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??剑桥少儿英语预备级(A)Unit 1 Greetings

一、Teaching aims and demands:

1)can use simple English greet others 2) can say“Good morning!”? ? “Good afternoon? ???“Good evening” 3)??Can read the new words about letter A a?? 4)??can speak out the sentences of part 7

二、Important and difficult points: What‘s this?? ?? ?? ???It’s the letter Aa.? ?Good morning!? ?? ?? ?? ?Good afternoon!? ???Good evening? ?.? ?Hello!??Hi!? ???Slide? ???

三、Teaching Steps : Step1 Greetings:

? ?Good morning /afternoon! Boys and girls? ?how are you today? „„

? ?Ask one student to stand up and say Hello to him or her .and encourage him or her to answer “hello!”??Then ask some other students to practice this sentence.? ?Step 2:Call their names and say hello to them.? ?Hello Ming Ming? ?Hello, Dan Dan.??Hello Fang Fang „„ ??Step 3: Presentation ? ?Show the students some pictures about morning and ask, what’s the picture say? ---- Morning, Yes, its morning teach the new word.? ?Then show another picture and then teach the word afternoon and the same way to the word evening.? ? ? ?Step 4: After learning the short sentences, we will learn an English song, teach the song and practice in groups or in pairs Step 5: show a model slide (this is a slide, what does it like?? ?Yes, it likes the letter Aa).Write the letter Aa on the blackboard and teach the letter A a? ? A is the slide, Slide on the A a.Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape? ?ace? ? alien??then practice some times .? ?Step 7 Teach them how to write letter Aa ? ?Step 8 :Do some exercises 1) Do the exercises on page 4 of the students’ book 2) match them 3) Good morning? ?? ?? ?? ???Hello! Good night.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? Good afternoon.Good evening.? ?? ?? ?? ? Good morning.Hello!? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? Good night.Good afternoon!? ?? ?? ?? ?Good evening.

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? 剑桥少儿英语预备级上Unit 2 who is the first

一、Teaching aims and demands : *They can understand some simple actions and do it ; *They can do “Stand up “”Sit down”,” Come here “, “Go back “., * Can understand the meaning of “up “and “”down”.*Can read B b and some new words about Bb *Can read the sentences of part 5

二、Important and difficult points What’s this?? ???Stand up.? ?? ?Sit down.? ?? ?Come here.? ?? ?Go back?? Hands? ? pens? ???pencils? ???feet? ???cat? ???snail? ?? ?back? ???bee? ?ball? ?? ?beef? ?

三、teaching method: 本单元的教学重点是游戏,通过大家一起做动作来学习英语,也就是我们常说的,“玩中学,学中玩”。教师一到课堂里就可以边做手势边说,Now ,stand up ,sit down, Stand up! sit down.说的时候可以先慢后快,也可以让学生无法预料。大家基本上不出什么错误的时候,教师就可以跑到教室的后面叫一个同学说,Come here! Come here! 等到学生来了之后,教师可以说Go back.Go back.Go back.然后再叫另外的同学,在这四个句子中来回变换花样,最好是时常有所变化。 等大家熟悉了以后,、让大家一起来说顺口溜,Up, Up, stand up.Down, down, sit down.Here, here, come here.Back ,back, go back.边说边做动作。然后教师开始用实物来做替换练习。如,Hands up! Hands down.Hands up, hands down.Books up .Books down .等等。

当大家累了的时候,就让大家休息一下,来给图画着色。着色之后再让大家相互观看,看谁色彩上的好。接下来便是教字母的时间。教师首先让学生们看两个字母的卡片或形象的图片(猫和蜗牛)。边看大写B的时候,边说Big B is a cat.然后拿小写b说,Small b is a snail.The cat and the snail .They are the letter Bb,等.让大家反复说,反复练习,然后,让小组的同学进行朗诵比赛,看看哪个组最好。在学字母的时候,注意把这几个词给学生,让他们练习一下。其中还有:bee, ball, beet字母组合等。在适当的时候,让学生放松一下,可以随时让他们做一些动作,即复习了所学内容,有有助于学生上课保持新鲜感,更有兴趣参与到学习中来。

请一个学生到讲台上去做动作,其他同学在下面说他做的动作,看谁说得最快最准确,老师可适当给予奖励。然后再换其他同学去,做到充分练习。 四、Exercises : 1.Read and do: Stand up.? ?Sit down.? ? Come here? ?? ? Go back? ?? ?pen up.? ?? ?Pencil down Books up.? ?? ?Feed down„„ 2.Let’s chant A.Up, up, stand up .Down, down,sit down.Here, here, come here.Back, back, go back.Up, up, stand up.Down, down, sit down Up, up, books up.Down down pencils down.Up up pens up, down down feet down.B??Good morning, mummy! Good morning, daddy! Good afternoon, teacher! Good evening, my little cat! C.Two, two, two books up! One, one, one pen down! Two, two, two books up! One, one, one pencil down!

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???剑桥少儿英语预备级上 Unit 3 Catch and run

一、Teaching aims and demands: *Can understand some simple actions and do it *Know the meaning of “catch、run .” *Can read and write letter Bb and can read the new words about Bb *Can read the sentences of part 7 on page 11

二、Important and difficult points: ? ? catch !? ?Run to the „„? ?? ?door? ?? ?table? ?? ?window boys? ?? ? girls? ?blackboard? ???teacher? ?? ?flowers? ? cab? ? cap

三、Teaching method and steps: Step1:Bring some toys to the claroom at the beginning of the cla, throw them to the claes one by one and say: Catch! If they can understand what’s meaning, take out the pictures show to them and teach the new words: ball, door, window, blackboard, teacher, flowers Step2: Go to the playground play games and learn: Please be ready.Run! Group them into boys and girls.Have a rally race.Then queue in a line, do some actions (Who is the fastest): Run to the door!? ? Run to the table! Run to the window! Run to the teacher!??Run to the flowers! Then chant it and do it: Catch a ball, run to the door.Catch a pen, run to Ben.Catch a pencil, run to the middle.Catch, run, catch, run, catch and run.Step3:Go back to the claroom, have a rest, then color it on page 12.then listen and circles on page 12 Step4:take a piece of paper and ask them ?What’s this ?It’s a piece of paper ,yes ,now cut it into a shape of big moon ,and then ask :What’s this now ?--- Yes ,it’s moon .What does it look like ike a smiling face , like the letter C c .Who said it likes letter C c ,will be prized .Say: c is the moon, C c is the moon.We are on the moon, we are on the moon.Step5: Show them pictures and teach: cab, cap, and cat.Can add some words about Cc.Step6: Teach them how to write letter Cc.Step7: Exercises: Speak out and do actions: Run to the door!? ? Run to the table! Run to the window! Run to the teacher!??Run to the flowers! Stand! Sit! Catch! Run! Ask and answer in pairs: What’s this? It’s a big C.? ?What’s this? It’s a small c.Practice reading and writing letter C c

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?剑桥少儿英语预备级上 Unit 4 Color it green

一、Teaching aims and demands: *can understand and speak out the words about some colors *they can do color the things after the order *使学生能用两种问句问问题 *使学生能读出第6部分和练习1中所给的句子和单词

二、交际句型: Color it green.What color do you like? Which is the blue duck?

三、交际词汇: pink, green, indigo, red, yellow, purple


可以首先拿出一只剪好的白色鸭子对学生说,This is a duck.This is a duck.I have many ducks.Look, one, two, three, four and five.They are white.Do you know"white"? Now , this is indigo .This is red.教师拿出两种颜色给学生看。接着教师用刚才的鸭子举例,说,Look here ,this is a white duck.This is a indigo duck .Now, look, I have many ducks on the blackboard.What color are they? This is a white duck, this is a indigo duck.从刚才新教的词汇开始,然后再教新的颜色词,每教一个新词之前要复习一下刚学过的词,可以将鸭子贴在黑板上,下面再贴上与鸭子颜色一样的光电纸,然后,教师指着鸭子说,This is a duck .It's blue.It's a blue duck.然后教师问学生,Who can say the sentences about these ducks?鼓励同学们到前面来描述。当一两个同学到前面说完之后,教师让学生两人一组进行练习。

? ? 接下来,教师选出一些漂亮、鲜艳的颜色,对学生说,I've got lots of colors.What color do you like? 问不同的同学,如果该学生说,I like green.教师就给该生一个绿色的小苹果(事先剪好不同颜色的苹果或其它图案) ? ?教师教字母D d的时候,可以直接拿出D字母,然后再拿出带有竖琴的图片进行比较,同时带着大家一起说,Big D is a harp.Small d is a chair.The girl is sitting on the chair, playing the harp.教师边说边指着图片和字母Dd.? ?接着教师说,Look here.What’s this? It’s a dog.D-dog.What's this? It’s a doll.D-doll.教师带着大家朗读D字母音的同时,可以带出的读音,并让学生看图片。 ? ?在做练习的时候,教师引导大家看画有彩虹的图。教师可以说,Look, we've got a nice rainbow on page 16.This is a rainbow.It has seven colors .Let's see.What color are they? 这时教师启发学生说出这七种颜色。

? ? 在做练习3时,教师先让大家把图涂上颜色,然后可以在全班进行评比,看哪个同学涂色涂的最好。具体操作如下:教师可以让学生一行一行地拿着自己的课本到前面来,大家进行推荐。最后表彰前十名同学。


一、.Draw five ducks with different colors and write each color next to the duck.辨认dog? ?? ? doll? ?? ? door

二、.Read and draw: 1) A cat, 2) Flowers 3) A cap.4) A dog.

三、.Write down the words which have letter “D d”.door? ?? ?cat? ?? ?boy? ???doll? ???duck blue? ???pink? ???red? ?? ?yellow? ???color dog? ?? ?green? ???pencil? ???indigo? ???ace _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? 剑桥少儿英语预备级上 Unit 5 Let’s play

一、Teaching aims and demands * 使学生能正确地做出向右转,向左转的动作 * 让学生能较熟练地说出拍手歌歌谣

* 使学生能模仿发出字母Ee 及所给单词的读音 * 使学生能读出第四部分所给出的句子

二、交际句型:Turn right? ? Turn left Hold your hands and stand in a circle You have one, I have one.Two little children see a big man.

三、交际词汇: one ,two ,three ,four ,five ,a boy ,four boys ,a girl ,four girls

四、教学用具:苹果,梨,香蕉 ,帽子的有关图片或实物字母的大小写及单词读音图片。


教师上课时,先让学生做一些简单的动作,比如,Stand in two lines .Turn right.Turn left .Hold your hands and stand in a circle.在说这些句子的时候,帮他们完成动作,以至于让他们理解这几句话的意思 然后,集体一起说课文的第2部分。当学生能较熟练地说这些内容以后,教师可以让学生进行表演,边表演边说。这里教师特别要注意全班同学的整体性,不要让任何人掉队。所以,练习的遍数要多,人员要普遍,不要留死角。换句话说,全班的每一个人要有充分的练习时间。在做这部分的时候,让所有的学生都参与到这个活动当中来,在游戏活动当中来领略新的知识。

在学习完第1,2部分后,教师可以带领大家进行单,复数概念的练习,由于是初次与学生见面,所以教师只通过数数的方式,让学生知道1~5的含义就可以了,至于说a boy , four boys , a girl ,four girls ,也只是让学生知道有变化而已。 在学习字母E e的时候,教师首先拿出字母E e卡片,然后再引导学生看教材的Ee字母的变形图。同时带领大家一起说,Big E is for sail ,small e is for whale .The ship has a sail, sailing behind the whale.教师说此段内容时,可以用节奏的方式说,并让学生拍着节奏说。经过数边的练习,然后进行组与组之间的比赛。

在学生大声朗读之后,教师可以带领大家学习字母组合的读音。首先教师强调的读音,然后直接以拼音的方式拼出单词即可。比如,b—e- e=bee ,f—e-e—t=feet等,教师只要带领拼读就行了。

六、教学活动1 Listen and act ? ?上课时,教师对学生说,OK , everyone .Stand up.Sit down.Stand up .Turn right.Turn left.Stand in two lines.Hold your hands and stand in a circle.在说这部分的内容的时候,教师一定要伴随一定的动作,不然学生不会理解,也不会去做动作, Hands up , one ,two (拍手)Hands down , one, two(拍手).Hands right, one , two (拍手)Hands left , one two (拍手)。做这个活动时,教师可以先由慢再逐渐加快,特别是说,hands up ,one ,two 的时候可以快一些,让整个的句子富有节奏感。 教学活动 2 pat-a-cake 教师带领学生说此段歌谣的最后方法是两个人一组,一边拍手,一边说英语的句子。甚至教师在拍手的空隙间可以加进一个动作(比如,高大的人,上学,种树等动作)。在大家熟练的基础上,教师还可以让同学们之间进行比赛,比拍手的协调性及英语句字的准确性等。在用英语教学时,教师只需简单讲一下即可。如,now ,everyone , let’s play Pat- a- cake .Do you know? Let `s try it .You have one, I have one, two little children see a big man .Do you understand? Let `s do it in pairs.First you do it after me .Ready? Let `s start.教学活动 3 Color it !




? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?剑桥少儿预备级上 unit6 Hide and seek 教学目的和要求

* 使学生通过游戏活动培养对英语的兴趣 * 使学生初步掌握简单的指令 * 使学生进一步熟悉所学的颜色

* 使学生掌握字母及相关单词的读音 交际句型:Show me your book , please.Here you are Quick! Hide your pencil.Where is it ? 交际词汇: Pencil, crayon , eraser ,behind my back , in the desk 教学用具:铅笔,橡皮,蜡笔,书,书包,图片及实物 具体教学方式:

教师上课时首先拿给学生们看一件较新鲜的东西。教师说,Look! I’ve got something in my bag.Ah,here it is .这时教师拿出一件特殊的玩具,让学生看完之后,教师又说,Let me show you another thing.Look,here it is .Is it good? 学生看完之后,教师又说,Look ,let me show you my new pen.This is my pen.It’s new.说到此,教师突然问,Li Ming , have you got a pen ?Show me your pen , please.(讲此话时,教师一定要用手势)Wang Fang, show me your book, please .Thank you .Now, everybody, practice it in pairs.You say ,Show me your pencil , please.’教师边说边给出节奏,这样,学生就容易上口。

在教本单元时教师不要太性急, 特别是前面的几部分,教师要一部分一部分地进行。比如,教师说,Now hide your pencil .Quick! Hide your pencil 然后教师去找.Ah ,here .Ah , in the desk.Ah, behind your back 等等。然后,教师再对大家说,.Now hide your book! Hide your book.接着教师又开始找,然后再说, Hide your pen .Hide your eraser.等等。 进行第二步骤时,教师说,Who can come here and hide my book?等到学生藏好以后,教师说Where is it? Where is it?边说边找。

接下来,教师对学生说,OK, now, let’s play a game ,Who wants to be here?当某个同学上来后,教师让他/她闭上眼睛,或者面对黑板,然后让某个人把东西藏起来.藏好后教师让这个学生问OK ,where ’s the pencil ? where’s it? 大家一起说,There it is ! There it is!教师带领大家做这个游戏时,应该练习说第4部分的内容。

大家活动了一会儿后,教师拿出字母卡片,让大家跟读发音,同时给出几个词,如,(课文中出现的)face ,flag ,foot .并让大家看跳台,同时说出该段的顺口溜-----Diving-platform, diving-platform ,Ff is the diving-platform, Boys are diving ,girls aye diving ,Ff is the diving-platform.教学活动1 Listen and point 教师首先不让同学们看书,而是问大家Where is the door?大家用手指门.Where is the TV? Where is the table? Where is the blackboard? Where is „? Where are the windows?等等.大家对这个句型了解了之后,教师再让大家打开书,听录音, 教学活动2 Colour it ! 教师让大家准备好彩色笔,然后将本单元第6部分的图片上色,但要规定时间,教师可这样对学生说Now , everyone ,pleas take out your crayons .let’s colour the pictures on page 22.We ‘ve got eight pictures.You have 3 minutes (教师指表)Let’s see who is the first and whose pictures are the best .Now ,are you ready? Start! 教学活动3 LISTEN and circle 在学习完了第7部分的内容之后,教师可以安排听力内容.练习2的答案是:1(d) 2(b) 3(c) 4 课后作业


? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?剑桥少儿预备级上 unit7 Point to your nose.教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *使学生会说人体面部的各个部位 *使学生能清楚地辨认人体的主要部位

*使学生初步掌握I have „This is„ There are„的句型 *使学生能模仿发出字母Gg及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:

What’s this? It’s a nose.What are these ? They’re eyes.Point to your nose.This is my mouth.These are my feet.I have two ears.交际词汇:Nose, mouth , face, eyes, teeth, feet, hands, legs, arms, hair 教学用具:教学图片(人身体的各个部位)娃娃两个(男女各一个) 具体教学方式:

上课时,教师先拿一个布娃娃开始,教师说,Look ,I’ve got a beautiful girl.Her name is Mary.She’s 6 years old.Now ,let’s see.This is her face , nose and mouth..These are her eyes, ears and teeth.Now follow me ,face ,nose ,mouth ,eyes ,ears ,teeth .Now ,who wants to come here and show us her face ?Very good.Now you say each part and everybody follows you .(这时让全班同学跟他一起说。)重复类似几遍之后,教师对学生说,Now, listen and act .Point to your nose.Point to your face ,point to your mouth .point to your eyes .point to your ears .point to your teeth.教师在做此活动时,可以采取不同的形式。比如,教师说,全班同学一起做;也可以采取同桌的同学一个人说,一个人做;也可以找一个同学到前面给指令,大家一起做。总之,教学的目的是让大家尽快熟悉所学的单词和句型。

接下来,教师可以组织大家一起玩Simon says的游戏。教师说,Simon says,Touch your face.touch your nose .Simon says,Touch your ears.等游戏之后,教师带领学生学习本单元的第3部分。说这一部分的时候,教师要带领同学一起边说边做,由慢到快,最好还有节奏。这样,同学能够很快的掌握此段内容。 在大家说的比较多的情况下,教师可以给出I Have„的句型。教师首先讲I have two eyes .I have a nose .I have two ears .I have a mouth .I have many teeth.I have black hair.起初,学生并不知道have是什么意思,教师只需在黑板上写有,而不需整句话进行翻译。 然后,教师继续举例,I have a face .I have a mouth.I have two ears .I have two eyes等等。教师说完之后,马上找一两个同学复述,最后再让全班同学两人一组进行练习。 在个人和集体练习的基础上,教师再带领同学一起活动做练习5,教师对学生说,Ok, everybody ,let’s do a game.Stand up pleas !Everybody! Follow me.Head ,head, touch your head„(按照课文的内容把动作做完)如果大家做的好,纪律也比较好,接着做第4部分的Chant it.这也要求边说边做动作。教师要特别注意,学生不仅要会做动作,更重要的是会说每一句话。所以尽量多练习,反复练习。

在大家说的比较多,感到比较累的时候,教师接着进行字母教学。教师可以先示范,拿着字母G g说,This is G g.Yes, it’s G g(重复几遍)。在学生跟着一起说,逐渐会了的情况下,教师自然带出顺口溜。Mum is a big G.A baby’s on a small g .Mum and the baby ,they are very happy.

