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剑桥少儿英语考试包括四个关键的级别:预备级(Pro-Starters)、一级(Starters)、二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)。因为最高的级别Flyers的语言水平大约相当于剑桥主体考试的KET,因此它可以作为长大以后通向KET或迈向PET的桥梁。 剑桥少儿英语预备级

预备级上 01 Greetings 02 Who is the first? 03 Catch and run....... [课程简介]



以培养英语学习习惯为侧重点,从培养少年儿童的英语基础语言能力和语感入手,培养学生的英语语言思维能力,建立起英语学习的自信心与荣誉感。 [本册目标]



一级上Unit 1 What\'s your name? Unit 2 What\'s this? Unit 3 What colour do you lke? ...... [课程简介]





二级上Unit 01 Where are you going? Unit 02 今天在气怎么样? Unit 03 Is that dog yours? [课程简介]



语法点:一般将来时、一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、人称或时态变换引起的动词变化、灵活判断时态、物主代词的灵活运用、THERE BE 句型、HOW句型、特殊疑问句、肯定句、否定句、反意疑问句、形容词的比较级和最高级、一般疑问句的变换,掌握941多个词汇,具体描述的主题和概念扩展到天气、健康、环境、动作、职责等。本级要求学生掌握每单元重点单词及词组的拼写,掌握书中日常用语、每课重点句型及用法,灵活运用本级涉及到的语法点,能听懂对话,能用简单句型描述一件事物,基本连贯的口语表达,能正确作出教 师发出的指令性动作,会变换句型。







三级上 01 昨天在气怎么样? 02 你最喜欢哪个季节? 03 昨天鲍勃几点起的床?




灵活运用1864个词汇和语法讲述自己生活中的所见所闻,描述各种物品、人物、动物等身边事物,注意培养学生的英语写作能力,能够书写简单英文日记或小文 章,所有时态基本掌握。建立学生的英语语言思维能力。能听懂英文小文章,用英文回答问题,词汇量达到初中毕业要求。










剑桥少儿英语考试三级(Flyers):适合9-12岁,经过大约150小时的英语学习, 掌握约430个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为427个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为398个)。



读写(Reading and Writing ):这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。文字篇幅比较短小,由一些固定内容的单词和结构组成。考生只需要进行简单的操作如选择和打勾,用单词和短语填空,回答灵活性的问题。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。 听力(Listening):这个部分也是一个笔试部分。时间为:20分钟(一级和三级),25分钟(二级)。和读写部分一样,考试内容局限在考试指定的内容。考生听简短的成人和儿童的录音对话,进行简单的操作如划线、选择、配对和填色。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。




一共32个单元,分上下册,一册一个学期,每学期16周,一周4课时,一课时30分钟。 预备级是一个启蒙的级别。主要任务就是学习26个英文字母。教师要说简单的英语授课,并加入手势或使用肢体语言,让每个学生都能明白教师的意思。让孩子从听开始,从模仿开始,从实践开始。 A上册

Unit1 greeting

一、教学目标:1.单词:pig, cat, panda, monkey, dog, bear, rabbit

2.简单句:hello.Good morning.

二、情景环节:1.迎新大会上认识新同学,和新同学打招呼。Panda,monkey,bear,pig,dog,cat Hello, panda.T做动作让学生猜老师所形容的动物是什么

Play a game: 三个人,前面两个人不发出声音,做动作,让第三个人猜,第三个人快速跑到讲台上把图片找出来,并且大声读出来,如果不会英语可以用中文代替,教师再引导学生说英语。三个人再交换位置,换另外的人来猜。

T拿着动物的图片,传递给第一排的小朋友“hello, dog”。小朋友要把这个招呼传递下去。



Unit 2 beginning sounds

一、教学目标:1.字母:A B C

2.单词:Amy(艾米) apple banana bamboo bear cake cat Cathy(凯瑟)

3.句子:An apple,please.

Some cakes? ---no.


2.Bear 过生日,大家一起吃东西




2.ABC,apple and banana, cat and Cathy.

ABC,Amy and bamboo,cake and candy.

五、模仿:为bear 过生日,模仿对话


1.认识字母 讲解字母,学生跟着老师在本子上写字母

2.以字母开头的单词 单词游戏:T说一个单词,学生就用沙锤去敲打老师说的那个单词,再交换。

3.为小熊过生日 句子模仿

4.简单的歌曲apple,banana,cake 5.处理作业


Unit 3 dog,elephant,fish and giraffe

一、教学目标:1.字母D E F G

2.单词:duck dog,elephant,fish,frog,girl.giraffe

3.句子:look!It\'s a frog.---yes, it is.

Hello! Welcome.Have fun.---I will.



1.复习上节课内容,歌曲,以猜谜语的形式复习动物名称以及食物 2.板书字母ABC以及以各个字母开头的英语单词,让学生归类 3.继续学习字母DEFG,练习写字母


② 大写找小写 在黑板上贴出大写字母,小双迷路了,让小双找到大双一起回家吧


5.情景:去动物园玩。在门口有检票员,检票员说:“welcome.Have fun.”另一老师示范回答: I will. 教对话

到了动物园,猜动物,根据肢体语言和声音的结合,看图片,练习说英语单词 游戏:猜单词,三个人一组,最后一个人猜,然后大声的把英语说出来,如果不会就说汉语,老师再引导小朋友说英语 6.情景:到小吃店吃吃东西。Waiter:what would you like to eat? We have apples, bananas, cakes.另一个老师:a banana please。学生:an apple, please.Waiter: some cakes? 7.拓展:指着幻灯片 is it a frog(指着大象) ,T用中文再解释一遍,引导学生回答yes 或no 8.处理作业,捏字母

Uni4 find the hidden letters

一、教学目标:1.字母:H I J K

2.单词:horse, house, hen, ice cream, jacket, kite

3.句子:it\'s the letter K.

Look at my kite.

二、教学过程:1.T:Good morning ,Roy.How are you today? 你今天好吗?

教师示范回答I\'m fine.简单教授 Let\'s review what we have learned last time.①字母表演A-G, you gue, I act.然后老师和学习交换角色 ②mime the animals.T act, S gue.交换角色

③listen to the tape.关于字母的小朗诗,复习字母A-G Look at the screen.Look! It\'s a frog.复习上节课的关于动物的单词 Today we\'ll go on to learn the letters.教字母HIJK,读,写字母

字母游戏①字母排序 分大小写两组,S和shine 比赛,看谁先把错乱的字母顺序排好

② 看谁快,字母大小写两组,T说字母,学生举起字母

③ bingo 游戏。9字格,shine老师和S 一起做,T随便说9个字母,学生把字母乱填在格子里,老师说三个字母,S画圈,当圈在横竖斜都是一条直线的时候,喊一声bingo

④ 找出图中的字母

春天来了,会出现哪些变化呢?我们穿什么?吃什么?Have you found any changes? Anything else? 如果在北方,冰雪会融化。The ice will be melted.到了夏天,好多小朋友都喜欢吃ice cream。Yes,冰淇林 Look!What\'s it? 指着母鸡的图片。 It\'s a hen.教读单词 类似的方法引入其他单词 House kite Play a game 猜单词:a看图片,b 做动作,c猜 搭配:单词和字母 做练习


Unit 5 the falling letters

一、教学目标:1.字母:L M N


3.句子:this is the letter L.Please read after me.Look! Wow!


三、歌曲:听磁带,chant and sing






五、过程:1.Free-talk T:Good morning, Roy.How are you today? 引导学生回答I\'m fine.Thank you.

Ok.Let\'s review what we have learned last time.Play a game ①敲字母,再交换角色

② 滚雪球游戏:老师说A,学生说ABC,这样接下去

③ I\'m A.Follow me.持有字母B的就跟着A T 表演,学生猜单词:horse hen kite„„

复习这些单词是以哪个字母开头的,写在黑板上 2.Presentation 学习新字母L M N,教读音和写法

字母游戏,巩固:① 听音摘字母,分大小写

② 抢板凳,把字母贴在凳子上,T说一个字母,学生和shine 就去抢哪个凳子

③ 表演猜字母,写在黑板上

④ 找出图中的字母 教授新单词:lemon lamp mango nose T:吃水果的好处有哪些。 学生回答

T: do you like a mango? T: Where is your nose? 单词游戏:听单词,画图

句子: this is the letter L.Please red after me.

Look.The letter A.T: 春游要带哪些水果呢? Watermelon orange pineapple

T: do you know which season apple is ripe? 做练习part 3 What color is the apple? Red 举例说说哪些事物的颜色是red Color the letters red Sing a song 捏字母

Unit 6 fun with letters

一、教学目标:1.字母:O P Q

2.单词:orange, pineapple, queen,balloon, plane, table

3.句子:let\'s make an o.

Stand up! Sit down.

Come here.Go back.

Run to the window.

Hop to the door.

二、情景: 认识新朋友,字母OPQ,和它们一起玩

三、教学过程:1.Free -talk

四、T:good morning, Roy.How are you today? 复习这句话的意思,以及回答 I\' m fine,thank you.T: How old are you? 用汉语再解释一遍。引导小朋友数数 I\'m 7.我7岁。

比较这两个句子的相同处和不同处。区别句子的意思以及该如何回答。 2.Review T: Let\'s review what we have learned last time.复习上节课所学内容

① 字母卡片。老师拿出三个或者四个字母,让学生仔细看,然后偷偷拿走一张 T:what is miing? 哪张不见了? 考察学习的记忆力和观察力 ② 鸵鸟游戏。2人背对背,手拿字母,老师树123,两人同时转过身来面对彼此,谁先说出对方手中的单词即获胜 ③ 表演字母,猜一猜

④ 看PPT,T:Is it a banana?(芒果) 引导学生 用yes 或者no回答 3.教授新单词O P Q读音、写法 游戏:① 敲字母,再交换角色;

② 点名游戏:T:Aa ,持Aa卡片的说“Here I am”

③ 大写找小写

④ bingo 游戏

⑤ A-apple。 B-banana。C-cake。 D-dog 4.教授新单词

What kind of fruit shall we eat in autumn/ summer? 学生总结

教今天的新单词orange, pineapple, queen T说单词,学生画画 5.练习

① T:Which of the following can go up in the sky? Which of the following can go down in the water? ② T:Now, please look at this.This is a route.You need to say each letters on the route and then try to find the thing in the picture.Color this route with different colors. ③ 听指令做动作

Unit 7 animal fun

一、教学目标:1.字母R S T

2.单词:Rabbit,snake,turtle, ruler,make

3.句子:what are they? They are rabbits.

What are they doing? They are making the letter \"R\"

Go forward 2 spaces! Go back 3spaces!

二、游戏:1.丢色子,丢到几,就走几格。遇到go forward 2 spaces 就前进;两格,遇到go back 3spaces就退后三格






Unit 8 play and score

一、教学目标:1.字母:U V W

2.单词:Umbrella, vest, window, watermelon, ant, juice

3.句子:Aa is for apple.What\'s behind the clouds?

The rabbit is behind the clouds.


2.比赛:A is for apple.一直继续下去,看谁不间断或者间断次数少,谁就赢

3.看图片,猜猜what\'s behind the clouds?

4.Say and show,表演字母


三、练习:draw and colour

Umbrella, window, vest \'


Unit 9 write and colour the letters

一、教学目标:1.字母: X Y Z

2.单词:fox, pencil, yo-yo, brush, eraser, ruler, zebra

3.句子:colour it blue.Can you read one letter?

Of course, I can.

That\'s great.




Unit5 My robot helper 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) 1.通过学习本单元进一步培养创造性的思维 2.用英语学习和简单了解青蛙的生长过程 3.初步掌握用现在完成时的句型来询问对方 教学重点



task4(p28) Task6(p29)

task7(p29) 重点词汇和句型(key words and expreions)

Finish, already, drum, sledge, suitcase, torch, tent, pyramid, castle, cave Have you finished your homework? No, I haven’t.Don’t worry! I’ve got a helper.What’s he called? He’s called Robot.Is he helping you do homework? Have you got a robot to help you? 教学步骤(teaching steps)

1.第一节课花15-20分钟的时间复习上单元内容,通过单词卡片等教育来复习。2.学习新的内容 ⑴导入——上课时跟学生打招呼后问学生,have you had your breakfast? What did you have? Have you washed your face? Have you cleaned your teeth? Can you get someone to help you? Who is he\\she\\it? 利用这些来导入完成时的句型,然后拿出教具说 this is my helper.It’s called robot.He can help me do many things.He can help me do my homework.He can help me clean the room.然后问学生have you got a robot? Can your robot help you do these things? (2) so today, we are going to study about robot.First ,we are going to study some new words.Finish, already, drum, sledge, suitcase, torch, tent, pyramid, castle, cave 学习单词用到的游戏 1.老师读一遍,学生读三遍 2.大小声 3.手指游戏 4.争上游


然后重点学习本单元的新句型,也就是task1的内容。由于这部分内容涉及现在完成时,所以简单讲解后让同学做大量的操练来掌握现在完成时的用法。首先假设有个同学没来上课,然后老师问where is xiaoming?回答:他去北京了。应该说 he has gone to Beijing.这个时候要给学生解释现在完成时到底是什么意思, 然后把he 分别换成I , she, you ,we做相应的句型变化。



Task 2,4,6,7都是句型练习,这几部分不需要做过多的讲解,而是让学生通过分组,换对话人,进行男女对话等多种形式来练习,学生在练习的同时,老师要拿出该部分的单词图片,这样学生在对话的同时又对单词进行了巩固。

这部分有个重点句型是What’s he called?

He’s called Robot。在讲解这个句型的时候,要重点讲解这句话的意思,尽量少讲被动语态。What’s he called?的意思就是what’s his name? he’s called robot的意思是 he is robot或者his name is robot.练习这个句型的时候,用到一口气的游戏。即老师用一口气不停的说这两句话,比如说了8遍,然后以8遍为标准,让学生跟老师pk。如果学生一口气能说8遍以上,给加分奖励。这个游戏的目的是激励学生大量操练句型,然后熟悉这个句型,从而淡化被动语态这种复杂的语法。

在一口气的操练完成后,进行扩展,把he 换成其他人称,让学生做同样的操练。






Unit 1 What was the wearther like yesterday? 教学目的和要求:

*通过学习进一步学习有关天气的词汇 *能用简单的英语来描述天气 *学会用过去时来询问过去的天气


What was the weather like yesterday? It was windy.It’s always hot.Last winter the north was cold, and the east windy.

交际词汇:humid, foggy, dry, drizzling, thundering, clear, mild, warm, England, India, London, Australia,, Paris, Greece, Italy.

教学用具: weather, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, rainbow, wet, cold, hot, sky, etc.


Part 1

上课时可以用以前学过的句型问大家,What’s the weather like today? Is it sunny? Is it cloudy? Is it rainy?紧接着,教师拿出一些相关的天气图片给大家看,并对大家说,Now, look here.I’ve got many pictures.What are they?然后,让学生一张一张地复习已会的单词。在学生比较熟练掌握单词后,拿出几个新的单词图片说,Look, It’s drizzling.Do you know “drizzling”“?毛毛细雨”It’s drizzling.Now use this picture to answer my question.What’s the weather like in this picture?教师可以问几遍,然后再学习新的单词。如:foggy, dry, clear, humid, thundering 等。教师给出中文意思的时候,不必说整句话,只需给出某个单词的意思即可。之后,教师可以教新的句型。Now listen carefully.Who can answer my next question? What was the weather like yesterday? Do you know “yesterday”? What was the weather like yesterday?说此句子的时候要特别强调句子中的was, yesterday.如果有学生举手发言,就可以跟该学生进行问答。教师边说边把两个问句写在黑板上,然后用彩色粉笔标出不同之处,同时给出不同的答语。当学生能明白句子时,对学生说,Now I want you to practice the questions and answers in pairs.练习后,教师说Now which pair wants to do in cla?

Part 2

Now please close your books.Let’s listen to a dialogue.Listen very carefully.Later I’m going to ask you some questions./ Where’s the first man from? / What was the weather like in last winter? Where’s the second man from? / Is it always hot in ? / Was it hot last winter?学生问答了问题之后,教师对学生说,Now please open your books.Let’s read this dialogue.Please read after me .

Part 3

Let’s compare these two pictures.You see, in Picture A there is a policeman and an old woman.But in Picture 2 there is a policeman and a boy.What other different things can you see? Who knows?

Part 4

,按要求把图画出来。Let’s have a quick look at yesterday’s weather report.Among some of the big cities, there was a bit snow in Beijing .Many people went outside and played with snowballs.In Lanzhou , it was clear .Many people went shopping and stayed in the parks.But Guangzhou had a thunder shower.It cooled down the hot air .In Dalian , it was sunny and hot.Many people swam in the sea.In Chongqing it was a bit foggy.In Wuhan there was a strong wind .Now let’s look at today’s weaher…

Part 5


Part 6


练习一可以让学生以小组为单位进行竞赛。先让学生分组拼出单词,然后将所拼出的词写在黑板上。每拼对一个词给10分,最后算总分。Now let’s play a word-spelling game .We’ve got an apple tree here .On each apple there’s a letter.Work in groups and spell the words out.When you finish , run to the blackboard and copy them down.Later we’ll see how many minutes you’ve used and how many correct words you’ve got.Is it clear ? Now let’s begin.在学生以小组为单位拼写的时候,教师可以在黑板上标出每个小组的地盘,准备让每组的学生拼写用。

练习二It’s a sunny day.A pretty girl is standing in front of a bus stop.Not far from her, there’s a bus coming.She is holding an umbrella.On the umbrella , there is a little bird sitting on the top.A young boy, who is next to the girl , wants to catch the bird.注:由于第三级涉及的内容较多,词汇量较大,建议教师每单元用5个课时完成。4个课时之后,留一部分作为家庭作业或下次在课堂上继续完成。



Make a telephone call.

上课时,教师让一个学生站到最前面,另一个站到教室的最后面,表示两个人在不同的城市用“电话”谈论天气,可以使用所学过的有关天气的单词。教师要适当地给学生一些指导。比如,Hello, what’s the weather like in Shanghai today? What was the weather like yesterday? Do you want to go outside today? 等等。在学生表演的时候,教师可以让学生复习地名、国名等。教师可以用英语这样说,Now, let’s play a game.I want you to ask questions and answer the questions over the telephone.Let’s see what you are going to talk about.You may use the words we’ve learned today.Later you can also use country and city names.


Let’s gue the word on the blackboard.

教师事先准备若干个有关天气的单词卡或图片。上课时,教师对大家说,Now I want you to play a game.Look, on the blackboard there are many words.But they’re facing down.One person can come to the front.After I say a word, you can decide which word needs to be turned over.If you turn the right card over within the next 30 seconds, you whole group can have one minute break in cla.If not , you will lose one score by turning the wrong card.

The first correct pick will be given 25 points./ The second correct pick will be given 25 points.

The third correct pick will be given 12.5 points. / The fourth correct pick will be given 6.5 points.

The fifth correct pick will be given 3 points.第一轮完成之后,教师可以将所有的卡片重新安排一遍,再继续第二个学生。Finally we’ll see which group has got more points than others.


1.Listen to the weather report every day and take a careful note.Then , draw a diagram to show each day’s weather report.2.Listen to the tape of Part 5, three times .And for the last time , you may close your books and listen to the tape to see whether you can remember each paage.

剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 2 What\'s the favourite season?


*使学生在掌握天气的基础上进一步扩大有关季节方面的知识 *使学生能用简单的英语表达有关季节的内容 *通过阅读短文巩固和扩大词汇量 交际句型:

What is your favourite season? Which season is it? It’s getting warmer and warmer.It’s not too hot and not too cold.交际词汇:island, shining, swan, difference, poible, crops, ripe, club, compete, divide, enjoy, plant,, sunglaes, field, boots, season


上课时可以用学生们较熟悉的内容来引出话题。Now let me ask you some questions.What’s your favouite colour? What’s your favourite food? What’s your favourite fruit ? What’s your favourite subject? 然后问,What’s your favourite season? 如果学生能回答上来的话,教师就可以继续问几个学生。如果学生不知道如何回答时,教师就可以问,Do you like spring? Do you like summer? 此时,教师还可以问一些相关的问题,How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? What’s your favourite season? 在学生回答问题的基础上,教师可以让学生猜谜语。教师说,Good! Now I want you to gue some riddles.Which season is it?教师可以分别说出第三部分的谜语,让学生猜。猜完之后,可以让大家听录音,并让学生跟着录音带一起朗读本部分的小短文。由于此部分没有多少单词,所以教师可以让学生熟读此段内容。在此基础上,对学生说,I know that many of you like spring .Some of you like summer.Some of you like autumn or winter.Do you know what season I like? Ok.Autumn is my favourite season.Last year my friend and I went camping with the children’s club.After we got to the camping place„接下来将本单元第四部分的故事讲完。讲故事时,不要让学生看书, 同时尽量使用身体语言和手势,使故事更加有意思。Now I want you to listen to the tape once more .Later you’re going to do some exercises.

本单元为有一些用于朗读的小段子。教师可以将这些内容分别处理。比如第五部分比较容易,教师可以让学生直接朗读。而第六部分,则可以让学生每人试着读。教师可以这样对学生说,Now let’s read Part 5 together.This is not difficult.All of you know how to say it.Now let’s begin.Very good, this time I will leave you a new paage.I want you to read it loudly by yourself.I’m sure you can read it.If you don’t know.I can help you.Now you may begin.最后教师让学生朗读,然后再让学生听录音,一起跟着朗读。


一、练习三。在适当的时候,教师可以安排学生两人一组进行交谈。练习四的单词并不太难,学生可以自己学会该内容。 教师关键在于把握好学生活动的时间与节奏,随时进行调整。



Part 7


This is a very small town.People here live a happy life.They enjoy the sea, the beach, the gra, the hills and the weather.The weather here is rather changeable.Sometimes in the same town you can experience different weathers.

Look! On the seaside .Many people are playing on the beach.The weather is very hot.Oh, where is the sun?

Please draw a red sun above the buildings.Right! And draw a blue duck on the sea.On the other side of the hill , you can see some black clouds.Why is the man running? Oh.It’s raining.Please draw some raindrops.And also draw an umbrella in the man’s hand.On this side of the hill the weather is very nice.There are there beautiful flowers.

Please colour the left flower yellow, the right flower green and the middle flower red.On the gra, two boys are playing football.Yes, please draw a football between the two boys.On the right two dogs are playing.Please draw a brown ball between the two dogs.Look! Under the big tree, there are some children singing .In the tree there are two birds.They are singing, too.

Please colour them purple.Good! 教学活动:


I like spring because ….

教师首先用英语对学生说,You know that there are four seasons in a year.Do you know how many people in our cla like spring? Now there’s a season in each corner.教师将事先准备好的分别写有四季的纸张贴在每个角的位置上。I want you to go to your favourite colour and stand there.You stand there and say why you like spring.The other group may disagree.And you can say why you like the season.This time you want to see which group has got more to say.教师组织这个活动的意义是让学生能用英语表达自己想要说的意思。


Brainstorming each season!

此项活动的目的是让学生用不同的词语来描述某个季节,开拓学生的思维与联想。具体的操作方式如下。教师对学生说,Spring is a beautiful season.What things can be used to describe spring? What things are related to spring.Who can give me a word? Let me give you an example.Trees„ because in spring the trees turn into green.其他的词还有:

Spring: flowers, warm, green, birds, windy, gra, happy, kite, camping, picnics, mild, sunny, festival, holiday, rain

Summer: hot, shorts, long days, short nights, green, flowers, gra, birds, sunny, lightning, thundering, swim, T-shirt, shirt, ice cream, cold water, fridge, swimming, skirts, beach, sand, thundershower

Autumn: cool, beautiful, clear, blue sky, happy, joyful, school, holiday, leaves, yellow, crops, jobs, traveling, visit, fall

Winter: cold, grey, warm, heat, fire, hard, windy, stay at home, gloves, boots, sweater, overcoat, festival, snow, snowball, not interesting, nothing to do, no interesting, nothing to do, no gra, freeze


1.Find or draw your own season pictures and write a paragraph under each picture like the ones in Part.3 2.Listen to the tape of this unit and read it aloud.

剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 3 When did Bob get up yesterday?



*学会按照时间的顺序对所做的事情进行描述 初步学习和掌握几个时间的概念和表达方式 交际句型: What did Bob do yesterday morning? Bob got up very early.When did Bill and Fred spend a vacation together? How did he come here? Where did you take him? 交际词汇:

local, mountains, later, hide-and-seek, repair, alarm, windowsill, beard, arrive, gun, kill, clerk,, follow


本单元目的是要学生学会用一般过去时来表达在过去时间里所做的事情。上课一开始可以对学生说,Today is Monday.All of you come to school.But yesterday was Sunday.All of you stayed at home.Now let me ask you some questions about your weekend.What did you do yesterday ? Did you go to the cinema? What did you do yesterday?当有些学生能用英语回答这个问题时,就可以继续问几个学生。问完之后,对学生说,Do you want to find out what your partner did yesterday ? Now I’ll give you 2 minutes.You can ask your partner can tell you what he did yesterday.Later I’m going to ask you some questions about your friend.So you’d better know better know what your friends did yesterday.Now please begin.在学生问答的时间里,教师应反复检查并督促学生坚持说英语,尽量多说英语句子保证每个人都在练习。


在此基础上,教师就可以提出下一个问题。I have a friend.His name is Bob.Do you know what he did yesterday? Now let’s listen to the tape and see what he did yesterday.I want you to pay attention to the following times.教师将下列时间写在黑板上。

Yesterday morning, / After breakfast, / Later on, / In the afternoon, / In the evening,

What did Bob do at each time ? Now listen carefully.Do you understand? Do you want to listen to it again? Yes or No? 之后,教师根据黑板上提示的时间问大家,What did Bob do yesterday morning ? What did Bob do after his breakfast ?..


What did Bob do yesterday morning?

What did Bob do after his breakfast?

What did Bob see at the foot of the mountains?

What did Bob do later on?

What did Bob do in the afternoon?

What did Bob do in the evening?



第六部分。听到时间后,画出所给时间。9:15 , 2:20 , 4:45 , 11:05 , 7:30

第四部分。如有可能,教师可以让学生们一边听一边给图上的动作标出时间。最后再由学生两人一组进行描述。可以这样说,Now let’s look at Part4.In this part, we can see a small boy.His name is Jack.He does many things every day.Now let’s listen to the tape and write down the time next to the picture.听完录音之后问, Have you written down the time? Ok.Let’s listen to it again.之后,教师说, Now, let’s check the time„ Very good.Who can tell us about this boy’s time? What does he do every day?

One sleeping in bed

Two being woken up by the alarm clock

Three yawning and getting up

Four putting on clothes, brushing your teeth and washing your face

Five having breakfast

Six taking down the school bag from the wall

Seven opening the door and feeling surprised

Eight stepping back and taking an umbrella

Now we are going to listen to a story.Gue what it is! What happened? Listen carefully.先让学生听录音,了解学生是否知道故事的大意。如果知道,可以再听一遍。如果学生不太懂,教师就应该让学生打开书,一起朗读该文章。教师可以提问学生,了解他们是否明白。接着,让大家表演该短剧。表演之后还可以做专题采访。 一个是警察,另一个是银行里的职员。



Draw your own time table.

做完了练习的第三部分后,教师可以让学生按照所学的内容(18页)自己设计一个时间表。该时间表应包括两个内容,第一是时间,第二是做什么样的动作。教师可以适当给学生一些帮助。比如, At 7:30, I got up, and from 7:40 to 8:00 I ate breakfast.在学生做完时间表后,教师应让学生进行交流一下。教师可以让学生进行一下交流。教师可以让大家互相描述自己的时间表。 (2)

Rearrange the sequence of the story

上课前,教师可以将本单元第一或第七部分的故事复印、放大并剪成六张小图。上课时,教师将这些图的顺序打乱贴在黑板上。然后教师可以对学生说,These pictures tell a story.Do you know which picture comes first? Which comes second? Which comes third or fourth?......Who can come to the blackboard and rearrange the pictures?当某个学生到前面来调整顺序后,教师问学生, Is it correct? Does anybody want to make some change?如果有人愿意调整,可以继续。当调到正确位置的时候,教师说, OK..Very good.Now I’m going to tell you this story.Please listen carefully.You can find out whether the pictures are in the correct order or not.进行此或时,教师不要让学生看书,直到活动完成为止。


1.Write a short paage about what you did yesterday evening , using past tense.2.Listen the tape of this Unit once and read Part 1,2,3 and of this unit once.

剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 4 You look better today


*通过学习进一步复习形容词的用法。 *初步学习有关人的情感的形容词

*通过学习初步掌握系动词加表语的用法 *鼓励大家多参加校内校外课外体育活动 交际句型:

You look better today.Don’t work too hard!

You should look after yourself.Don’t worry!

I have a headache and a stomachache.交际词汇:horrible, expensive, boring, strange, friendly, cheap, dangerous, beautiful, tired, show, tongue, else.


上课时表现出惊讶的样子,对某个学生的新衣服、新理的发、新样式的鞋等做出评论说,You look beautiful today! When did you buy the dre? You look happy today! Any good news? You look tired.What happened? You look cold.You’d better put on more clothes.You look hot.Please open the window.You look sad.Any bad news? 如果学生能回答教师的问题,教师就可以自动连接到本单元的内容上。可以让学生看第七部分的内容。There are many interesting pictures.Let’s see what they are.Read after me first.读完后,教师问,Do you understand these pictures? Who can tell me what each picture means? 这时,教师只说英语单词,学生可以进行翻译。如果学生说对了,教师表示肯定说,Yes.如果不对,教师要说No.Who can try it again? Who can gue it again? 直到大家明白每个意思为止。接下来,教师说,Now let’s make sentences.Who can make the sentences with the word “tired”? 依次类推。完成了第七部分后,对学生说,Ok! Good! You’ve done a very good job.Now I want you to close your books and listen to a dialogue.(第一部分)。Now you can open your books and practice the dialogue in pairs.


第三部分可以该成听力练习。Now listen carefully.Tom is a schoolboy.Yesterday he went to hospital.Do you know what happened to Tom? Let’s listen to the tape and get ready to answer my questions.放两遍录音。Now let me ask you some questions.

What’s the matter with Tom?

What did the doctor ask Tom to do?

What did Tom eat yesterday?

What else did Tom eat?

Why did Tom eat so many things?


此活动后教师问学生,Do you know why strong people have big muscles? Muscles get bigger and stronger if they are used a lot.That’s why sportswomen and men practice hard and do lots of exercises.教师接着说,We should keep our body healthy.Now please stand up and let’s do some exercises.Listen and follow me.教师可以放第四部分的录音,同时自己根据录音做几个动作,让大家一起模仿。最后,大家跟着录音一起说和做。

第五部分是让学生根据图画来讨论该学生一天的活动。教师可以先让学生两人一组练习,在练习过程中帮助学生学习单词和组成句子。教师可以这样说,Now let’s look at Part5.You can talk with your partner about these pictures.You’ve got some phrases here.You can use them.If you don’t know how to read them, you can ask me.I can tell you.学生做的时候,肯定有一些学生不会读某些单词,当他们问教师的时候,教师可以一一告诉他们。如果问的人较多,教师就说,Ok, stop here.Let’s read the phrases first.Some of you have difficulties.Please read after me.带读几遍之后,教师再说,All right.You can go on talking about the pictures in pairs now.2分钟后,让他们讲一讲这些图片。

可以把第六部分作为阅读理解练习。让学生自己先阅读一二遍,然后集体朗读一遍,然后边听录音中的问题,边判断是否正确,可以集体一起做。 练习一的题型与考试相似。先让学生自己阅读并填写出必要的单词。然后再进行核对。Headache, doctor, hospital, nurse, school, smiled

练习三是一道听、写、做动作的形式。Now, look at me carefully.I’m going to let you listen to the tape and at the same time watch me.It’s very easy if you listen and watch at the same time.Now let’s begin.放录音带,教师慢慢地做动作。Do you understand? Now please stand up and follow me.重放录音,教师带领大家一起做动作。 Very good.Please sit down.Take out your pens or pencils.You can listen again and write down the miing words 等大家都写完后,教师让1,2,3 组学生念自己的内容,4,5,6组的学生做动作,然后再调换进行。



Make your own finger print pictures.

本单元我们给学生提供了许多用手印做的人的面部表情图。如果上课教师也让学生尝试一下自己做手印图,将是一件很有趣的事。上课前准备油印和纸。Today we are going to do an interesting thing.I want you to study the fingerprint faces very carefully.Do you think they are funny? Now I want you to do it on your own.I’ll provide each group with a fingerprint oil, and each person a piece of paper.You can print your fingerprints first.Then add some extra things on the fingerprint faces.Finally you write a word and tell us what his/her expreion is.Ok.Let’s begin.做此游戏时,教师注意一定要让学生配上英文单词。另外,学生之间要有所交流。 (2)

Say adjectives only!

由于本单元学习和使用了一些形容词,因此在课上教师可以让学生做一个游戏。游戏时,教师让全班学生站起来,由教师起个头,说一个形容词,同时传一个玩具。当学生接到这个玩具时,一定要说一个英语的形容词。比如, old, 别的学生就接young等。凡说的不是形容词的学生要先坐下,游戏要看谁最后一个才坐下。教师可以给予获胜者必要的奖励。教师说,OK, now we are going to play another game.This time we want to say adjectives.All of you please stand up.I start with a word.Meanwhile I’ll throw this, when you get or catch this, you should say an adjective, then other people will continue. 家庭作业:

1.Find out all the adjective words in this unit as many as poible and copy them once in your exercise books.2 .Recite the words of Part 7.

剑桥少儿英语三级上 Unit 5 Who was the best?


* 进一步复习和巩固有关动物的词汇 * 进一步学习和巩固形容词最高级形式 * 学会和掌握最高级的问话形式

交际句型:Who was the best? / Am I the one who fly highest? / Who is the biggest person in your cla? 交际词汇:discu, among, exclaim, fox, clever, eagle, agree, useful, compare, test, difficult, beach, feather, wake 复习内容:有关动物的名词


上课时,教师首先给大家提出一些问题,Everybody! Listen carefully.I’m going to ask you some questions.Let’s see who can answer my questions quickly.

Who is the biggest person in your cla?

Who is the tallest student in your cla?

Who is the shortest child in your cla?

Who is the cleverest one in your cla?

学生回答完这四个问题后,教师可以让学生学会连贯表达,Zhang Ming is the biggest person in our cla.Liu Tong is the tallest student in our cla.Li Man is the shortest child in our cla.Wang Fei is the cleverest one in our cla.教师还是先让一个学生说,然后集体再一起练习几遍。

接下来教师说,So much for the questions and answers.Please look here.教师拿出一些动物的图片或实物问大家,Do you still remember these animals? Let’s see whether you can say them out.当碰到生词eagle, fox, cow的时候,教师就可以顺便教大家。在大家学习、复习了这些单词后,教师就可以说,I’m sure you like animals.Do you like to listen to a story about animals? Good! I’m going to tell you a story.Listen very carefully.Later I’ll ask you some questions.One day many animals were talking.They wanted to know who was the best among them„教师继续讲书中的故事。应注意,当讲到一些较难的词时,教师应先找容易的词替换一下,比如,discu= talk, exclaimed=shouted, shouted=cried out, agreed=all said “yes”当学生明白了故事的大意后,教师可以让大家打开书,朗读课文,进一步熟悉该文章。数遍之后,教师对学生说,Now I want you to retell the story to your partner .You can use the sentences from this paage.

第四部分。Now we’ve got a very interesting picture here.There is something wrong with the animals.They are doing the wrong things.Let’s find out the mistakes.For example, the fish should swim in the river.It shouldn’t be on the gra.Do you know that? Who can find out another problem and talk about it?教师引导学生逐一找出问题。如:The octopus shouldn’t be in the gra.It should be in the water.

The panda shouldn’t be in the water.It should be on the gra.The horse shouldn’t fly in the air.It should be on the ground.

The butterfly shouldn’t be in the water.It should be on the flower.

教师给学生做出示范后,让学生两人一组找出其余的错误。Everybody.Listen carefully.You can only use English to talk about the pictures.Don’t talk in Chinese.

第五部分是两段小幽默。可以先让学生自己看,然后再提问学生。Look, we’ve got two humors here.I want you to read them first.Let’s see who can tell us the meaning of these humors.You can read them now.如果学生能用中文解释,教师就不必再说。如果学生不知其中的意思,教师就可以重点解释一下feather duster.教师可以先问,Do you know feather?可以用图片,然后在黑板上画一个鸡毛掸子,问学生,Do you know feather duster?通常学生看到图片后,就不再有什么问题了。

第二部分。教师可以找一些平时考试用的卷子、中考的卷子等,对学生说,This test is difficult.This test is more difficult.This is the most difficult test I have ever done!可以将此句话的中文意思告诉大家,“这是我做过的卷子中最难的一个”。其次再给出第二中图片。Now you can look at the second group of pictures.You can also read the sentences next to the pictures.Let’s see whether you can understand them or not.



Who can make correct sentences!

上课前,教师可以从教学图片中挑出许多有关动物的图片,并将其复印、放大及缩小,能用于表达大、比较大、最大即可。要复印若干套图片,保证上课每人一张。每种动物都是大、中、小。教师上课时将图片混在一起发给每一个学生,然后任意叫一个学生到前面。该学生应拿着自己的图片说出一个句子。当该生说完句子之后,紧接着拿起比其动物小的或比其大的要迅速跑到前面要造出一个比较级或最高级的句子。哪个句子造对了就给哪个组加分。之后,教师可以再叫另一个学生上去,继续说自己手里的动物。教师可以用英语这样说,Now I have animals.I’ll give each one of you one kind of animal.I want you to make sentences with these animals.OK.I’ll give you an example.Zhang Ming, please come to the front and say a sentence with the animal in your picture.学生说, This is a dog.教师马上问, Who has got a smaller dog? Come here quickly.拿一只小点儿狗的学生上来说,This dog is smaller than that dog.教师接着问, Who has got the biggest dog? Come here.拿最大狗的学生上来说,My dog is the biggest of the three.教师对全班说, If you say one correct sentence, you get 10 points for your group.Do you understand? Now, let’s begin this game.


Let’s make sentences!

教师将学生分成每三人一组,在组里做句型练习。 同时为每组选一个监督员,检查竞赛结果。游戏开始时, 教师举一个单词给全班学生看。每组由一个学生迅速造出一个相关的句子,然后第二个学生造出一个比较级的句子,再由第三个学生造出一个最高级的句子。当第三个学生都造完时,小组的学生可以句举手示意,教师根据名次记分。第一名10分,第二名5分,第三名3分,第四名1分。然后,教师给出第二个单词,继续造句比赛。教师可以这样说,Now let’s have a competition.This time it’s sentence-making.I’ll divide you into groups.Three people in one group.I’ll give you a word.One person in your group makes a sentence quickly.The second person also makes a sentence.But it should be comparative degree.Then the third sentence should be superlative degree.We’ll find a person to check your group.The first group who has finished will get 10 points.The second gets 5 points.The third gets 3 points.The fourth gets 1 point.Do you understand? Let’s begin.


1.Make 5 sentences using superlative degrees and write them down on the exercise books.2.Draw a picture of any kind, indicating the comparative and superlative degrees and write down three sentences under the picture.


Dog, elephant, fish and giraffe教案




1,教小朋友认识英文字母D,E, F,G, 以及一些以D,E, F,G,字母开头的简单动物单词 三,教学重点 1,英文字母DEFG 2,以DEFG字母开头的简单动物单词 四,教学难点 1,单词的记忆 五,教具准备 1,动物卡片 2,字母卡片 3,积分劵

六,教学过程 第一节课

1,花点时间温习一下上节课学习的内容,大家一起唱一下ABC儿歌 2,直接讲今天的DEFG四个英文字母。采用猜谜说字母游戏的方法来讲。游戏规则是:双峰倒影——W 山连着山——M 彩云追月——G 引蛇出动——Q

1减1不等于0——H 1加3不等于4——B 日偏食——C 独脚台——T 不倒翁——O 钓鱼钩——J 一把椅子——h 半个月亮——D 第二节课


2,教学动物英文单词,例如dog, elephant, fish等。给每个小朋友发一些小动物的卡片,每教一个就叫小朋友们快速找出那个对应的卡片。全部教学完毕后考考小朋友们的记忆力,老师说动物名称的英文名,小朋友们快速把对应的动物卡片拿出来 第三节课

总结一下今天的内容,再最后复习一下今天学习的字母跟动物名称。 布置作业:在今天学习的动物中,选一个自己喜欢的动物画出来,然后写上它的英文单词。


BEC Preliminary

Unite1a Job Descriptions Objectives: To enable Ss to talk about jobs

To practice listening for specific information

To review the present simple Materials needed: Caette- Pa Cambridge BEC Preliminary ★Duties Warmer

T elicits to what extent Ss use busine cards.Listening 1

Ss listen to identify speakers at a Chamber of Commerce meeting.要点解析

1. Chamber of commerce: 商会,它是一种地方性的社团组织,旨在通过宣传促进当地的商贸发展,并以各种服务方式和活动为其成员提供商务机会。 2. Human resources manager: 人力资源部经理, = the manager of the human resources department; human resources 的缩写形式为HR.3. Hayes Busine Park: 海思商务园区。Park 一词在此不作―公园‖解,该词在这里的意思是―园区‖,指有某种用途的―专用场地‖。例如:science park 高科技圆区。

4. Becton Court: 贝克顿街,court 的意思是―(三面有房屋的)短街‖。 5. Consultant: 在此译为―咨询(或顾问)公司‖,即指consultancy: 承接咨询

BEC Preliminary

业务的顾问公司。Consultant 用于表达―咨询公司‖的例子还有:a network consultants 网络咨询公司,a management consultants 管理咨询公司。Information technology services PLC 作为公司名称可译为:信息技术服务有限公司,但这是一家股票上市公司。PLC 为public limited company 的缩写,意思是―公开招股有限公司;股票上市公司‖。

Regal Frozen Products: 雷戈尔冷冻食品公司,RTLP Consultants: RTLP 顾问公司,Vacupack :真空包装公司,Meridian Financial Products: 马利第安财务公司。国外很多公司的冠名是因企业的性质和类别而定,不一定都会用到像company, corporation, firm 等表示―公司‖意义的单词,我们对此应有所了解,在翻译是根据企业的性质和类别,以及具体语境提供的信息,将―公司‖一词表达出来。 Listening 2 Ss predict two people\'s duties and listen to confirm their predictions before listening again to complete notes about the people.要点解析(听力2录音文字稿)

1.… produces vaccines against hepatitis and so on.句中against 的意思是―以……为抵御(或抵抗),抗……‖, 如:vaccines against cholera 抗霍乱的疫苗: ―We have to study English history, political and so on.我们必须学习英国历史、政治等等。

2.I‘m also responsible for our publicity material: 我们主管公司对外宣传的材

BEC Preliminary

料。Be responsible for: 对……负责;主管……。 3.work-related: 与工作有关的。 4.be satisfied: 对… 感到满意。

5.But people do sometimes come to discu personal problems with me.句中do 一词用于加强语气。如:Do be careful.千万当心。又如:I do like swimming.我真的喜欢游泳。

6.… both the succeful and unsucceful ones.是the applicants 的同位语,ones 为代名词one 的复数形式,代替前面提到的the applicants.7.… which isn‘t a pleasant part of the job: 这是我工作中令人不愉快的一面。? 这是一个非限制性关系分句,指的是主句中information employees 一事。 Language focus

Ss review the form of the present simple.Reading

Ss scan questions for key vocabulary and decide which person from the busine cards each question is for.Speaking

Ss do a Find someone who ...activity.★Talking about your job Vocabulary

Ss match sentence halves about one of the people from the busine cards and focus on language for talking about jobs.Speaking

Ss work in pairs and interview their partner about his/her job in preparation for writing a newsletter article.Self-study

BEC Preliminary


Matching exercise (verbs and nouns).Ss then think of another noun to go with each verb.

Word-building exercise (nouns and verbs).

Gap-fill exercise using the nouns and verbs. Exam practice

Multiple-choice gap-fill text (Reading Test Part 6 ★Summary Eential vocabulary Jobs Accountant Consultant

Human resources (HR) manager Work To work as (+job) To work for (+company) Duties To attend (a meeting) To deal with (a problem) To discu (problems) To give (advice) To interview (applicants)

Marketing manager Sales executive

To work in (the food industry)

To involve (a record) To organize (a conference) To provide (a service) To be responsible for (+-ing)

BEC Preliminary

General To advertise Applicant To be based on

★ Homework Self-study

Department Financial products Head Personnel

BEC Preliminary

Unit 1b Working Condition Objectives: To enable Ss to talk about working conditions

To practice reading for gist and for specific information

To review adverbs of frequency

Materials needed: None ★Comments about work Warmer

T asks Ss whether they have a suggestions/comments box at work.Reading

Ss look at comments made by employees and answer comprehension questions.要点解析

1. Prefer (to ): (两者中)宁愿选择(其中之一),例:I prefer tea to coffee.茶和咖啡,我更喜欢茶。 I prefer singing to acting.我宁愿唱歌而不愿意演戏。两个例句中的to 均为介词,后接名词或动词的-ing 形式。

2. We frequently run out of stationery…: 我们很快就用光了文具。Run out of: 用完;耗尽,例如:He always runs out of money before payday.他总是没等到发薪水就把钱用完了。

3. Break down: (机器)停止运转,坏掉,出故障。例:The car can broke down.汽车坏了。

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4.giving a presentation: 介绍情况。 Language focus

Ss place adverbs of frequency on a cline according to meaning and review word order of adverbs of frequency.Speaking

Ss use the adverbs of frequency to talk about what they do at/outside work.Ss then decide how they would deal with the problems/comments in the comments box.

★Terms and conditions of employment Vocabulary

Ss match vocabulary in preparation for the reading task.Reading

Ss gist-read a Terms and Conditions of Employment document.They then read the text again and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions.要点解析

1.…in operation: 工作中,实施中,例如:Nowadays, there are a number of different systems in operation.当前,实行着好几种不同的制度。

2.…before your shift is due to start: 在正式上班之前。字面意思是:在约定的班次开始前。句中的due意为:预定的、约定的。例如:The guests are due to arrive here next week.客人们约定下周到达此地。

3.…inform supplies of your size: 将你穿的型号通知物供处。注意动词 inform

BEC Preliminary

的用法:inform sb of sth.通知某人某事。

4.You will be paid at the current overtime rate.句中介词at 的意思是:(价格、速度、数额、程度等)以;达。例如:The apples are sold at 6 pence a pound.这苹果以每磅6 便士的价格出售。Rate 的意思是:计时工资。

5 only days off: 只休息几天。该短语中off 的意思是:不工作、休息。例如:Yesterday was my day off.昨天是我休假的日子。又如 take three days off: 休假3天。


Ss discu their own conditions of employment.★ Summary Frequency words Annually Daily Monthly

Working conditions At (the current) rate Bonus Break Day off

Rarely Weekly

Employment Equipment Health and safety Leave (holiday)

BEC Preliminary

Line manager Overalls Overtime Regulations General Annoying To arrange To break down To consult Efficient

★ Homework Salary Shift Supplies

In operation Instead of A review To run out of Stationery


BEC Preliminary

Unit 2a Company History

Objectives: To enable Ss to describe companies and their


To practice reading for specific information

To review the past simple and prepositions of


Materials needed: No caette needed

Cards - 8 Cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied from T\'s Guide

★ The history of Volkswagen I.Teaching Procedure


T elicits any knowledge/experience of VW/Beetles.Reading

Ss do a quiz about Volkswagen in pairs then scan a text to find answers to the quiz.Ss then answer multiple-choice questions.Vocabulary

Ss scan the text again to pick out target vocabulary.Language focus

Ss review the form of the past simple. 10

BEC Preliminary


Ss exchange information about their own company\'s history.



