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新教材每个单元均以一个特定的话题为中心展开,题材新颖,时代感强,“听”、“说”模块实用,适宜采用交际法教学或“融入式”的教学模式。但如果教师讨论的切入点选择不对,大多数学生感到无从开口,就会形成曲高和寡的冷场局面,使讨论不能继续下去。所以,教师应该根据学生的实际英语水平,敏锐地捕捉讨论的切入口,适时地寻找学生开口的突破点,要做到人人能说,个个会讲。通过讨论,学生觉得原来英语并不像他们想象得那么困难,如:在教Unit 1 Friendship时,让学生联系课文,通过自己亲身体会和理解,讨论以下问题:

Do you have any friends? Are you good to your friends? Do you know why people make friends with one another?


S1: Yes, of course.We all have a lot of friends. S2: We are good to our friends. S3:One cannot live alone in the world .To make our work smooth,We need to cooperate with others .To make our life happy, we need to help each other. S4: The society has become more and be separated from the people around us. S5: ……



我们知道,“讨论”的前提是学生要有话可说,有感而发。如何使学生的思想一触即发,这就需要教师讲究技巧。教师要合理处理新教材设计的讨论题,根据学生身心发展过程中的不同阶段,通过创设和营造真实而有意义的英语文化环境,鼓励学生突破常规,善于质疑,大胆想象,勇于创新,敢于求异。设计的问题要巧妙,创意新颖。通过这些问题和创意力图激活学生的思维,开启他们想象的闸门,点燃学生的思想火花,从而为讨论的顺利进行创造有利条件。如:在教Unit 4 Earthquakes 时,我提出了这样的问题让学生讨论回答:

Did you once hear the sound that the heaven falls and the earth cracks?

If there is a sound like this, what is it? How terrible is it?

Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away .You have time to take only one thing.What will you take? And why?







看过鲁子问老师执教的高中英语模块一Unit 1 Friendship的听说课,感触很多。对听说课有了进一步了解。对听说课的教学设计有了新的认识。 “听说课”是将听说训练相结合,以听为主,以说为辅的课堂教学。分为听力训练和口语训练两部分。



2.听中:是指听力理解阶段,包括泛听与精听。泛听是指在播放材料第一遍后,让学生回答有关预测内容的问题。 精听要求学生在初步理解语篇基础上进一步理解语篇的细节和重要事实。


通过听的训练之后,学生以具备了说的勇气和能力。此时教师要尽可能地鼓励学生,调动学生参与口语交流的积极性。教师及时地表扬学生的优秀和进步,尽量创造一种活泼,互动,实效的英语课堂氛围。 在说的过程中,允许学生出现 “发音不准,话语不连贯,词不达意,语法混乱”等问题。在学生表达的时候,不去打断纠正其错误。而是待其讲完后再指出他表达的不当之处。



(1) The analysis of the teaching material

Status and function

This part is the second part of this unit, but it is very important in this unit, and the theme of the text is related to the title of this unit.

This part is a reading material about… such topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve Ss’ spoken English.

(2) Teaching aims and demands

1)Knowledge aim

To make Ss know …..by reading….

To give a reinforced practice in the use of…

2)Ability aim

To improve Ss’ listening and speaking ability by…

3)Emotional aim

To enable Ss to love life and animals

4)Important points and difficult points

(3)Teaching aids

Multi-media, computer, tape recorder, software, PowerPoint

(4)Teaching methods

Five steps approach

Communicative approach

Studying ways

Teach Ss how to be a succeful language learner.

(5)Teaching procedures

Step 1.Revision

Step 2.Lead-in

Start a free talk /use computers to show pictures/ask questions about.This step is employed to warm up Ss and raise the interest of Ss to speak English in cla on the topics they like.

Step 3.Listening

Show questions on the screen using the computer

Step 4.Dialogue drill In this step Ss are required to practice the dialogue in pairs by reading the dialogue aloud.This step is employed to make the Ss grasp the useful phrases and sentence patterns.

Step 5.Practice

Show the words and phrases given on the screen.

Step 6.Consolidation

This time gives Ss five minutes to make a similar dialogue.

Step 7.Workbook

Step 8.Homework

(6) Blackboard design


必修五unit3 life in the future听说课教学设计


教学重点:听对话时,既要注意大意,又要注意细节。通过练习,训练学生的基本语言技能。 教学方法:1.listening

2.pair work 教具准备:多媒体 教学流程:


1.Ask Ss to have a debate on whether people can live on Mars.2.Teacher gives comments on both sides,saying : both of you have given sound reasons to support your arguments.And now let’s listen to an interview between Li Qiang and Walker Hiller, who is to build a town on Mars.第二步:听力训练

(一)(双人活动) Listening and speaking(page23) 1.Get the Ss to get through Exercise1.2.First, listen for the Ss to finish Exercise1 3.Second,listen for the Ss to finish Exercise2 4.Third,listen for the Ss to put down the question in it that are used to make predictions.Can you imagine how that’ll be achieved? Is it likely that you can find and use water? I wonder if...? How health will the people be, I wonder? 5.Get the Ss to exchange their information to correct their answers? 第三步:口语活动

1.(pair work)Ask Ss to list some questions about what life will be like in you hometown in 1000 years’ time, using the expreions above to help them.2.(pair work) Interview Situation : Suppose you’re in a newly-elected major, and now is being interviewed on TV.The host is raising some questions on your plan for the coming five years.Have the Ss to make up the interview in pairs, trying to use the expreions above.第四步:听力训练


Listening task(page55) 1.Ss read the phrases before listening to the tape.2.Listen to the tape and finish Exercise1 第五步:口语训练


1.Ask the Ss to have a look at the requirements in the “taking part” 2.Let them choose of the three as they like and work in groups of four and design the text of an ad for the product.3.Ask Ss to read their texts to the cla, and Ss vote for their favorite.4.Count the result to see which group get the most votes.5.Teacher may give an award to the winners.第六步:布置作业

Ask the Ss to go over what they learned in the cla according to the “Summing up” on page 24.教学反思:这一节听说课的教学设计,从听前的问题预测,到听后的问题回答,都与利于学生的听力培养和口语表达,是学生在听说过程中逐步提高英语运用能力。







(三) 教学气氛是否轻松、愉悦,适宜学生学习












五指山市琼州学院附属中学 高中英语组 崔杰




我所研究的是高一英语人教版unit4 Wildlife Protection中的Using language部分,课型:听说课




通过听力材料使同学们意识到保护动物的重要性之后,然后进入speaking 部分,在这一部分中,首先要明确所讨论的主要话题是什么,然后要给学生以充分的时间准备讨论。在整个过程中,由我参与指导,鼓励学生勇敢表现自我,训练口语如何去表达个人的意图和目的。

Useful expreions: I’d like to…; I feel like…; I’m ready to…;so that…; in order to…; to protect…from…

最后,对整堂听说课做一个简单小节,本堂课从哪几个方面对同学们的听说 能力进行了训练。

此次听说课后,我做了详尽的笔记,对于这一堂听说课的课堂流程,课上效 果,以及课后同学们的反馈都做了认真的分析,现对本堂听说课做以下分析:

1.优点:极大的锻炼了同学们的听说能力,听的过程中任务明确,指向性强,listening与speaking 的衔接紧密,使学生有话可说。




改进措施:首先是听的部分,由于材料属于叙述型材料,所以对同学们来 讲,有一定的困难,可以在听之前把铺垫做的再详细一点,让更多的同学听懂材料并能完成任务,在任务设计方面,尽量设置阶梯式的任务,即让一些基础不好的同学从比较简单的任务中去建立自信,并在班级其他同学的带动下,多参与课堂活动。


课例资料: 高一英语人教版必修二教材Unit4 研究教师: 崔杰

研究时间: 2011年12月20日





本人认为“匮乏的基础知识”和“有限的听说技巧”是导致目前学生听说水平不高的主要原因,所以从改进教学方法、培养学习兴趣和进行有效的听说技巧指导等几个方面进行了研究,提出新的英语听说教学策略以帮助学生树立对听说的信心,培养他们良好的听说习惯,教会他们实用的听说技巧。主要做法如下: 一,创设多样环境,丰富英语活动方式






一、两遍。短文应尽量覆盖课文要点,可要求学生根据需要适当做笔记,记下一些提示性的关键词语。 说环节可分两步走:先由同桌或前后相邻四位学生互相复述所听材料,再由教师抽检效果。抽检形式可多样化,除点名提问外,还可由各组推举代表,也可抽签或自愿发言。 三,利用课外活动开展英语听说训练


本文以高中英语新课程Unit 2 English around the world 为例,以探讨新课改环境下进行有效的高中英语课堂听说教学策略为目标,通过教学环节的设计进行课堂教学实践和反思,确定了最后的方案,以便进行有效的课堂听说教学 1.教材分析

本单元以“世界英语”为中心话题,旨在通过本单元的学习让学生粗略了解世界英语的发展状况,认识各种各样具有民族,地域特色的英语以及它们的出现原因和不同之处。同时让学生学会语言障碍的表达法,能够区分、转述命令或请求语气的祈使句,并让学生能用所学构思方法写一篇关于英语学习经验的作文。 Listening是一位美国男孩所的讲述的故事及他的老师对故事的转述。学生可通过听来体会南方方言与标准英语的不同。并强化学生通过听来获取有关说话人信息的能力。Speaking 以问路的一段对话将英美语差异与间接引语结合起来,要求学生运用所学知识编一段对话,将间接引语运用于实际生活。 2.教案设计

The Third Period Listening and speaking Teaching goals教学目标 1.Target language目标语言






western, Europe, southeast 2.Ability goals能力目标

Get the Ss to know more about world English and dialects by listening.Enable the students to expre language difficulties in communication.3.Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students learn how to get detailed ideas of English programs.Help the students learn how to manage to communicate with others avoiding language difficulties. Teaching important points 教学重点

Listen to materials and grasp the information needed.How to use different sentence patterns avoiding language difficulties in communication.Teaching difficult points 教学难点

Gue the name of speaker’s country by listening.How to make a dialogue using commands or requests. Teaching methods 教学方法 Listening. Discuion.Notes-making.Pair works to make a dialogue.Teaching aids 教具准备 A recorder.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 Step I Revision Describe the picture and the boys.T: Any volunteers to describe the picture? S1: There is a river in the picture.At the bank, there is a tall tree.We can see a very big fish in the river.

