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红色字体为板书内容 蓝色字体为设计目的 黑色字体为口述内容 绿色字体为提示内容 双元音教学案

Leen plan for the pronunciation of ________ Teaching aims:

(1)Knowledge aim: be able to know how to pronounce the diphthong ________

(2)Ability aim: By the end of the cla, students should be able to pronounce the diphthong(记着此处换词)________

(3)Emotion aim: be able to pronounce the ________more confidently Teaching methods: 3-P model Teaching aids: chock, blackboard, some cards Teaching procedure:

Pronunciation(板书内容) StepⅠGreeting and Lead-in


T: Cla begins.Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Nice to have this English cla with you.Today we are going to learn a diphthong(记着此处换词) in English.

StepⅡ Presentation Ⅱ Show some cards to the students.Lead in the diphthong(记着此处换词) ________

T: first,I will show pictures on the blackboard.Do you know, what is this in English? S: this is a________.

T: yes, very good.This is a________.Now read after me,________. S:________ T:________ S:________

T: OK, very good.Then the second one, what is this in English? S: this is a ________.

T: good.This is a ________.And what is she doing now? S: she is crying.

T: so in her eyes, there are ……

S: ________

1 T: excellent! There are ________ in her eyes.Read after me.________ S: ________ T: ________ S: ________

T: Ok.Now, another picture, what is this in English? S: this is ________.

T: you are great.This is a bottle of ________.Now read after me, ________ S: ________ T: ________ S: ________

T: Ok.We have learned these three words:________, ________ and ________.From these words, can you find something in common?

S: they all have the sound ________

StepⅢ Practice Ⅲ Practice the students the sound ________, and explain the right way to pronounce the sound.

T: yes, very good.These words all contain the sound________.Now read after me, ________ / S: ________ T: ________ S: ________ T: ________ S: ________

T: Ok, very good.Now who can pronounce the sound? Cuqi, you, please S: ________

T: ________, read after me. S: ________.

T: yes, very good.Lyly, can you? S: ________.

T: OK Good.Xixi, please S: ________

T: yes, very good. S: ________

T: OK, excellent.Now, the whole cla read after me.________ S: ________ T: ________ S: ________

T: good.Now, do you know the right way to pronounce the diphthong(记着此处换词) ________? S: no.

T: this is a diphthong(记着此处换词).It begins with the first sound /i/,( write the /i/ on the blackboard) and glide towards the second sound /ə/,( write the /ə/ on the blackboard) remember, when you pronounce the Zhaozhao .You, please.diphthong(记着此处换词)________, you should change the shape of your mouth as you move from one sound to another.Now, / look at the position of my lips when I pronounce this sound.________, ________, ________.Now read after me, ________ S: ________. T: ________. S: ________. T: ________. S: ________

T: very good.Now, I will divide you into two groups.Group 1 read the sound three times, and then group 2.Are you clear? S: Yes.

T: ________.One two go.

S: ________________________./ / T: very good.Now group2

2 S:________________________ / / /

StepⅣ Production Ⅳ Sound discrimination and tongue twister

T: good.You all have done a good job.Now let’s do some exercise of sound discrimination.Listen to me carefully and circle the words which contain the sound ________ from each of the following pairs.N.1, peer pear

S: peer, the first one.

T: excellent.N.2, tare ________ S: the second one. T: are you sure? S: yes.

T: OK, very good.N.3deer dare S: the first one.

T: great! N.4 mere mare S: mere, the fist one.

T: you are so smart.Now, please look at the blackboard.There is a tongue twister.Who can read it out? Miky, you, please.

S: a________ and a mare spare mere one second to drink a bottle of ________ without ________.

T: very good.A________ and a mare spare mere one second to drink a bottle of ________ without ________.And who would like to try? cuqi, please.

S: a________ and a mare spare mere one second to drink a bottle of ________ without ________. T: excellent! StepⅤ Summarize Ⅴ

T: today, we have learned the sound ________; remember the right way to pronounce this sound.It begins with the first sound /i/ and glide towards the second sound /ə/, you should practice more after cla. StepⅥ Homework Ⅵ Practice the diphthong(记着此处换词) ________ with your partner.

备注1:2013真题舌侧音(Lateral) 备课写的内容见下面

舌尖顶住上齿向外弹出 同时声带震动所发的音

例如 清晰型: letter leon low The tip of the tongue against the upper teeth popped out at the same time, vocal cord vibration sound made by such as clear type: letter leon low 含糊型 :ball school bottle Vague type Ball School Bottle 舌尖顶住上齿龈,让气流从舌头两边通过,所以叫舌侧音。

The tip of the tongue against the upper gum, make the air flow through the sides of the tongue, so called tongue side tone.清晰//出现在元音前面如 letter, little, light 等。发音时舌前向硬腭抬 起。

例词: black light jelly lemon

短语: early for lunch leg of lamb a gla of lemonade yellow jelly 例句: A: Mum, is lunch ready? I’m hungry.B: OK, lunch is ready. A: What’s for lunch, Mum? B: We’ll have lamb and potato salad. A: Marvelous! I love salad.

含糊/l/出现在辅音前或词尾如:belt, small, apple, table 等。发音时, 舌前下陷,舌后上抬,舌面引成凹槽。含糊/l/发音响亮和元音一样可 以延长。

例词: uncle salt tall table

短语: a small table a beautiful bicycle a tall gentleman Paul’s uncle

例句: A:Look at the bicycle in the shop, Dad.It’s beautiful.B: But you’re too small to ride a bicycle. A: I’m not small.This kind of bicycle is for children like me.B: OK, let’s go in and buy one.


音标 phonetic transcription (国际音标 = IPA = International Phonetic Alphabet) 元音 vowel 单元音Single vowel 双元音 diphthong 辅音 consonant 清音 unvoiced consonant 浊音 voiced consonant


 [i:] 舌抵下齿,双唇扁平作微笑状,发“一”之长音。 是字母ea、ee、ey、ie、或ei在单词中的发音,此音是长元音,一定注意把音发足。

 [i] 舌抵下齿,双唇扁平分开,牙床近于全舌,发短促之“一”音。 是字母i或y在单词中的发音,发此音要短促而轻快。

 [æ] 双唇扁平,舌前微升,舌尖抵住下龈,牙床开,软鄂升起,唇自然开放。 是字母a在闭音节或重读闭音节中的发音

 [e] 舌近硬鄂,舌尖顶下齿,牙床半开半合,作微笑状。 是字母e或ea在单词中的发音

 [ə:] 舌上抬,唇成自然状态,口半开半闭,发“厄”之长音。 是字母er、ir、or或ur在单词中的发音  [ə] 舌上抬,唇成自然状态,口半开半闭,发“厄”之短音。 是字母a、o、u、e、or、er或ur在单词中的发音

 [ɑ:] 双唇张而不圆,牙床大开,舌后微升,舌尖向后升缩微离下齿,发阿之长音。 是字母er在闭音节或重读闭音节中的发音也是字母a在以st结尾的单词中的读音。

 [ʌ] 双唇平放,牙床半开,舌尖抵住下龈,舌后微微升起,发短促之“阿”音 是字母o或u在单词中的发音  [ɔ:] 双唇界于开闭、圆唇之间,牙床半开渐至全开,舌尖卷上再过渡为卷后。 是字母o、al、or、oar、our或oor在单词中的发音

 [ɔ] 双唇稍微向外突出圆形,舌后升起,舌尖不触下齿,发“奥”音 是字母o在单词中的发音

 [u:] 双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,自然而不用力,发 “屋”之长音。 是字母oo或ou在单词中的发音

 [u] 双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,自然而不用力,发短促之“屋”音。 是字母u、oo或ou在单词中的发音

 [ai] 将口张开略圆,舌后升起,舌尖向后收缩,由发“阿”音平稳过渡到发“一”音。 是字母i或y在单词中的读音

 [ei] 舌类顶下齿,牙床半开半合,双唇扁平,由发“哀”平稳过渡到发“一”之长音。 是字母a在开音节中的读音。

 [au] 将口张开略圆,渐渐合拢,双唇成圆形,由发“阿”音平稳过渡到发“屋”音。 是字母ou和ow在单词中的发音

 [əu] 口半开半合,舌后微升,过渡成双唇成圆形,发“欧”之长音。 是字母o、oa和oe在单词中的发音  [iə] 双唇张开岈床由窄至半开舌抵下齿逐渐过渡至上卷,从“一”音过渡到“厄”音。 是字母ear、ere、ea、eer在单词中的读音

4  [εə] 双唇张开后略圆,牙床张开相当宽,舌尖卷上渐至卷后。 是字母ear、are、air在单词中的读音  [uə] 双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,发“屋”之长音,然后从“屋”音过渡到“厄”音。 是字母our、oor、ure、eer在单词中的读音

 [ɔi] 双唇外突成圆形,发“奥”音逐渐过渡为双唇扁平分开,发“一”之短音。 是字母oy和oi在单词中的读音  [p] 双唇紧闭并使气流突破双唇外泻。

 [b] 双唇紧闭并使气流突破双唇外泻且振动声带。

 [t] 双唇微开,先用舌尖抵上齿龈,然后突然张开,使气流外冲而成音。

 [d] 双唇微开,先用舌尖抵上齿龈,然后突然张开,使气流外冲而成音,并振动声带。  [k] 用舌根抵住后颚,再突然张开,使空气外冲而成音。

 [g] 用舌根抵住后颚,再突然张开,使空气外冲而成音,振动声带。  [s] 双唇微开,上下齿接近于合拢状态,舌尖抵住下龈,气流从牙缝送出。  [z]发音同s,须振动声带。