As far as I know … 据我所知

The first factory was founded in 第一家工厂创建于…… The first factory was located in … 第一家工厂位于……

One of the most popular…in the world 世界上最知名的……之一 Europe‘s largest car-maker 欧洲最大的汽车制造商

II.Language Points


1. People‘s car: 即指大众牌轿车:Volkswagen.2. First of all: 首先;第一。例:First of all, let me say how glad I am to be here.首先,我要说的是我来到这里感到很高兴。

3. …started work on the `people‘s car‘ with money he received from the German government…; …started production with his new American machinery 在这两个句子中,介词with 意为:(表示使用的工具、手段、材料等)用;以;以…方式。而在 ―Today Volkswagen AG is Europe‘s largest car-maker with 242 770 employees and a turnover of $ 65 bn‖ 句子中,with 的意思是为:拥有。阅读时请注意介词with 在不同句子中的意思。

BEC Preliminary

4. Commercial production stopped during the war… ―the war‖ 一词在此指第二次世界大战。

5. …the British helped the local economy by ordering 20 000 cars …; The company continued its globalization by setting up its own production facilities in Australia… 在这两个句子中,介词by 意为:(表示方法、手段、方式)凭借;靠;用;通过。例如:It‘s not fair to judge people by their appearance.以貌取人是不公平的。

6. Instead, Heinrich Nor Hoff took over as Managing Director… instead: 作为替代;反而;却。例如:They didn‘t go by bus; instead, they went there on foot.他们没乘公共汽车,而是步行去那儿的。

7. Volkswagen became a public limited company valued at DM600m.介词at 在此意为:(价格、速度、数额、程度等)以、达。例如:The apples were sold at 6 pence a pound.这苹果以每磅6便士的价格出售。

8. …the future for VW looks every bit as bright as it‘s past.Every bit as…: 完全一样;同样是。 例如:She is every bit as bright as clever as her sister.她像她姐姐一样聪明



以e结尾的动词原形,只要加-d , 例:hate-hated; 动词原形以单辅音字母结尾,而这个辅音字母之前为单元音字母 a, e, I, o, u 的单音节动词时,在加-ed

BEC Preliminary

之前要双写词尾的辅音字母,例如:bed-bedded; stop-stopped; 动词原形以辅音字母+y 结尾时,先把y 改为 I 再加-ed, 例:try-tried; occupy-occupied.参考词语和表达 manufacture 制造

The company started in …公司始建…… It expanded rapidly … 公司发展迅速

In the first few years the annual turnover only came to 开头的几年,年营业额仅达……

Became a public limited company in …于……成为一家上市公司 Formed partnerships with … 和……建立了伙伴关系

When did your company first register? 你们公司最早在哪里注册的? What type of product did your company sell at the very beginning?


★Company profile


Ss match company descriptions with definitions.Speaking

Ss order cards to make a company organigram then describe the company structure.

Ss exchange information about the present situation of their own companies. 13

BEC Preliminary


Eential vocabulary Companies Holding company Joint venture

Activities To buy To expend To export To found To manufacture

General Facilities Partnership Plant

★ Homework

Self-studyParent company

Public limited company (plc) Subsidiary

To own To produce To register To set up To take over

Stake To survive Turnover

BEC Preliminary

Unit 2b Company Activities

Objectives: To enable Ss to describe company activities

To practice reading for specific information

To raise





connectors of addition and contrast

To review the present continuous

Materials needed: None ★Investing in central Europe I.Teaching Procedure


T introduces the topic and elicits Ss\' experience/knowledge.Reading

Ss answer questions based on a diagram showing investment in central Europe.Language focus

Ss review the present simple/continuous contrast and stative verbs.Speaking

Ss discu reasons for inward investment.参考词语和表达

cheap workforce 低廉的劳动力

generous inward investment grants from local governments 当地政府对进

BEC Preliminary


slow economic growth at home 国内经济增长缓慢

rapid development of central/eastern European car-markets 中、东欧汽车市场的迅速发展

good locations for exporting to the former Soviet Union 地理位置有利于向前苏联出口

Having production facilities in Europe enables Asian and US companies to avoid restrictions on imports into Europe.中、东欧洲拥有生产基地使得亚洲和美国的公司可以避开进口欧洲的限制

Investments boost local economies and add to market growth. 投资可以促进当地经济和市场发展。

Higher returns on investments due to low-costs 低成本有利于投资的高回报

★Driving Eastwards I.Teaching Procedure


Ss do a jigsaw reading exercise, before scanning the text to answer ‗Right, Wrong, Doesn\'t say\' questions.


Ss scan the text for connectors of addition/contrast then use the connectors to link information from the text. Speaking

Ss draw and explain maps of their companies\' activities.II.Language Points

BEC Preliminary


1.Driving eastwards: 题目选词可谓独具匠心。本文谈的是汽车的事,因此 driving eastwards 可以是驱车东行,但其真正的含义是向东进发,开拓市场,将汽车制造业及其销售市场移至东欧各地。

2.but he would earn around eight times as much … 句中 would + 动词原形earn, 表示与现在事态相反的情况,而不是过去将来时。例如:If I were to tell him all I know, he would be amazed.如果我把我知道的告诉他,他会很吃惊的(事实是:“我”并没有这么做)。As much : (在此) 同样数量。例如:He has 50 Yuan, and I have as much.他有50 元钱,我也有这么多。 3.in addition to : 除了……之外(还),例如:In addition to apples you asked for, I bought your oranges.除了你要的苹果之外,我还给你买了橘子。 4.sales are growing by up to 41 percent … by: (表示数量、程度等)以、、、、、、之差,例如:The rate of growth fell by 3 percent.增长率下降了3%。Up to: (数目上)多达,达到,例如:This tend can take up to 10 men.这顶帐篷至多可睡10人。

5.Volkswagen … is spending $ 1.8 bn on the car and engine plants… 注意spend 的用法:(1) 用(钱),花费。例如:He spends 200 dollars on a new TV set.他花200 美元买了一台新的电视机。(2)花(时间),度过。例如:I wish you wouldn‘t spend so much time (in) watching TV.我希望你不要花这么多时间看电视。He spent a lot of time on sports.他花很多时间在体育

BEC Preliminary


6.not only …but also: 是连词词组,其中also 可以省略,要注意的是 not only 和 but (also) 所连接的结构要相同。例如:He speaks not only English but also French.他不但会说英语,而且还会说法语。I not only heard it but saw it.我不但听到了,还看到了。

7.in spite of: 不顾,不管。例如:In spite of what you say, I still believe he is honest.不管你说什么,我还是相信他是诚实的。


参考词语和表达 to invest 投资 be located In/at … 位于

to produce a new model 生产新车型 to build new factories/ plants in…在…建新厂 to have a joint venture 拥有一家合资企业

our markets in … develop rapidly 我们在……的市场发展迅速

★ Summary

Addition Also Furthermore Contract Although However

Activities Aembly To build

General To attract Attraction 18

BEC Preliminary

Moreover In spite of Not only … but also Homework


To develop To grow To investment To modernize

To climb Costs To earn Flexible Low Model To receive Van Wages

BEC Preliminary

Unit 3 Exam focus: Vocabulary

Objectives: To provide Ss with useful strategies for coping with unknown vocabulary

To present useful ways of organizing and

storing new vocabulary

Materials needed: Optional- Blank cards for vocabulary

cards activity

A set of cards {taken from any




collocations or opposites

Vocabulary in the examination

Warmer T writes up the words vocabulary and grammar to introduce the topic.T ensures Ss understand why vocabulary is an Exam focus unit.

Understanding words

Ss identify types of words then label the types of words gapped in sentences and complete the gaps.

Ss gue the meaning of potentially unfamiliar words through the use of context.

Storing new vocabulary

Ss discu the advantages and disadvantages of five ways of physically

BEC Preliminary

recording vocabulary.

Ss then look at examples of five ways of organizing vocabulary and discu which they use and how they are useful.Ss then aign groups of words to the most appropriate means of storage.

Vocabulary cards

Ss look at an example of a vocabulary storage card and complete cards in a similar way.Ss work in pairs and discu which types of information they would choose to store on cards.

T highlights the use of cards for vocabulary building (collocations, opposites etc.).

Building your vocabulary

Ss focus on word families and note ways of changing form through suffixes, prefixes etc.They then build up words and write example sentences.要点解析

1. 由词根加前、后缀产生的词汇叫派生词,同一词根加不同的词缀可以表示不同的意义或词类。由前缀加词根构成的派生词通常只改变词义而不改变词性(少数例外)。词根加后缀改变词性,词汇意义也略有改变。 2. 在名词或形容词的词尾加-ise 或-ize 同-ise 可将名词或形容词变为动词,所以,global (形容词、全球的);globalise/globalize (动词、使全球化);standard (名词、标准);standardise / stardardize (名词、使标准化)。因此,课文第一行准确的说法应是Adjective/ Noun to verb, 而不是Noun to verb.


BEC Preliminary

3. 将形容词变成名词时可在词尾加 –ity/ty 如:loyal___ loyalty, royal____ royalty.但是,当形容词以-e 结尾时,应去掉-e, 加-ity, 如 diverse____ diversity.4. 将形容词变成副词时,通常是在形容词尾加上-ly。例如:natural_____ naturally, quick___ quickly, common _______ commonly.但是,当形容词以-y 结尾时,在加-ly 之前应先变y 为I, 例如:heavy ______ heavily, busy _____busily.当形容词以-le 结尾时,去e 加y 即可,例如:simple ___simply, reasonable _____reasonably.课文提到的这些加前、后缀的构词法法对我们帮助积累和扩大词汇量很有用,必须熟记。但是在运用时,还是要多与字典核对,不可想当然,以免出错。比如,将动词变成表示执行这个动作的人(物)的名词时,可在该动词后加-er或-or, 如:worker, investor; 又如,以r开头的形容词通常以加前缀ir-的方法表示其否定意义,如:rational _____ irrational, regular _____irregular.但是,我们还可以看到下面这些例外的现象:reasonable ______ unreasonable, realistic ________ unrealistic.所以,到底怎么用,对初学者来说,还应该通过查字典来确定。


For homework/self-study Ss are asked to identify and store useful vocabulary from the previous units. 22

BEC Preliminary

Unit 4a Telephoning Objectives: To practice telephoning language (including

leaving and taking meages)

To practice listening for gist and specific information

Materials needed: Caette- Pa Cambridge BEC Preliminary

★ Getting through ★ Teaching Procedure

Listening 1

Ss listen to six telephone calls and match the calls with the correct descriptions.要点解析(听力录音文字稿)

1. Can I help you? 这句话的原意为:我能为你效劳吗?这是服务员、营业员、电话接线员等的招呼语,翻译成汉语时,应视具体情况做不同的处理。若是出自营业员之口,这句话可译为:您找谁?您找哪一位?

2. I‘ll put you through.我给您接。如果要说―请替我接…….‖ 可以说:Please put me through to …

3. Can I take a meage? 需要给您转达吗? Take a meage 的意思是:捎口信。那么,―留口信‖可以说:leave a meage.


BEC Preliminary

4. Could I have extention184, please? 请给我接184分机。要表达―请给我接…… 分机‖还可以说:leave a maage.5. I‘m afraid he‘s in a meeting.恐怕他在开会。I‘m afraid 的意思是:遗憾的、抱歉的。它是口头用语,用于提出异议、说出令人不快的事实、拒绝对方要求等场合,使语气婉转。例如:I‘m afraid you are wrong.恐怕是你错了。 6. He should be available after lunch.他午饭后应该有空。在本句中be available 的意思是:有暇的,空闲的。例如:The manager is not available now.经理现在没有空。

7. It‘s Ok.I‘ll hold.没事,我等着(不挂断)。I‘ll hold = I‘ll hold the line.我(等着)不挂断电话。

We were cut off.我们的电话断线了。 Speaking

Ss produce appropriate responses to telephone phrases.Ss then listen again to identify the actual responses used in the calls.Language focus

Ss review will for immediate decisions, offers and promises.Ss then do a matching exercise with phrases with will.Reading

Ss find a telephone conversation in a maze. 24

BEC Preliminary


Ss select two items from the maze to make their own telephone conversation.Expreions Receptionist Mi Smith is our receptionist.史密斯小姐是我们的接待员。 Where\'s that fool of a receptionist? 那个笨蛋接待员在什麽地方? The receptionist at that company is gorgeous.那家公司的接待员好漂亮。

She is a receptionist in a doctor\'s office.她在一位医生的诊所中担任接待员。

I will leave a meage with the receptionist.我会给前台小姐留个口信。 asked the receptionist to hold all calls during the meeting.叫接待员在会议期间不要接进电话 Available stock available 有货可供 quantity available 可供数量 item available 可供商品

employ all available means 千方百计,用尽所有办法 be available for use 可加以利用

Within reach; easily available 在可及范围内;容易得到


BEC Preliminary

To place a device in a state where it is not available for use by the system; however, it is still available for executing I / O.


discriminate among the options available. 辨别这些可用的选择 Extension An extension ladder; an extension cord.伸缩梯;延长线 transcendental extension 超越扩张 shaft extension 井筒延深

extension instrument 附加仪表;外接仪器 extension course 大学函授班(夜校等)开设的课程

★Reasons for calling Listening 2

Ss listen to a telephone receptionist take a meage and note down the information before listening again for specific phrases.Speaking

Ss do an information-gap activity, giving and taking telephone meages.(Activity sheets on pages 125 and 129) Self-study Reading


BEC Preliminary

Ordering exercise (telephone conversation).Gap-fill exercise (telephone conversation).Exam practice

Multiple-choice reading comprehension exercise (Reading Test Part 1).美国人电话留言精选

1) My wife and I can\'t come to the phone right now, but if you\'ll leave your name and number, we\'ll get back to you as soon as we\'re finished.2) Hi.This is John.If you are the phone company, I already sent the money.If you are my parents, please send money.If you are my financial aid institution, you didn\'t lend me enough money.If you are my friends, you owe me money.If you are a female, don\'t worry, I have plenty of money.3) Hi, I\'m not home right now but my answering machine is, so you can talk to it instead.Wait for the beep(beep:主人的Answer讲完以后,Answer Machine会发出一声beep,这时候来电话者就可以开始留言了。).4) Hi! John\'s answering machine is broken.This is his refrigerator.Please speak very slowly, and I\'ll stick your meage to myself with one of these magnets(磁铁).注:通常情况下,来电话者面对录音讲话都不太自然,所以语言往往很急促,三句两句话就完了。这可苦坏了接听留言的主人,听多少遍都听不清留言者到底是谁,讲了些什么。对于母语非英文的人,这种感觉会更深。所以,以下这两段幽默干脆就首先告诉电话拨入者,我的Answer Machine


BEC Preliminary


5) Hello, this is Sally\'s microwave.Her answering machine just eloped(私奔)with her tape deck(磁带驱动器), so I\'m stuck with taking her calls.Say, if you want anything cooked while you leave your meage, just hold it up to the phone.6) Hello, you are talking to a machine.I am capable of receiving meages.My owners do not need siding(墙板,壁板), windows, or a hot tub(浴盆), and their carpets are clean.They give to charity(慈善团体)through their office and do not need their picture taken.If you\'re still with me, leave your name and number and they will get back to you.7) Hi.I am probably home.I\'m just avoiding someone I don\'t like.Leave me a meage, and if I don\'t call back, it\'s you.8) This is not an answering machine -- this is a telepathic(心灵感应术)thought- recording device.After the tone, think about your name, your reason for calling and a number where I can reach you, and I\'ll think about returning your call.注:tone:与对第3)句beep的注释含义完全一样,主人的Answer讲完以后,Answer Machine会发出一声beep,这时候来电话者就可以开始留言了。

9) Hi, this is George.I\'m sorry I can\'t answer the phone right now.Leave a meage, and then wait by your phone until I call you back.


BEC Preliminary

10) If you are a burglar(夜贼), then we\'re probably at home cleaning our weapons right now and can\'t come to the phone.Otherwise, we probably aren\'t home and it\'s safe to leave us a meage.11) You\'re growing tired.Your eyelids(眼皮) are getting heavy.You feel very sleepy now.You are gradually losing your willpower(毅力) and your ability to resist suggestions.When you hear the tone you will feel helplely compelled to(感到无助而被迫做某事) leave your name, number, and a meage.12) Please leave a meage.However, you have the right to remain silent.Everything you say will be recorded and will be used by us.注:you have the right to remain silent:电影电视里警察出示逮捕令时常讲的一句话。西方社会讲究人权,任何疑犯在未审判之前不得认为有罪,因而不能逼供、更不可拷打:他们有权保持沉默。

13) Hello, you\'ve reached Jim and Sonya.We can\'t pick up the phone right now, because we\'re doing something we really enjoy.Sonya likes doing it up and down, and I like doing it left to right ...real slowly.So leave a meage, and when we\'re done brushing our teeth, we\'ll get back to you.Homework

Self-study 29

BEC Preliminary

Unit 4b Internal Communication Objectives: To practice writing memos and e-mails

To review making requests and talking about


Materials needed: Caette Pa Cambridge BEC Preliminary

★Memos, notes and notice I.Teaching Procedure


T quickly elicits differences between memos, notes and notices.Reading

Ss scan memos etc.for general information and answer questions.Ss brainstorm differences between memos, notes and notices.Language Focus

Ss review the language of requests and obligation/neceity.Speaking

Ss exchange information about internal communication in their own companies.II.Language Points


1. 可以从上述简易公文中的人名、城市名等找出题目要求的信息。比如,跨


BEC Preliminary

国企业一般都会雇佣办事处所在的雇员或者通晓办事处所在国语言的雇员,所以,从―维洛尼克.勒布‖这个法国人的名字可得知,该公司在法国有市场。 2. Meeting with Veronique Loboeuf cancelled.这是一个不完整的句子,完整正确的句子应为:Meeting with Veronique Loboeuf has been cancelled.便条的写作格式没有备忘录那么正式规范,可以使用首字母缩写词,还可以省略主语、助动词、冠词等。

3. Please note that you need to arrive… 句中note 为动词,意思是:注意;留意。如:Please note how I did it.(请注意我刚才是怎么做的) 4. Tel no.= telephone number 5. ASAP = as soon as poible

6. The price goes to … 句中动词go 的意思是:(奖品、遗产、职位等)被给(于)、归属于。例如:Victory always goes to the strong.胜利永远属于强者。


1.I‘m calling all of the heads of department about expenses.我是为经费的事给部门的各位负责人打电话。

2.If someone claims any expenses, they must enclose receipts with the claim.如果有谁要报销经费,必须在报销单上附加发票。句中claim 一词既可作动词,意思是:提出要求,认领,索取;也可以用作名词,意思是:要求,认领,书面要求。Claim any receipts with the claim 的意思是:索取业务经费,即人们


BEC Preliminary

通常说的到财务部门―报销‖。 Enclose receipts with the claim 意思是:在索取经费的清单上附上发票。

★Writing memos I.Teaching Procedure


Ss take notes from a telephone conversation.Language focus

Ss review language of requests in memos.Writing

Ss write a memo from their notes.II.Language Points


1.I didn‘t get back to you.动词短语:get back 有―回来‖、―返回‖的意思。在这里指的是给凯伦―回电话‖的事。

2.I‘ll e-mail him now.我马上给他发电子邮件。句中e-mail 用作动词,意思是发电子邮件。 相关背景知识

备忘录、便条和通知的写作 1. 备忘录的写作特点



BEC Preliminary

(1) 备忘录的结构

备忘录的便笺上常印有由公司名称和电话号码、备忘录(Memorandum 或:Memo)字样。很多机构都设计有自己专用的备忘录便笺。虽形式各有不同,但笺头部分通常都包括发件人、收件人、日期和主题或事由这几项,有的专用备忘录便笺上还印有供存档的编号。整个备忘录的内容由收件人、发件人、日期和主题或事由和主体组成。

① 收件人(to): 这一栏写收阅人姓名和职务,如:To: Mr.John Smith, Marketing; To: Mrs.Karen Mithel, office Secretary; 或者一群有关人员,如: To: Managers.② 发件人(From): 这一栏是写备忘录人的姓名和职务,如:From: Henry Wallace, Sales Director.③ 日期(Date):这一栏写备忘录当天的日期,如:I march 2003.④ 事由或主题(subject): 备忘录的事由或主题通常以标题的形式出现,要求简洁达意,可不用动词,如 International Sales Conference.但也有的备忘录因内容不多,将这一项省略了,课文中的第二个备忘录便是一例。 ⑤ 主体(body): 也叫正文(Meage).主体可长可短,但表述应尽力要求简洁正确,语言完整规范、准确正式。也就是说。内容应只接了当,尽量使用日常熟悉的词汇,单词拼写要正确,句子结构要符合语法,意义要完整、达意。要注意所表达的内容有效性,要用具体明确的词汇与句子。比如:I‘d like to meet you some time next week.语句虽然正确,但在体现明确的方


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面不如句子:I‘d like to meet you on the afternoon of next Tuesday 有效准确。另外,还应注意语言的得体性。 (2) 备忘录写作的语言

备忘录通常用于以下几种情况:第一,向某人、某部门提供信息;第二,确认在会议或电话中达成的协议或安排;第三,落实具体事项;第四,提供有关指示、说明或责任的文字记录。上面提到备忘录的语言应力求简洁、正确,语言完整、规范、准确、正式和有效。另外还有一点很重要,即应该注意语言得体性,尤其在通知或请求对方做某事的时候。比如:请求对方提供信息做某事时(asking for information)可以写作: Could you please send me…? Could you let me know …? Please book a flight ticket for me.Please see that…

在提供信息时(giving information)可以写作: The meaning director needs…

The annual report is due on 15 December.Salary sheets for the 3rd quarter should arrive at Manchester Head Office by next Monday.Henry Wallace is responsible for …

在对某事进行解释时(marketing explanations)可以写作:


BEC Preliminary

The reason is…

The problem was caused by… 2.便条的写作特点


需要注意的是:虽然课文便条的范例中出现语法省略和使用首字母缩写词的情况,但实际考试对考生的要求是使用完整、正确、符合语法且达意的句子。 2. 通知的写作特点






BEC Preliminary

Unit 5a Facts and Figures Objectives: To enable Ss to describe trends

To practice reading for specific information

To review adjectives and adverbs

Materials needed: None ★An annual report I.Teaching Procedure


Ss read extracts from the Millennium Annual Report and answer ‗Right, Wrong, Doesn\'t say\' comprehension questions.Speaking

Ss work in pairs and tell their partner what their own company\'s annual report will contain.II.Language Points


1.Last year saw both the continued development of trends…。句中的动词saw (see的过去式)的意思是:(时代等)以 …… 为特点,历经;而不是―看,看到‖。例如:This week sees more changes in the packaging world.本周包装行业出现了更大的变化。Continued 是过去分词,相当于形容词的作用,修饰名词development.


