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三年级英语上册教案 Unit 7 Would you like a pie?第一教时(共5课时) 教学内容 Story time 教学目标

1.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型Nice to meet you.Would you like…?

No, thank you.What about…? Yes, please.

2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇pie, ice cream, sweet, hot dog, what, what’s=what is 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇a, this, sister, meet, no, cake, an, egg, look, blue, brown, white.4.能欣赏、听懂、跟读歌谣For you and me 教学重点

1.句型:Would you like„? Yes, please.No, thank you.What about„? 2.词汇:ice cream, sweet, cake, pie, hot dog.教学难点

1.日常用语和句型:Would you like„? Yes, please.No, thank you.以及What about„?的语调和用法。

2.词汇:ice cream, sweet, pie, hot dog等食品类单词的读音。 教学准备

1.多媒体、挂图,本单元学习的食品类单词卡片。2.准备一个包,装有本课学习的食物或食物图片。 教学过程 A.Free talk B.Watch a cartoon 播放Unit 6 Cartoon time 部分的动画,再次引导学生理解Would you like an egg? Yes, please.C.Say a rhyme For you and me 1.多媒体播放歌谣For you and me, 教师根据图片的展示,反复领读cake,pie,egg, ice cream 2.再次播放歌谣,教师通过手势引导学生初步理解歌谣内容。 3.领读歌谣。


T: Look, this an ice cream.Is it nice?

Ss: Yes, it’s nice.T; What colour is it?

Ss: It’s white.

T: Look, this is a cake.It’s brown, it looks nice.Would you like a cake?

Ss: Yes.

T: Say “Yes, please.”

Ss: Yes, please.

… …

D.Presentation 1.出示准备好的包. T: Look at the bag.What’s in it? Can you gue? 将cake的图片帖在黑板上并带读单词。 T: Look, this is a cake.Cake.Ss: Cake.T: Would you like a cake? S1: Yes, please.教师引导学生如不要,说No, thank you.S2: No, thank you.同法教ice cream, egg, sweet, pie, hot dog 2.展示Story time 的内容,引导学生理解 T: (出示Mike头像)Look,who’s this? Ss: It’s Mike.

T: Look, who’s this? Ss: It’s Su Hai.

T: Who’s this?(出示Helen头像)She’s Helen.She’s Mike’s sister.Say hello to Helen.Ss: Hello, Helen.T: Good.What do the children say to Helen? 引导学生找出孩子们刚见到Helen说的话,领读Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you.T: Helen is a new friend.Su Hai and Yang Ling are very happy to see Helen.What do they give her?(教师通过手势引导学生明白问题) Ss: A pie and a cake.引导学生看图,师生分角色朗读对话,理解Would you like a pie? No, thank you.What about a cake? Yes, please.3.播放动画,学生跟读,要求模仿语音、语调。 4.学生分组分角色朗读。 E.Consolidation 1.出示Story time部分中句子卡片,学生认读

2.复习歌谣For you and me, 鼓励学生替换单词改编新歌谣。 F.Homework 1.听录音,跟读Story time, 模仿语音、语调。

2.抄写单词a, this, sister, meet, no, cake, an, egg, look, blue, brown, white.

三年级英语上册教案Unit 7 第二教时 教学内容

Fun time, Rhyme time 教学目标:

1.复习巩固食品类单词ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie, hot dog.2.复习巩固句型Would you like„? Yes, please.No, thank you.What about„?培养学生运用英语进行交流的能力。

教学重点:运用英语进行交流的能力的培养。 教学准备:

1.多媒体、挂图、生词卡片,食物图片,句子条卡 2.学生绘画或收集本单元学习的食物图片 教学过程 A.Free talk B.Revision 1.出示食物图片,学生快速说出单词

2.出示食物类单词,学生认读,并与图片配对 3.Say a rhyme.For you and me 再让学生替换单词改编歌谣 4.出示句子条卡,学生认读 C.Play a game 耳语传话

学生分成四组,每组上来一个学生,然后给他们每人一张纸条,上面分别写: Would you like a hot dog? Yes, please.Would you like an ice cream? Yes, please.What about an egg? No, thank you.What about a cake? Yes, please.拿到纸条的学生在规定的时间内记住纸条上的句子,然后向本组后一个同学耳语传话,只能说一遍,第二个同学向第三个同学传话,以此类推。传到最后同学后,该同学到讲台上来,全班一起检查到讲台上来的四位同学所说的内容,比一比哪组说得又快又对。 D.Fun time 1.学生拿出各种食物图片,运用Would you like„? Yes, please./ No, thank you.What about„?同桌操练

2.学生分组游戏,三人一组仿照课本Fun time的内容游戏。 3.师生游戏

T:(教师做饥饿状) I’m hungry.I want this.(拿出一张食品图片藏于身后) S1:(猜测老师手中的图片)Would you like a cake? T: No, thank you. S2: What about…?

T: No, thank you.

4.让猜中的学生接着游戏 E.Cosolidation 教师进行场景提示:

1)你和同学们在公园野餐,这时遇到了你朋友。 2)Su Yang邀请朋友们去家做客。


学生分组自选一项,用食物图片编排对话表演,教师巡视指导 F.Homework 抄写单词a, this, sister, meet, no, cake, an, egg, look, blue, brown, white.

Unit 7 第三教时


Cartoon time, Letter time 教学目标

1.复习巩固本单元学习的语句和单词,进一步培养学生运用英语进行交流的能力。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写字母Uu, Vv, Ww 教学重点

1.培养学生运用英语进行交流的能力。2.字母Uu, Vv, Ww.教学难点

字母Uu和Ww读音以及Uu和Vv的辨认 教学准备

1.多媒体、挂图,生词卡片,食物图片,字母卡片。2.在黑板上画好四线三格 教学过程 A.Greetings B.Revision 1.出示生词卡片,学生认读。把生词卡片贴在黑板上

2.快速出示食物图片,学生说出单词,并请学生贴在相应的单词后。3.Say a rhyme. For you and me 1) 小组比赛读,哪一组读得准而响。

2) 教师出示食物卡片,学生根据教师的卡片改编单词快速说歌谣。 4.出示Story time部分的图片,学生看图说话。 C.Cartoon time 1.出示Cartoon time中人物图片,师生对话 T: Who’s this? S1: This is Sam.T: Who’s this? S2: This is Bobby.T: Look, this is their friend, Dog.(领读,帮助学生理解dog的意思) 2学生自己阅读故事,理解语篇意思。 3.检测学生的理解情况

1)Would Bobby like an egg? (Yes) 2)Would Sam like a cake? (Yes) 3)Would Dog like a hot dog? (No) 4)让学生仔细观察最后一幅图,想一想,Dog听说A hot dog是什么表情?它心里是怎么想的?帮助学生体会故事的幽默。

4.教师带读,注意语调的变换,特别是小狗最后害怕的语气。5.学生分角色朗读。 6.请几组学生上台表演。 D.Letter time 1.认读字母

出示字母卡片Uu, Vv, Ww.让学生在教材插图中找出这三个字母。教师示范读音,学生注意观察老师的口型。 2.Smart eyes 学生看老师口型,说字母。复习字母Aa-Ww.3.学习书写

1)教师在黑板上示范书写字母Uu,Vv, Ww.学生观察字母在四线三格中的位置。 2)师生“书空”练习字母的书写笔顺。 3)学生在书上描写字母。 E.Homework 1.抄写本单元的四会单词 2.抄写字母Uu,Vv,Ww.

Unit 7 第四教时


Checkout time 教学目标:


教学重点:学生综合运用语言能力的培养。 教学准备:

1.多媒体、挂图、生词卡片、字母卡片,食物图片,小狗像的头饰 教学过程 A.Greetings B.Revision 1.字母

1)按字母顺序背诵已学过的字母Aa-Ww 2)听写字母

T: Big letter U, small letter w… 2.Say a rhyme.For you and me 1) 学生齐声朗读书本上的歌谣

2) 教师两个一组出示食物图片,学生根据老师出示的图片,替换单词说出歌谣 3.教师头戴小狗的头饰, 出示食物图片和生词卡片,与学生对话

T: Hello,I’m your new friend, Dog.Nice to meet you.You can say “Nice to meet you, too.” Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: (出示食物图片)What’s this? Ss: It’s a sweet.

T: Yes.Can you spell it? Follow me.S-w-e-e-t, sweet.Ss: S-w-e-e-t, sweet.T: Good.Would you like a sweet? S1: No, thank you T: Would you like a sweet? S2: Yes, please.„ …


4.出示Cartoon time部分的图片,学生看图说话、表演。 C.Look and say 1.教师把食品类图片帖在黑板上,请两名学生上台。一名学生根据老师指的图片用Would you like„?提问,另一名根据老师做摇头或点头作出回答。学生分组比赛,回答正确得一分。 2.学生分组,小组内根据图片编对话,教师巡视。请几组上台表演,看哪一组的对话长而好。

D.Homework 1抄写四会单词


Unit 7第五教时

教学内容《补充习题》中本单元的练习, Ticking time 教学目标:复习巩固本单元学习内容,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 教学过程 A.Greetings B.Revision 1.语句Would you like„?

No, thank you.

What about…?

Yes, please.

Nice to meet you.

What’s this? 2.词汇:食品类单词 3.字母Uu,Vv,Ww.C.Practice

参照教师用书《补充习题》教学建议,指导学生完成本单元的练习。 D.Ticking time


推荐第2篇:六年级下英语教案Part BCD牛津译林版

6B Unit5 (Part BCD) 教学方案


单元:Unit 5 课题:The seasons


教学目标: 1.掌握单词 season , summer, autumn, spring, winter , cool, warm windy, rainy, cloudy, rainy, because, best.

2.进一步巩固掌握句型:Which season do you like best?

I like …best.Why?

Because it’s …I can…


重点难点: 1.各季节、气候读法及含义。

2.能用本课的重点句型:Which season do you like best? I like …best.Why? Because it’s …I can…表达自己喜爱的季节及其原因.教学准备: 教科书与相关课件。


Step 1: Greetings and warm-up a.Greetings b.Free talk The students ask me some questions,then answer me some questions.1) What day is it today? 2) What’s your hobby? 3) Do you like…

4) What subjects do you have this term? 5) Which subject do you like best? …

Step 2: Learning 1) Teach the new words

(课件) Look at the four pictures.They are four seasons.(领读,拼读seasons.) The first picture.It’s warm.The trees are green.We can fly kites.Which season Is it? (出示spring, warm.),领读,拼读,连成句子:Spring is warm. 同法教学:summer—hot autumn—cool winter—cold 2) Say a rhyme to remember the new words Spring is coming, spring is coming. Let’s go climbing.Let’s go climbing.Summer is coming, summer is coming. Let’s go swimming.Let’s go swimming.Autumn is coming, autumn is coming. Let’s go camping.Let’s go camping. Winter is coming, winter is coming .Let’s go skating.Let’s go skating.

3) Review the words and learn the words about the weather.T: There are four seasons in a year.What are they? S: They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.(教师板书) T: Spring is warm.But sometimes it’s rainy and windy.

(教师板书并同法新授rainy, windy, sunny, cloudy) 4) Play a game : Gue the weather 5)Learn the new sentences.T: OK,Four seasons.Which season do you like best?(解释like best)

引导学生回答I like …best.Why? Because It’s ...I can … 6)Ask and answer T: OK.Now, boys and girls.These children are talking about their favourite seasons.How do they talk? Let’s look at the pictures and practice in pairs.Now ,let’s start.

Have you finished? Now let’s check.

Step 3: Listen and write T: Do you know ? Su Yang has a new clamate Ma li.She is from Guang Zhou.Ma Li is now telling Su Yang about the four seasons in Guang Zhou and the different things she does in each season.Let’s listen to her.And complete the sentences.OK.Now let’s check the answer.

It is ________ in spring.The trees turn _______.Ma Li often goes rowing in the park.It is very _________ in summer.It often _______.Ma Li often goes _________.The days get ________ and the nights get _________ in autumn.It is often sunny.Ma Li often goes _________ in the countryside.It is not______ in winter.It is sometimes __________.Ma Li often goes jogging after school.

Step 4: Play a game Which season is it?

Step 5: Homework 1.Copy the new words three times.2.Make a dialogue about the seasons.


Unit 5

The seasons (简笔画略)

推荐第3篇:五年级上册英语教案U6 My efriend译林版

Unit6 My e-friend 教案及教后反思





(1)借助数字化交互方式整体学习理解文本My e-friend,并在此基础上进行课文的表演。 (2)通过数字化任务学习活动,学生能理解并运用How old is he/she?Do/Does?? Yes/No, ? do/don’t/does/doesn’t.What subjects does he like?He likes...等重点句型进行简单的交流。



1. 通过数字化任务学习活动,学生能理解并运用How old is he/she?Do/Does?? Yes/No, ? do/don’t/does/doesn’t.What subjects does he like?He likes...等重点句型进行简单的交流。

2. 正确使用数字化平板进行任务活动。


(1) 学生掌握pad的基本操作方法,如做题、抢答、观看微视频及拍照分享等。 (2) 学生通过预习一起作业能基本朗读并自主学习老师分享在QQ群中的素材包中的歌曲及动画。

(3) 下载App了解一些国家的信息并选择一个感兴趣的描述。

四:教学过程 Step1 Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Share preview T:Before cla, you learnt the information I gave .Now, I want to know what you have learnt.Let me check.Please look and match.3.You did a good job.You learnt some flags of countries and my friends.Look at my friends, they are lovely.We often chat on the Internet.So they are also my e-friends.(板书e) Do you have an e-friend? How do you contact your e-friend? S: QQ, Wechat, telephone,教师引出email,send an email Step2 While-learning 1.展示课文图片:Look,WangBing wants to invite Liu Tao to go to play football? Does Wang Bing go ?Why?He’s sending an email to his e-friend.2.T:About this e-friend,what do you want to know?(用智慧教室抢答功能) S:What’s his name? How old is he? Where does he live?...板书贴句型(先学习一部分句型)

(1) watch the cartoon then find the answer.用平板看视频(看完回答问题,再把回答也贴在对应的问题后面。)

(2) read and underline Until now,we know something about Peter, but Liu Tao wants to know more? Look at the questions:PPT呈现问题:1.What subjects does he like?2.What does he do after school? 3.What does he like doing? (用智慧教室选择题功能答题)

T:How dou you know?

找出书中的原句及回答读一读,学一学句型Can he speak Chinese? Does he have Chinese leons at school? Does he like…? (板书重点句型Does he及回答) (3)read questions and answers(让学生读一读黑板上的句型和回答)

Step3:Reading time 1.read after the tape 2.dub Step4:Practicce 1.recite the story(给出关键句型,让学生对Peter的信息进行语篇的输出,也是书后的练习。)

2.make Liu Tao’s information card.3.

4.T: Now Liu Tao knows Peter well, so he wants to make e-friends with him,too.So can you introduce him to Peter.And work in groups and design an information card.(学生设计完之后上传到平台,教师选择最快的一组,让学生进行介绍。) 5.拓展friends are important to us.We should make more friends.Before cla,I show you my e-friends,they are from different countries.Do you want to make e-friends with them? Which one do you like ?Why? 6.know your learning situation.


1.Introduce your new e-friend to your clamates.

2.Recite the story with App “Online homework”.3.Learn more countries with App.


译林版英语四年级上册Unit 3 How many教案


本单元由Story time, Fun time, Cartoon time, Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time, Ticking time七个部分组成。安排了“询问对方有什么东西”、“询问对方有多少东西”这两个个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have ? I have„ /Can I„?本单元单复数使用是重难点,需要辅导学生如何何时使用单复数,并讲解一些基本规则。

二、教学目的: 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。

2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can I have a look? Can I have one? 3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have? I have„ /Can I„?

4. 了辅音字母l 在单词中的读音。 6. 能诵读歌谣Cakes


1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have? I have„ /Can I„?

3、了辅音字母l 在单词中的读音。


1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have? I have„ /Can I„?.


本单元共安排5课时 Story time


Fun time, Rhyme time及新单词

1课时 Cartoon time, Sound time及课课练


Checkout time, Ticking time及补充习题

.1课时 复习本单元中单词、句型、做听读训练。 1课时


U11 A boy and a girl



My name is …


I‟m a girl/ I‟m a boy.


I‟m from …


I „m …


I „m not …

My … is / are 二 单词


Man woman boy girl


Tall short thin fat long big small 3.你要会说单词:

English from London ,hair ,eye ,ear , 三 重点句型

1.My name is …

e.g : 1.My name is David .

2.My name is Jack.

2.I‟m a (an )… girl/boy.

e.g :1 .I‟m a Chinese girl.2.I‟m an English boy.

3.I „m from …

e.g : I „m from Nanjing.

4.I‟m (not ) …

e.g 1.I‟m not tall.

2.I‟m not thin.


e.g I‟m nine.

6.My … is /are

e.g My hair is long.

My eyes are small.

四 能正确地听,说,读 写字母 Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz ,26个字母进行的发音归类,其中Oo音


/ei/ Aa Hh Jj Kk /i:/ Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv /e/ Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz /ai/ Ii Yy /ju:/ Qq Uu Ww /a:/ Rr / / Oo

五.书上D 部分LOOK AND SAY 提供了四副小孩子照哈哈镜的场景.通过照哈哈镜对比出大小,高矮,胖瘦和长短之分,重点在于掌握其英文表达.以下为参考:

1.He's tall .2.Her pencil is long.3.She's fat.4.His pencil sharpener is big.

相关参考练习: 一.请根据David 的介绍,为他填写名片. I'm David Black.I'm ten.I'm an English boy from London.My hair is short .My eyes are very big.I live in Beijing now.It's a nice city.(需要让孩子理解并掌握数字的英文单词与之相对的数字.知道 English ,Chinese 作为形容词,英国人(的),中国人(的)首字母要大写,其中E 为元音字母所以用an .eye(s)ear(s)在指一双眼睛,一对耳朵翻译时为复数所以BE 动词用 are .城市用汉语拼音或单词时首字母也要大写)


姓名: 国籍: 年龄: 家乡: 特征: 二.找出下列不属于同一类的词. () 1.A man B woman C cat () 2.A black B long C brown () 3.A plane B park C bike () 4.A girl B coat C boy () 5.A pear B tiger C orange () 6.A thin B hair C small

Unit 10 Thank you 一.日常交际用语


Some… +s/es?

2 当别人问你要不要来点什么,你要,可以说:

Yes,please.Thank you. 3 如果你不要,你可以说:NO.thanks./no,thank you.二.单词


Cake humburger egg ice cream

词组: a cup of tea \a cup of coffee, a gla of milk , a gla of juice

Some cups of tea / Some cups of coffee /Some glaes of milk

Some glaes of juice

2..你要能听懂、会说容器类单词: Cup gla


a / an 的用法

三. 重点句型

1.Some …?

e.g. Some oranges? Some mangoes? Some cups of coffee?


8.Yes, please./ No, thanks.No,thank you.四.能正确地听说读写字母Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt

五.课文中D 部分的LOOK AND SAY 本部分共提供了八副不同场景下询问某人是否要某物以及接受或拒绝的图片,要求学生看了图能编出对话.参考对话: 1.Liu Tao: A green pencil box, please . Woman : All right.2.Father: A white car? David : No, thanks.3.Woman : A black cat? WangBing: Yes.please.4.Woman:A red T-shirt? WangBing:Yes, please.5.Mike: A yellow jacket,please. Woman : All right.6.Old man : An ice cream? Helen: No, thanks.7.Woman: A cup of coffee? Mr Black: Yes ,please.8.Woman: A gla of apple juice? Gao Shan:Yes, please.参考练习: 一.将下列单词中不属于同一类的找出来. ( ) 1.A banana B apple C cake ( ) 2.A tea B juice C ice-cream ( ) 3.A blouse B shirt C light ( ) 4.A bike B plane C park ( ) 5.A dog B money C bird 二.选择填空

( ) 1.What's it? It's ______. A nice B an egg C blue ( ) 2.A cup of tea? ________ A Yes, two.B.No, thanks C.Oh, sorry ( ) 3._____the hamburger? It's in the cupboard. A What's B.Where's C How ( ) 4.This gla of juice is ____me. A to B.of C.for ( ) 5.Turn ____the TV , David.Go to bed, please. Ok. A.on B off C in

Unit 9 on and off

一 .日常交际用语


Open the …

Close the …

2 如果你想让别人开水龙头、开电视机等用开关(间接打开关上的)物品,你会说:

Turn on … Turn off…



door window box basket light TV(大写) tap Walkman(首字母大写) 三.重点句型

1.Open / close the ( door \ window\ box\ basket ).

6.Turn on / Turn off the ( light \ Walkman\ TV\ tap) 11.I‟m sorry .本单元中用于你做了什么有碍别人的事或不好的事情后表示抱歉的说法。在别人说身体不舒服的时候,你说:I „m sorry “表示“真遗憾”。

Unit 8 Let’s go to the park


1 当你想和别人一起去某地时,你可以说:

Let‟s go to …

2 当别人邀请你去时,你可以回答:

All right./ Ok.

Let‟s go .

