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尊敬的各位新东方老师、各位家长朋友们,亲爱的小同学们: 大家下午好!欢迎来到第四届泡泡全国少儿英语风采大赛,长春赛区颁典礼的现场。首先请允许我向大家介绍一下今天到场的各位领导和来宾,他们是:





首先,有请为我们讲话。 感谢。


马上我们要进行的就是F组一等奖选手的PK赛,他们是刘明晖和田易安。一个赴京决赛的机会将会属于他们两人中的一位,首先有请 刘明晖(省二实验)。

感谢刘明晖 ,有请 田易安 (108小)

好,请 刘明晖 也回到我们的台上来,接受评委的现场提问。 好的,请两位选手先去休息一下,等待最终的结果。


同学们的出色表现离不开老师的辛勤教导,下面要颁发的是“优秀指导教师奖”,获奖的有:赵海霞 贾林 宿亮 丛楠 金天红 田惠兰 刘娜 李月 郝铭明 梁霞张勇 杜雪峰



刚刚F组选手的表演非常的精彩,接下来我们要进行的是A组赴京选手的PK,由于A组有8名选手角逐赴京机会,我们将他们分成两队,第一队有:何嘉莉 温日鉴 徐赫阳 李明轩。第二队由王一涵于夕涵 杨智皓 曹萌组成。将有3名赴京参加决赛的选手从他们之中产生。我们先来进行第一队的PK,有请何嘉莉 。

请其他三位选手回到我们的舞台上,接受评委的现场提问。 好的,请几位选手先去休息一下,等待最终的结果。




好,请几位选手回到我们的台上来,接受评委的现场提问。 好的,请四位选手先去休息一下,等待最终的结果。








请其他三位选手回到我们的舞台上,接受评委的现场提问。 好的,请几位选手先去休息一下,等待最终的结果。












此外,本次活动中间为活跃会场气氛,还精心准备了三个节目,包括来自我部合唱团的合唱《forever friends》,我部话剧团为此次英语活动月特地准备的节目《麦克白》,我部学生自行排练的舞蹈《honey》。






主持词 男:boys and girls 女:ladies and gentlemen! 合:good afternoon/evening! 女:it\'s glad to meet you here!this is the 9th english short drama competition of our institute,and thank you for your coming today!and first of all,let\'s have a look at the purpose of this terrific event.男:今天很高兴和大家相聚在这里!这里是医学院第9届英语短剧大比拼的比赛的现场,我们衷心感谢你的到来!首先,不妨让我们这次活动的宗旨的吧!

女:in order to enrich students\' cultural life after cla.our student union takes over this novel form to improve the level of spoken english and to boost the consciousne of teamwork as well as collective.男:为了丰富学生的课余文化生活,我们学生会举办了这项活动,旨在提高同学们的口语水平,同时提高团队合作和集体意识。

女男:and we are honored to have our judges and guests here with us! they are。。。Deputy secretary of the youth league committe,)


President of the student union 孙亚飞

Vice President of the student union

study monitor of ......Let\'s welcome their arrival! 女:now,let\'s have a look at the rules of this contest.男:现在,让我们看看比赛规则

女:firstly,about the content of the performance. It has 30 grades. The content should be healthy,creative,meaningful, and vivid.男:首先,比赛内容。此项共30分,内容健康,创新,深刻,流畅。

女:secondly,about the pronunciation. Also 30 grades,the performers should pronounce correctly,fluently and authentically.男:第二,发音。此项共30分,发音正确,流畅,地道。

女:thirdly, about the skill of the performance.It has 20 grades.the performance should be natural and contagious.Performers should be cooperated.男:第三,表演技巧。此项共20分,表演自然,有感染力,演员饱含合作精神。

女:fourthly,about properties.it has 20 grades.The properties should be perfect match to the drama. 男:第四。。。。。。。

女:lastly,no chinese shall be included except for the name of character,location or background music

or 0.5 score will be taken for each every time.one more thing,the performance should be finished within 15 minutes,otherwise,one score shall be deducted.男:最后,除了人物名字,地点或者背景音乐,短剧中不准出现中文,否则将每次每处扣除0.5分。另外,表演时间控制在15分钟内,否则,扣除1分。

女:ok ladies and gentlemen!boys and girls!A fantastic drama competition is waiting for you !wish u a wonderful day here!And now ,the short drama competition begins!

男:Here we go! 第一幕

女:hey, what do you think of water to us ,human-being? 男:water?It is without doubt that water is very important! 女:yeah!That\'s true!and in the following,let\'s appreciate the show.\"water,water\"from cla 1,grade 2 第二幕:

Attention please!1.Performer should speak louder.

2.please keep quiet when others are performing! Thank you for your awesome performance 男:have ever heard of the beautiful chinese folk story:liangshanbo yu zhuyingtai? 女:uh,of course!What\'s wrong?

男:and gue what is the drama of next group? 女:maybe,i gue,liangshanbo and juliet or something! 男:no no no,it is :liangshanbo and mawencai

from cla2 ,grade 2 女:enjoy it!


Good job,you guys!Thank you 女:wow!Another claic character ,prince wencheng! 男:and she is remembered by her devotion to the dynasty tang ,and there are so many beautiful stories about her! 女:you got it !but the students from cla 3 is going to tell you a completely different story about prince wencheng.hope you will enjoy it! 第四幕(10级6班)

女:as medicine-major student ,have you ever thought of the situation of a doctor?you know,nowadays,the relationship between doctors and patients is not that harmonious.男:yeah,i am kind of worried about such a case.女:ok,now let\'s something about this,welcome the\"。。。。。\" from cla 6,grade 2.男:welcome! 第五幕 。。。。。

男:Then,the drama from cla 8 tells us about a claic story from \"the journey to the west\"in other words,xi you ji 。That is \"three times\' beating monster\" 女:let\'s just see how the four get through all the hardships~ 男:and now,it\'s show time,baby!


女:here comes another maybe funny story,because it is adapted from the once popular costume piece:huan zhu ge ge

男:i think so!and now let\'s see the return of pearl from cla 4.

女:and enjoy the show among xiaoyanzi or ziwei,etc. 第七幕

男:hey!You know ,love is the theme of the world forever!What do you think of the most selfle love? 女:i gue,it\'s mother\'s love.Here by the way ,i wanna show my gratitude for all the mothers\' devotion to their daughters and sons ! 男:yeah!that\'s right!and then ,welcome the performance from cla 7, the selflene of the motherhood!


Thank you for inspiring us with such a good story! It\'s so instructive,isn\'t it! 女:now i will tell you a chinese fable briefly,and gue what is the name,it\'s very simple! Listen! A farmer lies by the tree all the time to catch the rabbit! Got it? 男:it is obvious in chinese:shou zhu dai tu 女:well done!and then ,welcome the performers from cla 5.


女:The fabulous scenes come back clearly to my eyes,still wander in my mind, and taste in my heart!it is said that good things come to an end with excitement.The curtain of english short drama competition is going to drop! 男:thanks our team for their brilliant performance!thank all the judges guests,and audience present! It\'s amazing,marvelous and splendid!and the 9th english short drama competition has finally comes to an end! 合:thank you for your participation!thank you! 分数正在统计中,请大家耐心等待!


女:look!we have an original drama from cla 3,wow,that\'s cool! 男:of course !and it is made up of several different kinds of stories,which is setting in our modern society! 女:and in the following,let\'s appreciate the show.


Attention please!1.Performer should speak louder.

2.please keep quiet when others are performing! Thank you for your awesome performance 女:here comes another maybe sidesplitting story,because it is adapted from the once popular costume piece:huan zhu ge ge ,do you get hooked? 男:of course i do!and now let\'s see the return of pearl prince from cla 4.

女:and enjoy the show among xiaoyanzi or ziwei,etc.


女:hey,just gue what cla 6 is gonna show us,and of course i will give you some suggestion:listen!it\'s a claic romantic love story,kind of like romeo and juliet!come on! 男:uh,uh it is ,in chinese,liang shanbo yu zhu yingtai.,isn\'t it! 女:bingo!Let\'s see how they illustrate such a story.


男:wow,have found that adaptation of costume pieces are very popular in our short drama competition! 女:yeah!That\'s true.This one is how one of the most famous four wits_tangbohu finds his soulmate_qiuxiang !this is gonna catch your eye balls! 男:enjoy “tang bohu dian qiuxiang”from cla 9.


女:hey,do you know,almost every girl wish to be a prince in their childhood.for like,snow white,cinderalla,the sleeping beauty,blah blah blah 男:i gue it\'s true because i wanted to be a prince that time.

