asked what it means to be awoman running for President,I always gave the same answer:that I was proud to be running as a woman but I was running because I thought I\'d be the best President(APPLAUSE)


.But I am a woman,and like millions of women,I know there are still barriers and biases out there,often unconscious.I want to build an America that respects and embraces the potential of every last one of us.(APPLAUSE)


I ran as a daughter who benefited from opportunities my mother never dreamed of.I ran as a mother who worries about my daughter\'s future and a mother who wants to lead all children to brighter tomorrows.我作为一个女儿,享有许多我母亲从未梦想过的权利。我作为一个母亲,又担心女儿的未来,并想要给所有的孩子更光明的未来。

To build that future I see,we must make sure that women

and men alike understand the struggles of their grandmothers and mothers,and that women enjoy equal opportunities,equal pay,and equal respect.(APPLAUSE) 要实现这样的未来,我们必须要确保每一个人——无论男女——都了解他们的祖母和母亲们曾经的奋斗,并明白妇女享有平等的机会、公平的报酬和同等的尊重。 Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple propositions:There are no acceptable limits and there are no acceptable prejudices in the twenty-first century.(APPLAUSE)


You can be so proud that,from now on,it will be unremarkable for a woman to win primary state victories,unremarkable to have a woman in aclose race to be our nominee,unremarkable to think that a woman can be the President of the United States.And that is truly remarkable.(APPLAUSE)


10 名很平凡,一个女人能够成为美国的总统很平凡。而这一切是如此不平凡,我的朋友们。 To those who are disappointed that we couldn\'t go all the way– especially the young people who put so much into this campaign-it would break my heart if,in falling short of my goal,I in any way discouraged any of you from pursuing yours.我想告诉那些因为我们不能走完全程而失望的人们,特别是那些为选举倾注心力的年轻人,如果你们因此而丧失追求个人目标的动力,我会真的感到伤心。

Always aim high,work hard,and care deeply about what you believe in.When you stumble,keep faith.When you\'re knocked down,get right back up.And never listen to anyone who says you can\'t or shouldn\'t go on.(APPLAUSE)


As we gather here today in this historic magnificent building,the 50th woman to leave this Earth is orbiting over head.If we can blast 50 wo men into space,we will someday launch a woman into the White House.(APPLAUSE)


Although we weren\'t able to shatter that highest,hardest gla ceiling this time,thanks to you,it\'s got about 18 million cracks in it.(APPLAUSE)And the light is shining through like never before,filling us all with the hope and the sure knowledge that the path will be alittle easier next time.虽然这一次我们无法打破那最高、最坚硬的玻璃天花板,但是由于你们,它出现了1800万道裂缝:光明从未像现在这样耀眼,使我们充满希望,确信下一次这条道路将变得更容易一些。

That has always been the history of progre in America.Think of the suffragists who gathered at Seneca Falls in 1848 and those who kept fighting until women could cast their votes.这已经写入了美国的历史进程。想想1848年在塞内卡瀑布集会的女权主义者和那些为妇女投票权奋斗终身的人们。

11 Think of the abolitionists who struggled and died to see the end of slavery.Think of the civil rights heroes and foot-soldiers who marched protested and risked their lives to bring about the end to segregation and Jim Crow.(APPLAUSE)


Because of them,I grew up taking for granted that women could vote.Because of them,my daughter grew up taking for granted that children of all colors could go to school together.因为他们,我自然认为女性拥有投票权;因为他们,我的女儿自然认为不同肤色的孩子们能够一同上学。

Because of them,Barack Obama and Icould wage ahard fought campaign for the Demo cratic nomination.Because of them,and because of you,children today will grow up taking for granted that an African American or awoman can yes,become President of the United States.(APPLAUSE)


When that day arrives and awoman takes the oath of office as our President,we will all stand taller,proud of the values of our nation,proud that every little girl can dream and that her dreams can come true in America.因此,当那一天到来时,当一名女性宣誓成为总统时,我们可以站得更高,为这个国家的价值观而自豪,为每一个小女孩都可以有宏伟的梦想并且这个梦想能在美国实现而自豪。 And all of you will know that because of your paion and hard work you helped pave the way for that day.So I want to say to my supporters,when you hear people saying– or think to yourself–\"if only\"or\"what if,\"I say,\"please don\'t go there.\" Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward.(APPLAUSE)


Life is too short,time is too precious,and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been.We have to work together for what still can be.And that is why Iwill work my heart out to

12 make sure that Senator Obama is our next President.生活如此短暂,时间因而如此珍贵,纠缠在那些没什么可能性的事情上赌注太高。我们要一起为能够实现的事情携手努力。我正是我全心支持奥巴马参议员做下一任总统的原因。 And I hope and pray that all of you will join me in that effort.(APPLAUSE) 我希望并祈祷你们全都能加入我,以贡献你们的全部力量。

To my supporters and colleagues in Congre,to the governors and mayors,elected officials who stood with me,in good times and in bad,thank you for your strength and leadership.感谢我在国会的支持者和同僚们,也感谢与我患难与共的公务员们,感谢你们的能力和领导力。

