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《让沉默不再是金》教学教案 中文0604 11号 程超




















1、复杂(形) 复杂是指事物多而且乱,主要用在以下三种情况:



(3)她的想法真的很复杂,总是想太多。—— 思想、想法复杂——简单、单纯






3、快人快语 我们常常把它写成“快言快语”。


反义词:吞吞吐吐 就是说有些人说一句话之前要先想半个小时,我们就说:








6、遭 虽然只有一个字,但它的意思可不止一个。

(1)动词 作动词时,是“碰到、遇到”的意思,后面接的常常是一些不好的事情。


(2)量词 它还有做量词的情况,相当于“回、次”。我们班都有谁是第一次来中国?恩,我们就可以说:来中国,我还是第一遭。对我来说,接触到这么多可爱的外国留学生,今天还是头一遭。





















(1)我 睡觉 她 说话

(2)老师 提问 我 紧张

(3)我 回家 妈妈 高兴














B:我们已经十年没见面了,所以 。


B:她觉得那儿的衣服既漂亮又便宜, 。



B: 。


B: 。


























































5. A:她是不是韩国人?
































注意: ⑴ 动词前用“没有”表示否定意义时,句末不用“了”。例如:






例如: ①






⑴ A:你昨天看球赛了吗?

B: 没有。

A: 你去哪儿了?






⑵ A:你报名了没有?


买 青年报

看 电影








练习题: 用“再”和“又”填空

⑴ 我昨天已经去了,今天不想_去了。

⑵ 我_买了一张DVD.

⑶ 我_用用你的车好吗?

⑷ 生词我已经预习了,还要_复习复习课文。








(张东打电话找田芳) 张东:


田芳妈: 田芳不在。是张东吧。



田芳妈: 她四点多就去同学家了。她的一个中学同学要出国,她去看看她。 张东:


田芳妈: 她没说,你打她的手机吧。 张东:

我打了。可是她关机了。 田芳妈: 是吗,你过一会儿再打吧。 (张东又来电话了)



田芳妈: 还没有呢。





张东给你打电话了没有? 田芳:



他来电话找你,说打你的手机,你关机了。 田芳:

啊!对了,我忘了开机了。 妈妈:

快!电话又响了,你去接吧。 (田芳接电话)


下午你给我打电话了吧? 张东:





我去踢足球了。今天我们跟留学生代表队比赛了。 田芳:

你们队又输了吧? 张东:

没有。这次我们赢了。 田芳:

几比几? 张东:





我想问问你,你不是要上托福班吗?报名了没有? 田芳:



是。我想明天去报名,你陪我一起去,好吗? 田芳:









a yi




zhong xue

middle school


chu guo

to go abroad



to proceed from inside to outside


da(dian hua)

to make(a phone a call)


guan ji

to turn off one’s mobile phone



to turn off;to switch off


dui le

oh yes




to forget


kai ji

to ture on one’s mobile phone



to ture on;to open;to drive








to make a sound




to get;to receive




to kick;to play(football)


(动、名)bi sai

to match;to contest;game








to lose(a game)




to win




(of a score)to



zhu he

to congratulate 20、哎






tuo fu




yi jing





to take a test




to accompany













初级汉语精读课教案 《今天冷还是昨天冷?》





1.教学重点:比较句“A比B+形容词”以及三种变式;比较句“A比B+形容词” 的疑问式、否定式。2.副词“刚”的用法。3.温度的读法。4.陈述感冒的感觉:头疼,嗓子疼,浑身没劲儿,很不舒服,觉得很渴,不想吃饭,很想喝水,还不断地打喷嚏,流鼻涕。



1.掌握比较句“A比B+形容词”的句法特点,能根据具体条件用这一句型表达比较。 2.能根据自己的感冒体会,陈述感冒的感觉。




布置课后作业,让学生有充分的预习和准备时间。 与其他同类教案相比,本教案的特点在于精选与留学生生活密切相关的例句,是他们熟悉的场景、真实的环境。另外,同一语法项目根据讲解的不同层次设计不同层次的练习。



学习词语表、熟悉课文内容、了解北京天气特点、陈述感冒的感觉。 1.通过提问导入新课:




你在北京感冒过吗? 边提问边板书本课关键词语:





疼 嗓子 舒服 感冒






下雨 舒服 流 好好儿





6.教师范读两遍课文,学生边看课文边听教师朗读,聆听后回答问题(参见本课“练习”第一题“根据课文回答问题”) 7.教师带读课文,介绍朗读中语音停顿的基础知识。 8.学生轮流朗读课文。








比较句的变式:A比B+形容词+一点儿/多了/数量补语 比较句“A比B+形容词”的否定式:A没有B+形容词

比较句“A比B+形容词”的疑问式:A+形容词+还是B+形容词? 副词“刚”的用法


早晨比中午凉。(板书) 再通过介绍情况,举出两个例句:


“西红柿炒鸡蛋”比“麻婆豆腐”贵。(板书) 2.通过分析例句,归纳句型并板书: A比B+形容词 3.教师给出条件,让学生用“A比B+形容词”造句。如:



第14课有25个生词,第15课有28个生词。 4.通过分析天气情况,引出比较句的三种变式。







5.通过分析例句,归纳比较句变式句型: A比B+形容词+一点儿/多了/数量补语(板书) 6.通过调换比较项A、B的句法位置提问。 如果把“中午”放在前面,怎么说呢? 中午没有早晨凉。(板书) 比较句“A比B+形容词”的否定式:

A没有B+形容词(板书) 7.总结比较句的四种句式以及否定式(板书):


A比B+形容词+一点儿/多了/数量补语 A没有B+形容词


(参见“练习”第五题“根据条件,写出比较句”) 9.通过做下面的“完成对话练习”,引出比较句的疑问式: (1)A:







A+形容词+还是B+形容词?(板书) 11.通过提问“李老师告诉我什么?”引出带“刚”的课文范句:

许多外国学生刚来北京都不习惯北京的天气。 再举出两个例句:




动词前面加了“刚”,表示动作已经完成了还是没有完成? 13.归纳副词“刚”的句法意义:

用在动词前面,充当状语,表示动作在不久前已经发生。 14.练习“刚”的用法。

(参见本课“练习”第七题“用‘刚’完成对话”) 15.作业:(1)复习课文;








天津2℃ 上海10℃

香港20℃ 哈尔滨一5℃






我们第二节课是会话课,现在是第三节课。 3.做“阅读练习”。



6.听写。 7.作业:






2.外国学生学习汉语比较句,容易产生的句法错误主要有两种: 一是将表示比较的程度词语放在形容词前面,造出下面的病句:

今天比昨天很冷。 弟弟比我一点儿高。 北京比东京比较冷。


今天比较昨天冷。 弟弟比较我高。 北京比较东京冷。



刚我们上了听力课。 刚他朋友回国。

4.介绍自己国家或家乡的天气时,容易面面俱到或层次不清晰。在指导学生的口语练习或作文时要告诉学生避免面面俱到,要写出自己国家或家乡的天气特点。为了文章层次清晰,应划作文层次。如:先按季节介绍自然天气概况、天气特点,然后介绍与天气有关的人文景观、内心感受或文化活动。 课文







A:你哪儿不舒服? B:我头疼、嗓子疼、想睡觉。

语法点 1.A比B+形容词

2.A没有B+形容词 3.A比B+形容词+一点儿/多了/数量补语









备课人:寿光市营里镇中心小学 王红



3.认识田字格,掌握正确的写字姿势。会写长横短横两种笔画, 4.会写


二、三 三个字。




1. 读准“


四、上”的音。2. 观察、仿写汉字。 3. 能在田字格中写准位置。



【课时安排】 三课时


【课 型】精读引领课 【教学目标】










【课时安排】 一课时 【教学过程】


开火车读天、地、人、你、我、他 生字卡片。














4、引导学生把课文补充完整。一二三()(), 金木水火土。 天地分()(), 日月照今古。






木:出示树木的图片,告诉学生“木”指的树木,说一说生活中哪些物品是用木头做成的。 水:出示水的图片。水是大自然的生命之源,引导学生说说水的用处。 火:出示火的图片,引导学生说说火的作业和危害。 土:出示土的形式,引导学生说说火的作用和危害。












人教版四年级下册第五组《生命 生命》精读引领课





师:通过第一课时的学习,我们初步感受了生命的意义,谁来说一下第19课和拓展文《生命 生命》是通过哪四个事例体验和感悟生命的意义的?


蜜蜂逃生(板书并齐读) 师:这位同学概括得非常到位,也很精炼,课下一定下了不少功夫。


1、师:我看了同学们的预习单,发现咱们班大部分同学都认为这句话比较难理解。(屏幕出示:虽然生命短暂,但是,我们却可以让有限的生命体现出无限的价值。) 齐读这句话。










师:你们真会读书,理解得真好。 师:那同学们,捉过飞蛾蜻蜓之类的小动物吗?(生:捉过)现在请你伸出手来,想象有一只飞蛾正握在你的手中,你感觉到了什么?(生:我感到它在扑着翅膀,它在拼命挣扎,想快点飞出去。)你就是那只被人抓在手中的飞蛾,你想对自己说些什么?(生:我想对自己说:“我可得想办法逃出去,我不能死。”)你还想对抓着你的人说些什么?(生:“求求你放了我吧?我想活着。”) 师:同学们想象的太好了,看来你们真的很热爱生活,有很多的生活经验。了不起!










师:喜欢第二个事例的同学谁先来? 学生读出自己画的句子,谈感受。


师:不错,你是用什么方法体会到这一点的? 生1:不屈向上、茁壮生长。





生3:可以换成“居然”,表示很出乎意料,吃惊。 师:谁能用惊讶、敬佩的语气来读这句话? 生4感情朗读,评价。 (3)静听心跳




生2:我觉得我们的生命也是由自己负责的。我们也要好好的使用它。 师:同学们真是会读书的孩子。请同学们闭上眼睛,把手放在胸口静静地感受一下自己的心跳!(生把手放在胸口感受。)



师:杏林子是怎样对待自己的生命的?我们一起来看杏林子的背景资料。 (课件出示作者背景资料)

杏林子自12岁起就患“类风湿性关节炎”,全身百分之九十以上关节坏死。从12岁患病到61岁去世,她腿不能行,肩不能举,手不能抬,头不能转,保持着一种姿势,在轮椅上坐了整整50年。她就是用这样一双残缺的手写出了40多部著作。她还把自己的遗体作为“类风湿性关节炎”研究。 她曾经在她的作品中这样写道——








师:通过对文中三个事例的品读,大家对生命的认识又近了一步。美国的克伦·沃森又是怎样看待生命的呢?我们一起来学习同名文章《生命 生命》。

四、学习同名文《生命 生命》




师:是啊,你是一个多么会读书的孩子啊!你是用什么方法感受到这些的? 生:抓重点词语、联系上下文。



读到这里,同学们一定对生命有了许多的感悟,现在请拿起你的笔,写下生命的感言吧! (课件出示)生命是什么

师:请大家以《生命是什么》为题,以诗歌的形式写出对生命的感悟吧! 配乐,生创编。




















Unit 1 I Objectives: 1.Simple past and present perfect tense 2.Past progreive tense 3.Past perfect tense

II Time Allotment: 1st period: Language structure practice 2nd period: Dialogue 1 3rd period: Dialogue 2 and oral practice 4th period: Readings 5th period: Exercises in the Workbook 6th period: Note writing and aignments

III Teaching tasks and proce Part One Language Structures & Dialogues 1.Grammar review 1.Simple past and present perfect tense Verbs in sentences beginning with “This is the first/second… time are in the present perfect form.For example,

This is the first time I’ve been in Xi’an.

This is the second time I’ve seen this movie.

2.Past progreive tense Past progreive is a combination of the progreive aspect with the past tense.The use of the past progreive has much in common with that of the present progreive, only the time reference being pushed back to the past, often overtly expreed by a time –when/while adverbial.For example,

Susan was washing her hair while her mother was cooking.

Dick was changing a flat tire while his father was mowing the lawn.

3.Past perfect tense For the past perfect tense we set up an additional focal point in the past and say that another act was completed before that time.For example, Greg had finished his work when I visited him. The chair had collapsed before I sat on it. In-cla Activity One Ask the students to fill in the gaps in each dialogue while listening to the recording and then do the substitution exercises.

2.Language points Have the students listen to the recording of Dialogue I once or twice and ask them questions on specific details.

Go through the dialogue and explain some language points:

1.You know what? – This question is used to introduce a piece of information which is surprising.A similar expreion is Gue what?.2.scenic spots – places of natural attractive scenery 3.I was greatly impreed by its natural beauty.– I was moved by its beautiful scenery.impre – to influence deeply, esp.with a feeling of admiration: The students were impreed by his inspiring speech./ We are impreed by his performance.

4.I bet you had lots of fun there.– I am certain you had lots of fun there.Another example, I bet (that) it will rain tomorrow.

5.It brought back such sweet memories.– Sweet memories came to my mind.bring back – to cause to return to the mind: Hearing the song brought back happy memories.

6.You remind me of my last trip there.– It seems to be similar to my last trip there.remind sbdy.of sbdy./sthg.– to appear to be similar to; to cause to remember : This museum reminds me of the one we visited last year./ The event reminded me of my school days.

7.I wish I had been there with you this time.– This is a wish about a non-fact in the past.Another example, I wish I had paed the exam.

8.hobby groups – different groups of students claified by hobbies.9.Some staged an exhibition.– Some held an exhibition.stage – to perform or arrange for public show; put on: The art group is going to stage an art show on Sunday.

IV Discuion In-cla Activity

1.Ask the students to read Dialogue I aloud in pairs with feeling and expreion. 2.Ask the students to listen to Dialogue II and then retell it.

3.Make a dialogue discuing about one of your traveling experiences. V Aignments:

1.Work in pairs to practice the situation in each dialogue.2.Work in groups to discu the topic of “How I spent the summer vacation”.

3.Have the students form their own dialogues by using the phrases from Dialogues I & II.

4.Do the corresponding exercises in WB.

Part Two Readings Have the students read the paage first and do the corresponding exercise in workbook.Then the teacher may ask them questions in cla to check their comprehension. I Language points:

1.Herbert went to France for holiday.– For is an preposition used here to show purpose: I came to this building for an interview./ What is this handle for? 2.run out of – to use all one’s supplies, to have no more: I am afraid we’ve run out of sugar.

3. expect – to think or believe (that something will happen): I expect that she will come to our party./The spokesman is expected to make an announcement later on today.

4.The back door burst open.– The door opened suddenly.burst – to come into the stated condition suddenly and often violently: In spring the flowers burst open./He burst free from the chains.Another similar use of the pattern: The door banged shut. 5.peer at – to look very carefully or hard, esp.as if not able to see clearly peek at – to take a quick look at something when one should not peep at – to look at something quickly and secretly, esp.through a hole or other small opening 6.convince – to make (someone) completely certain about something; persuade: They failed to convince the directors that their proposal would work./ I am convinced by your story.

7.a sound sleeper – a deep sleeper 8.to thumb a ride/lift – to ask paing motorists for a free ride by holding out one’s hand with the thumb raised 9.made his way in the dark – went in the dark: He made his way home.

10.He was not supposed to be back.– He was not considered to be back.Be supposed to – to be intended to; to be generally considered to be; to have the regulation of being: The volunteers are supposed to help the blind in the street./I haven’t read this novel, but it is supposed to be a good one.

11.to keep an eye on – to watch carefully: I often ask my neighbor to keep an eye on my house while I am away.

12.was about to – This construction exprees the immediate future in the past.In some contexts, it is often used in the sense of an unfulfilled intention.For example, I was about to leave when he came to visit me. II Note-writing Notes must be precise and direct; however, the style is casual.In notes of introduction, the following are usually included:

1.The name of the person to be introduced 2.His/Her identity 3.The purpose of the introduction 4.Appreciation III Aignments:

1.Write a note of introduction 2.Exercises in WB


29寓言两则 精读引领课






2.体会人物的心理,理解两则寓言的寓意,鼓励学生发表自己的见解。教学流程: 1.激趣导入


检查学生预习情况,把握课文主要内容。 (1) 听写词语

(2) 回顾文章的主要内容

《纪昌学射》《扁鹊治病》分别讲了一个怎样的故事? 3.精讲点拨,随文得法



2、3两段,用“——”画出飞卫教的句子,用“~~~~~” 画出纪昌下功夫练眼力的句子。并在一边写下批注。 全班交流:

一开始飞卫是怎么教的? 给纪昌提出了什么要求? 出示句子: 你要想学好射箭...不能眨一眨。

这个师傅怎么样? 从哪些词体会到的? (从“牢牢地盯住”“不能眨一眨”体会到飞卫的要求很严格。) 纪昌面对师傅的严格要求,又是怎样做的? 出示: 妻子织布的时候....注视着梭子来回穿梭。 A.“注视”是怎么样地看?

这不是普普通通的看看而已,是专注地看,是心无杂念地看! 用飞卫的话来说就是: 眼睛要牢牢地盯住一个目标,不能眨一眨! B.纪昌让自己注视着什么来练眼力?(穿梭着的梭子)

梭子,同学们大概没有见过它,它中间粗,两头尖,形状像枣核。人们在织布的时候,便由它牵引着织线来回地、不停地穿过来穿过去。(如果有实物图片可以展示) 纪昌就是躺在小小的织布机下面,足足看了——两年! 700多个日子! 当他疲惫的时候,他想:___________________(所以,他仍旧注视着穿梭的梭子); 当他眼花的时候,他想:_____________________;当他快要支持不住的时候,他想:_______________________;春去秋来,寒来暑往,两年之后------- 出示: 两年以后,....眼睛也不会眨一下。

纪昌对自己的成绩感到很满意,可是飞卫认为他的眼力怎样呢?(还不够) 他又给纪昌提出了什么要求? 这一次,他又是怎样练习的呢? ④出示:他用一根长头发.聚精会神地盯着它。

自己默读这句话,你从中体会到了什么?从哪些词体会到的? ⑤出示:你要想学会射箭,首先应该下功夫练眼力。 4.拓展阅读,学法迁移

(1) 用学习第一则寓言的方法自学《扁鹊治病》。小组交流,全班汇报。 (2)课下搜集更多的寓言故事读一读。













“汉语精读课”是对外汉语教学语言技能课中的主干课,也叫核心课、综合课。“汉语精读课”以讲解教授汉语语言知识为主要教学任务。本课共用三课时。 (1)教学重点:量词的用法(注:海外学生量词基础较弱)。 (2)复习上一课“家庭暴力和婚姻”、导入新课《篮球明星姚明》。 (3)情景对话:“对话姚明”。 (4)拆解本课生字、组词 (5)以听说为重点练习课文

(6)课文,通过大声朗读以及问题提问等方式加深学生对文章大意的理解。 (7)练习,重点放在语言点的练习上。












忍无可忍 (2)提问

为什么不部分已婚男人都把钱交给妻子 以前,人们心目中的妇女形象是什么样



.拆解生字的部首、笔画数和组合(要求师生互动)。 (板书)

傲视 竞技 觅 配角 涌现 破天荒 震撼 可想而知 熏陶 显露 耀眼 荡气回肠 隔岸观火 竞选 状元 殿 轰动 效应 进取 超越 挑战 魅力 含蓄 铺天盖地 拥戴 超凡 低落 霸



通常用来表示人、事物或动作的数量单位的词,叫做量词。 量词是表示人、事物或动作行为的计量单位的词。 A.表示人或事物的计量单位的是物量词,又称名量词。 如:尺、寸、斗、个、只、支等等。 课文实例:

(1)在一些热门的体育运动中 (2)但他们毕竟还只是一些配角

(3)破天荒的出现了一张来自东方神秘国度的黄种人面孔 (4)1980年9月12日出生于上海的一个篮球世家 (5)逐步成长为一颗耀眼的篮球明星

(6)一种不断地超越自我、挑战自我的人格魅力 (7)也许已经超过了其他一些原有的宣传手段 (8)可以说已经形成了一种“姚明现象”

(9)它也是中国人渴望参加世界最高水平的竞争并且在竞争中展现自我的一种体现 (10)但是我们不能只有一个姚明,不能只靠一个姚明来体现中国人的形象 B.表示动作行为的计量单位的是动量词。 如:次、回、趟、阵、顿、遍等等。 课文实例:

2004年希腊奥运会上,中国队又前进了一大步,金牌数一跃而成为第二 2.练习运用量词(请学生上黑板做)。

(板书) 一条(蛟龙) 一团(浪花)

一幅(图画) 一架(飞机)

一个(老人) 一只(小鸟)

一次(旅行) 一阵(鼓声) (注:括号里面的词是参考答案) 4.课文

(1)老师示范朗读,板书提示词。 (2)分读。

检查学生的课文朗读,纠正发音。 3)复述课文。 5.、作业












1.教学重点:比较句“A比B+形容词”以及三种变式;比较句“A比B+形容词”的疑问式、否定式。 2.副词“刚”的用法。 3.温度的读法。


5.北京的天气特点:空气很干燥,春天常常刮大风,夏天经常下大雨,温差很大,早晨和夜晚比中午凉。有时候早、晚的温度比中午的低l00 O,早上比中午凉多了。






结合课文内容讲解语法点。抓住课文中的语法点范句,并精选学习对象容易理解的例’ 句,讲解语法点。每一个语言点讲解结束后,立即进行语言点练习。





学习词语表、熟悉课文内容、了解北京天气特点、陈述感冒的感觉。 1.通过提问导入新课:

今天冷吗? 大家习惯了北京的天气吗? 北京的天气特点是什么? 你在北京感冒过吗? 边提问边板书本课关键词语:

天气 干燥 刮风 下雨 疼 嗓子 舒服 感冒 早晨夜晚 2.学生轮流试读本课词语表中的新词语。 3.教师带读本课词语表中的新词语。 4.辨析容易读错的字音。如:

刮风 下雨 舒服流好好儿 5.辨析容易写错的汉字。如: 。 喝 渴 感冒 请假 油腻

6.教师范读两遍课文,学生边看课文边听教师朗读,聆听后回答问题。 (参见本课“练习”第一题“根据课文回答问题”) 7.教师带读课文,介绍朗读中语音停顿的基础知识。 8.学生轮流朗读课文。

9.由课文中的“北京的天气”引出“词语替换练习”。 (参见本课“练习”第二题“词语替换练习”) 10.由课文中的“我让同屋替我请假”引出“句型替换练习”。 (参见本课“练习”第三题“句型替换练习”) 11.口语练习:用本课学过的词语说说自己感冒的感觉。 12.作业: (1)抄写本课词语; (2)朗读课文;








比较句“A比B+形容词”的疑问式:A+形容词+还是B+形容词? 副词“刚”的用法


早晨比中午凉。(板书) 再通过介绍情况,举出两个例句:

爸爸比妈妈高。(板书) “西红柿炒鸡蛋”比“麻婆豆腐”贵。(板书) 2.通过分析例句,归纳句型并板书: A比B+形容词




第14课有25个生词,第15课有28个生词。 4.通过分析天气情况,引出比较句的三种变式。






早晨比中午凉(一)点儿。/早晨比中午低2 0c。 5.通过分析例句,归纳比较句变式句型: A比B+形容词+一点儿/多了/数量补语(板书) 6.通过调换比较项A、B的句法位置提问。

如果把“中午”放在前面,怎么说呢? 中午没有早晨凉。(板书) 比较句“A比B+形容词”的否定式: A没有B+形容词(板书) 7.总结比较句的四种句式以及否定式(板书): A比B+形容词

A比B+形容词+ 一点儿/多了/数量补语 A没有B+形容词


(参见“练习”第五题“根据条件,写出比较句”) 9.通过做下面的“完成对话练习”,引出比较句的疑问式:

(1)A: ?(今天冷还是昨天冷?)(板书) B: 今天比昨天冷。

(2)A: ?(你高还是你弟弟高?)(板书) B:弟弟比我高。

10.归纳比较句的疑问式句型: A+形容词+还是B+形容词?(板书) 11.通过提问“李老师告诉我什么?”引出带“刚”的课文范句:





12.提问:“刚”后面的词是什么词? 动词前面加了“刚”,表示动作已经完成了还是没有完成? 13.归纳副词“刚”的句法意义:

用在动词前面,充当状语,表示动作在不久前已经发生。 14.练习“刚”的用法。

(参见本课“练习”第七题“用‘刚’完成对话”) 15.作业: (1)复习课文;

(2)准备下次课介绍自己国家的天气; (3)准备听写本课词语和句子。


复习本课语法知识,做“阅读练习”,用本课学过的词语介绍自己国家的天气。 1.模拟天气预报,列出各地今天最高温度表,要求任选一种本课学过的比较句句型造句。


北京0 0C 天津2℃ 上海10℃ 香港20℃ 哈尔滨一5 0C 2.根据条件,用“刚”造句。(以下是教师口述的造句条件) 他朋友上个星期结婚了。




我们第二节课是会话课,现在是第三节课。 3.做“阅读练习”。


4.检查上次课布置的作业,介绍自己国家的天气。 (抽查4~5人,注意介绍的顺序和特点,避免面面俱到) 5.检查课文朗读情况。

(抽查5~6人) 。 6.听写。 7.作业:





替换”“完成句子”,而是给出实际生活事例,让学生选择比较句句型造句。这样既避免了 生硬照搬,又可以让学生独立思考,而且操作性也很强。这是本课练习设计不落窠臼





程度词语放在形容词前面,造出下面的病句: *今天比昨天很冷。 *弟弟比我一点儿高。 *北京比东京比较冷。

一是用“比较”代替“比”,造出下面的病句: *今天比较昨天冷。 *弟弟比较我高。 *北京比较东京冷。




*刚我们上了听力课。 *刚他朋友回国。





基本句型今天比昨天冷。 句型提示 A:今天冷还是昨天冷? B:今天比昨天冷。

A:你哪儿不舒服? B:我头疼、嗓子疼,想睡觉。 语法点 1.A比B+形容词 2.A没有B+形容词

3.A比B+形容词+一点儿/多了/数量补语 4·刚


现在我在北京留学。我还不习惯北京的天气。北京空气很干燥,春天常常刮大风,夏天经常下大雨,温差很大,早晨和夜晚比中午凉。有时候早、晚的温度比中午的低l0。C’ 早上比中午凉多了。早上我去上课的时候常常忘了多穿衣服。昨天晚上我头疼、嗓子疼、浑身没劲儿,很不舒服,觉得很渴,不想吃饭,很想喝水,还不断地打喷嚏,流鼻涕。我 觉得我感冒了。今天早上我让同屋替我请假。


我吃了感冒药,现在觉得比昨天好点儿了。 ,



(Answer the questions according to the text·) 1.我今天为什么没去上课? 6.我病了·老师对我怎么样? 2.北京的气温有什么特点? 7.我现在怎么样? 3.“我还不习惯北京的天气”,是什 8.李老师告诉我许多留学生刚来北京么意思? 干什么? 容易

4.我怎么不舒服? 9.同屋告诉我什么? 5.我得了什么病?