S2: The two boys laughing are Buford and Big Billy Bob.A boy was frightened and fleeing.He is little Lester.

T: Could you find the answers to the four questions? Ss: Yes.T: Good.Why does Buford think of Texas? How do you know it?

S: He believes it’s almost a different country from the US.The text tells us so. T: How large was the catfish?

S: The catfish was almost the size of a house.T: Why did Lester get out of the water very quickly? S: He thought the catfish would eat him. T: Why did Buford and Big Billy Bob laugh?

S: Because the fish is harmle but Lester is so frightened and flee so fast.Step II Listening and writing (Page 14) Task Listen and answer questions.T: Another two persons will describe this story.One is Buford, who is from Texas and believes bigger is always better.He is speaking with one kind of Southern dialects.The other is his teacher, Jane, who speaks standard British English.First, listen and know of standard British English and Southern dialects.Ss listen to the tape and try to understand.T: Now listen for a second time and answer the last two questions.Make notes while listening.A few minutes later, check their answers. T: A, can you answer question 5? S: Yes.Jane is the second speaker, Buford’s teacher.She is from Britain.T: Well done! Buford says “Hey, y’all”to greet you.What does the second speaker say to greet you? S: She says “Hello”.Step III Listening

Task1 Listen and write the AE words.T: Last leon we separate some AE words from BE words.Today, let’s go on listening and write down the AE words which have the same meanings as the BE words.Turn to page 48 .Listening .The BE words have been written down.Read it.Then listen to the dialogue.In the conversation, “rush hour” is the name of a popular Hollywood film.After listening.T: Please read your answer together. (Write down the answers.

Ss: picture- movie, lorry- truck, autumn- fall, underground- subway, sweets- candy Task2 Listen and write down answers to questions.Ss read the questions to find out the listening point first, and then listen to the tape to get the answers.T: Now the recorder will introduce a new way of English learning.Before listen to the tape, please read the questions to find out the listening point.Make notes of the answers while listening.Play the tape for the first time so that the students can get a general idea.The second and third time, the Ss write and check their answers.Pause and repeat the key sentences.T: Can you answer questions now? Ss: Yes.T: Good.What programme is Zhao Li watching? S: CCTV-9 World wide watch.T: Excellent! Who would like to answer the next questions? S: 2.Zhao Li thinks that watching TV programs will improve her English.3.She thinks that Cao Ri is a good speaker.4.The more listening practice you have, the better your listening skills will get, especially if you hear variety of speakers.5.You should be patient and keep trying.Soon you will understand more and more.Teacher checks the answers and explains some difficult listening points if neceary.Step IV .Speaking task T: Well done! The second floor in British English is the third floor in American English.How great change in English! Travel plays an important part in the change of English.Please turn to Page 52 tell me other things that cause languages to change.Ss have previewed it.Answers Teenagers, movies, radio, and TV.Task Give advice on how to teach English to beginners.Work in groups of four.T: Well done! The government would like to get some advice on how to teach English to beginners.Can you help them? Please work in groups of four and list your ideas together.Ss discu and write down their suggestions.S1: I think it will make the textbook interesting to use cartoons in it.

S2: Why not design some games? Students like games, which will make the words easy to memory.S3: In my opinion, English songs are of great help.S4: We can draw some interesting characters like Mickey mouse to teach English to beginners.T: Wonderful ideas! I believe the government will take your advice. Step V Homework Make a short list of reasons why English is spoken in so many places around the world.Preview Page 15 Speaking.List the words that were confusing to Amy.Sample Why English is spoken in so many places around the world?

English is the language most widely spoken and used in the world.Why?


必修五unit3 life in the future听说课教学设计

教学目标:通过听对话,掌握对话大意,并能获得部分细节信息。 教学重点:听对话时,既要注意大意,又要注意细节。通过练习,训练学生的基本语言技能。 教学方法:1.listening

2.pair work 教具准备:多媒体 教学流程:


1.Ask Ss to have a debate on whether people can live on Mars.2.Teacher gives comments on both sides,saying : both of you have given sound reasons to support your arguments.And now let’s listen to an interview between Li Qiang and Walker Hiller, who is to build a town on Mars.第二步:听力训练

(一)(双人活动) Listening and speaking(page23) 1.Get the Ss to get through Exercise1.2.First, listen for the Ss to finish Exercise1 3.Second,listen for the Ss to finish Exercise2 4.Third,listen for the Ss to put down the question in it that are used to make predictions.Can you imagine how that’ll be achieved? Is it likely that you can find and use water? I wonder if...? How health will the people be, I wonder? 5.Get the Ss to exchange their information to correct their answers? 第三步:口语活动

1.(pair work)Ask Ss to list some questions about what life will be like in you hometown in 1000 years’ time, using the expreions above to help them.2.(pair work) Interview Situation : Suppose you’re in a newly-elected major, and now is being interviewed on TV.The host is raising some questions on your plan for the coming five years.Have the Ss to make up the interview in pairs, trying to use the expreions above.第四步:听力训练


Listening task(page55) 1.Ss read the phrases before listening to the tape.2.Listen to the tape and finish Exercise1 第五步:口语训练


1.Ask the Ss to have a look at the requirements in the “taking part” 2.Let them choose of the three as they like and work in groups of four and design the text of an ad for the product.3.Ask Ss to read their texts to the cla, and Ss vote for their favorite.4.Count the result to see which group get the most votes.5.Teacher may give an award to the winners.第六步:布置作业

Ask the Ss to go over what they learned in the cla according to the “Summing up” on page 24.











教师在教学中可以经常让学生听课文录音,有意识地引导学生模仿nativespeaker的语音、语调,使他们习惯于nativespeaker的发音,并且解决连读、失去爆破及怎样停顿的问题。接着可以适当地拓展听说内容,如各种报告录音,可选听一些浅易的英美历史、地理、风俗人情的报告,尝试听一些语言规范、内容健康的原版英美电影,如《冰海沉船》、《百万英磅》、《简·爱》、《雾都孤儿》,一般以半小时左右为宜,这样既能增长知识、提高兴趣又提高听力。 课前五分钟,听说也重要。学生的英语听说水平达到一定的程度后,可组织课前五分钟的演讲,让学生准备几个贴近学习和生活的事例,站在讲台前面朝全体学生做个小型的演讲。待演讲完毕后选择一部分同学对其演讲内容进行简要复述,以此来提高学生们在公众场合说英语的技巧,从而做到“以听促说、以说促听”。










Listening and Speaking

Book 2

Unit 1

International Clock Talk I.Objectives: 1.Listening: understanding a short conversation, a long conversation and a paage.Furthermore, finish a movie, a dialog and a speech.2.Speaking: practice conversational skills, useful expreions, model dialogs and conversational activity 3.Listening and speaking: understand audio script and act the games II.Teaching arrangement: 1.Total teaching time: 2 periods 1) Listening: 60ms 2) Speaking: 15ms 3) Listening and speaking: 25ms III.Teaching proce: 1.Listening: 1.1 Explain the new words and expreions in the Audio Script in conversations: Confusion, interact with, studio, turn up, stay in touch with, latecomer, abruptly, pick sb.Up, time—conscious, stiff, serious, show up, entitled,

2.Movie speech:

This extract is taken from the movie The Six Day

The movie is about Adam Gibson, a helicopter pilot, who survives a near fatal accident but returns home only to find that he has been replaced by an exact duplicate of himself, a clone.He must not only save himself from people who want to destroy him to protect their secret, but uncover who and what is behind the horrible things happening to him.

This dialog is a videophone conversation between the husband Adam Gibson and his wife Natalie.During the vonversation, Natalie tells her husband about the death of the family dog.She also asks him to go to Peret, an animal cloning company, and pick up a clone of the dog before coming home.Adam doesn’t think cloning is natural and tries to talk her out of it.The dialog ends with the wife refusing to take “no” for an answer.3.Speaking: 1)Brief introduction When asking about maximum or minimum quantities, the superlative form of a word is often used.Response to these questions usually include phrases like “ as---as”, “no le/more/le than”.In talking about comparison and contrast, expreions like “compare---with/to” and “as---as”, “similar to”, “in contrat to” and “different from” are frequently applied.

2) Words and phrases in speaking part:

Maximum, speed up, sitting capacity, region, minimum, quantity, minimum charge, compare, spicy, ensure, standard, senior, decently, majority, conception, harmony, currently,

4.Listening and speaking

Words and expreions: speak up, in turn IV.Homework: Finish the listening part for homework: Task 1 and 2.

Unit 2

All that Glitters Is Olympic Gold I.Objectives: 1.Listening: understanding a short conversation, a long conversation and a paage.Furthermore, finish a movie, a dialog and a speech.2.Speaking: practice conversational skills, useful expreions, model dialogs and conversational activity 3.Listening and speaking: understand audio script and act the games II.Teaching arrangement: 1.Total teaching time: 2 periods 1) Listening: 60ms 2) Speaking: 15ms 3) Listening and speaking: 25ms III.Teaching proce: 1.Listening: Explain the new words and expreions in the Audio Script in conversations: Glitter, paion, sacrifice, for the sake of, greatne, virtues, athlete, glory, drug taking, widespread, amateur, deny, frown, unmatched, amazing, defy, confidence, dash, paion, quit, stay on 2.Movie speech:

This extract is taken from the movie Million Dollar Baby

One day Maggie walks into Frankie gym.Maggie has never had much, but there is one thing she does have.She knows what she wants and she is willing to do whatever it takes to get it.And more than anything, she wants someone to believe in her.She hopes that Frankie, the experienced hardened boxing trainer, is the person.