To my friends in our labor unions who stood strong every step of the way– I thank you and pledge my support to you.感谢一路支持我的来自工会的朋友们,我将一直支持你们。

To my friends,from every stage of my life– your love and on going commitments sustain me every single day.感谢我生命各个阶段的朋友们,你们的爱和恒久的承诺伴我度过每一天。

To my family– especially Bill and Chelsea and my mother,you mean the world to me and I thank you for all you have done.(APPLAUSE)


And to my extraordinary staff,volunteers and supporters,thank you for working those long,hard hours(APPLAUSE).Thank you for dropping everything– leaving work or school– traveling to places you\'d never been,sometimes for months on end.And thanks to your families as well because your sacrifice was theirs too.All of you were there for me every step of the way Being human,we are imperfect.That\'s why we need each other.To catch each other when we falter.To encourage each other when we lose heart.Some may lead;others may follow;but none of us can go it alone.


13 虽然作为人,我们注定不完美,但这也正是我们需要彼此的原因,我们相互扶持走过困境,相互鼓励走出沮丧。一些人领路,另一些人追随,因为我们不可能独自到达。

The changes we\'re working for are changes that we can only accomplish together.Life,liberty,and the pursuit of happine are rights that belong to each of us as individuals.But our lives,our freedom,our happine,are best enjoyed,best protected,and best advanced when we do work together.我们为之奋斗的改变只有通过我们携手共进才能实现。人生、自由和对幸福的追求是我们作为个体享有的权利。但是我们的人生、我们的自由、我们的快乐只有在我们携手时,才能被我们更好的享受,得到更好的保护,并达到更高的程度。

That is what we will do now as we join forces with Senator Obama and his campaign.We will make history together as we write the next chapter in America\'s story.We will stand united for the values we hold dear,for the vision of progre we share,and for the country we love.There is nothing more American than that.这就是我们加入奥巴马参议员和他的阵营后要做的。我们一同创造历史,一同书写美国历史的新篇章。我们将站在同一战线,为我们珍视的价值观,为我们共有的愿景,为这个我们所爱的国家。


And looking out at you today,I have never felt so bleed.The challenges that I have faced in this campaign are nothing compared to those that millions of Americans face every day in their own lives.今天看着你们,我从未感到这么有福。我在竞选过程中面临的困难与你们在各自日常生活中面临的相比,是微不足道的。

So today,I\'m going to count my bleings and keep on going.I\'m going to keep doing what Iwas doing long before the cameras ever showed up and what I\'ll be doing long after they\'re gone:Working to give every American the same opportunities I had,and working to ensure that every child has the chance to grow up and achieve his or her God-given potential.因此今天我要祈祷并继续走下去。无论在面对公众时,还是在日常生活里,我要继续做我一直以来做的事情:努力使每个美国人和我用相同的机会,努力保证每一个孩子无论男女都有机会长大去实现自己的潜力。

14 I will do it with aheart filled with gratitude,with adeep and abiding love for our country– and with nothing but optimism and confidence for the days ahead.我将带着一颗感恩的心,对这个国家深沉的爱,和对往后日子的了关于自信继续我的路。 This is now our time to do all that we can to make sure that in this election we add another Democratic president to that very small list of the last 40 years and that we take back our country and once again move with progre and commitment to the future.Thank you all and God ble you and God ble America.这是我们尽全力去使另一位民主党总统当选以充实过去40年来的短小名单的时候,这是我们将这个国家带回正轨,再一次带着希望与梦想向未来前进的时候。













重点:分析文中人物性格,体会生动活泼的语言。 难点:如何引导学生不要感情用事,逐步成熟。





读:进一步培养学生的默读能力,尤其是能在默读时抓住重点; 讲:检查预习和默读情况,让学生复述故事; 思:教师所设问题要求学生独立思考;


评:评评小说的人物形象,并说说自己最喜欢的人物; 写:课后习题


四、教学时间 三课时


教法学法 在学生、教师、文本之间设置层层深入的对话,辅之以朗读,引领学生通过感受和体验解读文本、拓展文本。同时,不断提示学生如何圈点,如何批注。在这个基础上,教给学生欣赏小说的四步曲:评人物、读内心、谈感受、品语言。


(一)请学生默读全文。(亦可分角色朗读) (二)以默读、跳读、轻声读等方式自读课文,独立思考或轻声讨论,完成以 下思考题,批注在文中。 1.概括故事情节。


3.“真正的人生滋味是多味的”,贾里是如何体会的?请举例说明。 4.勾画好词好句。



组织学生讨论并交流:你最喜欢小说中的哪个人物?理由是什么?请抓 住人物的语言、动作、神态、心理及相关叙述句来说说。 (四)读内心。




1.请贾里从小说中走出来,倾听同学们诉说心情故事。 2.在朗读中感悟坚强、勇敢、自信的人生态度。 (六)品语言。

1.学生例举小说中幽默风趣的语言,老师点拨比喻、口语、大词小用等方法对达成幽默效果的作用。 2.设故事情境引导学生领会“幽默”是一种智慧、一种自信豁达的人生态度的道理。
















轻率投票 危难见人心 好事多磨 笑对困难








提示:因为在选举而引起的几件事情中,他认识到事情并不是事事都如自己原先想像中 的那样顺利、明朗。每件事都有让人意想不到的意外和结果,其间充满酸甜苦辣,有喜有忧









提示:他是一个典型的现代城市中成长起来的一个中学生形象。他自信而不 自傲,



(5)你怎么理解 “谁也不会天生是伯乐的,这是真理。”这句话的?








