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Life on Mars Checkout Teaching aims: To review key vocabulary and programmer items taught in this unit.

To give students the opportunity to practice the programmer and vocabulary items,and to gain confidence through doing so .To allow students to check their progre and ask any questions they may still have.Teaching importance To review key vocabulary and programmer items taught in this unit. Teaching difficulties:

To allow students to check their progre and ask any questions they may still have.Teaching aids: Multi-Media Teaching procedures: Step 1:Revision Revise the use of can, could ,may, might and object clause.Step2:Exercise 1.Explain the context of Part A.Simon is dreaming about going into space.2.Ask students to read through the text .Then ask them to complete the sentences using the grammar items learnt in the unit.Step 3:Revision Revise the vocabulary in the unit.Step4:Exercise

1.Tell the students that in Part B they have to rearrange the letters to form words.2.Ask the students to unscramble as many words as they can without looking at the previous pages.When they have done as much as they can ,ask them to refer to the Vocabulary section on page 8 for extra help.3.Ask students to volunteer answers.

Ask another student to write the words on the board as they are read out.Students

then write their scores in the paw.Step 5 Homework 1.Ricite the context of this unit .2 Draw a picture of what you think an alien looks like.And then write a guide to living on Mars in 2100.


第一课、诗两首 我爱这土地 [教学目标] 1.能有感情地诵读诗歌,感受本诗的节奏,理解体味本诗的意境和深刻的意蕴。 2.赏析诗歌富有表现力的诗句,把握诗歌的象征手法及巧妙的抒情方式。 [相关资料] 1.作者介绍

艾青:1910—1996原名蒋海澄,浙江金华人,现代诗人;主要诗集有:《大堰河》《旷野》《火把》《欢呼集》《春天》《归来的歌》《艾青诗选》《艾青短诗选》等等。 2.时代背景

《我爱这土地》写于1938年,当时是抗日战争爆发的初期,东北早已沦丧,华北、华东、华南也已遭日寇铁蹄的践踏,中国人民奋起反抗,进行了不屈不挠的斗争,诗人看到当时的形势,心中充满了对祖国深沉的爱和对侵略者切齿的恨,于是写下了这首慷慨激昂的诗。 [整体感知] 1.语知归类

①生字注音艾ài嘶sī哑yǎ ②词语积累

嘶哑:声音沙哑。汹涌:水猛烈地向上或向前翻滚。 2.理清思路文章层次如下:

第一节:用一只鸟儿生死眷恋土地作比喻,表达诗人对祖国的挚爱。 第二节:直抒胸臆,表明作者真挚、炽热的爱国之心。 3.讨论解惑

①“假如我是一只鸟,/我也应该用嘶哑的喉咙歌唱”,这两行诗作为《我爱这土地》的开头,为全诗定下了怎样的基调? 从四个歌唱对象前面的修饰词语看来,它们都是长期遭受风雨打击、悲愤满怀、奋力抗争的形象,与下文鸟儿献身于土地的精神正相吻合,这就强化了诗人所要表现的“爱土地”“爱祖国”的主题。 ②诗人用写实和象征的手法,描绘了一组鲜明的诗歌意象,分别赋予“大地”“河流”“风”“黎明”怎样不同的象征和暗示意味?


③作者通过写鸟儿对土地的痴情,表达作者怎样的感情?如何理解“然后我死了/连羽毛也腐烂在土地里面”?表达作者愿为祖**亲奉献一切的赤子衷情。 ④《我爱这土地》的第二节与第一节有着怎样的联系? 如果说第一节是对“爱土地(祖国)”主题的抒情性的铺陈描述,第二节短小精悍的两行则可看作是对主题的高度凝练的概括。 ⑤这首诗在写作上有何艺术特色?

首先意象内涵丰富,象征手法恰当。其次抒情方式巧妙,感情表达分层强化。运用比喻借物抒情,这是抒情方式的巧妙;又用一系列描摹土地、河流等景观的长句,加上一系列的修饰语,这是第三层强化。 [课堂小结] 本节课主要弄清以下三点:①理解本诗作者所表达的强烈的爱国热情;②理解体味本诗的意境和深刻的意蕴;③把握诗歌的象征手法及巧妙的抒情方式。 乡愁

学习目标:以诵读为基础,介绍几种赏析,重在学生自己的感悟和理解。 重难点:对诗歌的理解 教学方法;诵读法 教学过程:





(1)阅读《乡愁》,首先呈现给读者的是四幅鲜明而又具体的生活画面。 第一小节:幼年求学,母子分离,借书信以慰别情; 第二小节:成年后,告别新婚妻子,离乡背井,天各一方;

第三小节:生离死别,母子不得相见;第四小节:同胞难得相聚,国家不能统一。 同时,读者可以感受到作者浓郁而又强烈的感情,诗人的乡思之愁不是直白地说出来的,而是通过联想、想象,塑造了四幅生活艺术形象,使之呈现在读者眼前。作者把对母亲、妻子、祖国的思念、眷念之情熔于一炉,表达出渴望亲人团聚、国家统一的强烈愿望。











一是“小小的邮票”,它象征着作者少年时代乡愁的骨肉之情。母亲牵挂儿子,儿子想念母亲。 二是“一张窄窄的船票”,它象征着作者青年时代乡愁的恋人之情。这是青年男女之间的思恋和向往。

三是“一方矮矮的坟墓”,它象征着作者中年时代乡愁的生死之情。这是一种只能埋于心底、无法在两者之间传递的刻骨铭心的思念。墓里墓外虽只有咫尺,然而却又是那么遥远。 四是“一湾浅浅的海峡”,它象征着作者晚年时代乡愁的故国之情。海峡虽然“浅浅”,但是故国之情却是深不可测。而且,作者的情感是层层深入、步步递进,它绵远深长、回味不尽。作者“乡愁”的内涵和境界,随着自己的成熟和时代的发展,得到不断的深化和提升,从个人和家庭的亲情,扩展到海峡两岸的爱国之情。这就使“乡愁”具有了鲜明的时代色彩。




第二课、我用残损的手掌 教学目标

1.了解戴望舒及其诗歌创作。2.理解诗中的艺术形象,把握诗歌的感情线索。3.感情背诵本诗。 能力目标


3.培养学生解读诗歌意象的能力。 教学方法



3.研讨点拨法用于对诗歌对比手法的运用及其表达效果的分析,深层把握诗歌主题。教学过程 [教学步骤]

一、戴望舒(1905~1950),原名戴梦鸥。浙江杭县人。诗集有《我的记忆》《望舒草》《望舒诗稿》和《灾难的岁月》。早年诗歌多写个人的孤寂心境,感伤气息较重,因受西方象征派的影响,意象朦胧、含蓄。后期诗歌表现了热爱祖国、憎恨侵略者的强烈感情。 《我用残损的手掌》作于1942年?月3日,是诗人在侵略者的铁窗下献给祖国的歌。



锦幛(zhàng)荇藻(xìngzǎo)蓬蒿(Pénghāo)憔悴(qiáocuì):形容人瘦弱,面色不好看。 蝼蚁(lóuyī):“蝼蛄和蚂蚁,用来代表微小的生物,比喻力量薄弱或地位低微的人。 2.教师感情诵读,学生体会诗人的情感。

提示:这首诗语言口语化,押韵灵活错综,读起来有一种沉郁顿挫的音乐感.很确切地表现了诗人的情怀。诵读中要注意体会停顿和重音。 3.学生自由诵读,整体感知诗意。

思考:(1)诗歌从内容上分为两部分。每部分抒发了诗人怎样的情感? (2)体会诗人用“残损的手掌”“摸索”祖国土地时的种种感觉,说说诗人内心深处情感的变化起伏。



(2)诗人先是凄楚忧愤,转而热切期盼,对解放区寄予了民族复兴的希望。消极的、冷色调的前半部分与积极的、暖色调的后半部分形成明显对比,使作者的感情倾向更加鲜明。 4.学生集体朗读,整体领悟诗意。

四、精彩赏析,理解艺术形象 1.学生配乐诵读全诗.合作研讨:


(2)这首诗描写的对象很多,而读起来却不觉芜杂,这是为什么? (3)诗歌两部分的写法各异,试作简要分析。

(1)积极的、暖色调的词语如:新生、辽远、温暖、明亮、坚固、蓬勃、永恒…… 消极的、冷色调的词语如:残损、冷、彻骨、寂寞、憔悴、阴暗…… 诗人之所以这样用这些词语,是为了更好地表达内心深处的爱与恨。


(3)描写沦陷区,从实处着笔,用一幅幅富有特征的小画缀连;描写解放区,侧重写意,用挚爱和柔情抚摸,加之一连串亲切温馨气息的比喻,凸现和煦明媚的色彩。 2.学生熟读背诵全诗,深层领会诗中艺术形象的内涵。 3.拓展延伸。



第三课、祖国啊,我亲爱的祖国 教学目的


2.理解诗中蕴涵和象征的社会内容,体会意象运用的特点。3.初步学会欣赏诗歌的情感美、节奏美、含蓄美、意境美。4.学习借鉴诗歌思维和语言技巧。 教学方法


2.研究评析欣赏法。3.当代诗艺欣赏讲座法。 教学步骤
























第四课、外国诗两首 教学目标

1.理解诗中的艺术形象,感受诗人的爱国思乡情怀。 2.品味诗歌语言,展开丰富的联想和想象,体会诗歌的内涵。 3.体会诗歌或平实中见真情,或深邃中显自豪的特点。 教学重点

1.了解诗歌的深厚文化背景。2.理解诗中的艺术形象及诗人由此抒发的思想情感。 教学难点

由于民族文化背景不同,准确地把握诗人的意念和情绪并深入诗中的意境。 教学方法

1.诵读法教师通过多种形式引导学生反复诵读,体会诗歌的内容及其形式特点。 2.合作研讨法休斯的诗意象凝练、表意深刻。《黑人谈河流》中“河流”意象以及以夸张手法回顾历史等,可引导学生合作研讨,加深认识和体会。 教学过程 [教学步骤] 1.密哈依尔•莱蒙托夫(1814~1841)十九世纪俄国继普希金之后的伟大诗人。十四岁开始写诗,1837年他为普希金因决斗而死写的《诗人之死》一诗名震文坛。由于反抗专制统治,因此屡遭流放和入狱,最后死于预谋的决斗,年仅二十七岁。





休斯的创作植根于美国黑人生活,对他们痛苦生活给予同情,讴歌他们美好的情感,颂扬了他们源远流长的文化传统。诗歌的主题思想有积极的社会意义,休斯创造性地把黑人民歌艺术引进诗歌创作,吸收了黑人爵士音乐和布鲁斯民歌的形式和手法,形成了轻松活泼豪迈奔放的风格,对美国黑人诗歌的发展具有深远的影响。 研读《祖国》



2.学生自由诵读,认真思考:从诗歌内容看,诗人对祖国奇异的“爱情”指什么? 教师点拨、明确:


3.思考:《祖国》一诗充分显示了诗人在描摹自然景物上的卓越才能。诗中构置了哪些充满浓郁诗意的画画?诗人对俄罗斯山河风景和人民生活热烈讴歌。冷漠沉静的草原,随风晃动的森林,奔腾的激流,村间的小路,苍黄的田野,闪光的白桦,苍茫的夜色,颤抖的灯光,远近相映、声色兼备,把俄罗斯山河的雄壮之美和秀丽之美交织在一起,构成一幅绚丽变幻而朦胧流动的画面。打谷场丘堆满丰收的谷物,农家茅舍覆盖着稻草,小窗上的浮雕窗板,更有节日夜晚,农人醉酒笑谈、尽情舞蹈的场面,恰似一幅绝妙的民俗图,洋溢着俄罗斯的生活气息。 4.合作研讨:




教师提示:这首诗在语言结构上。长句、短句互相交错,参差跌宕;四个排比句,上半句结构相似,下半句发生变化。均不相同。这样的变化既有涛行结构整齐均衡的一面,又不失之呆滞化一;既有诗行形式上的跳跃,又不失节奏上的宫商之声。 2.学生合作研讨:





第五课、孔乙己 【教学目的】



(三)了解小说精巧的布局, 教学重点


教学难点:结合时代背景,深层领会小说的思想意义。 课时安排:3课时 【教学步骤】













〔提问〕:咸亨酒店喝酒的人有哪几种类型,各有什么特点?“短”和“长”,“外”和“里”,“站”和“坐”等对立词语反映了什么?反映了等级森严,贫富悬殊,阶级对立。(补充板书:鲜明的阶级对立。) “踱”写出了长衫主顾趾高气扬、悠闲自得的神情;“要酒要菜,慢慢坐喝”写出他们有钱有势还有闲。



〔提问〕:掌柜对长衫客、短衣帮以及小伙计态度上有何不同?这说明掌柜是怎样的人? 明确:掌柜对长衫客:极力逢迎,恭敬侍候对短衣帮:不讲情义,恣意剥削对小伙计:凶狠无情。说明掌柜虚伪、势利、冷酷,媚富欺贫,唯利是图。 〔提问〕:小伙计所管职务和所处环境使人有什么感觉?







〔提问〕:孔乙己说话为什么“满口之乎者也”,教人半懂不懂?他的绰号的由来说明了什么? 明确:“满口之乎者也”为的是显示他“很有学问”,说明他长期受封建文化教育的熏陶中毒之深,迂腐之至。而别人从描红纸上“上大人孔乙己”这半懂不懂的话里替他取绰号正是对孔乙己这种欲上不能、欲下不甘的迂腐性格的强烈讽刺与揶揄。动作:“排出九文大钱”,一个“排”字表现出对只花四文钱的短衣帮的得意而炫耀的神情。逼得他“青筋条条绽出”睁大眼睛,进行争辩。一个“绽”字活画出他的窘迫尴尬、又羞又恼的神态。争辩理由是“窃书不能算偷”,“窃”和“偷”本是同义词,只有口语与文言的区别,他企图故作斯文,为自己开脱,反而落得哄堂大笑,这反映他死要面子、自欺欺人,不敢正视现实的性格,也反映了他的自命清高,迂腐穷酸。“不屑置辩”,含蔑视意,认为不值得一辩。酒客追问击中要害,“连半个秀才也捞不到”,这在他是终生耻辱,一提此事,犹如揭了他的癞疮疤,所以“颓唐不安”,足见封建教育之毒已浸透他的灵魂。孔乙己的悲剧正源于此。

〔提问〕:孔乙己教小伙计写“茴”字和给小孩吃茴香豆表现了孔乙己什么性格特点? 明确:迂腐不堪,中毒甚深。善良诚恳。麻木不仁。



其次是别人对孔乙己的取笑,要做阶级分析。掌柜是剥削阶级人物,他对孔乙己的取笑,是对受苦人的玩弄和欺凌。取笑孔乙己的人大多是短衣帮的劳苦大众,按理说应对孔乙己同情,他们的取笑是病态社会的病态心理的反映。封建制度的压迫剥削和毒害,在被压迫者中间,形成了隔膜冷漠心理。麻木,不觉悟,丧失同情心,这一切都是封建制度造成的。 用哄笑来写孔乙己的悲剧,更使人感到封建社会的黑暗、悲凉,更沉重地鞭挞了罪恶的封建制度,并“揭出病苦,引起疗救的注意”,产生特殊的艺术效果。 结合“理解•分析二”回答


〔提问〕:孔乙己最后一次出场和第一次出场有什么不同?请从肖像、声音、神态、动作几方面加以比较。以上对比,说明了封建制度不但戕害了他的思想,而且摧残了他的肉体。孔乙己已经不成样子,周围的人们仍对他取笑,这反映了人们的冷漠无情、麻木不仁。 概括中心思想:《孔乙己》这篇小说,塑造了一个受封建科举制度摧残致于毁灭的旧知识分子的典型,揭示并控诉了封建制度人吃人的罪恶本质。

第六课、蒲柳人家(节选) 教学目标

1.理解、积累“隐匿、荣膺、一气呵成、妙手回春、如坐针毡、芒刺在背”等词语。 2.了解刘绍棠及其充满浓郁民族风格和审美情趣的乡土文学创作。进一步理解小说多样化的艺术风格。

3.了解20世纪30年代京东北运河岸上农村的世态人情与精神风貌。欣赏文中刻画的鲜明、丰满的人物形象。 教学方法

1.诵读法2.研讨探究法 [教学要点] 诵读,整体感知小说情节场景。深入研讨.把握人物性格,体会艺术表现手法。 [教学步骤]



擀(gǎn)剜(wān)腌赞(āzā)到气(dáo)唿(hū)哨咯(kā)吧呱(gū)呱坠荣膺(yīng):光荣地获得。膺:承受,承当。隐匿(nì)隐藏、躲起来。一气呵成:①比喻文章的气势首尾贯通。②比喻整个工作过程中不间断、不松懈。如坐针毡(zhān):形容坐立不安,像芒和刺扎在背上一样。 影影绰绰(chuò):模模糊糊,不真切。望眼欲穿:形容盼望殷切。 (2).学生深入研读课文,思考:

(1)小说通过充满稚气、机灵顽皮的何满子的眼睛,勾勒了京东北运河边上农民的性格命运。奶奶一丈青大娘和爷爷何大学问是课文的两个主要描写对象。那么,他们两人鲜明的性格特征是什么? (2)作者用了哪些肖像、动作和语言描写来表现人物性格的?请画出有关语句并体会其作用 学生回答,教师相机点拨:

(1)作者以高超的艺术表现手法,生动地刻画了奶奶一丈青大娘和爷爷何大学问的音容笑貌、喜怒悲乐。 3.学生揣摩品味独具魅力的小说语言。


教师引导学生体会,精彩的语句、段可作摘抄和背诵。 深入研读,体会小说的艺术风格

1.学生感情诵读,体会小说浓郁的乡土气息。 2.学生联系阅读体验,合作探究:

《蒲柳人家》是刘绍棠独具风格的乡土文学的代表作。那么,你认为它的民族作风和民族气派体现在哪些方面? 首先,从人物形象来说,小说的人物具有中华民族独有的性格特点和传统美德。


总之,小说充满了浓郁的民族风格和审美情趣,是我国古典文学传统的继承和发扬。 3.学生自由诵读,体会小说的独特魅力。 课堂小结


第七课、变色龙 教学目标: 1.学习通过对话刻画人物性格的方法。2.认识沙俄统治的腐朽黑暗。 教学重点:六次对话刻画奥楚蔑洛夫媚上欺下,看风使舵的性格特征。

教学难点:使学生认识奥楚蔑洛夫媚上欺下,看风使舵的性格特征,理解奥楚蔑洛夫这一人物的深刻的社会意义,深入体会本文是如何运用对话来刻画人物性格的。 教学课时2课时 教学过程: 一.作者介绍

契诃夫(1860—1904)是十九世纪末俄国批判现实主义作家、戏剧家和短篇小说艺术大师。1880年,他进莫斯科大学医学系学习,毕业后在当医生之余从事文学创作。他的早期创作讽刺和揭露了俄国社会官场人物媚上欺下的丑恶面目,写得谐趣横生,发人深思。八十年代中期,他创作了既幽默又富于悲剧性的短篇小说,反映了社会底层人民的被侮辱被损害的不幸生活,具有深刻的思想意义。八十年代下半期,随着社会阶级斗争的日益尖锐,他的创作视野逐渐宽阔,题材愈加丰富,批判性也随之加强。契诃夫一生写了大量的中、短篇小说,其中名篇有《变色龙》、《套中人》、等。剧本有《万尼亚舅舅》等。契诃夫是世界文学中短篇小说的艺术大师,而且是戏剧创作的革新家。 二.写作背景

本篇是契诃夫的早期作品,发表于1884年。1881年,亚历山大二世被谋杀,三世继位,为保安全,沙皇大大加强了警察权力,建立了恐怖的警察统治。 三.重点词语


3浆硬:指用粉浆或米汤浸纱、布使干后发硬发挺。不可写作“僵硬”。4无缘无故:没有一点原因。缘,故,原因。5魁梧:身体强壮高大,注意“魁”和“槐”的区别。6异想天开:形容想入非非不切实际。异,奇异。天开,比喻凭空的,根本没有的事情。7荒唐huāngtáng①思想、言行错误到使人觉得奇怪的程度。②行为放荡、没有节制。着重于极其荒谬,令人难于理解。8洋溢yángyì:多指情绪、气氛充分流露,着重指从内向外流露出来。9伶俐línglì:聪明,灵活。除了有脑筋灵活外,还有乖巧、机警、逗人爱的意思。10恐吓(hè):以要挟的话或手段威胁人;吓唬。 11径自:副词,表示自己直接行动。自顾自,任意地。 四.解题





3、:奥楚蔑洛夫的第二次对话是在什么情况下说的?通过这次对话可以看出此人思想性格的什么特点? 讲解:在有人说了这条狗"好像是席加洛夫将军家的狗"这句话之后.奥楚蔑洛说了这番话。 通过他的这番话可以看出此人:①见风使舵,面目可憎。②专横妄断,面貌可恶。

4、奥楚蔑洛夫的第三次对话是在什么情况下说的?通过这次对话可以看出此人思想性格的什么特点? 讲解:在巡警说了自己"拿得准"这条狗不是将军家的这句话之后,奥楚蔑洛夫说了这番话。 通过他的这番话可以看出此人:①翻手云覆手雨,恬不知耻。②阿诀奉承,奴颜媚骨。

5、奥楚蔑洛夫的第四次对话是在什么情况下说的?通过这次对话可以看出此人思想性格的什么特点? 讲解:在巡警说了"不过也说不定就是将军家的狗……前几天我在将军家院子里看见过这样的一条狗"这些话,有人接着也说"没错儿,将军家的"之后,奥楚蔑洛夫说了这番话。 通过他的这番话可以看出此人:①讨好卖乖巴结逢迎,奴才相十足。②跋雇凶恶,粗野蛮横。

6、奥楚蔑洛夫的第五次对话是在什么情况下说的?通过这次对话可以看出此人思想性格的什么特点? 讲解:在将军家的厨师普洛词尔说了"我们那儿从来没有这样的狗"之后,奥楚蔑洛夫说了这番话的。


7、奥楚蔑洛夫的第六次对话是在什么情况下说的?通过这次对话可以看出此人思想性格的什么特点? 讲解:在将军家的厨师肯定了"这是将军的哥哥的狗"之后,奥楚蔑洛夫说了这番话。 通过他的这些话可以看出此人趋炎附势、奉承逢迎、献媚取宠的奴才本相。

8、普洛词夫带着小狗走了,警官奥楚蔑洛夫所谓"我绝不轻易放过这件事"的故事到此已是结束,而文章为什么还写最后一段?从全文看,奥楚蔑洛夫这个人物思想性格的本质特点包含哪两个方面? 讲解:文章最后一段写奥楚蔑洛夫在离开广场前对赫留金恐吓说:"我早晚要收拾你!"这里突出刻画出这个沙俄警官专横凶狠的丑恶嘴脸。




(三)观众:作家在小说里也含蓄地点出了“观众”的局限。他们也是一些庸俗的小市民,具有愚昧、软弱、迎合强者,随风倒的特点。 二.语言特色:


3、个性化的语言 三.细节描写对于刻画人物的作用





第八课、热爱生命 教学目标:




教学重点、难点:学会欣赏文学作品,感悟人生,培养积极的人生态度,珍爱生命。 教学安排:2课时。 教学步骤:




.快速阅读课文,思考并完成下列问题。 (1)标出生字、词语,查工具书注音释义:



(2)提炼故事主要情节后复述梗概,在复述的基础上进一步梳理故事情节,把握课文内容。 然后分小组讨论下列问题:



饥饿觅食(狼嚎、恐惧、矛盾)──产生幻觉(遇大船,“激动”、麻木)──遇病狼(冷静、沉着)──与狼决斗(超越极限)──战胜病狼 ②文章表达了作者怎样的情感?揭示了什么样的主题?

提示:这是一支弘扬生命的赞歌,我们从文章的字里行间感受作者对人生的积极态度,对生命的珍爱,感受到生命本身那巨大的潜能,这种能量让你不管面对什么,哪怕是吞噬你的荒野、野兽,折磨你的饥饿、疾病,你都能勇敢地战胜它们。生命永远与我们同在! 小说之所以产生了如此震撼人心的力量,在于人物形象的塑造,课文通过“他”的经历,向我们展示了一幅幅生命垂危者求生的画面,那么,是什么促使他如此顽强?在塑造这一人物时作者主要采用了哪些描写方法? 1.共同赏析精彩片段。





(2)人和病狼最后较量的情节是小说最为精彩的场面,也是高潮部分,可齐读最后两段: 在这部分中,写到了他的感受,突出了心理活动,生动形象地描写了人与狼搏斗的动作、过程。哪些词语或句子用得最精彩?一个濒临死亡的人最后为什么能战胜狼呢?



2.学生自由解读其他部分,感悟生命:找出自己感悟较深或留下深刻印象的地方,谈认识,谈感受,体会这样写的作用。重点从人物心理、动作、细节描写等方面进行赏析。 建议:如果学生基础较差,教师还可以作进一步的提示、指导,如成功的心理描写是小说的一大特色,可指导学生探究:作者对“他”的内心世界进行了怎样的刻画,表现出了人物哪些性格特点?








第九课、谈生命 教学目标

1.反复朗读课文,理清行文思路,理解文章主旨。理解作者对生命的本质的认识。 2.体会文章景、情、理和谐相融的意境,感受文章的意境美、哲理美、语言美。 教学重点难点

1.激发学生的联想和想象,感受文中鲜活的形象。2.揣摩文章重要的语句或段落,理解其哲理意蕴。 教学过程 1.理清行文思路


第二层:从“生命像向东流的一江春水”到“也不敢信来生”。描写生命像春水东流的状况。 第三层:从“生命又像一棵小树”到“也不敢信来生”。描写生命像一棵小树成长和衰亡的状况。 第四层:从“宇宙是一个大生命”到结尾,总结上文。抒发感想,阐发哲理。 2.精读课文,把握文意




(3)最后一层在全文结构和表达主题方面起什么作用? 明确:(1)“生命是什么”涉及生命本质的终极回答,而“生命像什么”是文学性的表述—借助通俗易懂的比喻作答,使行文更容易选择切入的角度,引出下文对生命过程的形象化描绘,便于作者抒发对生命的独特感受。




1).品味关键语句,理解其深层含意:作者对生命的本质有怎样的认识?谈谈你的理解。 教师总结:本文用充满哲理的语言,对生命过程进行了形象的描述,表现了作者对生命本质的认识。生命需要流动和生长,我们要享受快乐,但不回避生活中的痛苦和艰难。我们要感谢生命,不仅感谢快乐,也要感谢痛苦。我们要尊重生命,就得探寻生命“生长”的闪光点,向生命的顽强不屈敬礼。我们要珍惜生命,就得向生命的高贵顶礼膜拜,为生命全过程的每一刻喝彩。 2).摘句交流






美在诗意。“愿你生命中有够多的云翳,来造一个美丽的黄昏”,这是一句诗句,“云翳”喻指丰富多样的经历、体验;“美丽的黄昏”喻指人活到一定的年龄。或者说到了老年,具有无限感慨又感到幸福和欣慰的景况。冰心老人诚挚地祝愿,希望我们的一生有丰富多样的经历,真正体验人生的美好。 3).仿句练习



第十七课、公输 教学目标:



3、体会墨子高超的劝说艺术;感知文中的人物形象,揣摩人物语言,体会人物的思想感情;培养学生复述、翻译、朗读的能力和严密的逻辑思维能力。 教学重点: 学习本文叙事说理的方法,理清文章思路,把握墨子劝阻楚攻宋的三个步骤;积累文言知识,提高学生的自学能力。

教学方法:诵读法、质疑法、讨论法、练习法。 教学步骤



2、墨子和《墨子》介绍:(1)指导学生看课文注释① (2)学生介绍自己搜集的有关信息。









5、分角色朗读课文,一边朗读,一边纠正,力求读准。(叙述者、墨子、公输盘、楚惠王) 反复阅读课文,思考墨子是怎样一步步地阻楚攻宋的?并仔细品味墨子的劝说艺术。 6.课文叙述了墨子止楚攻宋的故事,思考:如果你是墨子的话,你想怎样劝阻?(如果你遇到一个身强力壮的人无缘无故地欺负一个弱小者时,你想怎样处理?) (1)速读课文,概括出墨子劝阻楚国攻打宋国的三个步骤。

第一回合是墨子使公输理屈词穷;•第二回合是墨子使楚王理屈词穷; 第三回合是模拟攻守,说明楚国攻打宋国不会有好结果,促使楚王放弃攻宋。




1、谈谈你对课文中的人物形象的看法 墨子:机智多谋、无所畏惧、镇定自若

公输:顽固、阴险、狡诈。在民间传说中是能工巧匠,是正面形象,在本文中他既好名又好利,既要为楚国制造云梯攻打宋国,争取楚王宠信,又要标榜自己有“正义感”。 楚王:虚荣、愚蠢、阴险、狡诈。 2.欣赏品味。







四、布置作业:课外阅读收录在鲁迅小说集《故事新编》中的《非攻》。第十八课、孟子二章 学习目标






3、理解把握作者在文中说明的哲理。了解和学习作者旷达的胸襟和“以天下为己任”的远大抱负。 教学过程












第十九课、鱼我所欲也 教学目的:



1.对语句及中心的理解。2.对论证方法的理解。 教学课时:2课时 教学内容及步骤






2.请学生翻译第一段,注意以下字词的解释。 [所欲]“所”动词,相当于名次,意为“喜爱的东西”。 [得兼]同时得到【有甚于】比……更重要



【由是】按照这种方法。【是故】因此,由此可见。 【非独】不仅仅。【勿丧】不丧失(其本心) 3.齐读全段。

4.请学生概括本段大意,即分析引论部分,说出本文的中心论点是什么? 明确:第一段论证了人皆有羞恶之心,应该并且能够做到“舍生取义”。 5.提问:文章开头写“鱼”和“熊掌”有什么作用?













