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推荐第1篇:PWP初中英语课堂教学模式研究 长阳教育信息网长阳


县研训中心 胡兴文

大家都知道,Go for it教材有两个课时是以听说为主的内容,有两个课时是以读写为主的内容。对于这些内容怎么教,仁者见仁智者见智。有的人总觉得不好把握,也有人说,我们这个教材很好教,完成教材上的各项任务和训练题,让学生掌握相关的词汇和语法就行了。真的就行了吗?显然不行。那么,究竟该怎么做呢?我也一两句话说不清楚,因为这是一个课堂教学模式的问题,不仅每一所学校、各位普通教师在苦苦探索,就是众多教学研究的专业人员也没有找到一个万能的办法。我们今天在这里开会,一个很重要的任务就是观摩课例、探讨这个问题。



去年12月开始,我们有80多人参加了初中英语的“国培”, 其中的专题13——初中英语教学过程设计2就是讲的PWP教学过程,有谁认真看过?深入研究、大胆尝试过?我们有些老师很有趣,一方面在说不知道怎么把课教好,另一方面好的培训就是不愿意、不认真参加,甚至看都没看就说“国培”没用,劳民伤财。请问:什么有用?

2011年版的课程标准中建议的听说读写的教学过程究竟是什么呢?就是PWP教学过程。我们现在用的Go for it教材就是以任务型语言教学的理论为基础,依据PWP教学过程来编写的。本学期,龙舟坪镇为提高教学效率,强力推进了“五步三查”教学模式,起步阶段不准创新。前不久,我到该镇的两所初中听了6节课。听课之后,我和老师们、学校领导交流时讲过一个观点,我认为“五步三查”确实是一种很好的教学模式,但是我们的教材不是按“五步三查”编的,如果非得生搬硬套那个教学模式的话,要么就换一套按“五步三查”模式编的教材,要么教师就得自编教材。如果我们不换教材的话,如果老师们不能自编教材的话,我们就必须读懂Go for it教材,落实PWP教学过程。


对于PWP教学过程,教材在阅读部分体现的比较充分,即Pre-reading, While-reading, Post-reading。其实,这种PWP教学在听说读写各种技能训练时都是非常有用的。上听力课,应该有Pre-listening, while-listening 和 post-listening的过程 ;上口语课应该经历Pre-speaking, while-speaking 和 post-speaking 的过程;上写作中应该落实 Pre-writing,

1while-writing 和 post-writing的过程。归纳起来,当我们关注学习过程时,我们可以把学习过程划分为 Pre-learning, While-learning, Post-learning 三个阶段,这就是 PWP 教学过程。

Pre-learning (学习前)阶段是教师进行教学准备、学生自我准备、教师激发学生兴趣、激活学生学习新的语言知识、形成新的语言运用能力所需的知识、能力的阶段,其目的是为新语言内容的学习进行准备。这一阶段包括是课堂教学之前的一切准备活动,也包括课堂教学中开始学习新的语言内容之前的导入、启动、复习、激活等活动。

While-learning (学习中)阶段当然就是学习新语言的阶段,一般是在课堂进行,但也可以是学习在课堂之外的自我学习活动。在这一阶段,教师进行知识呈现、讲解,引导学生进行训练,学生通过学习掌握语言内容,形成运用能力。

Post-learning (学习后)阶段是学习新语言之后的活用、展示、评价的阶段。



1、教学目的: 听的教学不单单是让学生听清楚,抓住关键信息。还要增强对不同话语情景的识别能力,获取信息主旨大意,了解简单的具体事实,理解一定的逻辑关系以及事物发展的时间和空间顺序等,理解说话人的意图和态度。



二.说的教学 虽然由于技术的原因,目前说的能力在中考中没有直接考查,但是,说的教学却是我们课堂上最多的,朗读、答问、对话、表演、复述、游戏、演讲等,无处不是说的活动。学生







1、教学目的:读的教学不能浅层次地理解为朗读,学习词汇和语法,背诵,默写。其主要目的是让学生乐于阅读,基本养成阅读兴趣和良好的阅读习惯,掌握概括大意、理解词义、预测故事情节等基本阅读方法,基本掌握常用阅读策略, 初步形成语感。

2、培养学生哪些技能:⑴ 略读;⑵扫读、找读、跳读;⑶预测;⑷理解大意;⑸猜测词义;⑹推断;⑺理解细节;⑻理解文章结构;⑼理解图表信息;⑽理解指代;⑾理解逻辑关系。








我们教材中每个单元都有一些写的训练,但作文训练每单元认认真真写好一篇就行了,主要从Section B 3a—4,Self-check,Reading中确定一次,不要每一节课之后都来一篇作文。



1.Pre-reading(阅读前)。在pre-reading部分主要目的是做一些准备活动,包括知识的准备和文化背景的准备,为后面的阅读活动做铺垫。 Pre-reading的活动设计应根据学习内容的不同,采取不同的方式。比如问答、讨论、小测验、游戏等,复习相关的词汇和语言结构,或从标题和图片入手,猜测故事的主题,使学生适度了解文章内容等。 Pre-reading在活动 设计的时候,要注意学生的年龄特点。

2.While-reading(阅读中)。While-reading是学生自己阅读的环节。这一环节最重要的是让学生在读的过程中理解关键信息、获得主要信息。为了达到这个目的,要让学生在阅读的过程中边读边完成一些任务。这个时候重要的是训练阅读技能,当然也可以强化语言知识。 这一环节应注意的是,要给学生留有充分阅读的时间,要让学生有眼看、脑想的时间和过程;老师尽量少提问题或讲解




Module 3 The Violence of Nature


Step1: 师生互动﹙teacher-students interaction﹚: 老师展示关于大自然灾难的音像资料,就下面问题进行问答; 1.What do you think has happened in it? 2.What do we call it in English? 3.Have you ever been in one of then?

Step2;小组活动﹙team-work﹚;把全班分成三个组,一个组负责一个话题讨论⑴Describe the flood/earthquake/typhoon; ⑵Describe how you feel when you watch the film; ⑶Describe what would you do when it happen?

Step3: 班级活动﹙cla-activities﹚:

各组做一个team work,或以主题报告形式,或以对话形式交流各组的观点,其他小组提问,评价和补充。

While-reading Step1: 略读﹙skimming﹚;老师事先设计导读性问题,要求学生通过标题和插图,略读文章的开头和结尾,在最短的时间内独立做出回答。

1.What does the word “strike” mean according to the context? 2.Why does it happen? 3.What was the end of the story?



Step1: 练习﹙exercise﹚;要求学生准确理解句中的划线单词。在阅读教学中,教师要培养学生根据上下文准确句子。 Step2 :讨论﹙discuion﹚; 老师引导学生发挥想象,扩展文章的内容,鼓励学生培养创新思维。活动形式可以采取班级,分组或个人。



洲泉中学 张苏

【内容提要】英语词汇教学是英语教学重要组成部分,词汇教学效率直接影响着语言习得和运用能力。做好英语词汇教学工作对于英语教学的成功有着至关重要的影响。本文将从词汇教学前的引导,词汇教学中策略选择及词汇教学后的巩固练习等三个方面来阐述科学合理的词汇教学形式。 【关键词】词汇教学 PWP 新课程标准


词汇是构成语言的材料,词汇是语言交际工具的一种要素,没有词汇也就不存在句子,更无所谓语言,一定的词汇量是掌握好一门语言的基础。研究表明,学生在掌握了基本的语音和语法知识后,其听、说、读、写的能力一定程度上就直接取决于词汇量的大小。事实上,词汇内容不是简单的中文翻译,是语音、词性、意义、语法变化和运用功能的综合体。词汇教学一直是语言教学中的重点和难点,其教学成果直接影响了语言学习的效率。因此词汇教学的研究一直是语言学家们热衷的领域之一。在学术界,对于词汇学习策略的分类存在几种不同观点。O’Malley &Chamot (2001)提出了两分法:认知策略与元认知策略。Nation(2004)则主张三分法:根据语境猜测词义,运用记忆法记忆单词,根据词缀与词根掌握词汇。Lawson &Hogen (转自张彩霞2008)提出了四分法:重复记忆、词语特征分析、简单分析和复杂分析。在国内,程晓棠、郑敏(2002)更为具体地提出六分法:在语境中学单词,利用联想增强对同类词的学习效果,利用图像或想象加深对词汇的理解和记忆,利用同义词和近义词进行对比复习,根据构词法学习单词。笔者认为,教师对于词汇学习策略的认识会直接影响到了教师对词汇教学策略的选择,所以词汇教学中利用pre-teaching(教学前),while-teaching(教学中),post-teaching(教学后)这种PWP手法分阶段重点突破是很有必要的。




2.教师为了避免破坏阅读教学或者对话教学的整体性而要求学生课前就对单词死记硬背,让学生在缺乏语言语境的情况下背诵、记忆,最后用听写或者默写的方式来检验学生对生词的掌握情况。 3.教师对词汇教学处于空白,让学生课后自主学习,课堂内外把大部分的精力放在语法讲解和操练上,认为只有掌握语法,才能应付考试,完全忽略词汇的作用。






词汇教学的pre-teaching有很多形式,最常见的是话题导入牵引,这个比较适用于听说课文中的词汇处理。例如,《新课程标准英语初一年级下册》M2U1 We’re getting ready for Spring Festival 是一篇关于春节的话题。本单元有18个单词,这个词汇量对于初一学生来说有一定难度。但是教师如果能够在词汇学习之前做好铺垫,采用话题的形式从简到繁,问题便可迎刃而解。话题设计如下:

T: When is your favourite time ? And why? (这句话学生很容易理解,没有任何难的词汇,都是已学内容) S: My favourite time is my birthday / winter/ spring ---because ---(学生肯定会有很多答案,也可能想表达春节这个概念但是不会,程度好的可以说出New Year) T:My favourite time is the Spring Festival.Because my mother will cook a lot food.I can eat a lot of delicious food , I can wear my new clothes.But I must clean my house.Can you gue what is it? 在教师的描述中,结合书本图片学生很容易猜出Spring Festival 的意思。在这段话中,教师呈现了本单元中的很多单词,而且能引起学生的共鸣。学生为了能更好把自己过春节时的情况介绍给老师和同学,一定可以更加积极地投入到词汇学习中,而对于本模块中原本较难词汇如“sweep the floor/ make lanterns”等也不再恐惧。

除了用话题导入法外,在pre-teaching 方面教师还可以放手让学生自己先去预习。现在的多媒体,网络及词典等工具的使用都非常方便,所以教师完全可以让学生先去收集相关单词。再在课堂上引导、归纳。笔者以《新课程标准初一年级上册》M10的词汇教学为例,本模块是关于computers 这个话题,围绕电脑有着许多平时日常交际中不太用的词汇。教师可以在词汇教学前将学生分组,利用课后时间去收集关于跟computer有关的词汇,然后利用一个word map 在课堂上分享各组的成果,教师对其进行筛选后进一步有目的性的强化教学,这种化被动输入为主动学习的方式,一定可以让词汇教学事半功倍。

总之,词汇教学前的pre-teaching 不可忽视,它可以为下一阶段的while-teaching 打下良好的基础。


词汇教学方式单一是词汇教学中的致命弱点,词汇教学方式过于单一会让学生觉得枯燥,甚至产生厌烦情绪,从而影响词汇教学效率。词汇教学的多元化是解决词汇教学问题的关键(杨春玲 周斌,2010).为了避免学生产生审美疲劳,教师根据所教词汇的特点,适时的选择和变换词汇教学的方式是非常有必要的。下面我将例举几种常见的词汇教学过程中常见的手段和方法。

(1)针对没有语境词汇教学,可以采用直观法,通过实物、图片、手势、表情等简单易懂的形式让学生加深印象。比如在教授关于身体器官或颜色的词汇,教师可以让学生指着自己的眼睛大声说eye,摸着鼻子一起说nose,在学习颜色的单词时,老师可以用学生穿的衣服作为实物,来告诉学生什么是red/ green/ yellow,/white等。

(2)采用词块教学法。词块,简单的说就是短语,习惯用语,固定搭配等。Becker(1975)最早对词块进行了专门研究,他认为,语言的记忆与存储,输出和使用不是以单个的词为单位,那些固定和半固定的模块化了的版块结构才是人类语言交际的最小单位。从心理学的角度研究表明,词块作为整体储存于大脑中的预制单位,能降低学习者的记忆负荷。下面笔者再次以《新课程标准八年级下册》M1 Hobbies 为例,本模块涉及到了许多关于爱好的动词和名词,这些词汇如单独记忆,容易忘记且掌握不全,看似简单却实难把握。因此教师可以将生词整合成词块进行教学,把develop 和 skill放在一起组成词组,develop skills—发展技能;把 collect 和 fan 放在一起,组成collecting fans—收集扇子。类似的还有tidy it up , at the end of ,give an interview 等等。这样一来,学生不仅学习了单词,而且知道在谈及爱好时用collecting,而不是collect,it 要放在tidy up 的中间。