BEC Preliminary

2.Other sports titled are now amongst the company‘s brands.其他以体育项目冠名的产品如今也进入了公司的畅销品牌之列。句中介词amongst 等于among, 意思是:在…….中。

3.Further School ware titled to be launched this year… 句中不定式短语to be launched 修饰名词titled.4.buying power: 购买力

5.With computer shops, they now account for … 介词with 在句中的意思是:连同……, 加在……上。例如:His money with his wife‘s comes to a million.他的钱连同他妻子的合计有100万元,句中account for 的意思是:占……, 是…… 的原因。例如:North Sea oil accounts for a high proportion of our export earnings.北海石油占我国出口收入的很大一部分。


参考词语和表达 in general 总的来说

the demand for 对…… 的需求

to show steady increase / growth in 表现出稳步增长的势头 to turn round a long-term fall in sales 扭转了销售长期下降的局面 There is a price fall in …… 出现了…… 的价格下降的情况

developing a range of multimedia educational software 开发多媒体教育系列软件


BEC Preliminary



形容词在句子中主要修饰成分,对名词起修饰和描绘作用,如:There was a steady decrease in sales of office software.(作定语) Sales of educational software remained steady.(作表语) 副词在句子中也主要作修饰成分,但副词主要用于修饰动词、形容词及其他结构,以表示程度、方式、时间、地点以及说话人的态度等。例如:Sales in Britain improved steadily throughout the period from 1994 to 1998.(修饰动词) Educational software is becoming increasingly important (修饰形容词)

★Describing graphs


Ss match sentences about Millennium with information in graph and bar chart form.Vocabulary

Ss complete word families: infinitive and past simple verb forms and nouns.Language focus

Ss review adjectives and adverbs describing degrees of change.Vocabulary

Ss complete gaps in two short texts about Millennium\'s performance.Ss focus on prepositions used to describe change.Speaking

Ss work in pairs and take turns to describe a graph or draw their partner\'s graph.(Activity sheets on pages 125


BEC Preliminary

and 129) ★Homework Self-study


BEC Preliminary

Unit 5b Performance Objectives:

To enable Ss to talk about company


To practice listening for gist and for specific information

To review the present perfect and past


To practice talking about reasons and


Materials Preliminary needed:

Caette-Pa Cambridge BEC ★Measuring performance I.Teaching Procedure

Listening 1

Ss listen to a presentation about a privatized company and complete a bar chart and a graph.Ss then listen again and answer comprehension questions.Language focus

Ss find examples of various uses of the present perfect and past simple tenses in the tape script and describe the use of these two tenses.Ss match sentence halves to make sentences in the present perfect or past simple.Speaking


BEC Preliminary

Ss do a Find someone who ...exercises, asking questions about previous experiences.II.Language Points


英国1994年开始对铁路系统实行私有化,并实行网运分离运作。1996 年开始由私营路轨公司接管了路轨、信号和车站的管理,并把乘客运输服务部分通过招标方式出售给多家火车公司经营,这些公司支付路轨使用费。多年来,拥有铁路的路轨公司与列车的运营者之间的关系一向都不愉快。英国是最早开展国有企业私有化的国家之一,大部分国企的私有化都相当成功,但2002年上半年,英国开始将私有化的地铁公司重新收归国有。 要点解析(听力1录音文字稿)

1.In the years before privatization, the company made a lot of changes to prepare it for the free market.在实行私营化之前的几年里,公司就为准备进入自由市场进行了大量的改革。to prepare it for 的意思是:试使公司作好…… 准备。

2.I‘d like to draw your attention to figure three and four on …..我想请大家注意…… 上的图表3 和4。 figure 一词在此作―图表‖解。 3.to begin with a look at the bar chart: (我们)先看矩形图。Begin with 的意思是:首先,以……开始,例如:She begins with a club for birdwatchers.她以创办观鸟俱乐部作为开端。


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4.paenger revenue: 客流量收入。

5.Growth slowed from 2.4% in 1993/94 down to just 1% in 94/95.增长率1993年至1994年度的2.4%缓慢下降,到1994年至1995年度增长率仅为1%。Slow 在此为动词,意思是:(使)慢下来,(使)减速。例如:Busine slows down at this time of year.每年此时生意渐趋清淡。

6.reduced costs and more efficient sales practices resulted in growth reaching 9.9% in 1995/96: 成本下降和效率更高的销售方式使1995年至1996年度的增长达到了9。9%。result in 的意思是:导致,造成。例如:The accident resulted in two paengers dying.这起事故造成两名乘客死亡。

7.I‘d like to look at figure four, which shows Great Easter‘s reliability and punctuality figures.我想大家看一看图4,上面有大东方公司在可靠性和准点率方面的数据。注意figure 在句子中的不同意思。




1. 现在完成体有两个基本用法,一是―已完成‖,另一个是―未完成‖用法。不论哪一种,现在完成体所表示的意义都与现在时间有联系,因此都不能与表示确定的过去时间的状语连用,这是现在完成体用法上一条重要的规则。例如


BEC Preliminary

不可以说:I have known him in 1999.但是,当表示过去时间的状语是由since 引导时,就不在此限。例如:I have known him since 1999.我从1999 年起就认识他了。

2. 一般过去时主要用于表示(确定的)过去时间的状态动作,例如:We went to the cinema and saw a very interesting film last night.昨晚,我们去电影院看了一场很有意思的电影。一般过去时也可以用于表示过去的习惯动作。例如:We went to school together when we were boys so we saw each other every day.我们小时候一起去上学,所以每天见面。 3. 一般过去时表示的状态或动作都已成为过去,现在已不复存在。 要点解析

介词for 和since 都可以用来引导时间状语,但要注意它们的意义和用法上的差异。For +时间名词表示时间的长度,即:―有多久‖。例如:She has lived here for years.她已经住在这里多年了(含有目前还在这里住的意思)。由 since 引导的词组表示从过去某一点开始的时段,一直延续到说话的时间,因而与完成体连用,例如:She hasn‘t been here since 1995.自1995年起她就不在这里了。

★ Explain result Listening 2

Ss listen to questions asked after the presentation and complete notes about the rail company.Ss then listen and complete multiple-choice comprehension


BEC Preliminary

questions.Language focus

Ss review language for giving reasons and stating consequences.Speaking

Ss ask for and give reasons for changes in their company.I.Teaching Procedure


1. Although we receive penalty payment from them for any due to the track, it doesn‘t help our reliability figures.虽然由于路线造成的延误我们可以得到违约款,但这并不能帮助我们提高可靠性方面的数据。句中help 的意思是:促进,助长。例如:The fall in the oil price will help our economic development.石油价格的下跌将有助于我国的经济发展。

2. We are also investing in new trains, which will lead to improve reliability levels.我们还将投资购买新火车,这将提高可靠性的水平。Lead to 的意思是:导致,通向。例如:This will lead to trouble in the future.这将导致以后的麻烦。The door leads to a beautiful garden.这扇门通向一个漂亮的花园。

3. The only way the companies can improve profits is by increasing paenger volumes.II.Grammar


BEC Preliminary


1. Because表示原因时,后接一个分词;due to 表示原因时,后接短语。例如:You cannot go because you are too young.因为你太小了,不能去。

His succe is entirely due to hard work..他的成功完全是因为他工作努力。

2. Therefore 和so 在表示―因此‖、―所以‖时意思相同,但therefore 比so 正式。



could you tell me about… 请你谈谈……好吗? Could I ask what /how … 能说说…… 吗? That‘s why… 这就是为什么……

Due to the vestment in ….因为对…… 进行了投资。

The investing has led to /resulted in the growth in … 投资促进了…… 的增长。

What is a sharp rise in sales of… becomes better due to… 由于……, 顾客服务方面做得更好了。

★ Homework



BEC Preliminary

Unit 6 Exam Focus: Reading

Objectives: To familiarize Ss with the content of the

Reading Test

To provide useful tips

To practice the Reading Test

Materials needed: None The Reading Test

T gives an overview of the Reading Test.How to succeed Ss read tips for doing the Reading Test.Exam practice (not a complete test) Part One: Multiple-choice.Part Two: Matching.Part Three: Matching (graphs and charts).Part Five: Multiple-choice.Part Six: Multiple-choice gap-filling.Homework



BEC Preliminary

Unit 7a Product Description Objectives: To enable Ss to describe products in general


To practice listening for specific information

To review





dimensions and comparatives and superlatives

To practice question formation

Materials needed: Caette- Pa Cambridge BEC Preliminary

★ Presenting a product I.Teaching Procedure


T elicits vocabulary related to board game.

Listening 1

Ss listen to a presentation of new board games and identify pictures.Ss listen for more detail and identify what notes refer to.T reviews language related to dimensions.

Languages focus

Ss form questions about the games.


Ss work in pairs and describe a board game they like.II.Language Points



BEC Preliminary

1.Morning everyone: 大家好,等于good morning everyone.英语口头表达趋向简洁,从这个例子可以窥见一斑。

2.as you know: 正如大家所知,众所周知,是引起他人注意的用语。 3.Our latest products in our range of games: 我们的游戏玩具系列中的最新产品。

4.Which comes In two versions: 现在两种版本供应。动词come 在句子中不作“来,来到”解,它的意思是:被出售,被供应。例如:This dre comes in four sizes.这种女服有四种尺寸供应。

5.As you can see: 正如大家所见。与as you know 一样,这也是一句引起他人注意的用语。

6.The travel size, Mind twist, is obviously smaller… which measures just 23cm square.“脑筋急 转弯”旅行版的尺寸明显比较小,它的棋盘薄、轻、有磁性,只有23平方厘米。Just 的意思是:仅仅;square 的意思是:平方,正方形。

7.the four playing pieces are magnetic counters which are made of colored plastic.那四个带磁的圆形硬片是用彩色塑料做成的。Counter 的原意是筹码,在此可译为圆形硬片。

8.The standard version will retail at &17.99… 标准版的零售价将定为17.99英镑。Retail 在此为动词。

9.This is a card game for three to six players.这是一个可供3到6人玩的纸


BEC Preliminary




Bigger /smaller than 大(小)于

It measures 50X 50cm 其尺寸是50x50平方厘米 It weighs … 轻质的

The weight of it is…

它的重量是… Lighter and smaller 更轻也更小 Wooden playing pieces… 木质的棋子 Be made of colored plastic

用彩色塑料制成 It only costs

它的售价仅为…… The retail at … 以… 的价格销售 The retail price is

零售价格为 Easy to play 容易玩

This is a game for three or six players.

这是一种可以供3或6人玩的游戏。 The material of the playing pieces is …


★ Describing a product I.Teaching Procedure

Listening 2

Ss listen to the same sales manager talking to a retailer and identify which games are of interest.Ss then listen


BEC Preliminary

again and answer comprehension questions.

Language focus

Ss review comparatives and superlatives.


Ss work in pairs.They list and rank points they considered when buying something they both bought.

II.Language Points 要点解析(听力2录音文字稿)

1.Board games are the big seller at the moment.棋盘种类的游戏目前很畅销。

Board games: 需要棋盘进行的游戏,如象棋,跳棋,围棋等。At the moment: 目前,当前。

2. So you might be interested in having a bigger range of our board games then.这么说,你是对我们种类多样的棋盘游戏感兴趣吧。Might: (表示可能,不确定等)可能,也许。

3.Are the instructions easy to follow? Some of your games have very complicated instructions.操作指令好懂吗?你们游戏的指令很复杂。动词follow 在此的意思是:领会,理解。

4.It‘s a card game based on the television programmed Collectables.这是根据一个叫做―收藏品‖的电视节目制作的纸牌游戏。

5.What‘s the recommended retail price for the Mind twist travel version? 脑



Find the hidden letters教案


复习巩固前面学习一些字母跟单词,玩游戏。如果有可能再教学几个新的英文字母及单词。 二.教学目标

1,巩固孩子们前面学习的知识 三.教学重点



单词小朋友会比较难记住 五.道具准备

1,一些写着字母的卡纸 2,一些写着英文单词的卡纸 3,写有字母的六面盒 4,奖励,积分卷 六.教学过程 第一节课

1,直接介绍今天的课题,然后授课内容。然后用抢答赢奖励,并结合一些小游戏的方法来跟小朋友来复习前面的知识。 2,先是复习字母,让小朋友们在游戏中记住所学的英文字母。 主要游戏有:(1)按编号找字母。在黑板上写出的字母或出示的字母卡片下面编上号码。教师读字母,幼儿说相应的编号;或教师说出编号,幼儿读出相应的字母。 (2)找邻居。

将卡片发给幼儿。由一幼儿上台读自己拿到的字母,如Bb,拿到Aa和Cc的幼儿也要上讲台,按Aa,Bb,Cc的顺序排好,全班读这三个字母。 (3)掷骰子

把字母写在六面盒上,掷出骨 子,说出面上的字母。看谁说得又快又好。



主要游戏有:(1)抢单词。学生排成一队,听老师口令在原地跳5下,将图片分散发放在教室的各个桌面,师用Look at the + 单词,生争先跑到该单词所在的位置。谁占的对占得快,谁占得地盘就越多。

(2) 单词跨步。在黑板远处设置一条起点线,老师在一旁随意出示单词卡,学生举手抢答。抢答对,向前跨一大步,最先到达讲台者胜利。胜利者得一张积分劵。 第三节课

总结一下今天的情况。看时间安排以及孩子们的接受能力怎样,如果还有时间,孩子们也还可以接受的话就再学习一下几个新字母或新单词。 布置作业,让孩子们回去写字母跟单词。如果不教学新字母或单词的话,作业在课堂上完成,然后放学带回家给父母看。


Unit 1 (粗体字部分是各个环节)

Learning Objectives:1.学生能够做自我介绍


Materials:人物单词卡片(Simon/Stella/Mr star/Mrs star/ Maskman/marie/Monty)/学生用书/学生活动用书

Procedure: 1. Warmer( 5mins)


Ss Hi, I’m Bonnie. Nice to meet you. Who are you?

Hi, I’m__________.Nice to meet you, too.What’s your name?

My name is _________.2. Presentation( ____mins)


Ss Look at this card, what are these words?

They are Suzy and sister.Do you know Who Suzy is?

Suzy is sister.Let’s look at the picture.Who is she?

She is Suzy/ sister.Who is Simon/Stella/Mr star/Mrs star/

She/ He is sister/mother/father/brother Maskman/marie/Monty.

(以下需要孩子们对应卡片和书中star1) Open your pupil’s book, turn to page 2.Who is she/he?

(以下播放录音,进行听和指的练习,老师要先做示范) Now let’s do practice: listen,point and repeat

When you hear the name, please point on the picture and then repeat.Like this: 这时老师做示范

3.Activity Book: P2(____mins)


Now please open your activity book, take out your pencil turn to page 2.Find No.1.look at the example: who is

She is _________

Mr star/ Mrs star``````


she is Suzy,

she? Now we should find the shadow of Suzy, and then draw a line to link them.When you finish, you should exchange your book with your

She/he is _____ partner, and then check the work.(老师同样这时要做示范告诉孩子如何做) Did you see star 2? Let’s listen and circle the tick or cro,

Look here, this is Marie, yes or no?

So we use cro ╳to represent no

This is Simon, yes or no?

So we use tick to represent yes√

No we will listen to the video and then circle the tick and cro Are you ready? When you finished, please exchange your book, check your answer Who is she/he?

No, This is Simon.

yes! 学生要大声说出答案

And tell me the right answer.4.Games (______mins) TT It’s game time, everyone stand up, let’s stand in a circle.

your name.

I have a ball, I should say :I’m Bonnie and then I throw

my ball to Lisa, I need ask lisa: what’s your name? Lisa hold the ball and answer my question, after that she needs to throw the ball to others.The person who holds the ball should tell us your name and say what’s your name?

5.Ending ( _____mins)


Let’s review what we learned today, who is she/he?

I’m Lisa, what’s Ss

She /he is _______

Please say good bye to Mr star```````

good bye , Mr star 6.Homework 课后反思:








剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit1 What’s your name? Teaching aims and demands: ●Can ask the name of others ●Can ask the age of others

●Can simply introduce the name of yourself and others ●Can count the number1~~10 Important and different point: ●交际句型:What\'s your name?

I\'m ..., You\' re..., He\'s..., She\'s..., It\'s..., We\'re..., You\'re..., They’re… ●交际词汇:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Teaching procedure: Step1 Greetings

Because it is the first cla, so the teacher can introduce herself(himself),using the sentence pattern: “Hello, I’m JIQING, nice to meet you!” Ss should answer together: Nice to meet you ,too.Step2 Presentation

Teacher can prepare some name cards before cla, write your name and some of your Ss names on the cards.When the cla begins, invite a boy and a girl to the platform and give them their name cards, adhibit each card on the coat.

Then begin from you .Point at your name card and say slowly and clearly, “I’m JI QING.”.Repeat it two or three times.Then turn to the boy and ask: “What’s your name?” Imply the boy answer the question like you.Then do the same way to the girl.

Step3 Ask and answer.Let the Ss do the following activity: Ask each pupil to take out a piece of paper and a pen ,then go and ask his or her friend“ What’s your name ?”.Tell the pupils to write down the names of his or her friend in Pinyin .

Check some Ss by asking their names and one or two of their friends’names.So Ss can know how to say “I’m…,He’s…,She’s…”

After doing this, the teacher will add something new.Let the Ss listen to you carefully.You say: “my name is JIQING, I’m 25 years old.” Meanwhile,write down the number 25 on the blackboard.Say again “I’m 25 years old.” Then ask one student “How old are you?Are you 7 or 8?” Write 7 and 8 on the blackboard .Ask more Ss the question like this.Step4 Chant Do Part5.We can clap while chanting.First chant together, then in part.Step5 Ask each other

Do the same activity as Step3.But the question is “How old are you?”.Ss will write down the numbers .Then check some Ss to see if they are right .

Step6 Drill 1) Ask some student the questions:What’s your name?How old are you? Then let the Ss ask the questions in pairs.Act it out in front of the cla.

2)Ask a boy and a girl to the platform,and say: “He is Liu Tong .She is Wang Fang and I’m Ji Qing .Repeat this for some times.Then three Ss form a group ,practice like this:“I’m …,She’s …,He’s ….Act it out in front of the cla. Step7 Count it and clap your hands

Teacher claps once while say “one”,then Ss follow .Claps twice while say “two”.Just do this way until you clap ten times while you say “ten ” .


*Listen and read after the tape of Unit 1 *Ask each other the name and age after cla .*Write your name in English on a piece of card and bring it to the cla next time .

剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit2 What’s this Teaching aims and demands:

●能熟读26个英语字母,会唱字母歌 ●能初步了解元音字母及其读音 ●能认读所给的全部缩写字母 Important and difficult points: ●交际句型:What’s this?

Who’s jumping? ●学习字母:Aa到Zz ●学习音素: 元音字母Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu Teaching procedure Step1 Warm up Review Unit1.Teacher can ask Ss: What’s your name ?How old are you ? What’s his name ? How old is he ? Step 2 Sing the song

Hang the alphabet picture on the blackboard ,teach the Ss sing the alphabetsong ,then teach the Ss to learn the letters .Step3 Jump and say

Prepare some




these words:BAG ,BEN ,KIM ,DOG, BUS),some small word cards before cla.

After Ss sing the song ,ask three Ss to the front ,each one hand a capital letter card and stand in a line .First,three Ss jump together ,then jump one by one ,and then jump together again .At the same time ,other Ss say “bag ,b-a-g,bag ”,then repeat .

After this ,teacher find another six Ss to the front ,each one hand a word card including the letter “A”,such as “cat ,bag ,hand , lamp ,man ,mat .” Teacher first let the first student jump and say “Bag! Bag!bag ,bag ,bag ”.Other Ss repeat .Finish other word cards in this way .

Next ,ask the Ss of group2(BEN )jump and say like what group1 just did .Step4 Presentation

Teacher can bring something to the cla ,like a cup ,a brush ,an apple ,etc.Then the teacher hand a cup and ask a student “What’s this ?”and “What’s that ?” Step5 Say the vowel sounds

Ask the Ss of each group to stand in front of the blackboard ,just let the vowel sound jump, meanwhile ,teacher points at the sound and asks Ss “What’s this?Who is jumping ?” Step 6 Practise

See Part2 of this unit .Ss can read after the tape ,and then practise in pairs .Act it out in front of the cla. Step7 Chant

Before doing this part ,teacher can give each student a letter card in disorder ,one letter can be written more than once on the cards .When chanting ,those Ss should stand up if they hear their letter in hand is chanted.Step8 Find the big and small letters

Give big letters to a part of Ss and small letters to the other part .Let the Ss with small letters run and find the big letters .If succe, the big and small letters will stand together in front of the cla .At last ,Ss will read these letters .


*Listen to the tape of Unit2 and read the alphabet

*Make four simple dialogues using “What’s this ?” ,“What”s that ?” *Write down the 26 letters on your homework book .

剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit3 What colour do you like The first cla

Teaching aims and demands : ●能用英语说出10种常用的颜色 ●会用英语询问别人喜好的颜色 Important and different points: ●交际句型: What colour do you like? I like blue.

Do you like black? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

●学习颜色:black, gray, white, orange, purple, brow, yellow, blue, green ,red ,pink

●复习字母:从Aa到Zz Teaching procedure: Step1 Warm up

Review Unit2.Ss can sing the alphabet song together before cla.Step2 presentation

Prepare some balloons, papers and pictures with different colours。The teacher can “blow the balloon and hang them up in front of the blackboard.Teacher can say: “Look here, I’ve got many ballons.What colours are they? They’re black, gray, white, orange, purple, brown, yellow,blue, green, red and pink.I like orange, green, and blue.” Teacher pointing at the balloon while saying this kind of colour。Teacher should says slowly and clearly, so that the Ss can understand well.This action can be repeated more than once.Then the teacher can ask the Ss: “ What colour do you like ?”Ss can say: “I like blue.” Teacher can ask Ss in another way : “Doyou like blue?” If Ss say,“Yes ,I do.” Teacher can give the student a balloon without blowing as a gift。Then repeat this action more than once.Step3 Drill

See part1.Let’s talk about the picture.Ss can read after the tape.Then practice in groups to discu the colour you like.Step4 Practice 教师可以让穿各种衣服的学生站成一排,然后问某个学生What colour do you like ?如果学生说I like blue,老师就让这个学生站到穿blue 衣服的学生的后面.然后再让该学生问其他同学,以此类推。最后看哪个颜色后面站的学生多。 Step5 Show colourful clothes

教师可让穿各种颜色衣服的学生站到前面来,站成一个圆圈,背朝里,然后让学生慢慢地转动。教师总是指着对着大家的那个颜色问What colour is it ? 学生们回答It’s white.或It’s black等。 Step6 Drill of Part2 See Part2.Ss read after the tape ,then practice in pairs . Step7 Chant


Step8 Gue the right colour

See Part5 .3个人一组,打开教材,其中一人当裁判,一人闭上眼睛,另一个人抓住闭眼睛学生的手,将其手放在一个颜色上问该学生,What colour is it ?如果闭眼睛的学生说,It’s red .猜中了,裁判记上一分.共猜5次,最后看谁猜的分数多.Homework: *Read after the tape of this unit twice .*Do the exercises of this unit.*Use five kinds of colour to copy one sentences and decide which colour you like best, second ,third ,fourth ,and fifth

剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit4 How many ducks are there? 教学目的和要求:*使学生能够掌握和使用How many句型 *使学生能用数字回答所提的问题 *使学生进一步掌握名词的单、复数

交际句型:How many dogs are there? There are two.学习内容:名词的复数形式 学习音素:辅音字母组合ch和sh 具体教学方式:

先用最简单的方式说,Look, everyone.This is a book.A book.接着再拿起一本书说,two books, one book, two books.(pencil)„.教本单元的单词。用本单元句型问学生How many dogs are there? How many chicks are there?等。

在教单、复数时,应分2步。第一步直接用上述方法,并给以大量例子。Desk,desks; chair, chairs; table, tables; door, doors; light, lights; window, windows;pen, pens;pencil,pencils;book, books;bag, bags等.让学生感到英语是一件十分容易的事.第二步遇到不规则名词复数时,教师就说,This is different.You need to remember .但不要讲规则。因为规则很多, 有些规则所讲到的词是很难见到的.教学活动1 Let’s count! 教师在讲数量时,可以说”1”时,让一个学生站起来;说”2”时, 让第2 个学生站起来以此类推.同时还可以让学生来数一下班级里的男学生或女学生.教学活动2 Simon says 教师对学生说,Please go to the window.Let’s see what things are outside.How many are things教师这时才可以问How many trees are there in the school? How many bikes are there on the playground? How many cars are there? How many people are there?等

教学活动3 Find the animals 关于主图的教学,教师可以先用简单的英语给学生讲这张图.比如,Now .Let’s look at the picture.There are many animals.Do you know what they are ? They’re bears, sheep, birds, butterflies, ducks, chicks, rabbits, mice and so on.Look, some children are watching the bears now.Ok, now, let’s see, how many sheep are there? How many mice are there?等.在教师做完示范之后, 让学生两人一组根据这张图进行Ask and answer练习, 并把数字写在相关名词的边框里.教学活动4

Follow the rhyme

在学习第二部分时,教师可以先把这段内容当作CHANT来完成, 然后再来学唱这首歌.教师边说边用手轻轻拍着桌子, 打着节奏.这样有利于学生记忆此部分的内容.教学活动5

Listen and write

在练习听力,做练习时, 教师可以先让学生把书合上听录音带.听了一两遍以后,教师再让学生打开 书, 边听边做练习.最后可以再让学生听一遍.即使有的学生不能完全听懂, 也不必去翻译每一句话.不如让学生多听几遍.补充内容: 单词 lion, koala, bear, panda, zebra 课后作业: 数一数班级里的学生,桌椅并把数字写下来.

剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit5 Have you got any fish? 教学目的和要求

*使学生学会使用Have you got„句型 *使学生掌握生活中的一些常用词汇 *使学生能初步掌握一些字母组合的规律 交际句型:

Have you got any fish?Yes , I have .No , I haven’t.Let’s go bike-riding.Where is it?There! 交际词汇:pen, desk, leg, pencil, egg, letter, bed, apple, map, bag, ruler, book, box, bookcase 具体教学方式:

可以先拿钢笔或铅笔问学生,Have you got a pen? Have you got a pencil? 之类的问题。当学生明白含义之后,可让学生互相问。把这个句型练习得比较熟练后,再转移到教学主图上.讲主图时, 因为内容和对话比较多,所以应注意引导学生.教学活动1

Talk about the picture.

教师让学生看主图.因为主图的内容较多, 学生肯定会认真观看主图上的内容.教师先问学生,How many children are there in this picture? How many boys and how many girls? How many cats are there? How many fish are there?教师问完学生几个问题以后,就可以转移到具体的每幅图上.比如 Now , let’s look at this boy and this girl.(用手指着相应的画) They’re talking .The girl says, “Have you got a bike? Let’s go bike-riding.” The boy says, “I haven’t got a bike .Let’s go fishing.” Now I’ll ask you some questions.Please answer my questions.What are they doing? What dose the boy say? What does the girl say?然后再将学生的视线转移到中间,看看两只猫在做什么.教师继续问学生, What does the cat say? What does the boy answer?讲此课文时, 可不必按录音的顺序进行,吸引学生注意力为原则,引导他们看不容易注意到的东西。如鱼从烧热的桶里蹦出来,比萨饼上有什么等。


Learn the words

将课文中所需要的单词卡片准备好, 面朝下, 放在讲台上.将学生分成两组, 每组的学生先上来一个, 各翻开一张卡片, 并用英语说出该单词, 说对的组得1分.说完之后, 各组的第二个人上来继续做.最后, 看哪个组得分多.教学活动3

Say and point

在上述活动进行之后, 就可以用听音指认的方式来做课文中第4部分和练习第1题.教师说出一个单词,让学生迅速指出来.教学活动4

Talk in pairs

让学生两人一组进行对话练习.其中一个人问Have you got any pens? Have you got any books?另一个人回答,Yes, I have .No, I haven’t.然后对方再以同样的方法问一遍.看看谁问的问题多.

课文中的其他教学活动可以按其要求进行.补充内容: a pair of jeans, a pair of gloves, a pair of shorts, a scarf Homework : Draw an interesting picture like anyone in this unit and write a dialogue for them.


剑桥少儿英语一级上册教案 Unit 1 Hello,I’m Sam.教学目标:

1 单词:pen pencil pencil-case ruler book bag eraser 等。

2句子:Hello,your name ,please?This is my new book.Hi ! I’m Lucy.His name is bill.Bill is my friend.Nice to see you.教学准备:课件、单词卡片 教学流程:



Hello, Hello ,how are you?Yiya yiya yo~~~ Hello, Hello ,how are you?Yiya yiya yo~~~ (唱的好,动作标准的同学或个人加分)

PPT--先教第一单元标题,Hello ,I’ m „和句子your name ,please? 按顺序每个学生站起来向其后面的同学快速的说一句I am „,your name ,please?(认识一些名字,Part6)


先让学生回顾曾经学过哪些关于文具的词汇,起来回答的同学加一分。 教读,分组读,读的声音洪亮、整齐的那一组得分。

按照先拼然后读然后说出中文的顺序分组来读,读的好的一组得分。 3重点词汇:(Part 2)

A pen一支钢笔 A pencil 一支铅笔 A pencil-case 一个铅笔盒 A ruler一把尺子 A book 书 A bag 一个书包 An eraser 一块橡皮 game:Show me your „ 优先快速的拿出东西的同学或小组得分。 学习Part 1 的前半部分,方式同3。



Hello,your name ,please?This is my new book.Hi ! I’m Lucy.His name is bill.Bill is my friend.Nice to see you.



6、Part9,先重点学习my, your, his, her。先让学生听两遍,然后跟着录音一起唱,最后男生女生分别唱,分A\B组唱,唱的好的男生或女生加个人分,A\B组加小组分。



8、学习音标a 【æ】,以a、a、a、b-a-g的形式教读Part3.

9、学习Part4的单词,让学生个别读和分组读,读的好的加分。Game:做read stop的游戏。

10、做Part5的题目,找学生来回答,答对的加分。11 复习本单元的重点知识点

单词:pen pencil pencil-case ruler book bag eraser 等。

句子:Hello,your name ,please?This is my new book.Hi ! I’m Lucy.His name is bill.Bill is my friend.Nice to see you.

Unit 2 It’s a goat.


教学主题: 动物单词: horse; fish; duck; turtle; cow; cat; dog; rabbit; chicken; goat; sheep; frog; lizard

教具: 动物图片、玩偶、单词卡片、歌曲Old Macdonald 复习: 复习内容:

1.句型:Hello, I’m Sam.(Hello song) 2.句型:Your name, please? I’m „ (Hello song) 3.文具单词:pen pencil pencil-case ruler book bag eraser (实物或闪卡提问) 4.物主代词 my, your, his, her的初步输入 (Ask & Answer)

5.了解字母a在单词中的发音规律 (phonics卡片或板书) 6.字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg (闪卡)

引导 引导内容:动物单词: horse; fish; duck; turtle; cow; cat; dog; rabbit; chicken; goat; sheep; frog; lizard 操作方式:1) 播放歌曲Old Macdonald,引出几种动物及这些动物的叫声。 2) 通过手偶及图片展示其他动物。

3)再唱一遍歌曲Macdonald,把其他动物也替换进歌词。 4)单词的拼写 游戏:up and down 听力

听力内容:7页part 1 and part 2 操作方式:

1) 教师第一次放一个单词,让学生说一个单词,即复述。

2) 教师将磁带倒回,放一个单词,让学生写一个单词。找两位学生上黑板写。 朗读 朗读内容:7页part 1 操作方式:

教师让学生打开书后,说:follow the tape,让学生跟这磁带大声朗读,并指着单词。 运用 操作方式:教师让每组学生上来一位,抽取一张后站成一列,注意抽取时不能让别的学生看见。老师手里拿一张图片,让第一个学生拼读,第一个学生转过去,拿出手里的图片让第二个学生拼读,依此类推。教师多换几批学生,争取让所有的学生都参与进来。 写作 写作内容:7页part 1 操作方式:教师让学生抄一遍所有单词。


教学主题:句型:W hat’s this? -It’s a „ -What is it? -It’s a„

操作方式:1)老师用动物图片进行提问”What’s this?” 如果学生说”goat”, 老师就需要提醒学生说完整句子” It’s a goat.”

2)操练完句型后,老师把句子写在黑板上,让小朋友读句子。 3)接下来老师换”What is it”进行提问,并写在黑板上。 4)两两一组进行 ”Ask & Answer.” 游戏:Build a sentence.分组进行拼句子比赛。 听力 听力内容:7页part 1 朗读

朗读内容:7页part 1 操作方式:教师领读,并请一到俩名学生来领读。 写作

写作内容:句型:W hat’s this? -It’s a „ -What is it? -It’s a„ 复习方式:教师带领学生进行 ”Ask & Answer.”


教学主题: 字母e发/e/音 教具: 手偶、单词卡片(bed; desk; egg; hen; leg; pen; vet; wet; pencil; pencial-case,按照书9页part 3那样做出来)

复习复习内容: 动物单词: cat; dog; rabbit; chicken; goat; sheep; frog; lizard -What is it? -It’s a„


1) stand up and say: 整体复习动物单词,教师用What is it?问学生,鼓励学生用It’s a„回答,并为各组加分。教师请注意观察参与不积极或不会的学生。 2) touch the words:

先从动物单词中挑选出四个单词:cat; dog; rabbit; chicken;贴在黑板上,做动作说:I say, you touch.各组一名学生(组少的班级可以安排两名学生),教师说一个单词,学生touch。老师应该示范学生触摸图片下方的黑板,以防止磁扣和图片从黑板上脱落。教师说完后,示意没有上黑板的学生来说单词,在黑板上的学生触摸图片。进行5次左右后,换下一批同学进行。进行完3批同学后,换下一组图片。

3) 复习请保证所有同学都参与进来。 引导

引导内容:字母e发/e/音 操作方式:

1) 教师先在黑板上写字母e,说:this is letter e, it sounds like /e/,说完后,教师把音标/e/写在黑板上。教读2-3次

2) 教师拿出bed的卡片,指着字母e说/e/,加入b的音,说/b/---/e/---/be/;再加入/d/音,说:/b/---/e/---/d/---/bed/。 3) 教师换一个单词leg,在做一次。

4) 教师拿出单词pen,让学生来做。其他单词都是一样来练习。

5) 巩固:教师带着学生一起指着字母e说/e/,加入b的音,说/b/---/e/---/be/;再加入/d/音,说:/b/---/e/---/d/---/bed/,再次复习所有单词。

6) 游戏:教师将所有单词放在那在手里,让一个学生上来抽取一张,拼读。说对的加分。 听力

听力内容:9页part 4 操作方式:

3) 教师第一次放一个单词,让学生说一个单词,即复述。

4) 教师将磁带倒回,放一个单词,让学生写一个单词。找两位学生上黑板写。 朗读 朗读内容:9页part 4 操作方式:教师让学生打开书后,说:follow the tape,让学生跟这磁带大声朗读,并指着单词。

运用 操作方式:教师让每组学生上来一位,抽取一张后站成一列,注意抽取时不能让别的学生看见。老师手里那一张图片,让第一个学生拼读,第一个学生转过去,拿出手里的图片让第二个学生拼读,依此类推。教师多换几批学生,争取让所有的学生都参与进来。 阅读 阅读内容:9页part 5 操作方式:教师让磁带让学生勾画。 写作 写作内容:9页part 3,part 4 操作方式:教师让学生描一遍所有单词。 教学主题:字母Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn 教具:字母卡片

复习复习内容:字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg


引导 引导内容:字母Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn 操作方式:教师拿出字母Hh的卡片,教学生说,领读,然后叫学生和老师一起数空,其他字母也一样。

小巩固:教师Touch,学生stand up and say.游戏:绕龙:全体学生拍手,一位接一位的说,说错的学生教师先纠正,然后叫他上来表演。 朗读

朗读内容:字母Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn 操作方式:教师领读。 写作

写作内容:字母Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn 操作方式:字母写三遍。教师要要求抄写完成的学生坐在自己的座位上,教师要带红笔走到学生面前,进行批改。

Unit 3 I like apples.


教学主题: 水果单词: apple; banana; pear; grape; mango; grapefruit; orange; pineapple; watermelon; peach; coconut; lemon 教具: 单词卡片;水果模型;一块布 复习:

复习内容: 1)所有动物单词

操作方式: 集体拼读动物单词,然后教师抽查两个学生,给回答正确的学生加分;复习请保证所有同学都参与进来。


操作方式: 集体拼读bed; desk; egg; hen; leg; pen; vet; wet; pencil; pencial-case后,老师抽查两个学生,给回答正确的学生加分;复习请保证所有同学都参与进来。 引导


7) 操作方式:教师用布盖住水果模型让学生来猜。例如:教师用布盖住了一个苹果,教师

问:what’s this?;先让学生回答,不论对错,教师拿出苹果后,都要大声地说:it is an apple。然后,教师拿出单词卡片贴在黑板上,带领学生说:it is an apple。 8) 其余的水果也是一样做,如果没有模型,教师可以直接拿出图片贴在黑板上,带领学生说。

9) 小巩固:每教两三个单词,就复习一下前面学过的、学生掌握不太好的单词。 10)大巩固:教师带领学生读所有单词,要重点强化学生掌握不太好的单词。

11)游戏:教师找两个最好的学生上讲台;两人背靠背,其中一个面向所有学生,另一个面向黑板;教师让面向学生的人抽取一张图片,然后引导所有的学生问面向黑板的学生:what’s this?;教师让面向黑板的学生猜。教师最好可以让每个学生都参与一次。 听力

听力内容:13页Part 1 (磁带见read aloud) 操作方式: 教师第一次放一个单词,让学生说一个单词,即复述。 朗读

朗读内容:13页Part 1 操作方式:教师让学生打开书后,说:follow the tape,让学生跟这磁带大声朗读,并指着单词。 运用

操作方式:教师把所有水果图片贴在黑板上,找一个学生上来: T: Hello! S: Hello! T: what’s this? S: It’s an apple.S: what’s this? T: It’s a peach.教师将学生分成两人一组,仿照示范联系3分钟左右后,上台表演。教师尽量让所有的学生都上来一次。 阅读

阅读内容:16页part 7 操作方式:教师让学生把相应的单词填在图片下面,教师巡视班级解答问题;最后教师公布答案。 写作



教学主题: 句型:-Would you like an apple? -Yes, please./No, thanks.教具:果盘,帽子,水果图片,挂图 引导

引导内容:句型:-Would you like an apple? -Yes, please./No, thanks.操作方式:

1) 教师把自己打扮成售货员或餐厅服务人员的样子,用果盘托着苹果的模型,走到学生面前,问:-Would you like an apple? 先让学生回答,不论对错或学生不能回答,教师都要教该同学:-Yes, please.,等到学生说了:-Yes, please.后,教师把苹果给他,说:Here you are.。

2) 教师再换一个学生做同样的事情,2-3个学生后,所用的同学都明句型的意义时,教师就可以把句型(包括No的回答)写在黑板上,带读。 3) 带读结束后,教师可以再次抽查3个学生。

4) 教师让学生模仿成售货员或餐厅服务人员的样子,用果盘托着苹果的模型,走到学生面前,问:-Would you like an apple?让被问到的学生回答:-Yes, please./No, thanks.教师可以多找几个学生上来做。 5) 最后,教师带读学生一遍 听力

听力内容:17页Part 11 的前面三句话

操作方式: 教师一次放一个句子,让学生说复述。 朗读

朗读内容:17页Part 11 的前面三句话

操作方式:教师让学生打开书后,说:follow the tape,让学生跟这磁带大声朗读,并指着单词。 运用

操作方式:教师把所有水果图片贴在黑板上,找一个学生上来: T: Hello! S: Hello!

T: Would you like an apple? S: -Yes, please./No, thanks.T: Here you are.(教师把水果图片给学生,但记得在学生下讲台前收回来) S: Here you are.(学生把钱给老师) T: Thank you.Goodbye.S: Goodbye.教师将学生分成两人一组,仿照示范联系3分钟左右后,上台表演。教师尽量让所有的学生都上来一次。 阅读

阅读内容:13页Part 2 操作方式:教师让学生在相应的水果图片下面打对勾,教师巡视班级解答问题。 写作

写作内容:句型:-Would you like an apple? -Yes, please./No, thanks.操作方式:教师让学生把黑板上的主题句型抄写两遍。教师要要求抄写完成的学生坐在自己的座位上,教师要带红笔走到学生面前,进行批改。


教学主题: -What would you like? -I want some apples.教具:果盘,帽子,水果图片,挂图 引导

引导内容:-What would you like?What’s on my table? -It’s a clock.教具:帽子,图片(bird),钢笔, 铅笔, 橡皮 引导

引导内容:句型:-What’s in my hat? -It’s a bird.What’s on my table? -It’s a clock.操作方式:教师让学生把黑板上的主题句型抄写两遍。教师要求抄写完成的学生坐在自己的座位上,教师要带红笔走到学生面前,进行批改。

教学主题:字母 Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz 操作方式:1)复习一下前面学过的字母。

2)引入字母Oo- Zz(再让学生写一下)



复习内容:句型:-What’s in my hat? -It’s a bird.How many? -I’d like one, please.- What’s your favourite fruit? -I like bananas.操作方式:老师拿图片,学生stand up and say并集体拼写单词。教师拿卡片,让学生读,并叫几个学生单独读,然后问学生让学生回答,读对的和说的好的加分。 Role play: T: Hello! S: Hello! T: What would you like? S: I want some apples.T: How many? (教师把水果图片给学生,但记得在学生下讲台前收回来) S: I’d like one(学生把钱给老师) T: Here you are.

T: Thank you .goodbye! S: Goodbye.

T: Hello! S: Hello! T: would you like an orange? S: Yes, please.T: Here you are.What’s your favourite fruit? S: I like„.S: What’s your favourite fruit? T: I like„

Unit 5 My body and the monster’s.


教学主题:单词hair head eye nose ear mouth neck arm hand leg foot(feet) 教具: 玩具娃娃,身体部位图片,单词卡 复习


复习内容:水果单词(apple banana pear orange pineapple watermelon grape mango grapefruit peach coconut lemon)


Apple: It is red and big.教师先做big的动作,然后用手做出苹果的形状,同时问:What’s this? Banana: It is yellow and long.教师先做long的动作,然后用手做出香蕉的形状,同时问:What’s this? Pear: It is brawn, green and round.教师先做round的动作,然后用手做出菠萝的形状,同时问:What’s this? 引导

引导内容:单词hair head eye nose ear mouth neck arm hand leg foot(feet) 操作方式:1)准备一个玩具娃娃,指着它的身体部位(从上到下)问“What’s this?”分别将身体部位的图片贴在黑板上(针对不熟的单词要强调),领读

2)练习:找同学上来Touch 玩具的身体各部位并Say it听老师口令做动作 Touch your hair


3)游戏:老师示范:找一个同学,一只手指着mouth,而另一只手被老师拍打,边拍边说mouth mouth ear 还可以换,然后找同学做或一组同学来参与,做得又快又好(加分),也可以速度加分。 朗读

朗读内容:单词卡-五官单词 操作方式:让学生跟着大声朗读。 运用


T: Hello! I’m Dog.S: Hello! I’m Monkey T: Touch your eye.S: Touch your mouth.T: Bye.S: Bye.然后找同学上来表演。(加分) 写作

在书上copy身体部位的十一个单词,hair head eye nose mouth neck arm hand leg foot 找全班最早做完的前十名,按组人数(加分) 教学主题:句型:He’s got„.教具: 怪兽图片

操作方式:1)准备一个怪兽图片,老师指着怪兽的眼睛问“How many eyes dose he got?”并引导学生数数“one, two„”,在指其他部位提问,并用完整句型来回答。 2)练习:同学自己画monster, 并介绍自己的monster都有些什么。 听力

听力内容:Unit 5 part 1 操作方式:让学生跟着磁带复述。 写作



教学主题:单词:see; smell; hear; taste; touch .教具:布; 钢笔; 水果


引导内容:感官词see; smell; hear; taste; touch 操作方式:

12)教师先拿布把水果模型盖上(不让学生知道),叫一位学生上来然后敲它,并做hear动作问:hear it,What’s this? 学生猜不出来。叫学生smell,问:What’s this? 再做touch taste 最后taste 13)教师可以多叫几位学生上来做,猜对的加分。然后把单词写在黑板上,领读。 游戏:听口令做动作。每组叫一名学生上来,闭上眼睛,每人拿一个东西,教师说,学生做动作,猜是什么 操作方式:

1)准备一块布,将光钢笔,尺子,跳绳,水果模型分别盖住,找同学上来摸touch并猜是什么What’s this?touch(板书,领读)练习touch your body touch your book/pencial/desk 老师找一位同学上来,将其眼睛蒙住,然后老师分别敲打黑板和书桌,让同学听并猜是什么 What’s this? hear (板书,领读)练习:学动物叫声,通过听知道是什么动物。 老师找一位同学上来,将其眼睛蒙住,准备一个苹果和一支白板笔,让同学闻并猜是什么What’s this? smell (板书,领读)

老师找一位同学上来,将其眼睛蒙住,准备糖果和水,让同学尝后并猜是什么What’s this? taste (板书,领读)

老师找一位同学上来,将其眼睛蒙住,然后摘眼罩,让同学看眼前的书和水果模型 see (板书,领读)

2)游戏: 听口令做动作,老师示范。(分别作hear taste smell touch 的动作)每组找一个同学,看谁做得好又快(加分)找一组同学,老师站在第一个说touch your hair ,然后传话,看谁做得好。 朗读

朗读内容:Unit 5 Part 8 操作方式:教师让学生打开书后,说:follow me,让学生跟着大声朗读。 运用


T: Hello! S: Hello! T: Would you like an apple? S: Yes, please.T: Touch it.S: Do!


操作步骤:教师领读。 写作 写单词两遍。 复习


教学主题:句型:-What can you see? -I can see a book? -What can you hear? -I can hear a car.教具: 复习

复习内容:单词:see; smell; hear; taste; touch 操作方式:教师说口令,学生做,看谁做得快!Touch your hair; smell your hand; hear your desk; see a book 操作方式:

1) 教师做动物的叫声,说:What can you hear?学生回答:Cat/dog/duck.教师教学生说:I can hear a cat /dog/duck.可以叫几位学生回答。

2) 教师拿起书或笔问学生:What can you see?引导学生回答I can see a book.然后教师写板书,领读。

游戏:教师把橡皮放在手上说: What can you see?学生stand up and say.叫学生上来做。让全体学生闭上眼睛,教师发出动物叫声和车声,让学生说。教学生上来做。 运用

教师把图片贴在墙上,叫一位学生上来。让他闭上眼睛。(看见动物图片就学动物的叫声) T:What can you see? S:I can see a book.T:What can you hear? S:I can hear a car.