3 当你或别人想知道怎样去,可以问:But how?



park cinema zoo supermarket the Great Wall (一定要加定冠词,并且G,W 要大写) Xi‟an (地名首字母大写)




plane car (介词都是by)

三. 重点句型

1.Let‟s … “让我们一起……”.

e.g 1 Let‟s get up.

2.Let‟s watch TV.

2.Let‟s go to … by …

e.g 1.Let‟s go to the park by bus .

2.Let‟s go to Beijing by plane.


e.g 1.Let‟s go to the zoo.Great!

2.the Great Wall “Great “为“伟大,雄伟”

四.能正确地听,说,读写字母Jj , Kk , Ll Mm Nn

五.书上D 部分LOOK AND SAY 有五张图片,每张图片表示一个动作,可以用本单元所学的祈使句来表达.要求学生仔细看这五张图片,并根据图说出相对的祈使句. 参考对话

1.Mi Li: Close your books,please./ Open the door, please. David/Liu Tao: All right./ Ok 2.Nancy :Open the blue box, please. WangBing :All right./Ok 3.Nancy :Close the red basket, please. David: All right./ Ok. 4.Liu Tao: Turn on the tap, please. Mike: All right./Ok. 5.Policeman: Turn off the Walkman ,please. David: I'm sorry.



(1) 1.Hello, David.2.Great, but how? 3.Let‟s go to the zoo.4 .By bus.5 Hello, Mike.6.All right, let‟s go .

________________________________ (2) 1.Not bad, thank you.2.Let‟s go to the park .3.Hi, Liu Tao.How are you? 4.By bike.

5.Ok, let‟s go.6.Good, but how? _______________________________-


— A —

____ E ____ ____ f _____ _____g _____

Unit 7 I t’s nice 一.日常交际用语

1 你想叫小伙伴看某样东西,你可以说:Look at … 2 你想称赞别人的东西时髦、漂亮、好看,你可以说:

It‟s smart / pretty / nice.

假如你想表示赞美、感叹之意,你可以说:How nice ! 3 当你想向别人介绍这是……, 那是…… , 你可以说:

This is … ; That „s …

二. 单词


dre skirt T- shirt


sweater coat

shirt blouse


my his her

3 你要能听懂、会说、会用赞美之词: smart nice pretty

三 重点句型

1.Look at …


Look at her dre .

It‟s nice .2 This is … / That „s …


This is my new coat .That is his pencil sharpener.

四.书上D 部分 LOOK AND SAY 参考对话

1.第一部分的重点是巩固 Look at his / her… 图中包括a jacket a T- shirt a coat a sweater

a pencil box a ruler a rubber a pencil sharpener .

a.Look at his jacket.b.Look at his T-shirt C.Look at her coat .d.Look at her sweater.2.第二部分内容是重点巩固Look , this is a … That‟s … 图中的物品有远有近之分,近处物品有 a skirt a T –shirt a telephone a dest 远处物品有 a blouse a jacket a coat a bookcase a chair.a.Look , this is my skirt .That‟s my blouse.b.Look, this is my shirt.That‟s my coat.c.Look , this is my telephone.That‟s my bookcase.d.Look , this is my desk.That‟s my chair.

五. 能正确地听说读写字母A a Bb Cc Dd



) 1.要求别人看一个男孩的外套时说:

A.Look at his T-shirt.B Look at his coat.C.Look at her coat.

( ) 2.向别人介绍Nancy晾在远处的新毛衣时说:

A. This is my shirt.

B.That is her T-shirt.C.This is her T-shirt.


) 3.向别人介绍自己的新毛衣时说:

A.This is my new jacket.B.This is my new T-shirt.C,This is my new sweater.


) 4.你赞赏对方的衣服时说:

A.It‟s nice.B thank you C.All right. (

) 5.你向对方表示感谢时说:

A.Thank you.B.How nice! C.It‟s pretty.

Unit 5 How are you?


1 当你想咨询别人最近情况怎样,可以说:

How are you ? 2 当你被别人关心时,如果你最近不错,可以说:

Fine, thank you.And you ? 当你感觉一般,不好也不坏,你说:

Not bad , thank you.

当你感觉不好,你可以说:Not so good.

3 当别人对你说他( 她) 身体不舒服时,你可以说:I‟m sorry.

二. 单词


Pen book rubber pencil pencil-box

ruler ball pen pencil sharpener 三 重点句型

How are you ? Fine , thank you.

Fine, thank you.And you ? I‟m fine, too.

Not bad, thank you. Not so good .I‟m sorry . 四。课文中D 部分的LOOK AND LEARN

1.第一副图,MIKE 父子在家门口看见学生们去上学,父亲Mr Brown 示意儿子MIKE 该上学了。

Mr Brown : Go to school now , Mike .Mike : All right.Bye, Dad.

2.第二副图,MIKE 路遇 刘涛 ,二人互问候

Mike: Hi, Liu Tao.How are you? Liu Tao.Fine, thank you.3.第三副图,刘涛在校门口巧遇Mi Li, Liu Tao 有礼貌地向老师问好。

Liu Tao: Good morning, Mi Li.Mi Li: Good morning.4.第四副图,老师发现顽皮的刘涛身后跟有一只小猫,随即将小猫拦在校外,幽默地对小猫说Go home, Mimi并作手势让猫离开 Mi Li: Go home, Mimi.Mimi : Miaow! Miaow! 相关参考练习

一. 把下列单词归类,将其序号填在恰当的横线上。

文具用品 (

) 动物名称

) 颜色

) 水果

) 家具


B books C.green D a dog E rubbers F.brown G.a monkey H.mangoes

I .a bookcase J.bananas K.a desk

L apples M a tiger N pens O a sofa

Unit 4 Goodbye


1 早上父母叫你起床,可以说:Get up, please.

你回答说“好的”,可以用:All right ./Ok.2

妈妈 叫你去上学,可以说: Go to school now. 3 下午老师叫你回家,她会说:Go home now.

你可以回答:Goodbye./ See you.

4 晚上到了睡觉时间,妈妈会说:Go to bed now.

你在睡觉前会对父母说: Good night.



desk chair bed sofa table telephone bookcase fridge 三.重点句型

1.Get up .e.g Get up, Nancy .该起床了,南希。

2.All right./ Ok.e.g Come in ,please .All right! 3.Go to school ./ Go home ./ Go to bed.

e.g You can go home now.All right. 4 Good night.回答还是 Good night.


这部分的六副图中,既出现了第一单元的动物,又呈现了第三单元中的水果,两两相对,各复现了六个单词。 1 This is a cat .This is a pear.2.This is a dog.This is an orange.3.This is a monkey.This is a peach.4.This is a zebra.This is a mango.5.This is a panda.This is an apple.6.This is an elephant.This is a banana.


一. 将下列左右栏对应的问答句连线

1.Nice to meet you .

A Goodbye.2.Good night, Mum.

B.All right.3.Goodbye.

C Good night.4.Get up

D Nice to meet you , too.5.Good afternoon

E.Good afternoon.二.根据情景选择句子

1.Mi Li 叫孩子起床,应说:(

A.Go home now. 2.爸爸提醒孩子要上学了,应说:(

B.Go to school now.3.妈妈让孩子快睡觉,应说: (

C.Go to bed now.4.老师叫孩子快回家,应说:

D.See you.5.向别人道别,应说:(

E This is my sister.6.把自己妹妹介绍给别人,应说 (

F Get up .

Unit 3 This is my father

一 日常交际用语


This is my …

2别人向你介绍他(她)的亲戚或朋友,你可以说: Nice to meet you .

3.当别人对你说Nice to meet you时,你可以回答:Nice to meet you, too.



father mother brother sisiter


apple orange pear banana peach mango pineapple watermelon


Mr Black

Mrs Black , Gao Shan ,并能正确理解和运用Mrs

三. 重点句型

1.This is my …

2.第一次见过某人打招呼时说,Nice to meet you.回答 Nice to meet you, too.

四。课文中D LOOK AND SAY 部分参考对话

1.第一副图,Mr Green 和Mr Black 在机场相遇。他们间简短的问候语可以安排为:

Mr Green : Good morning, Mr Black.

Mr Black : Good morning, Mr Green.

2.第二副图,Mi Li 在钟表店巧遇Mrs Black .周围墙上的钟表暗示着她们是相遇在下午。她们间的对话可设计成:

Mi Li : Good afternoon, Mrs Black.

Mrs Black: Good afternoon, Mi Li.

3.在第三副图中,Helen正将自己的哥哥 Mike介绍给

Liu Tao。他们间的对话可以安排为:

Helen: Hi/Hello, Liu Tao.This is my brother, Mike.

Liu Tao: Nice to meet you, Mike.

Mike: Nice to meet you , too.5.在第四副图中,刚刚告别Liu Tao的 Helen兄妹俩又巧遇 Gao Shan。 Mike忙将Helen介绍给Gao Shan .Mike : Hi/ Hello, Gao Shan.This is my sister,Helen.Helen: Nice to meet you , Gao Shan.Gao Shan :Nice to meet you , too.


一. 找出下列不属于同一类的词


) 1.A blue

B black C monkey (

) 2.A yellow B brown C peah


) 3.A tiger B apple

C watermelon (

) 4.A elephant B orange C zebra (

) 5 A banana B cat

C mango

Unit 2 Nice to meet you


1 早上遇到老师或同学,较正式的问候语是:Good morning.下午遇到老师或同学,较正式的问候语是:Good afternoon.2 和一个陌生人初次见面,你可以问候说:Nice to meet you.

回答:Nice to meet you, too.

3 你想把你的朋友、家人、老师介绍给别人,可以用句型:

This is …



black white red yellow blue green brown orange 2.你要认识四个新人物:

Mi Li , Mr Green , Wang Bing , Helen

3.能理解并正确运用Mr(先生)和Mi(小姐) 三. 重点句型

1.This is …


2.Good morning .


Good afternoon.


3.Nice to meet you.


Nice to mee you ,too.

见到你也很高兴。 四 课文中LOOK AND SAY 部分参考对话 1.第

一、第二副图中的场景是紧密相连的。上午九点半,Helen和 Liu Tao相遇。 Liu Tao和 Helen互相问候后,又将 Helen介绍给恰好路过的 YangLing。

图一 Helen: Hi/ Hello/ Good morning, Liu Tao. Liu Tao:Hi/ Hello / Good morning, Helen.图二 Liu Tao:Hi/ Hello/Good morning, YangLing.This is Helen. YangLing:Nice to meet you ,Helen. Helen: Nice to meet you , too.2.第

三、第四副图之间的场景也是连贯的。下午五点十分,Helen遇见了 WangBing,在 Helen和 WangBing打招呼时,一只小狗恰好经过。小狗快活地对 Helen叫着 Woof! Helen立刻蹲下身,友好地向小狗伸出了手。 图三:

Helen: Hi/ Hello, I‟m Helen.What‟s your name? WangBing: I‟m Wang Bing.Helen: Good afternoon, WangBing.图四

Helen: Nice to meet you, Bobby.Bobby: Woof!

Unit 1 Hello

一. 单词


dog cat bird tiger monkey zebra panda elephant



Liu Tao YangLing Mike Nancy

3.能理解并正确使用冠词a an

二. 重点句型 1.Hello./ Hi.2.Hello./ Hi,I‟m 3.What‟s your name? 理解I‟m = I am


译林版英语四年级上册Unit 3 How many教案


本单元由Story time, Fun time, Cartoon time, Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time, Ticking time七个部分组成。安排了“询问对方有什么东西”、“询问对方有多少东西”这两个个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have ? I have„ /Can I„?本单元单复数使用是重难点,需要辅导学生如何何时使用单复数,并讲解一些基本规则。

二、教学目的: 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。

2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can I have a look? Can I have one? 3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have? I have„ /Can I„?

4. 了辅音字母l 在单词中的读音。 6. 能诵读歌谣Cakes


1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have? I have„ /Can I„?

3、了辅音字母l 在单词中的读音。


1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have? I have„ /Can I„?.


本单元共安排5课时 Story time


Fun time, Rhyme time及新单词

1课时 Cartoon time, Sound time及课课练


Checkout time, Ticking time及补充习题

.1课时 复习本单元中单词、句型、做听读训练。 1课时










()6.A.her hairB.his noseC.his mouth

()7.A.A cup of coffeeB.A gla of milkC.a gla of juice()8.A.How muchB.How manyC.how old

()9.A noodlesB.noseC.nineteen



() 1.A.He‟s in the bathroom.

C.It‟s in the living room.

() 2.A.They‟re on the sofa.B.It‟s on the bed.

C.It‟s on your bedroom.

() 3.A.Yes,I can.B.No,I don‟t.C.Yes,it is.

() 4.A.Would you like some pineapples?B.I like this cat.C.I‟d like some bananas.

() 5.A.No,they aren‟t.B.No,it is‟t.

C.Yes,they can..


1 __________ I help __________ ?

Yes,I‟d like a ___________ .

2.- Look at this __________ It‟s___________ yuan.

3、- He can___________and I can ___________.

4.How ___________do you have?

I have___________ .

B.She‟s in the kitchen.



1 2 3 看一看6.forty houses7.Anything else?8一些米饭

4 哪些扇子5 在客厅

二、选择填空。20分9两杯橙汁10 短头发() 1 Where are my skirts? B: ______ in the bedroom


() 2 Where‟s the fridge?It‟s _______ the kitchen.


() 3 Here‟ you.Thank you..


() 4 Do you like?No,______.

A.car,I doB.cars,I don‟t.C.a car, I don‟t.

() 5 A: What ______ you have?


() 6Look at these toy animals _____ so cuit.


() 7 I can_______.

A.play footballB.play the footballC.playing basketball.

() 8I don‟t have_____ books.


() 9Do you like?Yes I do.I like______.A dolls ,dollsB.doll, dollsC.doll,doll

() 10 „m hungry.I‟d like some _____ .



1 .They all like ______________ (dog)

2 .Li Lei can__________ (play) basketball.

3.Do you have__________ ( some) stickers?

4 .Let‟s _______ ( make) a fruit salads.

5.That girl can play table tennis ________ (very good) .

6 .Where_______ ( be ) the cat?

7.He”s tall._______ (he) eyes are big.

8.We have two _______(box) .

9.They‟re on_______(you)bed.

10.They have two_______(cup)oftea.四、改错10分


1、IHow muchareit,please..___________



2、Theseshoe are very nice.___________








五、情景匹配 5分


()1.What would you like?A.Thank you.

()2.What do you have?B..I‟d like these socks

()3.Where‟s your schoolbag?C.It‟s in the kitchen

()4..How beautiful!.D.Twenty,please..

()5.How many would you like?E.I have an umbrella.

六、阅读训练 15


My name‟s Nancy.This is my study.My new computer is on the desk.I like it very much.Here‟s a big bookcase.I have many books in it.I like reading.There‟s a nice toy car in the bookcase.It‟s my brother‟s.I like it too.Look at my study,Is it nice?

()1.This is Nancy‟s claroom.

()2.Nancy likes reading.

()3.Nancy‟s toy car is nice

()4.The new computer is on the desk.

()5.Nancy has many books in her bookcase.


Unit 8 Our dreams 一 单元教学内容简析:

本册最后一个单元话题是“我的梦想\",旨在通过此话题讨论,引导学生树立正确的价值观,心怀梦想并为实现自己的梦想努力奋斗。本单元的目标词汇都和职业相关,教师可以利用五年级上册Unit 5(What do they do?)复习相关词汇,设计教学活动,导入目标词汇。教师也可以拓展一些常见的职业词汇,以丰富教学内容。 二 单元教学要求:

1.能正确理解、朗读Story time 和Cartoon time。

2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写dream, future, tooth, scientist, artist, take care of。

3.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写询问梦想的句型What do you want to be in the future?及其回答 I want to be…

4.能听得懂、会说、会读care about,astronaut, spaceship, football player, World Cup, come true, dancer, pianist, brave, paint。


6.会唱歌曲I’m a little teacher. 三 单元教学重点:

1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写dream, future, scientist, artist, take care of,。

2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写询问梦想的句型What do you want to be in the future?及其回答 I want to be… 3.了解语音的连读。 四 单元教学难点:

1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写dream, future, scientist, artist, take care of,。

2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写询问梦想的句型What do you want to be in the future?及其回答 I want to be… 3.了解语音的连读。 五 单元教学安排:


第一课时Story time

第二课时 Grammar time and Fun time

第三课时Sound time, Song time and Checkout time

第四课时Cartoon time, Checkout time and Ticking time

第五课时 练习评讲

Unit 8 Our dreams The first period 一 教学内容:Story time 二 教学目标:

1.会听说读写单词dream, future, tooth, scientist, artist, take care of。

2.能熟练使用句型What do you want to be in the future?并掌握其回答方式进行操练,并正确地理解课文,朗读课文。


4.创设情境进行教学,激发学生的求知欲和表现力,激发学生心怀梦想并付诸努力。三 教学重、难点:

1.能熟练使用句型What do you want to be in the future?并掌握其回答方式进行操练,并正确地理解课文,朗读课文。

2.培养学生的发散性思维和语言表达能力。四 教学准备: 挂图,卡片,PPT

五、预习作 业:

1.试着读一读课文内容,圈出自己不懂的单词、词组和句子。2.听课文录音,试着模仿着读一读,并了解课文大意。 3.想一想,你的理想是什么? 教学过程

Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls, Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mi/ Mr.… 2.头脑风暴: 快速说出学过的职业类单词。 3.Enjoy some pictures.T: When you watch them, please think of their names and their jobs, OK? S: Yes.T: Look, they had their dreams when they were young.Now the dreams come true, they all have their jobs.Today, we will talk about our dreams.Step2.Presentation

1.T: Do you have your dreams? What do you want to be in the future? PPT shows the sentence.Help the students to answer: I want to be… S:I want to be a doctor.S:I want to be a policeman….

T: Mi Li and her students also have their dreams.Let’s watch the cartoon and try to know: What do they want to be? Ss watch the cartoon and try to match.(完成80页Match and say) What do they want to be?

T: Now, let’s know their dreams.You can discu in groups: Liu Tao wants to be… Mike wants to be…

Ask some students to talk about it.Learn the new words: dentist, astronaut, dancer, football player, pianist, writer 学生操练以下句型:I want to be a dentist.I want to be an astronaut.I want to be a football player.I want to be a dancer.I want to be a pianist.2.T:You know their dreams, but do you know what do they want to do? Why do they have those dreams? Let’s read the paage and try to find out the reasons.Learning tips:

1.Six students in a group ,read and underline some useful sentences.3.If you have some difficulty, you can ask others for help.2.Discu and complete the forms in your groups.


Dream Want to…/Why Mike

a dentist Wang Bing

an astronaut Liu Tao

a football player Su Hai

a dancer Nancy

a writer Yang Ling a pianist

Mi Li the Ss’ dreams come true Ask some groups to show.eg:

Mike wants to be a dentist.He wants to help children with bad teeth.Wang Bing wants to be an astronaut.He wants to fly to the Moon.Liu Tao wants to be a football player.He wants to play in the World Cup.Su Hai wants to be a dancer.Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful Nancy wants to be a writer.She wants to write stories for children.Yang Ling wants to be a pianist.Music makes people healthy and happy.

At this time, learn some useful phrases and sentences: help children with bad teeth, fly to the Moon, play in the World Cup, Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful, write stories for children, Music makes people happy.Step3.Consolidation 1.Read the paage in different ways.

a.Read after the tape.

b.Read one by one.

c.Read in paragraphs.

d.Read in roles.2.Think and write T:Mi Li is writing about her students’ dreams, let’s read and complete her notes.You can use it to retell the paage.My students’ dreams

Mike wants to be____.He wants to take care of children\'s teeth. Su Hai wants to be____.Yang ling likes ____.She wants to be____.Nancy is good at writing.She wants to write stories for____..

Liu Tao likes sports .He wants to be____and play in the World Cup.Wang Bing has a big dream.He wants to be_______and fly to____.

小组活动,完成短文并试着复述课文 Group show: Ask some groups to show.Step 4.Summary 小结(如果课堂时间较紧,也可将此环节放到Fun time 课时来处理) T: Today, we know the children’s dreams.You can read, write and discu with others.Do you know them? 视频播放清洁工,煤矿工,建筑工人,交警等人的工作

T:The city need them! No matter what do you want to be, please be honest, be kind and diligent.Others will respect you.Now, can you write down your dream on the note? Ss write down the dreams on the notes in groups, after that, the group leaders sticks their dreams on teacher’s book.