(3)利用构词法及同义词、反义词法教学。初中阶段学生了解的构词法很有限,但教师不能忽视这些学习词汇的好方法。在词汇教学过程中,适当的传授一些构词法,有利于培养学生在阅读时大胆猜测的能力并且让学生在遇到新单词时学会冷静分析。《新课程标准九年级下册》的M10专门提到了构词法。对于常见的dis- /un-/in-/non-等否定前缀、一些派生词的构成、派生方法的了解都是很有必要的。

(4)对于在阅读课文中的一些运用性词汇,可以采用情境教学法,让学生在语境中通过上下文去推测词义。Hedge(2002)提出,阅读教学的主要目标是为学习者实施进一步阅读活动奠定必要的语言基础,如对词汇和句型的掌握等,所以,学习词汇仅凭构词法是不够的,很多时候我们要借助文本语境掌握其交际运用。只有在语境中感悟词义,才能全面、深刻地理解词汇,进而提高驾驭语言的能力,以达到交际的目的。而从另一个方面来说,词汇和语言知识只有在语篇情境中教授才不会让学生感到乏味,才有利于学生的长期记忆。德敏(2002)认为,在篇章中,语境信息能把篇章中的词语联系起来,使学生更容易从心理词汇中提取词汇,有利于词汇的记忆。因此,在英语教学过程中,教师应该注意把文本的语境情景和词汇学习有机地结合起来,提高词汇教学的有效性。同样我们以《新课程标准八年级上册》Module 8 Around town 为例,这个模块主要的内容是问路、指路,当中还涉及到了许多专有名词:the Forbidden City / the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall /the House of Parliament and Big Ben,这些词汇都是地名,还有中国特色,拗口难读。教师在设计这些词汇学习的过程中就可以让学生融入语境,鼓励他们扮演成游客的角色去北京旅游,甚至可以让去过北京的同学谈谈自己的旅游路线,指导学生在地图中找到自己所处的位置以及自己将去参观游览的地方,试着学习这些地名和相关的问路及指路的句型。本模块U2 The London Eye is on your right可以让学生试着扮演一名导游,给大家介绍伦敦之行,按照图示完成旅程。为了做好一名游客和称职的导游,学生自然会努力学好这些词汇。当然,词汇教学手段非常之多,以上只是举几个例子。总而言之除了运用恰当的词汇教学手段之外,教师还应该在教学过程中对词汇进行分类,根据《新课程标准》及《考试说明》的要求分为理解性词汇、四会词汇等,然后有的放矢的分类教学。总之,词汇教学是一门高深的学问,需要教师去不断推敲与选择。 3.词汇教学的post-teaching 上文我们提到,词汇学习是一个过程,它不可能一蹴而就。心理学家认为,人们在学习时的神经活动引起大脑产生某种变化,留下各种痕迹。这种记忆痕迹会随着时间的延长而逐渐消退。假设学习者在学习之后停止练习或者运用,那么学习也将变得无效,只有通过运用和练习,记忆痕迹才能保持。因此,这就要求教师转变观念,做好词汇教学的post-teaching工作。简单的说,教师要转变观念,重视学生对词汇的理解、判断及运用能力,要精心设计关于词汇运用和词汇复习的的练习,并且这种练习要分阶段进行设计。常见的post-teaching练习有:完型填空、语篇重建、翻译、造句、写作等。在第一阶段,教师应该设计一些多项选择,配对或选词填空等较为简单的练习,第二阶段是一个重现的过程,在这个阶段,短语汉译英,同义句转换,改写句子都是很好的操练形式。在第三阶段可以再将难度提高,利用句子翻译、关键词造句等形式来帮助学生巩固已学词汇。最后阶段,为了检验学生是否已经对所学词汇掌握彻底,可以利用写作的形式来检测。这种分阶段设计的练习可以帮助学生不断内化所获得的词汇知识,以便以后在使用中做到“信手拈来”。除了适当有效的练习外,教师要适当补充课外阅读内容,鼓励学生在课后自主学习,并且对学习做一些阶段性评价,这样不仅能够增加学生的语言输入量,还能最大限度地避免单纯文本教学及不停操练带来的乏味。教师可以组织班级学生成立词汇学习兴趣小组,每个人创建自己的词汇学习本,然后定期将自己的词汇本和大家交流共享,共同提高。


总而言之,语言是一种听、说、读、写相互综合的技能,词汇教学需要在实践中不断丰富和完善。教师只有将词汇教学贯穿始终,与各种语言技能的训练有机结合,遵循识记、领会、应用、交际的规律,才能真正将词汇教学落到实处,才能真正让学生掌握更多的词汇,并让它们为学生的语言学习提供便捷。 【参考文献】

[1]Becker ,J.“The Phrasal Lexion”[M].Cambridge Ma: Bolt and Newman.1975 [2]Nation, I.S.P “Learning vocabulary in Another Language” Cambridge University Pre.2001 [3]陈琳.《义务教育课程标准实验教科书学生用书(1-6)》 外语教学与研究出版社 2006年8月 [4]张献臣.《新课程理念下中学英语词汇教学的问题与对策》[J].中小学外语教学(中学篇).2007



【课题】Recycle 2




1 教师和学生都准备各种颜色的蜡笔。

2 教师和学生准备本单元所学动物、水果等单词的图片。

3 教师准备一张放大的 Listen, colour and say部分的图片。

4 教师准备red, black, purple, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue 这几种颜色的单词卡。

5 教师准备教材配套录音带和第一册 Unit 3 的歌曲 “Colour Song”的磁带。

6 教师准备本单元所学动物、水果等单词的单词卡片。


1 热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision)


(2)教师播放Unit 6 B Let’s chant 的录音,学生边听边读歌谣,复习字母。

(3)教师播放第一册Unit 3 “Colour Song” 的歌曲录音,师生共同拍手演唱 。


T: Let’s play a game, OK?

S: Great.

六至七人一组,做传球的游戏。从第一个学生开始 Hi/Hello/Good morning, A.I like bananas.And you? 第二个学生回答I like apples.并提问 Hi/Hello/Good morning, B.I like apples.And you? 以此类推。(A,B代表学生姓名,内容以所学表示个人喜好食品为主)

2 呈现新课 (Presentation)

(1)“猜猜颜色” 的游戏。


(2)放投影或将放大的Listen, colour and say部分的图片挂在黑板上。

师生讨论这幅图片的内容。教师询问:What can you find/see in the picture? Where are they?

(3)教师播放Listen, colour and say部分的录音,让学生边听边用手指课本上的文字,做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”。



按照课本上 “Find and draw ”部分的内容让学生找找小动物们爱吃的水果,并画出来。比一比,谁找得又快又准。表扬每组的前两名。

(6)请同学说说小动物们爱吃的水果。如:The elephant likes .… The rabbit likes .…

3 趣味操练 (Practice)




游戏方法为:教师说出一个单词,学生们就将听到的那个单词的图片翻过去(如果没有就等到下一轮)。当翻过去的图片成一条线时(可以是横线,竖线,斜线),学生大声说:BINGO 。说BINGO 的同学可得到贴纸或红花。

(2)教师将 Find and draw 中的动物竖着排成一列,贴在黑板上。另请几个学生个自拿一种水果的图片贴在喜欢它的小动物旁边。最后,教师用:(The elephant) likes (bananas).的句式练习表述。


A: What colour is the bus?

B: It’s orange.Or:

A: Is the desk yellow?

B: Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.


4 课堂评价 (Aement)


5 扩展性活动(Add-activities)


教师展示动物、水果、玩具等单词的图片, 通过图片的背面让学生猜单词。目的在于进一步复习4—6单元的单词。


Recycle 2


教案3 一,重点词组:

1、finish doing sth.做完某事 be busy doing sth.忙于干某事 go on doing sth.继续干某事

be always doing 老是干某事

练习:1)Please don\'t disturb(打扰) him He ___________his homework 2)Tom , you shouldn”t ______________(总是玩电脑) 3)You can _________________(work)after having a rest .4)Tom , you can play computer after ________(work)

2、be angry with sb.生某人的气 agree with sb.同意某人的观点with one’s help 在某人的帮助下

练习:1)______________________(你不应该生他的气),because he just a child .2)你同意我的观点吗?______________________________ 3) I can finish my work well________________________(在你的帮助下)

3、much too+形容词/副词原级 实在太...too much+不可数名词 相当多的...练习: It’s _______ expensive.I can’t buy it.There’s ___________ rain this year.

4、hear from sb 收到...的来信 hear of 听说 hear that„„ 听说„„

练习:1)We have never ______ ______ Xiao Yang since he left from school last year 。 2)我听说你已经赢得了比赛。_____________________________________

5、send sb.away 开除、解雇某人 send for sb.派人去请某人 send up 发射 练习:1) Because Smith always lazy, so the bo ___ him___.2) The shenzhou vii spacecraft ____________________(被发射)succefully。 3)我将派人去请刘老师。_________________________

6、make it 设法完成某事 make faces 做鬼脸 make a team 组成一个队 make tea 沏茶 1)___________(如果你们组成一个队),you will win the game .2) ____________ is very impolite behavior .3)If you try your best .you will ________________.4) When people go to your house to visit you,you should ____________for him .练习:

7、have a drink(of)...喝一杯...have...for lunch 午饭吃...have no idea 不知道 have a rest 休息一下

练习:1)Do you want to _________?(喝一杯茶) 2)我中午想吃米饭____________________ 3)I _________________ (不知道)about it .4)If you were tired ,you can ____________________.

8、get on well with sb与某人相处很好 get ready for 为...作准备 get on/off(the bus) 上/下车

练习:1)I believe that I can ___________________(和Tom 相处的很好) 2)我们应该为考试做准备了。

9、do one\'s best 尽力 do well in 在„„某方面干得好 do morning exercises 做早操


2)I think you can _____________________(在学习方面干得很好) 3)_________________(做早操) is a good habit .

10、have a word with 与„谈几句话 have words with 和某人吵架 had better do sth.最好做„

练习:1)我想和你谈几句话。_______________________________ 2)Xiao Ming ______________Xiao Hua last night .3) You _________(最好) get up early

11、play the piano 弹钢琴 play a joke on sb开某人玩笑 练习:1)I can ___________ (弹钢琴)well 。


12、take hold of 抓住„ take away 拿走 take care of 关心,照顾 take it easy 别紧张

练习:1) If you live in school , you should _________________well .2) The police _____ the thief just now .3)I don’t like that pen , I hope you can _____it___.

13、ask for 向„„要„ ask for leave 请假 apologize to sb.for sth.为某事向某人道歉 look for 寻找 leave„for 离开„„去„„ wait for 等候„..练习:1) Teacher Liu , I have a cold , and can I_________? 2)Tom 已经离开北京去上海了。__________________ 3) I ___________________ my absence 我为我的缺席向你道歉

14、tell sb.about sth.告诉某人某事 talk about 谈论„„think about 考虑„„

worry about 担忧„„

练习:1)我将告诉你事实(truth) 2)我们正在讨论天气(weather)

3)You can __________(考虑放弃它) 15:、change„into„ 变成 hurry into„ 匆忙进入 run into„ 跑进 练习:1)Tom 匆忙的闯入了老师的办公室___________________ 2)Sun can ____ice_____water.