女:and now ,let\'s appreciate\"snow white\"from cla 1 男:enjoy it!


女:hey,could i ask you something personal? 男:go ahead! 女:do you have a relationship in campus ?i know it\'s kind of private! 男:yeah,i\'ve got a girl friend!aaaa!i know why you ask such a strange question at such an occaion!because our last drama is \"be a good lover\" 女:yeah,you got it!It\'s awesome to have a relationship with someone,but how to love him or her becomes a more critical iue.i gue,this drama would be inspiring to us,whether you are single or not,isn\'t it? 男:i can\'t agree with you anymore!let\'s enjoy the show!


English talent show A: ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.Good evening. B: Welcome to English talent show.A:It’s a great pleasure that we are going to hold the 11th English Talent Show of our school! ALL: We are honored today to host this show.B: With the development of society, as a popular language, English is already not only a communication tool, but also a cultural symbol.A: Tonight Our English Talent Show is a stage for us to display our talents and also a chance for the teachers to enjoy the result of all of their hard work.

B: Firstly, let\'s introduce today\'s honorable leaders and judges.(介绍评委) B:Once again let\'s welcome all the leaders and judges.A: The vivid story about English can make our life vivid.B: Singing beautiful English songs can also make us enjoy our life.A: An exciting speech can encourage all of us.B:Tonight,let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true! A: I think everybody here cannot wait to see now, so let’s begin. B: Let’s look forward to all the teams wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances! A: Wish them good luck!

A: It is a big world while we are so small, isn’t it? B: I don’t think so.Because a famous song says, ”I’m a big big girl in the big big world ”. A: Really?

B: Yes, let’s enjoy the song by Hu Xiaoyang from cla 1 and cla 2 get ready ,please.A: welcome.

(1 SONG: Big big world) B: Maybe all of you have been attracted by Chinese speech.Can you imagine what kind of feelings you will get if you appreciate some English speeches? Next, the performers from cla 3 Senior One will show you something important about succe! Please listen to the speech “what is succe” by Wu Hui and Shi Wenxuan.Welcome! cla 4 get ready, please.(2 Speech: What is succe?) A:Now I would like to announce the score of cla 1 is ________ .Congratulations! B: Don’t you feel excited? A: Yes, I’m in the speech and I don’t want to come back yet.B: Please, come back! We should go on host the show.A: OK…

B: All of us are proud of the two students, aren’t we? A: Of course, thanks for your speech.Look, someone even wants to sing a song for you.


B: Please enjoy semichorus from cla 4 and cla 5 get ready ,please.(3 semichorus ) A: It’s amazing.The voice is like from angels.

B: It’s true.But the score of cla 3 is also important.Ok, the score of cla 3 is ____, congratulations!

A: well, we enjoyed a perfect song, and then, we will watch an interesting drama by students from cla 5.

B: Let’s warmly welcome___________! (4

) A: How wonderful our English Talent Show.

B: Yes, it is so colorful.And I would like to announce the score of cla 4 is____.Congratulations! A:Which kind of show do you like most? B: To be honest, I like songs, all kinds of songs.A: who is your favorite singer? B: Zhang Xueyou.A: so you must know his famous song 吻别.B: certainly.(唱) A: OK, do you know a foreign singer sings it in English? B: Yeah, the English name of it is .

A: Tonight a group of students from cla 6 will sing this famous song.B: Really? Welcome.(5 semichorus ) A: Thanks for your beautiful voice.Now I would like to announce the score of cla 5 is____. B: Congratulations! A: Do you know Romantic of Three Kingdoms? B:三国演义?Of course.It’s rather famous in China! A: So you must know how many times the three brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei visited Zhuge Liang.

B: Three.I’m good at Chinese.A: OK.Let’s enjoy a short drama .Maybe you will watch a different one.A: welcome the actors from Cla 7 and cla 9 get ready, please.(6 drama : Three visits to the cottage) A: I hope they can succeed soon.B: Me too.

A: OK, I would like to announce the score of cla 6 is____.B: it’s show time for cla 9.

A: They also sing the song and cla 10 get ready ,please .(7 song: Big big world)

A: Good job.

B: Yes.Let’s go on.I would like to announce the score of cla 7 is ________ .Congratulations! A: Now another song will be shown by cla 10 and cla 11 get ready ,please.B: Welcome! (8 song: Here with you)


A: Thank you.I would like to announce the score of cla 9 is ________ .Congratulations! B: Do you like smiling? A: Just so so! B: I think you should smile as much as poible.Please enjoy the speech by Wang Zhanze from cla 11.cla 12 get ready ,please.(9 speech: smile for life) B: What do you think about it? A: I must smile every minute.B: Yes, everybody must smile from now on.A:Now I would like to announce the score of cla 10 is ________ .Congratulations! B: Next, let’s listen some soft music, a solo from a handsome boy, guo yucong. and cla 13 get ready, please.(10 song: because of you) A: wonderful.Thank you.B: and I would like to announce the score of cla 11 is ________ .Congratulations! A: I know every girl wants to have a pair of gla shoes just like she want to meet a prince and fall in love with him.B: Why not? Girls love romance.It’s normal.

A: OK.So the short drama suits every girl.and cla 14 get ready ,please.B: welcome! (11 drama ) A: It’s so romantic.I love it.I would like to announce the score of cla 12 is ________ .Congratulations! What is the next? B: It’s a song, someone like you.A: Like me? I can’t wait to it.B: Ok, Welcome Wang Ning from cla 14.Cla 15.Get ready, please.(12 Song: Someone like you) A: A beautiful song and a beautiful voice.Let me announce the score of cla 13 is ________ .B: Did you tell a lie to others? A: Maybe sometimes.What about you? B: eh, ...Someone told lies to me, although I think I am clever.A: Sure.Even the emperor who can control a big country was cheated, B: Is it? Ok, Let’s have a look.A drama is performed by Cla 15 and cla 16 get ready ,please.(13 drama: The emperor\'s new suit) A: I like this drama. B: So do I.A: Let’s go on, I would like to announce the score of cla 14 is ________ .Congratulations! B: Do you think whether god is a male or a female? A: Of course a male, a strong and powerful man.B: You are wrong.Listen, someone says God is a girl.warmly welcome Xu Juanjuan from Cla 16 and cla 17 get ready ,please.(14 song: God is a girl) A: Thank you for your performance.


B: Let me announce the score of cla 15 is ________ .A: Congratulations! B: Have you heard of the story about Jing Ke? A: Yes, it’s a really famous story.But have you seen a funny edition of it? If not, please rub your eyes and wait!

B: welcome Cla 17 , a man wants to kill the king and cla 18 get ready ,please.(15 drama: a man wants to kill the king) A: It’s so funny.I would like to announce the score of cla 16 is ________ .

B: Congratulations.The next show is a song, que sera sera, by Wang Hongxiao.Welcome cla 18.cla 19 get ready.(16 song: que sera sera) A: Thank you.Let me announce the score of cla 17 is ________ .B: Now Hu Xiaodan will have a solo, let it go. (17 song: let it go) A: perfect.now I would like to announce the score of cla 18 is ________ .B: Congratulations! A: Next is cla 20.They have two songs sing.B: Han Zhao will sing, take me to your heart and Wang Jie will sing another song, you raise me up.Welcome.(18: take me to your heart/ you raise me up) A:ladies and gentlemen ,Now, the 11th English Talent Show is ending.I know we are all deeply impreed by the wonderful programs.

B:Thank you for your hard work.Boys and girls,(转向听众)Let\'s give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌) A:And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest poible deserve a big round of applause, too.(感谢裁判) B: last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众,自己给自己鼓掌)

A:下面我宣布进入本次英语风采大赛决赛的班级是-------- B:The claes are--------Congratulations A:心有多大,舞台就有多大。梦想有多远,你就能走多远。

B:The stage extends as far as the heart goes.The further the dream,the farther we can go.We hope more students could dare to display themselves through this competition.And our college could be full of confidence.A:我宣布“Show your life”英语风采大赛到此结束,朋友们,再会! B:Thanks for all your coming! See you later!




1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.早上好女士们,先生们。

2: Good morning, we honored teachers.早上好我们敬爱的老师 1: Good morning, boys and girls.早上好同学们 2: Good morning, my dear parents.1:Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Shiyan Primary School English speaking contest .


2: English is such a beautiful language.We can use it to travel around the world.英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界

1: By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world.What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?

