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高一英语Unit 3 Going Places(说课稿)


Warming-up 由三部分组成:第一部分通过图例可以看出人们旅游过程中发生的不文明行为;第



Speaking 提供的是关于“时光机器”的资料,幻想人们可以借助于这一神奇的交通工具,在过去、未来的时间长河里随心所欲地畅游,文后设计了表格。这是一个比较开放性的话题,学生可以展开想象,结合学过的历史、地理知识畅所欲言,能充分调动他们“说”的兴趣。整个活动涉及了“听、说、写”多个技能,按要求完成一定的表格,使之“说”的时候更言之有物。

Reading 分为三部分:pre-reading, reading, post-reading.pre-reading提供了与阅读材料相关的三个问题,启发学生预测课文内容;reading 是一篇关于探险旅游的材料,其中介绍了hiking 与rafting,话题较新颖;post-reading设计了一些帮助学生检测对课文作浅层、深层理解的巩固练习。

Language study 分word study和Grammar两部分。词汇配对练习引导学生加深对新词汇的理解与记忆;语法项目是让学生进一步学习现在进行时表示将来的用法。同时要求学生掌握有关送行与表达美好祝愿的话语。我对word study的处理,除了听写、默写等机械性记忆外,更多的是有意地把他们分散在每堂课的指令用语与话题里,让学生在语境中学,在运用中学。而Grammar则渗透在reading与 writing里学,道理也同上。

Integrating skills 部分可以说是阅读部分的延续,写作部分的前奏。文中提到了“生态旅游”这一越来越时尚的热门话题。以列表形式提供了两个生态旅游区的资料,让学生稍作了解这一新名词的内涵后,完成文中的表格填写,算是一种mini-writing。



Tips 告诉学生写作前要多作思考,不要急于动手。不失为一剂写作良方。

Checkpoint 简要地总结了本单元的语法重点,并提供了一些例句。



我们教师明确了这一意图后,在引导学生进行四技能操练时就会有的放矢,做到内容、形式、技巧三者的有机结合。当然新教材对我们教师的自身素质、备课深广度的挖掘以及学生想象力的激发都是一场不小的挑战。还有词汇,如本单元新增了hiking, rafting, eco-travel等新词,相应地词汇要求的级别高了,语言的地道性也有了提升。还有workbook, 简直是又一本教材,里面提供了许多关于听、说、读、写的材料与练习,一方面为我们提供了丰富翔实的资料库,另一方面也许也增加了我们的负荷。这是我对新教材与本单元的一点理解。 教学重点难点:


1. 本单元的生词、短语2. 有关旅游的一些表达法3. 掌握游记与来往书信的写法4. 复习动词的用法以及现在进行时用于将来的表达法


1. 动词时态的综合运用2. 语法操练与语言交际活动的有机结合 3. 一些开放性话题的实现4. 课外查阅资料的能力培养 教学目标

1. 语言知识与技能1) 熟练掌握与话题相关的常用词汇与表达法 2) 培养学生听、说、读、写四技能的综合运用能力3) 使学生能就given topics较好地完成一些开放性话题4) 培养学生使用图书馆、网络查阅资料的能力 2. 情感态度与文化意识

1) 在有趣的话题激励下,诱导学生积极参与,充分调动他们学习的兴趣2) 在师生互动的活动中,加强教师的亲和力,增进彼此的了解与沟通,充分发挥情感教学的优势3) 在共同完成一些调查、采访、取长补短等任务的过程中,加强团体协作意识4) 带领学生领略世界风光之美的同时,增强他们的环保意识

3. 学习策略

1) 兴趣教学策略,其中包括对话、讨论、表演等2) 开放式教学策略,如:brainstorm, role play, given situations 等活动3) 任务型活动策略,在做中学,在交际中进行真实运用

为了有效地达到以上教学目的,我设计了以下六个任务: 1)The students are to discu the means of transportation 2)The students are to describe a place they know 3)The students are expected to know what an adventure travel is like 4) The students are supposed to take a virtual travel 5) The students are to write a travel diary/letter 6) The students are to finish a proposal letter/make a survey report

我把本单元计划为六课时,Warming-up & Listening(1课时),Speaking(1课时), Reading(一)(1课时),Reading( 二) (1课时),Grammar & Writing(1课时) ,Integrating skills (1课时),以任务为依托,分别对听、说、读、写四技能进行训练,各有侧重,但又互相结合。注重指导语篇阅读,逐步提高口头表达,笔头写作能力。



Module 1

Cultural Corner

The European Union The general idea of this period: in this period, we will learn some knowledge about the European Union, including its’ history and development.Teaching aims: 1.Review the useful words, expreions and sentences in this module.2.Improve the students’ reading ability.3.Learn some cultural knowledge about the European Union.

Teaching important points: 1.Have the students master the new words and structure.2.Improve the students’ reading ability.Teaching difficult points: 1. Improve the students’ reading ability.2. Have the students make sense of the whole paage.Teaching methods: 1.Reading, listening and practicing 2.Pair work & group work Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warm-up: Greeting and Lead-in Step 2 Listen to the tape, underline new words and look up the dictionary.Step 3 Fast-reading and summary the main idea of each paragraph.Step 4 intensive reading and discuion Step 5 extension and discuion Step 6 summary and homework Writing design: Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warm-up: Greeting and Lead-in T: Good morning, boys and girls.Before the cla, I will tell you a story.As we all know, the Second World War is one of the most destructive war in the history which lasted for 6 years.Many European countries involved in this war but they failed.They lost lots of money and manpower.However, there is a biggest winner in this war.Right! The United States.So, after this war, this United States became the greatest country in the world.And he wanted to be the leader of the whole world.But, of course, the European countries can’t agree with him.They were not willing to follow the United States.What can they do? They come up a way to keep the balance with the United States.They decided to set a new organization and get together.The organization is the European Union.This is what we will learn today. Please open your books and turn to page 9.Step 2 Listen to the tape, underline new words and look up the dictionary.T: Now, please listen to the tape.The only thing you need to do is underline the words you don’t know and then look up them in your dictionary.Step 3 Fast-reading and summary the main idea of each paragraph.T: Well, have you finished? And the second time, I need you to read this paage again.And after that, tell me the main idea of each paragraph.T: Well, time’s up.Who want to have a try? Yes, I think it’s very easy for you right? We can see the main idea of paragraph 1 is the European Union is an organization of European countries.

And the second paragraph talks about the countries are independent and are governed in different ways.

And the last paragraph tell us each of them sends the representatives to the European Parliament which has some control over what happens in each of the member countries.Step 4 intensive reading and answer the question T: This time, please read this paage carefully and answer the questions 1 on page 9. Find the names of three first members and three new members of the European Union.Yes, we can find the answer in paragraph 2, right? The writer list many first members and new members.You can choose three by yourself and write down on your books.Step 5 extension and discuion

T: Now, look at the two pictures on this page.This first one is a building, so beautiful right? It is the EU Headquarters.European Union we can say it EU to make it easier right? And the second picture is the flag of the European Union.Now I will ask you some question, you can discuion with you partners.So listen to me carefully Question 1: Where is the EU headquarters? Question 2: How many star can you see on the flag and what’s meaning? The last question is on you books: In term of the size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China? I will give you 5mins to discu with your partner and then give me you answer.T: Great! You’re so cleaver.The EU headquarters is in the capital of Belgium——Bruels.And there are 12 stars on the flag.They have a perfect meaning.They are stand for the Virgin Mary.And the last question, compared with the EU, the size of our country is so big and we have much more population than EU.Step 5 summary and homework T: We have learned more about the European Union.And there are some new phrases in this paage.Today’s homework is searching relevant knowledge.


http://www.daodoc.com 浙江教师资格证考试面试高中英语试讲教案《Breaking the record》

第二课时 教学目标 (一)知识技能

①通过本课的学习使学生能够在理解的基础上复述课文 ②在阅读中体会并初步掌握生词、词组、句型的用法 ③体会作者在写本文时是如何进行内容安排的 (二)情感态度

①了解吉尼斯纪录的相关知识、以及勇于挑战并打破 纪录的杰出人物应具备的品质 ②鼓励学生打破“我不行”的心理暗示让意念统领身体走出一条完美的道路 (三)能力目标

①通过词族和词缀的学习让学生掌握一种记忆单词的方法 ②通过三读法让学生掌握速读、跳读、精读的要领 教学重点难点 (1)重点:

1.了解记叙文的文体特点并以此指导阅读;2.训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读微技能; 3.对文章深层次的理解及细节的欣赏,认识及分析主人公的人物特征及人物性格。 (2)难点: 1.阅读技能的训练; 2.对记叙文的鉴赏能力及人物评价。 教学过程