教学活动1Listen and touch 教师自己可以在一张纸上画一个大兔子。上课时,将兔子的图挂在黑板上,让两个学生到前面来,听指令,做动作,看哪个同学动作快,动作慢的同学回座位,再换另一个人。教师对学生说,look ,I’ve got a big rabbit here .I’ m putting this on the blackboard.I want two pupils to come to the front.I say ‘ear’, they touch the ear.I say `mouth’ ,they touch the mouth, do you understand ?Who wants to come here? Good , Let’s begin.Nose ,„ 教学活动2 Chanting match 教师教完第4部分之后,让同学们进行说唱比赛可以采取男生和女生分开的方式,也可以采取一组一组的方式。看看哪个组说得做得最好。 教学活动3 教师在黑板上画一个没有鼻子的孩子,然后,让学生上来给这个孩子贴鼻子。教师事先准备好一个用纸画好,剪好的鼻子。上来的同学要离黑板有一定的距离。教师要用布将孩子的眼睛蒙住,然后让学生转两个圈,再开始贴鼻子,看哪个同学贴的位置最准确。教师可以这样对学生说,Look, we’ve got a boy here ,but he has no nose.(手势)Who can come here and put the nose on his face? 等同学上来之后,教师说Good, but we have to cover your eyes.You have to turn around twice.Ok., go and stick the nose on the boy.教学活动4 Draw and show 上节课结束的时候,教师给大家留了一个作业,让每个人回家画一个小孩。这一次,教师利用上课的机会进行点评。首先,教师在黑板前拴上一个线绳,然后让孩子把图片用曲别针挂在线绳上,最后让全班同学进行评比,看看哪个同学画的最好。然后,教师给予一定奖励。通常奖励的人数应尽量达到四分之一,这样,孩子感到稍加努力,都能得到奖品。 课后作业:

Draw an animal of any kind and write down its nose ,mouth, ears ,teeth ,etc.(在一张纸上画任何一种动物,并用英语写上那儿是鼻子,嘴。耳朵,牙齿等。) ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?剑桥少儿预备级上 unit8 How many doors? 1使学生进一步熟悉1`5的数字 2 使学生学会6~10的数字 3 使学生加深对单`复数的概念

4 使学生能模仿发出字母及所给单词的读音

5 使学生能读出第7部分所给出的句子 交际句型: How many doors? It’s a book.This is Hh.It’s letter H h 交际词汇: One„ten, orange ,pear, apple, banana ,door, window , chair, TV ,book , pen ,pencile 教学用具:1~10的单词卡,有关图片或实物,小布口袋,弹球若干个。小奖品,字母的大小写及挂图的图片。 具体教学方式:

首先教师拿1~10的数字让学生看,同时教师用英语发每个数字的读音,然后教师让大家跟着一起说这些数子。教师也可以拿一些书本来数,边数边说。讲复数概念的时候,教师只需先拿起一本书,说a book,然后再拿起一本书,把两本书放在一起时说,two books教师特别要强调的发音,以便引起学生的注意。然后,教师继续举例说a desk, two desks ,a table,two tables ,a door, two doors, a pen ,two pens, a pencil, two pencils等。教师举例之后,马上让学生来说,教师说第一部分,让学生说第2部分。比如,教师说a book,并马上把两本书放在一起,示意大家说,two books,„大家熟悉了复数的概念时,教师就可以引入课文中的内容。, 比如one orange ,two pears, three apples ,four bananas如果有实物或图,就用实物或图来说明。最后带着大家一起认读。


其次,教师带领大家一起做第2部分练习。首先,教师可以让学生两人一组自己做。教师这样对学生说学生做了 一会儿以后,教师说,如果大家回答的很顺利,教师让大家看第4部分。还是先两人一组练习,然后,一组一组的进行对话问答。

本单元第5 部分是让学生自己画画,教师应该给学生规定时间,看那个同学在最短的时间内画出最好的的香蕉和苹果。注意,教师进行表扬时,应只表扬画一个苹果和一个香蕉的同学,同时要提醒画的多的同学认真看文字要求

本单元第7 部分是学习字母部分,教师可以先让同学们看挂图,让大家猜挂图画的是什么,如果大家说出是树和房子时,教师拿出字母卡,让大家进行比较,顺便引出顺口溜。 教学活动1 教师事先准备好一个小布袋,里面装有一些玻璃球。

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?剑桥少儿预备级上 unit9 Tell your friends.*使学生能向别人做简单的自我介绍 *使学生初步学会使用I’m的句型


*使学生能读出第5部分所给出的句子 交际句型:I'm Dongdong.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???I'm six.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? I'm a??boy.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? I like toy cars.交际词汇:boy ,toy, car, girl , doll 具体教学方式:

? ?? ???教师首先用一个布娃娃来做自我介绍,教师可以藏在布娃娃的后面,模仿小娃娃的的说话声,说,Hello, My name is Mary.I'm Mary.I'm six.I'm a??girl.I like dolls.当说到dolls的时候,教师应拿起两个其他的布娃娃,放在该娃娃的手里。然后,教师再重复一遍。说完之后,教师问学生,Who can come here and say like this ?教师找一个或两个同学到前面说之后,让大家再听第二段。Very good,now,listen to me.I have another friend .His name is Tom.说到此教师拿起第二个娃娃,说,Hello, I'm Tom.I'm seven.I'm a boy.I like toy cars.说完之后,教师重复一遍。然后,继续让两三个同学到前面来说这个Tom。在大家都知道内容的情况下,教师对同学说,Now you know my friends already.Who can come here and talk about yourself.Who wants to try?You can say, I'm ***教师举班上一个人名为例,I'm 7.I'm a boy.I like toy cars.Who wants to try? Very good .Come here!等两三个学生结束后,教师对全班说,now, practise it in pairs.? ?? ???在学生两人一组练习的基础上,教师让学生分别向五个学生介绍自己,并且加上Hello,Good morning.I'm ...最后再说,Goodbye!这样通过大量的练习,使学生能在课堂就掌握这句型。 课后作业:

? ?? ???Listen to Unit 10 three times.

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???剑桥少儿预备级上 unit10 Let's do it.*使学生能听懂用英语说的简单指令 *使学生能进一步复习文具用品


*使学生能读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:Put the ruler in your??hand.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???This is a ruler.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???That is a crayon.交际词汇:book, pencil-box,crayon, ruler, window, door, boy, girl.具体教学方式:

? ? 在前面的几个单元中,我们都先后学习了一些文具用品的单词,但本单元的重点在于复习这些文具用品的单词,并能了解一些介词的基本位置,如,in , on ,under ,between及next to,并围绕介词来开展一些活动。上课开始时,教师可以拿着已经熟悉的文具问学生们,What's this ?What's??that?当学生熟悉这些单词后,教师带领同学一起做动作。? ? 教师说,Put the book on your hand.让大家马上做动作,然后,教师接着说,Put the ruler in your hand.Put the book under your chair.除了这三句话以外,教师还可以说,Put your book in your bag.Put the pencil in your pencil-box.Put the book between the two pencils.Put the crayon??next to the book.等??教师做这些动作时,让学生跟着一起模仿,而不要一上课就给学生解释什么是介词。??做完一遍动作后,教师还可以继续用别的句子来巩固刚才所练习的内容,比如,Put the pen on your desk.Put the??book in your hand.等。 然后教师用一个乒乓球和一个粉笔盒给学生单个示范,The ball is on the box.The ball is in the box.The ball is under the box.The ball is between the two boxes.The ball is next to the box.Put the ball behind the box.在教师解释的基础上,教师让每个人都拿着一支铅笔跟老师一起说、一起做。

? ? 经过数遍的练习后,教师要让学生两人一组进行描述,最后选几个人在全班进行描述。 ? ? 此外,还可以进行其它教学活动。 课后作业:

? ? Listen to the chant in the next Unit and say it with the tape.? ? 预习下单元中的说说唱唱。

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? 剑桥少儿预备级上 unit11 Let's gue.*使学生能掌握简单的问句What's in the bag? Where's the bird? *使学生进一步复习和巩固所学过的有关文具及水果方面的单词 *使学生能模仿发出字母Kk及所给单词的读音

*使学生能读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:What's in the bag? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Where 's the bird? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???It's on the big K.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???It's under the small K.交际词汇:pencil, pen, ruler, bag, apple, pear, banana, boy, girl, teacher 具体教学方式:

? ? 上课时,教师手里拿着一个盒子,对大家说,Look, I've got a box in my hand.Gue, what's in the box ? If your gue is right, I'll give this to you .OK, let's gue what's in the box ?教师让大家猜的时候,把It's a ...的句型写在黑板上,目的是让大家反复运用这个句型。当某个同学猜到以后,教师就可以把东西送给他/她。接下来,教师再让大家猜书包里的东西,还是用同样的方法。最后,教师再让学生猜自己手里、口袋里的东西。通过这些反复的猜东西游戏活动,学生会复习到许多已学过的单词。

? ? 在教师的猜谜语游戏之后,教师让每个同学自己拿一件东西,让自己的朋友猜,如果能一次猜中的就举手告诉给教师,教师可以给奖品。随后,找一个同学拿着自己的东西到前面来让大家猜。总之,一开始上课教师就要给学生带来一种热烈的气氛。 ? ? 接下来,教师带着大家一起说说唱唱(课文的第3部分)。 教学活动? ? See them all.? ? 教师将许多文具用品及部分水果放在一个书包里,做游戏时,将所有的东西倒在讲桌上。然后,马上用一张报纸盖住。这时教师叫一个同学,站在东西前面,教师迅速地让该同学看一眼,然后让该生说桌子上有什么。如该生说了五个单词,就在该生所在组的记录上写上五,然后找另外一个组的同学上来继续看东西,最后看哪个组同学记得多。教师对学生说,Look, I've got many things on the desk.I'll ask one pupil from each group to come here and have a look .Then you tell us??what things are on the table.OK?Group One , who wants to come? Good.Now , look! OK, what are they ? 一组之后,教师再叫第二组。 课后作业:

? ? Draw five balls and colour each ball with a different colour.? ? 用五种不同的颜色画五个不同的球。

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???剑桥少儿预备级上 unit12 Bounce a ball.教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *让学生进一步复习1~10的数字 *让学生进一步分清各种颜色 *让学生学会使用两个特殊疑问句Who....? Where...? *使学生能模仿发出字母Ll及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第7部分所给出的句子 交际句型:Who can bounce a ball? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?I can bounce the ball.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Where's the mouse? It's in the boot.交际词汇:one....ten,catch, here,small, big ,blue, red, yellow, etc.具体教学方式:

? ? 上课时,教师先拿出一个乒乓球让大家看看,Look, I've got a ping pang ball.It's small .But I've also got a big ball.Look.This ball is small.(指小球)This ball is small.It's white.This??ball??is big.It's brown.I can bounce the ball.Lokk,one ,two, three.教师拍一会儿球, 停住,Who can come here and bounce a ball? 这时教师请一个同学上来拍球,大家一起数数。到10的时候,教师说,OK, stop, you're very good.Who else can come here and bounce a ball?(教师再叫一个同学到前面来,重复一遍,然后,教师带领同学做下一个教学活动。) 教学活动? ?Throw it and catch it .? ? 教师让全班同学站起来,递给他们一个皮球。让第一个同学将球扔给任何一个同学,扔的时候要说,Catch!其他同学喊Here! Here! 凡是扔过的同学就自动坐下,其余的同学继续扔。直到最后一个同学将球传回给教师。教师可以这样用英语说,OK, boys and girls, let's have a ball game.Everybody, stand up ,please.When you throw the ball,you say "Catch", then you throw the ball to your friend.The others will say,"Here! here!"When you finish, you sit down.Let's see who is the last person.The last person throws the ball back to the teacher again.Understand? OK, let's begin.Catch! 教学活动? ???Draw and hang.? ? 教师让学生每人画一个球,可大、也可小,并涂上颜色,最后,教师让大家把所有的球都挂在线绳上,让大家参观,并评出十个最好的球。 课后作业:

? ? Find a pingpong ball and colour it and bring it to the claroom next time .? ? 找一个乒乓球,把它涂上颜色,看谁涂得最好看。

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? 剑桥少儿预备级上 unit13 Exercise our body.教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *使学生会说一些锻炼身体的一般用语 *使学生能听懂基本句子并按照要求做动作 *使学生能模仿发出字母Mm及所给单词的读音 *使学生能听懂和读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:Stand in a row.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Bend down.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Straighten up.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Touch the left foot.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Right foot up/ down.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? What's that over there? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? Is it a big mountain? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? What are they doing ? They are swimming .? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? Are they happy? Yes, they are.交际词汇:up, down,front , back, row, line 教学活动1??Do as the teacher do ! ? ? 本单元的句型比较多,教师要立足于让学生听懂并操练,而不必去讲任何的句型。建议:上课的时候,教师就让全班同学站起来。教师对学生说,OK,everyone , listen and do as I do .Stand up!Sit down ! Now quickly, let's do it again.重复起立、坐下的目的是让大家跟着一起迅速做动作,不要拖拖拉拉。教师接着说 Now listen carefully.Stand in a row.Quickly! In a row.Now listen carefully, stand in a line .In a line .Very good .Listen again.Stand in a row.Stand in a line .Very good .Now stand in three lines.Three lines.(手势)Follow me .Bend down .Straight up.Touch the left foot.Touch the right foot.Right foot up.Right foot down.Left foot down .Hands up! Hands down 在做这些动作的时候,教师要把这些动作反复的做,知道熟练为止。在教师给指令的基础上,教师鼓励学生跟着老师一边说一边做。这样,学生能说这些基本的句子,在大家都知道如何说以后,教师让学生一起给指令。这时候,教师独自做动作,记住,教师做动作只是为了检查学生是否熟练掌握了这些基本句型。 教学活动2??Act it in pairs ? ? 如果学生纪律比较好,教师可以让学生两人一组练习给指令,做动作。 教学活动3??Listen and do .? ? 在做好动作的基础上,让学生边听第2部分的录音,边做动作。 教学活动4 Colour it ! ? ? 接着,教师可以让学生给50页上的两个孩子上颜色,在上颜色的时,教师要规定时间,一般来说三分钟就可以了,然后马上检查哪位学生涂得好,进行表扬。 教学活动5??Ask and answer.? ? 涂好颜色之后,教师可以拿出字母Mm卡片,把它放在稍远的地方,然后教师用两个布娃娃来做对话。教师拿其中一个说 what's that over there?Is it a big mountain? 拿着另一个说No, it's letter Mm.教师再重复一遍,试图让学生听懂每一句话。然后教师对学生说,Now, let's do the dialogue.I ask you a question.You answer my questions.教师在问的时候特别要注意学生的发音,在几次的反复对话之后,教师让学生两人一组练习,并检查学生说的是否正确。如果不够熟练就继续练习。 教学活动6? ?Show it to all.? ? 接下来,教师拿出自制的小秋千,做成小孩荡秋千的样子,然后,叫一个学生来扶着秋千,并做动作。教师对学生说,Who wants to come here and help me ? 等学生上来后,教师还是拿着两个娃娃对话,What are they doing ? They are swinging.Are they happy? Yes, they are .教师给了几遍示范之后,直接就可以问学生,让学生回答。如果学生回答时有发音等方面的错误就及时纠正。

教学活动7? ?Practice it in pairs ? ? 然后,教师再让学生两人一组进行对话练习,教师进行适当的抽查。在学生坐的时间比较长,需要活动的时候,教师再带着大家来进行本单元第3部分的内容和练习中第1部分的内容。还是采取边说边做的方法。 教学活动8??Listen and read ? ? 最后教师让学生一起听录音,朗读最后的短文。方式是,先让学生听一两遍录音,然后教师带读一两遍,最后让学生自己读,全班读。 课后作业: ? ? Listen to Part 1,2,3 of Unit 13 and do the actions with the tape.? ? 听13单元第1,2,3部分的朗读材料,坚持边听边做动作。

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? 剑桥少儿预备级上 unit14 Clap our hands.教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *使学生能掌握一些简单的动词表达方式 *使学生进一步复习单、复数的用法 *使学生进一步学习进行时的表达方式

*使学生学会字母Nn的发音及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第4部分所给出的句子

交际句型:Pick up the stool.? ?Stand around the tree.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Stand up and go to the door.Put down the book and bring back the knife.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Who' s under the big N ?? ?? ?Who's on the small n? 交际词汇:one......ten, stool, bike , bee, earaser 教学活动1 Clap our??hands! ? ? 上课时,教师首先带着大家拍巴掌,练习各种节奏。比如,One, two/one, two, three, four??five/four five six, seven, eight/seven eight nine.Nine, ten/ eight, nine ,ten.接下来,教师可以让学生拍One, two/one, two, three, four??five/four??five six, seven, eight/seven eight nine.Nine, ten/ eight, nine ,ten.教师让学生边拍手边说英语数字。在学生有了一些热身活动之后,教师可以将学生带入本单元的内容One, two, pick up the stool.One , two ,three, stand around the tree.One, two, three, four, stand up and go to the door.One, two, three,four, five, put down the book and bring back the knife.在说这段顺口溜的时候,教师可以通过动作给学生做解释,也可以让学生进行实地表演。比如说,教师和学生一起说,One, two, pick up the stool.教师立刻从后面跑到讲台旁边把小凳子拿起来,接着大家一起说,One,two, three, stand around the tree.教师让几个孩子到前面围一圈,围在自制的小树旁。当说到One , two, three, four, stand up and go to the door.教师示意让大家站起来,并朝门走去。最后说到,One, two, three, four, five, put down the book and bring back the knife.教师让学生把书放下,并到讲台前拿一把小刀,然后返回座位。解释之后,教师要求大家轻轻拍着桌子,按照一定的节奏说,也可以先听录音,然后再一起说。 教学活动2? ?Read the words! ? ? 当学生完成第1部分之后,教师拿出练习数字的图片(第2部分的图片),教师首先拿出小汽车图片,对学生说,Look , I've got a nice picture.What's this ? (学生:It's a car)Yes, it's a car.What's this ? (教师指一辆自行车,)等学生回答后,教师接着问,How many bikes? 教师用类似的方法问学生,直到10张图片都被问到。接着教师拿着图片让学生说,one car, two bikes, three boys, four girls, five books, six pencils, seven apples, eight bananas, nine bees, ten erasers.在教师带读的基础上,教师让学生自己读,两人一组读,最后全班读。当大家都比较熟悉的时候,教师把图片混插一下,然后抽图片,让学生立刻反应它们的英文。总之,以学生多练为主。 教学活动3??Read and choose ? ? 学生进行了大量的口语训练之后,教师让学生做一些静止的活动。教师可以对学生说,Now, please open your books , turn to page 56.Let's do exercise 1.??Choose the best answers.You read the first sentence here , and then choose the best answers here.Later we're going to check the answers.We'll see who has got the answers correct.教师说这番话时,有些学生可能听不懂,教师也不必担心,这些学生只要看到别人在做什么就知道该怎么做了。但教师要培养孩子的听力能力,不要说一句英语,再把它翻成汉语,这样,说了等于没有说,因为孩子因此会产生依赖的想法,总盼着教师说中文,否则就不去思考。学生做完之后,教师可以在全班进行检查,让一个学生说A,另一个学生说出正确的答案。教师可以这样对学生说,OK, let's check the answers.Who wants to read A? Who wants to answer? Is it A, B, or C ? Who wants to try?这样依次检查。 教学活动4 Ask and answer.? ? 学习字母时,教师拿出事先准备好的Nn 字母的大写和小写 ,同时在大写字母的下方放一个孩子的图片。教师问学生,Who's under the big N? 接着再问Who's on the small n ? 在学生回答问题的基础上,教师给出学生正确的发音,Nn,并带读几遍,同时还说A boy is under the big N.A monkey is on the small n.以便让学生跟着一起说。教师随后让学生两人一组进行练习,最后再检查说的效果(检查两三对同学)。如果学生说的还不够好,教师应纠正,并再给予一点时间进行练习。等大家都掌握了读音,教师再拿出字母Nn 的变形图,用两个娃娃来做对话表演,引出要交流的内容。反复两遍之后,教师问学生,What are they doing ? Who knows ? Who can answer my question? (在学生回答上来之后,教师要给予表扬)Very good.Now ,everybody.Listen carefully.I'll ask again.He/ She will answer.Listen.(在学生回答之后,教师转过来问全班) Yes, what are they doing, everyone ? Good .Look, What's this man doing ? He's ....教师有意识地留给学生说出来,Yes, he's bending his body.Can you bend your body like this ? 在学生明白意思的基础上,教师还是让学生两人一组进行练习,然后再抽查效果,最后,教师可以再给一点时间,让学生练习几遍。总之,让每个学生在课堂里有充分的说话、讲英语的时间。 课后作业:

? ? Listen to the first part of Unit 14 and read it??with the tape.Bring your crayons to the claroom next time.? ? 听第14单元第1部分的录音,并模仿朗读,下次带彩色蜡笔。

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? 剑桥少儿预备级上 unit15 I can draw it.教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *使学生进一步掌握有关水果及有关动作的单词 *使学生能按照指令画出正确的图案

*使学生能模仿发出字母Oo及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:Draw a big house.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Draw a??boy in the house.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???What are these ? They're Easter eggs.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???When is the Easter ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Next week.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? Who can draw a banana ? I can.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? Can you draw a window ? No, I can't .交际词汇:apple , orange, pear, banana, draw, colour , read , sing 教学活动1??Show it and eat it ! ? ? 上课时,教师首先手里拿着苹果对学生说,Look, I've got something today.What's this ?如果学生回答, It's??an apple.教师应说,Yes, you're right.It's an apple.Do you like apples?(注意要用复数形式)教师应问几个学生,问过几个学生之后,教师说,Yes, I like apples, too.Now, I'm going to peel the apple.(边说边削苹果,然后自己吃一块,表现出很爱吃的表情,紧接着问学生)Do you like apples? Oh, yes, you like apples, too? OK, now, here you are.教师削一块苹果给学生吃,并继续问学生,并每人削一小块。吃了一半以后,教师拿着苹果和香蕉问学生,Which do you like , apples or bananas ? 这时,学生肯定要选择一样水果说出来,教师就可以检查学生是否会说。如果学生说喜欢吃香蕉,教师也同样削一块香蕉给学生吃。总之,应把要复习的水果单词放在交流中进行,同时可以加上其它的两种水果,橘子和梨。在学生吃完,说完之后,教师说,OK,now,please take out your crayons.I want you to draw pictures .Now , look at the first one.A green apple.Quick, draw a green apple here.在学生画画的时候,教师一定要控制时间。一般来说,一张图只给1分钟左右就可以了,否则会影响正常的教学。其它的图画也是如此。学生画完之后,教师要做一个小小的评讲,对画得认真的同学要进行表扬,并适当给予几个人鼓励,发个小贴画等。