 [f] 上齿轻触下唇,用力将气息由唇齿之缝隙间吹出。

 [v] 上齿轻触下唇,用力将气息由唇齿之缝隙间吹出,须振动声带。  [ʍ]双唇突出,呈尖圆形,舌后升向软颚,气息流过。

 [w] 双唇突出,呈尖圆形,舌后升向软颚,气息流过,振动声带。  [∫] 双唇微开,向前突出,舌尖升近上龈,用力将气息送出来,发“师”音。  [ʒ] 双唇微开,向前突出,舌尖升近上龈,用力将气息送出来,须振动声带。  [h] 口半闭,气息由声门出来,但是不振动声带。  [j] 双唇微开,舌抵下齿贴近硬颚,气流摩擦而出。  [l] 双唇微开,舌抵上龈,气流侧出,振动声带。  [r] 唇形稍圆,舌身略凹,舌尖上卷,振动声带。  [m] 双唇闭拢,舌放平,振动声带,使气流从鼻腔出来。  [n] 双唇微闭,舌尖抵住上龈,振动声带,使气流从鼻腔出来。  [ŋ] 双唇微闭,舌尖抵住下龈,振动声带,使气息由鼻孔流出来。  [θ] 上下齿咬舌尖,送出气流,并使舌齿互相摩擦。

 [ð] 上下齿咬舌尖,再送出气流,但须振动声带,并使舌齿互相摩擦。  [t∫] 双唇微开,先用舌尖抵上齿龈,突然张开,使气流外冲而成音,发“吃”音。

 [dʒ] 双唇微开,先用舌尖抵上齿龈,突然张开,使气流外冲而成音,并振动声,发“之”音。

 [ts] 舌尖抵住上齿,作好发“t”的姿势,气流冲破阻碍,发出短促的“t”音后,紧接着就发“s”这摩擦音。  [dz] 舌尖抵住上齿,作好发“d”的姿势,气流冲破阻碍,发出短促的“d”音后,紧接着就发“z”这摩擦音。  [tr] 舌尖抵住上齿,作好发“t”的姿势,气流冲破阻碍,发出短促的“t”音后,紧接着就发“r”这摩擦音。  [dr] 舌尖抵住上齿,作好发“d”的姿势,气流冲破阻碍,发出短促的“d”音后,紧接着就发“r”这摩擦音。




3.初学音标并不需要一定准确无比。要慢慢地纠正自己的发音。 4.用心体会纯正美国人的发音。


English Name: Star

Chinese Name:金鑫

Student ID: 20111201141043

Date: Dec.16


English Gramma Cla Middle school students grade 7 Students: 4


1.Learn 6 English vowels ([ i:].[ i].[e].[æ].[ə] .[ə:] ) MATRRIALS: 1.Vowels cards,gestures.2.Some exercise papers

INSTRUCTION: Present ion: Step1:Review(1minutes)

A.before having cla,students need to review what they have learned last cla.Step2:1.Teacher ask questions “how to read the English words that we don’t know?”

Give students a few seconds to think about the question.And after for a

while ,i will lead to the topic .

2.Today ,we are going to learn some new friends

to help us to read the words.

3.give some words that they have learned and the words’pronunciation all

have ([ i]) .(pig,big,ship).Teacher read it one by one ,and ask the students

“do they have same sound in each word? Which sound?” Next ,i will tell the

students the same sound , and teach them how to read it.teacher take out

the vowel card, let students see its spelling .When we read the “i”,

We could move our finger half second ,when we read the “i”.

4.Read long “i”,( she, he,they).student find the same sound.teacher take out

the vowel card, let students see its spelling when teaching long “i”,

we could move our finger for a second, which students could feel the

difference between short “i”and long “i” .

5.The following 4 vowels , i will use the same ways to teach teach them,

but i will let students read the words,and let themselves find the same sound

and i teach them the vowels and skills.

Step3:do activity

1: OK ! Guys let\'s play a game.________”what do you see?”

Give four vowel cards and let students see them for 2 seconds.

Take away the cards and ask “what do you see?”

2: now , i know all of you guys do a good job.

Let us play another game called“which one is lost ?” I will let one student stand up

read the vowel cards .After he finished, i will mix true them ,and pick one away,and

ask “which one is lost ”

Step4:more practice(5) Give some exercise to students, all of students need to finish it independently.

After for one minutes, i will call one give us the answer and read it .Exercise.

Read and find the difference from the other words, write the answers in the bracket.

1.( ) A big

B ship C pick D green 2.( ) A father B see

C tiger D mother 3.( ) A bed B map C pen

D desk 4.( ) A her B nurse C bird D teacher 5.( ) A bee B tea

C sit

D she


B:Review the 6 vowels EVALUATION(homework):

A: find another two words contain for each [ i:].[ i].[e].[æ].[ə] .[ə:]

for example [ i:] sheep, see

Write it on the paper and hand in .


Teaching Plans for Phonetics ——Six Vowels: [eɪ] [aɪ] [əʊ] [aʊ] [ɪə] [eə]

Ⅰ.Analysis of the Teaching and Learning 1.The Analysis of Students Nowadays more and more students are not interested in English.They have difficulties in reading and remembering English words.

2.The Analysis of Teaching 1).Phonetic teaching is the walking stick to English learners.2).It’s useful for them to remember more English words.3).It can also help them to pronounce new words by themselves.Ⅱ.Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objects 1) Read the six vowels [eɪ] [aɪ] [əʊ] [aʊ] [ɪə] [eə ] correctly.2).Read the words containing [eɪ] [aɪ] [əʊ] [aʊ] [ɪə] [eə ] correctly.3).Master the pronunciation rules about the six vowels [eɪ] [aɪ] [əʊ] [aʊ] [ɪə] [eə ].2.Ability Objects 1).Be able to read correctly the phonetics of the words, phrases and sentences containing the six vowels: [eɪ] [aɪ] [əʊ] [aʊ] [ɪə] [eə ] .2).Enable to recognize and read these phonetic.3.) Enable to get the right pronunciation.3.Moral Objects

1).Master some ways of learning English.2).Students learn to cooperate with each other by learning with a group.Ⅲ.Key Points and Difficult Points 1.Enable the students to read the six vowels: [eɪ] [aɪ] [əʊ] [aʊ] [ɪə] [eə ] .

which includes how to read them correctly.2.Learn how to change the shape of your mouth.3.Learn how to understand pronunciation rules.4.Enable the students to know the ways of reading the phonetic symbols.Ⅳ.Teaching Methods 1.Ask-based Language Teaching 2.Communicative Approach 3.Game Approach Ⅴ.Teaching Aids: 1.A blackboard.2.A computer.3.A tape recorder.Ⅵ.Teaching Proce Step 1 Warming up 1.A free talk with students.2.Sing an English song to cause the attention of the students and to lead in the teaching materials.Lyrics: Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day.Little children want to play.Step 2 Presentation 1.[eɪ] and [aɪ] 1) The students can find the same sound [eɪ] in the song.2) Practice reading these words: [feɪs]






[seɪm] [geɪm]

[reɪn] [treɪn] 3) Sing the English song to learn [aɪ].Lyrics: Bye bye! Goodbye! My white bike.I don’t like it.Out of sight, out of mind! 4) Practice reading these words : [baɪk]



[kaɪt] [laɪk]



[naɪf] 2.[əʊ] and [aʊ] 1)Teach and learn: [əʊ] The students can find the same sound [eɪ] in the song.Chant:

Snow, snow, white and cold.Where do you go? I don’t know ! I don’t know where I go ! 2) Practice reading these words :

[əʊ] o



old no



old so



cold go



sold nose



told home



hold Rome



gold 3)Teach and learn: [[aʊ]]

By teaching the English words “house, mouse and blouse” to find some monograms which are pronounced [[aʊ]].4) Practice reading these words: [maʊθ]



[ə’raʊnd ]


[kaʊ] [’traʊzəz]


[’maʊntən ] [haʊ][naʊ]


[‘flaʊə ]

3.[ɪə] and [eə] 1)Teach and learn: [ɪə] Chant:

The New Year’s near! Where’s the deer? It’s near here.

Can you hear with your ears? It’s clear. My dear deer! 2) Try to read these words : [ɪə] [hɪə] [nɪə] [jɪə] [klɪə] 3).Teach and learn: [eə ] Ask and answer about the pictures: A: Where’s the bear/pear? B: It’s on the chair.A: Where’s the chair? B: It’s over there! 4) Try to read these words: [eə ]

[peə ]

[heə ]

[beə ]


[tʃeə ]

English songs :

Where, Where, Where’s the bear?

It’s on the chair.Bear, bear, bear, It’s on the chair!

Step 3 Practice 1.Task 1:







[ʃəʊ] [səʊ]




[kraʊd] [dɪə]



[heə ]

[steə ]

[skweə ] 2.Task 2 1) [meɪ]

[maɪ] [ləʊ]

[laʊ] [bɪə]

[beə ] 3.Task 3 Tongue Twisters: Kate likes nice kites .Mike likes white bikes.Kate is flying her nice kites..Mike is riding his white bike.Kate likes riding Mike’s bike.Mike likes flying Kate’s kite.4.Task 4 Raps:

How’s the cow? Friendly and brown.Let down your milk for the busy town! Step 4 Summary In this cla, we have learned the six vowels [eɪ] [aɪ] [əʊ] [aʊ] [ɪə] [eə ] .We can use them to help us remember more English words according to the pronunciation rules.Step 5 Homework

1.Practice reading [eɪ] [aɪ] [əʊ] [aʊ] [ɪə] [eə ] correctly and nicely.