鲁艳青:有责任感,热心,有魅力,主人翁态度,不讲前嫌,乐于助人是当代中学生 中的优秀代表。

贾 里:聪明、活泼、热情、负责任、正义感强。勇于面对困难,也有急躁、感情用事


鲁智胜:大大咧咧,好心肠,单纯处理方式欠妥,但林武翔被砖砸后,他着急且主动去 照顾她父母。



(这一问引导学生从心理、语言描写上集体讨论,分析出人物形象,并学他人所长,为 己所用。)










故事告诉我们,做什么事都不可能具有完全理想的状态,你的出发点和结果 可能会偏差。











苦 辣 酸 甜


中学生—————————————————— 勇敢往前


喜 怒 哀 乐



华丽的谢幕:希拉里退出选举演讲全文 [中英对照]

Hillary Speaks in Washington, DC June 7,2008

Thank you very, very much.Well, this isn\'t exactly the party I\'d planned, but I sure like the




--- Part 1 感谢选民 ---

And I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you, to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign, who drove for miles and lined the streets waving homemade signs, who scrimped and saved to raise money, who knocked on doors and made calls, who talked, sometimes argued with your friends and neighbors...(APPLAUSE)...who e-mailed and contributed online, who invested so much in our common enterprise, to the moms and dads who came to our events, who lifted their little girls and little boys on their shoulders and whispered in their ears, \"See, you can be anything you want to be.\"




To the young people...(APPLAUSE)...like 13-year-old Anne Riddell (ph) from Mayfield, Ohio, who had been saving for two years to go to Disney World and decided to use her savings instead to travel to Pennsylvania with her mom and volunteer there, as well.

感谢孩子们,比如来自Ohio, Mayfield的13岁女孩Anne Riddell,她放弃计划了两年的迪斯尼之旅,而选


To the veterans, to the childhood friends, to New Yorkers and Arkansans...(APPLAUSE)...who traveled acro the country, telling anyone who would listen why you supported me.And to all of those women in their 80s and their 90s... (APPLAUSE)...born before women could vote, who cast their votes for our campaign.I\'ve told you before about Florence Stein (ph) of South Dakota who was 88 years old and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside.Her daughter and a friend put an American flag behind her bed and helped her fill out the ballot.

感谢所有的退伍军人,所有儿时的朋友,所有的纽约州人和阿肯色州人,你们的足迹遍布整个美国,告诉每个愿意聆听的人为什么你们支持我。我同样要感谢那些在女性享有投票权以前出生的八九十岁的女性,妳们毫无保留地支持竞选。我之前曾经告诉过大家,南卡罗来那州88岁的Florence Stein坚持让她的女儿把缺席选举人票带到医院床前。她的女儿和一个朋友在她的床后挂上美国国旗并帮助她完成了选票。

She paed away soon after and, under state law, her ballot didn\'t count, but her daughter later told a reporter, \"My dad\'s an ornery, old cowboy, and he didn\'t like it when he heard Mom\'s vote wouldn\'t be counted.I don\'t think he had voted in 20 years, but he voted in place of my





So to all those who voted for me and to whom I pledged my utmost, my commitment to you and to

the progre we seek is unyielding.



You have inspired and touched me with the stories of the joys and sorrows that make up the fabric of our lives.And you have humbled me with your commitment to our country.Eighteen million of you, from all walks of life...(APPLAUSE)...women and men, young and old, Latino and Asian, African- American and Caucasian...(APPLAUSE)...rich, poor, and middle-cla, gay and straight,

you have stood with me.



And I will continue to stand strong with you every time, every place, in every way that I can.

The dreams we share are worth fighting for.


Remember, we fought for the single mom with the young daughter, juggling work and school, who told me, \"I\'m doing it all to better myself for her.\"



We fought for the woman who grabbed my hand and asked me, \"What are you going to do to make sure I have health care?\" and began to cry, because even though she works three jobs, she can\'t

afford insurance.



We fought for the young man in the Marine Corps t-shirt who waited months for medical care and said, \"Take care of my buddies over there, and then will you please take care of me?\"


我们是为那个几个月也等不到医疗保障的Marine Corps(美国一家制衣企业)的年轻工人而奋斗。他告诉


We fought for all those who\'ve lost jobs and health care, who can\'t afford gas or groceries or college, who have felt invisible to their president these last seven years.


I entered this race because I have an old-fashioned conviction that public service is about helping people solve their problems and live their dreams.I\'ve had every opportunity and bleing in my own life, and I want the same for all Americans.