T:Your dreams are here.Please work hard.I will keep the book carefully.When you grow up, I hope your dreams all come true! Step 5.Homework

1. Listen and read the paage.2.Work hard with your dreams.(带着梦想,努力学习) 3.Do the homework on www.daodoc.com


Unit 8 Our dreams


Dream Want to…/Why Mike

a dentist Wang Bing

an astronaut Liu Tao

a football player Su Hai

a dancer Nancy

a writer Yang Ling a pianist

Mi Li the Ss’ dreams come true

Unit 8 Our dreams The second period 一 教学内容:Grammar time and Fun time 二 教学目标:

1.能熟练使用句型What do you want to be/do in the future?并掌握其回答方式进行操练。 2.能在Story time的基础上,培养学生的语用能力。 3.培养学生的发散性思维和语法表达能力。

4.培养学生的语言表达能力及对知识点进行归纳总结的能力。三 教学重、难点:

1.能熟练使用句型What do you want to be/do in the future?并掌握其回答方式进行操练。


3.通过做调查训练学生对句型的运用能力。四 教学准备: 卡片, PPT 五 预习作业: 1.朗读P81句型。



Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls, Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mi\\ Mr.… 2.Let’s play games.a.Magic eyes 快速闪现本单元及以前学过的职业类单词。


He often travels around the world and plays the piano for people.What does he do? He\'s a pianist.She works in a hospital. She takes care of people\'s teeth.What does she do? She\'s a dentist.3.Do some revision.复习Story time T:Do you remember Mi Li and her student’s dreams? What do they want to be? What do they want to do? 学生们回忆课文回答问题

Look at the books,Read the sentences。(复习教材中第78~79页的句子) 学生分小组进行讨论。 Step2.Presentation

1.PPT shows the forms.表格中有Wang Bing等人的头像。 What do they want to be? Ask someone to say: Wang Bing(头像):I want to be an astronaut. Su Hai(头像):I want to be a dancer.Liu Tao(头像):I want to be a football player. Yang Ling(头像):I want to be a pianist.What do they want to do? Ask someone to say: Wang Bing(头像): I want to fly to the Moon.Mi Li(头像): I want to see your dreams come true. Liu Tao(头像):I want to play in the World Cup.Nancy(头像): I want to write stories for children.

PPT shows the sentences.Ss read the sentences and discu in groups: What can you find? 小组汇报:1.want to be后面是表示职业的名词。 2.want to 接动词的原形。

2.Do you remember these words? PPT: farmer, teacher, cook, nurse, policeman, nurse, doctor, driver。 a.趣味游戏巩固职业词汇

教师可以和学生进行“头脑风暴”游戏.教师给出职业类词汇的首字母,要学生说出完整的单词,说的越多越好。如: W.Writer,waiter, waitre, worker… P Pianist, painter, policeman, policewoman… b.使用下列句型进行句型迁移训练: I want to be a————

游戏活动,操练want to be/to do结构

教师可以和学生玩Free ball游戏,操练want to be/to do结构。教师提出问题然后扔球,接球者要给出快速回答。eg:

What do you want be/to do in the future? I want to be a writer./I want to write books.…

Step 3Fun time T: Everyone has his dream.Now, please come to ask the others about their dreams.Let’s do a survey.Six students in a group.Ask and answer:

What do you want to be/do?

I want to be a /an…I want to…

The group leader will report: In our group, …students want to be…, …students want to be… ... Let’s start.

Ss do a survey in groups.Then the group leader reports.Step4.Summary 小结

T:What have you learned from this leon? Ss: …

Step 6.Homework : 1.Copy and remember sentences we have learned today.2.Try to know more words about jobs.


Unit 8 Our dreams

What do you want to be?

I want to be a /an…+职业类名词 What do you want to do?

I want to… + 动词原形

Unit 8 Our dreams The third period 一 教学内容

Sound time, Song time and Checkout time.二 教学目标:

1.知道单词在句子中的连续现象。2.复习第三人称单数动词的用法。 3.会唱歌曲《I’m a little teacher.》 三 教学重点:


2.学生能进行自我练习并能同他人合作交流。四 教学难点:

1.知道单词在句子中的连续现象。五 教学准备:

卡片,PPT,课文录音 教学过程

Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls, S:Good morning/afternoon, Mi/Mr.… 2.Free talk T:What do you want be/to do in the future? S:I want to be a writer./I want to write books.…

T:What does your friend want to be? What does your friend want to do? He / She wants to be… He / She wants to… Step 2 Sound time T:Mi Li loves her students, she wants to see their dreams come true.All the teachers love their students.Look, there is a picture about it.Let’s listen: What did they talk about? Question: What does the girl want to be? What does she want to do? Ask someone to answer: PPT shows the sentences.Listen to the tape and follow it.T:What can you find? 说一说句子中哪些单词连读了。 小组内读一读,并感受单词的连读。

Have a competition among the groups.Which group is the first? PPT shows the phrases and sentences, Ss try to read them: an English book, an apple, an old book, have a look, look at, work on a farm Thank you.Nice to meet you.Did you have breakfast? Would you like some water? Step 3 Sing a song 1.T:The teachers are so kind.They love their students very much.Do you love your teachers? Do you want to be a little teacher? Let’s learn a song: 《I’m a little teacher.》 2.Learn the song:

教师利用多媒体播放歌曲,了解歌曲大意。 伴随节拍,朗读歌词.教师引导学生有节奏地朗读,边朗读边拍手。 教师播放歌曲录音,让学生跟唱。

齐唱歌曲教师要求学生伴随录音齐声歌曲。 3.T:Can you make a new song about your dreams? 鼓励学生改编歌词表达自己的梦想。Eg: I’m a little cook.Here’s my pot.

I cook in my kitchen every day.When I\'m in the restaurant,hear me say, \"All you friends,please enjoy。”

Policeman, policewoman, painter, pianist Step 4 Checkout time 1.T: You songs are good.I hope your dream will come true! I have a lot of friends, do you want to know their dreams? What do they want to be? PPT shows the sentences and pictures.T:First, look at the pictures and read the sentences.Then listen and choose. Do the exercise on Page 86.Check the answer.

Step 5.Homework: 1.Read after the tape of Cartoon time more than three times, try to read it.2.Talk about your dream with your parents.

Unit 8 Our dreams The fourth period 一 教学内容

Cartoon time, Checkout time and Ticking time 二 教学目标:

1.理解Cartoon time的小故事,并能正确朗读,了解他人的梦想,并树立自己的理想。 2.能正确完成checkout time 练习,能灵活运用本课所学到的新知识,举一反三

3.能掌握一般将来时的用法,掌握两个重点句型want to do以及will, should的用法。 4.会使用want to be/do 和will的句型来进行仿写来描述自己的梦想。 5.能对照Ticking time 的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。 三 教学重点:

1.学生能自主阅读cartoon time,读懂内容,体会乐趣,提高自主阅读能力 2.能正确完成Checkout time 练习。

3.能对照Ticking time中的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。 四 教学难点:

1.会使用want to be/do 和will的句型来进行文章和句子的仿写来描述自己的梦想。 五 教学准备:

PPT, 准备好关于自己梦想的相关文章或者句子,。 教学过程

Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls, Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mi/Mr.…

2.Sing the song《I’m a little teacher.》together.3.Free talk

T:Hello, boys and girls! S:Hello.T: What’s your dream? What do you want to be? Step 2 Presentation 1.进人课文学习:

PPT shows the picture of Bobby T:You all have dreams, Bobby and his friends all have dreams.Do you want to know their dreams?

Watch the cartoon and match.Bobby

policeman, Sam

cook Willy

scientist Billy


2.T:They want their dreams come true.What should they or will they do? Let’s read the dialogue and complete the forms.Learning tips: 1.Four Students in a group.2.Read the dialogue and discu in groups.3.Complete the forms in groups.Name want to (be)...should...will...Bobby scientist

Sam policeman, help people

Willy artist/painter

Billy cook


复习will在将来时中的语法以及should引导的情态句型的使用。 Ask some groups to show their forms and talk about it.T:What does Bobby want to be? What should he do? What will he do? S:He wants to be…He should…He will… T:How about his friends? 教师安排学生小组活动,根据信息表格,介绍四个人物的梦想.

Name want to (be)...should...will...Bobby scientist study hard do more sport Sam policeman, help people be brave, strong have painting leons Willy artist/painter have painting leons Billy cook go to cooking school

Step 3 Consolidation 1.Listen and read this cartoon together.Pay attention to the intonation.2.Dub for the cartoon.Practice in groups of four.

Let’s have a happy reading: Act out the story.

With books.

Without books.

Add your own words.3.T:After twenty years, when they meet, what will happen? Can you image? Group work:设想二十年后朋友相聚的情境。 小组谈论并畅想他们的未来。

4.T:It’s time to talk about your dream and write your dream on your book.First, talk about your dreams in your group and discu with others: What should/will we do? Ss discu in groups then write down on their books.第87页Checkout time中的Think and write话动,要求他们仿写时,先谈一谈自己的梦想,并列出自己为实现梦想将要做哪些事,然后写下来。

I want to be a

in the future. I want to

.To make my dream come true, I will:



.Step 4 Ticking time 学生四人小组开展评论,展现学生的作业完成情况老师做点评 I can talk about my dreams

I can use “want to be”和“want to do ”

I know how to link words together。 4.Work in groups.Check each other.学生们先自评,然后学生与学生互评.Step 5.Homework


My dream I want to be a

I want to

To make my dream come true, I will:

in the future.
















莎士比亚喜剧悲剧集钢铁是怎样炼成的 汤姆索亚历险记




Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 1st period)



(1)学习故事中的单词rich, clever, foolish, soft, light, wear (2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解故事的内容。 (3)初步培养学生复述故事的能力。


(1)在阅读过程中,培养学生快速阅读,查找答案的能力和做批注的习惯。 (2)通过小组讨论,同桌交流,汇报展示等方式,引导学生共同学习,培养合作习惯。



(1)通过趣味阅读增强学习的兴趣。 (2)学会表达对事物的客观评价。 【教学重点】

(1)故事内容的理解。 (2)阅读策略的学习。

(3)根据对原故事的理解,能完成相应的练习。 (4)学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。 【教学难点】

(1)故事中大量动词过去式的理解、运用和发音。 (2)学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。 【教学准备】 图片,录音机等。 【课前先学】

1.Learn the new words and phrases by yourselves.long long ago 很久以前 king 国王 one day 某一天 magic clothes 魔法衣

clever people 聪明人 foolish people 愚蠢的人 through 穿过 shout 大喊 point at 指向 wear 穿着 【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Teach “king”.

Teacher draws a picture about the king.Step 2.Presentation & Practice Listen and read — to learn “beautiful”, “clothes” T: What does the king like? (播放动画) 引导Ss: He likes new clothes.(teach “magic clothes”) 2.Talk about the background T: Do you know the story? Who can tell me the name of the story? Chinese is OK.(The King’s New Clothes) T: The story is written by Andersen in 1837.In the story, the king’s clothes are new.But the story is very, very old.Let’s go back to 1837 and meet the rich king.(PPT: 时光穿梭,音乐) 2.Paragraph 1and 2 1) Look and learn T: I’m the king.I am very rich.I like new clothes very much! (PPT: mirror) Mirror, mirror, are my clothes beautiful? Mirror: I don’t think so!

to S1/S2: Can you make clothes for me? T: Who can make new clothes for me? (teach “make „ for „”学生跟读) 板书

2) Read like a king (板书) 3)Read and underline T: Who can make new clothes for him? T: But they can.Why? Please read and underline.(学生自读) Ss read and underline.引导Ss: Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people can’t see them.3.Paragraph 3 PPT: 音效:织布机

T: What kind of clothes are they? Look! (拿出新衣) T: What does the king think of the new clothes? T: Can he see the clothes? (No!) Does he like the new clothes? Why? But he says “Oh, yes.They are soft and light.” Because he thinks clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people can’t see them.How to read it well? Listen and imitate.T: You are the king.4.Paragraph 4 1) Learn the text T: What do the people think of the clothes? (出示人群和男孩的图片) Let’s read!(出示图片4文字) T: (拿出人群的图片) What do they think?(They are beautiful!) T: Do all the people think they are beautiful? (No) Then who? (The boy.) What does he say? (出示图片5,文字)(引导学生朗读文本)

Here’s a new word.(teach “wearing”, pear, bear, wear, wearing) Ha! Ha! The king isn’t wearing any clothes.2) Mini Theatre T: Now let’s go to the Mini Theatre and act the period.一位学生扮演 国王巡演,引导其他学生朗读图4 的文字。 Step 3.Production 1.Talk about the characters 2.Read the story.1) Read and repeat T: What a lovely king! Boys and girls, you learn so well! It’s time to read after the tape!

Try to learn the pronunciation and the intonation.2) Read by themselves T: Read by yourselves.3.Act the story T: You can read very well.And you know them well now.Why don’t we act the story!

Rules: Four students a group.If you read well, you can get one star.If you can read without the books, you can get two stars.And if you can do the gestures, you can get three stars.(Ss practice and act) 4.1) Who do you want to be? T: 引导学生总结Welcome back! Today we learned the story .If you were in the story, who do you want to be?(音效:时光穿梭) T: Remember! Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people can’t see them! Can you see them? (No./ Yes.) T: Remember! Be honest! Be yourself! 作业设计:

1.Design an ending for the story.The king is back home,„

2.Read more English stories from the bookshops and the Internet.板书设计: 教学反思:

Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 2nd period)



1.进一步理解,掌握过去式的句子结构,运用过去时态来表达句型。 2.在理解故事的基础上,结合fun time中的句型,会正确表达并能声情并茂的表演这个故事。

(二)能力目标 1.知道什么是过去式,掌握过去式的构成,会正确使用过去式进行英语表达。




2.让学生体验故事表演的快乐过程中,明白为人要诚实,待人要真诚。 【教学重点】



通过对课文中句型的分析,掌握过去式。 【教学准备】

动词过去式表格,图片 【课前先学】


2.书本上动词的过去式你发现了什么规律?你还知道哪些简单的动词过去式,与大家分享。【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Free talk.2.Check the preparation of the sentences.Step 2.Presentation & Practice 1.T: Who can repeat picture 1? S: I.can try.板书:Long long ago,there was a king.One day,two men visited the king.T:Look carefully,can you find the sentences grammar? S:Yes.is(过去式)was visit(过去式)visited T:Why do they use was/visited? S:Long long ago /one day 2.T: Repeat the other pictures and find the grammar in your groups 3.学生自己观察,再小组讨论,尝试总结过去式。 ①be动词am/is-was,are-were ②一般动词+ed ③以e结尾的动词+d 4.随堂小测试

5.T:Now,you have learn the text.Let’s have fun time 出示图片和句型I like new clothes.Who can make„for me? Ask one to try Work in groups and act Step 3.Production 1.Prepare for repeat fun time in groups 2.try to continue the story 作业设计:

1.Remember the part of grammar words past 2.Independent about the king’s new clothes this story 板书设计: 教学反思:

Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 3rd period)



(1)掌握字母组合ar在单词中的发音,能拓展单词和句子。 (2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解Fun time中故事的内容。 (3)了解美国牛仔和苏格兰的短裙的相关文化知识。


(1)在阅读过程中,培养学生快速阅读,查找答案的能力的习惯。 (2)通过小组讨论,同桌交流,汇报展示等方式,引导学生共同学习,培养合作习惯。 (3)通过一系列读的活动,让学生逐步了解故事内容,顺利完成相应的任务,并尝试复述故事。


(1)通过异域文化的了解增强学习英语的兴趣。 【教学重点】



通过趣味卡通故事,帮助学生强化语言知识,训练语言技能,着重培养学生的阅读理解能力。 【教学难点】


(2)学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。 【教学准备】 图片,录音机等。 【课前先学】


标注Fun time中不认识的单词,并通过查字典写音标和中文,能初步朗读。 fox each mountain say sentence hard next have to 【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Free talk:

How do you think of my dre? Do you want to be a king? Who can retell the story? The king liked ? Two men wanted to make new clothes for the king.The king was .The men showed the king his new clothes.But the king could not them.The king walked through the city in his new clothes.A laughed at him.Step 2.Presentation & Practice 1.Look and say(Sound time) Look at the picture.Who is he? He is Mike.What did he get? He got a card from Mark.What did the card say? It said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.Could you try to say something about the picture? Mike got a card from Mark.The card said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.Try to listen and read it.Can you find some other words? ar:arm, card, hard, park, party 2.Look and match(Culture time) Who is he? An American cowboy A Scottish man What is the American cowboy wearing? He is wearing jeans.What is the Scottish man wearing? He is wearing a kilt.Do you know them? What are they wearing? The Chinese woman The Japanese woman wearing a chi-pao is wearing a kimono 3.Look and say.(Cartoon time) Talk about the picture.What do Mi Fox and her students say? Why do they say that? They tell a story.Try to say.Let’s tell the story.Step 3.Production 填一填(根据13和14页的文本稍改) 1.is, was, were, lived, live Long long ago, there a mountain(山).There a house on the mountain.An old man and a little boy in the house.The old man told(tell的过去式) the boy a story.2.picked, lived, were, was, give, shouted , walked Long long ago,there __________ a lion.He __________ in the forest(森林).There __________ some flowers in front of the lion’s house.One day, an old man __________ by the house.He __________ a flower.The lion angry.He __________ at the old man,“You picked a flower.Now __________ me your child.” The old man’s child was a beautiful girl.She __________ with the lion.The lion nice to her.One day, the lion __________ sick.The girl looked after him.Then the lion turned into a prince(王子) 作业设计: 1.Tell the story to your parents.2.Recite the story by yourself.板书设计: 教学反思:

Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 4th period)




理解过去式的用法,掌握单词的正确读音并能正确运用。 掌握字母组合“ar”的发音规则。 能力目标



(2)能够在表演和复述故事的过程中体会语言的运用。 情感目标

(1)通过趣味阅读增强学习的兴趣。 (2)学会表达对事物的客观评价。 【教学重点】

复习与巩固前三课时所学单词、句型和日常用语。 熟练掌握一般过去式相关语法知识,并能正确运用。 3.加强语言输出的训练,促进综合语言运用能力的提升。 【教学难点】

加强语言输出的训练,促进综合语言运用能力的提升。 【教学准备】 图片,录音机等。 【课前先学】

自由复习第一单元的所有内容,整理还没有完全掌握的知识点。 【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Review: a.Act out Cartoon time.b.Finish some exercise about past tense Free talk 听写重点词组和句型。

Step 2.Presentation & Practice 1.Show the ticking time的表格

要求学生认真上好本堂练习课,结束前由四人小组的组长给组员评分。颗星 基本掌握本单元的语言知识点。

两颗星 能熟练运用语言知识,不需要他人的提示。

三颗星 能自己用句型组织语言,可以对所学内容适当进行拓展。 2.Checkout time Read and write Read the words.Finish the story.Read and learn the new words.

一 Fun reading.Circle and say Circle the correct words.Prepare your own story.Tell your story in groups.Choose the best story teller of the group and let him/her tell the story in cla.Step 3.Production 1.按要求写词语。

King(对应词) new(反义词) Visit(名词) is(过去式) Men(单数) try(三单)

Clever(反义词) can’t(完整形式) Cry(反义词) nice(近义词) Little(反义词) city(复数) Like(过去式) are(过去式) 2.用所给单词的正确形式填空

1.He often ________(have) dinner at home.2.We _______(not watch) TV on Mondays.3.Mike _______(not go) to the zoo on Sundays.4.______ they ________(like) apples? 5.What _______they often _______(do) on Saturdays? 6._______ your parents _______(read) newspapers every day? 作业设计:

1.Read, recite and act the story time and cartoon time.2.Recite the key words, phrases and sentences.板书设计: 教学反思:

Unit 2 What a day! (The 1st period) 教学内容: Unit 2 What a day! Story time 教学目标:

1.学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.2.学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain 3.学生能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音 4.学生能初步感知天气表达的句型

5.学生能够对英语书写日记格式有一定的了解 教学重点:

1.学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.2.学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain,、

3.学生能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音 4.学生能初步感知天气表达的句型 教学难点:

1.学生对本课重点词汇的听、说、读、写 2.学生对本课天气表达的句型的掌握 3.学生对动词过去式的不规则变化的认读 教学准备: 板书准备: Unit 2 教具准备:单词卡片,课文图片,PPT 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls.Would you know something more about me? Two days ago, I was in Shanghai.Do you know Shanghai ? It‟s a big and beautiful city.I

Review : was(am的过去式) ago But now ,I am in Zhangjiagang.It‟s beautiful, too.利用简单的两句话,区分时态的不同

3.T: Can you let me know something about you? Look at the screen, you can choose one part to tell me something about you.出示 Favourite Food, Favourite Animal, Hobbies三个话题 在Favourite Food话题中引出本课相关单词dumplings, honey 在Favourite Animal话题中引出本课相关单词parrot 延伸到parrot show 在Hobbies话题中引出I like drawing and writing diaries very much.Teach: diaries diary T:Look ,these are my pictures.Let‟s look at them.Teach: sunny cloudy windy rainy T: These pictures are about the weather.Teach: weather Step 2.Presentation 1.show a picture T: This is Yang Ling.She likes drawing 出示日记抬头部分

T: This is a diary of hers.What a day! What day is it today? Sunday What date is it today? 20th September(9月20号) 渗透英文日记的书写格式

3.引出课题Unit 2 What a day! T:Let‟s look at Yang Ling‟s pictures.What can you see in the picture? (1)S:I can see some children in the park.T:Who are they? S: Su Hai, Mike, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.(2) We can see some parrots in the park.(3) fly kites (4) rain 4.Let‟s talk 出示课文相关图片展开讨论

Look and match 在此过程中教授动词过去式的特殊变化形式 go→went see→saw become→became fly→flew are→were and writing diaries ,too.Then read the sentences in the right orders.(Teach: wet) 5.Read the diary by yourself, then finish the exercise.(T/F) 6.Read the diary 找出表达天气变化的句子,再过渡到事件变化的句子 在此活动中教授bring过去式brought, can过去式could Step 3.Consolidation 1.Let‟s read a.Read after one.b.Read together.c.Read one by one.2.T:What do you think of her day? Happy? Interesting? Terrible? Bad? Step 4.Homework 1.Read the text.2.Try to retell the diary according to YL‟s pictures.板书设计:

Unit 2 What a day!