2:This is our exciting day and happily day ! 这是一个振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。 1It means we can speak English ,bravely ,easily .意味着我们实验小学的孩子们大胆流畅的说英语了。 2:In today\'s show, there are 20 studends .今天的比赛总共有20名同学。 1They come from different claes.他们来自不同的班级.2:But they have the same aim, that is to practice English 但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。

1:So we say thanks a louder for our English teachers ! 在这里,我们要大声对我们的英语老师说声谢谢! 2:They have a high regard to our English learning .感谢他们对我们英语学习的高度重视。 1:And wish this contest enjoy succe! 祝本次比赛圆满成功!

2:The judges are Mi____,Mi______,Mi______and Mr_____ 我们的评委老师______老师________老师________老师_________老师和________老师。

1 and 2: Now the contest begins .现在比赛正式开始。



1: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to the “English Talent Show” of Nanzhan Primary School.Thank you for being here! 2:尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师、同学们大家下午好!欢迎来到南站小学“英语达人秀”比赛现场!

1:It’s really my honor to be the hoste of today’s competition, my name is .2: 很荣幸担任本次大赛的主持人,我是

1: At first, I just want to expre my sincere thanks to all of you, especially to all the leaders and the English teachers .2:首先,我想对大力支持本次活动的校领导和辛勤培育我们的英语老师们说声:“谢谢 ”。

1:Ok, now, let me introduce our judges today, they are our English teachers.This is Mi____ .Let’s warmly welcome.2:接下来我向大家介绍今天的评委,也就是我们的英语老师----- 1:Learning English is a happy and meaningful thing.So I hope we can make good use of this opportunity to practice and improve our oral English.2: 学习英语是一件快乐而又意义的事。因此,我希望我们能抓住这次机会练习和提高我们的英语口语能力。

1: Now, it’s time for our English Talent Show.First, let’s welcome contestant No.1and contestant No.2, get ready, please.2:现在比赛正式开始,欢迎1号选手上场,请2号选手做准备。

1: Let’s welcome contestant No.2 and contestant No.3, get ready, please.2: 欢迎2号选手上场,请3号选手做准备 。。。

1: OK, all contestants have finished their presentation.We wish you the best of luck.2:现在所有选手都完成了比赛,期待你们的好成绩。现在请大家耐心等待,成绩将马上揭晓。


Host: Good evening.Welcome to today\'s finals of the English Talent Competition.Many agree that young people are the most energetic and active minds.They have plenty of time of life to think, to learn and to try.Yes.They have a lot of questions and ideas in their minds.Some of the questions they are mostly likely to ask themselves are what do I need most? Do I need wealth, romance, or power, or something else? And which is more important? Capability or opportunity? How to deal with cooperation and competition? As to today\'s the finalists of the competition, one of the most concerned questions might be can I go through the competition and stand out as number one? Yes.So let\'s find out the answer.And the six finalists will answer all these questions.And to start with, let’s introduce today\'s honorable leader and guests.They are...


now, let me introduce today\'s honorable judges.They are ...Welcome!

This Competition is cosponsored by the Youth League

Committee of the Vocationl Technical College of CAUC and undertaken by the Debate Team.There are all together 12 contestants to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition.Ladies and gentlemen let’s give a big welcome to them.

Contestant No.1from

Contestant No.2from

Contestant No.3 from

Contestant No.4 from

Contestant No.5from

Contestant No.6from .Host : Now please welcome contestant NO.1.from,his speech is.Now you haveto complete your speech.Let\'s start.

After his speaking which is full of paion, let’s enjoy his show time.

Host: Now let\'s welcome the next contestant, contestant No.2,from.Welcome back.the topicNow you can start yourspeech.

Host: Thank you! Let\'s continue the competition.The next one is contestant No.3,from .Welcome.topic.It\'s time for you to give us the speech.

Host: The first three contestants finished their speeches.And now

Host: And now it\'s turn for contestant No.4 .Welcome back! All right,

Host: Thank you.Really a short period of time to demonstrate her own points on this iue.Anyway, she has done a good job.And now the judges will be working on her scores.

Host:Thank you.Ok, so now let\'s give the floor to the next speaker, contestant No5 from.Welcome back.Now is your turn

The last one in this round come with the topic are? contestant No.6 Cheng Lin.WelcomePlease give us your speech.

Host: Thank you.Ok, let\'s listen to the judges\' comments on these contestants\' speeches.So Mr.

Host: Just now the six contestants have finished the first

part speech.And now

hanks again for their wonderful performance, now please wait a moment, the result is coming.

Next our judges will make some comments on the six contestant performanceAfter our judges’ discuion, the most exciting moment is coming.Let me announce the contestants who are promoted, they are ....

the ultimate winner is of this year\'s star of outlook English Talent Competition is.

Host: Thanks to everybody.And we owe our thanks to the other contestants who give us the amazing show.Once again, Congratulations to you all.Thank you for your wonderful performance.

Till now, our competition has come to an end.Once again thank you for your coming.hope you can benefit from today’s competition, hope you can have your life in English everyday.Thank you very much for coming! That\'s the end of our contest today.See you in next years\' competition.See you.Bye-bye.


哈尔滨医科大学“Show your life”英语风采大赛



女:Honorable guests,ladies and gentlemen, goodevening! Welcome to “Show your life” English talent competition.Here is the final contest! 男:首先请允许我介绍莅临本场比赛的嘉宾有:

让我们以最热烈的掌声对他们的到来表示欢迎和感谢! 女:Let’s welcome all the guests and judges with a big round of applause! 男:在这憧憬与梦想汇成的季节,我们展开理想的翅膀

女:On the paionateandyouthful stage, we show our life heartily! 男:今晚,让我们燃烧激情,品味英语的魅力与文化

女:Tonight,let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true! 男:下面我宣布“Show your life”英语风采大赛现在正式开始! 女:Let’s look forward to all the teams ’wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances! Wish them good luck! 男:经典的轮回,语言的交汇,比拼东西方名著与经典,云集古往今来的理想与现实

女:There are claical stories both from the eastern and western world, full of dreams and realities of both past and present 男:英语演绎的经典必将会给我们带来别样的精彩,下面进入本场比赛的第一环节:演绎经典Review 第一环节

男:经典的爱情总是为人们带来一次次刻骨铭心的感动,亘古不变,首先有请来自临床七年制的Tinker Bell为大家带来《孔雀东南飞》女:Now let us welcome the first team—Tinker Bell, and enjoy 男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank ----\'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Tinker Bell 男:下面有请来自公共卫生学院的同学们为我们演绎《麦琪的礼物》 女:Now please enjoy 男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank ----\'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to their performance.

男:巧妙的回答,深厚的友谊,接下来来自影像口腔专业的Light in the road将用他们精彩的表演为我们重现《威尼斯商人》那场经典的法庭对峙,有请他们 女:Now please enjoy 男:感谢Light in the road的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank ----\'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Light in the road 男:接下来来自11基础的Girls aloud将会为我们展现一个普通女孩成为公主的历程,有请《公主日记》

女:Now please enjoy 男:感谢Girls aloud 的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank ----\'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Girls aloud 男:接下来有请来自第三临床医学院的lottery girls为我们演绎经典的《傲慢与偏见》

女:Now please enjoy 男:谢谢lottery girls的表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank ----\'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to lottery girls 男:下面有请来自12基础的crazy17为我们带来美丽的经典童话《白雪公主与七个小矮人》

女:Now please enjoy 男:谢谢crazy17的表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分

女:Thank ----\'s question and the team’s answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to crazy17 第二环节


男:奇思妙想蕴含独特深意,出口成章方显绝世才华,接下来进入到比赛的第二环节:出口成章Describe.女;Now let’s begin the second part of our competition.In this part, each team will elect one contestant to stand for their team and give us an improvisedspeech.Before the speech, every competitor will choose a picture to watch .Then make a speech about thepicture .Every contestant has 10 seconds to prepare and deliver his or her speech.Each speech lasts 3 minutes.男:在本部分中,每个团队将选出一个选手作为他们的代表给我们一次即兴演讲。在演讲之前,每一位选手将选择一个序号,序号后面对应着一组图片。选手看过图片后需做一个关于图片的演讲。每个选手有10秒准备然后开始他们的演讲。演讲时长为3分钟,现在开始比赛。有请各队伍的代表上场。