(R eplace the underlined words in the following phrases.)





(Replace the underlined words in the following sentences.) 1.同屋替我请假。 6.昨天我忘了写作业。 2.她替我请假。 7.妈妈让我多穿衣服

3.大夫让我好好儿休息。 8.我还不习惯吃中国菜。

4.我刚来些室不习惯北京的天气。 9.现在我不想吃饭,只想喝水。 5.她刚来北京常常拉肚子。 l0.北京夏天常常下雨。


(Write antonyms for the following words.) 例:大——小

1.多—— 4.早—— 7.慢—— 2.难—— 5.上——8.热—— 3.贵—— 6.来—— 9.低——

五、根据条件,写出比较句(只选做一种句型) (Write out sentences of comparison on the given condition.) 例:哥哥身高l78厘米(cm) 弟弟身高l82厘米(cm) 句子:(1)弟弟比哥哥高。 (3)哥哥比弟弟矮。


(4)弟弟比哥哥高4厘米(cm)。 1.早上温度5℃、中午温度l5℃

2.昨天的最高温度l8。C、今天的最高温度24。C 3.爸爸身高178厘米(cm)、妈妈身高165厘米(cm) 4.北京到上海l500公里(km)、北京到广州3000公里(km) 5.麻婆豆腐一盘6元、京酱肉丝一盘l5元 6.我家三口人、他家六口人 7.爸爸52岁、妈妈50岁




12.他晚上ll:o0睡觉、我晚上l2:00睡觉 13.100A班有l3个学生、l00C班有l5个学生 14.苹果2元一斤、梨10元3斤

15.他认识l000个汉字,我认识500个汉字 16.他有两个中国朋友,我有四个中国朋友 17.南希会说四种外语,山下会说一种外语 18.一班有l个美国学生,二班有3个美国学生 19.我们班有4个男同学,他们班有6个男同学



(Complete the following sentences with“动词+宾语”.)



2.李老师来宿舍 3.下个月爸爸、妈妈要来北京


5.下课后我去商店 6.今天星期五,我和同屋晚上想去饭馆




(Complete the following dialogues with“刚”.)



《 英语精读》教学大纲

执笔人: 黄治








学习本课程前的相关课程包括:初高中基础知识(基本语法,2100左右的词汇量) 学好本课程,能为学生其它专业课的学习打下良好的基础。


本课程理论教学总时数为 268学时。


Unit 1

Half a day 教学时数:


教学重点: 1.文学作品中的修辞手法――省略疑问句和修辞疑问句;倒装句;“with”独立结构

2.构词法:前缀 教学难点: 文学作品的赏析

教学内容: 1.了解作者及其背景知识;




Unit 2

Going Home 教学时数: 8课时

教学重点:1.理解Vingo 回家路上忐忑不安的心情;

2.Vingo 的缄默不语与年轻人的活泼快乐之间的对比; 教学难点: 理解黄丝带的意义。


Unit 3

Meage of the Land 教学时数:


教学重点: 1.掌握、运用简单的修辞手法: 明喻和暗喻


3.通过篇章结构分析,掌握文章的主旨大意和写作方法 教学难点: 1.掌握重点词汇及其同义、同形词辨析



教学内容: 1.了解文章的作者Pira Sudham

2.掌握afford, now and then, mind, bleed, barter, replace, litter, fashion, spring(v.), occur, pa sth.on to sb.,tie sb.down等重点词汇和短语的意义及用法.教学重点: 1.掌握、运用简单的修辞手法: 明喻和暗喻 2.通过句子释义,理解课文中难句

3.通过篇章结构分析,掌握文章的主旨大意和写作方法 教学难点:

1.掌握重点词汇及其同义、同形词辨析 2.明喻和暗喻写作修辞手法 3.加强学生的口语练习

Unit 4

The Boy and the Bank Officer 教学时数: 10课时 (理论加实践)

教学重点: 1.掌握重点词汇及其同义、同形词辨析


教学难点: 通过句子释义,理解课文中难句 教学内容: 了解银行的发展历史。

掌握“happen to do, in the first place, overlighted, authority, more than, think twice about, as to whether, no„but to, one cannot but do, move in sth,.zero in on sth, damn”等重点词汇和短语的意义及用法.

Unit 5

Angles On a Pin 教学时数: 8课时

教学重点: 识别关键语汇(形容词、名词和短语)以分析文章的逻辑结构及其效果; 教学难点: 1.分析活动场景写作中的行为动词、象声词、同义词、短句、断句 ;

2.通过多种方式赏析精彩段落的修辞特点,帮助学生掌握活动场景写作的要素和技巧 教学内容: 1.以形象的方式结合课文内容发展顺序,带领学生了解我们平时遇到的许多问题的答案都不是唯一的,看问题要从不同的角度出发。尽管这与我们现行的教育制度有些不合,但是相信这样更能够启迪学生的智慧和创造力。


Unit 6

The monsters on the Maple Street 教学时数: 8课时

教学重点: 识别关键语汇(形容词、名词和短语)以分析文章的逻辑结构及其效果;

教学难点: 分析活动场景写作中的行为动词、象声词、同义词、短句、断句和比喻及其效果。 教学内容: 1.以形象的方式结合课文内容发展顺序,带领学生了解科幻小说以及戏剧的相关知识,培养学生的想象力和创造能力。



Unit 7

Mandela’s Garden


10课时 (理论加实践) 教学重点:

帮助学生深刻地认识该文的主人公,帮助学生树立正确的人生观; 教学难点: 文章的课后讨论,及所学语言点的融会贯通




期末复习: 4课时 II级(第一年第二学期)的任务:在68学时内完成第一册第八到第十五单元的教学,要求继续大力盘活中学所学内容。巩固学生良好语音。培养学生独立工作能力(如记笔记、会使用参考书查阅课文相关背景及人物等)具体为:

Unit 8

My personal Manager 教学时数:










Unit 9

Against All Odds 教学时数: 8课时









The Green Banana 教学时数: 8课时




分析活动场景写作中的行为动词、象声词、同义词、短句、断句和比喻及其效果。 教学内容:




Unit 11

The Midnight Visitor 教学时数: 8课时




识别关键语汇(形容词、名词和短语)以分析文章的逻辑结构及其效果; 教学内容:



Unit 12

Kindne of Strangers 教学时数: 8课时


1.掌握come upon ,leave sb./sth.done, intrigue, take a gamble, watch out,

run contrary to, shoulder, would rather...than..., run sb.over, in spite of, 等重点词汇和短语的意义及用法。




训练 when 引导的定语从句,what 引导的主语从句,以及同位语从句的用法



Unit 13

Christmas Day in the Morning 教学时数: 8课时

教学重点 1.背景文化: 赛珍珠及圣诞节;


教学难点: 文学中的修辞手法――头韵和委婉语.

教学内容 1.了解作者及其背景知识;




Unit 14

After Twenty Years 教学时数: 8课时


掌握on the beat, barely, to empty, air(n.), to work out, lose track of, to turn up, get stuck, 等重点词汇和短语的意义及用法。




3.掌握委婉语 教学内容:





Unit 15

Touched by the Moon 教学时数: 8课时


掌握to touch, to mi, to reflect on, to bathe in, typical of, to shape, to drum into 等重点词汇和短语的意义及用法。




教学内容: 了解作者及其背景知识,通过深刻理解文章内涵,重新审视人与自然的关系,同时掌握文中的核心语言点。

期末复习: 4课时


Unit 1

Another School Year-What For 教学时数:


(理论加实践) 教学重点:



3.构词法:词缀 教学难点:






Unit 2

Maheegun My Brother 教学时数: 8课时




3.丰富的动作语汇;多样的狩猎语汇和天气语汇; 教学难点:


2.通过深刻理解文章内涵,培养学生相关的讨论能力,同时掌握文中的核心语言点 教学内容:



Unit 3

More Crime and Le Punishment 教学时数: 10课时

(理论加实践) 教学重点: 1.课文的理解与分析

2.文中大量表达方式的学习与强化 教学难点: 1.议论文的写作技巧

2.学习议论性文体中显著的写作特征。教学内容: 1.了解美国司法制度中的关键概念。



Unit 4

The Nightingale and the Rose 教学时数: 8课时

教学重点: 掌握重点词汇及完成练习;

教学难点: 识别关键词汇及分析理解难句。

教学内容: 通过《夜莺与玫瑰》使学生对神话故事中的爱情展开讨论并理解作者Oscar Wilde 透过表面的神话故事所隐含的对人生的评论。

Unit 5

Say Yes

教学时数: 10课时



启发学生寻找重点词汇,运用文章中的语言和短语词汇复述故事,帮助学生把扩充词汇量和在具体情景中使用词汇有机结合起来,并且讨论提供不同的故事结局 教学难点:






Unit 6

The Man in the Water 教学时数: 8课时

教学重点: 识别关键词汇及分析理解难句。 教学难点: 赏析叙事技巧。

教学内容: 1.讨论灾难中普通人所体现出的非凡的英雄主义;


Unit 7

The Greatest Invention 教学时数: 10课时












Ⅶ级(第二年第二学期)的任务:在 68学时内完成第二册第八到第十五单元的教学,要求继续完成基础阶段的训练,努力加强写作和翻译能力的训练。具体为:

Unit 8

Psychologically Speaking 教学时数: 10课时






教学内容: 1.借助多种教学途径介绍文化背景知识。



Unit 9

Quick Fix society 教学时数: 8课时



2.文中大量表达方式的学习与强化 教学难点:



1.了解文中提到的Pennsylvania Dutch town 的独特风格



Unit 10

The Richer, the Poorer 教学时数: 10课时






文学中的修辞手法―仿拟,提喻,对比等的使用 教学内容:





Unit 11

You Have to Get Me Out of Here 教学时数:




2.文中动作动词的学习与强化 教学难点:





Unit 12

Confeions of a Miseducated Man 教学时数:




词汇、难句及对文章深层含义的理解 教学难点:







Unit 13

Blueprint for Succe 教学时数: 8课时




文章中重点词汇及重点句型的讲解与介绍 教学内容:




Unit 14

Space Shuttle Challenger 教学时数: 8课时

教学重点: 1.通过课文理解与主题讨论使学生能够使用相关短语与表达方式。

2.文章中重点词汇及重点句型的讲解与介绍 教学难点: 熟悉本文使用的写作手法和文体风格 教学内容: 1.背景知识





Unit 15

The Riddle of Time 教学时数:



教学重点: 1.学会分析作者从独特的视角阐述问题


教学难点: 文章中重点词汇及重点句型的讲解与介绍

教学内容: 1.通过课文主题的分析和学生的自主讨论使学生对“我们是谁? 我们在做什么 ?我们为什么而活? 等问题有所思考并能得出自己的结论。并能理解时间对我们生活所带来的重要影响。 2.作者及背景知识介绍





本课程属考试课,采用闭卷形式考核,考试时间为100分钟。学期成绩评定由出勤、平时成绩和期末成绩构成,出勤10%,平时占30 %,期末占60 %。考核内容重在考核学生综合运用英语的能力。


本课程选用的教材名为《现代大学英语》 精读,由杨立民总主编,外语教学与研究出版社出版,版本为2002年版。







一、单独讲解单词。如果只是简单地解释词性、意思、词组,然后做翻译练习,不免显得枯燥,而且学生很难整节课都集中注意力,因而达不到良好教学效果。本人采用的方法是尽量地把本课单词有机地串联起来,帮助学生形成一种记忆链条,并且给他们定一个目标:Try to put everything in mind instead of on the notebook!例如,在这个单元中,主要探讨科学的发展及其对我们生活的影响。上课的时候,首先从手机(mobile phone)展开话题,由其体积大小、价格的变化,引出技术发展两个新词:technology,develop,(development),继而是技术发展的动力之一“竞争”(competition),而当今的竞争是激烈的(severe)、“全球性的”(global),创造力(inventivene)、自创精神(initiative)尤为重要,接下来讨论科技发展(technology development)对我们日常生活的影响或关联(relevance)。到此,让学生尝试用几句话把这些词串连起来:Technology develops at a rapid rate nowadays.Anyway, the rapid development has been brought about by the force of competition, which is severe and global, and needs initiative.Does the development have any relevance to our daily life? Sure.Ten years ago, it was impoible for a student to have a mobile phone.在讲解完一组相关的词后,让学生做课本的选词填空练习,巩固对单词词义的理解和掌握正确用法。其次,以游戏的方式练习词汇。由一或两名学生背对黑板,教师写上词或词组,全班同学给提示直到他们猜出词语。这样既活跃课堂又使学生有机会练习口头表达能力,也可锻炼当众表演的胆量。例如,dream一词,提示有:something in your mind when you sleep, sometimes it is true, sometimes it is imagination, people may appear, animal may also come into sight, you might be happy, might be frightened, even in horror„„大量旧词汇得到复习。

二、课文讲解。由于课是两节或三节连堂,如果按照传统的语言点、加语法、再加句子分析翻译,学生很难完全接受。较可行的方法是分成三部分。第一,先完成整篇的理解性问题,课本的“content question”,让学生了解课文大概。第二,语言点、语法结构讲解,分段落完成。学生们逐段阅读,留一定时间给他们提问,然后就学生忽视的内容个别提问、再总结,形成教与学的互动,促使学生思考。第三,完成第

一、第二阶段的教学后,再分析整篇文章的结构,每部分的main ideas,总结全文观点。让学生练习表达能力。同时回顾一些重要的细节或段落、句子,构成完整的篇章学习。部份故事性趣味性强的文章,采用分组表演,促进学生团对合作。很受欢迎。







Leon One Where Do We Go from Here

Teaching aims: 1.fully understand the article

2.grasp the rhetorical device in the text

Teaching difficulties: how to identify the rhetorical device in the sentence and understand the

implication for some sentences

Time distribution: eight periods

Teaching method: students-centered

Teaching procedures:


Background information:

The 1960s were turbulent times for the United States.The anti-war movement, the Civil Right movement, the counter-culture movement, the feminist movement were all unfolding in this period of time.The civil Rights movement was a major movement which began with the Supreme Court decision of Brown v.Board of Education of Topeka in 1954 and the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955.Martin Luther King jr.(1929-1968), as a key leader of the movement, played a significant and irreplaceable role.His name is aociated with the march on Washington in 1963 and his famous speech ― I have a dream‖, delivered in front of the Lincoln Memorial.He was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.this speech, delivered in 1967, in more on the side of reasoning and persuasion and le on emotional appeal.Thus his analysis of riots and revolution in the united states in his speech is sound and convincing.On the night of April4.1968, King was shot dead, as he stood o the balcony of his hotel in Memphis, Tenneee.

Part II.Details studies of the text

Part III.Structure of the text:

Part i.Para.1—2 Martin Luther King link the theme of the speech with the question of \"Where we are now\".That is, in order to know where we go from here we must first recognize where we are now.Without knowing our present situation, how can we design a policy for the future?

Part ii Para.3--5 This is a transitional paragraph to call for all the African-American must ―rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood‖. Part iii (Para.6--9) In this part the author puts forward the second task: how to organize the strength of the Negro in terms of economic and political power.Then the author goes on to define power and points out the consequence of the misinterpretation of power.

Part iv (Paras.10--15) This part deals with economic security for the Negro Americans.The speaker advocates guaranteed annual income which he thinks is poible and achievable.He also deals on the advantages of this security.

Part v (paras.16—20) In this part, Martin reaffirms his commitment to nonviolence.He explains why he thinks violence is no solution to racial discrimination.He refutes the idea of Black revolution.

Part vi (para 21—25) In this part, Dr.King raises a fundamental question—the restructuring of the whole of American society.He points out that the problem of racism.The problem of economic exploitation and the problem of war are tied together.They are the triple evils of the society.

Part vii.(para 26—28) This part serves as the concluding remark for the speech: we shall overcome.

Leon Two Two Kinds

Teaching aims: 1.fully understand the article

2.present their viewpoint on generation gap

Teaching difficulties: how to identify the development of a story

Time distribution: eight periods

Teaching method: students-centered

Teaching procedures:

Part I.Background information:

The Joy Luck Club, from which ―Two Kinds‖ is taken, explores conflicts between two generations and two different cultures.Set in China and in the United States, the novel is woven by stories of four Chinese mothers and their four daughters.Four Chinese women, who have just arrived in the United States and who are drawn together by the shadow of their past—meet in San Francisco to play mah-jongg, eat dim sum and tell stories.They call their gatherings the Joy Luck Club.While they place high hopes on their daughters, the youger generation think of themselves as Americans and resist their mothers’ attempts to change them into obedient Chinese daughters.Only after they have grown up and become more mature do they realize that the legacy left by their mothers is an important part of their lives, too.The noivel stayed on the best-selling book list of The New York Times for 9 months.A finalist for the national Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, it has been translated into about 20 languages and made into a Hollywood movie.

Part II.Detailed Study of the Text

Part III.The Structure of the text:

Part i (paras.1—3) the beginning part of the story provides the reader with some background information.It tells about the mother and her hopes for her daughter.This paves the way ofr the development of the conflict between the daughter and the mother.

Part ii(paras.4—11)this part is about the mother’s unsucceful attempt to change her daughter into a Chinese Shirley Temple.In the beginning the child was as excited as the mother about becoming a prodigy.At this point, the conflict between mother and daughter was not visible.

Part iii(paras12—20) in this part we learn that the mother was trying very hard to train her daughter to be a genius.As the tests got more and more difficult, the daughter lost heart.She decided that she would not let her mother change her.This change of attitudes would lead to the gradual development of the conflict.

Part iv (paras 21—28) while watching a Chinese girl playing the piano on an Ed Sullivan Show, a new idea flashed into the mother’s head.With the new plan introduced, the ocnflict would develop further.

Part v (paras 29—46) it tells about how the girl was made to learn the piano under the instructions of Old Chong.The relationship between mother and daughter was getting more and more tense.

Part vi (para.47—60) Jing-mei was to perform in a talent show held in the church.Jing-mei started all right and soon made a me of her performance.Undoubtedly this was a heavy blow to her mother.The crisis of the story is about to come.

Part vii (para 61—76) the girl aumed that her failure at the show meant she would never have to play the paino.Yet two days later her mother urged her to practice as usual.She refused and the mother insisted.They had the most fierce quarrel they had ever had.This is the crisis or climax of the story.

Part viii( 77—93) this concluding part is narrated from a different point of view.Now the daughter had grown up form a little girl to a mature woman.

Part IV.Discuion about generation gap. Part V.Complete the exercises of the text.

A report about generation gap

Leon Three

Goods Move.People Move.Ideas Move.And Cultures Change.

Teaching aims: 1.fully understand the article

2.How to develop an argument

Teaching difficulties: how to develop an argument

Time distribution: eight periods

Teaching method: students-centered

Teaching procedures:

Part I.Lead-in : Globalization has become one of those words with the highest frequency of appearance but at the same time it is also a most controversial iue in terms of content, implication and consequence.Since the early 1990s, globalization has developed rapidly and brought great changes to the world.However, groups of people for various reasons oppose globalization and point to the negative effects of globalization.So when we face an article of such an important and sensitive iue, we are apt to ask:

What is the author’s attitude towards globalization? What makes her adopt such an attitude? How does she present her argument?

Part II.Detailed study of the text

Part III.Structure of the text

Part i (para 1—3) Globalization is a reality but it is not something complietly new.What is new is the speed and scope of changes.

Part ii (para 4—6) this part deals with different views on globalization.

Part iii (para 7—9) three points are made in this part:


Westernization is not a straight road to hell, or to paradise either.


Cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.


Teenagers are one of the powerful engines of merging global cultures.

Part iv (para 10—13) this part tells of the author’s experience with Amanda Freeman.

Part v (para 14—19) in order to prove fusion is the trend, the author used Tom Soper and mah-jongg as an example.

Part vi(para 20—24) this part describes the cultural trends in Shanghai.

Part viii( para25—28) the author used the experience at Shanghai Theatre Academy to illustrate the point that the change is at the level of ideas.

Part ix (para 29—34)the author in this part introduced Toffler’s view on conflict, change and world order.

Part x (para35—36)the main idea is there will not be a uniform world culture in the future; the cultures will coexist and transform each other.

Part xii(37—39) the author again used an example in Shanghai to illustrate the transformation of culture.

Part IV.Complete the exercises in the textbook

Part V.collect their viewpoints about attitude towards globalizaion.

Leon Four

Profeions for Women

Teaching aims: 1.fully understand the article

2.grasp the rhetorical device in the text

Teaching difficulties: how to understand the poetic and symbolic sentences in the article

Time distribution: eight periods

Teaching method: students-centered

Teaching procedures:

Part I.Background information: Virginia Woolf is generally regarded as one of the greatest writers of modernism as well as one of the pioneers of women’s liberation from patriarchy.She is known for her experimentation and innovation in novel writing.In her novel, emphasis is on the psychological realm of her characters and the moment-by-moment experience of living, which are depicted by the techniques of interior monologue and stream of consciousne.In this eay, Virginia Woolf gives a clear and convincing presentation of the obstacles facing profeional women.

Part II.Detailed study of the text

Part III.General analysis of the text

Para 1: In the profeion of literature, the author finds that there are fewer experiences peculiar to women than in other profeion because many women writers before her have made the road smooth.

Para 2: the author responds to the host’s suggestion that she should tell the audience something about her own profeional experiences.So she now tells her own story –how she became a book reviewer when she was a girl.

Para 3.the speaker focuses on the first obstacle to becoming a profeional women writer.She uses a figure of speech ―killing the Angel in the House‖ in describing her determination to get rid of the conventional role of women in her writing.

Para 4.after the Angel was dead, the question which remains to be answered is ―what is a woman?‖ it is a transitional link between the quthor’s first and second experience.

Paragraph 5.In this paragraph the author talks about her second experience in her profeion of literature.As a novelist, she wished to remain \"as unconscious as poible\" so that nothing might disturb or disquiet the imagination.But she was faced with the conflict between her own approach to art and the conventional approach expected of her by male critics.She believed that sex-consciousne was a great hindrance to women\'s writing.To illustrate this point, she employs a second figure of speech, \"the image of a fisherman lying sunk in dreams on the verge of a deep lake.\"

Para 6.This paragraph sums up the author\'s two experiences, pointing out that the second obstacle is more difficult to overcome than the first.Women have many prejudices to overcome in the profeion of literature and especially in new profeions that women are entering.

Para.7.In this last paragraph Woolf concludes her speech by raising some important questions concerning the new role of women and the new relationship between men and women.

Part IV.Complete the exercise of the text

Part V.a report on the profeional women in China

Leon Five

Love Is a Fallacy

Teaching aims: 1.fully understand the article

2.grasp the rhetorical device in the text

Teaching difficulties: how to identify the rhetorical device in the sentence and understand the

implication for some sentences

Time distribution: eight periods

Teaching method: students-centered

Teaching procedures:

Part I.Lead-in:

This is a humorous eay in which the narrator tells his failure to win the heart of a young woman with the force of logic, which therefore proves to him that \"love is a fallacy\"--\"it is inconsistent with logic.\"

Part II.Detailed study of the text

Part III.Question on Appreciation:

1.How did the narrator describe himself? What does it show? How does the author bring out the pomposity of the narrator? What makes the satire humorous?

2.why was the narrator interested in Polly Espy? What kind of girl was she.

3.How did the narrator\'s first date with Polly Espy go?