However, Frankie is unwilling to coach her and he tells her the blunt hard truth: she is too old and he doesn’t train girls.But “no” has little meaning when you have no other choice.Unwilling or unable to give up on her life’s ambition, Maggie wears herself to the bone at the gym everyday.Finally won over by Maggie’s sheer determination, Frankie begrudgingly agrees to take her on.3.Speaking: Brief introduction More expreions talking about one’s happine: I’m on cloud nine.I feel on top of the world.I’m walking on air.I’m in heaven.I’m in a good mood today.This is the happiest moment in my life.I’m never been as happy as I am now.Responses to the expreions: I’m glad to hear it.I’m happy you told me.That’s great to hear.This is too good to be true.4.Listening and speaking

Words and expreions:

I’m dying, delighted, contest, get the pay raise, annoying, madden, pop ups, fantastic, terrific, be scared out of my wits, a straight A student, to go through with, laptop, vanish, be honest with sb.make up test, idiot, upcoming, boxing,cultural impact, cite IV.Homework:

1.Finish the listening part for homework: Task 1 and 2.

2.Oral report: Prepare a three minute oral report on one of the following topics: 1) A brief history of the Olympic Games 2) The spirit of sports 3) What sports mean to me

Unit 3 Pros and cons of Mixed Marriages I.Objectives: 1.Listening: understanding a short conversation, a long conversation and a paage.Furthermore, finish a movie, a dialog and a speech.2.Speaking: practice conversational skills, useful expreions, model dialogs and conversational activity 3.Listening and speaking: understand audio script and act the games II.Teaching arrangement: 1.Total teaching time: 2 periods 1) Listening: 60ms 2)Speaking: 15ms 3)Listening and speaking: 25ms III.Teaching proce: 1.Listening: Explain the new words and expreions in the Audio Script in conversations: Habor, reservation, priest, grueling, celibacy, 2.Movie speech:

This extract is taken from the movie Bachelor

After desperately trying to get married and failing, Jimmie gives up on love.It isn’t until he meets a priest that he changes his mind.The priest tells him his experience with love.Though it’s very rare for priest to have been merried, this priest was married.He didn’t become a priest until after his wife died.He’s very happy to have shared his life with a woman, and he’s still happy.3.Speaking: Brief introduction While talking about the volume of containers, people use the following words: pint,quart, gallon 4.Listening and speaking IV.Homework:

1.Finish the listening part for homework: Task 1 and 2.

2.Prepare a three minutes oral report on one of the three topics:

1) My ideal husband or wife

2) Good and bad things about marrying a foreigner

3)Whether mixed-marriages will cause changes to the couple involved

Unit 4

A Hunk of Burning Love I.Objectives: 1.Listening: understanding a short conversation, a long conversation and a paage.Furthermore, finish a movie, a dialog and a speech.2.Speaking: practice conversational skills, useful expreions, model dialogs and conversational activity 3.Listening and speaking: understand audio script and act the games II.Teaching arrangement: 1.Total teaching time: 2 periods 1) Listening: 60ms 2)Speaking: 15ms 3)Listening and speaking: 25ms III.Teaching proce: 1.Listening: Explain the new words and expreions in the Audio Script in conversations: Colloquially, hunk, draw up, spouse, survey, desire, majority, commitment, forever, be supposed to do sth, get used to sth, depreed, break up, addre, brighten up, objection to sth, curious, spiritual, combat, fall in love, estimate 2.Movie speech:

This extract is taken from the movie Chariots of Fire

This movie tells the true story of two British track athletes competing win the 1924 Summer Olympics.One is a devout Scottish miionary who runs for God, and the other is a Jewish student at Cambridge who runs for fame and to escape prejudice.

In this scene, Eric Liddell, the miionary, tells a crowd of people about his experience of being an athlete, of giving, and of his identification with his country, on his road to Olympic glory.He has become famous by playing sports, and he has been able to make people happy.The happine he has given to young fans is worth more than the trophies he has won.

Eric was bore in China, like his brother and sister.When he was abroad, he didn’t understand why his father spoke so highly of his native land, Scotland.However, when he went to Scotland, he understood that he is a part of the country.Being away for it didn’t take it out of him.3.Speaking: Brief introduction The key structure in talking about sth is “ How do you do?” or “Could you tell me how to do sth.”.As to the responses, teachers should draw students’ attention to the makers of sequence: “first of all”, “firstly”, “ to start with”, “the first step”, “after all”, “finally”, “at last”

While asking for examples, key words like “examples” “proof” “case” “illustration” are used.Responses to these questions often include key expreions like “such as” “for instance” and “for example”.4.Listening and speaking Words and expreions: At a lo, nod, cheek IV.Homework:

1.Finish the listening part for homework: Task 1 and 2.

2.Oral report: Prepare a three minute oral report on one of the following topics: 1) The love story that imprees me most 2) The best age for a person to begin dating 3) I’m in love with

Unit 5

Enough of Worries and Tears I.Objectives: 1) Listening: understanding a short conversation, a long conversation and a paage.Furthermore, finish a movie, a dialog and a speech.2) Speaking: practice conversational skills, useful expreions, model dialogs and conversational activity 3) Listening and speaking: understand audio script and act the games II.Teaching arrangement: 1) Total teaching time: 2 periods 1) Listening: 60ms 2)Speaking: 15ms 3)Listening and speaking: 25ms III.Teaching proce: 1) Listening: Explain the new words and expreions in the Audio Script in conversations: Israeli, devote, complaint, drop out of, hook on, staying out, greedy, irresponsible, good at nothing, pregnant, raise children, constant, undermine, generous, generosity, broken homes, typically, significant, factor, casual, odd, spoiled, poor manners, tendency 2) Movie speech:

This extract is taken from the movie The Lion King

This movie is about Simba, a young lion prince born in Africa.His birth makes his uncle Scar , the second in line, to be the throne.Thus, Scar plots to kill King Mafias, his father, and so flees the kingdom in shame.After years of exile he is persuaded to return home to overthrow Scar and claim the kingdom as his own completing the “circle of life”

In this scene, Mufasa, the king of lions, is teaching his son, Simba, important leons so that he will understand his responsibilities when he becomes king.Among the leons,Mufasa teaches him is that all things in nature exists in a balance.3) Speaking: Brief introduction The words in talking about likes and dislikes:

Fondne, be fond of, be keen on, preference for, collection, claical, move out of, applicant, comedies, pose 4) Listening and speaking

Words and expreions:

Match up with, contradiction, negative behavior, IV.Homework:

Finish the listening part for homework: Task 1 and 2.

Unit 6

What’s in a nature I.Objectives: 1.Listening: understanding a short conversation, a long conversation and a paage.Furthermore, finish a movie, a dialog and a speech.2.Speaking: practice conversational skills, useful expreions, model dialogs and conversational activity 3.Listening and speaking: understand audio script and act the games II.Teaching arrangement: 1.Total teaching time: 2 periods 1) Listening: 60ms 2)Speaking: 15ms 3)Listening and speaking: 25ms III.Teaching proce: 1.Listening: Explain the new words and expreions in the Audio Script in conversations: Quatation, propotion, ratio, approximation, come up with, size up, stick with, bonds, feud, metaphor, contend, elegant, superficial, impreive, uncreative, odd, lable, disrespect,

2.Movie speech:

This extract is taken from the popular sitcom Friends

Friends is about six young people who, on their own struggling to survive in the real world, find the companionship, comfort and support they get from each other to be the perfect attitude to the preures of life.

Ro Geller and Carol Winlock used to be husband and wife, but are divorced now as the result of Carol’s lesbian affair with Susan Bunch.Meanwhile, Carol’s pregnant with Ro’ baby, and she has decided to give birth to it.In this scene, the three of them discuing the name of the new baby.

3.Speaking: Brief introduction While talking about approximation, people often use the following key words: approximation, roughly, about, nearly, somewhere, around, New words and expreions: sitcom, roll with the punches, sperm, border on, child abuse, wind up

4.Listening and speaking Words and expreions:

Complicated, puzzle, clarify, obviously, stimulate, appetite, imaginative IV.Homework:

1.Finish the listening part for homework: Task 1 and 2.

2.Prepare a three minutes oral report on one of the three topics:

1) Why I chose my English name?

2) Why my parents gave my name?

3) Is there any connection between names and personalities?

Unit 7

Relax or Die I.Objectives: 1.Listening: understanding a short conversation, a long conversation and a paage.Furthermore, finish a movie, a dialog and a speech.2.Speaking: practice conversational skills, useful expreions, model dialogs and conversational activity 3.Listening and speaking: understand audio script and act the games II.Teaching arrangement: 1.Total teaching time: 2 periods 1) Listening: 60ms 2)Speaking: 15ms 3)Listening and speaking: 25ms III.Teaching proce: 1.Listening: Explain the new words and expreions in the Audio Script in conversations: Restriction, emiion, pollutant, stre out, overwork, overwhelm, ambition, tense, psychological, priority, deadline, tough, be bound to, crack, recommend, cure, rational 2.Movie speech:

This extract is taken from the movie The Family Man

Jack has a high-paying job, so he thinks that his life couldn’t be better.But the miracle happens, and Jack is able to see what his life would have been like if he had chosen a different path.In his other life, Jack is married to Kate, an old girlfriend.He has a family in his life with her and a job that isn’t so great.As times goes by, he realizes that his other life, the life with the family, is the happier one.Here, in this dialog, he meets his old girlfriend Kate at airport as she is leaving for Paris.He tries to tell her about his experience.She, of course, doesn’t fully understand him, but she decides to join him for a cup of coffee so that they can talk about it.

3.Speaking: Brief introduction While talking about aumption and supposition, the following words and expreions are frequently used: aume, suppose, probably, aumption, think.While talking about elimination, words and expreions like “eliminate, rule outt, stamp out, weed out, delete, remove, leave out” are used.New words and expreions: eliminate, rule out, stamp out, weed out, delete, bound, limit, confine, chewing gum, phone booth, intolerable, make a scene, liar

4.Listening and speaking Words and expreions:

Blur, outsourcing, cellular, immune, prematurely, chronically, accelerate, make strides, alleviate IV.Homework:

1.Finish the listening part for homework: Task 1 and 2.