【蹴尔】用脚践踏着。【不屑】因轻视而不肯接受,不愿意接受。 【万钟】钟:古代的一种计量器名。六斛(hú)四斗为一钟。万钟:指 很厚的俸禄。【何加】(有)什么益处。

【奉】奉侍。【所识穷乏者得我与】所识穷乏者:所认识的贫穷的人。得,通 “德”,恩惠,这里是感激的意思,动词。与:通“钦”,语气词。

【乡为身死而不】乡,通“向”,以前。为,为(之)全句:从前为了“礼义”宁死也不接受。 【今为宫室之美为之】第一个“为”,Wei4,介词。第二个“为”,wei2,动









第二十课、《庄子》故事两则 教学目标

1.了解《庄子》及庄子生平、思想。欣赏《惠子相梁》的趣味性,把握比喻的深意。 2.感受“游濠梁”中反映的庄子生活的诗意,了解庄子的志趣。 理解“惠子相梁”中的比喻,把握故事的主旨。 教学难点

1.理解两则故事的寓意。2.引导学生鉴赏庄子寓言的艺术特点。 教学方法



2.延伸拓展法拓宽阅读视野,了解庄子的思想。《庄子》散文的艺术特点。 教学过程



二、资料助读 庄子与《庄子》


这两则故事均选自《庄子•秋水》,讲的都是庄子与惠子的故事。《惠子相梁》表现了庄子和惠子截然不同的生活志趣。故事富有趣味性,情节发展出人意料,人物形象对比鲜明,比喻巧妙贴切。《庄子与惠子游于濠梁》表现了两人可以相与游玩、辩论的朋友关系。它虽然由庄子和惠子的辩论组成,但轻松、闲适,让人感受到日常生活中的诗意并为之感染。 这两则故事均选自《庄子•秋水》,讲的都是庄子与惠子的故事。《惠子相梁》表现了庄子和惠子截然不同的生活志趣。故事富有趣味性,情节发展出人意料,人物形象对比鲜明,比喻巧妙贴切。《庄子与惠子游于濠梁》表现了两人可以相与游玩、辩论的朋友关系。它虽然由庄子和惠子的辩论组成,但轻松、闲适,让人感受到日常生活中的诗意并为之感染。 教学本文,目的不在于引导学生深入理解《庄子》一书的思想,把握其艺术特征,而在于拓宽学生的阅读视野,增加他们对传统文化经典的了解。教学中,应引导学生欣赏《惠子相梁》的趣味性,把握比喻的深意;感受“游濠梁”所反映的庄子生活的诗意,了解庄子的志趣。



2.多媒体显示课文参考译文。要求学生与自己的译文对照,找出错误的地方,并思考译错的原因。 1.惠子相梁

惠施做了梁国的国相,庄子去看望他。有人告诉惠施说:“庄子到梁国来,想取代你做宰相。”于是惠施非常害怕,在国都搜捕三天三夜。庄子前去见他。说:“南方有一种鸟,它的名字叫鸩鹑,你知道吗?鸩鹑从南海起飞飞到北海去,不是梧桐树不栖息,不是竹子的果实不吃,不是甜美如醴的泉水不喝。在此时猫头鹰拾到一只腐臭的老鼠,鸩鹑鸟从它面前飞过,猫头鹰仰头看着鸩鹑,发出„吓‟的怒斥声。现在你也想用你的梁国来„吓‟我吧?” 2.庄子与惠子游于濠梁


《庄子与惠子游于濠梁》中,惠子好辩,重分析。对于事物有一种寻根究底的认知态度,重在知识的探讨。庄子智辩,重观赏,对于外界的认识,带有欣赏的态度,将主观的情意发挥到外物上而产生移情同感的作用。如果说惠子带有逻辑家的个性,那么庄子则具有艺术家的风貌。 教师总结:庄子心境旷达,视荣华富贵如敝屣,他有着高雅的生活情趣。《秋水》一文所宣扬的是庄子一贯的思想,即人的生死、寿夭、祸福、穷通、贵贱、贫富、得失、成败等等都是完全相对的东西,并且是人力所不能左右的,应一切顺其自然。庄子鄙视功名富贵,追求快乐自由便是这种思想支配下的心灵选择。





















《曹刿论战》选自《左传》。从此标题看出,文章把曹刿与鲁庄公对比写,通过曹刿与鲁庄公三问三答得战争取胜的根本原因——“取信于民”,以及曹刿在战场上的指挥,最后以弱胜强,充分表现曹刿“远谋”。 4.朗读课文。试译课文。





















第二十二课、邹忌讽齐王纳谏 教学目标










6、解释六个文句,注意其句式特点:A、城北徐公,齐国之美丽者也。B、忌不自信。 C、旦日,客从外来,与坐谈。D、吾妻之美我者,私我也;妾之美我者,畏我也;客之美我者,欲有求于我也。E、此所谓战胜于朝廷。F、王之蔽甚矣。 教学难点


2、本文记述了邹忌以自己的生活感受为喻,讽劝齐王纳谏除蔽的故事。如何较全面、正确地认识邹忌这个人物形象。 课时安排:2课时 教学过程









《战国策》所记史实从东周贞定王十七年(公元前452年),到秦始皇三十一年(公元前216年)共245年的历史。全书共三十三篇,分国别编辑。依次是西周一篇,东周一篇,秦五篇,齐六篇,楚四篇,赵四篇,魏四篇,韩三篇,燕三篇,宋卫合一篇,中山一篇。 战国时代,七雄并立,兼并战争比春秋时代更为频繁激烈,各诸侯王纷纷招揽谋臣策士为自己出谋划策,于是作为“士”的这一阶层人物在当时的政治舞台上活跃起来,有的主张连横,有的主张合纵,所以,史称这些人为策士或纵横家,他们提出一定的政治主张或斗争策略,为某些统治集团服务,并且往往利用当时错综复杂的斗争形势游说诸侯采纳。《战国策》就是着重记述这些策士们的言行的。







朝(cháo)于齐 间(jiàn)进




(公开指出。谤,公开地指责,没有贬义;讥,微言讽刺。注意区别:诽,背地里议论、嘀咕)能面刺寡人之过者(指责)上书谏寡人者(信函,亦泛指文书、文件。这里指奏章) 期年之后(期,一周年叫期年;一整月叫期月)











1、邹忌是由一件家庭琐事联想到国家政事的。这件家庭琐事是什么? 邹忌向他的妻、妾与客提出自己与徐公谁美的问题。



3、面对妻、妾、客的程度不同,或真或假的赞美,邹忌的态度如何? 明确:面对赞美,邹忌并未得意忘形,邹忌很有自知之明。




本文采用了“三叠法”,从头至尾一直使用三层排比的手法写作 三问:妻、妾、友三答

三比:妻私我→宫妇左右私王妾畏我→朝廷之臣畏王 客有求→四境之内有求于王 三赏:上赏中赏下赏


三态:邹忌以现身说法进行讽谏齐威王“下令”广泛征求意见各国“皆朝于齐” 排比与层递,前后呼应,上下关照,形成一种奇特的篇章结构。






第二十三课、愚公移山 教学目标:

1.掌握文言词语和句式,疏通文意;2.课内拓展阅读,深化课文理解。 教学内容与步骤: [导入环节] 我提个问题,同学们听说过京九铁路吗?它是从北京到哪儿的呢?对,这是贯通我国南北的一条经济大动脉。工人们在修筑这条铁路时,面临的首要问题就是开山、修隧道了,你们知道工人师傅们可能使用哪些工具吗?(潜孔钻、挖掘机、电铲车等)谁曾想到,在远古时候,一个近九十岁的老人,面对着挡在他家门口的两座大山,竟产生了用极其简单的工具去铲除两山的奇想,他这种做法,是聪明的、还是愚蠢的呢?今天我们来学习《愚公移山》,请看,这是本文的学习目标。(我们首先要结合预习来掌握文言基本词句,第二呢,我们要进行课内的拓展,来深化课文的理解。) [感知环节] 请听老师把课文朗读一遍。(范读) (1)基础词语(2)通假字(3)重要句式


(1)愚公移山的原因是什么?(2)愚公移山的目的是什么? (3)本文出现了哪些人物,他们对愚公移山的态度怎样?

(4)愚公移山的困难有哪些?(可从险要角度上、年龄体力、工具和路途上看) 以上我们了解到了愚公移山的原因、目的、各类人物的态度及移山的困难,那么,愚公移山的决心动摇了吗?他坚信山定能移走的理由是什么? [分析环节] 导入愚公之妻与智叟对愚公态度的不同的话题。 3.分析过程:





明确:我们学习本文的目的不在学习愚公的行为,而是要学习愚公的精神。 那么愚公精神的内涵到底是什么?谁能用几个词来概括一下? [拓展环节] 其实,这只不过是一篇带有神话色彩的寓言罢了,但是,在现实生活中,还真有这么一个愚公村,它是位于山西省阳城县西南的王屋山下的一个有着42户人家的小村庄、、、黄发垂髫并怡然自乐。但是它绝不是一个与世隔绝的世外桃源,而是一个以勤劳、拼搏精神致富的真真切切的人类社会。这就是当代愚公的群体形象,幸福生活从哪里来?还能用比这愚公精神更具概括力的词语来回答吗?


第二十四课、《诗经》两首 关雎 【教学目的】



【教学重点难点】诗歌的反复吟唱所表现出的情感比兴手法的运用 【教学课时】1课时

【教具准备】电脑多媒体,电视机 【教学过程】














蒹葭 教学目标



3.学生了解我国古代人们对真挚爱情的向往,陶冶高尚的情操。 教学重点难点: 1.引导学生分析《蒹葭》中的人物形象及领会比、兴的艺术表达手法的妙处。 2.把握《蒹葭》中的重章复唱的特点。品味诗歌的语言,准确把握诗中人物的情感。 课时安排1课时 教学步骤



提问:同学们,大家刚才听到的的歌曲优美吗?谁能说出这首歌曲的名字? 明确:电视剧《在水一方》的主题曲《在水一方》。 进一步提问:谁知道歌词的出处?







1.第一个环节通过初读诗文,初步感受诗的音乐美。要朗读好诗文,要注意读好它的节奏。要读出诗歌的音乐美,除了诗歌朗读的一般要求外,尤其要读出她的生气,读出她的音乐美。 2.听老师朗读课文。

明确:第一章应该是苍、霜、方长、央;第二章是萋、晞、跻、坻;第三章是采、已、汜、右、坻。 3.学生试读。

师问:在我们朗读时,同学们是否注意到了诗中“叠词”的运用? 明确:苍苍,萋萋,采采……(师生一同总结这首诗中的叠词特点。)




金秋之季,拂晓之时,芦花泛白,清露为霜,瑟瑟秋风,苇丛起伏,茫茫秋水。清澈澄明,水上烟波万顷,空中雾霭迷蒙,弯曲的河道,水中的小洲,宛然在日。此时,一位痴情的恋者,踯躅水畔,他热烈而急切地追寻着心上的恋人。那恋人好像在水一方,但一水盈盈,河道阻隔。“伊人”可望而不可即,于是他徘徊往复,心醉神迷,内心痛苦,不可言状。 3.分析比兴手法,明确:比兴—借景抒情,触景生情,


学习这诗的主要表现手法是比兴,所谓“兴”,即先从别的景物引起所咏之物,以为寄托。这是一种委婉含蓄的表现手法。这种手法的优点在于寄托深远,能产生文已尽而意有余的效果。 这首诗还采用了一些双声叠韵的连绵字,以增强诗歌音调的和谐美和描写人物的生动性。如“窈窕”是叠韵;“参差”是双声;“辗转”既是双声又是叠韵。用这类词修饰动作,如“辗转反侧”;摹拟形象,如“窈窕淑女”;描写景物,如“参差荇菜”,无不活泼逼真,声情并茂。 诗的

二、三章只换了几个词,内容与首章基本相同。但它体现了诗歌咏唱的音乐特点,增强了韵律的悠扬和谐美,使表达的情感愈来愈强烈。首章的“苍苍”,次章的“凄凄”,末章的“采采”,写出芦苇的颜色由苍青至凄青到泛白,把深秋凄凉的气氛渲染得越来越浓,烘托出诗人当时所在的环境十分清冷,心境十分寂寞。白露“为霜”、“未浠”、“未已”的变换,描绘出朝露成霜而又融为秋水的渐变情状与过程,形象地面出了时间发展的轨迹,说明诗人天刚放亮就来到河滨,直呆到太阳东升。试想,他独自一人久久徘徊在清冷索寞的旷野,面对茫茫秋水,等人不见,寻人不着,其心情该是何等焦急和惆怅! 描写伊人所在地点时,由于“方”、“湄”、“”三字的变换,就把伊人在彼岸等待诗人和诗人盼望与伊人相会的活动与心理形象而真切地描绘了出来,这样写,大大拓宽了诗的意境。另外,像“长”、“跻”、“右”和“央”、“坻”、“”的变换,也都从不同的道路和方位上描述了他寻见伊人困难重重,想见伊人心情急切的情景。





• restroom

• *'restru:m+

• n.公共厕所;休息室

• shampoo • *ʃæm'pu:] • n.洗发精

• drugstore • *'drʌɡstɔ:] • n.药店

• department • *di'pɑ:tmənt] • n.部门;(大学的)系

• escalator • *'eskəleitə]

• n.电动扶梯;自动扶梯

• magic • *'mædʒik] • a.有魔力的

• hang out • *+

• vi.挂出;闲逛

• fresh • *freʃ] • a.新鲜的

• block

• *blɔk]

• vt.阻塞;阻挡

• oak • *əuk]

• n.橡树;橡木

• uncrowded • *,ʌn'kraudid]

• a.宽敞的;不拥挤的

• safe • *seif+ • a.安全的

• slide • *slaid+ • v.滑行,滑动

• water slide • *'wɔ:tə slaid] • 水滑道

• clown • *klaun+ • n.小丑;丑角

• staff • *stɑ:f]

• n.职员;全体职员

• dre up • *dres ʌp]

• 穿上盛装;装扮

• market • *'mɑ:kit]

• n.市场;集市

• lend

• *lend+

• vt.借(出);把…借给

• park • *pɑ:k]

• n.公园;停车场

• alright • *ɔ:l'rait] • a.没问题的

• wonder • *'wʌndə]

• v.感到惊奇;想知道

• trouble • *'trʌbl]

• n.麻烦;烦恼

• offend • *ə'fend] • v.冒犯

• structure • *'strʌktʃə]

• n.结构;构造;建筑物

• hand in • *hænd in+

• 交上;提交;呈送

• shake

• *ʃeik]

• v.(使)摇动;震动

• shake hands • *,ʃeik'hændz] • 握手

• custom

• *'kʌstəm]

• n.习俗;风俗习惯

• bow

• *bəu]

• v.鞠躬;弯腰行礼

• ki • *kis+ • n.吻,亲吻

• Cali • *'kɑ:li]

• (哥伦比亚城市)卡利

• Colombia

• *kə'lʌmbiə]

• (拉丁美洲国家)哥伦比亚

• relaxed

• *ri'lækst+

• a.放松的;轻松的

• drop by • *drɔp bai] • 顺便拜访

• Lausanne • *ləu'zɑ:n]

• (瑞士西部城市)洛桑

• Switzerland • *'switsələnd] • n.瑞士

• land

• *lænd+

• n.陆地;土地

• after all • *'ɑ:ftə ɔ:l] • 毕竟;终究

• Peru • *pəˈru] • 秘鲁

• pick • *pik+

• v.采摘;拾取;挑选

• pick up • *pik ʌp]

• v.拾起;开车去接… • wipe • *waip+

• v.擦;擦净;擦干

• napkin • *'næpkin+ • n.餐巾

• make noise • *meik nɔiz]

• 吵闹,发出噪音

• stick • *stik+ • vi.粘住;坚持

• rude • *ru:d+

• a.粗鲁的;无礼的

• point • *pɔint]

• v.指,指向

• manner • *'mænə]

• n.方式;态度;(pl.) • table manners • *'teibl 'mænəz] • 餐桌礼仪

• be used to • *bi: ju:st tu:+ •习惯于

• fork • *fɔ:k]

• n.餐叉;耙

• full • *ful+

• a.满的,充满的;完全的

• lap

• *læp+

• n.(人坐时)膝部;(跑道的

• elbow • *'elbəu]

• n.肘,肘部

• gradually • *'grædjuəli] • adv.逐渐地

• occur • *ə'kə:] • vi.发生

• particular

• *pə'tikjulə]

• a.特别的;个别的

• compliment • *'kɔmplimənt] • n.称赞;恭维

• toast • *'təust]

• n.烤面包;祝酒辞

• unfamiliar • *,ʌnfə'miljə]

• a.不熟悉的;陌生的

• spoon • *spu:n+

• n.匙,调羹

• knife

• *naif+

• n.小刀;匕首

• crowd • *kraud+ • n.人群

• rubbish • *'rʌbiʃ]

• n.垃圾;废物

• seek

• *si:k+

• vt.寻求;探索

• online • *'ɔnlain]

• n.(计算机)在线;联机

• type • *taip+

• n.类型;种类

• mostly • *'məustli]

• adv.主要地;通常;多半

• abbreviation • *ə,bri:vi'eiʃən] • n.缩写;缩略词

• form

• *fɔ:m]

• n.表格;形式

• phrase • *freiz+ • n.短语;习语

• homophone • *'hɔməufəun] • n.同音异形异义词

• combine

• *kəm'bain]

• vt.使结合;使联合

• symbol • *'simbəl]

• n.象征;标志;符号

• punctuation • *,pʌŋktju'eiʃən] • n.标点符号

• mark • *mɑ:k]

• n.标志;记号;痕迹

• emotion • *i'məuʃən] • n.情感;情绪

• feeling • *'fi:liŋ+ • n.感觉;感情

• emoticon • *i'məutikɔn] • n.表情符号

• colon • *'kəulən] • n.冒号

• bracket • *'brækit+

• n.括号

• beside • *bi'said+ • prep.在…旁边

• e-mail • *'i:meil+

• n.电子邮件

• riddle • *'ridl+ • n.谜语

• experiment • *ik'speriment+ • n.实验

• proper

• *'prɔpə]

• a.恰当的,合适的

• please • *pli:z+ • int.请

• queue • *kju:+

• n.行列;长队

• normally

• *'nɔ:məli]

• adv.通常地;正常地.

• seat • *si:t+ • n.座位

• whose • *hu:z+

• pron.谁的(疑问代词)

• lagoon • *lə'ɡu:n] • n.浅湖;礁湖

• scientific • *,saiən'tifik] • a.科学的

• therefore • *'ðεəfɔ:]

• adv.因此,所以

• pink • *piŋk+ • n.粉红色

• lighting • *'laitiŋ+ • n.灯光;照明

• hard • *hɑ:d]

• a.坚硬的;困难的;努力的

• serve

• *sə:v]

• vt.招待(顾客等),服务

• fair • *feə]

• a.公平的,合理的

• campaign • *kæm'pein+ • n.运动

• endangered • *in'deindʒəd] • a.濒临灭绝的

• slogan • *'sləuɡən] • n.标语;口号

• mysterious • *mi'stiəriəs]

• a.神秘的;不可思议的

• shiny

• *'ʃaini]

• a.有光泽的;闪耀的

• skin • *skin+ • n.皮,皮肤

• product • *'prɔdəkt] • n.产品

• lookout • *'lukaut+ • n.前景;远景

• beauty • *'bju:ti+

• n.美丽;美人

• keep out • *ki:p aut+ • 不让...进入

• stardust • *'stɑ:dʌst]

• n.星团;幻觉

• advertising

• *'ædvətaiziŋ+

• n.广告;广告活动;广告业

• pros and cons

• *prəuz ənd kɔns]

• 正面和反面;赞成与反对

• aim

• *eim+

• n.目的;目标

• aim at

• *eim æt+

• 针对;致力于;旨在

• specifically

• *spi'sifikəli]

• adv.特别地;明确地

• instance • *'instəns] • n.例子,实例

• for instance • *fɔ: 'instəns] • 例如,比如

• list • *list+

• n.列表,清单

• confuse • *kən'fju:z]

• v.使糊涂;使迷惑

• mislead • *mis'li:d+ • vt.误导;带错

• lead • *li:d+

• v.领导;带领

• truth

• *tru:θ+

• n.真相,事实;真理

• to start with • *tu: stɑ:t wið] • 首先

• home-made • *'həum'meid] • a.自制的;家里做的

• schoolbag • *'sku:lbæɡ] • n.书包

• purple • *'pə:pl] • n.紫色

• purse • *pə:s] • n.钱包

• guilty • *'ɡilti]

• a.有罪的;内疚的

• taste • [teist]

• n.味道;鉴赏力

• thought

• *θɔ:t]

• n.思想;思考;念头

• count • *kaunt+ • vi.计数

• bathing • *'beiðiŋ+

• n.洗澡;游泳

• suit

• *sju:t+

• vt.适合;使适应

• towel • *'tauəl] • n.毛巾

• water • *'wɔ:tə] • n.水

• guidebook • *ɡaidbuk]

• n.指南;指导手册

• clean out • *kli:n aut+

• 清除;打扫干净

• refrigerator • *ri'fridʒəreitə] • n.冰箱

• garage • *'ɡærɑ:dʒ] • n.汽车库

• suitcase • *'sju:tkeis+ • n.手提箱;衣箱

• chop • *tʃɔp]

• v.砍;劈;剁

• wood

• *wud+

• n.木头,木材;(复)树木,

• light

• *'lait+

• n.光,光亮;灯,灯光

• well • *wel+

• adv.好地;令人满意地;完

• farm • *fɑ:m] • n.农场;农庄

• anyway

• *'eniwei+

• adv.不管怎样,无论如何

• ocean • *'əuʃən] • n.海洋;大洋

• wave • *weiv+

• n.(热、光、声等的)波;波

• scene • *si:n+

• n.场面;情景

• hit • *hit+

• vt.打;撞击;碰撞

• appear

• *ə'piə]

• v.出现;似乎;显得

• lead

• *li:d+

• v.带领;领导

• some day • *sʌm dei]

• (日后)某一天,(将来)总有一

• be off • *bi: ɔ:f]

• 离开,走开

• poem • *'pəuim] • n.诗

• cupboard • *'kʌbəd] • n.碗柜;橱柜

• turn • *tə:n]

• vi.转向;转变;转动

• ancestor • *'ænsestə]

• n.祖宗,祖先

• root • *ru:t+ • n.根,根源,起源

• overseas • *'əuvə'si:z]

• a.海外的;国外的

• homeland • *'həumlænd] • n.祖国

• government • *'ɡʌvənmənt] • n.政府

• so far • *'səu fɑ:] • 到目前为止

• thousands of • *'θauzəndz əv] • 成千上万;几千

• southern • *'sʌðən]

• a.南部的,南方的

• go for walks • *ɡəu fɔ: wɔ:ks] • 去散步

• villager • *'vilidʒə] • n.村民

• thanks to • *θæŋks tu:+ • 幸亏;由于;因为

• strongly

• *'strɔŋli+

• adv.强烈地;坚决地

• purpose • *'pə:pəs]

• n.目的,意图

• step

• *step+

• n.脚步;步骤;梯级

• look forward (to) • *luk 'fɔ:wəd tu:] • 期待

• manatee • *,mænə'ti:] • n.海牛

• furry • *'fə:ri]

• a.毛皮的;似毛皮的;长有毛

• enormous

• *i'nɔ:məs]

• a.巨大的,庞大的

• playful • *'pleiful+

• a.顽皮的;开玩笑的

• aggreive • *ə'ɡresiv]

• a.侵略性的;咄咄逼人的

• gray • *grei+

• a.灰色的;苍白的

• spotted

• *'spɔtid]

• a.有斑点的;弄污的

• kangaroo • *,kænɡə'ru:] • n.袋鼠

• chimpanzee • *,tʃimpən'zi:] • n.黑猩猩

• cheetah • *'tʃi:tə] • n.猎豹

• mangrove • *'mæŋɡrəuv] • n.红树林

• swamp

• *swɔmp]

• n.沼泽;沼泽地

• habitat • *'hæbitæt+ • n.栖息地;住处

• aquatic • *ə'kwætik] • a.水生的;水栖的

• underwater

• *'ʌndə'wɔ:tə]

• a.在水下的;在水中的

• vegetation • *,vedʒi'teiʃən] • n.植被;植物

• weigh • *wei+

• vt.称…的重量

• pound • *paund+

• n.磅;英镑

• discover • *dis'kʌvə]

• v.发现;发觉

• polluted • *pə'lju:tid] • a.被污染的

• present progreive • *'preznt prəˈgresiv] • 现在进行时

• present simple • *'preznt simpl+ • 一般现在时

• infinitive • *in'finətiv]

• n.原形动词;不定式

• paive • *'pæsiv]

• a.被动的;消极的

• paive voice • *'pæsiv vɔis] • 被动语态

• present perfect • *'preznt pɜ:fikt] • 现在完成时

• suitable

• *'sju:təbl]

• a.合适的;适宜的

• tiny

• *'taini+

• a.极小的,微小的

• cage • *keidʒ] • n.笼子

• disgusted • *dis'ɡʌstid] • a.厌恶的;憎恶的

• educate • *'edju:keit+

• v.教育;培养;训练

• care for • *keə fɔ:]

• 照顾;关心;喜欢

• urge • *ə:dʒ]

• v.强烈要求;竭力主张

• expreion • *ik'spreʃən] • n.表达;表情

• recycle • *,ri:'saikl+

• vt.回收;使再循环

• built

• *bilt+

• v.建造(build的过去式

• stuff • [stʌf] • n.材料

• pull

• *pul+

• v.拉;拖;拔

• glue • *ɡlu:] • n.胶水

• roof

• *ru:f+

• n.屋顶;顶部

• discard • *dis'kɑ:d] • v.丢弃;抛弃

• tile • *tail+

• n.瓦片;瓷砖

• fence

• *'fens+

• n.栅栏;围栏;篱笆

• can • *kæn+ • aux.能,可以

• recently • *recently] • adv.最近

• planet • *'plænit+ • n.行星

• society • *sə'saiəti] • n.社会

• inspiration • *,inspə'reiʃən] • n.鼓舞;灵感

• spare • *speə]

• a.空闲的;多余的;剩余的

• model • *'mɔdəl]

• n.模型;模范;模特儿

• raise • *reiz+

• vt.举起;养育





目标:本期,我决定在两周新课的教学,然后复习。复习分为三个阶段展开, 阶段:






















我们使用的是新目标教材,由人民教育出版社与汤姆森学习出版集团合作改编而成的。具有如下的特点: 1.教材内容体系的安排由浅入深,循序渐进,由简单到复杂逐步过渡;重视新旧知识的结合和语言语言现象的复现。












五、课时进度 Week1: Unit12 Week2: Unit13 Week3:Unit14 Week4: 复习七年级全册 Week5:八年级全册 Week6: 第一轮学习竞赛练













九年级新授12-15单元,复习:七年级每册12个单元全册24个单元(4个复习单元),八年级上12个单元(两个复习单元),八年级下10 个单元(两个复习单元)九年级18个单元(三个复习单元)。为了加强学生的阅读能力,从八年级下册开始在每单元的后面设置了具有跨文化内容的语篇及相关练习。







第二轮复习要求突出重点,牢固掌握,进行专项训练。要求学生对那些在教材中多次出现和辅导教材中一再提及,反复强调部分,应视为重点,格外加以注意。同时有针对性地指导学生记忆的方法, 培养记忆能力。既要教学生解题要领,帮助学生理解题目与题目之间的联系,同时又针对历年中考题型强化训练,使学生在答题时做到灵活运用,触类旁通,举一反三。时间:5月份













1、根据英语课程标准的要求, 注重对学生思维及文化的培养,让学生掌握最基本的语言知识和语言技能,从而培养学生正确,科学的学习方法,为将来的学习打下坚实的基础。






(预计3月 5号结课)。紧接着进行第一轮总复习。



用重点单词和短语,习惯用语 。


现在进行时,过去进行时,现在完成时 。









1.坚持分类教学,分层推进的教学思想,,既要突出重点,又要顾及全面,有的放矢使各类学生都能学有所获。2.系统归纳,分清脉络。依纲扣本,注重双基,夯实基础 。通过复习,要使学生对初中三年的英语学习有个总体的、概括的印象。大到语法项目,小到具体的知识点,使学生脑子中有清晰的框架。









(4 .7—4.11)九年级教材复习Unit1--Unit3

(4 .14—4.18)八年级上教材复习Unit1--Unit10及二模测试

(4 .21—4.25)八年级下教材复习Unit1--Unit10 二模分析小结(4 .28—5.2)综合试题练习及归纳小结








Leon 1: Poetry, Please Mastery words and expreions: poem, decide, nature, expre,

learn/know …by heart, pleased, happine, shut

Oral words and expreions: poetry, description, continue, beyond Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the poems in foreign countries.2.Know the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.How to make suggestions.2.The grammar: infinitives.3.Some words and expreions: learn/know …by heart Teaching Difficult Points: The grammar: infinitives Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK AOBUT IT”.

Let the students talk about the questions in groups. 1.Have you written a poem in Chinese? Is it hard? Why? 2.What kinds of poetry do you like best? After a while, let the students in each group present their ideas to the cla in front of the cla.Step2: Listen to the tape and find the answers to the questions: 1.Have Brian finished his poem? 2.What’s Danny’s poem about? Step3: Reading task: 1.Read the text and underline the new words in this leon.2.Present the meanings of the words with the help of the media computer.We can use our body language if neceary.3.Tell the main idea of this leon.Step4: Read the text again and decide the statements are true or false.1.Jenny wrote a Chinese poem.2.Brian wrote a poem about nature.3.Danny learned his poem by heart.Step5: Deal with the language points.How to make a suggestion: Maybe you could write a description of your favourite place.The infinitives: I haven’t decided what to write about.Would you like to hear my poem? I don’t need to read it.

Let the students sum the use of infinitives of this leon.Then encourage them to make more sentences with the grammar.Step6: Activities 1.Divide the cla into several groups.Then let them translate a Chinese poem written by Li Bai or other famous poets.Then compare the translations of the groups.Let’s see which is the best? 2.Each group writes an English poem about the familiar things around us.Then let them change the poems in groups.They may give their own advice to the poems written by others.Step7: Describe the picture in English.