Leading-in (discuion)

To show Ss pictures about some famous athletes to let them know something in common about these people--the key of succe.Some words may be used in this activity :

Sports champion athlete winning breaking records challenge exciting confidence physical ability speed strength Something in common: concentration confidence good physical abilities speed strength flexibility athletic skills strong will interest hard training 目的及依据:本环节通过看图讨论激发学生的学习兴趣激活已有的背景知识,使学生能运用已有的知识和经验思考本单元的中心话题。能起到温故而知新的作用。

Pre-reading Task one to show students some pictures which occur in the text, First, lets them to know the name of the activity and the way to do it, Second, let the students experience one or more of this, such as somersaulting doing jumping jacks, Third, thinking and discuing ① Would you consider each activity to be serious sports? ② Which activity would you like to try? Would you need to be fit to do any of them? ③ Do you think you could do any of them for any length of time? (Indication:Different activity requires different physical fitne psychological personification such as coordination strength balance? concentration strong will devotion) Now cla we will read a story about a man called Ashrita Furman who has broken Guinne 浙江教育考试网为考生准备了浙江教师资格证考试面试高中英语试讲教案《Breaking the record》,为您助考。


(读前部分设计依据及目的:本部分根据学生的认知规律而设计,首先让学生借助图片了解运动的名称及运动方式,其次,让学生体验其中一项或几项活动,体验后让学生思考问题 这种方式呦浅入深、由感性认识到理性思考了解文章当中提到的运动项目降低阅读难度 ,为下一步阅读理解做好充分的准备) While reading Task two Listening (scanning)(close your book 此处把快速阅读与听力整合在一起正大课堂容量加快课堂节奏) (提高学生的听力水平培养快速获取所需信息的能力) Task two Listen to the tape, after listening tick the topics that the author does not cover physical skills needed for events ② number of records broken ③ his family life ④ kind of records broken ⑤ why he became a sportsman ⑥ countries he likes best⑦ place and date of birth ⑧ his occupation ⑨ his education ⑩ his first Guinne record (目的及依据,新课程理念要求让学生对语篇整体学习,为此首先让学生快速把握文章结构要点让学生从整体明白文) Task three Skim the text and answer the questions ①Who is Ashrita Furman? ②When and why he entered the Guinne book of world records? ③When did Ashrita become a student Chinmoy? ④When did he first come acro the Guine book of the world records ⑤ What are some of his pgysical difficulties? A walking with a bottle of milk on his head B standing on top of a Swi ball C somersaulting D doing gymnastically correct lunges ⑥ what happens in an event that prevent Ashrita from giving up? Post reading

Task five

Discuion on Ashrita’s motivation ①Why did Ashrita challenge the Guinne world records instead of taking part in the Olympic games? ②Why does he keep on trying to challenge different Guinne records? ③Why didn’t he take part in a conventional sports instead of un conventional and funny one? ④Why did Ashrita took part in active sports after learned quiet mediation? Task six discuion on Ashrita’s belief.work in group four or five each group may be for it or against it, choose one, and discu with your group, (divide the cla into two parts for-part and against part, then have a cla report) Task seven Summary and homework Task one Write an article about the imagination about the outlook of Ashrita Task two work in group to find more information about Ashria through internet as well as books about after cla each group should try brief paper about ahsrita.

来源:中师教育 www.daodoc.com



班别: 姓名:


Unit14 The birth of a festival

Ⅰ.Teaching aims 1.Talk about festival and customs

2.Practice expreing and supporting an opinion 3.Introduced a festival of China

Ⅱ.Knowledge aims Words: harvest, honors, ancestor, creatively, generation, purpose, faith, commercial, similar, salute, celebration…..Phrases:

hear about, so that, as well as, believe in, get together, play a trick on sb… Sentence:

1.Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when people created a new festival so that African American would be able to celebrate their history and culture.2.The African first-fruit festivals had many things in common. 3.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.4.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it


by lighting a candle each day and discuing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.Grammar hear about=learnt about

hear of sb.=have a knowledge of sb.have much/great faith in sb./sth.

have little/no faith in sb./sth.keep faith with sb.

as well as+clause

do as much as sb.can do have honour to sb.=do honour to sb.(do sb.honour)

Ⅲ.Teaching key and difficult points:

Teaching key: understand the text and using your own words to retell the text.Difficult point:how to use phrases: as well as, so that, have … in common.

IV.Teaching aids:

1) Raising question approach 2) Discuion approach

3) task-based approach

*Teaching means: use the multi-media as an aistant means in teaching.


Ⅳ.Teaching steps: Step 1 Lead-in

1)Have a free talk about festival in China, and then discu the question in Pre-reading on page 10.1.How does your family celebrate the Spring Festival? 2.Why do we celebrate the Spring Festival? 3.Do festivals help us understand our history and culture? 4.What kind of gifts and things do people buy during major festival like Christmas and the Spring Festival? 2)Show the student 3 pictures about Kwanzaa and then discu what’s the picture about ?

Step 2 Listening comprehensions

1) Present the students the questions before listening to the text.2) Get the students to listen to the tape and then answer the following questions.① Why did people create Kwanzaa? ② Many festival around the world are celebrated around the same time.Why do we celebrate these festivals at these times?

Step 3 Fast reading

1) Tell the students the task of reading before they read the text.


2) After reading then summary the main idea of this text.

Step 4 Language points

Phrases: hear about, seven-day, celebrating, get together, so that, have…in common, harvest, honour, as well as, as much as we can do, believe in, so that, keep faith with, show honour to sb., in honour of.Sentence: 1.Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when people created a new festival so that African American would be able to celebrate their history and culture.2.The African first-fruit festivals had many things in common. 3.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.4.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discuing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.


Step 5 Intensive reading

1) Tell the students the task of reading before they read the paage once again.2) Get the students to read the paage more carefully and then discu the following questions in groups.


① Compare Kwanzaa with the Chinese Spring festival and Christmas.In which way are they similar and in which war are they different? ② Look at the seven principle of Kwanzaa.Which one do you think is the most important? Why? Are there any other festivals which have one or more of the same principles?

Step 6 Task—based activity 1) Ask the students act as an announcer and introduce Mid-autumn festival to the cla.2) Show some picture for the students to watch.3) Give them some key words.August, traditional, Mid-autumn festival, moon cakes, Chang E, celebrate, get together, big dinner.4) Give the students an example when neceary.

Step7 Summary

1) Go through the important points and difficult points of this leon with the students once again.2) Come to the screen ① To know about the brief history of the Kwanzaa.② To get more information about the Kwanzaa.③ To master the important words, phrases and sentences.


④ To retell the text.

Step 8 Homework 1) Finish some exercises.2) Write a paage about a festival of China.3) Preview Leon15.




Unit14 The birth of a festival

Ⅰ.Teaching aims

1.Talk about festival and customs

2.Practice expreing and supporting an opinion 3.Introduced a festival of China

Ⅱ.Knowledge aims Words: harvest, honors, ancestor, creatively, generation, purpose, faith, commercial, similar, salute, celebration…..Phrases:

hear about, so that, as well as, believe in, get together, play a trick on sb… Sentence:

1.Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when people created a new festival so that African American would be able to celebrate their history and culture.2.The African first-fruit festivals had many things in common. 3.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.4.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discuing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.


Grammar hear about=learnt about

hear of sb.=have a knowledge of sb.have much/great faith in sb./sth.

have little/no faith in sb./sth.keep faith with sb.

as well as+clause

do as much as sb.can do have honour to sb.=do honour to sb.(do sb.honour)

Ⅲ.Teaching key and difficult points:

Teaching key: understand the text and using your own words to retell the text.Difficult point:how to use phrases: as well as, so that, have … in common.

IV.Teaching aids:

1) Raising question approach 2) Discuion approach

3) task-based approach

*Teaching means: use the multi-media as an aistant means in teaching.

Ⅳ.Teaching steps: Step 1 Lead-in


1)Have a free talk about festival in China, and then discu the question in Pre-reading on page 10.1.How does your family celebrate the Spring Festival? 2.Why do we celebrate the Spring Festival? 3.Do festivals help us understand our history and culture? 4.What kind of gifts and things do people buy during major festival like Christmas and the Spring Festival? 2)Show the student 3 pictures about Kwanzaa and then discu what’s the picture about ?

Step 2 Listening comprehensions

1) Present the students the questions before listening to the text.2) Get the students to listen to the tape and then answer the following questions.① Why did people create Kwanzaa? ② Many festival around the world are celebrated around the same time.Why do we celebrate these festivals at these times?