And until that day comes, you\'ll always find me on the front lines of democracy, fighting for

the future.




--- Part 2 重申政见&支持奥巴马 ---

The way to continue our fight now, to accomplish the goals for which we stand is to take our energy, our paion, our strength, and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama, the next

president of the United States.


Today, as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run.I endorse him and throw my full support behind him.


And I ask all of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me.





I have served in the Senate with him for four years.I have been in this campaign with him for 16 months.I have stood on the stage and gone toe-to-toe with him in 22 debates.I\'ve had a front-row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit.


In his own life, Barack Obama has lived the American dream, as a community organizer, in the State Senate, as a United States senator.He has dedicated himself to ensuring the dream is realized.And in this campaign, he has inspired so many to become involved in the democratic

proce and invested in our common future.


Now, when I started this race, I intended to win back the White House and make sure we have a president who puts our country back on the path to peace, prosperity and progre.And that\'s exactly what we\'re going to do, by ensuring that Barack Obama walks through the doors of the Oval

Office on January 20, 2009.


当决意参与这场竞争时,我就希望(民主党)赢回白宫,让我们有一位能带领美国重新回到通往和平、富裕和进步轨道上的总统。当然,这就是我们正在做的,我们要保证在2009年1月20日,巴拉克 奥巴马走进总统


Now, I understand -- I understand that we all know this has been a tough fight, but the Democratic Party is a family.And now it\'s time to restore the ties that bind us together and to come together around the ideals we share, the values we cherish, and the country we love.


We may have started on separate journeys, but today our paths have merged.And we\'re all heading toward the same destination, united and more ready than ever to win in November and to turn our country around, because so much is at stake.


We all want an economy that sustains the American dream, the opportunity to work hard and have that work rewarded, to save for college, a home and retirement, to afford that gas and those groceries, and still have a little left over at the end of the month, an economy that lifts all of our people and ensures that our prosperity is broadly distributed and shared.



We all want a health care system that is universal, high-quality and affordable...(APPLAUSE)...so that parents don\'t have to choose between care for themselves or their children or be stuck in dead-end jobs simply to keep their insurance.


This isn\'t just an iue for me.It is a paion and a cause, and it is a fight I will continue until every single American is insured, no exceptions and no excuses.




We all want an America defined by deep and meaningful equality, from civil rights to labor rights, from women\'s rights to gay rights...(APPLAUSE)...from ending discrimination to promoting unionization, to providing help for the most important job there is: caring for our families.


And we all want to restore America\'s standing in the world, to end the war in Iraq, and once again lead by the power of our values...(APPLAUSE)...and to join with our allies to confront our shared challenges, from poverty and genocide to terrorism and global warming.


You know, I\'ve been involved in politics and public life in one way or another for four decades.And during those...(APPLAUSE) During those 40 years, our country has voted 10 times for president.Democrats won only three of those times, and the man who won two of those elections

is with us today.



We made tremendous progre during the \'90s under a Democratic president, with a flourishing economy and our leadership for peace and security respected around the world.



Just think how much more progre we could have made over the past 40 years if we\'d had a Democratic president.Think about the lost opportunities of these past seven years on the environment and the economy, on health care and civil rights, on education, foreign policy and the

Supreme Court.


Imagine how far...(APPLAUSE)...we could have come, how much we could have achieved if we had

just had a Democrat in the White House.



We cannot let this moment slip away.We have come too far and accomplished too much.


Now, the journey ahead will not be easy.Some will say we can\'t do it, that it\'s too hard, we\'re just not up to the task.But for as long as America has existed, it has been the American way to reject can\'t-do claims and to choose instead to stretch the boundaries of the poible through hard work, determination, and a pioneering spirit.



It is this belief, this optimism that Senator Obama and I share and that has inspired so many millions of our supporters to make their voices heard.So today I am standing with Senator Obama

to say: Yes, we can!



And that together we will work -- we\'ll have to work hard to achieve universal health care.But on the day we live in an America where no child, no man, and no woman is without health insurance, we will live in a stronger America.That\'s why we need to help elect Barack Obama our




We\'ll have to work hard to get back to fiscal responsibility and a strong middle cla.But on the day we live in an America whose middle cla is thriving and growing again, where all Americans, no matter where they live or where their ancestors came from, can earn a decent living, we will live in a stronger America.And that is why we must help elect Barack Obama our president.




We\'ll have to work hard to foster the innovation that will make us energy independent and lift the threat of global warming from our children\'s future.But on the day we live in an America fueled by renewable energy, we will live in a stronger America.And that is why we have to help

elect Barack Obama our president.



We\'ll have to work hard to bring our troops home from Iraq and get them the support they\'ve earned by their service.But on the day we live in an America that\'s as loyal to our troops as they have been to us, we will live in a stronger America.And that is why we must help elect

Barack Obama our president.



This election is a turning-point election.And it is critical that we all understand what our choice really is.Will we go forward together, or will we stall and slip backwards?


Now, think how much progre we\'ve already made.When we first started, people everywhere asked the same questions.Could a woman really serve as commander-in-chief? Well, I think we

answered that one.