Ask the students work in their formal groups.Then let them read their poems in cla loudly.Step8: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Work with a partner.Let the students talk about the question: which do you think is more difficult to understand, English poetry or Chinese poetry? Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Get more information about the English poetry after cla.Feedback:

The students more little of the English, so that the teacher provides them more information about the English poetry is very neceary.We can use the Internet to help us.The teacher should stimulate the students’ interests about the English poetry.The students can have more time to search more information on the Internet after cla. Blackboard Design

Leon 2: Poems About Nature Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: hill, clear, brave, pale, golden, softly, ki, noisy Oral words and expreions: swiftly, tiny, warmth, scene, related, topic Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ gueing ability of the whole text.2.Enjoy the charming of the English poetry.3.Compare the differences between the English and Chinese poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn the English poetry about nature by hearty.2.Know how to write an English poem.Teaching Difficult Points: Use what we learn to write an English poem.Teaching Aids: audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Divide the cla into several groups.Talk about the next questions: Have you read any poems in English? Which one do you like best? Why? What should you do first if you want to write a poem about winter? Choose several best poems and let the students read them in front of the cla.Show some pictures of winter to the students.Help them to find more words to describe winter.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1.Does the poem make you think of _______? 2.You can write a poem about _______, too.3.Before you start writing your poetry, think about your _______.Step3: Read the text and find the new words.1.Let the students gue the meanings of the new words.Most of the new words are related nature.So present some pictures to the students to help them understand the new words.2.Ask some students to tell the main idea of this text.Step4: Do with the language points.Make sentences with the new words we learn in this text.Ask if someone can tell a story with the words we learn today.Encourage them to stand in front of the cla and tell his story to us.Step5: Reading task Encourage the students to ask questions about this text.Finish the task in groups.Let the students design questions and exchange them in groups.They can ask questions like this: 1.What are your ideas for a nature poem? 2.What can you do to describe about something? Step6: Activities.Work in groups.

Write a poem about the two pictures.Finish a poem.Then each student in the group correct it before reading it to the cla.Step7: Come to “LET’S DO IT!”

The task is similar to the step6.Finish it in cla.Try to write a poem about one of the seasons.The teacher shows some pictures about the seasons to the students. Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Feedback:

It is fun and interesting to write a poem in English.The teacher tries to write a poem and presents it to the cla.Let the students correct it if they have any good ideas.Some students are interested in English, and they are also interested in poems.So give them more chances to create their minds.Blackboard Design

Leon 3: Say It in Three Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: direction, form, poet, simply, a set number of, middle, clearly, dark, sleepy, unexpected, frog, feeling Oral words and expreions: petal, cherry, grebe, Matsuo Basho, Haiku, particular, pattern, set, syllable, interruption, plop, splash, limerick, Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ reading comprehension.2.Know more about the foreign culture.3.Compare the differences between the Chinese and Japanese poems.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn about an old style of Japanese poem: Haiku.2.Know some styles of poems: Haiku, Nature Poem and Limerick.Teaching Difficult Points: The old form of Japanese poetry: Haiku.Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Show pictures of Japanese poets and poems.Then introduce Haiku to the students.The teacher can find some music to match the poem.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.Usually Haikus are about _______.Haiku always has ______ lines.The first line of a Haiku has _______ syllables.Check the answers in cla in oral.Step3: Read the text and gue the meanings of the new words.Sometimes some new words are too hard to understand, so the teacher can find some related pictures to help them.

If the students bring some pictures about nature to the cla, let them show them in front of the cla.Step4: Read the text and find the answers to the questions: 1.Do Haikus tell a story? 2.What’s a syllable? Step5: Come to “PROJECT”.

1.Divide the cla into groups to finish the task.2.Finish the three poems in the text.Use the sentence: I need a ______.Let the others give the answers, one student write the words down.3.After finishing the poems, read it to the cla.All the groups have different poems.Do they sound funny? 4.Decide a subject by each group.Then make a pattern according to the subject.Then finish the poem as the models in the text.5.Read the poem to the cla.Homework: 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Feedback:

Some students may think the foreign poems are funny and easy.The teacher may also think so.It is poible for the students to create poems like those we have learned in the cla.Give them more chances to create their minds.The teacher can try some poems, too.The cla and the teacher can find much fun in learning foreign poems.Blackboard Design:

Leon 4: The Wish Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: wish, in the middle of, stone, friendship, Teaching Aims: 1.Learn how to sing foreign songs.2.Know more about the foreign culture.3.Learn about the styles of all kinds of poems in other countries.Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the main idea of the song.2.Grasp the use of “without”.3.Make a similar song like this.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of “without”.

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Listen to the tape for several times.At the same time, ask the students to sing after it.Test how long they grasp the rhythm of the song.Step2: Read the song as a poem.Let the students read the poem as a lyric line by line.Step3: Make a poem like this.

Divide the cla into several groups.Make the similar this.Every group makes a poem.Then present it to the cla.If the others have other better ideas, they can give their advice.Step4: Do with the language points.

Make sentences with the important phrases: in the middle, without.

S1: Danny sits in the middle of the claroom.

S2: There is a stone in the middle of the road.

S3: Fish can’t live without water.

S4: We can’t finish the work without your help.Step5: Come to “PROJECT”.

Finish the task in groups.

1.Everyone in the group chooses one pattern of these poems and writes one by yourself.

2.After writing the poem, show it to the others in the group.

3.Each exams the others’ poems and gives his advice.

4.After examine all of their poems, change them with the other group.Give their reasonable advice.

5.The teacher gives them chances to expre themselves.Homework:

1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Feedback: The students are familiar to the Chinese poetry, but the foreign ones are hard for them.When the students practice, the teacher should give them a hand if neceary.It is a challenge for the Chinese students to write foreign poems.Encourage them more in order to stimulate their interests of learning English.Blackboard Design:

Leon 5: That’s a Funny Limerick!

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: both…and… Oral words and expreions: blank, motion Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ ability of learning by themselves.2.Master one of the patterns of foreign poems.3.Compare the differences between the Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about the limerick.2.Learn more words about describing weight, size, feeling and age.Teaching Difficult Points: Know how to write a limerick.Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Let the students answer the questions in cla in oral.1.Ask several students to say funny sayings in English.If they can’t expre themselves in English, they can say them in Chinese.

2.Let some students tell jokes.Encourage them to tell jokes in English.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

1._______ and _______ help Jenny fill in the blanks in her limerick.2.They choose _______ to describe the weight.Step3: Read and get the main idea of the text.1.Let the students scan the text.Then tell the main idea of the text.2.Find the new words and gue their meanings according to the text.Step4: Do with some language points.Either…or…, both…and…

Let some students make sentences with the help of the pictures.S1: He eats either apples or oranges.S2: Either he or I am good at dancing.S3: Both his teachers and his parents love him.S4: Susan loves both reading and listening.Step5: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Limerick is a kind of poem that has a pattern.Study the “Limerick”.Get the results.1.There are five lines in the limerick.2.From Jenny’s limerick, we can see the first, second and fifth lines have rhyme.Look in the library or search on the Internet to find some information about limericks.Show them to the cla and let them find the patterns of “limerick”.

3.Let different groups act the dialogue out in front of the cla.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Feedback:

Limerick is fun.It’s interesting for the students.The students may like to practice it very much.Everyone writes a limerick.The cla will be full of laughter.Ask the students to begin the similar dialogue in cla to practice the limerick.Blackboard Design

Leon 6: Say It in Five Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: create, single, thought Oral words and expreions: fur, stretch, hum, adjective Teaching Aims: 1.Improve the students’ listening and reading abilities. 2.Know more about the foreign poetry.3.Learn the American five-line poems.Teaching Important Points: 1.Grasp the pattern of the five-line poem.2.Use the pattern to describe something.Teaching Difficult Points: Use the pattern to describe something.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

We all know Chinese poetry has different kinds of patterns.Let the students give some examples.Step2: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Who created the five-line poem? 2.How many poems does the text show us? Finish the listening part in cla in oral.Step3: Reading task: Read and tell the main idea of the text.This is a game to practice the students’ memories.It can improve the students’ summary abilities.Step4: Read and decide the statements are true or false.1.Today we learn a pattern of French poetry.2.The second line has three words.3.The topic of the poem is a noun.Finish the questions in cla in oral.Step5: Activity: Show some pictures to the students.Let them the favourite one to describe.They can work in pairs.Then show their poems to the cla. It’s easy to finish the task, but it is hard to do it well.Step6: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in groups of three or four students.1.Say the differences between a Haiku and a five-line poem.Say about their different forms and different patterns.A haiku is just a description of a scene.It is simply what is happening in this place, at this moment.Five-line poem has five lines.It is always about a single topic.Each line has a set number of words.The first line has one word.The second line has two words.The third, or middle, line has three words.The fourth line has four words.The last line has one word.2.Finish the task in groups.Choose one topic as they like.Then exchange the poems among the groups.Step7: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Ask the students to find more topics after cla.Summary:

We learn different kinds of foreign poetry.They are limericks, five-line poems and Haiku.The students may think they are very interesting.Some students have surprising poems that you didn’t think of.Give them more chances to practice so that they can create their minds.

Leon 7: Trading Poems Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: awake, riddle Oral words and expreions: avenue Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Create the student’s cooperation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the written style, letter.2.Learn the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Difficult Points: Write a letter with what we learn in this unit.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Show the type of the letter.Let the students sum how to write a letter.Pay attention to the written style of the envelope.Step2: Listening task Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1._______ is a beautiful way to expre thoughts and feelings.2.Danny’s teacher says Danny’s always saying _______ things.Let the students listen to the tape and finish the listening task in cla in oral.Step3: Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Does Danny think it is hard to write a poem? 2.Did Li Ming write back to Danny? Ask the students scan the text and answer the questions.Step4: Practice Write a letter to your friends about what we learn in this unit.The teacher encourages them to write a poem to their friend, too.It’s hard, so they can choose any topic that they like.They only write for friends.We don’t need to demand too much.Step5: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Finish the task in groups of three or four students.In a small group, write a poem like the one in Li Ming’s postcard.

1.First, choose a word your group like.They can choose any word that they like.Because the task is to begin a poem with the letters in this word, everyone can write a word on a piece of paper.Then they can choose one from these.2.Use each letter in this word to begin a line of our poem.Everyone in the group can write different poem according to the word.Then they can exchange their poems and give advice to each other.3.Make a poster to display your poems on the wall.It takes some time to design the poster.

4.Which one do you think is the best? Give your reasons.

Let the students choose the best poem that they like best and give their reasons in front of the cla.Step6: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The last poem that we learn in Li Ming’s postcard is very interest

Leon 8: Unit Review

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions from Leon1 to Leon7.Oral words and expreions from Leon1 to Leon7.Teaching Aims: 1.Improve the students’ ability of using what we learn in this unit.2.Stimulate the students’ mind of learning about Chinese and foreign poetry.3.Know the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Making suggestions.2.Master the use of infinitives.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of infinitives.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: review leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Listen to some beautiful poems in Chinese or in English.Music usually creates atmosphere for the students.

If anyone can recite some English poems, the teacher can give them chances to recite in front of the cla.Step2: Do the exercises in Leon8.At the same time, the teacher walks in the claroom and see if they have any trouble to solve.Step3: Let the students write some difficulties on the blackboard.Then let’s try to solve them together.

The most important grammar is the infinitive.For example: I haven’t decided what to write.

Li Ming has something important to do, so he can’t come to your party.My wish is to go to space.It’s not easy to walk against a strong wind.Step4: Practice the spoken English.Make a similar dialogue according to the Speaking the Language part.It’s how to make suggestions.

Ask the students work in pairs to make up dialogues like this.Then present it in front of the cla.Step5: Play “Story Game’.

Work in groups to finish the task.When the students play the game, the teacher walks around the claroom and see if any group needs help.At last, ask each group presents their stories to the others in front of the cla.Whose story is the funniest? Step6: Homework 1.Finish the exercises in activity book.2.Preview the next leon.Summary:

Poetry is an important part of culture.So it is useful to learn it well.This unit gives us opportunities to practice.Making suggestions is important, too.So let the students make dialogues to practice it.The teacher should pay attention to the infinitives in this unit.We should practice more in this cla.

Leon 9: What’s a “Horkey”?

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: helpful, at the same time Oral words and expreions: DNA, combine, juicy, mule, donkey Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about cloning. 2.How to combine two different things.Teaching Important Points:

1.Talk about the ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunctions.3.Combine two different things.Teaching Difficult Points: Talk about the ability and inability.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in the cla by showing some pictures about combining to the students.They may be about different things, such as food, fruit, animals and other things.

Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Can Danny combine a donut and a pizza? 2.Who wants to combine a cow and a chick? Let the students answer the questions with the help of the pictures.Finish the task in oral in cla.Step3.Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct words. 1.We can combine two different ______ or two different ______.2.Brian would combine ______ and ______.Look through the whole text quickly and answer the questions in cla in oral.Step4.Encourage the students find the new words in this leon.Give more examples and let the students understand more about the words.I would combine a donut and a pizza.Then I could have breakfast and lunch together.Then I would have little, juicy bananas.Do you know what a mule is? It has a horse as mother and a donkey as a father.Step5.Read the text again and encourage them to find more questions about the text.One student stands up and asks a question.The others who want to answer can stand up and answer it as quickly as he can.For example: 1.What would you combine? 2.What about combining a duck and a deer? 3.Can we combine apples and bananas? Step6.Come to “PROJECT”.

Finish the task in groups of three or four students.Think about something that is combined by two different things.Each of the group writes his answer down and shows it to others.Then choose the most meaningful one to study.What will your group combine? What if you combine the two things? What can it do for us? What’s its advantage? Talk about the questions above, then sum their ideas.Give a report in front of the cla.Demonstrate your ideas.Describe the thing that you combine in detail.Describe its advantages and disadvantages.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary In this leon, we learn to combine two different things together.In order to get new living things, we must make full use of our imagination.What can the things that we combine are used for? It is important for us to discu.During the discuion, we practice our spoken English.

Leon 10: What is DNA? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: generally, twin, clone, not only…but also Oral words and expreions: blueprint, identical, egg, identify Teaching Aims: 1.Know how to write a paage on science.2.Learn something about DNA.3.Know more about our body.Teaching Important Point: 1.Master the words and expreions of this leon.2.The ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Point: The use of DNA.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in the text by discuing what DNA is.Divide the cla into several groups.Then talk about the subject for several minutes.Then one of the groups presents their opinions in front of the cla.Step2.Listening task:

Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.Generally speaking, a ______ is a drawing.2.______ for identical twins, each living thing has its own unique DNA.Play the tape once.Then let the students try to finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text quickly and answer the following questions: 1.Where does your DNA come from? 2.Is your DNA in every part of your body? Finish the reading task in cla in oral.Try to get more information about the text at the same time.Step4.Read the text again.Find the sentences with the new words.Try to create situation about the new words.Then make sentences with the new words.If someone can make a whole story with the new words that we learn in this leon, the teacher must encourage her. The sentences with the new words: Generally speaking, a blueprint is a drawing.Identical twins are two children that grew from the same egg.They are clones.From your DNA, scientists can identify not only you, but also people related to you.Step5.Let some students tell some details about the text. What is DNA?

Where is your DNA from? What is DNA used for? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Finish the task with a partner.Find the things about you that show your parents’ DNA.Talk about if for a while.Then let some volunteers come to the front to talk about the subject.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

You look like your father or your mother.That identifies the DNA of your body from your parents.DNA is very fascinating.Each living thing has its own unique DNA.Try to find more ways to use the DNA in many fields.Discu the use of DNA in this cla.Make full use of it to help more people in the world in more fields

Leon 11: Cloning People? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: exactly, divide, crazy Oral words and expreions: human being, original, adult, Dolly, insect Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about cloning.2.Create the students’ spirit of cooperation.Teaching Important Points: 1.The advantages and disadvantages of cloning.2.The expreion of ability and disability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Points: The advantages and disadvantages of cloning.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure:

Step1: Show a picture of Dolly.Then let the students discu what our life will be if we make a clone of ourselves.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Discu for five minutes.Then present their results to the cla.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.The clones are the ______ height.2.There are ______ ways to clone people.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false(F).1.We can make clones from dead animals.2.Each clone would be a different person.3.We can combine the DNA of pigs and dogs.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Pair work: Read the text again and find more details about the text.Try to solve the following problems.Talk about them with your partner.At the same time, encourage them to ask more questions about the text.How many ways are there to clone people? What are they? Do you want a clone of your self? Why? What is the use of cloning? Try to finish it in a limited time in order to improve their comprehension ability.Step5.Read the text by the students.Give the students time to listen to the tape again.Then make a chance for them to practice in front of the cla. Step6.A debate Divide the cla into two groups.One group is for the advantages of cloning.The other is for the disadvantages of cloning.The teacher designs the task in order to find out the meanings of cloning.Step 7.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.

This task is similar to the one is step6.This topic is about the food.The students can use their imaginations.Of course the best way is to search on the Internet for more information about the subject.Step8.Homework 1.Search more information about cloning on the Internet or in the newspaper.

2.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.Summary:

Cloning is a popular subject in the modern society.It is good for the students to know more about that.Encourage the students to find out more information on the Internet.They can use other tools to get more.Give them chances to present their results in the next leon.Leon 12: Did You Ever See a “Chorse”?

Teaching Content: There are no new words and expreions in this leon.Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about combining.2.Find the differences between the Chinese and foreign songs.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expreion of ability and disability.2.The use of coordinating conjunctions.3.Sing the song fluently.Teaching Difficult Points: Combine two different living things.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures of animals to the students.Let them imagine what animals what animals they would like to combine. What would they look like? What are they used for? Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Then discu the questions for five minutes.After a while, show their results to the cla in front of the cla.Step2.Listen to the song and repeat after it.Play the tape for several times.Let the students to be familiar to the rhythm of the song.Step3.Read the song as a lyric.Then let the students make up other similar songs according to their imagination. Let some volunteers present their song to the cla.

Step4.Let the students try to sing the song together.Play the tape again.Ask them to sing after it for several times again. Step5.Ask some volunteers to sing in front of the cla. Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in a small group to finish the task.

Use the pattern in the song to tell customers about your new animals.Describe the new animals in the following ways.What animals will you combine? What is the new animal look like? What are they used for? What will you name them? At last, they can present their result in words or in pictures.Let the students talk about the subject for five minutes.Then let one of the members come to the front and present their result.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Practice the song after cla. Summary:

This song is about combining.Combine two different things together by changing their DNA.It is a new technique.We must make full use of it in many ways.The students today are the future scientists and engineers.So let them know more about coming is good for them.Give them more chance to search after cla.Help them to use many tools to teach themselves.

Leon 13: Clones Are the Same Teaching Content: Oral words and expreions: laboratory Teaching Aims:

1.Practice the students’ spoken English.2.Create the students’ imaginations.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about cloning.2.The expreion of ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Points: The expreion of ability and inability.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Talk about the question “What would you like to clone?” in groups.They can use the following patterns: What would you like to clone? Why? Give the students five minutes.Then let them act their dialogues out in front of the cla.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Jenny would like to clone a dog.2.Danny would clone himself.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task: Scan the text and answer the following questions: 1.What would Jenny like to clone? 2.What would Brian like to clone? 3.Why would Danny like to clone himself? Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again and find the main idea of the text.Ask some students to say it in front of the cla.Step5.A Game Make up a similar dialogue according to the text.Finish the task in groups of three or four.Give them five minutes.And then ask the students to present their dialogues in front of the cla.Step6.Discuion Discu the use of the clones of yourself.If you have a clone of yourself, what would you like him to do for you? Do you think it is very useful? Step7.Come to “PROJECT”.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Talk about the subject “Have you heard of cloned animals?” The next is “If you are a scientist, what would you like to clone? Why?”

Talk about the subjects in groups.The students may have five minutes to finish the task.Then try to present your result to the cla in front of the cla.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Cloning is new to some students.It is useful to give them more time to talk about the subject.They can find more information about cloning on the Internet or with other tools.Encourage them to know more after cla by themselves

Leon 14: A Clone of My Own Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: secret, copy, doubt, stupid, che, robot Oral words and expreions: foolish, flute, closet, prefer, play che, prefer…to… Teaching Aims:

1.Improve the students’ written ability.2.Create the students’ imaginations.Teaching Important Points: 1.Imagine the use of cloning in our daily life.2.The expreion of ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions. Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Talk about the question: Would you like to have a clone of yourselves? Why? Finish the task in groups.Give the students five minutes to discu the subject.Then let the students present it in front of the cla.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the flowing questions: 1.How old is Kate? 2.What does “foolish” mean? Finish the task in cla in oral.

Step3.Scan the text and decide the following statements are True or False: 1.Katie would like a secret clone.2.Katie already has three sisters.3.Katie’s clone would live the living room with Katie.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again and try to find the sentences with the new words.What does Katie mean by “a secret clone”? I doubt what she says! “Foolish” means “silly or stupid”.Also, she would play che with me.Maybe I need a robot! She would feed my tow cats, clean my room and practise my flute. Step5.Ask some students to tell the main idea of the text.Let some students say it in front of the cla.Step6.Group Work Talk about the subject in groups.Talk for about five minutes.If you have a clone of yourself, what would you like her or him to do for you? Write what you think of down on a piece of paper.Then exchange their ideas in groups.One of the members sum what they think of.Then present it in front of the cla.Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Finish the task in pairs.Make up a dialogue with a partner and act it out in front of the cla.

Encourage them to make the story funny. Make the ending surprising.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

It is fun to give the students chances to speak in front of the cla.Sometimes they think they are not happy in their daily life.They don’t want to do something sometimes, so they want someone else to do it for him or her.Maybe some students think clones of themselves are useful to them.

Leon 15: Cloning Questions

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: neither, nor, neither…nor…, dead Oral words and expreions: mammoth Teaching Aims:

1.Be familiar to the e-mail.2.Know more about cloning.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expreions of ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by showing some pictures of cloning.Let the students talk about the use of cloning. What is cloning? What is cloning used for? What can we do with cloning? Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What did Li Ming study this week in school? 2.What’s the name of the first cloned animal? Ask the students to answer the questions in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text and decide the statements are True or False.1.Li Ming doesn’t think cloning is interesting.2.Li Ming knew how the sheep Dolly cloned.3.Jenny has ever studied cloning.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again and find the sentences with the new words.Let the students gue the meanings of the new words.Give more examples with the new words.I knew that English scientists had cloned a sheep, but I knew neither how nor why.I chose mammoths.Ask the students to make sentences with neither…nor… He is neither a teacher nor a doctor.Neither he nor I am thirteen years old.Step5.Sum the main idea of the two e-mails.Let the students tell them in their own words, not word by word according to the content of the e-mails. Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Use the Internet or other tools to find more information about cloning.

Talk about what, where, when, why and how cloning is taking place.Everyone writes down a short paage, then exchange it with the others.Next one of the members of the group gives a report in front of the cla.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Ask your parents for some information about cloning.Summary:

Cloning is new to the students.Let them get more information on the Internet.That is helpful for them.It is helpful for them to use the Internet for some important information.On th the coordination conjunctions are important in this unit.So make more practice in cla.

Leon 16: Unit Review Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions in this unit.Oral words and expreions in this unit.Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to use the Internet and other tools to search more information.2.Know more about cloning.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expreion of ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: review leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Group work Talk about the question in groups.“What do you like to clone the most? Why?” Let the students write their opinions down on a piece of paper.Then exchange their opinions.At last, one of the members sums the opinions and gives a report in front of the cla.Step2.Finish the exercises in this leon.Find out the problems and write them down on the blackboard.

Discu the problem together and find out the correct way to solve the problems.Step3.Do with “Grammar in Use”.

Let the students finish the exercises.Then ask the students to make some sentences with neither…nor…, not only…but also….Not only he but also his father is handsome.Neither my mother nor my father likes this kind of fruit.Step4.Come to “Speaking the Language”.

Complete the dialogue.Then ask the students to make a similar dialogue with his partner.Then present it in front of the cla. Step5.Play the game “Stop-Go”

Play the game in front of the cla.Start the game with 10 volunteers from the cla.Play the game to practice the “ability and inability” expreions on this page.Change the students to play the game if the time is enough.Step6.Group work Divide the cla into several groups.Ask them to introduce themselves in the group.Then choose two best ones to present in front of the cla.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Find out more information about cloning on the Internet.Summary:

This unit is designed to review the main language points in this unit.It is used to build the vocabulary of the unit.Practice the grammars and spoken English in this unit.All those are put in a situation of cloning.Cloning is a new subject for the students.It is very interesting to discu.

Leon 17: Do Mistakes Matter? Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: pardon, mention, pocket, double, mistake, make a mistake, depend, common Oral words and expreions: Bruce, confused, confusing, depend on, bargaining Teaching aims: 1.Know the cultural differences between China and western countries.2.Improve the students’ abilities of speaking English.Teaching Important Points:

1.Target language: I made a mistake.He looks confused.Buying things in China is confusing.2.Train the students’ focus abilities and cooperation spirit.Teaching Difficult Points: the difficult cultures of different countries Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Leon: new leon Teaching procedures: Step1.Lead in The teacher shows some pictures to the students with the Multi-media computer.The pictures show the differences between China and Western countries. From the people’s appearance and the colour of the skin,We can tell the differences.The others show cultural differences.We use chopsticks but they use the fork and knives.Divide the cla into several groups and finish the task.Encourage the students to speak more.They can use their own pictures to help them. Step2.Listening task

Listen to the text and answer the following question: 1.Where is Bruce from? 2.What does Bruce’s father do?

3.How much does Li Ming pay for the two pops? 4.How much did Bruce pay for one pop?

Ask the students to listen carefully and answer the questions.We can arrange the students to listen to the part that is connected with the two questions.Step3.Read and find the new words: He looks confused.

Buying things in China is confusing. I made a mistake.

Let the students try to make sentences with the new words. Step4.Reading task:

Read the text again and answer the questions: What are Bruce and Li Ming doing? Is Bruce confusing?

Where don’t people try to change the price, in China or in North America?

Encourage the students to ask more questions by themselves. Step5.Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given. 1.My brother is _______(迷惑的). 2.It is so ______(迷惑的) a thing. 3.Does he often ______(犯错误)?

This part is used to check if they have grasped the new words. Step6.Activity

Suppose you and Bruce are shopping, you are bargaining with the clerk.Bruce can bargain, too.

Divide the cla into several groups and talks about the questions.After a while, let the students act their out in front of the cla.

Encourage the students to speak loudly in front of the cla.Choose the best group and praise them.Step7.Think about: What’s the difference between people in China and North America when they are shopping?

Use the formal group to finish the task.When the students discu, the teacher walks around the claroom to see if they need any help. Step8.Talk about: Where would you like to buy things, in shopping center or market? Let them debate the questions.As usual, the cla can be divided into two groups.One group thinks the shopping center is good.The other thinks the market is better.Let them debate for five minutes.Then let one student in each group to sum the opinions of his own group. Step9.Homework

Find more information about the differences between China and western countries. Summary:

This interesting text is about bargaining in China.It’s based on the different cultures between Chinese and Western countries.In some countries in North America, people don’t try to bargain, so some foreign friends feel confused when they buy things in China.Try to help them when you meet foreigners.Try to find more differences between Chinese and Western countries on the Internet.

Leon 18: Wait! Don’t Eat Yet!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: society, politely, manner, especially, unle, polite, fork, serve, forever, act, compare, theirs Oral words and expreions: custom, tablecloth, rude, toothpick, Spaghetti, sauce Teaching Aims: 1.Find the differences between the Chinese and Western customs at table.2.Cultivate the students’ creation and cooperation spirit.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expreions of similarities and differences.2.Grasp the Past Future Tense. Teaching Difficult Points: The expreions of similarities and differences.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Leon: new leon Teaching Procedures: Step1.Lead in: a pair work.

The teacher asks the students the following question: Have you ever traveled to other places? Where have you been?

Show some pictures with the help of the multi-media.The pictures are from Australia, France, China, England, America and Japan.

Let the students discu for 2 or 3 minutes.Then let them say in front of the cla.When the student is speaking, the others can ask him or her questions about his subject. Step2.Listening task Listen and answer the following questions: 1.Table manners in China and Canada are quite ______.2.In China, if your guests have no food on their plates, putting food on their plates is ______.3.It’s ______ to use a toothpick at the table.Finish the task in cla in oral.

Step3.Read the text and find out the sentences with the new words.All societies have customs about how to eat politely.We call these customs “table manners”.

It’s okay to eat it, especially if it’s something dry, like a piece of bread.In Canada, if you drop something on the tablecloth, you pick it up and put it on your plate.Parents are forever telling their children: “Don’t talk with your moth full!”

Step4.Reading task: Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.1.In China, if you drop something on the tablecloth, you usually pick it up and eat it.2.In Canada, to finish the food in front of the cla in rude.In China, everybody has a knife at the table.Exercises: Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given.1.I think______(sing) loudly at table is not polite.

2.It’s rude ______ (point) to the others when you eat at table.3.His mother said he ______ (return) the fork to the restaurant tomorrow.4.Nobody ______(know) the secret except me.Step6.Activity:

Project: What’s the story? 1.Find pictures in magazines.

2.Make up a quick story about your picture.

3.Trade your picture with the students from another group.Practice:

Show some pictures to the students.Let the students picture them.Show some different pictures in different situations.Let them give vivid description.When they finish one picture, try to show them the whole story.If we don’t have enough time, show them the main idea. Step8.Consolidation

Suppose you have a foreign friend.He will come to China.Make a chart.Write down his/her name, his nationality, his language and his aims.Show it to your partner, then finish it in cla.

Leon 19:Sayings

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: culture, several, action, fly, as soon as Oral words and expreions: saying, penny, earn, boil, hatch, judge, prevention, cure, worm, fence, spoil, broth, honey, vinegar, Nick, giggle Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about the differences between the Chinese and Western table manners.2.Train the students focus abilities.3.Cultivate the students’ cooperation abilities.Teaching Important Points:

1.Understanding the English saying.2.The expreions of similarities and differences. 3.The past future tense.Teaching Difficult Points: Learn the expreions of similarities and differences between Chinese and Western countries on table manners and sayings.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Leon: new leon Teaching Procedures: Step1.Lead in: The teacher begins the cla by discuing the question.It is a group activity.Ask the students to tell the manners at the table.

In the activity, the students will think of many funny stories.Give them chance to speak in front of the cla.Praise the groups that act well.Step2.Listening task: Listen and answer the following questions: 1.Who does Nick sit beside?