2.Prepare a three minutes oral report on one of the three topics:

1) My way of handing stre at school

2) How can we live a stre-free life?

3) The most streful experience I have ever had

Unit 8

Life outside of Work I.Objectives: 1.Listening: understanding a short conversation, a long conversation and a paage.Furthermore, finish a movie, a dialog and a speech.2.Speaking: practice conversational skills, useful expreions, model dialogs and conversational activity 3.Listening and speaking: understand audio script and act the games II.Teaching arrangement: 1.Total teaching time: 2 periods 1) Listening: 60ms 2)Speaking: 15ms 3)Listening and speaking: 25ms III.Teaching proce: 1.Listening: Explain the new words and expreions in the Audio Script in conversations: Hustle, grind, explore, flyer, compaion, ingredient, strive, mi out, poll, spare time, paperwork, motivate, make big money, accounting 2.Movie speech:

This extract is taken from the movie Nixon

The movie tells the story of Richard Nixon, a very complex figure in American history.Nixon was America’s 37th president, winning office in 1968 and then gaining reelection in 1972.One important achievement during his presidency was creating ties with the People’s Republic of China.The American war with Vietnam and economic woes troubled his presidency, however.In addition, Nixon faced legal problems.Members of his reelection team were caught trying to place listening devices in the offices of his political opponents.Into his second term, it was revealed that Nixon was responsible for his criminal act.Finally, he was preured out of office, becoming the first American president to quit before the term was over.

The movie speech is part of Nixon’s addre to the members of his white house staff, given as he was leaving office.

3.Speaking: Brief introduction While talking about feelings and situations, people often use words of colors: Black and white, black tie affair, blacklisted, the black sheep of the family, as white as a sheet, to feel blue, out of the blue, to give sbthe green light, to have green fingers New words and expreions: Frequently, glare at, worn tires, windshield, abuse, buddy

4.Listening and speaking IV.Homework:

1.Finish the listening part for homework: Task 1 and 2.

2.Prepare a three minutes oral report on one of the three topics:

1) There’s a lot more to life than a job

2) Our choice of career indicates our values

3) Life is beautiful


What is the matter? 1.The analysis of teaching material: For eight grade students, we should based on the knowledge students already studied.I use all kinds of targets to teach and let them master the words of diseases.I forced students do a roll play who imitating the procedure of seeing a doctor.With this , can raise students interest and make students lead the cla.

2.The Analysis of the Students: In this period students are lively, active and have strong curiosity, so they are eager to expre in English.Their ability to imitate and remember is particularly strong.3.Teaching objectives 3.1 Knowledge Objectives:

1) Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;

2) Be able to learn the expreions of giving advice: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;

3) Be able to talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…” and give advice by using “You should…You shouldn’t…”

3.2 Ability Objectives:

1) Be able to talk about one’s health problems and give advice fluently;

2) Be able to role play doctor and patient; 3.3 Moral Objectives:

1) Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing

2) Care more about yourself and your family members’ health.

4.Teaching focus and difficult points: students should master the words about diseases and can give considerable advises.The teaching Focus

1.Master the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;

2.Can give some considerable advises: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;

2.Talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…”and give advice by using “You should… You shouldn’t…”

The Teaching Difficulties

1.Students may find it difficult to remember all the target new words in the cla; 2.Students may find it difficult to give considerable advice to the certain disease because of their limited life experience.5.Teaching methods: Communicative language teaching.6 .Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, chalk, eraser and so on.7 .Teaching procedures.Step1: Warming up:

1.First greet students and start the cla.2.Presentation of pictures about medical instruments(ward, sickbed, operating room).3.Let students recognize these pictures and ask them:” Where they can see these medical instruments?” and students will say:”in hospital”.Step2: Presentation of pictures about diseases 1.Then get students to gue the diseases..When I do an action, ask students: “What’s the matter?” For example, when I put my finger on the stomach, ask students: “What’s the matter with me?” Help students say: “I’m not feeling well.I have a stomachache.” Then teach the other target words: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back in the following way: Put my finger on the other part of body and get students to ask: What’s the matter? Then get other students to gue the problem.

2.Use body language to guide students to gue another two names of diseases: cold, cough.3.Show students pictures of diseases half hidden, and get students to gue the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back, cold, cough.Design Description: use pictures, can arouse the curiosity of students to actively participate in teaching activities, the teaching of word mode is simple and intuitive, easy to be accepted by students.Grade eight students love speculation activities, so using the half cover images allows students to consolidate the learned words.Step3: Pair workLet students talk to their desk-mate and use question and answer.

Put finger on the part of a student’s body and ask: “What’s matter?” and guide him to use the pattern: I’m not feeling well.I have a… Then ask students to work in pairs and talk about health problems by using the target language: What’s the matter? I’m not feeling well.I have a …

Design notes: pairs practice can stimulate student participation, expand participation, and enable more students to speak English.Step4 Presentation of expreions of giving advice.Tell students that I have a cold/cough, ask them: What should I do? Students may give different answers, collect their answers and help them to use: You should/shouldn’t do… Then show some pictures of other diseases mentioned before and ask them to give advice to each

problem by using target language: You should/shouldn’t do… During this activity, some phrases will be learned: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, drink lots of water, take some medicine.

Design Description: to show students pictures about the disease, it can not only help students to review the new knowledge, but also can naturally introduce a new topic for disease advice.Then, through between male and female disease to carry out said matching game recommendations, stimulate the enthusiasm of students, and consolidate the sentence.At the same time.The student growth related knowledge, strengthen the awarene of health.Step5 Group work

Ask students to make a five -people group, one of them is a doctor, one is doctor aistant, the rest of them are patients.Ask the students to role play the dialogue above.Then ask several groups to perform before the cla by using some tools: bandage, a uniform, a stethoscope.Ask other students. 8.Homework: Let students recite these words and the text.



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Unit 2 Anti-smoking

I.Teaching Objectives 1.To prepare the students for the topic One Word 2.To train the students’ ability to understand the main idea and grasp important details of the listening text.3.To cultivate the students’ ability to talk about pictures.

II.Time Allotment

1st period:Pre-listening Task(s)

Listening Tasks(s) 2nd period:Speaking Task(s)

III.Teaching Content 1.Pre-listening Task(s): Some questions, some sentences and structures are designed as a speaking activity for the students, try to prepare the students for the topic “One World”.2.Listening Task(s): A conversation “Birthday Celebrations around the world”. 3.Speaking Task(s): Picture talk – Talking about wedding customs.4.Difficulties and Emphasis (1) Words and Expreions: column, aume, (be) dedicated to …

(2) How to understand the main idea and grasp important details of the listening text.(3) How to talk about pictures.

IV.Teaching Procedures 1.Pre-listening Task(s) Step 1: Ask the students to form pairs and discu the questions.(1) In what sense do you think we can regard the world we can regard the world we live in as one world? (2) Do you think people all over the world are largely similar? Why or Why not? …

Step 2: Bring the students’ attention to the Language Focus box and tell them that they can use the sentences and structures in the box in answering the questions.

(1) Human beings are eentially the same everywhere.(2) All human beings have the need to eat, to have shelter, and to work.they also need to love others and be loved.…

2.Listening Task(s)

1 Step 1.Introduce some background information about the unit.There are numerous birthday traditions.Family history, culture, language and economic status are all factors that ….Step 2.Play the recording of the conversation once and ask the students to … Step 3.Ask the students if they have any difficulties with language or cultural points in the conversation.3.Speaking Task(s).Step 1.Make the teaching purposes known to the students to get into pairs and explain to them how to carry out Speaking Task A – reflections on the text.Step 2.…

V.Aignment Use the sample of the part of picture talk as the model to carry on similar activities according to the pictures in Page 9.

注: 该样本来自于《全新版4》,对于第四部分的“Teaching Proceing”中,所用的标题都是来自于全新版的教材,对于《新视野》,请依据其内容书写。




一、Background information

Teacher: Mi Qin

Students: 40


Age: 13-14 years old

Leon duration:40mins Teaching contents: unit1, what are you going to do at the weekend? Module 3

student’s book 2


1、教材内容:本模块围绕 计划 这个话题展开的,从同学们的周边环境入手,从而达到可以计划自己要做什么事情

2、本节课为本模块的第一单元,教学内容包括教材14—15页的 speaking and listening.学生在老师的引导学习下知道一些重要的单词,短语。和能够自然地运用这些短语进行对话。能够计划短期的行程



四、teaching aims;

1、knowledge aims ⑴ New words:


revise picnic

test ⑵New phrases:

check email

revise for

have a picnic ⑶Structures:

be going to+动词原形表达一般将来时 2 Ability aims: be able to use the structures to make a dialogue

五、Teaching strategies: communication approach, audio-lingual approach

六、teaching aids: PPT



七、teaching procedures Step 1:Lead in T:Cla begin

S: Stand up.Good morning, Mi Qin T: Good morning, cla.Thank you, sit down, please, look, these are my friends, we usually have a picnic at the weekend.Do you know “have a picnic”? S:No T:OK, please look at the picture, have a picnic means we can eat and drink in outside, anywhere, and you can smell flowers…now, do you know? S: Yes T: Ok, what are you usually to do at the weekend? You, please S: I usually play computer games at the weekend T: Ok, it is relaxing, what about you? S:I usually do my homework T:Yean; you are a good student, what about you? S: I usually visit my grandparents T: Good, I think you like you grandparents very much, ok, weekend is coming.This weekend, what is my plan at the weekend, do you know plan? S: Yes T: Yean, plan plan, read it, you can gue what is my plan at the weekend, can you gue? You can gue in this way.You are going to…maybe you are going to…

S: Maybe you are going to have a picnic T: Ok, what about you? S: Maybe you are going to have o party T: En it is a good idea S: Maybe you are going to go shopping T: Yean yean, I like go shopping …