It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.go→went fly→flew see→saw are→were

become→became bring→brought 教学反思: Unit 2 What a day! (The 2nd period) 教学内容: Unit 2 What a day! Grammer Time, Fun Time, Song Time 教学目标:

1.学生能能进一步掌握单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy ,并且会正确运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.2.学生能根据图片复述杨玲的日记内容

3.学生能进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音 4.学生会唱歌曲Rain, rain, go away.教学重点:

1.学生能能进一步掌握单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy ,并且会正确运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.


3.学生能进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音 教学难点:

1.学生能进一步掌握单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy ,并且会正确运

用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.2.学生能进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音 教学准备: 板书准备: Unit 2 教具准备: 单词卡片,PPT 教学过程:

Step 1.Revision and warm up 1.Greetings 2.Revision Read the text T shows some pictures, ask Ss to retell the text.复述天气变化和事件发展 3.Fun Time Look at the pictures What‟s the weather like? What can you do? Pick three cards, then make sentences.E.g It was sunny.I played basketball in the playground.Step 2.Grammer Time 1.复习动词过去时的变化规则

1一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked ○ 2以不发音的e结尾的单词,在词尾加d,如:taste-tasted ○ 2.引入本课过去式的不规则变化:





第二部分为实义动词的不规则变化形式,它不受主语的影响,不变化形式 Step 3.Consolidation a.写出下列单词的过去式

am_____ take_____ can_____ bring_____ look_____ live_____ are_____ become_____ see_____ point_____ shout_____ laugh_____ like_____ fly_____ go_____ is_____ eat_____ watch_____ b.用动词的适当形式填空

1.It_____ (be) rainy yesterday.2.We _____(see) a lot of people in the street in the morning.3.The girls _______ (go) to the party last Wednesday.4.He _________ (live) in America two years ago.5.We (visit ) our grandparents last Sunday.My grandparents (be) very happy to see us .6.The weather _______ (become) rainy a moment ago.c.Check the answers.Step 4.Song Time 1.Enjoy the song 2.Understand the main idea of the song.3.Try to sing the song with the tape.4.Sing it together.Step5.Homework 1.复习动词的不规则变化 2.预习Cartoon time 板书设计: Unit 2 What a day!


Unit 2 What a day! (The 3rd period) 教学内容: Unit 2 What a day! Cartoon Time 教学目标:

1.学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词lose, know, climb up, hold onto, fly away及句子What happened? 2.学生能够进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及其读音 3.学生能够理解Cartoon Time的故事大意 教学重点:

1.学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词lose, know, climb up, hold onto, fly away及句子What happened? 2.学生能够进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及其读音 3.学生能够理解Cartoon Time的故事大意 教学难点:

1.学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词lose, know, climb up, hold onto, fly away及句子What happened? 2.学生能够进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及其读音 教学准备: 板书准备: Unit 2 教具准备:图片,PPT 教学过程: Step 1.Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Free talk 教师出示一副天气的图片,请学生根据图片内容,用过去式的句型描述天气,并补充相关的活动,培养学生的英语口头表达能力 E.g 出示windy的图片 S: It was windy.I flew kites in the park.Step 2.Presentation 1.出示图片

2.T: Sam meets Bobby in the park.But Bobby is sad.What happened? Teach:What happened? 3.Watch the cartoon 引出答案He lost his new kite.Teach: lost (lose的过去式) 4.Watch the cartoon again 请学生说出Bobby丢风筝的经过

Teach:wasn‟t= was not couldn‟t = could not Laugh found(find的过去式) climb up,climb up, hold onto, fly away 5.Read the dialogue after the tape 6.Read the dialogues in roles 7.Act out the cartoon Step 3.Consolidation 1.Fill in the blanks According to the content of the cartoon,ask Ss to finish the exercise.Bobby _____ his new bike.This morning, Tina and Bobby ______ the new kite in the park,but it ________windy in the park.The kite ____high, but it ____too high and they ______ hold onto it.It ______ ________.2.改错题(请改正每个句子中的一个错误) How is Jane yesterday? ________________________________ He go to school by bus last week.________________________________ He goes home at 6:00 last month.________________________________ I can fly kites seven years ago.________________________________ He wait for you three hours ago.________________________________ I can‟t domy homework yesterday._______________________________ 3.Check the answers.Step 4.Homework 1.Finish some exercises.2.Read the dialogues of Cartoon Time 3.Enable to act out the cartoon time.板书设计: Unit 2 What a day! 教学反思:

Unit 2 What a day! (The 4th period) 教学内容: Unit 2 What a day! Sound Time Checkout Time 教学目标: 1.学生能熟练一般过去时的语法知识点,并能够熟练掌握动词的过去式变化

2.学生能掌握字母组合ear在单词中的发音 教学重点:

1.学生能熟练一般过去时的语法知识点,并能够熟练掌握动词的过去式变化 2.学生能掌握字母组合ear在单词中的发音 教学难点:

1.学生能熟练一般过去时的语法知识点,并能够熟练掌握动词的过去式变化 2.学生能掌握字母组合ear在单词中的发音 教学准备: 板书准备: Unit 2 教具准备:图片,PPT 教学过程: Step 1.Warm up 1.Greetings 2.Free talk 3.Revison :Play a game a.师说动词原形,请生快速说出动词的过去式 b.师说动词过去式,请生快速说出动词原形 可加入拼背单词这一活动,巩固单词的读音和拼写 4.记忆游戏:

S1:Yesterday I played football.S2:Yesterday he played football.I went swimming.S3:Yesterday he played football.She went swimming.I watched TV.....看谁记忆的句子最多就是胜利者,学生学习兴趣较高。 Step 2.Sound Time

1.After the game T says : Well done,boys and girls.Let‟s cheer together.Teach: cheer 2.Show a picture T: Look,they‟re cheering.Do you know why? Lead: The New Year in nearly.Read: nearly Year Pay attention to the sound of “ear” 3.Try to read the words:dear, hear 4.Enable to know the sound, try to write it.5.拓展:想想其它也含有字母组合ear,且发音相同的单词 Step 3.Checkout Time 1.Look at the pictures, ask Ss to say something about them 2.Listen and choose 3.Then check the answers Last Saturday, it was _______.Mike got up at __________.Mike came to school __________.Mike could not find his ____________.4.Say something about yourself: What did you do with your family or friends last Sunday? 适当讲解一下did为do的过去式 E.g.went swimming went shopping watched a film climbed the hill had a picnic did the housework 5.Write about it in your diary Step 4.Homework 1.Finish your diary in English.板书设计: Unit 2 What a day! 教学反思:

译林小学英语 六上Unit 3单元分析


1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇holiday,national,call, Bund,bottle,holiday fun,National Day,go well,at first。


Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? Why did you call me? Did you catch any fish?

3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型: It was fun.Because I I wanted to give you the fish.She is excited about the s show.What great fun! I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt.




1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词holiday,national,call,Bund,bottle ,holiday fun,National Day,go well,at first。


Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? Why did you call me? Did you catch any fish? 3.陈述句的语调。

三、单元教学难点: 1.一般过去时的疑问句。 2.特殊疑问词。

四、单元教学安排:共八课时。第一课时: 第二课时: 第三课时: 第四课时:



Unit 3 Holiday Fun (Period 1) Teaching contents教学内容: Story time & Think and write Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1 Students can listen , speak and read the new words : Bund , Shanghai Museum , caught , ate.2 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.3 Students can retell the story .4 Students can talk about their holiday life .Focus of the leon and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.2 Students can retell the story .3 Students can talk about their holiday life .Preparation教学准备: PPT , some photos Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Free talk 1T: Boys and girls , welcome back to school .It was National Day holiday last week .Did you have a good time for the National Day holiday ? ( Teach : National Day , holiday ) How do you feel your holiday ? S: …

2 T: I took some photos on National Day.Look at these photos and you will know where I went for the holiday .(Show the pictures : Xuanwu Lake , Hongshan Zoo , Wanda Cinema) 3 T: Where did I go for the holiday ? What did I do there ? Gue ! S :… 4 T: What about you ? Where did you go for the holiday ? What did you do there ?


Step 2 Presentation 1 T: Just now we talked about our National Day holiday .Mike and Liu Tao talked in the claroom.What did they talk about ? Can you gue ? 2 Let‟s watch the cartoon .What did they talk about ? A: National Day holiday B: Planning for the weekend C: May Day holiday 3 T: What did Liu Tao and Mike do for the National Day holiday ? ( Show “ Think and write “ )

Please read the story by yourselves and try to fill in the blanks .( Teach : Bund , Shanghai Museum , catch—caught ) 4 T: Nancy wants to know how do Mike and Liu Tao spend their holiday .So she asks Su Yang some questions about the two boy „s holiday.Can you help Su Yang to answer the questions ? ( Show “ Ask and answer “ )

Please read the story again and try to underline the answers.S:…

5 Read the story in group .6 Try to retell the story .Mike and Liu Tao talked about their National Day holiday .Liu Tao went to ….and Mike …

Step 3 Consolidation T: It was the first day after the National Day holiday .Mr Green asked the students to write a story about their holiday life .How do Mike and Liu Tao to write ? Can you teach them ? You could help one of them .Please write and read to him.Homework 1 Talk to your clamates about your National Day holiday.2 Write a story about your holiday life .Blackboard design板书设计: Unit 3 Holiday Fun

went to Shanghai visited his aunt went to the Bund visited the Shanghai Museum went to a farm picked some oranges went fishing 教学反思:

Unit 3 Holiday fun (Period 2) Teaching contents教学内容: Grammar time & Fun time Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: 1 We can talk about things.We did for the holidays.

2 We can ask and answer questions with “did” and “was”.

3 We can use these sentences “what did you do?\\where did you go?\\why did …? Did you …? and how to answer.

Focus of the leon and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 We can talk about things.We did for the holidays.2 We can ask and answer questions with “did” and “was”.Preparation教学准备: 课件、图片、头饰

Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Revision 1.Review the text S: … S: …

S2: Where did Mike\\Liu Tao do? S:… S3: How was Mike’s \\ Liu Tao’s holiday? S:… T: Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because …

Ask some students: Did you …? S: Yes, I did.\\No, I didn’t.2.Writing on the blackboard What did … do? I\\He\\She… Where did …go? I\\He\\She… How was …? It was great fun.

Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because Did you …? Yes, I did.\\No, I didn‟t.3.Read these sentences Step 2 Presentation 1.Grammar (1)总结过去时态的特殊疑问句、一般疑问句的结构 先请学生小组讨论,自行总结。教师后总结。

(2)How to answer these questions? Turn to P29 ,read by yourselves.(3)Learn the new past tense.Play the game: Quick respond .(4)Practice the questions and answers.Work in four and say it one by one.Step 3 Fun time T: Look at the girl.She is Li Li.She and her family visited Beijing on 国庆节假日).They saw many interesting things.She took many nice photo and showed them to her good friend Tao Tao.Teach: National Day Holiday(国庆节假日) T: TaoTao wants to ask Li Li , but how to ask? Can you help him? Ss: Yes.1:出示图片和句型 (1).Discu in group (2).Ask and answer.Step 4 Consolidation 1.请你来当小记者,采访身边的小伙伴在国庆节期间都去哪?做了什么?…


(2).选出一位当小记者采访其它组。 (3).小组中的其余三人做好被采访的准备。 Homework 1.熟读Grammar time 中的句型。 2.看Fan time 中的图片,完成对话。

3.采访身边的亲朋好友们在国庆节去了哪些地?做了那些事?…… Blackboard design板书设计: Unit3 Holiday fun What did … do? I\\He\\She… Where did …go? I\\He\\She… How was …? It was great fun.Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because Did you …? Yes, I did.\\No, I didn‟t.教学反思:

Unit 3 Holiday Fun (Period 3) Teaching contents教学内容: Culture time, Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1能听懂、会读、会说单词、词组:“Easter, summer holiday Christmas holiday, fashion show, excited ,wore ,wonderful, heavy rain”并理解单词的意思。

2能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语: Where did you go? I….Did you…? Yes, I did.No, I didn‟t.What did you …?I ….

3能掌握节日的文化背景知识及拓展及学校假期在中国英国的区别。 4能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。 5 能初步运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。 Focus of the leon and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。 2能初步运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。 3能尝试掌握节日的文化背景知识及拓展。 Preparation教学准备: 挂图,头饰,多媒体(PPT) Teaching procedures教学过程: Step1 Warm up 1.学生表演对话,要求用已经学过的语言编演。 2.T: Hello, cla.Where did you go for the holiday? S;I went to…

T: How was your holiday? S: It was…

T: What did you do there? S: ….

第11篇:四年级上英语教案Unit 1 May I have牛津译林(一起)

4A Unit1 May I have...?

Unit 1 May I have „? 类别 语言项目 要求

语音 元音字母a在单词中的读音 听读、辨认

词汇 live, a bedroom, a study, large, under, behind, a door 听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写

日常交际用语 They like the„very much.I live in a new house now.Here is a /an„ for you.

Here are some„for you.听得懂、会说、会读 句型 What’s in/on/under/behind/„? There’s a/an„in/on/under/behind/„ There are some„in/on/under/behind/„ There isn’t a/an„

There aren’t any„ 听得懂、会说、会读、会写 歌曲 Do you like my house? 会唱 教材简析:

本单元由Read and say ,Look ,read and learn ,Ask and answer ,Work in pairs ,Read and act 及Fun house 六个部分组成。安排了“新学期向老师要新课本”、“教师节给教师送贺卡并向老师表示祝贺”这两个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,从本单元起对部分单词和句子提出了书写要求,本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book .能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have „? This „is for „.,因此,对单词的字体、书写方法、规格等方面要进行示范、指导,使学生逐步形成良好的书写习惯。 教学目的: 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book .2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语May I come in ?Come in ,please .Yes /Sure .Here you are .Thank you .All right .Good morning .Goodbye .Here’s a „for „Happy Teacher’s Day ! 3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have „?This „is for „..4. 了辅音字母b 和c 在单词中的读音。

5. 训练学生用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。 6. 能诵读歌谣A little book .


1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book .

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have „?This „is for „..


1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book .

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have „?This „is for „..教具准备:

录音机、磁带、图片、实物、头饰。 课时安排:


A Read and say 及B中的几个单词。 1课时 B中单词及C Ask and answer 1课时 D部分Work in pairs ,G3 Say a rhyme 及F部分

Listen and repeat .1课时 E部分Read and act 及G部分中的1,2 1课时

复习本单元中单词、句型、做练习。 1课时

第一课时 教学内容:

Read and say 中交际用语。 教学目标:

1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber .2. 能正确地运用对话中的交际用语May I come in ?Yes /Sure .Here you are .Thank you .All right .Good morning .Goodbye .教学过程:

一、Free talk .1.师(立门外敲门状):May I come in ? 生:Come in ,please .On duty .让学生利用以往句型进行操练。

2.师生之间用3A中学过的问候语交谈(如Hello, Hi , How are you ?„) 3.请学生拿出自己的文具。

T: What’s that on your desk? 学生对此句型不熟悉,应直接出示3A中学的文具进行教学。

S: Its’s a pen (ruler,rubber, knife ,copybook„) T: Can I have a look? S:Sure ,Here you are .利用以上对话复习3A中学过的单词pen ,ruler ,rubber ,copybook .

二、Presentation and practice .1.介绍句型May I have „?This „is for „

(1) 师生扮演对话中的Mi Li及Su Hai (利用头饰)表演对话,学生边听边看,理解其意思。

(2) 教句型May I have„?及其应答语Yes/sure .1师引读,并使用学生的文具与学生问答。 2操练:用连环问答的方式操练。

师把a pen ,a rubber ,a ruler ,a copybook,放在讲台上,再讲清拼写方法让学生根据自己的喜好用May I have„?的句型提出请求,请其他学生用Yes /Sure.This„is for you 。应答。

2.学生听对话录音,边看背景图,体会对话意思。 3. 听对话录音,模仿跟读。 4. 学生分组操练。(利用自己手中的文具进行对话)

5. 台前表演,对于学生在活动中有创意的表现,教师要及时予以表扬鼓励。

三、Consolidation .

四、Aign homework .1.听录音,朗读和表演对话。



a pen Unit 1 May I have „?

a ruler May I come in ? Come in ,please .对话挂图 a rubber May I have „? Yes/Sure .a copybook This „is for „Here you are .六、教学后记:



B部分中单词及C部分中内容。 教学目标:

1、能听、说、读、写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencilcase ,a book .

2、能熟练运用对话中的交际用语并会写句型May I have„? This „is for „ 教学过程:

一、Warm up 1. Sing a song :Hello .2. Greetings: May I come in ? Yes ,come in ,please .3. Free talk .May I have „? Yes /Sure .使用学过的交际用语进行对话。

二、Revision .学生用自己的实物表演Read and say中的对话。 1. 师引导学生对话。 2. 学生之间交际练习。

三、Presentation and practice .1.学习单词a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a brush , a bookmark ,a notebook ,a book .(1)利用实物学习单词: a pencil case .T: What’s this in English ? Oh ,It’s a pencil case .Do you like pencil case ? S: Yes .听录音,生跟读。

(2)同法学习单词a bookmark ,a brush ,a notebook .2.Play a game : What’s miing ? 游戏规则:将a bookmark ,a brush ,a notebook ,a pencil case的图片贴在黑板上,让一学生背对黑板 ,师拿掉任一张图,让学生猜出缺少的那张图片。 T:What’ miing ?

S: The pencil case .(指学生将图片放回原位) (这个游戏的目的是为了让学生在听、说、读方面巩固这些单词。) 3. 拼写单词。

T: ( 出示一支钢笔):What’s this in English? S:It’s a pen .T:(出示单词卡片a pen )Now Let’s read and spell the word “pen”: Pen , p-e-n, pen .让学生练,拼读,并进行单词背诵。 Ss: Pen ,P-E-N, pen .(让学生拼读,书写单词a pen ).4.同法拼写单词a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a book ,a pencil case , a bookmark ,a brush ,a notebook .师指导单词的拼写方式,例如利用新旧单词的迁移(a book—a notebook ,a pencil –a pencil case ) 教会学生有效地记忆单词。教学“notebook”时教师应注意引导学生区别它与“copybook.”

四、Work in pairs .1.出示C部分Ask and answer的图画。

(以图1为例,引导学生问答) T: May I have the pencil case ? S: Yes /Sure .Here you are .2.师板书句型May I have „? Yes /Sure .Here you are .This „is for „„

3.创设语言训练情景:将学生带来的物品分类,通过开设文具店的形式进行对话操练。(此处练习时将学生分成组进行)如:a pen , a ruler.

五、Aign homework .抄写要求四会的单词及句子。 1. 师讲解并示范。

句首的第一个字母要大写,单词之间要有适当的距离,一般以空出小写字母a的宽度为粗;句末要有标点,英语句号是个实心小圆点。 2. 学生做作业。



FONT: 7pt \'Times New Roman\'\">学生做作业。


第12篇:译林小学英语 三年级 下册 复习总结

Unit 1 In cla (在上课) 四会单词:



door(门), close(关上,合上)


book (书) 短语:

in cla(在上课)

good morning(早上好)

Mr.Green(格林先生) stand up(起立)

sit down(坐下)

open the door(开门) come in(进来)

look at the blackboard(看黑板)

listen to(听……) 日常交际用语:

Open your books.打开书

Stand up.(起立)

Come in, please.(请进)。

I’m sorry.(对不起)

Unit 2 In the library(在图书馆) 四会单词:


run (跑,跑步)


talk (说话,谈话) milk (牛奶) your(你的,你们的) sleep(睡觉) shout (喊叫) English (英语) 短语:

In the library(在图书馆)

would like(想,想要)

eat here(在这里吃)

eat my cake(吃我的蛋糕)

drink my mike(和我的牛奶)

my English book(我的英语书) your book(你的书)

up and down(上上下下)

want to sleep(想睡觉) want to talk(想说话) 日常交际用语:

Don’t talk.(不要讲话)

Don’t run.(不要跑)

Don’t eat.(不要吃) Don’t sleep(不要睡觉)

Don’t shout.(不要喊叫)

Unit 3 Is this your pencil? (这是你的铅笔吗?) 四会单词:


box(盒子) what(什么) pencil(铅笔) pen(钢笔) ruler(尺) school bag (书包) 短语:

your pencil(你的铅笔)

my pencil(我的铅笔)

your ruler(你的尺) my lunch box(我的午餐盒)

your lunch box(你的午餐盒)

over there(在那里) for you(给你)

a red robot(一个红色的机器人) on the floor(在地上) beside the door(在门旁边) 日常交际用语:

This isn’t my pencil.(这不是我的铅笔。)

Is this/that your pencil?(这/那是你的铅笔吗?) Yes,it is. /No, it isn’t.Where’s your lunch box?(你的午餐盒在那里?)It’s over there.(它在那里)

Uint 4 Where’s the bird?(小鸟在哪里?) 四会单词:




behind(在……后面) in(在……里)




chair(椅子) 短语:

under your desk(在你的课桌下面)

behind the door(在门后) on the chair(在你的椅子上)

in my desk(在我的课桌里)

in the tree(在树上)

in your pencil case(在你的铅笔袋里) in your schoolbag(在你的书包里)

fly away(飞走)

on my desk(在我的课桌上)

be my friend(成为我的朋友) her friend (她的朋友) 日常交际用语: How beautiful!(多么漂亮呀!)