Could an African-American really be our president? And Senator Obama has answered that one.



Together, Senator Obama and I achieved milestones eential to our progre as a nation, part of our perpetual duty to form a more perfect union.


--- Part 3 作为女性 ---

Now, on a personal note, when I was asked what it means to be a woman running for president, I always gave the same answer, that I was proud to be running as a woman, but I was running because

I thought I\'d be the best president.But...



But I am a woman and, like millions of women, I know there are still barriers and biases out there, often unconscious, and I want to build an America that respects and embraces the potential

of every last one of us.



I ran as a daughter who benefited from opportunities my mother never dreamed of.I ran as a mother who worries about my daughter\'s future and a mother who wants to leave all children

brighter tomorrows.



To build that future I see, we must make sure that women and men alike understand the struggles of their grandmothers and their mothers, and that women enjoy equal opportunities, equal

pay, and equal respect.

(APPLAUSE) 要实现这样的未来,我们必须要确保每一个人——无论男女——都了解他们的祖母和母亲们曾经的奋斗,并明白妇女享有平等的机会、公平的报酬和同等的尊重。

Let us...(APPLAUSE) Let us resolve and work toward achieving very simple propositions: There are no acceptable limits, and there are no acceptable prejudices in the 21st century in our




You can be so proud that, from now on, it will be unremarkable for a woman to win primary state victories...(APPLAUSE)...unremarkable to have a woman in a close race to be our nominee, unremarkable to think that a woman can be the president of the United States.And that is truly

remarkable, my friends.



To those who are disappointed that we couldn\'t go all of the way, especially the young people who put so much into this campaign, it would break my heart if, in falling short of my goal, I in any way discouraged any of you from pursuing yours.



Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in.And, when you stumble, keep faith.And, when you\'re knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says

you can\'t or shouldn\'t go on.


As we gather here today in this historic, magnificent building, the 50th woman to leave this Earth is orbiting overhead.If we can blast 50 women into space, we will someday launch a woman

into the White House.



Although we weren\'t able to shatter that highest, hardest gla ceiling this time, thanks to you, it\'s got about 18 million cracks in it...(APPLAUSE)...and the light is shining through like never before, filling us all with the hope and the sure knowledge that the path will be a little

easier next time.


That has always been the history of progre in America.Think of the suffragists who gathered at Seneca Falls in 1848 and those who kept fighting until women could cast their votes.



Think of the abolitionists who struggled and died to see the end of slavery.Think of the civil rights heroes and foot soldiers who marched, protested, and risked their lives to bring

about the end of segregation and Jim Crow.




Because of them, I grew up taking for granted that women could vote and, because of them, my daughter grew up taking for granted that children of all colors could go to school together.


Because of them, Barack Obama and I could wage a hard-fought campaign for the Democratic nomination.Because of them and because of you, children today will grow up taking for granted that an African-American or a woman can, yes, become the president of the United States.And so...(APPLAUSE)...when that day arrives, and a woman takes the oath of office as our president, we will all stand taller, proud of the values of our nation, proud that every little girl can dream big and that her dreams can come true in America.


--- Part 4 励志&感谢 ---

And all of you will know that, because of your paion and hard work, you helped pave the way for that day.So I want to say to my supporters: When you hear people saying or think to yourself, \"If only, or, \"What if,\" I say, please, don\'t go there.Every moment wasted looking back keeps us

from moving forward.




Life is too short, time is too precious, and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been.We have to work together for what still can be.And that is why I will work my heart out to make sure that Senator Obama is our next president.



And I hope and pray that all of you will join me in that effort.



To my supporters and colleagues in Congre, to the governors and mayors, elected officials who stood with me in good times and bad, thank you for your strength and leadership.


To my friends in our labor unions who stood strong every step of the way, I thank you and

pledge my support to you.


To my friends from every stage of my life, your love and ongoing commitment sustained me every

single day.


To my family, especially Bill and Chelsea and my mother, you mean the world to me, and I thank

you for all you have done.



And to my extraordinary staff, volunteers and supporters...(APPLAUSE)...thank you for working those long, hard hours.Thank you for dropping everything, leaving work or school, traveling to places that you\'ve never been, sometimes for months on end.And thanks to your families, as well, because your sacrifice was theirs, too.All of you were there for me every step of the way.



Now, being human, we are imperfect.That\'s why we need each other, to catch each other when we falter, to encourage each other when we lose heart.Some may lead, some may follow, but none of us

can go it alone.


The changes we\'re working for are changes that we can only accomplish together.Life, liberty and the pursuit of happine are rights that belong to us as individuals.But our lives, our freedom, our happine are best enjoyed, best protected, and best advanced when we do work




That is what we will do now, as we join forces with Senator Obama and his campaign.We will make history together, as we write the next chapter in America\'s story.We will stand united for the values we hold dear, for the vision of progre we share, and for the country we love.


There is nothing more American than that.


And looking out at you today, I have never felt so bleed.The challenges that I have faced in this campaign...(APPLAUSE)...are nothing compared to those that millions of Americans face

every day in their own lives.



