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发布时间:2020-04-19 02:21:25 来源:教案模板 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


Hi everyone ,it is my honor to be here and make a speech here.

To start my speech, I\'d wanna tell an episode of mine.The other day, there was an activity in honor of Leifeng-- a hero we have have been talking about for several decades.We needed to find someone in our dormitory to make a speech in front of our clamates.This kind of activity is very familiar for every single Chinese student, you know, we have been told about his stories over and over again.So we are just bored to talk this kind of stuff.So every one just started to task their mind to find some excuse to get rid of this boring situation.And of course that \"everyone\" includes me.So i was confused, is it a way to learn from a hero? We talk about their stories, make some freaky songs and sing that every day? What we should learn must be something real,something we can really need in our real life.So the frist time i gor this topic, i thought \"really ? Again? You must be kidding me!\" so i tried my best to avoid from unhonest praises.

Back to the topic! As you know,our main topic today is .And in my point of view, i am going to tell you : i saw the courage to dream something ,maybe their dream could be a little bit strange in other guy\'s view.But what i want to tell ,that is dare to dream, and we are what we dream to be.

Looking back in history,

You must had many different kind of dreams, and maybe you are still dreaming to be some versions of you.In my case, i wanted to be a mum when i start to addicted to play with my lovey doll,that dream hound in my little mind day and night, and i was so exited and told my mum\"mum, i wanna be a mum someday.\" I can\'t remember what kind of reaction my mum made at that moment, and i don\'t wanna imagine it! And when i got older, i start to dream something we can really call it a dream.I wanted to be a accountant, but i found that my math was really poor; i wanter to be a painter, until one day my friend pointed my masterpiece and told me\"Wow, what nice chimpanzee!\" i was so broken-hearted cuz thar chimpanzee was a human,and i named it .I think maybe i could have become a girl version of Picao!And when i was a high school girl, i started to find my real gift ,i started to eagerly dream to be a translator.But again life cheated me, it lead me to the law school.Well, this time i will never give up that easily, i wanna challenge it , i just start to wonder that when my life would stop kidding me.Well i choose to dare to dream.To face the difficult reality,to make my self strong enough to fight gainst my naughty destiny.

There\'s no one could hear your pray, there is no proof that your dreams could come true, but we should dare to dream at least, cuz after all we are young, youth is a big property we got.It will never be too late to dream something,and go to pursue of it.




所需设备:纸条若干张、新学英文单词若干 人数要求:10人左右 年龄年级:小学/初中生 游戏目的:

在增加趣味性的同时,让学生在单词输入的过程中更加自然顺利,达到在快乐中学英语的目的。 游戏细则:






所需设备:mark、复习单词若干 人数要求:不限


游戏目的:对于高年级的同学来说记忆单词、听写单词是很枯燥的,这个游戏参与面广,听写形式活跃,偶尔改变一下听写形式,学生的积极性反而会更高。 游戏细则:

可以将学生分组进行听写PK,会让学生在听写前的准备更加认真积极。 开始游戏之后,老师报出一个英语单词,例spring,A组按座位顺序有第一位同学说出单词的第一个字母s,再由B组的一位同学说出第二个字母p,再由A组的第二位同学说出字母r,再由B组的第二位同学说出字母i„„直到最后一位轮到的同学将这个单词的中文意思说出,第一个单词的听写结束。



所需设备:新旧单词或句子若干 人数要求:不限


游戏目的:对班级整体输入,整体操练有很大帮助,并带有很大的趣味性 游戏细则:


教师说“one two three go”,小侦探睁开眼睛,转过身,开始寻找间谍; 全班同学反复读老师指定的句子,“间谍”不能发声,但必须做出口形,侦探在全体同学读完一定次数后找到“间谍”。



所需设备:数字单词 人数要求:不限

年龄要求:根据学习的数字英文单词多少 游戏目的:练习学生的反应能力,在紧张刺激的游戏中,能够操练数字英语单词,让学生爱上英语课堂 游戏细则:







游戏目的:PK的形式让学生更有兴趣,让单词的速记或者复习更加有效率 游戏细则:






人数要求:不限,五人左右一组 年龄要求:高年级

游戏目的:操练本堂课所学句型或复习学过的句型或自由发挥 游戏细则:





人数要求:十人左右,班级人数较多的可以进行适当的分组 年龄要求:根据单词难易程度可以适合各年龄年级的学生






所需设备:含有较多同一个字的有趣文章;单词若干写在黑板上 人数要求:不限 年龄要求:不限

游戏目的:紧张刺激的游戏环节,激起学生的积极性,在单词输入的时候玩能让操练更加有趣 游戏细则:



所需设备:单词卡片 人数要求:不限

年龄要求:低年级学生更加适合 游戏目的:操练所学单词 游戏细则:



若在规定的时间内找到卡片则胜利,若未找到,则失败。 胜利或失败都要受到相应的奖励或惩罚。

十、“Lena say”

所需设备:英语单词或句子,句子或短语更为适合 人数要求:不限


游戏目的:操练单词或句子,增加学习英语的趣味性 游戏细则:

游戏实为老师带读单词短语或句子。 例:

Lena: Today is Monday.Ss: Today is Monday.若:

Lena: Lena say “Today is Monday.” Ss: 不准跟读,拍手三下


老师可根据所学内容和具体情况,改掉前面的“Lena say”。


The two years in College of International Culture and Education

Today I’m standing here,willing to share my story in College of International Culture and Education.These two years will become the most precious memory baried deeply in my mind.If you ask me what’s the most impreive thing that happened in these two years,I might be blind-minded.But when I think over,all the details in daily life will make me wanna smile.

I can’t remember the feeling when I step in this familiar school for register.I have never imagine I will go to this university for further education.I have live and grown up in this place.I have no expect that I will have a good time in here.But the reality can always surprise me although this is not what I want at the beginning,I received a lot in the end.

In these two years,I’ve made amazing friends who will always stand by my side,give me strength to conquer all the difficulties,comfort me when I am upset and doubt the love around me.They make me strong,full of confident,trust people at the same time,earned trust from them.Their existence truly makes a more beautiful world,and make me believe that we can still have something that is free to get and no need to return.

In these two years,I held the post of monitor for one semester,I was very glad that I can lead the whole cla and earned respect and acception,all the clamates were willing to help me with my work.We acomplished a lot of tasks perfectly.your support make me valuable,more talented,have faith to continue serving the cla.make better cla reputation,let everyone knows that our team is much more strong than you think.

We held an interesting sports meeting that I will never forget.How inspiring to see that everyone is doing whatever they can to complete a teamwork.Wewander what kind of game people can have fun,meanwhile it can make some sense in life.We prepared meterials,borrow equipments from other departments,we even rehearse an opening dance for entertaining.We told ourselves this is our time,and now,just like old times,we get together,ready to give a talent show,it’s not just a show to prove ourself,we know how good we are,it’s also a gift to College of International Culture and Education,it company us for two years,be our stage and exhibit the culture diversity in front of our eyes.I should memorize the days in this college,it will support me at least two years when I’m not able to see these familiar face anymore.How much will I mi you guys,but now it’s time to say good bye.


金硕果红专西路幼儿园 英语组



1、hide a card 玩法:请一名幼儿蒙上眼睛,将一张卡片藏在另一名幼儿身上,当蒙眼睛的幼儿睁开眼睛后,便去寻找卡片在何处,全班幼儿边拍手边说单词来给其以提示。当他离藏卡片的幼儿近时,全班幼儿则快且大声的说单词,当他离藏卡片的幼儿远时,全班幼儿则慢且轻的说单词,猜错三次则罚演一个节目。




玩法:教师充当火车头,开到一名幼儿面前,提问“What’s your name?”,幼儿回答“My name is~~”,之后该幼儿上火车,老师与幼儿一起开到其他幼儿面前,二人继续问该问题,该幼儿回答对后上车,继续开,直至成一列长火车为止。


玩法:将所学内容的图片摆在地上,教师发出指令如:“Put your head on~~ ” “Put your hip on ~~”“ Put your left hand on~~”等,幼儿按指令做出动作。

5、London bridge is falling down 玩法:请二名幼儿面对面用手搭桥,其余幼儿一起边演唱歌曲《London bridge is falling down》或其他所学歌曲,边从桥下通过。当唱到“My fair lady”时,搭桥的幼儿手放下,将正在从桥下通过的幼儿捉到,被捉到的幼儿需回答一个英语问题。


玩法:幼儿分成二队,里外圈站好,听音乐演唱歌曲《找朋友》,音乐停止时,里外圈的幼儿面对面,互相问答“Hello!What’s your name? How old are you?”“Hello!My name is~~.I’m ~~.”

7、the wind blows 玩法:幼儿分二排,面对面站好,每人手持一张卡片,老师或一名幼儿充当发指令者,说“the wind blows”,其余幼儿问:“ blows what?”发指令者迅速说出二张卡片的名称,持有该卡片的幼儿需马上换位,发指令着也可以参与到抢位置的活动中,没有位置的幼儿输,到前面发指令。



注意事项:可配合句型“Where is the -----?”






玩法:全班围成一个圈,一个幼儿拿着手帕,绕圈走,边走边说句子,任意将手帕丢在一个人的背后,被丢到的人应该立刻捡起手帕去追丢的人,追到就拍他一下,丢的人要尽力绕一圈跑到被丢的人的位子上坐下,输的人必须到前面做下一个丢手帕的金硕果红专西路幼儿园 英语组


注意事项:注意跑的方向必须与当初绕圈的方向一致才行,两个人要同个方向跑。 游戏延伸:可将手帕改为闪卡,走动的时候全体说闪卡上的单词。


准备:磁铁数个,拴上绳子,绑在筷子上, 回形针数个别在闪卡上

玩法:请2组幼儿分别展开钓鱼比赛,轮流派人上前听教师指令钓鱼“Catch the__.”幼儿根据指令用自制鱼竿钓起闪卡,先完成的那一队就得分,以此类推玩下去,看哪一组得分最高就获胜。



准备:两个大纸箱,两组同样单词闪卡 玩法:将全班分成两组,将闪卡分别放在两个纸箱内,但纸箱内分别放一些撕碎的纸,将闪卡藏在碎纸内,两组轮流派人出来比赛,按照教师的指示找出正确的闪卡的就得分,以此类推玩下去。


13、小小绘画家 准备:黑板,粉笔






玩法:教师事先将废纸揉成团制作成雪球,准备好纸篓,请幼儿根据教师要求说句子或单词,答对的可进行丢雪球游戏,将雪球(废纸团)丢入纸篓的幼儿奖励。 注意事项:注意纸篓摆放的位置,尽量减低游戏难度,增加游戏乐趣。

15、小侦探 准备:挂图


注意事项:游戏过程中可要求幼儿问“what do you see in the picture?”教师“I see„”


16、火眼金金 准备:小卡,磁扣





玩法:分别画出鱼的身体和尾巴剪下来,鱼的身体上画上贴上单词小卡,尾巴写上贴上字母,将之分散贴在黑板上或放在桌子上,每个幼儿轮流上前把鱼和鱼尾接上,并金硕果红专西路幼儿园 英语组