Leon 1: Poetry, Please Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: poem, decide, nature, expre, learn/know …by heart, pleased, happine, shut Oral words and expreions: poetry, description, continue, beyond Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the poems in foreign countries.2.Know the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.How to make suggestions.2.The grammar: infinitives.3.Some words and expreions: learn/know …by heart Teaching Difficult Points: The grammar: infinitives Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK AOBUT IT”.

Let the students talk about the questions in groups.

1.Have you written a poem in Chinese? Is it hard? Why? 2.What kinds of poetry do you like best? After a while, let the students in each group present their ideas to the cla in front of the cla.Step2: Listen to the tape and find the answers to the questions: 1.Have Brian finished his poem? 2.What’s Danny’s poem about? Step3: Reading task: 1.Read the text and underline the new words in this leon.Present the meanings of the words with the help of the media computer.We can use our body language if neceary.3.Tell the main idea of this leon.Step4: Read the text again and decide the statements are true or false.1.Jenny wrote a Chinese poem.2.Brian wrote a poem about nature.3.Danny learned his poem by heart.Step5: Deal with the language points.How to make a suggestion: Maybe you could write a description of your favourite place.The infinitives: I haven’t decided what to write about.Would you like to hear my poem? Do you really want to hear? I don’t need to read it.

Let the students sum the use of infinitives of this leon.Then encourage them to make more sentences with the grammar.Step5: Activities 1.Divide the cla into several groups.Then let them translate a Chinese poem written by Li Bai or other famous poets.Then compare the translations of the groups.Let’s see which is the best.2.Each group writes an English poem about the familiar things around us.Then let them change the poems in groups.They may give their own advice to the poems written by others.Step6: Describe the picture in English.

Ask the students work in their formal groups.Then let them read their poems in cla loudly.Step7: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Work with a partner.Let the students talk about the question: which do you think is more difficult to understand, English poetry or Chinese poetry? All of the students have seen much Chinese poetry, but few of them have seen English poetry.So present the students several English poems.Let them discu the mean ideas of the poems.Then let them finish the task.Step8: Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Get more information about the English poetry after cla.Summary:

The students more little of the English, so that the teacher provides them more information about the English poetry is very neceary.We can use the Internet to help us.The teacher should stimulate the students’ interests about the English poetry.The students can have more time to search more information on the Internet after cla.

Leon 2: Poems About Nature Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: hill, clear, brave, pale, golden, softly, ki, noisy Oral words and expreions: swiftly, tiny, warmth, scene, related, topic Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ gueing ability of the whole text.2.Enjoy the charming of the English poetry.3.Compare the differences between the English and Chinese poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn the English poetry about nature by hearty.2.Know how to write an English poem.Teaching Difficult Points: Use what we learn to write an English poem.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Divide the cla into several groups.Talk about the next questions: Have you read any poems in English? Which one do you like best? Why? What should you do first if you want to write a poem about winter? Choose several best poems and let the students read them in front of the cla.Show some pictures of winter to the students.Help them to find more words to describe winter.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1.Does the poem make you think of _______? 2.You can write a poem about _______, too.3.Before you start writing your poetry, think about your _______.Step3: Read the text and find the new words.1.Let the students gue the meanings of the new words.Most of the new words are related nature.So present some pictures to the students to help them understand the new words.2.Ask some students to tell the main idea of this text.Step4: Do with the language points.Make sentences with the new words we learn in this text.Ask if someone can tell a story with the words we learn today.Encourage them to stand in front of the cla and tell his story to us.Step5: Reading task Encourage the students to ask questions about this text.Finish the task in groups.Let the students design questions and exchange them in groups.They can ask questions like this: 1.What are your ideas for a nature poem? 2.What can you do to describe about something? Step6: Activities.Work in groups.

Write a poem about the two pictures.Finish a poem.Then each student in the group correct it before reading it to the cla.Step7: Come to “LET’S DO IT!”

The task is similar to the step6.Finish it in cla.Try to write a poem about one of the seasons.The teacher shows some pictures about the seasons to the students. Step8: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

It is fun and interesting to write a poem in English.The teacher tries to write a poem and presents it to the cla.Let the students correct it if they have any good ideas.Some students are interested in English, and they are also interested in poems.So give them more chances to create their minds.

Leon 3: Say It in Three Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: direction, form, poet, simply, a set number of, middle, clearly, dark, sleepy, unexpected, frog, feeling Oral words and expreions: petal, cherry, grebe, Matsuo Basho, Haiku, particular, pattern, set, syllable, interruption, plop, splash, limerick, adverb Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ reading comprehension.2.Know more about the foreign culture.3.Compare the differences between the Chinese and Japanese poems.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn about an old style of Japanese poem: Haiku.2.Know some styles of poems: Haiku, Nature Poem and Limerick.Teaching Difficult Points: The old form of Japanese poetry: Haiku.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Show pictures of Japanese poets and poems.Then introduce Haiku to the students.The teacher can find some music to match the poem.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.Usually Haikus are about _______.Haiku always has ______ lines.The first line of a Haiku has _______ syllables.Check the answers in cla in oral.Step3: Read the text and gue the meanings of the new words.Sometimes some new words are too hard to understand, so the teacher can find some related pictures to help them.

If the students bring some pictures about nature to the cla, let them show them in front of the cla.Step4: Read the text and find the answers to the questions: 1.Do Haikus tell a story? 2.What’s a syllable? Step5: Come to “PROJECT”.

1.Divide the cla into groups to finish the task.2.Finish the three poems in the text.Use the sentence: I need a ______.Let the others give the answers, one student write the words down.3.After finishing the poems, read it to the cla.All the groups have different poems.Do they sound funny? 4.Decide a subject by each group.Then make a pattern according to the subject.Then finish the poem as the models in the text.5.Read the poem to the cla.Step6: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: Some students may think the foreign poems are funny and easy.The teacher may also think so.It is poible for the students to create poems like those we have learned in the cla.Give them more chances to create their minds.The teacher can try some poems, too.The cla and the teacher can find much fun in learning foreign poems.

Leon 4: The Wish Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: wish, in the middle of, stone, friendship, recite Teaching Aims: 1.Learn how to sing foreign songs.2.Know more about the foreign culture.3.Learn about the styles of all kinds of poems in other countries.Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the main idea of the song.2.Grasp the use of “without”.3.Make a similar song like this.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of “without”.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Listen to the tape for several times.At the same time, ask the students to sing after it.Test how long they grasp the rhythm of the song.Step2: Read the song as a poem.Let the students read the poem as a lyric line by line.Step3: Make a poem like this.Divide the cla into several groups.Make the similar this.Every group makes a poem.Then present it to the cla.If the others have other better ideas, they can give their advice.Step4: Do with the language points.Make sentences with the important phrases: in the middle, without.S1: Danny sits in the middle of the claroom.S2: There is a stone in the middle of the road.S3: Fish can’t live without water.

S4: We can’t finish the work without your help.Step5: Come to “PROJECT”.Finish the task in groups.1.Everyone in the group chooses one pattern of these poems and writes one by yourself.2.After writing the poem, show it to the others in the group.3.Each exams the others’ poems and gives his advice.

4.After examine all of their poems, change them with the other group.Give their reasonable advice.5.The teacher gives them chances to expre themselves.Step6: Homework.1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The students are familiar to the Chinese poetry, but the foreign ones are hard for them.When the students practice, the teacher should give them a hand if neceary.It is a challenge for the Chinese students to write foreign poems.Encourage them more in order to stimulate their interests of learning English. Leon 5: That’s a Funny Limerick!

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: both…and… Oral words and expreions: blank, motion Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ ability of learning by themselves.2.Master one of the patterns of foreign poems.3.Compare the differences between the Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about the limerick.2.Learn more words about describing weight, size, feeling and age.Teaching Difficult Points: Know how to write a limerick.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Let the students answer the questions in cla in oral.1.Ask several students to say funny sayings in English.If they can’t expre themselves in English, they can say them in Chinese.2.Let some students tell jokes.Encourage them to tell jokes in English.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

1._______ and _______ help Jenny fill in the blanks in her limerick.2.They choose _______ to describe the weight.Step3: Read and get the main idea of the text.1.Let the students scan the text.Then tell the main idea of the text.2.Find the new words and gue their meanings according to the text.Step4: Do with some language points.Either…or…, both…and…

Let some students make sentences with the help of the pictures.S1: He eats either apples or oranges.S2: Either he or I am good at dancing.S3: Both his teachers and his parents love him.S4: Susan loves both reading and listening.Step5: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Limerick is a kind of poem that has a pattern.Study the “Limerick”.Get the results.1.There are five lines in the limerick.2.From Jenny’s limerick, we can see the first, second and fifth lines have rhyme.Look in the library or search on the Internet to find some information about limericks.Show them to the cla and let them find the patterns of “limerick”.

3.Let different groups act the dialogue out in front of the cla.Step6: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Limerick is fun.It’s interesting for the students.The students may like to practice it very much.Everyone writes a limerick.The cla will be full of laughter.Ask the students to begin the similar dialogue in cla to practice the limerick.

Leon 6: Say It in Five Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: create, single, thought Oral words and expreions: fur, stretch, hum, adjective Teaching Aims: 1.Improve the students’ listening and reading abilities. 2.Know more about the foreign poetry.3.Learn the American five-line poems.Teaching Important Points: 1.Grasp the pattern of the five-line poem.2.Use the pattern to describe something.Teaching Difficult Points: Use the pattern to describe something.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

We all know Chinese poetry has different kinds of patterns.Let the students give some examples.Step2: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Who created the five-line poem? 2.How many poems does the text show us? Finish the listening part in cla in oral.Step3: Reading task: Read and tell the main idea of the text.This is a game to practice the students’ memories.It can improve the students’ summary abilities.

Step4: Read and decide the statements are true or false.1.Today we learn a pattern of French poetry.2.The second line has three words.3.The topic of the poem is a noun.Finish the questions in cla in oral.Step5: Activity: Show some pictures to the students.Let them the favourite one to describe.They can work in pairs.Then show their poems to the cla.

It’s easy to finish the task, but it is hard to do it well.Step6: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Work in groups of three or four students.1.Say the differences between a Haiku and a five-line poem.Say about their different forms and different patterns.A haiku is just a description of a scene.It is simply what is happening in this place, at this moment.Five-line poem has five lines.It is always about a single topic.Each line has a set number of words.The first line has one word.The second line has two words.The third, or middle, line has three words.The fourth line has four words.The last line has one word.2.Finish the task in groups.Choose one topic as they like.Then exchange the poems among the groups.Step7: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Ask the students to find more topics after cla.Summary:

We learn different kinds of foreign poetry.They are limericks, five-line poems and Haiku.The students may think they are very interesting.Some students have surprising poems that you didn’t think of.Give them more chances to practice so that they can create their minds.

Leon 7: Trading Poems Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: awake, riddle Oral words and expreions: avenue Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Create the student’s cooperation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the written style, letter.2.Learn the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Difficult Points: Write a letter with what we learn in this unit.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Show the type of the letter.Let the students sum how to write a letter.Pay attention to the written style of the envelope.Step2: Listening task Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1._______ is a beautiful way to expre thoughts and feelings.2.Danny’s teacher says Danny’s always saying _______ things.

Let the students listen to the tape and finish the listening task in cla in oral.Step3: Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Does Danny think it is hard to write a poem? 2.Did Li Ming write back to Danny? Ask the students scan the text and answer the questions.Step4: Practice Write a letter to your friends about what we learn in this unit.The teacher encourages them to write a poem to their friend, too.It’s hard, so they can choose any topic that they like.They only write for friends.We don’t need to demand too much.Step5: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Finish the task in groups of three or four students.In a small group, write a poem like the one in Li Ming’s postcard.

1.First, choose a word your group like.They can choose any word that they like.Because the task is to begin a poem with the letters in this word, everyone can write a word on a piece of paper.Then they can choose one from these.2.Use each letter in this word to begin a line of our poem.Everyone in the group can write different poem according to the word.Then they can exchange their poems and give advice to each other.3.Make a poster to display your poems on the wall.It takes some time to design the poster. 4.Which one do you think is the best? Give your reasons.

Let the students choose the best poem that they like best and give their reasons in front of the cla.Step6: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The last poem that we learn in Li Ming’s postcard is very interest

Leon 8: Unit Review

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions from Leon1 to Leon7.Oral words and expreions from Leon1 to Leon7.Teaching Aims: 1.Improve the students’ ability of using what we learn in this unit.

2.Stimulate the students’ mind of learning about Chinese and foreign poetry.3.Know the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Making suggestions.2.Master the use of infinitives.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of infinitives.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: review leon Teaching Procedure: Step1: Listen to some beautiful poems in Chinese or in English.Music usually creates atmosphere for the students.

If anyone can recite some English poems, the teacher can give them chances to recite in front of the cla.Step2: Do the exercises in Leon8.At the same time, the teacher walks in the claroom and see if they have any trouble to solve.Step3: Let the students write some difficulties on the blackboard.Then let’s try to solve them together.The most important grammar is the infinitive.For example: I haven’t decided what to write.

Li Ming has something important to do, so he can’t come to your party.My wish is to go to space.It’s not easy to walk against a strong wind.Step4: Practice the spoken English.Make a similar dialogue according to the Speaking the Language part.It’s how to make suggestions.

Ask the students work in pairs to make up dialogues like this.Then present it in front of the cla.Step5: Play “Story Game’.

Work in groups to finish the task.When the students play the game, the teacher walks around the claroom and see if any group needs help.At last, ask each group presents their stories to the others in front of the cla.Whose story is the funniest?

Step6: Homework 1.Finish the exercises in activity book.2.Preview the next leon.Summary:

Poetry is an important part of culture.So it is useful to learn it well.This unit gives us opportunities to practice.Making suggestions is important, too.So let the students make dialogues to practice it.The teacher should pay attention to the infinitives in this unit.We should practice more in this cla. Leon 9: What’s a “Horkey”?

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: helpful, at the same time Oral words and expreions: DNA, combine, juicy, mule, donkey Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about cloning.

2.How to combine two different things.Teaching Important Points:

1.Talk about the ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunctions.3.Combine two different things.Teaching Difficult Points: Talk about the ability and inability.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in the cla by showing some pictures about combining to the students.They may be about different things, such as food, fruit, animals and other things. Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Can Danny combine a donut and a pizza? 2.Who wants to combine a cow and a chick? Let the students answer the questions with the help of the pictures.Finish the task in oral in cla.Step3.Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct words. 1.We can combine two different ______ or two different ______.2.Brian would combine ______ and ______.Look through the whole text quickly and answer the questions in cla in oral.Step4.Encourage the students find the new words in this leon.Give more examples and let the students understand more about the words.I would combine a donut and a pizza.Then I could have breakfast and lunch together.Then I would have little, juicy bananas.Do you know what a mule is? It has a horse as mother and a donkey as a father.Step5.Read the text again and encourage them to find more questions about the text.One student stands up and asks a question.The others who want to answer can stand up and answer it as quickly as he can.For example: 1.What would you combine? 2.What about combining a duck and a deer? 3.Can we combine apples and bananas? Step6.Come to “PROJECT”.

Finish the task in groups of three or four students.Think about something that is combined by two different things.Each of the group writes his answer down and shows it to others.Then choose the most meaningful one to study.What will your group combine? What if you combine the two things? What can it do for us? What’s its advantage?

Talk about the questions above, then sum their ideas.Give a report in front of the cla.Demonstrate your ideas.Describe the thing that you combine in detail.Describe its advantages and disadvantages.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary In this leon, we learn to combine two different things together.In order to get new living things, we must make full use of our imagination.What can the things that we combine are used for? It is important for us to discu.During the discuion, we practice our spoken English.

Leon 10: What is DNA? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: generally, twin, clone, not only…but also Oral words and expreions: blueprint, identical, egg, identify Teaching Aims: 1.Know how to write a paage on science.2.Learn something about DNA.3.Know more about our body.Teaching Important Point: 1.Master the words and expreions of this leon.2.The ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Point: The use of DNA.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in the text by discuing what DNA is.Divide the cla into several groups.Then talk about the subject for several minutes.Then one of the groups presents their opinions in front of the cla.Step2.Listening task:

Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.Generally speaking, a ______ is a drawing.2.______ for identical twins, each living thing has its own unique DNA.Play the tape once.Then let the students try to finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text quickly and answer the following questions: 1.Where does your DNA come from? 2.Is your DNA in every part of your body? Finish the reading task in cla in oral.Try to get more information about the text at the same time.Step4.Read the text again.Find the sentences with the new words.Try to create situation about the new words.Then make sentences with the new words.If someone can make a whole story with the new words that we learn in this leon, the teacher must encourage her. The sentences with the new words: Generally speaking, a blueprint is a drawing.Identical twins are two children that grew from the same egg.They are clones.From your DNA, scientists can identify not only you, but also people related to you.Step5.Let some students tell some details about the text. What is DNA? Where is your DNA from? What is DNA used for? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Finish the task with a partner.Find the things about you that show your parents’ DNA.Talk about if for a while.Then let some volunteers come to the front to talk about the subject.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

You look like your father or your mother.That identifies the DNA of your body from your parents.DNA is very fascinating.Each living thing has its own unique DNA.Try to find more ways to use the DNA in many fields.Discu the use of DNA in this cla.Make full use of it to help more people in the world in more fields

Leon 11: Cloning People? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: exactly, divide, crazy Oral words and expreions: human being, original, adult, Dolly, insect Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about cloning.2.Create the students’ spirit of cooperation.Teaching Important Points: 1.The advantages and disadvantages of cloning.2.The expreion of ability and disability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Points: The advantages and disadvantages of cloning.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure:

Step1: Show a picture of Dolly.Then let the students discu what our life will be if we make a clone of ourselves.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Discu for five minutes.Then present their results to the cla.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.The clones are the ______ height.2.There are ______ ways to clone people.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false(F).1.We can make clones from dead animals.2.Each clone would be a different person.3.We can combine the DNA of pigs and dogs.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Pair work: Read the text again and find more details about the text.Try to solve the following problems.Talk about them with your partner.At the same time, encourage them to ask more questions about the text.How many ways are there to clone people? What are they? Do you want a clone of your self? Why? What is the use of cloning? Try to finish it in a limited time in order to improve their comprehension ability.Step5.Read the text by the students.Give the students time to listen to the tape again.Then make a chance for them to practice in front of the cla. Step6.A debate Divide the cla into two groups.One group is for the advantages of cloning.The other is for the disadvantages of cloning.The teacher designs the task in order to find out the meanings of cloning.Step 7.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.

This task is similar to the one is step6.This topic is about the food.The students can use their imaginations.Of course the best way is to search on the Internet for more information about the subject.Step8.Homework 1.Search more information about cloning on the Internet or in the newspaper.

2.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.Summary:

Cloning is a popular subject in the modern society.It is good for the students to know more about that.Encourage the students to find out more information on the Internet.They can use other tools to get more.Give them chances to present their results in the next leon.Leon 12: Did You Ever See a “Chorse”?

Teaching Content: There are no new words and expreions in this leon.Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about combining.2.Find the differences between the Chinese and foreign songs.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expreion of ability and disability.2.The use of coordinating conjunctions.3.Sing the song fluently.Teaching Difficult Points: Combine two different living things.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures of animals to the students.Let them imagine what animals what animals they would like to combine. What would they look like? What are they used for? Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Then discu the questions for five minutes.After a while, show their results to the cla in front of the cla.Step2.Listen to the song and repeat after it.Play the tape for several times.Let the students to be familiar to the rhythm of the song.Step3.Read the song as a lyric.Then let the students make up other similar songs according to their imagination.

Let some volunteers present their song to the cla.

Step4.Let the students try to sing the song together.Play the tape again.Ask them to sing after it for several times again.

Step5.Ask some volunteers to sing in front of the cla. Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Work in a small group to finish the task.

Use the pattern in the song to tell customers about your new animals.Describe the new animals in the following ways.What animals will you combine? What is the new animal look like? What are they used for? What will you name them? At last, they can present their result in words or in pictures.Let the students talk about the subject for five minutes.Then let one of the members come to the front and present their result.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Practice the song after cla. Summary:

This song is about combining.Combine two different things together by changing their DNA.It is a new technique.We must make full use of it in many ways.The students today are the future scientists and engineers.So let them know more about coming is good for them.Give them more chance to search after cla.Help them to use many tools to teach themselves.Leon 13: Clones Are the Same Teaching Content: Oral words and expreions: laboratory Teaching Aims:

1.Practice the students’ spoken English.2.Create the students’ imaginations.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about cloning.2.The expreion of ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Points: The expreion of ability and inability.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Talk about the question “What would you like to clone?” in groups.They can use the following patterns: What would you like to clone? Why? Give the students five minutes.Then let them act their dialogues out in front of the cla.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Jenny would like to clone a dog.2.Danny would clone himself.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task: Scan the text and answer the following questions: 1.What would Jenny like to clone? 2.What would Brian like to clone? 3.Why would Danny like to clone himself? Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again and find the main idea of the text.Ask some students to say it in front of the cla.Step5.A Game Make up a similar dialogue according to the text.Finish the task in groups of three or four.Give them five minutes.And then ask the students to present their dialogues in front of the cla.Step6.Discuion Discu the use of the clones of yourself.If you have a clone of yourself, what would you like him to do for you? Do you think it is very useful? Step7.Come to “PROJECT”.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Talk about the subject “Have you heard of cloned animals?” The next is “If you are a scientist, what would you like to clone? Why?”

Talk about the subjects in groups.The students may have five minutes to finish the task.Then try to present your result to the cla in front of the cla.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Cloning is new to some students.It is useful to give them more time to talk about the subject.They can find more information about cloning on the Internet or with other tools.Encourage them to know more after cla by themselves Leon 14: A Clone of My Own Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: secret, copy, doubt, stupid, che, robot Oral words and expreions: foolish, flute, closet, prefer, play che, prefer…to… Teaching Aims:

1.Improve the students’ written ability.2.Create the students’ imaginations.Teaching Important Points: 1.Imagine the use of cloning in our daily life.2.The expreion of ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions. Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Talk about the question:

Would you like to have a clone of yourselves? Why? Finish the task in groups.Give the students five minutes to discu the subject.Then let the students present it in front of the cla.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the flowing questions: 1.How old is Kate? 2.What does “foolish” mean? Finish the task in cla in oral.

Step3.Scan the text and decide the following statements are True or False: 1.Katie would like a secret clone.2.Katie already has three sisters.3.Katie’s clone would live the living room with Katie.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again and try to find the sentences with the new words.What does Katie mean by “a secret clone”? I doubt what she says! “Foolish” means “silly or stupid”.Also, she would play che with me.Maybe I need a robot! She would feed my tow cats, clean my room and practise my flute.

Step5.Ask some students to tell the main idea of the text.Let some students say it in front of the cla.Step6.Group Work Talk about the subject in groups.Talk for about five minutes.If you have a clone of yourself, what would you like her or him to do for you?

Write what you think of down on a piece of paper.Then exchange their ideas in groups.One of the members sum what they think of.Then present it in front of the cla.Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish the task in pairs.Make up a dialogue with a partner and act it out in front of the cla. Encourage them to make the story funny. Make the ending surprising.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

It is fun to give the students chances to speak in front of the cla.Sometimes they think they are not happy in their daily life.They don’t want to do something sometimes, so they want someone else to do it for him or her.Maybe some students think clones of themselves are useful to them.Leon 15: Cloning Questions

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: neither, nor, neither…nor…, dead Oral words and expreions: mammoth Teaching Aims:

1.Be familiar to the e-mail.2.Know more about cloning.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expreions of ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by showing some pictures of cloning.Let the students talk about the use of cloning. What is cloning? What is cloning used for? What can we do with cloning? Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What did Li Ming study this week in school? 2.What’s the name of the first cloned animal?

Ask the students to answer the questions in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text and decide the statements are True or False.1.Li Ming doesn’t think cloning is interesting.2.Li Ming knew how the sheep Dolly cloned.3.Jenny has ever studied cloning.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again and find the sentences with the new words.Let the students gue the meanings of the new words.Give more examples with the new words.I knew that English scientists had cloned a sheep, but I knew neither how nor why.I chose mammoths.Ask the students to make sentences with neither…nor… He is neither a teacher nor a doctor.Neither he nor I am thirteen years old.Step5.Sum the main idea of the two e-mails.Let the students tell them in their own words, not word by word according to the content of the e-mails. Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Use the Internet or other tools to find more information about cloning.

Talk about what, where, when, why and how cloning is taking place.Everyone writes down a short paage, then exchange it with the others.Next one of the members of the group gives a report in front of the cla.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Ask your parents for some information about cloning.Summary:

Cloning is new to the students.Let them get more information on the Internet.That is helpful for them.It is helpful for them to use the Internet for some important information.On th the coordination conjunctions are important in this unit.So make more practice in cla.

Leon 16: Unit Review Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions in this unit.Oral words and expreions in this unit.Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to use the Internet and other tools to search more information.2.Know more about cloning.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expreion of ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: review leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Group work Talk about the question in groups.“What do you like to clone the most? Why?” Let the students write their opinions down on a piece of paper.Then exchange their opinions.At last, one of the members sums the opinions and gives a report in front of the cla.Step2.Finish the exercises in this leon.Find out the problems and write them down on the blackboard.

Discu the problem together and find out the correct way to solve the problems.Step3.Do with “Grammar in Use”.

Let the students finish the exercises.Then ask the students to make some sentences with neither…nor…, not only…but also….

Not only he but also his father is handsome.Neither my mother nor my father likes this kind of fruit.Step4.Come to “Speaking the Language”.

Complete the dialogue.Then ask the students to make a similar dialogue with his partner.Then present it in front of the cla. Step5.Play the game “Stop-Go”

Play the game in front of the cla.Start the game with 10 volunteers from the cla.Play the game to practice the “ability and inability” expreions on this page.Change the students to play the game if the time is enough.Step6.Group work Divide the cla into several groups.Ask them to introduce themselves in the group.Then choose two best ones to present in front of the cla.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Find out more information about cloning on the Internet.Summary:

This unit is designed to review the main language points in this unit.It is used to build the vocabulary of the unit.Practice the grammars and spoken English in this unit.All those are put in a situation of cloning.Cloning is a new subject for the students.It is very interesting to discu.

Leon 17: Do Mistakes Matter?

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: pardon, mention, pocket, double, mistake, make a mistake, depend, common Oral words and expreions: Bruce, confused, confusing, depend on, bargaining Teaching aims: 1.Know the cultural differences between China and western countries.2.Improve the students’ abilities of speaking English.Teaching Important Points:

1.Target language: I made a mistake.He looks confused.Buying things in China is confusing.2.Train the students’ focus abilities and cooperation spirit.

Teaching Difficult Points: the difficult cultures of different countries Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Leon: new leon Teaching procedures: Step1.Lead in The teacher shows some pictures to the students with the Multi-media computer.The pictures show the differences between China and Western countries.

From the people’s appearance and the colour of the skin,We can tell the differences.The others show cultural differences.We use chopsticks but they use the fork and knives.Divide the cla into several groups and finish the task.Encourage the students to speak more.They can use their own pictures to help them. Step2.Listening task

Listen to the text and answer the following question: 1.Where is Bruce from? 2.What does Bruce’s father do?

3.How much does Li Ming pay for the two pops? 4.How much did Bruce pay for one pop?

Ask the students to listen carefully and answer the questions.We can arrange the students to listen to the part that is connected with the two questions.Step3.Read and find the new words: He looks confused.

Buying things in China is confusing. I made a mistake.

Let the students try to make sentences with the new words. Step4.Reading task:

Read the text again and answer the questions: What are Bruce and Li Ming doing? Is Bruce confusing?

Where don’t people try to change the price, in China or in North America? Encourage the students to ask more questions by themselves. Step5.Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given. 1.My brother is _______(迷惑的). 2.It is so ______(迷惑的) a thing. 3.Does he often ______(犯错误)?

This part is used to check if they have grasped the new words. Step6.Activity

Suppose you and Bruce are shopping, you are bargaining with the clerk.Bruce can bargain, too. Divide the cla into several groups and talks about the questions.After a while, let the students act their out in front of the cla.

Encourage the students to speak loudly in front of the cla.Choose the best group and praise them.Step7.Think about: What’s the difference between people in China and North America when they are shopping?

Use the formal group to finish the task.When the students discu, the teacher walks around the claroom to see if they need any help.

Step8.Talk about: Where would you like to buy things, in shopping center or market?

Let them debate the questions.As usual, the cla can be divided into two groups.One group thinks the shopping center is good.The other thinks the market is better.Let them debate for five minutes.Then let one student in each group to sum the opinions of his own group. Step9.Homework

Find more information about the differences between China and western countries. Summary: This interesting text is about bargaining in China.It’s based on the different cultures between Chinese and Western countries.In some countries in North America, people don’t try to bargain, so some foreign friends feel confused when they buy things in China.Try to help them when you meet foreigners.Try to find more differences between Chinese and Western countries on the Internet.

Leon 18: Wait! Don’t Eat Yet!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: society, politely, manner, especially, unle, polite, fork, serve, forever, act, compare, theirs Oral words and expreions: custom, tablecloth, rude, toothpick, Spaghetti, sauce Teaching Aims: 1.Find the differences between the Chinese and Western customs at table.2.Cultivate the students’ creation and cooperation spirit.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expreions of similarities and differences.2.Grasp the Past Future Tense. Teaching Difficult Points: The expreions of similarities and differences.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Leon: new leon Teaching Procedures: Step1.Lead in: a pair work.

The teacher asks the students the following question: Have you ever traveled to other places? Where have you been?

Show some pictures with the help of the multi-media.The pictures are from Australia, France, China, England, America and Japan.

Let the students discu for 2 or 3 minutes.Then let them say in front of the cla.When the student is speaking, the others can ask him or her questions about his subject. Step2.Listening task Listen and answer the following questions: 1.Table manners in China and Canada are quite ______.2.In China, if your guests have no food on their plates, putting food on their plates is ______.3.It’s ______ to use a toothpick at the table.Finish the task in cla in oral.

Step3.Read the text and find out the sentences with the new words.All societies have customs about how to eat politely.We call these customs “table manners”.