Here you are,(你在这,鲍比) Where’s ……?(……在哪里?) It’s in / on / under /behind……? 它在……里面/上面/下面/后面吗?

Unit 5 How old are you ?(你多大?) 四会单词:










ten 短语:

how old(多大,几岁)

happy birthday(生日快乐)

make a wish(许愿)

a nice cake(一个漂亮的蛋糕)

want a robot(想要一个机器人)

a toy car(一辆玩具汽车)turn round(转身)

fall to the ground(落地) be late(迟到)

here you are(给你) 交际用语:

How old are you ?

I’m nine/ two /ten ……

You’re out.(你出局了)

You’re right.(你说对了。) What a nice cake !(多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!) It’s time for the cake!(是吃蛋糕的时候了!)

What about you?(你呢?)

Unit 6 What time is it?(几点了?) 四会单词:

time (时间)

morning(早晨,上午) cla(课,上课)


OK(好,行) lunch(午餐,午饭) eleven




bag(书包) 短语:

what time (几点)

wake up(醒,醒来)

hurry up(快点)

six o’clock(六点钟)

ten o’clock(十点钟)

my bag(我的包) my book(我的书)

my pencil(我的铅笔)

your bag(你的包) mlik and cake(牛奶和蛋糕)

twelve o’clcok(十二点钟) 日常交际用语:

What time is it ?(几点了?)

It’s one / two /there o’clock.(是……点钟了) It’s time for …(是……的时候了)

Unit 7 On the farm (在农场上) 四会单词:


they(他们,她们,它们) those(那些)

apple(苹果) pear(梨)


who(谁) pig (猪)

cow(奶牛) duck(鸭子)

chicken(鸡) 短语:

Welcome to …(欢迎来到……) on the farm(在农场上)

my sister(我的妹妹) Look at…(看……)

my pictures(我的照片)

under the tree(在树下) these apples(这些苹果)

those pear(那些梨)

an orange(一个橙子) 交际用语:

Welcome to my farm.(欢迎来到我的农场)

What are these / those ?(这些/那些是什么?)They’re…(他们是……) Are these / those…?(这些/那些是……吗?)Yes./No.They’re…

Unit 8 We’re tiwns!(我们是双胞胎)


she (她) girl(女孩) man(男人) woman(妇女,女人) boy(男孩)

name(名字) father(父亲,爸爸) mother(母亲,妈妈) brother(哥哥,弟弟) baby(婴儿)


my uncle /aunt /father /mother /sister /brother /cousin /grandpa 我的叔叔/姑姑/爸爸/ 妈妈

/姐姐 /弟弟


/爷爷 your uncle /aunt /father /mother /sister /brother /cousin /grandpa 你的叔叔/姑姑/爸爸/ 妈妈

/姐姐 /弟弟



that girl (那个女孩)

my name (我的名字) that little boy(那个男孩) his name (那个男孩子) his name (他的名字) very tall (很高) his cat and mouse (他的猫和老鼠) 交际用语:

Who’s he?(他是谁?) He’s … Who’s she?(她是谁?) She’s…

Who’s the/that boy/girl /man /woman ?

He’s /She’s … This is me.(这是我)

My name is …(我的名字叫……)


don’t =do not

isn’t = is not

that’s = that is

where’s = where is you’re = you are

I’m = I am

here’s = here is

who’s = who is

they’re= they are

we’re = we are




Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 1st period)



(1)学习故事中的单词rich, clever, foolish, soft, light, wear (2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解故事的内容。










(1)故事内容的理解。 (2)阅读策略的学习。









1.Learn the new words and phrases by yourselves. long long ago 很久以前 king 国王

one day 某一天magic clothes 魔法衣

clever people 聪明人foolish people 愚蠢的人 through 穿过 shout 大喊point at 指向wear 穿着

【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Teach “king”. Teacher draws a picture about the king. Step 2.Presentation & Practice Listen and read — to learn “beautiful”, “clothes” T: What does the king like? (播放动画) 引导Ss: He likes new clothes.(teach “magic clothes”) 2.Talk about the background T: Do you know the story? Who can tell me the name of the story? Chinese is OK.(The King’s New Clothes) T: The story is written by Andersen in 1837. In the story, the king’s clothes are new.But the story is very, very old. Let’s go back to 1837 and meet the rich king.(PPT: 时光穿梭,音乐) 2.Paragraph 1and 2 1) Look and learn T: I’m the king.I am very rich.I like new clothes very much! (PPT: mirror) Mirror, mirror, are my clothes beautiful? Mirror: I don’t think so! to S1/S2: Can you make clothes for me? T: Who can make new clothes for me? (teach “make ? for ?”学生跟读) 板书

2) Read like a king (板书) 3)Read and underline T: Who can make new clothes for him? T: But they can.Why? Please read and underline.(学生自读) Ss read and underline. 引导Ss: Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people can’t see them. 3.Paragraph 3 PPT: 音效:织布机

T: What kind of clothes are they? Look! (拿出新衣) T: What does the king think of the new clothes? T: Can he see the clothes? (No!) Does he like the new clothes? Why? But he says “Oh, yes.They are soft and light.” Because he thinks clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people can’t see them.How to read it well? Listen and imitate. (转载自:www.jIaosHIlm.Com 教 师联盟 网:译林版小学六年级英语上册教案)T: You are the king. 4.Paragraph 4 1) Learn the text T: What do the people think of the clothes? (出示人群和男孩的图片) Let’s read!(出示图片4文字) T: (拿出人群的图片) What do they think?(They are beautiful!) T: Do all the people think they are beautiful? (No) Then who? (The boy.) What does he say? (出示图片5,文字)(引导学生朗读文本) Here’s a new word.(teach “wearing”, pear, bear, wear, wearing) Ha! Ha! The king isn’t wearing any clothes. 2) Mini Theatre T: Now let’s go to the Mini Theatre and act the period.一位学生扮演

国王巡演,引导其他学生朗读图4 的文字。 Step 3.Production 1.Talk about the characters 2.Read the story. 1) Read and repeat T: What a lovely king! Boys and girls, you learn so well! It’s time to read after the tape! Try to learn the pronunciation and the intonation. 2) Read by themselves T: Read by yourselves. 3.Act the story T: You can read very well.And you know them well now. Why don’t we act the story! Rules: Four students a group.If you read well, you can get one star.If you can read without the books, you can get two stars.And if you can do the gestures, you can get three stars. (Ss practice and act) 4.1) Who do you want to be? T: 引导学生总结Welcome back! Today we learned the story The King’s New Clothes.If you were in the story, who do you want to be?(音效:时光穿梭) T: Remember! Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people can’t see them! Can you see them? (No./ Yes.) T: Remember! Be honest! Be yourself! 作业设计:

1.Design an ending for the story.The king is back home,? 2.Read more English stories from the bookshops and the Internet. 板书设计:


Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 2nd period)




2.在理解故事的基础上,结合fun time中的句型,会正确表达并能声情并茂的表演这个故事。


1.知道什么是过去式,掌握过去式的构成,会正确使用过去式进行英语表达。 2.通过小组合作学习,拓展故事内容。


1.能够在表演过程中体验到英语故事的乐趣,喜爱英语故事。 2.让学生体验故事表演的快乐过程中,明白为人要诚实,待人要真诚。











【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Free talk. 2.Check the preparation of the sentences. Step 2.Presentation & Practice 1.T: Who can repeat picture 1? S: I.can try. 板书:Long long ago,there was a king. One day,two men visited the king. T:Look carefully,can you find the sentences grammar? S:Yes. is(过去式)was visit(过去式)visited T:Why do they use was/visited? S:Long long ago /one day 2.T: Repeat the other pictures and find the grammar in your groups 3.学生自己观察,再小组讨论,尝试总结过去式。

①be动词am/is-was,are-were ②一般动词+ed ③以e结尾的动词+d 4.随堂小测试

5.T:Now,you have learn the text.Let’s have fun time 出示图片和句型I like new clothes.Who can make?for me? Ask one to try Work in groups and act Step 3.Production 1.Prepare for repeat fun time in groups 2.try to continue the story


1.Remember the part of grammar words past 2.Independent about the king’s new clothes this story 板书设计:


Unit 1 The King’s new clothes (The 3rd period)




(2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解Fun time中故事的内容。







(1)通过异域文化的了解增强学习英语的兴趣。 【教学重点】











标注Fun time中不认识的单词,并通过查字典写音标和中文,能初步朗读。

foxeachmountainsay sentence hard next have to 【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Free talk: 译林版小学六年级英语上册教案篇2:2014年秋学期译林版六年级上册教案 1 3

5 译林版小学六年级英语上册教案篇3:译林牛津版六年级上册英语教案

六年级同步 第三周 Teaching Plan Unit 2 What a day! Analysis of Material: Unit2 mainly includes six parts: story time(important part), grammar time(important part and difficult time), fun time, sound time, cartoon time and checkout time.In the story time, there are some important words, phrases and expreion that need to learn by heart.The grammar part is the important and difficult part of unit1.It is about past tense and it needs Ss to master the usage of past tense well. 学生在校学习进度分析:通过了解全班11个同学,一半以上的学生完成了story time, grammar time, fun time 和sound time,也就是已经学完第二单元的重难点部分,所以这节课的主要任务就是引导学生进行趣味复习和练习题操练,目的是巩固第二单元的重难点。

Teaching Contents: 1.Check the homework and have a dictation; 2.List, teach and add some important phrases and expreion to Ss in the story part, and consolidate them by doing exercises; 3.Review and learn the grammar-past tense and list some new words with their past tense; 4.Guide Ss to learn to make short sentences. Teaching Aims: 1.To supervise Ss’ studying after cla by checking their homework timely; 2.The learning of phrases and expreion is to master some certain usage and to guide Ss to make more sentences; 3.Past tense is one of the most important grammars in the English study.Therefore, the learning of past tense is to guide Ss to make right sentences.Teach Ss to master the usage of past tense by doing exercises; 4.Guiding Ss to make short sentences one by one can practice Ss’ own thought and creation. Important Points and Difficult Points: 1.Master the new words, phrases and expreion; 2.Master the usage of past tense. Students Analysis: 本节课学生在采取趣味抢答游戏复习单词、短语等环节积极性很高,注意力集中。练习题的完成也是速度和质量并行。但是语法环节仍然存在着不熟悉的动词的过去时,这需要加大课下练习和操练力度。 Teaching Steps: Step 1: Check the Homework before Cla T: First let’s have a dictation and I’ll check them.Now, let’s begin. (In this part, teacher read the English words, and Ss write them down in the paper.Then, teacher check them.) Purpose: Checking Ss’ homework timely can help Ss to remember what they have learnt and supervise their studying after cla. Step 2: Story Time and Phrases Presentation(important point) T: After Words Part, let’s come to the Story Time.Now, I’ll ask some Ss to recite the text.Who wants to try first? Ss: ……

T: Then, try to find all the verbs and write down their past tense.Let me see who can find the most. (Ss begin to find verbs and write down their past tense.And at the same time, the teacher walks through the Ss and check their answers.Then, show the answers in the PPT.) T: Ok.How many verbs do you find? Ss: Nine. T: Well done! Let’s learn them together.is-was; go-went; become-became; fly-flew; bring-brought; are-were; can-could; rain-rained.Now, I’ll give you five minutes to read and remember them. Ss: ……

T: Let’s play a link game(连连看游戏) now.Look at the PPT. Ss: Yes. (Then, the teacher practices the verb’s past tense by a link game.) T: Then, let’s review the important phrases and expreion in the text. 1.询问天气:How’ the weather today? = What’s the weather like today? 回答:It is sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy. 由一般现在时改为一般过去时:

询问天气:How’ the weather yesterday? = What’s the weather like yesterday? 回答:It was sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy. 2.by+交通工具:by bike/bus/car 3.该吃早饭/午饭/晚饭了。:It’s time for breakfast/lunch/super. 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭: have/eat breakfast/lunch/super 4……

(In this proce, the teacher will guide students to review them by asking questions or letting Ss make the sentences.) T: Then open your exercise book and page 9 and 10 to do the exercises Four and Six.(Ss begin to do exercises. Teacher checks the answer one by one and explain some important ones.) Purpose: To make Ss master more important phrases and help them to do exercises.Step 3: Grammar Review (important and difficult point) T: Past tense is an important grammar point.So let’s review past tense once again.First, open your book and page 18 and 19.Find all the verbs and write down their past tense.Let me see who can find the most. (Ss begin to find verbs and write down their past tense.And at the same time, the teacher walks through the Ss and check their answers.Then, show the answers in the PPT.) T: Ok.How many verbs do you find? Ss: Eight. T: Well done! Let’s learn them together.do-did; is-was; see-saw; fly-flew; bring-brought; become-became; can-could; go-went; take-took.Now, I’ll give you five minutes to read and remember them. Ss: ……

T: Let’s play a turntable game(大转盘游戏) now.Look at the PPT.Look at the English word and give me its past tense.Are you ready? Ss: Yes. (Then, the teacher practices the verb’s past tense by a Bingo game.) T: Well done! Now, look at the PPT and let’s make sentences together.The children ______(看) a kite show that day.Write the answer in your paper. Ss: saw. T: Good! Then, Let’s page 11 and 12 in the exercises book and do some exercises about past tense. Ss: …

(Ss begin to do exercises. Teacher checks the answer one by one and explain some important ones.) Purpose: In order to improve Ss’ understanding and usage of past tense by practicing again and again and doing more exercises. Step 4: Fun Time (First, the teacher shows some pictures in the PPT.) T: Hello, everybody.Look at the PPT.Now, we play a funny game.First, everybody chooses any number and make sentences by yourself.Understand? Ss: Yes. Ss1: I choose No.2. T: Ok.So, you can begin your sentence. Ss1: It was sunny.She flew a kite in the park. T: Well done! Who wants to be the second one? Ss2: … Ss3:…. …… Ss11:…

Purpose: In order to motivate Ss’s interest in learning English. Step 4: Sound and Song Time T: Look at the PPT and tell me how to spell this word. Ss: ear. T: Next one? Ss: hear. …. T: Yeah, very good.Now, let’s have a relax and listen to a song and sing after the radio together. (The teacher plays the song of “Rain, rain go away”.) Purpose: In order to increase the Ss’ interest by listening to English song. Step 6: Summary 1.Check the homework; 2.Review the important phrases and expreion; 3.Review the usage of past tense; 4.Review the pronunciation of ear; 5.Listen to an English song and have a relax. Homework: 1.Write down the new words for two times and learn them by heart; 2.Do the exercises of Grammar Part in the exercises book. Teaching Reflection: 本节中,主要以复习第二单元的重难点(包括单词、短语、一般过去时的用法)为主。在复习的过程中,由于学生是第二遍学习,可能会产生对已学知识的轻微的厌倦心理,所以这就要求老师在组织复习的过程中,要能最大程度地调动学生的积极性和参与度,而经实践证明,课堂上的趣味游戏能够最大程度,最长时间的调动学生学习的热情;此外,模块性的做练习题也是巩固知识的有效方法,所

第14篇:译林版牛津小学英语3A Unit6

教学内容 3A Unit 6


1 )课时


1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词: red, yellow, green,orange 2.能初步听懂What colour is the/my/your„,并且能用It’s来回答。 3.进一步巩固Look at the/my/your„和表达赞扬的话 4.培养学生听说读写的英语综合运用能力 教学重点

1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词:red, yellow, green,orange

2.能初步听懂What colour is the/my/your„,并且能用It’s来回答。 教学难点

1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词red, yellow, green,orange

2.能初步听懂What colour is the/my/your„,并且能用It’s来回答。 教学疑点

如何在这节课中把各种颜色的单词串联在整个教学过程中,怎么处理Story time这一部分,如果有色盲怎么处理这一课? 教学准备 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, cla.How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you. 2.Say rhymes T: I like English.Do you like English? S: Yes I do.T:Let’ say some rhymes to begin our cla.Let’s learn

A cat and a dog Five little monkeys

Are you Mike? 通过这两首小诗让学生进入课堂学习气氛中。如果学生已经忘记了可以适当的提醒或者是跟老师一起说。

Step 2 Warm up and prensention 1.Free talk T: Hello, cla.How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you. T: I like monkeys.What do you like? S: I like pandas(lions/foxes/cats…)

T: They are lovely/cute.(对学生的回答做出相应的回答) T:I like spring.Do you like winter? S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.I like… T: I like spring.Because it’s green.2.教授单词green, 并且导题

a.教师出示春天的图片 ,并出示单词green 教读单词green,注意渗透ee的读音/i:/ green, tree, bee 教读句子(让学生自己试着去读):Spring is green.The trees are green.The bees are dancing .b.导题

T:I like spring.I like green.

There are many colours in different seasons.I love these colours.Let’s learn them.Today we’ll learn Unit 6 Colours.教师出示课题Unit 6 Colours T:Please read with me “colours”.并且拼读课题colours.3.教授课文Story time a.教师出示Yang Ling的图片

T:Hello, boys and girls.Look at this girl.Who’s she? S: She’s Yang Ling.

T: Look at Yang Ling.She’s giving a magic show.Look at her skirt.S: It’ nice.\It’s great.\How nice.\Great.复习第五单元赞扬别人的对话。 b.看动画,回答问题,教授句型和单词

T:Let’s watch Yang Ling’s magic show.Before we watch it, I want to give you a question.给学生问题:What colour is Yang Ling’s skirt at the beginning(在开始)? It’s


教师出示What colour,并且教读 T:Please read with Mi Zhang.(这个句型是本课的重点,所以提前处理)


T:Do you catch the answer? What colour is Yang Ling’s skirt at the beginning(在开始)? S:It’s orange .

(2)教师出示单词orange,并且教读 T:Look,it’s orange. 小组拼读单词 开火车拼读单词

全班说句子:It’s orange.教师出示橙色的物品的图片,让学生造句:Look at the„It’s orange.

反复说orange,在无形中巩固第一幅图的课文内容。 思考题:Which season is orange?

is orange.(3)听录音,回答问题,巩固green T:Yang Ling has question.Can you answer it? 教师出示Yang Ling 和问题: What colour is my skirt now? 教师出示now,并且教授单词 T:Who can try? 读单词:个别读,小组读

教师出示句子:What colour is my skirt now? 读句子:个别读,小组读,全班读 T:Now, let’s listen to the tape T: Do you have the answer now? S:It’s green.Learning tips: There are many things with the word‘green’ Can you read them? green card 绿卡

green-eyed 眼红、嫉妒 green hand 新手

(3)看图,回答问题 T:What colour is it now? S:It’s red\yellow.有的学生想不到把这两个颜色用and连接 Learning tips: red and yellow 红黄相间 a色+b色

ab相间 Some words with red red sky 彩霞

a yellow dog 忘恩负义的人 出示国旗:

Our national flag : The stars are yellow,the flag is red.(4)跟录音读课文

T:Let’s read after the tape.让学生跟读录音。


T:Let’s read it togther.(6)Finish the exercises 出示课文图片

Look at my skirt.

What colour is my skirt now? It’s orange.

It’s green.

What colour is it now? It’s red and yellow.每组读一幅图课文,再全班一起读。

Step 3 Consolidation 1.出示句型:

A: Look at the…

B: It’ nice.\It’s great.\How nice.\Great.A: What colour is the… B: It’s…


Step 4 Homework 1.Read the dialogue after cla 2.Find the things:red green yellow orange


3.Read the dialogue after cla Find the things:red green yellow orange

板书设计 Unit 6 Colours A: Look at the…

B: It’ nice.\It’s great.\How nice.\Great.


orange A: What colour is the…


yellow B: It’s…


2 )课时


1.能熟练地听懂、会拼读、会写单词: red, yellow, green,orange。 能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词black, blue, brown,white 2.能熟练运用日常交际用语What colour is the/my/your„来并且能用It’s来回答。 3.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song 教学重点

1.能熟练地听懂、会拼读、会写单词: red, yellow, green,orange。 能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词black, blue, brown,white 2.能熟练听懂What colour is the/my/your„,并且能用It’s来回答。 3.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song 教学难点

1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词black, blue, brown,white 2.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song 教学疑点 让学生了解三原色 教学准备 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting and warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, cla.How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you. 2.Warm up a.复习上节课的单词和重点句型

教师出示不同颜色的物品,让学生说颜色red, yellow, green,orange T:Last leon,we learnt some colours.Let’s review them.教师先出示颜色单词,拼读单词 教师再出示句型:What colour is it? 让学生回答问题:It’s„ 两组问,两组答。 T:What colour is it? (1)教师出示绿色的树 T:What colour is the tree? S:It’s green.


What colour is the… It’s green.

T:Which season is green? S:It’s spring.