复习内容:句型:-What can you see? -I can see a book? -What can you hear? -I can hear a car.单词卡片 橡皮 动物小图片


教具:phonics卡片(duck, gun, jug, mug, nut, rug, hut, tub) 引导


操作方式:1) 教师先在黑板上写字母i,说:this is letter i,it sounds like/ u/,说完后,教师把音标/u/写在黑板上。教读2-3次 6) 教师拿duck的卡片说/d/--/u/---/k/ 7) 老师换另一个单词jug,再做一次,其他单词都是一样来练习。 8) 小巩固:每教三个复习一次。

9) 巩固:touch,每组叫两名同学上来,教师示意其他学生说单词。

游戏: 教师将所有的单词放在手上,让一个学生上来抽取一张,拼读。说对的加分。 听力

听力内容:27页Part5 操作方式:教师一次放一个单词,学生复述。 朗读

朗读内容:P27 Part4 and Part5 操作方式:教师让学生打开书后,说:follow the tape,让学生跟这磁带大声朗读。 运用 操作方式:教师让每组学生上来一位,抽取一张后站成一列,注意抽取是不能让别的学生看见。老师拿一张卡片,让第一个学生拼读,第一个学生拿出手里的卡片让第二个学生拼读,依此类推。教师多换几批学生,争取让所有的学生多参与进来。

写作 写作内容:21页 par45的句子两遍.教师要要求抄写完成的学生坐在自己的座位上,教师要带红笔走到学生面前,进行批改。前10 名的加2 分.

Unit 6 Let’s play games.


教学主题: bounce the ball; kick the shuttlecock; draw the clown’s nose; throw the beanbag; catch the beanbag; hopscotch; pick and put; hide and seek 教具: 身体部位单词卡片hair; head; eye; nose; ear; mouth; neck; arm hand; leg;

foot(feet);实物(球、键子、小丑图片、沙包、苹果);主题内容的单词卡片(bounce the ball; kick the shuttlecock; draw the clown’s nose; throw the beanbag; catch the beanbag; hopscotch; pick and put; hide and seek)


复习内容: 身体部位单词hair; head; eye; nose; ear; mouth; neck; arm hand; leg; foot(feet) 操作方式: 1)教师拿出身体部位的单词卡片,学生stand up and say 过一遍单词。 2)过完单词后,教师让学生拼单词。教师先让一个学生拼写,然后集体看着单词卡片拼写一遍,教师给回答听写正确的学生加分。 引导

引导内容: bounce the ball kick the shuttlecock draw the clown’s nose throw the beanbag catch the beanbag hopscotch; pick and put; hide and seek 操作方式:

1) 教师拿出一个球ball,问:What’s this? 在学生回答后,教师将球在地上拍几下,问:what am I doing?。学生肯定不知道,稍迟教师说:bounce the ball,然后将相应的单词卡片贴在黑板上,教师边做动作边领读。找学生边做边说,加分。

2) 教师拿出键子,问:What’s this?学生肯定不知道,稍迟教师说:This is a shuttlecock。领读几遍后,教师再问,让学生回答。然后教师踢几下键子,说:kick the shuttlecock,然后将相应的单词卡片贴在黑板上,教师边做动作边领读。找学生边做边说,加分。

3) 教师拿出小丑clown的图片,介绍说:This is a clown..教师领读clown,接着教师说:But the clown has no nose(教师边说边用手指着小丑没有鼻子的地方),Let’s draw a nose for him.教师把图片贴在黑板上,给小丑画nose,画完后,边做画鼻子的动作边说:draw the clown’s nose,然后将相应的单词卡片贴在黑板上,教师边做动作边领读。随后教师找一个学生到讲台上来,蒙住其眼睛,说:draw the clown’s nose。学生画完后(学生被蒙住眼睛后,很难画准确),老师问:yes or no,教师在找一个学生上来画,其他学生集体发出指令:draw the clown’s nose,然后该学生开始画。以此类推。

4) 教师拿出沙包,问:What’s this? 学生不能回答。教师告诉学生:This is a beanbag.教师领读beanbag 然后教师将沙包扔向墙角,边扔边说:throw the beanbag.把沙包捡回来,再说:throw the beanbag.将其写在黑板上。教师边扔边领读。最后,教师做动


5) 教师示意让一个学生将沙包扔给教师,教师边接边说:catch the beanbag 找学生再扔,再接,边接边说,然后将相应的单词卡片贴在黑板上,教师边做动作边领读。找学生边做边说,加分。

6) 教师将已画好的跳房子图片拿出来,问:What’s this? 如果学生回答不上来,教师边做动作(做跳房子的动作),边做边说:hopscotch,然后将相应的单词卡片贴在黑板上,教师边做动作边领读。找学生边做边说,加分。

7) 教师拿出苹果,放在地上,然后教师边做边说I pick the apple and put it on the desk。教师找一个学生到黑板上来,同时把苹果放在地上,教师说:you pick the apple and put it on the book。多找几个学生上来,做几次,然后将相应的单词卡片贴在黑板上,教师边做动作边领读。找学生边做边说,加分。

8) 教师找一个学生上来蒙住其眼睛,再让另一个学生躲起来。让学生躲起来时,教师大声说:you hide。当学生躲好后,教师拿开另一个学生的蒙眼布,大声说:you seek。反复几次,然后将相应的单词卡片贴在黑板上,教师边做动作边领读。找学生边做边说,加分。

9) 教师每教2个短语,就要复习一下前面刚学过的短语。

10) 整体复习两遍,教师带读一遍;第二遍时,教师不规律地拍黑板上的短语,让学生回答,同时给学生加分。

11) 游戏:教师先做示范。首先教师将短语的图片贴在班内的墙上,教师找一组学生跟在教师的身后一起走或单腿蹦,不规律的停在图片面前,说短语,一个一个说,看谁在规定的时间内说的图片多,加分。然后找学生来做。(加分) 听力

听力内容: Unit 6 Part1中的短语:bounce the ball; kick the shuttlecock; draw the clown’s nose; throw the beanbag; catch the beanbag; hopscotch; pick and put; hide and seek 操作方式: 教师放一个,学生复述一个,教师给复述正确的学生加分。 朗读

朗读内容: Unit 6 Part1中的短语:bounce the ball; kick the shuttlecock; draw the clown’s nose; throw the beanbag; catch the beanbag; hopscotch; pick and put; hide and seek

朗读方式: 教师让学生打开书,跟着磁带指读一遍;然后教师按照顺序带领学生读一遍黑板上贴的单词卡片;最后将班级分成两大组,每组都把所有的单词卡片读一遍,读得好的组,教师最高可以给该组加三分。 运用

操作方式:演双簧。首先教师找一个学生上来,教师躲在学生的身后,说:Hello (让学生做打招呼的动作), I am „(让学生作自我介绍的动作) I can bounce the ball(让学生做排球的动作)„I can „然后教师将学生分组,两个学生一组,一个说,一个演,5分钟练习,练习后让学生上讲台来表演。 阅读(与写作合在一起) 写作

将黑板上的短语,copy 两遍。这时,教师在班内走动检查,写得又快又好的前十名学生,可按组加分。


教学主题: 句型:-Where is Sam? -He must be in the apple house.教具: 单词卡片(bounce the ball; kick the shuttlecock; draw the clown’s nose; throw the beanbag; catch the beanbag; hopscotch; pick and put; hide and seek); touch smell hear taste see; 水果图片,水果房子图片 复习

复习内容: 单词卡片(bounce the ball; kick the shuttlecock; draw the clown’s nose; throw the beanbag; catch the beanbag; hopscotch; pick and put; hide and seek);touch smell hear taste see五种动作; 水果图片 复习方式:

1)教师做动作,学生stand up and say,复习词组bounce the ball; kick the shuttlecock; draw the clown’s nose; throw the beanbag; catch the beanbag; hopscotch; pick and put; hide and seek,加分。

2)教师拿出touch smell hear taste see的单词卡片,学生stand up and say,教师给学生加分。

3)教师拿出水果单词(apple pear mango pineapple lemon peach)学生举手回答并拼写,然后教师带领学生一起拼写,教师给拼写正确的学生加分。 引导

引导内容:-Where is Sam? -He must be in the apple house.操作方式:

1) 教师将apple house 的图片拿出,问:What’s this? 学生回答后。教师补充:This is a apple house.He is Sam.Sam is a boy.教师问:Where is Sam?Do you know?教师提示:He must be in the apple house.将其写在黑板上,领读。 2) 教师以同样的方式问:Where is Lily/Linda? 3) 巩固:整体复习两遍,教师带读一遍。

4) 游戏:击鼓传花。教师先做示范,找一个学生拿着图片,当教师开始敲时就开始跑,停时,这个学生跑到谁的身边,就问:Where is Sam? 那个学生回答,之后,再跑。可以找学生来敲。加分。 听力

听力内容:Unit 6 Part 1中的句子:Where is Sam? He must be in the apple house.操作方式:找学生复述,加分。 朗读

朗读内容:Unit 6 Part 1中的句子:Where is Sam? He must be in the apple house.操作方式:听录音指读句子。 运用

1) 教师将三个图片(Sam, Lily, Linda)贴在黑板上。 2) 教师找一个学生上来,教师做示范(然后找学生做) T: Hi.S: Hi.T: Where is Sam? S: He must be in the apple house.T: Where is Lily? S: „ (加分) 3) 将学生分成两人一组,教师给学生3-5分钟练习,练习时教师要主动询问和帮助学生解答问题,最后让学生到讲台上表演。 阅读(与写作合在一起) 写作

教师将pineapple; lemon; peach三个单词贴在黑板上,让学生仿照所学的主题造句。


教学主题: 字母a的发音规律 教具: 单词卡片:cake; name; face; make; game; plane; wave; bake;;树和苹果图



操作方式:教师拿图片(duck; gun; jug; mug; nut; hut),学生说。 引导

引导内容: 字母a的发/ei/音

操作方式: 在复习完后,教师拿出树图片,问:What’s this? 学生回答后,教师说:There are many apples in the tree.将有单词的苹果贴在树上,边贴边说,用慢速度发音:cake name face make game plane wave bake ,领读。

游戏: 教师取下三个苹果,找学生上来,教师说,学生先闭眼,然后转身拍,拍对加分。可以找学生上来做。(逐渐增加难度,多贴几个)


听力内容:Unit6 Part2 操作方式:学生复述,加分。 朗读

朗读内容:Unit6 Part2 操作方式:听录音,学生指读单词。 运用


T: Hello S: Hello T: What’s in my hat? S: Cake.(加分) 写作

将书中的音标单词copy 一遍。这时,教师在班内走动检查。 复习


Unit 7 Fruit and vegetable party.


教学主题:蔬菜单词carrot; tomato; potato; onion; bean; pea 教具: 复习蔬菜图片

复习内容:动作短语: bounce the ball; kick the shuttlecock; draw the clown’s nose; throw the beanbag; catch the beanbag; hopscotch; pick and put; hide and seek 操作方式: 1)教师做动作,学生stand up and say 过一遍单词。



引导内容: 蔬菜单词carrot; tomato; potato; onion; bean; pea 操作方式:

12) 教师拿出蔬菜图片,先拿出两张tomato, potato.老师说:this is tomato and this is potato.领读两到三遍,将图片贴在黑板上。然后老师问:this is ?and this is ? 13) 教师拿出其他图片,按同样的方式来练习。 14) 教师每教两单词,就要复习一下前面刚学过的单词。

15) 整体复习两遍,教师带读一遍;第二遍时,教师不规律地拍黑板上的短语,让学生回答,同时给学生加分。

16) 游戏:教师先做示范。首先教师将短语的图片贴在班内的墙上,教师找一组学生跟在教师的身后一起走或单腿蹦,不规律的停在图片面前,说短语,一个一个说,看谁在规定的时间内说的图片多,加分。然后找学生来做。(加分) 听力

听力内容: Unit 7 天天练的星期二的第一题。

操作方式: 教师放一个,学生复述一个,教师给复述正确的学生加分。 朗读

朗读内容: Unit 7的蔬菜单词carrot; pea; bean; tomato; potato; onion 朗读方式: 教师让学生打开书,跟着磁带指读一遍;然后教师按照顺序带领学生读一遍黑板上贴的单词卡片;最后将班级分成两大组,每组都把所有的单词卡片读一遍,读得好的组,教师最高可以给该组加三分。



老师与学生结伴而行,俩人看见一些蔬菜,其中一人问另一人,看见了哪些蔬菜?T: Oh, What can you see? S: I can see the potato and the bean.What can you see? T: I can see the onion and the tomato.

然后教师将学生分组,两个学生一组,5分钟练习,练习后让学生上讲台来表演。 阅读(与写作合在一起)

完成书中Part 2 Read and colour 写作

老师说黑板上的单词,同学找单词并写在本上,copy 两遍。这时,教师在班内走动检查,写得又快又好的前十名学生,可按组加分。


教学主题: 句型:-Which one do you like, the banana or the orange? –I like the orange.教具: 复习

复习内容:蔬菜单词carrot; potato; tomato; bean; onion; pea 复习方式:

4)教师抽图片,学生stand up and say,复习单词,老师领拼一次单词,尝试拼写,加分。 引导

引导内容:句型:-Which one do you like, the banana or the orange? –I like the orange.操作方式:

5) 教师拿出水果模型,走到同学身边问:-which one do you like, the apple or the orange? 如果学生直接回答,老师要更正:I like apple.然后老师再拿出蔬菜图片,问:-which one do you like, the carrot or the bean? 老师提示-I like carrot.将其写在黑板上,领读。

6) 教师以同样的方式问其他蔬菜。 7) 巩固:整体复习两遍,教师带读一遍。

8) 游戏:教师先做示范,找每组第一个学生拿着图片进行传话,看谁说得又快又对,加分。 听力

听力内容:Unit 7天天练星期四的第一题。 操作方式:找学生复述,加分。 朗读

朗读内容:Unit 7 Part 8中的句子:-Which one do you like, the banana or the orange? –I like the orange.操作方式:找同学读句子,加分。 蔬菜图片,水果模型。


4) 教师将蔬菜图片贴在黑板上。

5) 教师找一个学生上来,教师做示范(然后找学生做) T: Hi.S: Hi.T: Which one do you like, the --- or --- ? S: I like --- T: Here you are.(把图片给他) S: (给钱) T: Thank you.6) 将学生分成两人一组,教师给学生3-5分钟练习,练习时教师要主动询问和帮助学生解答问题,最后让学生到讲台上表演。 阅读(与写作合在一起) 写作

黑板上的句子用蔬菜单词,让学生仿照所学的主题造句。 复习



教学主题: 字母e的发音规律 教具: 复习


操作方式:教师拿图片cake; name; face; make; game; plane,学生说。 引导

引导内容: 字母e的发/i:/音

操作方式: 在复习完后,老师先在黑板上写字母e,说:this is letter e, it sounds /i:/,说完,老师把音标/i:/写在黑板上,教读2-3次。老师拿出单词me,以拼的方式来教学生。老师以同样方式教其他音标单词。每教两个要复习前面的单词。

游戏: 教师将音标卡片发给每组的最后一个同学,老师随机说出单词,同学从后往前传话,哪组速度快又好,加三分。


听力内容:Unit7Part3 操作方式:学生复述,加分。 单词卡片:he she me Peter we


朗读内容:Unit7 Part3 操作方式:听录音,学生指读单词。 运用


T: He is Peter.(介绍的动作) She is ---.And me; we are friends.(两手搭肩) S: -----(加分) 写作

将书中的音标单词copy 两遍。这时,教师在班内走动检查。 复习


Unit 8 Colours around us.


教学主题:颜色单词 blue; yellow; red; brown; white; black; green; purple; pink; grey 教具: 复习

复习内容:蔬菜单词: carrot; tomato; potato; onion; bean; pea 操作方式: 1)教师将单词过一遍,并把蔬菜图片贴在黑板上找同学来touch ,并找一个同学来说。



引导内容:颜色单词 blue; yellow; red; brown; white; black; green; purple; pink; grey 操作方式:

17) 老师先应该将颜色单词拿出,过一遍,针对不熟的单词重点讲。教师拿出水果模型苹果,问:What’s this? 在同学回答后,老师再问:What colour is it? 尝试让同学说完整的句子:it is red.然后将图片贴在黑板上教2-3遍。

18) 教师拿出其他模型和相关图片,按同样的方式来教yellow(banana); pink(peach); purple(grape); orange(orange); brown 颜色图片

19) 教师接着用奥运五环把已学过的颜色来巩固一下,并教学生蓝色blue,黑色black和绿色green 。 每教两单词,就要复习一下前面刚学过的单词。

20) 教师接着直接拿出颜色卡片,教white 和grey(注意和green的区别)

21) 整体复习两遍,教师带读一遍;第二遍时,教师不规律地拍黑板上的单词,让学生stand up and say 22) 游戏:教师先做示范。首先找两个最好的学生上讲台;俩人背靠背,其中一个面向所有学生,另一个面向黑板;教师让面向学生的人抽一张图片,然后引导所有的学生问面向黑板的学生:What colour is it? 教师让面向黑板的学生猜。教师最好让每个学生都参与一次。 听力

听力内容: Unit 8 part 1 操作方式: 教师放一个,学生复述一个,教师给复述正确的学生加分。 朗读

朗读内容: Unit 8的颜色单词

朗读方式: 教师把颜色单词的图片贴在黑板上首先带领同学集体读一遍,然后每组起立读,对于读得好的组,教师最高可以给该组加三分。


操作方式:老师先做示范。 T: Hello(打招呼的动作) S: Hello T: Would you like red? (老师要示意学生从黑板上的图片中选择) S: Yes, please/No, thanks.T: What would you like? S: I want pink.T: Here you are.S:Thank you.然后教师将学生分组,两个学生一组,5分钟练习,练习后让学生上讲台来表演。 阅读(与写作合在一起) 写作

老师说黑板上的单词,同学找单词并写在本上,copy 两遍。这时,教师在班内走动检查,写得又快又好的前十名学生,可按组加分。


教学主题: 句型:-Do you like blue? -Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.教具: 复习

复习内容:颜色单词blue; yellow; red; brown; white; black; green; purple; pink; grey 复习方式: 教师抽图片,学生stand up and say,复习单词,老师领拼一次单词,尝试拼写,加分。 引导

引导内容:句型:-Do you like blue? -Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.操作方式:

9) 教师拿出水果模型,走到同学身边问:-Do you like orange? 如果学生直接回答Yes,老师要更正:Yes, I do.直到同学说完整,再把模型给他,然后老师再拿出颜色图片,问:Do you like purple? 老师提示Yes, I do or No, I don’t.并将其写在黑板上,领读。

10)教师以同样的方式问其他颜色。 11)巩固:整体复习两遍,教师带读一遍。

12)游戏:教师先做示范,找每组第一个学生拿着图片进行传话,看谁说得又快又对,加分。 朗读

朗读内容:Unit 8 Part 7中的句子:- –Do you like blue? -Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.操作方式:找同学读句子,加分。 运用

7) 教师将颜色图片贴在黑板上。

8) 教师找一个学生上来,让他站在班后,然后示意(招手),说:-----, come here, please.教师做示范(然后找学生做) T: Look! Colours.Do you like pink? S: Yes, I do.Do you like yellow? T: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.9) 将学生分成两人一组,教师给学生3-5分钟练习,练习时教师要主动询问和帮助学生解答问题,最后让学生到讲台上表演。 阅读( 完成书中Part 7 以一问一答的行式) 颜色图片,水果模型。

操作方式:老师先做示范。然后将学生分成两人一组,教师给学生3-5分钟练习,让同学互相问主题句,并将表格完成) 写作

黑板上的句子用其他颜色单词替换,让学生仿照所学的主题造句。 复习



教学主题: 字母i的发音规律 教具: 复习


操作方式:教师拿图片he; she; me; Peter; we,学生说。 引导

引导内容: 字母i的发/ai/音

操作方式: 在复习完后,老师先在黑板上写字母i,说:this is letter i, it sounds /ai/,说完,老师把音标/ai/写在黑板上,教读2-3次。老师拿出单词bike,以拼的方式来教学生。老师以同样方式教其他音标单词。每教两个要复习前面的单词。

游戏: 教师将音标卡片发给每组的最后一个同学,老师随机说出单词,同学从后往前传话,哪组速度快又好,加三分。


听力内容:Unit8Part2 操作方式:老师第一次放磁带,一个一个放,找学生复述,加分。第二次,放一个,找同学上黑板尝试写出所听到的单词,写对可以加三分。


朗读内容:Unit8 Part2 操作方式:听录音,学生指读单词。 运用


老师可以找一组同学进行动作传递,而这些动作的单词是关于音标的,前一个做,后一个说出音标单词。看哪组同学做得最顺利,可加多分。 单词卡片:bike; five; kite; mike; nine; rice; ride; time


将书中的音标单词copy 两遍。这时,教师在班内走动检查。 补充

1.完成书中Part 4, colour the sock.操作方式:听老师口令,涂上不同颜色的袜子,看谁涂得好。 2.完成书中Part10, Look and say.(听磁带,找同学复述)

操作方式:老师先让学生认读书中的动物并把相应的单词写出来。如果有不熟悉的单词老师可以进行辅导。然后分别描述动物身体的颜色特征。如: The frog is green.The sheep is white.

Unit 9 Where is my toy car? 教学目标 1 语言知识目标:

(1)能正确地听、说、读、词语A toy bike , a toy train, a toy motorbike ,a toy car ,a toy bus, a toy plane, a toy jeep, a toy boat , mat ,bed , desk, cap position: on in under between, behind, next to (2) 听得懂、会说、会用句子„where is „?/ it is„..have you got a „?/yes I have or no I haven’t.(3) 要能用句型where is „/it is „.以及have you got a ..?/yes I have or no I haven’t 灵活的做对话 2 语言技能目标:

(1)能根据情境和图片说出单词和句子 (2)在设计的情景下进行简单的英语交流。 3 情感态度目标:

(1)进一步提高学生对英语的学习热情,增强学习兴趣。 (2)培养学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。 (3)通过本课的学习培养学生的语言表达能力。 教学重点

1 能听得懂、会说、会读单词A toy bike , a toy train, a toy motorbike ,a toy car ,a toy bus, a toy plane, a toy jeep, a toy boat , mat ,bed , desk, cap 2 听得懂、会说、会用句子where is „?/it is „„ have you got „?/yes I have or no I haven’t

3 能流利表达物体所处方位以及自己是否已经拥有某样物品。 教学难点

1能流利表达物体所处方位以及自己是否已经拥有某样物品。 2 单词between的用法 教学过程




首先,根据英语愉快教学模式,使学生在教学活动开始便处于认知的活跃状态,为以后的教学过程创设最佳的开端,教师计划给学生讲一个简短的小故事,Mary弄丢了她的玩具小汽车,自然而然地引导出句型“where is my toy car?”为新内容的学习做好认知准备。


1在前面认知准备的基础上,带领学生学习新的单词。先是由ppt 展示之后出示几张单词卡片,并让学生通过跟读、集体读、自由读等形式初步接触新词。

2学完物体类的单词之后是一个抢读单词的比赛。将全班按人数分组,比如apple group, banana group „.3每组每次出一名同学参加比赛,按座位一次向下轮流进行。

4 在where is „.?/it is „句型的学习上教师先带学生读,了解句型结构,包括每个方位词的使用方法,分别在情境中作例句,(ppt 和书上的图画)带学生读,记忆。


5播放情境提问学生,找人回答。再之后由同学自己提问自己回答,最后找同学,一个同学问,一个学生答,做简单对话。反复练习。 6第七部分的pair work 部分也采用同样的方式。




1 教师运用单词卡片,用所学的句型对学生进行提问。



1 单词A toy bike , a toy train, a toy motorbike ,a toy car ,a toy bus, a toy plane, a toy jeep, a toy boat , mat ,bed , desk, cap 2 句子where is „?/it is „„ have you got „?/yes I have or no I haven’t


Unit 3

I like apples

一、Teaching aims:





二、Key point and difficult point: Key point: apple, banana, pear, mango, lemon, peach, grapes, coconut, orange, want, fruit,

Difficult point: What would you like?