It’s okay to eat it, especially if it’s something dry, like a piece of bread.In Canada, if you drop something on the tablecloth, you pick it up and put it on your plate.Parents are forever telling their children: “Don’t talk with your moth full!” Step4.Reading task: Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.1.In China, if you drop something on the tablecloth, you usually pick it up and eat it.2.In Canada, to finish the food in front of the cla in rude.In China, everybody has a knife at the table.Exercises: Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given.1.I think______(sing) loudly at table is not polite.

2.It’s rude ______ (point) to the others when you eat at table.

3.His mother said he ______ (return) the fork to the restaurant tomorrow.4.Nobody ______(know) the secret except me.Step6.Activity:

Project: What’s the story? 1.Find pictures in magazines.

2.Make up a quick story about your picture.

3.Trade your picture with the students from another group.Practice:

Show some pictures to the students.Let the students picture them.Show some different pictures in different situations.Let them give vivid description.When they finish one picture, try to show them the whole story.If we don’t have enough time, show them the main idea. Step8.Consolidation

Suppose you have a foreign friend.He will come to China.Make a chart.Write down his/her name, his nationality, his language and his aims.Show it to your partner, then finish it in cla.

Leon 19:Sayings

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: culture, several, action, fly, as soon as Oral words and expreions: saying, penny, earn, boil, hatch, judge, prevention, cure, worm, fence, spoil, broth, honey, vinegar, Nick, giggle Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about the differences between the Chinese and Western table manners.2.Train the students focus abilities.3.Cultivate the students’ cooperation abilities.Teaching Important Points:

1.Understanding the English saying.2.The expreions of similarities and differences. 3.The past future tense.Teaching Difficult Points: Learn the expreions of similarities and differences between Chinese and Western countries on table manners and sayings.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Leon: new leon Teaching Procedures: Step1.Lead in: The teacher begins the cla by discuing the question.It is a group activity.Ask the students to tell the manners at the table. In the activity, the students will think of many funny stories.Give them chance to speak in front of the cla.Praise the groups that act well.Step2.Listening task: Listen and answer the following questions: 1.Who does Nick sit beside? 2.Is Nick full at last? Listening is neceary for training the students listening abilities.Remember to give them a few easy questions to answer. Step3.Reading task:

Read and find the new words:

But as soon as his bowl was empty, the grandmother put more in it. Wu Yang’s little sister giggled.

Let the students make sentences with the new words.

S1: The students stop talking as soon as the teacher comes in. S2: My mother came in as soon as I watched TV.

S3: While I am speaking, Wang Yan giggles all the time. Step4.Read and find the difficult language points: 1.Nick ate it all up.

2.The grandmother kept giving him more.3.Wu Yang was trying not to smile.Let the students try using the phrases in English.

S5: I’m so hungry that I eat up all the food on the table.

S6: He was not good at English, but he kept trying his best.We all admire him. S7: Try to pa the exam, please.

Step5.Divide the cla into several groups in three or four.Gue the meanings of the English sayings.

First let them exchange the meanings of the sayings in the group first.Then exchange the meanings in groups.

Let the students decide which are the correct answers to the English sayings.Step6.Exercises:

1.I will call you __________(一„„就)I come back.2.You must _________(解释) it to your parents.3.Although he failed, he kept _________(努力).4.What _______(其他的) can I do for you? If the teacher wants to know if they have grasped the language points of this leon, he can give them some exercises to see the result. Step7.Project: It is a group activity.Divide the cla into several groups to finish the task.

The people in the story have a problem.They don’t understand each other very well.

Write an ending for the story.Explain why you choose you ending.Search more information about the differences between China and western countries at the table.Leon 20: Where I Come From Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: greeting Oral words and expreions: forgive Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the cultural differences among different countries.2.Cultivate the students’ cooperation spirit.Teaching Important Points: 1.The different greeting ways in different country.2.The Past Future Tense.Teaching Difficult Points: The similarities and differences.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure:

Step1.Lead in by discuing in groups.Finish the task with the help of the flashcards.Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Let each group discu the following questions with the help of the pictures.He /she will come to your home for dinner next Sunday.

What will you prepare for him/her? Try to finish the task in five minutes.Step2.Listen to the tape and let the students sing after it for several times.Step3.Show a globe to the foreign students.Let’s see where we are.Ask some students come to the front and point up where we are on the globe.

A game.Ask two students to the front.Let’s who can find more places in limited time.The one who finds more is the winner.

Step4.Read the text as a poem and find the new words.Then make sentences with in greeting, forgive

Where I come from we shake hands in greeting and ask, “How are you?” During a meeting and forgive a mistake or two. Step5.Group work.Ask the students to say some special customs of the foreign countries.For example, the schools are different in China and other countries.Divide the cla into groups of three or four to finish the task.Step6.Activity

Work in groups.Think about your culture.List some special Chinese customs that aren\'t found in other cultures. Step7.Homework

1.Finish off the exercises in activity book. 2.Go on the next reading in the student book. Summary:

English songs sometimes are the same as the Chinese songs.They also describe a subject and the content is all about it.Because of the English songs, the students know more about the foreign customs and culture.

Leon 21: What’s in a Name? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: given name, family name, sir Oral words and expreions: formal Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Cultivate the students’ learning abilities.Teaching Important Points: 1.The structure of English names.2.The differences between English and Chinese names.Teaching Difficult Points: The structure of English names.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discuing: How much do you know about the differences between Chinese and Western names? Work in groups.Then one of the members of the groups gives a report to the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the information you hear. 1.In Western countries, people have ______names.2._______ is Li Ming’s first name.Finish the task in cla in oral. Step3.Read and find the new words in the text. 1.My given names are “Brian” and “James”.2.My family name is “Smith”.3.That’ formal in English.Practice the new words in cla.Stp4.The language points: I’m a little confused.

But in China it comes last! What do they say when they meet on a formal occasion? Make sentences with the language points.Step5.Practice: Tell us why Danny is confused.If you understand, give us an example.Let some students say give some examples to show the differences between Chinese and English names.Step6.Work with a partner.Write a dialogue in which Brian and Wang Mei meet and introduce themselves.What do they say when they meet on a formal occasion. Step7.Homework

Give English names to each of your family members. Summary:

English names are so different from Chinese names that some Chinese students are confused about them.Let the students choose English names themselves.Then they can choose English names for their family members.I believe practice makes perfect.

Leon 22: Do Manners Matter? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: praise Oral words and expreions: Joe Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities about learning English.Teaching Important Points:

1.Good manners in China and North America.2.Apologies, similarities and differences.3.Past Future Tense.Teaching Difficult Tense: Past Future Tense.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by a group work.Ask the students to tell the differences about the manners when you receive the presents.

Work in groups of three or four.Everyone writes his or her answers down on a piece of paper.Then exchange their ideas.Next sum the main ideas and present them to the cla. Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words.1.Wu Zhou has lived in Canada for ______ years.2.Good manners in North America are ______ from good manners in China.3.When people give you gifts in Canada, you ______ them with many words.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false.1.In North America, there are no words for being polite.2.When people give you gifts in Canada, you might say, “I don’t want your gift.” 3.Wu Zhou is a teacher in a university in Canada.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again.Tell the main idea of the text and encourage the students to ask more questions about the text.They can ask questions like these: S1: Wu Zhou calls himself Joe Wu, why? S2: Because “Joe” is an English name that sounds like “Zhou”.

S3: If you don’t say “please” or “thank you”, what will people think of you? S4: They will think you are rude.Step5.Act

Work with your partner.Suppose you receive a present from your friends, what will you say if you are Chinese and what will you say if you are Canadian? Act your dialogue out in front of the cla.Let the students get the differences by their acting.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”

Before we do this, the teacher can show the students more about the differences between Chinese and Canadian culture on the Internet.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four to finish the task.Everyone write his or her ideas down then exchange the ideas in the group.Make up a dialogue or give a report.Then present it in front of the cla.Step7.Homework 1.Finish the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The culture differences show in different ways.Let the students think of more situations and let’s find out how to do on the Internet.Teach the students how to learn is more important than what to learn.So give the students more time to practice in cla.Leon 23: Supper with the Bradshaws

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: trouble Oral words and expreions: peppermint, tradition Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the similarities and differences between China and Western countries.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.Teaching Important Points: 1.Apologies.2.Similarities and differences.3.Past Future Tense.Teaching Difficult Points: Past Future Tense Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discuing what you will do when your friends say goodbye to you.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Everyone writes their ideas down then exchange them in groups.Sum the ideas then give a report in front of the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.We just came home from the ______.2.Bruce and his father had trouble with Chinese ______ and culture.3.Last night, we eat in the ______.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Scan the text and answer 1.Did Bruce and his father make mistakes in China? 2.Western people never eat duck’s feet, do they? 3.Does Li Ming like peppermints? Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again.Find the sentences with the new words.But he and his father sometimes had trouble with Chinese customs and culture.At the end of the meal, Mr.Bradshaw opened a box of peppermint candies.In good Chinese tradition, I told him that I enjoyed it.Show some pictures to help the students remember the new words.Step5.Act it out.Divide the cla into several groups.Ask each group to act one part of the text out.Before doing this, let them read the text fluently and decide which part to act it out.If they don’t have real peppermints or something they must use, they can use something else to replace them.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Divide the cla into groups.Ask them to discu what makes them embarraed when they are guests at a dinner.Everyone writes his ideas down.Then exchange them in groups.At last, one of the groups sums the group’s ideas and presents it in front of the cla.They can write a diary entry, an e-mail or a letter about the dinner.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

It is not easy to make friends with foreigners.It is helpful to know more about the differences between Chinese and western customs and culture.Acting the text out is interesting.The teacher can ask the students to bring something useful into the cla.If they don’t have real ones, they can use something to replace it.

Leon 24: Unit Review

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions from Leon17 to Leon23.Oral words and expreions from Leon17 to Leon23.Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the differences between Chinese and western customs and culture.2.Cultivate the students’ learning abilities and cooperation spirit.Teaching Important Points: 1.Apologies.2.Similarities and differences.3.The past future tense.Teaching Difficult Points: The past future tense.Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures about different table manners to the students.Encourage the students to act out a dialogue to show the differences.Give them five minutes.Let the students act in front of the cla.Step2.Ask the students to talk about the different customs and culture between China and western countries.Show some pictures to remind the students.They can show them in all kinds of styles.They can make a dialogue or write a paage.Step3.Finish the exercises in cla in oral.Write some problems down on the blackboard.Discu in the cla.Then choose the correct answer.Step4.Come to “Grammar in Use”.

Let the students make more sentences with the past future tense.It is often used in the object clause, when the subject is past tense, the object clause is often used the past future tense.Encourage them to give more examples to practice it.Step5.Come to “Speaking the Language”.

Ask volunteers to act the dialogue out in front of the cla.Encourage the students to make other dialogues and act them out.Step6.Come to “Written work”.

Let the students write it as homework if we can’t finish it in cla.It’s practice of the main ideas of this unit.It can also build the students’ vocabulary.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The students practice their reading, speaking and written English in this text.It is used to build the students’ vocabulary.The teacher must make full use of this part.At the same time, encourage them to remind the main ideas of this unit.Give them more time to use what we learn in this unit.

Think over after cla :

Leon 25: Talk! Don’t fight!

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: fight, spend Oral words and expreions: fought, spent Teaching Aims: 1.Let the students know the importance of peace.2.Create the students’ spirit of cooperation.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about the agreement and disagreement.2.Grasp the object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: Talk about the agreement and disagreement.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Discu the following questions: What would you do if you found some money on the street? Give the students five minutes to finish the task.Pay attention to all the students’ feelings.Let all of them take part in the discuion.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear: 1.Jenny and Brian see Danny ______ on the street, _______ a bag.2.The money that Danny found was on the _______.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Who did Danny buy the shirt for? 2.How much money did Brian lose? Step4.Read the text and tell the main idea of the text in the students’ own words.

Let the students speak in front of the cla.Encourage them not to be shy when they stand there.Give the students chances to speak loudly in front of the cla.Step5.Encourage the students to ask more questions about this part.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four to finish the task.Ask all of the students to take part in the discuion.They can ask questions like this: S1: When you are Jenny, what should you do to stop the fight? S2: Do you think the ten dollars is Brian’s?

S3: Do you think Danny should spend the ten dollars that he found on the street? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four, talk about what Danny should do.Everyone writes his or her opinion on a piece of paper.Everyone must write his or her reasons down.Choose the best from their opinions.Then report it to the cla. Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Activities are the main style of the cla.The students learn their knowledge in the games and role-plays.It’s a good way to make the English cla interesting.Always remember to improve the students’ cooperation spirit.Let everyone in the group to have the chance to speak.This is very important for the English teaching.Think over after cla :

Leon 26: Good Friends Shouldn’t Fight

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: enemy, behave, gentleman, honest Oral words and expreions: thief, unhappy, agreed Teaching Aims: 1.Let the student’s grasp the four basic skills of English: listening, speaking, reading and writing.2.Know about the importance of peace in the world.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about the agreement and disagreement.2.Grasp the object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The agreement and disagreement Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Talk about the following questions: Have you ever had a fight with a friend? What happened? If you had a fight with your friends, how do you make up after the fight? Everyone writes their opinions down on a piece of paper, then show it to the others of the group.Remember to demonstrate their reasons.The group chooses the best to present in front of the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.1.Brian thinks Danny is a ______.2.Jenny thinks Danny and Brian should stop _______.3.They will have a ______ at Jenny’s house.

Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Has Brian found his lost money? 2.Did Danny feel sorry to Brian? 3.Is Brian still angry with Danny? Step4.Read the text and act the role-play in front of the cla.Encourage them to make up a role-play by themselves.If they like, they can add any ending for the story.After they act, the others can say where they should improve and how they should improve it.Step5.Group work Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Discu the following questions:

Talk about your fight with your members of the groups.Tell them: what happened to you? How long did the fight last? Who helped you to solve it? After one student finishes his speech, the others can tell him or her whether his actions are right or wrong.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.

Finish the task in pairs.Ask the students to think about the fight between Danny and Brian.Is Brian right to be angry with Danny? Why? The key is to describe the reasons.Is Danny right to say that he doesn’t want to be Brian’s friend anymore? With a partner, debate which character is right, Danny or Brian? Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Activities give the students chances to practice their spoken English.During the activities, some students may have trouble in expreing themselves.The teacher should help them if neceary.Provide them pictures to help them remind the stories or experience in their life.Show them some English words that are about their topics Think over after cla :

Leon 27: The Dove and the Olive Branch

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: flood, peaceful, raise, symbol Oral words and expreions: dove, olive, Adam, Eve, Eden, God, Noah Teaching Aims: 1.Stimulate the students’ ideas of loving our country.2.Improve the students’ spoken English.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about the agreement and disagreement.2.Grasp the object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: the object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure:

Step1.Lead in by discuing “Do you know the story of the dove and the olive branch?”

Divide the cla into group of three or four.Discu the question.At the same time, show the students the picture of the dove and the olive branch with the help of the audiotape.Everyone in the group writes their answers down.Then discu it in the group.Choose the best to show in front of the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and decide the following statements are true or false.1.Noah is a good man.2.Noah and his family in the Great Flood for a hundred days.3.Since then, people use a picture of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth to show their love for peace.After listening to the tape, ask the students to finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Scan the text and tell the main idea of it.Remember to say with their own words.Not one word by one word from the text.

Step4.Read the text carefully and answer the following questions: 1.Did God think there are too many bad people in the world? 2.What did Noah do to escape the Great Flood? Finish the task in cla in oral.Step5.Group work Discu the following questions in groups of three or four.

What do you think breaks the peace in our life? What can you do to prevent this happen?

Make a list of it.Then exchange the ideas in groups.Choose the best to present in front of the cla.

Before the students finish the task, the teacher had better show some new words to them on the blackboard.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Ask the students to finish the task in formal groups.

First, discu whether or not you think the story of Noah is real.Why or why not? What do they think of the God’s idea?

Second, tell other famous stories about making peace.Many students may know some Chinese stories about making peace.

Show some pictures to help them remind the old stories.Many people died in order to get a peaceful world for us. Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Write down your story in the exercise book.Summary:

Remind the students to respect the dead men who died in the anti-Japanese wars.Many stories also write down some great men who devoted themselves to the peace of China.Let’s remember them forever.Without them, we haven’t the peaceful world and the happy life.

Think over after cla :

Leon 28: Please Let There Be Peace Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: army, prepare, gun, agree, agree to, imagine Oral words and expreions: obey, battle, rage, suffering Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.2.Learn to love and care for the people around us.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about agreement and disagreement.2.The object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show a picture of a dove and the olive branch to the cla.Let them show their opinions about the peace of the world.If you are a member in the U.N, what should you do to stop fighting? Peace and development are the main topics now.

Make a list of the plan that you make.Then present it to the cla.

Step2.Listen to the tape for two times.Let them know the rhythm of the song.Can someone sing in front of the cla? If anyone can, the teacher let them have a try.Step3.Read the song as a poem line by line.Translate it into Chinese.If neceary, help them.There are some new words in it.Some words are difficult to understand.

Step4.Play the song again for several times again.Let the students sing after it.Step5.Practice Divide the cla into two groups to read the song.Then sing the song together.If neceary, play the tape again.If they can’t sing it well, the teacher teaches them line by line.Step6.Come to “PROJECT”.

Finish the task in groups of three or four.

Wars bring suffering to people.We all love peace and hate war.We have an organization called the U.N.which is to stop fight and keep peace in the world. It is made up of six main countries in the world.

When there is a fight on the earth, we may think it’s time for the U.N.to play an important part.Now imagine you are representing China at the U.N.Make a speech about how the U.N.should work to stop war.Present your speech to a small group of clamates and listen to their speeches.As a group, talk about your speeches.Ask each other questions about your opinions and information. After five minutes, ask several groups to present their result to the cla.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book Summary:

We all hate wars because we see what wars bring us on TV, in newspapers and on Internet.We must do something to stop them.Give the students chances to open their minds.Maybe it is they that can save the earth someday. Think over after cla :

Leon 29: Jenny’s Good Advice

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: agree with, probably, belong, belong to Oral words and expreions: opinion, have a talk Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ abilities of learning English.2.Know about the importance of peace.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about the agreement and disagreement.2.The object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”

Lead in by discuing the following questions: Why do you sometimes fight with others? How do you feel after the fight? Finish the task in groups.After discuing it for a while, make the best one to show it in the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Where do Danny and Brian meet? 2.Do Danny and Brian stop fight in this leon? Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and tell the main idea of the text.Pay attention to Danny’s and Brian’s opinions about this.Step4.Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.1.Danny and Brian both think Jenny’s cookies are good.

2.Brain didn’t think the money that Danny’s picked up was his.3.Danny can’t agree with Brian’s opinion.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step5.Pair work Work with your partner.If you were Jenny, what would you do to stop them from fighting? Do you have any other good ideas? Work in pairs.Then discu it for a while.

Let some volunteers come to the front to give their advice.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish the task in group work.Ask them to make up a dialogue or a role-play.

First, they must make a plan for the play.What happened to you? Who are fighting? Why? Give them five minutes to finish the task.If they don’t have enough people to play, they can ask the teacher to take part in it.Step7.Homework 1.Have you had a fight with your friend? Write it down.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The teacher can take part in the students’ activities.They can help the students make a plan to play it better.The teacher can provide them some new words if neceary.Praise them after they act a dialogue out.

Think over after cla :

Leon30: Let’s Work for Peace

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: provide, disagree, trust Oral words and expreions: religion Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the importance of peace.2.Know more about the foreign culture.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know about a student council in Canada.2.Talk about the agreement and disagreement.3.The object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Lead in by discuing the following questions: How many clubs are there in your school? What are they?

If there aren’t any clubs in the school, we can think about who works for the peace of your school.What do they often do when someone fights in school? Discu it in groups.Then choose the best to present it in front of the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What grade is Danielle in? 2.What does the student council do? Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.1.Student councils work to make schools better places.2.All the students in Danielle’s school wear the same clothes.

3.We need to learn about different cultures and make friends with people from other cultures.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Tell the main idea of this text.Remember to answer the questions: 1.What does the student council do? 2.What is Danielle’s school like?

3.What do we do in order to make our school a better place? Step5.Group work Work in groups of four or three to discu the following questions: If you are a member of the student council, make a plan about how to make the school a better place.Make a list of the things that you think must be done according to the situation of the school.Discu the question in groups.Then show it to the others in cla.Discu the plan in cla.At last, give the advice to school.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Work in groups.Plan a debate about this topic: countries should never go to war to solve disputes.Are there any wars today? Where are they? Are wars good or bad? Are there better ways to solve problems? Give them enough time to debate the interesting topic.Let them open their minds to create good ideas.Then present their ideas group by group in front of the cla.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Students are old enough to think about these questions.They watch TV to pay attention to the development of the world.They have much to say in this part.Show some pictures about the disaster that wars bring to the people in the world.Call on the students to study hard to create a more peaceful world for the people.Think over after cla :

Leon 31: Peace at Last Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: at last, pity, angry, decision, fair, conversation, regret There are no oral words and expreions in this leon.Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to love and care for the others.2.Practice the students’ written English.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about agreement and disagreement.2.The object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in the text by discuing the following question: What should you do if you have trouble with your friend? Finish the task in groups of three or more.Let’s see how they solve their problems.Many students may write a diary.Others tell his or her trouble to his friend or teacher.

Tell the students: when you meet trouble, find some effective and fast ways to help yourselves out.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Who has trouble with the basketball game, Li Ming or Danny? 2.Did Li Ming go to the basketball game at last? 2.What is Danny going to deal with the money problem? Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and then tell the others what Li Ming’s trouble is.Do you think how to solve it? Is Li Ming right or wrong? Tell the cla the reasons.

Step4.Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.1.Li Ming has been invited to a party on Friday evening.2.Li Ming’s friend was angry because Li Ming mied the game.

3.Brian wrote a letter to Danny and told him he didn’t want the ten dollars any more.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step5.Find out the sentences with the news and practice them in cla.After I mied the game, my friend was very angry.What a pity.She said that the decision was mine.It wouldn’t be fair for me to go to the game.Jenny said we should have a conversation.I regret what I did.Let the students make up sentences with the words and expreions that we learn in this leon.Show some flashcards to help them. S1.Don’t be angry with me.

S2: It is neceary for us to have a conversation with my mother.S3: His sister regrets doing that.Step6.Group work Divide the cla into groups of three or four.Write experience that you have had.Then share it with your members.Tell who is right in the story.What should we do to solve the problem correctly? Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.

Finish the task in groups.Write a diary entry, an e-mail or a letter about the topic below. Have you or anyone in your family experienced war before? What is war like? If they have no experience, they can describe a war that they have heard before.After they write their experience down, share them in the group.Then choose a special to give a report in front of the cla.Step8.Homework

1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

We all have a fight with our friends.Write your experience down and share with your clamates.You may think it’s funny for to do such a thing at that time.It will help you to analyze yourself.Think over after cla :

Leon 32: Unit Review Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions from Leon25 to Leon31.Oral words and expreions from Leon25 to Leon31. Teaching Aim: 1.Learn to love and care for others.2.Know about how important the peace is for us.Teaching Important Points:

1.Talk about agreement and disagreement.2.The object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of leon: review leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discuing the importance of peace for us in the world.Finish the task in groups of three or four.Show some pictures to the students.Analyze the disadvantages that wars bring us.Make a list of it and show it to the cla.Step2.Do with the exercises the leon.Write down some difficulties on the blackboard.Then discu the use of them.Practice them again. Step3.Come to Grammar in Use.The object clause is the main part.Let some student make similar sentences in front of the cla.The others listen and find if they are right.Step4.Come to “Speaking the Language”.

Fill in the blanks with correct words.Make up similar dialogues in front of the cla.

Step5.Do with the comprehension part.Can the students answer the question fluently? If they have any difficulties, help them. Step6.Come to “Take This Quiz”.

Search on the Internet to find more information.Ask the students what they want to know.Let them search on the Internet before the cla.Then give a report to the cla the next day.Step7.Do with written part.If we have time in cla, finish it in cla in groups.If we don’t have enough time to do with it, we can have it done after cla.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

This is the summary of the unit.It includes the main points in this unit.Arranging it carefully before the cla, we can have a good review in the cla.We can do with the language points, the main grammar and practice the spoken English.Think over after cla :

Leon 33: Welcome, Guest!

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: shape, perhaps, though Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Good manners at table.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn different cultures.2.Practice the object complements and attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The object complements.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Lead in by discuing the following questions: What do you know about dinosaurs? List the names of some types of dinosaurs you know of.Discu the questions in groups.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then discu it in groups.Make a complete answer.Then present it in the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Where was Danny yesterday afternoon? He was at Dinosaur School.2.Did Danny learn Dinosaur song at school? Yes, he did.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task Read the text and encourage the students to ask more questions about this part.S1: What did Danny learn at Dinosaur school? S2: He learned dinosaur culture.S3: When will they have dinner together? S4: On Saturday.Step4.Practice Do with the main grammar: the object complements.Point out the sentences with object complements: I find other cultures interesting.Make examples by the students: We must keep the claroom clean every day.Step5.Activity Invite your friend to your home.What do you do? Make up a dialogue with your partner.Then let them present it in front of the cla.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

What do you think dinosaur food is like? Do you think Brian and Jenny will like the food? Write down your ideas.Then share it with your partner.After a while, let some students show their answers in front of the cla.Remind them to tell the students why they think so.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercise book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Students are strange to hear of the Dinosaur culture.We all want to know what real Dinosaur culture is, including their food, songs, clothes and so on.Give the students time to say some other countries’ culture in front of the cla.Let them search on the Internet for more information.Think over after cla :

Leon 34: Danny’s Dinosaur Dinner

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: knock, hang, hang up, offer Oral words and expreions: hung, hanged Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the Dinosaur culture.2.Cultivate the students’ cooperation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn something about having a meal.2.The object complement and the attributive clause. Teaching Difficult Points: Have a meal.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Lead in by discuing the following questions:

Have you ever invited a guest to your home? Have you ever been a guest? What’s the worst food you’ve ever had?

Discu the following questions in groups.Then present it in front of the cla. Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.When Jenny and Brian come to Danny’s home, he is in the _____.2.Danny gives Brian and Jenny some _____ to eat.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false.1.Jenny and Brian come to Danny’s home on Sunday.2.Jenny and Brian drink some milk in Danny’s home.3.Dinosaur food is certainly different.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again and retell the story in their own words.Correct their grammar mistakes after he finish telling the story. Ste5.Do with the language points: Make sentences with the useful phrases: Would like to…? Help yourself to… S1: Would you like some dumplings? S2: Yes, I’d love to.

S3: Would you like to have an apple? S4: No, thank you.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Divide the cla into several groups to finish the activity.Every member writes his ideas on a piece of paper.

Are guests important in your home? What do you do to make guests feel comfortable? Let the students show their dialogues out in front of the cla. Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in cla.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

It is important for you to make your guests feel comfortable.At first, you must be polite.Then you can provide them with different drinks and fruits.Ask them what their favourite food is.Of course, as a guest, you must be polite enough, too Think over after cla :

Leon 35: Keeping Culture Alive Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: hand in, strange, mind, share Oral words and expreions: Chinatown Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more about foreign cultures.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.3.Grasp the important grammars.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about the Chinatown.2.Having meals.3.Object complements.Teaching Difficult Points: Object complements Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discuing the following questions: Have you ever heard of Chinatown? What do you think of it?

Work in groups.Everyone writes his or her answers down.Then discu for five minutes.Present it in front of the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.This is the _____ time for Danny to Chinatown.Would Chinese students visit _____ _____ _____.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Did Brian enjoy the school trip?

2.Is there an area called Little North America in Beijing? Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again.Then ask the students to retell the story in their own words.They can practice with her partner first.Step5.Do with the language points: Let the students read the text again.Sum the new words and language points in this leon.Make up sentences with the new words and the language points.S1: Must I hand in the paper now? S2: Let’s share the experience in the summer holiday.S3: I shall share the fruit with the little girls.S4: Will it rain tomorrow? S5: I don’t think so.Step6.Activity Group work.If there were Little North America in Beijing, what will it be like?

Divide the cla into groups to finish the task.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then change it with the others.Then choose the complete one to present in front of the cla.Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Finish this part in groups of three or four.One student sums his group’s advice.Then present it in front of the cla.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Chinatown is used for Chinese in America.They can speak Chinese.It if convenient for those people who can’t speak English live there.They are all kinds of shops there.Think over after cla :

Leon 36: So We Can Be Friends Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: difference Oral words and expreions: Peru, Scotland, bagpipe Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more about the foreign culture.2.Learn to sing English songs.Teaching Important Points: 1.Keep one country’s culture.2.Grasp the object complement.3.How to use keep.Teaching Difficult Points: Keep one culture’s culture.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures about the foreign culture.Pointing to the pictures, ask the students to gue where they are and what special culture they have.Step2.Listen to the tape for two times.While they are listening, let the students sing after it in a low voice.Step3.Read the song as a poem.Let them find if it has rhythms.

Step4.Ask the students to know the meaning of the song with the help of the pictures.Step5.Listen to the tape again and sing after if for several times. Step6.Let the volunteers sing in front of the cla.Step7.Come to PROJECT.1.List the differences between the Chinese and Chinese cultures.Finish it in work group.Talk about the different ways in China and Canada.What are the differences between the two countries?

2.Ask the students to act short plays out in front of the cla.Show what would happen in Canada and what will happen in China.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Different countries have different culture.We must keep it.Students should know more about it.It can help them when they go abroad to study further.Ask the students to search more after the cla.Then present it in the next leon Think over after cla :

Leon 37: The Fox and the Stock

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: fox, flat, hardly, fetch, thin, stick, regard, realize, promise Oral words and expreions: stork, Aesop, rudely, beak Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about more about the foreign culture.2.The importance of cooperation in the world.3.Improve the student’s creation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.The leons we learn from the story.2.The object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Different Points: Practice object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discuing the following questions: Tell a story about the animals.What can we learn from the story? Finish the task in groups.Let some students come to the front and tell his cla his wonderful story.Step2.Listening task Listening to the tape and find the correct answers to the following questions.1.There is a _____ and a _____ in the story.2.The fox brought the soup in large flat _____.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Is the fox polite to the stork? 2.What are the stock’s noodles in? 3.Were they still friends? Finish the task in cla in oral.