T:Let’s say a rhyme.Spring is green. The trees are green. The bees are dancing .I like green.(2)教师出示橙色的物品 例如出示一件橙色的外套 T:What colour is the coat? S:It’s orange.


T:Which season is orange? It’s autumn.

利用颜色都可以说一个Rhyme Orange,orange.It’s orange.

Autumn is orange.I like orange.(3)巩固red T:Look at this colour.So hot!(教师做出扇风) Can you gue which season is red? S:It’s summer.T:Yes.Summer is so hot.Summer is red.Let’s say a rhyme.Summer is so hot.Summer is red.I like red.(4)巩固yellow 教师出示中国国旗:

T:What colour are the stars? S:They are yellow.(如果学生不会说可以提醒) T:Lets’s a rhyme.Yellow,yellow.I like yellow.The stars are yellow.I love China.(学生不会读China,可以教读)

Step 2 Presentation 1.Review-Story time T:I love these colours.Do you like the colours,too? S:Yes,I do.教师出示人物图片: Liu Tao, Wang Bing, Su Hai,Yang Ling.T:Who’s he/she?

S:He’s/She’s…He’s/She’s my friend.最后出示Yang Ling.T:Yang Ling is giving a magic show.(1)Read Story time

T:Now,let’s read after the tape / together.跟读录音,纠正语音语调。 (2)角色扮演

利用光盘上的功能进行角色扮演。 (3)Retell-Story time Yang Ling is wearing(穿着) a nice skirt.It’s orange .First(首先),the colour turns(变成) to green .At last(最后), the colour turns(变成) to red and yellow .教师出示wearing,并且教读

T:What colour are you wearing today? 教师出示today,并且教读 S:(colours) 2.Learning the song-Colour song a.Watch the song b.Explain the sentences c.Sing with the teacher d.Sing together 3.教授新单词: white ,black, brown, blue a.教授单词white (教师出示春夏秋季节的的图片) T:Look,spring is green.Summer is red.Autumn is orange.What colour is winter? S:It’s white.


(2)教师出示白色的物品图片,work is pairs.T:What colour is the„? S:It’s white.



toy bear

chair (3)Say a rhyme T:Let’s say a rhyme.White, white.I like white. White, white.Winter is white.b.教授单词:black T:Now,I have a question.出示panda的图片:What colour is the panda? S:It’s white and black.(1)教师出示单词black,并且教读单词

(2)教师出示黑色的物品的图片,work in pairs.


skirt (3)教师出示斑马的图片: T: What colour is the zebra? S:It’s white and black.(4)Say a rhyme T:I have a rhyme here.Please look at the rhyme.Can you read it? Black,black.The panda is white and black.Black, black.The zebra is white and black.c.教授单词brown和blue (1)教授单词brown Brain storm 让学生猜猜怎么调出棕色 T: :____+______=brown black

green 教师出示单词brown,并且教读 多种方法操练brown 教师出示各种棕色的图片,work in pairs What colour is the …? It’s brown.

(2)教授单词blue T:There are three-primary colours.教师出示RYB,让学生猜包含哪几种颜色 R:red


B:? 教师出示单词blue,并且教授

Step 3 Consolidation 1.出示颜色图片和单词 R:red


B:blue red+ yellow =orange

blue+yellow =green red+yellow+blue=black 2.Summmary 出示本课所有的重点,一起读。总结本课所学的内容,让学生知道需要掌握哪些内容。

Step 4 Homework 1.Sing the song after cla.2.Copy the words after cla 3.Recite Story time 作业:

1.Sing the song after cla.2.Copy the words after cla 3.Recite Story time


Unit 6 Colours




yellow A: What colour is the…

white black B: It’s…




3 )课时


1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8个颜色类单词

2.能准确使用Look at my„ It’s „.What colour is my „? It’s „

3.正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。 教学重点

1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8个颜色类单词

2.能准确使用Look at my„ It’s „.What colour is my „? It’s „

3.正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。 教学难点

正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。 教学疑点 如何让孩子提高阅读的兴趣,提高学习英语的积极性? 教学准备 挂图,卡片,PPT,鸡蛋 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, cla.How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you. 2.Say a rhyme and sing a song Nice clothes

Colour song 3.Free talk T:I like white.What colour do you like? S:I like…

Step 2 Warm up 1.复习颜色

a.让学生用多媒体来给黑白的彩虹涂色,复习颜色black,white,red,orange,yellow,green,blue T:Look ,here is the rainbow.What colour is this rainbow now?(PPT出示句型和单词rainbow) S:It’s black and white.教师出示单词black and white.but,there are some colours miing? Can you find the colours.

让学生用多媒体来给黑白的彩虹涂色,并且出示单词red,orange,yellow,green,blue b.复习单词brown T:Do we need brown? 直接出示单词brown,并且拼读 2.复习Story time a.导入

T:The colours are in our life everywhere.I like these colours.Look,our clothes are so colourful.Look at my skirt.My skirt is black.教师出示Look at my„(服饰) My„(服饰)is„(颜色) 并且读句型。然后让学生根据自己的服饰进行练习。 b.Yang Ling is giving us a magic show.Let’s read it togrther.跟录音读,全班读。 3.Cartoon time.a.介绍故事人物

T:Loo,our friends are coming.Who are they? S:They are(学生不会说就提醒)Bobby and Sam.b.故事情节介绍

T:They are gonging shopping.出示问题:What shop is it?(它是什么店) Let’s watch the cartoon together.(看动画) T(再次出示问题): What shop is it? Ss: It’s an egg shop.

T(出示鸡蛋):Look ,this is an egg.教师出示egg,教读单词。 (1)Read one by one (2)Read together (3)Read with the teaacher b.对话单词和句子的理解 T:What is Sam asking(问)? 再看动画,然后出示句型:Would you like „? 解释并且教读句型

T:What is the cock saying? Learning tips: or 出示单词or,解释并且教读单词(两者以上的选择才能用or) c.让学生说说这个故事的幽默点是什么? d.Read after the tape e.Read together.f.Retell In the


and Sam are going to an/a

(egg/clothes) shop.Bobby

like an egg.The cock(公鸡) ask them which(哪一种)

(colours/shapes)of the eggs they would like? How interesting(有趣) the shop is! 让学生试着跟老师读这段文字,让学生学会复述故事,不会说的也可以尝试用汉语去说。

Step 3 Homework 1.Read Cartoon time after cla 2.Try to tell the story time to your parents 作业:

1.Read Cartoon time after cla 2.Try to tell the story time to your parents


Unit 6 Colours




yellow A: What colour is the…

white black B: It’s…



第( 4 )课时


1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8个颜色类单词

2.能准确使用Look at my„ It’s „.What colour is my „? It’s „ 3.能熟练掌握字母Rr Ss Tt的听说读写能力 4.熟练地诵读歌谣“Colour song”

5.通过练习进一步提高学生对于本单元重点知识的综合运用能力 教学重点 1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8个颜色类单词

2.能准确使用Look at my„ It’s „.What colour is my „? It’s „ 3.能熟练掌握字母Rr Ss Tt的听说读写能力 教学难点 通过练习进一步提高学生对于本单元重点知识的综合运用能力 教学疑点 在这节课中需要重点讲解句型Would you like „? Yes,please.吗?学生能全部理解吗? 教学准备 卡片,PPT 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, cla.How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you. 2.Say rhymes and sing songs a.Zip,zip,zip

通过这两首小诗让学生 b.Put on your coat c.Nice clothes


c.Look at the moon 通过这两首小诗复习句型 d.My lovely doll Look at„和What can you

see?为接下来的复习做准备。 Step 2 Warm up 1.Play a game——Puzzles (1)There are some clothes .Can you find them.在方框中找出相应的单词,并且拼写完整。 skirt



jacket 1 b s k i r t a d 2 T - s h i r t c 3 h j i e f c a p 4 m j a c k e t n 1.skirt

2. T-shirt 3.cap


2.I’m a good painter! What is RYB? R red

Y yellow

B blue What is RGB? R red

G green

B blue 分别出示单词red ,yellow, blue,green,并且拼读单词。

通过这一环节,让学生再次复习颜色,增加颜色单词复习的趣味性。 blue+yellow = green red+ yellow = orange

red+yellow+blue=black 分别出示单词:orange

black,并且拼读单词。 (4)Brain storm Why can’t the pandas take photos?

分别出示单词black和white,并且拼读单词。 3.直接出示brown,并且拼读单词

T:They are all clours.I have another colour here.It’s the chocolates colour.What colour is this chocolate? 教师出示What colour is this „? 学生跟读 Ss:It’s brown.

直接出示brown,并且拼读单词,注意渗透ow组合发音 4.Checkout time T:Open your books.Please turn to Page 43.Listen to the tape.Try to colour and say,please.教师出示句型This is a

It’s …

5.Play a game----Fun time T:Let’s have a fun.Look,this is a big turntable.教师出示光盘

T:There are four clothes.What’s this? Ss:It’s a …


T:The hand will go around the turntable.When it stops,please try to ansewer Mi Zhang’s question.教师出示转盘问题,再次出示句型:What colour is this…? eg: S1: What colour is this T-shirt? S2:It’s red.个别对话连词后,可以男生女生进行对话,可以邀请学生来操作大转盘,提高学生参与课堂的积极性。

6.Sing a song----Colour song.7.Letters learning.结束完歌曲演唱后,比比那一组字母听得妙,记得牢,写得好。 a.听写字母

b.写出字母左邻右舍 c.四线三格写字母

在学生做完每个练习后,教师都要做出相应的评价, 教师要对于字母从哪里开始起笔都要严格规定。 Step 3 Consolidation 1.完成补充习题

听力题不仅仅局限于补充习题教参上的要求,还可以让学生对于每道题目说说自己的理解,发挥自己的想象力,编小故事。不会说的就用汉语表达,尽量用英语说。 2.完成同步探究部分练习题目比较难,教师耐心讲解。 3.Ticking time 讲解两项要求,让学生自己评价。

Step 4 Homework 1.课后继续完成补充习题





A: What colour is the…

B: It’s…


Unit 6 Colours




white blue green black brown

第15篇:译林版小学3BUnit 7 On the farm教案

Unit 7 On the farm 教案 教学分析

本单元教材以Liu Tao带着Mike去爷爷的农场,在参观农场的过程中,他们谈论看到的动物和水果 教学目标

1、能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型What’re these/those? They are...Are there/those? Yes, They are...

2、能听懂、会说、会读词汇farm,they,pig,those,cow,apple,pear, Chicken,duck,orange,picture,wh/

3、会唱英文歌曲:On the farm

4、能听懂、会说、会读、字母m发:/m/ 教学重点

1、能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型What’re these/those? They are...Are there/those? Yes, They are...

2、能听懂、会说、会读词汇farm,they,pig,those,cow,apple,pear, Chicken,duck,orange,picture,who

3、能听懂、会说、会读、字母m发:/m/ 教学难点

1、What are these/those? Are these/those...? 的语调和用法

2、词汇:farm,they, those,chicken,apple,pear,pear的读音,a,an用法的区别,名词复数形式

3、字母m在单词中的读音 课前准备

光盘、卡片、图片等 课时分配

第一课时:Story time 第二课时:Fun time, Song time & Sound time 第三课时:Cartoon time ,Checkout time &Ticking time

第一课时 教材内容

Unit 7 On the farm (Story time) 教学目标

1、能正确地听懂、会说、会读单词 pigs, cows , apples, pears.


3、能在真实的情景中运用What are these / those? Are these / those...?和日常交际用语Nice to meet you, Mike.Welcome to my farm.进行交流 教学重点

能正确理解掌握对话,并能朗读表演 教学难点


2、能在真实的情景中运用What are these / those? Are these / those..?和日常交际用语Nice to meet you, Mike.Welcome to my farm.进行交流...教学准备

光盘,动物/水果卡片 教学流程

Step1 Warm up PPT中出现数字1-10以及对应英语,引导学生朗读1-10英文,并做一些游戏问答。 T:Good morning Students S:Good morning Teacher T:今天我们学习的是新的单元,Unit7 On the farm, 在学习新单元之前,我们先复习下上个单元的内容,同学们,我们上个单元主要学习了什么? S:数字

T:哪个几个数字? S:1-10 T:有没有哪位同学来朗读一下?(PPT展示数字1-10的英文) S:(点一名学生起来朗读)

T:非常好,那下面我们来做一个小游戏,看PPT,老师提问,然后同学们用英语来告诉老师,第一个最快回答老师的同学获得一颗小星星,一节课下来获得小星星最多的同学可以获得老师的神秘奖励噢~~好了,现在开始吧。 S:(开始游戏) Step2 New words T:OK,大家对于数字的掌握已经非常好了,现在老师问大家一个问题,大家有去过农场吗?S:去过

T:那在农场里都有哪些动物? S:(学生回答各自见过的动物)

T:好的,大家都知道的非常多,那么大家现在看PPT(出现一个奶牛图片),What’s this? S:奶牛

T:对,跟我一起读cow S:cow T:c-o-w, cow S:c-o-w, cow T:(点击下一张PPT),What are these? S:猪

T:跟我一起读pig S:pig T:p-i-g,pig S:p-i-g,pig (以此类推chicken、duck)

T:Are these apples?(PPT展示一些苹果图片) S:是的

T:我们可以回答,Yes, they’re apples, 跟着老师读Yes, they’re apples S:Yes, they’re apples T:a-p-p-l-e,Apple S:a-p-p-l-e,Apple T:Are these apples?(PPT展示一些梨子图片) S:不是

T:我们可以回答,No, they’re pears, 跟着老师读No, they’re pears S:No, they’re pears Step3

T:非常好,现在我们一起玩个游戏,玩一个角色扮演,现在老师这里有四张卡片,分别代表pig,cow,pear and apple,每个人来选择一个角色,两个同学一组,然后其中一个同学用What’s this?提问,另一个同学来回答,回答正确,回答的同学加一颗星星,回答错误提问的同学加一颗星星,好的现在开始来选角色卡。 S:(开始抽角色卡并开始游戏)

T:现在我们四个同学一组,问句改成What are these / those? Are these / those..?提问,轮流提问。


T:好的,同学们,游戏时间到了,我们现在来看看,哪个同学的小星星最多啊? S:(查看星星排行榜) Step 4 T:落后的同学也不要着急,现在我们还有一个机会把小星星赶上来,现在我们把课本打开,turn to page44,我们来朗读课文,里面的句子熟悉吧,大部分都是我们刚刚练习过的,有没有同学自感奋勇的来给我们朗读下?有小星星奖励哦 S:(选取三位同学扮演爷爷、Mike、Liu Tao)


第二课时 教学内容

Unit 7 On the farm (Fun time, Song time & Sound time) 教学目标

1、能正确地听、说、读单词 cow, pig, chicken, duck, pear, apple, orange.

2、能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? They’re„.Are these / those„?

3、会唱歌曲 On the farm

4、让学生了解辅音字母m在单词中的读音 教学重点

1、能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? They’re...Are these / those...?

2、让学生了解辅音字母m在单词中的读音 教学难点

1、能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? They’re...Are these / those...?

2、让学生了解辅音字母m在单词中的读音 教学准备

光盘, 水果卡片

Step1 warm up T:Good morning student S:Good morning teacher T:大家上次回家的作业都写好了吗? S:写好了

T:那我们先来检查一下,我们先来看看大家的造句 S:(拿出本子,老师一一检查) T:好的,大家都写的非常好,我们上次留的另一个作业是课本的朗读,有没有同学愿意来给大家演示下课文啊?Volunteers? S:(选取三个学生朗读课文) T:大家说他们的读的棒不棒? S:棒!


T:大家都表现的非常好!现在我们在来做一个游戏,大富翁大家玩过吗? S:玩过!

T:今天我们来玩一次英语版的农场大富翁!首先我们来说一下大富翁的规则(讲解规则),在玩的过程中我们需要用What’s...?/What are... It’s .../They’re ...来提问回答,回答正确的加一颗小星星,回答错误,提问的人加一颗小星星,好了,大家都清楚了吗? S:清楚了!

T:好的那我们开始! S:(游戏时间5分钟)

T:在刚刚的大富翁游戏中,我们有哪些水果? S:苹果,梨子,橘子 T:用英语怎么说? S:apple pear orange T:有哪位同学知道怎么写?

S:(如果有学生举手就让他上来写,然后教师PPT再次展示这些单词) T:和老师一起读 a-p-p-l-e,apple S:a-p-p-l-e,apple T:a-p-p-l-e,apple S:a-p-p-l-e,apple (以此类推pear orange)

T:那有哪些动物呢?,用英语说 S:cow chicken duck pig T:cow是什么意思 S:奶牛

T:和老师一起读,c-o-w,cow S:c-o-w,cow (以此类推chicken duck pig)



T:好的,我们来看下,哪位同学拼的最多,哇,是XXX,大家鼓掌恭喜他/她,老师给他加上一颗星星。现在,大家来看PPT,老师在上面写了几个单词(farm, ice cream, make, mum, welcome),有哪位同学可以上来读一下? S:(选一位同学朗读)

T:XXX做得非常好,大家一起和老师读一下(读一个单词让学生跟着读一下) S:farm, ice cream, make, mum, welcome T:大家有没有发现这些单词有一个共同点?有同学发现吗? S:(大家猜测) T:这些单词中是不是都有字母“m”? S:是

T:那m在这些单词中是怎么读的呢?比如说farm中m读什么音?有没有同学来读一下? S:(点名学生起来读,依次其他单词也是如此) T:那现在这些单词中m的发音都清楚了吗? S:清楚了(如果学生不是很清楚就再讲解一遍)

T:好的,大家掌握的都非常好,下面是我们的song time,大家喜欢不喜欢唱歌? S:喜欢!

T:我们先来听一遍这首歌,然后老师和大家一起来学习怎么唱(播放歌曲On the farm) S:(学习怎么唱这首歌)

T:大家都唱的很棒~现在时间也差不多了,我们来看下今天的作业(PPT展示作业),好的,今天的课就到这里,Good bye students! S:Good bye teacher!

第三课时 教学内容

Unit 7 On the farm ( Cartoon time ,Checkout time和 Ticking time) 教学目标

1、在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。

2、通过小短文的学习,让学生能在真实的情景中正确运用Who’s this?

3、通过培养学生学英语的兴趣,运用英语的意识教学重点 教学重点


1、通过小短文的学习,让学生能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。教学准备 光盘

Step1 T:Good morning student S:Good morning teacher T:大家先把作业本拿出来,老师先检查下上次的作业完成分怎么样 S:(掏出作业本给老师检查)

T:好的,大家的作业老师已经看完了,有问题的老师也已经标出来了,大家下次写的时候注意正确的写法。现在让我们来做一个游戏,上节课我们做的“拼单词”的游戏,大家还记得吗? S:记得

T:好的,那我们现在再来玩下这个游戏 S:(拼单词) T:好的,我们来看下谁拼的最好,给他加一颗小星星。现在我们把课本打开,turn to page47, 上次下课前我们不知的预习作业大家都做了吗? S:做了

T:有没有哪位同学上来和大家讲一讲这个故事讲得是什么内容? S:(挑选一个同学来回答)

T:这位同学说的非常好,那有同学愿意站起来给我们朗读下吗? S:(如有,就叫一个起来)

T:现在跟着老师来朗读一下这篇故事,一人说一句 S:(跟着老师一起读)

T:现在大家自己读三分钟,三分钟过后,同学们死人一组分别来扮演这个故事里的角色,站到前面来给大家表演 S:(朗读课文)

T:现在分组练习一分钟 S:(分组练习)

T:好的,现在请各个小组过来表演,表现最好的一个小组成员将每个人都获得一颗小星星 S:(分组表演)

T:现在来评选下哪个小组做的最好呢? S:(评选)


T:Turn to page 49,大家把比拿出来把49页上的read and write做下 S:(填写课本中的内容)

T:都写好了吗?现在开始检查 S:(等待老师检查)

T:大家都做完了,依然在page49, 大家看到Ticking Time,首先我们看到第一栏, talk about things on a farm, 每个同学都说一下自己掌握的农场相关的单词,7个以及7个以上为三星,5个到7个为二星,5星以下为一星,从这边开始 S:(依次说出自己掌握的单词)

T:那哪些名字在哪些时候后面是要加S的呢? S:(依次回答)

T:字母m的发音都会吗?比如说farm中的m发什么音? S:(依次回答)

T:好的,今天这节课就到这里,今天的作业是一张练习纸,稍后会发给大家,下课,Good bye Student!

S:Good bye Teacher!