I like apples.

I want a coconut.

三、Materials for teaching:

1、The cards.

2、Some fruit.

3、Some pictures about fruit.


四、Teaching proce:

(一)Greeting T: Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,Cathy.

(二)Free talk

T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine ,thank you ,and you? T: I am fine ,too. T:What’s your name?

Where are you from?

Nice to see you! ... Ss:…

(三)Warm-up T: Now, boys and girls,please all stand up,Let’s do some warm-up,follow me,please!

Follow ,follow ,follow me,hands up,hands down.

Follow ,follow ,follow me,turn left,turn right.

Follow ,follow ,follow me,Let’s turn around.

Follow ,follow ,follow me,stand up,sit down.Ss: …

(四)Review T: Last week,we learnt some words,do you remember?Let’s review them.

(Show the cards and ask students to gue what the word is.) T:If you can read the word and spell it quickly,you can get 1point,do you understand? Ss:Yes.

T:Good.Are you ready? Ss:Yes.T: Let’s begin.……

(五)Dictation T:OK,now everyone,please take out your notebooks and pencils,let’s have a dictation.T:Are you ready?Let’s begin! ……

(六)New leon T: Now today we will study a new leon:Unit 3 I like apples.(Write on the blackboard) Can you read this sentence? Ss:…

T: Wonderful,Read after me,please. “ I like apples”.Ss: “ I like apples”.T: Gteat.Now look here,I have a bag,There are many fruit in the bag,you can gue what they are.If you are right,you can get 1point,OK,now let’s begin,Who can try? Ss:…

T: You are so clever,Now let’s play a game,the name of the game is: “Ostrich game”.Who can try?

Ss: I can try.T: OK,* *and * *please.Come here.Others,listen carefully,you must back to back,when I say:1,2,3,go.You must turn over and use other side’s word make a sentence.For example:The word is“banana”, you must say:“I like bananas.”or some other sentences.who is quick,he or she will get 1 point.Do you understand? Ss: Yes.T:OK,let’s begin.Ss:…


T: You are so clever.Now look here,look at these cards,let’s read these words together.…… Ss:……

T:Can you read these words?Now who can try?Read the words.Ss: I can try.……

T:Well-done.Now Look at the PPT,what’s this?



touch the card

Grape fruit


loud and lowly



hide the card

T:Now,let’s read them together,you must read them three times.Ss: …

T:Good,Now let’s play an interesting game.The name of the game is: “Down Game”.Now listen carefully, I’ll ask five students to come here and I’ll give them everyone a card,there is a word on the card,the others can give orders,if one of them say: “apple down”.The apple must down quickly,do you understand? Ss:Yes.T:Who can try? Ss: I can try.T: OK,…are you ready?Let’s begin.……

T:Now,look at this PPT, where is it? Ss:超市。

T:Yes,It’s a supermarket,what did she say?

Read after me,please. What would you like? Ss: What would you like? T: Good job,one day,I want to buy some fruit,what shall I say? Ss: What would you like? T:No,you can say: I want some apples.Read after me,please. (用不同速度拍手来操练) T:Now ,let’s do some dialogs,A ask,B answer.who can try?


(七)Leon Part 2 Look , ask and say

Ask some students do the dialogs.A:Would you like an ….? B:Yes,please./No,thanks.Part

3Finish on the computer.Part

4and Part 5 the sound of “o”

Finish on the computer.Part6

Listening Part7 Ask the student to answer and spell .Part8 Homework Part9

Finish on the computer.Part10 Homework Part11 Oral English Part12 Write the words Part13 Homework (八) Homework

1、抄写并背诵单词:apple, banana, pear, mango, lemon, peach, grapes, coconut, orange, want, fruit,

2、抄写并背诵句子:I like apples.

I want a coconut.

3、回家对爸爸妈妈说:What would you like?

I’d like a/an …

Would you like an apple?



第12篇:剑桥少儿英语一级unit9. 教案

基本框架可以参考下面 一 说教材

本课将要学习剑桥少儿英语一级unit9.在这篇课文的学习中主要要求学生掌握一些玩具类的单词,比如:玩具汽车,玩具飞机等。还要掌握方位词,例如:on,under,next to…要掌握的句型就是where is …?/it is …… have you got …?/yes I have or no I haven’t


二 说教学目标

基于对课文内容的理解,以及对学生身心发展规律和认知规律的分析,我制定了如下教学目标: 1 语言知识目标:

(1)能正确地听、说、读、词语A toy bike , a toy train, a toy motorbike ,a toy car ,a toy bus, a toy plane, a toy jeep, a toy boat , mat ,bed , desk, cap

position:on in under between, behind, next to

(2) 听得懂、会说、会用句子…where is …?/ it is….. have you got a …?/yes I have or no I haven’t.(3) 要能用句型where is …/it is ….以及have you got a ..?/yes I have or no I haven’t 灵活的做对话 2 语言技能目标:

(1)能根据情境和图片说出单词和句子 (2)在设计的情景下进行简单的英语交流。 3 情感态度目标:


(2)培养学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。 (3)通过本课的学习培养学生的语言表达能力。 三 说教学重点

1 能听得懂、会说、会读单词A toy bike , a toy train, a toy motorbike ,a toy car ,a toy bus, a toy plane, a toy jeep, a toy boat , mat ,bed , desk, cap

2 听得懂、会说、会用句子where is …?/it is …… have you got …?/yes I have or no I haven’t

3 能流利表达物体所处方位以及自己是否已经拥有某样物品。 四 说教学难点


2 单词between的用法





该环节主要是复习与新知识有密切联系的旧知识,为新知识的引入做铺垫,使他们立刻参与到英语会话课堂这个情境中来,为进一步探究新知凝聚了动力。 首先,根据英语愉快教学模式,使学生在教学活动开始便处于认知的活跃状态,为以后的教学过程创设最佳的开端,我给学生讲一个简短的小故事,Mary弄丢了她的玩具小汽车,自然而然地引导出句型“where is my toy car?”为新内容的学习做好认知准备。



1.在前面认知准备的基础上,带领学生学习新的单词。先是由ppt 展示之后出示几张单词卡片,并让学生通过跟读、集体读、自由读等形式初步接触新词。学完物体类的单词之后是一个抢读单词的比赛。将全班按人数分组,比如apple group, banana group …. 每组每次出一名同学参加比赛,按座位一次向下轮流进行。

2.在where is ….?/it is …句型的学习上我先带学生读,了解句型结构,包括每个方位词的使用方法,分别在情境中作例句,(ppt 和书上的图画)带学生读,记忆。然后播放情境提问学生,找人回答。再之后由同学自己提问自己回答,最后找同学,一个同学问,一个学生答,做简单对话。反复练习。在第七部分的pair work 部分也采用同样的方式。










Unit 8 (a) Busine equipment I.Teaching Objectives:

i.To enable Ss to talk about busine equipment ii.To practise reading for specific information iii.To practise listening for gist and specific information iv.To review language for giving instructions and practise form-filling II.Materials needed: Caette-Pa cambridge BEC Preliminary III.Teaching Proce: i.Unit overview ·Office equipment Vocabulary: Ss sort items of office equipment according to whether they are eential, useful, not important.Reading: Ss scan two advertisements for photocopiers.Ss read the advertisements again and answer multiple-choice questions.Speaking: Ss discu which of the two photocopiers would be best for three different people.Reading: Ss complete a form to obtain more information about one of the photocopiers ·Giving instructions Listening: Ss listen to a conversation to identify the problem with a new shredder.

Ss listen again to complete instructions on using instructions.Languages focus: Ss review language for giving instructions.Speaking: Ss Play a board game to consolidate busine-equipment-related

vocabulary.( Activity sheet page 127)

Ss take turn to give instructions for and identify pieces of equipment.·Self-study Vocabulary: Sorting exercise(matching verbs with machines).Word-building exercise (equipment-related vocabulary).Writing: Ss give written advice on problems with equipment.Ss write operating instructions for a piece of equipment.Reading: Multiple-choice reading comprehension exercise.Exam practice: Matching visuals with sentences.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step 1.Office equipment Ex.1 Vocabulary.Ss sort vocabulary relating to office equipment.Ss discu their categories in pairs before a general feedback seion.Ex.2 Reading.Ss scan the two photocopier advertisements in order to answer the two questions.The advertisements are authentic with correspondingly rich language.Ss should simply focus on the answers to the questions.Ex.3 Reading Ss read the advertisements in more detail in order to answer the multiple-choice questions.Ex.4 Speaking

Ss read the descriptions of the three people and decide which photocopier each person should buy.Ex.5 Ss complete the form for more information for James Clarkson from the previous exercise.Step 2.Giving instructions Ex1&2.Listening.Ss listen to a conversation about a new shredder in order to decide what the problem is and how Anna and Becky solve it.Then Ss listen again in more detail in order to complete the notes.Ex.3 Speaking Ss work in a group of four to play the game.To make counters T photocopies and cuts out the line drawings of the machines on the game Activity sheet on page 127.The purpose of this game is to recycle vocabulary in order to prepare for the following exercises.Ex 4.Speaking

One S gives instructions for one of the pieces of equipment illustrated, without saying which one it is.His partner guees which object it is.Ss then change roles.Step 3.Self-study Help Ss finish Self-study exercises.

Unit 8 (b) Correspondence I.Teaching Objectives:

i.To raise awarene of and practise writing formal correspondence ii.To practise reading for specific information II.Materials needed: None III.Teaching Proce: i.Unit overview ·Sending a quotation Warmer: T brainstorms different types of busine letter.Reading: Ss read three types of correspondence and match them with descriptions before answering comprehension questions.

Speaking: Ss discu differences between letters, faxes and e-mails then exchange information about their correspondence.·Letters of acceptance Reading: Ss order extracts from a busine letter and match the extracts with descriptions of the paragraphs.Languages focus: Ss match functions with letter phrases.Writing: Ss write a letter querying an invoice.·Self-study Vocabulary: Explanation of abbreviations.

Matching exercise (letter openings and closures).

Spoken vs.written functional phrases.Writing: Ss correct a grammatically correct but informal letter of enquiry.Exam practice: Party invitation notice.

Letter replying to an enquiry.ii.Detailed study of this unit Step1.Sending a quotation T quickly brainstorms different types of formal busine letter such as complaint, enquiry, etc.T also brainstorms alternation types of inter-company correspondence.E.g.fax, e-mail, memo.When would we use a formal little and the alternations? One of the deciding factors is the relationship between the writer and reader.Ex.1.Reading The aim of exercise to introduce some samples of writing and to make the point that the type of correspondence we use and the language we write depends on a number of factors, including relationship.Ss quickly scan the 3 forms of correspondence to find the neceary information.Note: 1、10th,sept.(BE)/ 11.10th (AE) 2、Subject:/Re:

3、① Dear Mi××/Dear Mrs.××

Dear Ms×× / Dear Mr.×× Yours sincerely ② Dear Sir or Madam Yours faithfully ③ Dear Nancy/Alan Best Regards Best wishes ④ I’ve attached a copy of…;Please find enclosed a copy of… Attach


enclose 兹附上…

Enclose 用于信函,attach


Enclose is used only with letters but attach can be used with letters but attach can be used with both letters and e-mails.Suggested answers:

1、Julian Hughes(fax) ---has already organized courses for Norwest.Dave (e-mail )may also done so.

2、Rebecca Brooks (letter)---has not worked with Norwest before.

3、Dave(e-mail)-is a personal friend of Alan’s .Ex 2.Reading Ss read through the questions and scan the correspondence for the relevant information.Then Ss explain their answers, referring to the correspondence.Suggested answer:

1、Synergy Management Consultants (7.5 hours)

2、Watson & Railton

3、ATC Consulting (525 pounds includes VAT, whereas Watson and Railton’s 499 pounds does not) 4. Synergy Management Consultants 5.Watson & Railton(or in---company) Ex 3.Ss work in pairs and read the correspondence for detailed comprehension,noting any differences between the three replies.The different fall into several categories such as salutation, use of language and familiarity.The linguistic differences include use of conventional phrases and also vocabulary such as venue/location, delegates /no.of people.Note:

1、Julian Hughes(fax) ①use Alan’s first name, signs off with his own first name, no reference line.②some informal language (Many thanks) ③some abbreviations(I’ve attached) ④some le formal vocabulary(no of people)

2、Rebecca Brooks(Letter): ①uses formal salutations(Dear Mr.Pickering, Yours sincerely) ②reference line, formal phrases(your enquiry of 16 April) ③formal vocabulary(venue, delegates) ④use no contraction at all.3、Dave(e-mail): ①uses first names, no reference line, informal time reference(yesterday) ②contractions(Here’s, I’ve) ③informal vocabulary (quote,wanted,give me a call) ④ellipsis (hope you can read it ok ) ⑤ Informal salutations (Best wishes) Ex.4 Speaking Ss work in pairs and exchange information about their own correspondence.Step2.Letters of acceptance.Ex 1.Reading.Alan decides to accept the Synergy offer and writes a letter of acceptance .Put the paragraphs of his letter into the correct order.As an alternative to doing the exercise from the book, T photocopies the extracts, cut them into separate pieces and give them to Ss as a jigsaw.T points out that the jigsaw letter is a reply to the correspondence from the previous page.During feedback Ss explain why they chose their particular order.Ex 2.Ss read the four functions and match them with the relevant paragraph from the jigsaw letter.During feedback Ss identify the exact language supporting their answers.This will highlight the functional phrases in the letter and lead into the next exercise.Ex 3.Vocabulary The matching exercises introduces some more functional phrases .Ss match phrases with functions and then T leads feedback..EX 4.Writing

This writing task is similar to Part Two of the Cambridge BEC Preliminary Writing Test (60---80 words).First of all, the cla brainstorms the contents of the required letter.Then T puts Ss in pairs and asks them to follow the procedure under the bullets in the exercise.Ss submit the first draft for editing by the cla.Notes: 1、Delegates:8@ &549 per person 出席人数:8,单价为547英镑/人 Extras: Training Packs @&2.5 per person 额外费用:培训资料袋,单价为2.5英镑/人 发票中@的意思是:单价为……

2、Bankers: Lloyds Bank PLC …… 开户银行:英埃德(股份)银行 Useful expreions: 1、Re:事由 2 Invoice:发票清单

3、Thank you for your letter of …

4、I am writing to…

5、With reference to…事关

6、I am please to… 7、T am afraid that…

8、I would be grateful if you could 9、I look forward to hear from you.Suggested answer: RE: Training course invoice 1948 Dear Mrs.Brooks Thank you for your letter and invoice of 24 May 2001.I am afraid we are unable to accept the invoice as only six participants attended the seminar, not eight.Moreover, training packs were included in the price.I would be grateful if you could send me a correct invoice for the training course.I look forward to receiving your early reply.Yours sincerely Alan Pickering Step3.Self-study Ex 5.Writing Useful expreions:

1、price list

2、a copy of brochure is enclosed 随函附上产品宣传小册子

3、a wide range of photocopiers

4、Thank you for your letter of …

5、I enclose…

6、Any further questions/in formation

7、Do not hesitate to contact me

8、discounts available for…可得到折扣

9、a 3% discount is offered on…对 打折 10.I look forward to hearing from you Ex 6 Writing

Useful expreions

1、to hold/have a farewell party 2、to leave for his new job 3、to wish him well

4、in Reception / in the aembly hall at 5:30 pm 会议厅



一. 开场

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.Welcome to Lucy English.Now let me introduce myself first.My name is Lucy, my Chinese name is Ge Rile, and I’ve been teaching kids English for about ten years.And for today, I hope we can have a wonderful time together.Now, let’s begin today’s cla.Thank you.

二. Greeting: 1.Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you! My name is Lucy.So, I say: Hello, everyone.

You say: Hello, Lucy.Let’s have a try: Hello, everyone.(Hello, Lucy.) 2.(对每一个学生单独打招呼) Hello,XXX.(Hello, Lucy.)

(奖励给每个对话的学生一个sticker: Good job! A sticker for you!) 3.今天谁得的sticker最多,就可以到Lucy这儿换奖品哦~

Hello, everyone!

(Hello, Lucy)


Now, everybody, stand up! Let’s do a chant! (让学生排成一排)Stand in a row! (老师站到侧面) Face to Lucy.(挨个纠正) “Walking, walking, ready? Go !” “Walking, walking, walking, walking Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop Running ,running, running, running, running, running Now let’s stop! Now, let’s stop!”

(第一遍,慢!第二遍,稍快!第三遍,自由发挥!) Well done! Very good, everyone! (对一个学生打招呼,并给sticker)

Hello, XXX.(Hello, Lucy) Good! A sticker for you! Go back to your seat!

四. 字母Aa 1.“ABC Song”

大家都听过字母歌(Alphabet Song)

Today we are going to learn a letter. 老师拿出Aa的字母卡。

Follow me: A-A-A

2.Let’s write the capital A.

Look at me: (老师做straight line的动作) straight line的动作。Straight line! Straight line!

One straight line, two straight lines, three straight lines.

Show me your fingers.

Show me your feet.

Stand up! Show me your heap!

Let’s write the small A.


Look at me: (老师做曲线的动作) curved line! Curved line!

One curved line! Two curved lines!

Show me your fingers.

Show me your feet.

Stand up! Show me your heap!


字母A长成什么样子呢? Let’s make a letter A with our body!



Now, everybody listen! (老师发出各种声音) Sound!

What sound does letter A make?

Letter A, letter A, what sound do you make?

I make … sound.

Oh, I see.

Letter A makes … sound!


Everybody stand up! Let’s do the action!

A A A ……




五. New words: elephant, monkey (做动作,发出声音)嘀哒,嘀哒,铃铃铃~ It’s words time!

Today, we are going to learn 3 new words.

(一) elephant 1.(拿出一个魔法棒)This is a magic stick! ABRACADABRA! CAT!(指向自己)I am a cat! Miao… ABRACADABRA! DOG! (指向自己) I’m a dog! Woof ABRACADABRA! DUCK!(指向自己) I’m a duck! Quack

2.ABRACADABR! Jack! (指向自己)(做动作) I am an animal. I am big.

I have a long long nose.I have two big ears.I have four strong legs.I have a short short tail.Who am I?

3.(老师把zoo的教具拿出来) This is a zoo.这是一个动物园。

What’s in the zoo? 动物园里有什么? (请大家猜猜这张卡片是什么)

4.Follow me: elephant! Elephant!


6.Together: elephant

7.Do you like elephant? 你们喜欢大象吗?


那我们就可以说: I like elephants.


8.Look at me: I like elephants.(老师边说边做动作)

9.Who can? (请学生一个个上台来讲,讲完给小粘贴)

10.老师再次拿出卡片: What’s this? Elephant!


Let’s play a game.


Look at me! This is the card.I say: ready? Go! You do like this.(学大象) and turn around, and round and round(转三圈).And you run to the card and pat the card.And say: Elephant!

(二) monkey 1.ABRACADABRA! (指向自己)

I am an animal.

I have a long tail.

I like bananas and apples.

I like climbing the tree.

I like jumping and running.

Who am I?

2.(老师把zoo的教具拿出来) This is a zoo.这是一个动物园。

What’s in the zoo? 动物园里有什么? (请大家猜猜这张卡片是什么)

4.Follow me: monkey! monkey


6.Together: monkey

7.Do you like monkeys? 你们喜欢大象吗?


那我们就可以说: I like monkeys.


8.Look at me: I like monkeys.(老师边说边做动作)

9.Who can? (请学生一个个上台来讲,讲完给小粘贴)

10.老师再次拿出卡片: What’s this? monkey!


Let’s play a game.


Look at me! This is the card.I say: ready? Go! You do like this.(学大象) and turn around, and round and round(转三圈).And you run to the card and pat the card.And say: monkey!

(四)Review 1.Flash Cards: What’s this? … (给最先说的学生sticker) 2.I do the action, you say the word.(老师做动作,学生猜单词,先说的给sticker)

六. Game It’s game time! Let’s play the game! 1.Pat the cards: (老师把三张卡片放在地上排好) Listen! (点三个同学的名字) Come here! Stand in a line! I say : mother! Ready, go!

You run to “mother” and pat the card.Say: mother? Do you understand? Let’s have a try! …

Who is the winner? XXX is the winner! Together: Winner! Winner! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! (A sticker for you!)

2. I am a monster.I like to eat animals.Everybody stand up! ……

七. Goodbye Song: It’s time to say goodbye now! Stand up! Let’s sing a song!

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye everyone! La la la , la la la, goodbye everyone!





Unit1 Greetings

ⅠTeaching aims and demands



3,是学生能初步掌握本单元中出现的几个单词的短语 ⅡExpreions in communication 1,Good morning!/Morning! 2,Say hello to Teddy Bear! 3,Hello!Hi!

ⅢKey words and expreions

Hello,moring,Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy ,Dog Doffy, Cat Catty,Teddy Bear ⅣMaterials for teaching

Some pictures about animals or toys Leon1

Step1 Self-introudutions

Ok.From now on,I will be your English teacher.I am___。Please read after me! Step 2 Say requests

(具体要求具体制定) Step 3 Something about beginning the cla

How are you today ? → I am fine, thank you, how are you or and you>

注:点名时说:I am here.Step 4 Teach orders

(1) Clap your hands, one two three

Stamp your feet, one two three

(2) Are you ready?

Go! Go !Go! (3) Nod your head,

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Shake your head,

No! No! No!

Step 5

Giving names Step 6


Drawing some pictures about the three tines of the day to teach (Good morning!/Morning! Good afternoon! Hello! Hi!Good evening!) At last using the names to practice the greetings.Step 7 Homework

抄写自己的名字每个三排每排五个,用英语和父母打招呼。 Leon2

Step1 Review the greetings Step 2 mew words

Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy ,Dog Doffy, Cat Catty,Teddy Bear

Step 3 mew sentences

Say hello to Teddy Bear

Step 4 let us chant and sing

Listen to the tape and chang or sing after the tape,using the pictures to remember the chant.Step 5



Unit8 Play and score ⅠTeaching aims and demands 1,使学生进一步巩固和复习前面所学的字母


3,进行一次有关字母的综合复习ⅡExpreions in communication 1, Aa is for apple 2, What is behind the clouds? 3, The rabbit is behind the cloulds Ⅲ Expreions in communication Umbrella vest window watermelon Leon 1

Step1 Greetings Step 2 Leading out this unit of using the questions Boys and Girls, when you come to our school, what present have you got?(伞)You know this in Chinese ,but who can tell me how to say this in English? So, today let us learn unit 8 play and score.Step 3 new letters( Uu Vv Ww) 1,Now listen carefully, let us see who can catch the sound of the word quicky, T say the letter slowy and write the big letteron the blackboard.At last teaching how to say and how to write. 2,Now let us see this letter.It is the letter Vv.T using different sound to say the letter.3, Look I have got one more letter for you today.This is the letter W.Listen W ,then teaching how to say and write? Steop 4 new words Umbrella vest window watermelon

Using the letters to leading out the words Step 5 writing

Writing the letters in book.Step 6 draw and colour 运用引导的语气说:“U is for、、、、,Yes, umbrella.Ok, who can draw an umbrella on the blackboard? W is for、、、、Yes, window.Who want to have a try and draw a window on the blankboard? V is for、、、、,Yes, vest.Who want to have a try and draw a vest on the blankboard? Please look at part 6,draw and colour.Step 7 Homework 每个字母三排每排五个等。 Leon2 Step1 Review the letters and words Step2 Listen point and say This is a game.T let the Ss to become two teams, Team one say the letters or the wors one by one.Team two say the letters from w to a.Let us see which team is the winner., Then, we can play the match with two students as a group.At last, listehn to the tape and point the letter.Step3 new sentences 1,Aa is for apple First, T leading to the Ss to read the letters and the words together, then match. Two Ss as a group, according to the letters to say the words.Two teams make the match, to see which team is the best.