18、鸵鸟游戏 准备:闪卡,夹子

玩法:全班围成一圈坐下,选出两个幼儿来做游戏,这两个幼儿彼此面对面,在两个幼儿背后用长尾夹随意各夹一张闪卡,他们必须一直把手背在背后假装自己是鸵鸟,听教师说“ready,go!”之后,两个幼儿开始伸长脖子偷看对方背后的闪卡究竟是什么,先看到的举手回答答案,答案正确就得分。 注意事项:可引导其它幼儿念字母,26个字母念完后若还未有幼儿能说出对方的闪卡单词则活动结束,换组进行,说出的幼儿得奖励。

19、数字游戏 玩法:教师说:“Group of”和一个数字,“5”或“8”。幼儿们必须跑动起来并且按教师说的数字跟其他幼儿组成一个与这个数字相同人数的小组。组好了就坐下来,没有围城圈子的幼儿必须去数圈子的人数。

注意事项:此游戏需要空间较大,建议在较空旷范围内进行,或者分组进行。 游戏延伸:延伸为分组游戏,事先准备好闪卡,并将闪卡交给幼儿,教师说“Group of”和一个单词,手拿该单词的幼儿就必须组在一起,代表其他单词的幼儿就不能动,否则出局。

20、记忆大考验 准备:闪卡











23、找朋友 准备:闪卡

玩法:教师将闪卡贴在幼儿身体任何部位,幼儿根据教师说的单词将闪卡碰在一起。金硕果红专西路幼儿园 英语组

例如教师说apple, boy.2名幼儿则移动身体将apple, boy.这2张卡片面对面贴在一起。




玩法:由教师当大野狼,背对的幼儿站着,其他幼儿当小羊,站在离大野狼约一公尺的地方,小羊一起问大野狼“What do you like?” 教师开始依次出示闪卡,大野狼及幼儿按照教师给的闪卡回答“I Like__.”,当教师拿出小羊的图片,大野狼就开始去抓小羊,大野狼就开始去抓小羊,抓到的小羊就被吃掉。




玩法:教师事先将大卡放置在教师任意位置,全班问教师“hand, hand, where are you?”,教师发命令,例如说“Apple”,全班幼儿就将手粘在apple闪卡上,没有粘到的人就当下一个发命令的人,以此类推玩下去。






27、猜卡片 准备:闪卡


注意事项:猜出自己的卡片的幼儿可说句子“This is a __”

28、打击魔鬼(点名游戏) 准备:空气锤一个,闪卡




29、环游世界 准备:闪卡

玩法:将幼儿分组后搭起火车,位置在前面的幼儿为导游,并将闪卡放在教室的不同位置上。根据教师说出的单词,导游需带领队员走到不同的闪卡前。 注意事项:教师注意选取较活泼机灵的幼儿开火车做导游 金硕果红专西路幼儿园 英语组

30、萝卜蹲 准备:单词闪卡

玩法:按照单词数选出同样数目的幼儿到台前来,教师发给他们一人一张闪卡,然后教师先任意选一张开始游戏,如教师说:“apple”,拿apple闪卡的幼儿就要“apple down,apple down,appledown then banana down”并做蹲的动作,接下来由banana做同样的动作并制定下一个蹲的幼儿。




玩法:将全班分成几组,听教师指令搜集东西,全班幼儿问教师“What do you want?”教师回答“I want 3 shoes,2 coats, 2 hats.”每一组就开始按照指令搜集东西,搜集速度越快并且是正确东西的组就得分。


教师可以事先准备要搜集的东西给幼儿,有幼儿到台前来按照指令寻找。 游戏延伸:教师可根绝教学内容要求幼儿收集教学单词小卡。

32、抢椅子 准备:椅子







游戏延伸:根据幼儿的年龄层可改为用身体其他部位来写字母,如手字,头„„.等。 除了写字母,还可以画形状来让幼儿猜。


准备:塑料圈,闪卡 玩法:教师将图卡散在地上,请幼儿站在规定的地点,将塑料圈丢到教师念的闪卡上,丢到的幼儿必须正确念出闪卡上的单词就得分。








Teaching Plan Be Careful with Numbers in Listening Cla: Cla 12, Senior Two Date: May 16,2007 Teacher: Ni Yazhen School: Zhi Yuan Senior High School Teaching Material: P75 S2B Oxford English;

Additional material(The new Star Wars movie, Be Careful with Numbers) Teaching Objectives: Knowledge objectives: To enable students to listen and complete some exercises Ability Objectives: To encourage the students to have basic skills of listening.Emotion objectives: To cultivate the cooperation through peer interaction Teaching aids: Multi-media Teaching and learning method: Guiding for learning Teaching Procedures: I.Presentation

Today we’ll have a cla on listening practice “Be careful with numbers in listening”: First we’ll play a game.Then, we’ll practice.Lead-in

A game on number II.Performance: Quick and accurate response to numbers is very important in daily communication. Telephone numbers, addrees, prices, temperatures, time and dates all closely linked with the use of numbers .Besides, numbers also play a very important part in broadcast programmes such as reports Now let’s listen to some advice from experts.

Task 1 Be Careful with Numbers (Play the recorder Twice)

Individual work→pair work(check the answer with your partner)→Group work(Underline the important sentences.e.g.The differences between million and billion, “-teen’s” and “-ty’s” are …..“Seventeen point five million.”…)Whole cla read the key sentences.


Numbers are all around us. Let us practice with numbers and learn to be good at numbers.(First read out the following numbers… Watch the screen) Task 2 Listen to some statements about the brief history of films and TV.

First check the answers in groups.If you have different opinion , please raise your hands.Judgement: (First students give themselves a judge. Then teacher does it) It seems no challenge.Now, We’ll do challenge exercise.So pay special attention to the numbers in the paage and select the correct answer from the choices listed below.

First teach the students new words in listening material.Then ask students to read out the numbers in Star Wars.III.Promotion: Challenge exercise

Star Wars

Listen to the tape twice →Check the answers

IV.Conclusion: What we learned today is “Be careful with numbers in numbers.”

Remember the following points when you are doing listening tasks: 1.Take great care with the spelling of names and with addrees and phones numbers, prices, time and dates...2.To find the right answer, you may need to do simple calculations or combine two sets of data.3.Listen carefully for words and phrases such as these:

half / twice as expensive as…


Book2 Leon7




气球从小吹到大,小朋友由坐着到站起来,最后要爆掉。拍拍手说“pia” 说到pia的时候小朋友要赶紧坐下,否则就被老师抓住了

这些都是什么呢?BOOKS!!! 今天我们一起来做小小搬运工哦

请小朋友们利用身体的不同部位来搬书。(头顶,后背夹,屁股夹...),其它孩子别忘了要说book, 来加油哦.说的好的小朋友都能来做小小搬运工哦。

Leon8 躺在“病床上”的2个小朋友,简简单单就可以导入课文,what\'s the matter? I have a fever。并且,制作起来也很简单,只要用卡纸围成圆筒状,贴在黑板上即可

Leon9 利用手势教turn on/off 圆圈代表turn on

叉叉代表turn off Leon10 刷牙洗脸让我们的宝宝们养成好的生活习惯是这节课的重点哦!!!

看看我们的龇着大牙的开心宝宝的牙齿多白啊,秘诀就是I brush mt teeth day and night.哈哈哈刷牙也可以这样哈

这一课还可以用到另外一个教具,我们一起来看看吧。 首先有一个小朋友


小朋友赶紧手一起来做个讲卫生的小朋友,我们的牙齿小卫士来了。拿起牙刷把牙上的细菌一扫而光.一边刷,一边念我们的魔法咒语I brush my teeth ,day and night。


,shampoo,shower 丢丢乐


I clean my body ,from head to toe



冀教版九年级下册Unit 5教案(英文版)

Unit 5 Culture Shapes Us Leon 33: Welcome, Guest! Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: shape, perhaps, though Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Good manners at table.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn different cultures.2.Practice the object complements and attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The object complements.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discuing the following questions: What do you know about dinosaurs? List the names of some types of dinosaurs you know of.Discu the questions in groups.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then discu it in groups.Make a complete answer.Then present it in the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Where was Danny yesterday afternoon? He was at Dinosaur School.2.Did Danny learn Dinosaur song at school? Yes, he did.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task Read the text and encourage the students to ask more questions about this part.S1: What did Danny learn at Dinosaur school? S2: He learned dinosaur culture.S3: When will they have dinner together? S4: On Saturday.Step4.Practice Do with the main grammar: the object complements.Point out the sentences with object complements: I find other cultures interesting.Make examples by the students: We must keep the claroom clean every day.Step5.Activity Invite your friend to your home.What do you do? Make up a dialogue with your partner.Then let them present it in front of the cla.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.What do you think dinosaur food is like? Do you think Brian and Jenny will like the food? Write down your ideas.Then share it with your partner.After a while, let some students show their answers in front of the cla.Remind them to tell the students why they think so.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercise book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.

Summary: Students are strange to hear of the Dinosaur culture.We all want to know what real Dinosaur culture is, including their food, songs, clothes and so on.Give the students time to say some other countries’ culture in front of the cla.Let them search on the Internet for more information.

Leon 34: Danny’s Dinosaur Dinner Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: knock, hang, hang up, offer Oral words and expreions: hung, hanged Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the Dinosaur culture.2.Cultivate the students’ cooperation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn something about having a meal.2.The object complement and the attributive clause. Teaching Difficult Points: Have a meal.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discuing the following questions:

Have you ever invited a guest to your home? Have you ever been a guest? What’s the worst food you’ve ever had? Discu the following questions in groups.Then present it in front of the cla. Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.When Jenny and Brian come to Danny’s home, he is in the _____.2.Danny gives Brian and Jenny some _____ to eat.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false.1.Jenny and Brian come to Danny’s home on Sunday.2.Jenny and Brian drink some milk in Danny’s home.3.Dinosaur food is certainly different.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again and retell the story in their own words.Correct their grammar mistakes after he finish telling the story. Ste5.Do with the language points: Make sentences with the useful phrases: Would like to…? Help yourself to… S1: Would you like some dumplings? S2: Yes, I’d love to.S3: Would you like to have an apple? S4: No, thank you.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Divide the cla into several groups to finish the activity.Every member writes his ideas on a piece of paper.

Are guests important in your home? What do you do to make guests feel comfortable? Let the students show their dialogues out in front of the cla. Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in cla.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.

Summary: It is important for you to make your guests feel comfortable.At first, you must be polite.Then you can provide them with different drinks and fruits.Ask them what their favourite food is.Of course, as a guest, you must be polite enough, too.Leon 35: Keeping Culture Alive Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: hand in, strange, mind, share Oral words and expreions: Chinatown Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more about foreign cultures.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.3.Grasp the important grammars.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about the Chinatown.2.Having meals.3.Object complements.Teaching Difficult Points:

Object complements

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discuing the following questions: Have you ever heard of Chinatown? What do you think of it?

Work in groups.Everyone writes his or her answers down.Then discu for five minutes.Present it in front of the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.This is the _____ time for Danny to Chinatown.Would Chinese students visit _____ _____ _____.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Did Brian enjoy the school trip?

2.Is there an area called Little North America in Beijing?

Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again.Then ask the students to retell the story in their own words.They can practice with her partner first.Step5.Do with the language points: Let the students read the text again.Sum the new words and language points in this leon.Make up sentences with the new words and the language points.S1: Must I hand in the paper now? S2: Let’s share the experience in the summer holiday.S3: I shall share the fruit with the little girls.S4: Will it rain tomorrow? S5: I don’t think so.Step6.Activity Group work.If there were Little North America in Beijing, what will it be like?

Divide the cla into groups to finish the task.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then change it with the others.Then choose the complete one to present in front of the cla.Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish this part in groups of three or four.One student sums his group’s advice.Then present it in front of the cla.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.

Summary: Chinatown is used for Chinese in America.They can speak Chinese.It if convenient for those people who can’t speak English live there.They are all kinds of shops there.

Leon 36: So We Can Be Friends Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: difference Oral words and expreions: Peru, Scotland, bagpipe Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more about the foreign culture.2.Learn to sing English songs.Teaching Important Points: 1.Keep one country’s culture.2.Grasp the object complement.3.How to use keep.Teaching Difficult Points: Keep one culture’s culture.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures about the foreign culture.Pointing to the pictures, ask the students to gue where they are and what special culture they have.Step2.Listen to the tape for two times.While they are listening, let the students sing after it in a low voice.Step3.Read the song as a poem.Let them find if it has rhythms.

Step4.Ask the students to know the meaning of the song with the help of the pictures.Step5.Listen to the tape again and sing after if for several times. Step6.Let the volunteers sing in front of the cla.Step7.Come to PROJECT.1.List the differences between the Chinese and Chinese cultures.Finish it in work group.Talk about the different ways in China and Canada.What are the differences between the two countries?

2.Ask the students to act short plays out in front of the cla.Show what would happen in Canada and what will happen in China.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.

Summary: Different countries have different culture.We must keep it.Students should know more about it.It can help them when they go abroad to study further.Ask the students to search more after the cla.Then present it in the next leon.

Leon 37: The Fox and the Stock Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: fox, flat, hardly, fetch, thin, stick, regard, realize, promise Oral words and expreions: stork, Aesop, rudely, beak Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about more about the foreign culture.2.The importance of cooperation in the world.3.Improve the student’s creation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.The leons we learn from the story.2.The object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Different Points: Practice object complement and the attributive clauses.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discuing the following questions: Tell a story about the animals.What can we learn from the story? Finish the task in groups.Let some students come to the front and tell his cla his wonderful story.Step2.Listening task Listening to the tape and find the correct answers to the following questions.1.There is a _____ and a _____ in the story.2.The fox brought the soup in large flat _____.

Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Is the fox polite to the stork? 2.What are the stock’s noodles in? 3.Were they still friends?

Finish the task in cla in oral. Step4.Read and tell the stories by their own words.Step5.Do with the new language points in this text.1.“Certainly” said the stork, who was doing her best to be polite.

Do one’s best S1: I am doing my best to learn well.2.The stork fetched two tall, thin jars.

Fetch=go and come back S2: Can you fetch me two bottles of water, please? Step6.Work in groups.Divide the cla into groups.Then one member of the group tells a story which are with animals about characters.Then let the others sum the leons that we learn from the story.Step7.Homework Find the most wonderful story after cla.Prepare to tell the cla in the next leon.

Summary: All of the students know many interesting stories about animals.We can learn important leons from the story.They must respect others in their life, or they might have a fight.This is the same as man.We must respect others in our life.Then we can have a peaceful world.

Leon38: One Country, Many Cultures Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: central, although, respect Oral words and expreions: immigrant, tolerant, dancer Teaching Aims:

1.Know about the culture in the world.2.Keep one country’s culture.3.Create the students’ basic abilities.Teaching Important Points: 1.The details about Canadian cultures.2.Different cultures have different features.3.Practice the object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The object complement and the attributive clauses.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discuing the following questions: How many cultures does China have? How many can you name? What are some of the interesting things in your culture? Discu the questions above in groups.Then every group answer the questions one by one.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear: 1.Only _____ percent of all Canadians are from First Nations.2.Canada has _____ official languages.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false. 1.Most Canadians speak both languages: English and French.2.Canadians have many cultures.3.There is a Canadian way of understanding the world.

Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again and encourage the students to ask more questions about the text.Why is Canada home to many cultures? Can people from different cultures live together? Step5.Practice Explain some English words in English.ancestor, central, immigrant, respect, tolerant ancestor: the first people who came to live here

central: in the middle of immigrant: people who come here from other places

respect: be polite to sb.or sth.tolerant: not complain Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT.” Work in groups.

1.Gue the meanings of “bilingual” and “multicultural”.Explain them in English.Then look them up in the dictionary.Let’s find out the exact meanings of the words.2.Talk about different customs.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then change their ideas in the groups.Finally, give a report in front of the cla.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Search more information about Canadian cultures on the Internet.

Summary: Different countries have different cultures.One culture also has many cultures.When you go to another country, if you know its culture, you may make mistakes.So it is good for you to know more about more about one country.Leon 39: Memories of Canada Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: memory, accept Oral words and expreions: host Teaching Aims:

1.Different cultures in the world.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.3.Grasp the main grammars in this unit. Teaching Important Points: 1.Know about the different cultures between China and the other countries.2.The unit grammars: the object complement and attributive clauses The Difficult Points: The differences between Chinese cultures and the Canadian ones.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by talking about the Canadian cultures in groups.Then sum it by one student in each group in front of the cla.Pay attention to the differences between Chinese cultures and Canadian ones.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Did Li Ming eat many things that he had never eaten before? 2.Which country has more people, Canada or China? Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and decide the following statements are true of false.1.The food was the only thing that was strange.2.Li Ming went to Chinatown in Canada.3.The one who served them at the restaurant that day was from Shanghai.Step4.Do with the new words .The new words: host, accept 1.host: the persons who live in their own houses

2.accept: look on sth.as his own S1: We are the host of the 2008 Olympics.

S2: Mary got some red flowers, but she didn’t accept them.Step5.Do with the language points: 1.Even in the city, it felt like there was so much space.

feel like doing S3: The cat didn’t feel like eating anything because of his illne.2.The Chinese people in Canada are very proud.And they work hard to keep their culture alive.keep+adj.S4: It’s our duty to keep our claroom clean.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.Finish the task in groups of three or four.Every member in each group writes their diaries down.Then exchange them in groups.Talk about why you went there and what made the trip unforgettable or special.Step7.Show some pictures about different cultures in different countries.Let them what they are doing.What festival they are celebrating? Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.

Summary: We learn so many different cultures in this unit.Every country must work hard to keep one’s culture.China is a country with a long history.We must keep our country.At the same time, know about more culture about the other countries’.It is good for the development of the world.

Leon 40: Unit Review Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions from Leon33 to Leon40.Oral words and expreions from Leon33 to Leon40.Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the cultures in the world.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.3.Grasp the main grammars in this unit.Teaching Important Points: 1.The different cultures in different countries.2.The main grammars in this unit: the object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The main grammars in this unit: the object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: review leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discuing in groups: what do you about the different cultures in different countries? Discu in groups for five minutes.During the time, each group exchanges their ideas in groups.Then sum the best ones to show in front of the cla.Step2.Finish the exercises on Page 49.At the same time, write the difficult ones on the blackboard.Step3.Come to “Grammar in Use”.Solve the problems on the blackboard.

Ask the students to make up dialogues with the main grammars or sentences. The attributive clauses: S1: I like the skirt my mother bought for me yesterday.S2: He doesn’t mind whose coat it is.The object complement: S3: Keep the door open.It’s hot inside.S4: Don’t keep me waiting.Step4.Come to “Speaking the Language”.Finish the dialogue.Make up similar dialogues and act it out in front of the cla.Ask several groups to speak in front of the cla.Praise the good ones.At the same time, point out their mistakes.Step5.Come to “Putting it All Together”.1.Finish the exercise in Part A. 2.Finish Part B in groups.

Divide the cla into several groups of three or four.Then discu the following questions in groups.Make a list of the things that threaten your culture.What you personally will do to keep your culture? Share ideas with another group.Do they have the same opinions? Step6.Work in groups.

Finish Part C in groups.Talk about good Chinese table manners and write them down.Exchange the ideas in groups.Then exchange the ideas with another group.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Search more information about different cultures on the Internet.

Summary: Cultures are important to one country.It represents the peoples’ spirit in this country.So we must work hard to keep it.Some old cultures need to protect.When we go abroad to study further, we must work hard to keep our cultures, too.


Unit Two

Trends and Fads Introduction

Fashion is something popular among people during certain time, but it is always fun and interesting to see how style, trends and fads change our lives over the years and how they even try to make a comeback in our society.Everyone remembers a favorite toy or something popular that he or she grew up with, but they have moved out of life with the paing of time.

Exploring the Topic

1.Do you think fashion is good or not? In my opinion, fashion is good for the following reasons.First of all, it makes life different from time to time, thus enriching our life by providing with something new and colorful.Second, it helps us make choices while shopping.Third, it helps promote busine and the national economy.2.Why do people like to follow the fashion? To follow the fashions seems to have become the general trend among young people in the modern society.But if we analyze the reasons, the following points should be taken into account.Firstly, they don’t want to be considered out-of-date.Secondly, they have a strong desire to show they are different from others.Last but not the least, they are curious about and interested in anything that is new.Background Information

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, is an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services.It is recognized as the leading federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people—at home and abroad—providing credible information to enhance health decisions, and promoting health through strong partnership.CDC serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion and education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States.The British Virgin Islands Comprised of 36 islands in the Caribbean (16 of which are inhabited); about 113 kilometers east of Puerto Rico, north of the Leeward Islands, and adjacent to the U.S.Virgin Islands; principal islands are Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Anegada and Jost Van Dyke.In 1666, British planters took over control of the island group from the original Dutch settlers.The Islands attained the status of British colony, and remained part of the Leeward Islands from 1872 until 1956, when the British Virgin Islands became a separately administered entity.In 1967, a new constitution provided for a ministerial system of government headed by a Chief Minister.The island group remains under British control today..Section A

Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and Fads Warming-up Look at the pictures below, and discu with your clamates: how has people’s life changed in China during the past 60 years?


one-piece dre


Chinese tunic suit


liberation shoes


overalls; dungarees; jeans 喇叭裤

the flared trousers; the bell-bottoms 海魂衫

a sailor’s striped shirt 蛤蟆镜



grain coupons


an enamelled cup 雪花膏

face cream 连环画

serial pictures 水枪

water pistols 弹弓

a slingshot; a catapult 掌上游戏机

handheld game console Main Idea Our lifestyle is changing all the time and there are different trends and fads at different times.Not only clothing and hairstyle, but also the whole ways of living are changing rapidly.But why do fads change so quickly? For some people, they just want to make money while for others, they simply want to take part in new and original activities.In spite of the difference between a fad and a trend, fads exist in every country.And no one knows what changes in lifestyle will happen next.Structure

Part Ⅰ: para.1 Introduction to the topic of the paage: trends and fads Part II: Para.2-4 Illustration of the existence of different trends and fads at different times Part III: para.5-6 Explanation of the reasons of fads coming and going.Part Ⅳ: para.7-8 Concluding the paage Intensive Reading trend n.【1】 a fashion or style 时尚;时髦

e.g.There is a trend among young people to study abroad.年轻人中流行出国留学。

【2】 a general tendency or direction in the way a situation is changing or developing 倾向;趋势;趋向 e.g.If current trends continue, the world population could be 7 billion by the year 2010.