Step 3 Fast reading

1) Tell the students the task of reading before they read the text.2) After reading then summary the main idea of this text.


Step 4 Language points

Phrases: hear about, seven-day, celebrating, get together, so that, have…in common, harvest, honour, as well as, as much as we can do, believe in, so that, keep faith with, show honour to sb., in honour of.Sentence: 1.Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when people created a new festival so that African American would be able to celebrate their history and culture.2.The African first-fruit festivals had many things in common. 3.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.4.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discuing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.


Step 5 Intensive reading

1) Tell the students the task of reading before they read the paage once again.2) Get the students to read the paage more carefully and then discu the following questions in groups.① Compare Kwanzaa with the Chinese Spring festival and Christmas.In which way are they similar and in which war are they different?


② Look at the seven principle of Kwanzaa.Which one do you think is the most important? Why? Are there any other festivals which have one or more of the same principles?

Step 6 Task—based activity 1) Ask the students act as an announcer and introduce Mid-autumn festival to the cla.2) Show some picture for the students to watch.3) Give them some key words.August, traditional, Mid-autumn festival, moon cakes, Chang E, celebrate, get together, big dinner.4) Give the students an example when neceary.

Step7 Summary

1) Go through the important points and difficult points of this leon with the students once again.2) Come to the screen ① To know about the brief history of the Kwanzaa.② To get more information about the Kwanzaa.③ To master the important words, phrases and sentences. ④ To retell the text.



教师资格证中学英语面试阅读题真题一 1.试讲题目: 阅读教学试讲

内容: One day, a man called the taxi company to get a taxi to go to the airport, but after a very long time, the taxi did not come.He called the girl in the taxi company again.The girl in the taxi company said, “ the taxi has not come, but you need not to worry about it as the airplane is always late.” the man answered, “certainly, the airplane will be late this morning, because I happen to be flying it.”

基本要求: (1) 朗读所给段落。 (2) 配合教学内容适当的板书。 (3) 针对该段落中的划线部分, 设计相应的阅读后教学活动。 (4) 试讲时间: 约 10 分钟。 (5) 用英文试讲。

Teaching Plan Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge aim: let students master the useful word and expreions in the reading material.2.Ability aim: let the students learn how to communicate with other persons in a more polite way.Learn the reading skills of skim and scan.

3.Emotional aim: let the students to know the importance of respecting other people and communicate with other people in a good manner.

Teaching Procedures:

Step one: lead-in (5 minutes) Show the students some pictures about the vehicles such as bike, taxi, and airplane and let them match the names with the pictures.

Step two: new words and phrases (10 minutes) Write the new words and expreions from the reading material such as taxi, airport and let the students read after the teachers.

Step three: while-reading(20 minutes) Ask the students about the main idea about the text through a quick reading about the whole text.Let the students do “T” or “F” exercise.Let the students conclude the main idea about each paragraph.

Step Four: consolidation(9 minutes) Divide the whole cla into two groups.Choose a team leader of each group.Let the group one act the whole scenario based on the reading material faithfully.And let group two have some adaptations of the scenario based on the reading material.

Step Five: Homework(1 minutes) Let the students to write a composition about the ending of this story.

Good morning, cla, in the previous cla, we have learned a reading text about the manner and ways of communication, do you still remember? And in this cla, we are going to learn another text about manner and ways of communication as well as some names of vehicles in the reading material.

First of all, I’d like you do the match exercise on the blackboard.As you can see that, on the left part of this blackboard, there are some names of automobiles, and on the right part of the blackboard, there are some pictures.Can you match the names on the left with the pictures on the right.Who can have a try? OK, Mike, tell me your choice.Great, your answer is right, this can be matched with this picture, and this name represents the taxi, and this is a picture about a plane.Very good,cla, you have done a very good job. Then, I will read this text for you, please listen carefully, and try to get the main idea about the reading material.OK, after I read this text, I’d show you some new words and expreions in the reading material.The first word is “taxi”(在黑板上板书写上这个单词),this word means “出租车” in Chinese.And the second word is “airport” , before I tell you the meaning of this word, can you gue the meaning of this word? Cla, who can have a try? We can combine what we have learned with what we are going to learn today.I will give you some hints, we say “by air” in English which means “乘飞机”, and “air” is related with “飞机”, and “port” is a place where we park a ship or other vehicles.So, cla, after you have understood these, can anyone tell me the Chinese meaning of this word? Maria, please, Yes, very good.It means “飞机场” in Chinese.

OK, since you have mastered the new words and expreions in the reading material, I will give you 2 minutes to read this whole text, and then I will check whether you understand it or not, now let’s start.Time is up, now, cla, please listen to my statements carefully and judge whether it is true or false.OK, the first statement is that “one day, a woman called the taxi company to get a taxi to get him to go to the airport”, who can tell me whether this statement is right or wrong? Yes, great, Mike did a very good job.This statement is wrong, a man rather than a woman called the taxi company to get a taxi for him.Now, I will give my second statement, “ the man called the taxi company three times”, cla, whether this statement is true or false? OK, Julia, yes, you are right, this is false.You two have done very well.Now, please listen to my final statement, “the man is a pilot”, who can tell me whether this statement is true or false.OK, Joe, your answer is “?”, I am afraid, you do not understand the whole text yet.Actually the man is a pilot in this story.Why I draw this conclusion? If you look at the final sentence in this reading material, you will find that “it” in this sentence means “airplane”, so the man is going to call a taxi to drive him to go to the airport, because he is a pilot, if he doesn’t not arrive at this airport on time, he will not be able to fly an airplane.也就是说, 这个男人就是一个飞行员, 如果他所呼叫的出租车没有准时到的话, 他也就不能准时达到机场, 他所开的航班也会延误。 Now, can you understand the whole text? Cla.If we must understand this reading material thoroughly, we should pay more attention to each and very fact in this reading material in order to get further understanding about this text.

OK, in the following part, we will do a role play game.I will divide the whole cla into two groups, the first group will act the whole scenario based on the plot in this reading material faithfully.The other group will make some adaptation based on this reading material to make the communication between the man and the woman in the text more polite and proper.Now I will give you three minutes, ready go! Time is up, cla, now, I will check your work, can you act you play in front of the cla? ....OK, both groups have done a very good job.Cla, have you noticed that if we communicate with each other in a way the group two did, we will have more understanding and mutual respect in our daily life.For example, in their adaptation, they changed the girl’s words.The girl said,“we will arrange another taxi for you instead of saying that as the airplane will be late.” from this example, we can see that we should pay attention to our behavior in communication with other people, if we want to get respects from other people, we should respect others first.Only by doing that, can we communicate with each other more politely and properly.

OK, cla, our cla is going to be over, our homework is to write a story about the end of this story.What will happen to the man and the girl in the story? You can think about it after cla.You can have a rest now.


试讲题目: 阅读教学试讲

内容: Cla 9 had a great time on the school trip.They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day.First they visited the visitors center and watched about sharks.Then they watched a dolphin show.After that, they went to the outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus.After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts.Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school.At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the cla monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.

基本要求: (1) 朗读所给段落。 (2) 配合教学内容适当的板书。 (3) 针对该段落中的划线部分, 设计相应的阅读后教学活动。 (4) 试讲时间: 约 10 分钟。 (5) 用英文试讲。 教师



内容: Dear Editor, I am writing to say that I am against building a new zoo in our town.Zoos are terrible places for animals to live.I’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in.Just last week, I visited a zoo and couldn’t believe what I saw.The animals are kept in tiny cages and can hardly move at all.And they are only given food once a day.Is this a good way for animals to live? I don’t think so.Sincerely, Disgusted

3 基本要求: (1) 朗读所给短信。 (2) 配合教学内容适当的板书。 (3) 针对该短信的体裁与结构特征, 设计相应的书信写作教学活动。 (4) 试讲时间: 约 10 分钟。 (5) 用英文试讲。


试讲题目: 词汇讲学试讲

内容: 在初中七年级下学期期末复习时, 周老师希望帮助学生巩固以下的词汇; Soccer, strawberry,hamburgers, baseball, enjoy, difficult, boring, uncle,practice

基本要求: (1) 朗读所给单词。 (2) 配合教学内容适当的板书。 (3) 针对所提供的词汇, 设计词汇巩固性教学活动。 (4) 试讲时间: 约 10 分钟。 (5) 用英文试讲。

2013下半年全国教师资格证考试面试真题(中学英语:高中英语) 结构化试题(5分钟)


2.学生喜欢老师,才会喜欢老师的课。谈谈你对这句话的看法。 英文试讲题(语法讲解,10分钟)

One of the favorite events is the dog-sled race, in which teams of about six husky dogs pull long sleds at great speeds along a snowy track.One person runs behind the sled, shouting to the dogs to encourage them .The sound of the dogs barking, the calls of the drivers and the shouts of the crowd make an exciting Northern experience.The dogs are beautiful strong animals, with long, thick fur and many with blue eyes.读一遍短文,并对文中的语法进行讲解。 答辩 试讲后英文问答(5分钟)

What’s the difference between the 3 words: shouting, barking and exciting? Do these 3 words have the same function?