4.How does the language used by Polly strike you? Find some examples from the text and explain what effect her language creates.

5.Why did the narrator teach Polly Espy logic? Did he succeed?

6.Did the narrator love Polly Espy? How did he try to \"acquaint her with his feeling\"?

7.How did Polly respond to the narrator\'s arguments for going steady with her? Why did she reject him? What does it show? As the story progrees, Polly turned out to be smarter than the narrator had previously thought.How does this contrast contribute to the humor of the piece?

Part IV complete the exercise in the text

Leon Six

Life Beyond Earth

Teaching aims: 1.fully understand the article

2.learn to analyze the text

Teaching difficulties: how to learn to analyze the text and understand the implication for some sentences

Time distribution: eight periods

Teaching method: students-centered

Teaching procedures:

Part I.General introduction:

The author deals with recent developments in the search for alien organisms.He discues various arguments about alien civilization.He does not think that such belief and search is irrational or even crazy.He writes that most people with such belief ―operate from the same instinct, which is to know the truth about the universe‖.At the same time he maintains a scientific attitude, pointing out that although there are many persuasive arguments, there is still no hard evidence to prove the existence of alien life.Yet he does not stop there.He further points out that since the world we live in—the only inhabitable world in the universe so far—is still far from perfect, people in the world need to direct more energy to making it better.Life on Earth is his greater concern.

Part II.Detailed study of the text:

Part III.Organization of the piece:

1.Analysis of the text:

(1) Paras.1--2

the emergence of life

(2) Para.3

(transition) What else is alive out

(3) Paras.4--10

search for life

(4) Paras.11--23

search for intelligence

(5) Paras.24--42


(6) Paras.43--45

Dyson\'s argument

(7) Paras.46--52


2.Questions to discu:

1) What do you think of the opening paragraph? Does the author begin the article in a forceful way?

2)What role does this paragraph play? What is meant by \"the enveloping nebula of uncertainties\"? What is the contrast involved as imroduced by \"despite\"?

3) What new idea is introduced in Paras.17--19?

4) Comment on the first sentence in Paragraph 21.

5) Comment on the role of Paragraph 35.

6) What is the conclusion of the author? What would the author expect of people investigating extraterrestrial life?

Leon Seven

Invisible Man

Teaching aims: 1.fully understand the article

2.grasp the implied meaning of some sentences

Teaching difficulties: how to identify the implied meaning in the sentence

Time distribution: eight periods

Teaching method: students-centered

Teaching procedures:

Part I.Background Information: 1.about the author

2.about the article

Part II.Detailed study of the text

Part III.Analysis of the text:

Para 1. From this opening paragraph we readers can learn a number of important things:

(l) By saying \"It goes a long way back, some twenty years,\" the author tells us that the story took place in the past.

(2) The \"I\' here is the narrator, not the author, of the story, and the author is using the first-person narration in telling the story.As we read On, we will find this narrator is also the main character, the protagonist, of the story.

(3) Words like \"I was looking for myself\" and \"I am nobody but myself\" point out the central theme of the novel--searching for self-identity.


This paragraph tells us a bit about the historical background against place.It also introduces a new character--the narrator\'s grandfather.On his deathbed, he said something that alarmed and puzzled the whole family.

Para 3

This paragraph is about the tremendous effect of the grandfather\'s words upon the narrator, Those words became a constant puzzle for him.As the old man said these words ironically, the boy couldn\'t understand him.Although the grandfather did not appear in the battle royal scene or any other events in the rest of the book, his words haunted the narrator at every important moment in his life.

Para 4

It tells us about the setting of the battle royal.The narrator was to give his speech at a smoker in a leading hotel in the town.The time is round 1950, the place is a hotel in a Southern town, and the occasion is a gathering of the leading white men of the town.Bearing these in mind will help us readers understand why things happened that way and what was the meaning of all this.

Para.5 Besides giving more details about the place, this paragraph introduces the people involved in the incident the town\'s big shots, who were \"wolfing down the buffet food, drinking beer and whisky and smoking black cigars,\" and the other black boys who were to take part, who were \"tough guys\".

Para 6 to 9

The main body of the battle royal incident is from Paragraph 4 to paragraph 9.It can be further divided into 4 subsections: the naked white girl\'s dance; the fight itself; the grabbing for the prize money; the narrator\'s speech.Paragraphs 6 to 9 form the first subsection in which the author describes the white girl\'s dance. Paras.10--28 They form the second subsection of the battle royal incident violent and brutal fight itself.Pay attention to the use of specific words narration realistic and vivid.

Paras.29--46 They describe how the white men further humiliated the black boys even after the battle royal was over.Instead of giving the money the boys were supposed to get for their performance, the white men made fun of them by making them scramble for the money on an electrified rug.This part adds to the general chaos of the whole scene.

Para 47--90 They form the last subsection of the whole battle royal incident.In this part the narrator finally got his chance to deliver his well-prepared speech.However, in the middle of his speech, he made a mistake, but everything went well in the end and he was given an award--a scholarship for college.

Para.91—94 They bring the story to a final end.The narrator was overjoyed with his triumph, and that night he dreamed of his grandfather and awoke with the old man’s laughter rining in his ears.

Part IV.Complete the exercise in the text

Part V.Do some translation work.

Leon Eight

The Merely Very Good

Teaching aims: 1.fully understand the article

2.grasp the development of the text

Teaching difficulties: how to analyze the development of the article and the implied meaning for some sentences

Time distribution: eight periods

Teaching method: students-centered

Teaching procedures:

Part I.Information on the author:

Jeremy Bernstein(1929- ): profeor of physics and writer.After getting his Ph.D.in physics at Harvard, he spent time at the institute for advanced study in Princeton and at the National Science Foundation.He taught physics for 5years at New York University and then at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey.

But Jeremy Bernstein has also spent more than 30 years on the staff of The New Yorker magazine, writing mostly about physics, computers, and other topics in physical science.He moves as comfortably among sentences and paragraphs as among equations.

Part II.Detailed study of the text:

Part III.Questions about the article

1.Oppenteimer is called ― Father of the Atomic Bomb‖ and had been in charge of the Los Alamas nuclear laboratory for many years.Yet the author considers him as merely very good.Do you think the author is right and fair in relegating Oppenheimer to the merely very good?

2.Do you think it is right to say to be highly focused or not is the cause separating the great ones from the merely very good? What is your view?

3.How does the author manage to bring the people he wants to compare into the article?

Oppenheimer’s anecdote: Oppenheimer and dirac meeting

Gottingen, talking about poetry and physics

His decision to go to the conference

Spender’s being at the conference—Spender’s obseion with Auden—great versus merely very good.

4.How does the author develop the article?

He uses the 1981 conference as the benchmark and goes back to earlier times and in the last two paragraphs returns the scene to the time of writing.This technique of montage is used largely in cinema.

For example:

The 1981 conference and the author’s indecision—(flashback to 1925—1927) earlier life of Oppenheimer and his relations with Dirac—(back to 1981) the author’s decision: Spender and Auden—(flashback)Spender and Oppenheimer(1956)—(1958)Oppenheimer, Dirac and the author—(back to 1981) meeting with Spender—(bringing the scene to 1996) concluding remarks.

Leon Nine

The Way to Rainy Mountain

Teaching aims: 1.fully understand the article

2.grasp the rhetorical device in the text

Teaching difficulties: how to identify the rhetorical device in the sentence and understand the

implication for some sentences

Time distribution: eight periods

Teaching method: students-centered

Teaching procedures:

Part I.About the Author

N.Scott Momaday was born in Lawton, Oklahoma in 1934.Momaday belongs to a generation of American Indians born when most tribal communities had long ceased to exist as vital social organizations. His Kiowa ancestors shared with other Plains Indians the horrors of disease, military defeat, and cultural and religious deprivation in the 19th century.Their only chance of survival was to adapt themselves to new circumstances.Momaday’s grandfather, for example, adjusted to changing conditions by taking up farming, a decision preed upon him by the General Allotment Act of 1887.

Part II.Detailed study of the text

Part III.The analysis of the text

Para 1.the opening paragraph of the eay is a lyrical description of the author’s ancestral land, which plays a key role in his exploration of his Kiowa identity.

Para 2.the author explains his purpose of his visit to Rainy Mountain: to be at his grandmother’s grave.

Para 3.it sums up the history of the Kiowas as a Plains Native culture—the golden time and the decline in their history.

Para 4.it is about how the Kiowas migrated from western Montana and how the migration transformed the Kiowas. Para 5.the author returns to his grandmother again.Since she is the immediate reason for him to come to Rainy Mountain, she is the link between the author and his ancestors.

Para 6.The Kiowas felt a sense of confinement in Yellowstone, Montana.

Para 7.this paragraph is a depiction of the landscape which they came upon when they got out of the highlands in Montana.

Para 8.in this para the author describes Devil’s Tower and tells the Kiowas’s legend about it.

Para 9.the author tells about the last days of the Sun Dance culture by using his grandmother as a witne.

Para 10.for the first time, the author concentrates only on his grandmother’s story rather than mixing it with the history of the whole Kiowa tribe.Also for the first time, the author shifts the focus of depicting the lanscape to describing a person—his grandmother Aho as an old woman.

Para 11—12 paragraph 11 is about the old houses at Rainy Mountain, which the author’s grandmother and other Kiowas used to live in, but which are now empty.This paragraph serves as a transition between the depiction of Grandma Aho and the reunion at her house.

Para 11 and 12 describe the reunions that were once held at the grandmother’s house when the author was a child.We can see the author accepts change and lo as facts of life.He neither denies nor defies them.Imagination helps him strike a balance between them.So, after depicting his dead grandmother’s old house, he brings to life the joy and activity that once filled it.As a child Momaday took part in those events.By re-creating those scenes, he reminds himself of who he is.

Part IV.Complete the exercise of the text



六学年组 第一课时




































《梅花魂》 单元精读引领课



精读《梅花魂》,自主学习《主题丛书》中的《故乡的泥土》。 教学目标

1.体会作者对家乡的思恋、挚爱的思想感情。 2.感悟作者怎样表达出这种感情的。领悟写法。 3.积累语言。 教学重难点

1.体会作者对家乡的思恋、挚爱的思想感情。 2.感悟作者怎样表达出这种感情的。领悟写法 教学过程

一 课前准备 检查交流



二 品读体验 随文得法






(一)三落泪,品游子情切。1. 教念古诗,悲伤落泪。

“老人总是摇摇头,长长地吁出一口气,说:‘莺儿,你小呢,不懂!’” 为什么外祖父说作者不懂?在外祖父眼里年幼的作者不懂什么?(不能理解外祖父强烈的思乡之情;不能切身感受到一个身在异乡、远离故土的海外赤子的眷恋祖国的心情。)


“想不到外公竟像小孩子一样,‘呜呜呜’地哭起来了……” 这句话把外公比作什么?(小孩子)






1.课题为什么叫“梅花魂”?找出文中写梅花的句子,读一读。 “这梅花,是我们中国最有名的花。旁的花,大抵是春暖才开花。她却不一样,愈是寒冷,愈是风欺雪压,花开得愈精神,愈秀气。她是最有品格、有灵魂、有骨气的呢!几千年来,我们中华民族出了许多有气节的人物,他们不管历经多少磨难,受到怎样的欺凌,从来都是顶天立地,不肯低头折节。他们就像这梅花一样。一个中国人,无论在怎样的境遇里,总要有梅花的秉性才好!”







《梅花魂》:所寄之物是梅,围绕着梅花,作者写了外祖父与梅花之间的五件事,通过这样的方式来写出了外祖父的思乡之情。 三、类比阅读 领悟异同

1、阅读“语文主题学习”丛书 《故乡的泥土》要求:

(1)作者围绕着泥土写了回到故乡发生的哪几件事? (2)作者从故乡带走了什么作为她对故乡的永久怀念?


3、说出令你感动的理由。四、实践体会 学以致用






思乡的泪 二哭:


悲痛的泪 三哭:




Unit 3 Career

Teaching Time: six periods Part I Pre-learning I.Teaching Aims

By the end of this leon, students should be able to: A.Know the special terms of occupations and career. B.Understand how to make invitations and accept or refuse them. C.Master the skills of describing one’s appearance.

D.Grasp the words or phrases related to jobs. II.Teaching Important and Difficult Points Cultural Background A.Choosing your career (选择职业) Your career choice determines the course that your life will take–----It determines how succeful you are, how happy you are and whether you live a good, bad or indifferent life.You have to think though what you want to achieve with your life in

important areas such as your career, your family, artistic or sporting goals and public service.A crucial part of this is setting if the major focus of your life is to spend a lot of time with your family and contribute to voluntary organizations, then you must recognize that this with limit the time and effort you can dedicate to your career.If you want to focus exclusively on your career, then you must understand and manage the consequences.Bear in mind that your priorities will probably change over time –many people focus completely on their careers in their twenties as they make a place for themselves in the world.In their thirties, they may take more of a family focus, and other things may become important later on –this is a normal part of life. B.Planning your career (规划职业) In order to choose an appropriate career which suits your abilities, skills, ambitions and ideals, you have to plan your career very carefully.

Here are the steps you can follow:

1) Develop a career plan.Think about what you want to do and find out more about the kind of training, education, and skills you will need to achieve your career goal.

2) Ae your skills and interests.Think hard about what you enjoy, what you are good at, what kind of personality you are, and the values you hold.

3) Research occupations.Find out more about the nature of the jobs that interest you, such as educational requirements, salary, working conditions, future outlook, and anything else that can help you narrow your focus.4) Compare your skills and interests with the occupations you’ve selected.The career that matches your skills, interest, and personality the closest may be the career for you.5) Choose your career goal.Once you’ve decided what occupation matches up best with you, then you can begin developing a plan to reach your career goal.C.Different types of people take related careers (不同的人适合不同类型的职业) The Realistic Personality Type: 1) Likes to work with animals, tools, or machines; 2) Generally avoids social activities like teaching, counseling, nursing, and informing others;

3) Has good skills in working with tools, mechanical drawings, machines or animals; 4) Values practical things you can see and touch –like plants and animals you can grow, or things you can build or make better; 5) Sees self as practical, mechanical, and realistic; In the realistic group, for example, there are jobs like animal caretaker, farmer, firefighter, guard, police detective, architect, engineer, surveyor, inspector, cost estimator, aircraft pilot, upholsterer, plumber, carpenter, mason, mechanic, sailor, production manager, driver, operator, clerk, librarian, chef, jeweler, welder, computer programmer, optician, appliance repairer, landscape architect, electrician, etc The Investigation Personality Type: 1) Likes to study and solve math or science problems; 2) Generally avoids leading, selling, or persuading people; 3) Has good skills at understanding and solving science and math problems; 4) Values science, and sees self as precise, scientific, and intellectual.

In the investigation group, for example, there are jobs like scientist, astronomer, chemist, geologist, meteorologist, physicist, urban planner, sociologist, marketing researcher, historian, economist, dentist, surgeon, biomedical engineer, information system manager, computer software

engineer, network administrator, statistician, computer support specialist, curator, actuary, lab technician, etc.The Artistic Personality Type: 1) Likes to do creative activities like art, drama, crafts, dance, music, or creative writing; 2) Generally avoids highly ordered or repetitive activities; 3) Has good artistic abilities –in creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art; 4) Values the creative arts- like drama, music, art, or the works of creative writers; 5) Sees self as expreive, original, and independent. In the Artistic group, for example, there are jobs like biographer, editor,





commercial/graphic/industrial/interior designer, painter, sculptor, photographer, actor /actre, dancer, director, disk jockey, producer, radio and TV announcer, composer, musician, orchestra conductor, singer, etc. The Social Personality Type: 1) Likes to do things to help people –like teaching, counseling, nursing, or giving information; 2) Generally avoids using machines, tools, or animals to achieve a goal; 3) Has good skills at teaching, counseling, nursing, or giving information; 4) Values helping people and solving social problems; 5) Sees self as helpful, friendly, and trustworthy. In the Social group, for example, there are jobs like coach, umpire, recreation and fitne worker, schoolteacher, special education teacher, instructional coordinator, librarian, childcare worker, personal and homecare aid, dietitian, clergy or religious worker, employment counselor, probation officer, social worker, registered nurse, etc.

The Enterprising Personality Type: 1) Likes to lead and persuade people, and to sell things and ideas; 2) Generally avoids activities that require careful observation and scientific, analytical thinking; 3) Is good at leading people and selling things or ideas; 4) Values succe in politics, leadership, or busine; 5) Sees self as energetic, ambitious, and sociable. In the Enterprising group, for example, there are jobs like counter/rental clerk, sales agent, sales representative, travel agent, hair stylist, bartender, flight attendant, reservation or ticket agent, waiter/waitre, lawyer, judge, busine manager, management consultant, top executive, school superintendent, public relations specialist, reporter, news analyst, desktop publisher, customs inspector, occupational safety and health specialist, etc.The Conventional Personality Type: 1) Likes to work with numbers, records, or machines in a set,

orderly way; 2) Generally avoids ambiguous, unstructured activities; 3) Is good at working with written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way; 4) Values succe in busine; 5) Sees self as orderly, and good at following a set plan. In the Conventional group, for example, there are jobs like computer operator, data entry keeper, file clerk, mail carrier, office clerk, measurer/checker, typist, bank teller, cashier, dispatcher, receptionist, switchboard operator, loan officer, secretary, administrative aistant, accounting clerk, billing clerk, book-keeper, stock clerk & order filler, claim examiner, hotel /motel desk clerk, etc.Part II Teaching Procedure Reading I I.Key Language Points 1.nanny: n.a woman whose job is to take care of the children in a

family, usually in the family’s own home 保姆,奶妈

Inflected Form(s): plural nannies

【例句】She found a job as a nanny with wealthy Italian family.


2.辨析career & profeion Career:

1)n.a profeion for which one trains and which is undertaken as a

permanent calling 需要特别训练的并终身或长期从事的职业;一生的事业

【例句】He realized that his acting career was over.他意识到他的演艺生涯结束了。

【相关搭配】choice of career 职业选择

a career in banking 在银行业的一份职业

a change of career 职业改变

2)adj.career can also be an adjective, which means

profeional 职业的

【相关搭配】career soldier 职业军人

career diplomat 职业外交家

career woman /girl职业女性


1) Profeion is a form of employment, esp.one that is poible

only for an educated person and after training (such as law, medicine, or

teaching ) and that is respected in society as honorable


【例句】He is a lawyer by profeion.他是一位职业律师。

The teaching profeion claim(s) to be badly paid.教师职业宣称待遇非常差。

He was well respected in the medical profeion.他在医药界备受推崇。

【相关搭配】profeional standard 专业标准

a profeional photographer 职业摄影师

profeional foul (体育运动中的)故意犯规

【例句】He is a footballer who turned profeional.他刚转为职业足球运动员。

2)Profeional can also be a noun, which refers to a person who has great

experience and high profeional standards 专业人士;专家;内行

【例句】She’s a real profeional.她是一个专业人士。

3.辨析part-time & full-time

part-time:adj.& adv.working for only part of each day or week 兼职的/地

【相关搭配】a part-time job 兼职

full-time: adj.& adv.just the opposite to part-time, meaning ―working

for all the hours of a week 全职的/地

【相关搭配】a part-time student 非全日制学生

a full-time job 全职工作

a full-time student 全日制学生

4.delicious: adj.highly pleasing or agreeable to the senses, especially

of taste or smell 美味的

【相关搭配】a delicious meal 一顿可口的大餐

【例句】After school she made us delicious teas and read us stories in bed.


5.wear:(wore, worn)v.to have something such as clothes, shoes, or

jewelers on your body 穿、戴(衣服,鞋子,珠宝等)

【例句】Susan was wearing a black silk dre.苏珊穿着一套黑色丝织的服装。

He wore glaes for reading.他戴着眼睛看书。

6.uniform: n.a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a

group or organization such as the police, the army, etc.制服

【例句】He was still wearing his school uniform.他依然穿着校服。

【相关搭配】school /army /police uniform 校服/军装/警服

7.get on with: to form or have a friendly relation 与„„友好相处

【例句】Do you get on well with your bo ? 你和你的老板相处融洽吗?

8.at the time: at the moment when something happened 当时,那时候

【例句】I was living at Beijing at the time.我当时就住在北京。

9.phase: n.one of the stages of a proce of development or change 阶段

【例句】It’s just a phase he’s going through.这只是他


【相关搭配】in/out of phase 同步/不同步; 协调/不协调

10.go through: to suffer or experience; endure 遭受

【例句】The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家已经遭受了太多的战争。

【相关搭配】go through fire and flood 赴汤蹈火

11.make it up with: to become friends, again (after a quarrel ) 和解,言归于好

【例句】It’s time you made it up with your sister.是时候你该和你的姐姐和解了。

They made up after an argument.他们在争论后重归于好了。

12.turn out: to happen in a particular way, or to have a

particular result, especially one that you did not expect 证明是„„,结果是„„,发展为„„

【例句】To my surprise, it turned out that I was wrong.


The job turned out to be harder than I thought.这工作结果比我想的更难。

13.apply for: to make a formal request, usually written, for something

such as a job, a place in a university, or permiion to do something


【例句】I’ll apply for the job today.今天我要申请这份工作。

【相关搭配】apply sth.to sth.贴,敷,涂

【例句】apply the glue to both surfaces 两面都涂上胶水。

14.a wee bit: rather 有些,有点

【例句】He’ s a wee bit drunk.他有点醉了。

15.take after: to look or behave like (an older relative )


【例句】The child took after his father only when seen at a



Mary really takes after her mother; she has the same eyes, nose, and hair.


16.make a decision: to decide after thinking carefully about something,

especially about something that is very important下决心,作出决定

【例句】After weeks of sleeple nights, I finally made a decision.


【相关搭配】arrive at /come to /reach a decision: to officially decide about

something important after discuing and carefully considering it


【例句】Before reaching a decision the chairman usually talks to senior



17.bring up: to educate and care for a child until drown-up 教育,教养(孩子)

【例句】She was brought up to believe that money is not the most important

thing in the world.她自小就被教导金钱并非是世上最重要的东西。

Jack and Tom were born and brought up in the America.


18.think of: to take into consideration=think about 考虑;想到

【例句】We are thinking of going to France.我们正在考虑去法国。

I had never thought of becoming a busineman.


19.follow in sb.’s footsteps: to follow an example set by someone in the past


【例句】The girl’s following in her father’s footsteps and studying to be a doctor.


20.辨析childish & childlike Childish: adj.

1) characteristic of a child 孩子特有的。

【相关搭配】Childish laughter 孩子的笑声

2)(derog 贬)(of an adult) (behaving) like a child; immature; silly


【例句】Don’t be so childish.别这么幼稚了。

Childlike: adj.(esp.approv 尤作褒义) like or characteristic of a child;

innocent; not devious 孩子般的,孩子气的,天真无邪的

【相关搭配】childlike enjoyment, trust, honesty 孩子般的快乐、信任、诚实

21.make up with / to end a quarrel or dispute with sb.言归于好

【例句】Why don’t you two ki and make up? 你们两个为什么不接个吻,言归于好呢?

II.Difficult Sentences 1)I know that she and Daddy thought it was just a childish phase I was

going through, but it wasn’t.

要点:„„phase I was going through„„.是一个后置的定语从句,先行词是phase,关联词此处省略。


2)Everything has turned out for the best.

要点:It proves that everything is going on well. 译文:一切都在慢慢转好。

3) I had a nanny when I was a child but I never thought of being one

myself, but times have changed and ―nannying‖ has been socially acceptable

for a long time. 要点:Taking a job as a child’s nurse is accepted in the society.It implies

that the occupation is not despised by the society. 译文:在我孩提时代我家里有个保姆但我从未想过我有一天自己会去从事这个行业,但随着时代的改变,这个行业已经被社会广为接受好久了。

III. Structure of Reading I Part I (Paragraph 1) Introduction: What is the background of Amanda Peniston-Bird?

Amanda is a daughter of a judge and specializes in being nanny for two

years. Part II (Paragraph 2-3)

To Amanda, what’s the impreion about the two nannies they got? 1) As to the first one, she was young, wonderful and responsible though

she was just a part-time student worker. 2) To the latter one, she was traditional and profeional, Amanda enjoyed

the whole course of being taking care of.

What happens to Amanda’s family after her choice-making to be a nanny? At first, there were a terrible row with her families and her parents were

very angry about her decision.They made it up before she went to college,

finally her parents changed their opinions and had encouraged her ever

since. Part III (Paragraph 4)

What’s Amanda’s mother’s opinion about their daughter’s career decision? She and her husband gradually accepted the fact and respected her

daughter’s choice.She felt proud about her daughter’s independent

thinking and realized the wide acceptance of this career. Reading II I.Notes 1.gardener: n.someone whose job is to grow flowers and plants and work

gardens 园林工人;园艺家


gardening: n.the activity of working in a garden, growing plants, cutting

a lawn etc.园艺学

2.surgeon: n.a doctor whose job is to perform medical operations.The

performing of medical operations is called surgery.外科手术

[相关词] a trees surgeon: it refers to an expert who is specially trained to treat

diseased trees.In other words, a tree surgeon is a tree doctor.外科医师

3.Oxford University: a famous university at Oxford, England, founded in

the 1200’s 牛津大学

4.archaeology: n.the scientific study of historic or prehistoric people

and their cultures by examining the remains of their houses,

pots, tools,

tombs and other objects 考古学

5.drop out:

1) If someone drops out, it means he leaves school, college or university

before his course of study has finished and he has no intention of


【例句】One third of the city’s students drop out before graduation.