按目前的趋势,到2010 年全球人口将达到70 亿。 tendency


e.g.Unhappy parents have a tendency to bring up unhappy children.

不幸福的父母养育的子女也往往不幸福。 她天生比较谨慎。

She has a natural tendency toward caution.appear v.【1】 become able to be seen; come into sight

出现;呈现 e.g.The symptoms don’t appear until a few days later.


【2】 seem; give other people a particular idea or feeling 似乎;好像;看来

e.g.Love appears to be more beautiful in stories than in real life.

故事里的爱情似乎比现实生活中的要美一些。 advertisement


e.g.This advertisement is full of exaggeration.



I’ve just seen your advertisement for jobs in the newspaper and I would like to apply.complain


e.g.To complain about things all the time makes one sick.



If goods are not well made, you should complain to the manufacturer.fame


e.g.His fame did not come until after his death.



One of the disadvantages of fame is that people point at you in the street.cause v. lead to or be the cause of 导致;引起;使发生

e.g.The child’s headache may be caused by stre.


n.【1】a person, thing, or event that makes something happen 原因;起因

e.g.Scientists are searching for the cause of the disease.


【2】a principle, aim or movement that is strongly defended or supported 事业;目标

e.g.The organization has succefully gotten support for its cause.

该组织成功地为其事业赢得了支持。 desire n.a strong hope or wish


e.g.Attractive store displays can create a desire for the goods.

商店引人注目的陈设能激发人们的购买欲望。 v.(formal) wish or want very much( 正式)渴望;想要

e.g.He suddenly desired a gla of beer at the sight of the advertisement.

看到这则广告,他突然很想喝杯啤酒。 area n.【1】(the range or limits of) a subject, activity, etc.学科范围;领域;方面

e.g.He has a wealth of experience in this area.


【2】a part or division of a region or of a country 地区;区域

e.g.The police are trying to prevent people from entering that area.

警方正设法阻止人们进入那个区域。 creative


e.g.The problem is turning creative ideas into real products.

问题是要把有创造性的想法变成真实的产品。 有创造力的人必须能够想象出某种事物、人物及场景。 Creative people must be able to imagine objects, people and scenes.economy n.【1】 the system by which a country’s wealth is produced and used


e.g.To understand a country’s economy, economists check the growth in a certain industry.

为了解一个国家的经济,经济学家们核查某种产业的增长情况。 【2】 (an example of) the careful use of money, time, effort, etc., in order to avoid waste 节约;节省

e.g.Let’s begin with economy in stationery.




e.g.We offer additional courses to help students speak English more fluently.我们另外开设其他课程以帮助学生更流利地说英语。 如需任何其他信息,请来电。

Please call for any additional information if you require.frequent

adj.频繁的;屡见不鲜的;常见的 e.g.He needs frequent rests during work.他工作中时常需要休息一下。


Robberies are quite frequent in this city.survive vi. continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to death 幸存;活下来;残存

e.g.I can’t survive on $30 a week.

靠每星期30 美元的生活费我没法生活。

vt.continue to live or exist after 比······活得长;经历······之后还存在

e.g.Only special plants can survive the terrible climate of a desert.

只有特殊的植物才能在可怕的沙漠气候中存活下来。 out of date 过时的;不用的

e.g.Don’t listen to him—his ideas are out of date.



Rose is going to remain the most popular flower because love is never out of date.in/out of fashion 流行/不流行

e.g.At present, Tang garments are in fashion in China.



People laughed at him because his clothes were old and out of fashion.and the like 诸如此类;等等

e.g.A furniture store sells beds, tables, chairs and the like.



My little boy’s bag is always filled with small animals, leaves and the like.pay attention to 留心;注意

e.g.People thought he was stupid and never paid attention to him.



It is always important for doctors to pay attention to what the patients say.come and go 来来去去;忽隐忽现;变化无常 e.g.People come and go, but I will never forget you.



Fashions come and go, but this style has always been popular.make money 挣钱;赚钱

e.g.He came all the way to China just to make money.



Don’t forget this is a commercial busine and we are here to make money.Exercise Using the Right Word

Complete the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s).Fill in each blank with one word only.Use the words from the word list of Text A in this unit.1.I’m going to sell the house, together with the f_________.2.You had a traffic accident, so you’ll have to ap_________ in court.3.There is an ad__________ for our new product in the local newspaper.4.I de____ nothing other than to be left in peace.So just go away.5.It is f_______ to spend money on something you don’t use.

6.We should try hard to develop tourism (旅游业).Tourism cr_____ jobs for local people.7.The development of the world’s e_______ will bring about many new problems.8.Mother will need ad_______ help to do the work since she is not in good health.

Working with Expreions

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.

1.Unfortunately, the hat I had just bought was no longer______ fashion.2.You ought to pay more attention _____ the quality of these goods.3.I want to complain ______ the food and the service in this restaurant.4.The trend at the moment is ____ a more natural and le made-up look.5.I will meet Mr.Smith _______ the book club at 10 o’clock.6.We have invited an expert ______ this area to give us a speech.7.I have a strong desire _______ fresh air after staying in the small room for several hours.8.His knowledge is only limited ________ what is taught in cla.Translating 1.如果他一开始谈论过去,你就永远都没法从他那儿脱身。(get away from)

If he starts talking about the past, you’ll never get away from him.2.冬天失业率有上升的趋势。(tendency)

There is a tendency for job loes to rise in the winter.3.在我不断地要求下,父亲终于同意和我一起去澳大利亚了。 (frequent)

Because of my frequent demands, father finally agreed to go to Australia with me.4.他把老店卖了,开了一家新店,以便赚更多的钱。(make money)

He sold his shop and opened a new one to make more money.

Section C Practical Writing Letters of Acceptance or Declination

受邀请人在收到请柬后应尽快答复,回复方式一般没有请柬那么严格,但也分正式与非正式两种。如果是严肃场合, 应该用回柬 。其格式与请柬相类似。对一般的请柬,可以写一封短信表示接受邀请或者遗憾 。如果非常要好的朋友,打电话表示接受或拒绝也是可以的。

不管你是否接受邀请,都应该表示感谢。如接受邀请, 就该提一下你是多么盼望去参加;如果你不得已需要谢绝邀请,就应该以适当的理由表示歉意。回复的格式和措词都应与邀请信一致。 Sample Dear Mr.Brown,

Thank you very much for your kindne in asking us to attend your opening ceremony, but we regret very much that we will not be able to go there as we already have an important previous engagement that day.We send our congratulations and best wishes to you and will be together with you in spirit on this happy event.



Useful Patterns

1.Mr.and Mrs.Zhang Lin accept with pleasure Mr.and Mrs.Bryn Adams’ invitation to dinner on the fifth of May 7:00 pm, at the Peace Hotel.2.It was very kind of you to invite me to spend next weekend with you, but unfortunately, I can’t come because I shall be away for a conference in Beijing.3.I can’t tell you how sorry I am not to be able to accept your invitation to the party next Friday.I’m going away on Monday and won’t be back until next Saturday.Thank you all the same.



   世界上有一部永远也写不完的书,那便是母亲。 上帝不能亲自到你家,所以他创造了母亲。 少年时,父亲是树,为我们撑起了一片天; 壮年时,父亲是犁,耕耘着我们的衣食; 老年时,父亲是梦,萦绕在我们的心头。    亲情是世界上最灿烂的阳光,无论我们走的多远,飞的多高,父母深情的目光总是跟随着我们,大爱无言,而这无言的爱,就是人间最美妙的声音。

我知道这一生,无论我人生的坐标有多高,都高不出那份父爱的高度虽然他是无形的,可我心中有把尺啊! 母爱 〉爱母


















与三件事例相照应,顺序不能颠倒。 论证方法:举例、对比、道理、比喻论证。 语言特点:简洁、有力度。


第二节      为了受教育你付出了很大的代价,但是不要抱怨,因为无知的代价更高。

这世界就象水总是平的,你今天送出一些,明天送出一些,虽然是注进了别人的水面,但这水注定是要回流的,回流之时,正是你缺水的难关。 母亲眼中的不舍永远是儿女离家的痛。


人生是一次长途旅行,当一扇门关上了,一定还有另一扇门,你要做的就是寻找并打开这扇门。 以“把握现在”






一只脚踩扁了紫罗兰,它却把香味留在那脚跟上,这就是宽恕。 宽容的海很深,深得可以淹没一切愤恨; 宽容的海很净,净得可以洗刷世间的一切污垢; 宽容的海很美,美得可以折射出世间的纯洁; 宽容的海很广,广得可以映衬出快乐的人生。 宽容的心就象海,狭隘与丑陋的风在上面吹不起半点波澜。




认识一个人,要靠机缘;了解一个人,需要智慧,了解之后的和睦相处,则要靠宽容。 议论文的结构





后议 (紧扣叙述,紧扣中心论点)(50字)



先叙(笔墨要集中,语言要简洁) (150字)


后议 (紧扣叙述,紧扣中心论点) (50字)



(50字) 一般全文有五——八个段落。







6、题目若是2个字,之间空两格。3个字空一个格。 作文:写一篇议论文 。


夏天在变卖完了苦生了半载的绿叶后,悄悄离去,不知何时走的,只是在清晨醒来,看见雁衔了一片红叶飞过。 张晓风说春天是人们快乐的口哨声,简祯说夏天是一首绝句,仄仄平平仄。三毛说秋天的落叶似舞倦了的蝴蝶。 风来了,风吹开了大树的襟怀, 燕子








第五节 幸福是“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归”的牵挂。 有这样一朵 亲情是



一剪梅 讲阅读



第六节 有这样一朵诚信的花 有这样一方

你给了生活多少耕耘,生活就会赏赐你多少果实,你给了生活多少懒惰,生活就会回敬你多少苦涩。 曾经有一个人,为了你的到来而兴奋得彻夜难眠,曾经有一个人,为了你毫无理由的哭闹而手足无措,那个人便是母亲。

总有一个人将我们支撑,总有一种爱让我们心痛,这个人就是母亲,这种爱就是母爱。 冰心老人说过







怎样解词 作文结构模式:小标题式


抄题记、结语 阅读:〈尊严〉


有一棵树,很大很大 思念是一种 友情何其悠远, 讲阅读 写作文

第十节 虚荣的人就象 教师节是火把 前脑门




此日足可惜 珍珠忘记了 不要善意地用 有一种爱,其实是害




掌声是弥足珍贵的,它不仅能使胜利者领略人生的风采,更能使失败者看到希望的曙光。 善于给别人机会是一种品格, 一种胸怀,善于为别人创造机会,是一种修养,也是一种生动。 机会转眼即逝,努力不一定成功,但放弃就一定失败。 欣赏自己,哪怕泪水泡白了昨天,也需以微笑的心绪策划明天。 机会转眼即逝,努力不一定成功,但放弃就一定失败。 心中没有阳光的人看不到阳光的明媚。







拥有是一朵盛开的鲜花,不知它何时将悄悄凋谢在每一天里,仔细欣赏它的美艳,才不会在它化作春泥责备自己忘记去珍惜,也只有珍惜拥有,才不会在失去后方知可贵。 作文:





人生能有多少路程,那些路程,你牵我走过; 人生能有多少日子,那些日子, 我至今仍不知道我的智商





四大名著是令人一生受用的,《红楼梦》中贾家的世态炎凉,《西游记》中唐僧师徒的坚定意志。《水浒传》中忠与义的盘根错节,《三国演义》中刘关张的真挚情谊,这一切的一切,令我汗颜,令我震撼,在这书之墨香中我长大了,面对人生我勇往直前。 话题作文所涉及的写作范围:


宽容是一种品格,也是一笔财富 ,大海因宽容河流而变得浩瀚,高山因宽容森林而变得深沉,蓝天因宽容白云而变得灵动,因宽容繁星而变得亮丽,心灵因宽容过失而变得温厚。

也许是牛郎说错了一句话把织女惹得哭了,那散落下来的滴滴泪珠,似在我耳边奏着一曲哀怨的歌。 好象天空放了一个长假,让一个个白色的精灵去悠闲地散步,张开洁白的笑的梨花。

树好象被阴冷的秋风惹怒了,发了脾气,把满身的树叶吓得纷纷飘落,那最先落在地上的不停的抖颤。 现代文阅读的相关知识 考阅读〈我的四季〉













附 文学鉴赏的专门术语 风格平淡清新 明快辛辣

表达技巧:情景抒情 托物言志 动静结合 表现手法:渲染 烘托 映衬 反衬 象征 联想 想象

结构:层层深入 首尾呼应 伏笔照应 卒章显志 以小见大 铺垫

第十七节(9月10号) 如果生活是一条船,感恩之心则是让船前进的浆 如果生活是一片林,感恩之心则是这片树林里的花朵 如果生活是一条河,感恩之心则是河中美丽的浪花

落叶飞扬的乐章,是树林对大地滋养的感恩 丝丝飘荡的晴空是白云对蓝天的感恩



文言文 对联常识

第十八节(9月17日) 学对联决



我们登不上月亮,但尽可以享受皎洁的月辉,我们不能抓住清风,但尽可以享受清风的宜人,我们可能不能的实现自己的目标,但可退一步,另走一条路,月夜听泉,古刹闻钟,乘江南渔舟,赏溪边荷花,不也是一种令人神往的事吗? 如何把握话题作文中的“三自”




第二十节{10月1日} 每一朵花都有盛开的理由,每一滴水的最终愿望都是永不干涸,每一条小溪的最终目的都是流向大海。为了永不干涸,水滴可以升华凝集,变为云变为雨变为晶莹的雪,为了流向大海,小溪可以永不停歇地向前挺进,也可以汇成河汇成江,路是人的脚走成的,为了多辟几条路,必须多向没有人的地方走去!——契诃夫


现在的我们,风华正茂,风风火火,几分不如意转眼便烟消云散,愿这份欢乐洒脱能伴你一生 第二十一节(10月15日)


看春天一片桃红柳绿,那是爱回报阳光的沐浴 看夏天大树投下绿荫,那是爱回报大地的养育 看秋天庄稼硕果累累,那是爱回报农民的辛勤 看冬天腊梅迎风开放,那是爱回报风雪的考验!

读懂爱,接受爱,付出爱,并向一切感恩,感恩朋友,甚至感恩对手!让世界每一个角落撒满爱的阳光! 风雨过后方能出现彩虹,成功只在锻炼中滤出,雄鹰展翅方能翱翔天际,暴风雨过后方能山清水秀。 凤凰涅磐,欲火重生,雨雁减肥,展翅飞翔,所以让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧! 温室的花朵永远没有天山雪莲的高雅,永远没有高崖百合的孤傲之美。







1、符合提意(揣摩命题意图,确立写作角度,理清行文思路) 第二十三节(10月29日)



生命本身就是一个不断完美的过程。再继承中沉淀,在升华中涅磐,让生命蜕其浮华,变得纯粹而厚重。 (〈〈史记〉〉人物片段)一个强羊皮抵不上一头狐狸的腋毛,一千个点火附和的人,也不如一个敢于直言争辩的人。周武王时有很多直言之士,结果国家兴旺昌盛,商纣王却因暴 而使群臣不敢直言,到最后国破人亡。











人类用热情去拥抱自然,自然便赐予人类繁花似锦的美丽 人类用真诚去歌颂自然,自然便绽放出灿烂的微笑 人类用心灵去感受自然,自然便敞开了宽广的胸怀 人类用狂妄去征服自然,自然便会尽显它的威力 人类用私欲去破坏自然,自然便对我们施以严厉的惩罚 新年的脚步让我们看到了天空的高远,也闻到了春天的芳香,一位哲人曾经这样说过:如果今天不比昨天多做一点什么,那么明天还有什么意义。

第二十五节(11月12日) 语文是李太白的杯中酒,是曹雪芹的梦中泪 语文是鲁迅的彷徨呐喊,是郭沫若的凤凰涅磐

语文是千里冰封万里雪飘的北国寒冬,是朱自清的和风细雨 语文是老舍笔下的济南冬天的清透与香气














道路不留下深深的足迹,但我已很艰难的走过 生活不留下成功后的喜悦,但我已经苦苦的追求过

寄蜉蝣于天地,渺沧海一粟(《苏轼·前赤壁赋》) (爱谈人生之短暂,被谈人生之无可奈何)

























第三十二节(1月7日) 风雪飘摇团月寒——貂禅 雁落塞北空遗恨——王昭君 美人一笑倾神稷——褒 一江春水向东流——西施 羞花人谢马嵬坡——杨贵妃 红颜祸水——苏妲己

王昭君:毛延寿,公元33年北方匈奴首领,呼喊邪单于匈奴 汉和亲之重任,汉凶两族团结和睦,国泰民安。 屈原泪洒汨罗江,司马迁宫于朝堂,李白长+——



Unit Five Parents’ Love

Introduction My understanding of parents’ love varies with the changes of my age.When I was young, I could hardly see what love meant.I just had an impreion that it was the parents’ duty to give children love and care.So I always expected too much of my parents.But as I get older, I came to realize that parent’s love is selfle and it is the greatest love in the world.Parents always exhaust themselves to satisfy us, but never expect our Rewards.Exploring the Topic

1.Would you say something about your father including his appearance, hobby and character? My father is tall and strong.He looks young and handsome though he is about 50 years old.Besides reading books, my father has many other hobbies such as swimming, mountain climbing, traveling as well as taking pictures.My father is optimistic, hard-working, confident and responsible.And he is strict with me.2.How has your father shown his love and care for you? My father has shown his love and care for me in different ways.First, every day he gets me to school in the morning, picks me up from school in the late afternoon, and cooks good food for me.Second, whenever I do something wrong, he always persuades me with earnest words.Third, he tries to be my friend by doing outdoor activities with me, such as riding a bicycle.Finally, when I have troubles in my studies, he is always very patient to help me with the problems.Watching & Enjoying Watch the Video and Brainstorm

Section A

Father Dearest Warming-up Many people say that mothers’ love is the most unselfish in the world.But the fact is often that their fathers’ love is equally dear.Father Dearest tells about a father who takes every care to protect his children and grandchildren.He shows his love by warning them against all types of risks: in restaurants, in fashion, in sports, in driving and even in cleaning products.This love is certainly returned when the younger generations say to him: “Be careful, Dad.”

Please notice that the following questions are open-ended with no right or wrong answers.

1.How would you describe your father’s appearance?

My father is

My clamate’s father is








strong 2.How would you describe your father’s character?

My father is

My clamate’s father is








energetic 3.What sports does he like best?

My father likes

My clamate’s father likes





mountain climbing

mountain climbing

badminton (羽毛球)

badminton (羽毛球) 4.How has your father shown his love and care for you?

My father is

My clamate’s father is by getting my to school in the morning by picking me up from school in the late afternoon by cooking good food for me by persuading me with earnest words to keep from doing wrong deeds by doing outdoor activities with me, such as riding a bicycle by helping me with my studies Main Idea

The older you get, the more deeply you begin to realize your parents’ love.When you were young, your parents made sure that you were always safe, and for sure this sometimes seemed silly to you.Is there anything funny that your parents do even now to protect you? Or maybe you feel your parents are the ones who need protection as they get older! It’s true that a parent’s job is never done.But neither is that of a son or a daughter.Structure

Part Ⅰ: para.1-2 introduction to dad’s protection towards kids Part II: Para.3-12 detailed illustration of father’s protection, from past to present Part III: para.12-15 author’s decision of protecting dad as a conclusion of the paage Intensive Reading conscious adj.【1】 knowing, understanding, or recognizing something; awake 意识到的

e.g.Everyone should be conscious of the value of knowledge.


【2】 having all one\'s senses working and able to understand what is happening; not in a sleeplike state 神志清醒的

e.g.Though badly hurt in the accident, he was still conscious.

尽管在事故中受了重伤,他的神志还是清醒的。 material n.【1】 cloth (衣服)料子

e.g.This material washes easily.


【2】 anything from which something is or can be made; a natural or man-made substance 材料;原料;素材 e.g.What kind of material is the furniture made of? 那件家具是用哪种材料做成的?

adj.of or having an effect on real or solid matter or substance, not spirit 物质的

e.g.The earthquake caused a great deal of material damage to the family.


It won\'t do any good to satisfy the children with only material things.

一味满足孩子的物质需求是没有好处的。 injure

n.伤害;使受伤 e.g.I hope I didn’t injure her feelings.



The injured man didn’t recover consciousne until this morning. branch


【1】 an arm-like stem growing from the trunk of a tree or from another such stem 树枝

e.g.That bird is taking off from the branch. 那只鸟正欲飞离枝头。

【2】 a part or division of a large organization, group, area of knowledge, etc. 分支机构;(学科等的)分科

e.g.Psychology is an important branch of sociology. 心理学是社会学的一个重要分支。

pause v.stop for a short time before continuing 停顿 e.g.The sick old man paused to catch his breath.


n.a short but noticeable break in an activity, speech, etc.(活动、谈话等的)停顿;暂停;间断

e.g.They talked for three hours without a pause.

他们连续说了3个小时。 accident


e.g.Three people died in the traffic accident.

有3个人在这场车祸中丧生。 他断定让那只动物走失绝不是个意外。

He concluded that letting that animal off was no accident.avoid

v. 避免;回避;避开

e.g.You must avoid giving any unneceary information.


Culture shock is something you cannot avoid when living in a foreign country. 当你住在国外时,你会不可避免地受到文化冲击。



【1】 bring back to the mind; remember 回想;回忆;记起

e.g.I remember seeing him some years ago, but I can\'t recall where it was.

我记得多年前见过他,但是想不起在哪儿了。 【2】 take back 撤销;收回;招回

e.g.We have decided to recall the order of those cars.

我们已决定撤回那批汽车的订单。 content n.【1】 the amount of the stated substance contained in something 含量 e.g.If someone‘s blood has a low iron content, what should he/she do?

如果一个人血液的含铁量低,那么他(她)应该怎么办? 【2】 the subject matter, esp.the idea of a book, speech, etc.内容 e.g.What does the title tell you about the content of the text?

通过课文题目,你能看出这篇课文是讲什么的吗? adj. satisfied; happy; not wanting more than one has 满足的;甘愿的;满意的

e.g.She is content with her life at present.