Step4.Read and tell the stories by their own words.Step5.Do with the new language points in this text.1.“Certainly” said the stork, who was doing her best to be polite.Do one’s best

S1: I am doing my best to learn well.2.The stork fetched two tall, thin jars.Fetch=go and come back S2: Can you fetch me two bottles of water, please? Step6.Work in groups.Divide the cla into groups.Then one member of the group tells a story which are with animals about characters.Then let the others sum the leons that we learn from the story.Step7.Homework Find the most wonderful story after cla.Prepare to tell the cla in the next leon.Summary:

All of the students know many interesting stories about animals.We can learn important leons from the story.They must respect others in their life, or they might have a fight.This is the same as man.We must respect others in our life.Then we can have a peaceful world. Think over after cla :

Leon 38: One Country, Many Cultures

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: central, although, respect Oral words and expreions: immigrant, tolerant, dancer Teaching Aims:

1.Know about the culture in the world.2.Keep one country’s culture.

3.Create the students’ basic abilities.Teaching Important Points: 1.The details about Canadian cultures.2.Different cultures have different features.1.Practice the object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The object complement and the attributive clauses Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Lead in by discuing the following questions: How many cultures does China have? How many can you name? What are some of the interesting things in your culture? Discu the questions above in groups.Then every group answers the questions one by one.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear: 1.Only _____ percent of all Canadians are from First Nations.2.Canada has _____ official languages.Finish the task in cla in oral.



[教学目的] 1.了解话剧的有关知识,培养学生关注和了解各种文艺表现形式的能力与兴趣。 2.了解戏剧冲突在话剧中的作用。

3.理清剧本的思路,把握人物关系,把握情节的发展脉络(即写作思路)。 4.了解莎翁作品的语言特点。 [教学重难点] 1.让学生体会“话剧是说的艺术”。

2.学生有表情地朗读(表演)课文,以读(演)来体会人物,把握情节的发展。 3.帮助学生正确了解、认识夏洛克这个人物,体会莎翁是怎样表现这个人物的。 4.训练学生把握戏剧冲突的开端、发展及高潮,进而了解话剧的戏剧冲突。 [教学设想] 教学方法

诵读与研究学习相结合。 媒体设计

准备二三分钟有关莎士比亚生平、作品的媒体资料。 教学时数 2课时 [教学步骤] 第一课时







1.整体感知,理清思路。 (1)速读全文,掌握生字词。



(解说:戏剧冲突是话剧艺术的重要组成部分,先概括课文内容,而后理解、体会人物关系和戏剧冲突。见卡片①。) 2.具体研习,突出重难点。 (1)学生分组讨论段落、层次。


(解说:通过学习、讨论,把课文的层次分清;让学生在讨论中学习分析段落与层次,这有助于学生分析能力的提高,也有助于接下来的人物分析和戏剧冲突解析的进行。) (2)学生分组讨论人物的性格特点、分析人物及人物关系,找出人物个性化的语言。


鲍西娅是莎翁创造的人文主义妇女的典型形象。她的性格在这场戏的矛盾斗争中得以充分展示。面对矛盾,她表现出人文主义者的果敢、沉着、博学和聪慧。她利用智慧取得了法庭斗争的主动权,并一步步揭露夏洛克的面目,三步棋即给夏洛克以致命的打击。 (3)体会莎剧丰富多彩的语言。

夏洛克在前半场舌战中,有时用反诘方法进行反驳,有时冷嘲热讽,锋芒毕露,咄咄逼人,语言却很鄙俗,充满商人口语,如“耗子”、“张开嘴的猪”、“忍不住要小便”等,而判决后,处处不离一个“钱”字,表现了他拜金主义的本性。鲍西娅的语言是诗与哲理的结合,语言明快简明,既表现了人文主义者的思想,又符合其律师的身份,果断干练,聪明博学。 (解说:话剧通过对话就可以知道人物关系,让学生自己讨论、分析人物关系,不仅能够让学生弄清课文中的人物性格、思想、立场,还可以提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。这也是培养他们独立解决问题能力的最好途径。见卡片②③④。) (4)让学生分组讨论课文中的戏剧冲突,找出戏剧冲突的关键词。如:“威尼斯的法律”、“一磅肉”等,充分理解这些关键词在戏剧冲突中的作用。

(解说:通过让学生分组讨论戏剧冲突,让学生了解戏剧冲突在话剧中的关键作用,进而充分了解话剧艺术。找关键词对了解话剧的戏剧冲突有很大的帮助,也为下节课着重学习戏剧冲突奠定基础。) 3.课堂训练。

针对人物关系和人物性格的问题,教师可以布置练习题,让学生在训练中解决问题。 练习题如下:

(1)夏洛克有怎样的性格特点?他是否像公爵所说的那样是一个“心如铁石”、“不懂得怜悯,没有一丝慈悲心的不近人情的恶汉”? (2)夏洛克为什么对安东尼奥如此仇恨,以至于不要高额的回报而非要安东尼奥的命不可? (3)你如何看鲍西娅这个人物? (解说:通过以上的课堂练习,进一步让学生体会话剧的人物性格和人物关系。) 4.课堂小结。


(解说:回顾这节课的主要内容,可以使学生进一步巩固所学内容,同时也让学生知晓、明确了下节课的学习重点。) 5.布置作业。

(1)有感情地朗读课文,在朗读中理解人物性格。 (2)找出代表人物性格的语句。 (3)完成课后练习题








(解说:让学生充分体会话剧是“说”的艺术,让学生有感情地朗读,接下来的欣赏品味会收到意想不到的效果。) 2.欣赏品味。



对于公爵的规劝,夏洛克理直气壮,对基督徒们进行了深刻、淋漓尽致的批判与揭露。“我可不可以对你们说,让他们自由,叫他们跟你们的子女结婚?为什么要在重担之下流着血汗?让他们的床铺得跟你们的床同样柔软,让他们的舌头也尝尝你们所吃的东西吧!”“我也可以回答你们:我向他要求的这一磅肉,是我出了很大的代价买来的;它是属于我的,我一定要把它拿到手里。您要是拒绝了我,那么让你们的法律去见鬼吧!威尼斯城的法令等于一纸空文。”巴萨尼奥的劝说和怒斥都无济于事,主动权在夏洛克手里。 (解说:在研习时,如能结合剧本前面的内容就更好了。如那段夏洛克的经典独白。见卡片⑤。) 鲍西娅假扮法官上场,前面的冲突暂时得以缓解。她也力劝夏洛克“慈悲一点”,可夏洛克不答应,并强调法律铁面无私。主动权还在夏洛克手里。




(解说:在欣赏品味中注重分析冲突的形成、发展、高潮和解决。在话剧中,故事的发展就是靠戏剧冲突的发展来完成的,人物性格也是在冲突中完成的。) 3.课堂练习。

针对戏剧冲突,教师可布置以下练习题: (1)引起戏剧冲突的关键是什么? (2)文中鲍西娅的出场起到了什么作用? (3)课文中的矛盾(戏剧冲突)是怎样解决的? (解说:进一步让学生了解话剧中的戏剧冲突。) 4.课堂小结。





2.找出课文中能够体现人物性格的词语,认真玩味人物语言的特点。 3.排练并演出这场戏。

(解说:回味课文内容,了解下节课的内容,为下面的学习打基础。) [板书设计] 第一课时 威尼斯商人 夏洛克

安东尼奥←法律←鲍西亚 第二课时

公爵能不能让夏洛克放下“屠刀”? 鲍西娅能不能阻止夏洛克的恶行? 夏洛克能否破产?







道具准备:条幅、服装、化学实验器材、电话、门铃、花草、手表、蜡烛、化学图表等。 预想之难点:







(一) 一小节探究: 课本剧表演:

导演: 林秋萍 演员:王景芳饰陈毅, 谢宝龙饰齐仰之 问题探究:





(二)、第二小节探究: 课本剧表演:

导演: 杜燕芬 演员: 杜京展饰陈毅, 昕辉饰齐仰之 问题探究:





(三)、第三小节探究: 课本剧表演:

导演: 林翠娥 演员: 谢珊珊饰陈毅, 谢雅玲饰齐仰之 问题探究:




(四)、第三小节探究: 课本剧表演:

导演: 王福雄 演员: 杜秋虹饰陈毅, 林丽玉饰齐仰之 问题探究:







四、结语。附:板书设计: 矛盾冲突 如何解决

1、难进门 亮出市长身份

2、谈话难、时间短 激将法

3、难以说服 动之以情

《一 厘 米 》


文章讲述了一位艰辛的母亲为了让自己的孩子形成纯正、善良、高贵的品行,不倦而持久地努力,以微薄的心力构造庞大的工程,描绘了这个母亲内心的苍凉和对孩子锲而不舍的挚爱。 这篇课文是百集电视连续剧《咱老百姓》的节选,所写的是一件小事,却反映了一个严肃的主题:如何塑造孩子的健康心灵,如何培养孩子的精神人格,一个人应该怎样对待尊严的问题。 创意说明

本文是刻画伟大母爱的好文章。在学习过程中,应该发挥学生积极主动、自主合作的探究精神。小说的学习一直讲究体会和个人感悟的过程,因此教师在教学活动中要设置问题,推进学生的学习活动,并善加指导。教师不仅要引导学生理解本篇文章的主题内涵、语言特色,而且要教会学生比较阅读的方法,以便学生在日后的小说阅读和鉴赏中学会迁移,进而拓展探究能力。 活动目标











2、使学生能够恰当、客观地认识社会环境对人的成长以及发展的巨大作用,引导学生摈弃从社会中沾染的不良习惯与思想,树立正确的人生观、世界观和价值观。活动时间 1课时 课前学习

通过查阅书籍或网络搜索等方法了解作者毕淑敏及其主要作品。 活动过程 初读•感知

步骤 教师组织 学生活动 1 生命和尊严哪一个更重要?

(只引导学生讨论,教师不给予评价。) 各抒己见。

2 【点拨】人的尊严与生俱来,如同生命一样宝贵。词典上对尊严解释是:“尊贵而庄严的身份和地位”,其实,真正的尊严决不取决于身份和地位。尊严是高尚的人的一种价值观,一

种自立奋斗的精神。《一厘米》讲的就是一个关于尊严的故事。 聆听、感悟。 3 阅读课文,用简洁的语言分小节概括故事情节。 阅读,思考。 4 组织交流、评价。 讨论,交流。 精读•理解

步骤 教师组织 学生活动

1 剧中的妈妈陶影为了1厘米而斤斤计较,是不是太小题大做了? 思考,讨论。 2 组织辩论。 分组,辩论。

3 主持、参与、评价。 自评、小组互评。

4 本剧要表现的主题到底是什么? 思考,讨论。 5 组织交流、评价。 交流,评价。 品读•探究

步骤 教师组织 学生活动

1 妈妈陶影是一个怎样的人?请根据剧中的台词加以概括。 思考,小组讨论。 2 组织交流、评价。 各抒己见。 赏读•延展

步骤 教师组织 学生活动

1 有人认为:陶影为了这“一厘米”费了这么大的周折,根本没有必要,她完全还有更好的方式可以解决问题。你能替陶影出些什么主意呢?

【提示】她可以直接找公园领导说理;如果认为公园红线有问题,她可以用尺子量出红线的高度,用铁的事实说话„„ 思考,小组讨论。

2 请看下面的报道,然后从“尊严”这一角度出发,对此事发表你的看法。


【提示】有人认为,一位65岁的老人,拿回本该属于自己的那一点血汗钱,却因自己的“寻死”麻烦了工友而给他们下跪,为了钱居然不要自己的尊严!真可悲。(你可以保留自己的看法) 各抒己见。 板书设计 一厘米

高潮 结局

送票 —— “逃票” —— 投书报社 —— 矛盾解决 开端 发展 备课资料 作者简介

毕淑敏,女,1952年出生于新疆,中学就读于北京外国语学院附属学校。1969年入伍,在喜马拉雅山、冈底斯山、喀喇昆仑山交汇的西藏阿里高原部队当兵11年。1980年转业回北京。 从事医学工作20年后,开始专业写作,共发表作品200万字。曾获庄重文文学奖、小说月报第











分析藤野先生的形象,归纳其性格特征。 3.联系材料,领会作者弃医从文的情感因素,体会作者强烈的爱国主义情感与民族自尊心。 三.教学安排:2课时 四.教学过程:

第一课时 一.导入



由学生的回答导入文章。鲁迅在《藤野先生》一文中,讲述了他与先生的交往。鲁迅先生怀念藤野先生的原因与我们刚才所讲的原因是不是一样呢?带着这个问题,我们来看课文。 2.复习有关《朝花夕拾》的知识。让学生说出已经学过的两篇课文的名称。然后说说在《从》《阿》及《藤野先生》三者之间的先后顺序。


二.引导学生带着问题速读课文。 1.速读课文,思考问题:

(1) 文章以什么为线索?写了哪些事情?

(2) 文章重点写了发生在哪里的事情?此外还写了什么地方的事情?你能说出文章中的地点变化吗? 2.明确:

(1) 文章以作者在日本仙台求学的经历为线索,写了作者在日本求学的一段经历,即写了离开东京,去仙台学医时藤野先生的关心,匿名信事件,幻灯片事件即离开仙台等一系列事情。

(2)重点写了发生在仙台的事情,此外还写到了东经等地的事情。文章中的地点变化:东京——仙台——中国。 三.理清文章层次结构

作者与藤野先生的交往是文章的叙事线索,以次我们可以比较容易地划分 文章的结构层次。



第三部分(36-38):回国后对藤野先生的思念。 四.研读课文第一部分


(1) 这部分文字所描写的对象是什么?

(2) 作者对所描写的对象是一种什么样的态度?你能够通过具体的语句来分析吗? 明确:


(3) 一些段落在语言上有何特点? 明确:


这段文字在准确地形容与细致的描写的基础上,作者还把“清国留学生”的精神风貌刻画出来了,本来是担当着救国重任的留学生,到东京之后,则不思进取,反而追逐时髦,将头发弄得油光可鉴,尤其可悲的是,始终不忘记那条象征落后和耻辱的大辫子,反而将其弄得十分醒目,令人恶心。文章用比喻和反语夸张,将讽刺之情巧妙地流露在字里行间。 第二课时

一.复习上节课的教学内容, 二.研读课文第二部分

1 文章的主题是记叙在仙台求学及与藤野先生交往的经历,那主要记叙了与藤野先生的哪几件事呢?说说藤野先生是个怎样的人呢? 明确:

文中主要写了修改订正讲义、订正解剖图、担心我怕鬼、问中国女人裹脚等四件事。表现了藤野先生对我的关心、严格要求以及对学术的孜孜不倦的求实精神。 2 作者初见藤野先生时,藤野先生是什么样子的?

明确:黑瘦的先生,八字须,戴着眼镜,夹着一叠大大小小的书,通过肖像描写,写了他的穿着,穿插了他穿衣服的掌故,表现了藤野先生是一个不注重穿着的人,生活朴素、简单。 3 朗读第24-31段,思考,这一部分写了那几件事?从中可以反映出作者何种思想感情?请用文章中的语言说明。 明确:




4 我想现在肯定有些同学会有想法,本文题目是藤野先生,为何写这几件事?


1 到35段,已经完成了对藤野先生的回忆,为什么作者还要说自己回国以后的一些感想呢?


2 朗读这一部分,画出我对藤野先生思念的句子我影响之大的句子以及表现我实践自己弃医从文的句子。

3 结合课后练习一,文章以回忆藤野先生为主,为什么还花大量的笔墨来写我在日本的遭遇和思考呢?

从整篇文章的结构来看,是围绕藤野先生这个中心来组织材料的,虽说也贯穿着作者的爱国注意思想感情,但前者是明线,后者是暗线。写对东京学习环境的厌恶,离开东京到仙台,是写与藤野先生结识的前因,接下来写仙台的学习生活,基本上与藤野先生有关,而且作者着力正面描述与藤野先生的交往。写匿名信的寻衅和看电影所受到的刺激,这些事或是与藤野先生有直接关系,或是衬托出藤野先生的公正、真诚、在那种环境下的难能可贵。 所以,这样一位没有民族偏见的老师,也是鲁迅写这篇文章的目的所在,来赞扬藤野先生的高贵品格。

从这点看,我们教材倾向于第一种观点。 三 小结:

课文以作者与藤野先生的交往为明线,以鲁迅思想感情的变化为暗线组织材料,体现了藤野先生崇高的精神和鲁迅深切的爱国感情。文章语言精练,幽默而又犀利,抓住了人物的特征,生动而又传神,我们在写作时可以好好借鉴,用我们的笔记住我们最怀念的人。 四 板书设计 藤野先生


添改讲义 纠正解剖图 关心实习问中国女人裹脚




1.通过阅读认识犹太人的民族精神。2.了解犹太人的才能和愿望。3.概括出戴维的优秀才能,并进一步归纳出其优秀才能的根源。4.探究课文逐步深入地描写人物的写法。5.体会文章语言凝重的特点。 第一课时


教学过程: 1.以《辛德勒名单》等反映二战期间犹太人悲惨历史的影片(或介绍以色列)导入新课,简介作者。2.结合“预习提示”明确阅读要求。3.阅读全文,要求 (1) 弄清散文写的一个人是谁,一个家庭是哪一个家庭,一个民族是哪一个民族。 (2) 找出文章中能清晰地体现作者写作思路的几个关键句子,理清文章思路。 (3) 讨论课后“思考和练习”第二题的第1和2两个问题。 4.讨论阅读要求(1)和(2)。要求(2)的关键是找出“这个对语言有着特殊敏感、对一切新鲜事情兴趣盎然的青年,尚不满28岁,何以具备一旦向往,便锲而不舍地追求的气概与能力”这个问句以及表明访问行程的语句。进而理清文章的结构。 5.精读课文第一部分。(1) 朗读第一段,概括主要内容。(提醒“今天”一词的前后内容的不同)

(2) 在前面整体感知的基础上,讨论“开头为什么从‘迫害’‘杀戮’说起?”(提醒“今天”一词的前后内容的比照) 6.研读课文第二部分。(1) 朗读课文第二部分。(2) 讨论“课文从哪些方面充分展现戴维的语言才能?”(3) 讨论课文除了表现戴维的语言才能外,还表现了他的什么才能? 7. 总结,布置作业。(1) 阅读课文第三部分,思考戴维产生优秀才能的根源。 (2) 课外阅读有关书籍和查阅有关资料,进一步了解犹太民族。 第二课时


教学过程:1.交流课文阅读和查阅资料的内容。2.研读课文第三部分。 (1)朗读、讨论、归纳出戴维优秀才能的根源。(提示:家庭环境与社会教育,成长历程等,注意讨论语段)(2)结合“思考和练习”第三题,有感情地朗读课文最后一段,概括所揭示的戴维的性格特点,体会作者的感情。(3)结合讨论“思考和练习”第二题第3个问题,归纳散文的主题。

3.结合全文讨论犹太人 的民族精神,了解犹太人的才能和愿望。 4.总结全文。(1)探究课文逐步深入地描写人物的写法。(2)体会文章语言凝重的特点和丰富的内涵。








1.体会小说细腻的心理描写和逼真的细节描写。 2.领会主人公的精神魅力及其象征意味。


体会小说主人公坚韧顽强、不畏艰险的性格特征,培养敬畏生命、热爱生命的理念。 教学重点、难点

1.诵读,领会主人公的精神魅力。体会心理描写和细节描写的作用。 2.体会小说的象征意义。 课时安排 1课时 教学过程 自主预习










踉跄(liàng qiàng):走路不稳。

辗转(zhǎn zhuǎn):①(身体)翻来覆去。②经过许多人的手或经过许多地方。


吹毛求疵(cī):故意挑毛病,找差错。疵,缺点、毛病。 骸骨(hái) 鲦鱼(tiáo) 窒息(zhì) 整体感知



2、小说的主人公在茫茫荒原上面临着哪些生死考验?他为什么能超越极限、战胜病狼而顽强地生存下来? 学生筛选、概括,教师点拨:

主人公所面临的生死考验有饥饿、恶劣的天气(“接下来是几天可怕的雨雪”)、个人体力的极度虚弱、伤病以及野兽的威胁(“这地方的狼很多”)等。他之所以能战胜这些并顽强地生存下来,是因为他坚韧顽强,不畏艰难险阻。他虽然身体衰弱无比。并且时常处于昏迷之中,却有着惊人的意志力。在这场人与自然、人与自我的至死搏斗中,人的伟大与坚强也最鲜明地体现了出来。作品所要弘扬的正是这样—种硬汉精神。 分析人物形象

在塑造这一人物时作者主要采用了哪些描写方法? 1.共同赏析精彩片段。






在这部分中,写到了他的感受,突出了心理活动,生动形象地描写了人与狼搏斗的动作、过程。哪些词语或句子用得最精彩?一个濒临死亡的人最后为什么能战胜狼呢? (3)概括主人公的形象。














3、学会在叙述中恰当地穿插议论和抒情。教学课时:两课时。 教学过程:






她周游全国,不断地举行讲座。她的事迹为许多人著书立说。最终她声名显赫,应邀出国并受到外国大学和国王授予的荣誉。1932年,她成为英国皇家国立盲人学院的副校长。 听了我以上的介绍后,你能不能用一句话动情的介绍你所了解的作者?


驾驭(y”) 膂(l—)力 颠簸(b) 哑(yƒ)然失笑 挚(zhŒ)友 侏(zh‘)儒 消弭(m‹) 疲惫(bˆi) 百无聊赖:精神无所依托,感到非常无聊。

惟妙惟肖:形容描写或模仿得非常好,非常逼真。 义正词严:理由正当充足,言词严正有力。






提示:以上写作者喜欢的各种活动,是从身体的活动写到心灵的活动。 第一部分(1—11)主要写自己在体育运动和交际活动中获得的精神愉快。 第二部分(12—18)主要写艺术享受,自己的精神文化追求。





教师明确:田野漫步,户外运动,编织,玩纸牌,做游戏,浏览博物馆和艺术馆,欣赏歌剧等。 最根本的原因是她有一颗热爱生活的心,有拥抱生活的热情。

























1.同学们交流本课生字词,然后教师投影一些生字词,与同学们相互交流。 2.交流有关文学常识,教师加以补充。





(3)在阅读过程中,你发现了哪些问题请提出来。 2.指名学生评价朗读,并展示朗读。 3.学生回答思考题(1),教师板书。

4.学生结合课后练习四分小组讨论思考题(2),发现共同之处,初步体会本文主旨 5.让学生明确本单元的总目标,“疑为学之始”,意在引导学生在阅读过程中独立思考,发现问题提出问题并解决问题,由此引出学生对思考题(2)的回答与讨论。













教学重点:教学目标1、2。 教学难点:教学目标3。



























说多余的话 结果事与愿违 人与人需要沟通


对比:渴望真情实感 感人的表情 扮演的送行者

勒罗送陌生的小姐 给予最好的忠告

却能触动真情 热情地说

《给我的孩子们 》


《给我的孩子们》是内涵丰富的名作,所包含的主题意义重大。通过从心灵上对孩子们健康的翔真情地赞扬了孩子们的率真自然的天性,同时抒发了自己想回到童年的感情。 创意说明

通过本文的学习,学生利用反复诵读的途径,理解了作者热爱孩子的真情,体会他渴望回到童年而不可得的悲伤之情;深入地品味语句,学习作者从日常生活小事中提炼重要主题的方法;通过学习,领会作者把“真”作为人最重要的本质天性。 活动目标





应主要使用讨论法来体验文中所蕴含的思想感情。 ◆情感、态度与价值观 启示学生要珍惜美好童年。 活动时间 2课时 活动过程 第 一 课 时

步骤 教 师 组 织 学 生 活 动 激 情 • 导 入

1 在大人的眼里,也许你还是一个不懂事的孩子,那么你希望自己快点长大,变成一个“懂事”的成人吗? 各抒己见

2 说一段你童年的快乐事。 自由发言

3 当你不知不觉步入青年的大门后,可否常常留恋自己的童年?想到永远也不能与它再见,是不是生出淡淡的哀愁?那时候,懵懵懂懂,难免让大人烦心,但谁也不会与你计较,因为你的心最真、最纯。你活得自由自在,开开心心。现在长大了呢?多了许多烦恼,是吗?等你真正变成大人的时候,说不定有更多的烦恼呢,你害怕吗?不用怕,人总是要长大的,大人的世界里,也有很多精彩。 聆听、感受 调 动 积 累 • 资 讯 共 享

1 请同学们齐读书下的注释①,谁能说你从注释①中搜集到了的有关作者的名、地、时、评、作的信息? 热爱孩子的丰子恺 丰子恺(1898—1975),现代画家、文学家、艺术教育家。早年曾师从李叔同学习绘画、音乐,深受其佛学思想的影响。“五四”后,开始进行漫画创作。早期作品多取自现实题材,带有“温

情的讽刺”,后期常作古诗新画,特别喜爱取村儿童题材。他的漫画风格简易朴实、意境隽永含蓄,是沟通文学与绘画的一座桥梁。 朗读、交流、识记 2 欣赏丰子恺画作 画诗词



丰子恺喜欢儿童、热爱儿童,甚至是儿童的崇拜者。儿童是他漫画里最重要的角色,儿童漫画是他的作品中最具有感染力的部分。在画儿童的时候,丰子恺的身份更多的是一个仁爱的父亲和宽厚的长者。 画人间



3 补充注音、释义 【憧(chōng)憬(jǐng)】向往。 【龌(wò)龊(chuò)】不干净,脏。 【考(kǎo)妣(bǐ)】(死去的)父亲和母亲。 【 (chǎn)袜】只穿着袜子着地, ,只,光着。

【鞠躬尽瘁】小心谨慎,贡献出全精力。 交流、讨论 诵 读 • 感 知

1 下面请同学们默读课文全文,边读边完成下列任务: ①圈划文中出现的生字词,结合上下文思考其意思;


③在阅读课文的过程中发现了什么问题,并向全家提出来,我们共同来讨论。 默读、勾画、概括

2 挑生分段朗读课文,组织学生交流、讨论。

(把同学提出的问题分类,交给学生分组讨论,老师启发、点拨,引导学生从联系课文内容,联系生活实际中寻找依据,解决问题。) 朗读、讨论、交流 精 读 • 理 解

1 同学们能不能从课文第一自然段中找出两个词来概括作者通过本文要表达的主要感情?为什么说“憧憬、悲哀”这两个词可以概括作者在本文中所表达的主要情感?

【明确】憧憬、悲哀。因为作者在本文写孩子们童真、童趣,表达的就是对儿童率真、自然的天性的向往和赞扬;写大人们对孩子的种种干涉,表现的就是对人生不可避免的逐步丧失率真、自然的天性的极大的悲哀。 阅读、思考、交流 2 课文通过写孩子们的什么事来表现儿童的童真、童趣?这些事都表现孩子们什么样的性格特征?

【明确】直率、自然、热情、富有想象力。 阅读、思考、交流 3 本文除了写表现孩子们率真、自然的童真、童趣外,还写了大人们,请同学们再读课文,看看作者是如何看待成人的生活的?