I.Teaching Objectives 1.Knowlwdge Objectives (1)Help students know the collocation and meanings of the following words and phrases: embarraed, instruction, far from, nothing like, looking forward to etc.(2)Help students acquire the use of adjective ending –ing and –ed.(3)Help students know the use of present continuous tense 2.Ability Objectives (1)Enable students to use these new words correctly in speaking and writing.(2)Enable students to use adjective ending –ing and –ed correctly in daily life to describe sth .

II.Important Points 1.Master some phrase, and some new words 2.Master the use of adjective ending –ing and -ed III.Difficult Points Analyze components of a sentence

IV.Teaching Methods 1.Practice, discover, Asking and Answering, Explaining 2.Teaching Aids: text book

V.Teaching Procedures stepI Reading (1 minute) T: Good morning, boys and girls.First let’s read the new words and new phrases, please turn to page 113 and read the new words from enthusiastic to amazed, go(enthusiastic, amazing, information, website, brilliant, comprehension, instruction , embarraed, description, amazed) OK.Very good!

Step II Lead -in (1 minute) T: Everybody, after we have studied this paage (My first day at senior high), we all know that the writer had a wonderful experience of his first day in senior high school.In this cla let’s study some useful words and phrases.Phrases (look forward to, far from, nothing like) and words (bored/boring tired/tiring excited/exciting surprising/surprised interesting/interested embarraed /embarraing)

Step III Careful analyzing (8 minutes) (此处挑两个讲即可) Teaching Plan for Module 1 (SEFC Book 1) OK.Well done! Now let’s look at some of the difficult points in the text!

The first one: 1.the clarooms in li kang’s school are amazing/ some students were embarraed at first.Fellows we have already learned the adjective ending –ing and –ed in our junior high school, so let’s turn to page 7 and complete the sentences.Two minutes.(then the teacher check the answers), then let us look at grammar 2 the 2nd one choose the correct explanation according to the exercise we have done in page 7.ok it seems that you have a clear mind of the 2 kinds of endings, so let us find more examples in our text.(2nd paragraph, the clarooms are amazing, the3rd I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s cla, the 4th paragraph some students were embarraed at first) The next one.2„and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.(the sentence under the picture) Nothing like means , “丝毫不象”in chinese。

Eg: Math cla is nothing like Chinese cla, because the former is focus on logic thinking, the latter is main tell us how to think in a different way.The third.3.I\'m looking forward to doing it!look forward to sth./doing sth.In this structure to is used as a preposition I look forward to hearing from you as early as poible.(do you remember some other this kind of phrases)

There are some other preposition phrases :( ask students the same kind of words they have learned in their junior school:do you remember some other this kind of phrases look forward to 盼望„„ turn to 求助于;转向;翻到„„pay attention to 注意„„ stick to 坚持get down to 开始认真干„„object to 反对point to 指向see to 处理,料理devote„to„ 贡献„„给„

Pay attention to ____(walk) along this risky bridge.There is not much time , lets get down to ___ (walk) on this research.Teachers’whole life is devoted to_____(teach) We should object to ___(tell) lies.

Step V Summary (1mins) T: In this cla we have learned some useful phrases and words .do you still remember their meaning ? (nothing like , look forward to) and now are you clear how to use the adjective ending –ed and –ing.

Step VI Homework Aignment (1 mins) T: After cla, let’s have a revision of the present tense and preview listening and vocabulary, then do the exercises in text book.So much for this cla, bye!

听力Listening(板书内容) Part 1:lead-in(板书内容) Step 1 Talk about the topic Give students enough background of the topic .Also let them familiar with the difficult words, especially new words.了解背景 熟悉主题

T: Good afternoon, my boys and girls.Welcome back to my cla.I am so glad to see you again.Have you had a good weekend? Yeah! Then what did you do during the summer holiday? Sleep, watch TV, or travel with parents? I see.All of you had a wonderful weekend.Well, today I will introduce a new friend to you; let’s share what she did during the holiday.Now, listen to the tape carefully, and then I’ll ask you some questions.(教师说的内容,说完暂停!表示在进行听力,但不要太长,大约数



Hey, I’m your new friend Tiffany! Last Sunday, I went to the park with my friends for a picnic.We took several bread and some bottles of water with us for lunch.Of course we didn\'t forget to take some fruits and we even took some tomatoes and cucumbers.It took us thirty minutes to get there by bike.As it was a sunny day, there were lots of people in the park.Firstly, we climbed the mountain and went boating.Then it was the time for lunch, we took out the food and began to prepare our lunch.Though it was not cooked well, we ate happily.When we finished the picnic, we picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dustbin.We thought it was our duty to keep the good environment.We didn’t go home until it was dark.We all enjoyed ourselves.(听力录音材料)

T:Ok, do you understand the story?Yeah! Well, I will ask some you some questions.1.Why did Tiffany and her friends go to the park? 2 What did they take to the park? 3 what did they do after the picnic? T: The first question, now who can answer the questions in volunteer? oh, Lily.(pause)(平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)Good! Go for a picnic.T: The second question, who want to try? Tom, please.(pause) (平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答) Very good! (右手伸出大拇指,示意回答得很棒) bread, bottles of water , fruits, tomatoes, cucumbers.Very good T: The third question, Can you find the answer? Ok, Susan.(pause) (平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答) yes, perfect.(双手伸出大拇指,示意回答得很棒) When we finished the picnic, we picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dustbin.

Part 2 pre –listening(板书内容)

Gue the meaning of the following words(板书内容) 猜测词意 扫清障碍 Now, you have understood the story well.Let’s look at the details of the text.① phases First of all, let’s look at the phrases in the text.1 Go for a picnic.Have food outdoors 2 By bike it’s an important phrase.“By” plus transport is the meaning of taking transport.For example By bike/train/bus/ship/airplane/foot, no, it is on foot, not by foot.3 pick up take sth up I picked up the money on the ground.Ok so much for the phrases.

②important sentences 1.It took us thirty minutes to get there by bike.The sentence instruction is :It takes/took sb some time to do sth.And the question sentence of this instruction is: How long does/did it take sb to sth.For example: How long does it take you to go home? It usually takes me 20minutes to go home.Who can make a sentence?

T: Don’t be shy, just have a try.(环顾四周)Tom, do you want to have a try? (Pause)OK! How long does it take you to go to school? Yes, great! It takes me half an hour to go to school.Great, sit down please.2The next sentence is: We didn’t go until it was dark.The sentence instruction is : not until .what’s the meaning of the phrase?

直到...才。这句话的意思是,直到天黑我们才回家,而不是我们没回家直到天黑 I won’t go until you come back.直到你回来我才离去。 Who want to try?Yeah, Bob.I didn’t go to sleep until I finished my homework.Great.Sit down.Well, you have mastered the sentences.

Part 3: Post- listening Challenge yourself巩固提升 复述材料 挑战自我

T: Now, who can tell us” What’s the paage mainly about?” Please give your answer in a complete sentence with “The paage tells us„„„„„.” T: Who will try? Don’t be shy! (环顾四周)Tom, do you want to have a try?(Pause)OK! (Pretend to be listening) T: Very good! Your answer is wonderful! (右手伸出大拇指,示意回答得很棒) T: Tom said” The paage tells us______________________________________________”

Part 4: Homework Ok, time is limited, practices more after cla.After learning the text, would you like to go for a picnic? Yes, then where do you want to go and what do you want to take? Make a plan after cla, I’ll ask some students to share their plans next cla.Ok, cla is over.


Part 1: Independent reading 名词性从句的用法

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Today, we’ll learn a new grammar style名词性从句Noun clauses.1.Read the play, which are mainly about this kind of grammar? Try to find the sentences.(pause) T: Ok.Stop here! Can you say one sentence? Now, who want to share your works? Ok, Tom, please.(手势语:平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答。做边听状,边板书第一个句子,这个要提前备课,就是您早就准备好的句子!) May we ask what you are doing in this country?