16、from now on 从现在起 from then on 从那时起 after a while 过了一会儿 练习:1)_______________,Tom knew that lean English well is important .2) ____________(过了一会了), it started to snow。


17、in public 在公共场合、公开地 in order to 为了„„ in surprise 惊奇地 in turn 依次

练习:1)为了取得好成绩(Good grades),你必须认真学习。________________ 2)It is impolite to talk loudly__________ 在公共场合大声说话是不礼貌的 3)I found,______,(惊奇) that I win the game .二.词类。


1、表示时间的介词 (1)at ①接具体时间:eg.at six,at half past two,at ten to twelve ②表示“在„时刻”;eg: at noon,at midnight (在深夜) (2)in ①加年、月、季节等

eg.in January,in a month,in spring,in 2005 ②在将来时中,表示“在某段时间之后”

eg.In ten years,I think I\'ll be a reporter. (3)on 表示在具体的某一天或某一天的上午、下午或晚上等。

eg.On Monday,On Tuesday afternoon,On May4th,On the morning of July 6th (三)固定搭配的介词

(1)动词+介词:look after,look at,look for,laugh at,listen to,hear from,turn On,turn off, wait for,worry about,think of,spend...On (2)介词十名词:by train,on foot,at the end of ,at last,in the end,in trouble,at table,at breakfast,

in hospital,in time,On time, On one’s way to,with pleasure (3)be+形容词+介词:be afraid of ,be good at,be good/bad for, be late for,be interested in,be angry, with,be full of,be sorry for 练习:1)The play begins at 6: 40 pm.So we have to be at the theatre ________ 6:30 pm at the latest.A.after B.since C.until D.by 2)Not all of us know the difference __wheat, oats and barle(小麦、燕麦和大麦。)

A.among B.between C.from D.in 3)Where is Lily? We are all here ________her. A, beside B about C, except D, with 4)—Your coat looks nice.What is it ____? ---Cotton.(棉花) A.made of B.made in

(二)连词(conj.用来连接词与词或句与句 (1)并列连词(用来连接平行的词、词组或分句) ①表并列关系:not only...but also,neither...nor,and ②表选择关系:or,either...or ③表转折关系:but,while ④表因果关系:for,so (2)从属连词(用来引导从句) ①引导时间状语从句: after,before,when,while,as,until,till,since,as soon as ②引导原因状语从句:because,as,since ③引导目的状语从句:so that,in order that ④引导结果状语从句:so that,so„that,such...that ⑤引导比较状语从句:than,as„as ⑥引导宾语从句:that,if, whether 练习1)________ enough time, but I couldn’t do it better.

A.teaching B.Taught C.To be taught D.Though I was taught 2) I read about this story in some book or other, does it matter ________ it was? A.where B.what C.how D.when 3) ________ I had walked for six hours, I was tired out.A.So B.Before C.When D.As 4)I have been keeping that photo ________ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my college days.A.which B.where C.whether D.when 5)________ he studies hard, he will never pa the examination.A.If B.Unle C.Even if D.Even thoug 6)She worked hard ________ everything would be ready by the time he came back.A.since B.so that C.as if D.unle 三 词义区别

1、since/ for

(1) since用于完成时态,可译为 “自从”、既然

[翻译] 1)I have never seen him since we last met in Shanghai .2)He has been a worker since he came into this city.3)Since you are interested in it, just do it.4)You can have fun now since you’ve finished your work.(2) for用于完成时,用作介词,后常接一段时间,意思是“经过„”。

I have learned English for five years.我已经学了五年英语了。 They have waited for you for 30 minutes.___________________ for也可以用作连词,但意思是“因为”。

They mied the flight for they were late.他们由于迟到了而误了航班。 He fell ill for many reasons.__________________ 5.neither/ either/ both (1) neither作代词是对两者都进行否定,意思为“两者都不”,作主语时谓语动词用单数.

Neither of the boys is from England.这两个男孩都不是来自英国。 I know neither of them.___________________ neither用作连词时,一般与nor搭配,表示 “既不„也不”。作主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则。

She neither ate nor drank yesterday.她昨天既不吃也不喝。

Neither he nor we play football on Sundays.__________________________ (2) either作代词时,是指两者中的任意一方,(两者之)每一个,故作主语时谓语动词用单数.Either of the books is new.这两本书任何一本都是新的.She doesn’t like either of the films._________________ either作连词时,一般与or搭配,表示两者选其一,意思是“不是„就是”。作主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则。

Either he or I am right.不是他就是我是对的。

Either my sister or my parents are coming to see me.不是我姐姐就是我父母要来 看我。 (3) both作代词时,指的是所涉及到的“两者都”, 故作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 I like both of the stories.这两个故事我都喜欢。 Both his arms are hurt.他的两只胳膊都受伤了。

both用作连词时,多与and搭配,表示“既„又, 不仅„而且”, 作主语时,谓语动词仍用复数形式。

Both piano and violin are my bobbies.钢琴和小提琴都是我的爱好。 They study both history and physics.他们既学历史,又学物理。 练习、

1) Neither of the girls _____(be)good at English 2) Neither we nor he ____(do) homework on Sundays.3) Either of the books __(be)new.4) Either he or I __ know.5) Both these students __(be) good at English 6) Both English and math ___(be)my favorite subjects .1.ignore vt.忽视 ignorance n.无知 ignorant adj.无知的 2.dusk n.黄昏; 傍晚 dusky.adj.昏暗的; 黑暗的

3.add v. 添加; 增加 addition n. 加, 附加 additional adj. 添加的;附加的 4.actual adj.实际的 actually adv.实际上;事实上

5.base n.基地;基础 base v.以……为根据 basic adj.基本的 6.east n.东方 eastern adj.东方的;东部的

7.organize vt.组织 organized adj.有组织的 organization n.组织 8.wool n.羊毛 woolen adj.毛纺的; 纯毛的

9.determine v.决定

determined adj.

坚决的 determination n.决心; 坚定性 10.frighten vt.吓唬;使惊吓 frightened n.受惊的;受恐吓的 frightening adj.令人恐惧的 11.nation n.民族;国家;国民 national adj.民族的;国家的

12.suffer v. 受苦; 吃苦头 suffering n. 苦难;痛苦 sufferer n.受苦者; 受难者 13.cruel adj. 残暴的, 残忍的 cruelty n. 残暴, 残忍

14.hope n.v.希望; 期望 hopeful adj.有希望的, 顺利的, 有前途的 hopele adj.没有希望的; 令人绝望的

15.educate vt.教育 education n.教育; 教育体制 educated adj.受过教育的; 受过训练的

16.value n.价值 valuable adj.贵重的; 很有价值的 valuele adj.无价值的; 没有用处的 17.survive v.继续生存或存在 survival n.存活; 幸存

survivor n.幸存者

18.decorate v. 装饰 decoration n. 装饰; 装潢 decorative adj. 装饰的; 作装饰用的 19.advertise vt.做广告; 登广告 advertisement n.广告 advertising n.做广告(作定语) 20.replace v.代替, 取代 replacement n.代替, 取代

replaceable adj.可代替的;





时间标志:always/often/usually/seldom/never/every week/twice a week/

(2)一般过去时:A过去的某个时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。时间状语:yesterday/last week/an hour ago/just now/the other day/in 1982/


例句:when i was a child, i often played football in street.

C 也可与today/this week/this month/this year/表示现在的时间连用,但这些时间必须指过去的时间。不包含此时此刻的含义。Did you see him today?


例句:I was reading the book at that time.(过去进行,未读完,“读”的片段);

I read the book yesterday.(过去时、已读完,表整个“读”)。


He is writing another novel.(说话时并没有进行,只是处在写作的状态) he is thinking about this problem these days.

#其中表示移动的词:come/go/arrive/leave/start/begin/return/可以用进行时表将来。She told me that she was leaving.She is leaving tomorrow.(对过去进行和现在进行时)



一般过去时只表示过去某时发生的动作和状态。现在完成时则强调到目前为止动作的完成和结果,与现在的情况有联系,对现在也有影响。 A.刚做过的事,用现在完成时态,当说明或者询问做事的时间、地点时,要用一般过去时。例如he has watched the football match.

She watched it last Saturday.她看了那场足球赛,她是上周六看的。

B.have / has been to a place.表示某人曾经去过或者到过某地。have / has gone to a place表示某人说话时已经离开此地,或在去某地的路途中或者已经到了某地。

例如:Frank has gone to Tibet.弗兰克已经去西藏了。Frank has been to Tibet twice.弗兰克已经去过西藏2次了。


过去完成时与现在完成时两者的用法基本相同,但现在完成时以现在的时间为基点, 而过去完成时则以过去的时间为基点,与现在无关,是过去的过去。

I have finished my homework.(表示说话时作业已经做完了)

By four o’clock, I had finished my homework.

初步掌握延续性动词和瞬间动词在语法上的区别:如ie, arrive, come, go, join, leave, buy, begin, get, start, become, borrow 等均为瞬间动词,在现在完成时态中不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。

He has joined the army.他参军了。He has been in the army for a year.他参军已经一年了。(换成可以延续的动词)He joined the army a year ago.(用过去时)


一般将来:在将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,或将来反复经常发生的动作。常与tomorrow、next week/year/等连用。

过去将来:从过去某个时间看将来发生的动作或存在的状态,或表示过去的某种习惯。 He said that he would finish his work before 9.

Be going to /will的区别:

(1) be going to :表强调计划,安排要发生的事或有迹象要发生的事.Look at the dark clouds, I think it is going to rain soon.(2)will:表示主观意愿,未经事先精心计划或打算.可用于各种人称.There is someone at the door.I will go and open it



Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? Teaching goals:

1.Words &phrases: how often , hardly , twice , once , difference , look after , although ,etc .

2.Learn to talt how often do you do things .

3.一些表示频率的副词: always , usually , often , never , hardly ever , sometimes .

4.句子结构: What do you usually do on weekends ?

How often 及回答.

Important and difficult points :

What does she /he do on weekends ?

She often goes to the movies .

How often do you shop ?

Once a week / Twice a week ???.

Teaching aids : cards , pictures and a tape recorder .

Period 1

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading-in

1.Greetings:Talt something the students did on

教案正文 随堂记录

summer vacation .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 1 , 1a .

1.Look at the picture (学生识图).

2.Name each activity .

T: What are they doing ?

They are shopping /reading /exercising /watching TV /skateboarding .(Help the students to answer )

3.Write the activities on the line .

4.Check the answers on the Bb .Correct their own activities .

5.Practise reading .

SB Page 1 , 1c .

1.Focus on the conversation in the box .

2.Practise reading .

3.Pairwork : What do you do on weedends ? I ???.

4.Groupwork :Divide the cla into groups of four or five .Make conversations .First S1 to S2:

S1:What do you do on weekends ?

教案正文 随堂记录

S2:I ???.

S1:What does she /he do on weekends ?

S2:She /He ???.

5.Act out their own dialogues .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 1 , 1b .

1.Look at each picture in 1c.Tell what the person does on weekends .Check the Ss orally.

2.Mare what they will hear and do .

3.Read these adverbs and explain.

4.Play the tape twice .Write the letters on the line.

SB Page 2 , 2a & 2b .

1.read the activities and the answers of “how often”first .

2.Practise reading .

3.In 2a we should know the activities you hear .In 2b we should know the answers of how often he does the activities. 4.Play the tape for a first time .Ss only listen . 5.Play the tape a second time .Ss do 2a . 教案正文 随堂记录

6.Play the tape a third time .Check the answers . 7.Play the tape .Ss do 2b . 8.Check the answers .

In this part ,we should pay attention to how often引起的特殊疑问句及回答. Step 4 Post-task SB Page 2 , 2c .

1.Focus on the conversation . 2.Practice reading .

3.Read the activities in the left box . 4.Fill in the chart .

5.Pairwork: Make conversations . 教学后记

教案正文 随堂记录

Period 2

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading-in 1.Greetings 2.Drills:

T: What do you usually do on weekends ? S1: I usually play soccer .

T: How often do you play soccer ? S1: I play soccer twice a week . T: How often does he play soccer ?

The other Ss: He plays soccer twice a week . Repeat for three times . Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 2 ,Grammar Focus .

1.Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions and answers . 2.Practise reading . Step 3 While-task SB Page 3 , Part 3 . 教案正文 随堂记录

1.Call attention to the survey .Mare the Ss understand the chart .

T: What activity do ninety-five percent of Green High students do every day ? Ss answer .If neceary , give them help .

2.Review the information in the green box with Ss . 3.Read the article first by the Ss . 4.Read it to the cla .

5.Look at the survey and fill in the blanks in the article . 6.Finish the activity individually . 7.Check the answers . 8.Practise reading . Step 4 Post-task SB Page 3,Part 4 .

1.T: What can you do to improve your English ?(e.g.read English books, practice reading and speaking ) How often do you

2.Think of more things you can do to improve your English and write them here .

教案正文 随堂记录

3.Ask several Ss each question .

4.See: Who is the best English students in the cla


Revise the new words .


教案正文 随堂记录

Period 3

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1.Greetings & free talk .

2.Practise reading the article in Page 3.

3.Check the homework.

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page4 , 1a .

1.Point out the five phrases .

2.Ss read after the teacher .

3.Mare the Ss understand what do they mean .

4.Call attention to the pictures .Say something about the pictures .

5.Match the words with the pictures .

6.Check the answers .

7.Practice reading .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 4 , 1b .

1.pay attention to the conversation in the box on the right .


教案正文 随堂记录

2.Read it to the cla .

3.Explain : “be good for”means :有益于„,对„有好处.

4.Pairwork.Choose a new partner .Use the words in Activity 1a to make conversations .