女:Now, please welcome contestant No1,who is from Tinker Bell 女:Choose a picture,please/Which picture do you like/Make your choice/A picture please Ok Now 10 seconds to prepare and give your speech/10s to think and show,please/Now time to prepare and deliver your speech/do your preparation and show your idea 女: Thank you.It now turns to contestant No2, who is from----- which picture would you choose? 女:go off the stage and wait for your marks.艺术团表演

女:Ok, thanks for all the competitors.男:惟妙的英文演绎,让我们置身经典的海洋;精彩的英文演讲,让我们称叹选手们的奇思与妙答。接下来请放松您的耳朵,一起来欣赏由校艺术团的康欣悦 史丽琼为我们带来的start of something new- 女:Please enjoyby康欣悦 史丽琼from Art troupe.welcome.点评环节


女:Please welcome-----to comment our competition 男:谢谢----的点评,接下来有请----点评

女:Thanks for------’comment, and next let’s welcome-----to make comments on our competition 男:谢谢-----的点评

女:Thanks for -----’s affirmation and encourage 颁奖环节

男:激烈的比拼闪耀出青春的光彩,机智的问答碰撞出智慧的火花,欣赏完同学们的精彩表演后,接下来到了激动人心的颁奖环节, 女:OK, now,Ladies and gentlemen, the exciting moment is coming.we are going to announce the winners.男:下面我宣布,获得“Show your life”英语风采大赛三等奖的队伍是-------- 女:The team who get the third prize of“Show your life” English talent competition is--------Congratulations 男:有请-----为他们颁奖

女:Now please welcome---------to award them 男:下面我宣布,获得“Show your life”英语风采大赛二等奖的队伍是-------- 女:The team who get the second prize of“Show your life” English talent competition is--------Congratulations 男:有请-----为他们颁奖

女:Now please welcome---------to award them 男:下面我宣布,获得“Show your life”英语风采大赛一等奖的队伍是-------- 女:The team who get the first prize of“Show your life” English talent competition is--------Congratulations 男:有请-----为他们颁奖

女:Now please welcome---------to award them


男:心有多大,舞台就有多大。梦想有多远,你就能走多远。 女:The stage extends as far as the heart goes.The further the dream,the farther we can go.We hope more students could dare to display themselves through this competition.And our college could be full of confidence.男:我宣布“Show your life”英语风采大赛到此结束,朋友们,再会! 女:Thanks for all your coming! See you later!

男:请嘉宾和评委上台与获奖选手合影留念。请观众有序退场。 女:Welcome guests and judges to take photos with winning teams on the stage.Audience orderly exits, please.




Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,

Good evening! We are very happy to gather here to hold an foreign language evening party.And welcome to the 4th English Speaking Competition of Qingjiang Foreign Language School.(初中英语主持)


First of all, let me introduce our distinguished leader guests tonight,Mrs Rosalie Diangar, our language expert from the U.S.A.Mr Yao, our

headmaster.Mr Li, our vice-president.Mr He, our vice-president and Mr Wu, our our vice-president and the secretary of the CPC committee of our school.(高中英语主持)

首先,为大家介绍一下今天到场的嘉宾,Rosalie Diangar夫人,清江外国语学校的外教老师,大家欢迎;姚源波先生,清江外国语学校校长,大家欢迎;李方胜先生,清江外国语学校副校长,大家欢迎;贺廷江先生,清江外国语学校副校长,大家欢迎;吴民佑先生,清江外国语学校副校长兼党支部书记,大家欢迎!(高中中文主持)

Next, let me introduce all the judges today,。。。。。(初中英语主持) 下面为大家介绍一下今天的评委,担任清江外国语学校第四届英语风采大赛的评委有:。。。。。。(初中中文主持)

And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Mrs Rosalie Diangar to enjoy her stay in our school and all present to have a wonderful time tonight.(初中英语主持)

在这里我们希望Rosalie Diangar夫人能尽快适应在中国的生活,享受在清江外国语学校的每一天。同时也希望大家能度过一个美好的夜晚!(初中中文主持)Now let me read the rules of the competition.

We have 3 rounds in this final competition.It is an elimination game.The winner of each round can keep on competing in the next round.Junior and senior students will be separated to compete.

Round 1,Speech.The 12 competitors from both junior and senior departments will take your own turn to make a speech and then answer the questions that the judges give.Juniors,each of you has 2 minutes to make the speech.And seniors,you have 3 minutes and one minute to answer the questions.In this round, 2 students will be eliminated and the rest 10 students will go into next round.

Round 2,Conversation.The competitors will be divided into 5 groups by drawing lots,then take the topic.Each group will have two minutes to complete the conversation or performance.The judges will mark according to the behavior of you.In this round, four competitors will be eliminated and 6 students will go into next round.

Round 3,Debate.The 6 students will be divided into For and Aginst side,3 people in each side.First,two students in each group will represent your own opinions,one minute for each.Then free debate,3 minutes in total for junior students.At last, the third student in each group will give the final

statement,one minute.(高中英语主持)

现在,我为大家宣读一下比赛规则:。。。。。。(高中中文主持) Now it\'s time for us to have performances.For this evening party all the claes have made careful preparations.So I\'m sure we\'ll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.(初中英文主持)

接下来是节目表演时间,为了这场盛大的外文晚会,各个班级细心倾力准备。我相信我们大家一定会大饱眼福。第一个节目是由Rosalie Diangar夫人带来的。。。(初中中文主持)

The first item is a song given by Mrs Rosalie Diangar.Now let\'s give her warm applause.Welcome!(初中英文主持)


Thank you very much,Mrs Rosalie Diangar.

The 4th English Speaking Competition of Qingjiang Foreign Language School,junior department,round 1,speech.

非常感谢Rosalie Diangar夫人的精彩表演。清江外国语学校第四届英语风采大赛,初中部第一轮比赛,演讲。

The first competitor is… Let’s welcome!

Thanks for the wonderful speech.The second competitor is…, let’s




Many thanks to all the competitiors.In Qingjiang Foreign Language

School,you can not only learn English,but also some other languages like

Japanese,French and Ruian.Next,let’s welcome the program from Japanese cla!



Thank you very much.Now,there’re 10 people can keep on competing in the next round,their names are on the paper in my hand.


They are …….



As the old saying goes,’ The latercomers surpa the formers’,our junior high school students are really better than we were.Even though,we can’t lose our heart.We should meet the hardships ahead.So come on guys.Let’s get started!(高中英语主持)


The first competitor is… Let’s welcome!

Thank you!The second competitor is … Welcome!(高中部主持一人一次) ……


Well done and thanks to all.Just now,we have enjoyed a program from Japanese cla.It’s really brilliant.But you can’t treat it as the only good quality in our school.Next,let’s welcome the program from Ruian cla!



Thanks a million.Now,the names of the competitors who can go into next round are in my hand.Please take a deep breath,and I’ll announce then.





The competition of senior department is so excited.I think we junior

students should learn a lot from them.


Next,it’s time for junior competitors to have the second round



Let’s welcome the first group.

Thanks for the wonderful performance.Let’s welcome the second



Thanks for all the competitors.Next,let’s welcome…to give his/her




Thank you very much,Mr/Mrs….Everybody knows that France is the most romantic country and French is the most beautiful language.But how

beautiful?Let’s find the answer from the following program.Welcome French cla students!


The competition is more and more exciting.Now we have only 6 students into the third round.


(做深呼吸)They are…….Congratulations!



Junior high school competitors,you did a really good job.I can feel the preure from our breath.However,let’s try our best to do the next round!


Let’s welcome the first group!

Good job!Welcome the second group!(高中部主持一人一次)


Thank you,guys!You’re doing great!Now,let’s welcome Mr/Mrs… to make his/her comment.


Thank you very much,….And now I’ll read the names of the left




他们是。。。 恭喜他们!请为下一轮比赛做准备!欢迎初中部同学.


Thank you very much.Well-done!It’s the most important moment

now—round 3,debate.I hope every competitor can do your best.


Let’s welcome all the competitors of this round!



Do you want to know the winner of this competition?I gue you’ll say yes.And so do I.Then let’s start the last round quickly!


Let’s welcome the 6 competitors!



Thanks for all the competitors today.Well-done! Now,let’s welcome an English song from….(初中英文主持)


Thanks a lot.Let’s welcome Mr/Mrs to make his/her comments.(高中英文主持)



Thank you very much.Now,let’s welcome …to proclaim the results of today’s competition.(初中英文主持)



Let’s welcome…to award prizes for the winners.(高中)



Please give your warmest applause to all the competitors!(初中)


It’s really really a splendid competition and a really marvellous party.I

hope we can exchange experience of how to learn English better from this.And I believe that this experience will be also very useful for the students in our school.So I hope we\'ll all make good use of this opportunity.Believe yourself and just hold it!(高中英语主持)


We appreciate that all of you can surport this party.Thank you,guys.See you next time!(初中英语主持)





英文: ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.Good afternoon , Welcome to English talent show. 中文:---同学们,老师们,大家下午好。欢迎参加我们的英语风采大赛。

英文:It’s a great pleasure that we are going to hold the first English Talent Show of our school!