T: Very good,sit down, please.Now, who want to say the next? Ok, Lily, please.(同上,写第二个句子!) I didn’t know whether I could survive until morning.T: Very good,sit down, please.Now, who want to share the last one? Ok, Kate, please.(同上,写第三个句子!) The fact is that I earned my paage by doing sth.(课本上的三个句子) T: Very good,sit down, please.T: Now, we can see the Noun clause is a piece of cake, or we can say, it’s just so so.Are we right? Let’s look at the Ex 2 and try to finish the exercise of this part.If you can not solve the problem, first, lists problems of your own, then you can discu in pairs; after discuion, you two can’t solve it, come to the blackboard and write it down.

Part 2 comprehension 理解(写完板书,此时,就下去转一下,回来在黑板上写1-2个难句子,就当是学生写的) Difficult point 1: What do you think of the bet the brothers have made? Difficult point 2: What do you think will happen to Henry?

Research 1: students’ comprehension to the grammar.T: Very good, just now two of our students wrote down two sentences, they think the sentences are much harder to understand.Can we help them to under the two sentences? T: Now, who want to try? Ok, Susan, please.(手势语:平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答。)Which sentence do you want to explain to them? (Pause) Ok, the first one.(Pause)Ok, Susan’s explanation is very good! I must say that the bet is very interesting.sit down, please.T: Now, who can solve the second sentence? (Look around)

Research 2: With the teacher’s help to understand the grammar.T: Nobody? Really? Ok, let me help you.You can use “I must say that_____________” Here.Here, can” that” be left out? (Pause)Right! It can not be left out.Does it have any meanings? (Pause) Right.It has no any meaning.(此处用汉语解释语法现象,在讲解时可以在原句上画点记号什么的,目的是帮助,不是全部解决)Now, who can have a try in volunteer? Ok, Linda, please! (Pause)Ok, Linda’s explanation is very good! I must say that Henry will live a happy life.Sit down, please.T: Now, who can draw a conclusion to the grammar which we learnt in this text in volunteer? Nobody? Ok, let’s discu in groups!

Part 3: The rule of the grammar (写完板书,此时,就下去转一下,回来看练习四,当堂测验) T: Well, Tom, it’s you again! Please! (Pause)Very good! Thank you, sit down please.名词性从句:缺什么补什么,不缺什么用“that”.(简析语法现象) And now let’s finish Ex 4, now I’ll ask some of you to finish two of them.1 The reason was ________________________.

4 His concern is___________________________.T: Who will answer in volunteer? Bush and Black! OK! Come to the black board and finish them! (自己写上就OK了) 1 The reason was that he met a strong wind.4 His concern is whether they can offer him a job.Very good! Quite right! Thank you, go back to your seat and sit down please.

Part 4: Homework T: Ok, so much for this cla.After cla, please finish Ex 5 on page 21.That’s all for today, see you!

写作课:Writing cla : Healthy eating (健康饮食) Teaching Objectives(教学目标):





1.教学重点:如何区分健康食品以及垃圾食品并且会用英语表达;.2.教学难点: 教会学生如何自如表达自己的意见和建议并且帮助学生总结出平衡膳食的定义。


Part 1 导入(Warming up) 1.以一句话:“Everybody needs foods, so do I”及麦当劳、肯德基的相关饮食引入话题。 (1 分钟) T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.Today we’ll talk about “Healthy eating(板书的内容) “.We have three meals everyday.Everybody needs foods, so do I.I want to know the following questions.The first question: Have you had lunch or breakfast in McDonald’s or KFC? The second question: Do you like the food there? The third question: Which one do you prefer?”

(The purpose of this part is to stimulate Ss’ interest and call their attention to the topic.)

Part 2 小组练习(Pair works)(3分钟)

T: Now, two students in pairs to ask each other about the above three questions, and then I’ll ask some of you to practice the dialogue in front of all of us.Now, let’s begin.(下去转转) T: Ok.Now, which pair wants to act this dialogue in volunteer? (Pause) Tom and Kate, please.Good! Sit down please.T: Any other pair? (Pause) Well, Linda and Susan, please.(Pause,pretend to be listening)Good! Sit down please.

Part 3 头脑风暴(Brain storming)3分钟

1、Now, I will divide the whole cla into two parts, the students on the left will be Group One, and the students on the right will be Group Two.Let’s compete between the two groups.One student will be theleader to collect the names of the food.Let’s see which group will get more names of the food.Who will be the leader? Ok! Tom and Kate.Ready? Go! (Pause) Ok! Now, let’s show the two sheets.(展示两张纸,写点对应的内容就行,一会好念,提前备课时就写好)Group One win the game! Well done! (把学生分成两组竞赛,看哪组的同学收集的食物单词多,然后教师教导朗读(2-3分钟)

Part 4 句型练习(Sentence structure practicing)(2分钟)

Now, I’ll show some of the names of food on the black board, (读其中的一些食物名称)let’s discu which are junk food and which are healthy food? You can use the sentence structure” I think that (or the food name) is junk/healthy food because„.” And you can talk about “What is the name of the food? / What nutrition does it mainly contain?” Four students in a group, and let’s begin.(Pause, Junk food VS Healthy food,板书完成后,此时可下去转转) 老师先展示如何使用句型:“I think that (or the food name) is junk/healthy food because„.”来描述什么是健康食品,什么是垃圾食品。然后把学生按4人分成一组进行讨论练习,老师给出了对话该涉及的内容范围:What is the name of the food? / What nutrition(营养物质)does it mainly contain? (2分钟)

Part 5: Activity task----make a survey活动任务--- 做调查报告(2分钟) T: Now I’ll give you a sheet.Ask 3 students around you about their dieting habits, and offer them some advice.You can use the sentence structure as” You should take le„, and you should have more„.” (Pause,可以下去转转) 给学生发一张表格,引导学生按照表格询问周围3个左右的同学,了解同学间的饮食习惯,并能提出一些健康建议。 调查的表格如下: (可忽略不备)


T: Ok, let’s see the food Pyramid map together.(稍微暂停)From this picture you may well understand how to keep a balanced diet in our daily life.After cla, write a composition about “Healthy Eating”.Ok, so much for this cla.Cla is over, see you! 老师在课件上展示食物金字塔图,让学生了解饮食的营养应如何平衡,然后布置作业:让学生自己写一篇健康饮食的作文。

板书设计 Healthy Eating 1.Junk food VS Healthy food 2.Balanced diet

口语Speaking Step 1: Leading in: by discuion.Hi, boys and girls.We are now living in a highly developed world, with advanced culture and highly developed civilizations.But have you ever thought what are the base of all the culture and civilizations? Oh, yes, they are based on those which were created by our great, great grandfathers lived a long, long time ago.No one exactly knows what they lived on, what were their housing and home decoration conditions, what kind of tools they usually used in their production activities, and what entertainment they had in their spare time.Anyway, we can imagine! So now, let’s divide into groups of four and, with the help of your imagination, discu what kinds of food the early man ate, what their housing conditions and home decorations were like, what tools they made and what entertainment they had in their spare time.Then I’ll ask some of you to report the results to the whole cla.

Step 2: role play T: Good, sit down.Please turn to page 72, look at the SPEAKING part.You should read it with your partner, then, do the roles play.(Teacher writes bb--middle) Making suggestions and giving advice: 1.What can you suggest? Maybe we/you could „„ 2.Can I ask you for some advice? I suggest (that)„„ 3.Can you help me decide? That’s a good idea.4.What do you have in mind? Well, but what about„„ Have you considered doing„„?

T: OK, time is up.In our daily life, we often ask someone for advice when we can’t make a decision.On the other hand, we often give other advice if they come to us for help.How can we ask for and give advice in English? Let’s look at the blackboard.There are several sentences about giving advice , please read it follow me.T: Make sure you can use these sentences when you are making suggestion.Who can give us a dialogue? Any volunteers? T: x x, you please, you can choose one of the situation in speaking part.T: Excellent

Step 3: Interview T: We are going to have an interview.You are a host and your partner is Helen .Now give a chat with Helen.I’ll give you several minutes to prepare.T: Time is up.Which pair would like you have a try? Lily, your group please.Q.What skills do you think young people need to succeed in life? A.Set Goals, plan for succe, and believe in themselves.Q.In this high-tech world, what’s the most important aspect of education? A.A well-rounded education with a broad view of the world.Q.Who was the biggest influence in your life? Why? A.My parents, Sir Edmund Hillary Q.What’s the toughest part of your job? A.Finding time to do all that I want.Q.When you were a teenager, what place in the world did you most want to visit, and have you traveled there yet? Was it as wonderful as you thought it would be? Why or why not? A.The magnetic North Pole was my dream.I am the first woman to walk there alone without support.I wrote a best selling book about my journey with my polar bear dog Charlie who saved my life from polar bears.When I finally arrived after having survived storms, a tent fire, frozen fingers, broken sea ice and polar bears I had a tremendous feeling of achievement.I didn’t matter that I was first.It mattered that I had a goal, a plan and therefore I stood at the Pole.T: Very good.Thank you.I will ask another two students.Any volunteers? Lily, your group please.„