He is not content to remain here. 他不愿意留在这儿。


n.【1】 a period of time in which a human being can grow up and have a family, about 25 or 30 years 代;一代

e.g.Charlie Chaplin has been popular with generation after generation because of his excellent performances.

查理·卓别林因其精湛的表演而受到一代又一代人的喜爱。 【2】 the act or proce of generating 产生;发生

e.g.The generation of electricity arouses public interest.


shake v.(cause to) move up and down or from side to side with quick, short movements 摇动;颤抖

e.g.It was a great historical event that shook the whole country.

这是一个重大的历史事件,它震撼了整个国家。 n.

an act of shaking 摇动;抖动

e.g.Please give your gla a little shake from side to side.

请把你的杯子左右轻轻摇动一下。 edge n.【1】 the thin, sharp cutting part of a blade, tool, etc.刀口;刃 e.g.Keep your fingers away from the edge while using the knife.

用刀时不要把手指放到刀刃上去。 【2】 the place where something ends or begins, or is farthest from its center 边;棱;边缘

e.g.Now we\'re on the edge of a new revolution.


stick out 伸出,(使某物)突出

e.g.As I paed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me (up).



Jim hated that liar and stuck his tongue out at him.be conscious of 意识到;感觉到

e.g.Feeling like his mother, I was also conscious of the responsibility that I had.



They start talking busine immediately since they are always conscious of time. put on 穿上,戴上

e.g.I saw him put on his jacket, pick up his case and go out. 我看见他穿上夹克,拎起箱子出去了。

她梳了梳头发,然后戴上了帽子。 She brushed her hair and put her hat on.hear of 听说;知道;了解(某一事实、某人或某物等的存在) e.g.The police heard of the robbery and acted upon the information they got at once.

警察一听到有劫案,就立刻根据所得情报采取了行动。 这是一个名不见经传的小地方。

It is a tiny place that most people have never heard of.cut off 切掉;割断;剪断

e.g.This animal\'s tail has been cut off by a little boy.

一个小男孩切断了这个动物的尾巴。 把玫瑰花花枝的末端剪掉一点再放入花瓶。

Cut a bit off the bottom of the stems before you put the roses into the vase.guard from 防卫;防范;保护……的安全

e.g.Soldiers must guard the president from poible dangers. 卫兵必须保护总统不受任何危险的侵害。 他们告诉我们要用生命保护自己的名誉不受侵害。 They told us to guard our reputation from harm with our life.to this day 至今

e.g.To this day, Yellow Stone Park has remained a prized poeion to the American people.

黄石公园至今仍是美国人民的宝贵财产。 甚至到今天我们还不知道那晚究竟发生了什么事。

Even to this day, we don\'t know for sure what happened that night.die from 死于

e.g.It is reported that over 1,000 people die daily from smoking-related illnees.


很显然,如没有紧急救助,她会因休克和失血过多而死亡。 It was clear that without immediate help, she would die from shock and lo of blood.catch on (开始)明白;了解到

e.g.You have to speak clearly as he is very slow to catch on.

因为他理解东西很慢,所以你要说得清楚些。 他花了一个月的时间才弄明白自己的工作内容。 It took him a month to catch on to what his job was about.at the sight of 一看到

e.g.She is not able to be a nurse because she feels dizzy at the sight of blood.


你听到我妹妹的尖叫声了吗?她一看到小虫子就会这样。 Did you hear my sister screaming? She always acts like that at the sight of insects.pull away (车)驶离(路边或另一辆开动的车辆) e.g.They got to the bus stop when the bus was pulling away.

巴士正要开动时他们到达了车站。 你能把车驶离那辆消防车吗? Can you pull away from that fire engine? Exercise

Using the Right Word

Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences.1.The speaker _ for a moment, and then began to answer the question.




D.tripped 2.She is so strange.She always tries to ___ talking to me.




D.aure 3.Does___want to buy this book? It’s only $3.50, but it tells an interesting story.




D.something 4.It is unneceary for those who study hard to consider the __of failing the exam.




D.poibility 5.We often __ the happy time we spent at your home last summer.




D.provide 6.I’m ___ of his purpose in saying those words, but I don’t want to argue with him.




D.confident 7.While I was walking alone down the street, three men came up to me and asked me for__ to the beach.




D.directions 8.Jack is among the brightest of his ___ : he can speak several foreign languages and has won three national prizes.




D.edge Working with Expreions

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.

1.We must guard ourselves ______ making the same mistakes again.2.I asked her to drop me ______ at the airport, but she stayed till I boarded the plane.3.The little baby was very excited ______ the sight of his mother.4.Many people believe he died ______ working too hard.5.I was not conscious ______ being alone in the room until I finished reading the book.6.___ this day, I still fresh memories of my life in that small, quiet town.7.He had put the hat ______ and taken it off again three times.8.He jumped onto the train just as it was pulling ______.Translating 1.看见大海,孩子们开心得大叫起来。 (at the sight of)

The children cried with delight at the sight of the sea.2.你刚刚说的话我没太听懂,你能再说一遍吗? (catch on) I didn’t quite catch on to what you said just now.Would you say it again? 3.他知道那项任务很难,但还是接受了。(be conscious of)

He was conscious of the difficulty of the task, but he still accepted it.4.直到现在,每当想起那天发生的事情时,我还是觉得莫名其妙。(to this day)

To this day, when I recall what happened that day, I still feel confused.

Section C Practical Writing Understanding and Writing Hotel Ads 我们经常可以在旅游杂志、因特网和报纸上看到一些宾馆刊 登的广告。除文字资料外,广告一般都会提供该宾馆的一些特色 图片资料以吸引读者。广告侧重其服务项目和特色服务。其编排 形式多样,但基本内容都相似。大多会提供其服务特色、客房种 类、价格和联系方式等。 Sample A warm welcome from the heart of Lake Hotel staff!

Our 30 rooms and one suite are air-conditioned with satellite TVs and telephone.

Superb bathrooms.

Wine bar.

Restaurant offering Hangzhou, Sichuan and other Chinese food.

Conference room.

Laundry service. Car, motorcycle and bicycle rentals.

Telephone and facsimile service.

Transportation from and to airport. Single room: $50 Double: $55 Twin: $70 Suite: $166 Contact us: Tel: (86-0571) 212250; (86-0571) 212509 Fax: (86-0571) 212250 Addre: 99 # Lake Street, Hangzhou

Useful Patterns

1.single room—a hotel room for one person only double room—a hotel room with a double bed for 2 people

twin room—a hotel room with a pair of single beds for 2 people

suite—a set of rooms in a hotel 2.bar—a place with a counter where alcoholic drinks are served

buffet—a restaurant where people eat a meal that usually consists of cold food and serve themselves, standing to eat or sitting down close by 3.laundry service—the service of washing and ironing clothes the hairdreer’s/barber’s—a place where people’s hair is shaped into a style by cutting, setting, etc.Int’l Airpt.—International Airport rms.—rooms Rest.—Restaurant equip.—equipment US $1 per in Std.—US dollars for 1 person in standard rooms Teens free—Free accommodation is provided for young children who are accompanied by adults.


Teaching aim: red blue yellow Teaching material: 3 bottles with clean water, 3 paints of red, blue, yellow.3 crayons of red, blue, yellow.Three color pens of red, blue, yellow.Three sheets of paper.A black plastic bag.A sellotape Warm up: greet with the students and make a simple introduction of myself: good morning, everybody, my name is Dennis.Today, I am glad to teach English.And now, everybody, say good morning to me, ok now, everybody, say hi, Dennis, and give me five.( touch their hands and say hi to them) after that, stand in the middle and say hi to them again.Next, ask them to do some simple actions like this: stand up, sit down.Hands up, hands down, hands back, clap hands.

Teaching: present today’s English words.Teach them the first word of red.Take out the first bottle, and then tell them that I am a magician now, I will change this bottle into a red one.But, everyday, I need your help, everybody must say red with me, or I can’t change it.Follow me, red, red, red.While they are saying the word, ask one of them to shake the bottle.Then, ask then to count one, two, three, after that, open the bag, they will say the bottle is red.Then ask then to red the word (red) again, then I take out the picture and show them the color, ask a student to color the picture red.Then teach the next words blue and yellow in the same way.

Practice: draw three color circles of red, blue, and yellow on the floor, and ask them five or four students to play it.When I say red, they run to the red circle, the faster then winner.Ending: look at the claroom and find out the colors, then review the words

Teaching aim: book pencil chair Teaching material: 3 flash card of book, pencil and chair.2 Suck balls.

Warm up: greet with them and make a simple introduction of myself.Then do the actions of run walk jump swim fly

Teaching: book pencil chair prepare three games of paper, sciors and stone.Rob chairs. Ending: review the words again.



Unit 2.This is my sister.Section A (1a-1c) Ⅰ.Teaching content analysis Teaching objects: Junior high school students of grade 7 Teaching content: Go for it 七上 Unit2.This is my sister.Period: the first period Teaching aims: 1.about knowledge (1).To master the frequency words about family: mother, father, parents, brother, grandmother and so on.(2).To master the sentence pattern: Who is she? She is my sister.Who are these? These are my brothers.2.about skills (1)To be able to use the new words and sentence patterns to communicate freely.(2) To be able to describe own family members.3.about affection To develop their logical expreive competence and active thinking.To make students understand their family members, strengthen their love.Teaching difficult and important points: (1)To master the frequency words about family members.(2).To be able to master the sentence patterns.Teaching methods: Heuristic method; Situational method; task-based language teaching.Teaching aids: Pictures.Ⅱ.Teaching procedures: T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, teacher.T: Have you ever seen this TV play?(家有儿女) S: Yes.T: What is his name? S: His name is Xia Yu.T: What is her name? S: Her name is Xia Xue.T: So Xia Xue is Xia Yu’s sister.Today we will learn Unit2,what is the title of Unit2? S: This is my sister.T: What is his name? S: His name is Liu Xing.T: Liu Xing is Xia Yu’s brother.And this is Xia Yu’s father.This is Xia Yu’s father.This is a picture about Xia Yu’s family.How to spell “family”? S: F-A-M-I-L-Y.T: Ok, how to learn it? This is one sentence.”Father and mother I love you”.My father and my father are my parents.There is a question.Can we say ”this is my parents”? S: No.T: We should say ”these are my parents”.Look at this picture.Who is she? Maybe she is Xia Yu’s mother’s mother.This is Xia Yu’s grandmother.Who is she? Can you gue? Maybe she is Xia Yu’s mother’s father.So he is Xia Yu’s grandfather.They are his grandparents.Read after me.Sister, brother, father, mother, parents, grandmother, grandfather, family and grandparents.S:Sister,brother,father,mother,parents,grandmother,gtandfather,family and grandparents.T: I have a happy family.So it is a happy face.My friend also has a happy family.How to spell” friend”? S: F-R-I-E-N-D.T:Ok.Look at 1a.Match the words with the people in the picture.I will give you 30 seconds„„Ok.Mylinda.M:Mother-a,father-c,parents-b,brothers-h,grandmother-f,grandfather-e,friend-I,grandparents-d,sister-g.T:Well



after me.Mother,father,parents,brothers,grandmother,grandfather,friend,grandparents,sister.S:Mother,father,parents,brothers,grandmother,grandfather,friend,grandparents,sister.T: Then look at 1b.Listen and circle the words you hear in 1a.Who can give me the answer:?Mylinda.M: That’s,those,sister,these,are,grandparents.T: Good.Are you clear? S: Yes.T:Who can read this dialogue? S: S1: That’s my family.Those are my parents.S2: Who is she? S1: She is my sister, and those are my brothers.S2: Who are they? S1: They’re my grandparents.T: Great! In this dialogue, there is one sentence, that is my family.What’s the difference between that and this.”This” is talking about something near you.”That” is talking about something far from you.Ok.I will give you an example.This is my book, that is her book.What about these and those?”These” are talking about something near you.”Those” are talking about something far from you.Who can give me an example? S: These are my pens and those are her pens.T: Wonderful! Now, look at your book, can you introduce David’s family? One



sentence.S1: That is his father.S2: Those are his parents.S3: This is his sister.S4: That is his brother.T: Very good.Today, we learned some family members and the differences between that and this, these and those.Next cla, we will learn something about Jenny’s family photo.So today’s homework is bringing your family photo.Ok, cla is over.Goodbye.S: Goodbye,teacher.