教学活动2??Move it and say it .? ? 教师带领学生说说唱唱。在说唱的时候,如果教师把苹果、橘子和鸭梨摆在桌上,让学生看着说就比较容易。比如,先摆好苹果,橘子和鸭梨,教师让学生说,apple, orange, pear,然后教师马上把橘子摆在苹果的前面,学生就可以说,orange,apple,pear,紧接着,教师再拿下橘子换上苹果,学生就可以说,banana,apple, pear.如果教师觉得这个比较费事,可以将这些图实现画在一张大纸上,让学生看着说也可以。在什么教具都没有准备的情况下,教师就用本单元的图,也可以让学生直接看着图来说。教师做教具的目的是使大家的视线比较集中,注意力比较集中,同时也给学生一个新的视觉。 教学活动3??Gue the fruit.? ? 在让大家说水果的时候,教师也可以用猜的方式来让学生猜是什么水果。教师将一个水果拿在手里放在讲台桌后面,让学生猜,What's in my hand ? Is it a pear?等。 教学活动4??Draw the fruit.? ? 教师让学生认真阅读教材上所给的句子,按照要求画画。同样,在学生画完之后,教师要组织讲评,评比,看哪位同学画的好。在学生画完教材上的画以后,如果有时间,教师可以让学生进行画画比赛。让每组一个同学到黑板前,教师给指令,学生根据要求画画。比如,教师说,Please draw a tree.Draw one ball under the tree and one ball on the tree.Please draw a fish between the two flowers.Please draw an apple next to the pear.画的时间长短由老师来控制。但不宜太长,一般不要超过5分钟的时间,然后转入下一个活动。此练习可以和本单元练习2相结合。 教学活动5 Chant it ! ? ? 教师首先拿出Oo字母的图片,让学生听这个字母的读音,读过几遍之后,教师可往句子上引导,教师可以引导学生说,O O O , O O O .Early in the morning, cocks crow.O O O , O O O .Day time again.It's time to go.在学生反复练习的基础上,教师让学生分组,集体,个人朗读。最后比赛看谁说得好。然后,教师拿出复活节的彩蛋。教师只对学生说,Easter Day is a holiday in??America.It's on March 21st.教师可以告诉学生Easter Day 是复活节的意思,Easter egg 是把蛋涂成彩色,或直接用巧克力做成。其余内容不必多讲。重要的是让学生进行对话训练,能起到交流的作用。 教学活动6??Listen and tick.? ? 教师首先让学生看这六张图,然后依次问学生What's this ? 如碰到有学生不会的,教师要多带领学生读几遍,并且熟悉它们的发音。然后再让大家听录音并判断是打对还是差。最后教师再强调一下house, horse, mouse, mouth的发音,让大家注意看口型。 课后作业:

? ? Draw three things and write their English word under each picture.任意画三种东西,并在下面写上英语。

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? 剑桥少儿预备级上 unit16 I can see it.教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)

*使学生学会使用I can see ......的句型,并能做简单的问答 *使学生进一步复习有关动物的词汇

*使学生能模仿发出字母Pp及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:I??can??see??a? ?dog ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???What??can? ?you??see? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???Can? ?you??see? ?the? ?monkeys???Yes,??I??can.??No,??I??can't.交际词汇:rabbit , snake, bird, fish ,mouse, cat, dog, monkey 具体教学方法:

? ? 上课时,教师对学生说,Today we are going to do something .I'm sure you like it .Now ,everybody have a piece of paper.如果教师没有带纸时,则说,Now ,please take out a piece of??paper, like this .示意给学生看。Do as I do .Roll ,roll up the paper.Got that ? Let's do it again.Roll ,roll up the paper.这时,教师边自己卷纸边让学生跟着做,可以反复多次,并让学生练习说,同时还将许多图片或玩具放在黑板前的左侧,自己站在黑板的右侧,用卷起的纸筒边看边说Roll ,roll up the paper。做完第一个动作之后,教师接着示范第二个动作,让一个学生到前面来,举起一个小狗玩具,这时教师说,I can see a dog.I can see a dog.然后让该同学举起另一个玩具,这样以此类推。教师示范完之后,让学生一起来认读这些动物的名称,数遍之后,教师找学生拿着纸筒站到教室的后半部,同时找另一个学生到前面为后面的同学举图片或实物,并问后面的学生,What can you see ?后面的学生回答说,I can see a dog.I can see a eraser.几分钟后,教师再让学生打开书,说,Now ,please open your books let's read.读第4部分,教师可以有意识把这段内容变成节奏型的朗读材料,用手或脚打着节奏。之后 ,教师还可以用两人一组、全班分组、男女分组的形式进行朗读比赛。教师说,Now,please read in pairs first(两人一组)。OK, let's try it together.Boys read , I can see a cat.Girls read , I can see a dog .Let's try it.Very good.Now these three lines read "I can see a cat."And these three lines read"I can see a dog."Then, these lines again,and then these lines again.OK, let's try it.? ? 当大家能很熟练地说出这些句子之后,教师说,Very good.Now let's play a game.Please close your books .Close your eyes.教师让学生闭上眼睛之后,马上把动物移开,桌子上或黑板上只放着或贴着若干个猴子,并问大家,Can you see monkeys ? 重复几遍,希望每个人都能答出Yes, I can .通常,较聪明的孩子预先看到了该课的句型或已翻书看过,所以他们能回答教师所提出的问题。这时教师拿出两只猫的实物或图片,让大家看一眼并迅速藏起来问大家,Can you see the cats ?学生可能回答No, I can't .这时,教师以此做进一步的练习,让一个学生拿个东西或图片到前面,让大家迅速看一眼,并用Can you see the ...?的句型问大家。最后再回到教材的第5部分,说说唱唱,让学生们边听录音,边一起说,可以不看书。活动之后再进行别的教学活动。 教学活动3? ?Group competition ? ? 教师将全班同学分成两个组,进行说句子比赛,两边的同学都必须用I can see ...的句型说句子,一边说一个,轮流进行,但一放不能重复对方说过的句子。每说对一个句子,教师就在黑板上给那个组记一分,但不扣分。最后看哪一个组的同学说的句子多。教师可以用英语这样说,Now, let's have a match .We devide our cla into two groups.One is A, the other is B.We'll see which group can say more sentences.For example, I can see a ...If you say a correct sentence, I'll write it on the blackboard.But remember you can't repeat what others have said.For example, Zhang Hua says ,''I can see a dog."You can't say "I can see a dog, too." Do you understand ? Let's begin.Which group wants to be the first one? 课后作业:

? ? Listen to Part 4 and Part 5 of??Unit 16 and read with the tape.? ? 听第16单元的第4和第5部分,并跟着朗读。

[ 本帖最后由 yangaizhong 于 2008-8-7 13:04 编辑 ] 博学多彩,阳光100分!!

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50850 点? 人人币 2095 个? QB 0 个? 性别 男? 3# 发表于 2008-7-8 12:48 | 只看该作者 剑桥少儿英语一级教案

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit1 What’s your name? Teaching aims and demands: ●Can ask the name of others ●Can ask the age of others ●Can simply introduce the name of yourself and others ●Can count the number1~~10 Important and different point: ●交际句型:What's your name? ? ?I'm ..., You' re..., He's..., She's..., It's..., We're..., You're..., They’re„ ●交际词汇:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Teaching procedure: Step1??Greetings Because it is the first cla, so the teacher can introduce herself(himself),using the sentence pattern: “Hello, I’m JIQING, nice to meet you!” Ss should answer together: Nice to meet you ,too.Step2??Presentation ? ?Teacher can prepare some name cards before cla, write your name and some of your Ss names on the cards.When the cla begins, invite a boy and a girl to the platform and give them their name cards, adhibit each card on the coat.? ? Then begin from you .Point at your name card and say slowly and clearly, “I’m JI QING.”.Repeat it two or three times.Then turn to the boy and ask: “What’s your name?” Imply the boy answer the question like you.Then do the same way to the girl.??Step3??Ask and answer.Let the Ss do the following activity: Ask each pupil to take out a piece of paper and a pen ,then go and ask his or her friend“ What’s your name ?”.Tell the pupils to write down the names of his or her friend in Pinyin .? ???Check some Ss by asking their names and one or two of their friends’names.So Ss can know how to say “I’m„,He’s„,She’s„”

After doing this, the teacher will add something new.Let the Ss listen to you carefully.You say: “my name is JIQING, I’m 25 years old.” Meanwhile,write down the number 25 on the blackboard.Say again “I’m 25 years old.” Then ask one student “How old are you?Are you 7 or 8?” Write 7 and 8 on the blackboard .Ask more Ss the question like this.Step4??Chant Do Part5.We can clap while chanting.First chant together, then in part.Step5??Ask each other ? ?Do the same activity as Step3.But the question is “How old are you?”.Ss will write down the numbers .Then check some Ss to see if they are right .

Step6 Drill 1) Ask some student the questions:What’s your name?How old are you? Then let the Ss ask the questions in pairs.Act it out in front of the cla.??2)Ask a boy and a girl to the platform,and say: “He is Liu Tong .She is Wang Fang and I’m Ji Qing .Repeat this for some times.Then three Ss form a group ,practice like this:“I’m „,She’s „,He’s „.Act it out in front of the cla.Step7??Count it and clap your hands ? ?Teacher claps once while say??“one”,then Ss follow .Claps twice while say “two”.Just do this way until you clap ten times while you say “ten ” .

Homework *Listen and read after the tape of Unit 1 *Ask each other the name and age after cla .*Write your name in English on a piece of card and bring it to the cla next time . ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit2 What’s this Teaching aims and demands:

●能熟读26个英语字母,会唱字母歌 ●能初步了解元音字母及其读音 ●能认读所给的全部缩写字母

Important and difficult points: ●交际句型:What’s this? ??Who’s jumping? ●学习字母:Aa到Zz ●学习音素: 元音字母Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu Teaching procedure Step1??Warm up Review Unit1.Teacher can ask Ss: What’s your name ?How old are you ? What’s his name ? How old is he ? Step 2??Sing the song ? ?Hang the alphabet picture on the blackboard ,teach the Ss sing the alphabetsong ,then teach the Ss to learn the letters .Step3??Jump and say?? ? ???Prepare some capital letter cards(including these words:BAG ,BEN ,KIM ,DOG, BUS),some small word cards before cla.? ???After Ss sing the song ,ask three Ss to the front ,each one hand a capital letter card and stand in a line .First,three Ss jump together ,then jump one by one ,and then jump together again .At the same time ,other Ss say “bag ,b-a-g,bag ”,then repeat .? ???After this ,teacher find another six Ss to the front ,each one hand a word card including the letter “A”,such as “cat ,bag ,hand , lamp ,man ,mat .” Teacher first let the first student jump and say “Bag! Bag!bag ,bag ,bag ”.Other Ss repeat .Finish other word cards in this way .? ?? ? Next ,ask the Ss of group2(BEN )jump and say like what group1 just did .Step4??Presentation Teacher can bring something to the cla ,like a cup ,a brush ,an apple ,etc.Then the teacher hand a cup and ask a student “What’s this ?”and “What’s that ?” Step5??Say the vowel sounds ? ? Ask the Ss of each group to stand in front of the blackboard ,just let the vowel sound jump, meanwhile ,teacher points at the sound and asks Ss “What’s this?Who is jumping ?” Step 6??Practise ??See Part2 of this unit .Ss can read after the tape ,and then practise in pairs .Act it out in front of the cla.Step7??Chant ? ???Before doing this part ,teacher can give each student a letter card in disorder ,one letter can be written more than once on the cards .When chanting ,those Ss should stand up if they hear their letter in hand is chanted.Step8??Find the big and small letters ? ???Give big letters to a part of Ss and small letters to the other part .Let the Ss with small letters run and find the big letters .If succe, the big and small letters will stand together in front of the cla .At last ,Ss will read these letters .

Homework *Listen to the tape of Unit2 and read the alphabet *Make four simple dialogues using “What’s this ?” ,“What”s that ?” *Write down the 26 letters on your homework book .

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit3 What colour do you like The first cla? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? Teaching aims and demands : ●能用英语说出10种常用的颜色 ●会用英语询问别人喜好的颜色 Important and different points: ●交际句型: What colour do you like? I like blue.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? Do you like black? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ●学习颜色:black, gray, white, orange, purple, brow, yellow, blue, green ,red ,pink? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ●复习字母:从Aa到Zz Teaching procedure: Step1??Warm up Review Unit2.Ss can sing the alphabet song together before cla.Step2??presentation ? ?Prepare some balloons, papers and pictures with different colours。The teacher can “blow the balloon and hang them up in front of the blackboard.Teacher can say: “Look here, I’ve got many ballons.What colours are they? They’re black, gray, white, orange, purple, brown, yellow,blue, green, red and pink.I like orange, green, and blue.” Teacher pointing at the balloon while saying this kind of colour。Teacher should says slowly and clearly, so that the Ss can understand well.This action can be repeated more than once.Then the teacher can ask the Ss: “ What colour do you like ?”Ss can say: “I like blue.” Teacher can ask Ss in another way : “Doyou like blue?” If Ss say,“Yes ,I do.” Teacher can give the student a balloon without blowing as a gift。Then repeat this action more than once.Step3??Drill? ? ??See part1.Let’s talk about the picture.Ss can read after the tape.Then practice in groups to discu the colour you like.Step4??Practice 教师可以让穿各种衣服的学生站成一排,然后问某个学生What colour do you like ?如果学生说I like blue,老师就让这个学生站到穿blue 衣服的学生的后面.然后再让该学生问其他同学,以此类推。最后看哪个颜色后面站的学生多。 Step5??Show colourful clothes ? ?教师可让穿各种颜色衣服的学生站到前面来,站成一个圆圈,背朝里,然后让学生慢慢地转动。教师总是指着对着大家的那个颜色问What colour is it ? 学生们回答It’s white.或It’s black等。 Step6 Drill of Part2 See Part2.Ss read after the tape ,then practice in pairs .Step7??Chant ? ?教师可带领学生用chant的形式说出part4中的9个短语,这样有助于学生记忆。 Step8??Gue the right colour ??See Part5 .3个人一组,打开教材,其中一人当裁判,一人闭上眼睛,另一个人抓住闭眼睛学生的手,将其手放在一个颜色上问该学生,What colour is it ?如果闭眼睛的学生说,It’s red .猜中了,裁判记上一分.共猜5次,最后看谁猜的分数多.Homework: *Read after the tape of this unit twice .*Do the exercises of this unit.*Use five kinds of colour to copy one sentences and decide which colour you like best, second ,third ,fourth ,and fifth

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit4 How many ducks are there? 教学目的和要求:*使学生能够掌握和使用How many句型 *使学生能用数字回答所提的问题 *使学生进一步掌握名词的单、复数

交际句型:How many dogs are there? There are two.学习内容:名词的复数形式

学习音素:辅音字母组合ch和sh 具体教学方式:

先用最简单的方式说,Look, everyone.This is a book.A book.接着再拿起一本书说,two books, one book, two books.(pencil)„.教本单元的单词。用本单元句型问学生How many dogs are there? How many chicks are there?等。

在教单、复数时,应分2步。第一步直接用上述方法,并给以大量例子。Desk,desks; chair, chairs; table, tables; door, doors; light, lights; window, windows;pen, pens;pencil,pencils;book, books;bag, bags等.让学生感到英语是一件十分容易的事.第二步遇到不规则名词复数时,教师就说,This is different.You need to remember .但不要讲规则。因为规则很多, 有些规则所讲到的词是很难见到的.教学活动1??Let’s count! 教师在讲数量时,可以说”1”时,让一个学生站起来;说”2”时, 让第2 个学生站起来以此类推.同时还可以让学生来数一下班级里的男学生或女学生.教学活动2??Simon says 教师对学生说,Please go to the window.Let’s see what things are outside.How many are things教师这时才可以问How many trees are there in the school? How many bikes are there on the playground? How many cars are there? How many people are there?等 教学活动3??Find the animals 关于主图的教学,教师可以先用简单的英语给学生讲这张图.比如,Now .Let’s look at the picture.There are many animals.Do you know what they are ? They’re bears, sheep, birds, butterflies, ducks, chicks, rabbits, mice and so on.Look, some children are watching the bears now.Ok, now, let’s see, how many sheep are there? How many mice are there?等.在教师做完示范之后, 让学生两人一组根据这张图进行Ask and answer练习, 并把数字写在相关名词的边框里.教学活动4? ?Follow the rhyme ? ?在学习第二部分时,教师可以先把这段内容当作CHANT来完成, 然后再来学唱这首歌.教师边说边用手轻轻拍着桌子, 打着节奏.这样有利于学生记忆此部分的内容.教学活动5? ?Listen and write ? ?在练习听力,做练习时, 教师可以先让学生把书合上听录音带.听了一两遍以后,教师再让学生打开 书, 边听边做练习.最后可以再让学生听一遍.即使有的学生不能完全听懂, 也不必去翻译每一句话.不如让学生多听几遍.补充内容: 单词 lion, koala, bear, panda, zebra 课后作业: 数一数班级里的学生,桌椅并把数字写下来.

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit5 Have you got any fish? 教学目的和要求

*使学生学会使用Have you got„句型 *使学生掌握生活中的一些常用词汇 *使学生能初步掌握一些字母组合的规律 交际句型:

Have you got any fish?Yes , I have .No , I haven’t.Let’s go bike-riding.Where is it?There! 交际词汇:pen, desk, leg, pencil, egg, letter, bed, apple, map, bag, ruler, book, box, bookcase 具体教学方式:

可以先拿钢笔或铅笔问学生,Have you got a pen? Have you got a pencil? 之类的问题。当学生明白含义之后,可让学生互相问。把这个句型练习得比较熟练后,再转移到教学主图上.讲主图时, 因为内容和对话比较多,所以应注意引导学生.教学活动1? ?Talk about the picture.? ? 教师让学生看主图.因为主图的内容较多, 学生肯定会认真观看主图上的内容.教师先问学生,How many children are there in this picture? How many boys and how many girls? How many cats are there? How many fish are there?教师问完学生几个问题以后,就可以转移到具体的每幅图上.比如 Now , let’s look at this boy and this girl.(用手指着相应的画) They’re talking .The girl says, “Have you got a bike? Let’s go bike-riding.” The boy says, “I haven’t got a bike .Let’s go fishing.” Now I’ll ask you some questions.Please answer my questions.What are they doing? What dose the boy say? What does the girl say?然后再将学生的视线转移到中间,看看两只猫在做什么.教师继续问学生, What does the cat say? What does the boy answer?讲此课文时, 可不必按录音的顺序进行,吸引学生注意力为原则,引导他们看不容易注意到的东西。如鱼从烧热的桶里蹦出来,比萨饼上有什么等。 教学活动2? ? Learn the words ? ?将课文中所需要的单词卡片准备好, 面朝下, 放在讲台上.将学生分成两组, 每组的学生先上来一个, 各翻开一张卡片, 并用英语说出该单词, 说对的组得1分.说完之后, 各组的第二个人上来继续做.最后, 看哪个组得分多.教学活动3? ? Say and point ? ???在上述活动进行之后, 就可以用听音指认的方式来做课文中第4部分和练习第1题.教师说出一个单词,让学生迅速指出来.教学活动4? ? Talk in pairs ? ? 让学生两人一组进行对话练习.其中一个人问Have you got any pens? Have you got any books?另一个人回答,Yes, I have .No, I haven’t.然后对方再以同样的方法问一遍.看看谁问的问题多.? ???课文中的其他教学活动可以按其要求进行.补充内容: a pair of jeans, a pair of gloves, a pair of shorts, a scarf Homework : Draw an interesting picture like anyone in this unit and write a dialogue for them.


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剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit1 Where are you going? 教学目的和要求:




交际句型:--------------Where are you going? ----------------I' m going to school.

交际词汇:post office, market, zoo, park, bus station, cafe, supermarket, hospital, cinema, bank, library, shop

复习内容:物主代词my, your, his, her, their, our, its 具体教学方式: 上课时,首先让大家看自己手中的图片,并对大家说:Hi, everyone, I've got many pictures.They are places.Do you know what they are? Now, look at this one.(拿出一个大家比较熟悉的地点---医院) This is a hospital.Do you this one? Very good.It's a school.It's a school.We are now in the school.按照此种方法,可以把单词一一介绍给大家。 介绍时要注意与学生在情感上的交流。如:This is a supermarket.Have you ever been to a supermarket? What can you buy in the supermarket? Is it far from your home? 等。语言要尽量简练,否则学生会有很多的听觉障碍。

学生把所有的地点学说几遍之后,教师说:Now I put these pictures in different places.And I'm going to ask you a question.Where are you going? You tell me , "I'm going to the bank." Then you go and stand near the bank.Let's see which place has more people.Do you understand? Who wants to try first? OK, come here please.Everybody, listen! " Where are you going.Lin Feng?" "I'm going to the zoo." Very good.Now you can go to the zoo and stand here.Do you understand us now?

教师带领学生做几个示范之后,可以让某个学生到前面来做同样的练习。待大家都理解了意思之后,教师应给学生一些时间做小组练习,然后再进行抽查。教师可以对学生说:Now I want you to work in pairs.One of you may ask questions and the other answer questions with these words.Let's see who can answer more questions.这样通过大量的练习,学生就能进一步掌握该课的句型和单词。最后教师可以让学生两人一组迅速到前面来表演一下。

教学活动1 Find your way!


教师给学生发出指令,Turn left, turn right, go straight, make a left/right turn.等学生对这些指令比较熟悉之后,教师找一个学生问:Where are you going?另一个学生回答:I’m going to the hospital.这时,教师让学生到黑板前来,并让学生用英语告诉大家应该怎么去。

教师可以这样说: Ok, XXX, please come here.Tell us how you can get to the hospital.学生可以:You go straight, turn right and then go straight, turn left and go straight again.The hospital is there.第一个学生做完之后,可以根据时间再叫几个学生来说。

教学活动2 Flip pictures and answer questions.

教师将所有的图片打乱顺序翻过来放在黑板上,然后按小组进行竞赛。第一组的学生上来一个人随意翻一张,教师就可以问问他(她)问题。如:Have you been to the post office? Do you often write letters? What can you buy in the post office?等。 如果学生能回答上来这些问题,就可以给该组记上10分,然后再请第二组的学生到前面来继续进行。这样依次类推,最后看总分,决定胜负。 类似的问题有:

Zoo.Do you often go to the zoo? Do you like animals? What's your favourite animal? School.Do you go to school every day? When do you usually go to school? Do you like your school? Library.Do you often read in the library? Do you often go to the library? Do you often borrow books? Park.Do you often go to parks on Sundays? Which is your favourite park? Is the park near your home? Shop.Do you go to shops? Are they near your home? What can you buy in the shops? Bus station.Do you often take a bus? Is the bus very crowded? Is it very expensive? Cinema.Do you like to go to movies? Is the cinema near your home? Whom do you often go with? Supermarket.Do you like to go to the supermarket? Is it big or small? Are there many things in the supermarket? Hospital.Do you often go to the hospital? Do you like to go to the hospital? Is it far very far from your home? Cafe.Do you like to drink coffee? Is there a cafe near your home? Are there many people in it?