Blackboard design Speaking Step 1 Discuion Step 2: Role play 1.What can you suggest? Maybe we/you could„„ 2.Can I ask you for some advice? I suggest (that)„„ Step 3: Interview

阅读reading Step 1 Lead-in 导入 Brainstorm Cla begins.Good morning, boys and girls.Today we will learn a new unit together.First let’s get to know the man, who is called Mr.Nature.He is very emotional.When he is happy, he stays calm and shows us beautiful natural scenery.But when he gets angry, he becomes a troublemaker and causes many natural disasters.Do you know the meaning of natural disaster? Yes, it means自然灾害, for example, the earthquake happened in Ya’an last month, which caused great damage.Besides earthquake, what other kinds of natural disasters do you know? Please brainstorm and try to think of as many natural disasters as you can.Suggested answers: typhoon 台风/ volcanic eruption 火山爆发/thunderstorm 暴风雨 Flood 洪水/tsunami 海啸/ drought 干旱/ hurricane (tornado) 飓风,龙卷风 Guys, you’ve done a great job.Have you experienced any natural disaster we mentioned just now? You please.Suggested answers: You have experienced flood in summer.What did you see? The flood water covered the whole city and you had to stay at home.Can you describe your feelings at that time? You felt frightened and nervous.

Step 2 Reading 1) Skimming/Listening Yes, I totally agree with you.In most cases, natural disasters can be very frightening.Today we will read a paage about natural disasters.Please take out your handout and listen to the tape.After listening, please tell me the main idea of this paage and in what order this paage is organized.You only have 2 minutes.Ready? Go! Time is up.Who would like to tell us the main idea? Tom, would you please have a try? Suggested answers: This paage talks about Tangshan earthquake, the largest earthquake of 20th century.Very good? Can you tell me in what order this paage is developed? In order of time.How do you know that? Because the writer first describes strange things in the first part and then tells us the city was destroyed by the earthquake.Lastly, he says the army came after earthquake.Yes, you are right.

2) Scanning In the first part, the writer tells us strange things happened before the earthquake.We know that before some natural disaster, there are sometimes warning signs from nature.If we have such kind of knowledge, we can reduce the damage.Please go through the first paragraph quickly and try to figure out what signs did the author mention? You only have one minute.Here we go! Now let’s read for more details.Let’s go through the whole paage and try to find the answers to the following three questions.

Step 2 Fast reading 泛读

Read the text quickly and try to finish the following exercises.A.New words or phrases burst: break open because of preure from inside at an end: finished nation: all the people in the country steam: gas that hot water gives out in ruins: destroyed extreme: very great in degree usele: of no use shocked: surprised very much rescue: save somebody or something from danger shelter: a place that protects you from the weather or danger B.Questions 1.When did the Tangshan earthquake happen? Suggested answers: The earthquake happened at 3:42 am on July 28, 1976.2.How many people were killed or injured in the earthquake? Suggested answers: More than 400, 000 people were killed or injured in the earthquake.3.Was all hope lost? How did the army help the people there after the earthquake? Suggested answers: No, all hope was not lost.The army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue workers.The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.Step 3 post-Reading 1.Discuion Suppose an earthquake happens now, what should we do to keep ourselves safe? Please discu natural wonders in groups and your discuion should be based on the two questions.This time, the group leader should take down your group members’ ideas and sum them up in your own words.Later, we will share your ideas with all of us here.Understand me? Time is up.Any group would like to share your idea with us? Suggested answers: 1.Don’t be nervous and keep calm.2.Don’t try to run out of the claroom at once.3.Protect your head by putting your school bag on your head.4.Squat under your desk.5.Leave the claroom after the earthquake.2.Interview Have you noticed that news reporters and interviewers play an important role in keep us informed after Ya’an earthquake happened? Next, please choose a paragraph and act out an interview between a reporter and survivor from the Tangshan earthquake.Make a dialogue with your partner.I will give you three minutes and then I will invite some of you to act itout.Step 4 Summary and aiagnment We have done a lot of things today.Firstly, we have talked about„.Then, we discued.Next, we learned some useful words and expreions.Here comes your aignment: 1.Retell the paage.2.Search the Internet to find more information about earthquake.

推荐第7篇:teaching plan 高中英语教师资格证面试试讲教案


Grade level: First grade of High school Leon type: Reading Duration: 45min Teaching objectives 1) To help students develop their reading skills, such as scanning and skimming for information, gueing the meaning of strange words 2) Enable students to understand the difficult sentences and new phrases in the paage

3) Affective objectives:(根据文章内容而定) Teaching aids Multimedia devices; blackboard Teaching important and difficult points: 1) Understand the following sentences: 2) Grasp the usage of the following words and phrases: 3) Enable students to use certain reading skills to help themselves understand the paage Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in (5min) Show students several pictures of … and ask the students to describe the pictures./ Ask students to think about and answer the questions on the blackboard.(Good morning, boys and girls.How is your day? Fine? Good for you.Ok.Today we will learn a new leon.Before looking at the textbooks, I’d like to show you some pictures (a video)/ask you some questions/tell you a story. Describe what you see in the picture Do you know anything about……? What’s your opinion about……? Any volunteers? Ok, please, share your idea with us.Very good/brilliant/excellent! We already know your ideas about the topic.Now let’s try to find out what’s the author’s idea about the topic.) Step 2 Pre-reading Listening.(5min)

Ask Ss to listen to the tape and answer two questions: (Listen to the tape carefully and try to answer the following questions.1) what does the paage talk about? 2) …….Ok.You have listened to the whole paage.Do you have your answers to the question? Good, John, please.(复述学生答案) This is John’s idea, how about other students? Ok, Lynn.Good.You think ……….Thank you.I believe you all have got your own answers.You must be curious about whether it’s correct or not.) Step 3 While-reading (25min) Activity 1 Skimming & Scanning Ask the students to read the paage quickly and answer the following questions: (Now read the paage quickly within 2 minutes and find out whether you are right or not.Meanwhile, try to answer the questions on the blackboard. (板书问题):1) 2)

Have you finished your reading.Yes? Good.First, have you found out the main idea of the paage? How about Lisa? Very good.It is about ……….How about the questions? Have you found the answers? Volunteers? Good, please.You think ……..excellent, thank you.) Activity 2 Intensive reading Ask the students to read the paage carefully, and get detail information from the paage.(As you have got the main idea of the paage, let’s move on to learn some details of the paage.Now you have 5 minutes to read the paage carefully and discu with you partners about the following questions.1) 2) Ok, I’d like to invite group 3 to answer the questions.That’s really impreive.You already have a very thorough understanding of the paage.From your answers, I can see you already understand the paage quite well.So I’d like to move on to the analysis of some difficult sentences and the usage of some phrases.Take a look at the second sentence in Paragraph 1.Pay attention to…….

Is it clear? Good. Activity 3 Read together Ask the students to read the paage together.(Do you have any questions about the paage? No? If no, let’s read the paage aloud together.) Step 4 Post reading (5min) (Debate, interview, role-play, retell the story) Ask the students to have a discuion on ….(Very good.You read really well.Now I have another task for you.We have learnt …… today, …………… have a discuion with your partner.After the discuion, I’ll invite some of you to share your ideas with us.

I can see that you have finished your discuion.Anyone wants to share with us? ok, Jack.Good.you think from the perspective of …..Do you have other ideas? Yes, please.Excellent.This is an very interesting answer.) Step 5 Summary (4min) Invite students to summarize what they have learnt in the cla.Teacher makes supplementary comments, and stre the importance of …

(Guys, you’ve done a great job.At last, let’s sum up what we have learned today.Who would like to have a try? Jenny, please.) Step 6 Homework (1min)

1) Ask the students to consider the question: 1) 2) /ask the students to search more information about …Write an email to your friend.2) Write a short paage and use the new words and expreions as many as poible.3) Read the paage again and try to retell the paage.4) Search the Internet and find more information about…

(Thank you, you really did a good job.Is that clear to all of you? Okay, at last, here comes your aignment.First, please retell this paage to your desk mate.Secondly, please search on the Internet to find more information about the amber room and we will share your findings next cla.

Here comes the bell.Cla is over.See you next cla.)