So today I\'m going to count my bleings and keep on going.I\'m going to keep doing what I was doing long before the cameras ever showed up and what I\'ll be doing long after they\'re gone: working to give every American the same opportunities I had and working to ensure that every child has the chance to grow up and achieve his or her God- given potential.


I will do it with a heart filled with gratitude, with a deep and abiding love for our country, and with nothing but optimism and confidence for the days ahead.


This is now our time to do all that we can to make sure that, in this election, we add another Democratic president to that very small list of the last 40 years and that we take back our country and once again move with progre and commitment to the future.


Thank you all.And God ble you,and God ble America.




(大会主持人在宣布大会正式开始前,由工作人员迅速准确地清点到会的正式党员人数,报告大会主持人。) 同志们:



现在我宣布,中共××支部(总支)党员大会现在开始。 全体起立,奏《国歌》。 请坐下。

第一项议程:请×××同志代表上届支部(总支)委员会作工作报告(略)。 现在讨论工作报告,对这个报告有什么意见请发表。如无不同意见,大家鼓掌通过。


第三项议程:请×××同志宣读大会选举办法(草案)。 大家有没有不同意见,请发表。没有。


第四项议程:请×××宣读大会监票人建议名单。 现在进行表决,同意×××、×××同志为大会监票人的请举手,请放下;不同意的请举手,没有(或请放下);弃权的请举手,没有(或请放下)。一致通过(或同意的超过实到会有选举权党员的半数,通过)。



2 请计票人清点到会党员数。 人数清点完毕。











现在请监票人检查票箱。 没有问题,请把票箱封好。


投票完毕。请监票人和计票人清点收回的选票票数。 清点结果:实到会有选举权的党员××人,发出选票××张,收回选票××张,三者一致(或收回的选票少于发出的选票),投票有效,可以进行计票。


4 根据大会选举办法的规定,下列×名同志当选为中共×××支部(总支)委员会委员(按姓氏笔画为序):×××、×××、×××、、、、、。让我们以热烈的掌声表示祝贺!




同 志们:中共×××支部(总支)党员大会,经过全体党员的共同努力,已完成了大会的任务。现在我宣布,中共×××支部(总支)党员大会闭会。

5 全体起立,奏《国际歌》。 请坐下。散会。




















































交口街办 村第八届村民委员会换届选举办法

( 年 月 日经村民代表会议讨论通过)

第一条 为规范村民委员会换届选举工作,保障村民依法行使民主权利,根据《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》、《陕西省实施〈中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法〉办法》和《陕西省村民委员会选举办法》的有关规定,结合本村实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本村第八届村民委员会设主任1人、副主任 人、委员 人。村委会成员可以和党组织成员交叉兼职。

第三条 村民委员会换届选举工作由村民选举委员会主持,在街道办村民委员会换届选举工作指导小组的指导及村党组织的领导下开展工作。

第四条 村民选举委员会成员在举行选举时,成为村民委员会正式候选人的,其村民选举委员会的职务自行终止;村民选举委员会成员不足5人的,所缺名额按推选时选票多的依次递补。主任为候选人的,由副主任主持村民选举委员会工作;主任、副主任都为候选人的,由村民选举委员会在委员中确定一名负责人,主持村民选举委员会工作。


— 1 — 主持投票选举;(9)总结和上报选举工作情况,建立选举工作档案;(10)办理选举工作中的其他事项。



本村选举日为2012年 月 日。


本届村民委员会选举实行差额选举,主任候选人设2人,应选1人,含差额1人,副主任候选人 人,应选 人,含差额 人,委员候选人 人,应选 人,含差额 人。

第七条 凡户籍在本村、年满18周岁(至2011年12月18日年满十八周岁)的本村村民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、财产状况、居住期限,都有选举权和被选举权;但是,依照法律被剥夺政治权利的人除外。“大学生农村工作者”和户籍已外迁的现任村班子成员具有选民资格。在发病期间不能行使选举权利的精神病患者和无法表达本人意愿的痴呆人员,经村民选举委员会确认,不列入选民名单。

选民的年龄计算时间,以本村选举日为准。选民出生日期以居民身份证为准(即1993年12月18 日前出生);无居民身份证的,以户籍登记为准。

第八条 选民由村民选举委员会确定的工作人员直接登记。 选民名单经村民选举委员会审查确认后,在 月 日张榜公布。对公布的选民名单有不同意见的,可以在选民名单公布之日起5日内向村民选举委员会提出,村民选举委员会将在3日内依法作出处理。对处理意见不服的,可以在 月 日下午 点前向街道村民委员会换届选举工作指导小组提出。选民名单以补正

— 2 — 后为准。

第九条 选民外出或因病未能回村参加选举的,属自动放弃选举权。

第十条 村民委员会成员应具备的条件:(1)遵守国家法律、法规,认真贯彻执行党和政府的各项方针、政策,自觉接受党的领导,政治素质好;(2)遵守村规民约,廉洁公道,作风正派,能起到较好表率作用;(3)工作认真负责,能真心实意为广大群众服务,在群众中有较高威信;(4)熟悉群众工作方法,具有一定的社会阅历和组织、管理、协调能力;(5)具有初中以上文化程度,年龄一般在55周岁以下,身体健康,能正常履行工作职责;(6)胜任村民委员会日常工作,能创业致富并有奉献精神。