一.Teaching aims Words: barbecue 烧烤,sauce酱料,spices香料,seafood海鲜,chicken drumsticks鸡腿,chicken wings鸡翅,vegetables蔬菜 Sentences: What would you like I like orange juice.二.Teaching aids: present food 三.Teaching proce (一) Greeting T: Good morning,everyone.I am Sally.S: Good morning, Sally.T: How are you today S: We are very good and happy.(二) Warm up Bar-bar-bar, be-be-be, cue-cue-cue, Barbecue.(Say them and Clap your hands) (三) Short leon T: Look at the these food.Words: barbecue 烧烤,sauce酱料,spices香料,seafood海鲜,chicken drumsticks鸡腿,chicken wings鸡翅,vegetables蔬菜

Game: 1.I say, and you show the food 2.I say,and you touch the food 3.You can say the food I show, then you can eat it S:……

T: What’s your favorite barbecued food, can you tell me.S:…..T: Play a game.As much food as you can talk at a time, you will get a gift.Who can try….S:….T: Now it’s your barbecue time.Just enjoy… S:……



活动时间:2011年11月7日 班

次:小班 教













2、T : What can you see?

K: I can see Mummy’s feet.

(1)幼儿齐唱《Hello!Mummy ,I see you》

(2)Hello!Mummy ,I see you,I see you,I see you.

Hello!Mummy ,I see you. Hello!Mummy.


dog cat duck bee fish flower



Peek,Peek,I see you.

(2)T : What can you see?

K: I can see bee.

(3)Little bee,Little bee.


Little bee,Little bee.


(4)T : What can you see?

K: I can see ducks.

(5)One Little,Two Little.Baby ducks.

Three Little,four Little.Baby ducks.

5、以一首《Fingers and Toes》结束课程。




4、5.Five fingers on one hand.




4、5.Five toes on one foot.




4、5.Wiggle your fingers high high high.




4、5.Touch your toes low low low.



Aims: 1.Review the words “bucket, spade, tricycle, hula hoop”;

2.Learn the sentence “I have a ...” Preparations: models; cards

一、Greeting 1.Good morning, kids.Are you happy today? 2.Do you have long hair?

二、Warm up

1.Sing the song .T: Do you remember the song ?Shall we sing it together? 2.Review the words “bucket, spade, tricycle, hula hoop”

T: Look, I have some cards(The cards were curded in a circle).Do you know what are they? T: I have an idea.We can look into the hole with one eye, then you will see what’s the card was.Now who wants to try? (Show up all the words one by one.)

三、Practice (Learn the sentence “I have a ...”) Step 1:Do you know what I have? T:Now I have some interesting to show you.Listen! Do you know what I have? S:Bucket!

T: Yes! Everybody follow me: bucket.(So as the tricycle and hula hoop) Step 2: Everybody get a card T: Very good everybody! So now everybody get a card.Please pick one.T: Now let me ask, do you have a spade? (Kids will show his/her card and answer I have a **.If do a good job, he/she can play with the sure model) Step 3: Gue what T: Now I’d like to pick one kid to stand here, close your eyes.Then I will give you a model, you have to gue what the model is.

四、Ending Let’s say goodbye to the bucket/spade/tricycle/hula hoop.


一、Topic课题:Unit 4 Would you like some apples?

二、Teaching Aims教学目标:


1.To help students learn to use these phrases: a cup of… a gla of … a bag of …

2.Review and consolidate the vocabulary about food, drink and fruits.

3.Through studying the text to help the students to comprehend the story and try to retell.

能力目标(Ability ):

To further develop student’s ability to practice in pairs and work in groups.


Stimulate student’s interest in learning English.

三、Key& Important items教学重、难点

Key words:

Love, grapes, tomato, popcorn, bowl, pasta, cheese.Sandwiches, burgers, stomach, maybe, sick, parents, worry, ice, soup, coca-cola, lemonade.

Communication sentences:

Would you like some apples?

Yes, I’d like to.No, thank you.

What does the man want to have?

Which room does the man choose?

What pets does the woman want?

四、Materials for Teaching教具准备


food(grapes, small tomatoes, popcorns)

word cards

cup, glaes, bottle, schoolbag, bowl, box

五、Pre-study Demands 预习要求


1.Prepare the teaching materials carefully first and then guide the students to learn the text by themselves.


1.Listen and read the text of unit 4 at least three times.

2.Look up the new words in the dictionary and make clear the pronunciations and meanings.

六、教学过程Teaching Procedures

情景创设一:(学习句型:Would you like…?)



Step 1.Leading in.激趣引入

教师在上课的时候可以有意识地拿一个苹果apple,边吃边问学生:Would you like some apples? 问的时候要让同学们感觉到老师很随意,没有上课的样子。问完一个学生之后,如果学生说Yes! 教师就削一小块苹果给该学生,然后再转向另一个学生。这样,老师就可以多问几个学生,直到把苹果分完为止。 Step 2.Practice.练习交流

教师上课的时候带一些爆米花popcorn, 小西红柿tomatoes,随后拿出爆米花和小西红柿tomatoes问学生:would you like some popcorn/tomatoes?

Step 3.Presentation.主题呈现

当学生在老师创设的情景中不知不觉的学到知识的时候,教师可以再向学生提问:How did I ask you the questions just now? Who can remember this? 学生能重复老师的话回答最好,如果不能,教师就可以把句型Would you like some apples?写在黑板上,然后问学生:Did I ask this questions? Did I say this sentence? Would you like some apples? How will you answer? You should say, “Yes, please.” or “No, thank you.” Do you understand? You can have a try.


Would you like to open the door for me?

Would you like to close the window for us?

Would you like to clean the blackboard for me?

Step 4.Pair works.小组操练

教师作出一定的示范,马上让学生造一些句子,教师可以说:Now, who can make sentences with “Would you like to…?”如果学生造句很踊跃,教师可以让学生两人一组比赛造句,看谁造得多。教师可以这样引导:Very good.Now, let’s see who can make the most sentences.Now, practice in pairs.

Step 5.Report.小组汇报


情景创设二: (学习量词的表达法:a cup of… a gla of … a bag of …)



Step 1.Leading in.激趣引入

教师拿出一个茶杯对同学们说:Oh, I am thirsty.I want to drink some tea.Look, this is a cup.But there is no tea inside.Who has a cup of tea? Have you got a cup of tea? 教师在陈述的时候要尽量放慢节奏,以便学生能听懂并跟上老师说话的语速。

Step 2.Presentation.主题呈现

然后教师再拿着玻璃杯解释说:This is a gla.This is milk.If you put some milk in this gla(将一袋牛奶倒入玻璃杯中),it is called, “a gla of milk”.Do you understand? Now, look and listen.What’s this? 教师举着装牛奶的杯子,同时问一些问题:

Do you like to drink milk?

Does anyone also like to drink milk?

Who else like to drink to milk?

How many glaes of milk do you drink every day?

Who buys the milk in your family?


教师将提前准备好的几种不同东西放在讲桌上(或用电脑课件呈现),以便说明:a cup of tea/ a gla of water/ a bottle of juice/ a bag of juice/ a bowl of rice/ a box of chocolate等等。

Step 4.Reading individually自主学习


Step 5.Pair works & report.小组练习及汇报 学生小组合作操练,最后分小组表达汇报,或小组比赛。

Step 6. Ask and answer questions.实践运用


Would you like a cup of tea?

Would you like a gla of water?

Would you like a bowl of rice?

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Would you like a bottle of juice?

Would you like a box of chocolate?

Would you like a bag of apples?

同时引导学生会带“Yes, please.” “No, thank you.”, 然后让学生看着P20第3 部分,小组合作进行问答练习后汇报表演。







Do you often have sports?

Do you feel thirsty after the sports?

What do you like to do?

Do you often drink cold water?




Step 1.教师先让学生听一遍歌曲,然后让学生跟着录音一起唱。

Step 2.让学生唱得比较熟悉的时候,让学生小组合作,自己填词。Now, I want you to work in groups.You can change some of the song’s words.Later, we’ll find some group to sing your own songs.




Step 1.Listen and repeat the story.

Step 2.Students read individually.

Step 3.Students look up the new words in the dictionary and make clear the sounds and meanings by themselves.

Step 4.Reading practice.


Students read together.


Students read in groups.


Reading competition.(students read group after group)

Step 5.Work in groups to practice ask questions like the 3 questions on page 22.

Who teaches English in America?

What does Mi Jane do in America?

Whrer does Mi Jane teach English?

Step 6.Retell the story.

Students practice retell the story.

Mi Jane ---English ---America---students---smart---one day---english cla---said to the students---everybody---Mi Jane---walking slowly---listening to---suddenly---own shoes were different---quickly---behind---ten minutes later---went out of the claroom---the next day---everybody---she went to check---great surprise--- wearing a pair of mismatched shoes.




玩 “Bingo” 的游戏。

学生小组内合作学习,把这些单词milk, tea, coffee, water, soup, apple juice, coca-cola, lemonade, orange juice, tomato juice, pineapple juice, 7-up填入表格中,学生小组内玩“Bingo” 的游戏。

自主体验二:Let’s share the popcorns.



上课时,教师让一个学生拿着一袋爆米花在教室里问另一个学生,Would you like to have some popcorn? 如果学生说;Yes, l’d love to.问话的同学就可以把爆米花递给他,然后自己回到座位上。如果被问的学生说不要,问话的学生就可以拿着爆米花继续去问其他同学。这样可以让同学们有机会练习本单元学习的重要句型Would you like…。

教师可以这样引导学生:look, everyone.I’ve got a big bag of popcorns.You know popcorns.Who want to have some popcorn? You come here please.Would you like some popcorn? OK, here you are.当学生把爆米花递给另一个学生的时候说:you can go on asking other friends the same question.Would you like some popcorns? Do you understand? Now, let’s begin.自主体验三:Pa and ask.