[eə ] and practice them more often.Step 6 Blackboard Design

Phonetics [eɪ] [aɪ] [əʊ] [aʊ] [ɪə] [eə ]







本课的教学内容是phonic kids英语语音教材中的内容,是一节单纯的语音课型。攀登英语2A已经学会朗诵26个字母,本节课的重点是启发学生通过仔细读单词,自己总结出元音辅音字母Pp、Ss、Dd、Cc、Rr的读音以及通过chant来掌握与am、ad、at字母组合的发音。让学生获得成功感,进而提升自主学习的能力。



能通过认读总结出p、s、d、c、r在单词中的读音,借助拼读方法fyn读出p、s、d、c、r与am、ad、at等组合成的单词: “Pig、pink、park、Pam、Sam、dog、duck、car、cat、rat”












1、Warming up

1、Introduce and Greeting .(I am Cookey.My name is Cookey .Hello boys and girls.Nice to meet you.)

2、We are studying English now.Can you chant“ ABC ”? 出示字母表.Follow me please!



1、导入:教师指向某个字母,示意学生举手回答:“what is this?”个别举手回答,答对的及时表扬。答错的,询问其他学生:“who can try?”如果几个人读错则有必要重复加强认读。


2、呈现:出示汉语生词卡片。(what’s this in Chinese? How to read them?生:用拼音)请个别学生讲讲怎么用汉语拼音拼读生词。其他学生补充。课件出示带实物的字母表,让孩子们认读实物的单词。

(Ok,Let’s try to use Ping yin read the words in English.)现在让我们试用汉语拼音的方法来拼读英语单词看行不行? Today we are going to spell these words.今天我们来学习用拼音把单词拼读出来。

播放课件,让学生看三只小猪的图片认读单词。师指图片:“Who are they?”全体学生回答。师问:who can read them out ? 个别读出课件上的单词,并且让学生尝试把单词拼读出来。T:In the alphabet it’s “P”,but in the word it sounds /p/.So we say “p sounds /p/”


a.全体跟读,齐读操练。 b.分组齐读操练。

c.开火车,看哪组,哪个人读得好 group by group, one by one in group。 d.个别展示

注意及时鼓励和表扬学生。分组划星,看哪一组得到的星最多。 总结字母发音的方法, 课件出示(p sounds /p/)。

依此类推,分别出示图片让学生拼读pink park seal sing dog car cat rat.Step

3、extention Are you tired now? Now let’s have a rest and sing ten little indians ok?播放10个小印第安人的歌曲,学生跟唱。

Now let’s chant with the indians, ok.播放教学视频。期间在适当的地方暂停,让学生跟读。


a.全体跟读,齐读操练。 b.分组齐读操练。 c.开火车,看哪组,哪个人读得好 group by group, one by one in group。 d.小组展示。 Step



5、homework: Tell you father and mother what have you learnt today? 告诉你的爸爸妈妈今天学到了什么?


6、Say thank you and say good bye to all the teacher.


Unit 8 She wears a white and black sweater 教学内容:湘少版英语四年级上册第八单元 F部分U的短音发音及chant.教学目标:




重点:字母U的短音发音 难点:字母U的短音发音规律 Step 1 warming-up Boys and girls, let’s do phonics exercises ,ready, steady, go! Letter ALetterAaaaA is for apple Letter B Letter BbbbB is for bird Letter C Letter C k kkC is for cat Letter D Letter D dddD is fordog Letter U letter U, u uu , U is for up板书Uu

Step 2 Presentation and drill T:U has another sound, let’s listen!

Show the video!

Read the /ʌ/sound, T: U is jumping happily, let’s do it like this.

Look! Who is coming ? P

/P/ -up S /s/ -us T

/t/-ut N /n/-un B /b/-ub G


T: Some other friends are coming!

Look! They’re taking photos , u is in the middle..hug but cut cup mud

step 3 Practice T: let’s write:

Listen to me carefully, then help U find out his friends and fill the blanks.___d_____ u____b______ ____t____ u_____b_____ ___r_____ u______b____ 长沙市高新区雷锋小学



T:listen to the chant, then chant Rub-a –dub-dub( 打鼓咚咚响) Three mice in a tub Rowing up a river Rowing up upup

T: show the video, chant T: sing the chant,

Step 4 Summary We see with our eyes, wehear with our ears, Do these, I think we can learn English well.长沙市高新区雷锋小学

匡铱芬 we think with our brains…



Background information Students:32 primary school students of the fouth grade Leon duration:10 mins

Teacher objectives By the end of the leon, students should be able to: pronounce correctly

Teacher contents 1.[æ] 和 [e] 2.Vocabulary of examples: and, land ,bag, man, had, sad和 end, lend, beg, men, head, said

Teaching procedures: Step 1.Warming up a) Greating each other:-- Hello, eyeryone! How are you today? – I’m fine, thank you.And you? –I am fine.b)--Through the last leon, who can tell me, we know how many consonants and how many vowels in the phonetics? –28 consonants and 20 vowels.Step 2.Presentation a)—Look at this letter vowel [æ], open your mouth, follow me [æ] [æ] [æ].–Look at you deskmate’s mouth, does he/she open his/her mouth.—One time again [æ] [æ] [æ].--Now follow me read these words: and, land, bag, man, had, sad.b) —Look at this letter vowel [e], this is small [e], follow me [e] [e] [e].--Now follow me read these words: end, lend, beg, men, head, said.

Step 3.Practice --Let’s play a game.This game named Fly Swatter.I need two volunteers select which one is I read, and use a fly swatter hit it immediately.Other people can show me your answer by your finger one or two.


(2) a)apple desk b)bed

cat c)bag

egg d)pen

hat Step 4.Production --Now, read this short paragraph , I will give you a few minutes to practice before I ask someone to perform.You have reached Ellen Edwards.i am sorry I can’t answer right now.I am away from my desk.Please leave a meage and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Homework --Learn to sing this English’s song.Apple round, apple red Apple juicy, apple sweet Apple, apple, I love you Apple sweet I love to eat

Reflection:( to be written immediately after the leon).


本部 物电学院1105 张强 2011112030536







比如说,在连读这一块里面,这一条规则:以辅音结尾的单词 + h开头的单词h不发音,与前面的辅音连读。例句,Ha(s he) [zi] done~it before?在有老师的标示的音标的时候,我还是可以读的出来。但是一旦脱离了音标,把该句放在一短话中的时候,我就不可能那么顺利的读出来了。这就是我们非英语专业学英语的短处。无法以专业的角度来记忆这些读法,那么我们就只能拥有短暂的记忆与读音。



我的建议就是希望老师能够在课堂上为我们放一些地道的具有口语代表性的英文长句或者段落,顺便带上英文字幕。因为毕竟我们在日常生活中与别人交流的时候很多时候都是句子。我觉得要是我们平时听多了一些常见的连读,略读等口语现象的话,自身的口语水平也会因此慢慢来提高,毕竟英语是一门语言,不但需要用脑来悟,更需要的是用嘴来说 。其实很简单的道理,那些美国小孩,在他们还没有学会写英语的时候,他们已经就拥有用英语与别人交流的能力了。因此就证明了学习英语是一个英语环境的影响,你听多了,用多了自然就会了,这是一个慢慢积累的 过程。同时老师也可以为我们提供一些这样的资源,以便我们在课堂之外仍然可以学学。



















推荐第9篇:高中英语作文 问题解决型


这类命题要求考生对某一社会现象进行解释, 并加以评论。 特点:



第三段:提出建议或总结观点。 首段(描述现象)

① Nowadays, with the reform of (现象的背景), (描述现象)

.② This phenomenon has been brought into public focus and called for further concern.

② In recent years, wherever you go, (描述现象) .② This iue has aroused the greatest concern.

③Currently, along with the advance of the society, an important iue that (描述现象) is brought to our attention.② Consequently, (概况描述现象产生的结果).中间段(分析现象)

A number of factors could account for the phenomenon, but the following are the most critical ones. First of all, (原因一). What’s more, (原因二). In addition, (原因三).结尾段(作者看法+前景展望)

As far as I am concerned.(作者对现象的看法)There is still a long way for us to (促进或限制现象), but as a student myself, I find it rewarding and interesting.结尾段(现象产生的结果)

The awarene of the importance of this iue should be enhanced and some proper measures should be taken.It is reasonable for us to believe that the situation will be improved in the near future.

Attention Should Be Given to Spelling 1.如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2.出现这种情况的原因 3.这种现象导致的结果


这类命题通常首先提出一个有待解决的问题,然后要求考生就该问题提出解决方法、途径,有时还要求考生最后谈论适合自己的方法。 特点:




此题型的写作重点在How,即解决问题的办法 首段(提出问题)

① Nowadays, with the rapid economical development and intense competition, people are attaching more and more importance to (提出问题)。 ②So it is of great importance for us to (关注问题的要性).③On the one hand, (问题后果一).④On the other hand, (问题的后果二).⑤As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.首段(提出问题)

② Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that(提出问题)。②It is of great significance that (解决问题很必要).③On the one hand, (解决问题的必要性一).④On the other hand, (解决问题的必要性一).⑤Accordingly, how to solve the problem becomes the top priority for us.中间段(解决问题的办法)

① There are many steps which can be taken to solve this problem.⑦First of all, (途径一).⑧In addition, another way contributing to succe of the solving problem is (途径二).中间段(解决问题的办法)

②Many ways can contribute to solving this serious problem, but the following ones may be the most effective.⑦First of all,

.⑧Another way to solve the problem is


.⑩These are not the best and the only two/three measures we can take, but it should be noted that ______.