Exercise 2.

1 Tom: Where are you going, Fred? Fred: I'm going to school.Are you going to school, Tom? Tom: No, I'm not going to school.I'm going to the hospital.

2 Daisy: I like reading books.Let's go to the library, Jane! Jane: But I'm going to the library.I'm going to the zoo.I like watching animals.Let's go to the zoo, Daisy.You can read books there and I can watch animals.Daisy: Good.Let's go.

3 John: Jim is going to the post office and Sam is going to the cinema, and where are you going, Ben? Ben: I'm going to the supermarket.Where are you going , John? John: I'm going to the library.

4 Daisy: Where is Jill going, Mary? Mary: She is going to the bus station.She's going to meet her brother there.Daisy: But her brother is at school now.Let's go and tell Jill now.Mary: OK.Let's go.

Exercise 3.Yes .No.No.Yes.No.No.Yes.Yes.

Exercise 4 C B B C


1 Find out: (1)How long will it take to go to your home by bike? (2)Which is the shortest way to go home? (3)Which is the quickest way to go home?

2 Everybody prepares some cards.Write a word of a place on each card and bring them to the cla next time 3.Look at the example and make sentences.Example: This is Mary’s bag.

This is her bag

1) This is Harry’s dog.2) This is Pat and Nancy’s school.3) This is Jack and my cla.4) That is Jenny and your room.4.Read and choose the best answer.

剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit2 What's the weather like today? 教学目的和要求:

*要求学生通过学习本单元掌握询问天气的基本问句 *要求学生熟读和掌握有关天气的词汇 *看懂有关天气的小短文


交际句型:What's the weather like today? It's cloudy and windy.It's going to rain.How is the weather on Monday? 交际词汇:weather, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, rainbow, wet, cold, hot, sky, away, always, laugh, sing, shout, cry, heavy, light 具体教学方式:

上课时,首先拿一张适合当地天气的图,如刮风、下雨或晴天等,然后问学生:What's the weather like today? What's the weather like today? 边说边指着外面的天气,然后再指着自己手里的晴天图说:It's sunny.It's sunny.Now answer my question all together.What's the weather like today?教师讲的时候要注意用手势引发学生回答问题。学生熟悉几遍以后,教师让学生看另外一张图并对学生说:Look, it's windy.说话的同时做出刮风的姿势。然后教师将图片贴在黑板上,并在旁边写上“上海”,在问学生,What's the weather like in Shanghai? 教师边说边启发大家用刚才学过的巨性,It's winday.用这样的方法还可以把其他的单词一一介绍出来。然后看第二部分。 第一部分。Oh, we have nice pictures here.Look at the first part.There is a boy playing on the sand near the sea, right? What's the weather like here?问完之后,教师期待着学生回答It's sunny.教师应用快慢结合的问句来问学生。接着,可结合当日的上课的天气,指着窗户问:What's the weather like outside today?然后再指图片:What's the weather like here? What is the boy doing? Good.Who is in the clouds? (It's an angel.) Do you know angel? What is she doing? What is she doing? Yes, she is playing the harp.What's the weather like?(It's cloudy) Can you see a big cloud? Oh, look here.What's this? It's a snowman.And what are these? Do you know?停顿一下说:Listen, they are snowflakes.What's the weather like here? It's snowy.用类似的方法让学生学习winday和rainy.在与学生交流中,教师可以问:How do you know that it's windy?( I can see the boys holding their hats tightly.I can see the wind blowing hard.)涉及到雨的时候,可以问:Is the boy happy? (Yes, he is) How do you know that?( He is jumping in the water.) Yes, he is wet all over the body.Oh, there si a beautiful rainbow.Have you fond it? Yes, here.Do you like rainbows? Good, I like rainbows too.第一部分完成之后,教师可以对学生说:Now let's play a game.Word-touching game.Three pupils are in one group.One person says"Cloudy", the other pupils touch the word quickly.Let's see who is the firt and how many times each person wins.OK, let's start.学生做完之后,可询问一下结果:Who wins eight times? Seven times? Six times?依次类推,并给予一定的奖励。

第四部分。可先让学生自己读该部分的内容,并把生词划出来。It's a story about the sun, the clouds , the wind and the rain.Please read it by yourselves.If you have some new words, underline them first.OK, start.然后教师把几个词写到黑板上问大家:Who can read this word? 比如: laugh, shout, cry, stop, always, away, feel, sky, above等。如果某个学生读得很好,就让该生带领大家一起读这些单词。Good.You read it one by one.Everybody reads after him/her please.第六部分可以让学生自己学习,然后做对话表演,因为本部分是进一步复习前面的内容。 在做练习一和练习四的时候,一定要让学生到前面,将答案写在黑板上。教师要进行核对,一保证学生写的每个词是正确的。

练习一。rainy, hot, snowy, sunny, cold, windy, wet, cloudy 练习四。jacket, umbrella, sunglaes, T-shirt, rain rainy, snow snowy, rainbow rain, wind windy 特别是rain, rainy, snow, snowy.一般来说尽量不要去解释,必要的时候只说:There is rain on rainy days.(在多鱼的天气里常常有雨),强调重读rain和rainy,不必说明哪个是名词,哪个是形容词。 练习五

1 --Look, there is a big sun.--Yes, draw a small red sun and a big yellow sun.--What? A red sun and a yellow sun? --Yes, draw a small red sun and a big yellow sun.2 --Look it's very hot outside.--Draw some rain? --Yes, Draw some rain.Look, there is a boy in the rain.--Yes, Draw a big umbrella for him.--Ok.Draw a big umbrella for him.3 --Look at the snow.It's white and clean.--Yes.Draw a snowman in front of the house.--Ok.Draw a snowman in front of the house.--Please draw a red nose and two black eyes.--Ok.Draw a red nose and two black eyes.4 --Oh, it's a rainbow.There si a rainbow over there.--Good! Let's draw a rainbow.--I like rainbows.It's beautiful.Let's draw a rainbow.教学活动 Let's play "the sun and the wind".如果教室的场地比较大,教师可以让学生到教室的后面来玩这个游戏。教师先找出几个人,分别拿着rain, sun, wind, hot, cold, snow, wet的单词卡,让这些学生站到一边,其余学生都站到另一边,另外再找一个学生给指令。如果他说rain,拿rain这个单词卡的人马上要跑出来。与此同时,未拿卡的学生都要做出挡雨、防雨的动作。拿卡的人要在很短的时间内抓住一个没有防雨、挡雨的人。如果抓住得一分,被抓的学生出场。这几个单词的动作分别是:

rain,挡雨、防雨,要用手或东西遮住头部 sun,用说遮住太阳

wind,弯腰,同时用手捂住衣服和帽子 hot,流汗、檫汗的样子

cold,紧裹着衣服,全身哆嗦 snow,堆雪人的样子

wet,单腿跳,避免站到水里的样子 家庭作业:

1、Read the text on your own three times.

2、如果上课的时间是5月份,就可以给舞月份生日的学生过生日。可以先了解谁是5月的生日。Now listen, who were born in May? Please raise your hands.Good, we have four children born in this month.Next time we are going to have a birthday party for them.Now here is your homework.Go home and prepare a very small present for these four pupils.Remember you don't need to buy anything.You can make it by yourselves.3.Look at the words and find the odd one.

1) A.but B.bus C.shut D.put

2) A.book B.school C.good D.took

3) A.cat B.cap C.cake D.man

4 Read and fill in the blanks.

There are 1) _________seasons in a year.They are spring, summer, fall and winter.2) _________ is the first season of the year.It is very 3)_________.Many flowers are here and there.And leaves are 4)________ again.

1) A.two B.three C.four

2)A.Spring B.Summer C.Fall

3) A.cold B.hot


4) A.yellow B.green C.brown

剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit3 Is that dog yours 教学目的和要求:

使学生通过学习进一步掌握名词性物主代词的用法 帮助学生进一步巩固日常的生活词汇 使学生能用英语表演一些简单的小对话 交际句型:Is that dog yours? Whose new car is this? Is it Peter's ? 交际词汇:his, yours, ours, mine, hers, its, theirs, pet, video, comic, scarf, flat, village, present, each, best, parrot,CD,toothbrush, sweater, towel 具体教学方式:

上课时对学生说:Do you want to play games today? OK, I've got two bags here.I want each one of you to take one thing and put the thing in the bag.Remember, don't let anybody see it.These three groups, you may put the things in this bag and these three groups, you may put the things in this bag.All right, let's do it quickly.Don't let anyone see it.Good.Now listen, let's divide our cla into two groups.The pupils in this group will come here one by one and take a thing from this bag and ask someone in this group"Is this ruler/key yours?" You can ask three times.The other person can only say,"Yes" or "No".If your gue is right, you get one point for your group.Do you understand? Now, let's begin.第三部分。让全班学生站起来,每人受里拿着自己的书说:This is my book.It's mine.然后大家指着面对着的人说:That is your pencil.It's yours.以同样的方法可以说:That is his bag.That is her ruler.This is our claroom.That is their house.等。大家说得熟练后,拿出相应的图片教新单词,如pet, video, comics, scarf, flat, village等。数遍之后,再将句型套用到里面。 第四部分,可以让学生集体朗读。学生停到某个生词之处时,教师再教学生该单词的读音等。这样一来,学生学习上就有积极性。由于该段文章是以对话的形式出现的,所以,教师可以让三个学生一起来表演该段内容。本单元的第七部分也是如此。有些学生可以做这段对话,也有些学生可以做其他对话。 第五部分是个教学游戏。Now let's play another game.But this game is a bit different.We have got many presents here.You want to give these presents to your best friends, but you don't know what's inside.First you have to write your friends' names down.And later on you can find out what's in the box.Let's see whether you have given the right presents to the right person.Once you've decided, you can't change it at all.本单元的语音练习应重在模仿朗读上。如果学生知道单词的意思当然最好,但不知道也没有关系,关键在于每个学生都能看见该单词就能读出来。

练习一 mine, hers, hers, his, yours, ours, theirs, his 练习二 C, B, A, A 练习三

This is a lovely house! Yes.But it looks better if we colour them right now.What are we going to colour the bedroom upstair? Colour it green? You mean the double bed or the single bed? Colour the double bed green.What about the single bed? Colour it yellow please.What colour should be the table in the kicthen? I like it brown.Please colour it brown.What about the cupboard? Colour it pink! OK.I like pink too.What about the stairs next to the kitchen? Should I colour them brown too? No.Please colour them grey.What about the sofa in the living room? Colour it purple.I like purple sofas.What about the bathtub in the bathroom? Colour it black.I see.Colour the bathtub black.Oh, don't forget to colour the tree outside green! 教学活动1 Whose (pen ) is it? 教师可以背对学生,然后让每个组的一个学生到前面的讲台桌上放一个东西。然后,教师转过身,拿着其中的一样东西问学生:Is this yours?该学生回答Yes,或者是No.教师询问几个问题之后,就可以换学生来做,并开始给每个小组记分,最后看总分。Now, let's play a game.This time I will gue things.I will turn around.One pupil from each group can come to the front and put a thing on my desk.When you are done, I'll ask you the question."Is this yours?" If I am correct, I'll get an apple.I can only ask three times.If I'm not right, then I'll ask a pupil to take my place.We'll keep scores for every group.Are you clear now? Good, let's begin.教学活动2 Who is lucky? 事先准备数量多体积小的东西或食品,课上让两个学生到前面来分这些东西,最后的东西给谁,就表示谁幸运。但在分的时候一定要用英语说句子,其中一人边把东西分给对方和自己边说:“This is yours.This is mine."然后,另一个学生也用同样的方法说,This is yours.This is mine.直到最后说:This is yours.This is mine。如果这时东西正好分到某人手里,那么他/她就是幸运之星。第二组进行的人可以再分别的东西,但这一次要三个人参加,其中一男一女在一边,中间人是男生或女生都无关紧要。这一次由中间人边分东西边说:This is his.This is hers.直到最后一个,看东西最后落入谁的手里。如教师想练习yours, ours,就应找出6个学生,一个三个。每组其中的一个人说:This is yours.This is ours.对方的代表也同样这样说。所分的东西不必太多,通常有15~20个左右。 课后作业:

1、Read unit4 on your own and see what's inside the unit.

2、Everybody learns two phrases from the next unit and say them in cla next time..3.Look at the example and write the sentences.

Example: This is my bag.This bag is mine.

1) That is his pet._____________________

2) This is our flat._____________________

3) Those are their sweaters.___________________

剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit4 Do you often play football? 教学目的和要求:

*通过学习本单元使学生掌握一般疑问句的提问方式 *使学生能对日常的生活活动提出各种问题 *使学生复习和掌握一些固定的动词短语 *使学生能掌握字母组合sh的发音

交际句型:Do you often play football? 交际词汇:wake up at six, have breakfast, go to bed, sing songs, read English, draw pictures, take pictures, wash clothes, climb mountains, cook supper, clean the floor, take a shower


教师拿着一个足球对大家说:Look, I've got a football.Do you often play football? Who likes to play football today? Ok, you come here.You kick the small ball slowly.When it stops, you may ask the person who is near the ball,"Do you often play football?" The answer is, "Yes, I do." or "No, I don't." Do you understand? OK, do it now.这个学生问了一些学生后,教师说:All right.Let's stop here for a while.Now let's look at some of the pictures.What's this?(教师拿出一张照相的图片)Yes, taking pictures.What about this picture?拿出洗衣服的图片,再问:What's the boy doing?等。大家都熟悉了这些短语之后,教师让学生两个人一组用第二部分的内容进行对话练习。在学生做对话练习的同时,教师将动词短语贴在足球上,然后再找一个学生轻轻地踢这个足球,踢到某个学生之处,就拿起足球递给该学生。该学生从足球上拿下一个动词短语,并用该动词短语问踢足球的人一个问题,然后依次类推。教师可以用英语组织:Now everybody, look here.On this ball there are many phrases, such as "wake up at six, draw pictures." I want one pupil to come here and kick the ball slowly.When the ball stops, the person picks up the ball and gives the ball to another pupil.That pupil picks out a phrase and asks the player a question.For example" Do you wake up at six every body?" The football player says, "Yes, I do." And then, he/she may go on kicking the ball.Do you understand? Let's do it.Who wants to come here? Good, XXX come here please.如果某个学生踢的劲太大,教师就说:No, no.You failed.We asked you to kick it slowly.Try it again.If you can't do it, we'll have another pupil come and do it.朗读第三部分。Ok, everyone, do you understand the humour? If you do, please to the same question and answers in pairs.Then I'll ask you the same questions later.You practise first.

Exercise 2.1 Daisy likes to take pictures.But where is her camera? Look, it's behind the big dog.Now draw a line between Daisy and the camera.OK.Draw a line between Daisy and the camera.2 Look, what is John doing? He is going to colour the picture.But he hasn't got the paintbrush.No, where is his paintbrush? Oh, it's on the table.Now draw a line between John and the paintbrush.Ok.Draw a line between John and the paintbrush.3 What are the booys doing? They're playing football.Can you see the ball? No, where? It's in the tree.Oh, I can see it now.Draw a line between the football and the boy who is next to the dog.Ok.Draw a line between the football and the boy who is next to the dog.4 Look at Peter! Where is he? He is in the rain! But where is his umbrella? I don't know.Look, the dog has got his umbrella.Quick, draw a line between Peter and the umbrella.All right draw a line between Peter and the umbrella.

教学活动 Who is the big winner? 每个组的学生可以自由选择专题,然后由别的组的另一个学生来问后面的问题。如果问问题的学生能问出每一个问题,也按同样的加分计算。如该专题做完,则从黑板上摘下。每做完一组,同时换两个人。

FAMILY1)How many people are there in your family? 2) Who is the oldest in your family? 3) Who does the cooking in the family? 4) Who is the last one to come here? 5) Who is the first one to leave home? LIKES 1) Do you like to watch TV? 2) Do you like a big TV or a small TV? 3) What's your mother's favourite food? 4) Who likes to play football in your cla? 5) Does your English teacher like singsing? SPORTS 1)What's your favourite game? 2)Do you often play table tennis? 3)Who often plays with you? 4)Do you play table tennis in the morning or in the afternoon? 5)Where do you play ping pong? NUMBERS 1)What is five plus five? 2)Do you like to work with numbers? 3)Can you count from Number1 to Number 30? 4)Can you say the following numbers? 57, 39, 40, 12.5)Who is the best pupil in your maths cla? PEOPLE 1)Do you have many friends? 2)Does your grandpa live with you? 3)Are there many people in your family? 4)Who is the tallest one in your family? 5)Who is the shortest one in your family? SCHOOL1)Do you like to go school? 2)What is the name of your school? 3)Is your school far from your home? 4)Is you school very big or small? 5)How many claes are there in your garde? WEATHER 1)What's the weather like yesterday? 2)Do you like rainy days? 3)What do you do when the weather is very hot? 4)Can you play football in the rain? 5)Do you like to make a snowman on a snow day? ANIMALS 1)Do you like snakes? 2)What's your favourite animal? 3)What's monkey's favourite food? 4)Have you got a cat at home? 5)Do you like to go to the zoo on Sundays? MATHS 1)Who is your maths teacher? 2)Do you like to learn maths? 3)Who is the best pupil with maths in your cla? 4)How may is 28 and 43? 5)Can you say the numbers from 10 to 1? FOOD 1)Do you like to eat pizza? 2)What's your favourite food? 3)Do you often eat ice cream? 4)Do you like fish or eggs? 5)Who buys the food in your family? FRIENDS1)Who is your best friend? 2)Have you got many friends? 3)Do you often play games with friends? 4)Where do you often play with your friends? 5)Is your best friend tall or short? PLACE1)Do you live in Beijing or Nanjing? 2)Have you ever been to Shanghai? 3)Do you know where Taiwan is? 4)Where is the hottest place in China? 5)Where is the coldest place in China? BIRTHDAY1)When is your birthday? 2)What do you do on your birthday? 3)Do you get some birthday presents every year? 4)Do you know your mother's birthday? 5)Can you sing "Happy bithday song"? HOME1)Where is your home? 2)Is your house big or small? 3)How many bedroom have you got? 4)Is your home far from our school? 5)Do you like your home? BALL GAMES1)Can you say some names of the ball games? 2)Which ball game do you like best? 3)Do you want to learn a new ball game? 4)Do you often play it at home or at school? 5)Do you often have matches? NAMES1)Do you know many English names? 2)Say some English girl's names.3)Say some English boy's names.4)Have you got an English name? 5)What's your English name?

Homework: Ask your father and mother what they do every day from morning till evening.1.Read and choose the best answer.

1) I often ___________ the floor after school.

A.cleans B.clean C.cleaning

2) What does Ted often do? He often ____________ pictures.

A.draw B.drawing C.draws

3) What do you often do in the evening? I often _____________ supper.

A.does B.cooks C.cook

3.Unscramble the sentences.

1) songs, mother, my, I, sing, often, with _________________________________

2) often, read, do, English, you ___________________________________

3) often, supper, cook, we, kitchen, in, the __________________________________

剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit5 What does your father do every day 教学目的和要求:

*通过学习本单元使学生掌握一般疑问句的提问方式 *使学生能对日常的生活活动提出各种问题 *使学生复习和掌握一些固定的动词短语 *使学生能掌握字母组合sh的发音

交际句型:Do you often play football? 交际词汇:wake up at six, have breakfast, go to bed, sing songs, read English, draw pictures, take pictures, wash clothes, climb mountains, cook supper, clean the floor, take a shower


教师拿着一个足球对大家说:Look, I've got a football.Do you often play football? Who likes to play football today? Ok, you come here.You kick the small ball slowly.When it stops, you may ask the person who is near the ball,"Do you often play football?" The answer is, "Yes, I do." or "No, I don't." Do you understand? OK, do it now.这个学生问了一些学生后,教师说:All right.Let's stop here for a while.Now let's look at some of the pictures.What's this?(教师拿出一张照相的图片)Yes, taking pictures.What about this picture?拿出洗衣服的图片,再问:What's the boy doing?等。大家都熟悉了这些短语之后,教师让学生两个人一组用第二部分的内容进行对话练习。在学生做对话练习的同时,教师将动词短语贴在足球上,然后再找一个学生轻轻地踢这个足球,踢到某个学生之处,就拿起足球递给该学生。该学生从足球上拿下一个动词短语,并用该动词短语问踢足球的人一个问题,然后依次类推。教师可以用英语组织:Now everybody, look here.On this ball there are many phrases, such as "wake up at six, draw pictures." I want one pupil to come here and kick the ball slowly.When the ball stops, the person picks up the ball and gives the ball to another pupil.That pupil picks out a phrase and asks the player a question.For example" Do you wake up at six every body?" The football player says, "Yes, I do." And then, he/she may go on kicking the ball.Do you understand? Let's do it.Who wants to come here? Good, XXX come here please.如果某个学生踢的劲太大,教师就说:No, no.You failed.We asked you to kick it slowly.Try it again.If you can't do it, we'll have another pupil come and do it.朗读第三部分。Ok, everyone, do you understand the humour? If you do, please to the same question and answers in pairs.Then I'll ask you the same questions later.You practise first.