T: Look ,this is my plan , read it ,louder Ok ,what is your plan at the weekend, you can answer in this way, I am going to…what are you going to do at the weekend S; I am going to get up early T: Ok.This is a good habit.You? S: I am going to… …

T: please ask and answer the question in pair, what are you going to do at the weekend? I am going to…what about you? I am going to…yean, now please do it T: Louder please, so that everyone can hear you….thank you, look at me who like do it, please two boys S: T; Thank you so much, S: T: Ok, that girl, what is your name? S: Nancy T: Nancy, you like read books right, I like read books very much, so we are friends T; So you see , my friend Nancy is going to read some books, and that is his plan, what is the plan of your friend, you can ask your friends about their plans, you should answer it use “my friend/friends is/are… he/they is/are going to…we /they are going to…OK? Ok, go do it T: You, please S: My friend is Lucy; she is going to have a piano leon on Saturday morning.We are going to have a piano on Saturday afternoon T: Ok.Who is Lucy? Ok your weekend is very interesting, what about you? S: my friends are lily and joy; they are going to have a party.T: en, first, we are going to listen the tape, and you can finish this blanks, ok? S: ok T: are you finished it? Ok, check your answer T: look at the screen again, who can read this question? who can ..just try, ok S: …

T: Good, you can read it confidently, now we can listen it and then answer question


: Check you answer, second listen it again and choose the correct answer….check your answer.Look at the page 15, listen again and finished, then I want to choose some students to answer it T: are you finished it? Ok, check it, you? S; …

T: good, right answer, next …

T: we are finished it, ok, do you think Betty and Daming’s weekend are very great? S: Yes T:Now, please, play a role with your partner

T:this group, can you? Ss:…



we have learn much about the structure and some important phrases, please work with your partner to make your own dialogue like page 14, if you have any questions, please hands up, begin ,go go go T:Who want to show your dialogue? Ok please …

T :Any one else, this group, can you? T :You are very good today .now we will review together, look at the picture, do you know what’s this? S:Clock T:Good, first, he is going to get up early, and then he is going to revise for his test.then he is going to buy some clothes, then he(ask students to answer it)

Homework Write down your own dialogue about how to spend your weekend







例如我在人教版新目标八年级上Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.的教学设计中,是以一首韩红的歌曲《天路》引出,让学生感受情景,猜测歌手的名字,并描述韩红的外貌,再引出更多的名人,复习描述外貌的单词和句型。为本课学习比较级做好单词,短语的准备。通过以上创设的情境,学生的学习积极性得以提高,主观能动性被充分调动起来,学习热情高涨。并且和教学内容与形式息息相关,学生在感受轻松愉悦的课堂气氛的同时,也体会到紧凑的课堂节奏,注意力高度集中,为下一步的教学奠定良好的基础。 Step 2. 学习目标语(Study new language) 1.Study new language:

任务2 通过图片谈论导入新语言知识的学习,学习完成任务所需要的目标词汇、句式等,

例如我在人教版新目标八年级上Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.的教学设计中,设计了几幅图片,描述并介绍了新目标语言----比较级的意义及句式。 2.Speaking: Take about the picture in 1a进行图画描述。

任务3 在1a图片所提供的情景或者创设新的语境来进行交际练习,体会、使用新目标语言。教师引导学生就1a的图画进行观察,描述自己在图片中看到的内容,在此期间,可以采取小组讨论,小组竞赛的形式激发他们的积极性,初步展示学生对新目标语言的口语表达能力。这是培养学生英语思维重要的、也是必要的过程。

Step 3.1b听力训练(listening) 任务4 Pre-listening听前活动设计:听前活动设计的目的是激活学生已有的相关知识,补充相关文化和背景信息,扫除生词,并预测听力材料的内容和结构,为之后的听力理解活动做好铺垫。为此听前活动设计要选择学生熟悉的,了解的和感兴趣的内容,通过图片,对话,视频等形式,激发学生的求知欲望。具体有以下几种方式 (1)话题导入



我在九年级Unit11 Could you please tell me where the restroom are?的教学设计中,针对课本问路指路的听力内容,首先引入我们学校附近的地理状况,我扮演成陌生人,与学生展开对话,然后,再让生生对话,进行话题引入。




我在人教版新目标九年级Unit 9 When was it invented? 听力2a的教学设计中, 针对听力原文新发明生词太多的情况,我首先在幻灯片中展示各个新发明的图片及名字并且教会学生这些生词,带读一些发明家的名字,为下一步听力降低了难度。




我在人教版新目标九年级Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?听力2a的教学设计中, 针对课本插图旅游画面及听力题干,我问学生:what can you see in the picture ? what do you think you will listen to? 并进而启发学生: From picture, we know it is about traveling.From sentences, we know maybe some people are choosing somewhere to travel.从而指导学生预测听力材料内容。 任务5 While-listening听中活动设计


Step 4. 1c对话练习(pairwork) 任务6 Post-listening听后活动设计

1 Listen and repeat: 听录音跟读


2 1c Pair work:根据对话内容,进行模仿练习。 3 Competition and Speaking: 竞赛与口语表达

任务7 创设情境,展开活动,巩固目标语言,


例如 1 我在人教版新目标七年级下 Unit 5 I’m watching TV的这个环节教学中,设计小组竞赛活动,让学生根据幻灯片上的画面猜测画面上的人物在干什么,他们在表述的过程中就会用刚刚学到的现在进行时态,然后再给出更多画面,让他们小组成员合作,互相问答,期间又会用到不同人称的现在进行时态的问句,训练层层递进,扎实有序,课堂活跃。

2我在人教版新目标八年级下 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? 的这个环节教学中,设计小组合作活动,制作了多幅幻灯片,每张幻灯片分别有老师,父亲,奶奶不同人物及各种礼物,让小组合作讨论应该给每一位送什么样的礼物,并说说为什么,在讨论中,他们就会用的所学到的提出建议和表达评论的句型,同学们各抒己见,讨论热烈。

3我在人教版新目标八年级上Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.的这个环节教学中,设计小组竞赛活动,制作了多幅幻灯片,每张幻灯片都有两个大家熟悉的明星,让学生观察他们的不同,然后用刚刚学到的比较级表述他们的不同,同学们发言踊跃,课堂气氛达到高潮。 Step 5.2a-2b听力训练((listening) Pre-listening 听前活动

Take about the pictures in 2a & 2b 针对课本图画进行描述, 教师要帮助学生明确要求,2a的听力是在1b的基础上加以拓展的,难度要比1b大一些,因此,在设计教学活动的时候,要为学生搭建一个可供向上攀登的阶梯,教师可以引导学生就课本图画进行自由表述,可以提出具体的问题启发学生思考,带领学生预测将要听到的内容,调动学生积极参与活动。 While-listening 听中活动 任务7 1.Listen and do 2a 听录音,完成2a部分练习

经过图片表述以后,学生对听力的内容有所预知,有所了解,降低了听力的难度。学生在听第一遍的同时,一般能顺利地完成2a的内容, 并且为2b的听力打下了坚实的基础。在听录音前,教师要注意引导学生抓关键信息。 2.Listen and do 2b听录音,完成2b部分练习


3.listen and answer听录音,回答问题(灵活处理的环节) 完成2a 和2b后,教师可以根据听力内容再设计1-2个较概括性的问题,进行判断或选择,训练学生辨别信息真伪的能力。(此步骤教师应灵活运用,根据教学内容设定,对于较难的听力材料可以这样处理,容易的材料可有可无。) Post-listening 听后活动 任务8 1.Complete the conversation /Order the conversation 漏词填空/对话排序

在设置漏词填空时要考虑到本课的重点, 把本课的基本句式和重点词汇等作为漏词的内容,让学生在训练听的同时不知不觉中强化识记了单元话题的有关词汇和句式。

2.Listen and repeat/ Read aloud: 跟读或朗读(必需的环节)

此时学生已经熟悉了听力材料,再放一遍录音,让学生跟读。这样,既可以使有限的听力材料得到反复听、反复用,在听和读的过程中培养学生听、说的技能,也是帮助学生熟悉背诵语言材料的有效手段。同时,又为2c的Pair work打下了基础。

Step 6. 2c Pair work 任务9 1 Pair work根据对话内容,进行模仿练习。 2.Consolidation and Extension巩固拓展

Activities: make new conversations

教师根据话题提出任务,借助于图片与相关的Key words的提示,让学生运用所学目标语言完成任务, 人称混合应用,是对本课所学内容的综合提升和拓展。教师设计的任务.应尽量贴近学生生活,生活就是知识,生活化的角色更易于调动学生参与的积极性,要使用有限的课程资源,尽可能多地为学生提供“开口说英语”的机会。

Step 7.Summary小结 任务10

结课环节是指课堂结束前3—5分钟,艺术的结课不仅可以对整节课的内容进行概括总结,还可以起到画龙点睛的作用,达到“课虽尽而意味完”的效果,使学生回味无穷,从而增加学生的学习兴趣。在此总结几种结课方式。 1讨论式


例如 我在人教版新目标八年级下unit 5 If you go to the party, you will have a good time! 完成1b,1c及竞赛活动后后的这个环节教学中,让小组讨论总结本课重点难点及目标语言,再由每组选一位学生陈述。学生集思广益,系统梳理,总结效果很好,期间培养的学生自主学习的能力,并辅导了学法。 2启发式



例如 我在人教版新目标九年级unit3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 完成2b,2c及相应活动后后,在屏幕上用画面展现出各种中学生行为,然后提问What do you think should be allowed to do? Why? What do you think should not be allowed to do? Why? 依此类问题启发学生深入思考学校中的日常生活,并进而练习口语。 3悬念式

悬念是众多学生求知欲的动力源泉。制造悬念就是要在学生已形成的概念,对某些问题的生活体验与对这些问题的更精确地解释与陈述之间树立矛盾。(王天荣 2010)

例如 我在人教版新目标九年级unit10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.完成1b,1c及竞赛活动后的这个环节教学中,我向学生提出问题 Do you think if Tina was late? Was Tina’s teacher angry with her? What happened to her at last? If you want to know the answers, Let’s wait for next cla.留下悬念,让学生对故事的结局充满好奇和猜疑,让他们对下节课充满期待。 4导入式