第十一条 村委会候选人的产生,采取一户一票的方式投票

— 3 — 推选,候选人产生时间为2012年 月 日。

第十二条 在选举日,以设立中心会场和流动票箱相结合的方式进行投票选举。设中心会场1个,流动票箱 个。

中心会场设在 ;

第十三条 村民选举委员会提名监票人、计票人。 第十四条 每个投票站都设立秘密划票处。每个投票站和流动票箱都必须由3名以上工作人员负责看护。

第十五条 投票时间从2012年 月 日 时开始至 时结束,超过时限不再接受选民投票。

第十六条 选民凭选民证领取选票,秘密提名,当场投票。 受委托人必须凭选民证和委托书,到投票站领取选票,秘密提名,当场投票。村民选举委员会应将委托书保存备案。


第十七条 投票时实行一次发票、分票填写、一次投票、分别计票的方式。




— 4 — 数,等于或少于投票人数的有效,多于投票人数的无效。



第十八条 候选人获得参加投票的选民的过半数选票,始得当选。


第十九条 当选不足 人或者主任未选出的,应当就不足的名额进行另行选举。另行选举时间在投票日当天或次日进行。



2012年 月 日

— 5 —





































































4 .现在进行会议第四项议程:审议《南京市百家湖中学党支部委员会选举办法》。



5 .现在进行会议第五项议程:公布应选人数、候选人名单并介绍候选人。







按照监票人、计票人从不是候选人的党员中推选的规定,支部提议刘x同志为监票人,盛x 同志为计票人,于x同志为唱票人,负责对选举全程监督。






根据监票人刘x同志的报告,今天出席党员大会选举的有选举权的党员 名。

请监票人领取并清点选票。(待监票人清点选票后主持人向大家宣布:经监票人清点,现领到选票 张)。


请工作人员报告选票分发情况。(请刘为洲监票人报告:领到支部委员会委员选票 张。发出选票 张,多余选票 张)。


请工作人员把多余的选票除留 张存档、汇总外,其余的剪角作废。(于x带剪刀剪角)



新一届支部委员会应选委员5名,选举时,等于或少于应选名额的选票为有效票;超过应选名额的选票为无效票。(包括另选他人,总人数不得超过5 名)





请工作人员清点并报告收回选票数(刘为洲报告)。根据清点结果,发出选票 张,收回选票 张,收回的选票数等于(或者少于)发出的写票数,符合选举办法规定,投票有效,可以计票。休会10 分钟,播放视频。



…… 同志当选为新一届支部委员会委员。大家鼓掌祝贺。
















现在请 同志代表上届支部委员会作工作报告。党支部换届选举主持词(报告毕)






点 分( 分钟后)继续举行大会。















现在进行第三项议程:通过选举工作人员名单,提议由 担任监票人、和 担任计票人。大家对这个建议名单有没有不同意见,如果没有意见,请鼓掌通过。









刚才共领取选票各 张,应发选票 张,多余 张选票当众销毁。 现在向党员分发选票。各位同志拿到选票后,先不要急于填写。


下面我把填写选票的方法和注意事项说明一下。(宣读选票底下的说明) 现在请同志们填写选票。

各位党员,选票填好没有,请按要求检查一下,如果有错误,请改正过来。 现在开始投票,投票的顺序是:先由监、计票人员投票,然后全体党员依次投票。


清点结果:实到会有选举权的党员 人,发出选票 张,收回选票 张,三者一致(或收回的选票少于发出的选票),投票有效。现在请监票人和工作人员计票,其他党员原地休息。



现在宣布选举结果:根据大会选举办法的规定,下列 名同志当选为中共×××支部委员会委员(按姓氏笔画为序): 、、、、。让我们以热烈的掌声对新当选的委员表示祝贺。



现在宣布选举结果:根据大会选举办法的规定, 同志当选为中共义乌市稠城街道海关路幼儿园党支部委员会书记,最后结果请上级党委批准为准。






















3、坚持指导和培训“两手抓”,为选举工作顺利开展提供业务保障。期间,乡人大选举工作委员会办公室领导也先后前往检查指导。全村铺开后,村民代表实行分片联系的同时,对各户进行具体选举指导。 在换届选举前期,乡人大常委会组织召开了一次换届选举培训会,学习了选举法等相关法律法规,进一步明确了换届选举具体操作的有关问题;交流情况,明确阶段性工作任务。我村也有重点地开展了各类业务培训,造就了一支懂法律、明政策、精业务的选举工作队伍,为选举工作的顺利推进打下了扎实的工作基础。