姜堰区俞垛中心小学 姜月霞2018.1 本学期时间较长,共计23周,复习时间较充裕,但是六年级教材让我们任课老师都感到困扰,单词量多,语法知识多而散,句型多,文章篇幅长,这一切的一切都给我们的教学带来很大的困难。尤其是该本书对学生而言也是一种挑战,跨度比较大。现在整个年级新课基本结束,根据平时教学过程中以及单元测试中学生暴露出来的问题,在总复习阶段,我们采用先梳理各单元,然后根据各知识点归纳总结,最后再综合练习的方式进行复习。


1. 单词、词组尽可能让每个学生过关。

2. 把课文中的重点句,按单元课文的顺序进行语法归类。 3. 加强听力、口头和笔头练习。 4. 每课一小练习,讲、说、练结合。

5. 及时评讲,及时改正,及时补差,使每个学生在原有基础上有所提高。 6. 加强复习课的备课。 复习计划: 1.摸底阶段







(1)语法知识集中训练(归纳4种语法,练习); (2)专项练习(按考试题型分项练习)。


(1)两次冲刺摸底练习(对学生有个再次摸底,最后做考前辅导); (2)查漏补缺(针对学生暴露出的一些问题,再一次补充复习)。


1.上课(朗读,背诵,操练,练习,讲解,归纳); 2.辅导(集体辅导和个别辅导相结合);

3.一帮一(老师专门负责边缘学生,一个优秀学生负责一个后进学生)。 复习过程:



2.归类复习先把知识点进行梳理整合,并结合前一轮复习中学生感到较困难的知识点进行以讲、练为主的复习,使学生学会有规律的学习。可以从以 下几个方面进行归类

(1).音标要解决音标元音字母的发音规律,解决常见的字母组合的发音 规律。形式为读,思,归纳,强化和练习。

(2).时态一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时和现在进行时进行归纳 ,比较复习,可以整理信息词和基本的语法结构。

(A)、一般现在时态概念:表示经常发生的或习惯性的动作或目前 的状态。 规律:一般用动词原形,当主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时, 动词要加s , es , 标志性的单词:always , usually , often , sometimes如:She usually goes to school on foot . (B)、现在进行时态概念:表示说话时正在发生或进行着的动作。

规律:be + 动词 ing 形式。标志性的单词:look , now , listen 如 :Look , the boy is playing football .

(C)、一般将来时态 概念:表示将来发生的动作或情况。 规律: be going to do , will do .


::tomorrow , the day after tomorrow , next Sunday … Mr Brown is going to visitHong Kong tomorrow . (D)、一般过去时态概念:表示过去某一时刻或某一时间内发生的动 作或情况

:yesterday , last Monday , before , ago, the day before yesterday 规律:

a、一般情况动词后面加ed ; 如:worked , cleaned , washed , b、以不发音e结尾的动词加d就要以了;如:lived , moved ,loved c、以辅音加y结尾的动词把y改成i再加ed ; 如:study– studied , carry—carried d、重读闭音节的动词要双写末尾的辅音字母再加ed;如:stop— stopped shop—shopped skip--- skipped 5.特殊变化:见不规则动词表。

(3).介词 结合实例讲解,练习,巩固


(5).听力听力并非一日之功,我们可将听力分散安排在每一节课时中。 3.综合练习,查漏补缺,争取对学生暴露的一些问题,再一次补充复习。



第二课时 c.语音教学

1.教学准备把本课read and listen一项中的单词及音标[i:]和[e]分别写在卡片上,卡片最好能够贴在黑板上或挂在墙上。 2.让学生试读本项中的单词并引导学生总结字母“e”的读音。教师出示单词卡片be,he ,me, peter.出示后,帮助学生总结字母“e”的在这一组单词中的读音,然后出示音标卡片[i:]。同样的方法出示单词:pen, bed, leg ,very , well 3.听语音练习的录音。

学生看着黑板上的两组单词,边听录音,边跟读,帮助学生把音发正确。 语音教学要求:

每个次需要朗读两遍,即一遍用升调一遍用降调。顺序为: [i:]be, he, we, me, Peter [e]pen, bed, leg, very, well 三.兴趣活动

把全班学生分成6组,学生准备好26个字母卡片放在桌上。教师出示一个字母卡片,如[d3i:],同时对学生说: Read it and show me the letter.要求学生正确读出字母的读音并且迅速从字母卡片中找出这个字母,马上举起。最快找出正确的字母的为她的小组加一分,获得分数最多的? ∽榛袷ぁ?







各位老师,大家好。我是。今天我说课的内容是:pep小学三年级英语,unit 2 look at me,第二课时 一.说教材 1.教材内容



在日常生活中,我们最熟悉的莫过于自己的身体各部位,如何让学生学会用英语来表达自己的身体各部位是本单元所要学习的教学内容。通过学生学会用英语来表达自己的身体部位,发展他们的语言表达能力,同时进一步培养他们的语言综合运用能力。 二.说目标 1.教学目标


知识目标:能听、说、认读head 和五个有关五官的词汇:face,ear,nose,mouth,eye;听懂、理解句子look at me.this is my nose/eye/„.;快速反应:touch your head /eye/„ 能力目标:培养学生听,做,说,读的能力,增进身体各部分的协调能力,语言表达能力。

情感目标:让学生通过运用语言来完成学习任务,感受成功,从而引发和培养学生学习英语的内在动机,最终使他们形成英语学习的积极态度。 2. 教学重难点

本课的教学重点是让学生能听、说、认读head和五个有关五官的词汇。教学难点是学生能将这六个有关人体部位的词汇运用到简单的英语句子中表达,突破重点和难点的关键是结合低年级学生喜欢跳跳、唱唱、画画,喜欢游戏的特点,通过let’s do快速反应,使单调的知识溶进生动的活动之中,让学生在听,做,动的过程中,掌握知识,并灵活地运用。 三.说教法和学法





利用所学的触摸身体的部位,并不断的加快速度,让学生在活动中不仅复习了旧知,还巩固了新词,大大活跃了课堂气氛。 3.评价法

课堂上小组或个人表现出色时我及时采用“good”等予以表扬学生,同时每获得一次鼓励,学生自己在黑板上画上面部某一部位,学生在这种酷似游戏的评价活动中感受竞争,体验成功。 说学法:



2)learning by singing, playing, touching.通过这些活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心。 四.教学步骤

英语课程的学习即是学生通过英语学习和实践活动逐步掌握语言知识,技能,提高实际运用能力的过程,又是他们陶冶情操,拓宽视野形成有效学习策略的过程。整个教学我设计了热身——新知展示——练习——小结及作业布置四个步骤。 step1课前热身

学生齐唱“hello”歌,全班边拍手边有节奏地跟着录音吟唱,活跃课堂气氛。 step2新课展示

 教师戴上猪八戒的头饰,说hello,everyone!look at me.并指着自己的头介绍:this is my head.同样依次介绍:face,ear,eye,nose,mouth。让学生注意下面单词划线字母的发音:head,nose,mouth.以及ear,eye指的是耳朵和眼睛。  教师可通过动作教“touch”。比如,摸着自己的头说:touch my head。摸学生的头说:touch your head。


(1) 教师将表示头部部位的图片和单词卡片举起,带读,让学生跟读练习。

(2) 在讲每个单词的时候适当做一些小游戏,如:爬楼梯,拍打单词,follow me.并进行男生和女生pk赛。

(3) 游戏:画鼻子


(4) 游戏:小间谍



(1)学生能够看板书的头像,用英语说出头部各部位的单词。 (2)让学生在练习本上书写新学的单词。 step5总结并布置作业

和学生一起回顾新知,将所学的头部各部位的名称用英语说给家长听。 板书设计:以动物的头像配四线三格书写所学新单词。


Unit 1 Hello


1、能听懂,会说Hello./ Hi.Goodbye./ Bye-bye.I’m„ What’s your name? My name’s „ 并能够在实际情景中 能够听说读写和应用。

2、认读crayon, pencil, pen, eraser, ruler, pencil-case, book, sharpener, bag, school, 并能用英语介绍文具。


教学重点:新单词crayon, pencil, pen, eraser, ruler, pencil-case, book, sharpener, bag, school. 教学难点:Hello./ Hi.Goodbye./ Bye-bye.I’m„ What’s your name? My name’s „ 在实际情景中进行运用。 教学准备:





为Let’s play中的游戏准备相应的道具。





课时安排:五课时 教学过程: 第一课时



请学生说说他们在现实生活中已经了解的英语词汇或日常用语。同时利用本教科书开头的蝴蝶页Welcome to English彩图中呈现的我们生活中学生已经会说或较熟知的词汇如TV,CD,VCD,DVD,OK!Hi! Yeah! Bye! Cool! Wow! E-mail, cartoon等等来激发学生想学英语的兴趣和愿望。


1、教师播放本课Let’s sing部分中的歌曲“Hello”的录音,自然引出师生之间的打招呼。 T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Mi? Mr„.

(1)通过教师的自我介绍自然引出Hello, I’m„ /Hi, I’m„ (2)教师可戴上Sarah的头饰介绍Hello! I’m Sarah.并用同样方式介绍其他人物。

(3)让学生到讲台上来,戴上Sarah, Chen Jie, Mike的头饰说:Hello! I’m„

(4)教师戴上Wu Yifan的头饰说Hi! I’m Wu Yifan.并与戴Sarah头饰的学生相互问好,并有意在分手时说Goodbye.(5)听录音来展示Let’s talk部分的教学内容。


(1)请戴着Wu Yifan, Chen Jie, Sarah,Mike头饰的学生站在讲台前,另选一同学用眼罩蒙住眼睛,让Sarah等四位同学中的一个说Hello, 让蒙住眼睛的同学猜。如果猜中,要说Yes, I’m„如果猜错,要说No, I’m„ 猜对得一分。

(2)表演A部分对话,教师应指导学生注意语音,语调,特别是I’m 的发音,应为/aim/ 不能读成/em/.(3)玩Let’s play中的游戏“击鼓传花”。



1、播放英语歌 “Hello” 的录音,让学生跟着录音演唱。

2、请几个学生戴Sarah, Wu Yifan等人物的头饰,两人一组打招呼问候:Hello, Sarah! Hi, Wu Yifan!




1、给学生出示文具实物,教新单词pen, pencil, ruler, crayon, eraser.教师边教边作示范。如pencil一词,教师可通过实物或图片介绍新词,领读并示范,让学生在Show me your pencils.的指令下出示铅笔。可用同样的方法教本课时的其他文具。(教学中,教师要特别注意crayon及eraser两个词的发音。对于多音节词,教师可采取“先部分,后整体”,分音节的方法进行教学。例如教eraser一词,教师先示范整个单词的读音,然后分音节请学生跟读e-ra-ser,最后再让学生跟读整个词,此时教师要注意学生把声音放在第二个音节/rei/上。)

2、让学生听录音,跟读Let’s learn部分的词汇,并要求学生用手指着词汇来认 读,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”。

3、趣味操练(Practice) (1)游戏活动


B、猜物品游戏:将crayon等文具放在一个大盒子里,请一同学出来选一样文具攥在手里放在背后,让其他同学用英语猜,答对者获得小奖品。 (2)让学生听录音,边说边做Let’s do部分的活动。



唱 “Hello”歌,师生互相问候,学生将名字卡片(名卡)戴在胸前,分别起立做自我介绍。


1、老师指自己的名卡说Hello! I’m Mi / Mr„ 然后用My name’s„再重复两遍自己的名字。接着对一名学生发问What’s your name?(用清晰、缓慢的语调问两遍)边问边指他的名卡,并用口型提示他回答My name’s„

用类似的方法在教室里与学生进行问答练习,注意引导学生用My name’s„ 回答问题。

2、跟读、模仿What’s your name? 注意学生对name的发音。

3、教道别语See you, 告诉学生意思是“再见”或“一会儿见”。

4、听录音来展示B部分Let’s talk的内容。

5、趣味操练 (Practice)

(1)Pair work: 可让学生戴上头饰,表演书上Let’s talk的对话。 (2)Let’s play中的游戏.(3)四人或六人为一小组,先将学生自制的名卡头饰收集在一起,再由每组的“小组长”通过问What’s your name? 同学回答My name’s„ 的方式练习,答对的同学拿回头饰戴在头上。




2、通过图片和单词卡片复习学过的单词crayon, ruler, eraser, pen, pencil.(可通过做Touching game或Matching game来复习)


1、Let’s learn A、通过实物教pencil-case, bag, book, sharpener, 用图片教school.在教“铅笔袋”pencil-case时,出示“铅笔盒”pencil-box, 并说明它们的区别,即:用软皮或塑料制成的通常称为pencil-case, 用铁等较坚硬材料制成的叫做pencil-box.同时教pencil-box.B、新单词的教学也可通过旧单词来引出。如:pencil 到pencil-case.

2、Let’s do 教师边做打开书的动作边说Open the book.然后边做合上书的动作边说Close the book.(重复两次)。再拿起铅笔袋,做打开、合上的动作,并说:Open the pencil-case.Close the pencil-case.请学生说出open, close的意思。 用同样的方法教Show me your sharpener.Carry the bag.等句子。

3、趣味操练(Practice) (1)让学生将所有学过的文具全部摆在桌上。教师说:“Show me your book.”,学生须快速举起并大声说:“Book”.(2)游戏:画文具。

(3)在本课教学中,教师也可以采用 “选词竞赛”的游戏。

(4)通过游戏Simon says练习以show, open, close, put, carry所引导的祈使句。






3、用Show me your„ 请学生将他们的文具摆出来。

4、用游戏Simon says复习第8页所学的指令性的动作。


1、教师从自己准备的书包中拿出一本书,并指着自己说:I have a book.随后再掏出笔袋,对学生说:I have a pencil-case.再从笔袋里拿出一支铅笔说:I have a pencil.拿出一把尺子说:I have a ruler.等等。待学生熟悉了I have a „是“我有一个„“后,请学生们用自己的文具来说:I have a „ 告诉学生如果你有与别人东西相同时,可说Me too!

2、趣味操练 (Practice) (1)操练Let’s chant A、全班听录音,边听录音边拍手有节奏的吟唱Let’s chant 部分的内容。 B、将全班分成两大组。第一组举起铅笔齐读I have a pencil.第二组齐读Me too!并拍手。读第二句时两组交换,以此类推。


Unit 2 Colours 教学目标:

1、能听懂,会说How are you? Fine , thank you/I’m fine/Very well, thanks.Let’s paint.OK/Great! 并能够在实际情景中进行运用。

2、能够听说,认读green, yellow, red, blue, purple, black, white, pink, orange, brown.并能用英语介绍颜色词汇。


教学重点:新单词green, yellow, red, blue, purple, black, white, pink, orange, brown.教学难点:How are you? Fine , thank you/I’m fine/Very well, thanks.在实际情景中进行运用。 教学准备:

1、制作Mi White和Sarah两人的头饰。








1、Let’s talk 主要是会话练习。通过见面问候“How are you? Fine , thank you.”让学生在模仿、学习、表演的基础上达到自然交流与真实运用的目的。

2、Let’s play.让学生在游戏活动中熟练运用所学的问候用语。

3、Sing the song.学唱与本课新授句型紧密结合的歌曲“How are you?”


1、制作Mi White和Sarah两人的头饰。




1、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1)课前让学生听一听本课要学的歌曲“How are you?”

(2)通过对话的形式复习见面打招呼、自我介绍、互相介绍以及道别等用语。(Good morning/afternoon.Hi/Hello! Nice to meet you.What’s your name? This is„I’m„ect.)

2、新课导入(Presentation) Let’s play (1)教师拿出Sarah的头饰介绍Hello! I’m Sarah ,然后跟学生打招呼。

(2)出示Mi White的头饰,请事先预习好新课的那位同学扮演Mi White,在和他对话中自然地引出How are you? Fine, thank you.(3)分小组横排或竖排逐个跟读、模仿How are you?注意学生对how一词的发音 (4)教答句Fine, thank you,竖起大拇指以表示其含义。教师注意示范fine 和thank的发音方法。

3、趣味操练(Practice) (1) 以开小火车一问一答的方式练习对话

(2) 由学生自由组合,玩其中的游戏:两人互相击掌问好,如: S1: Good morning.How are you? S2: Fine, thank you.

4、新课呈现(Presentation) Let’s talk (1)在屏幕上逐个出示Mi Green和Mr.Black,并问根据人物图片教读Mi Green和Mr.Black.(2)添加到屏幕上,展示空白对话框,让学生根据已学的会话在三人小组中编对话。 (3)学生表演所编的对话,能运用新句型How are you? Fine, tnank you.的学生,教师应予以表扬。


5、趣味操练(Practice) (1)三人小组自由组合操练并表演对话。


(3)学唱How are you?这首歌。注意Very well.这一短语只要能随歌唱出就行。

6、课堂评价(Aement) 可结合《金牌教练》进行课堂练习。


(1)听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学的内容。 (2)课后找朋友编对话。



1、Let’s learn.词汇教学。五种颜色词汇:

2、Let’s do.

3、Let’s sing.通过歌曲让学生复习巩固所学的颜色词汇。





1、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1)播放歌曲“How are you?”让学生跟着录音同步演唱。

(2)由歌曲自然引出师生间的问候:How are you? Fine, thank you.

2、新课导入(Presentation) (1)利用头饰分角色表演上一课的对话。由This is Mi Green.和实物绿色蜡笔引出green一词,学说单词green(当教师介绍到这green一词时,屏幕上出现一条彩虹,彩虹的绿色部分和green一词同时闪动。)

(2)带读新授单词green,利用学习用品,操练含有颜色的短语如:a green pencil/crayon。

(3)做Listen and do的游戏,由教师发指令,如Show me your crayon.引出Show me your green crayon/pen„让学生在指令下出示对应颜色的学习用品。 (4)用其他方法教授另外4个颜色单词yellow red blue purple.(5)让学生听录音,跟读Let’s learn部分的词汇,并要求学生用手指着词汇认读

(6)教师在黑板上出示5种颜色,教师在自己喜欢的颜色旁画一个笑脸,并说I like green.让学生上来或在自己书本上画,并重复这一句型。

3、趣味操练(Practice) (1)游戏活动:

a.Gue the colours:教师请一位同学任意抽一张颜色卡,让其他同学猜该卡是什么颜色,巩固所学的颜色单词。

b.What’s miing:教师操作多媒体课件,使其中一人物手持的文具消失。请学生用含有颜色单词的短语猜出该文具。教师也可给予提示,如:Sarah has a „巩固所学的颜色词组。

(2)让学生听录音,边说边做Let’s do部分的活动;或者由教师发口令,学生做;也可让已掌握的同学发口令,其他学生做。 (3)学唱歌曲Who’s wearing yellow today? a.请所有穿黄色衣服的同学上讲台,教师一边唱一边指着身穿这种颜色服装的同学。



4、课堂评价(Aement) 可结合配套练习册进行课堂练习,如:Listen and colour

5、课外活动(Add-activities) 听说、认读新单词blue, yellow,green, red, purple,并用英语描述物品的颜色。



1、Story time 能理解故事的大意,并能认读,学会在日常生活中使用等短语。通过故事情节的表演,渗透对学生的德育教育,使学生明白在公共场所不能随便摘花。

2、Let’s paint.通过学生自己动手涂颜色来复习巩固颜色词汇。






1、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1) 分男女声按节奏拍手表演对唱Who’s wearing yellow today? (2) 学生之间以对话的形式复习问候用语。

2、新课导入(Presentation) (1)学习对话中的短语和单词。

a.教师在黑板上用简笔画一朵花。问:What’s this in the blackboard?(必要时用中文解释)学生答后,教师便说:Yes, it’s a flower.引出单词flower,学说flower.b.给学生口令Show me your crayon.学生静听并做出相应的动作,让动作反应最快的那位学生到黑板前,继续给出口令Colour the flower red,引导学生去涂色。引出flower一词,让学生跟读。

c.依次类推,教师再画五朵花,给出指令Colour the flower blue/yellow,学生上黑板示范涂色。

d.根据各种颜色的花,练习巩固单词flower和词组A red/blue/green/puple flower.e.让学生在事先准备好的纸上用彩色笔根据教师指令画出不同颜色的花。

f.教师把学生的画贴在黑板上展示,并说A blue flower.A red one.A yellow one„然后教师瞪大眼睛用惊奇的神情说:Wow! Flower!学说短语和感叹词。

(2)利用多媒体课件展示整个故事。 a.先展示前四幅画,提出要求,让学生听故事并复述对话框的内容。教师用故事情节的录像作提示。



3、趣味操练(Practise) Let’s paint (1) 让学生打开课本至26页,让学生看小丑头像,教师说右侧的口令,学生涂色。 (2)展示学生涂好的头像。描述小丑的五官:A yellow face.A green nose.Two blue eyes.A red mouth.Two purple ears.

4、课堂评价(Aement) 可结合《金牌学练考》进行课堂练习

5、课外活动(Add-activities) 鼓励学生上美术课时运用所学的。


一、教学内容 Let’s talk 本部分让学生如何回答How are you?的另外两种回答方式:I’m fine/Very well, thanks.以及短句Let’s paint与回答OK/Great! Let’s play 本部分通过的活动,让学生大量的练习与运用课本中的会话。





1、复习/热身(Warming-up) (1) 以师生对唱或生生对唱的形式,表演唱“How are you?” 教师板书新句型I’m fine, I’m fine, thank you, thank you very much.着重唱此句型。 (2) 日常口语练习3-5分钟。

3、新课导入(Presentation) (1)教师与学生进行日常问候Hello/Good morning!„中,引出教师的问句How are you?学生答Fine, thank you教师启发学生反问How are you?这时教师答:I’m fine, thank you.(手指板书)从而引出新的回答方式。

(2) 教师与别的同学重复上述对话,教师可以用表情和身体语言帮助学生理解I’m fine, thank you.带学生模仿fine的发音,教师可夸大口型,帮助区分[m]和[n]的不同

(3) 用同样方法引出Very well, thanks.(4)跟读、模仿Very well, thanks.的发音,注意学生对very和tnanks的发音。

3、趣味操练(Practice) 让学生按Let’s play中的方式进行击掌问候。要求其回答方式不能与前一位同学相同。

4、新课导入(Presentation) (1)教师与学生表演Let’s talk中的对话。用水彩笔和小丑画像引出教师的邀请Let’s paint,引导学生回答OK/Great!教师与学生共同完成小丑身体某一部分的涂色。教师可多叫几个学生来涂色,使学生理解Let’s paint! OK/Great的含义。

(2) 打开书,跟读录音,学说整个对话。

5、趣味操练(Practice) 让学生利用已学的会话,根据挂图提示,在小组中自由编对话,然后在全体同学前进行表演。

6、课堂评价(aement) 可结合练习册进行课堂练习,如:Listen and number.