英文: With the development of society, as a popular language, English is already not only a communication tool, but also a cultural symbol.


英文:Today ,Our English Talent Show is a stage for us to display our talents and also a chance for the teachers to enjoy the result of all of their hard work.


英文:The vivid story about English can make our life vivid.Singing beautiful English songs can also make us enjoy our life.An exciting speech can encourage all of us.Today,let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true! I think everybody here cannot wait to see now, so let’s begin.Let’s look forward to all the teams wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances! Wish them good luck!


英文:School is the source of our knowledge, is the cradle of our growth, I believe that each of us students deeply love our campus。Now let\'s listen to the students in Grade Three.What do they think of our campus?

中文:---学校是我们知识的源泉,是我们成长的摇篮,我相信我们每一个学生都热爱我们的校园。现在让我们听听三年级小朋友说说,他们心目中我们的校园是怎样的 英文:The final score of Grade 3 is_________.congratulations 中文:三年级最后得分________.祝贺他们

英文:Gu Dong is Coming,Gu Dong is coming ! What is Gu Dong? Now let’s see the sitcom Gu Dong is Coming from Cla1 Grade 4

中文:---Gu Dong来了,Gu Dong来了!Gu Dong是什么?现在让我们看看从4年级1班的情景喜剧Gu Dong来了。

英文:The final score of Cla1 Grade 4 is_________.congratulations 中文:四(1)班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英文:Look,!a group of cute little animals are pulling radishes。Welcome to Cla 2 Grade 4 for us to show the performance Pull Radish .

中文:---看,一群可爱的小动物在拔萝卜,欢迎四(2)为我们表演情景剧拔萝卜。 英文:The final score of Cla2 Grade 4 is_________.congratulations 中文:四(2)班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英文:Have you ever heard of the ugly duckling becoming a swan? Now welcome Cla1 Grade 5 for us to deduce the fairy tale of ugly duckling。

中文:---你听过丑小鸭变天鹅的故事吗?现在欢迎五(1)班为我们演绎童话故事丑小鸭。 英文:The final score of Cla1 Grade 5 is_________.congratulations 中文:五(1)班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英文:We all know that the tortoise is slow, but the children of Cla 2 Grade 5 found a smart tortoise, let’s go and see.中文:---我们都知道乌龟行动慢,但是五(2)班的小朋友却发现了一只聪明的乌龟,让我们去瞧瞧!

英文:The final score of Cla2 Grade 5 is_________.congratulations 中文:五(2)班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英文:What would happen if a tortoise and a hare ran a race? Students in Cla1 Grade 6 will tell us the answer.Let‘s wait and see! 中文:---如果让一只乌龟与兔子去赛跑结果会是怎样呢?六一班的学生会告诉我们答案,让我们拭目以待。

英文:The final score of Cla1 Grade 6 is_________.congratulations 中文:六(1)班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英语:Once upon a time there was a farmer ,he waits every day under the tree, in the hope that a hare would kill itself by crashing into a tree trunk.Do you think he can wait for such a rabbit? Welcome Cla2 Grade 6 to perform Lying by the Tree to Wait for Hare


英文:The final score of Cla2 Grade 5 is_________.congratulations 中文:六(2)班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英文:China is the origin of tea, tea is one of Chinese traditional culture, how much do you know about tea? Let\'s listen to Cla 60 Grade 7 to talk something about tea .中文:---中国是茶的原产地,茶是中国的传统文化之一,你对茶的知识知多少?让我们听听初一(60)班说说茶。

英文:The final score of Cla60 Grade 7 is_________.congratulations 中文:60班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英语:I believe everyone knows the story of snow white,Now let’s see Cla 61 Grade 7 how to perform the claic story .中文:---白雪公主这个故事我相信大家耳熟能详,现在让我们看看七年级61班是如何演绎这个经典故事的。

英文:The final score of Cla61 Grade 7 is_________.congratulations 中文:61班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英语:We are the young eagles, we must firmly believe that through our efforts, we can fly in the blue sky.Welcome Cla 58 Grade 8 to give us a speech I believe I can fly .中文:---我们是雏鹰,我们要坚信,通过努力我们一定能展翅高飞于蓝天.欢迎八年级58 给我们演讲“我坚信我能展翅高飞”

英文:The final score of Cla58 Grade 8 is_________.congratulations 中文:58班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英文:Nowadays,children have too much stre from school ,“Should students help with housework at home “becomes a hot topic .Now let’s listen to Cla 59 Grade 8 how they think about it .中文:---如今孩子们的学习压力大,孩子们该不该帮忙做家务成了热门话题,现在让我们听听59班的心声。

英文:The final score of Cla59 Grade 8 is_________.congratulations 中文:59班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英文:We have a lot of treasure, such as knowledge, friendship, affection, health and so on .So do the students of Cla 56 Grade 9.Welcome them to tell us What treasure they have .中文:---我们有很多财富,如知识,友谊,感情,健康等等,初三56的学生同样拥有,欢迎初三56和我们谈谈他们拥有的财富是什么。

英文:The final score of Cla56 Grade 9 is_________.congratulations 中文:56班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英文:Everyone has a dream, dream is the driving force for us,Welcome Cla 56 Grade9 to give us a speech I have a dream 中文:---每个人都有梦想,梦想是我们前行的动力。欢迎初三56 班给我们演讲“我的梦想” 英文:The final score of Cla57 Grade 9 is_________.congratulations 中文:57班最后得分________.祝贺他们

英文:Ladies and gentlemen, our competition is coming to the end.Thanks again for your coming。The winning cla will be announced at the flag raising ceremony on Monday。My dear friends, good bye! 中文:---朋友们,怀铁一中英才学校第一届英语风采大赛到这里就全部结束了,再次感谢各位的参加,获奖班级我们会在周一升旗仪式上公布,让我们记住这共度美好时刻,再见!




First of all, let me introduce our distinguished leader guests tonight,Mr Yao, our headmaster.Mr Li, our vice-president.Mr He, our vice-president and Mr Wu, our vice-president and the secretary of the CPC committee of our school.(高中英语女主持)


Next, let me introduce all the judges today,。。。。。(初中英语男主持) 下面为大家介绍一下今天的评委,担任清江外国语学校第四届英语风采大赛的评委有:。。。。。。(初中中文女主持)

Now let me read the rules of the first spelling test competition in our school.We have 3 rounds in this competition.It is an elimination game.The winner of each round can keep on competing in the next round.Students in each grade will be separated to compete.

We have more than 45 students in each grade.The teacher will read several words but one word per student,and the students should spell the words in 3 seconds.Students who can accomplish will go into next round,and the lost will be eliminated,and so forth.So the students who can go into the third round will get the first prize,and the ones go into the second round will get the second prize and the rest will get the third prize.(高中英语男主持) 现在,我为大家宣读一下拼词比赛的规则。(高中中文女主持) Next,I declare,the 5th foreign languages gala of Qingjiang Foreign Language School begins!(初男)


And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone can enjoy your stay in our gala and all present to have a wonderful time tonight.(高中英语女主持)


Now,let’s welcome the students from Grade 8,they will give you a singing and dancing show:Together!(初中英语男主持)

下面,让我们欢迎来自8年级的同学们为我们带来歌舞《together》 (高中中文女主持)

That would be great,let’s enjoy it together.(高中英语男主持)

Wow,we enjoyed a perfect program,and then,we will watch a drama by the students in Grade 9,let’s welcome---three times’ beating monster.(初男)

开场的节目堪称完美,下面呢,我们再来欣赏一个话剧,大家想不想看?(想),好,有请9年级的同学带来《Three times’ beating monster》(初女)

Next,let’s begin our first time competition.

Let’s welcome the compepitors from Grade 7.(高男)


How wonderful the competition is! Many thanks to all the competitiors.Now,let’s welcome our friends from Grade Nine.They will give us a special song medley .(初男)


Maybe all of you have been attracted by Chinese peoms.Can you imagine what kind of feelings you will get if you appreciate some english peoms? Next, the performers from Senior One will show you an unique world of english peoms!Welcome!(高女)


Don’t you feel romantic?(初男)

Yes,I’m in the peom and I don’t wanna come back yet.(初女)

Please,come back! We should go on host the gala.(初男)


Next,let’s welcome the students from Grade 8!(初男)


Thank you for your good job! Thank you all.