2)“Do drop out “can also mean to move away from or refuse to join ordinary

society because of not agreeing with accepted practice, standards, and

ways of living.由于不能接受或同意生活的标准或方式而远离甚至拒绝接触社会

[相关搭配] drop out of society 隐退;遁世

6.surveyor: n.a person whose job is to survey or measure buildings and


7.interior designer: a person whose job is to plan and choose the colors,

furnishing, etc., for the inside of a room or house.An interior designer

usually does not do the actual work of putting them in.Actually, he just


8.Tudor house: a house with the Tudor style.Tudor style refers to the

style of architecture which was once very popular in the Tudor dynasty in

Britain. 9.acre: n.a unit for measuring land area, now equal to 43,560 square

feet or 4,047 square metres英亩

10.drive: n.There are different words for the idea of ―road ‖.You may

refer to the following table: drive / driveway (私用车道) a road for vehicles that connects a

private house or garage with the street

road (马路) a hard level surface made for cars and other vehicles to

travel on

street (街道) a road with houses or shops

path(小径) a winding way made by or for people walking over the


avenue (林荫道) a broad street in a town sometimes having trees on

each side

highway(公路) an American word meaning a wide fast road that connects

big cities and towns

expreway/freeway (高速公路) an American word meaning a wide fast road

that takes traffic into and out of a big city and is often very busy. motorway(高速公路) a British word meaning a wide fast road that

connects big cities and towns for fast long-distance travel

track (小道,小径) a narrow rough road leading to a farm or a field,

usually formed by the preure of farm vehicles on the ground

lane (小路,小巷) a narrow winding road connecting villages or farms

paage (走廊,过道) a long narrow connecting way inside a building

alley (小巷,胡同) a very narrow street or path between buildings in a


11.pick up: learn something easily without making much effort 轻松学会

【例句】I picked up quite a lot of Spanish when I was in Spain last summer.


12.furious: adj.very angry in an uncontrolled way, in a fury。狂怒的

【例句】He will be furious with us if we are late.如果我们迟到他会发飙的。

13.carry on: If you carry on doing something, you continue to do it in

spite of interruptions or difficulties.继续

【例句】We carried on our discuion after lunch.吃完午饭后我们继续讨论。

14.The moment …: ―the Moment‖ can be used to introduce

a time adverbial

in the pattern ―the moment (that) somebody does something‖, meaning as

soon as someone does something. 【例句】He said he would phone you the moment he got home.他说他一到家就给你电话。

15.enjoy every moment of sth.: enjoy something very much 好好享受每一刻

16.redundant: adj.no longer employed because there is not enough work,

usu.used with “make” 失业的

【例句】Seventy men in the factory were made redundant because of falling

demand for products.由于产品需求的下降,工厂里有70人被迫下岗。

17.be taken aback: If you are taken aback, you are so surprised or

shocked by something unexpected that you have to pause

for a moment and

cannot think or do anything.大吃一惊

【例句】I was rather taken aback by his rudene.我被他的粗鲁吓了一大跳。

18.makes them respect…; help them plan …: these are V + O + Inf.(without

to ) constructions.Some verbs can be used with a bare infinitive

(不带to的不定式 ) as object complement(宾语补足语), such as make, have, help, let,

see, hear, watch, and feel. 【例句】She had them read the letter. I often hear them sing the song. Suddenly we felt the atmosphere grow tense. She lets her children stay up very late. Could you help me unload the car?

My new position made them respect me more.

19.delighted: adj. 1)When somebody feels pleased or satisfied, we say “he is delighted ”.高兴的

【例句】We were delighted with the effect of our advertisement.


2)But if something is satisfactory and pleasant, we say “it is delightful


20.manual labor: Manual labor is the kind of work in which you use your

hands or your physical strength rather than your mind.体力劳动The kind of

work which involves the use of the mind is called “mental work.” 智力劳动

21.only son: one with no brothers or sisters 独生子

22.fall out: If you fall out with someone, you quarrel or have an

argument with someone and stop being friendly with him or her.吵架

【例句】Jane and Paul have fallen out with each other over the education of

their children. 简和保罗就孩子的教育问题大吵了一架。

23.miserable: adj.unhappy, uncomfortable 悲惨的

24.millionaire: n.a person who has a million pound or dollars; very rich

person 百万富翁

II.Difficult Sentences 1) But I knew it was a waste of time to carry on studying archaeology, and

the moment I started gardening again, I knew I’d made the right decision.

要点:“a waste of time”, 浪费时间;

“the moment I started„.”是时间状语从句,the moment

引导的,相当于as soon as ;


2) Times have changed and all kinds of people do all kinds of work, and I

think the world’s a better place for it.

要点:„ I think the world’s a better place for it 中的’s 不是属格,而是实义动词have



Word Study 1.adore


1) vt.to like very much 非常喜欢

【例句】She adores the cinema /going to the cinema.我非常喜欢看电影。

2) vt.to love deeply and respect highly(无进行式)敬慕,爱慕

【例句】He adores his elder brother.他非常敬慕他哥哥。


adoration n.敬慕;敬仰

【例句】He looked at Julia in obvious adoration.他用一种明显的敬仰的眼神看着朱丽叶。

adorable adj.迷人的;可爱的

【例句】What an adorable baby! 好可爱的宝宝! 2.realize 基本用法

1) vt.to understand and believe (a fact ); be or become conscious of


【例句】He didn\'t realize the risk he was taking.他根本没意识到他正在冒险。

Do you realize you are being impolite? 你知道你现在很不


2) vt.to make (a hope, purpose, goal, etc.) real 使(希望、目的、目标等)实现

【例句】My worst fears were realized when I saw what the exam questions were.



realization n.认识;体会;领悟;实现

【例句】Getting this role in the film was a realization of her childhood



realizable adj.可以实现的

【例句】Our hopes are hardly realizable.我们的希望几乎是很难实现的。


realize one’s long-cherished wish 实现夙愿

self-realization 本人才能的充分发挥



1) n.a noisy quarrel; a public argument; a dispute or controversy 争吵;辩论;争论

【例句】Rows about /over money are the common reason for the breakdown of



have rows /a row with sb.与某人争吵

【例句】I had a row with my boyfriend last night.昨晚我和男友大吵了一架。

2) n.a noise (贬义)喧闹声;吵闹声

make a row 吵吵嚷嚷

【例句】Stop making such a row ; I can’ sleep.别发出那样的噪音,我无法入睡。

3) vi.(British English) to argue in an angry way 争吵;吵架

【例句】I’m not going to row with you –I’d just like you to explain.


vt.to move a boat through the water with oars 划船

【例句】Can you row (a boat )? 你会划船吗?

5) n.a neat line (of people or things) side by side 一排;一行;一列

【例句】 a row of houses 一排房子


in rows /a row (排成、站成)一排/行/列

【例句】The children stood in row.孩子们站成一排。

in a row 一个接一个地;没有间断

【例句】She won the competition three times in a row.她连赢三次。

row upon row 一排一排地

【例句】She could see row upon row of people waiting to be served.


a blazing row 大吵一顿

【例句】We had a blazing row a couple of years ago and I haven’t seen her





1)vi./vt.to move around a central or fixed point 旋转;转动

【例句】The big wheel turned slowly.这个大车轮慢慢的转动。

2) vi.to change so as to become (esp.sth.bad ) 转变成(尤指不好的状况);使成为

【例句】The milk has turned sour.牛奶已经变酸了

3) vt.to go round 拐过;拐弯

【例句】The car turned the corner.车已经拐弯了。

4) n.转动;旋动;转弯;顺序

【例句】You have mied your turn so you’ll have to wait.你已经错过了轮到你的那次,等吧。


turn one’s back on 反对

turn a deaf ear to 对„„充耳不闻

turn a blind eye to 对„„视而不见

take turns 轮流

the turn of the century 世纪之交

by turns 轮流;依次

out of the turn 不合时宜地;鲁莽地



1)vt.to pa or use (time ) 消磨(时间);度过(时间)

Spend… (time) doing sth.(with sb.)

【例句】We spent a pleasant hour or two talking with our friends.


2) vi./ vt.to give out in payment for goods or services 用(钱);花费

spend … (money) on sth.

【例句】I’m good at spending but not at saving.我擅长于花钱而不是存钱。

3) vt.to wear out or use completely 耗尽;用尽

【例句】The storm soon spent itself /its force. spender n.花费者

spent adj.用过的;失效的;不再使用的

【例句】spent cartridge 空弹壳

spending n.花费;支出

【例句】government /public /state spending

defense / education /health spending


spending money 零花钱

spendthrift 奢侈的人

money well spent 值得花的钱

【例句】The repairs cost quite a lot, but it was money well spent. Grammar Focus

Describe people’s appearance



fashionable(时髦的), healthy, strong, tall, meager, smart,


官搭配使用,例如:round face, deep-set eyes(深陷的双眼),red

cheeks(红色的面颊), crooked nose (鹰钩鼻子),pointed chin(尖下巴),big mouth, even teeth

(平整的牙齿),blonde hair(金发), curly hair(卷发), sunburned skin(晒黑的皮肤)等。



(慷慨的),modest(谦虚的),honest, serious, obstinate(固执的), self-conceited(自负的),



有些形容词由单个词构成,例如:tall, short, fat, thin slim

;有些形容词由两、三个词共同构成,成为复合形容词,例如:snow-white (雪白的),suntanned(黝黑的),

ordinary-looking(相貌平平的) warm-hearted(热心的)等。



【例句】My brother is tall and handsome. He is tall and sturdy(强壮). The boy is extremely bright. My mother is thrifty with money. As a child, he is meager(瘦的)and weak. The old man looks thin. He looks old and his hair is all white. The girl tends to be jealous of those who make greater progre. 形容词+名词

【例句】a serious –looking face a grey –haired woman

a wrinkled face a bad temper

a pretty girl a timid boy

Tom has a strong body and high intelligence.


【例句】live happily; work actively


【例句】of medium build; of great wisdom


1)描写要具体,避免笼统化,应注重细节描写,体现人物的音容笑貌。在实践中,学习者要避一些泛泛而谈的词,例如:awful, bad,

beautiful, fine, good, great, interesting, lovely, nice, pretty,


【例句】He was thin, short, and dark.His hair was like a bundle of straw.His

dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long travel.His

clothes were made of cheap cloth.The coat was too short and the trousers

too loose.And he wore a pair of rubber shoes, which were very

unfashionable.He did not look smart at all. 2)生理特征描写应与人物的性格、思想和要表达的情感相结合,并通过具体的事例得以体现,表现出人物的特性和特征。

【例句】Most Jewish women of her age were sickly, weak, broken in body.But this washwoman, small and thin as she was, poeed a strength that came from generations of peasant ancestors.His gaunt, expreive face was dominated by piercing eyes, conveying a mixture of intensity and repose, of warine and calm self-confidence.He wore an immaculately tailored gray coat, at once simple and elegant.He moved gracefully and with dignity, filling a room tot by his physical dominance but by his air of controlled tension, steely discipline, and self-control.As if he were a boiled spring.He conveyed an easy casualne, which, however, did not deceive the careful observer.The quick smile, the comprehending expreion that made clear that he understood English even without translation, the palpable alertne, were clearly the features of a man who had had burned into him by a searing half-century the vital importance of

self-poeion. Function and Structure 1.It is important to learn how to say thanks and how to show your appreciation the proper way.Here are some tips: At a party —Take your cue from the host.If he went to the trouble to mail an invitation, send him a note in return. Receiving a Gift—If you thank a person profusely (极多地)after receiving a gift, it’s not neceary to send a note —so it makes you look extra-clay when you do. A busine Function —If you’ve been at a formal busine meeting and want to thank potential clients or busine partners, type a paper note.If the event is a lunch or social function, write it by hand.2.In busine, it is customary to expre appreciation to people who help your company succeed.In fact, the absence of a ―thank you‖ may be misunderstood to mean the effort was not appreciated.Thanking customers has always been very effective for building royalty, demonstrating corporate commitment to service, generating referral busine and differentiating a

busine from the rest.There are a variety of ways to expre gratitude.The way in which you thank your customers does not have to cost a lot of money and nothing says ―you are important‖ like a handwritten note.A short handwritten note has the power of personal engagement and high impact.It’s a small gesture but keeps customers coming back.Inside a busine, when a bo wants to motivate his or her employees, a simple ―thank you‖ also works best.A smart employer knows it well that frequent recognition of accomplishments is the best way to encourage employees.Homework 1.Vocabulary 2.Grammar 3.Reading Summary In this unit, students have known main content of this unit.After cla, students should learn more details.


Unit 1 Eentials of busine Teaching Time: six periods Part I Pre-learning I .Teaching Aims

By the end of this leon, students should be able to: A.Know what busine is and the four basic factors of production.B.Understand how to greet people and say good-bye in informal and formal situations.C.Master countable and uncountable nouns.D.Grasp the words and phrases related to busine.II.Teaching Important and Difficult Points Cultural Background A.Busine (生意) In busine English, busine means the organized effort of individuals to produce and sell, for a profit, the goods and services that satisfy society’s needs.Generally busine can mean buying or selling goods or services.That is the activity of making money by

producing or buying and selling goods, or by providing services.When it is used in this meaning, it is uncountable.It can also be used to refer to an organization such a company, shop, or factory that produces or sells goods or provides a service.When it is used in this meaning, it is countable.B.Entrepreneur (企业家) A person who risks his or her time, effort, and money to start and operate a busine is called an entrepreneur.C.Types of busine Businees are generally of three types.Manufacturing businees (or manufacturers) are organized to proce various materials into tangible goods, such as trucks or towels.Service businees produce services, such as haircuts or legal advice.And some firms ------ called middlemen ------ are organized to buy the goods produced by manufacturers and then resell them.Part II Teaching Procedure Reading I I .Key Language Points

1.relate: v.to connect 联系,涉及

[相关搭配] relate „to/with与„有关,有联系

【例句】Faced with the facts I had to relate the matter with you. 面对这些事实我不得不把你和这件事联系起来。

[相关词] relation n.similarity, contrast or connection between people, things or events联系,关联,关系

【例句】There is close relation between rainfall and crop production. 降雨量与农作物之间有密切的联系。

2.construct: v.build sth.; put or fit together; form 建造,建筑,构成

【例句】construct a factory/ an airplane/a sentence 建工厂/造飞机/造句

[相关词] constructor n.person who constructs things建筑者,建设者

construction n.action or manner of constructing 建筑, 建造的活动或方式

3.finance: v.provide money for ( a project); fund 为(某计划)提供资金,提供款项

【例句】The scheme is partly financed by this company.此计划部分是由这家公司资助的。

finance company ( or finance house ): company that lends money for

hire-purchase transactions 信贷公司, 财务公司

the Ministry of Finance 财政部

the Minister of Finance 财政部部长

[相关词]financial adj.concerning money and finance 财务的,金融的,财政的

【例句】a financial magnate 金融巨头

financial circles 金融界

financial reports 会计报告

4.stock: n.[C usu pl] a portion of capital of a busine company held by an investor, share股份

[相关词]stockholder/ shareholder股东

stockbroker n.person who buys or sells stocks and shares for clients


stock exchange n.place where stocks and shares are publicly bought and sold


5.insurance: n.guarantee of compensation for lo, damage, sickne, etc.in return for regular payment 保险

【例句】an insurance against theft/ fire 盗窃保险/火险

personal insurance人身保险 6.secure: v. 1)to make sure of getting sth.获得

【例句】He’s lucky to have secured himself such a good job.他能找到这么好的工作是幸福。

2)make safe 使安全,防护,保卫 (常与against, from , to 连用)

【例句】By strengthening the river banks the city secured itself



由于加固河堤,该城可以免遭水灾。 7.distribute: vt. 1) give or send out 分配,分发,配给 (常与to, among 连用)

【例句】distribute the books to the students 给学生分发书本

2) spread out, scatter 分布,散步,散开 (常与over连用)

【例句】Our shops are distributed all over the city.我们的商店遍布在城市的各个地方。

3) give out or deliver 分送,运送

【例句】The man had thirty parcels to be distributed at houses all over the town. 这个人有30个包裹要分送全镇各家。

[相关词] distribution n.the act of distributing分配,分发

distributive adj.of or having to do with distribution分配的,分布的

8.estate: n.

1) a large area of land developed for a specific purpose, e.g.for houses or factories 做某种用途的地区

【例句】a housing/ trading estate 住宅区/商业区 an industrial estate 工业区

2) area of land, esp.in the country 地产,(尤指)庄园

【例句】He owns a large estate in Scotland.他在苏格兰有大量地产。

3) all the money and property that a person owns , esp.that which is left at death


【例句】Her estate was divided among her four children.她的遗产分给了她的四个子女。 9.yield: v.

1) to give, produce, bear, etc.生产,出产,生长出,结出

【例句】The tree has yielded a lot of apples this year.这棵树今年结了很多苹果。

This land yields abundantly.这块地收成很好。

2) give up, surrender 让步,让与,放弃,屈服,投降

【例句】He yielded all his poeions to the state.他把自己的所有财产都转让给了国家。

He was yielding to public preure.他屈服于舆论的压力。 10.manufacture: v. 1) to make goods on a large scale (尤指大量)生产

【例句】manufacture shoes 制造鞋

manufacturing industry制造业

2) invent 假造,虚构,捏造

【例句】She manufactured a false story to hide the facts.她编造瞎话以掩盖事实。

11.accomplish: v.to succeed in doing 完成

【例句】He accomplished his purpose.他达到了他的目的。

[相关词]accomplished adj.完成的,达到的

【例句】an accomplished fact 已成的事实

[相关词]accomplishment n.实行,完成,达到,成绩,成就 12.proce: v. 1) to perform operation on (sth.) in computer (用计算机处理) 【例句】data proceing equipment数据处理设备

2) a continued set of actions performed intentionally in order to reach some results 步骤,程序,过程

【例句】Unloading the cargo was a slow proce.卸货是个缓慢的过程。

in the proce 在进行中 13.conduct:

v.1) manage, direct, carry on 经营,管理,指挥

【例句】The oldest son conducts the family’s busine.由长子掌管家里的日常事务。

2) behave oneself 行为,举止

【例句】He conducted himself honestly.他为人诚恳。

3) lead or guide 指导, 引导

【例句】The curator conducted the visitors round the museum. 馆长领着游客们在博物馆各处参观。

n.1) moral behavior 行为,品行

【例句】His conduct in school is excellent.他在学校的品行是极好的。

2) manner of directing or managing affairs.执导,管理

【例句】under the conduct of 在„的引导下

His conduct of the busine was very succeful.他的商业经营十分成功。

14.initiate: v.

1) start (sth.) working 创始,发起

【例句】This year we shall initiate a series of free concerts.


They initiated certain reforms.他们创始了某些改革。

2) introduce (someone) into a club, group esp.with a special



【例句】We were initiated into a sports club by one of the members. 一位老会员以正式仪式介绍我们加入体育运动俱乐部。

[相关词] initiation n.创始,开始

initiative adj.主动的,起始的,初步的

15.innovative: adj.make changes, bring in sth.new or new ways of doing

things革新,变革:(常与 on, upon 或in连用)

[相关词] innovation n.改革,革新

innovational adj.革新的,富有革新精神的

innovative, innovatory adj.tending to innovate, characterized by

innovation 革新的,创新的,富于革新精神的

innovator n..革新者,创新者

【例句】innovative behavior革新的行动

Inventors are innovative people.发明者都是富于革新精神的人。

innovate in techniques 在工艺上革新

innovate upon religious forms革新宗教形式

These are innovations in methods of teaching.这些都是教学方法上的改革。

16.profit: 1) n.money gained by busine 收益,利润,赢利

【例句】How much profit did you make? 你获多少利润?

2) n.advantage or benefit gained from sth.益处,好处

【例句】What profit is there in worrying? 担忧有何益处?

There is no profit in such pursuits.做这种事情徒劳无益。

3) vt.be of use or advantage to sth.or sb.有利于,有益于

【例句】It’ll not profit you to start an argument.引起争论对你不利。

4) vi.learn or gain advantage from 得利,获益 (常与by, from连用)

【例句】I profited by/ from the deal.我在那笔交易中获利。

He profited greatly from his year abroad.他在国外的一年获益匪浅。

[相关词] profitable adj. 1)yielding profit 有利可图的,有赢利的

【例句】profitable busine 有利可图的买卖

2) resulting in advantage 有益的,有用的

【例句】His advice was profitable to all of us.他的建议对我们大家都有好处。

profitle adj.无益的,无利可图的,没有好处

profitably adv.有利地,赢利地,有益地


1) relate sth.to /with sth.connect (two things ) in thought or meaning;

aociate sth.with sth .else (在思想上或意义上) 将 (两事物.)联系起来;将某事物与另一事物相联系

【例句】It is difficult to relate cause and effect in this case.


People relate high wages to/with high consumption.


2) relate to sb./sth.be connected with sb./sth.else; refer to sb./sth.

与某人[某事物]有关;涉及某人[某事物] 【例句】Wealth is seldom related to happine.财富鲜与幸福相关。

Statements relating to his resignation 与他辞职一事有关的说法

18.refer to:

1) mention, speak of , be directed towards 提及`,谈到,指

【例句】He doesn’t like anyone referring to his wooden leg. 他不喜欢任何人提及他那条木制的假腿。

The new law doesn’t refer to land used for farming.这条新法令并非指农用土地。

2)look for information or help参考,引用,查询,查阅

【例句】If I’m not sure how to spell a word, I refer to a dictionary. 若拿不准一个单词的拼法,我便查阅词典。

19.be extracted from: to take sth.from sth.else 从„„中提取

【例句】Oil can be extracted from olive.油可自橄榄中榨取。

A miner extracts gold from earth.矿工从泥土里提取黄金。

Some sentences are extracted from grammar books.一些句子可从语法书中摘取。

20.be responsible for: to have the duty of looking after sth.对„„负责; 负责某事

【例句】He is not primarily responsible for it.他对这事不负主要责任。

directly responsible for 对„„ 直接负责

hold sb responsible for 使某人负担„的责任

make oneself responsible for 负起„的责任

21.decide on: consider and come to a conclusion; make up one’s mind


【例句】After seeing so many candidates we have decided on this one.


decide against: 决定反对„,做出不利于„的决定

decide against changing the job 决定不改变工作

22.distribute…to/among: separate sth.into parts and give a share to each

person or thing; give or send out 分配,分发,配给

【例句】He distributed the food to the hungry people.他把食物分给饥饿的人。

Mother distributed the candy among the children.母亲把糖果分给孩子们。

23.pay for:

1) to give money for 为„什么而付钱

【例句】They tried to leave the restaurant without paying for their


How much did you pay for your house? 你们买房花了多少钱?

2) suffer or be punished for sth.为某事是苦头或受惩罚。

【例句】I’ll make him pay for his insolence! 他蛮横无礼,我要让他尝尝苦头。

He paid much for his own dishonesty.他为自己的不诚实付出了巨大的代价。

II.Difficult Sentences 1) Other forms of busine include merchandising, which is the selling of

products, and providing various services, such as accounting,

distributing, and repairs. 要点:本句的主语是other forms of busine谓语动词是


include后跟了两个宾语merchandising和providing various services而which is the

selling of products为定语从句,修饰merchandising; such as accounting,

distributing, and repairs也是定语,举例说明前面的various services. 译文:其他形式的生意包括出售产品之类的买卖和提供诸如会计,分配和修理等不同形式的服务。

2) It refers not only to a piece of real estate where we might build a

factory, but it also means all the raw materials used for production.

要点:本句由but连接一个并列句,在句中又由not only„„ but also这一结构连接两个并列的谓语动词refer

to和means。where we might build a factory做定语,修饰a piece of real estate;


materials, 可以把它改成定语从句which are used for



3) Therefore, to a certain extent the next factor, capital, can be used to

replace labor or reduce the amount of physical and mental labor that

humans have to use in order to conduct busine. 要点:to a certain extent: to a certain degree达到某程度

or在本句中连接两个并列的谓语动词replace 和reduce; that humans have to use in order to

conduct busine 为定语从句,修饰前面的physical and mental labor。

译文: 因此,某种程度上,下一个要素-资本,可以用来取代劳动或者减少为了经营生意,人类不得不花费的体力和脑力劳动的量。

4) He must be able to decide on the value of things that other


invent, whether it is a new toy, a new method of filing, or a new way of

advertising. 要点:decide on/upon: 对„„作出决定

【例句】They have decided on/upon building a reservoir there. 他们决定要在那里建一座水库。

句中whether it is a new toy ,a new method of filing, or a new way of

advertising shi 是名词性从句,修饰前面的things. 译文:他必须能够决定其他人发明出来的东西的价值,不管它是一个新玩具,一种新的文件归档的方法或者是一种新的广告宣传方式。

5) It is hard for the employees who may have to seek work elsewhere; the

customers must look for another place to buy the products; creditors

usually lose some of the money to the company.