Grade level: First grade of High school Leon type: Reading Duration: 45min Teaching objectives 1) Help students to learn the usage of ….2) Help students to grasp the sentence pattern of…..Teaching aids Multimedia devices, blackboard Teaching important and difficult points 1) the sentence pattern of… 2) some special cases 3) enable students to use … in real life Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in (5min) Show some pictures to the students and ask them to describe the picture.引导学生运用语法项目

Step 2 Explanation (18min)

Explain the usage of ….Present several examples of the grammar item.Step 4 Practice (15min) Ask the students to do the exercises.Step 3 Summary(4min) Invite students to summarize the usage of … Make some supplements and stre the important points.Step 5 Homework (3min) Ask students to finish related exercise on the textbook.Ask the students to write a paage about ….(You have all done a really good job today.I believe you already have a good knowledge of /master the knowledge of…..For homework, you are required to complete exercises on page 201 and to write a paage about ….[I’d rather you search more information about… and some of you will be invited to share your findings with us in the next cla.] Clear? Ok.See you next cla.)


Grade level: First grade of High school Leon type: Reading Duration: 45min Teaching objectives 1) enable students master the procedure of writing this kind of composition 2) improve students’ writing skills 3) help students to get more knowledge of …

Teaching aids Multimedia devices, blackboard Teaching important &difficult points 1) Help students to expre their ideas in proper English 2) Help students to learn the structure in English writing Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming-up (5min) Show some pictures of … to the students and ask what do they know about … Then lead the students to the topic of writing.(Good morning, boys & girls.How are you doing? Fine? Good.Now let’s start our new leon.Here I have some pictures for you.Do you know what’s in the picture?) Step 2 Pre-writing(10min) Activity 1: brainstorming.Provide Ss some questions about the topic and ask them to discu the questions in group and write down every idea that comes to their mind.After discuion, invite representatives of each group to present their ideas to the whole cla.Activity 2: planning.Encourage Ss to work on their own to repot ideas that they think are valuable and think about how to organize their ideas. Step 3 While-writing (20min) Ask the students to write down their own articles. Step 4 Post-writing (7min) Ss will work in group and read each other’s composition.They should choose the best composition of the group and read it in front of the cla.Step 5 Writing aement (2min) Ask Ss: What’s you most difficult thing during the whole proce? (difficult to organize the ideas in a logical way; you feel brainstorm is difficult, difficult to provide persuasive reasons to support the idea) Step 6 Homework (1min) 1) Here are some handouts I prepared for you.Read it after cla, I believe you can find answers towards your questions.2) Improve your composition according to the handout.


Grade level: First grade of high school Leon type: Listening Duration: 45 min Teaching objectives 1) Enable students to master different listening skills 2) Help students to learn more about …..Teaching aids: Multimedia devices; blackboard Teaching important and difficult points 1) Help students to understand the listening material 2) Encourage students to apply listening skills when listening to the material Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming-up (2min) Show some pictures to the students and have a free talk with the students.

Step 2 Pre-listening (5min)

Organize the students to have a brief discuion about the topic.Invite some students to share their ideas with the cla.Predict the main idea of the paage.After that, present new words and expreions to the students.Step 3 While-listening (25min) 1) Listen for main idea Ask Ss to listen to the paage but do not look at the questions, ask them to get the main idea of the paage.Invite students to share their ideas.2) Listen for answers to the exercises/detailed information

Ask Ss to listen to the paage again.This time ask them to try their best to get answers to the questions.After listening, check whether Ss get the correct answer, and ask why.3) Play the tape again, focus on the part where they did not get the right information. Do you have any questions? Step 4 Post-listening (10min) Show them the listening text and ask them to read it aloud together.Step 5 Summary (2min) In this period, we mainly focus on the listening ability.It’s very important.If your listening is poor, you’d better practice more.The more you listen to English, the better your listening is.Remember: Practice makes perfect.Step 6 Homework (1min)

1) Read the listening texts again and try to retell the paage in your own words 2) Search more information about ….


Grade level: First grade of high school Leon type: Speaking Duration: 45 min Teaching objectives 1) Students will be able to use some important words and expreions 2) Students will be able to expre their ideas or thoughts clearly. Teaching aids Multimedia devices; blackboard Teaching important and difficult points 1) Help Ss to master the expreions of giving advice: 2) Talk about … by using …

Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming-up Show Ss some pictures of … and ask students to describe what they are doing.Step 2 Lead-in Play the tape and ask Ss to listen to the dialogue.Ask Ss to predict what we will learn today.

Step 3 Provide key sentence patterns & expreions Provide Ss useful sentence patterns and expreions to expre …..Step 4 Role-play/ Discuion

Give the Ss a situation, and ask the Ss to work in pairs and make up a conversation.Ask the Ss to discu the topic with their partners.

After that, invite Ss to present their ideas in front of the cla.Step 5 Summary In this period, we mainly focus on how to….It’s very important.You should know how to … in real life after this period.You should memorize the useful expreions we learned today.I hope you can practice more after cla.Remember: practice makes perfect.Step 6 Homework 1) Collect more expreions and sentence patterns that can be used to expre ….. 2) Find a partner to practice how to … in different situations.


Grade level: First grade of high school Leon type: Vocabulary Duration: 45 min Teaching objectives 1) Enable students to know the meaning of new words and grasp the usages of such important new words 2) Enable Ss to use such new words in their own writing or speaking Teaching aids Multimedia devices; blackboard Teaching important and difficult points 1) Explain the meaning and usage of the words to the students 2) Enable Ss to use the new words when they expre themselves Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in Revision.Last period, we have finished the reading of the paage.Now we will learn the new words in the paage.Let’s look at the underlined/italic/bold words.Step 2 Gue

Ask Ss to gue the meaning of the words in the context.Or give students some examples and ask Ss to gue the meaning of the words. Step 3 Explanation

Explain the meaning of the words to the Ss.After explanation, present the usage of the words to the students and provide examples to help them understand how to use them.Step 4 Practice Ask the students to make sentences with new words by themselves.Invite Ss to share their sentences with the whole cla.Step 5 Summary This, period, we have learnt several new words:...we have learnt the usage of these new words.I hope you will memorize these words, as well as the usage of these words.I suggest you use the new words as often as poible.In this way, you will know how to use the words, instead of only knowing the meaning of the words.Step 6 Homework 1) Look up these new words in the dictionary, and get more meanings and usage of them in the dictionary.2) Finish Exercise 2 on page 11.




[而、何、乎、乃、其、且、若、所、为、焉、也、以、因、于、与、则、者、之] 1.【而】


1.表示并列关系。一般不译,有时可译为“又” 。


②剑阁峥嵘而崔嵬cuī wéi,一夫当关,万夫莫开(《蜀道难》) ③北救赵而西却秦,此五霸之伐也(《信陵君窃符救赵》) 2.表示递进关系。可译为“并且”或“而且”。

①君子博学而日参省乎己。(《劝学》) ②楚怀王贪而信张仪,遂绝齐(《屈原列传》) ③以其求思之深而无不在也(《游褒禅山记》)【是因为他们探究、思考深邃而且广泛。】 3.表示承接关系。可译为“就”、“接着”,或不译。 ①故舍汝而旅食京师,以求斗斛hú之禄(《祭十二郎文》)

②置之地,拔剑撞而破之。(《鸿门宴》)【拔出佩剑击碎了它。这里“而”表示撞的结果,可以不译。】 ③人非生而知之者,孰能无惑(《师说》) 4.表示转折关系。可译为“但是”、“却”。

①青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝(《劝学》) ②有如此之势,而为秦人积威之所劫(《六国论》) ③信也,吾兄之盛德而夭其嗣乎(《祭十二郎文》) 5.表示假设关系。可译为“如果”“假如”。

①诸君而有意,瞻予马首可也。(《冯婉贞》) ②死而有知,其几何离(《祭十二郎文》) 6.表示修饰关系,即连接状语。可不译。

①吾尝跂而望矣,不如登高之博见也(《劝学》) ②填然鼓之,兵刃既接,弃甲曳兵而走(《寡人之于国也》) ③项王按剑而跽曰:“客何为者?”(《鸿门宴》) 7.表示因果关系。

①余亦悔其随之而不得极夫游之乐也(《游褒禅山记》) ②表恶其能而不用也(《赤壁之战》)


①缦立远视,而望幸焉(《阿房宫赋》) ②籍吏民,封府库,而待将军(《鸿门宴》)


①而翁归,自与汝复算耳(《促织》) ②妪每谓余曰:“某所,而母立于兹(《项脊轩志》)

(三) 通“如”:好像,如同。①军惊而坏都舍。(《察今》)