In Qingjiang Foreign Language School,you can not only learn English,but also some other languages like Japanese,French and Ruian.Next,let’s welcome the program from Japanese cla!(高男)


Have you heard of the story about Jing Ke?

Yes,it’s a really famous story.But have you seen a funny edition of it?If not,please rub your eyes and wait!(初男)


Well done,everyone! As the old saying goes,’ The latercomers surpa the formers’,our junior high school students are really better than we were.Even though,we can’t lose our heart.We should meet the hardships ahead.So come on guys.Let’s get started!Next it’s time for the students from Grade 9 to compete in the spelling test.(高男)


Many thanks to all the brothers and sisters.

Do you want to be a student in Senior 3?(初男)

Yes,I do.(初女)


Because I can go into the college after that.(初女)

And do you know the feelings of them?(初男)

I’m sorry I don’t have…(初女)

So let’s feel the way they feel! Zhu Qin,a speech!(初男)


Well done,Zhu Qin.I’m proud of you.(高女)


Next,let’s listen some soft music,a solo from a little boy,Zhang Han.(高女) 下面让我们听听来自705班张翰学弟的天籁之音吧,有请!(高男)

So far,the students from junior department are all done and they did really really good.and I believe the following students from senior department will do better.(初男)

到目前为止,我们已经完成了初中部所有的赛事,而且他们每一个人都做的非常好。我相信,接下来高中部的同学们会为我们带来更精彩的比赛!(初女) So let’s get started.Welcome students from Senior 1!(初男)


Good job,everybody!(高男)

Do you like dance?(高男)

Yes,I do,but I can’t.(高女)

Then,I’ll show you some beautiful dances.(高男)


Thank you very much!

In addition to Japanese,there is another language that us also

attractive.So,let’s listen to the Ruion songs.(初男)


…,I know you are from senior 2,right?(高女)


Do you feel nervous?(高女)

A little.Because next it’s the competition of senior 2.(高男)


You did a really good job!

Next, let’s welcome the singers from grade 7 and 8 to show us two songs.(初男)


Thank you!

Beautiful songs are always coming after another.Next,let’s enjoy a song medley given by Senior Two.Let clap for them!(高男)


We’ve left the last time competition.let’s welcome the competiters from senior 3!(初男)


After the tense competition,let’s have a little break for our eyes and ears.In general,we all have a preference for doing something as arranged.Now,let’s enjoy a humourous mistake made by following the arranged order.So,welcome the students from Cla 5,Grade 8 to give us a drama,Napolen’s three questions.(高女)


Thanks to all the singers and dancers.I believe you’ve all played a

game,that is ‘beating a drum to pa a flower’.The flower will be paed from one cla to another,when the noise stops,if the flower is in your hand,your cla will sing an english song together.(初男)


Are you ready?(高女)





英语歌曲大赛中英文双语主持词 男: ladies and gentlemen, 女Boys and girls ,

合:Welcome to 2013 the sport- art-culture festival of Dadiji middle school ---English Songs Competition.

女: 女士们,先生们,大家晚上好,欢迎来到大地基中学2013年体育艺术文化节--英语歌曲比赛晚会。

男: I’m the hoster of tonight, I’m....女 I’m... 男: Firstly, let\'s introduce today\'s judges and guests.女;: 首先,我们非常荣幸的介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。(介绍评委)

男: Once again let\'s welcome all the teachers and students.女: 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位老师以及同学们的到来。 男: 现在让我们来介绍一下今天比赛评分标准:







男: Ok,let’s begin our party.女: Alright,so everybody clear on what’s going to happen today? Then, Are you ready? let’s get started.

男: 我们都非常期待今天这场精彩的比赛,亲爱的各位同学们,你们准备好了吗?现在我宣布,2013年大地基中学体育艺术文化周英语歌曲比赛晚会现在开始。


幸福,是依偎在妈妈温暖怀抱里的温馨; 幸福,是依靠在恋人宽阔肩膀上的甜蜜: 幸福,是抚摸儿女细嫩皮肤的慈爱 幸福,是注视父母沧桑面庞的敬意

幸福其实很简单,幸福越是与人分享,它的价值就越会增加。同学们,你们幸福吗?如果感到幸福就拍拍手吧,让我们一起拍拍手共同传递幸福!男: Now, Ladies and gentlemen, let’s put our hands together for cla 69,they bring us a beautiful song.Cla66 please get ready.女:请欣赏由69班带来的《幸福拍手歌》,请66班做好准备,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎










Now,please welcome cla66 .cla72 please get ready.

女:感谢 66班精彩的表现。请评委亮分


女:明亮的教室里,整齐有方得桌子和椅子,欢快的向我们发出美妙的音符,校园里更加阳光灿烂,生机勃发,那些美丽的过往依旧清晰可见,充满童真的他们用青涩的歌声唤起儿时美好的回忆。唱出他们小小心中大大梦想。 Now,please welcome cla72 .cla 68 please get ready

就让我们共同欣赏由72班给我们带来的歌曲 请68班做好准备。

男: Thank the wonderful song.You really did a good job.请评委亮分。


Let’s welcome cla68 .cla73 please get ready请欣赏由68班带来的英语歌曲联唱。请73班做好准备



Now,please welcome cla73 .cla65 please get ready下面请欣赏由73班带来的歌曲—ten little indian boys,请65班做好准备








Now,please welcome cla67 .cla70 please get ready请欣赏71班歌曲《雪绒花》,请67班做好准备


男:假如你选择天空,就不要希望风和日丽,让勇气伴随我们展翅要翱翔,做一个勇敢的人。Now,please welcome cla66 .cla72 please get ready请欣赏67班歌曲《proud of you 》,请70班做好准备 请评委亮分

男:同学们,你们知道什么事圣诞节吗?圣诞节 相当于我国的春节,它是纪念耶稣诞生的一个重要节日,世界上有140多个国家和地区庆祝 圣诞节 ,是从12月24日至次年的元月6日,是流传范围最广, 参与人数最多的节日。可以说,圣诞节是个超越国界的普天同庆的节日。

男: 我们学习英语,学习西方文化,应该了解西方国家的圣诞节,每当到圣诞节,我们都唱响那熟悉的旋律,请欣赏70班带来的《jingle bell》,感受圣诞节的快乐。 请评委亮分

女:非常感谢我们最后一个的精彩的歌曲。他们所有人真的是都非常非常的棒。 请评委亮分

下面由我们的英语老师们为我们带来—sailing,大家欢迎。 请领导讲话

女: ladies and gentlemen ,Now, 2011 the sport- art-culture festival of dadiji middle school --English Songs Competition.is ending.I know we are all deeply impreed by the wonderful songs presented by the 9 cla.Thank you for your hard work.Boys and girls, Let\'s give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌) 男: 女士们先生们,现在,2011年大地基中学艺术文化周英语歌曲比赛晚会马上就要结束了。9个班级带来的精彩的歌曲都给我们留下了深刻的印象,每位班级都为今天这场精彩的演出付出了巨大的努力,让我们再次以热烈的掌声感谢他们。


女: ladies and gentlemen, daer teachers, my fellow students

Are you happy tonight?

Year,me too.2011 the sport- art-culture festival of dadiji middle school-- English Song Competition is close.

男:2011年大地基中学艺术文化周英语歌曲比赛晚会到此结束 F: Once again Thank you for your time.see you next year. M: 再次感谢您的到来,让我们明年再见! 合:bye!



(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)

F: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final of Xi\'an Conservatory of Music 2010 English Songs Competition.

M: 女士们,先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到西安音乐学院2010年英语歌曲大赛决赛的比赛现场。

F: I’m the hoste of tonight, I’m ZHANGSHAN.

M: 站在我身边这位可爱漂亮的女主持人是张珊,我是今晚的男主持……

F: In today\'s Grand Final(决赛) there are 18 finalists(决赛选手), they are all the winners of the

preliminaries(初赛).These contestants have given very impreive performances So we know that today will be a very grueling(激烈的) competition.

M: 在今天的决赛中,将会有18名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们在初赛当中的表现非常的精彩,都给我们留下了深刻的印象,并成功地晋级到了今天的决赛,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!