【明确】这是开放性的问题问,只要学生的意见观点能言之成理,言之有据老师都要加以肯定。当学生思路堵塞时,老师可从联系课文内容,联系生活实际中引导学生。 阅读、思考、交流

第 二 课 时

步骤 教 师 组 织 学 生 活 动 品 读 • 探 究

1 丰子恺说,孩子“年纪越小,你的世界愈大。”你是怎样理解这句话的? 讨论、交流、明确

2 交流文中最精彩的语句欣赏。 交流、感悟 3 作者在文中写瞻瞻的笔墨最多,而且说:“瞻瞻!你尤其可佩服。”这说明在几个孩子中,作者有所偏爱,对吗? 讨论、交流

4 在作者看来,儿童是纯真的,但他们长大了就不可避免逐步丧失天性玉米得不自然或是虚伪地屈报与顺从。有人觉得这种看法太偏激,难道真的每个人都要这样吗? 各抒己见 赏读 • 延 展

1 欣赏文章的写作特色。 ①以小见大,提炼主题。

②语言直白,亲切自然。 各抒己见

2 丰子恺的烟嘴上刻着近代诗人八指头陀的一首诗: 吾爱童子身,莲花不染尘。 骂之唯解笑,打亦不生嗔。 对镜心常定,逢人语自新。 可慨年既长,物欲蔽天真。

说说这首诗寄托了作者怎样的情感。 理解、交流

3 你们带着童心的余韵,昂首阔步,即将进入另一种丰富多彩而又复杂莫测的人生.因为年少,你们自信,对于大人的说法,也许会不屑一听,甚至厌倦;因为年少,你们也会有无奈、甚至摔跤的时候。那么不妨听听“过来人”的话,或许会使自己走得更稳当,更顺利。下面是一位老师发自肺腑的忠言,你听了会话会有什么感受呢? 给我的孩子们

在我心里,有几十个可爱的孩子,组成了幸福热闹的一个家,可是由于很多的原因,你们会有些磕磕碰碰,吵吵闹闹。我希望你们每天都开心、充实呀,老是在想着,除了传授知识,还能为你们做些什么,今天就说说自己的想法,希望能给你们一些启示: 不管是在学校还是社会,善良、大度、诚实是人生必备的品质。



诚实,是在无人看你时,不乱翻别人的东西;是在无人认识你时,不闯红灯;是在发现了分外之物时,不占为已有;是在发现自己错误时,真诚地承认并改正„„在这样的瞬间,做个纯真严谨的孩子吧!多么希望你们不再为了谁说了你的坏话而怨恨,不再为谁弄坏了你的物品而暴怒,不再为别人的得意而嫉妒,做好自己的事,走好自己的路! 畅所欲言 板书设计 给我的孩子们

“我”——失去自我 俗务缠身 孩子们——纯洁真实 前途光明







































































教学课时: 1课时。






萧红(1911~1942),黑龙江省呼兰县人,现代女作家。她出生于一个旧式家庭,年纪轻轻便品尝了许多人生辛酸,但也培养了她的反抗意识,她是作为一个旧世界的叛逆者走进文坛的。她的创作力求写真,力求绘出生活本来的色彩和道出生活的实感,这样,她状人写景,抒情写性,虽不着意敷彩设色,又在那上面染上了折光于生活的浓淡不等的色彩和明暗不同的色泽,将美丽鲜活和质朴无华统一起来,创造了一种介乎小说和散文诗之间的新的小说文体。代表作品有中篇小说《生死场》,长篇小说《呼兰河传》。 2.作品。



1.课文里哪些语句是反映“我”的天真烂漫的? 2.在“我”的眼里,祖父是一个怎样的人? 3.课文对景物的描写,充满了童趣,试举例体会。 (三)学生自读课文,教师巡回指导。 (四)检查自读效果。

1.课文里哪些语句是反映“我”的天真烂漫的? 提示:如:“祖父戴一个大草帽,我戴个小草帽,祖父栽花,我就栽花;祖父拔草,我就拔草。”



我跑到屋里拿了鸟笼上的一头谷穗,远远地就抛给祖父了,说:“这不是一样的吗?” (自认为是正确的,因而充满自信,因祖父的笑而觉得受了莫大的委屈,对祖父也就不那么亲近了,很容易受情绪影响。)

“祖父虽然教我,我看了也并不细看,也不过马马虎虎承认下来就是了。抬头看见了一个黄瓜长大了,跑过去摘下来,我又去吃黄瓜去了。” “委屈”,一下子就忘记得一干二净了。

(在事实面前也只是马马虎虎承认错误,注意力极易分散。) 2.在“我”的眼里,祖父是一个怎样的人? 提示:可以从以下语句体会祖父的形象: “祖父一天都在后园里边。” “因为我太小,拿不动那锄头杆,祖父就把锄头杆拔下来,让我单拿着那个锄头的头来铲。” “祖父大笑起来,笑得够了,把草摘下来问我。” “祖父慢慢地把我叫过去,讲给我听„„” “祖父浇菜,我也抢过来浇„„”

归纳:从以上语句可以看出,祖父在“我”的眼里,是个热爱生活、热爱劳动,对“我”非常宽容、慈爱、谆谆教诲、平易近人的人。 3.体会课文中充满童趣的景物描写。












































政治上 奴隶主民主政治发展到高峰

经济上 奴隶制经济高度繁荣

文化上 文化昌盛,重视教育,人才辈出











学生:台伯河畔,公元前509年,“罗马不是一日建成的——Rome masn’t built in A day、转意为:成功需要长期的积累和努力。”




教师向学生介绍布匿战争:迦太基城是古代地中海沿岸一座着名的商业城市,位于今天的突尼斯境内,后被罗马人所毁。罗马征服整个意大利半岛后,向外扩张,与迦太基发生冲突,于是引发了两国之间的战争。由于罗马也称迦太基为布匿,所以历史上把他们之间的战争记载为布匿战争。在一个多世纪的时间里,布匿战争先后爆发了三次。古迦太基国不断被削弱并最终被灭亡,罗马尽占其地,在其领土上设置了阿非利加省。今天英语中的非洲 Africa 即源于此。




教师讲述:公元前49年凯撒夺取了政权,在以后的八年里他获得了无限期的独*权力,成为一个名副其实的军事独*者,共和国名存实亡,元老院权力日渐削弱。由于凯撒的一些措施触动了元老们的利益,招来杀身之祸。凯撒死后,各派又经过长期斗争,后来凯撒的亲戚打败对手建立帝国。那么大家想一想: 罗马帝国的建立者是谁?他在哪一年开始独揽大权?









篇1:九年级历史下册全册教案 人教新课标版


第一单元 苏联社会主义道路的探索

第1课 俄国十月革命







3.情感态度价值观 :通过苏维埃政权建立和巩固的史实,使学生认识:革命政权的建立和巩固是广大人民艰苦斗争,流血牺牲才得以实现的。

【学习重点、难点】1.重点 :俄国十月革命发生的历史原因和重大历史意义。 2.难点 :二月革命后出现的两个政权并存局面



1、哪些是俄国十月革命爆发的原因? a、运用课件展示“纲要信号”和教科书第4页“动脑筋”资料:





名称时间 性质革命任务 结果

1917年3月 资产阶级民主革命 推翻沙皇统治 两个政权并存

1917年11月 无产阶级革命推翻临时政府 建立社会主义制度 二月革命 十月革命

5、运用动态地图演示彼得格勒武装起义经过: a、.起义总指挥部:斯莫尔尼宫b、起义信号:“阿芙乐尔”号巡洋舰的炮声








2、毛泽东说“十月革命一声炮响,给中国送来了马克思主义。”你怎样理解这句话? 中国当年新文化运动的发展、五四运动的爆发、中共的成立等重大历史事件,都受惠于十月革命的鼓舞和推动。


第2课 对社会主义道路的探索



【教学目标】 1.知识:了解新经济政策、苏联的成立、苏联的工业化和农业集体化、斯大林模式; 把握新经济政策的作用和斯大林模式的利弊


②讨论总结苏联(苏俄)在社会主义建设过程中采取的重大举措。 3.情感态度价值观 :列宁的新经济政策使苏俄恢复了被战争破坏的国民经济,指明了建设社会主义的方向。“斯大林模式”高度集中的政治经济体制既保证了苏联国防、工业的强大,也为苏联社会以后的发展埋下了许多隐患 ;苏联对社会主义建设道路的探索具有开创性、艰巨性、曲折性、复杂性,它不仅对苏联历史的发展产生了深远影响,而且影响了其他国家的社会主义建设。

【学习重点、难点】 1.重点 :①新经济政策:②苏联社会主义建设的成就。 2.难点 :新经济政策和斯大林模式的弊端。



一、列宁对社会主义建设道路的探索 1.实施的原因



1921年3月,根据列宁的提议,布尔什维党通过了用粮食税代替余粮征集制的决议,苏俄开始由“战时共产主义”政策向新经济政策过渡。 2.主要内容 : 新经济政策的主要内容有哪些呢?








苏联的重工业在短时间内迅速发展的情况。但与此同时,其农业在生产技术生产方式则是比较落后的,贫富分化也不断发生。如何发展农业。如何使广大农民走共同富裕的道路,如何使农业适应国家工业化的发展,联共(布)确定了农业集体化的方针。 2.农业集体化






第3课 凡尔赛——华盛顿体系


【教学目标】 1.知识:巴黎和会的召开;凡尔赛和约和凡尔赛体系;国际联盟;华盛顿会议的召开及主要内容;凡尔赛--华盛顿体系。

2.能力:通过讲解帝国主义列强在巴黎和会上争夺霸权的表现,培养学生依据经济和军事实力来分析帝国主义外交政策动向的能力。 3.情感态度价值观 :①巴黎和会是战胜国集团重新分割世界的分赃会议,它和华盛顿会议形成的凡尔赛--华盛顿体系是帝国主义列强暂时妥协的结果,不能维护世界和平。 .重点 : ①《凡尔赛和约》。②《九国公约》。


教学过程 :(导入新课)与学生共同回顾第一次世界大战的性质和结果,说明战胜国集团企图根据变化了的各国实力对比关系重新分割世界,他们召开了巴黎和会和华盛顿会议,建立起对世界统治的新秩序。



1、为什么说巴黎和会是一次国分赃的会议? a、巴黎和会是怎样召开的?

1919年1月,战胜的协约国集团在法国巴黎召开了缔结和约的会议,重新安排战后世界 “新秩序”。




德国不甘心于《凡尔赛和约》的制裁,在第二次世界大战中对法国实施了报复。这说明巴黎和会处理战胜国与战败国之间的关系时,留下了严重的“后遗症”。 d、美国一位当代历史学家说道 :“战胜国在瓜分战败国殖民地的同时,创造出殖民统治的新理论。”这句话反映出《凡尔赛和约》是怎样处置德国海外殖民地的?

它规定战前德国的海外殖民地由英、法、日等国瓜分。 e、巴黎和会所签订的《凡尔赛和约》为什么会引发中国的五四爱国运动?


2、怎样区别《凡尔赛和约》与“凡尔赛体系”?(运用课件演示大战前后欧洲政治格局的变化,配合教师讲解) a、《凡尔赛和约》是巴黎和会上战胜国集团同德国签订的条约; b、“凡尔赛体系”是1919~1920年,协约国同德国签订了《凡尔赛和约》之后,又分别同奥、匈、土、保签订了一系列和约,由这些和约构成的对战败国领土及其殖民地再分割的体系,被称作凡尔赛体系。首先,凡尔赛体系确立了帝国主义在欧洲统治的新秩序,德、奥、匈、保、土五国的疆界因割让而缩小,原俄罗斯、德意志、奥匈三大帝国统治下的中欧和东南欧地区新成立了一批独立国家;其次,凡尔赛体系确立了帝国主义在西亚统治的新秩序,奥斯曼帝国已经解体,它原先统治的阿拉伯地区,在委任统治的名义下成为英法的殖民地;最后,凡尔赛体系还确立了帝国主义在非洲统治的新秩序,英、法等国瓜分了原德国在非洲的殖民地。





1、第一次世界大战结束后已经召开了巴黎和会,为什么还要召开华盛顿会议呢? 巴黎和会只是暂时调整了帝国主义列强在西方的关系,而他们在太平洋、东亚地区的矛盾仍然十分尖锐,日美之间的矛盾尤为激烈。所以在美国倡议下召开了这次会议。

2、毛泽东为什么说华盛顿会议使中国“回复到几个帝国主义国家共同支配的局面”? 华盛顿会议签订的《九国公约》,表面上声称尊重中国的主权、独立和领土的完整,实际上是肯定了中国半殖民地的地位。因为它宣称要中国“门户开放”、让列强在中国的“机会均等”。这就打破了日本在第一次世界大战中独霸中国的局面,便利了美国在中国扩大侵略势力,也便利了其它几个列强对中国的侵略。中国是华盛顿会议“安排”的最大受害国。






第4课 经济大危机 课标:




2、要使学生认识: 1929-1933年经济危机是资本主义制度根本矛盾发展的必然结果,是无法避免的。 垄断资产阶级销毁产品、毁坏生产设备和耕田等行径,认识到资本主义制度的腐朽性。 罗斯福新政有助于美国的尽快恢复,,因而不可能从根本上消除危机。


人 教 版


第一单元 苏联社会主义道路的探索

第1课 俄国十月革命


教学重点 俄国十月革命发生的历史原因和重大历史意义。

教学难点 二月革命后出现的两个政权并存局面

教学准备 多媒体课件







课件演示导读提纲(引导学生探索、交流、讨论、练习。) 1.哪些是俄国十月革命爆发的原因? 2.“两个政权”分别指什么?为什么会出现两个政权并存局面? 3.十月革命和二月革命有哪些区别? 4.为什么要实行战时共产主义政策?

5.十月革命最主要的特征是什么?其历史意义如何? 6.列宁和十月革命的关系如何? 组织学生学习和探究新课


1、哪些是俄国十月革命爆发的原因? a、运用课件展示“纲要信号”和教科书第4页“动脑筋”资料:

一二资产阶级临时政府 继续进行世界大战遭惨败 < 战月(执行反人民政策) 屠杀和平示威的反战民众 → < > 灾革工人士兵代表苏维埃 革命群众拥护列宁 < 难 命( 布尔什维克党) 列宁确定武装起义方针 十月革命



3、为什么会出现两个政权并存局面?(工农群众缺乏政治斗争经验,列宁等布尔什维克党主要领导人身居国外,影响了党对群众的组织教育工作。) a、.起义总指挥部:斯莫尔尼宫 b、起义信号:“阿芙乐尔”号巡洋舰的炮声








2、毛泽东说“十月革命一声炮响,给中国送来了马克思主义。”你怎样理解这句话? 中国当年新文化运动的发展、五四运动的爆发、中共的成立等重大历史事件,都受惠于十月革命的鼓舞和推动。


1、完成第5页“练一练·选择题”:俄国十月革命爆发于公历( d ) a.2月b.3月 c.10月 d.11月





第2课 对社会主义道路的探索


教学难点 如何正确评价斯大林模式




1、十月革命胜利后,苏俄三年国内战争时期,在经济上采用了什么政策? 苏维埃政权实行了战时共产主义政策

2、这一政策的实施结果如何? 在极端艰苦的三年国内战争中,有效地集中全国人力物力,最终战胜了敌人。但是,也引起了人民群众尤其是农民群众的不满,破坏了生产力的发展,造成生产下降,社会不稳定。










1、列宁曾说:“我们计划??用无产阶级国家直接下命令的办法在一个小农国家里按共产主义原则来调整国家的产品生产和分配。现实生活说明我们错了。”请你据此回答下列问题: a、“用无产阶级国家直接下命令的办法”指的是什么政策?








3、怎样从年代上区分“沙俄”、“苏俄”、“苏联”? 1917年 二月革命以前,沙皇统治下的俄国简称“沙俄”。1917年十月革命胜利到1922年底苏联成立前的苏维埃俄国简称“苏俄”。“苏联”全称“苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟”,到1991年解体,如今已经成为历史名词。







篇3:九年级下册历史教案 中华书局版

第1课 俄国十月革命


教学重点 俄国十月革命发生的历史原因和重大历史意义。 教学难点 二月革命后出现的两个政权并存局面

教学准备 多媒体课件







课件演示导读提纲(引导学生探索、交流、讨论、练习。) 1.哪些是俄国十月革命爆发的原因? 2.“两个政权”分别指什么?为什么会出现两个政权并存局面? 3.十月革命和二月革命有哪些区别? 4.为什么要实行战时共产主义政策?

5.十月革命最主要的特征是什么?其历史意义如何? 6.列宁和十月革命的关系如何? 组织学生学习和探究新课


1、哪些是俄国十月革命爆发的原因? a、运用课件展示“纲要信号”和教科书第4页“动脑筋”资料:

一二资产阶级临时政府 继续进行世界大战遭惨败 十< 战月(执行反人民政策) 屠杀和平示威的反战民众 月→ < > 灾革工人士兵代表苏维埃 革命群众拥护列宁 革< 难 命 (布尔什维克党) 列宁确定武装起义方针 命





5、运用动态地图演示彼得格勒武装起义经过,组织学生完成填图练习: a、.起义总指挥部:斯莫尔尼宫 b、起义信号:“阿芙乐尔”号巡洋舰的炮声








2、毛泽东说“十月革命一声炮响,给中国送来了马克思主义。”你怎样理解这句话? 中国当年新文化运动的发展、五四运动的爆发、中共的成立等重大历史事件,都受惠于十月革命的鼓舞和推动。


1、完成第5页“练一练·选择题”:俄国十月革命爆发于公历( d ) a.2月b.3月 c.10月 d.11月




第2课 苏联社会主义建设的成就

教学重点 新经济政策、苏联的工业化和农业集体化

教学难点 如何正确评价斯大林模式




1、十月革命胜利后,苏俄三年国内战争时期,在经济上采用了什么政策? 苏维埃政权实行了战时共产主义政策

2、这一政策的实施结果如何? 在极端艰苦的三年国内战争中,有效地集中全国人力物力,最终战胜了敌人。但是,也引起了人民群众尤其是农民群众的不满,破坏了生产力的发展,造成生产下降,社会不稳定。






3、“斯大林模式”高度集中的政治经济体制是如何形成的?如何评价这种体制的利与弊? 组织学生学习和探究新课


1、列宁曾说:“我们计划??用无产阶级国家直接下命令的办法在一个小农国家里按共产主义原则来调整国家的产品生产和分配。现实生活说明我们错了。”请你据此回答下列问题: a、“用无产阶级国家直接下命令的办法”指的是什么政策?








3、怎样从年代上区分“沙俄”、“苏俄”、“苏联”? 1917年 二月革命以前,沙皇统治下的俄国简称“沙俄”。1917年十月革命胜利到1922年底苏联成立前的苏维埃俄国简称“苏俄”。“苏联”全称“苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟”,到1991年解体,如今已经成为历史名词。







3、毛泽东在《论十大关系》中说:“苏联的办法把农民挖得很苦。他们采取所谓义务交售制等项办法,把农民生产的东西拿走太多,给的代价又极低。他们这样来积累资金,使农民的生产积极性受到极大的损害。你要母鸡多生蛋,又不给它米吃,又要马儿跑得好,又要马儿不吃草。世界上哪有这样的道理。”你怎样理解这句话? a、“苏联的办法”指什么?(农业集体化运动中的强迫性措施)


4、邓小平说:“社会主义究竟是个什么样子,苏联搞了很多年,也并没有完全搞清楚。可能列宁的思路比较好,搞了个新经济政策,但是后来苏联的模式僵化了。” 你怎样理解这句话? a、“列宁的思路”好在哪里?(以新经济政策取代战时共产主义政策是俄国国情决定的。它是列宁将马克思主义与俄国实际相结合的典范。列宁的这一创新精神直到今天仍焕发着强大的生命力。) b、“后来苏联的模式”也被称为什么?(斯大林模式) c、这个模式形成的标志是什么?

1936年苏联通过新宪法,宣布苏联是“工农社会主义国家”,标志着苏联高度集中的政治经济体制的形成。 d、这个模式形成的背景如何?



① 在发展重工业的同时,也要兼顾农业和轻工业的发展;

② 发展经济要尊重市场规律,既抓产值和产量,也抓产品品种创新和产品质量提高;

③ 要提高农民生产积极性,必须切实维护广大农民的利益,不能从农民手中拿走太多东西; ④ 大力保护环境和资源,提倡可持续发展,注重经济效益等;⑤在政治上要防止个人专断,切实加强民主与法制。


1、完成第10页“练一练·选择题”:最初加入苏联的加盟共和国不包括( d ) a、俄罗斯联邦b、外高加索联邦 c、乌克兰 d、爱沙尼亚





第3课 凡尔赛——华盛顿体系的确立



第一单元 苏联社会主义道路的探索

第1课 俄国十月革命








教学方法 以讲述法为主,辅以课堂讨论。



(讲授新课)十月革命是人类历史的转折点,是世界现代史的开端。从1917年十月革命到现在的历史为世界现代史。今天我们来学习第1课 俄国十月革命。了解这一人类历史上重大事件的基本情况。(板书课题)

一、新时代的曙光(板书) 1.二月革命


二月革命虽然推翻了沙皇专制制度,但俄国人民迫切要求获得和平、面包和土地的愿望并没有实现。没实现的原因刚才同学已经回答了,这就是掌权的是资产阶级临时政府。他们为了自身的利益,不顾放弃瓜分战利品的机会,因此不顾人民的要求,继续进行帝国主义战争,并企图借助战争来消灭革命力量。在这种情况下,布尔什维克党如何领导人民继续斗争,是迫切需要解决的问题。全党、全体劳动人民都热切盼望着伟大领袖列宁的归来。 2.十月社会主义革命的胜利(板书)

1917年4月16日,长期流亡国外的列宁回到了首都彼得格勒。成千上万的工人、士兵和革命群众争先恐后地奔赴车站,欢迎自己爱戴的领袖。请大家看插图《列宁回到彼得格勒》。从这张图中,你看到了什么?(学生回答略,教师总结)我们把同学们说的概括为三点。第一,列宁的回国,受到了群众发自内心的欢迎;第二,人民群众手中掌握着武装;第三,列宁号召人民要把革命进行到底。布尔什维克党为进行社会主义革命做了大量的准备工作。而在这一系列的准备工作中,列宁起了至关重要的作用。我们一起来归纳一下。(学生回答略)列宁所起的作用还表现在亲自领导了彼得格勒的武装起义。 3.彼得格勒武装起义的胜利(板书)


在首都武装起义的影响下,莫斯科等城市相继爆发了武装起义。革命烈火迅速燃遍俄国各地,到1918年2月,苏维埃政权在全国范围内建立起来了。 4.苏维埃政府的建立(板书)

资产阶级临时政府被推翻后,建立了世界上第一个工人士兵苏维埃政府——人民委员会,列宁当选为主席。这是代表劳苦大众利益的政府,这是为人民群众谋利益的政府。政府成立后的第一个对外政策的法令是《和平法令》。经过同德奥谈判议和,苏俄退出了战争,人民赢得了和平。对内则通过了《土地法令》没收地主、寺院的土地,分配给农民,人民获得了土地。俄国人民梦寐以求的事情,苏维埃政府做到了,这是多么的使人欢欣鼓舞啊。 5.国内战争和苏维埃政权的巩固(板书)





第2课 对社会主义道路的探索

教学目的 1.基础知识:新经济政策;苏联的成立;苏联的社会主义工业化和两个五年计划的成就;苏联农业集体化;1936年苏联宪法,斯大林模式的确立。


3.能力培养:①在老师的引导下,结合新经济政策的内容来思考新经济政策的作用,培养学生的分析能力。②讨论总结苏联(苏俄)在社会主义建设过程中采取的重大举措,培养学生归纳、概括问题的能力。 教学重点和难点



教学方法 以讲述为主,辅以谈话法和课堂讨论。


(导入新课)提问:我们在第1课学习了世界上第一个无产阶级政权的建立和巩固,那么,大家想想,在反对帝国主义武装干涉和国内反革命叛乱取得胜利后,苏俄面临的最主要的任务是什么呢?(学生回答略)要发展经济,要进行社会主义建设。怎样发展经济,以什么方式建设社会主义呢?则是本节课我们要学习的内容。(板书课题) 战争结束了,政权巩固了,这就为布尔什维克党把工作重心转移到经济建设上来创造了条件。俄共(布)在建设社会主义道路上采取的第一个重大举措是新经济政策的实施。为什么要实施这一政策?这一政策的主要内容是什么?它实施以后起了什么作用?

一、列宁对社会主义建设道路的探索(板书) 1.实施的原因(板书)


1921年3月,根据列宁的提议,布尔什维党通过了用粮食税代替余粮征集制的决议,苏俄开始由“战时共产主义”政策向新经济政策过渡。 2.主要内容(板书)






三、苏联的社会主义工业化(板书) 苏联社会主义工业化是在全国实行五年计划经济建设的方式,在短时间内实现的。 1.苏联的一五计划和二五计划(板书)


苏联的重工业在短时间内迅速发展的情况。但与此同时,其农业在生产技术生产方式则是比较落后的,贫富分化也不断发生。如何发展农业。如何使广大农民走共同富裕的道路,如何使农业适应国家工业化的发展,联共(布)确定了农业集体化的方针。 2.农业集体化(板书)





第3课 凡尔赛——华盛顿体系








教学方法 讲述法,辅以讨论法。












篇5:九年级历史下册教案[北师大版] 第1课 《俄国向何处去》教学案例设计








史问题的能力。通过引导学生分析新经济政策的实施,培养学生运用主要矛盾和次要矛盾. 经济基础与上层建筑的辩证唯物主义.历史唯物主义观点分析问题的能力。









★教学时间:一课时 ★教学过程: 1.导入新课:







向社会主义过渡的内容。 2.讲授新课:

一.“二月革命” 1.革命前的形势




什维克党能够根据具体情况制定正确的革命策略。 2.二月革命


威作福300多年的罗曼诺夫王朝覆灭了。 3.二月革命后的形势





而废的严肃问题。 4.《四月提纲》的制定

针对两个政权并存的复杂情况,列宁向布尔什维克党提出了什么样的任务呢?1917年4 月,列宁在布尔什维克会议上作了一份报告,这份报告后来被称为《四月提纲》。报告指出,俄国革命的第一阶段由于无产阶级的觉悟和组织程度不高,政权落到了资产阶级的手中,第


确立了社会主义革命的目标,为俄国革命指明了方向。 二.“阿芙乐尔号”的炮声----------十月革命的胜利 1. 十月革命的经过



列宁为首的世界第一个苏维埃政府-------人民委员会。世界上第一个社会主义国家诞生。 2.十月革命胜利的历史意义
















1921年实施新经济政策,采取逐步过渡到社会主义的政策。实践的效果比较好。 1.战时共产主义政策







利益。工业方面把大中企业全部收归国有,对小企业实行监督。 在交换和流通方面:取消一

切商品贸易;一切生活必需品均由国家集中分配。 战时共产主义政策,使苏维埃政府能够在残酷的战争条件下,最大限度地集中全国的财



定和生产的下降,1921年春,苏俄发生了严重的经济政治危机。 2.新经济政策
















行之有效的经济发展战略。这是对马克思主义理论的重大发展。 3.本课小结:










书后材料阅读及自我测评 ★板书设计:


第2课 《苏联的崛起》教学案例设计

















★教学过程: 1.复习提问: 2.导入新课:






义新社会的试验。这节课我们就来学习第2课苏联的崛起。 3.讲授新课





国,由输入机器和设备的国家变成生产机器和设备的国家。)苏联工业化建设的重点是优先发 展重工业。请同学们依据黑体字中斯大林的讲话内容思考:苏联在工业化建设中为什么要优










也被后来的社会主义国家所沿用。 2.苏联的农业集体化







二.斯大林模式-------高度集中的经济政治体制的形成 1.1936年苏联宪法






家已经建成。同时,也标志着斯大林创建的经济政治体制的形成。 2.斯大林的经济政治体制

斯大林创建的经济政治体制又称为“斯大林模式”,它深刻地影响着苏联的历史和命运, 也对国际共产主义运动的发展产生了深刻的影响。那么,什么是苏联高度集中的经济政治体


























与法制的建设,斯大林的一些错误得不到纠正,对社会发展造成很大的消极影响。1935年- 1938年间的肃反运动是其突出的表现。



























本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。第Ⅰ卷1至8页,第Ⅱ卷9至10页。考试时间100分钟,满分100分。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共79分) 注意事项:

1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将姓名、准考证号、考试科目按要求填涂在答题卡上。2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑,不能将答案答在试卷上。 3.考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并收回。 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节

(本题共5小题。每小题1分,计5分) 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选出最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。每段对话读两遍。 1.Where is Alice’s pen pal from?

2.What was Helen doing when the accident happened?

3.When will the man have his birthday party?

4.What is the man going to buy f or his father?

5.What’s the weather like now?



听下面5段对话或短文,每段对话或短文后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将 答题卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。每段对话或短文读三遍。 听第6段材料,回答6-7题。 6.Where does the woman want to go? A.A park.

B.A bank.

C.A hotel.7.How will the woman go there? A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By bike.听第7段材料,回答8-10题。

8.Where is Kate going for her summer vacation? A.Beijing.


C.Sichuan. 9.Who will Kate go with? A.Her clamates.

B.Her friends.

C.Her family.10.How long will they stay there ? A.Two weeks

B.Two months

C.Two days 听第8段材料,回答11-13题。

11.What does Ann think of being a doctor? A.Easy.


C.Interesting.12.What does Ann want to be? A.A nurse.

B.A doctor.

C.A reporter.13.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Bob’s father is a western medicine doctor.B.Li Shizhen is Ann’s favorite famous person.

C.Bob must learn a lot about herbs if he wants to be a Chinese medicine doctor.听第9段材料,回答14-16题。

14.Why hasn’t Amy done her math homework yet? A..Because she wants to do it with Tom.B..Because it’s too difficult for her.C..Because she wants to watch TV first.15.Tom is not good at English, is he? A..Yes, he is.

B.No, he isn’t

C.Yes, he isn’t.16.When are they going to meet in order to do homework? A.At 5:30.

B.At 6:30.

C.At 5:00.听第10段材料,回答17-20题。

17.The elephants can’t

if you are not very close to them.

A.hear you clearly

B.see you clearly

C smell you clearly 18.African elephants have

than Indian elephants. A.smaller ears and shorter teeth

B.bigger ears and longer teeth C.smaller eyes and shorter teeth 19.The elephants are easily caught in




C.India and Africa 20.The elephants in India can

. A.work for people

B.learn to know a man’s voice

C.A and B



第一节 单项选择(共10小题。每小题1分,计10分)


cold weather!

—Yes.But it’s

unusual experience for us, we normally live in a hot place.A./; a

B.a; an

C./ ; an

D.a; the 22.—We can see the sign

in the public places.What does it mean? —It means________.




D.NO SMOKING 23.—Do you enjoy My heart will go on? —No, I prefer songs

loud.A.that is

B.which is

C.that are

D.what are 24.—I like drinking wine.But people who drink wine aren’t allowed to drive.—If I

you, I would give up

wine.A.were; drinking

B.am; drinking C.were; drink

D.was;to drink 25.— Is there

in today’s magazine?

—Yes.Premier Wen Jiabao saw

“stay-home children”

May,25th.A.anything special; hundreds of; on

B.something special; hundred of; at

C.special anything; hundreds; on

D.anything special; hundreds of; in 26.—That actor often joins in dfferent activities in Beijing.Do you know


—For 5 years.A.how soon he will come back

B.how long he has stayed there C.how long has he stayed there

C.how often does he go there 27.—Peter has changed a lot, hasn’t he?

—Yes.He used to

the guitar,but now he is more

in playing soccer.A.plays; interested

B.play; interested

C.play; interesting

D.playing; interest 28.—I have never been to Hawaii.What about Mike? —

.A.So has he

B.So he does

C.N either he has

D.Neither has he 29.— John, you

go out to play until your homework


—OK, Mum.A.must; finishes

B.can’t; is finished

C.can’t; has finished

D.needn’t; finishes 30.—Would you please help me with my writing skills? —

________.You can come to my office every Saturday.A.That’s all right

B.Not at all

C.No problem





(A) Panda Expre is a fast food restaurant chain(连锁店)in the United States.It sells Chinese food. When you go to 31

malls, supermarkets, airports, train stations, parks, stadiums, college campuses and 32

other places, you can see Panda Expre.It is

33 chain of Chinese fast food restaurants in the United States.Panda Expre 34 in 1983 by Andrew Cherng, Peggy Cherng and Ming Tsai Cherng.They were from Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China.Now Panda Expre has 1,321 restaurants in 38 states and Puerto Rico,and the top-selling food of Panda Expre 35 Orange Chicken and Beijing Beef.31.A.shop



D.shoping 32.A.many

B.a lot


D.lots 33.A.large


C.the largest

D.largest 34.A.was opened


C.is opened

D.opens 35.A.are

B.will be


D.is (B)

Chairman Mao once said,“It is not hard to do one good deed.It is hard to do good deeds all your life.” Guo Mingyi, a 52-year-old worker in Anshan, Liaoning did just that.Over the past 20 years, Guo 36 60,000 mL of blood(血).That is the blood of 10 people put together.Once,


the cold winter of 2009,Guo got a call from the hospital.The doctors told him 38 a patient needed a blood donation.Guo didn’t have time to have lunch.He traveled in the snow to

39 the hospital.When he finished donating the blood, he was 40 tired that he fell asleep on the hospital bed.Guo and his family live a 41 life.They live in a house of only 40 square meters. 42 they don’t have a lot of money, Guo saves money to support poor children.In the past 16 years, he has given away over 100,000yuan to more than 180 poor students.When the parents met him, many cried,“He looks 43 than us.”they said.