2, What is behind the clouds? The rabbit is behind the cloulds

Look at part 3 let us gue .From left to right.Let us see what is behind the clouds? First, T ask from the left to right.Ss answer .At last, T can ask T1 ask T2 or T2 ask T1.Then ask them to write the words in their books.Step 4 Game (1)T say A ,Ss say B. And so on Step 5 Homework (自定) Leon3 Step1 Review Step 2 sing

First, lead to the Ss to read part5 together, Second, listen to the tape and sing zfter it Third, learn the song.Step3 match to sing the song (1) Boys sing (2) Girls sing (3) Sing together Step 4 let us piay First, T takes the pictures and put it on the blackboard, then put a thing to fill in the things in front of the claromm ,let the Ss to far from a place ,let the thing to the box, if you can put the things in the box ,you can take a word on the blackboard and say it.Step 5 Homework (自定)


Unite1.subject,Geography,Science,Art,Music,Maths,Chinese,History,without, pa,twice,route,step,keep,share,other,even,best,friend,secret,lot,different,stuck, sad,problem,rich,poor,tooth,no matter 句型:what is your fovourite subject? Music is my favourite subject./My favourite subject is Music./I like Music best.

语法:1.定语从句、状语从句: When you pull the letter out of the bag, say three words with this letter.Best friends like to stay with you no matter if you are rich or poor.A best friend is someone who keeps secrets.

2.介词后动名词: Can you go to each cla without paing any cla twice? This is great game to play with your friends, with everyone taking a turn. 3.过去分词做定语 Best friends think you’re the coolest—even when you have a piece of egg stuck in your teeth all day.People in your group stay together and make a short story with all the given sentences.

Unit 2 过生日January, February, March,April,May,June,July, August,

September,October,November,December,present,buy,think,choose,aunt,uncle, right,person,wish,blow out candles,sing a song,give present,make a wish,pick 句型:When is your birthday?

Would you like to come to my birthday party? 语法:1.介词和日期、时间的基本搭配关系

At搭配时间点: at six o’clock, at noon(morning 和 afternoon的交点), at night。 注:at Christmas 和 at Easter 是指圣诞节或复活节这个时节,而非一天,而on Christmas Day则是一天。

On搭配某一天、某一天的朝夕、形容词修饰的某一朝夕(实际上也是某一天的朝夕):On October 1st, on Friday, on the morning of October 1st, on Sunday morning, on the following morning, on a fine morning, on a quiet evening, on New Year’s Day.

In搭配比一天更长或更短的一段时间。 In the morning, in summer, in December, in 2008,

另外,相对时间tomorrow、yesterday等 加朝夕不用介词。yesterday evening, tomorrow morning, last night。 2.Wish 后从句中动词的虚拟形式:

Unite3场景:讨论天气 :weather天气


rainbow 彩虹 raindrop雨点

hear听见 sound声音 put on穿上 戴上 chant说唱

anywhere任何地方 什么地方 fall down落下


quietly悄悄地 静静地 fog雾 -foggy有雾的


bright明亮的 –brightly明亮地 scarf围巾

wind风 —windy有风的

sunny晴朗的 stay停留

last week上周

yesterday昨天 cloud云---cloudy多云的

dark clouds乌云


storm暴雨 –stormy 暴风雨的 rain 雨–rainy下雨的

shower淋浴 阵雨

wild野生的 Tibet西藏

sunshine 阳光overhead在头上


句型:What was the weather like yesterday?


Have you ever heard of showers of frogs and fish?

你听说过“showers of frog and fish”这个俚语吗?

语法:形容词后缀-y的含义 sun-sunny, storm-stormy, cloud-cloudy

Unite 4 问路、指路




palace宫殿 university大学 turn right / left 向右/左转

minute 分钟 foreign外国的 easy容易的—easily容易地 city城市

other其他的 ticket票 subway地铁

world世界 get round逛 游览

show 出示 展示 driver司机


biking骑自行车 along 沿着 way 道路方法

pay for支付 be able to能够

traffic lights红绿灯 knee膝盖 winner获胜者 happen发生 far-further –furthest远 (最高级)

block积木 smooth 光滑的rough 粗糙的 top顶部


句型:How far is it from Xidan to Wangfujing Street? 从西单到王府井有多远?

You should turn left.你应当向左拐。 You should go straight on.你应当一直走。

How long does it take by taxi? 坐出租车要多长时间?

It takes about 12 minutes.大约12分钟。 You’re welcome. 不客气。


Unite 5 询问事物的称呼、询问对方完成动作情况 :robot机器人


finish完成 结束 already已经


drum 鼓 rucksack帆布背包 旅行包




tent 帐篷pyramid金字塔


finger手指 tadpole蝌蚪

camp野营 营地 life生活 生命 own 自己的 hind 后面的dangerous危险的 king国王的 queen女王

water lily荷花 pond 池塘 hurt伤害 受伤 learn a leon得到教训

句型:Have you finished your homework? 你完成作业了吗? No, I haven’t.没有。 Don’t worry! I’ve got a helper.别担心!我有一个助手。

What’s he called? 他叫什么? Is he helping you do homework? 他正帮你写作业吗? Have you got a robot to help you? 你有机器人帮你吗? There’s too much.太多了。


Unite 6 讨论事物的外部特征 lizard蜥蜴 octopus章鱼 zebra斑马

silver银子 银



ring环状物 耳环







smell闻起来 taste尝起来


heatproof 抗热的 bowl碗





roast 烘烤


My goodne! 我的天呀 meat肉

careful 小心的stomach胃

toilet =washroom 洗手间 heat加热

melt溶化 stick棍

foil 衬布 terrible可怕的

cover遮盖 覆盖


句型:what’s it like?

What does it sound like?

It sounds like a dog. 语法:感觉动词的系动词用法:feel, sound, look, smell, taste, etc.


Unite 7 讨论住房

house 房子 tent帐篷

town house城市中的住宅

floating house 漂浮的房子 apartment=flat公寓 楼房

cave 窑洞洞

hut茅屋 棚屋


bedroom卧室 bathroom 卫生间 dining room 餐厅 kitchen厨房



living room 客厅 balcony 阳台 mobile house汽车房子

all over the world 偏激全世界 thousands of 成千上万 grow 种植 生长 even 甚至 偶数 digit数字

field田地 wheat小麦



a few几个



magazine 杂志 sweet甜蜜的

warm 温暖的

句型:I can’t remember where I put my envelopes?

William is going on holiday.

语法:1.where 引导的宾语从句

比较:where 引导的定语从句:They had found a place where they could live.


Unite 8 时间话题

use运用 使用 London Bridge伦敦桥

Great Wall of China中国长城

pyramid 金字塔dinosaur恐龙


World Wide Web全球信息网

global village地球村

space walk太空行走

future未来 将来

quarter十五分钟 一刻钟


Manchester 曼彻斯特 university 大学since自从

build-built 建造 建立 fly-flew-flown飞 restore重建

around 大约 programme 节目 程序

USSR 苏联complete 完成 ago以前

half 一半asleep睡着的

remember记得 measure测量



Milan 米兰 second秒 第二 minute分钟

mean意思是 表示






candle clock蜡烛表

weight-driven clock 重量表 spring-driven clock 弹簧表pendulum clock摆钟

句型:Tom Kilburn wrote the world’s first computer programme in 1948 at Manchester University.

It’s a quarter to(past) eight. 语法:钟点表示法总结

Unite 9 场景:集体活动 单词:Australia澳大利亚 countryside乡村 waterfall瀑布 camp野营 enjoy喜欢 hope希望 different不同的 museum博物馆 playground操场 bookshop书店 swan天鹅 idea主意 pyramids金字塔 camel骆驼 science科学 mean意指

句型:Shall we go camping next summer together?

What shall we do this Sunday?

Which summer camp would you like to go to?

What do camels eat?

How does a computer work?

What does “science” mean?

Where are the pyramids?

Why am I short?

What would you like to know?

语法:情态动词shall 表示建议的用法

Unite 10 谈论去过的地方 airport机场 restaurant餐馆 circus马戏团 science科学 museum博物馆 bank银行 chemist’s药店 golf club高尔夫俱乐部 fire station消防站 London伦敦 police station警察局 tape recorder录音机 busineman商人 college大学 sandwich三明治 fridge冰箱 crowded拥挤的


句型:Have you ever been to science museum?

Yes, I have.

No, I haven’t.

Where have you been?

I haven’t seen you for ages.

Which exhibit do you like best?

What are the children doing?

Did you have a good time there?

Where does the light come from?

语法:Have been 和have gone 表示去某地时的意义对比

Unite 11 物体的材质 material材料 chopsticks筷子 recycle再利用 carefully仔细地 special特殊的 plastic塑料 bookcase书柜 wood木头 paper纸 metal金属 gla玻璃 wool羊毛 silver银 plate盘子 cupboard橱柜 shelf架子 fork叉子 fridge冰箱 cooker厨具 sciors剪刀 spoon勺子 watch手表 gloves手套 shell贝壳 empty空的 usele无用的 happen发生 china瓷器 light轻的 weak脆弱的 expensive贵的 noisy吵的 hard硬的 heavy重的 ugly丑的cheap便宜的

句型:What’s it made of? It is made of plastic.

What’s special about it?

What do you think of the following things?

How about that one

It’s too light.

语法:1.made of 和made from区别;


Unite 12 场景:体育比赛 单词:basketball篮球 wrestling摔跤 baseball棒球 athlete运动员 Olympic Games奥运会 gold medal金牌 high jump跳高 long jump跳远 diving跳水 water polo水球 badminton羽毛球 boxing拳击 baseball棒球 rowing划船 volleyball排球 handball手球 cycling自行车 shooting射击 protect保护 environment环境 volunteer志愿者 historical interests名胜古迹

句型:Help foreign friends find the way.

Carry our “Five-star” red flag while watching the games.

Who is the best player?

Where was he born?

语法:1.acro 表示位置的用法:Sarah’s brother is directly acro the net from her daughter.

对比:He walked acro the street.

2.whoever, wherever等的意义和基本用法

3.make 后复合宾语中不定式省略to;对比:被动语态时的情况。

Unite13 圣诞节:sleigh雪橇 Christmas圣诞节 Father Christmas圣诞老人 fun乐趣 space空间 turn转变 washroom洗手间 businewoman女商人 forget忘记 treasure财宝 present礼物 stairs楼梯 chocolate巧克力 policeman警察 winner获胜者 wardrobe衣柜 stockings长筒袜 reindeer驯鹿 carol颂歌 list清单

句型:For many children the greatest present you could give him would be to help them stand on their own feet.

Buy mum a box of chocolates.

Help a little boy find his mom.

Speak nicely to the businewoman.


Find out where to go.

The first person to get home is the winner.

What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.

Unite 14 游戏话题score得分 bathroom浴室 tasty美味的 leave离开 around在周围 laugh大笑 finish完成 photos相片 robot机器人 airport机场 café咖啡馆 cinema影院 museum博物馆 hospital医院 police警察 station车站 kitchen厨房 library图书馆 stone石头 soup汤 whole完整的 taste品尝 excellent极好的 pot壶 onion洋葱 stranger陌生人 villager村民 soon不久

句型:You’d better move on.

That would taste better.

I’m sure it tastes much better.

We love to play games.

Our ship is leaving soon.

We are going around the world.

What kind of games do you like to play?


Our ship is leaving soon.We are going around the world.

Unite 15 问问题treasure财宝 flute笛子 opposite对面的 question问题 what什么 where哪里 which哪一个 who谁 how如何 how many多少 how much多少(不可数)newspaper报纸 toy玩具 fruit水果 castle城堡 suddenly突然地 coin硬币 throw扔 country国家;乡村

句型:Where does Mi Wang live?

How do you spell Green?

Where’s the library?

What books did you buy?

What is the first day of the week?

What is your favorite color?

Have you ever been to the US?

Who is the oldest person in your family?

How many people are there in your family?

How much is it?


Unite 16 场景:职业话题 单词:busineman商人 businewoman女商人 nurse护士 doctor医生 policeman警察 policewoman女警察 actor男演员 actre女演员 journalist记者 astronauts宇航员 firemen消防员 firewoman女消防员 teacher教师 secretary秘书 farmer农民 pilot飞行员 cook厨师 photographer摄影师 engineer工程师 dentist牙医 painter画家 footballer足球运动员

句型:When I grow up, I might be an astronaut.

A clown is a person who makes people laugh.

You can have dinner here.

When did the story happen?

Where was Emma watching the stars from?

What did Emma see at the door?




Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends.


Teaching aims and demands





Expreions in communication

I‟ve got many new friends. They are so lovely.

Maybe I can meet her tomorrow. I like to play with toys.

My Chinese name is“Zhou Changcheng.” My English name is“Ann.”

Please give it to me.

Can I help you with the bag? 重点朗读词汇

Key words and expreions Chinese,

English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon,

puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden 所需教具

Materials for teaching 几个男生和几个女生照片或图片



书包里装的相应玩具及学习用品 教学步骤

Teaching Procedures Warm up

教师热情得和学生们打招呼,并主动带领学生认识班上的新同学,鼓励新同学融入到集体 中,全班同学互相介绍与认识。同时鼓励学生定出新学期的学习目标,制定好每天的学习计 划,注意把握时间。 Presentation 上课时,教师首先欢迎学生继续选学剑桥少儿英语的课程。教师说: “First of all, I would

like to say„welcome‟to all of you.Welcome you back to school.I‟m sure you can learn more things

this semester.And I hope you enjoy learning English.”

接着,教师说:“This semester we‟ve got some new friends.” 教师有意识地介绍一两个新同学,比如说:

“This is Li Ming.He is eight years old.He likes to play football and he is very good at learning maths.He likes to play soccer, too.” 介绍完了之后,教师可以对学生说:

“Now I want you to work in groups and introduce yourself to your friends.You are going to tell your friends the following things: name (English and Chinese name) , age, hobby, and where do you study?”


“We have six new friends today.Who can tell us something about the first friend?

What‟s his name? What does he like to do? What food does he like?” 教师鼓励学生把第一张图的信

息都说出来。然后,教师让学生依次介绍其他的几个新朋友。本部分需要学生掌握的内容是能 说说自己,并用三到五句话介绍自己的朋友。接下来,教师让学生进行对话练习。重点需要掌 握以下句型:

They are my new friends.Who‟s she? She is May.Who‟s he? He‟s Tom.She‟s an American.He‟s a Chinese.She‟s an English. 教师可以用这些句子让学生重新编新的对话,不必一字一句地按照对话的原文进行。Practice


2 Listen, read and match.



3 Pick and tell.

第三部分属于游戏部分,教师上课前将一些学生的图片贴在贺年卡片上,并在下面写上孩子的名字。上课时,教师将这些图片依次拿出来,挂在一条细绳上,此绳由两个学生拉着。教师边往上挂卡片边说:“I‟ve got many new friends.They are Alex, May and Linlin.” 教师可以使用

第二级考级中要用的名字来练习,比如Daisy, Jane, Mary, Sally,

Fred, Jim, Paul, Vicky, Jack, John, Peter 及第一级已经学过的英语名字。


5 Draw, ask and answer.第五部分是画画并根据图画相互询问有关信息。因此,教师先让学生在自己的书上画自己的一个朋友。画好之后,教师让学生之间进行询问:“Is your friend a boy or a girl?” (书上的句



6 Read and write.



7 Listen, chant and match.



8 Play and gue. 第八部分是猜学生名字的游戏。学生在以前的练习中也做过类似的游戏。但这一次,教师

可以加大难度,要求学生到前面唱一首歌、说一个歌谣或说几个句子,而不是单纯地问“Who am I?”这个游戏参与的人控制在三到五人。

单元教学活动 9 Look and say.


“ What have I got here, in my bag? ”学生可以猜。有的学生会说:“You‟ve got a pen and a book.”等。


10 Circle and match.



11 Skill practice.



单元教学活动4 Read and act.



请学生找一张自己的照片,将其贴在A4纸上,并在下面做一个自我介绍。 可供学生阅读的小短文


My friend and I

Xiao Ming is my best friend.We go to school together, play football together, do our homework

together, and we want to go to the same university in the future.People say we are like brothers, but we ourselves know that we

are very different in

many ways.For example, he seems

happy with everything while I always see the dark side of things.Last Sunday morning when we were going out to play football, it started to rain.I got very upset because Sunday morning was the only time we could play our plans.But Xiao Ming didn‟t seem to care much; he suggested that instead we watch“Star Wars”at home.While we were watching the movie, he tried to cheer me up, and soon I forgot about our bad luck that he cares a lot about but I don‟t.He always wants to get the highest test score in our cla.If he fails, he gets so angry that he won‟t talk to anyone, not even to me.But I, on

the other hand, dont mind a score of 70, or even 60.As long as I can pa the test,

my parents wouldn‟t get upset.I gue I‟m not as smart as Xiao Ming is , so I don‟t expect to do better than him.

When he gets angry, I simply leave him alone for a day or two.I know he will come to talk to me when he feels better.After all, we are best friends.


unit11 Where are you going? Ⅰ.Teaching contents 1.phonics:ai,ar,ea,en,ar,sh,tr; 2.words: 1)jeep, bus, car, ship, plane, train, bike; 2)farm, bookshop, Shanghai, Great Wall, school, beach, U.S.A, Xi’an, garden; 3.sentences: 1) Where are you going?We are/I am going to…… 2)How are you going there? I am going there…… 4.grammar: 中国地名的书写; 5.topic: Where are you going? Ⅱ.Teaching purpose

1.listening:能听懂磁带第十一单元的以下录音; Part 1 1)Hi, where are you going?

2) We are going to Shanghai.What about you? 3) We are going to Kunming. jeep,bus,car,ship,plane,train,bike; Part 2 listen,gue and say-What is the sound? 2.speaking:会说教材以下内容; Part 3 look and answer: How are you going to farm? I am going there by bike.( by bus, by car, by ship, by plane, by train,on foot) Part 5 Where are you going? I am going to Dalian. How are you going to there? I am going there by ship.3.reading:会读教材以下内容; Part 1 1)Hi, where are you going?

2) We are going to Shanghai.What about you? 3) We are going to Kunming. jeep,bus,car,ship,plane,train,bike; Part 3 look and answer: How are you going to farm? I am going there by bike.( by bus, by car, by ship, by plane, by train,on foot) 3.writing:会写教材以下内容;

Part 6 look and colour them by numbers;

Part 7 look and write: 5.using:

1)会做教材以下内容的作业:part 4, part 6,part7; 2)会玩教材上面以下内容的游戏:part 2; 3)会唱教材上以下内容的歌曲:part 5; Ⅲ.Teaching methods 1.song:part 5 Where are you going? I am going to Dalian.How are you going to there? I am going there by ship.2.game: part 2 Listen to the sound,and gue what is it?( jeep,bus,car,ship,plane,train,bike)



剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit1 Where are you going?


1)使学生掌握本单元的重点句型 2)使学生初步学会并掌握有关地点的名称


交际句型:--------------Where are you going?

----------------I\' m going to school.

交际词汇:post office, market, zoo, park, bus station, cafe, supermarket, hospital, cinema, bank, library, shop

复习内容:物主代词my, your, his, her, their, our, its


上课时,首先让大家看自己手中的图片,并对大家说:Hi, everyone, I\'ve got many pictures.They are places.Do you know what they are? Now, look at this one.(拿出一个大家比较熟悉的地点---医院) This is a hospital.Do you this one? Very good.It\'s a school.It\'s a school.We are now in the school.按照此种方法,可以把单词一一介绍给大家。

介绍时要注意与学生在情感上的交流。如:This is a supermarket.Have you ever been to a supermarket? What can you buy in the supermarket? Is it far from your home? 等。语言要尽量简练,否则学生会有很多的听觉障碍。

学生把所有的地点学说几遍之后,教师说:Now I put these pictures in different places.And I\'m going to ask you a question.Where are you going? You tell me , \"I\'m going to the bank.\" Then you go and stand near the bank.Let\'s see which place has

more people.Do you understand? Who wants to try first? OK, come here please.Everybody, listen! \" Where are you going.Lin Feng?\" \"I\'m going to the zoo.\" Very good.Now you can go to the zoo and stand here.Do you understand us now?

教师带领学生做几个示范之后,可以让某个学生到前面来做同样的练习。待大家都理解了意思之后,教师应给学生一些时间做小组练习,然后再进行抽查。教师可以对学生说:Now I want you to work in pairs.One of you may



Unit9 Exam focus: Writing I.Teaching Objectives:

i.To familiarize Ss with the content of the Writing Test ii.To provide useful tips iii.To practise the Writing Test II.Materials needed: None III.Teaching Proce: i.Unit overview · The Writing Test T elicits Ss’ knowledge of the writing Test and gives an overview.· How to succeed T brainstorms what Ss think the examiner is looking for and takes Ss through tips regarding task completion and language.· Memos and notes Ss focus on Part One of the Writing Test and rank four candidates’ answers.T emphasizes the importance of task completion.Ss read tips then write a memo. · Letters and longers memos Ss focus on Part Two of the Writing Test.They focus on how to plan their answer then write a letter.· Exam practice Part One: Note.Part Two: Letter replying to an enquiry. Part One: E-mail.Part Two: Longer memo.ii.Detailed study of this unit

Step 1 The writing Test

Ss read the overview of the Writing Test.T answers any questions Ss may have regarding its format and administration.T points out that The Reading and Writing Test are combined in one examination paper totaling 90 minutes.Ss must leave enough time for the writing Test (30 minutes at least).T illustrates the different parts of the Writing Test by directing Ss to the Exam practice page of the unit and briefly describing the format and requirements of each part.T also reminds Ss that answers are transferred to an Answer Sheet and shows them one.Step 2 How to succeed T takes Ss through the tips on Task and Language.T strees that the candidate



must complete the task in full.Step 3 Memos and notes Ex1.Ss work in pairs.T asks Ss to read the task carefully first and look at the four candidates’ answers.Ss first note the task and language errors.They then order them from best to worst.Ex2.T asks Ss to read through the tips.T points out that one point in the task usually requires Ss to use their imagination; In this case, they will have to decide what starting date to stipulate.Ss do the task individually and then check it.Step 4 Letters and long memos Part Two differs from Part One in that candidates are expected to write a formal letter or longer memo and are not expected to be so concise (word limits 60-80 words).Ss should pay attention to tone and style, making sure that their letter or memo is suitable formal.Ss work individually to complete the task. Step 5 Self-study

Help Ss finish Self-study exercises (30 minutes total).


信头,Heading, 包括写信人所在公司的名称,地址,邮政编码,电传挂号,传真号码,电话号码,电子邮件地址等。信头的位置在右上角或正中。

发信日期,Date,低于信头位置。英式写法是日期写在月份前面。 编号,Reference,便于信件归档分类。

封内地址,Inside Addre,写在左边信头之下。


事由/主题,Subject Line,出现在称呼之下。“Subject:”, “RE:” 正文, Body

结束语, Complimentary Dear Mi Brooks, Dear Mrs.Brooks, Dear Ms Brooks, Dear Mr.Brooks Yours sincerely Dear Sir or Madam Yours faithfully Dear Nancy Best regards // Best Wishes 写信人签名,姓名和职位, Signature, Writer’s full name and position, 位于信的最后。正式信函中写信人须写出自己的全名,签名下面还要打印出



签名人的姓名和职位。 2.I’ve attached a copy of …

Please find enclosed a copy of …