Exercise 2.1 Daisy likes to take pictures.But where is her camera? Look, it's behind the big dog.Now draw a line between Daisy and the camera.OK.Draw a line between Daisy and the camera.2 Look, what is John doing? He is going to colour the picture.But he hasn't got the paintbrush.No, where is his paintbrush? Oh, it's on the table.Now draw a line between John and the paintbrush.Ok.Draw a line between John and the paintbrush.3 What are the booys doing? They're playing football.Can you see the ball? No, where? It's in the tree.Oh, I can see it now.Draw a line between the football and the boy who is next to the dog.Ok.Draw a line between the football and the boy who is next to the dog.4 Look at Peter! Where is he? He is in the rain! But where is his umbrella? I don't know.Look, the dog has got his umbrella.Quick, draw a line between Peter and the umbrella.All right draw a line between Peter and the umbrella.

教学活动 Who is the big winner? 每个组的学生可以自由选择专题,然后由别的组的另一个学生来问后面的问题。如果问问题的学生能问出每一个问题,也按同样的加分计算。如该专题做完,则从黑板上摘下。每做完一组,同时换两个人。

FAMILY1)How many people are there in your family? 2) Who is the oldest in your family? 3) Who does the cooking in the family? 4) Who is the last one to come here? 5) Who is the first one to leave home? LIKES 1) Do you like to watch TV? 2) Do you like a big TV or a small TV? 3) What's your mother's favourite food? 4) Who likes to play football in your cla? 5) Does your English teacher like singsing? SPORTS 1)What's your favourite game? 2)Do you often play table tennis? 3)Who often plays with you? 4)Do you play table tennis in the morning or in the afternoon? 5)Where do you play ping pong? NUMBERS 1)What is five plus five? 2)Do you like to work with numbers? 3)Can you count from Number1 to Number 30? 4)Can you say the following numbers? 57, 39, 40, 12.5)Who is the best pupil in your maths cla? PEOPLE 1)Do you have many friends? 2)Does your grandpa live with you? 3)Are there many people in your family? 4)Who is the tallest one in your family? 5)Who is the shortest one in your family? SCHOOL1)Do you like to go school? 2)What is the name of your school? 3)Is your school far from your home? 4)Is you school very big or small? 5)How many claes are there in your garde? WEATHER 1)What's the weather like yesterday? 2)Do you like rainy days? 3)What do you do when the weather is very hot? 4)Can you play football in the rain? 5)Do you like to make a snowman on a snow day? ANIMALS 1)Do you like snakes? 2)What's your favourite animal? 3)What's monkey's favourite food? 4)Have you got a cat at home? 5)Do you like to go to the zoo on Sundays? MATHS 1)Who is your maths teacher? 2)Do you like to learn maths? 3)Who is the best pupil with maths in your cla? 4)How may is 28 and 43? 5)Can you say the numbers from 10 to 1? FOOD 1)Do you like to eat pizza? 2)What's your favourite food? 3)Do you often eat ice cream? 4)Do you like fish or eggs? 5)Who buys the food in your family? FRIENDS1)Who is your best friend? 2)Have you got many friends? 3)Do you often play games with friends? 4)Where do you often play with your friends? 5)Is your best friend tall or short? PLACE1)Do you live in Beijing or Nanjing? 2)Have you ever been to Shanghai? 3)Do you know where Taiwan is? 4)Where is the hottest place in China? 5)Where is the coldest place in China? BIRTHDAY1)When is your birthday? 2)What do you do on your birthday? 3)Do you get some birthday presents every year? 4)Do you know your mother's birthday? 5)Can you sing "Happy bithday song"? HOME1)Where is your home? 2)Is your house big or small? 3)How many bedroom have you got? 4)Is your home far from our school? 5)Do you like your home? BALL GAMES1)Can you say some names of the ball games? 2)Which ball game do you like best? 3)Do you want to learn a new ball game? 4)Do you often play it at home or at school? 5)Do you often have matches? NAMES1)Do you know many English names? 2)Say some English girl's names.3)Say some English boy's names.4)Have you got an English name? 5)What's your English name?

Homework: Ask your father and mother what they do every day from morning till evening.


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剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 1 What was the wearther like yesterday? 教学目的和要求:

*通过学习进一步学习有关天气的词汇 *能用简单的英语来描述天气 *学会用过去时来询问过去的天气


What was the weather like yesterday? It was windy.It’s always hot.Last winter the north was cold, and the east windy.

交际词汇:humid, foggy, dry, drizzling, thundering, clear, mild, warm, England, India, London, Australia,, Paris, Greece, Italy.

教学用具: weather, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, rainbow, wet, cold, hot, sky, etc.


? ? Part 1? ?上课时可以用以前学过的句型问大家,What’s the weather like today? Is it sunny? Is it cloudy? Is it rainy?紧接着,教师拿出一些相关的天气图片给大家看,并对大家说,Now, look here.I’ve got many pictures.What are they?然后,让学生一张一张地复习已会的单词。在学生比较熟练掌握单词后,拿出几个新的单词图片说,Look, It’s drizzling.Do you know “drizzling”?“毛毛细雨”It’s drizzling.Now use this picture to answer my question.What’s the weather like in this picture?教师可以问几遍,然后再学习新的单词。如:foggy, dry, clear, humid, thundering 等。教师给出中文意思的时候,不必说整句话,只需给出某个单词的意思即可。之后,教师可以教新的句型。Now listen carefully.Who can answer my next question? What was the weather like yesterday? Do you know “yesterday”? What was the weather like yesterday?说此句子的时候要特别强调句子中的was, yesterday.如果有学生举手发言,就可以跟该学生进行问答。教师边说边把两个问句写在黑板上,然后用彩色粉笔标出不同之处,同时给出不同的答语。当学生能明白句子时,对学生说,Now I want you to practice the questions and answers in pairs.练习后,教师说Now which pair wants to do in cla? ? ? Part 2? ? Now please close your books.Let’s listen to a dialogue.Listen very carefully.Later I’m going to ask you some questions./ Where’s the first man from? / What was the weather like in last winter? Where’s the second man from? / Is it always hot in ? / Was it hot last winter?学生问答了问题之后,教师对学生说,Now please open your books.Let’s read this dialogue.Please read after me .? ? Part 3 ? ?Let’s compare these two pictures.You see, in Picture A there is a policeman and an old woman.But in Picture 2 there is a policeman and a boy.What other different things can you see? Who knows? ? ?Part 4? ? ,按要求把图画出来。Let’s have a quick look at yesterday’s weather report.Among some of the big cities, there was a bit snow in Beijing .Many people went outside and played with snowballs.In Lanzhou , it was clear .Many people went shopping and stayed in the parks.But Guangzhou had a thunder shower.It cooled down the hot air .In Dalian , it was sunny and hot.Many people swam in the sea.In Chongqing it was a bit foggy.In Wuhan there was a strong wind .Now let’s look at today’s weaher„ ? ? Part 5? ? 目的在于扩大学生有关天气的相关知识。教师在教此部分时,一定要以朗读和理解为主,没有必要让学生记住文章中的所有单词,特别是没有必要逐字逐句翻译成汉语。如有些意思不好用英语解释时,可以适当给出该短语的中文意思。

? ? Part 6? ? 可以让学生表演小对话。由于这一部分没有太多难点,可直接让学生两人一组进行练习。

? ? 练习一可以让学生以小组为单位进行竞赛。先让学生分组拼出单词,然后将所拼出的词写在黑板上。每拼对一个词给10分,最后算总分。Now let’s play a word-spelling game .We’ve got an apple tree here .On each apple there’s a letter.Work in groups and spell the words out.When you finish , run to the blackboard and copy them down.Later we’ll see how many minutes you’ve used and how many correct words you’ve got.Is it clear ? Now let’s begin.在学生以小组为单位拼写的时候,教师可以在黑板上标出每个小组的地盘,准备让每组的学生拼写用。

? ? 练习二It’s a sunny day.A pretty girl is standing in front of a bus stop.Not far from her, there’s a bus coming.She is holding an umbrella.On the umbrella , there is a little bird sitting on the top.A young boy, who is next to the girl , wants to catch the bird.注:由于第三级涉及的内容较多,词汇量较大,建议教师每单元用5个课时完成。4个课时之后,留一部分作为家庭作业或下次在课堂上继续完成。

教学活动: 教学活动1? ???Make a telephone call.?? ? ? 上课时,教师让一个学生站到最前面,另一个站到教室的最后面,表示两个人在不同的城市用“电话”谈论天气,可以使用所学过的有关天气的单词。教师要适当地给学生一些指导。比如,Hello, what’s the weather like in Shanghai today? What was the weather like yesterday? Do you want to go outside today? 等等。在学生表演的时候,教师可以让学生复习地名、国名等。教师可以用英语这样说,Now, let’s play a game.I want you to ask questions and answer the questions over the telephone.Let’s see what you are going to talk about.You may use the words we’ve learned today.Later you can also use country and city names.??

教学活动2? ???Let’s gue the word on the blackboard.? ? 教师事先准备若干个有关天气的单词卡或图片。上课时,教师对大家说,Now I want you to play a game.Look, on the blackboard there are many words.But they’re facing down.One person can come to the front.After I say a word, you can decide which word needs to be turned over.If you turn the right card over within the next 30 seconds, you whole group can have one minute break in cla.If not , you will lose one score by turning the wrong card.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? The first correct pick will be given 25 points./ The second correct pick will be given 25 points.? ?? ??? ? ? The third correct pick will be given 12.5 points.??/ The fourth correct pick will be given 6.5 points.? ??? ? ? The fifth correct pick will be given 3 points.第一轮完成之后,教师可以将所有的卡片重新安排一遍,再继续第二个学生。Finally we’ll see which group has got more points than others.

课后作业: 1.Listen to the weather report every day and take a careful note.Then , draw a diagram to show each day’s weather report.2.Listen to the tape of Part 5, three times .And for the last time , you may close your books and listen to the tape to see whether you can remember each paage.

剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 2 What's the favourite season? 教学目的和要求:

*使学生在掌握天气的基础上进一步扩大有关季节方面的知识 *使学生能用简单的英语表达有关季节的内容 *通过阅读短文巩固和扩大词汇量 交际句型:

What is your favourite season? Which season is it? It’s getting warmer and warmer.It’s not too hot and not too cold.交际词汇:island, shining, swan, difference, poible, crops, ripe, club, compete, divide, enjoy, plant,, sunglaes, field, boots, season

具体教学方式: ? ?? ???上课时可以用学生们较熟悉的内容来引出话题。Now let me ask you some questions.What’s your favouite colour? What’s your favourite food? What’s your favourite fruit ? What’s your favourite subject? 然后问,What’s your favourite season? 如果学生能回答上来的话,教师就可以继续问几个学生。如果学生不知道如何回答时,教师就可以问,Do you like spring? Do you like summer? 此时,教师还可以问一些相关的问题,How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? What’s your favourite season? 在学生回答问题的基础上,教师可以让学生猜谜语。教师说,Good! Now I want you to gue some riddles.Which season is it?教师可以分别说出第三部分的谜语,让学生猜。猜完之后,可以让大家听录音,并让学生跟着录音带一起朗读本部分的小短文。由于此部分没有多少单词,所以教师可以让学生熟读此段内容。在此基础上,对学生说,I know that many of you like spring .Some of you like summer.Some of you like autumn or winter.Do you know what season I like? Ok.Autumn is my favourite season.Last year my friend and I went camping with the children’s club.After we got to the camping place„接下来将本单元第四部分的故事讲完。讲故事时,不要让学生看书, 同时尽量使用身体语言和手势,使故事更加有意思。Now I want you to listen to the tape once more .Later you’re going to do some exercises.? ?? ???本单元为有一些用于朗读的小段子。教师可以将这些内容分别处理。比如第五部分比较容易,教师可以让学生直接朗读。而第六部分,则可以让学生每人试着读。教师可以这样对学生说,Now let’s read Part 5 together.This is not difficult.All of you know how to say it.Now let’s begin.Very good, this time I will leave you a new paage.I want you to read it loudly by yourself.I’m sure you can read it.If you don’t know.I can help you.Now you may begin.最后教师让学生朗读,然后再让学生听录音,一起跟着朗读。 ? ?? ???本单元为学生设计了很多谈话的内容,比如第二部分和练习

一、练习三。在适当的时候,教师可以安排学生两人一组进行交谈。练习四的单词并不太难,学生可以自己学会该内容。 教师关键在于把握好学生活动的时间与节奏,随时进行调整。



Part 7? ? 听力资料

? ?? ???This is a very small town.People here live a happy life.They enjoy the sea, the beach, the gra, the hills and the weather.The weather here is rather changeable.Sometimes in the same town you can experience different weathers.? ?? ???Look! On the seaside .Many people are playing on the beach.The weather is very hot.Oh, where is the sun? ? ?? ???Please draw a red sun above the buildings.Right! And draw a blue duck on the sea.On the other side of the hill , you can see some black clouds.Why is the man running? Oh.It’s raining.Please draw some raindrops.And also draw an umbrella in the man’s hand.On this side of the hill the weather is very nice.There are there beautiful flowers.? ?? ???Please colour the left flower yellow, the right flower green and the middle flower red.On the gra, two boys are playing football.Yes, please draw a football between the two boys.On the right two dogs are playing.Please draw a brown ball between the two dogs.Look! Under the big tree, there are some children singing .In the tree there are two birds.They are singing, too.? ?? ???Please colour them purple.Good!


(1)? ?I like spring because „.? ?? ???教师首先用英语对学生说,You know that there are four seasons in a year.Do you know how many people in our cla like spring? Now there’s a season in each corner.教师将事先准备好的分别写有四季的纸张贴在每个角的位置上。I want you to go to your favourite colour and stand there.You stand there and say why you like spring.The other group may disagree.And you can say why you like the season.This time you want to see which group has got more to say.教师组织这个活动的意义是让学生能用英语表达自己想要说的意思。

(2)? ?Brainstorming each season! ? ?? ???此项活动的目的是让学生用不同的词语来描述某个季节,开拓学生的思维与联想。具体的操作方式如下。教师对学生说,Spring is a beautiful season.What things can be used to describe spring? What things are related to spring.Who can give me a word? Let me give you an example.Trees„ because in spring the trees turn into green.其他的词还有:

Spring: flowers, warm, green, birds, windy, gra, happy, kite, camping, picnics, mild, sunny, festival, holiday, rain Summer: hot, shorts, long days, short nights, green, flowers, gra, birds, sunny, lightning, thundering, swim, T-shirt, shirt, ice cream, cold water, fridge, swimming, skirts, beach, sand, thundershower Autumn: cool, beautiful, clear, blue sky, happy, joyful, school, holiday, leaves, yellow, crops, jobs, traveling, visit, fall Winter: cold, grey, warm, heat, fire, hard, windy, stay at home, gloves, boots, sweater, overcoat, festival, snow, snowball, not interesting, nothing to do, no interesting, nothing to do, no gra, freeze


1.Find or draw your own season pictures and write a paragraph under each picture like the ones in Part.3 2.Listen to the tape of this unit and read it aloud.

剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 3 When did Bob get up yesterday?



*学会按照时间的顺序对所做的事情进行描述 初步学习和掌握几个时间的概念和表达方式 交际句型:

What did Bob do yesterday morning? Bob got up very early.When did Bill and Fred spend a vacation together? How did he come here? Where did you take him? 交际词汇:

local, mountains, later, hide-and-seek, repair, alarm, windowsill, beard, arrive, gun, kill, clerk,, follow


? ?? ???本单元目的是要学生学会用一般过去时来表达在过去时间里所做的事情。上课一开始可以对学生说,Today is Monday.All of you come to school.But yesterday was Sunday.All of you stayed at home.Now let me ask you some questions about your weekend.What did you do yesterday ? Did you go to the cinema? What did you do yesterday?当有些学生能用英语回答这个问题时,就可以继续问几个学生。问完之后,对学生说,Do you want to find out what your partner did yesterday ? Now I’ll give you 2 minutes.You can ask your partner can tell you what he did yesterday.Later I’m going to ask you some questions about your friend.So you’d better know better know what your friends did yesterday.Now please begin.在学生问答的时间里,教师应反复检查并督促学生坚持说英语,尽量多说英语句子保证每个人都在练习。? ? 如果学生的动词短语词组较少,教师就可以将事先准备好的动词短语词组拿给大家朗读,并提醒大家这些短语的意思。

? ?? ???在此基础上,教师就可以提出下一个问题。I have a friend.His name is Bob.Do you know what he did yesterday? Now let’s listen to the tape and see what he did yesterday.I want you to pay attention to the following times.教师将下列时间写在黑板上。

? ?? ???Yesterday morning, / After breakfast,??/ Later on,??/ In the afternoon,??/ In the evening, ? ?? ???What did Bob do at each time ? Now listen carefully.Do you understand? Do you want to listen to it again? Yes or No? 之后,教师根据黑板上提示的时间问大家,What did Bob do yesterday morning ? What did Bob do after his breakfast ?..? ?? ???在学生回答比较熟练的基础上,教师让大家打开书,自己大声朗读第一部分的内容。在学生朗读的时候,教师可以把黑板上的句子变成问句,如下: ? ?? ???What did Bob do yesterday morning? ? ?? ???What did Bob do after his breakfast? ? ?? ???What did Bob see at the foot of the mountains? ? ?? ???What did Bob do later on? ? ?? ???What did Bob do in the afternoon? ? ?? ???What did Bob do in the evening? ? ?? ???写好此问句的目的是让学生相互之间做问答练习,以达到熟练的目的。 ? ?? ???第二部分。这个朗读练习帮助学生掌握好“意群”,同时也学会在句子中的断句。 ? ?? ???第六部分。听到时间后,画出所给时间。9:15 , 2:20 , 4:45 , 11:05 , 7:30



教学内容:日常交际用语及指示语 教学目标:1.热身 warm up a.红苹果

red red apple


green green watermelon 黄香蕉

yellow yellow banana 粉桃子

pink pink peach 真好吃

yummy yummy yummy b.歌曲:《小乔恩》

Song:《Little Johnny》 c.歌曲:《跟我来》

Song:《Follow Me》 2.复习Revision a.早上好。下午好。Good morning.Good afternoon.b.再见


-See you. c.你好吗?

-How are you? 我很好,谢谢! -I’m fine,thank you!




-Yes,sir 3.新知识

New sentences: a.你叫什么名字?-What’s your name? 我叫…….-I’m …… b.歌曲:《你叫什么名字》

《What’s your name》 温馨提示:家长在家可用“What’s your name?”来跟孩子交流。


教学内容:日常交际用语 教学目标:1.复习

Revision a.你好

-Hello 你好,彼得老师。 -Hello,Peter b.(作敲门状)

-Dang dang dang 是我。

-It’s me.c.你好吗?

-How are you? 我很好。

-I’m fine.d.下午好

-Good afternoon. 下午好

-Good afternoon.2.新知识

New sentences a.单词:4

word: 4

—1,2,3—4,4,4 b.准备好了吗? -Are you ready? 准备好了。-Go.温馨提示:家长朋友们在家用所学的英语日常交际用语跟孩子打招呼,孩子只需回答正确即可



教学目标:1.热身 warm up a.红苹果

red red apple


green green watermelon 黄香蕉

yellow yellow banana 粉桃子

pink pink peach 真好吃

yummy yummy yummy b.歌曲:《跟我来》

Song:《Follow Me》

2 .复习

Revision a.早上好。下午好。晚安。Good morning.Good afternoon.Good night.b.再见


-See you next week.2.新知识

New sentences 1.你好吗?

-How are you? 我很好,谢谢!你呢? -I’m fine,thank you!And you? 2.起立。-Stand up.起立。-Up.坐下。-Sit down.坐下。-Down.温馨提示:家长朋友们在家用所学的英语日常交际用语跟孩子打招呼,孩子只需回答正确即可


《趣味英语》 教案


1、使孩子们更加熟悉26个英语字母和一些日常用语, 提升英语运用能力。















教育学 李一帆






1.单词 hospital.Post office. 2.句型where to? go to……






1.挂图[park zoo hospital post office] 2.卡片[park zoo hospital post office] 3.长绳5条。


1.post office的发音。


活动过程: 一.开始部分


T: what s this? C: park. T: what s this? C: zoo.

[新单词] 出示挂图



T: hospital C: hospital



T: go to hospital.C: go to hospital. T:我想去寄信应该到哪去呢?


T: post office C: post office

T: go to post office.C: go to post office. 二.游戏部分


分成4组,每组第一个小朋友拿一张卡片小声读给后面一位小朋友。依次往下,最后一位大声站起来读单词。看谁读得最准确。{反复操练2次。} 评价:读得好的幼儿给予鼓励。


两位老师情景对话“ where to? ” “ go to …… ”

T: 刚才听到什么?看到什么?



T: where to? C: go to park. T: where to? C: go to hospital. T: where to? C: go to zoo. T: where to? C: go to post office. 3.火车嘟嘟嘟!



交代游戏规则:司机问:where to? 乘客答: go to……招手上车,到站下车。{游戏最后请小朋友当司机,以对话为主,自由进行。} 三.结束活动



一. 情况分析




二. 小结




A family of chicken

活动内容:A family of chicken 活动目标:


2.培养托儿学习英语的兴趣 活动准备:


2.cock(由教师扮演)hen (由大班幼儿扮演)

3.音乐《Mother hen》

4.草丛、篮筐(2个) 活动过程:


1. T: Come on Babies! Lets sing some songs, are you ready? 2. 复习单词cock、chicken、hen T: Look! (教师带上cock头饰) Who am I? (cock) T: Yes, I am cock..T: 谁想做我的宝宝chicken? (帮每位托儿带上chicken头饰) T: (亲亲抱抱cock) Who are you?(chicken) 3. Rhyme:《A family of chicken》发现hen 不在 Chicken chicken, ji ji ji Cock cock, wo wo wo Hen hen, guoguoda guoguoda 二.寻找hen, 学习新单词egg 1. T: Where is hen?