要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1. 问题现状

2. 怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)

In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious.First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ----------(举例进一步说明现状)

Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing, ---------------(解决方法一).For another -------------(解决方法二).Finally, --------------(解决方法三).

Personally, I believe that -------------(我的解决方法).Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because --------------(带来的好处).

2 现象说明文

Recently _______,what amazes us most is______________,it is ture that__________.

There are many reasons explaining__________________________.The main reason is____________________.

what is more_________________________.thirdly__________________________.As a result_______________.

Considering all there,________________________.For one thing_____________________,for another________

____.In Conclusion____________________.


Nowadays it is generally accepted that问题.

There are many reasons accounting for该问题 .Special attention should be paid to the fact that 该问题

is bringing great damage. On one hand/for one thing, 原因一/危害一.On the other hand/ for another,原因二/危害二.Therefore, it is high time that 解决该问题.

Many a way can be adopted to 解决该问题./ Many a factor plays an important role in 解决该问题.Firstly/ first of all , 方法一/因素一.Secondly/ in addition, 方法二/因素二,Thirdly/ Besides/ Moreover,方法三/因素三.Only through these ways/ only in this way该问题才能够解决. 例文: 1.目前盗版的现象比较严重 2.造成这种现象的原因及危害 3.我们应该怎么做

Nowadays it is generally accepted that piracy is becoming more and more of a problem in China.Many products, such as tape, CD and hi-tech devices can be copied.Shortly after a newly-developed product is put on the market, people will unsurprisingly find its pirated counterparts in the stores Special attention should be paid to the fact that piracy is bringing great damage.On one hand, pirated products often cost far le than the original ones, so they enjoy unbeatable advantage in price in spite of their relatively poor quality, and the original ones, on the contrary, sell poorly.On the other hand, in the long run, pirated products may also have negative impacts on customers since those producers’ enthusiasm may be greatly hurt as a result of money lo.Therefore, it is high time that we solved the problem as soon as poible.Many a way can be adopted to reduce the piracy phenomenon.First of all, it is the duty of the government to call on everyone to fight the battle against piracy.In addition, as customers, we should develop our consciousne to resist pirated products.Moreover, strict laws and decrees are of great importance.Only in this way can this problem be solved radically.结构模板二:

Nowadays , it is generally accepted that 总述该问题.


3 Additionally, 表现二/作用二.Therefore, how to总述该问题 is worth paying more attention to.

The following ways can be adopted to 解决该问题./ Some effective measures have been taken to 解决该问题./ Many a factor plays an important role in 解决该问题.Firstly/ First of all,

方法一/因素一.Secondly/ In addition,方法二/因素二.Thirdly/ Besides/ Moreover, 方法三/因素三.

As for me/ As far as I am concerned, 我的建议或看法/ 我的理由一.Besides/ In addition,我的理由二.总结观点.

例文: 1.面试在求职过程中的作用


Nowadays it is generally accepted that a job interview plays an indispensable role in the proce of job hunting.It is obvious that it is a good chance to display talented performance.Additionally, if a job seeker can make thebest use of the interview and leave a good impreion on the interviewer, he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.

Therefore, how to succeed in a job interview is worth paying great attention to.Several factors play an important role in a succeful interview.First of all, interviewees should dre neatly and properly since the first impreion is always where we start.In addition, the interviewee must demonstrate his ability and skills for the job and his knowledge about job-related areas.Moreover, a really impreive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence. As far as I am concerned, the importance of an interview can’t be overemphasized.If the interviewee presents his most attractive qualities during an interview, he will most probably obtain the job he has been dreaming of.Besides, opportunity is for those who are well-prepared.All in all, it is neceary that we learn some points to perform better in a job interview.

Task 1:On a Harmonious Dormitory Life.1.一个和谐的宿舍生活的必要性 2.如何创造和谐的宿舍生活 3.我的看法

Task 2.Traffic in the City 1.交通是现代城市的一大问题

2.噪音污染和堵车是两大主要交通问题 3.解决交通问题的手段有很多种

TASK 3 How Should Parents Help Children to be Independent? 目前,不少父母为孩子包办一切 为了孩子的独立,父母应该。。。。。。




[1].Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of) ...has cause/aroused/captured public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern.最近……现象的日益增多已经引起了全世界/公众/广泛的注意。

[2].Recently the iue of the problem of/the phenomenon of ......has been brought into focus.( has been brought into public attention) 最近……的问题已经成为人们关注的焦点。

[3].Nowadays, there is growing concern about the problem/ phenomenon that……如今,越来越多的人开始关注……

[4] Nowadays, an increasing number of people come to realize/be aware of the importance of… 现在越来越多的人开始意识到……的重要性。

【5】Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the problem of… 现在越来越多的人开始关注……的问题。

[6] It is undeniable/There is no denying the fact that…has be come the utmost concern among people nowadays.不可否认,……已经成为人们最关注的问题。




Confronted with---- A----, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing, ---------------(解决方法一).For another -------------(解决方法二).Finally, --------------(解决方法三).



It is eential/indispensable that proper actions/effective measures should be taken to reverse this situation/trend.



It is hoped/suggested that considerable/great efforts should be directed to/focused on…



There is no easy/immediate solution/approach to the iue of… but… might be beneficial/helpful.并没有很容易的方法来解决这个问题,……有可能会有帮助的。

第三段:总结这样做的好处 常用句型:

Only in this way can we…


5 As a basic skill in English studying, correct spelling plays a great important role in communication.However, nowadays, more and more students tend to pay le and le attention to it stead of focusing on only speaking.

Based on related surveys, the following can be concluded to contribute to the situation.On the one hand, some students themselves, to avoid making great efforts in spelling, prefer to choose such easy ways to study English as through E-dictionaries or computers, that usually causes them to make some mistakes in spelling.On the other hand, a great number of teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling in their teaching practice to improve students’ grades; therefore, students inappropriately spend le time and attention on their spelling.

As far as I’m concerned, there are many poible measures to be taken to solve the problem.To students, besides realizing the importance of spelling in exams and daily contacts, they should write as much as they can to form a goof habit of studying, that is, “never read books unle write some notes|”.To teachers, they should be stricter with students in correct spelling and make dictations be a cla compulsory task.Only by joint efforts of students and teachers can the mipelling problem be solved.

TASK1 On a Harmonious Dormitory Life

Recently, there has been a discuion about a harmonious dormitory life, which is important to us college students and benefits all the members.In a harmonious environment, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study.Additionally, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.Therefore, it is high time that efforts were driven to boost the harmony in college residences.

The following ways can be adopted to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life.First of all, we have to evaluate our life style and try to get rid of our bad habits, if there are any.Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, we have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist.Thirdly, we should learn to share with each other and make good friends.

Only through these ways can we build a harmonious dormitory life.

It is no doubt that dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life and no one can ignore it.As for me, consideration for others is an effective solution to conflicts in life.In conclusion, a harmonious dormitory environment plays a positive role in college students’ studies and lives, and we must try our best to keep it well.Task 2.Traffic in the City

Nowadays it is generally accepted that traffic is one of the greatest problems of a modern city.As more and more people buy their own cars, air pollution as well as noise pollutions becomes more and more serious.Additionally, roads are packed with cars, buses and bicycles so that traffic jam is very common.Therefore, how to deal with traffic problem is worth paying more attention to.

The following ways can be adopted.Firstly, more streets and roads should be constructed.Secondly, the private car ownership should be limited.Thirdly, underground train and city train should be developed quickly.

6 As for me, the number of private cars should be put under control.More cars mean more pollution.In addition, more cars are a great challenge to roads, as the building of roads is not as speedy ad the increasing of cars.In a word, it is advisable that le motor vehicle be used.

TASK 3 How Should Parents Help Children to be Independent?

Nowadays, there is a growing concern over the phenomenon that some parents take care of almost everything concerned with their children, including study, work and marriage.Some parents believe that this is love, however, it is only to destroy children’s independence thoroughly.

For the future of the next generation, more efforts should be made by parents to help their children to be independent.Most importantly, parents should help to cultivate children’s awarene of the importance and neceity of being independent, which is supposed to begin from childhood.In addition, Children should be taught that no one can be stronger and more helpful than themselves in this world.

The importance of independence is so indispensable for us that parents had better act as a tutor, not a dictator.And only with parents\' trust, can the next generation accumulate confidence step by step.


英语作文模板 (说明原因型)


Nowadays ,there are more and more XX in some big cities .It is estimated that ( 1 ).Why have there been so many XX ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is that ( 2 ) .Besides,( 3 ) .The third reason is ( 4 ).To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( 5 ) .

It is high time that something were done upon it.For one thing ,( 6 ).

On the other hand ,( 7 ).All these measures will certainly reduce the number of XX .

(5) 用具体数据说明XX现象 (2)原因一(3)原因二 (4)原因三



Currently, XX has been the order of the day .This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than XX .It is clear that (1).If you (2), as a result , your dreams will come true .On the contrary, if you (3).Failure will be following with you .It turns out that all your plan falls through .No one can deny another fact that (4) .You don't have to look very far to find out the truth , in respect that we all know (5).It will exert a profound influence upon (6).

With reference to my standpoint ,I think (7).

1:XX的第一个优点2: 支持XX 的做法3:不支持XX的做法




For most of us today ,( 1).From above ,we can find that the reasons why (2) are as follows.

The primary reason ,i think, is (3).Second, (4).The third reason, actually, is

(5).The significance for (6).Therefore ,(7).