Guo has also offered help to thousands of workers, friends and strangers.His warm heart has moved many people.They 44 him a “Modern-Day Lei Feng”.

Recently, Chinese leaders called on people to learn from Guo.They say young people especially should learn his selfle devotion (奉献).But Guo said he did these things in order not to get famous.“It’s just that some people need some help, and there should be someone standing out to give 45 a hand.” he said.

36.A.had donated

B.has donated

C.have donated

D.donates 37.A.in



D.above 38.A.which



D.who 39.A.arrive

B.reach at

C.get to

D.get 40.A.such

B .very


D.so 41.A.simple



D.happily 42.A.So



D.Though 43.A.richer



D.kinder 44.A.say



D.speak 45.A.them






阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 (A)

Steven Jobs, the CEO of Apple, was not a good student when he was in school.At that time, he always got into trouble with his schoolmates.When he went to college, he didn’t change a lot.Then he dropped out(退学).But he was full of new ideas. After that, Steven Jobs worked as a video game designer in a company.He worked there only for a few months and then he went to India.He hoped that the trip would give him some new ideas and a new chance to change his life.Steven Jobs lived on a farm in California for a year after he returned from India.In 1975, he began to make a new type of computer.He designed the first Apple Computer with his friend in his garage.He chose the name“Apple”just because it reminded him of a happy summer he once spent in an apple orchard.His first Apple Computer was a great succe.Because of this, Steven Jobs soon became famous all over the world.46.Steven Jobs always got into trouble with

in school.A.his schoolmates

B.his parents

C.his teachers

D.his brothers 47.Steven Jobs designed the first Apple Computer with his friend

.A.in his school

B.in his company

C.in his garage

D.at home 48.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.Steven Jobs didn’t finish his college.

B.Steven Jobs worked as a video game designer in a company for a few months.C.Steven Jobs soon became famous all over the world because of his first Apple Computer.D.Steven Jobs chose the name“Apple”just because he liked eating apples.(B)

If you usually take the school bus or sometimes need to take public buses to school, there are some important rules you should know.•When you are waiting for the bus, you should wait at the bus stop, and stand well back.•When you get off the bus, make sure you and the driver can see each other, and wait for the driver to signal you before you cro the road in front of the bus.•Never go back for anything you may leave on the bus when it is starting.•Never bend down near the bus when you walk to or from the bus stop.•You should cro the street at a crowalk or a street corner, and wait for the light to turn green or for the WALK croing signal.•It is important to look carefully to the left, the right and the left again when you cro the street.•Remember that it is dangerous to stay in the areas around buses where the driver can’t see you.Don’t run between parked cars or buses.

•Do not run acro the street or through parking areas to catch up with your friends.49.When you are waiting for the bus, you should wait

.A.at the bus stop

B.on the street

C.at a crowalk D.a street corner 50.It is important to

when you cro the street. A.run quickly

B.wait for the light to turn green C.look carefully to the left

D.look carefully to the right 51.If you walk to or from the bus stop, you mustn’t

.A.bend down on the bus B.cro the street at a crowalk or a street corner C.bend down near the bus D.look carefully to the left, the right and the left again 52.This paage is mainly about

.A.safety rules for students by bus B.safety rules for drivers C.safety rules for children by train D.how to cro the street C Mom and Dad are two of the most important people in your life.Over your lifetime, they may influence you more than anyone else you will meet.So if your mom loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just as she does.But parents do a lot more than just pa on their hobbies.Moms and Dads need to care for their kids the minute their kids are born.Most parents will do this as long as they live.Here are some ways you can stay close, get along well, and build a strong relationship( 关系)with your parents.

Spend time together.Instead of playing computer games or watching TV, ask your mom and dad to play with you.Go outside together, or do some reading.Be kind.Little things might mean a lot to your mom or dad.You can brighten a parent’s day with a hug(拥抱), a card , or a joke.It’s also lovely when a kid cleans up his or her room without being asked.And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents will be so happy! Do your best at whatever you do.You don’t have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud.It makes them happy to see how you’re turning into a great kid.Why? Because it lets them know they’re doing a good job.53.Who may influence you more than anyone else you will meet according t o the paage? A.Teachers



D.Grandparents 54.Which of the following can’t help you build a strong relationship with your parents? A.Spending time together

B.Being kind.

C.Doing your best at whatever you do.

D.playing computer games or watching TV 55.Your parents will be unhappy if you

.A.clean up his or her room without being asked B.fight with your brothers or sisters C.try your best to do something D.give them a hug 56.What does the underlined part in the paage mean? It means


A.they make you become a good kidwww.xkb 1.c om B.they work hard C.they are perfect D.they do well in their office work (D) What’s the most important thing for you to have in your life? Somebody mentions hard-work, others suggest knowledge, love and luck.If you arrange(排列) the 26 English letters in order and use numbers to represent each of them, f or example, 1 for a, 2 for b, 3 for c„26 for z, you can change an English word into a number.So hard-work becomes 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98, meaning 98 is its mark.Knowledge: 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96, love:12+15+22+5=54, and luck: 12+21+3+11=47, a small mark.None of these words can give one a full mark.What about money? It can’t , either.Then what else? Don’t be worried.You can always find an answer to a problem in your life, when you change your way of looking at things or doing things, or your attitude.Yes, attitude is the word.See for yourself: attitude:1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100,a full mark.Different attitudes lead to different courses of life.Most time people hope for a better life.It is poible that they will have a better life if they chang their attitudes.When you change your manner and became friendly towards others, you’ll meet more smiling faces towards you.In the same way, if you take a positive attitude towards failure, you’ll find it’s also rewarding(有益的)though it has caused you loes(损失).57.The writer thinks _________ is the most important thing in a person’s life.


B.know ledge


D.attitude 58.What is the mark of the word money according to the paage?





59.According to the paage, if you meet with problems, the best way is to ___________.

A.ask for help from others

B.hope to be lucky

C.change your attitude

D.try math-solving ways 60.From the paage we can learn that ______________.

A.diffrent attitudes come from different courses of life B.sometimes failure can bring you good if you take a positive attitude

C.math can solve every problem easily in our daily life

D.none of the English words except “attitude” is 100 or more 第四部分

口语应用(共4小题。每小题1分,满分4分) 从对话后的方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。 A:


B: I’m not feeling well.

A: You’ve been like this since you got here, haven’t you? B:


A: Do you know why? B:


It’s awful.One day it’s hot, but the next day it’s rainy.No matter what I wear, I’m never dreed properly.

A: You haven’t learned to predict the weather here.I’ve been here for eight years, and I never get sick .B:


A: Well, there’s a weather hotline.Every morning you can call it to find out what the weather will be like during the day.B: I know that hotline, but I’ve never called it.I’ve heard it’s expensive.

A.What’s the matter?

B: What should I do then? C: Yes, for about four weeks.D: The weather in this city changes so often.

达州市2012年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试 英 语



题号 第一节 第二节 第三节



任务型阅读 短文填空 书面表达


第Ⅱ卷(非选择题, 共21分)


写(共三节,满分21分) 得分 评卷人



根据短文后所给的任务,完成65-69小题.Now the idea of “car sharing” has become popular in Europe and the United States.That’s to say, people share(分享) one car, not each person has one .(65)As we know, most cars are parked in garages for much time.In fact, we drive our own cars as long as one or two hours a day on average.When we don’t use them, We have to pay for parking and other things.(66)We spend too much money on that.If we share a ca r, we’ll only pay when we use it.(67)Because some people want to save money, they come up with the idea of “car sharing”.Now many people are starting to do car sharing.In Switzerland, almost 40,000 people have joined it.Japan is also trying to make “car sharing” popular around the country.(68)car, is, of, new, sharing, transportation, beginning, a, idea, the, in .(69)This is also very easy for us to travel here and there without buying cars.Do you love to share a car with others? 任务1:请将(65)处的句子翻译成汉语。


任务2:在下面的空白处填上一个适当的单词,使句意与(66)处相同。 66.That

us too much money.任务3:对(67)处的划线部分提问。


? 任务4:请将(68)处的单词组合成一个完整的句子。


任务5:(69)处有一处错误,请找出错误并改在下面的横线上。(可用文字叙述) 69.

得分 评卷人

第二节 短文填空(共6小题。每小题1分,计6分)


Robot s 70

are not just trying to make robots look like people.For example, there are already robots w 71

in factories.These robots look more like huge arms.They do simple jobs over and over again.People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored.But robots will never get bored.In the future, there will be more robots e 72

, and humans will have l73

work to do.New robots will have many different shapes.Some will look like humans, and others might look like snakes.After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under b 74

.That may not seem poible now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed i


a hundred years ago.We never know what will happene in the future.







得分 评卷人

第三节 书面表达(满分10分)

76.目前中学生学习任务重,压力大。而丰富多彩的业余生活,有利于开拓视野,调节身心,提高学习效率。请结合下面的提示词,以My Spare Time为题写一篇80词左右的短文,谈谈你的业余生活。看书、看电视、玩电脑、做运动、参加社会活动等。你喜欢做什么?你是如何合理安排的呢?说说你的想法和理由。

提示词语:busy, play, healthy, knowledge, houswork, relax,volunteer, colorful 要求:


2.书写工整,句式规范,条理清楚。有表达自己观点的句子。 3.不得出现真实的姓名和地名。

My Spare Time

第15篇:九年级英语下册UNIT6 TOPIC3 SECTION B 教案


我们教育学生要珍惜同学之间真挚诚恳的友谊的同时,引导学生用三年所学的知识,用英语说出一段在毕业典礼上的演讲,同时学会表达\"再见\",\"总结\",\"感恩\",\"抱歉\"等表达方法。 学情分析: 设计思想:


1.认知目标:引导学生通过合作学习掌握描述人物个人的兴趣爱好。 grammar: apologies 2. 能力目标:复习现在进行时的用法,培养对所学英语知识及时进行总结的能力以及在大场面用英语演讲的能力。

3. 情感目标:珍惜今天的美好生活,憧憬美丽灿烂的未来,学会总结,学会感恩,珍惜纯真的友谊。 重点和难点: 教学过程:


2,教师的开场白,学生认真听,记住教师板书的重点单词及短语,翻译成中文,造句以及扩展词义,为呈现课文内容做好准备。 设计意图:


增加一些笔头练习,培养学生的语用能力,要把学生在本节课的所学落实到笔头。 step 2 presentation 学生听音,回答写在黑板上的问题。 2.把学生分成两组,分角色朗读。

3.学生完成1b的填空题,教师核对答案。 设计意图: 1.(书本合上)过渡进入课文对话部分,以黑板上的部分短语和相关问句为线索,引导学生学习。问题比较简单,学生听一遍就能找到答案,可以让一些学习成绩较差的学生回答,增加学习的机会,体验成功的快乐。 2.(翻开书本)学生分成两组,跟磁带分角色朗读,加深对课文的认识,要求尽量模仿磁带读音且有感情,不要求整齐划一。

3.有个别学生朗读1b的段落,教师将答案写在黑板上,供学生核对。 1.进入课文2a部分,让学生与课文磁带同步朗读

2.检查学生对本语段的理解,完成课文2b部分的习题,选择单词或词组的同义选项。 3.请个别学生朗读课文,注意学生的语音语调。 4.整合课文内容,回答黑板上的四个问题: 设计意图:



3. 本节课定位成口语课,因此在课堂上跟读与朗读的机会较多,方法也比较多样。 4. 语段训练的效果要通过学生回答相应的问题来体现。 通过以上的训练,让学生对一篇英文的毕业典礼的演讲的构成形成初步的认识。为后面的仿写奠定基础。


3.根据在小组活动中得到的信息,教师选取几个有特点的学生上台在全班同学面前做演讲,分享他(她)们的心情。在演讲的过程中,要求其他学生随时准备复述,培养学生的听力和即时总结能力。 设计意图:

2. 课堂教学以学生的活动为主体,由学生总结演讲的结构,教师起指导作用。教师参加小组活动不能喧宾夺主,主要在于倾听学生的发言,鼓励每个学生多参与小组活动,获取成功的体验。

3.这个环节是最让人激动的部分,演讲的学生或是激动,或是紧张,或是羞涩,或是张狂,都表现出了一定的口语水平。在演讲中学生回顾了学习生活,军训活动,社区活动,歌咏比赛,运动会等令人激动的时刻,表达了感激,道歉,再见的心情,甚至表达了听课教师的热烈欢迎和美好祝愿,表达了对母校的祝福,实现了本节课所设计要达到的认知目标,能力目标和情感目标。 step 5 summary: 1. 总结学生所做的演讲。

3. 复习总结现在完成时和一般将来时的用法。 设计意图:

1. 教师趁热打铁总结英语演讲的要点。让有些激动的心情暂时回归平静,回答学习。。。 要点上。

2. 这个环节的目的有二,其一在于总结本课重点词组,其二在于帮助部分学习比较。 困难的学生利用现有的词组组成一篇适合自己实际水平的演讲稿,让不同水平的学生 都得到发展。

3. 本节课运用了学生所学的现在完成时和一般将来时的句子,因此做些简单的复习也是必要的。

让学生博采众长,根据自己的实际水平将本节课所学的英文毕业典礼仿写在作文本上。 增加一些笔头练习,培养学生的语用能力,要把学生在本节课的所学落实到笔头。 1. 将本节课所学的英文毕业典礼演讲写在作文本上。 设计意图:



2.课堂活动丰富多样,多数学生能积极参与,能照顾到不同层次的学生,使学生们学有所获。3.教学过程衔接自然,教师语言亲切,有亲和力。 4.课堂容量太大,练习时间不够充分。 评课记录:



李远红:让学生根据自己的实际水平将本节课所学的英文毕业典礼仿写在作文本上。 增加一些笔头练习,培养学生的语用能力,要把学生在本节课的所学落实到笔头。





课题:Unit8 It must belong to Carla.

Section A 3a-3c Teaching aims &demands: 1.Master the key words: policeman, noise, wolf, happening, uneasy 2.Be able to make references.3.Improve students’ reading and comprehensive skills.4.Cultivate students’ imagination.Teaching key and difficult points: Teaching key points: 1.Master the key words and phrase.2.Be able to make inferences using the modal verbs.Teaching difficult points: Learn to use the target language in daily life.Teaching procedures: I.Warm-up 1.Greetings.2.Learn the new words:

II.Presentation Show a picture on the PPT., and Answer the two questions: 1.What can you see in the picture? 2.What can we know about the woman ? III.Reading

1.Read the article and decide which might be the best title.A.A Small and Quiet Town B.Strange Happenings in my town C.Animals in our neighborhood

2.Have students read the article again to find the correct words to match the following meanings.Ask them to do this task individually.Later ask a student to check the answers

3.Read the article carefully and write what people think about the strange noises.a.Ss work in pairs.Let students discu the answers.b.Check the answers with the students.IV.Language points and exercises 1.Have a explanation of each paragraph.2.Key sentences and phrases.a.It used to be very quiet.

b.Something unusual is happening in our town.d.I think it was too big to be a dog.e.There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.3.Read this paage together.4.Students do some exercises.Ⅴ.Homework 1.Make new sentences using the following phrases:

too...to...; have no idea; used to;something unusual; strange noises;

feel uneasy; go away; have fun doing sth.;There must be...doing sth.2.Review the article.




1.掌握本单元的词汇和部分短语的用法。如:so far,send up,make up,put off,etc.



4.学习构词法:n + n → n;n + ing/-en → adj;v + er/ or →n;如:fire + place = fireplace,interestprinter

5.认真学习课文\"The Universe and Manmade satellite”.Watch the video about satellite and speak out what a satellite is.

After watching, let the students discu the questions for a while.Get them to give the explanations in English.

For instance: A satellite goes round the earth.The moon is a satellite of the earth.There are many man-made satellites in the space too.Then explain that man-made is an adjective meaning made by people.“Man” in this text means “the human race”.


Get the students to look at the questions below:

What do we mean when we talk about the universe?

Why can’t many stars be seen?

How far is the moon away from the earth?

Has the moon been visited by man already?

Have any man-made machines travelled farther than the moon? What are they?

What do you know about the universe?

Why do we say the world itself is becoming smaller and smaller?

Read the paage carefully and discu the answers in pairs.Finally check the answers with the whole cla.

Give the students some more background information about spaceships without people: Some spaceships have been sent to visit different planets, such as Mars, Venus and Jupiter.

Ask the students to write down the answers in the exercise books.The suggested answer to the last question is: With the help of the man-made satellites, it is easy for different countries to send and receive meages.We can also use satellites to help us make telephone calls to foreign countries.V.Practice

Play Speech Caette or video for the students to listen or watch.For the second time, let the students repeat after it, at last, the students can read the paage at the same time while playing the sounds.

Give the students some free time to practice reading aloud.Then ask some of them to read in cla.Check their reading.Explain:

so far: We have learned 2000 words so far.

With one’s help: With the teachers help, he caught up with the other students.

Knowledge: Our knowledge of the USA is not so good.

Thanks to: Thanks to Tom’s help, we finished the work on time.

VI.Do Exercise below:

The universe means the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the space ______ them.Many of the stars are so ______ away that we ______ see them.

The moon, our ______, travelled ______ the earth.It has been visited _____ man in spaceships.

Man-made ______ have been sent up ______ space by many countries.They go ______ the earth.They are used for helping us to learn more ______ the earth, the weather and other things.They are also used for sending and ______ meages. It makes people ______ different countries understand each other better.So people say the world itself is becoming a much ______ place.People call the small place “the global village”.

The answers: between, far, can not, satellite, round, by, satellites, into, round, about, receiving, from, smaller VII.Consolidation

Read the paage again, ask the students to find sentences what replace those in text.

1) Text —Many of the stars cannot be seen because they are too far away.Exercise —Many of the stars are so far away that we cannot see them.

2) Text —The moon travels round the earth.It is our satellite.Exercise —The moon, our satellite, travels round the earth.VIII.Homework

1.Fill in the blanks。

Man-made s ________ have been s ________ up into space by many countries.They can be used for sending and r ________ meages.For example, w ________ their help, China can send its TV and radio p ________ to the other side of the w ________.We can also use them to help us m ________ telephone, calls to f ________ countries.T ________ to them, the world itself is becoming a much s ________ place and people from different countries.Now u ________ each other better.

2.Let the students retell the text.

3.Make six sentences using the Present Perfect Tense.

Leon 47 Period: The Third Period Content: Leon 47 Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector.Teaching Objectives: Revise the distance and dialogues.Language Focus: the modal verbs, numbers.Teaching Procedures:

I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision

Revise the text and ask some students to read their retellings in cla.Then practise the Present -Perfect Tense.III.Leading in

Get the students to look at the Exercise

1 ) How many kilometres by train is it from… to…?

2) How far away is…from…?

3) What about …?

Tell the students to read the model question.Let them understand this exercise, then get the students to ask and answer in pairs.Finally check the answers with the whole cla.IV.Practice

Part 2.Let the students look at the diagram, It tells us the distance between cities.Let’s look at the model first.

A: How many kilometres by train is it from Nanjing to Wuhan?

B: 1229.( One thousand two hundred and twenty nine)

A: How many kilometres is it from Kunming to Shanghai?

B: 2677.How many....?

Ask the whole cla some questions about the distance.Make sure the students can say numbers correctly.Then divide them into small groups to make up questions.At last, report their work in cla.V.Acting

Let the students read Part 3 silently.Ask them to practise in pairs.Pay attention to the modal verbs.VI.Workbook

For Exercise 1, ask and answer in pairs.

For Exercise 3.Get the students to read over the sentences and fill in the blanks.

The answers are: was ...repaired, began, make, was told, got, decided, received, found, would be repaired Exercises in cla

Change the following sentences into Paive Voice

1.Bruce writes a letter to his parents every week.

2.Lilei mended the broken kite this morning.

3.1 must buy a Christmas present for Mr Green.

4.Li Ming can\'t finish the homework on time.

5.We should water the flowers twice a day.VI.Homework

Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

Leon 48

Period: The Fourth Period Content: Leon 48 Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector.Teaching Objectives:

1.Learn how to build words.

2.Practise listening.Language Focus:

1.Word formation

2.the Paive Voice Teaching Procedures:

I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision

Go through some pairs to act out their dialogues written in the exercise books.III.Listen

Ask the students to read through the questions of Exercise I in the workbook, ask them to gue the answers before listening.Then listen carefully, check the answers with each other.Listen again and repeat.Answers: 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.C IV.Word building

Explain that in English, we can make new words by combining two words together for example:

Cla + room = claroom, home + work = homework, police + man = policeman

Let the students think of other examples they have learnt.Then look at Exercise 2 in the wordbook, read through the list.Make sure the students can understand the meaning of the words.Pay attention, in American English “woolen” and “traveler” are spelt as “woolen” and “traveled”


Part 2.Divide the students into two groups to practise.Point out that “Which do you think is more interesting? = Which programme (of the two) is more interesting?” And the use of shall to expre a decision in I think I shall read a book instead.Get the students to practise all the dialogues.Make up as many as they can.Then act it out in cla.VI.Acting

Let the students read proverbs Exercise 4.Make the students understand the Chinese meaning.Ask them to practise them after cla.VII.Practice

Get the students to look at the Exercise 5 in the workbook and have a discuion.

Ask: What activities do you do every day? What activities do you like most? What activities do you like least? Then ask the students to practise in pairs.VIII.Writing

Ask the students to look at the pictures, let them really understand the meaning of each picture.Collect some ideas and information.Share with the students.Then try to make up a short story and write it down.

After finishing writing, ask the students to check their partner\'s work, then ask them to hand in their writings for marking.IX.Workbook

Do Exercise 3, ask the students to find compound words.

For Exercise 6, do it with the whole cla.The answers are:

1.put up 2.put... away 3.put on 4.put...down

5.Put up 6.Put...on 7.put down Exercises in cla Rewrite the following sentences in another way.

1.I don\'t like watching TV, she doesn’t like it, either.

________ I ________ she _________ watching TV.

2.We should deal with the problem more carefully.

The problem ________ ________ ________ with more carefully _______ ________.

3.The buses were made in the factory.

They ________ the buses in the factory.

4.Talking in cla is wrong.

It _________ right _________ _________in cla.Answers: 1.Neither…nor, likes 2.should be dealed, by us 3.made 4.isn’t, to talk X.Homework

1.Prepare for the exam.

2.Finish off the exercises in the workbook.




"牛津英语"教材把语言结构、语言功能和主题内容有机地结合起来, 所以语言的信息输入量大, 选材广泛、主体有序、内容集中, 学习内容非常贴近学生的生活实际和思想实际。本节课的内容是:Unit 4 的综合技能训练(Integrated Skills),是将听说读写糅合在一起进行综合训练,以提高学生综合应用英语的能力。我要求学生直接借助于网络进行查阅相关资料,并在此基础上进行归纳,使学生的信息量有了大大的增加,由学生的被动的接受变成了主动的学习.(二)教学目标

1.知识目标:学会一些表示动物名称的单词,学会运用动词smell, understand, believe, remember等。能熟练运用所学句式描述、询问奇闻轶事,并对别人的描述作出反应。





1 坚持"自主学习,合作学习"的教学原则

教师打破了以教师为中心, 单项灌输的陈旧模式, 在课堂教学中尽可能发挥学生的主动性和合作精神, 营造了良好的学习氛围, 更重要的是在频繁的交流中, 学生的语言表达能力提高了。

2 遵循英语教学的交际性原则

交际性原则是英语教学中的一个指导性原则, 教学最终的目的不仅要使学生掌握知识, 更重要的是使学生在理解的基础上, 在交际性练习中培养交际能力, 而培养这种交际能力, 就是反映在课堂教学中学生以主人翁态度, 积极、主动、大胆地参与英语课堂练习活动的主体意识上。

3 追求和谐的课堂活动

学生主体性的发挥, 要在民主,平等的氛围中体现, 更要在科学, 和谐的教学活动中进行.课堂教学不仅要处理好老师、学生、教材等关系, 还要尽可能地发挥三者各自的特长, 这就是教学的最优化。在课堂教学中, 既要有意识的让学生去感知、理解,又要让学生不断地感悟。

4 拓宽学生的视野

现代外语教学理论认为, 一定量的语言输入是语言输出的基础, 即语言的输出有赖于语言的输入。只有在大量吸收的基础上才能提高表达的技能, 也只有在吸收信息和表达自己意愿的过程中才能培养语言交际的能力。因此,教师根据教材做了很大的扩展, 要求学生尽可能用英语向同学展示你学习后的成果, 你的爱好及缘由等, 使教学更趋向真实。





三、说教学程序 (Teaching procedures)


Step 1:听前:(Pre-listening)

1.热身(warming up): 以游戏"which is miing"让学生迅速根据图片说出动物的名称,将学生的热情调动起来,并了解了本课的主题与动物用关。


a.通过free talk, 引出生词bone, smell.b.通过英文释义,图片连线的形式呈现表示动物的4个单词,同时链接了giraffe、tortoise和camel相关的信息,扫除听的过程中的障碍。

Step 2 听中。(while-listening)


2.对话巩固。学生获取所缺信息后,大声朗读完整的句子,并进行一分钟的快读竞赛。然后通过对话形式进行pair work, 再次进行巩固。同时,在对话中自然呈现remember, believe, words等词,并且使他们在情境中得到了操练。

3.精听。截取整段对话中的一个段落,提供给学生进行精听。听前先设疑:What's the use of camels' eyelids, do you understand?激发学生听的兴趣,培养学生通过听获得细节信息的能力。

Step 3 听后。(post-listening)



If you see ants on your dinner table,

what will you do?

How can you keep ants away?



Step 1 Present.运用书上的对话先设计了一个听的任务:Listen and do T or F。并且在核对答案之后通过图片巧妙生动的呈现对话中的生词weight。

Step 2 Practise.



Is there anything about...?

Yes, it says that....

That's ...

来谈论本课所出现过的amazing things.这样,既复习了本单元前一阶段的所学的奇闻趣事,又在情境中操练了上述新授句式。

Step 3 Produce.

1.由书内延伸到书外,为学生提供一些useful expreions,并引导学生借助这些习惯表达谈论自己从电视、广播、因特网上所了解到的各种各样的奇闻趣事,这样,就为学生创造了真实的交际环境,并让学生通过自主的交流,享受了合作学习的乐趣。


Step 4 Homework.1.完成信,并展览。


7B Unit 4 Integrated skills










• 教学目标:

• 1.Master the key words and sentences • (1) Key words: custom, bow, ki, greet.• (2) Sentences:

In your country, what are you supposed to do when you • meet someone for the first time? • You are supposed to shake hands.• 2.Learn some customs in other countries and then show opinions about these customs.• 3.Improve students‘ listening and communicative skills.• 学情分析:The students are supposed to interesting because we’ll talk about some customs in other countries when meeting foreigners.• 教学重点,难点:

• 1.Master the key words and target language.• 2.Be able to talk about different customs.• 3.Improve students’

listening and speaking skills.• 4.How to make greetings when you meet someone for the first time.• 教学过程: I.Lead-in 师生讨论: 学生在学校应该做哪些事情?引出新句型。 如 :Is it a good idea to come to cla late? S: No.

T: That’s right.It’s not a good idea to come late.You’re not supposed to come to cla late.You’re supposed to …

eat in cla, do homework every day, raise your hand before talking等做更多的练习,引出be supposed to句型 II.Discuion 1.大屏幕展示一张世界地图,师生对话: T: Do you know where Brazil/ the United States/ Japan/Mexico/Korea is? S:…

T: Do you know what people do when they meet for the first time? S: …

2.利用多媒体播放各国初次见面的礼仪, 学习新单词:custom, bow, ki, greet, III.Work on 1a-1c 1.1a

多媒体呈现1a图片, 让学生根据图画内容, 说说图中的握手, 接吻, 鞠躬是哪个国家的礼仪, 然后按要求把书本给出的“国家”和“习俗”连接起来。老师不要给出答案。 2.Listening 1b. Listen to the recording and check your answers to activities in 1a.3.Pair work: A: What are people in Korea/… to do when they meet for the first time?

B: They are supposed to bow.How about in the United States? A: They’re supposed to shake hands.

4.教师介绍本单元的目标语言:You’re supposed to ….Ⅳ.Listening

1.Listening to 2a and 2b.What mistakes did Maria make? 2.Finish 2a and 2b. 3.Pair work Role-play a conversation between Maria and Dan. Dan: How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night?

Maria: Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes.I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I… V.Role play Work on 2d Role play a conversation between Katie and John.Discu different customs in different countries. VI.Consolidation 完成任务: 礼仪大荟萃

让学生展示上课前通过网络或书籍等形式查找到的各国礼仪, 并分类记录, 制成表格。 VII.Language points 进一步向学生讲解本单元的目标语言: be supposed to, be expected to.1.You are supposed to shake hands.

be supposed to do… 应该……被期望做……,当句子的主语是人时,它可以用来表示劝告,建议,义务,责任等,意思是 “to be expected to do sth., or to have to do sth.”

e.g.You’re supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the claroom. 如果你要离开教室,应该先问问老师。

We are not to supposed to play football on Sunday. 不准我们在星期日踢足球。

2.That’s how people in Japan are expected to greet each other.

greet =to welcome or say “hello” 动词 “问候,打招呼”

e.g.He greeted her by saying “good morning”.

他向她打招呼说 “早上好”。

She greeted me with a friendly smile.她向我微笑致意。 VIII.Homework Write a paage about different customs in different countries. •


Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

(1) Key Vocabulary

bathing suit, water, travel, guidebook, beach towel, street map

(2)Target Language

Have you watered the plants yet?

Yes, I have already watered them.

2. Ability Objects

(1) Train students’ listening ability.

(2) Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Moral Objects