2. 播放音乐《Mother hen》hen 入场 3. hen下蛋,托儿人手一个egg, 学念egg (1) 念给cock听 (2) 念给客人听 三.结束活动



1. T: 宝宝们小心把egg敲碎了,快把egg交给爸爸 (请托儿把egg放入事先准备好的篮筐里)

2. T: 我们把这一篮的egg交给hen,让它在孵出很多的chicken,好不好? (将一篮筐的egg交与hen) 3. 安静活动,活动结束



It’s raining!



2、重点掌握单词:tree、flower and gra。


活动准备: trees、flowers and graes


活动流程:Greeting—Reading the story—Learning—Acting



1、Good morning boys and girls.(or: say hello to the teacher.)

2、(1)What’s the weather like today?(show the picture with the sun)

A sunny day.

(2)Do you like sunny days? Why? Tell me the reason.

二、Reading the story:

Today, I will give you a short story.

1、Listen to the radio.(First, please listen to the radio and look at the picture.Then gue what happ- ened in the story.)

2、Question: Who can tell me what happened in the story?

三、Learning new words:

In this story, we have some new words.They are tree、

1、Show the new words cards: flower and gra .

2、Game: What is lost?

四、Acting the story with the teacher:

1、Listen to the music and act as some animals.

2、Act the hole story.


Easter Bunny

Teaching Plan: Easter Bunny

School: No.2 Education Kindergarten of Jiangmen (江门教育二幼)

Teacher: Eileen Zhou 周爱连

Children\'s age: Four years\' old

复活节是西方纪念耶酥复活的一个宗教节日。蛋是其最典型的象征,而兔子因繁殖力强,人们把它视为新生命的表现者。在日常的教学中,发觉幼儿特别喜欢小白兔,故在复活节来临之际,为了让幼儿了解西方的一些风俗习惯,感受节日的快乐气氛,特开设了此课程。本课程分为英语活动、美工和体游三部分。通过拼图、I can hop、找朋友、制作复活蛋、藏蛋和寻蛋等游戏,让幼儿知道了兔(Easter Bunny)和蛋(Easter egg)在节日里的重要意义,知道了兔子跳是hop, 学会了单词Easter Bunny、Easter egg、toy、basket、hop、hide。句型Color the egg, lots of fun.Go on an egg hunt.在活动当中让幼儿感受到其乐趣,激起学习英语的兴趣。







4.单词:Easter Bunny Easter egg basket toy hop





2.Easter Bunny的音乐磁带



1.Warm up


T: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you today?

C: I am happy.Thank you.And you?

T: I am fine, too.Thank you.Please look at the sky, what\'s the weather like?

C: It\'s sunny/rainy/cloudy.

.Music: \"Weather\"

\"It\'s a sunny day today.Sunny day, sunny day.It\'s a sunny day today.Hot, hot, hot.\"

2.New words

T: Easter is coming.Here comes an Easter Bunny.Look, she is hopping to us.

T: Hello, I am Easter Bunny.Nice to see you.

T&C: Nice to see you, too.

T: What\'s in your hand?

T1: It\'s a basket.

T&C: Basket, basket, It\'s a basket.

T: What\'s in your basket?

T1: Let me show you.This is a toy.

T&C: Oh, toy, toy, it\'s a toy.

T: There are many toys in your basket.Let me see.This is a toy car.This is a toy carrot.That\'s a toy

dog.Oh, what\'s that? It\'s very beautiful.

T1: I want you to gue.

T: Is it a boat?

T1: No, it isn\'t.

T: Is it a bowl?

T1: No, it isn\'t.

T: I\'m sorry, Easter Bunny.I don\'t know.Boys and girls, do you know?

T1: (Match the egg) Do you know now.it\'s an Easter egg.

T: Easter egg, Easter egg, It\'s an Easter egg.How colorful it is!

T1: Yes, How many colors can you see?

T&C: Let\'s count.One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.There are seven.

T1: What colors are they?

T&C: They are red, blue, green, pink, orange, purple and yellow.

T: Easter eggs are so beautiful.May I have one.

T1: Sure.Here, I have many Easter eggs.But they are broken.Can you help me match them?

T: Yes, I can.Can you, boys and girls?

3.Play games

.Match the Easter egg from two parts.

Put the Easter egg puzzles on the floor.Have the children match them right.

.I can hop.

T: Easter Bunny, you have so many toys.Shall we play with them?

T1: Of course.Let\'s play together.(Have the children put on the headbands.Put one object into each hulohoop.)

Now, I am an Easter Bunny.I can hop.Hop, hop, hop, I can hop.Hop to the toy.Hop to the basket.Hop to the

Easter egg.

Find friends

T: Easter Bunny has hided the Easter eggs down and up.Each of them has friends.Can you find them out? (Have

the children find out the same Easter eggs.)

(Music: \"Easter Bunny hop, hop, hop.Hide the eggs, down and up.\")

4.Follow up

Encourage the children to listen to the tape everyday and play games with their parents.









句子:Color the eggs, lots of fun.Go on an egg hunt.





2.Easter Bunny的音乐磁带



1.Warm up


.Chant: \"Easter Bunny\"

2.Make an Easter egg

T1: (Play as very sad.)

T: Easter Bunny, why are you so sad?

T1: Easter is coming.I have to make many Easter eggs.Maybe I can\'t finish.

T: Oh, Easter Bunny is busy making Easter eggs.Boys and girls, can you help her?

C: Yes, we can.

T: Do you know how to make the Easter egg? (Have some children answer.) Easter Bunny, can you tell us how to


T1: Of course.At first, roll the newspaper into a ball.Is the egg beautiful?

T: No, because it has no clothes.

T1: Now, let me make clothes for it---color the egg.Draw some lines or pictures you like on the white paper.

Third, envelop the newspaper ball with the picture.Look, is the Easter egg beautiful now?

T&C: Yes, it\'s very beautiful.I want to try.

(Guide the children make Easter egg and say\"Color the egg, lots of fun \"at the same time.)

3.Hide and find eggs

T1: (Play as a little sad.)

T: Easter Bunny, you have many Easter eggs now.Why are you still unhappy?

T1: Because I have to hurry to hide the eggs.

T: Oh, you have to hide the eggs.Boys and girls, Would you like to help her again?

C: Yes.

T: I want to divide you into two groups.Sciors, cut! Cut! Cut! Later, group1 follows Easter

Bunny to hide the eggs.Group2 follows me and waits for a minute, then let\'s go to have an egg


C: OK.

(Take the children to play in the garden.)

T: Put on the headband please.Group2, would you please close your eyes.

T1: Group1, are you ready? Let\'s go to hide the eggs.(Play the music: \"Easter Bunny\") \"Easter

Bunny hop! Hop! Hop! Hide the eggs, down and up.\"

T: Group2, please take your basket.Let\'s go on an egg hunt.

4.Count the eggs

T: How many eggs have you found?

How many eggs are there in your basket?

5.Group1 changes its role with group2.

6.Follow up

Encourage the kids to make Easter egg at home and listen to the tape everyday.


(三)体育游戏:Carry the Easter eggs


1 练习钻的技能。

2 愿意参与游戏活动,体验体育活动的乐趣。

3 培养幼儿初步的竞争意识和团结合作精神。

4 短语:Carry the Easter eggs








1.Warm up

.T: Four lines, please.Attention.

C: One, two.

T: March in your place.Left , right… March quickly.

.Chant: Easter Bunny

2.Lead into

T: Easter is coming.Easter Bunny has made many Easter eggs.Now, she is busy carrying the Easter eggs.But there\'s

something difficult on her way.She has to go through the barriers, so she is very slow.Let\'s go to help her.OK?

C: OK.

3.Set an example

T: Two of you in each group hold one piece of paperboard and get ready.We carry the Easter egg through the barriers

and the arch bridge.Put the egg into the basket.Then the next pair goes on.Which group can finish first at the

same time will be the winner.Are you clear?

4.Carry the eggs

5.Count the eggs

6.Play the game one more time

7.Follow up

Encourage the children to play the game with their parents at home.


大班英语:KFC Cla: 5-6 year olds Instructor:崔明霞

Time: February 3, 2009 Place: The Second Kindergarten in pujiang


1.To review the words “ hamburger, cola, ice cream, chicken” that we have learned.

2.To introduce the new word “French fries”, the sentences “May I help you? I want…”and try to use the words and sentences.

3.Be pleased to communicate with partners.

Teaching Aids:

1.Cards and models (hamburger French fries…)

2.Tape and radio


4.An imitative situation of KFC

Teaching Steps:


①T: Let us go to KFC today, OK? K: OK!

②To follow the music and review the song .

③To act the song by yourself.

2.Say about KFC foods

①(show pictures)T: Now, we are in the KFC.What can you see from the picture?

②K: (I can see the) hamburger/ice cream/chicken/cola…

③To introduce French fries to kids.

④Touch Game:

Stick the cards everywhere in the claroom.For instance, teacher orders: “Jump to the French fries.” The kid jumps to the card with French fries and touch it.

3.To buy KFC foods

①To play the VCD, and present the dialogue(new sentences).

W: May I help you? C: I want a hamburger.

②To play the VCD again.Try to say follow the VCD and teacher.

③T: Oh, I am hungry…(kids are waiters and teacher is the customer)

4.Performance in the situation

①In the imitative situation of KFC, kids act waiters/customers in pairs.

②Practice the dialogue: May I help you? I want...

③Teacher can help them, if they want.



1、活动目标的预设从知识、技能和情感三大领域出发,重在激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣。如活动目标To review the words “ hamburger, cola, ice cream, chicken”,主要是感知一些常见的肯德基的食物的英文名称,幼儿对此非常熟悉,因而能够激发他们学习的兴趣。又如活动目标Be pleased to communicate with partners,体现了对幼儿英语运用以及交际能力的培养。

2、活动内容的选择很适宜。第一,符合幼儿的兴趣点、生活经验以及日常交际的需要。KFC是幼儿很感兴趣的场所,他们对KFC的一切事物都非常熟悉,同时迫切地需要为他们提供英语交流的条件和机会。幼儿对薯条、汉堡、可乐、番茄酱等等词汇的学习会很感兴趣,活动的效果会大大提高。第二,顺应幼儿的认知层次以及发展需求。大班幼儿在英语学习的过程中已经开始需要感受具有实际语用价值的简单的短句或者对话。尽管,幼儿在第一次的活动中还不能完全熟练地说出May I help you? I want...这样的句子,但是我们可以让他们结合情境感受句子的语音语气,为下一次活动中进一步的掌握作一个铺垫。从而,遵循幼儿认知循序渐进的特点。

3、活动过程中注意语言的可懂性,坚持此时此地的原则。教师的语言输入注意选择幼儿身边的事物。例如,KFC,waiter/waitre, hamburger and so on.当教师将图片呈现出来时,就激起了幼儿的共鸣。


5、遵循理解先行,表达在后的原则。幼儿在语言习得的过程中,总是先听再说。在本次活动Say about KFC foods的环节中,说说KFC的食物结束之后,教师没有急于让幼儿模仿新授的单词,而是做了一个Touch the cards 的游戏,让幼儿在反复地倾听、操练的过程中,充分地把握这些的单词的发音,了解这些单词的意思。在呈现新的对话时,也一样遵循了这样的原则。先让幼儿看VCD中的情景对话,接着由教师来引导幼儿表演,最后在实物情境中表演时,让幼儿充分地、大胆地表达。


7、活动的各个环节中,采用了不同的方法或手段,为幼儿提供了多种体验的方式。如在Warming-up中,幼儿边唱边跳,进入了英语学习的氛围。在Say about KFC foods中,幼儿通过游戏Touch Game巩固和复习了新旧单词。在Performance in the situation中,幼儿通过进行角色的扮演,操练了新授的对话等等。丰富多样的活动方法,在充分调动幼儿多种感官的基础上,激发幼儿学习英语的主动性与积极性。

8、在整个活动中,采用了集体、个别以及两两合作相结合的活动形式。活动一开始复习已经学过的单词时,采取了集体复习的形式,便于帮助已经遗忘的幼儿恢复记忆。在巩固新学习的单词时,教师以个别的形式,请幼儿进行游戏Touch Game,便于了解幼儿间掌握的差异性,并帮助个别幼儿进行强化巩固。在最后的情境游戏中,根据新学习的对话的特点,采用了两两合作的形式,在尝试着运用语言的同时,提高幼儿与同伴交往的能力。 Happy Tour 教学要求:





秋天是果实丰收的时节,基于本班现开展的主题活动“好吃的水果”,也源于孩子平时生活经验中所得知的“小猴子喜欢吃桃子”、“大象喜欢吃香蕉”等,再加上我班孩子较为自私、事事不愿和同伴分享,对周围事态比较冷漠等,特生成了这节有关认识水果和动物的英语活动,目的是想通过活动,让孩子们能在生动、愉悦的情景活动中了解小动物的喜好以及关心好朋友,以至帮助他人的爱心。从而,他们不但丰收了英文单词,更是丰收了礼仪与关爱他人的心,这样也可以把我园区的德育特色“爱的教育”加以延伸和巩固。 教学准备:




1、T:Hi, babies! 今天,Mi Liu要带你们去旅行,Are you happy? Let’s 背起书包、戴上帽子、戴上cool cool的太阳眼镜,准备出发,Are you ready?




(1)教师带领,拜访熊猫家,与熊猫热情地打招呼:“Hello, Monkey!”; (2)给monkey送上喜欢的礼物“桃子”,幼儿认读英文单词“peach”; (3)离别时,热情与monkey再见:“Bye-bye, monkey!”



(2)教师和幼儿一起给elephant喂香蕉、苹果、生梨和桃子,并让孩子复习单词apple、banana、bear和peach; (3)吃饱后的elephant向幼儿表示感谢;离开时,幼儿say“Good-bye, elephant!”to the elephant。


教师带领幼儿听着音乐,再看望其他小动物,并给它们送好吃的! 主题背景下的英语游戏:Our City 设计意图:




2、在游戏巩固单词和句型(What do you like ? I like、、、、、、)









英语律动歌曲《One ,two !Open the door》

二、Happy English for a minute(快乐英语一分钟!)


例如:A幼儿问:“How are you ?”(你好吗?)

全班幼儿则回答:“Fine, thank you , and you ?” (我很好,谢谢你的关心。你好吗?)

A幼儿问:“I am fine ,too !”(我也很好)





师问:“ What do you like ?” (你喜欢哪个地方?)

生答:“I like bank .”(我喜欢银行)胸前挂有银行卡片的





2、师做火车头,伴随着音乐以开火车的游戏形式绕教室一周,中途了在任何一个建筑物面前停下问:“Where will you go ? ”幼儿回答:“I will go to the ……”


1、在轻松的音乐游戏中复习常见的建筑名称,并巩固句型:“What do you like ? I like、、、、、、”



2、规则: 教师随意抽走一张图片或遮住一排图片 哪一组的





2、快速记忆的形式,激起孩子比赛的愿望,达到复习巩固的明显效果。同时也加强孩子之间游戏的规则意识。 Amazing shapes (2)

Teaching aim to learn shape heart.star. to review shape circle.tringle.rectangle.oval.square.

sentence; to review; what shape did you see?I see......

to lear what shape is this? this is a......

to understand;can you find a shape like this and tell me what name it is? Teaching aid ome shapes card.medie.brown bear.sticks Teaching proce 1st;warming-u a.Let\'s do finger plays.b.greetings. 2nd resentation.a.Let\'s watch cartoon (to review shapes and sentence;what sha

did you see? I see a......) b.Let\'s learn the new shapes (heart .star.) c.Let\'s learn the sentence;what shape is this ?This is a... d.Let\'s sing a song. 3rd.Good -bye a.TPR;-can you make a big circle for me? (everybody hands in hands make a big circle.) -can you make another shapes? use you body language,ok? b.Say bye-bye to all the shape ye-bye star ...etc...大班英语教案《How much》 活动目的和要求:

1、复习句型:I put on my …I have …及儿歌“Traffic Lights”。重点练习句型:Show me a … How much






1、师生互相问好:“Good morning boys and girls.”

“How are you?” “Fine, thank you。”

“Nice to see you 。”

2、师生互动,复习儿歌《Very good》《Ha y》《Give me five》

3、组织幼儿做睡觉、梳洗、吃饭等动作,复习句型:Let’s go to bed.It’s one o’clock…It’s seven o’clock.Get up.I put on my shirt …I brush my teeth .I wash my face…I have breakfast…

4、师出示红绿灯,提问:“What’s this?”It’s a red light.(yellow light\\green light )

5、幼儿游戏:乘车。师扮司机,幼儿当乘客。乘客逐一买票,询问司机:“How much ?”司机回答后方可上车。放音乐,带领幼儿做开汽车状,练习儿歌:“Traffic Lights”

6、师带领幼儿回座位坐好。出示货架、货物等,进行情景表演。师扮售货员,幼儿扮顾客。售货员:“卖东西啦,快来买好东西啦!”顾客:“Please show me a ball(pencil\\pear\\book…) ”售货员:“Here you are.”顾客:“How much ?”售货员:“One yuan…”幼儿依次进行练习对话。巩固句型:Show me a…How much?

7、放录音,带领幼儿做动作结束活动。What do you have?(大班) What do you have?

Cla :Grad 3 I tructor:stellar Time:Jun、3th,2006 Objectives:

1、学习新句型“what do you have?I have……”并尝试结合以前所学的学习用品的单词来进行表达;


Teaching Aids:

每人一个小书包 一件小围裙 小熊木偶一个

Procedures: I:Warming-up:

T:Good morning,boys and girls!We will begin our cla .Are you ready?(yes!)Let’s sing a song.(Hello song)


Tlease close your eyes.One two three.Open your eyes.What’s this?(老师拿出来一只书包) S:It’s a bagpack.

T:Yes.It’s a bagpack.It’s Teddy’s bagpack.Gue !What’s in the bagpack?

S:It’s a pencil.(book pencil-box ru er)

T儿歌)What do you have?What’s do you have?

Teddy:Gue .Gue .Gue !

T:I don’t know.I don’t know.

Teddy:I have a book.I have a book. (pencil,pencil-box,ru er) IIIractice

Teddy: Have you a bagpack?Please open your bagpack.What do you have?What do you have? T and S:Gue .Gue .Gue !

Teddy:I don’t know.I don’t know. T and s:I have a book(pencil,pencil-box,ru er)

T:You can find a friend and ask eachother:“What do you have?”

Tet’s play a game.When the music begin,you music find a friend and stand back to back.When the music sto ,you need to turn around and ask “What do you have?”The another one anwser“I have a……”(学习用品事先已经放在小围裙里)

Tet’s sing a song.(改编自hello song)

(歌词)Hi,hello.How are you?I’m fine.I’m fine.What do you have?I have a(pencil pencil-box ru er book).How are you!How are you!

T:You are very good!See you next time.Byebye.谜语儿歌“Kangaroo”


1、初步学习谜语儿歌“pig”,能用“I have…”大声地讲述猪的主要特征。






T:(边做动作边念谜语儿歌)I am grey,I have a big pocket…What am I?

T:(出示袋鼠图片)Now,Let is read the rhyme“Kangaroo”。

T&;am C:I have a big pocket ,I am …(两遍)


T:Now,listen to me carefully and look at the blackboard。

(画两只耳朵)I have two big ears。

(画两只眼睛)I have two small eyes。

(画一个鼻子)I have one big nose。

(画打勾的标记)I say“Oink,Oink”。

What am I?Yes,pig。Follow me,please。

4、音乐游戏“On the farm” 单词grey、pocket 活动目的:






T:What is this?

T:Pocket,This is a pocket。

T&;am C:Pocket ,Pocket ,This is a pocket。


T:This is a color square。There are many colors on It。What color is it?


T:What color is it?


T:I see…Who will try?

3、复习韵律儿歌“I see…”

T:We see green,black,grey…Now,Let is read the rhyme“I see…”,One,two,start。


T:I am grey。I can jump,What am I?

T:I am grey,I have a big pocket。I can jump,What am I?

5、猜谜游戏活动: T:What are you?

T&;am C:I am grey ,I have a big pocket, I am…What am I? 大班英语教案交通工具

内容: 交通工具 内容: 交通工具


1.引导幼儿在游戏中复习单词: bus car train plane boat。




1、各种交通工具(bus car plane train boat)的玩具模型、操作道具,图片,挂图,小动物(小兔.小猫.小狗.小羊.小牛)的房子和头饰。



一、WARM UP 1.律动:《By bus》

师:Let’s go by bus, OK? 2.Are you ha y today ?

师:How do you feel today? Are you ha y?/Are you sad? /Are you angry?


1.逐一出示交通工具(bus car train plane boat)的图片。

问:a、What is it ?

b、where should we park the bus(car/train/plane/boat)? 引导幼儿逐一把图片贴到挂图上的停车场.码头.和飞机场。


问:Whose house is it ?

3.引导幼儿观察挂图,逐一提问: How can we go to the(ra it、cat、dog、sheep、cattle)’s house ?