5.Share the students’conversations.

SB Page 4 ,2a&2b .

1.T : Now you will hear a reporter interview two people ,Katrina & Bill .Read the two names for the Ss.In 2a ,we’ll know who is healthy , Bill or Katrina ?

2.Read the questions in 2a .

3.Listen to the tape carefully twice .Circle “yes”, “no”or “I don’t know”in the chart .

4.Before we check the answers in 2a,we’ll read through the questions in 2b .Pay attention to Katrina’s and Bill’s answers .

5.Play the tape again .This time ,if we have heard one questions and we have a pause .Mare Katrina’s and Bill’s answer.

教案正文 随堂记录

6.From the answers in 2b ,we can tell who is healthy Bill or Katrina ?

Step 4 Post-task

Role-play .

Groupwork .Divide the Ss into groups of three .S1 is interview,S2 is Katrina ,S3 is Bill .

S1: How often do you exercise ?

S2: I exercise every day . S3: „.

With the help of 2b . Homework


初三英语上册教案[人教版]:第六单元 Leon21

Unit 6 Mainly Revision 教学目标与要点 在本单元中要求学生对在前面五单元中所学过的知识做一次全面的 0Unit 6 Mainly Revision 教学目标与要点

在本单元中要求学生对在前面五单元中所学过的知识做一次全面的回顾和总结。复习、归纳一般过去时态和现在完成时态,进一步学习动词不定式和宾语从句。能够区别 have been与 have gone的用法;重点学习课文"Under the sea",明白How important is the sea to our life?

通过利用computer去寻找一些information,进一步熟悉有关如何操作计算机的术语;掌握数词的用法和类似 thousands of短语的用法。通过该单元的学习,要使学生明白海洋对于我们人类的重要,人类与自然应当和谐相处,并尽力保护它的环境。


1.在本单元中,首先要让学生在复习的基础上,建立起正确的包括现在完成时态在内的五个基本时态 (一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时) 的时间观念并且能基本做到运用所学过的时态进行交际会话。 2.要求学生对现在完成时态有一个比较完整的了解,并能与其他时态区别开来。同时,对宾语从句也应当有一个完整的了解,并且能够进行综合运用。




Leon 21

Period: The First Period Content: Leon 21 Properties: Tape recorder, Overhead Projector, TV, pictures.Teaching Objectives: Make the students use the language point in the dialogues.the usage of the present Perfect Tense Language Focus:

1.Useful expreions: have an accident; hurt badly; 2.The present Perfect Tense: What’s happened? They’ve had an accident.Has anyone called the police? Yes, they have.Teaching Procedures: Ⅰ.Organizing the cla Ask the students to get ready for cla.Greetings between the teacher and the students and a duty report.Ⅱ.Revision 1.check homework.2.Revise the present perfect Tense.Ask : Have you ever been to the Great Wall? How long have you lived in Beijing? Get the students to answer the questions.Make sure they can answer correctly.Ⅲ.Presentation 1.Show a picture of an accident on TV.Get the students to watch and talk about the accident using some words, such as: have an accident, hurt, badly, fall off, hit …

2.Have the students read and practice the dialogues in pairs.3.Ask some students to act out the dialogue.Ⅳ.Puzzle dialogue Find the best answers by themselves.Check the answer with the whole cla.Ask the students to make up similar questions, then get the other students to answer them.Ⅴ.Read and act 1.Ask the students to close their books, and then listen to the tape and answer the questions: Where have Bruce and Sue gone? Haven’t they ever been to London? When are they going to be back? Have the students find the answer to the question.Check the answer with the cla.2.Ask the students to read the dialogue, then practice in pairs.3.Act out the dialogue.4.Allow them to change the dialogue to fit a situation they might have at home.Ⅵ.Exercises in cla Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.A: I’m not feeling well.I ________ (get) a cold.B: ________ you ________ (be) to the hospital yet? A: Yes, I ________ (go) to see Doctor Li this morning and he ________ (give) me some medicine.B: ________ you ________ (take) the medicine? A: Yes, I ________ (take) it just a moment ago.B: Mr.Li is a good doctor.I think you’ll ________ (be) all right soon.Answers: have got, Have … been, went, gave, Have … taken, took, be Ⅶ.Homework Finish off the exercises in the workbook.Ⅷ.Summary Translate Chinese into English: 1.发生什么事情啦?





1.What’s happened? 2.Is anyone hurt? 3.He has been to Shanghai for several times.4.I have finished reading the book.初二上册第一单元英语课的教案


● What do you usually do on weekends? I sometimes go to the beach. ● How often do you eat vegetables? Every day. ● Most students do homework every day. 【重点词汇】

● always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never ● how often, once, twice, three times a week, every day

● milk, junk food, health, unhealthy, habit, exercise, most, result, try, different ● maybe, although, arm, foot, tooth, ear, eye, advice, thirsty, forget, finish, plan 【应掌握的词组】

1.go to the movies 去看电影

20.activity survey 活动调查

2.look after = take care of 照顾

21.do homework 做家庭作业

3.surf the internet 上网

22.do house work 做家务事

4.healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式

23.eat le meat 吃更少的肉

5.go skate boarding 去划板

24.junk food 垃圾食物

6.keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康

25.be good for 对什么有益

7.exercise=take(much)exercise=do sport 锻炼

26.be bad for 对什么有害

8.eating habits 饮食习惯

27.want to do sth.想做某事

9.take more exercise 做更多的运动

28.want sb.to do sth.想某人做某事

10.the same as 与什么相同

29.try to do sth.尽力做某事

11.be different from 不同

30.come home from school 放学回家

12.once a month 一月一次

31.of course = certainly = sure 当然

13.twice a week 一周两次

32.get good grades 取得好成绩

14.make a difference to 对什么有影响

33.some advice 一些建议

15.how often 多久一次

34.hardly=not nearly / almost not 几乎不

16.although=though 虽然

35.keep / be in good health 保持健康

17.most of the students=most students

36.be streed 紧张的,有压力的

18.shop=go shopping=do some shopping 购物

37.take a vacation 去度假

19.as for 至于

38.get back 回来


1.How often do you exercise? 你(你们)多久锻炼一次身体? 2.“What do you usually do on weekends?” “I usually play soccer.”

3.“What’s your favorite program?” “It’s Animal World.” “你最喜欢什么节目?”“动物世界。”

4.As for homework, most students do homework every day. 5.Mom wants me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-pong with her. 6.She says it’s good for my health.

7.How many hours do you sleep every night?

8.I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. 9.My eating habits are pretty good.这里 pretty 相当于 very。

初中初一英语 Unit3 This is my sister.教案

Unit 3 This is my sister 第一课时




3、通过认知家庭成员及关系学会使用指示代词复数these , those 的用法。包括一般疑问句和否定句式。





分类 学习内 容

词汇 sister , parent , brother , grandmother , grandfather , grandparent , these , those , she , he’s =he is , son , cousin , daughter , uncle , aunt , thank for , here , love , much , very much , soon , see you soon , pen friend , they , aren’t =are not


复习“用指示代词介绍人或物”的句子结构的单数形式、一般疑问句形式及其问答。 Is this your pencil ? Yes , it is .Is this my pen ? No , it isn’t .Is that his book ? Yes , it is .Is that her eraser ? No , it isn’t .

学习“用指示代词介绍人或物”的句子结构的复数形式、一般疑问句形式及其问答。 Is this your sister ? No , it isn’t .

This is my friend .These are my friends .Is that your brother ? Yes , it is .That is my brother .Those are my brothers .


Introduce people , identify people

三、朗读单词 sister n. 姐;妹 parent n.父或母 brother n.兄;弟

grandmother n.祖母;外祖母 grandfather n.祖父;外祖父

grandparent n.祖父/ 母;外祖父/母 these pron .& adj.这些 those pron .& adj.那些 she pron .她 he’s =he is son n.儿子

cousin n.堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 daughter n.女儿

uncle n.叔;伯;舅;姨父;姑夫 aunt n.姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母 thank for为„„而感谢 here adv.在这里;向这里 love v.爱;热爱 much adv.很;非常 very much 很;非常

soon adv.不久 see you soon ,再见。

pen friend 笔友

they pron. 他(她;它)们 aren’t =are not


Show the Ss some pictures , point at the pictures and tell them like this : This is my father / mother / brother / sister …… That’s my sister / grandmother / grandfather ……

Then ask the Ss to bring their families’ pictures and introduce people in this way .



2、听录音:Section A 1b, 2a, 和2b

预习Section A 1c


U3 This is my sister 第二课时 任务示范及讲解 同学们,通过预习我们知道家庭成员的称呼。那么,你能不能用自己带来的照片,介绍你的家人呢?你应该用什么样的句型呢?现在我们作个示范练习。 Sample One:(出示教师自己的家庭照片)

T:This is my grandmother.This is my grandfather.That’s my father.That’s my mother.That’s my husband.That’s my son.Pairs work, then report to the cla.请看书,P47的图,假如你是图中的人物Dave ,你该如何向朋友介绍你的家庭呢? Sample Two 如果你的父母想了解你好朋友的家庭状况,你应该怎么表达呢?现在我们作个示范。(出示一学生王刚的家庭照片) T:These are his grandparents.That’s his father.That’s his mother.That’s his sister.学生间互相交换照片,看你们了解同学的哪些家庭成员。

请看书P47 的图,给小组其他成员介绍Dave的一家,再完成1c,轮流汇报Dave一家的情况。 请看书P48 2b-2d的图,通过相互问答:Is this„? Yes, it is.或No, it isn’t.来了解图中的人物。 介绍别人用句型:This is„.That’s „.。 辨认某人用句型:Is this„? Is that„? 还有其它句型吗? These are my friends.Those are my parents.注意:these是this的复数, 指“这些”, those是that的复数, 指“那些”。 These、those作主语时, 后面的谓语动词用复数形式are。

二、布置作业 完成p47 1b。

完成p48 2a,你还知道家庭成员的其它称呼吗?

cousin, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece… 3.完成p50 2b, 翻出老照片, 描述一下, 看同学能否知道你说的是哪一张? T: These are my parents.This is my uncle.That’s me.4.完成p50 2c, 画一张你家人

Unit 3

This is my sister

第三课时 任务示范及讲解

让学生拿出上一课时布置完成的作业:画一幅关于家庭和朋友的图画。向同学介绍图画中的人物,并填写下列表格。 name age occupation Characteristic


Tall 1)教师示范

These are my parents.This is my grandmother.She is a worker.She is 53.She is thin.This is my friend, Jin Fang.She is a shop aistant.She is 24…

2)学生四人一组在组内介绍。组内选出介绍最好的,准备代表小组台前发言。 3)小组代表台前发言,教师担任评委,给每个小组得出分数。

教师将学生发言中出现的生词板书,让其他组学生猜汉义和读音,猜对者可给本组加分。 二

阅读并做练习1)Section A 3a

keys : 1.sister



4.isn’t 2)两人一组表演上述对话,三分钟后角色互换。 三





Yes, he/she is.

No, he/she isn’t.四




Is this your…?

Yes, it is.

Is she …?

No, she isn’t.

分组练习,然后选代表台前表演。 五



Unit 3 This is my sister.

(第四课时) 教学目标:


2、能写简短的小文章描述家庭成员。教学重点、难点: 锻炼学生的写作能力 教学方法:

写作训练、小组活动 教学用具:

绘图笔、家庭照片 教学步骤:

读P51 ,3a,Emma的信,假设你就是Emma,你能画一张怎样的家庭照呢? 疑难解析

1.Thanks for„意为“谢谢、、、、、、”后接名词。例如 Thanks for your help.谢谢你对我的帮助。

Thanks for the beautiful card.谢谢你给我这麽漂亮的卡片。 2.英文书信的格式大致如此:




署名(Yours„) Dear..., „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„


………………………………….Yours, …

3、指示代词this, these these是this的复数形式, 例如 This is my father’s book.These are my father’s books.写作指导


Answers: grandparents, parents, uncle and aunt, cousins 写一写关于你自己的家庭 完成任务

各小组成员拿出各自家庭的照片和介绍家庭的文章,打乱顺序,然后再通过读文章,找出各自所对应的照片。 家庭作业


Go for it Book1 Unit3 教学设计


本单元的重点是介绍(Introduction)和确认人(Identify People)两个功能项目,运用This is„, Is that„等句型进 行语言训练。


Go for it教材非常灵活,可适用各层次的学生,我将Unit 3分成Section A和Section B进行安排,每个Section设 计的活动可根据学生基础安排在1个课时或2个课时内完 成。


ⅠSection A

1、学生事先准备家庭照片或和朋友的合照等 a、老师首先介绍自己的家人和朋友

This is my…

These are my… b、



2、游戏:a gue game


过下列对话,猜出人物 S: Is this xxx’s father? T: No, it isn’t.