These days we often hear that ( 1 ).It is common that ( 2 ).Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing ,( 3 ).For another,( 4 ).What is more, since ( 5 ),it is natural that ( 6 ).To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worth trying .We should do something such as ( 7 ) to improve he present situation ,and i do believe everything will be better in the future .




语音课学案 Unit 2 Chicken Soup(心灵鸡汤): Learning is the eye of the mind.知识是心灵的慧眼.




/ e / 发音的字母和单词,写在横线上。


2、从所学过的字母和单词中找出含有/ әe / 发音的字母和单词,写在横线上。


3、从所学过的字母和单词中找出含有 /k/,/g/,/f/,/v/ 发音的字母和单词,写在横线上。

—————————————————————————————————— 2)归纳和总结


和 / әe / 吗?请把这些字母和字母组合写在横线上。

/ e / ___________________________________________

/ әe /_____________________________________________

二、比一比,看谁读的最棒! (1.)/e/ as in best Spending money le is the best, Having bread le is the best, Keeping the hotel clean is the best, Doing exercise often is the best, You are the best child, You can get a big apple (2) / әe / as in madam There is a fat madam. Her house has no water.So she moves out with her cat, Crying with a cabbage as well.

But she doesn’t know when to come back. What a bad day it is..



1.cat decide leg pen

2.get sweat pet map

3.egg ten tall desk

4.bread head bed toy


1. spend le often keep

2. bread best three clean

3. they we egg spell

4. seven spend she evening

根据发音规则,找出每组中发/ әe /的2个单词。

1.black jacket her egg 2. Alice Black name clean

3. map bad seven spell

4. grape bag fact face


/ e /

/ әe /



___ √ ___


















) 1.A.bed




( ) 2.A.cake




( ) 3.A.kate




( ) 4.A.break




( ) 5.A.boat







李老师用节奏明快的的字母音乐 Letter Ee – Phonics song把学生带入课堂当中,即渲染课堂气氛,又为本课的学习做了铺垫,这使学生很快进入了学习状态。

二、运用多媒体教学,突出重点,突破难点 李老师用多媒体展示课件,重难点突出,特别是多媒体中的声音跟图片展示能吸引学生的眼球,让学生全身心地投入到课堂当中。游戏环节通过歌曲、歌谣、认读自制英语单词台历、Bingo游戏等形式,让学生一步做到听音、拆音、拼音、拼写,发现发音规律,培养学生的语音意识和拼读能力,不仅能起到巩固新知的作用,还可以极大地激发学生学习的兴趣,这点非常好。而且这堂课结构非常得清晰,条理清楚。 三.课堂轻松自如


轻松愉快的氛围中感受英语语音。本节课将课本教材与Phonics Kids ,教材有机融合体验英语语音。基于教材又不拘泥于教材。 需要探讨的地方:











一、学情分析与教学简要(brief introduction)







1 出具体的示范,(比如说让一个学生配合演示)结果导致第一组单词呈现时学生们不知所措。


③缺少拓展环节。这节课总体的教学效果不错,学生基本能掌握教学内容。后来我发现可以把内容拓展到语法领域。学生在做以重读闭音节结尾单词的词形变化时往往会忽略双写末尾的辅音字母。其实在学生熟练掌握语音知识后,再强化这一知识点就水到渠成了。比如说动词的现在分词sit-sitting, begin-beginning;动词的过去式stop-stopped, drop-dropped等。而且当时离下课还有大约四五分钟的时间,应该可以补充这个知识点。可惜当时没有意识到!





Unit 2 My weekend (Let’s spell)教学设计 教材分析:

五年级上册Unit 2 My week Let’s spell板块分为Read, listen and chant ;Listen ,repeat and circle以及Listen ,write and say三部分。第一部分呈现了字母组合ee和ea在单词中发长音/i:/的发音规则;第二部分通过听单词、重复单词并圈出每组中拼写不同的单词的活动,强化记忆ee/ea的发音规则,帮助学生根据发音规则读出新单词,巩固学习ee/ea的音形对应关系;第三部分则通过听句子录音填写句中所缺单词的活动,引导学生根据发音规则拼写单词,完成句子,学习在单线上规范书写英文句子。 学情分析:







教学难点:能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合ee/ea发音规则的单词。 教学准备:


2.beef feet meet eat tea read六个例词的词卡:

3.六套字母贴。教学流程: Step 1 Warming up.1.Greetings.2.Sing” phonics song”.

设计意图:让学生在phonics song中复习字母的常规发音,为后面的拼音和拆音做好铺垫。

Step 2 Production 1.Show the words of ee/ea.设计意图:创设情景,构建有意义的整体语境,引导学生看图回答问题,形成了两个语篇,语篇中巧妙地复现了含有字母组合ee/ea的句子:I can see a bee in the green tree.The boys likes to eat beef and drink tea.2.Read out the words, Find out the same and difference.设计意图:引导学进行发现式的学习,通过朗读、观察、感知、体验并自己归纳出ee/ea在单词中的发/i:/音的规则。 3.Watch a cartoon.设计意图:字母组合ee/ea的phonics chant 节奏感强,有利于学生掌握字母组合ee/ea的发音。 4.Learn to how to spell.


/bi:f/ feet:/f/-/i:/-/t/

/fi:t/ meet:/m/-/i:/-/t/

/mi:t/ eat:/i:/-/t/

/i:t/ tea:/t/-/i:/ /ti:/ read:/r/-/i:/-/d/

/ri:d/ 设计意图:通过“拼音”这一语音意识训练活动,




单词,提高阅读能力奠定扎实的基础。) 5.Spell and read.6.Listen and follow.设计意图:通过直接模仿正确的发音,养成良好的发音习惯。 Step 3 Practice 1.Try to read: “ee” sounds /i:/ :






sheep feed


geese 设计意图:根据辅音字母的发音和字母组合ee发/i:/的规律,利用自然拼读法做的见词能读) 2.Try to read: “ea” sounds /i:/ :












repeat 设计意图:根据辅音字母的发音和字母组合ea发/i:/的规律,利用自然拼读法做到见词能读) 3.Look, circle and say。 4.Read and tick.Eat some beef.Drink some tea.eat tea ( )

eat beef( )

Look at the sweater.It is cheap.sweater cheap ( ) Eat some bread.eat bread (



5.Magic game:拆音、听音拼出符合ee/ea发/i:/的单词。(游戏规则:学生六人小组合作,利用字母贴学具,教师朗读含有ee/ea的单词,学生小组合作快速拼出单词。)

设计意图:引导学生通过听音、拆音这一语音意识训练活动,引导学生相互合作,将听到的音和相应的字母或字母组合对应起来,学会了听音拼写的方法,为接下来的Look, write and say活动做好铺垫。

6.Look, write and say。

设计意图:学生听句子,结合情景写单词。这次单词都是符合发音规则的单词,以此逐步达成听音能拼写单词的教学目标。 Step 4 Production 1.Chant.2.Read the story“The Green family goes out.” 设计意图:学生朗读关于Mr Green 一家外出郊游的故事绘本。在这个绘本故事中有一些含有ee的生词,先让学生欣赏动画,感知意义,然后利用新学的发音规则,尝试自己朗读绘本,达到了在语篇中见词能读的目标。 Step 5.Summary.Step6.Homework.板书设计

Unit 2 My weekend (Let’s spell)




feet meet eat tea





元音字母i, o, u在部分单词中的发音规律

i——[ai] \\[i] o——[ Əu ]\\ [ɔ] u----[ju:]\\ [ʌ] New words:hole rose fox cute tube toothbrush



1.学生能够听说拼读符合i——[ai] \\[i] o——[ Əu ]\\ [ɔ] u----[ju:]\\ [ʌ] 发音规律新词


能力目标:学生能够自己发现发音规律并根据发音规律用直呼式拼读法拼读单词 情感目标: 学生能够在教师的引导下自己找到答案,培养学生的探究意识.重点难点

1. 能够学会直呼式的拼读方式,并能够初步掌握稍复杂新词的方法 2. 学生能在教师的引导下归纳出字母组合发发音规律


1.教师准备好课件,一束玫瑰花,一些小卡片 教学设计

Step 1 Warm- up: 1.Sing a song --- Sing the A B C song.T: Good morning, boys and girls, nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too.

T: I’d like to be your friend, shall we sing a song together? “Sing the A B C song.”, can you?(S: Sure.)

(Teacher and the students sing the song together.)

2.T: Very good.Now let’s gue:I have two old letter friends.Who are they?复习元音字母Aa Ee的发音规律。

Step 2 Presentation

1、T:Now I have 3 new letter friends.Who are they?

引出i, o, u三个元音字母,T:Which letter do you like?通过三个元音字母分别用超连接引出单词及总结发音规律。

2、S1:I like “Ii.” T:Who’s behind i? Let’s look.

通过超连接呈现Mike.T:What does Mike like?Gue.通过猜一猜游戏引出单词bike,rice,kite,ice-cream.让学生总结i [ai]的发音规律,教读。通过What drink does Mike like?出示milk.提问Where is the milk?引出window.通过Open the window.引出pig,fish单词。让学生总结i [i]的发音规律。

3、通过一首chant来归纳巩固/ai/ /i/的发音:Bike,bike,ride a bike. Rice,rice,buy some rice.Kite,kite,fly a kite.

Ice-cream,ice-cream,I like ice-cream.Milk,milk,drink some milk./i/

Fish,fish,eat some fish. Pig,pig,big big pig.

Window,window, pink pink window

4、回到超连接页面,S2:I like “Oo”.同理引出a teddy bear.提问Where is the teddy bear? In the hole.出示hole新单词,教师教读。

5、T:Today teddy bear is very happy.Let’s sing a song with him,ok? Teddy bear,Teddy bear Go your home.