例如 我在人教版新目标八年级下unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 完成1b,1c及竞赛活动后,我向学生假设,If you were the alien, what would you want to do ? In fact, the alien did many things.What happened then? The alien went to a store, and bought a souvenir.You must want to know something else about it , Let’s wait for next cla.将下节课的学习内容与本节课连接起来,引发学生兴趣与思考,促使其期盼下节课。 5赏析式


例如 我在人教版新目标八年级上Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.完成1b,1c及竞赛活动后,在屏幕上打出谚语,Everyone is special.Everyone is important.(人人都有自己的特色,人人都很重要.) Don’t judge a person by what he looks like。(貌取人),和同学共同欣赏,评点并帮助他们形成正确的价值观.当然也 可以选择诗歌,影片,音乐进行赏析。








1.完成课题研究的现实背景 1.1我国外语听说的现状








1 第三,现代化教学手段的运用为提高高中英语听说课效率创造了必备的物质条件,声音、影像等多种感官的刺激使得交际的情景更生活化,让人有身临其境之感。我校语音室、校园网、校园广播、外教的听说课及所开办的英语角等为本课题的实施提供了必要的物质条件。










2 2.4.侧重于具体的操作层面,和学生一起研究设计一些生动有趣行之有效的听说课教案,进而形成新型听说课模式。



1.教学实验法:课堂教学中,我们采用控制课堂的变量如:师生课堂活动时间的比例,先进生和后进生的活动时间比例等,通过大量的课堂教学的实践和实验,不断改善和更新我们的教学方法,逐步形成适合于我们校情的听说课教学模式。 2.比较实验法:将新型听说材料及其教学模式与传统听说材

料及其教学模式在高中各年级进行对比和试验,通过试验,形成听说课教学模式。 3.归纳法:将比较和试验获得的资料进行科学的分析、综合、



自从2000年课题被省教委批准立项以来我们做了如下研究工作: 1.抓宣传发动





3 中英语听说课教学模式研究方面国际国内前沿的动态,以博采众长。












4 两名,在每年的扬中市学科带头人和骨干教师展示课、示范课和观摩课活动中,他们的课都受到专家和听课老师的一致好评,2005年,我组四位带头人的课在扬中市展示课活动中均获得一等奖,这些为本课题的研究成果的推广和传播起了很好的促进作用。


汤士祥老师的论文《中学生听力困难成因及对策》在广西教育学院《中国文科》杂志上发表,高月琴老师的论文“面对高考英语听力”发表在 《镇江日报》、“ 困扰学生的听力问题问答录 2002年发表在”《学习报》、“高考听力复习策略” 2004年发表在《英语周报》,张国琴老师的论文《高一英语分层听说教学》获镇江市优秀论文评比一等奖,马纪华老师的论文《如何上好高中英语听说课》在英语周报教师版上发表,他的另一篇论文《归因论与外语教学》在镇江市第九次教科研论文评比中获三等奖,2005年9月受扬中市教研室邀请作《英语课堂改革的突破口---听说交际》的讲座,濮敏老师的论文《让每个学生开口---浅谈中学英语课程标准下的听说训练》获2005年江苏省优秀教育论文叁等奖,潘国仁老师2004年10月受扬中市教研室邀请作《“近体原则”在英语课文话题设计中的运用》














5 作的需要,我们对课题进行了适当的调整和完善,并取得了一些成绩。在取得一些经验的同时我们也总结了教训,时代和社会的发展是日新月异,我们的理念有时还有些滞后;另外受到各方面原因的限制我们的成果推广的范围还很有限,特别是我们课题研究的深度还不够,今后我们还要加强理论学习,在新的课题的研究中,进一步搞好组织落实,加强过程管理和资料的积累,来争取更出色的研究成果。



教学过程: 一 课程导入:

同学们大家好,我有个问题,你需要什么?需要钱 需要男朋友 需要食物 需要睡觉 需要上厕所~(3分钟) 二 课文部分:




首先听第一遍录音一。着重听一下这一家人都需要什么。(4分钟) B (听完录音后)是不是有些生词?看一下录音的生词部分:(15分钟) 1.临(介)挨着,靠近。在„„之前,在即将„„的时候,临走前、临睡前、临别












时髦。小红想要一件新潮连衣裙。这双鞋子很新潮。 8.坡跟儿 图示法或实物法



镶红边儿 10.尊敬(动)尊敬的老师


袖珍手机/词典/相机 12.汇报(动)向女儿汇报 13.香肠(名)


C 好,我们听第二遍录音(4分钟) D 回答问题(“对了”用法):(8分钟)

女儿需要什么?新潮连衣裙(镶金边儿或镶粉边儿)、袖珍相机、洋娃娃 妈妈需要什么?皮凉鞋(坡跟儿的、比25小半号)、广东香肠 爸爸需要什么?一分钟安静

“对了,爸爸,我还想要个洋娃娃„„”口语中,说话人突然想起别的话题,或对前面说的事情有所补充。讲解课本例句。 E 课本68页练习一(2分钟)

F 读一下练习二题目,听第三遍录音,回答练习二问题。(10分钟) G 完成句子:先做练习(15分钟) 第二课时:


让同学起来回答练习三。(15分钟) 录音二



做题。(2分钟)讲解为什么(2分钟) C 练习2(10分钟)

第18篇:英语听说课程 教案

English Listening and Speaking Course

Instructor:Yolanda Leon 1 Part 1:生活英语口语

第1 课:我的一天

常用词汇 wake up 睡醒 get up 起床 go to the bathroom 去浴室 have a shower 淋浴

brush my teeth 刷牙 wash my face 洗脸 get dreed 穿衣服 listen to the CDs/MP3 听CD/MP3 read the newspaper 看报纸 have breakfast 吃早餐 go to school 去学校 go to work 去上班

have lunch 吃午饭 go home 回家 make dinner 做晚饭 phone a friend 打电话给朋友

get on line 上网 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 often 经常 usually 通常 sometimes 有时 never 决不

常用句子 I usually get up at 7 o\'clock.我一般7 点起床。

Today I got up at 8:30.Because it\'s Sunday.因为是星期天,所以我8:30 起床。

I normally wash my face and brush my teeth at 7:15 a.m.我一般在早晨7:15 洗脸刷牙。

I usually eat breakfast at 7:30.我一般上午7:30 吃早餐。

I usually have an egg, milk and orange for breakfast.我经常吃1 个鸡蛋,牛奶和桔子。

I go to work/school by bus.我搭巴士上班/上学。

I often drive to work.我经常开车去上班。

I like to have a sleep after lunch.午饭后我喜欢小睡一会儿。

Sometimes I just do nothing.有时候我什么也不做。

I really like cooking.我真的很喜欢烹饪。

I often listen to CDs when I am relaxing.我放松休息的时候经常听CD。

I go for a walk every evening.我每天晚上都去散步。

I watch CCTV news report every evening.我每天晚上看中央电视台新闻报道。

I read the computer magazine every weekend.每周末我都看电脑杂志。 I take a shower at 9 o\'clock.我晚上9 点洗澡。

I read some news on the internet.我上网看新闻。

I go to bed at 10 o\'clock in the evening.我晚上10 点睡觉。

Part 2:Listening exercise 1a09 017.At what time will the speakers meet tomorrow morning? A.11:15.B.3:30.C.10:45.018.When would Thomas and Lily like to leave? A.Tomorrow.B.Next Monday or Tuesday.C.This Tuesday. 2a08 015.When did the man see Jim? A.At 3 o\'clock.B.At 4 o\'clock.C.At 5 o\'clock. 016.What time will the game be finished? A.4:20 p.m.B.4:00 p.m.C.3:00 p.m.3a07 013.When will the two speakers leave if they get cheaper tickets? A.On Tuesday.B.On Thursday.C.On Friday.014.When should the woman go to the zoo according to the man? A.On Sunday afternoon.B.On Saturday afternoon.C.On a week day.

Part 3:Reading Don’t you think books are the best thing in the world? I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t reading a book.I still have memories of being in my school library when I was about five years old.I have been a bit of a bookworm since then.You’ll usually see me with my head buried in a book.I love all kinds of books.Novels are great for getting to know other worlds and cultures.A good book is one where you never want the story to end.I also like autobiographies because I think it’s interesting to read about people’s lives.Encyclopedias are cool too – you can learn everything about everything in these.I still prefer books to the Internet.Books need to be in your hand and made of paper.Part 4: Discuion 1.Do you like reading books? Which kind of book do you like most? And try to explain why you like it so much.




会使用“你好“, “早上好”, “再见”等礼貌用语,能听懂“上课”,“下课”等课堂用语。 2.教学重点:

重点句式:“你好! ” “早上好! ”

“再见!“ “明天见! ”





引导学生观察图片,让学生说一说日常礼仪. 老师边讲解,边问:

(1) 小朋友有哪些日常礼仪? (2) 见到有认识的人应该说什么? (3) 道别的时候要说什么?





请学生分别扮演“老师”“学生”可以直接读句了,也可以用自己的话说。 (1)引导学生说一说日常礼仪。










2.能使用完整的句子,介绍自己的姓名,年龄及所在学校,班级。教学重点: 重点句式:

“你叫什么名字” “我叫巴特尔” “你今年几岁“ ”我今年7岁“ 教学过程:






3.对话中出现的“名字”“年龄”是本课的重要词语,可以引导学生结合图片学习,引导学生通过画面形象地理解词语的意思。5.学生两人小组分角色对话。教师注意引导学生互换角色,反复练习,以使学生全面掌握对话内容。 自学指导


让学生两人小组分角色互问互答,每个同学能机会提问:也有机会回答。“你叫什么名字?” “你今年几岁?”。还可以运用给出的词语。展开更为丰富的对话。





布置作业:背诵儿歌 课后反思:





教学重点:理解对话内容并重点词和重点句式。 教学难点:要会说出文具的名称。 教学过程:










2.学生拼读词语。教师可以做动作演示某些文具的特征,引导学生读相关文具名称,以激发学生的兴趣,加深记忆。 3.游戏:看卡片说词语。










1.让学生观察图画,说一说图中的学生在干什么。2.学生借助拼音读儿歌,注意读准拼音。 3.教师范读儿歌,并适当讲解。

4.教师指几名学生,读儿歌。然后学生分组读儿歌,还可以进行小组比赛,看哪个小组读得又快又好。 布置作业:熟读儿歌“刚上一年级”。 课后反思:



1.会使用疑问词“ 谁“询问任务身份,会使用”是不是“进行简单的是非问。

2.能听懂并称说“ 爷爷“ “ 妹妹”等有关亲属称谓的词语。 教学重点:














布置作业:朗读课文,并对正确认识对亲属的称呼。 课后反思:





重点句式: “你想吃水果吗?”