玩法:幼儿分四组,每组分别请一名幼儿戴上头饰操作相同的“交通工具”比赛谁先到达某个小动物的家。全体幼儿喊口令:By bu y train ------ 获胜的幼儿得到奖品。

师:Do you like to play a game?(介绍游戏的玩法和规则)

四、幼儿律动出活动室.《Row row row your boat》

师:Let’s go by boat, OK? 幼儿英语游戏



游戏目的:练习用英语数数,复习学习过的人体器官的英文单词,锻炼幼儿的注意力,快速反应力。 游戏过程:

首先告诉幼儿,老师说“one”时,小朋友手指头发并讲出hair。老师说:“two”时,小朋友手指脸并说 出face。老师说:“three”时,小朋友手指耳朵并说出ear。老师说:“four”时,小朋友手指眼睛并说出ey e。five—一鼻子—一nose,six—一嘴—一mouth,seven—一双肩—一shoulder,eihgt—一腿—一leg,nine —一手—一hand,ten—一脚—一foot。经过反复练习,熟练以后可以让一名幼儿来数数,其余幼儿找出相应的 器官,讲出英语单词,并且可以抢答。要求幼儿手口一致,教师数数时应由慢至快,并注意幼儿讲的是否正确 。






“春风”说:i’m wind.(回头,招手) ing is coming.(春姑娘上场)

“春姑娘”说:i’m ing.(春风和春姑娘开始围绕着树、草、花做小跑步)


“树”说:“i’m tree.i\'m green!\"

“小草”说:“i’m gra .i\'m green,too.\"


“一朵花儿”说:“i’m red flower.\"

另一朵花儿说:“i’m yellow flower.\"

另一朵花儿说:“i’m white flower.\"


“小鸟”说:“i’m a bird.(小鸟飞来飞去看春天的景色)i like ring.\"


“树”说:“let’s go to play.\"

“草”、“花儿”、“鸟儿”齐说:“let’s go to play.\"






请12名幼儿分演12个钟点,围站成一圈。请一名幼儿扮演时针。游戏开始,教师说“钟表、钟表几点 了?”幼儿说:“1点”或“2点”,“时针”要用英语讲“it’s one……”并伸直左臂顺时针方向开始原地 转,转到1时停止,手指尖指向1点,扮演钟点的幼儿举起卡片one,此后游戏继续进行。要求扮演时针的幼儿 要手口一致。






教师手拿数字卡片用英语出题,让幼儿观察后马上回答得数,然后,用英语把整个算式叙述一遍。为了增 加游戏的难度,可以把幼儿分成两组以竞赛的形式进行游戏,最后看哪组取胜。




准备:红、绿、黄色灯牌,方向盘,将墙壁布置成迪斯尼乐园;墙上贴小动物卡片,小动物头饰。 游戏过程:

教师组织幼儿去迪斯尼乐园参观,乘公共汽车,路上经过交通岗教幼儿认识红、黄、绿灯,并用英语说出 灯的颜色。来到迪斯尼乐园,“饲养员”启发幼儿说出各种小动物的英语名称,如小鸡、蝴蝶、老虎、象、青 蛙等,参观后,请小动物到幼儿园作客。






请幼儿站成圆圈作池塘,用英语编号,双号幼儿为虾,单号幼儿为石头。“石头”必须双手叉腰,“虾” 在池塘里游玩。如果圈外的“鱼”进到池塘中,“虾”必须躲在石头后面,不要被鱼捉住。一块石头后只能躲 一只虾。“虾”和“石头”交换角色,进行游戏。






教师当售货员阿姨,幼儿当顾客。顾客来到宝宝商店,看见商店摆满了各种水果及玩具非常高兴,主动问 好(good afternoon)。售货员则回答(howdo you do )。顾客说出要买的东西的名称。(a le,banana, pear,orange,water melon, peach,grape等),买完东西后用英语致谢(thank you),售货员说不客气( not at all、good bay),游戏时,幼儿必须用学过的英语与老师对话,发音要准确,正确使用礼貌用语。






全体幼儿站成圆圈,圈内一名或多名幼儿听音乐拍手或做跑跳步,圈上的幼儿的拍手,音乐停止。圈内幼 儿与圈上幼儿交换位置。继续游戏。 游戏种类:智力游戏。



首先告诉幼儿,老师说“one”时,小朋友手指头发并讲出hair。老师说:“two”时,小朋友手指脸并说 出face。老师说:“three”时,小朋友手指耳朵并说出ear。老师说:“Four”时,小朋友手指眼睛并说出ey e。Five—一鼻子—一nose,Six—一嘴—一mouth,seven—一双肩—一shoulder,eihgt—一腿—一leg,nine —一手—一hand,ten—一脚—一foot。经过反复练习,熟练以后可以让一名幼儿来数数,其余幼儿找出相应的 器官,讲出英语单词,并且可以抢答。要求幼儿手口一致,教师数数时应由慢至快,并注意幼儿讲的是否正确 。

春天来了 游戏种类:表演游戏。




“春风”说:I’m wind.(回头,招手) ing is coming.(春姑娘上场)

“春姑娘”说:I’m ing.(春风和春姑娘开始围绕着树、草、花做小跑步)


“树”说:“I’m tree.I’m green!” “小草”说:“I’m gra .I’m green,too.”


“一朵花儿”说:“I’m red flower.”

另一朵花儿说:“I’m yellow flower.”

另一朵花儿说:“I’m white flower.”


“小鸟”说:“I’m a bird.(小鸟飞来飞去看春天的景色)I like ring.”


“树”说:“Let’s go to play.”

“草”、“花儿”、“鸟儿”齐说:“Let’s go to play.”






请12名幼儿分演12个钟点,围站成一圈。请一名幼儿扮演时针。游戏开始,教师说“钟表、钟表几点 了?”幼儿说:“1点”或“2点”,“时针”要用英语讲“It’s One……”并伸直左臂顺时针方向开始原地 转,转到1时停止,手指尖指向1点,扮演钟点的幼儿举起卡片one,此后游戏继续进行。要求扮演时针的幼儿 要手口一致。






教师手拿数字卡片用英语出题,让幼儿观察后马上回答得数,然后,用英语把整个算式叙述一遍。为了增 加游戏的难度,可以把幼儿分成两组以竞赛的形式进行游戏,最后看哪组取胜。






教师组织幼儿去迪斯尼乐园参观,乘公共汽车,路上经过交通岗教幼儿认识红、黄、绿灯,并用英语说出灯的颜色。来到迪斯尼乐园,“饲养员”启发幼儿说出各种小动物的英语名称,如小鸡、蝴蝶、老虎、象、青 蛙等,参观后,请小动物到幼儿园作客。






请幼儿站成圆圈作池塘,用英语编号,双号幼儿为虾,单号幼儿为石头。“石头”必须双手*腰,“虾” 在池塘里游玩。如果圈外的“鱼”进到池塘中,“虾”必须躲在石头后面,不要被鱼捉住。一块石头后只能躲 一只虾。“虾”和“石头”交换角色,进行游戏。



游戏目的:通过游戏增强幼儿学习英语的兴趣及记忆力。 准备:苹果、香蕉、梨、桔子、西瓜、桃、葡萄等样品,娃娃两个。

游戏过程:教师当售货员阿姨,幼儿当顾客。顾客来到宝宝商店,看见商店摆满了各种水果及玩具非常高兴,主动问 好(good afternoon)。售货员则回答(howdo you do )。顾客说出要买的东西的名称。(a le,banana, pear,orange,water melon, peach,grape等),买完东西后用英语致谢(Thank you),售货员说不客气( Not at all、Good bay),游戏时,幼儿必须用学过的英语与老师对话,发音要准确,正确使用礼貌用语。






全体幼儿站成圆圈,圈内一名或多名幼儿听音乐拍手或做跑跳步,圈上的幼儿的拍手,音乐停止。圈内幼 儿与圈上幼儿交换位置。继续游戏。



Wiggle wiggle wiggle(伸出双手,十指快速弯曲伸直地跳动) Shake shake shake(甩甩双手) Roll roll roll roll9(双拳在胸前绕动) Fingers run away(抖动手指,然后双手藏到背后身体坐直) Little Fox(小狐狸)

Little fox little fox,(双手做成狐狸爪子的样子放在腮下,眼神做出贼头贼脑的样子) laying fier ,(双手做出火苗的样子) Fire fire fire,(双手做出火苗升高的样子) Oh!my tail!(迅速捂住屁股,从小椅子上弹跳起来) 全意:小狐狸玩火,烧到尾巴.

Two Little Blackbirds(两只小八哥)

Two little blackbird (竖起大食指) Sitting on a hill,

One named Jack (一只手伸向前)

And one named Jill.(另一只手伸向前)

Fly away,Jack.(一只手放背后)

Fly away, Jill.(另一只手放在背后)

Come back, Jack.(抽回一只手)

Come back, Jill..(抽回另一只手)


Knock, Knock(敲一敲)

Knock, knock, (敲敲额头)

Peek in, (两手放眼睛前面,做打开眼状)

Open the latch, (向上顶孩子的鼻尖)

And walk right in.(把手指伸进嘴巴)

How do you do Mr.Chin, Chin, Chin.(捏捏孩子的下巴)




Bumblebee was in the barn, (手指在空中转圈)

Carrying his di er under his arm.(手转圈接近孩子)

Bzzzzzzzzz…… (轻轻戳一下孩子)


Round the garden(花园周围)

Round and round the garden,

Goes the little mouse.(握住孩子的手,掌心向上,用另一只手的食指在掌上划圈)

Up,up,up he cree ,

Up into his house.(手指顺胳膊而上,在下巴或腋窝处搔痒)









三、活动内容:《leon 6 》


1、学习新单词狗dog 猫cat






-Good morning kinds!Good morning Melody!

-singing a song 《say hello to Melody》

-Warm up:《Melody says》



学习新单词狗dog 猫cat









请小朋友走到喜欢的动物(毛绒玩具)面前说:I like dog\\cat






《say god-bye to melody》



班级:中 班





3、尝试运用英语进行简单表达情绪交往(I am laughing/crying/angry.),初步萌发英语思维,培养幼儿早期乐观健康的品格。







开始部分:复习已有知识经验(Are you happy)。






1、游戏:“Say to the mirror” 。

2、游戏:“Let’s do a test” 。

3、品格引导:Be happy。








1.单词 hospital.Post office. 2.句型where to? go to……






1.挂图[park zoo hospital post office] 2.卡片[park zoo hospital post office] 3.长绳5条。


1.post office的发音。


活动过程: 一.开始部分


T: what s this? C: park. T: what s this? C: zoo.

[新单词] 出示挂图



T: hospital C: hospital



T: go to hospital.C: go to hospital. T:我想去寄信应该到哪去呢?


T: post office C: post office

T: go to post office.C: go to post office. 二.游戏部分


分成4组,每组第一个小朋友拿一张卡片小声读给后面一位小朋友。依次往下,最后一位大声站起来读单词。看谁读得最准确。{反复操练2次。} 评价:读得好的幼儿给予鼓励。


两位老师情景对话“ where to? ” “ go to …… ”

T: 刚才听到什么?看到什么?



T: where to? C: go to park. T: where to? C: go to hospital. T: where to? C: go to zoo. T: where to? C: go to post office. 3.火车嘟嘟嘟!



交代游戏规则:司机问:where to? 乘客答: go to……招手上车,到站下车。{游戏最后请小朋友当司机,以对话为主,自由进行。} 三.结束活动



一. 情况分析




二. 小结


















(1) 出示图片,让幼儿观看。理解并记忆歌词,发现并指出图中的错误,如:四肢脚的螃蟹、尖嘴的小鸭、圆耳朵的小兔等。

(2) 熟悉歌词。教师直接用歌曲中的节奏问一问。



















小班英语活动:apple and orange 活动目标:








教师与幼儿一起欣赏“good moring to you ”,边听边做动作,以达到课前的活动准备。




T: Look! what’s this?


T: Yes.A box


What’s in the box? what’s in the box?

Do you know ,do you know

Who want to try ,let me try

Ding ding dong (敲盒子),let me try

T: Ok, do you want to know?(引导幼儿说出Yes或No)

T: Who want to try(作举手状,并引导幼儿说出Let me try)

当幼儿拿出苹果之后,教师用英文输入:Oh(惊喜的),What’s this?


T: Yes, apple!(教师要抑扬顿挫的反复输入).



T: Hmm!(作闻的动作)The smell is good.

然后拿到幼儿面前:Smell it!

接着问幼儿:What’s this?


T: Yes.Orange(教师也要用抑扬顿挫的声调反复输入)。



T: I’m hungry now.(装作饿的状态) I want to eat some fruits, Who want to help me?(作举手状)

接着当幼儿上来时,教师说:I like apple/orange。看幼儿是否拿到正确的水果。如果拿错,可说:No, I don’t like orange.I like apple(手指apple).无论何种情况,记得说Thank you .


先把水果图片贴到大树上,让幼儿去 摘自己想要的水果(可先请配班老师做示范。教师说I like orange,配班教师摘橘子;教师说I like apple ,配班教师摘苹果,然后请个别幼儿上来摘,摘到的就送给他作为奖励。并说:Oh,yes, this is apple/orange.Very good,thank you !


T: Apple, stand up.Jump!(拿apple 的小朋友站起来跳一下)

Orange, stand up! Jump! (拿 orange的小朋友站起来跳一下)

5英文歌 “I like apple”.


Apple is red, apple is round, apple’s juicy, apple is sweet,

Apple apple I like you ,apple’s juicy, I like to eat.

6 结束。



〈2〉T: OK! We are so tired.Let’s have a rest.

Let’s say good bye to the apple.

C: Bye-bye, apple!

T: Say good bye to the orange.C: Bye-bye, orange.


课题:《big small》






一、开始部分:Greeting and warm-up.


1、出示挂图讲故事,引出课题。学习单词big small,让幼儿仔细观察气球的变化,并用手表示出来。


3、教师出示大树、小树枝干,让幼儿粘贴big small树叶。

4、巩固知识点,呼啦圈的比较big small,让幼儿通过游戏跳圈来继续巩固所学。



要求:1 通过情景游戏“Shopping ”、“School”复习一些学习用品单词:pencil、ruler、rubber、sharpener等;

2 听懂并理解老师的一些简单英语指令,乐于模仿;

3 通过情景模拟激发幼儿上小学的愿望;

准备:1铅笔盒、书包人手一份;铅笔、卷笔刀、尺若干;2 情景设置:文具超市、小学


一 Warm Up:

* Dialogue:Hi,how are you today?(Fine,Happy)

How many days are there in a week?

What day is today?

二 情景游戏“Shopping”

1 复习单个单词

*(出示书包)Oh,nothing!What shall I prepare?(pencil……)

*Look,there is a stationary super-market!Who wants to be the shopman?(师与幼儿示范,提示幼儿递东西时要说出单词) *OK,now let`s play。(请二名幼儿做shopman)

2 在单词前加修饰词,师辅助提示“What shape is it?”,“What color is it?”

What did you buy?

摇,摇,摇摇你的头,shake ,shake,shake your head;拍,拍,拍拍你的手,clap,clap,clap your hands;

举,举,举起你的手臂,raise ,raise ,raise your arms;踢,踢,踢踢你的腿,kick ,kick,kick your legs;

跺,跺,跺跺你的脚,stamp ,stamp,stamp your feet

大班英语活动:Leon 1 Seasons(2)

Teaching Aims:


2、初步学会“What’s the seasons?It’s spring.(summer autumn winter)…….Teaching Aids: some flash cards a cartoon’s hand earthbagsTeaching Steps:


T: Hello,Good morning,boys and girls! C: Hello,Good morning,Melody!.

T:What’s do you see? C:Fingers.

T:How many fingers do you see? C:One or two……(根据老师出示的手指回答)。

二、To review:

1、T: “Now,let’s review the words”.“ Look,what is it?”(Show them the cards),以开火车的形式帮助幼儿进行正确的发音,(spring summer autumn winter)…….


3、matching game:请幼儿说“Spring,spring,in the air……”

“If you say very good,I can put the card on the blackbord,ok?”

三、To learn

1、T:Look,what is it?(show the flower’s card to children)

“What’s the seasons?It’s spring.……

2、T:Put the cards on the blackboard.将幼儿分成三组(cutthe watermelon)教师用卡通手拍黑板上的卡片,看谁将“What’s the seasons?It’s spring.……说得好。

3、T:扔沙包游戏,轮流请几个幼儿上来扔沙包,下面的小朋友说“It’s spring.……”就砸 “spring”的卡片,(summer autumn winter)卡片,投准了,其他幼儿说Great,great!




一、活动目标1.培养幼儿对于英语的兴趣,让幼儿乐意参与英语活动2.在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解动物cat 和dog 的英语名称3.通过活动促进幼儿交往能力与初步的合作能力

二、活动内容听懂、会说单词cat 和dog



师:Ok, I’m Mi Du ,When I say “Hello” to you, you can say “Hello,!”

(对给回答得好的幼儿“Give me five!”,运用夸张的肢体动作吸引幼儿的注意力和兴趣)2.热身运动师:Let’s warm up! Listen to the music.let’s say “Music”(做朝向录音机的动作)师生共做表演 “Follow me”


单词呈现:chant “dog dog汪汪汪”;卡片4.游戏小猫哪去了,小猫告诉老师,只要和老师一起跳着喊,他就会出来了,钻山洞:选出两个小朋友做桥墩,钻山洞的小朋友(第一个带上头饰)要边念单词边钻,引导还没钻的幼儿一起说,让每一位幼儿练习说;钻山洞人数不可以多。

5.结束活动今天我们认识了cat 和dog,在音乐声中和cat,dog说再见。

幼儿园小班英语教案:milk 妈咪爱婴网 www.daodoc.com 2012年07月13日 10:03:26

Teaching Aims(活动目标): 1.To learn:milk 2.Review:cake 3.激发宝宝参与英语活动的兴趣。 Teaching Aids(活动准备): 1.cake、milk的图片 2.一盒milk的实物模型 3.音乐磁带 Teaching Ste (活动过程): 1.Warm up: (1)律动歌曲:《Butterfly》 (2)Dai„„

Teaching Aims(活动目标): 1.To learn:milk 2.Review:cake 3.激发宝宝参与英语活动的兴趣。

Teaching Aids(活动准备): 1.cake、milk的图片 2.一盒milk的实物模型 3.音乐磁带

Teaching Ste (活动过程): 1.Warm up:

(1)律动歌曲:《Butterfly》 (2)Daily talk: T:What’s your name? S:I’m ××.T:How do you do! S:How do you do!.2.Topic:

(1)T:Look at me!教师出示milk的实物模型问:“What’s this?” 教授“milk”读音。 Game:品尝milk 玩法:教师请幼儿上来品尝milk,然后说出品尝的东西的名称。同时纠正幼儿的错误发音。 (2)Game:Run and Touch 玩法:教师手上分别拿cake、milk的图片,请两名幼儿上来比赛,教师说到哪个单词,幼儿就去拍哪张卡片,反应快且拍对的幼儿可以得到奖励。

幼儿园小班英语教案:How old are you 妈咪爱婴网 www.daodoc.com 2012年07月13日 10:03:03

活动准备; 磁带、蛋糕 活动过程:

一、幼问好。T: Good morning.Boys and girls.C: Good morning, Mi Zhu.T: Look.Whats this? C: Its banana.T: Yes, very good.How many? C: One, two, three.T: OK.Lets sing a song.

二、情景表演 T: Today is Monkeys birthda„„

活动准备; 磁带、蛋糕



T: Good morning.Boys and girls. C: Good morning, Mi Zhu. T: Look.What’s this?

C: It’s banana.

T: Yes, very good.How many? C: One, two, three„„.T: OK.Let’s sing a song.


T: Today is Monkey’s birthday. T: How old are you? M: I am six.


两个两个小朋友对话:How old are you? \ I am six.四.结束

T: Today is Monkey’s birthday.Happy birthday to you. M: Thank you. T: Let’s sing a song.Happy birthday to you

幼儿园小班英语教案:Big….Small… 妈咪爱婴网 www.daodoc.com 2012年07月13日 10:03:58

目的: 1.在知道用 big, small 表示物体大小的基础上, 学说词组 Big.Small.。 2.激发幼儿参与英语游戏活动的兴趣,并能大胆地开口说。 准备: 大小长毛绒玩具若干 ; 大小圣诞树各一棵; 大小玩具木偶(猫, 熊)各一对; 大小玩具(汽车, 皮球) ; 背景图一幅 歌曲《Riding in my ca„„

目的: 1.在知道用" big, small "表示物体大小的基础上, 学说词组" Big„.Small„."。 2.激发幼儿参与英语游戏活动的兴趣,并能大胆地开口说。

准备: 大小长毛绒玩具若干 ; 大小圣诞树各一棵; 大小玩具木偶(猫, 熊)各一对; 大小玩具(汽车, 皮球) ; 背景图一幅

歌曲《Riding in my car.》 《Morning.Hi.Bye.》 游戏《大圈和小圈》

4、歌曲《Ha y Family.》

情景表演,感受并理解" Big„.Small„." T: Who's coming? Cat: Hello! T: Hello, cat.Cat: I'm a big cat./ I'm a small cat.Let's play games.

三、欣赏歌曲《Big Bear, Small Bear》

四、游戏《什么不见了》幼儿集体尝试讲出" Big„.Small„."

五、游戏《指指说说》: 幼儿拿一大一小的玩具,尝试练习.

幼儿园小班英语教案:Good morning 妈咪爱婴网 www.daodoc.com 2011年08月22日 13:16:09

一、活动内容:字母Y,短语Good night


1、通过多种游戏形式学习字母Y,知道Y,Y,拉链Y;Y for yellow,学习短语:Good night.复习Good morning.


三、活动准备: 字母Y卡片、带有拉链的衣服、饮„„

一、活动内容:字母Y,短语Good night


1、通过多种游戏形式学习字母Y,知道Y,Y,拉链Y;Y for yellow,学习短语:Good night.复习Good morning.