S: Is that xxx’s father? T: Yes, it is.Great!


由2人小组完成下列对话(使用已备照片) A: This is my father.His name is… B: Is that your mother? A: No, it isn’t.That’s my sister.

4、语言拓展:教师准备一组外貌特征显著的任务照片 请学生提问或表达句子:I think this is„ „that is…

ⅡSection B

1、教师两次介绍自己的family.如下: This is my grandfather.His name is Mr.Hu.That is my mother.Her name is …


A / grandmother








C 提问:What is A? What is B? What is C? What’s my mother’s name?





提供单词: Worried.Look for„


注:四人小组分工,2人表演对话,2人进行记录整理。 根据质量、速度和创意打分。


A: Excuse me, is this your mother? B: No, she isn’t.

A: Is this XiaoMing’s mother.

B: Yes I think so.Why is she worried? A:I don’t know.Let’s find XiaoMing.



Go for it Unit 2 教案

一. 本单元教学内容:

◆中心话题:Talk about things in the claroom.




◆进一步学习物主代词your、my、her、his的用法。 二. 本单元教学目标 :



◆让学生掌握句型:Is this/that your pencil?

Yes, it is. It’s my pencil. No/it isn’t.It’s her/his pencil.What’s this/that in English?

It’s a/an… How do you spell it ? P-E-N.能力目标 :



◆ 学会写寻物启示和失物招领。


◆培养学生拾金不昧,助人为乐的品德;培养学生协作精神。 三. 教学重点与难点:

◆ 询问物品属性及 辨认物品所有者;


◆注意区别it’s 与

it is 的书写形式;







◆从学生的实际生活经验出发,在用中学、在做中学。 五.


Period1: SectionA1a 1b 1c2a 2b 2c 4a 4b Period2: SectionA3 : SectionB1a 1b 2a 2b 2c Period3: SectionB3a 3b 3c

Period4: SectionB4,自我检查, 单元总复习六. 教学步骤:

Period1:SectionA1a 1b 1c2a 2b 2c 4a 4b 教学目标:1.词汇:pen pencil book eraser ruler pencil case backpack pencil sharpener dictionary 2.句型:Is this/that your pencil?

Yes, it is. It’s my pencil. No/it isn’t.It’s her/his pencil.3.学会辨认物品所有者。

4.学会使用thank you 和 excuse me ,让学生学会礼貌待人。

5.进一步学习物主代词your、my、her、his 课前准备:准备一个大盒子,收集学生的一些学习用品。 Step1.Warming up Sing a song “ Is this your ruler?” Step2. Presentation 1. Tell Ss that you have many school things here today.Show pictures on CAI and teach the new words(pen pencil book eraser ruler pencil case backpack pencil sharpener dictionary)(同时还可以教学生学习用品方面的其它词汇).2.Group task :Which school things are the most important?/used most?(让学生四人小组讨论哪些学习用品用的最多,巩固所学单词) 3.Tell Ss that there are many things in the box.Ask them whose they are.

T: Excuse me ,Sa, Is this your pencil? Sa: Yes , it is.It’s my pencil.

T: Here you are.Sa: Thank you.]

Teach the other sentences: Is that your ruler? No, it isn’t.It’s her /his ruler.Step3.Pairwork

Practice the conversations above in pairs.Then make their own conversations .

Act it out.Step4.Gueing game

Ask Ss to take something out of the box.Get other Ss gue whose it is.(让更多学生参与语言练习,运用句型Is this/that your pencil?

Yes, it is. It’s my pencil. No/it isn’t.It’s her/his pencil.) Step5.Do listening 1.Listen and check the things that you hear.2.Listen and complete the conversations.Step6.Find the owner Step7.Homework

Collect the names of school things .Write them on the exercise books.The more, the better.

Make a conversation like 2b.Period2: SectionA3 : SectionB1a 1b 2a 2b 2c 教学目标:

1.学习有关学校生活方面用品的单词,(baseball ,computer game,key, ring ,watch, ID card ,notebook )

2.学习句型:What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an„ How do you spell it ?


4.通过小组活动,提高学生的合作能力和竞争能力。Step1.Make up the word

Give each group the same letters.Let them arrange the letters into words they learned

(开展小组比赛,看哪组学生重新组成的单词最多,速度最快,给予奖励。) Step2.Presentation

1.Show and learn school life things.


What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an…

How do you spell it ?


Is this/that your……..Yes, it is. It’s my …….. No/it isn’t.It’s her/his …… 3.Pairwork Step3.Memory challenge

Show the pictures on CAI quickly.See who say out the most words in ten seconds.

Who is the winner?(评出表现最佳的学生,给予表扬) Step4.Find friends’ things

Collect some friends’ things, let Ss identify the things.

Use the sentences: What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an…

How do you spell it ?

My friend is …..This is her/his…… Step5.Do listening

Finish SectionB2a 2b(同时可以设计几个符合学生实际的情景听力,让学生学以致用) Step6.Pencil case show

Group work.Introduce What’s in their pencil case?

Maybe they will say: Look! What’s this ? It’s my pencil case.This is my „„..I bring it to school every day.It’s my good friend.(让学生评出最实用的铅笔盒或笔带,展示给大家看) Step7.Homework

Write something about your backpack.

Period3: SectionB3a 3b 3c 教学目标:

1.让学生掌握句型:Call Allan at 495-3539.2.让学生能够确认物主关系。



课前准备:教室里的失物招领箱内放几件物品。 Step1.Gueing game

Gue what’s in the lost and found case in our claroom.(复习前两节课学过的句型) Step2.Presentation

T:I lost my keys this morning.Have you seen them anywhere? I should write a Lost notice.

Tell Ss how to write a Lost & Found notice.Step3.Find the information Read the bulletin board notices and find the information.Lost School ID card Found Notebook name Tony name Mary phone 685-6034 phone 235-0285 Step4.Pieces game

First finish 3b, then give more pieces to make a Lost & Found notice.(看哪组拼得速度快,表现棒) Step5.Writing

T: In your daily life, you must have lost something or found something that doesn’t belong to you.Have you got it back or found the owner?

Ask them to try to write a Lost & Found notice.(课后把每组代表的a Lost & Found notice 展示在英语园地,让大家评一评谁的别具一格)。 Step6.Homework

Write a Lost & Found notice Period4: SectionB4,自我检查, 单元总复习

教学目标: 1.复习本单元的词汇与句型,以多种任务激发学生说的欲望,培养学生的言语交际能力。 2.运用所学语言根据情景编短剧并表演。 3.培养学生乐于助人,与人分享快乐。

4.通过小组合作活动,培养学生相互帮助,集体合作的团队精神。Step1.Gueing game

Ask Ss to draw a picture on the board.Let the other Ss gue what it is .(复习句型What’s this/that in English? Is this/that a/an„„) Step2.Words competition

Ask Ss to list as many word as they can. Have a match among four groups.First choose six to eight students from each group, S1says: pen (P-E-N) S2 should say :pen,eraser(E-R-A-S-E-R), S3should say: pen, eraser ,ruler(R-U-L-E-R)…,

the group which can add the most words is the winner.Step3.Make a play

Give Ss real scenes ,let them make a play.Act it out in cla

(eg.李明丢了一只黑色手表,来到学校Lost & Found office询问,王芳刚好拣到,上交了Lost & Found office.,由大家评出最佳表演奖,最佳默契奖,最佳创意奖,最佳创作奖) Step4.Homework

Prepare for a test of unit2.(通过本单元复习,让学生明确自己的学习状况,不断调整自己的学习策略,并对自己作出评价,可以在课前预习,上课发言,小组合作,书面作业等方面对自己作出评价。)


The tenth period:冠词


冠词的重点知识归纳及讲解。 教学难点

冠词的运用。 教学步骤




①There’s an “h” in the word “hospital”

②English is a useful language.③He will come back in an hour.2.泛指某一类事物中的一个,但不具体说明是哪一个。 ①She’s an English teacher.②A car runs faster than a horse.3.可表示数量“一”,但不如one语气强。 ①I have a bike.It’s made in Shanghai.②We have meals three times a day.不定冠词的基本用法


His father is a doctor.



We have three meals a day.我们每日吃三餐。

5.用于某此固定词组中:a few, a little, a bit (of), a lot of等。



A.go to school

B.go to the school

C.go to a school 2.住院 A, in the hospital B.in a hospital C.in hospital

3.此刻 A.at the moment B.at a moment C.at moment 4.在课堂上 A.in cla B.in a cla C.in the cla 5.在地球上 A.on earth B.on an earth C.on the earth 6.步行 A.on foot B.on the foot C.on feet 7.吃饭 A.at a table B.at the table C.at table

8.乘公共汽车A.take bus B.by bus C.by the bus 9.在家 A.at the home B.at a home C.at home 10.在工作 A.at work B.at the work C.at works

11.跳高 A.jump high B.high jump C.the high jump 12.坐飞机 A.by air B.by the air C.on air 13.乘火车 A.by the train B.by train C.on train 14.在校学习A.in the school B.in school C.in schools 15.睡觉 A.go to bed B.go to the bed C.go to a bed 16.感冒 A.have a cold B.have the cold C.have cold 17.乘船 A.by ship B.on ship C.by a ship

18.玩得痛快A.have good times B.have a good time C.have good times 19.事实上 A.in the fact B.in facts C.in fact

20.从早到晚A.from morning to the evening B.from morning to evening C.from a morning to an evening

Answers: 1—5 ACAAC 6—10 ACBCA 11—15 BABBA 16—20 AABCB Step3: Summary

Step4: Homework


1.以元音音素(而不是元音字母)开头的单词前用an. 2.泛指某一类事物中的一个,但不具体说明是哪一个。 3.可表示数量“一”,但不如one语气强。

The tenth period:冠词

The eleventh period:冠词


冠词的重点知识归纳及讲解。 教学难点

定冠词的用法。 教学步骤



1.指某事物,或双方都知道的事物;或上文提到的事物。 如:Where’s the station, please? 2.用在世界上独一无二的事物之前。如:the earth, the moon, the Great Wall 3.用在江河湖泊之前,如:the Changjiang river 4.用在序数词之前,如:the twentieth century

5.用在形容词最高级前面。如:the tallest

6.用在姓氏复数前,表示夫妇或全家人,如:the Greens

7.用在某些乐器前,如:the piano

8.某些固定用法,如:in the morning

the east (west, south, north)

on the left (right)

in the end

go to the cinema Step2:随堂监测


1.This is ______ old map.It is ______ useful map.

2.We have no claes in ______ afternoon on _______ Saturday. 3.______ spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _______second. 4.Beijing is ______ capital of ______ China.It is _______ beautiful city. 5.Roman was not built in ______ day.

6.Chinese is quite ______ difficult language for Mike.

7.Many ______ students will take ______ active part in sports meet. 8.There is ______ interesting picture on ______ wall.

9.Jenny found __ wallet lying on ____ground.____ wallet was Mr.Black’s.10.Which is ______ biggest, ______ sun, ______ moon, or ______ earth? 11.--- Which picture is more beautiful? --- ______one on ____left, I think. 12.--- Which is _____ way to ______ hospital?

--- Go down this road and turn left on ______ second croing. 13._______ more, _______ better.

14._______ Turners are sitting at breakfast table.

15.Joe Hill was _______ fighter for ______ working cla. 16.When was ______ People’s Republic of China founded?

17.In China ______ first English textbooks were published in _____late nineteenth century.

18.After ______ breakfast he went to ______ school on ______ foot. 19.______ Huanghe River lies in ______ north of China.

20.He likes playing ______ football.His sister likes playing ______ piano. Answers:1.an, a 2.the, / 3.A, a 4.the, /, a 5.a 6.a 7./, an 8.an, the 9.a, the, The 10.the, the, the, the 11.The, the 12.the, the, the 13.The , the 14.The 15.a, the 16.the 17.the, the 18./, /, / 19.The, the 20./, the

Step3: Summary

Step4: Homework


The eleventh period:冠词


1.指某事物,或双方都知道的事物;或上文提到的事物。 如:Where’s the station, please? 2.用在世界上独一无二的事物之前。如:the earth, the moon, the Great Wall 3.用在江河湖泊之前,如:the Changjiang river 4.用在序数词之前,如:the twentieth century

5.用在形容词最高级前面。如:the tallest

6.用在姓氏复数前,表示夫妇或全家人,如:the Greens

7.用在某些乐器前,如:the piano

8.某些固定用法,如:in the morning

the east (west, south, north)

on the left (right)

in the end

go to the cinema




表示数目的词称为基数词。其形式如下: A.从1——10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten. B.从 11——19 eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen.