要点:本句是由三个句子组成的并列句,具体解释了前面的it causes problems for many people. 译文:对于那些不得不在其他地方找工作的员工们来说,这是一件难事;顾客们必须寻找另外一个地方购买产品;债权人通常也会从这个公司失去一些钱。

III.Structure of Reading I Part I (Paragraph 1) Introduction: What is Busine?

Busine is the activity of producing and distributing goods and services.

This paragraph explains the definition of busine through three ways: 1) Busine includes the production of goods. 2) Busine can also provide the finance for production activities.

3) Busine also includes merchandising products and providing various

services. Part II (Paragraph 2-8)

Explanation of the four basic factors of production 1) (Paragraph 2) It introduces the four basic factors of production: land,

labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. 2) (Paragraph 3) It explains what land is: land not only refers to a piece

of real estate, it also means all the raw materials for production

extracted from the land, the air, and the oceans. 3) (Paragraph 4-5) These two paragraphs explain what labor is: labor

refers to the use of mental or physical work to produce goods. (1) In industrialized countries, labor is generally more mental than

physical. (2) In other countries, robots and other forms of data proceing

equipment perform many jobs requiring a lot of mental labor in the past. 4) (Paragraph 6) It explains what capital means: Capital refers to

anything that helps to produce and distribute goods. (1) Generally capital means wealth or money. (2) It also means the equipment that money purchases, eg.tools, machines

and buildings. 5) (Paragraph 7-8) These two paragraphs explain what entrepreneurship is:

Entrepreneurship refers to some activities conducted by the entrepreneur

by initiating busine activity and managing the busine.It emphasizes

that in order to be succeful, an entrepreneur must be

innovative and be

able to decide on the value of things invented by others.

Part III (paragraph 9) Discuion of the risks of the busine 1) It emphasizes that everyone connected with a busine shares the risks

of the busine.But the entrepreneur takes the biggest one. 2) It illustrates when the busine is profitable and when it goes

bankrupt. Reading II I.Notes 1.辨析company, firm and busine “A company” is an organization made up of people who work together for the

purposes of making or selling goods or services in order to get money.

【例句】an insurance/ automobile company 保险公司/ 汽车公司

a state-owned company国营公司

“A firm” refers to a small busine company that makes goods or provides

services. 【例句】a law firm 法律公司

an engineering firm工程公司

a firm of accountants 会计师事务所

“A busine” is a shop, a factory or a company that sells goods or

provides services, esp.one that employs a small number of people or even

only one person. 【例句】He runs a small busine in the town.他在镇上经营着一家小铺子。

to start up a new busine 新开一家商号

2.“sb.be said to do”: 据说 This phrase can be used to introduce

information or meage.Besides “ said”, some other verbs can also be

used, such as “ aumed, believed, considered, estimated, expected,

recognized, recommended, regarded, reported, supposed”.相当于 “It is said +that clause” 结构

【例句】He is said to be the richest man in the world.= It is said that he is

the richest man in the world.据说他是世界上最富有的人。

3.expand: to increase something so that it covers a wider area or range

of activities.使(某事物)变大,扩大,增大,增加,增强,扩展

【例句】expand busine 扩展生意

Metals expand when they are heated.金属受热则膨胀。

[相关词]expansion n.扩大,扩展,膨胀

4.tonne: metric ton, measurement of weight, which is equal to 1,000 kg. 公吨

5.in bulk: in large quantities大批,整批

【例句】to buy/ sell in bulk整批或大批购买/出售

We always buy in bulk then we will get a big discount. 我们总是大批购买,这样我们就能获得比较大的折扣。

6.wholesale & retail: Wholesale refers to the sale of goods in large quantities at a time,

usually to storekeepers or others who will in turn sell them in small

quantities to users.批发

Retail is the sales of goods in small quantities at a time, directly to

the consumer.零售

[相关词]wholesaler 批发商

retailer 零售商

7.distributor: a wholesaler who has exclusive rights to market, within a

given territory, the goods of a manufacturer or company.批发商

8.compete: to try to win something竞争

[相关搭配] compete for: 为„„ 而竞争

【例句】compete for attention 争着出风头

compete for the contract 为赢得合同而竞争

[相关搭配] to compete with/ against 竞争,对抗比赛

【例句】compete with/ against each other 相互竞争

compete with a trading company for the contract为合同和一家外贸公司展开竞争

[相关词] competition n.比赛,竞赛

competitive adj.比赛的,竞争的

competitor n.竞争者,比赛者,对手,敌手

9.keep ahead of: surpa, be in a more succeful position than胜过,优于,领先于

【例句】If she works hard, she will surely keep ahead of her colleagues. 10.have an advantage over somebody: to have a better position than


【例句】 She has an advantage over other girls.她比其他女孩子具有优势。

11.give sb./ sth.an edge on/over = have an/the edge on/over: have a

slight advantage over sb./sth.略胜过某人/某物

【例句】The young tennis player definitely had the edge on his older opponent.


II.Difficult Sentences 1) A firm which is just starting up is going into busine and a company

which stops operating goes out of busine. 要点: which is just starting up为定语从句修饰主语a firm; which stops operating

为又一个定语从句修饰主语a company. start up: begin working , running启动,开始

go into busine: to begin busine 开始做生意

go out of busine: become bankrupt 破产,倒闭


2)If one year it produces 100 tonnes and the next year it produces 110

tonnes, it has increased production by 10%. 要点: “increase production by”.Here the proposition “by” indicates the

amount or degree of increase, and the Chinese for it is 增加了.Similarly,

“to reduce„„by” means 减少了。

If we use another proposition “to”, it indicates the total amount

including the part that has been increased “增加到” or reduced, “减少到”。

【例句】Our car production has increased by 10% to 33,000 a year.



Word Study 1.risk 基本用法

n.1) a danger (of) sth.that may have a (stated) bad result 风险,危险性:

【例句】There is a risk.有很大危险性。

The busine was insured against the risk of failure.那家企业投保以防破产的风险。

2) a danger 危险:

Fishermen face a lot of risks in their daily lives.渔民在日常生活中面临着很多危险。

3)(stated)danger , a person or thing that is a (stated) danger for the



【例句】fire risk火险

He is a good risk.他是个条件好的被保对象。

vt.1) place in danger 下赌注:

【例句】He risked his fame.他以他的名声作赌

2) take the chance of 冒„„的危险:

【例句】He risked his life for honor’s sake.他为了名誉而甘冒生命危险。


at all risks无论冒多大风险

at risk 在危险中

at the risk of 冒着„的危险


risky adj.dangerous 危险的

2.perform 基本用法

vt.1) do, accomplish, carry out (a place of work) 做;完成;实行:(比 do, carry

out 正式)

【例句】The doctor performed a difficult operation.那位医生做了一个复杂的手术。

2) fulfill(a promise, order, etc.) 履行,执行(允诺,命令)

【例句】He performed his duty faithfully.他忠实地履行了他的职责。

3) direct or go though the form and actions of (a ceremony) 指挥或举行(仪式)

【例句】The ceremony was performed on April fifteenth.四月十五举行仪式。

vi.1) of machines work (in the proper or intended way) (机器) 操作

【例句】Is that new car fulfilling well ? 那辆新车好开吗? 2) (of people) carry out a particular activity, esp.well and with great

skill (人)表现

【例句】He performs well under preure.在艰难情况下他表现得很坚强。


performance n..

1) the action of performing sth.执行,履行,实现

2) the action or an act of performing 表演, 演出

3) the ability to do sth.性能,能力

performer n.a person (or thing) that performs, esp.an actor, musician表演者



vt.1) put sth.in its former or proper place again 放回

【例句】He replaced the book on the shelf.他把书放回架上。

2) pay back 送还

【例句】Has he replaced the borrowed money? 他借的钱还了没有?

3) take the place of 代替, 取代

【例句】Can anything replace a mother’s love and care? 有什么东西能取代母爱和关怀吗?

Horses have been replaced by cars.马已被汽车所代替?


replacement n.代替,替换

4.limit 基本用法

n.1).the farthest point or place, boundary 界限, 界线, 边

【例句】Yao Ming’s fame paed beyond the limits of China.姚明的名声超越了中国的国界。

2).the largest (or smallest ) extent 限度,范围, 极限

【例句】His energy seems to have no limits.他的精力似乎无限。

3).restriction 限制, 限定

【例句】Is there a speed limit on that throughway? 那条快车道限定车速吗?

vt.keep below or at a certain point or amount 限定,限制

【例句】Our holidays are limited to two weeks a year.我们的假期被限定为一年两周。


limit sth./sb.to 限定于

【例句】I’ll limit myself to the discuion of this topic.我将只限于讨论这个题目。

within the limits of 在„的范围内

without limits无限制的,无限的

reach the limit of one’s resources 山穷水尽


limitation n.an act of limiting 限度, 极限,范围

limited adj.having a limit, narrow 有限的, 限定的, 狭窄的

limitle adj.without limit or end无限的,无止境的

5.share 基本用法

n.1) one of the parts of sth.that is divided among several people, etc.

一份, 份儿。 份额

【例句】Everybody ought to have his proper share.每个人都应得到他应得的一份。

His company now commands a larger share of trade in the European market.


2).one of the equal parts into which the capital of a busine firm is

divided 股, 股份

【例句】The company was formed with 3000 shares.该公司由3000 股组成。

v.have a share with sb.else 分享,分担,共享,共用

【例句】They share their joys and sorrows.他们同甘共苦。

Everyone in the house shares the bathroom.住在这所房子里的人共用这间浴室。


have/take a/ one’s share in 分担,参加

on/upon shares 共负盈亏, 同甘共苦

Grammar Focus Countable and Uncountable Nouns 可数名词与不可数名词


不可数名词通常指不能直接计数的名词(如land, advice等),表示材料和成分的物质名词,如coal, oil, air, cloth 等,

和表示抽象概念的抽象名词,music, love, equality, modernization, trade, service,

education 等。


集合名词指的是同一类人或物的集合体,其中有的是复数含义。例如police, cattle, clothes, people, goods 等;

但有的集合名词也是不可数名词,如furniture, equipment, merchandise, machinery 等。


1) 大多数名词直接加-s: 如soldier, model, car, joke 等。

2) 以s, x, ch, sh 结尾加-es: 如 bus, bo, match, sketch 等。

但如词尾ch 的发音为/k/, 其复数要加¬s: 如stomach.Epoch 3)以o结尾的单词:

a.有些加-es: 如hero, potato, tomato, echo等。

b.有些加¬s:如 piano, photo, tobacco, memo 等。

c.有些加-s/-es 均可:如cargo, motto, volcano 等。

4) 一些以f或fe 结尾的可数名词复数需要把f 或fe变为ves。 如: half, knife, leaf, life, shelf,

thief, wife, wolf 等。

5) 不规则变化

foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese, mouse-mice, child-children, ox-oxen,

phenomenon-phenomena, formula-formulae, criterion- criteria, basis- bases,

thesis-theses, crisis- crises 6) 单复数相同

deer, headquarters, means, series, species, sheep等。


1)当抽象名词表示抽象概念时, 为不可数名词;但当抽象名词的意义具体化时, 该名词为可数名词。如:

She was a beauty in her youth.(美人) She had much beauty in her youth,(美丽动人的气质)

2)动物的名称作个体解释时为可数名词;作肉解释时为不可数名词。 如:

There are many chickens in the yard.(小鸡) I like chicken.(鸡肉) 3) iron 解释为 “铁” 时为不可数名词;解释为 “熨斗”时为可数名词。如:

Iron is harder than aluminum.(铁) We need an iron.(熨斗)

4) experience 解释为“经验”时,为不可数名词;解释为“经历”时,为可数名词。如;

we share a common experience.(经历)

I have not much experience in teaching.(经验)

5)hair 解释为“头发”时,是不可数名词;但若强调一根根头发或几缕头发,则是可数。如: These old men have

long hair.(长头发)

Look! A hair is in my soup.(一根头发)

She has some grey hairs.(几根花白的头发)

6)paper 解释为“纸张”时,为不可数名词;解释为“考卷”、“报纸”或“文件”时,为可数名词。

7) room 解释为“房间”时,是可数名词;解释为“空间”时,是不可数名词。例如:

Make room for me, please.. 8) gla 表示“玻璃”时,是不可数名词;解释为“玻璃杯”时,是可数名词;glaes 还可以解释为“眼镜”,是复数形式。

9) space 表示“空间;太空”时,为不可数名词;表示“空格”时,为可数名词。

10) word 表示“词语”时,为可数名词;表示“消息”时,为不可数名词。例如:

How many words are there in this article? (单词)

Word came that the war had ended.(消息) Function and Structure 1.Using right vocabulary and phrases is important when you

meet someone or introduce yourself in English.First impreions are important, so here’s some guide to using the right expreion in the situation. Two friends’ meeting:

Friends often say “Hi” to each other.Then they often ask a general question, such as “How are you?” or “How are things?” or “How’s life?” The reply to this question is normally positive.“Fine thanks, and you?” “Fine thanks, what about yourself?” “Not bad.” Or “Can’t complain.”

Greeting people you don’t know:

You can say “Hello” to people you don’t know.A more formal greeting is “Good morning/afternoon/evening.” The other person normally replies with he same greeting as you have used, and then makes some polite conversation, such as “How was your trip?” or “Did you find our office easily?”

2.Chinese like to greet each other by asking questions such as “Where are you going(去哪呀)?” “Have you had dinner yet (吃过了吗)?” or “ Are you eating your lunch (吃饭呐)?” For Chinese, these questions are asked simply as sort of a greeting rather than a genuine request for information.But in English it is not appropriate

to greet people in this way.Questions of this sort are usually interrupted as a lead-in to a suggestion or invitation; otherwise, it seems rather weird or rude to ask about something quite obvious or very personal. 3.Americans use “small talk” when they first meet another person.The most common topic of small talk is the weather; another very common topic is the speakers’ current surroundings------ the room or building they are in, the sidewalk where they are standing, etc.Later, Americans may talk about past experiences they have both had, such as watching a particular TV program, going to New York, or eating at a particular restaurant.Besides these very general topics of small talk, Americans talk about different things according to the life situation of people involved and the setting in which the conversation is taking place.Students are likely to talk about their teachers and claes; if they are of the same sex, they are likely to discu their social lives.Adults may discu their jobs, interests, houses, or family members.Men are likely to talk about sports or cars.Housewives are likely to talk about their children or about household matters or personal care (e.g., hairdos).Americans are taught not to discu religion and politics unle they know the people they are talking to fairly well.Politics and religion are thought to be “

controversial”, and discuing a controversial topic can lead to an argument.There are other topics Americans generally avoid because they are “ too personal”.Financial matters is one.Inquiries about a person’s earning or about the amount someone paid for an item are usually not acceptable topics. Practical Reading 时间表是一种实用文体,


在考查这类文体的阅读效果时,往往是图表给出了一部分内容,要求学生根据文章填出其他部分或其他环节等.要完成这类任务,学生需要在准确把握文章内容的基础上,读懂图表,并能够利用图表解决有关问题.本题要求学生能通过文字部分完成列车时刻表,考查学生跳读(也叫寻读,即scanning skill: glancing from point to point of, often hastily, casually, or in search of a particular item)的能力和推理的能力(inferring skill: deriving as a conclusion from facts or premises)。





3.8点25分和9点25分另有两趟慢车,到达三个站所需时间与15分始发车一样. 4.注意:题目要求我们完成的只是时刻表的一部分。


Notes 1.a stopping train:每站停靠的列车,慢车.

2.a through train:快车,直达列车.这里through的意思是without stopping. 3.community college: In Canada and the United States, a community college, sometimes called a junior college, is an educational institution providing post-secondary education and lower-level tertiary education, granting certificates, diplomas, and aociate’s degrees.

美国和加拿大的社区大学,有点近似于我国培养大专生的地方性大学. 4.graduation ceremony: 毕业典礼

5.attend a conference: 参加会议

6.do a survey on: 做关于„„的调查

7.marketing: 营销.注意,营销不同于销售(sales).营销是一个范围广泛、内容丰富的概念,是 “ 人或组织进行的社会的管理的过程, 是通过创造并交换产品价值来满足他们的基本需求和个性需求的过程”.(a social and managerial proce by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others------ Philip Kotler)

Homework 1.Vocabulary 2.Grammar 3.Reading Summary In this unit, students have known main content of this unit.After cla, students should learn more details.


Unit 6 Jewelry

Teaching Time: six periods Part I Pre-learning I .Teaching Aims

By the end of this leon, students should be able to: A.Know the general knowledge about different kinds of Jewelry as well as diamond. B.Learn to use the communicative skill of “making an apology”.C.Master the use of article. D.Grasp the words or phrases related to diamond.II.Teaching Important and Difficult Points Cultural Background

A.Different kinds of jewels: (precious) stones: a rare and valuable kind of mineral.宝石

gem: a pearl of mineral that has been cut and polished for use as an


ruby: a bright red precious stone.红宝石

sapphire: a kind of transparent precious stone of a bright blue color.蓝宝石

emerald: a bright green precious stone.祖母绿,绿宝石

opal: a precious stone which looks like milky water with colors in it.


jade: a precious, usually green stone from which ornaments or jewelry are


amber: a yellowish brown hard clear substance used for ornaments or


jet: a hard, black material that can be made to shine brightly used to

make ornaments .黑玉

topaz: a transparent yellowish mineral.黄晶,黄玉

pearl: a hard round small silvery-white ma formed inside the shell of


B.Diamonds Diamond (金刚石,钻石) is a clear, very hard and valuable stone, used in jewelry

and in industry, for example, a diamond engagement ring.It is the

birthstone of April and anniversary gemstone for the 10th and 60th years

of marriage.Diamond was discovered in 500 B.C.in India.The name

“diamond” comes from the Greek word “adamas” which means unconquerable---

suggesting the eternity (永恒) of love.Since ancient Greece diamond has

been the traditional symbol of love.The ancients believed they were

hardened dew (露水) drops, splinters (碎片) from the stars or crystallized

lighting.A diamond, the hardest substance known to man, is a crystallized

carbon which has unique powers of light reflection.Because it is composed

of a single element, a diamond is the purest of all gemstones.Diamond is

a colorle stone.Some other occasional colors are: blue, yellow, amber

(琥珀色的), red, green, pink.

C.World production of natural diamonds World natural diamond production for 2003 has been estimated at a total of

144 million carats (1.克拉: 宝石重量单位=200毫克 2.开: 黄金纯度单位, 纯金为24开) with a value

of US$ 9.4 billion.About 20% of this volume are gems, which will be

polished and set into diamond jewelry and 45% are near- gems, which would

have been graded as industrial 40 years ago but are now polished by the

vast low-cost Indian cutting industry.The balance is of industrial

quality.DeBeers is the largest diamond miner in the world.Its mines in

Botswana, South Africa, Namibia and Tanzania produced 41% (US$ 3.9

billion) by value or 31% by caratage (43.9 million carats) of the world’s

2003 production.The company’s marketing arm, the Diamond Trading

Company(DTC), sold 48% of world total production--- a steep fall from the

recent past when (in 2000) the company’s market share was about 60% and

the 1970s and 1980s when it was 80%.In 2003, Canada’s Northwest

Territories mines produced 11.2 million carats, 7.5% of the world total by

weight, worth an estimated value of US$ 1024 billion, which is over 12% of

the world total by value, making Canada the third largest producer of

diamond in the world, behind Bostwana and Ruia, surpaing South Africa

and Angola.A large production of the gem-quality diamond produced by both

the mines in the NWT is in the range of high color and quality, and in

sizes that are most in demand in the world’s leading consumer market, the

USA.Botswana was again the world’s number one diamond-producing country

in 2003 terms of value (estimated at US$ 2.48 billion) and only marginally

behind Australian in carats mined (30.4 million carats).South Africa

contributed an estimated 12.4 million carats to the world’s total

production, which represents about 11% by value (US$ 1.1 billion), 96% of

which comes from mines owned by DeBeers.Namibia now recovers about half

of its diamonds from mining the sea bed with the remainder being found on

its beaches, which have been swept for alluvial diamonds since 1908.The

stones are high in average value, though small in average size.Ruia is

the world’s number two producer of diamonds.All the mines are situated in

the Western Yakuti (西伯利亚的雅库特地区), and are owned by the state company

Alrosa.In Ruia, half of the rough output is currently sold for

polishing and half is exported.

Part II Teaching Procedure Reading I I.Key Language Points 1.jewelry: n. “Jewel” is a countable noun, meaning a valuable stone, such as a diamond,

while “jewelery” is an uncountable noun, meaning small things that you

wear for decoration, such as bracelets (手镯), rings, earrings or necklaces

made of precious metals set with gems (宝石) or imitation gems.“Jewellery”

is British English spelling, and in American English it is spelt as

“jewelry”.As it is uncountable, we need to use words such as “a piece of”

or “a lot of” with it if the quantity is mentioned.

【例句】a piece of jewelry She wears a lot of gold jewelry. 2.to do with: be related to something, or be involved with something 【例句】Their conversation had been largely to do with work.


I’m sorry about the accident, but it’s nothing to do with me.


This question doesn’t have anything to do with the main topic of the

survey. 这个问题和调查的主题没有任何关系。

3.as had been this father: In this sentence, “as” is used to introduce a

non-restrictive attributive clause.This usage is frequently found in

English. 【例句】Fred, as might be expected, was attending the conference. 像大家预期的那样,弗雷德当时参加了会议。

He is absent, as is often the case.他迟到了,这是经常发生的事情。

When used to introduce attributive clause, as is more often found together

with “such” or “same”.

【例句】Such women as knew Tom thought he was charming.


I never heard such stories as he tells.我从未听过他告诉我的这些故事。

You must show my wife the same respect as you show me. 你要像尊敬我一样尊敬我的妻子。

She knew he felt just the same as she did.她知道他和自己有同样的感受。

4.be true of / for: something that is true of a group of people relates

to all the people in that group 适用于; 符合于

【例句】Parents of young children often become depreed, and this is

especially true of single parents.


I’m very sorry that you’ve decided to leave, and I am sure that holds true

for everyone else here.


5.in particular: especially 【例句】I noticed his eyes in particular, because they were such an unusual

color. 我特别注视着他的眼睛,因为他的眼睛的颜色非同寻常。

6.be cut out for sth./to do sth.: to be naturally well suited for sth.

天然适合于(有做...的天赋,很相配) 【例句】I am not cut out for city life.我不适合在城市生活。

I am not cut out for teaching / politics.我不适合当老师/搞政治。

7.be apprenticed to: to be an apprentice to sb.成为学徒

【例句】She was apprenticed to a plumber.她曾学徒做过管道工。

Bill didn’t go to college, now that he was apprenticed to a carpenter. 贝尔没有去上大学,因为他学徒做了木匠。

The boy was apprenticed to a carpenter.这个男孩被送去学木匠。

[相关词]apprentice n.学徒, 实习生

【例句】My grandfather learnt shoe-making as an apprentice to a master

craftsman. 我祖父跟一位大师傅当学徒,学会了制鞋。

He began his career as an apprentice.他以当学徒开始他的职业生涯。

8.intuition: n.instinctive knowing (without the use of rational

procees) 直觉

【例句】My intuition told me he wasn’t to be trusted.直觉告诉我他不值得信任。 She had an intuition that her friend was ill.她有一种直觉:她的朋友病了。

I had a sudden intuition about the miing jewels. 我凭直觉突然对失去的珠宝有所感知。


1) n.the amount of a force stretching something 张力;拉力

【例句】This wire will take 50 pounds tension before breaking. 这根金属线在断裂之前能承受五十磅的张力。

The tension was so great that the rope broke.绳子拉得太紧绷断了。

2) n.mental strain; excitement 心理紧张;兴奋

【例句】We feel some tension before we take an exam.考试之前,我们觉得有点紧张。

Tension mounted as we waited for the exam results to be

published. 我们在等待公布考试结果时气氛越来越紧张。

3) n.an anxious, untrusting, and perhaps dangerous condition in the

relationship between people, countries, etc.(一般用复数) 紧张关系;紧张局势

【例句】The border dispute has been a continuing source of tension. 边界争端一直是紧张局势的根源。

10.split: vi./vt.to divide into separate parts 分裂, 分开

【例句】He spent the whole morning splitting the wood.他整个一上午都在劈柴。

Disagreements split the party into rival factions. 意见分歧使该党分裂为对立的几派。

The huge tree split when struck by lightning.这棵大树遭雷击时被劈开了。

The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。

11.take one’s time:

1) to take more time than is reasonable 拖拉,慢吞吞

【例句】The old lady took her time as she walked up the steps.这位老太太慢慢地爬上楼梯。

2) to use as much time as is neceary, not hurry不慌不忙,从容。

【例句】Please take your time, there is no rush.你慢慢来,没有关系,并不急。

12.choosy: adj.picky; difficult to please 挑剔的;难伺候的

[相关搭配] be choosy about: be particular about 对„挑剔

【例句】She\'s very choosy about who she goes out with. 她愿意和谁幽会不愿意和谁幽会是很挑剔的。

He is very choosy about what he eats.他对吃的东西非常讲究。

She is particular about what she eats.她过分讲究吃。

13.irritate: 1) vt.to make angry or impatient 激怒,使烦躁

【例句】 His letter irritated me a little.他的信使我有点恼火。

2) vt.make part of the body a little hurt or uncomfortable 刺激;使难受

【例句】The cigarette smoke irritates my eyes.香烟的烟雾刺得我眼睛难受。


irritation n.the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed


【例句】He could not hide his irritation that he had not been invited. 他无法掩饰因未被邀请而生的气恼。

irritable adj.easily annoyed 易怒的,急躁的

【例句】The old man is an irritable person.那个老人是个易怒的人。


1) n.an unmarried man 未婚男子;单身汉

【例句】He remained a bachelor all his life.他终生未娶

2) n.[C] 学士

【例句】a Bachelor of Arts文学士 (略作 BA,B.A.,A.B.) a Bachelor of Medicine医学士 (略作B.M.) a Bachelor of Science理学士(略作 B.S )

bachelor’s degree 学士学位

15.in someone’s stead: in someone’s place; instead of someone (正式)代替某人

【例句】She asked me to attend the meeting in her stead 她要我替她去参加会议。

I can\'t attend the meeting but I\'ll send my aistant in my stead. 这个会我来不了, 我让助手代我出席。

16.in communion with: (formal) in special relationship with someone or

something which makes you feel that you understand them very well 与.