教师提前准备好不同的东西,可以是水果、食物、纸做的小图片等,把这些东西放在讲桌上。每个组选一名同学上台,拿着讲桌上的东西递给组内的其他东西,边递边问:Would you like some…? (拿的什么就问什么)不管下一个学生说的是“Yes”还是“No”,都要接过东西问用同样的句子问下一个学生。 教师可以这样引导:

Look, we have many things on this big table.The first student of each group comes to the front and takes something here and then goes back.He/she can ask the students in his/her group,” Would you like some..? ”The second student can answer: “ Yes, please” or “No, thank you.” If you say “ Yes” you can take one.If you say “No” .you don’t take any.After this, you need to take the things and ask the next student the same question and then go on one by one.

自主体验四:Quick response.



Step 1.教师示范: 拿出一个茶杯的图片或食物,引导学生快速作出反应:a cup of tea.

Step 2.小组竞赛抢答。

Step 3.小组操练,组内练习。

Rice(a bag of), water(a gla of water), books(a bag of; a box of), soup(a bowl of), juice(a bottle of ), bottles(a box of).

自主体验五:Spelling competition.



Now, let’s have a spelling competion.First I’ll give you two minutes to memorize the words on Exercise 3.Do it quickly.

Now, let’s have a word competition.Each time I let one student of each group stand up.When I say a word “finish”, the student who is standing should quickly run to the blackboard and write the word.Let’s see which group is the first.



5班47号 赵冬菊

Background information

Students: 60 Senior 2 students

Leon duration: 15 mins

Teaching Content: NSEC Book 6 Unit3 Computers

Teaching Aims: 1.Enable students to understand the whole paage.

2 .Improve students’ ability of gathering information.

3.Let students know some basic information about computers.

Teaching important points:1.Students will be able to grasp some words and phrases if they don’t know.

2.To be able to know about the history about computers.

Teaching difficult points: Students will be able to the history of computers in English.

Teaching method: Task-based language teaching, communicative approach, Audio-lingual method and heuristic method.

Teaching aids :multimedia,physical objects.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 : organization

T: Ok, cla begins Good morning, everyone.

S: Good morning, teacher.

T:Ok,sit down, please.


T:I prepared some riddles .Do you want to gue?


T:I am very old now.I was born in China.Many people used me for calculating in the past,but now I am a bit lonely because they don’t like me now.Do you know who I am?


T:Very good.I am very small.I can be used for calculating.In China,a lot of students use me when solving mathematical problems.Do you know who I am?


T:Great,Then can you tell me the development of computers?

S:Abacua-calculator-huge computer-PC-laptop-PDA-robot

T:What is next?

S:Work for us in Mars.

Step3:Presentation 1.Fast reading T:And first I want you to read this quickly and try to find the main idea of this text.But do you remember,before you reading,pay attention to the title and the headlines and also the pictures in the text.And then,read the first paragraph or the first sentence of each paragraph.Then you can summarize the main idea.Are you clear? S:yes T:Ok,Time is up.Can you find the answer?What’s the main idea of the text? S:No answer from the students T:Ok,I’ll give you some choices.You can choose the right one.Which one is correct? S:B T:Yes,B is correct.The main idea of this paage is the development and use of computers.T:Who is the speaker in this story? S:A computer.T:Well done.2.Careful reading T:Ok,Let’s look through these characteristics of each period,we should know more information about them.Let’s read the test again.This time,I will give you 5minutes to finish this part.You should read it carefully.And finish the timeline below.S:silent reading T:Time is up.Ok,Can you fill in the blanks?In 1642? S:The computer began as a calculating machine.T:Well done.After 1822,how can you fill it? S:In 1936,the computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.T:Good job.After 1940s,who can fill the blank? S:The computer had grown as large as a room.T:That’s right,which year can write between 1940s and 1970s? S:1960s T:Great.How do computers develop in 1970s? S:Computers were used in offices and homes.T:And now? S:Now,computers connect people all over the world tigether.T:Wonderful.Step4:Consolidate and practice T:We can summarize adventages and disadvantages of the computers.S:We can communicate with friends,listen to the music and play games.T:And disadvantages? S:Some people especially the teenagers abandon themselves to the computer games and chatting on the Internet,As a result,they have little time to study.T:Yeah,very good.Step5:Homework design 1.Review the paage 2.Write a composition about advantages and disadvanteges of Internet.





主题名称:Uint 4

周一 上午(2011年11月14日)

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn the word:juice 2.Learn the capital letter:J 3.Learn the alphabet poem:Juice juice good for me.

Teaching Tools: 1.flash card/a cup of juice/blackboard

Teaching Procedure: 1.Warm-up: a.Greetings b.Oral English c.Sing a song

2.Presentation: a.T:What is it?Can you make a gue? K: T:It’s a cup of juice.What colour is it? K: T:It’s orange.It’s orange juice.How about this one? K: T:Yes,it’s green.It’s apple juice.Teacher will lead kids to read the word juice for several times.

b.Teacher will write the capital letter J on the blackboard.Lead kids to read it for several times.Then do the action while saying.And teacher say“Juice juice good for me”.Teacher lead kids do the action while saying.

3.Wrap-up: Sing a song《Head shoulders knees and toes》


周二 上午(2011年11月15日)

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn the word:kiwi 2.Learn the capital letter:J 3.Learn the alphabet poem:Juice juice good for me.

Teaching Tools: 1.flash card/kiwi/blackboard

Teaching Procedure: 1.Warm-up: a.Greetings b.Oral English c.Sing a song

2.Presentation: a.Teacher will show a kiwi.And ask kids for several questions.T:What is it? K: T:Yes.It’s a kiwi.Teacher will lead kids to read kiwi for several times.T:What colour is the kiwi? K: T:It’s brown.Kiwi kiwi brown to see.

b.Teacher will write the capital letter K on the blackboard.Lead kids to read it for several times.Then do the action while saying.And teacher say“Kiwi kiwi brown to see”.Teacher lead kids do the action while saying.

3.Wrap-up: Sing a song《 Follow me》


周三 上午(2011年11月16日)

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn the word:lemon 2.Learn the capital letter:J 3.Learn the alphabet poem: Lemon lemon in my tea.

Teaching Tools: 1.flash card/lemon/cup/blackboard

Teaching Procedure: 1.Warm-up: a.Greetings b.Oral English c.Sing a song

2.Presentation: a.Teacher will show a lemon.And ask kids for several questions.T:What is it? K: T:Yes.It’s a lemon.Teacher will lead kids to read lemon for several times.T: What colour is the lemon? K: T:It’s yellow.Lemon lemon in my tea.

b.Teacher will write the capital letter L on the blackboard.Lead kids to read it for several times.Then do the action while saying.And teacher say“Lemon lemon in my tea”.Teacher lead kids do the action while saying.

3.Wrap-up: Sing a song《Numbles》


周四 上午(2011年11月17日)

Teaching Aims: 1.Review the capital letters:J K L 2.Review the words:juice kiwi lemon

Teaching Tools: 1.flash cards

Teaching Procedure: 1.Warm-up: a.Greetings b.Oral English c.Sing a song

2.Presentation: a.Teacher will hide the flash cards behind body.Then lead kids to read the cards one by one.Then play some game.Loud and low voice.Blow the cards.

b.Kids close their eyes.Teacher will hide the flash cards anywhere in the cla room.Lead kids to find the cards.Then say out the words.

c.Teacher will lead kids to review the capital letters.We will do the actions while saying.

3.Wrap-up: Say a chant《Happy》


周五 上午(2011年11月18日)

Teaching Aims: 1.Review the alphabet poem:juice kiwi lemon 2.Review the words:juice kiwi lemon

Teaching Tools: 1.Flash cards/ hula hoop/ Chairs 2.Pictures of ants\\caterpillars\\dragonflies\\flies\\ladybugs\\mosquitoes

Teaching Procedure: 1.Warm-up: a.Greetings b.Oral English c.Sing a song

2.Presentation: a.Review the words

Game:loud and low voice

Game:blow the cards

b.Review the alphabet poem Teacher will put five chairs in the middle of cla.Teacher lead kids to say the capital poem.Teacher will invite the loud kids to play the snatch chair game.Play the game for more times untill all kids to join the game.At last, all kids to say the alphabet poem together.

3.Wrap-up: Say the alphabet poem:juice kiwi lemon



小学英文教案《What would you like ? I’d like…》 随着南昌市红谷滩新区教师招聘笔试的结束,未来教师们开始重新把心思放到了教招上面了,为了让未来教师们更好地备考,易公教育今天准备了小学英语教案,供未来教师们参考! 01教学目标

1.To learn the new words and sentences. 2.Act out the dialogues.3.Make up the new dialogues.02教学重难点

1.What would you like ? I’d like… 2.Act out the dialogues.03教法学法

利用任务型教学法,培养学生的自主学习的能力。通过分组说的形式,调动学生的积极性,同时培养小组的合作精神。 04教学准备

Pictures and tape recorder. 05教学过程

一、热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)

1)课前播放歌曲Days of the week,帮助学生迅速进入到英语课的学习氛围中来。

2)复习What day is it today? 及相关的词汇。



1)教师拿出另一个包,继续让学生猜,猜对了,教师就把它摆放在桌布上,同时说出I'd like apples.I'd like some orange juice....等,有意识地重复这个句型。

2)教师最后出示sausage, chocolate, sandwich,边拿边教这些词的发音,然后指着这些物品问学生 What would you like? 并帮助学生用I'd like....这个句型练习这些词汇。


4)教师继续指着这些物品,说:We have so many things for our picnic.并借助形体语言帮助学生理解句意。

5)请学生边做动作边重复老师说的句子,以此达到操练的目的。 6)找到某个学生,对他说:Shall we have a picnic in the park today? 学生只要答出Yes.或All right.即可,然后进行反复操练。 7)交换角色,学习Why not? Let's go and tell your dad. 8)出示挂图,依据挂图提示,复现全文。

9)在表演对话的过程中,学习bread和juice两词,并让学生自由选择食品,运用I'd like....表达自己的意思。

【设计意图:通过表演既可以使学生理解课文内容,又能充分调动学生学习英语兴趣,同时对新知识进行了一定的拓展。】 06作业安排 1.Read and recite Leon 25. 2 .Copy the new words.07板书设计 Leon 25 picnic sausage chocolate bread juice What would you like ? I’d like …


N ESLP:Drinks for the Party



1.To consolidate the words about colors and learn the new words: tea,juice,milk 2.Try to discriminate different drinks by their colors and try to recite the short paage “drinks we like”

3.To take a fancy to prepare for a party and know the drink to the health.Preparations:

1.Word cards 2.PPT Proce:

1.Through greeting and questions, lead to the words about colors.a.Greeting and introduce the party

b.Sing the song “The wheels on the bus” together.c.Introduce sth for party and review the words about colors.

2.To choose the drinks based on the colors, which leads to the new words.a.Help mum to choose the drink looks white which leads to the word “tea” b.To do the action of drinking tea and practice the word “tea”.c.Help sister to choose the drink looks orange which leads to the word “juice” d.Game “drinking the drink” to practice the word “juice”.e.Help baby to choose the drink looks white which leads to the word “milk” f.Practice the word through the song “This is the way” g.Word game:pour me a drink Let kids take different cards and listen to teacher’s orders, then finish the task.

3.Recite the short paage a.Review the new words and phrases.b.Try to recite the short paage.

4.Ending a.Recite the short paage together.b.Let kids choose the healthy food among kinds of food.c.Have the party; sing the song “Happy birthday”