4、充分发扬民主,坚持差额选举和选民依法联名推荐代表候选人原则。差额选举是我国选举法的一项基本原则,也是选民意愿得以充分体现的法律保证。 同时,我们严格按照选举法规定,切实保障选民的提名权,做到凡是依法提出的初步代表候选人都提交选民小组充分酝酿讨论,最后协商确定正式代表候选人。由于思想发动深入,工作比较到位,在协商过程中,各个选区没有使用预选程序。在这次换届选举中,区人大代表2名以高票当选,乡人大代表2名以高票当选,参加投票人数560名,当场投票560名,投票率100%。

5、严格依法办事,确保整个换届选举工作依法有序推进。换届选举是一项法律性很强的工作,在选举工作中能否依法办事,能否按规定程序操作,将直接影响到选举工作的最终成败。在这次换届选举工作中,不管是宣传发动、选民登记、初步代表候选人提名推荐、正式代表候选人协商确定和投票选举等五个选举关键阶段日期的确定,还是在每个选举环节的具体操作和把握上,都严格按照选举法规定执行,较好地在选举工作中体现了依法治国的基本方略。如对选举提前还是推迟的问题,我们严格实行请示批复制度, 维护了法律的权威性和选举工作的严肃性。













(3)确定选举日期;法律 敎育 网












根据《中华人民共和国公司法》有关规定和公司章程规定, 经全体股东选举***为执行董事。以上选举符合《中华人民共和国公司法》的有关规定。






根据《中华人民共和国公司法》有关规定条件和本公司《章程》规定, 执行董事决定聘请***为公司总经理。






根据《中华人民共和国公司法》有关要求和公司章程规定, 经全体股东选举***为公司的法定代表人, 享有法定代表人的职权并承担相应的义务。该法定代表人的任职资格符合《中华人民共和国公司法》的有关规定。






根据《中华人民共和国公司法》有关规定和公司章程规定, 经全体股东选举***为监事。以上选举符合《中华人民共和国公司法》的有关规定。





第一章 总则

第一条 为规范行业协会的组织和行为,保护协会的合法权益,发挥行业协会的作用, 根据《社会团体登记管理条例》以及《章程》的有关规定,结合当前实际,制定本办法。

第二条 由建筑企事业及有关的单位和个人志愿加入组成,实行会员制,最高权力机构为会员大会或会员代表大会;根据章程的规定,会员享有选举权、被选举权和表决权。

第三条 理事会(以下简称理事会)为会员大会或会员代表大会的常设机构(以下简称会员大会或会员代表大会),由会长、副会长、理事组成,经会员大会或会员代表大会选举产生。 第四条 常务理事会由会长、副会长、常务理事组成。

第二章 选举机构

第五条 成立选举工作领导小组,由会长、副会长、秘书长及副秘书长组成,常务理事列席领导小组工作会议。其主要职责是,向理事会推荐会员代表、理事、常务理事、秘书长、副会长、会长候选人名单,经理事会研究决定,正式产生一届会员大会的各候选人名单。 领导小组下设办公室,负责选举工作的具体事务:







第三章 候选人条件

第六条 会员代表应具备以下条件:





第七条 理事单位候选人除具备会员代表条件外,尚应具备以下条件:


2、施工企业候选人近三年获得绿色品牌企业称号,或获得市级以上技术质量、节能奖多项。 第八条 常务理事单位候选人除应具备理事单位候选人条件外,尚应具备以下条件:




第九条 会长、副会长单位候选人除应具备常务理事候选人条件外,尚应具备以下条件:



3、侯选单位具有一定的社会影响力、号召力。出任会长、副会长的人选具有较强的组织能力,并能积极参与协会组织的各项活动,按时足额缴纳会费。 第十条 具备下列条件的个人会员可以参选会长、副会长、理事:





第四章 提名

第十一条 会长、副会长、常务理事、理事、秘书长、会员代表的选举名额,根据《社会团体登记管理条例》和本会章程规定,结合实际情况确定。

第十二条 理事、常务理事、秘书长、副会长、会长候选人,必须书面申请方能取得提名条件。

第十三条 会员代表名额不超过会员总数的60%,实际选举××名。 第十四条 理事单位名额不超过会员总数的40%,实际选举××名。 第十五条 常务理事的实际选举××名。 第十六条 会长的实际选举分别为1名

第十七条 副会长的实际选举分别为××名 第十八条 秘书长由新任的会长提名。 第十九条 理事实际选举××名。

第五章 选举

第二十条 选举由选举工作领导小组负责组织。选举方式:会员代表、理事采用会员大会举手表决的方式等额选举产生;会长、副会长、常务理事由会员大会无记名投票方式选举产生。秘书长经理事会表决后聘任。 第二十一条 选举程序:







七、总监票人公布投票选举结果。第二十二条 有关规定:






第二十三条 第一轮选举未能产生当选者,应组织新一轮选举选出当选者,否则缺位待选。

第六章 附则 第二十四条 本办法由秘书处负责解释。 第二十五条 本办法经常务理事会批准后执行。




二、本次会议选举重庆市社区商业发展促进会会长1人,副会长9人(含常务副会长3人),秘书长1人,常务理事 8 人,理事 12 人。