这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。 C.从 21——99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one

76 seventy-six D.百位数


101 a hundred and one

320 three hundred and twenty

648 six hundred and forty-eight E.千位数以上

2,648 two thousand six hundred and forty-eight F.hundreds of 数百

thousands of


比如 There are hundreds of people in the hall.大厅里有数以百计的人。 G.表示人的不确切岁数或年代,用几十的复数形式表示。 He became a profeor in his thirties. 他三十多岁时成为了教授。 序数词的构成及其说明

1) 序数词第


six→sixth seven→seventhten→tenth four→fourth

2) five------fifth(第五)、eight------eigth (第八)、nine-------ninth (第九)和twelf-----twelfth (第十二)

3) 二



4) 基数词几十几变成序数词时,表示几十的数词不变,只把表示几的基数词变成序数词。例如:



5) 第一百、第一千、第一百万、第十亿都是在基数词后直接加th构成。例如:

hundred→hundredth第一百 thousand→thousandth第一千



序数词前面要加定冠词the。例如the first time



5:00 读作 five o`clock 或 five 2.表示几点过几分,在分钟后加past,再加小时

five past seven 七点过五分

half past six 六点半 a quarter past eight 八点过一刻 3.表示几点差几分,在分钟后面加to,再加小时

ten to eight 差十分八点(七点五十分)

a quarter to twelve 差一刻十二点(十一点四十五分)

twenty to six 差二十分六点(五点四十分) 在日常生活中,常用下列简单方法表示时间。 以小时、分种为单位分别读出数字。

6:31 读作 six thirty-one

14:03 读作 fourteen o three

23:55 读作 twenty-three fifty-five 注:时刻表上的时间大多采用24小时表示法,这样就不需要用a.m.表示上午,p.m.表示下午了。 年代用定冠词及基数词表示的世纪加十位整数的复数形式构成

in the 1930`s(in the thirties of the twentieth century或 in the nineteen thirties)在二十世纪三十年代 in the 1860`s(in the sixties of the 19th century或 in the eighteen sixties)

由数词和其他名词构成的名词性短语作定语时,其中的名词用单数形式,名词性短语中各部分间要用连字符“-”来连接。 She’s a sixteen-year-old girl.


LESSON PLAN 英语拓展阅读教案

Time of Leon: 45 minutes 课时:45分钟

Students: Grade seven 授课对象:七年级学生 Lecture: 讲课人: 张玉环

Leon Type: Reading 课程类型: 阅读

Teaching Material: English reading methods 讲课内容: 英语阅读方法 Teaching Objectives: 教学目标:

1,Ss learn some reading methods ,let them get some reading abilities 学生学习一些阅读方法,使其获得一定的阅读能力 2,Ss can improve the reading comprehension to some degree.( To get meage from what they read.) 在某种程度上,学生能够提高阅读理解能力。(从阅读的文章中获得信息) Important Point: 教学重点:

1,Ss can learn and master the following language points: 学生能够学习和掌握以下语言知识: 1)New Words 2)phrases 3)the structure 4) Difficult Points: 教学难点:

1,How to use the language points learned in the text 如何使用文章中学到的语言知识

2,Ss can improve the reading comprehension to some degree.在某种程度上,学生能够提高阅读理解能力。 Properties: 教具:

Radio; pictures; chalk; blackboard; 影像;图片;粉笔;黑板; Teaching Method: 教学方法:

1,Communicative Approach; 交际教学法;

2,Reading Comprehension; 阅读理解; 3,Note Making; 做笔记;

4,Discuion. 讨论

Teaching Procedures: 教学步骤:


二、走进英语谚语 激发兴趣,培养语感,提高阅读理解能力










四、当堂检测 典例One weekend , a wife and a husband(丈夫)went to visit a shop in Tokyo.After they got back home ,they couldn’t find their camera(照相机).They thought the camera must be in the shop .After a few weeks , they went to that shop again and the bo of the shop gave their camera back to them.

When their pictures of the camera came out ,the husband saw two pictures he did not take .One is a man standing at the door of the shop .In his hand there is a piece of paper(纸) with some words on it “I find your camera .” The other is a boy with a piece of paper in his hand .There are some words on the paper too “I take the pictures”.

1.What did the wife and her husband do one weekend ?

_____________________________________________________________________ 2.When did they find their camera was lost?

__________________________________________________________________ 3.Did they find their camera after a few weeks?

____________________________________________________________________ 4.Who found the camera and who took the pictures



Unit9 What does he look like? 单元拓展型阅读练习


Unit2 Saving the earth

Section B Pollution causes too mang problems I.Teaching aims and demands:

1.Go on learning and master the usage of direct speech and indirect speech.

2.Learn to expre blame and complaint. II.Important points:

1.direct speech and indirect speech

2.some expreions about blame and complaint

III.Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1.Ask students to report their surveys in the previous leon about environmental pollution.

2.Summarize the main points in their reports and lead to this section. Step 2 Presentation

1.Show the picture in 1a and talk about it.Learn and master the new words “weak”, “produce” and “chest”.Understand the new word “gas”.

2.Let students further discu other influences that the chemical factory brings on people so that they can understand the text better.Lead to the new word “anyway”.Then ask students to learn and master it.

3.Listen to 1a, answer the shining questions, and then check the answers.

(1) What makes the old lady’s chest hurt?

(2) Why can’t she sleep well at night? Step 3 Consolidation

1.Listen to 1a again, let students read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

2.Work in pairs.Read 1a, and then act it out in roles.(optional)

3.read 1a.Find out the sentences that the granny blames and complains about environmental pollution.Ask students to master them.For example: (1) It’s difficult for me to breathe.(2) The chemical factory produces terrible gas.(3) The bad air makes my chest hurt.(4) What’s more, the factory makes too much noise and I can’t sleep well at night.(5) …I can’t stand the environment here.Step 4 Practice

1.Let one student act as the granny in 1a and retell the sentences that uses to blame and complain.Go on learning the usage of direcr speech and indirecr speech.Finish 1a.For example: S1: It’s difficult for me to breathe.T: What did she say? S2: She said that it was difficult for her to breathe.Write down the sentences above on the Bb.Ask students to observe them and lead students to sum up the usage of the tense, the pronouns and the time in the sentences.

2.Let students finish 1b by themselves, and do more exercise to deepen their understanding of the usage of direct speech and indirect speech.

3.Work in chains.Practice how to change direct speech into indirect speech.

4.Let students finish 2 by themselves.Then check the answers.

Step 5 Project/work after cla

1.Free work.

2.Handwriting: produce terrible gas Section B Kang kang asked the old lady how long she had been like that.The old lady told Kang kang that she had been like that since the week before.The journalist asked Mrs.Zhou whether/if she was feeling better then.… can’t stand (doing) sth.




Words: tall




fat Sentence: Linda is tall.Linda is taller than Bill.Mary is the tallest of the three.Grammar: 形容词的比较级和最高级


教学过程 1.Warm up Tall, tall, I am tall.Short, short, I am short.

Nice, nice, I am nice.Heavy, heavy, I am heavy.Fat, fat, I am fat.(这里只要求学生跟着教师做动作,热闹一下即可) 2.Presentation 1)教师做动作,让学生猜形容词。或运用简笔画,让学生猜单词,tall short nice heavy fat,写在黑板的附板书(方便讲完语法让学生进行练习)。

2)(导入就用本班同学,本课的重点语言结构是形容词比较级和最高级,可通过真实情景导入。)同学们老师今天在咱们班发现一个问题,惊讶一些,引导学生的好奇心。(然后老师把现象呈现给大家,就是找三个人,高、中、矮,明显的学生到前面来。让学生发现其现象,老师陈述新句型。)Linda is tall.Bill is taller than Linda.Mary is the tallest of the three.(把这三句话写在黑板上,让学生根据讲台前的三个人猜出并说出汉语意继而给出公式①A is -er than B.the -est of/in ....)

3)然后看一下三个句子,并说一下than是连词,引起比较状语从句,因此从语法角度出发,后面的代词要用主格(即I, he等), 但习惯上却常用宾格(即me, him等)。


②C is

词得比阶级和最高级,然后教师在黑板上写出short nice heavy和fat四个单词后加er、est,学生根据之前的知识积累不难找出规律。然后教师在黑板上写出cold, large, big和heavy等四个单词让学生通过之前找出的规律在词尾加-er和-est(可进行笔头练习)



big colder larger bigger

coldest 直接加-er和-est largest 去e后加-er和-est

biggest 双写词尾辅音字母后加-er和-est heaviest y变为i再加-er和-est

heavy heavier 5)根据学生的程度,可扩展特殊的,clever和good/well的比较级和最高级形式,并说明双音节单词的比较级和最高级要在后面加-er和-est,但以er和辅音加y结尾的词仍加-er和-est,如cleverer和heavier。另外说明good和well的比较级和最高级是better和best,属于不规则变化,除了good和well还有几个词的变化是不规则的,这些将在以后能学到。

3.Drills 1) Words:tall





快速抢答,做动作,在此时教师把chant 教给学生。 步骤:





Sentence:Linda is tall.

Linda is taller than Bill.Mary is the tallest of the three.




4)用图片和实物操练两个基本句型:教师准备一些图片,出示其中的一张,上面画三个男孩,一个比一个胖,男孩下面写上人名, Tom、Jim和Sam,操练开始教师指着图片上的人进行示范,Jim is fat.Tom is fatter.Sam is the fattest of the three.举例之后,教师课出示三个体重不同的动物,让学生表达。依此类推,教师可多准备一些实物、图片的等。为学生的学习创设一个情景。



(2)用小小翻译家操练两个基本句型:如教师用汉语说 “马比兔子重。”“大象是最重的。”让学生说出或写出英文。 6.Sum up





开课教师:刘莲 时间: 班级:

课题:The Lost Books

1、Teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求

(1)Learn some new words and useful expreions already used to be library librarian hobby borrow knowledge schoolyard step (2)Learn “present perfect”(现在完成时)

2、Teaching importance 教学重点

(1)Learn “present perfect”

(2)improve students ability of reading and comprehension

3、Teaching difficulties 教学难点

The use of “present perfect”

4、Teaching procedures 教学步骤


1、greeting (1 minute)

Good morning, everybody! First let me introduce myself to all of you.My name is Liu Lian.You can call me Lotus.I’m so happy to stand here.Today We’ll talk about an article named “The Lost Books”.Now let’s get down to the busine and begin our cla.OK? (中文复述一遍)


2、Explanation(讲解)(35 minutes)

(1)Write the title on the blackboard “ The Lost Books” Ask one to explain the meaning of the title and then evaluate his or her answer.Point out the difference between lost and miing.(2 minutes)

(2)Give 5 minutes to students to go through the first two paragraphs.Write a question on the blackboard “Why was my grandma worried? What happened to her?”(2 minutes) (3)ask one to answer the question and evaluate the performance.Explain the importance of grasping general idea in reading an article.(2 minutes)

(4)Ask one of the students to read the first paragraph.Correct the pronunciation errors.Encourage his or her performance.(2 minutes)

(5)Analyze several points of the first paragraph.Many interactions are included in the proce.(10 minutes) (6)Ask one to summarize the first paragraph.Praise the student.Let them to write the answer on the paper.Explain to them “mastering the idea of each paragraph is crucial to understand the whole article”.(2 minutes) (7)Ask one to read the Second paragraph.Correct the pronunciation errors.Evaluate his or her performance.(2 minutes)

(8)Analyze several points of the Second paragraph.Communication and interactions are neceary.(10 minutes)

(9) Make a summary of the Second paragraph ——My grandma lost her books.Let them write it down.Step

3、Summary( 2 minutes)

(1)New words and useful expreions (2)Present perfect Step

4、Saying goodbye (2 minutes)

OK.That’s all for today.I hope you can review what you have learned in today’s cla and do some related exercise after cla.I also want you to prepare for next two paragraphs.I’ll ask you some questions at the beginning of next cla.(中文复述一遍).Is everything clear? OK.The cla is over.See you next time!

[原文]The Lost Books My grandma is already eighty years old.She used to be a history teacher.Her hobby is reading.She likes reading on many different subjects.She often borrows books from the school library.She has also bought a lot of books.She often says, “I love books.Books are my best friends.They give me knowledge and make me happy.”