(1) 师生问好。

(2) 引导幼儿向家长老师们问好。

2、热身:Hands up , hands down.


(1) 学习字母Y:

让幼儿Close your eyes, 出示字母卡片Y,说明Y很象拉链,引出YY拉链Y,并通过游戏"修拉链"训练幼儿的发音。接着出示黄色饮料,说明Y的好朋友是yellow,通过游戏"变魔术"训练Y for yellow.

(2) 学习短语Good night。

A、手指游戏:手指变魔术很累了,要睡觉了,跟它们说:"Good night." 天亮了,要起床了,说:"Good morning."B、游戏:小扇子转转转出示扇子,转到月亮说:"Good night."转到太阳说:"Good morning." 说得好的给予粘粘纸奖励。

幼儿园小班英语教案:one to five 妈咪爱婴网 www.daodoc.com 2011年08月22日 13:15:43

活动目标: 1.感知单词one to five 与数字1-5的对应。 2.能够标准发出单词one to five.3.乐于参与活动游戏,体验获得新知识的快乐。 活动准备: 布做的小鱼五条一组(5份)活动重难点: 重点:感知单词one to five 与数字的对应,及在新知识的获得中感受到快乐。 难点:活„„


1.感知单词one to five 与数字1-5的对应。

2.能够标准发出单词one to five.




重点:感知单词one to five 与数字的对应,及在新知识的获得中感受到快乐。




导入语:"good mining ,my babies.Look, what is it?"幼儿:"鱼"(英语情境教学中,要求教师尽量是全英语,让幼儿感知英语的情境,但幼儿可以用母语回答。)师:"Yes, you are right.It is one fish 教师再放一个一条小鱼,",Now,two fish ,加小,three ,four ,five.请幼儿跟读。师"follow me ,one two three four five."(教师在发单词时可以用手指来表示相对应的数字)


One 教师站直,教师做个数字2的形状(手向前,腿向后,)two.求幼儿展开想象,用身体表现数字,教师说出英语单词。后面的可以请幼儿来想象模仿。


一条小鱼油过来,念道one fish.又一条小鱼游来,咬住前一条小鱼的尾巴,"two fish."又来了一条小鱼,咬住了前一条的尾巴,"three fish."„„依次到5条小鱼,然后五条小鱼咬前面的小鱼在水里游泳,背景配上英文数字歌。(印地安小孩改编)请幼儿跟读。"Follow me .


将小鱼分到每个组上,(小鱼设计很巧妙,小鱼的尾巴上有个钮洞,小鱼的眼睛是一粒纽扣。)师:"Now we are play a game ,play co ect these fishes.Dscovers small fish's secret,Then links the small fish ."(现在我们来玩个小游戏,小鱼接龙,仔细观察,去发现小鱼的秘密,然后把它们连起来,并且每连一条鱼,请念出相应的单词,教师可以适当指导) 幼儿自由操作,教师下去观察,指导。



师:"We have four chairs, and ,have five children.When I say start, please walk around the chair.When I say stop ,you sit down rapidly .The boy who are stand must go back."挑选幼儿来游戏,教师用英语数数。最后胜利者得到小鱼奖品。(这个活动和这个游戏的结合非常贴切,每完成一轮,就数下人数和椅子,数字与英语单词的对应关系变得非常明显又有趣。)


ear 妈咪爱婴网 www.daodoc.com 2013年03月17日 20:03:32




3、通过游戏促进幼儿交往能力和初步的竞争意识 活动内容:学习单词nose、mouth、eye、ear 活动准备:face课件、五官卡片〈用来拼图〉、娃娃脸纸〈用来粘贴五官〉 活动过„„










Hello,boys and girls

Hello,Mi chen

师幼共同唱〈good morning 〉


今天老师再来给小朋友变个魔术, Look,whats this?

Its face 师:Yes,〈教师模仿face〉:"I am a face,nice to see you" 幼:"nice to see you too" 师:Oh,very good 。face上都有什么呢?Who want to help me? 幼:眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴„„


幼:One two theer „„


师: Whats this? 幼:嘴巴

师:oh,this is mouth,follow me "mouth" 幼儿看老师口型跟读 ,向mouth打招呼"hello mouth" 类似学习nose、eye、ear 师:小朋友学的可真快,鼓励鼓励自己

幼、good dood verygood.







幼:goodbey 师:下面老师要和小朋友做个游戏,游戏的名字叫:touch touch

教师找一名能力强的幼儿配合示范游戏〈教师用手请轻轻拍幼儿的手,一边说touch touch nose幼儿赶快用另一只手指在鼻子上,要求能够听到后,快速的指出相应的五官〉幼儿学会后可以自由找自己的好朋友玩这个游戏,教师鼓励帮助交往能力差的幼儿找到好朋友。在欢乐的touch touch游戏中结束活动。



幼儿园中班英语I can ……

妈咪爱婴网 www.daodoc.com 2013年03月07日 09:26:27

教学目标:1听懂、理解并会说出单词walk、run、jump。 2听懂、理解句型I can教具准备:动画光盘、Nicky头饰教学过程:

一、热身活动warm-up。让幼儿跟着音乐表演歌曲:《Ten Little Indian Boys》。

二、单词学习1播放故事动画光盘,提问:小机器人做了什么动作? 2教师边„„


2听懂、理解句型I can„教具准备:动画光盘、Nicky头饰教学过程:


让幼儿跟着音乐表演歌曲:《Ten Little Indian Boys》。



三、TPR活动老师邀请幼儿站成圆圈 和 老师一起做动作,边绕圈走路边说walk walk walk,边绕圈小跑边说run run run,边跳边说jump jump jump。



五、句型学习老师边说I can walk,边做动作,让幼儿跟着做,同时模仿老师说出句子。同法,教授I can run,I can jump


中班英语:My body 妈咪爱婴网 www.daodoc.com 2010年04月30日 11:59:39


上海冰厂田幼儿园碧云部 黄鹰

英语活动:My body


1、学习单词“arm, neck”,能正确发音,并能注意到单复数的不同表达。




一、Look at my face(复习五官,单复数渗透)

1、猜图形:(出示一个圆形,鼓励幼儿大胆猜测)T:What’s this? C1: It’s a „.

2、画五官T:It’s a face.Can you tell us what are on the face? Let’s try to draw them on the face.

二、Show my body(新授单词)


Ben(T):Hello! I am Ben.where is my body?It’s here.What do you see on my body? C:I see a。。。.) T: What colour are the stars? C: It’s green.

T: Where is the red/yellow/blue star? C: It’s on the neck/arm. T: Where is your neck/arm? Show me your neck/arm.


3、游戏:说说做做I say you do:Show me your arm/neck .玩法:老师提出一个部位(新授),幼儿指出,并说出相应英语,看谁速度快。

三、Play with my body(复习巩固)


玩法:幼儿分两组,根据指令选择相应颜色的魔环,挂到相应的人体部位,并用英语表达:例:T:Neck.C:Neck,neck .It’s a neck。”

T: Put the red circle on the neck .(个别)/Neck , Where is the neck? C: Neck, neck .It’s neck./ Neck ,neck .It’s here.


玩法:跟随音乐摆动身体一起来跳舞,音乐停止时,根据指令点出相应部位并用英语表达。 T:Dance with our body.When the music stops, touch your body according to the following instructions and then say:‘Neck, neck..It’s neck..

中班英语活动:Mouth and face 妈咪爱婴网 www.daodoc.com 2010年04月30日 11:59:33


中班英语活动:Mouth and face 英语活动:Mouth and face 中二班



2、能听懂指令语:“Touch your...”,会根据教师指令做游戏。

3、复习歌曲《Nice to meet you》。





2、出示一张娃娃头图片,与娃娃打招呼:“Hello, baby !”


1、、提问:“Why i the baby not say ?”

2、游戏:Pa the mouth


4、改编歌曲《My mouth》



2、找face。(Where is her face? Where are your face?)

3、游戏:Touch your...(Show me your finger)


(四)歌表演《Nice to meet you》结束活动。

left and right 妈咪爱婴网 www.daodoc.com 2010年04月30日 11:59:05


left and right 活动目标:能听懂方位词,并能实际运用。 活动设计:left and right 活动准备:箭头、贴画 活动过程:

一、GREETING Hello! everyone!


1、复习歌曲,《Walking hop and running》



1、学习方位词left and right

2、看箭头说方位词 ↑up ↓down ←left →right


4、个别练习left right ← ○ →


T:Let`s play the game “feeding beans”, please show the way to the ant。

四、ENDING T:You are great ! now , have a rest!

Eye Nose Mouth 妈咪爱婴网 www.daodoc.com 2010年04月30日 11:59:05


Eye Nose Mouth 活动目标:

1.教幼儿能听懂并说出眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴的英文名称(eye.Mouse.Mouth) 2.通过各种游戏活动,培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣。 3.通过各种游戏练习,使幼儿了解各器官的作用和功能。 活动准备

1.字卡:eye[ai]眼睛 nose(nauz)鼻子 mouth[mau]嘴巴 2.粘贴小红花若干 3.磁带 活动过程:

1.听录音,和老师一起做“五官操”,以及激发幼儿的学习热情,并让幼儿接触“eye, mose, mouth”的发音。 儿歌:

eye、eye、eye.眨呀眨 nose、nose、nose 闻一闻 mouth、mouth、mouth 波波波 ears、ears、ears 听声音 2.学习单词:eye、mouse、mouth.(师):我们每个人都有一张“Face”,在我们的”face”上长有器官,谁能告诉我这些器官的名称,小朋友边说老师边在黑板上画五官,并用英语说:eye two eyes nose mouth。最后添上头发,耳朵画成一个调度小男孩。幼儿练习“eye mouse mouth”时按五官的上下顺序,同时注意幼儿发音是否规范。 3.游戏:

摸鼻眼(摸对者奖励小红花) 方法:

师:touch your eyes, one、two、three, 幼:(手指眼睛)here、here、here, 师:touch your nose, one、two、three, 幼(手指鼻子)here、here、here, 师:touth your mouth, one、two、three.幼:(手指嘴边)here、here、here。 4.活动延伸:

方法:小朋友每三人一组,给缺少五官的脸谱添画eye nose mouth在添画时告诉大家你画的是什么。 5.结束:



Fun with Shapes(有趣的形状)

一. 活动对象:大班 二. 设计意图:

幼儿在日常生活中会见到各种各样的物体有着不同的形状,幼儿好奇心驱使他们想要知道各种图形的英语名称,幼儿已有一定的英语基础,学习来源于生活,还要运用于生活,为此设计了本主题活动,能加深幼儿对图形的认识,从中发现图形的美,寻找到学习英语的乐趣。 三. 活动目标:

1.引导幼儿学习circle, triangle, square, rectangle等形状单词。 2.通过活动和游戏发展幼儿想象力,锻炼幼儿观察能力。 3.让幼儿通过活动能体会学习形状及英语的乐趣。 四. 重点和难点:


2难点:.能认出不同形状,化抽象为具体 五. 活动准备:

1.经验准备,幼儿已能初步认识形状 2.卡片一套

3.各种颜色、不同大小的圆形、三角形、正方形、长方形若干 4.小球一个 六. 活动过程:

(一) warm up: Hello ,boys and girls. How are you? I’m fine, thank you.(挥手,偏头,等手势,引导幼儿一起做)

Let’s sing a song ,ok? Stand up .用《生日快乐》歌曲调唱

: Hello hello hello to you , Hello hello to you , Hello hai hello hai , Hello hello to you. Sit down , please.(二) Leading in: 变出各种形状,引导幼儿说出形状名称,引导语:

T:What’s the shape?(It’s a circle) 再依次展示triangle, square ,rectangle注意表情,声音要故作神秘,引起幼儿跟读的兴趣) T:Now I have some cards.(拿出kt板放好)

There is a ball .I throw out.(扔中circle,领读几遍,注意幼儿发音) Who wants to try?(邀请幼儿来扔小球,如果没扔中,要鼓励) Never mind, try again.

(三) Practice :Who is faster? 教师从一叠卡片中,随机抽取一张,幼儿迅速说出形状的名称,比比谁读的快。 T:You should chose a card from me, and read it as soon as poible, ok? Like this, I will chose this card.Oh, circle.(领读几遍,以复习单词,纠正错误发音)

If you were faster ,I will give you a sticker.

(四)Game: Jump into…… Let’ play a game.Now, I’m taking those cards to there.I will jump into circle.(幼儿跟读)

(Step1.老师跳进哪个形状,幼儿就要说出这个形状的名称,如:It’ a circle.幼儿跟读) If I say jump into square ,you should jump into square.Who wants to try? (Step2.邀请幼儿来玩,教师发出指令) Now ,who wants to be teacher? And who wants to be student? You should say jump into ……

(Step3.幼儿一起对参加游戏的幼儿发出指令。 游戏前教师做好示范) )

(五).Say goodbye: Time is up ,let’s sing a song.

Stand up ,please.

用《新年好》曲调唱: Goodbye teacher Goodbye teacher Goodbye teacher so long See you again see you again See you again tomorrow.七. 活动延伸:请幼儿观察活动室的图形,下次进行交流。Find the different shapes in the room. And tell everybody the next time. Goodbye, boys and girls.


洪恩幼儿英语3 2012年3月4日上课内容 Unit 1 (0:00-5:40) 1.新的表达:

- How are you?I’m fine, too.

延伸内容:补全对话My name is B.Hello, A.How are you?

I’m fine, too.How old are you?

I’m 5/6/7.Goodbye, A.There are 2/3/4~~~.

- How many umbrellas/cats/dogs/tigers/apples/bananas/oranges are there? 5.复习前两集的内容

2012年3月5日上课内容 Unit 2

(5:41-11:03) 1.复习How are you?的相关对话;以及一天的问候; 2.分清左右的表达

3.再次强调How many问数量的用法 4.开始新的内容- I can see a bird./two frogs./three monkeys./four snails.新的单词:蚂蚁 ant

鸟 bird

青蛙 frog

蜗牛 snail


蛇snake 5.补充句型:

- Can you see a bird?What do you want?2012年3月26日 Unit 4 (17:28---22:26) 1.复习Unit 3 a.准备实物:egg, bread, candy, chocolate, chicken, noodles, apples, pears, strawberries b.巩固单词并表演场景对话:- What do you want? I want some chocolate ….Your chocolate ….Thank you.2.结合洪恩Gogo第4集 Unit 14(15:40---27:20)讲新内容 Unit 4 (17:28---22:26) 介绍学习用品的表达: pen, pencil, eraser, book, bag, ruler, ink 一组反义词: old---new 例:I have a new// an old book.3.延续部分



含有这一发音的已经学过的单词: ink, Indian boy, sit, fish 实用表达: Have some fish// chocolate ….

歌曲部分涉及新单词: tell, ball


Unit 5 (22:35---27:22) 1.强化并巩固表示颜色的12个单词:

black 黑色

white 白色

red 红色

green 绿色

blue 蓝色

yellow 黄色 pink 粉色

orange 橙色

purple 紫色

gray 灰色

brown 褐色

indigo 靛青色 2.重要对话:

-stand up;

sit down,

turn around(转身)

2012年4月9日 Unit 6 (27:27--- 33:00) 1.介绍家庭成员: This is my family.This is my mommy// daddy// brother// sister// grandpa// grandma// uncle// aunt.mommy = mum = mother daddy = dad = father It’s me (you).

I love my daddy// family. (学过的句子:I love you.) 2.语音涉及: 字母Uu的发音:[ʌ] Uncle, umbrella, sun, run 3.歌曲

sleep, morning bell(s), ring


Unit 7 (33:02---39:14) 1. 数字:

复习1-12的表达:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve 补充:thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty 以及“几十”的表达:twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety & 一百 one hundred 2.语音涉及: 字母Bb的发音: [b] 含有此发音的单词: bee, bus, bird, bear Bird, bird, chasing a bus.Bee, bee, chasing a bear.3.歌曲涉及的表达:

in a line; Eleven monkeys in a line.Funny;

That’s too funny.

- 4I’m sorry.

- That’s OK.

歌曲: Little Johnny.

eating candy

telling lies

open your mouth

- 5



活动内容:1.单词:name; what

2.句型:what is your name? My name is …




活动准备:1.准备一些动画卡通人物的卡片,如:猫和老鼠中的 Tom and Jerry

2.放一段3~4分中的动画片,需包含句型what is your name? My name is…

























认识水果apple,orange,banana。由于该内容是幼儿日常生活中比较熟悉的,因此,学习的难度不是很大。通过教师的引导,认识apple,orange,banana并且初步理解Yes/No/I like …的含义。其中穿插摘果及品尝水果的游戏活动,让幼儿在快乐中学习。




(一) 热身运动

教师与幼儿一起互相问候:Hellow,Hi,Nice to meet you等的日常交际用语。



教师把已装有苹果的盒子或袋子神秘的拿到幼儿面前,当幼儿拿出苹果之后教师用英文输入:Oh(惊喜的),What\'s this?


教师:Yes, apple!(教师要抑扬顿挫的反复输入)。





先把水果图片贴到大树上,让幼儿自己摘水果(教师说I like orange,幼儿拿橘子,摘到的就送给他作为奖励。并说:Oh, yes, this is an apple/orange/ banana.Very good, thank you !




Teaching Plan

一、teachering aims and demands

1、warm up

2、words:apple noodles egg milk rice

二、教具:little stars,word cards 三:teaching steps

Step 1:greeting and warm up T: good morning everyone S:good morning T:how do you do ? Ss:I’m fine,thank you Good morning good morning and how do you do Good morning good morning I’m fine ,how are you T:rollcall S:I’m here

Hello mimi hello mimi how do you do how do you do

Hello hello hello hello hello hello how do you do how do you do T:great!wonderful wonderful 棒棒棒 S:wonderful wonderful 棒棒棒 Step2:new words T:what’s this? Ss:树

T:yes ,it’s tree,今天A组和B组小朋友要来比赛,have a match ,赢的那组可以得到这个,what’s this Ss:苹果

T:apple,read after me apple Ss:apple (three times and one by one) Count the apple

T asks two students to answer (T gives a star) T:做吃面状,what am I eating?cherry 老师在吃什么 Ss:面

T:yes,noodles 面条 read after me noodles Ss:noodles(three times and read one by one) Game:can you hear me T asks two students to answer (T gives a star) T:小朋友每天吃的是米饭还是面条呀 Ss:米饭

T:look,what’s this? Ss:饭

T:rice 米饭 rice read after me rice Ss:rice (three times and read one by one) Game:high and low voice T asks two students to answer (T gives a star) T:what’s that? 那是什么 Ss:牛奶

T:good,milk read after me milk Ss:milk (three times and read one by one) 发音教学

Game:magic fingers T asks two students to answer (T gives a star) T:ask a student to gesticulate,can you gue,看看她表演的是什么 Ss:鸡蛋

T:egg 鸡蛋 egg read after me egg Ss:egg (three times and read one by one) Game:magic eyes T asks two students to answer (T gives a star) Step3:practice and homework

Good morning good morning and how do you do Good morning good morning I’m fine ,how are you Ask Ss to sing the song Read the words together Game:golden touch and bomb game T:cla is over,下课了,回家后小朋友要把学过的单词说给爸爸妈妈听,然后让爸爸妈妈签字,记得看VCD。Ok? Ss:ok T:整理好自己的书包,排好队good bye (one by one) Ss:good bye cherry



are the

of the carrot plant.

.They grow under the

As the name suggests(顾名思义), we the plant.

of the

This is the part of a plant.(花瓣)

are only one part of a flower.They soon

once they have done their job of attracting insects to the plant for


Mark the part of the plant.




教学主题:Which friut do you like?(你喜欢吃什





教学板书:Which friut do you like?

I like „„



T:hello boys and girls ,my name is王琳,and you can call me willing.I am your new english teacher,I am very happy to see yours.could you please tell me your name?(男孩女孩们,大家好啊!我叫willing,我是你们新的英语老师,好高兴见到大家,你们能告诉我你们的名字吗?) S:my name is XX

T:ok very good !today our topic is“which friut do you like ?”Do you know what mean of friut?ok ,who can tell me?put up your hands !who

who can?


T:ok okthat`s all right .friut is 水果.and

then I will show you several

friuts`pictures,(picture?举起图片 this is

picture)if you kown it`s name ,shout it out

loudly ,ok?(恩 非常好,接着呢我会给大家展示几




T:ok okvery good ,I gue just like apple

banana orange peach pear everyone know how to

say it ,it`s not difficult .now we should learn

something new.(指着图片)ok lookat here and

read atter me “watermelon pineapple cherry

strawberry grape”

Let`s read once again.



T:Now I want play a small game ,ok? I called it

clapping game!just like this ,I say苹果苹果(边

鼓掌边喊) then you say apple ,understand? Ok let`s begin

S:菠萝菠萝pineapple 樱桃樱桃cherry葡萄葡萄grape 西瓜西瓜watermelon草莓草莓strawberry T:I found that you all really clever!(我发现你们真的很聪明诶!)

Ok now maybe we can do something a little difficult.We will have some short dialogue.just like this (指向板书)

A:hello XX

B:hi XX

A:which friut do you like ?

B: I like (means 喜欢)XX ,how about

you?(means 你呢?)

A: I like XX

让学生交叉练习you can find a partner and practice it .


T:who want to showyour outcome to us on the stage?put up your hands .ok you please.(学生上台对话)

T:that`s pretty good.

Ok ,our cla stop here ,and when you back home remember to review the words and dialogue I have taught you.ok? goodbye everyone!