F: Firstly, let\'s introduce today\'s honorable judges and guests.I have the great privilege(特殊荣幸) of presenting today\'s judges for this English Song Contest.Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.xxx from...

M: 首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。女士们先生们,他们是来自……的……

F: Once again let\'s welcome all the teachers and students.

M: 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位老师以及同学们的到来。

F: Now please(now 去掉)let (me改为us) introduce the regulations(规则) of this final.

M: 现在让我们来介绍一下今天决赛的比赛规则。

F: Alright, having set the record straight now , why don’t we just get the show on the road?

M: 好吧,既然都交代清楚了,我们何不马上开始?

F: I have a strong desire to see it.And that’s exactly what we will see today.Okay, so everybody clear on what’s going to happen today? Then, let’s get started.

M: 我们都非常期待今天这场精彩的比赛,亲爱的各位同学们,你们准备好了吗?现在我宣布,西安音乐学院2010年英语歌曲大赛决赛,现在开始。

F: Now, Ladies and gentlemen, let’s put our hands together for Contestant No.1(加to present her song…歌名…….)Contestant NO.2 please get ready.

M: 女士们先生们,首先出场是一号选手……,她为大家带来的歌曲是……,二号选手请做好准备,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎一号选手。

F: Thank you contestant NO.1,Now,please welcome contestant NO.2......Contestant NO.3 please get ready.

M: 感谢我们一号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是二号选手……,她为我们带来的歌曲是……,三号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎二号选手。

F: Thank the last contestant’s wonderful performance.You really did a good job.Next let’s welcome………….give some comments on our contestants’ performance.

M: 非常感谢我们最后一位选手的精彩的歌曲。到现在,所有的选手都完成了他们的表演,他们所有人真的是都非常非常的棒。下面,让我们由请……来为我们今天的比赛以及各位选手的表现做一下点评。由请。

F: Thank you profeor …….for your wonderful comments.


(去掉X: Thank you .Your words are so impreive.Thank you very much for your wonderful comments.)

F:(加at the moment, the result of today’s contest have come out )

M: 到现在为止,我们今天比赛的成绩已经出来了。

F: let me announce the list of third prize-----------(三等奖名单) Each recipient(接受者) will be presented (赠送)……...with a certificate(证书).Congratulations.

M: 现在让我们来宣布今天获得三等奖的选手,他们是……他们将获得……以及获奖证书。祝贺你们。

F: Let’s welcome Mr.—to present the awards to the recipients.Thank you Mr.—

M: 让我们欢迎……先生来为获奖者颁奖,由请。

F: Allow me to announce the list of second prize-----------(二等奖名单) Each gainer will be presented with …… together with a certificate.Congratulations.

M: 现在让我们来宣布今天获得二等奖的选手,他们是……他们将获得……以及获奖证书。祝贺你们。

F: Let’s welcome Mr.—award prize for these winners.Thank you Mr.—

M: 让我们欢迎……来为获奖者颁奖,由请。

F: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath,

M: 女生们先生们,谁会是今天的冠军呢?让我们屏住呼吸

F: the most lucky person tonight is------ Congratulations! He/She will be presented with an…… together with a certificate.

M: 今天这位最幸运的人……,祝贺你!她将获得……以及获奖证书。

F: Let’s welcome Mr.—to present the awards to the recipients.Thank you Mr.—

M: 让我们欢迎……来为我们的冠军颁奖。

(可去掉Once again, Congratulations on your winning this honor! Today is your day, you deserve this award for your wonderful performance.)

F: Congratulations everybody.You are really excellent.Thank you for your outstanding performance.

M: 再次祝贺每位获奖选手,你们每位真是都非常的棒。谢谢今天你们为我们带来的这场精彩的演出。

F: ladies and gentlemen ,Now, Xi\'an Conservatory of Music 2010 English Song Competition is ending.I know we are all deeply impreed by the wonderful songs presented by the 18 contestants.Thank you for your hard work.Boys and girls, Let\'s give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)

M: 女士们先生们,现在,西安音乐学院2010年英语歌曲大赛马上就要结束了。18位选手带来的精彩的歌曲都给我们留下了深刻的印象,他们每位选手都为今天这场精彩的演出付出了巨大的努力,让我们再次以热烈的掌声感谢他们。

{可去掉这两段Y: And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest poible deserve a big round of applause, too.(感谢裁判)

last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众,自己给自己鼓掌)}

F: ladies and gentlemen, honorable teachers, my fellow students Xi\'an Conservatory of Music 2010 English Song Competition is close.

M: 女士们先生们,尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,西安音乐学院2010年英语歌曲大赛到此结束

F: Once again Thank you for your time.see you next year.

M: 再次感谢您的到来,让我们明年再见!




女:亲爱的各位XXXXXXX师、同学们, 合:大家下午好!(掌声) 男:大地回春,不尽江山抒特色; 女:香花扑面,无边风月竞贤才。

男:带着收获的喜悦,我们告别了难忘的2010年 女:满怀美好的憧憬,我们跨入了崭新的2011年 男:2010,是不平凡的一年,是我院快速发展的一年

女:2010,是光荣的一年,是厚积薄发,彰显我院教育教学成果的一年 男:在全市、全省乃至全国的职业技能比赛中,处处都有我院师生参赛的身影。






男:今天,我们齐聚一堂,为你们取得的成绩而喝彩,为你们感到自豪, 女:今天,我们齐聚一堂,为促进更多学子的崛起而表彰,不久的将来,你们也必将成为我们的荣耀



男:对于你们的到来,我们表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢(掌声)。 女:2010年我院学生分别参加了哈尔滨市技工院校职业技能大赛、黑龙江省第四届数控大赛、黑龙江省技工院校第三届职业技能大赛以及全国技工院校职业技能大赛等诸多赛事,并取得了骄人的成绩。


女:这次数控技能大赛是体现全省职业教育成果的一次盛会、也是体现全省职业技能教育成果的一次盛会、更是做好全国第四届数控技能大赛选手选拔、推动中等职业院校深化教育改革、加快数控加工高技能人才培训的盛会。(放视频) 男:在本次比赛中,我院XXXXXXX师荣获数控加工中心教师组第二名,荣获数控加工中心学生组第一名,荣获数控车工学生组第二名。下面有处长致颁奖词(掌声)。 请您为获奖教师和学生颁奖。


一、第二和第三名,荣获装配钳工高级组第三名,焊工第二和第三名。通过预赛,名选手取得了决赛资格。 男:在全省大赛决赛中,我们的学生攻坚克难,顽强拼搏,在参赛十七所院校的125名选手中脱颖而出,获得两金一银一铜的优异成绩。(放视频) 女:下面有请黑龙江省人力资源和社会保障厅技工教育处孙同波处长为获奖选手致颁奖词。(掌声) 谢谢孙处长。 请您为获奖学生颁奖 女:学生的成长离不开XXXXXXX师的辛勤培育,技能的练就离不开指导教师的辛苦工作,在去年系列大赛中,我院涌现出一批优秀的指导教师,在半年多的准备时间里,你们舍小家顾大家,为使学生获得更好的竞赛成绩,加班加点,挑灯夜战早已成为家常便饭,放弃节假日的休息,放弃与家人团聚,更是你们奉献精神的体现,你们是我院全体教师学习的楷模,你们更是我院教学改革的中坚力量。






女:下面有请为获奖选手致颁奖词。(掌声) 谢谢。 请您为获奖学生颁奖




青年是学习的重要群体,青年时期也是人生中学习成长的黄金时期。作为技师XXXXXXX的青年学子,刻苦学习、不断成长,是我们提高自身素质和职业能力的必由之路,也是加强学习型组织建设的必然要求。 男:为此,XXXXXXX团委向全体同学发出倡议书。

女:大海航行靠舵手,XXXXXXX发展更离不开院领导班子的正确引导,让我们以热烈的掌声有请XXXXXXX院长为我们做重要讲话。 女:谢谢。 结束语:


女:今天,理想之火还在熊熊燃烧的我们,又站在一个新的起点之上, 男:明天,我们必将在工作岗位上凸显技能,书写更加壮丽的人生;

女:爱岗敬业、勤奋实干,是我们全体教职员工的责任。 男:塑造人格,提高技能,是我们全体教职员工的期盼; 女:改变人生,创造精彩,是我们全体教职员工的祝福; 男:同学们,让我们挥洒汗水,用技能去创造更加美好的明天! 女:同学们,让我们相信自己,用本领去谱写人生更加瑰丽的诗篇!