7、课外活动(Add-activities) 运用的对话,练习向别人问好以及如何回答。



1、Let’s learn 继续学习有关颜色的单词black white pink orange brown.

2、Let’s do 让学生听懂一些简单的指示语,如:Black, black.Stand up.Pink, pink.Sit down.等,并按照指令做出相应的动作,鼓励学生自创个人喜欢的新口令。

3、Let’t check 通过听力练习,检查学生对本单元所学内容掌握的情况。

二、教学准备 教师准备好与本课时教学有关的颜色的实物、颜色卡片和颜色转盘。


1、复习/热身(Revision/Warming-up) (1)师生自由对话,复习上一课的对话内容。如:How are you? I’m fine, thank you.How are you? Very well, thanks.(2)游戏“Simon says”来复习指令如:Touch your head.Stand up.Sit down.(这两句在课前的师生问好中应要求学生学会)等。

2、新课导入(Presentation) (1)教师将颜色blue green yellow red purple的蜡笔藏在讲台里,选一支藏在身后,让学生猜猜教师藏的是什么颜色的蜡笔。最后教师藏一支黑色的蜡笔,在学生用英语猜不出的情况下,呈现蜡笔,引出新单词black。学说单词black (2)利用蜡笔学习其他四种颜色white pink orange brown black (3)听录音,跟读单词,学生指出单词。

3、趣味操练(Practice) (1)教师准备好转盘并转动转盘,请学生猜猜转盘停止转动后的颜色。如果转到的颜色与所说颜色一致的同学,则可得到与该颜色一致的花形卡片。 (2)继续游戏,尽量让所有学生胸前都有花。

(3)在自己的胸前贴上一朵黑色的花形卡片并给口令Black,black.Stand up.然后示范做站起来的动作,让颜色相同的学生跟随做相同的动作。依次类推,边说边做Let’s do部分的活动。


4、课堂评价(Aement) 做Let’s check的练习,让学生根据听到的句子,圈出相应的图A或B。





1、Culture (C部分)复习所学颜色。

2、Let’s chant..通过有节奏、有韵律的歌谣进一步复习和巩固本单元所学的单 词。掌握新句型I can see a rainbow的学说,为唱歌做准备。

3、Let’s sing(C部分)学唱歌曲Colour Song







1、复习/热身(warming-up) (1) 生生或小组复习问候语。

(2) 利用水彩笔,复习颜色单词。然后出示颜色单词,请学生辨认单词。


(1) 教师用课件出示各种颜色的彩旗,引出单词flag,学说flag.教师示范介绍其中某一面彩旗Look at this flag.It’s red.引导学生描述其他的彩旗It’s green/pink/yellow„

(2) 教师拿着中国国旗说:Look at my flag.It’s red and yellow.学生学说:It’s red and yellow.然后教师介绍含有三种颜色的英国国旗This is an English flag.学说It’s red white and blue.(3) 学生说说自己准备的旗子的颜色My flag is white and red„

3、趣味操练(Practice) (1)操练chant a.课件出示各种颜色的小球,引出ball一词并学说ball.b.将小球按内容中的顺序排好,学唱chant中的内容。最后出示彩虹图教师说:I can see a rainbow.What about you? (必要时用中文解释)启发学生回答:Me too.c.教师点对应颜色的小球或彩虹,学生齐说chant.(2)听Colour song录音,教学这首歌曲。可以分男女、小组等来表演。


4、课堂评价(Aement) 完成练习册中所有内容。

5、补充活动(Add-activities) 课外运用本单元所学的会话。

Unit 3 Look at Me 教学目标:

1、能听懂,会说Good morning! Good afternoon! Hello./ Hi.This is...Nice to meet you…,

2、能够听说,认读head ,ear ,nose ,face ,mouth ,body ,arm ,hand ,finger ,leg ,foot,并能用英语介绍身体部位。


新单词head, ear, eye, nose, face, mouth, body, arm, hand, finger, leg, foot.教学难点:

Good morning! Good afternoon! Hello./ Hi.This is...Nice to meet you.Let’s go to school.在实际情景中进行运用。 教学准备:

1、制作Chen Jie,Mike,Wu Yifan,Sarch, Zip和Zoom的头饰。


准备head, ear, eye, nose, face, mouth, body, arm, hand, finger, leg, foot卡片。

3、为Let’s play 准备所需头饰。




录音机、磁带。 课时安排:六课时 第一课时

一.教学内容 1.Let\'s talk 本部分主要是通过情景会话,让学生学习早上(上午)问候语及介绍人物用语,并且在实际情景和生活中自然运用。 2.Let\'s play 本部分的游戏设计是为了练习和运用所学的 Let\'s talk部分的内容,提供给学生一个实际运用语言的机会。此外,教师还可以根据实际情况多设计一些游戏活动。 二.教学准备

1.Chen Jie, Mike, Wu Yifan, Sarah, Zip 和Zoom 的头饰。

2.为Let\'s play 准备所需要的Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Snoopy的卡通头饰。 3.准备一个画有眼、嘴、鼻的卡通苹果头饰。



1.热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)



(3)请学生使用自己的英文名字分别表演第一单元 A、B两个部分 Let\'s talk 中的对话。

2.新课展示 (Presentation)

(1)教师在黑板上画一个升起的太阳,并在旁边 标上8:00am。教“Good morning.\",然后教师用学生的英文名字同他们打招呼,要求学生用“Good morning, Mi / Mr.....” 来回答。

(2)教师向学生打招呼:Good morning.I\'m Mi / Mr.....What\'s your name? 学生回答: My name\'s ....教师主动同学生握手,说:Nice to meet you. (3)学生跟读、模仿Nice to meet you.注意学生nice 的发音。 (4)请一个学生到讲台前同教师进行对话。 T: Good morning.What\'s your name? P1: My name\'s .... T: Nice to meet you.

然后向全班同学介绍: This is ....(5)教师通过第一单元的Let\'s chant中的内容 I\'m going to school.引出Let\'s go to school.教师自己背着学生的书包,邀请一个学生背着自己的书包上讲台,模拟上学的情景,教师牵着学生的手,指着学校的图片说:“Let\'s go to school.\" 引导学生说“OK”

(6)学生跟读、模仿Let\'s go to school.

(7)听录音、放投影或通过录像、VCD来展示Let\'s talk部分的教学内容。 3.趣味操练( Practice)


T: Good morning.What\'s your name? P1: My name\'s Mi / Mr.Apple. T: Nice to meet you.

找学生替换教师,熟练后用真实的英文名字代替Mi / Mr.Apple。

(2)学生两人一组上讲台,其中一个同学选择Chen Jie, Mike, Wu Yifan, Sarah, Zip 或Zoom 的头饰戴上,另一同学介绍:This is ....正确的可以给本组赢得一分。


教师将小球抛给一个同学说:Let\'s go to school.该同学说:OK.再将球抛给另一个同学,接着说:Let\'s go to school.以此类推。

(4)教师通过提供学生所熟悉的卡通人物的头饰,如Snoopy, Minnie, Mickey, Donald 的头饰来表演Let\'s play中的游戏。教师对每个人物都只用This is ....介绍一次,依此训练学生的记忆力。游戏开始,一边放音乐,一边传小球,小球传到谁的手里,谁就要介绍卡通人物,他的下一个同学就要用:Hello! Nice to meet you.来问候这位卡通人物。 4.课堂评价(Aement)



(1)听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。 (2)早上遇到老师时,要用Good morning! 打招呼。

(3)会用This is ....来介绍自己的老师、朋友和家长。


一. 教学内容 1.Let\'s learn 本部分主要学习关于头部各部位的单词:head, ear, eye,nose, face, mouth。 2 Let\'s do 本部分是通过TPR活动练习并运用所学的词汇。


1. 教师准备head, ear, eye, nose, face, mouth的卡片(词卡和图卡)。 2. 教师准备John, Chen Jie, Mike, Zoom 的头饰。 3.

教师准备Let\'s do 中的有关动作的图卡。


1.热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)

(1)复习第一单元中Let\'s chant部分的内容,全班边拍手边有节奏地跟着录音吟唱。 (2)学生三人一组,戴上John, Chen Jie, Mike的头饰表演本课A部分Let\'s talk 的对话。


(1)教师戴上Zoom 的头饰,说:Good morning! / Hello! / Hi! I\'m Zoom.Look at me.并指着自己的头介绍:This is my head.同样依次介绍:face, ear, eye, nose, mouth。让学生注意下面单词划线字母的发音:head, nose ,mouth.以及ear, eye 指的是耳朵和眼睛。

(2)教师可借助动作和表情,比如,指着自己的头说:my head,指着学生的头说:your head。再通过 my face, your face; my book, your book 等让学生领会my, your 的意思。

(3)教师可通过动作教“touch”。比如,摸自己的头说:Touch my head.摸学生的头说:Touch your head. (4)让学生听录音,跟读Let\'s learn部分的词汇并要求学生指着自己头部相应的部位,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”。 3.趣味操练( Practice)

(1)教师将表示头部部位的图片和单词卡片举起,带读,让学生跟读练习。 (2)配对游戏:将学生分为两大组,选一个同学作教师,每一组派一个选手,听指令,如mouth,则一组的同学找表示口部部位的图片,另一组的同学找相应的单词卡片,谁快则是胜利者。 3)游戏:画鼻子

教师在黑板上画一个缺鼻子的脸谱,让学生蒙住眼睛,画鼻子,其他同学一起说:nose ,nose。也可画头部其他的部位。

(4)教师摸头部的不同部位,要求学生说相应的指令。 (5)让学生听录音,边说边做Let\'s do 部分的活动。

(6)教师使用Let\'s do的动作图片,请一个同学上讲台看图片,然后根据图片做动作,下面的同学要说出图片上画的是什么指令。说对的可为本组赢一分。


把学生分成两组站成两行。教师向每组的第一个学生耳语一个指令,如Touch your head.每组的第一个学生又依次向组里的第二个学生耳语这个指令。每行最后一个学生快步跑到讲台根据指令做动作,谁又快又正确将为他们组赢一分。然后,每组的第一个学生站到每组的队尾。 (8)看动作,下指令(Look and tell) 教师站在全班同学的最后,使学生都不能看到教师。请班里的一个学生来到教室前面,面向教师和全体学生。教师做一个动作,这个学生观察教师的动作,并且用英语指示班里的其他学生做同样的动作。做错动作的同学退出游戏,完成后这个同学坐下,然后另外一个同学到教室的前面继续进行以上的活动。 4.课堂评价(Aement)

做活动手册本单元第2部分练习。在做此练习前,教师可以让学生说说图上的动作并且告诉学生做的方法。如果录音中内容和图上相符的在笑脸上打勾,如果不符的在哭脸上打勾。方法与步骤可参考第一单元。 5.课外活动( Add-activities) (1)听录音,仿读句子。



一. 教学内容 1.Let\'s draw 本部分是要求学生根据单词所示的位置画出相应的脸部五官图,主要是检测学生用所学语言独立做事情的能力。 2.Let\'s sing 本部分是学生们跳绳时唱的一首儿歌。两个学生摇绳,第三个学生跳入。其他学生唱这首儿歌,第三个学生做下列动作(touch your nose, turn around, touch your head, touch the ground),然后跳出,轮到下一位学生做这个游戏。 二.教学准备 1.教师准备一根跳绳和六个Teddy Bear 的头饰。 2.教师准备头部各个部位的图片和单词卡片。


1.热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)

(1)教师将头部各个部位的图片的背面给学生看,让学生猜是哪个部位,以此复习单词。 (2)将学生分为两组,每组派一个代表上讲台,教师给学生发指令,如Touch your head.谁的动作又快又准谁就是胜利者,待熟悉后也可选一位学生代替教师。 2.新课展示(Presentation)

(1)教师说:Turn around, 同时做两遍动作。 (2)教师重复指令,让学生和教师一起做动作。 (3)教师用同样的方法介绍 Touch the ground. (4)请学生跟读”Turn around.”和”Touch the ground.\" 3.趣味操练(Practice)

(1) 请一名学生上讲台,让他(她)听指令,同时做两个动作,如

Touch your head.和Touch the ground.正确的可给予鼓励,并请他做小老师继续活动。(要考虑到同时动作的安全性。)

(2) 教师用Teddy Bear的头饰介绍Teddy Bear。

(3) 让学生听Let\'s sing 录音,拍手并有节奏的一起唱。

(4)请八位同学上讲台,两个学生摇绳,其他六人戴Teddy Bear的头饰,当第三个学生跳入时,其他所有学生唱这首歌曲,第三个学生做以下动作(touch your nose, turn around, touch your head, touch the ground),然后跳出,轮到下一位同学。谁的动作不正确或没跳过,则要罚下摇绳,轮流游戏。学生熟练后,可让他们自由发挥,将上一节课所教的指令都替换到歌词中,编成新歌,继续游戏。

(5)听一听,画一画:Let\'s draw 让学生听录音,并画出头部的各个部位,然后将所画的图与单词连线。

4.课堂评价(Aement) 做活动手册本单元第3部分练习。本课的练习是让学生画出动物身体上所缺的部分。方法和步骤参考第一单元。 5.课外活动(Add-activities)

在课外玩跳绳游戏,要求学生边跳边唱“Teddy Bear\"的歌曲或听歌曲录音,边听边拍手歌唱。


小学英语教案《How Do You Go to School?》教学设计模板Book 4 Leon 16:How Do You Go to School? 石家庄市维明路小学 刘云峰


本课是冀教版小学英语(三年级起始版)第四册第三单元(All about me)的第4个新授课,Leon16:How do you go to school? 经过一年半的学习,四年级下学期孩子们学习的重点逐渐过渡到各种基本句型。本单元前面三课分别学习了关于年龄、身高、住处的句子,本课教材以How do you go to school?为切入点,重点学习关于出行方式的交流:询问别人、介绍自己的出行方式。


孩子们经过一年半的学习,基本了解了字母:26个字母及常见字母组合的发音规则,词汇的学习方法:单词音形意用的结合、音节、重音及不同词类(名、动、数、形、冠等)的用法特点,初步体会英语句子的语序与汉语的不同,但对于句子结构及变化还比较陌生。本课内容对于孩子们来说并不陌生,Book3 L16已学习过四种出行方式by bus, by car, by bike, by taxi和句子:How do you go to school? I go to school by ____? 另一种出行方式on foot /walk,dives me及选择此种出行方式的原因表述学生相对陌生。但我校学生学习英语较早,一二年级有了两年的口语学习,还有近1/3有课外学习经历或正在进行,这些内容对于他们可能都不陌生。 基于以上分析,本课时目标制定如下。


1、知识技能目标: A.学生能够运用所学句型Do you walk to school? How do you go to school? I go to ___ by___ / on foot...询问、表达适合自己的出行方式。

B.学生知道句子的变化是和人称有关系的,并能尝试运用所学句子介绍和询问他人的出行方式:Does he/she walk to school? How dooes he/she go to school? He/she goes to school by___ / on foot...




学生知道句子的变化是有规律可循的,并引导尝试找出这些规律: A.和人称变化的关系; B.不同句式之间的关系等。



通过寻找句子规律及了解不同人们的出行方式,引导学生体会英语学习是有规律可循的,Englishi is easy! 及交流开阔自己的眼界English is fun!


1、教学重点:学生能够运用所学句型Do you walk to school? How do you go to school? I go to ___ by___ / on foot...询问、表达适合自己的出行方式。

2、教学难点:学生知道句子的变化是和人称有关系的,并能尝试运用所学句子介绍和询问他人的出行方式:Does he/she walk to school? How does he/she go to school? He/she goes to school by___ / on foot...

五、预习作业:(Choose 1.Read N1 and fill in the blanks.(☆☆☆☆)

How do they go to school? Why?(为什么) Kim





2.Where do you live ? Is it far or near your school?Do you walk to school?(☆☆☆) 3.Where do you like to go on weekends? 3 sentences.(☆☆☆)

六、教学过程: Cla Opening I.Revision: a. Group to group.What do you like to do on weekends? Where do you like to go on weekends? b.Free talk between the teacher and children T: Where do you live ? Is it far or near your school?Do you walk to school? How do you go to school? Ss: „

New Concepts I.N1 and N2.T:Do you know how Kim, Jenny, Steven and Danny go to school? 板书:school

1.Read N1 in pairs and learn the words and sentences the students don’t know.2.Role play between T and Ss. (1) T-Kim, Ss-Danny.T: Kim, do you walk to school? 板书: Do I /you walk to school.? Ss: Yes, I walk to school./I go to school on foot.板书:Do I /you go to school on foot ? T: Why? Ss: I live near the school.(2) Ss-Danny, T-Kim.Ss: How do you go to school, Kim? 板书:How Do I /you walk to school.? T: I live near the school.So I walk to school.So I go to school on foot(3) So: I live far from school.So I go to school by bus. I ‘m hungry.So I want to eat.„

(4)Chant: How do you go to school.On foot, on foot./ Walk, walk.3.Learn about P2-4.II.How does he/she go to school? 1.Try to find.T: How does Kim go to school? She goes to school on foot /walks to school.How does Jenny go to school? She goes to school by bus.She lives far from school.How does Steven go to school? He goes to school by car.Hia dad drives him.How does Danny go to school? He goes to school by bike.He rides his bike.板书:Does he/she walk to school? He/she goes to school by___ / on foot...比较,找规律。 Tip: 除了“你和我”,“一个”不放过,“动”就加s/es,“do”替不重复!

2.Practice in pairs. How does he/she go to school? Why?(为什么) Kim





3.How do they go to school? 图片山区孩子、牧民(草原)、江南居民及西方 Cla Closing I.Make a survey and share.(☆☆☆)

How does he/she go to school? Why? Where do you want to go„? Kim


II.What do you like to do on weekends? 3 sentences.(☆☆☆)

2015春冀教版英语四下《Leon 13 How Old Are You》ppt课件4 课堂导入:(leonlook) 我们都有生日,他们是很特别的 日子,让我们听一听,告诉他人目前 为止我们有过多少生日? How old is Jerry? He is six years old.This is Jerry. 目标揭示:

1、学生能听懂,会说、认读并书写下列词汇 Am、when、birthday.

2、能认读理解,并运用下列基本的句型结构 ----How old are you? I m( )years old.When is your birthday? 问候(Greeting):

现在开始上课( Let’s begin ) How are you,today? Are you ready? New leon

1、I m eleven years old? I m I am =缩写形式 birth day= 出生 天 合成词birthday Name (名字) Age (年龄) (生日)

1.What`s your name? My name is---

2.How old are you? I`m---years old.3.When is your birthday? My birthday is on____.像这样采访本组同学,快速记录下来并上台展示。 Birthday How many birthdays do you have in one year? one is How old is the baby? He is one year old.只有一岁时用 one year old I’m sixty seven years old.How old are you? How old is she? How old are you? I’m ______ years old.say can I birthday October 1983 十月 2 4 星期一 Monday My birthday is on October twenty-fourth.When is your birthday?U3_Leon13_How Old Are You.avi 练习: How old are you? How old is danny? How old is steven? When is your birthday? My birthday is on 月份 / 序数词.say can I 表达年龄句型: How old are you? 主语 be 年龄 years old 一岁时用单数 有时可省略 2.Let’s do it! look at page 35, part 2 make a chart 完成问、答、填表格任务。 Name (名字) Age (年龄) (生日) 1.What`s your name? My name is--- 2.How old are you? I`m---years old.3.When is your birthday? My birthday is on____.像这样采访本组同学,快速记录下来并上台展示。17.unit3_Leon13.mp3 Birthday Listen and answer:

1、How old is Danny? He is eleven years old.

2、How old is Steven? He is ten years old.

3、When is Steven’s birthday? His birthday is on December seventeenth.

4、When is Danny’s birthday? His birthday is on July twenty-fifth.Pairwork(对话练习)Ask your partner about his or her birthday.A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is on _________.A: How old are you? B: I’m ______ years old.What have you learned? 你学会了什么? 总结 1:询问年龄 How old are you? 2:询问生日 When is your birthday? Home Work: Ask your father and mother’s birthday, and remember it.On their birthday, please say happy birthday to them.记下自己父母的生日,当他们生日的时候,别忘了给他们送上生日祝福.Activity book(活动手册) Activity books to page 34.小结: 我们每年都有一个生日。如果你已经过了11 个生日,那么你11 岁了。明年你又会过一个生日。明年你就几岁了?