..有联络, 有共同利害关系

【例句】He lived in close communion with nature/ God.他与大自然为伴。

[相关词] commune v.to get very close to someone or something by exchanging feeling

or thoughts 与...建立密切关系(with)

【例句】I often walk by the sea to commune with nature.我常在海滨漫步,与大自然神交。

17.fall apart: to break (into piece) 分裂;破碎;崩溃

【例句】My car is falling apart.我的汽车要散架了。

Their marriage finally fell apart.他们的婚姻终于破裂了。

She fell apart completely, crying like a baby.她完全崩溃了,哭得像个孩子。

18.an odd chance that… unusual: “that” here is an adverb of degree, which

means “so” or “to such a degree”.

【例句】It wasn’t that good, actually.事实上,没有那么好。

Is the problem that easy? 问题有那么简单吗? He knows only that much.他只知道那么多。

I was that angry I could have hit him.我十分生气, 简直想揍他。


1) vt.to fill (sb.’s mind or spirit ) with feelings (感情上) 感染(别人)

【例句】She infected the whole cla with her laughter.她的笑声感染了全班同学。 Her cheerful spirits and bubble laughter infect the whole cla. 她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班。

2) vt.(of disease ) to get into the body of someone, often through the

air (疾病)感染/传染(别人)

【例句】The open wound soon became infected.裸露的伤口很快就受到了感染。

[相关搭配] be infected with

【例句】I was infected with a bad cold by my brother.我哥哥把重感冒传染给我。

[相关词] infection n.传染

【例句】He suffered from a lung infection.他肺部受到了感染。

infectious adj.传染性的

【例句】Their enthusiasm was infectious.他们的热情有感染力。

Flu is an infectious disease characterized by fever, aches and pains and



20.destined: adj.intended in advance or by fate 注定的;命中注定的;预定的

【例句】He was destined never to meet her again.命运注定他再也见不到她。

The man is destined for succe.这个人注定要成功的。

It was destined that they would marry.他们结婚是缘分。

[相关词] destiny n.fate.命运;天数;天命

【例句】a master of one\'s own destiny 掌握自己的命运的人

It was his destiny to die in a foreign country.他注定要客死异国。

Your destiny is interwoven with mine.你的命运已和我的命运结合在一起了。

II.Difficult Sentences 1) His father was to do with diamonds, as had been his father. 要点:The job his (Ephraim’s) father did is about diamonds, and his

grandfather did this job too. 这类似于下面结构的用法,so+ 助动词/ be动词/ 情态动词+主语

【例句】 He is a teacher, so was his father.他是老师,他的父亲也曾是。


2) To cut a diamond perfectly is an act like a samurai’s sword-thrust, or

a master archer’s centered arrow.

要点:This sentence means: If a samurai intends to make a correct thrust at

his rival with his sword or a master archer wants to shot an arrow in the

center of the target without miing it, perfect skills are needed.

Likewise, splitting a diamond perfectly also needs excellent skills. 译文:要完美的切割钻石,就像武士准确地刺向自己的对手,高明的弓箭手每次都射中


3) When an important diamond is shaped a man may spend a week …will split

it exactly so. 要点:In this long sentence, the structure “spend„(in) doing sth.” is used

and the word “moment” is modified by the attributive clause introduced by



4) He was the son who took his time about getting married, and about…… who

refused to fulfill the ordinary purpose of nature. 要点:This sentence means: He (Ephraim) was such a person who didn’t want to

marry early and not paid more attention to what his family members said,

sometimes jokingly, about his unwillingne to get married soon because he

was choosy.But when other people spoke of him with a sharp tone, the

family members had nothing to say.Why those people blamed him with such a

harmful, threatened tune was that they felt very angry when people like

Ephraim refused to get married and have children.



5) Nothing was expected of him. 要点:His family members didn’t expect him to make any great achievements in

his career.

expect sb./sth.of sth.期望(某人);指望(某人)

【例句】I wouldn’t have expected such rudene of you.我没有想到你这样粗鲁。

Don’t expect too much of his idea.别指望他能有什么好主意。


6) He should have flown home again; but the merchant asked him to dinner. 要点:“should have + V-ed” refers to obligation unfulfilled, that is, an

action which should take place in the past was actually not performed.

【例句】You should have switched off the electric current.你本应该把电源切断。


III. Structure of Reading I Part I (Paragraph 1-2) Introduction: The trade of diamond-cutting by mentioning the man called

Ephraim. 1) Ephraim’s family was to do with the diamonds. 2) Stating that Diamond-cutting needs excellent skills by comparing it to

a samurai’s sword-thrust and a master archer’s centered-arrow.

Part II (Paragraph 3-5)

Ephraim’s experience of succeful cutting a diamond for a rich

merchant made his skill known and he became a master diamond-cutter.

Reading II 1.Notes 1.deposit:

1) n.first payment for something 存款, 定金

【例句】a bank deposit银行存款 demand deposit 活期存款

You must pay a deposit if you want to reserve the room. 你要预订房间,就得先付定金。

2) n.something deposited 矿层, 堆积物; 储量

【例句】diamond deposit钻石储量

deposit of crude oil原油储量

The country is short of known deposits of coal.这个国家缺少已知的煤矿矿床。 There are rich deposits of gold in those hills.在那些山里有一些富金矿。

3) v.put something somewhere to keep it safe 放下, 寄存, 存放

【例句】You may deposit your case in the left luggage office.你可以把手提箱存放在寄存处。

4) v.沉淀; 堆放;沉积

【例句】When the River Nile is in flood, it deposits a layer of mud on the

fields. 尼罗河泛滥时, 便在田野上沉积一层泥。

2.Kimberley: a city in the central Republic of South Africa, famous for

its diamond mines.It is called Diamond City and still thought of as the

diamond capital of the world.金伯利市(南非)

3.extensive: adj.large in amount, area or range 广泛的,深远的; 广阔的

【例句】extensive knowledge广博的知识 extensive reading泛读

We had fairly extensive discuions.我们进行了相当广泛的讨论。

They own extensive land by the ocean.他们拥有海边的辽阔土地。

4.Siberia: a vast region of northeast Ruia, extending from the Ural

Mountains(乌拉尔山脉) to the Pacific (太平洋) 西伯利亚

5.crystal: n.a transparent (透明的) natural mineral that looks like ice 水晶

6.crystalline: adj.made of crystals 水晶的, 透明的, 结晶性的

【例句】crystalline carbon水晶碳

crystalline rocks水晶岩


1) adj.for one person or thing only 单独的;个别的

【例句】individual economy 个体经济

A teacher can\'t give individual attention to each pupil if his cla is

large. 如果班上的人数多,老师就不能给予个别辅导了。

2) adj.独特的; 个性的, 有特性的

【例句】The model has an individual way of dreing.这个模特儿有着独特的穿衣方式。

3) n.each person, by himself, not with others 个人; 个体

【例句】Exceptions can not be made for individuals.对个人不能有例外。

8.boart: n.(also called bort or bortz) a quantity of low-quality

diamonds and small fragments, valuable only in crushed or powdered (粉未状的

) form 圆粒金刚石

9.carbonado: n.a maive black variety of diamond, found chiefly near

Salvador(萨尔瓦多[拉丁美洲]), Brazil, and formerly used for drilling and other

cutting purposes 黑金刚石

10.cluster: n.number of things of the same kind growing closely


【例句】There was a little cluster of admirers around the actre. 女演员周围拥着一小群崇拜者。

11.polish: 1) n.光泽, 优雅, 精良

【例句】A hot plate will spoil the polish on this table.热盘子会毁坏桌面的光泽。

2) v.抛光, 磨光, 擦亮; 使精练(优美),润饰 (文章) 【例句】polish shoes 擦鞋

He polished his spectacles with a handkerchief before answering. 回答之前, 他用手帕擦拭了一下眼镜。

The speaker spent several days polishing her lecture. 演讲者花了几天时间润饰她的演讲稿。

12.revolving: adj.cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner

of as if on an axis 旋转的, 周转的, 循环的

【例句】a revolving door 旋转门

I think they are using a revolving stage.我想他们用一种旋转舞台。

[相关词] revolve: v.turn on or around an axis or a center 旋转,考虑,循环

【例句】My life revolves around my job.我的工作是我生活的中心。

The earth revolves round the sun.地球环绕太阳运行。


1) v.to make someone feel tired; not to be interesting 使烦扰

【例句】He bores me with his endle tales.他那讲不完的故事使我厌烦。 He bored us all by talking for hours about his new house. 他连续几个小时大谈他的新房子,使我们大家都厌烦透了。

2) v.make a narrow, round, deep hole 钻孔

【例句】The worker bored a hole through the board.工人在木板上钻了一个孔。

[相关词] boring adj.dull; not interesting

【例句】I found the talk very boring.我觉得那次讲话非常没意思。

bored adj.not interested; unhappy because you have nothing interesting to

do 厌烦的

【例句】The teacher went over the same point so often that the children were

bored. 那位教师对同一问题讲了又讲,讲得孩子们都烦了。

14.cleave: v.separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument 劈开;


[相关词] cleavage n.split or division; line along which material such as rock or

wood splits.裂缝;分开

15.respective: adj.各自的,各个的

【例句】He drove them both to their respective homes.他驾车把他们分别送到家里。

The three men were given work according to their respective abilities. 这三个人根据各自的能力被分配了工作。

[相关词] respectively adv.各自地,分别地

【例句】The salesclerks and the teachers got pay rises of 6% and 9%

respectively. 店员和教师的工资分别增加百分之六和百分之九。

16.take on: 1) accept a job; promise to do something 承担, 接受

【例句】The doctor says I\'m too tired and has advised me not to take any more

work on.



【例句】Her eyes took on a hurt expreion.她的眼里流露出受委屈的神情。

3) employ; hire; engage 雇用

【例句】He was taken on by a factory as a worker.他被一家工厂录用当工人。

17.diamond-faced: 表面装有金刚石的或钻石的

-faced: having a face or facing especially of a specified kind or number

(often used in combination ) (常用以构成复合词) 具有...脸型的, 有...表面的, 有...贴边的

【例句】 sad-faced 一脸悲伤的 rough-faced 表面粗糙的

II.Difficult Sentences 1) Some of the earliest diamonds known came from India. 要点:Some of the earliest diamonds which are known to people/ which people

have known came from India.

Known一词作后置定语,修饰diamonds.过去分词 (短语) 作定语时,通常放在被修饰的名词之后,它的作用相当于一个定语从句。如:

This will be the best novel of its kind ever written (=that has

ever been written).


Who were the so-called guests invited (=who had been invited) to

your party last night?

昨晚被邀请参加你的晚会的那些所谓的客人是谁呀? 文中同样的用法还有第三段句子The name “boart” is given to...material already mentioned.



2) Until diamonds are cut and polished, they do not sparkle like those you

see on a ring--- they just look like small, blue-grey stones. 要点:The diamonds don’t give out bright light as a ring does until/ before

they are cut and polished.---It looks like they are just ordinary small ,

blue-grey stones.

In this sentence, the structure “not „until„” is used.直到„才

【例句】I didn\'t leave the boy until his mother turned up.


The noise of the street didn\'t stop until it was midnight. 街上的噪音直到半夜才停止。

当not until位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。其结构为:Not until+从句/表时间的词+助动词+(主句)主语+谓语+...。如: 【例句】Not until the teacher came in did the students stop talking. 直到老师进来学生们才停止讲话。

Not until next week will the sports meet be held.直到下周才开运动会。

not until的强调结构为:It is / was not until+从句/表时间的词+that+...。上面两句改为强调句为: 【例句】It was not until the teacher came in that the students stopped



It is not until next week that the sports meet will be held.



3) However, a revolutionary change in the methods of …..a swiftly

revolving wheel with its edge faced with fine diamond powder. 要点:这个句子中 “ with its edge faced with fine diamond powder”

是with的复合结构用法。通常用作状语,也可作定语。即 with + n/pron + adj./ adv./ n./分词/不定式/介词短语

文中用的是过去分词短语faced with fine diamond power.“be faced with” 面临。

【例句】We are faced with a lot of problems but we\'ll win through in the end. 我们面临许多问题, 但终将获得成功。

【例句】He left the room with the door open.(adj.) 门开着,他就离开了屋子。

With Tom away, I always feel lonely.(adv.) 汤姆不在,我一直感觉孤独。

The fellow stood there with his hands croed.(participle) 这个家伙两手交叉,站在那里。

The old man looks down upon everyone, with his son chairman of the

company.(n.) 因为他儿子是公司的主席,这个老头瞧不起任何人。

With so many problems to settle, the new manager was too worried to eat

anything.(infinitive) 有着太多问题去处理,新经理担忧的吃不下任何东西。

The woman with a diamond necklace around the neck must be wealthy.

(prepositional phrase) 那个脖子上带项链的女人一定很有钱。

译文:但是在1476年,钻石的切割和打磨方法发生了革命性的变化,当时,比利时布鲁斯市的Lugwig Van


4) Every diamond has a natural line of cleavage, along which it may be

split by a sharp blow with a cutting edge.

要点: 本句是“介词+关系代词”的用法。“介词+关系代词“结构中的介词可以是 in, on, about, from, for, with, to

at, of, without 等,关系代词只可用whom或 which, whose.不可用 that


看先行词与哪一个介词是习惯“介 + 名 ” 搭配的。

【例句】This is the factory in which he works .(in the factory 在工)


看定语从句中的动词是与哪一个介词形成习惯“动 + 介” 搭配。

【例句】The car on which he spent 40,000 Yuan is made in Nanjing.(spend money

on sth .) The car for which he paid 40,000 Yuan is made in Nanjing.(pay money for

sth .)


既要看定语从句中的动词,又要看先行词有何习惯“动 + 介 + 名”搭配。

【例句】I don\'t know the student with whom Mary quarreled yesterday.(quarrel

with sb .)



Word Study 1.reveal


1) vt.make known (something previously secret or unknown ) 揭示;揭露;泄露

【例句】He never revealed his secret.他从来不泄露自己的秘密。

He didn\'t want to reveal his real feelings.他不想露出他的真实情感。

I promise never to reveal his secret.我答应决不泄漏他的秘密。

2) vt.to show or allow sth.to be seen 展现;显露出

【例句】These few words fully revealed her noble quality. 这寥寥数语充分显示了她的高贵品质。

His genius revealed itself.他的天才(渐渐地)显露出来了。


reveal a scandal 揭露丑闻

reveal a secret 揭开秘密

reveal one\'s identity 揭示身分

reveal the objective laws 揭开客观规律

reveal the inside story (of) 揭开内幕


revelation n.the making known of some secret 展示;揭露;显露

【例句】The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation. 他那不光彩历史的揭露导致了他的辞职。

Have you read the ex-minister\'s amazing revelations in the newspaper? 你看了前任部长在报上揭露的那些惊人的事实没有?



vi./ vt.get or gather together积累;集聚

【例句】Dust quickly accumulates if we don\'t sweep our room. 我们如果不打扫房间, 灰尘很快就会积聚起厚厚的一层。

His debts accumulated.他债台高筑。

They set to work accumulating a huge ma of data.他们开始累积大量的资料。

He accumulated wealth through illegal means.他以非法的手段敛财。

By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.她由于投资精明而积蓄了一笔财产。


accumulated profit 累积利润 accumulated fund 积累的基金


accumulation n.积聚, 累积, 积聚物

【例句】the accumulation of useful knowledge 有用知识的积累

An accumulation of work is waiting to be done.一堆积下的工作等着要做。

The accumulation of capital refers simply to the gathering or amament of

objects of value; the increase in wealth; or the creation of wealth. 资本的积累简单地说就是指有价值的东西的积累,财富的增加或创造。

3.fulfill 基本用法

1) vt.to supply or satisfy (a need, demand, or purpose) 满足(需要、要求);使达到(目标)

【例句】Does your job fulfill your expectations? 你的工作符合你的期望吗?

He fulfills all the conditions for employment.他完全符合雇用的条件。

2) vt.to carry out; perform; obey 履行;执行;遵守

【例句】You must fulfill your promise.你必须履行诺言。

The doctor\'s instructions must be fulfilled exactly.必须一丝不苟地遵照医嘱去办。

3) vt.to make or prove to be true 应验;实现

【例句】All my dreams are fulfilled.我的所有梦想成真。

If he’s lazy, he’ll never fulfill his ambition to be a doctor.如果他很懒惰,他当医生的抱负就永远不能够实现。


fulfillment 1) n.the act of fulfilling or the state of being fulfilled 实现;完成;履行

【例句】the fulfillment of a promise 诺言的实现

After many years, his plans have come to fulfillment.很多年之后,他的计划实现了。

2) n.satisfaction after succeful efforts(经过努力而获得成功的)满足感

【例句】People find fulfillment in working for a common goal. 人们在为一个共同目标而努力的过程中得到满足。

4.expect 基本用法

1) vt.to think or believe (that something will happen) 预料;预期


expect+ that; expect to do; expect sb.or sth.to do sth. 【例句】We expected that you would succeed.我们预计你会成功的。

He expected to finish the work by March.他预期三月份完成这项工作。 We didn’t expect so many people to come to the party.


2) vt.to think or consider that (sth.or sb.) is likely to come or

happen 认为(某人)会来;认为(某事)会发生;预计

【例句】I expect I will be back on Sunday.我预计我会在周日回来的。

3) vt.to have or expre a strong wish for (something) or that (someone)

will do something, with the feeling that this is reasonable or neceary

认为理应得到; 指望; 要求

【例句】Don\'t expect too much of him.別对他期望过高。

I expect you to be punctual.我要求你准时。

The profeor expected respect from his students.教授认为学生理应尊敬他。

You can\'t expect me to approve of it.你别指望我赞成。


expectant adj.waiting hopefully 期待的

【例句】The expectant crowds in the streets waited patiently for the queen. 街上期待的人群耐心地等待着女皇。

expectation n.the act of expecting or something that is expected 预期;预期的事物

【例句】She had high expectations of what university had to offer. 她对大学所能给她提供的一切期望很高。

His parents have great expectations for his future.他父母对他的前途深寄厚望。


against/ contrary to one’s expectation(s) 与„„ 预料的相反

【例句】We thought Mary would pa, but against/contrary to our expectation,

she didn’t.


beyond expectation/ one’s expectations 出乎意料;比预料的还好

in expectation of 预料; 期望[待]

come/ live up to one’s expectation 不辜负某人的期望



1) vi./vt.to state one’s strong unwillingne to accept; say no (to)


【例句】He asked me to marry him but I refused.他向我求婚,但我拒绝了。

She refused his offer.他主动提出帮助,被她拒绝了。

2) vt.not to give or allow 拒绝;不允许

【例句】 We were refused permiion to enter.我们被拒之门外。

3) vt.to show or state strong unwillingne (to do sth.) 不愿(做某事)


refuse to do sth. 【例句】I refuse to answer that question.我不愿回答那个问题。


refusal n.a meage refusing to accept something that is offered 拒绝;谢绝

【例句】We interpreted his silence as a refusal.我们认为他的沉默是拒绝的表示。

My request was met with a flat refusal.我的要求遭到了断然拒绝。

Grammar Focus The Use of Article 冠词的使用



1) 表示\"一个\",意为one;指某人或某物,意为a certain。例如:

A Mr.Ling is waiting for you.有位姓凌的先生在等你。


A knife is a tool for cutting with.刀是切割的工具。

Mr.Smith is an engineer.史密斯先生是工程师。

3)组成词组或成语,如a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a pile / a great many /

many a / as a rule / in a hurry / in a minute / in a word / in a short

while / after a while / have a cold / have a try /keep an eye on / all of

a sudden等。



Take the medicine.把药吃了。


He bought a house.他买了幢房子。 I\'ve been to the house.我去过那幢房子。

3)指世上独一物二的事物,如the sun, the sky,the moon, the earth等。

4)与单数名词连用表示一类事物,如the dollar 美元; the fox 狐狸;或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人;

the living 生者。


Where do you live? I live on the second floor.你住在哪?我住在二层。

That\'s the very thing I\'ve been looking for.那正是我要找的东西。


They are the teachers of this school.(指全体教师)

They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师)


She caught me by the arm.她抓住了我的手臂。


the People\'s Republic of China 中华人民共和国

the United States 美国


She plays the piano.她会弹钢琴。


the Greens

格林一家人 (或格林夫妇)

11) 和形容词和分词连用,表示一类人或事物。例如

the sick the dead the old the wounded

12) 用于“名词+of +名词”的结构中,表示同位关系。如: the city of Shanghai the Tower of London


in the day, in the morning (afternoon,evening), the day after

tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the next morning, on the whole, by

the way, go to the theatre 3.零冠词的用法



They are teachers.他们是教师。


Failure is the mother of succe.失败乃成功之母。


Man cannot live without water.离开水人就无法生存。


We go to school from Monday to Friday.我们从星期一到星期五都上课。


The guards took the American to General Lee.士兵们把这个美国人送到李将军那里。

7)在三餐、球类运动和娱乐运动的名称前,不加冠词,如have breakfast,play che。


I can\'t write without pen or pencil.没有钢笔和铅笔,我就写不了字。

9)当by 与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,中间无冠词,如by bus,by train。




go to hospital 去医院看病

go to the hospital 去医院(并不是去看病,而是有其他目的)


a.序数词前有物主代词时。his first prize 他获得的第一个奖

b.序数词作副词。例如:He came first in the race.他跑步得了第一。

c.在固定词组中,如at(the)first, first of all, from first to last等。

Function and Structure The Art of Apology(道歉的艺术)

Most of us were taught that offering an apology, any apology, when we make

a mistake will take care of most offenses.But offering the right apology,

particularly in the corporate world, is not as simple as saying, “I\'m


Done right, an apology can enhance both reputations and relationships.

Done wrong, an apology can compound the original mistake, sometimes to

disastrous consequences. Sometimes Chinese do not consider westerner’s apologies to be sincere

although the westerners involved were being sincere in the western way of

honestly and directly expreing feeling of regret.So then the question

becomes, what do the Chinese on the receiving end of the apology consider

to be sincere? The conclusion is that for an apology to be considered

sincere, it must follow a proper form.Words of regret are not always

sufficient.The person apologizing must expre a higher degree of respect

to the offended party to restore the balance in the relationship.

Westerners sometimes use a cursory(草率的) apology to move past the

troublesome event and on to the next thing.This is offensive to a Chinese

who is paying attention to the form and not just the words of the apology.

The westerner thinks he has done enough by saying “ I am sorry” but to the

Chinese these words are empty unle accompanied by proper communication

of respect and humility(谦恭).Generally, American apologies have one of the

following three elements, in addition to “I am sorry”:

1) an excuse--- I was looking at an old map. 2) an offer of repair---I’ll compensate the victims.

3) a promise about future actions---It will never happen again. Chinese tend to interpret the offer of an excuse as a sign of insincerity.

An excuse doesn’t improve an apology as it does for Americans; it weakens


So how do you build a good apology? Apologies involve three elements:

Acknowledgment of a fault or an offense, regret for it, and responsibility

for the offense.You can put them all together, but a sincere, effective

apology need not necearily expre all three; whether it should depends

on the circumstances.Here are some tips for making effective profeional

apologies. 1.Find words that are clear and accurate—not provocative.A good apology

should make the person wronged think, “Yes, she understands.” Often what

the offended person wants is accountability and vigilance; he wants to

know that it won\'t happen again. 2.Don\'t apologize for the wrong thing.People and institutions tend to

apologize for what they find forgivable.If there is no clear relationship

between what the offender is apologizing for and what the offended

experienced as the original wrong, the apology actually

exacerbates(使„加重/恶化) the problem.At best, the offender will seem blind to

the problem; at worst, he will be perceived as intentionally distorting


3.Consider the angle of approach.Decide whether it will be easier for

you to apologize position to position or person to person.If you are

angry with the person you\'ve got to apologize to, it may be easier to

frame the apology in terms of your respective jobs or ranks. Example: “We both work for a good company, and, as your colleague, I

should try harder to see past our individual differences.I\'m sorry I

spoke harshly.”