“你想吃苹果还是葡萄?”“我想吃苹果” “谢谢。”“不客气。” 教学难点:

认识水果并说出水果的名称。 教学过程:



2.教师领读对话,学生跟读。注意指导学生读好问句的语气。 3.学生两人小组,分角色朗读对话,然后互换角色练习。 4.扩展练习。引导学生使用新学的句式谈论日常生活的某种能力。 “妈妈,你想吃水果吗?”“我帮你洗一个” “谢谢”“不客气” 自学指导

(一): 会话

把全班学生分四组个小组引导学生借助拼音进行会话练习。 课前准备:相关词语的卡片(正面是图画,背面是加注拼音的词语)。 1.引导学生观察图画,试着说一说图画中有谁。 2.学生借助拼音读词语,借助图画理解意思,识记词语。

3.学生俩人小组合作学习,会话练习。然后两人学生交换角色练习。 4.开展“比赛阅读”的游戏。教师随机点小组比赛,比一比,谁读的好。

复习句式。可以让学生自由组合会话练习。 读儿歌


2.教师引导学生借助图画理解儿歌内容。3.教师领读儿歌或教学光盘播放儿歌,学生跟读。 4.学生跟着一起学唱《七个妞妞来摘果》。 布置作业

唱会并朗诵《七个妞妞来摘果》。 课后反思:



1.会运用“星期几”询问意愿, “上午”“下午“等词语表达意愿。 2.要明确一个星期里有几天,分别怎么说。

3.听对话的时候,能听懂与有关课程的词语:能借助图画大体了解对话的内容。教学重点: 重点句式。 “今天星期几?”

“我们今天有什么课?”“上午有数学课,语文课………….”等课,“下午有班会和活动”。 教学难点:

对星期,课程种类,上午,下午、班会等词语的准确认识。 教学过程: 自学指导


扩展练习,真实对话。先是师生问答,然后学生互问互答。 “今天星期几?” “我们今天有什么课?”

(一) 会话


2.引导学生借助图片和经验学习新词语“星期”“班会”“活动”。3.学生自由拼读对话,画出不懂得地方。教师解释句子的含义,并示范带读。 4.重点词语运用。学生交流:今天下午有什么课? “今天下午有美术课吗?”


(二) 读儿歌


2.教师朗读儿歌或播放教学光盘,学生朎听,感受汉语的音读美。3.学生借助拼音拼读儿歌,将不理解的词语画出来,向教师提问。 4.教师领读儿歌,学生跟读。







2.听对话的时候,能听懂询问的句子,能借助图画大体听懂对话的内容。教学重点: 重点句式:

“请问这是教学楼吗?” “你要去哪儿?” “你知道在几楼吗?” 教学难点:

认识并记住重点词语和重点句式。 教学过程: 自学指导


学生两人小组分角色练习对话中的重点句式。 “请问这是教学楼吗?” “你要去哪儿?” 会话


2.教师逐句讲解对话内容。3.教师领读对话,学生跟读。 活动


2.学生拼读学校里的场地以及场景。让学生一边问,一边答。学生用图画中公共场所的名称替换问路的目的地。教师先示范读,然后学生练习。 自学指导





2.学生提不理解的问题。可以适当讲解。 布置作业:背诵儿歌:我们的学校亚克西




1.会使用疑问代词“什么” 询问爱好。能说出一些喜欢的动物的名字。

2.能听懂并能说,“骑马” “经常”等词语。

3.听对话的时候,能听懂与动物有关的词语:能借助图画大致了解对话的内容。教学重点: 重点句式:


“你喜欢骑马吗?”“喜欢,我经常骑马。” 2.重点词语。

与活动有关的词语,如“蜜蜂”“蝴蝶”“鹰”“青蛙”“蝌蚪”“金鱼”“螃蟹”。 教学难点:

认识并说出各种动物的名字。 教学过程: 自学指导


扩展练习。教师问,学生答。也可以学生之间合作问答。 “你喜欢什么动物?” “我喜欢狗。” 会话

1.引导学生看图,了解对话的场景。可以让学生说一说。 2.学生拼读对话。教师逐句讲解对话。对话中出现的词语“骑马” “经常”等词语。


4.教师可以通过提问的方式,检测学生是否理解重点句式。如: “你喜欢什么动物?”

5.学生两人小组分角色练习对话。指几组学生到讲台前表演对话,并及时评价。 活动

1.了解学清,激发兴趣。本课学习的有关的词语是日常生活中常见的词语。在教学可以先让学生说说自己知道的动物。 2.学生拼读词语,借助图片识记词语。 3.学生两人小组合作巩固词语,练习对话。 唱儿歌



3.教师领读儿歌或播放教学光盘,学生跟读儿歌。4.学生学读这首儿歌。 布置作业:学读儿歌




1.会使用“在干什么“ “画画”“像”等词。

2.能听懂并称说,“在画画”“眉毛“ ”眼睛“ ”鼻子“ ”耳朵“ 等常用词语。

3.听对话的时候,能听懂有关的词语和表达的句子:能借助图画大体理解对话的内容。教学重点: 重点句式:


“画的是谁?”“画的是你,像你吗?“ 2.重点词语。

与活动有关的词语,如“头”“媚毛”“耳朵”……..等人的身体部位。 教学难点:

要让学生正确认识并牢记人的身体部位的名称。 教学过程: 自学指导

(一) 扩展练习。

1.借助身边常用的活动练习运用新学的词语。2.借助活动中的图片指出自己的身体部位并说出名称。 会话

课前准备:活动的图片。 1.引导学生看图。 2.学生观察图画,说一说图上画了什么,有哪些认识的图片? 活动


3.学生两人小组合作学习。一人盖住书中的文字,指着图,另人说出这是什么。然后两人互换角色练习。 自学指导


引导学生运用词语,让学生说一说自己在干什么。如: “我在画画。” 读儿歌


2.学生借助拼音读儿歌,教师大致讲解意思。可以借助图画理解。 3.教师领读儿歌和教学光盘播放儿歌,学生跟读。 布置作业:

学唱儿歌“两只老虎” 课后反思:




2.听对话的时候,能听懂与位置有关的词语和表达意思的句子:能借助图画大体理解对话的内容。教学重点: 重点句式:


“中间的是巴克提吧?“ ”对。他左边是买买提,右边是古丽娜。“

“李杰在哪里?”“他在古丽娜的后面。” 教学难点:

准确认识并运用位置。 教学过程: 自学指导


扩展练习。出示图片,让学生说出。如: “我在他的左边。”

“我在她的后面。”“她在我的前面。” 会话



学生借助拼音读对话,画出不理解的词句,然后在全班交流,教师相机指导。应引导学生理解。如: “李杰在哪里?” “他在古丽娜的后面。”







2.学生借助听读儿歌,说一说读懂了什么。教师适当讲解。再次播放教学光盘,学生跟读。 布置作业:

背诵儿歌《丢手绢》。 课后反思:




5.听对话的时候,能听懂有表述时间的句子:能借助图画大体听懂对话的内容。教学重点: 重点句式: “现在几点了?”

“我该上学了,我们走吧!” “你早上几点起床?” “我晚上十点睡觉。“ 教学难点:

正确认识时间的运用。 教学过程: 自学指导


教师引导学生熟悉行为习惯用语。 会话



3.学生借助拼音读第一场景的对话,不懂的问题教师提问。然后,学生分角色练习对话。 4.学生借助拼音读第二个场景的对话,注意读出语气。然后,学生分角色练习对话。



1.教师引导学生观察图画,让学生说一说图画中标的是几点。2.再让学生自己指出钟表的时间,指针标的是几点就说出几点。 听读故事

1.引导学生观察图画,说一说看到了什么。教师领读第一自然段。 2.教师领读第二,三自然段。让学生说一说:图中的小朋友在干什么?教师适当讲解。如,可以借助图片。

3.教师朗读第四,五自然段。让学生说一说图画中的表指的是几点。 4.教师朗读第六,七,八自然段。让学生说一说:贝贝跟妈妈和琪琪的对话以及意思。


唱一唱:《我的好妈妈》 布置作业:

背诵儿歌,并学会唱。 课后反思:





7.听对话的时候,能听懂相关的的句子:能借助图画大体了解对话的内容。教学重点: 重点句式: “我们俩扫地吧!“

“李杰,你和加娜儿擦窗户,好吗?“ ”谁来擦黑板?“ 教学难点:

认识重点词语并正确了解意思。 教学过程: 自学指导


教师引导学生运用表达的句式。 会话

1.学生拼读句子,继续对话。教师重点解释表达场景的意思。 2.对话中出现的句子是本课的重点句式。


4.替换练习。教师指几名学生上台,进行师生对话,或者学生两两对话。引导学生运用本课学习的句式。 活动

1.引导学生运用本课新学的句式。在同学之间的互问互答。 自学指导


扩展练习。同学之间交流。 听读故事


2.学生借助拼音读故事,了解故事的起因,引发对下文的期待。3.教师引导学生观察第二幅图,让学生说一说图上画了什么,出现了什么样的场景,学生借助拼音读第二自然段。教师适当讲解。 4.教师引导学生观察第三幅图,让学生说一说图上画了什么以及场景的变化。学生借助拼音读第三自然段。教师可以通过提问帮助学生理解故事。