Teddy bear,Teddy bear

Open the door. Teddy bear,Teddy bear

Touch your nose. Teddy bear,Teddy bear

show me your rose(玫瑰花)通过歌曲归纳o/əu /的发音,同时引出新词rose T:Where is the rose?教师拿出rose:I like blue rose.What about you?让学生用:I like „rose.作答。

6、T:Teddy bear has a friend.Where is he? Who is he?What does he like?由此引出box,lock,fox,orange.总结o/ɔ/的发音。

7、回到超连接页面,S3:I like“Uu”.同理引出a student :Lily.She likes music.She has a cute cat.The cat is playing a tube.由此归纳Uu[ju:]的发音。通过提问:Where is the cat?出示bus,umbrella,toothbrush,cup.归纳Uu/ʌ/ 的发音。

8、Listen and read.模仿语音,跟读音频。














本节以人教版高一第四单元A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep 为例,阐述思维型阅读教学模式操作流程。



(1)Identify and use some content-related words to retell the Tangshan Earthquake e.g.burst,ruin,injure,destroy,shock,rescue,trap,bury,suffering,extreme,shelter,etc.

(2)Find topic sentences to produce the summary of the reading paage.

(3)Talk about the writing style and paraphrase the title and some sentences.

(4)Know how to protect themselves and help others in thedisaster.



在整体理解环节,要求学生初步理解文本的字面意思(readin lines),同时进行逻辑性思维。教师把课文分成signs,damage,rescue work三个部分,设计与文本特定的信息和具体的事实相关的问题,学生读后概括文章大意、梳理文本结构。

Q1: What were the strange things happening before the earthquake?

Q2: What damage did the earthquake cause?

Q3: What did soldiers and workers do in the rescue?

在这三个问题引导下,学生阅读课文,整体理解文本。在回答问题过程中,学生能够列举地震前一系列反常现象(如village wells,animals,water pipes),寻找地震人的物质和精神的双重破坏的信息(如buildings,animals,people),归纳抗震救灾各项工作(如dig out,bury,build shelter)。在此基础上,引导学生将一些细节信息转换成structure map,在黑板上勾勒一个思维结构导图(见下图),然后进入下一个环节。


理解文本大意之后,引导学生解读语言内涵(read between lines),通过语言把握文本,培养批判性思维能力。教师设计的问题与语言表达的技巧相关,要求学生更深入地解读文本,关注文本字里行间的意思。

Q4:What does the sentence “It seemed as if the world was at an end” imply?

Q5:What does the sentence “Slowly,the city began to breathe again”mean?

Q6:How do you understand the title “A night the earth didn’t sleep”?

结合语境讲解课文。通过解释Usually,night time is the time to sleep,and night should be quiet and safe.But that night everything was different.The writer used it as a title to show how terrible and how unusual that night was.Also it could draw readers’ attention.理解文章的标题;通过分析地震给人们带来的绝望无助,理解It seemed as if the world was at an end;通过理解救援工作的内容,导出Slowly,the city began to breathe again的复苏迹象。

在理解语言内涵的基础上,引导学生关注语言表达技巧。强调表达效果,如The water in the village wells rose and fell,rose and fell.It seemed as if the world was at an end.Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves.拟人化修辞手段,如A night the earth didn’t sleep.Slowly,the city began to breathe again.等。让学生体会语言表达效果、理解作者的写作意图。


在文本学习的基础上,学生关注文本的言外之意(read beyond lines)。首先,要求学生根据黑板上的结构图、关键词复述课文,模仿使用语言。然后,教师提供图片和视频,提出创造性思维的问题:

Q7: How does the author create the mood in the text?

Q8: What to do or not to do when suddenly an earthquake hits in school?

Q9: How will you help the people in the disaster-stricken areas suppose you are a volunteer?

学生需要读出文本的言外之意,才能回答这三个问题。针对问题7,学生根据The mood is serious and a bit sad,but not hopele.And it is created by giving a lot of details.理解文章所表现出的情绪;针对问题8,学生联系自己亲身经历,在独立思考后形成以下观点:Crouch and cover the head with school bags,protecting head and neck.Take cover in the corner of the claroom or under the desk.Wait until the quake is over.Never jump from buildings in panic.Don’t panic.Don’t rush out of the claroom until the floor stops shaking.等。针对问题9,组织相关话题的讨论,学生用自己的语言发表个人观点,如We can be a volunteer teacher for the children.Donate money or supplies such as medicines.We can even pay a visit to them to make them know they are not alone.Invite the children to my family and give them my love and care to help them go through the disaster.



在问题导学环节,提出三个认知性问题,要求学生带着问题阅读,整体理解课文。为达到readin lines的目标,本节设计了两个活动:第一个活动是列举地震前自然界的所反映的迹象、寻找地震造成破坏的信息、归纳抗震救灾的各项工作,主要是训练学生捕捉信息的能力和逻辑思维的能力;第二个活动是通过转换文本信息的形态,把静态的书面文字转变为直观的关键词,引导学生概括大意、梳理结构,把关键信息在思维导图中凸显出来,帮助他们进行直觉思维和形象思维,以整体理解和把握文章的意思。

在活动体验环节,着重诱发学生read between lines,使之由表及里地理解文本,进行判断推理、求同辨异的思维。通过重点解释某些句子、解读课文的标题的、分析文本的内涵;通过揭示语言表达技巧,发现作者未言说的立场和观点。这些语言活动旨在引导学生深层理解课文,培养批判性思维能力。本环节组织了依托问题的小组讨论,目的是引导学生知识与身体的互动,知识与情感的互动,产生积极想情感体验。因为,体验是学习者自身目的、个体情感和已有经验的融合,是激发好奇心、营造学习情境、增强创造力和促进学习者成长的动力源(杜威,2004)。 在发展思维环节,目的是引发学生read beyond lines,理解文章的言外之意,让学生提出个人观点或见解,进行创意表达。本环节设计两个活动,要求学生在学习的基础上,在模仿中进行创新。首先,利用思维导图复述课文,大部分学生都能做到,并体验成功的乐趣。其次,在问题驱动下让学生从不同角度看待同一个问题,鼓励他们表达个人看法,抒发个人情感,这种个人化理解是语言产出,有助于提高综合语言运用能力(梁美珍,2012)。设计的三个问题,是让学生寻找课堂与生活的结合点,从而对学习产生兴趣(高瑞,2011)。教师应遵循教育生活化原则,把语言体验与语言教学有机地结合起来。









[5]汪朝霞:《高中英语阅读教学中的问题设计》,《中小学英语教学与研究》 2013年第1期。








任务型教学是外语教学理论和第二语言习得理论结合的产物。它把语言应用的基本理念化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式,教师把学习内容设计成各种交际任务,让学生通过完成任务进行学习,达到教学目标的要求。体现了以教师为主导、以学生为中心的教学原则,强调学生的主动参与,强调交际的过程和语言的功能,注重发展学生的学习策略,有利于提高学生的创新精神和语言运用能力。语言学家Jane Willis提出了任务型课堂教学的三个步骤:前期任务、任务环及语言聚焦。





三、The Advertising Game任务型教学设计与实践

笔者在北师大版必修模块四The Advertising Game的教学实践当中,根据任务型教学途径的内涵和任务设计的原则,初步探索了任务型的教学途径在课堂教学中的模式。



在设计阅读任务前,笔者组织学生观看了几幅画面精美的广告图片,特别是本地一些知名企业的产品广告,并观看了CCTV拍的公益广告FAMILY。让学生充分感受广告的无限魅力,激发了他们阅读The Advertising Game的兴趣与欲望。


阅读任务一:利用已掌握的Skim和Scan的阅读策略,完成T or F问题。

任务组织形式:Individual silent reading;任务完成形式:Check and answer。本项任务针对全体学生设计,参与面广,难度较低,能让学生对阅读的内容有一个粗略的印象。


任务组织形式:Careful reading individually;任务完成形式:Pair work。本项任务设计同样针对全体学生,让学生通过默读的形式,利用上下文的线索精确理解文章的具体内容,深刻理解作者在文章当中所表达的不同时期不同场合的广告及其功用和影响。

阅读任务三:Language focus,帮助学生探索语言奥秘,了解句法、固定搭配和掌握词液体墙纸 http://www.daodoc.com



完成各项任务后,学生对Advertising Game有了更加深刻和丰富的认识,要求学生:①用所提供的词或词组分成四人小组讨论对Advertising Game的看法并在班级进行汇报。②课外通过网络等收集知名品牌广告或小组合作某一产品并为之做广告,下节课在班级进行汇报。


液体墙纸 http://www.daodoc.com


高中英语阅读课教案: LESSON PLAN Time of Leon: 45 minutes Students: Senior Grade One

Teaching Material: How Did Postage Stamps Come Into Use Teaching Objectives:

1.To train Ss\\\' reading ability(such as gueing the meaning of new words in the context, the speed of reading.) 2.To train Ss\\\' reading comprehension(To get meages from what they read.) Teaching Points:

1.Ss get used to three reading skills.2.Ss understand the given paage.Properties: Stamps, letters, postcards, work sheets, OHP Teaching Method: Communicative Approach Leon Type: Reading New Words and A Phrase: postage, put forward, proposal, seal, deliver, system, postal Procedures: Step 1.Warm-up(6\\\') 1.Lead-in Show some stamps, letters and postcards and have free talk to arouse students\\\' motivation.2.Dealing with some new words Q: Do you know the postage of a letter? Explain \"postage\", and write postage on the Bb.postage: payment for the carrying of letters A: Fifty fen for any place in China except Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.Q: What do the postmen do with the letters? A: They take the letters from the postbox and carry them away to the places on the envelopes and deliver them to the addreed people.Explain \"deliver\", and write deliver on the Bb.

deliver: take letters or goods to the addreed people.Q: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps? Use OHP to project the question onto the screen.Explain \"put forward\" and \"proposal\", and write them on the Bb.put forward: put an idea before people for thinking over proposal: sth.proposed, plan or idea, suggestion Again: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps? Step 2.Skimming(4\\\'30\") 1.Instructions T: Now I give you a paage to read, and for the first time you should only find the answer to the question.You have only two and a half minutes to read.So don\\\'t read word for

word.Read quickly.Just try to find the answer.2.Handing out the reading material and reading 3.Checking

Q: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps.A: Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England. Step 3.Scanning(6\\\')


T: This time I give you three minutes to read the paage.When you are reading, find the answers to the two questions. Use OHP to project the questions:

1.Why was the postage high in the early nineteenth century when people did not use stamps?