杨晖:老师,同学们 大家










李云浩:好 下面让我们以热烈的掌声有请xx领导讲话

杨晖:比赛即将开始 ,下面有我来介绍(多媒体课件竞赛评分标准与奖励办法) 李云浩:了解了比赛细则之后,我宣布,黄石理工学院第四届多媒体大赛专科组决赛现在正式开始!










1.竞赛的范围高中英语教材必修一------必修三 所学的单词和短语。































比赛前一天的晚上,我和爸爸妈妈趴在电脑旁,找英文歌。本来我也不是没有会唱的歌,但都是舞曲,还有一些R&B和Rap,所以都不行,只能现学。 我和几个人在座位上闲聊,有人问我才艺表演什么。我说唱歌,张玉亭便说:“你还是跳舞好了,唱歌就算了,五音不全。”田梦翔接着便说:“他不是五音不全,她是五个音唱出九个音来。”


马上就到我了,心里特别紧张,脸发烫,我有个毛病,一紧张脸便特别特别红。我问张译文:“我脸是不是特别红?”“像刚跑完800米。”她说。 场下的助理再帮我带话筒。我将伴奏带调好,深吸一口气,便开始演讲。演讲完毕后,伴奏的音乐响起。我站在那儿。脑海中一片空白———我忘词了。 好吧,我可不能冷场。背对观众,摆了几个常用的pose后,我便开始即兴的跳一些舞。


评委问答。Laura问我为什么要学跳舞。好吧,既然你问了,我便实话实说。其实,爸妈一开始送我去跳舞是因为我太胖了,所以想让我学跳舞,可以瘦一点。 话音刚落,评委便笑了。笑吧笑吧,只要能晋级就好。








这里是【2009年中央电视台 “希望之星”英语风采大赛河南赛区省决赛】的比赛现场,欢迎大家的到来.我是主持人祁永庆(王瑛)。






在选手两个环节都结束后,评委进行打分,我们会去掉一个最高分,和一个最低分,剩下的分数相加,就是这位选手的最终得分。同时为了以示公正,前三位选手的得分情况我们会在第四位选手结束后公布,第四位选手的成绩将在第五位选手结束后公布,以此类推。 同时现场的观众朋友们,也请您尊重我们的比赛,不要给选手任何提示,并把手机调至静音状态。





女: Good afternoon, my honored teachers.Good afternoon, my fellow students.welcome to The Pioneer [ paiə\'niə ] Experimental【ek,speri\'mentəl】School‘s Happy English talk shows Competition.男: 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好,欢迎来到先锋实验学校快乐英语脱口秀比赛现场

男:This is a day full of hope for the future day 女:这是一个充满未来与希望的日子

男:In this beautiful day, we gathered together 女:这个美好的日子里,我们欢聚一堂

女:With the Christmas carols [\'kærəl] resounding around our ears 。Let’s burst into songs。


女: Once again let\'s welcome all the teachers and students.男: 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位老师以及同学们的到来。 男: Okay, so everybody clear on what’s going to happen today? Then, let’s get started.女:亲爱的各位同学们,你们准备好了吗?现在我宣布,先锋实验学校英语脱口秀大赛,现在开始。

女: Now, Ladies and gentlemen, let’s put our hands together for Contestant No.1。Contestant NO.2 please get ready.男: 女士们先生们,首先出场是一号选手……,二号选手请做好准备,让

1 我们以热烈的掌声欢迎一号选手。

男: Thanks for contestant NO.1,Now,please welcome contestant NO.2......Contestant NO.3 please get ready.女: 感谢我们一号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是二号选手,三号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎二号选手。

女: Thanks for contestant NO.2。Now, Please enjoy the chorus。 男:感谢我们2号选手精彩的表现。接下来请欣赏合唱。

女:Thank you,Now please welcome contestant NO.3。Contestant NO.4 please get ready.男:谢谢。接下来将要上场的是3号选手, 4号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎3号选手。

男: Thanks for contestant NO.3,Now,please welcome contestant NO.4......Contestant NO.5 please get ready.女: 感谢我们3号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是4号选手,5号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎4号选手。

女: Thanks for contestant NO.4, Now, Please enjoy the games。 男:感谢我们4号选手精彩的表现。接下来请欣赏游戏。

女:Now,please welcome contestant NO.5。Contestant NO.6 please get ready.男:接下来将要上场的是5号选手,6号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎5号选手。

男: Thanks for contestant NO.5,Now,please welcome contestant NO.6。Contestant NO.7 please get ready.女: 感谢我们5号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是6号选手,7号

2 选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎6号选手。

女: Thanks for contestant NO.6, Now, Please enjoy the chorus。 男:感谢我们6号选手精彩的表现。接下来请欣赏合唱。

女:Now,please welcome contestant NO.7。Contestant NO.8 please get ready.男:接下来将要上场的是7号选手……,8号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎7号选手。

男: Thanks for contestant NO.7,Now,please welcome contestant NO.8。Contestant NO.9 please get ready.女: 感谢我们7号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是8号选手……,9号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎8号选手。

女: Thanks for contestant NO.8, Now, Please enjoy the games。 男:感谢我们8号选手精彩的表现。接下来请欣赏游戏。

女:Now,please welcome contestant NO.9。Contestant NO.10 please get ready.男:接下来将要上场的是9号选手,10号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎9号选手。

男: Thanks for contestant NO.9,Now,please welcome contestant NO.10......Contestant NO.11 please get ready.女: 感谢我们9号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是10号选手……,11号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎10号选手。

女: Thanks for contestant NO.10。Now, Please enjoy the chorus。 男:感谢我们10号选手精彩的表现。接下来请欣赏合唱。

女:Now,please welcome contestant NO.11。Contestant NO.12 please

3 get ready.男:接下来将要上场的是11号选手,12号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎11号选手。

男: Thanks for contestant NO.11,Now,please welcome contestant NO.12......Contestant NO.13 please get ready.女: 感谢我们11号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是12号选手,13号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎12号选手。

女: Thanks for contestant NO.12, Now, Please enjoy the games。 男:感谢我们12号选手精彩的表现。接下来请欣赏游戏

女:Now,please welcome contestant NO.13。Contestant NO.14 please get ready.男:接下来将要上场的是13号选手,14号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎13号选手。

男: Thanks for contestant NO.13,Now,please welcome contestant NO.14.女: 感谢我们13号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是14号选手,掌声欢迎14号选手。

女: Thanks for contestant NO.14。Now, Please enjoy the chorus。 男:感谢我们14号选手精彩的表现。接下来请欣赏合唱。 女: Thank you.Now, Please enjoy the chorus。 男:谢谢,接下来请欣赏合唱。

女: Thanks a lot.Now, Please enjoy the chorus。 男:非常感谢。接下来请欣赏合唱。

4 男: Thanks for all the contestants’ wonderful performance.You really did a good job.女: 非常感谢所有选手精彩的才艺展示。

女:at the moment, the result of today’s contest have come out 。 男: 到现在为止,我们今天比赛的成绩已经出来了。

女: Allow me to announce the list of second prize-----------(二等奖名单).Congratulations.Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath, the most lucky persons are------ Congratulations! 男: 现在让我们来宣布今天获得二等奖的选手,他们是……。祝贺你们。女士们先生们,谁会是今天的冠军呢?让我们屏住呼吸,今天这位最幸运的人……,祝贺你们! 男: Let’s welcome Secretary Zhou Chaoguang award prize for these winners.Thank you 。

女: 让我们欢迎周超光书记来为获奖者颁奖,由请。

男: Congratulations everybody.You are really excellent.Thank you for your outstanding performance.女: 再次祝贺每位获奖选手,你们每位真是都非常的棒。谢谢今天你们为我们带来的这场精彩的演出。

女: ladies and gentlemen ,Now, The Pioneer Experimental School‘s Happy English talk shows Competition is ending.I know we are all deeply impreed by the wonderful songs presented by the 14 contestants.Thank you for your hard work.Boys and girls, Let\'s

5 give them a big round of applause.男: 女士们先生们,现在,先锋实验学校英语脱口秀大赛马上就要结束了。14位选手带来的精彩的节目都给我们留下了深刻的印象,他们每位选手都为今天这场精彩的演出付出了巨大的努力,让我们再次以热烈的掌声感谢他们。

男: ladies and gentlemen, honorable teachers, my fellow students , The Pioneer Experimental School‘s Happy English talk shows Competition is close.女: 女士们先生们,尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,先锋实验学校英语脱口秀大赛到此结束

女: Once again Thank you for your time.see you.男: 再次感谢您的到来,再会! 6