四、五自然段,教师适当讲解。6.教师朗读故事,并通过提问的方式检测学生是否理解故事。 7.教师读故事或播放教学光盘,学生再次感知整个故事。如果有条件,可以分角色表演故事。 唱一唱




熟读并练一练唱儿歌《粉刷匠》。 课后反思:



1.通过画上要学生认识去学校时的交通工具。2.听故事的时候,能借助图画大体理解故事的内容。 教学重点: 重点句式:

“你每天怎么来上学?”“我走路上学。“ “我坐校车上学。“ 教学难点:

用本课重点词语,正确认识交通工具。 教学过程: 自学指导


教师指学生上台,以两人小组的形式表演,一人询问,另人上前回答。除了教材中提供的词语,学生还可以使用更为丰富的语句加以回答。如:“你喜欢做什么车?”“我喜欢坐火车。” 会话

1.学生借助拼音读对话的内容。2.学生分角色朗读,分角色练习对话。 创设多种情景,引导学生运用以前学过的内容。 活动

1.引导学生观察这几幅图画,说一说图画上的是什么。2.学生自行拼读几句话。角色解释学生不理解的词语或句子。 3.学生两人小组练说。一人说,另一人听,并判断同学说的是否正确。 自学指导


扩展活动。学生交流:还有哪些交通工具。 听读故事

a) 学生观察图画,说一说这个故事里有那些动物,他们在干什么学生应该可以说出。

b) 教师读第一自然段,并适当讲解,以帮助学生理解故事内容。 c) 学生反复观看教学光盘,借助动画加深对故事的理解。鼓励有能力的学生小声跟读。 唱一唱

d) 学生观看教学光盘,然后说一说看到了什么,听到了什么。 e) 教师讲解学生不理解的地方。 f) 教师领读儿歌,学生跟读。 g) 再次观看教学光盘,学生跟读。


背诵并学唱儿歌:《小船》。 课后反思:

14.这件毛衣真漂亮 教学目标:

1.要学会说出衣服的名字。教学重点: 1.重点句式。 2.重点词语。 教学难点:

用重点句式并了解着装的名字。 教学过程: 自学指导



1.引导学生看图,了解场景,说一说:这是什么衣服? 2.教师逐句讲解对话内容。

3.教师领读对话,学生跟读对话。注意读出语气。 自学指导


学生两人小组合作学习。指着图,练习对话。 活动

1.学生看图正确认识衣服的种类和名称。如“外套“ “毛衣” “裤子” “裙子” “帽子” “围巾” “手套” “鞋子” “袜子” 2.学生两人小组练说。一人说,另一人听,并判断同学说的是否正确。 读儿歌


2.学生借助拼音读儿歌,教师大致讲解意思。可以借助图画理解。 3.教师领读儿歌和教学光盘播放儿歌,学生跟读。

布置作业: 练习提问常用句子




1.通过观察图片,推测可能发生的事情,了解这样玩的危险性。2.让学生初步了解最基本的安全教育。 教学重点: 重点句式:


“我撞到你了,对不起!“ ”没关系,请不要在楼道里乱跑。“ “好的,我以后会注意。“ 教学难点:

让学生了解安全教育。 教学过程: 自学指导


扩展练习。教师引导学生进行图画联系 会话

1.教师谈话,调动学生的积极性,让学生说一说自己的绘画内容。2.引导学生观察图画,让学生说一说图画里有谁,他们在干什么。 3.教师讲解句子的意思,并引导学生复述本课重点句式。 4.学生两人小组,分角色表演对话。然后两人互换角色表演。 活动

1.学生观察图画,说一说图画中小朋友们在干什么? 学生借助拼音练习图画中的内容。 “要靠右边走。”

“从楼梯上滑下去很危险。“ “这样做不安全。“ 听读故事

课前准备:相关词语卡片(汉子加注拼音。) 1.学生拼读题目,教师借助第一幅图说一说。 2.引导学生观察第一幅画,让学生说一说看到了什么。


4.学生借助拼音读第三自然段,说一说读懂了哪些内容。提示学生注意有关活动的词语“太危险了”。有关学习的词语“注意安全”。 5.学生观察第三幅图,说一说图画在干什么。学生借助拼音看第四幅图。教师提问:“小熊对下鸭子说了什么?”引导学生找出小熊说的话多读几遍。


7.播放教学光盘,学生再次感知整个故事。鼓励学生跟读。 唱一唱


6.教师领读儿歌或播放教学光盘,学生跟读儿歌。7.学生学唱这首儿歌。 布置作业:



第20篇:视听说 教案 1

Unit 1 Love Part One viewing, Understanding and Speaking (1) Pre-watching Words and expreions Episode 1 1.date someone

have a romantic relationship with someone 与某人约会 e.g I) Is he still dating Joanna?

II) How long have you been dating Nicky? date much/some/a little经常/有时/偶尔与别人约会


I) Did you date much in high school? II) I had dated a little before I met George.III) I decided it was time to date some if she was interested 2.try out for something

try to become as a member of a team or get a part in a play etc.参加……选拔或挑选

e.g.I) I tried out for a swim team when I was a kid. II) Why did you decide to try out for the Olympics? 3.steady boyfriend/girlfriend someone that you have been dating, usually exclusively, for a long time 已确定(情侣)关系的男/女朋友 e.g

I) Life is much too enjoyable to think about a steady boyfriend.

II) Now at 16 Steven has a steady girlfriend of 15, who he has been going out with for several months.4.happy with someone/something satisfied with someone/something 对……感到满意

e.g.I) She\'s perfectly happy with the man she\'s got. II) Anne wasn\'t very happy with their decision.5.break up (people in a marriage, group or relationship) separate or do not live or work together any more 离异,关系破裂

e.g.He lost his job and his marriage broke up.6.here comes someone/something (used to say that) someone/something is arriving 某人/某物来了 e.g.I) Here comes the spring again. II) Look out! Here comes the doctor Episode 2 7.shut someone up keep someone in a place away from other people 关入,禁闭

e.g.I) She can\'t spend her whole life shut up in her office.

II) I\'ve had a terrible cold and have been shut up in my room for a week (2) Video watching (3) Voice guide (4) Speaking: 1.You are going to watch a video in which you\'ll see two different ways of dating: an American way and a Chinese way.So what are the differences? 2.Now you know a little about dating.Please talk about your own dating experience if you have any.For those who dated little or didn\'t date at all before, please give your reasons for it.For the substance towards love and marriage is the reflection to the deep culture for a nation.” Meanwhile, the difference of culture background also reflects and restricts a nation’s way of love and marriage custom, which is the key factor for the leading characters to take any actions towards love and marriage.The difference between the West and East is not only because of feudal tradition, but also mostly because of the restriction and influences of culture background. Of different nation culture, which gives an important influence to love tragedy of literature, hero and heroine take firm, driving, fierce actions to seek for their love and marriage in the Western literature.On the contrary, love story in china, the leading characters always adopt paive, pitiable actions, even holding the attitude of “mercifulne” and “yielding” to relax conflicts, and finally push themselves into the aby.Romeo and Juliet is the most famous love story in English literary tradition.Love is naturally the play’s dominant and most important theme.The play focuses on romantic love.In this tragic story, love is a violent, ecstatic, overpowering force that supersedes all other values, loyalties, and emotions.In the course of the play, the young lovers are driven to defy their entire social world, families, friends and ruler.Love in Romeo and Juliet is a brutal, powerful emotion that captures individuals and catapults them against world, and, at times, against themselves.The leading characters take any actions in order to protect their love, even telling lies to parents, suspended animation and other tricks.Once Juliet is woken up by love, she advances bravely, who not only marries Romeo secretly, but also stealthily spends her newly-married night.

Comparing to the West, the tragic characters in China are le determined than western’s, and their resistances are powerle and compromising also.The tragic figures always condescend their love, allowing evil force to extend and create, and finally are engulfed.LiangShanbo and ZhuYintai, a famous drama in China, whose plot is very similar to Romeo and Juliet, the protagonists find each other congenial, however, they knuckle under the family’s opposition and preure, who prefer to be withered for love than decide to fight death openly.The Dream of Red Chamber is regarded as “tragedy in the tragedy”.②The protagonists, Baoyu and Daiyu, who have strong consciousne of seeking for love, they don’t care about common customs and interests, being of kindred spirits.Facing the powerful feudal Force, however, their imperfect personalities of resistance seem to be so powerle, finally their love is devoured.

The love tragedy in the West and East always ends with dying for love or destroying of love, but the tragic factors are different, among them, personality is an important factor cannot be ignored.Making a general survey of love tragedy in the West and East, it is easy to find that the tragic protagonist’s attitude towards love is different.This completely different attitude stems from different culture background also.The West is a society with “take individual as standard”.This culture psychology and life consciousne get further development dependence and freedom.The love style of Romeo and Juliet is such fanatic love.

China has been a society that “take colony as standard” all the time since ancient times.People’s life of ago-farming taking family as unit generation gives important influence to form people’s psychology of caring for and depending on each other and realizing one’s own value from entirety existence.This kind of psychology , that is, “pay attention to the whole, advocate ethical”.This attitude has eential distinction with the West.( the arranged marriage包办婚姻as evil consequence,which was produced from traditional culture/ the Parent\'s order and matchmaker\'s words had been in the leading Position父母之命 ,媒妁之言/ free marriage existed partly)

The love tragedies in the West and East always have resembled endings, but there are eence distinctions with personality, action, marriage value and value orientation the tragic personage takes, which closely links with culture.Only investigate the culture background conscientiously, can we know love tragedy more deeply and penetratingly.

Part Two Listening, Understanding and Speaking Listen to the recording carefully and then work in small groups to discu the following questions.

1.What kind of partner did men and women of the past generations want? 2.What kind of partner do men and women now search for? 3.What kind of person would be your ideal husband/wife? Describe him/her to your group.