2.When was postage stamps first put to use? 2.Reading 3.Checking

1) Pair work

2) Cla checking

Ans.to Que.1.Because the post offices had to send many people to collect the postage. Ans.to Que.2.On May 6, 1840.

Step 4.Full reading(21\\\') 1.Instructions

T: Now I give you ten minutes to read the paage for the third time and you should read it carefully.Before reading, let\\\'s go over the questions on the work sheet.

Give Work Sheet 1 to the Ss.Explain the new words in Que.4.

prevent: stop, not let sb.do sth.reuse: use again

T: Try to find the answers to the questions.But don\\\'t write the answers down, you can put a sign or underline the sentences concerning the questions.2.Reading


1) Group work: Checking the answers in a group of four Ss.2) Cla work: Checking the answers in cla. Poible Answers:

1.Why were people unhappy to pay postage for letters in the early nineteenth century?

Because they had to pay postage when they received letters, especially when they paid for a letter which they did not wish to receive at all.The postage was high.

2.Why was it much easier for people to use stamps for postage?

Because people could go to the nearby post office to buy stamps and put them on envelopes before they sent the letters.3.Why was the postage much lower using stamps?

Because in this way, the post office did not need to send postmen to collect postage.It only needed to send fewer postmen to deliver letters. 4.How could the post office prevent people from reusing the stamps? The post office could simply put seals on the stamps so that people could not use the stamps again.Check the understanding of the word \"seal\", and write it on the Bb.seal: ÓÊ´Á 5.Did other countries take up the new postal system? Yes.Check the understanding of \"postal\" and \"system\", and write them on the Bb.postal: of the post system: a set of working ways

6.Does every country in the world has its own stamps? Yes.

Step 5: Rounding-off(7\\\') 1.Answering Ss\\\' questions on the paage if any.2.Making a guided-dialogue with the information given from the paage.

Hand out Work Sheet 2.Do it in pairs.3.Asking two or three pairs to read their dailogues.A poible completed dialogue: A: Oh, What a beautiful stamp! B: Yes, it\\\'s from the U.S.A..A: Do you know in the early nineteenth century people did not use stamps? B: Then how did they pay the postage? A: They had to pay the postage when they received letters.B: Was the postage very high then? A: Yes.Because the post offices had to send many people to collect the postage.B: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps? A: Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England.B: Why do post offices put seals on the stamps? A: They can prevent people from using the stamps again.B: When did post offices begin to sell stamps? A: On May 6, 1840.B: Thank you for telling me so many things about stamps.Step 6.Aignment(30\") Ask the Ss to shorten the paage within four or five sentences after cla, and to write it in their exercise books.************************************************************* Reading Material: How Did Postage Stamps Come Into Use When you send a letter or a postcard, you have to put stamps on the envelope or on the card.When did people first begin to use stamps? Who was the first to think of this idea? In the early nineteenth century, people did not use stamps.They had to pay postage when they received letters.They

were unhappy about this, especially when they paid for a letter which they did not wish to receive at all.The postage was high at that time, because the post offices had to send many people to collect the postage.

Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England, was the first to put forward a proposal to use stamps.He thought it would be much easier for people to use stamps to cover postage.They could go to the nearby post office to buy stamps and put them on envelopes before they sent the letters.The post office could simply put seals on the stamps so that people could not use the stamps again.In this way, the post office did not need to send postmen to collect postage.It only needed to send fewer postmen to deliver letters.That was a good idea and the government finally accepted it.

On May 6, 1840, post offices throughout England began to sell stamps.Soon this new postal system was taken up by other countries.Now each country has its own stamps.And there are many people who collect stamps all over the world.

Work Sheet 1:

Find the answers to the following questions from the paage: 1.Why were people unhappy to pay postage for letters in the early nineteenth century?

2.Why was it much easier for people to use stamps for postage?

3.Why was the postage much lower using stamps?

4.How could the post office prevent people from reusing the stamps?

5.Did other countries take up the new postal system? 6.Does every country in the world has its own stamps now?

Work Sheet 2:

Complete the dialogue with the information you have got: A: Oh, What a beautiful stamp! B: Yes, it\\\'s from the U.S.A..

A: Do you know ____________________ people did not use stamps?

B: Then how did they pay the postage?

A: ______________________________________ B: Was the postage very high then?

A: _________________________________ B: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps? A: __________________________________ B: Why do post offices put seals on the stamps? A: ______________________________________ B: When did post offices begin to sell stamps?

A:_________________________________________ B: Thank you for telling me so many things about stamps


Fine Art—Western, Chinese and Pop Arts Section 1 Teaching aims: Aimed at carrying out quality education, based on students’ development, letting students grasp the vocabulary, grammar, function in this module, strengthening students’ language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing set in this module, developing students learning strategies.

Through learning this module, students are expected to learn about the artists and their painting styles, be capable of introducing their favorite artists and their works, be interested in art, improve their aesthetic consciousne, love life and develop their sense of cooperation.Aimed to cultivate students’ integrated language capability in various student-centered tasks or activities.Periods 1:Introduction, Reading and vocabulary, Function Teaching aims:(multimedia courseware) Language objectives: To enable the students to grasp the new works, phrases and the structures to give opinions about likes and dislikes Skill objectives: To enable the students to match descriptions with paintings, choosing the correct answers and filling in the form in the aspect of reading To enable the students to give opinions about certain paintings Culture awarene, emotions and attitudes objectives: Teaching important points:

To enable the students to speak out opinions about some paintings with some expreions

To enable the students to grasp the new works and phrases in this part Teaching procedures: PWP Teaching Model Step1.leading-in activity

Use the paintings The Smile of Mona Lisa by da Vinci and the works by Zheng Banqiao on the screen to lead in the topic.Meanwhile, I will introduce the key new words: artist, paint, traditional, brush, ink. Step 2.While—reading 1)Scanning During the start of the period, let the students scan the paage to find out the answers to the questions on Page32, which are about the topics.⑴Match paintings 1-4 with descriptions in paragraphs A-D.⑵Say which paintings are mentioned in paragraph E and F.2)Detailed reading

During this period, I’ll allow students enough time to read the text and then I let them work in groups to do the following two tasks:

⑴Do the multiple choices on the screen.⑵Fill in the form on the screen, which is mainly about the famous artists.

3)Language points ⑴consider 认为 ).


⑶aim 以…为目标;意欲;打算 ⑷stand 忍受

⑸I got bored of looking at pictures all the time.⑹Tom gradually became interested in art.Step3.Post—reading

During this period, I’ll let the students do the following tasks.

⑴Find out the structures that can be used to giving opinions about likes and dislikes from the paragraphs E and F individually.

⑵And then, along with the students, I’ll look through the sentences giving opinions, provided in the first part of Function, making sure that they know how to expre likes and dislikes.Show the students a series of paintings on the screen, letting them in groups talk about the pictures they like and dislike, and why or why not, using the information learned from the reading material(or in the form of interviewing—group work).Step4.Homework

Try to find more paintings and artists you like through the Internet.

Prepare to introduce a painting in English to your clamates next cla.

(The day students are aigned to the first task; and the rest of the students to the second.) Blackboard design:

Module 4 Fine arts—Western, Chinese and Pop Arts Period One consider: consider sb./sth.to be adj./n.with复合结构: with+宾语+宾补(adj./adv./prep.Phrase/-ing/-ed/inf.) aim v./n.aim to do sth.aim at doing sth.stand+n./doing sth.get tired of/get bored of “厌烦……”

develop an interest in“养成对……的兴趣”

Teaching reflection :In the proce of leading in, students are familiar with the paintings and the artists, so the pictures can easily arouse their interest and desire to participate.In the proce of while-reading, pay attention to the developing of students reading strategies.In the proce dealing with language points, setting the new words in a context helps the students learn and comprehend the meaning and the usage of them.In the discuion about their favorite paintings, some students are reluctant to speak, partly because of their lack of knowledge of painting; most students can communicate with their partners or group members after learning the reading materials.The task of aignment is set for the sake of the second period, that is, Listening and vocabulary, to some extent.

第20篇:高中英语说课稿 教案

高中英语全英文说课稿模板(精品) Interpretation

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my leon with you.

I have been ready to begin this representation with five parts.Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure. Part 1 Teaching Material

The content of my leon is New Senior English for China Book___ Unit_______.This unit is about____________________ (topics).By studying of this unit, we’ll enable students to know_________________________ and develop the interest in___________________.At the same time, let the students learn how to____________________ (functional items).From this leon, it starts___________________________(structures).(As we all know, reading belongs to the input during the proce of the language learning.The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing.) Therefore, this leon is in the important position of this unit.If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit. Part 2 Teaching Aims

According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题)

(1)The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expreions.