Grandma likes to borrow books from the library and reads outside in the schoolyard.Sometimes she reads a few lines, puts down the book, walks a few steps and thinks for a while and then walks away with the book.But last week Grandma forgot to take the book when she left for home.She was worried and asked her friends, “Have you seen a history book? I think I’ve lost it.” The next day she went to the librarian and said to her, “I’m very sorry.I borrowed a history book from the library last week.But I can’t find it.I think I’ve lost it.”

“Don’t worry.You’ll find it,” said the librarian.

Several days later Grandma came to the library to borrow some more books.The librarian asked her, “Have you found the book?” “Not yet.I’ve looked for it everywhere, but I still can’t find it.”

“Don’t worry.Someone will probably find it and return it sooner or later.” A few days later, the book was still miing.What was worse, Grandma lost more books.She was worried and so was the librarian.“I’m afraid I’ll have to pay for the lost books,” said Grandma sadly.

One day the librarian came up with an idea.She asked Grandma to put a bookmark in each of the borrowed books with the words: “If you find this book, please return it to the school library….” Grandma thought it was a wonderful idea.Now her lost books are usually returned to the library.


Unit 11 How was your school trip?

Section B(1a--2c) [教学目标] 知识与技能:



1.让学生在谈论过去发生的事中学会分享相互间的苦与乐。2.让学生懂得作为一位公民,就应该保护野生动物,非法捕捉野生动物是非法的,让学生树立保护野生动物的意识,从而自觉保护野生动物,做到从自己做起。 [教学重难点] 1.掌握并运用一般过去时。

2.“Did you .....?”和“Were there....?”这两种句型掌握及运用动词过去式的变化规则。 [教学准备] 幻灯片、录音机 [教学过程] Step 1 Greeting

T:Good morning,everyone.How’s the weather today? S:It’s sunny.T:How are you ? S:I am fine.T:Very good !OK,welcome to my cla.Step 2 Free talk and pair work 播放一小段谈论关于外出旅行的视频 T:What did they talk about? S:They talked about trip? T:Do you want to take a trip? S:Yes,I do.T:Do you still remember your last school trip? S:Yes.T:OK,now you can talk your last school trip with your partner with the following sentences: A:How was your last school trip? B:It was......Where did you go on your last school trip? A:I went.....B:what about the food there? A: It was....B:How was the weather there? A:It was.....通过对话的练习,让学生们对上节课所学习过的一般过去时进一步的加深印象与掌握。 (在学生们刚才的对话中,很多同学都谈论到了在上一次校园旅行中去了动物园,然后引出下一段内容)

T:Most of you talked you have been to the zoo.Now I have a question to ask you.We often see some common animals like cat,dog,snake and so on.But we seldom see the aquatic animals,wild animals,why? S1:Because people often kill them for food.S2:Because their environment has been destroyed.T:Yes ,I will show you some pictures.然后在大屏幕上出现几张人们屠杀野生动物的图片 T:What are they doing? S:They are killing animals.T:Were they right?What should we do? S:No,we should stop them.T:Very good,we should stop them.Any unit individual is not permitted to kill wild animals in illegal hunting,and can’t destroy environment.(通过一般过去时和一般现在时的对比,谈到为什么野生动物越来越少,只能看到常见的动物,引起学生注意,任何一个人都不能非法捕杀动物和破坏其生存环境。)

1.播放一段英语视屏,陈龙呼吁全人类齐心协力保护野生动物 2.向学生展示图片,吧汶川地震前的卧龙熊猫基地与地震后被毁坏的进行对比,让学生联系实际灵活运用一般过去时。 T:Do you remember the Wenchuan earthquake? S:Yes.T:Did you go there? S:Yes,I did./No,I don’t.T:Were any change? S:Yes,there were.T:The earthquake hurt our people,at the same time,it hurt our animals.3.通过观看地震对熊猫基地的破坏,引起学生的思考,让学生来思考我们应该为野生动物做些什么。 Step 3 Reading Read the article and answer the following questions.1.Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip? 2.How do they feel about the trip? (通过阅读这一篇有关校园旅行的两篇日记,让学生对一般过去时的印象更深刻) Step 4 Listening 1b Listen and answer the questions.1.How was Jane’s trip?

____________________ 2.How was Tony’s trip?


1c Listen again.What did Jane and Tony do on their last school trip? Check tick Tony or Jane.通过听力部分的练习,让学生反复的使用“Did you .....?”和“Were there....?”这两种句型掌握及运用动词过去式的变化规则。 Step 5 Summary 1)Go through the important points and difficult points of this leon with the students again.2)To mast the important words,phrases and sentences.Homework Write a diary about your own last shool trip.



Time of Leon: 45 minutes Students: Senior Grade One

Teaching Material: How Did Postage Stamps Come Into Use Teaching Objectives:

1.To train Ss\\\' reading ability(such as gueing the meaning of new words in the context, the speed of reading.) 2.To train Ss\\\' reading comprehension(To get meages from what they read.) Teaching Points:

1.Ss get used to three reading skills. 2.Ss understand the given paage. Properties:

Stamps, letters, postcards, work sheets, OHP Teaching Method: Communicative Approach Leon Type: Reading

New Words and A Phrase:

postage, put forward, proposal, seal, deliver, system, postal Procedures: Step 1.Warm-up(6\\\') 1.Lead-in

Show some stamps, letters and postcards and have free talk to arouse students\\\' motivation. 2.Dealing with some new words

Q: Do you know the postage of a letter?

Explain \"postage\", and write postage on the Bb. postage: payment for the carrying of letters

A: Fifty fen for any place in China except Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.

Q: What do the postmen do with the letters?

A: They take the letters from the postbox and carry them away to the places on the envelopes and deliver them to the addreed people.

Explain \"deliver\", and write deliver on the Bb. deliver: take letters or goods to the addreed people. Q: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps? Use OHP to project the question onto the screen.

Explain \"put forward\" and \"proposal\", and write them on the Bb.

put forward: put an idea before people for thinking over proposal: sth.proposed, plan or idea, suggestion Again: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps? Step 2.Skimming(4\\\'30\") 1.Instructions

T: Now I give you a paage to read, and for the first time you should only find the answer to the question.You have only two and a half minutes to read.So don\\\'t read word for word.Read quickly.Just try to find the answer.

2.Handing out the reading material and reading 3.Checking

Q: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps. A: Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England. Step 3.Scanning(6\\\') 1.Instructions

T: This time I give you three minutes to read the paage.When you are reading, find the answers to the two questions. Use OHP to project the questions:

1.Why was the postage high in the early nineteenth century when people did not use stamps?

2.When was postage stamps first put to use? 2.Reading 3.Checking 1) Pair work 2) Cla checking

Ans.to Que.1.Because the post offices had to send many people to collect the postage. Ans.to Que.2.On May 6, 1840. Step 4.Full reading(21\\\') 1.Instructions

T: Now I give you ten minutes to read the paage for the third time and you should read it carefully.Before reading, let\\\'s go over the questions on the work sheet.

Give Work Sheet 1 to the Ss.Explain the new words in Que.4. prevent: stop, not let sb.do sth. reuse: use again

T: Try to find the answers to the questions.But don\\\'t write the answers down, you can put a sign or underline the sentences concerning the questions. 2.Reading 3.Checking

1) Group work: Checking the answers in a group of four Ss. 2) Cla work: Checking the answers in cla. Poible Answers:

1.Why were people unhappy to pay postage for letters in the early nineteenth century? Because they had to pay postage when they received letters, especially when they paid for a letter which they did not wish to receive at all.The postage was high.

2.Why was it much easier for people to use stamps for postage? Because people could go to the nearby post office to buy stamps and put them on envelopes before they sent the letters. 3.Why was the postage much lower using stamps?

Because in this way, the post office did not need to send postmen to collect postage.It only needed to send fewer postmen to deliver letters.

4.How could the post office prevent people from reusing the stamps?

The post office could simply put seals on the stamps so that people could not use the stamps again.

Check the understanding of the word \"seal\", and write it on the Bb.

seal: ÓÊ´Á 5.Did other countries take up the new postal system? Yes.

Check the understanding of \"postal\" and \"system\", and write them on the Bb. postal: of the post system: a set of working ways

6.Does every country in the world has its own stamps? Yes.

Step 5: Rounding-off(7\\\')

1.Answering Ss\\\' questions on the paage if any. 2.Making a guided-dialogue with the information given from the paage.

Hand out Work Sheet 2.Do it in pairs.

3.Asking two or three pairs to read their dailogues. A poible completed dialogue: A: Oh, What a beautiful stamp! B: Yes, it\\\'s from the U.S.A..

A: Do you know in the early nineteenth century people did not use stamps? B: Then how did they pay the postage?

A: They had to pay the postage when they received letters. B: Was the postage very high then?

A: Yes.Because the post offices had to send many people to collect the postage.

B: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps? A: Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England. B: Why do post offices put seals on the stamps? A: They can prevent people from using the stamps again. B: When did post offices begin to sell stamps? A: On May 6, 1840.

B: Thank you for telling me so many things about stamps. Step 6.Aignment(30\")

Ask the Ss to shorten the paage within four or five sentences after cla, and to write it in their exercise books. *************************************************************

Reading Material:

How Did Postage Stamps Come Into Use

When you send a letter or a postcard, you have to put stamps on the envelope or on the card.When did people first begin to use stamps? Who was the first to think of this idea? In the early nineteenth century, people did not use stamps.They had to pay postage when they received letters.They were unhappy about this, especially when they paid for a letter which they did not wish to receive at all.The postage was high at that time, because the post offices had to send many people to collect the postage.

Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England, was the first to put forward a proposal to use stamps.He thought it would be much easier for people to use stamps to cover postage.They could go to the nearby post office to buy stamps and put them on envelopes before they sent the letters.The post office could simply put seals on the stamps so that people could not use the stamps again.In this way, the post office did not need to send postmen to collect postage.It only needed to send fewer postmen to deliver letters.That was a good idea and the government finally accepted it.

On May 6, 1840, post offices throughout England began to sell stamps.Soon this new postal system was taken up by other countries.Now each country has its own stamps.And there are many people who collect stamps all over the world.Work Sheet 1:

Find the answers to the following questions from the paage: 1.Why were people unhappy to pay postage for letters in the early nineteenth century?

2.Why was it much easier for people to use stamps for postage? 3.Why was the postage much lower using stamps?

4.How could the post office prevent people from reusing the stamps?

5.Did other countries take up the new postal system? 6.Does every country in the world has its own stamps now? Work Sheet 2:

Complete the dialogue with the information you have got: A: Oh, What a beautiful stamp! B: Yes, it\\\'s from the U.S.A..

A: Do you know ____________________ people did not use stamps?

B: Then how did they pay the postage? A: ___________________________________________________________.

B: Was the postage very high then? A: ___________________________________________________________.

B: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps? A: ___________________________________________________________.

B: Why do post offices put seals on the stamps? A: ___________________________________________________________. B: When did post offices begin to sell stamps? A: ___________________________________________________________.

B: Thank you for telling me so many things about stamps.






课题:The Lost Books

1、Teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求

(1)Learn some new words and useful expreions

alreadyused to belibrarylibrarianhobbyborrowknowledgeschoolyardstep

(2)Learn “present perfect”(现在完成时)

2、Teaching importance 教学重点

(1)Learn “present perfect”

(2)improve students ability of reading and comprehension

3、Teaching difficulties 教学难点

The use of “present perfect”

4、Teaching procedures 教学步骤


1、greeting (1 minute)

Good morning, everybody! First let me introduce myselfto all of you.My name is LiuLian.You can call me

Lotus.I’m so happy to stand here.Today We’ll talk about an article named “The Lost Books”.Now let’s get down to the busine and begin our cla.OK? (中



2、Explanation(讲解)(35 minutes)

(1)Write the title on the blackboard “ The Lost Books”Ask one to explain the meaning of the title and then

evaluate his or her answer.Point out the differencebetween lost and miing.(2 minutes)

(2)Give 5 minutes to students to go through the first two

paragraphs.Write a question on the blackboard “Why was my grandma worried? What happened to her?”(2 minutes)

(3)ask one to answer the question and evaluate the

performance.Explain the importance of grasping general idea in reading an article.(2 minutes)

(4)Ask one of thestudents to read the first paragraph.

Correct the pronunciation errors.Encourage his or her performance.(2 minutes)

(5)Analyze several points of the first paragraph.Many

interactions are included in the proce.(10 minutes)

(6)Ask one to summarize the first paragraph.Praise the

student.Let them to write the answer on the paper.Explain to them “mastering the idea of each paragraph is crucial to understand the whole article”.(2 minutes)

(7)Ask one to read the Second paragraph.Correct the

pronunciation errors.Evaluate his or her performance.(2 minutes)

(8)Analyze several points of the Second paragraph.