Such an apology is likely to resonate favorably with both parties, even

when anger between them remains. In other circumstances, a person-to-person apology is easier to offer.For

someone who equates an apology with lo of stature, for instance, the

person-to-person apology can appear to be a magnanimous act that does not

diminish her.Example: “I can\'t agree with the stance you are taking, but

I like you and want us to work well together.I\'m sorry I spoke harshly.”

Choose the approach that is easier for you to do well.That will save you

from making an apology that is so grudging that it fails. 4.“I want to apologize” is not an apology.It\'s no more an apology than

“I want to lose weight” is a lo of weight.Do the work.Deliver a clear,

direct apology; don\'t hide behind vaguene, circumlocution, or clichés. You may not be able to control whether your apology is accepted, but you

can control its quality.So make every effort to control what you can.

This will increase your chances of feeling good about what you have done

with your apology—instead of feeling bad about having to do it.

Practical Reading 产品目录Catalogue(cat) 的核心内容一般包括产品名称、编号、规格、型号、品质、参考零售价(RRP= Recommended Retail


产品名称: 9CT GOLD SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING SET 编号: Cat.No.229/1219 规格: 9CT GOLD SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND 型号: F to V 品质: SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RRP: £129.99 Homework 1.Vocabulary 2.Grammar

3.Reading Summary In this unit, students have known main content of this unit.After cla, students should learn more details.


Paage One A couple of years ago I spent the day at an elementary school in New Jersey.It was a nice average school, a square and solid building, full of reasonably well-behaved kids from middle-cla families.I handled three claes, and by the time I staggered out the door I wanted to lie down for the rest of the day.Teaching\'s the toughest job there is.In his new memoir, \"Teacher Man,\" Frank McCourt recalls telling his students, \"Teaching is harder than working on docks and warehouses.\" Not to mention writing a column.I can stare off into the middle distance with my chin (下巴) in my hand any time.But you go mentally south for five minutes in front of a cla of fifth graders, and you are sunk.The average new teacher today makes just under $30,000 a year, which may not look too bad for a twenty-something with no mortgage (抵押贷款) and no kids.But soon enough the new teachers realize that they can make more money and not work anywhere near as hard elsewhere.After a lifetime of hearing the old legends about cushy (舒适安逸的) hours and summer vacations, they figure out that early mornings are for students who need extra help, evenings are for test corrections and leon plans, and weekends and summers are for second and even third jobs to try to pay the bills.According to the Department of Education, one in every five teachers leaves after the first year, and almost twice as many leave within three.If any busine had that rate of turnover, someone would do something smart and strategic to fix it.This isn\'t any busine.It\'s the most important busine around, the gardeners of the landscape of the human race.Unfortunately, the current way of dealing with problems in education is taken directly from busine practice, and it\'s a terrible fit.Instead of simply acknowledging that starting salaries are woefully low and committing to increasing them and finding the money for reasonable recurring raises, politicians have wasted decades talking about something called merit pay (奖励工资).It\'s a concept that works fine if you\'re making toys, but kids aren\'t toys, and good teaching isn\'t an aembly line.26.What can we infer from the first paragraph about teachers? 1\">They have to teach three claes at a time.2\">They have a very rewarding job.3\">They prefer to teach children from middle-cla families.4\">They have a very hard job to do.27.Why does the author say teaching is tougher than writing a column? 1\">Teaching is like working on docks and warehouses.2\">Teaching demands full attention.3\">Teachers have to work with children.4\">Teachers have no chance to go traveling.28.What do new teachers find out after some practice? 1\">Their starting salary is lower than offered by other occupations.2\">They have to work during vacations to make ends meet.3\">They have to plan their time well to get everything done.4\">They can take a second or even a third job besides teaching. 29.We can infer from the fourth paragraph that the author thinks __________.1\">measures should be taken to keep teachers in their jobs 2\">the rate of turnover in teaching is low compared to other occupations 3\">it\'s natural for a number of teachers to quit in three to five years 4\">it\'s fair to call teachers the gardeners of the landscape of the human race 30.What does the author think of merit pay? 1\">It will make up for teachers\' low starting salaries.2\">It will bring down the turnover rate of teachers.3\">It is a good fix for current educational problems.4\">It is not suitable for the teaching profeion.


26岁。第一段,我们能从中推断出什么老师? 1 \" >他们教三个类。

2 \" >他们有一个很有成就感的工作。 3 >他们喜欢教来自中产阶级家庭的孩子。 4 \" >他们有一个非常困难的工作要做。 27。为什么作者说教学是比写专栏吗? 1 \" >教学是在码头和仓库工作。 2 \" >教学要求充分重视。 3 >老师和孩子们工作。 4 \" >教师没有机会去旅行。 28。新教师一些练习后发现什么? 1 \" >他们的起薪低于其他职业提供的。 2 \" >他们必须工作在假期来维持生计。 3 >他们必须计划时间完成一切。

4 \" >他们可以接受第二个甚至第三个工作除了教学。 29。我们可以推断出从第四段作者认为__________。 1 \" >应采取措施使教师在他们的工作 2 \" >教学周转率低比其他职业

3 \" >很自然的教师在三到五年内辞职 4 \" >公平打电话给老师的园丁的人类 30。作者认为绩效工资什么? 1 \" >将弥补教师低起薪。 2 \" >会降低教师的流动率。

3 \" >这是一个很好的解决当前教育问题。 4 \" >它是不适合教学工作。

Paage Two Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following paage: I was born with a disability that affects my sense of balance, causing me to walk with a limp.Not only does it affect the function of the legs, but it also has an impact on the kidneys.The disability has had its ups and downs.As a young child, I can remember the way other children would stare at me because of the way that I walked.There were many times that my schoolmates would laugh at me and call me names simply because of their lack of understanding, especially back in the mid 70s and early 80s.Children then were just unwilling to take the time to learn why one of their clamates might walk, speak or seem noticeably different from themselves.Now that I am an adult, I have noticed that the stares and names have begun to fade, and judgments that once were negative have begun to turn toward acceptance.The signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has played a great part in breaking down some of those barriers (障碍) that, as a child, left me to fight a war that seemed to have no end.Now I look beyond what I can\'t do and focus on what I can.I have learned that limitations open doors that have been closed, showing other ways to meet our needs.I have always looked at life as a challenge, grasping each obstacle with open arms.There is nothing in this world that comes easy.I must stand tall and look forward, to be ever so ready for what still lies ahead.People often feel sorry for those who were born with some type of disability.But their compaion (怜悯) is misplaced.Yes, I may not be able to run as fast or perform certain tasks, but my disability gives me a better look at life and all that\'s around me.I want to be seen not as a disability but as a person who has, and will continue to, bloom (成长).So I decided to become an advocate (倡导者)on behalf of disabled Americans, to fight for our rights that for so long have been ignored.I feel that it only takes one powerful voice to change the minds of many nations, and as long as I have a mouth to use and a mind to think I will continue to work to bring peace upon the disabled community. 31.Why did children stare at the author when he was young? 1\">He walked in an uneven way.2\">He often lost his balance and fell to the ground.3\">He had an appearance quite different from others.4\">He spoke in a different way from others.32.It can be inferred from the paage that in the 1970s, disabled children ________.1\">were not accepted by their peers 2\">received different treatment at school 3\">had frequent fights with their clamates 4\">had ups and downs in their life 33.Being disabled, the author ________.1\">has lost many a battle in his life 2\">looks at life as a challenge 3\">focuses on the limitations he has to suffer 4\">is angry for the many opportunities he has lost 34.According to the author, his disability ________.1\">has given him a better understanding of life 2\">aroused sympathy from people around him 3\">is a constant barrier between him and the community 4\">has prevented him from growing up to a full person 35.Why did the author decide to become an advocate for the disabled? 1\">He still has a mouth to use and a mind to think.2\">He has got a powerful voice to change people\'s minds.3\">The signing of the ADA has failed to change a thing in their life.4\">Their rights are still being ignored.

我出生与一个残疾,影响我的平衡感,让我走路一瘸一拐。它不仅影响腿的功能,但它也有一个对肾脏的影响。残疾人都有其跌宕起伏。作为一个年轻的孩子,我记得别的孩子会盯着我,因为我走的方式。有很多次,我的同学们会嘲笑我,说我的名字只是因为缺乏了解,尤其是在70年代中期和80年代早期。孩子只是不愿意花时间去学习他们的一个同学为什么会走路,说话或看起来明显不同于自己。现在,我是一个成年人,我已经注意到,凝视着,名字已经开始褪色,和判断,一旦被负已经开始转向接受。签署《美国残疾人法案》(ADA)发挥了很大一部分在打破这些障碍(障碍),作为一个孩子,让我打一场战争,似乎没有尽头。现在我超越我不能做什么,关注什么。我知道限制打开大门已经关闭,显示其他方法来满足我们的需求。我一直看着的生活挑战,把握每个障碍张开双臂。在这个世界上没有什么是容易的。我必须忍受高和向前看,所以准备过的日子还在前头。人们常常感到抱歉对于那些天生就有某种类型的残疾。但是他们的同情心(怜悯)是错误的。是的,我可能无法或执行某些任务跑得一样快,但我的残疾使我的生活变得更好看,我周围的所有。我想被视为一种残疾,但作为一个人,并将继续,布鲁姆(成长)。所以我决定成为一个倡导者(倡导者)代表残疾人的美国人来说,争取我们的权利,长久以来被忽视了。我觉得只需要一个强有力的声音改变许多国家的想法,只要我有一个口使用和心灵思考我将继续工作在残疾人社区带来和平。 31日。为什么孩子盯着作者年轻时? 1 \" >他走以不均匀的方式。

2 \" >他经常失去平衡,摔倒在地。 3 \" >他出现完全不同于其他人。 4 \" >他说别人的方式不同。

32。从文章中可以推断,在1970年代,残疾儿童________。 1 \" >没有同龄人所接受 2 \" >在学校接受不同的治疗 3“>经常与同学打架

4 \" >在他们的生活跌宕起伏 33。被禁用,作者________。

1 \" >已经失去了很多在他的生活中 2 \" >看着生活的挑战 3 >关注他遭受的局限性

4 \" >愤怒的他已经失去了很多机会 34。根据作者,他的残疾________。 1 \" >给了他一个更好的理解生活 2 \" >引起了周围人的同情

3 \" >是一个常数他和社区之间的障碍 4 \" >已经阻止了他成长为一个完整的人 35。为什么作者决定成为一个倡导残疾人? 1 \" >他仍然有一个口使用和思维去思考。 2 \" >他有一个强大的声音,改变人们的想法。

3 >签署《美国残疾人法》未能改变生活中的一件事。 4 \" >他们的权利仍然被忽视。

Paage Three Questions 36-40 are based on the following paage: I\'m coming off this plane, and landing at London airport.I\'m looking around for a middle-aged woman, my Aunt Penn, who I\'ve seen in pictures.The photographs are out of date, but she looked like the type who would wear a big necklace (项链) and flat shoes, and maybe some kind of narrow dre in black or gray.But I\'m just gueing since the pictures only showed her face.Anyway, I\'m looking and looking and everyone\'s leaving and there\'s no signal on my phone and I\'m thinking, \"Oh great, I\'m going to be abandoned at the airport so that\'s two countries they don\'t want me in,\" when I notice everyone\'s gone except this kid who comes up to me and says, \"You must be Daisy.\" And when I look relieved he does too and says, \"I\'m Edmond.\" \"Hello Edmond,\" I say, \"nice to meet you.\" I look at him hard to try to get a feel for what my new life with my cousins might be like.Now let me tell you what he looks like before I forget because it\'s not exactly what you\'d expect from your average fourteen-year-old what with the cigarette and hair that looked like he cut it himself with a knife in the dead of night, but aside from that he\'s exactly like some kind of mutt, you know the ones you see at the dog shelter who are kind of hopeful and sweet and put their nose straight into your hand when they meet you with a certain kind of dignity and you know from that second that you\'re going to take him home? Well that\'s him.Only he took me home.I\'ll take your bag, he said, and even though he\'s about half a mile shorter than me and has arms about as thick as a dog leg, he grabs my bag, and I grab it back and say \"Where\'s your mom, is she in the car?\" And he smiles and takes a drag on his cigarette, which, even though I know smoking kills and all that, I think is a little bit cool, but maybe all the kids in England smoke cigarettes? I don\'t say anything in case it\'s a well-known fact that the smoking age in England is something like twelve and by making a big thing about it I\'ll end up looking like an idiot when I\'ve barely been here five minutes.Anyway, he says,\" Mum couldn\'t come to the airport because she\'s working, and everyone else seemed to be somewhere else, so I drove here myself.\" 36.Daisy flew to London to ________.1\">see England 2\">live with her aunt 3\">meet Edmond 4\">visit a friend 37.Before Edmond greeted her, Daisy felt ________.1\">anxious 2\">curious 3\">relieved 4\">excited 38.Edmond waited till everyone was gone before greeting Daisy because _______.1\">he did not want to talk to a girl before others 2\">he did not get Daisy\'s phone call 3\">he had never seen Daisy before 4\">he was looking for a middle-aged woman 39.What did Edmond look like in Daisy\'s eyes? 1\">An average 14-year-old.2\">A lost dog.3\">An old friend.4\">A man with dignity.40.Daisy did not make any comment about Edmond smoking because _______.1\">she knew all children in England smoke cigarettes 2\">she thought smoking did harm to one\'s health 3\">the smoking age in England is about twelve 4\">she did not want to make a fool of herself

51.Large-scale studies are needed to ________ the encouraging results we have obtained so far.1\">conduct 2\">confirm 3\">contract 4\">commit 52.Dr.Smith is starting the first training program himself, and his methods of teaching will be used in all ________ training programs.1\">subsequent 2\">temporary 3\">fruitful 4\">energetic 53.Whoever disobeys the company\'s safety regulations shall be ________ on the spot.1\">dismied 2\">switched 3\">interrupted 4\">revealed 54.This is a very formal occasion.It is not appropriate to wear ________ pants or skirts.1\">mey 2\">frantic 3\">casual 4\">jealous 55.All the questions the police asked ________ what she had been doing on the night of the robbery.1\">brought up 2\">revolved around 3\">built on 4\">singled out 56.The noise ________ to be just the dogs fighting for a bone in the courtyard.1\">made out 2\">worked out 3\">rang out 4\">turned out 57.Our system has been designed to give the user quick and easy ________ to the required information.1\">accent 2\">acce 3\">response 4\">approach 58.So far only a dozen people who had direct contact with live chickens have ________ the bird flu.1\">distributed 2\">displayed 3\">contracted 4\">constituted 59.Many young women do aerobics (增氧健美操) every day in their ________ to achieve the perfect body.1\">quest 2\">strain 3\">temptation 4\">campaign 60.The official ________ of the events is that the police were attacked and were just trying to defend themselves.1\">iue 2\">illusion 3\">version 4\">perspective 61.________ the warning that smoking kills, the number of smokers does not seem to drop in our country.1\">With 2\">For 3\">As 4\">Despite 62.Why did you have to ________ the subject of religion since you know the guests are sharply divided on it? 1\">bring up 2\">leave out 3\">turn against 4\">call up 63.If schoolchildren are allowed to work at their own ________, their performance will generally improve.1\">version 2\">pace 3\">evolution 4\">system 64.Clara was ________ to sell her late husband\'s paintings to pay her debts.1\">qualified 2\">aumed 3\">compelled 4\">racked 65.To attract foreign investors, you have to ________ them that their investment will have profitable returns.1\">confirm 2\">stimulate 3\">grab 4\">convince 66.I don\'t think I can ever ________ my teachers for their devoted work, but I can in my turn do my best for my students.1\">repay 2\">interrupt 3\">respond 4\">witne 67.The conference was an attempt to ________ discuion of the problem of widening gaps between the rich and the poor.1\">stimulate 2\">conduct 3\">intend 4\">uncover 68.The lawyer outlined the case to him, being careful not to ________ anything important.1\">save up 2\">cut through 3\">leave out 4\">take out 69.The clerk held my paport four inches from his face and ________ to read it.1\">affected 2\">flipped 3\">strained 4\">giggled 70.The wounded woman got to her feet and made a ________ at the kitchen knife at the sink.1\">grab 2\">click 3\">comment 4\">pat 71.The designers made the most ________ water gardens to match the houses, with canals, fountains and cascades (小瀑布).1\">casual 2\">elaborate 3\">fruitful 4\">frantic 72.Suggesting something which he or she can do ________ the child\'s sense of achievement.1\">makes up 2\">pa on 3\">brings up 4\">adds to 73.If these problems are not ________ early in their training, they can be a real danger to themselves and to their instructors.1\">skipped 2\">contracted 3\">spotted 4\">responded 74.In order to reach ________ physical fitne for the coming match, he cut out all social activities and concentrated on his training.1\">maximum 2\">temporary 3\">extensive 4\">detached 75.We can\'t ________ the suspects to be guilty simply because they\'ve decided to remain silent.1\">interpret 2\">aume 3\">grant 4\">arrest 76.The profeor ________ the whole chapter, saying it was not difficult for us to study it by ourselves.1\">dismied 2\">covered 3\">skipped 4\">explored 77.Tourism authorities ________ quickly to reports of the attack, claiming that it was accidental and that crime against tourists was quite rare in the scenic areas.1\">added 2\">fastened 3\">skipped 4\">responded 78.It is rarely useful to try and adjust fully to the time-zone transition (转变) before the journey, since this will ________ your life-style too much.1\">interrupt 2\">flip 3\">renovate 4\">decay 79.To ________ for the position, applicants would need to have a PhD degree and 3 years\' working experience.1\">strain 2\">qualify 3\">register 4\">campaign 80.We must come to a decision and take action quickly, for time is ________ faster than we think.1\">catching on 2\">running out 3\">stepping up 4\">revolving around

我从这架飞机,降落在伦敦机场。我找了一位中年妇女,我姑姑潘,我看过照片。照片是过时了,但她看起来像谁会穿一个大类型的项链(项链),平底鞋,也许一些狭窄的穿黑色或灰色。但我只是猜测因为图片只显示了她的脸。不管怎样,我想,和每个人的离开,我的电话没有信号,我想,“哦,太好了,我要放弃在机场这是两国在,他们不希望我”当我注意到每个人都去除了这孩子过来对我说,“你一定是黛西。“当我看他做太松了一口气说,“我是爱德蒙。”“你好,爱德蒙,”我说,“很高兴见到你。“我看着他努力尝试了解我和我的表亲们可能会喜欢的新生活。现在让我告诉你他是什么样子在我忘记之前,因为它不是你希望从你的平均14岁的香烟和头发的样子他自己切了用刀在夜深人静的时候,但是除了他就像某种杂种狗,你知道的你看到狗庇护所的希望和甜,把他们的鼻子直接进入你的手当他们见到你的某种尊严和你知道,第二,你要带他回家?这就是他。只有他带我回家。我接受你的包,他说,尽管他的大约半英里比我短,手臂一样粗的狗腿,他抓住我的包,我抓住它,说:“你的妈妈,她在车里吗?”,他笑着将拖累他的香烟,即使我知道因吸烟而死亡,我觉得有点凉,但也许在英国所有的孩子抽烟吗?我不会说任何情况下这是一个众所周知的事实是英国吸烟年龄之类的十二个,通过做一件大事,我看起来像个白痴当我几乎在这里五分钟。不管怎样,他说,“妈妈不能来机场,因为她的工作,而其他人似乎在别的地方,所以我开车我自己。” 36。黛西飞往伦敦________。 1 \" >看到英格兰 2 \" >姑姑住在一起 3 >满足爱德蒙 4 \" >拜访一位朋友

37岁。爱德蒙前迎接她,黛西感到________。 1 \" >焦虑 2 \" >好奇

3 >松了一口气 4 \" >兴奋

38。爱德蒙等到所有人都走了之前问候黛西因为_________。 1 \" >他不想跟一个女孩在别人 2 \" >他没有得到黛西的电话 3 >他从来没有见过黛西 4“>他寻找一位中年妇女

39岁。爱德蒙在黛西的眼睛看起来像什么? 1 \" >平均14岁。 2 \" >一个走失的狗。 3 >一个老朋友。

4 \" >一个有尊严的人。

40。黛西并没有做出任何评论爱德蒙吸烟因为_________。 1 \" >她知道在英国所有的孩子抽烟 2 \" >她认为吸烟危害健康 3 \" >英国吸烟年龄大约是十二 4 \" >她不想欺骗自己

51。大规模研究需要________迄今为止我们取得的令人鼓舞的结果。 1 \" >行为 2 \" >确认 3 >合同 4 \" >提交

52岁。史密斯博士开始第一个培训计划,和他的教学方法将用于所有培训项目。 1 \" >后续 2 \" >临时 3 >富有成果 4 \" >精力充沛

53岁。谁不服从公司的安全条例应当______。 1 \" >了 2 \" >切换 3 >打断 4 \" >透露

54。这是一个非常正式的场合。不适合穿在裤子或裙子。 1 \" >混乱 2 \" >疯狂 3 >休闲 4 \" >嫉妒

55。警察问的所有问题——她一直做什么晚上的抢劫。 1 \" >长大 2 \" >围绕 3 \" >建立在 4 \" >挑出

56。噪声在只是骨头在院子里的狗打架。 1 \" >了 2 \" >3 \" >响起 4 \" >57。我们的系统被设计给用户快速和容易________到所需的信息。 1 \" >口音 2 \" >访问 3 \" >响应 4“>的方法 58岁。到目前为止,只有十几个人活着的鸡有直接接触禽流感。 1 \" >分布式 2 \" >显示 3 >合同 4 \" >构成

59。许多年轻女性做有氧运动(增氧健美操)每天________来达到完美的身体。 1 \" >追求 2 \" >应变 3 >诱惑 4 \" >活动

60。官方在警察遭到袭击的事件,只是想保护自己。 1 >问题 2 \" >错觉 3 \" >版本

4 \" >的角度来看

61年。________因吸烟而死亡的警告,吸烟者的数量似乎并没有下降。 1 \" >2 \" >3 \" >4 \" >尽管

62年。你为什么要从宗教的主题因为你知道客人是严重分歧吗? 1 \" >弹出 2 \" >3 \" >反对 4 \" >打电话

63年。如果学生被允许在自己的工作______,他们通常会提高性能。 1 \" >版本 2 \" >速度 3 >进化 4 \" >系统

64年。克拉拉是________出售她已故丈夫的作品支付债务。 1 \" >合格 2 \" >假定 3 >强迫 4 \" >折磨

65年。吸引外国投资者,你必须立刻停止他们的投资会有丰厚的回报。 1 \" >确认 2 \" >刺激 3 >抓住 4 \" >说服

66年。我不认为我能______老师对他们的投入工作,但我可以在我将为我的学生做我最好的。 1 \" >偿还 2 \" >中断 3 >回应 4 \" >见证

67年。会议是企图在讨论问题的富人和穷人之间的差距不断扩大。 1 \" >刺激 2 \" >行为 3“>意愿 4 \" >发现

68年。列出的律师对他而言,小心不要在什么重要。 1 \" >保存 2 \" >穿过 3 >离开 4 \" >取出

69年。店员举行我的护照4英寸从他的脸,在阅读它。 1 \" >的影响 2 \" >翻 3“>紧张

4 \" >咯咯直笑

70年。受伤的女人有她的脚,________在水槽的菜刀。 1 \" >抓住 2 \" >点击 3“>评论 4 \" >帕特

71年。设计师作出了最______的水花园与房屋、运河、喷泉和瀑布(小瀑布)。 1 \" >休闲

2 \" >精心制作的 3 >富有成果 4 \" >疯狂

72年。表明他或她可以做的事情在孩子的成就感。 1 \" >组成 2 \" >转嫁 3 \" >提出 4 \" >增加了

73年。如果这些问题不从早在他们的训练,他们可以是一个真正的危险,自己和他们的教练。 1 \" >跳过 2 \" >合同 3 >发现 4 \" >回应

74年。以达到______身体健康为即将到来的比赛,他把所有的社会活动和集中培训。 1 \" >最大 2 \" >临时 3 >广泛 4 \" >分离

75年。我们不能从嫌疑人有罪,因为他们已经决定保持沉默。 1 \" >解读 2 \" >假设 3 >格兰特 4 \" >逮捕

76年。教授在整个一章,说对我们来说并不难自己研究。 1 \" >了 2 \" >覆盖 3 >跳过 4 \" >探索

77年。旅游部门______迅速袭击的报道,声称这是偶然的,犯罪对游客在风景区是相当罕见的。 1 >说: 2 \" >系 3 >跳过 4 \" >回应

78年。很少有用的尝试和调整充分的时区转换(转变)在旅程之前,因为这将在你的生活太多。 1 \" >中断 2 \" >翻转 3 >更新 4 \" >衰变

79年。________的位置,申请者需要有一个博士学位,3年的工作经验。 1 \" >应变 2 \" >资格 3 >注册 4 \" >活动

80年。我们必须作出决定和采取行动迅速,时间是在比我们想象的更快。 1 \" >2 \" >耗尽 3 \" >加大 4 \" >围绕


No one who does not intend to work hard stands a chance of succe.82.看来你从因特网上下载的这个故事是原文的简写本。

It seems the story you downloaded from the Internet is a simplified version of the original.83.我相信如果财富以更为合理的方式分配,世界上就没有人会挨冻受饿。

I am convinced that if wealth is distributed in a more reasonable manner, no one will suffer from cold and hunger in the world.84.玛丽加到她网站上的图片确实吸引一些访客的注意。

The pictures Mary added to her website did catch the eye of a number of visitors.85.萨拉没有让她身体的残疾挡住她想当棒球评论作家的路。

Sarah did not allow her physical disability to stand in her way to becoming a baseball editorialist.