(2)The Ss can use the __________________ (grammar) in the proper situation.

(3)The Ss can understand the content of the leon, talk about ___________________ (information) and get their own idea about _______________________________.2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写)

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing

(2) To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies.

(3(3) To improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

(4) To train the Ss’ abilities of studying by themselves and cooperating .3.Emotion or moral objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野)

(1)By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest in ____________________and set up self-confidence in _____________________.

(2)Teach the Ss_________________________, put the moral education in the language study.Part 3 the Important and Difficult Points Based on the requirement of the syllabus.

The important points are__________________________ such as ______________.The difficult points are_________________________ for example_____________.Part 4 Teaching Methods

As is known to us all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should help Ss develop good sense of the English language.For achieving these teaching aims, (after the analysis of the teaching material and teaching aims,) I will use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论) . 1.Communicative Approach(交际教学法)

2.Whole Language Teaching(整体语言教学法) 3.Task-based Language Teaching (任务教学法)

4.Total Situational Action (情景教学) a “scene — activity” teaching method , it establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss.At the same time, CAI (电脑辅助教学) can provide a real situation with its sound and picture, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.Part 5 Teaching Procedure Step 1.Lead-in.(_____min)


Purpose of my design: (1) to catch Ss’ attention about the cla/topic/paage.

(2) To set up suspense/develop interest in _______________.

Step 2.Pre-reading

Task 1.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min) Let Ss _____________________________________________________________ Task 2.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min) ___________________________________________________________________

Now, let’s see what happened to the____________/ let’s check whether it is right or not.Purpose of my design: (1) to get to know something about the _________________.(2) To have a better understanding about the importance of ___________________.Step 3.While-reading

Task 1.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min)

Skimming: Ss should read the material fast to find out the main idea/topic sentence for each paragraph.

Para 1 ___________________

Para 2 ___________________

Para 3 ___________________ „

Task 2.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min) Scanning: Listen to the tape part by part to finish ___________________________.

Task 3.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min)

Scanning: Guide Ss to read the material carefully and take some important notes, then answer the following questions.

Task 4.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min)

Scanning: Ask Ss to read the material carefully and find out the correct answers to finish the following chart.

Purpose of my design: Enable students to understand the given material better by using different reading skills.And proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning. “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.Step 4.Post-reading

Task 1.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min) (接task3)Ask Ss to close books and finish the summary according their notes.

(接task4)Retell the story /Sum up the paage in Ss’ own words according to the chart.

Task 2.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min) Discu _______________________________________________with other group members and then choose a reporter to share their opinions about ____________________________________ with the whole cla.

Purpose of my design: I think If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study.

Step 5.Homework

1.__________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________

Purpose of my design: Homework is so important and neceary for to master the knowledge they learned after cla.It will check whether the Ss achieve the teaching aims.


8B Unit 3 Online Travel

Reading Around the world in eight hours

Good afternoon, everyone.Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 3 Reading Part A.Around the World in Eight Hours.I’ll prepare to say the leon from three parts.

Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material (一) Status and Function

This is an important leon in this book.Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense.It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Therefore this leon is in the important position of the teaching material.3.Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.(二) Analysis of the students

Most students are interested in computer games.So this topic can greatly attract their interests.It can accelerate them to learn English and geography well.After learning this leon, they will know English and geography are as important as computer .Without much knowledge ,you won’t be able to learn computer well.

(三)Teaching aims and Demands 1.Knowledge objects

To understand the aim of an educational CD-ROM and what the character can do To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge.To master the Paive voice.2.Ability objects

To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.To train the students how to use their own words to expre their ideas.Ability objects

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To develop the Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.

3.Moral objects (1) Through different teaching methods to make students be interested in study.(2) Dare to expre their opinions in English.

(3) Love to know more knowledge about Olympic Games.Make an effort to contribute to Beijing Olympics.

(四)Teaching key and Difficult point

1.Key points To review the Present perfect tense.To learn the Paive voice.To tell more about the CD-ROM.To retell how the game is played To understand the whole paage and answer teacher’s questions 2.Difficult points: The Paive voice.To retell how the game is played Key points:

(1).Be able to expre words,phrases and sentences in English.

(2).Know about the history of the Olympics and amazing Olympic athletes.2.Difficult points:

Be able to talk about Olympics in oral English.

(五) Teaching Equipment

Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, Software: PowerPoint and so on.They will be needed in this leon.

Part Two: The Teaching Methods

1.Communicative teaching method 2.Audio-visual teaching method 3.Task-based” teaching method

As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language.So in this leon I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method.To use these methods are helpful to develop the students’ abilities.

Part Three: Studying Procedures

Step 1 Arouse students’ interest by telling them that they are going to read about a new educational CD-ROM.Explain that the game is set in different countries and involves a tour around the world Step 2 Tell students that the first paragraph of the reading paage explains the background to the game .Listen to the tape.Ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.What’s the name of the new educational CD-ROM? What can it help you to do? Who is the designer? Step 3 Tell students that the second paragraph of the reading paage introduces the main character of the game .Ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.Who is the main character of the game? How old is he? What does he like doing? What was he doing when he fell asleep? Step 4 Tell students that the third and fourth paragraphs of the reading paage, on page41, explain how the game is played.Ask them to read the rest of the reading paage on page 41 Step 5 Ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.How can you earn a point? What will happen if you have earned a point? What will happen if you have earned enough points? How many levels does the game have? How long does it take you to finish the game? What do the questions test? What will you see on the screen when you reach a new place? What can you learn about when you reach London? What will you see when you pa a level? What happened to the places you have visited? Step 6 Read the whole paage and then ask some students to retell how the game is played(in 5steps) 1 See a golden cloud with instructions on it 2 See clouds with information about different places; See clouds with questions on them 3 Get a point every time you answer a question correctly 4 A cloud will come down and carry you off to a new place 5 See a world map.The old place is marked in bright purple If poible, ask students to discu what they have learned from the paage.(with their own words) Step7 Use the following keywords to try to retell the paage.Paragraph1. a new educational CD-ROM, Around the world in Eight Hours. Come out, interesting, at the same time, be designed by, the all-time favorite CD-ROM Paragraph2. Main character, love traveling, lie on the gra, fall asleep Paragraph3.be written on, different colors with questions on them Every time you answer a question, earn enough points, come down, Carry off Pargraph4 Play the role of, take „an hour to finish, travel around, Test your knowledge of, a lot of useful information, for example Paragraph 5 Be the best , get it in sold out Step 8 Homework 1 Translating the following phrases: 2 Try to recite the text.

Design of the blackboard

1) The Present perfect tense.A new educational CD-ROM has just come out.When you have earned enough points,„.„„..Carry you off to a place you have never visited before.The places you have visited are marked„ 2) The Paive voice.It is designed by Nancy Jackson.These words were written on it.The places you have visited are marked in bright purple.Get it now before it is sold out Part Four Teaching steps

I’ll finish this leon in six steps.Step1 Warm-up

Play a song about Olympics, lead in cla.Talk about the title “Higher, Faster, Stronger.” Free talk about questions:

Have you watched the Olympics on TV? What’s your favourite Olympic sport? Do you think the Olympics are important? Why or why not?

Purpose of my designing: Draws out this cla study content with the song, stimulates the students’ study interest.


Learn new words in groups:

Places: Greece, Athens, Sydney, Mexico City, Los Angles Time: ancient, modern, BC, AD Medals: gold, silver, bronze

Sports and events: race, sprint, long jumping, shooting.

I’ll use CAI to present the whole text.I’ll write the key points on the Bb while they are watching.After watching, I’ll teach them to read the words and sentences on the Bb.Make sure they can read them well.

Purpose of my designing: To present the text by CAI is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings.CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships between the Ss better.Step3.Practice

First play the tape recorder.Let the Ss listen and imitate the text.Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.Then finish the exercises on the computer.

Purpose of my designing: This step is employed to make the Ss get the general idea of the text.At the same time let the Ss have a chance to practice their listening and spoken ability.Step4.Play a gueing game.Divide the cla into several large groups.In each group students will take turns miming a sports activity and the other students will take turns gueing.Instruct the groups to choose a timekeeper and scorekeeper.Answers should be specific and both give the name of the game and describe the action.Purpose of my designing: I think it is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by imitating and at the same time it is neceary to provide situations to review learned knowledge.Step5.Knowledge development

The 2008 Olympics had been succefully held in Beijing.What do you know about the emblem of Beijing Olympics? What does it stand for? Show CAI and watching.

The emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.The emblem has a single Chinese character on a red seal and means \"Chinese seal-dancing Beijing.\"Below it, there are the words \"Beijing 2008.\"The character in the emblem is \"jing.\" It means \"capital\" of China and it is also like a runner or a dancer.The running figure of the emblem shows the spirit of the Olympic -faster, higher and stronger.Purpose of my designing: Raises student\'s feeling of national pride.Step6.Homework:

Give the homework with the song 《阳光体育之歌》 playing.

(1).Search for more information of the Olympics on the Internet.

(2).If you’re a volunteer of Beijing Olympics.What can you do for our country?

Purpose of my designing: Realizes the textbook and the life link, develops student\'s study space.Part Five Blackboard Design

Leon One Higher, Faster, Stronger

Places: Greece, Athens, Sydney, Mexico City, Los Angeles Time: ancient, modern, BC, AD Medals: gold, silver, bronze

Sports and events: race, sprint, long jumping, shooting.

Purpose of my designing: Presents the text key content clearly on the blackboard, favors the student to knowledge grasping.