Communication and interactions are neceary.(10 minutes)

(9) Make a summary of the Second paragraph ——My grandma

lost her books.Let them write it down.


3、Summary( 2 minutes)

(1)New words and useful expreions

(2)Present perfect


4、Saying goodbye (2 minutes)

OK.That’s all for today.I hope you can review what

you have learned in today’s cla and do some related exercise after cla.I also want you to prepare for next two paragraphs.I’ll ask you some questions at the beginning of next cla.(中文复述一遍).Is everything clear? OK.The cla is over.See you next time!

[原文]The Lost Books

My grandma is already eighty years old.She used to be a history teacher.Her hobby is reading.She likes reading on many different subjects.She often borrows books from the school library.She has also bought a lot of books.She often says, “I love books.Books are my best friends.They give me knowledge and make me happy.”

Grandma likes to borrow books from the library and reads outside in the schoolyard.Sometimes she reads a few lines, puts down the book, walks a few steps and thinks for a while and then walks away with the book.But last

week Grandma forgot to take the book when she left for home.She was worried and asked her friends, “Have you seen a history book? I think I’ve lost it.” The next day she went to the librarian and said to her, “I’m very sorry.I borrowed a history book from the library last week.But I can’t find it.I think I’ve lost it.”

“Don’t worry.You’ll find it,” said the librarian.

Several days later Grandma came to the library to borrow some more books.The librarian asked her, “Have you found the book?” “Not yet.I’ve looked for it everywhere, but I still can’t find it.”

“Don’t worry.Someone will probably find it and return it sooner or later.” A few days later, the book was still miing.What was worse,

Grandma lost more books.She was worried and so was the librarian.“I’m afraid I’ll have to pay for the lost books,” said Grandma sadly.

One day the librarian came up with an idea.She asked Grandma to put a bookmark in each of the borrowed books with the words: “If you find this book, please return it to the school library….” Grandma thought it was a wonderful idea.Now her lost books are usually returned to the library.





课文标题: WAIT A MINUTE. WAS SHE HURT? 学生思考及讨论:Do you think most people like to goip? What kind of people like to goip?

Val: Did you hear about The People Next Door? Gary: No.What happened?

Val: Well, let me tell you! Brenda caught Stan—that\'s her boyfriend---kiing another woman.

Gary: That\'s terrible! What did she do?

Val: She ran out, got in the car and drove away.Gary: The poor woman! So, where did she go? Val: She ended up at the hospital. She was...Gary: Why did she go to the hospital?

Val: She was driving too fast and had an accident. Anyway...Gary: Wait a minute. Was she hurt?

Val: She broke her arm. But listen, the important thing is that she fell in love with

the doctor who fixed her arm. Now, as soon as she feels a little better, they\'re going to start dating.

Gary: Let me get this straight. Brenda caught Stan with another woman, got into a car accident, and now she\'s going out with her doctor? Val: That\'s right.

Gary: That\'s unbelievable. It sounds like a soap opera.

Val: Gary. It is a soap opera. It\'s called The People Next Door. It\'s on TV every day at noon.

教案:Teaching Plan

GZB Foreign Language School

Xiang Qian Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1) To make the students know some useful words and expreions.(2) To improve the students\' listening and speaking ability.

(3) To develop the students\' communicative ability by learning the useful words and expreions.2.Moral Objects

(1) To make the students learn about the teamwork by the pair work and the group work.

(2) To enable the students to know about true love.

Teaching Key Points:

To enable the students to use good expreions to communicate.

Teaching Difficulties:

To enable the students to expre themselves in a nice way.

Teaching Approach:

(1) Communicative Approach

(2) Teach students how to communicate with others.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: greetings and warming-up

Good morning, boys and girls! How are you? Did you have a nice National Holiday? How many days off did you have for the holiday? (two days) Really? Then how long did you spend on your homework every day? Really? (CIA) I can\'t believe it! That\'s unbelievable! If you go on overworking like this, (CIA) I\'m afraid you\'ll end up at the hospital. You\'ll be in hospital at last one day.

Step 2: lead in the new words and phrases

I\'m much luckier than you! I had a 7-day holiday. I had a nice holiday with my friends.

What do you usually do when you\'re with your friends?

What do you usually talk about?

Yes, we had a good goip.(CIA) We talked about a lot of things. Do you want to know what we goiped about? (CIA) We talked about Jay and Jolin. My friend said they fell in love. Do you know that? Is that true?

Oh, I can\'t believe it. That\'s unbelievable! I only heard that Li Yapeng and Wang Fei fell in love, but I\'ve heard that Jay fell in love with Jolin.

(CIA) One of my friends told me something interesting about her father. Last week, a thief was stealing something. My friend\'s father found it and caught the thief! Have you ever caught someone stealing?

Have you ever caught someone doing something bad or something you don\'t like? I usually catch my students copying others\' homework. (CIA) We also talked about this soap opera. Do you know this soap opera? What\'s the name of this soap opera? Yes, this is my favourite soap opera! My friends told me that this soap opera was on TV on Channel 8 every day at noon, so I turned on the TV on time every day to watch it. Do you have your own favorite soap opera? What is it? You can tell us both in English or in Chinese!

Step 3: listen to the conversation and answer a general question

You see, this holiday my friends and I really goiped a lot. We had a good goip. Do you like to goip? What kind of people like to goip? (CIA) Today 2

Val and Gary are goiping. What are they goiping about? Let\'s listen to the conversation and find it out.(CIA)----Ss answer the question.

Step 4: Read the conversation after the teacher and then answer more questions.

How many people did Gary and Val talk about in the conversation? Who are they? (CIA) What happened between these four people? (CIA)

Step 5: Pair work: Read the conversation in pairs.

Step 6: True or False (at the same time, some words and phrases will be explained here.)

Let\'s look at some statements about the conversation. Please tell me whether these sentences true or false.(CIA)

(2) So who caught whom kiing whom? --- Brenda caught Stan kiing another woman.

(3) Why did Brenda have a car accident? So it\'s not safe to drive too fast, isn\'t it?

If someone drives too fast, he may end up at the hospital, or he may end up dead.(4) What\'s wrong with Brenda\'s arm? Yes, it\'s broken. So the doctor fixed her arm.

What else can you fix? If your clock is broken, can you fix it?

(5) Who fell in love with the doctor? (Brenda.) And what\'s the meaning of date? (6)That\'s true! So in this conversation, Gary and Val are goiping about a soap opera called \"The People Next Door.\", right?

Step 7: Pair work: Retell the story

Can you understand main idea of this soap opera? What happened in it? Let\'s have a look again.(CIA) Now work in pairs, tell your partner about the story.[check]

Step 8: Group work: act the soap opera out

It\'s an interesting soap opera, isn\'t it? Suppose you were the characters in this soap opera, what would you do and what would you say? Now work in groups, please act it out. Maybe one of you was Brenda, Stan, the doctor, the woman, or someone else, like policeman.[check 2]

Step 9: Discuion

Do you think Brenda and Stan really love each other? Is there true love between Brenda and Stan? How about Brenda and the doctor, Stan and that woman? Maybe yes, maybe not. Can you find true love around you?

Step 10: enjoy an English song about love.


初中英语阅读篇教案:Unit 11 How was your school trip? Teaching Aims

1.Knowledge Aims (1) Students can recognize some positive/positive adjectives and phrases.E.g.exciting, lovely, cheap, slow, fast, all in all, be interested in and so on.(2) Students can summarize the different attitudes towards this school trip between Helen and Jim.(3) Students will have a further impreion of simple past form.2.Ability Aims (1) Ss are able to use some positive and negative adjectives to describe things and feelings.(2) Students are willing to talk about events in the past freely and happily.(3) Students are able to scan these two diaries for the different attitudes between Helen and Jim.3.Emotional Aims (1) Encourage students to share their sweet and unforgettable memories with others.(2) Cultivate students’ habit of writing diary.Teaching Key Points 1.Students will learn the target language and understand the content of the text.2.Encourage students to talk about events in the past and share whit others.3.Ss are able to use some positive and negative adjectives to describe things and feelings.Teaching Difficult Points 1.To master some basic reading strategies, predicting the content of the text, skimming the text for the gist, scanning the text for the specific information.2.Ss are able to use some positive and negative adjectives to describe things and feelings in simple past tense.Teaching Aids Multi-media Teaching Methods Communicative Approach & Task-based Teaching Method Teaching Procedures Step 1: Lead-in 1.Greeting to Ss.2.Share their school or family trip.T: Before this cla, let’s share your wonderful trip with others.You don’t know? Last cla I asked you to do a poster about your school/family trip.Do you remember it? Ss: Yes.T: Good.Now, I need some volunteers to share their school/family trip experiences with us, volunteers? S1: May I have a try? T: Sure, brave boy/girl! Then take out your poster and explain it to all of us.S1: My family went to the countryside last Sunday.T: How was your trip? S1: Oh, it was very interesting.T: So, what did you do? S1: We swam in the small river and had a picnic on the gra.Look, here are my photos.T: Sounds like you had a great trip.Wonderful job! Tony, how about your trip? Tony: „

T: Very well.Thank you for sharing your interesting experiences.Step 2: Pre-reading 1.T shares his/her last family trip with Ss.T: Look at the pictures on the screen.This is my last family trip.Can you gue where I would go? Ss: San ya? T: NO.Ss: Xia men? T: Close to Xia men.Ss: „

T: Oh, yes.I heard someone said “Bei hai”.You are right; I went to Bei hai last summer holiday by plane.Because it very fast.The train runs slow.(Elicit “fast” and “slow”).Look at this picture (point to the picture which you are swimming in the sea).Am I happy? Ss: Yes.T: Right.I was very exciting then.Because it was my first time swam in the sea.(Elicit the new word “exciting” and help them to know the meaning of this word) Ss: Sounds you had a great trip.T: Yes.I had a really good time.2.Open your book and turn to page 65.Finish the task on 2a.Step 3: While-reading 1.Fast reading Ask students to read Helen’s and Jim’s diary entries and answer the following questions: 1) Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip? 2) How do they feel the trip? Then check the answers.2.Careful reading (1) Divide students into two groups.Group one read Helen’s dairy and group two read Jim’s dairy.Then complete the following chart independently.(2) After finish this chart, group one retell Helen’s dairy to group two, and group two retell Jim’s dairy to group one.Then they make an exchange to check their retelling information.Group one read Jim’s dairy and group two read Helen’s dairy.(3) T makes a conclusion.Step 4: Post-reading Chain story: making up stories.Divide the whole cla into several groups.Every group has about 5to 6 members.Ask them do not talk while making up stories.Then give the first students of each group a piece of paper with the same sentence written on it.Then ask the other students each to add up a sentence to form a whole story.The sentence should be using one of the words on 2b, e.g.exciting, boring, slow, fast, interesting.Then the last group members will do a report to the cla.See which story is the most interesting one.Step 5 Summary and Homework 1.Summary: 1) Review the words and useful expreions they’ve learnt in this cla.2) Encourage them to share their experiences to others.2.Homework: 1) Recite some beautiful sentences of this paage.2) Have students to write an article about “My dream trip”.Blackboard Design

Teaching Reflection


Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time !

(SectionA:1a---1c) ⅠTeaching Aims 1.Knowledge goals: (1) Key vocabulary: have a great time

(2) Key structures: --I think I’m going to the party with Karen and Ann --If you do, you’ll have a great time.2.Ability goals: (1) To train students’ ability of listening and speaking (2) To train students’ ability of communication 3.Emotion goals: (1) Look before you leap (2) Enhance students’ interest in English learning

ⅡTeaching Important Points 1.Key phrase: have a great time 2.Key structures: If you do ,you’ll.…

Ⅲ Teaching Difficult Points 1.Master the structures: If you do ,you’ll.…

2.Make correct conversation using the target language Ⅳ Teaching Methods

(1) Listening and Speaking Method (2)Pairwork and Groupwork

Ⅴ Teaching Aids A computer, a textbook

Ⅵ Teaching Procedures Step1 Warming up and lead-in 1.Greet the students as usual 2.Enjoy a song “If You Are Happy” 3.Introduce “Mr If”

Step2 Presentation 1.Gue and Link:1a

2.Listen and Check:1b Step3 Practice Pairwork:1c Step4 Summary

T:Today we’ve learnt to talk about consequences.And you met my friend Mr If.From him, we learnt the structure”If you …,you will …”.In our daily life, when you want to do something, you should think about the consequences before you make decisions.Step5 Homework After cla, write five sentences with if structure.and recite 1a.Preview for the next period.

Blackboard design

Unit5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a gread time!

have fun enjoy oneself If you…,you’ll…