Paage One Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following paage: I don\'t know why we are here.Ever since we came here, we have been treated very badly, and all I have heard since we have been here are people yelling in a language I don\'t understand, or people screaming as they were separated from loved ones.I have been made to lie on this hard, cold table, while strange men have taken away my crutches (拐杖).When I don\'t come when they call, they beat me repeatedly with a thick stick, and they laugh when I cry out for help.On bare skin it hurts so horribly, and I am so covered with bruises (瘀伤)and cuts it\'s a wonder I have any skin left! They call me an \"undesirable\", and they keep telling me that they have \"plans\" for me.Whenever I ask what they are going to do, they just laugh and tell me to shut up and to mind my own busine.I have had to have my hair shaved off, and I wear ill-fitting clothes; and I also have had to go around naked; and with other people looking at me, it makes me very unhappy.It is very cold here in these camps, and people have gotten sick; and disease has run rampant (猖獗).There is typhus about, and I am scared that I will get it next! I have eaten but very little, and what I ate tasted nasty.Life has been very hard for all of us, and every day, I see more and more bodies piling up.It is during these times when I wish I could see my mama or papa again, and I wish I were still at home in Warsaw! I wish I were still at home in my little bed or safe in mama\'s arms; I still can remember her telling me that she loved me so much, and that I was her angel (天使)! I also remember papa\'s strong arms and his big, booming laugh; but then the War came, and it changed everything; and now I am here, and I don\'t know what I may have done to deserve being here at Auschwitz! I am only a little boy who can\'t walk, and I didn\'t ask to be captured by the Germans or taken to this awful place! I didn\'t ask to be born a Jew, and I certainly didn\'t ask to be born handicapped! Now it seems that is exactly why I am here at this camp, and I am so scared!! 26.We can learn from the first two paragraphs that the author of this paage was ________.1\">an unpleasant person 2\">an intelligent child 3\">a disabled person 4\">a German citizen 27.The author was scared because ________.1\">he had little to eat and might be starved to death 2\">he didn\'t know the language used in the place 3\">he had to walk around naked before others 4\">he was afraid of catching typhus 28.According to the author, at Auschwitz ________.1\">children were taken care of by their parents 2\">death was a daily occurrence 3\">children were treated like angels 4\">people laughed at the Germans 29.The author thought he was taken to Auschwitz because ________.1\">he was a handicapped Jew 2\">his parents no longer cared for him 3\">he had said something that annoyed the Germans 4\">his home in Warsaw had been destroyed by the war 30.It can be inferred from the paage that ________.1\">anyone who dared to cry in Auschwitz would be beaten up by the Germans 2\">many children were left without a family after the war in Warsaw 3\">members of a family were separated from each other at Auschwitz 4\">Auschwitz was only one of the many camps where the Germans tortured the Jews 我不知道为什么我们在这里。自从我们来到这里,我们一直非常糟糕,我们一直以来我听到这里有人们叫喊的语言我不懂,或者人们尖叫当他们与所爱的人分离。我已经躺在这,冷表,而陌生男人已经拿走了我的拐杖(拐杖)。当我不他们叫的时候,他们打我反复用杠子,笑当我哭出来帮忙。在裸露的皮肤疼得这么惨,我满伤痕(瘀伤)和削减怀疑我有任何皮肤了!他们叫我“不良”,他们告诉我,他们对我有“计划”。每当我问他们要做什么,他们只是笑,告诉我闭嘴,管好我自己的事。我不得不把头发剃掉,我穿不合身的衣服,我也不得不去裸体;和别人看着我,这让我很不高兴。在这些营地,这里很冷,人生病了,和疾病已泛滥成灾(猖獗)。有斑疹伤寒,我害怕我接下来会得到它!我吃过但很少,我吃的味道的。我们所有人的生活非常艰难,每一天,我看到越来越多的尸体堆积如山。正是在这些时候,我希望我能再次见到我的妈妈或爸爸,和我希望我仍在华沙在家!我希望我仍在家里在我的小床或安全在妈妈的怀里,我还能记得她告诉我,她非常爱我,我是她的天使(天使)!我还记得爸爸的胳膊和他的大强,蓬勃发展的笑,但战争来了,它改变了一切,现在我在这里,我不知道我可能做的应该是在奥斯维辛集中营!我只是一个小男孩不能走路,我不要求被德国人或被这个可怕的地方!我没有问出生一个犹太人,我当然没有问出生残疾!现在看来,就是为什么我在这里在这个营地,和我很害怕! ! 26.我们可以借鉴前两个段落,这篇文章的作者是________。 1 \" >一个不愉快的人 2 \" >一个聪明的孩子 3 \" >一个残疾人 4 \" >德国公民

27。作者很害怕因为________。 1 \" >他几乎没有吃会饿死 2 \" >他不知道所使用的语言 3 >他不得不在别人面前裸体走动 4 \" >他怕感染斑疹伤寒

28。根据作者在奥斯维辛________。 1“>的孩子被他们的父母照顾 2 \" >死亡是家常便饭

3 >孩子们像天使一样对待 4 >人嘲笑德国

29。作者认为他被送往奥斯维辛集中营,因为________。 1 \" >他是一个残疾人犹太人 2 \" >他的父母不再照顾他

3 >他说的话惹恼了德国人的东西 4 \" >在华沙被战争摧毁了

30。从文章中可以推断出来,________。 1 \" >谁敢哭在奥斯维辛集中营被德国人

2 \" >后,许多孩子都没有一个家庭战争在华沙 3”>的家人分开在奥斯维辛

4 \" >奥斯维辛集中营的只有一个营的德国人虐待犹太人

Paage Two Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following paage: One of the first productive daydreamers may have been Archimedes.In the third century BC, the Greek scientist and inventor was taking a bath when he suddenly grasped a method for determining whether a gold crown was mixed with a cheaper metal.More recently, Sigmund Freud wrote extensively about the psychological importance of dreams, including daydreams.Scientists began investigating daydreaming as an invention and problem-solving tool about 40 years ago after they noticed famous inventors often reported making key discoveries while their minds wandered in relaxed states.Daydreaming is appreciated as a valuable tool in other areas as well.Visualization, for instance, in which athletes eentially daydream their own top performances, is widely used by athletes before important contests.Despite its history, however, daydreaming is in poor reputation today.They are often seen by many as a waste of time.Yet many of us daydream, and productively, too.A lot of people say they have their best ideas at night, when they get up in the morning, or during a long taxi ride.Basically when people are in a semi-trance (半催眠) state, their mind is free to wander and come up with new ideas.You can also daydream succefully while exercising, walking or bathing.In fact, it\'s a good idea to occupy at least part of your mind with something else while letting your daydreams spin (旋转).A typical exercise of the daydreamer is to imagine he or she is in various settings such as a tropical beach or preparing to dive into a pool of water.The idea is to provide the daydreamer with an experience that will help his or her real-world performance.For example, if a salesman has been rejected 20 times and is afraid of cold-calling (向素不相识的人打电话或上门推销商品), he can use daydreaming to help himself relax, so that he will experience a call with le stre and become open to learning new skills.Writing down or otherwise recording a dream seion is vital.One of the problems is that you have a great idea and it pops out of your head before you can record it.You also must carefully evaluate the real value of your ideas.At some point, you have to step back from the daydream and figure out what\'s reality.Daydreams aren\'t going to show you what\'s practical.That\'s not their job.Daydreams can even be dangerous if you fail to distinguish fantasy from reality.The risk is expecting too much and taking your daydreams too seriously.31.According to the author, Archimedes was the first man in history ________.1\">to appreciate daydreaming as a problem-solving tool 2\">to make a gold crown mixed with a cheaper metal 3\">to study the role of daydreaming in solving problems 4\">to solve a scientific problem while daydreaming 32.According to some scientists, many discoveries were made when the inventors ________.1\">worked at night 2\">dreamed a lot 3\">concentrated their attention on their work 4\">were in a relaxed state of mind 33.According to the paage, daydreaming is viewed by many today as ________.1\">dangerous to a driver\'s safety 2\">a waste of time 3\">an athlete\'s way to top performance 4\">valuable to succe 34.To benefit from daydreaming, the most important thing is ________.1\">to take daydreams seriously 2\">to imagine oneself in various beautiful settings 3\">to be open to learning new techniques and skills 4\">to write down the ideas that pop up in your mind 35.Daydreams can be dangerous if __________.1\">you can\'t tell what is practical and what is not 2\">you step back and try to figure out what is reality 3\">you let them spin during a long drive 4\">you let them pop out of your mind Paage Three Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following paage: We live in an era when modern technology has relieved us of almost every task our grandparents once performed – from chopping wood to carrying water.Technology is not the only reason for this, however: attitudes to children and work have changed dramatically in the last hundred years, and to many children physical work is a wholly foreign idea.In many homes, parents simply do not expect their children to work, even to make their own beds, wash the dishes, or mow the lawn.A friend recently wrote to me: I\'m not sure my generation ever really grew up.We don\'t know what it is to make sacrifices, to give unselfishly in ways that won\'t ever be recognized.Many of us are still seeking the perfect partner, the perfect car, or some other kind of elusive (难以捉摸的) happine.While no one in his right mind could desire a return to the days of child labor, sometimes it seems that the pendulum (钟摆) has swung too far the other way, that we have forgotten the value of work as an important tool of education.Physical work will not harm children; in fact, it usually does wonders for them.When you give a child a chore to do, you develop his or her ability to follow instructions.In helping to see it through to completion, you help the child build initiative and perseverance.Afterwards, you can praise him or her and instill (灌输) pride in a job well done.Where I grew up, hard physical work was part of daily life.I used to complain about the never-ending work, but my parents had no pity: \"Good, hard work makes a man,\" they always said.On looking back, I am grateful for every chore I did.I see now how work taught me self-discipline and concentration and prepared me for the responsibilities of fatherhood.Learning to work hard means far more than learning to sweat: it means building character.Our children need to grow up loving work, not avoiding it.Let us teach them to find inspiration in the face of challenges and difficulties, not frustration.And let us instill in them the desire to carry out everything they do with joy.36.By saying \"to many children physical work is a wholly foreign idea\", the author means ________.1\">physical work is often aigned to children 2\">many children do not like physical work at all 3\">physical work is too hard for many children 4\">many children are not familiar with physical work 37.What does the author\'s friend mean by saying \"I\'m not sure my generation ever really grew up\"? 1\">The younger generation wants everything perfect.2\">The younger generation does not know what happine is.3\">The younger generation grew up quite selfish.4\">The younger generation is idealistic about life.38.What does the author mean by saying \"the pendulum has swung too far the other way\"? 1\">Too many children today find physical work boring.2\">Physical work has gained importance as a tool of education.3\">Children do too little physical work nowadays.4\">Too little physical work is now needed in our daily lives.39.How did the author\'s parents react to his complaints about never-ending work? 1\">They disciplined him.2\">They showed sympathy for him.3\">They said it could not be helped.4\">They took no pity on him.40.What does the author think of children doing physical work? 1\">It helps children build up their character.2\">It is becoming unneceary as technology develops.3\">It is too great a challenge for children growing up today.4\">It means nothing but sweat and brings back memories of child labor.


31日。根据作者,阿基米德在历史上是第一个男人________。 1”>欣赏白日梦作为一个解决问题的工具 2 \" >金冠和更便宜的金属

3 >研究白日梦在解决问题中的作用 4 \" >解决一个科学问题,做白日梦

32。一些科学家表示,许多发明家________时发现的。 1 \" >晚上工作 2 >梦想很多

3 >集中注意力集中在他们的工作 4 \" >是一个放松的心态

33。根据短文,白日做梦是今天被很多________。 1 \" >危险驾驶安全 2 \" >浪费时间

3 \" >一个运动员的最高性能的方法 4 \" >有价值的成功

34。受益于白日梦,最重要的是________。 1 \" >认真对待白日梦

2 \" >想象自己在各种美丽的设置 3 >开放学习新技术和技能 4 \" >写下的想法出现在脑海中

35。如果__________白日梦可能是危险的。 1 \" >你不能告诉什么是实用的,什么不是 2 \" >你退后一步,试图找出什么是现实 3 \" >你让他们自旋在长期开车 4 \" >你让他们从你的头脑


36.说“许多孩子体力劳动是外商的主意”,作者指的是________。1 \" >体力劳动通常是分配给孩子 2 \" >很多孩子不喜欢体力劳动 3 >体力劳动为许多孩子太硬 4 \" >很多孩子不熟悉体力劳动

37岁。作者的朋友是什么意思,说“我不确定我这一代真的长大了”? 1 \" >年轻一代希望一切完美。 2 \" >年轻一代不知道什么是幸福。 3 \" >年轻一代长大很自私。

4 \" >年轻一代对生活是理想主义的。 38。作者是什么意思,说“钟摆转到另一个极端”? 1 \" >太多孩子今天在物理工作很无聊。

2 \" >体力劳动获得了教育的重要性作为一种工具。 3“>孩子做体力劳动太少了。

4 \" >太少现在需要体力劳动在我们的日常生活中。 39岁。作者的父母怎么对他无休止的抱怨工作吗? 1 \" >他们处罚他。

2 \" >他们显示同情他。 3 >他们说它不能帮助。 4 \" >他们不同情他。

40。作者认为孩子做什么体力劳动吗? 1 \" >它帮助孩子建立他们的个性。 2 \" >它变得不必要的随着科技的发展。 3 \" >它是太大的挑战今天对孩子成长。 4 \" >这意味着除了汗水和带回童工的记忆。


If we put these fantastic ideas to work, we will make impreive progre in our work.102.如果你作此让步,你不久就会为此付出代价。

If you make the conceion, you\'ll soon have to pay for it.103.他视力不好,致使他没有能看到远处的小孩。 His poor vision contributed to his failure to spot the child in the distance.104.我们正在设法想出解决这些紧迫问题的办法。

We are trying to figure out a solution to these urgent problems. 105.政府正在采取这些措施,希望将飞涨的房价降下来。

The government is taking these measures in hopes of bringing down the soaring price of houses.


精读二 Unit9

1.quitter n.轻易停止的人, 懦夫 (Ex.) quit v.放弃quit smoking.离开;退出He quitted Paris

2.standpoint n.立场,观点,看法 viewpoint

3.tender adj.e.g.tender flowers 柔弱的花朵 a tender expreion on her face 她脸上温柔的表情

My finger is tender because I cut it yesterday.我的手指一碰就疼,因为我昨天割破了(Ex.) tender-hearted adj.心肠软的; 富于同情心的tender-nosed adj.嗅觉灵敏的tender-eyed adj.视力不佳的;目光和善的

4.equivalent n.e.g.Some American words have no British equivalent.美国英语的一些用法在英国英语中没有对等的词

adj.*be equivalent to/of相等于a wish that was equivalent to a command相当于命令的请求

5.bamboo n.(Ex.) bamboo shoot n.笋, 竹笋 bamboo grove [thicket]竹林bamboo ware精致竹器

6.torture n.e.g.suffer torture from因...受痛苦the tortures of jealousy妒忌的折磨

vt.拷问[打]; (使受)折磨; 曲解(out of; into); 扭弯e.g.torture a rule to make it fit a case把尺子弄弯使其能够量箱子

7.Christ interjection感叹词 n.(Ex.) Before Christ公元前(缩写为 B.C.) AD abbr.公元[拉] (Anno Domini)

8.utter vt.e.g.Those ideas are so dishonest they will not utter.那些想法卑鄙得说不出口utter the truth说真话

adj.e.g.I was at an utter lo what to do.我完全不懂该怎做才好an utter stranger完全不认识的人an utter refusal断然拒绝

9.scatter vt.e.g.Leaves are scattered by the wind.树叶被风吹散

vi.e.g.The flock of birds scattered when a shot was fired.枪响鸟散

(Ex.) scattered adj.e.g.a few scattered fishing villages一些疏疏落落的渔村 (ant.) gather v.

10.insane adj.e.g.He must be insane to drive his car so fast.他把车开得这么快,一定是疯了(ant.) sane adj.健全的e.g.Jim is not mad; he is as sane as any other normal person.他的神智跟任何其他正常人一样清醒

11.institutionalize vt.(Ex.) institute n.学会, 学院institution n.公共机构, 协会, 制度institutional adj.制度上的

12.grocer n.(Ex.) groceries n.食品;杂货

13.deceive vt.e.g.He deceived her into thinking he could drive a car.他骗她,使她相信他会开汽车

*deceive sb.into doing sth.骗某人做某事 *be deceived in sb.看错了某人, 对某人感到失望

(Ex.) undeceive vt.使醒悟e.g.undeceive sb.of his mistakes使某人明白自己的错误deceiver n.欺骗者

14.miile n.

15.ambitious adj.(1) 有抱负的They are ambitious although they are poor.他们虽穷却很有志气

(2) (of, to)热望的e.g.be ambitious of succe渴望成功be ambitious to serve the people一心想为人民服务

(Ex.) ambition n.野心, 雄心 e.g.Her ambition was to be a famous singer.她的理想是成为著名的歌唱家

16.identification n.e.g.His only means of identification was his paport.他唯一证明身份的证件就是他的护照

(Ex.) identify v.e.g.He identifies beauty with goodne.他认为美与善是一致的。She identified with foreign workers.她同情并理解外籍工人

That politician is too closely identified with the former government那位政客被认为与上届政府关系过于密切

17.revolve v.e.g.The earth revolves round the sun.地球绕太阳转

He revolved the main points in his mind.他在心中思索要点

*revolve about [round] 围绕...而旋转;反复考虑;围绕(某一个问题)

e.g.The wheel is revolving about its axis.轮子在轴上转动

Their troubles revolve around money management.他们的麻烦围绕着金钱管理

(Ex.) revolving adj.e.g.a revolving door旋转门

18.intermediate adj.e.g.intermediate ports中途口岸Gray is intermediate between black and white.灰色介于黑色和白色之间

(Ex.) inter-表示“在一起, 交互”之义 mediate v.仲裁, 调停e.g.mediate between two warring countries /adj.中间的; 间接的

19.advanced adj.e.g.advanced positions 前沿阵地the advanced education 高等教育advanced studies 高深的研究

advanced ideas先进的思想

20.lap vt.e.g.The dog lapped its water (up).狗舔水喝 (常与up, down连用)舔,舐vi e.g.The sea lapped against the rocks.海水拍打着礁石

21.monstrous adj.e.g.a monstrous sum巨款monstrous crimes滔天罪行22.refugee n.23.corruption n.

22.fascinate vt.e.g.The city fascinates him.这座城市强烈地吸引住了他。

He\'s fascinated with Buddhist ceremonies.他迷上了佛教的仪式

23.humiliate vt.e.g.humiliate oneself丢脸, 出丑The country was humiliated by defeat.该国因战败而受辱

(Ex.) humiliation n.羞辱, 蒙耻

24.sympathize vi.(Ex.) sympathy n.同情, 同情心---antipathy n.憎恶sympathetic adj.有同情心的---unsympathetic

25.diplomat n.e.g.a U.S.diplomat aigned to the embay in London驻伦敦使馆的美国外交官

(Ex.) diplomatic adj.外交的, 老练的

26.embay n.e.g.American E-in China美国驻华大使馆

*go on an embay出任大使 *send sb.on an embay派某人出任大使

27.oval adj.卵形的, 椭圆的n.卵形, 椭圆形 (Ex.) rectangle长方形 square正方形round圆triangle三角形pentagon五角形

28.journalist n.

29.considering prep.e.g.You managed the project well, considering your inexperience.考虑到你缺乏经验…

conj.考虑到 e.g.Considering he\'s only been learning English a year, he speaks it very well.

30.onward a./ad.(ant.) backward

31.correspond vi.+with, to相符e.g.These goods don\'t correspond with my order.这些货物与


His expenses do not correspond to his income.他入不付出

通信e.g.We correspond with a friend 和一个朋友通信

32.marginal adj.e.g.He owns a small, marginal busine.他经营一个收益不大的小生意(Ex.) margin n.e.g.He is on the margin of death.他已濒临死亡the margin of a river 河边

33.conceion n.e.g.The bo\'s promise was a conceion to union demands.

*make a conceion to对...让步

34.keen adj.e.g.A keen north wind was blowing.刮刺骨的北风He has a keen brain.他头脑敏锐Competition is very keen.竞争激烈

They are rather keen to purchase Chinese goods.他们渴望购买中国货

She\'s keen on sailing.她喜爱驾船(与连on用)热心„的;对„有兴趣;喜爱„的

35.nuisance n.e.g.Don\'t make yourself a nuisance to others.不要做一个令人讨厌的人*make a nuisance of oneself (=make oneself a nuisance)惹人讨厌

36.thrill n.e.g.It gave me a thrill to know I had paed the examination.我得知考试及格后很兴奋

vt.e.g.The traveler thrilled us with his stories.这位旅行者的经历使我们惊骇不已

37.fantasy n.e.g.The young man lives in a world of fantasy.这个年青人生活在幻想的世界里(Ex.) fantastic adj.e.g.fantastic dream怪诞的梦a fantastic trip to Europe美好的欧洲之旅fantastic hopes异想天开

38.depart vi.e.g.depart from custom.脱离习俗

39.scheme n.e.g.He thought of a schemeto get some money.他想出了一个弄钱的方案

40.summit n.e.g.a mountain summit山顶talks at the summit最高级会谈

41.namely adv.(=that is to say)e.g.Only one student paed the exam, namely Peter.只有一个学生通过了考试,就是彼得

42.overall adj.e.g.overall situation总的形势, 全局overall utilization综合利用the overall length全长

adv.e.g.Overall, prices are still rising.大体说来,物价仍在上涨

43.forevermore adv.

(第一句社会背景或现象)Recently, it is (widely, generally, commonly) believed that….….Is playing increasing (important/crucial/eential/significant role) in our lives.

Whether…has created much debate.Some people aert (claim, demonstrate, suggest) that, while others argue that….personally, I am in favor of the former/latter one.

There are several reasons for me to believe that…

First, second, last

In summary, I would make the conclusion that…despite that… overall, I am convinced that....





人际关系的和谐是和谐社会建设的重要内容。诚信友爱是人际关系和各种社会关系和谐的灵魂。中国的传统文化充分重视诚信在人际关系中的价值。诚信,包括两方面的含义,“诚”即真实不欺,既不自欺,也不欺人。朱熹云:“诚者何?不自欺,不忘之谓也”,“诚意,只是表里如一”。一个人只有做到表里如一,以诚相待,才能达到人内心的和谐和人际关系的和谐。否则,欺名盗世,自欺欺人,会导致个人内心的失调和人格的分裂,人际关系紧张,失去友情,成为孤家寡人。“信”,主要指在与他人交往中应讲信用,遵守诺言。孔子极为重信,他强调做人要“言必信,信必果”、“与朋友交,言而有信”、“言而无信,不知其可也“。人若不讲信用,就无法做人行事。在诚与信的关系中,诚是信产生的基础和原因,自己以诚待人,必然获得他人的信任。同时,信是诚的具体表现,信体现诚。在社会中生活,只有将自己的真实展示给他人,才能够嬴得他人的信任,才能够彼此信任。人们彼此信任才能够真诚地进行合作。个人在人际交往中讲诚信,就会形成人际关系的良性循环,正如管仲云:“信也者,民信之”。 然而,当前我国社会个人的诚信缺位表现在:借钱不还、伪造学历和文凭、伪造票据和证件,剽窃他人学术成果,欺诈他人以谋取私利等等,这将影响人与人之间关系的和谐,影响社会公平的实现。因此,在全社会中,加强诚实守信的公民道德教育,是构建和谐社会的重要内容。因为人际信任能增强全社会的凝聚力,促进社会关系的和谐,保障社会的长治久安。


诚信一直是我国社会所推崇的优良品格之一,在当代,我们赋予诚信以更多的经济性的内容。因为,市场经济条件下,诚信既是道德资源, 又是经济资源。随着社会分工的细化和交换方式的发展,诚信也从道德追求进入到物质生活领域。也就是说,诚信社会的形成,其中极为重要的一方面是诚信经济的形成。所谓诚信经济是指诚信作为一种资本(即信用资本)来参与市场运作的经济,当诚信资本能成功地实现其价值增殖时,诚信经济即告产生。这种诚信理念推动了经济发展和社会进步。


平和社会信任,使社会矛盾和社会冲突滋生。破坏了信用关系, 就会动摇市场经济的基础, 就会带来经济秩序的混乱。