3、我决起而飞,枪榆枋而止,时则不至,而控于地而已矣(《逍遥游》) 【而后】才,方才。






3、臣虽下愚,知其不可,而况于明哲乎(《谏太宗十思疏》) 【既而】不久,一会儿。






1.单独作谓语,后面常有语气助词“哉”“也”,可译为“为什么”“什么原因”。 ①何者?严大国之威以修敬也。(《廉颇蔺相如列传》) ②予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何哉?(《岳阳楼记》) ③齐人未尝赂秦,终继五国迁灭,何哉?(《六国论》)

2.作动词或介词的宾语,可译为“哪里”“什么”。翻译的时候,“何”要后置。 ①豫州今欲何至?(《赤壁之战》) ②大王来何操?(《鸿门宴》)

③一旦山陵崩,长安君何以自托于赵?(《触龙说赵太后》) 3.作定语,可译为“什么”“哪”。

①其间旦暮闻何物,杜鹃啼血猿哀鸣。(《琵琶行》) ②然则何时而乐耶?(《岳阳楼记》)


1.用在句首或动词前,常表示反问,可译为“为什么”“怎么”。 ①何不按兵束甲,北面而事之?(《赤壁之战》)


2.用在形容词前,表示程度深,可译为“怎么”“多么”“怎么这样”。 ①至于誓天断发,泣下沾襟,何其衰也!(《伶官传序》)




①信臣精卒陈利兵而谁何。(谁何:呵问他是谁何。意思是检查盘问。)(《过秦论》) 【何如】【奈何】【若何】表示疑问或反问,译为“怎么样”“怎么办”“为什么”。








3、吾王庶几无疾病与,何以能鼓乐也(《庄暴见孟子》) 【无何】译为“不久”“没多久”。

1、抚军不忘所自,无何,宰以卓异闻,宰悦,免成役(《促织》) 【何乃】译为“怎能”





①几寒乎?欲食乎?(《项脊轩志》) ②技盖至此乎?(《庖丁解牛》) ③欲安所归乎?(《赤壁之战》) 2.表示反问语气,相当于“吗”、“呢”。

①布衣之交尚不相欺,况在国乎?(《鸿门宴》) ②吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎?(《师说》) ③然豫州新败之后,安能抗此难乎?(《赤壁之战》) 3.表测度或商量语气,可译为“吧”。

①王之好乐甚,则齐其庶几乎。(《庄暴见孟子》) ②圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎? ③日食饮得无衰乎(《触龙说赵太后》) ④今亡亦死,举大计亦死,等死,死国可乎?(《陈涉世家》) ⑤无以,则王乎?(《齐桓晋文之事》)


①宜乎百姓之谓我爱也(《齐桓晋文之事》) ②悔相道之不察兮,延伫乎吾将反(《离骚》)

③西望夏口,东望武昌,山川相缪,郁乎苍苍(《赤壁赋》) ④长铗归来乎!出无车(《冯谖客孟尝君》) 5.用在句中的停顿处。 ①于是乎书。


①醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也。(《岳阳楼记》)(乎:于) ②今虽死乎此,比吾乡邻之死则已后矣。(《捕蛇者说》)(乎:在)

③生乎吾前,其闻道也固先乎吾?(《师说》)(前一个“乎”:在;后一个“乎”:比。) ④吾尝疑乎是。(乎:对。)

⑤君子博学而日参省乎己。(《论语》)(乎:对。) ⑥亦无怪乎其私之也。(乎:对于) ⑦盖进乎技矣。(《庖丁解牛》)(乎:比) ⑧以吾一日长乎尔。(尔:比。)







①设九宾于廷,臣乃敢上璧。(《廉颇蔺相如列传》) ②悉使蠃兵负草填之,骑乃得过。(《赤壁之战》) ③度我至军中,公乃入。(《鸿门宴》)

2.强调某一行为出乎意料或违背常理,可译为“却”“竟(然)”“反而”等; ①问今是何世,乃不知不汉。(《桃花源记》) ②今其智乃反不能及。(《师说》) ③而陋者乃以斧斤考击而求之。(《石钟山记》)

④夫赵强而燕弱,而君幸于赵王,故燕王欲结于君。今君乃亡赵走燕。(《廉颇蔺相如列传》) 3.可表示对事物范围的一种限制,可译为“只”“仅”等。 ①项王乃复引兵而东,至东城,乃有二十八骑。(《项羽本纪》) 4.用在判断句中,起确认作用,可译为“是”“就是”等。

①若事之不济,此乃天也。(《赤壁之战》) ②嬴乃夷门抱关者也。(《信陵君窃符救赵》) ③无伤也,是乃仁术也,见牛未见羊也(《齐桓晋文之事》)


1.用作第二人称,常作定语,译为“你的”;也作主语,译为“你”。不能作宾语。 ①王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。(陆游《示儿》)


①夫我乃行之,反而求之,不得吾心(《齐桓晋文之事》) 3.还可作连词用,释为“若夫”、“至于”“如果”等。 (缺例文)




3、今少卿乃教以推贤进士,无乃与仆私心剌谬乎(《报任安书》) 【乃尔】译为“这样”。




1.第三人称代词。作领属性定语,可译为“他的”,“它的”(包括复数)。 ①臣从其计,大王亦幸赦臣。(《廉颇蔺相如列传》)

2.第三人称代词。作主谓短语中的小主语,应译为“他”“它”(包括复数)。 ①秦王恐其破壁。(《廉颇蔺相如列传》) ②其闻道也固先乎吾。(《师说》) 3.活用为第一人称或第二人称。译为“我的”“我(自己)”或者“你的”“你”。 ①今肃迎操,操当以肃还付乡党,品其名位,犹不失下曹从事。(《赤壁之战》) ②而余亦悔其随之而不得极夫游之乐也。(《游褒禅山记》)

③老臣以媪为长安君计短也,故以为其爱不若燕后(《触龙说赵太后》) 4.指示代词,表示远指。可译为“那”“那个”“那些”“那里”。

①及其出,则或咎其欲出者。(《游褒禅山记》) ②今操得荆州,奄有其地。(《赤壁之战》) ③不嫁义郎体,其往欲何云?(《孔雀东南飞》)


①有蒋氏者,专其利三世矣。(《捕蛇者说》) ②今存其本不忍废。(其:这) 6.指示代词,表示“其中的”,后面多为数词。 ①于乱石间择其一二扣之。(《石钟山记》)



①寡人欲以五百里之地易安陵,安陵君其许寡人!(其:可要) ②攻之不克,围之不继,吾其还也。(《烛之武退秦师》) ③与尔三矢,尔其无忘乃父之志!(《伶官传序》)

2.加强揣测语气,相当于“恐怕”、“或许”、“大概”、“可能”。 ①圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎?(《师说》) ②王之好乐甚,则齐国其庶几乎?(《庄暴见孟子》) 3.加强反问语气,相当于“难道”、“怎么”。

①以残年余力,曾不能毁山之一毛,其如土石何?(《愚公移山》) ②尽吾志也而不能至者,可以无悔矣,其孰能讥之乎?(《游褒禅山记》) ③且行千里,其谁不知?


1.表示选择关系,相当于“是„„还是„„” 。

①其真无马邪?其真不知马也?(《马说》) ②呜呼!其信然邪?其梦邪?其传之非其真邪?(《祭十二郎文》) 2.表示假设关系,相当于“如果”。

①其业有不精,德有不成者,非天质之卑,则心不若余之专耳。 ②沛然下雨,则苗浡然兴之矣。其若是,孰能御之?(《孟子见梁襄王》)



2、佩缤纷其繁饰兮,芳菲菲其弥章(《离骚》) 【何其】译为“多么”。





①且立石于其墓之门(《五人墓碑记》) ②肃宣权旨,论天下事势,致殷勤之意,且问备曰。(《赤壁之战》) ③彼所将中国人不过十五六万,且己久疲。(《赤壁之战》) 2.递进关系,况且,再说。

①且壮士不死即已,死即举大名耳。(《陈涉世家》) ②且将军大势可以拒操者,长江也。(《赤壁之战》) ③且燕赵处秦革灭殆尽之际。(《六国论》) 3.让步关系,尚且,还。

①臣死且不避,卮酒安足辞!(《鸿门宴》) ②故之圣人,其出人也远矣,犹且从师而问焉(《师说》) 4.并列关系:又,又„„又„„,一面„„,一面„„

①示赵弱且怯也。(《廉颇蔺相如列传》) ②命如南山石,四体康且直(《孔雀东南飞》) ③又有若老人咳且笑于山谷中者(《石钟山记》) ④凡四方之士无有不过而拜且泣者。(《五人墓碑记》)



①有怠而欲出者,曰:“不出,火且尽”(《游褒禅山记》) ②且为之奈何(《鸿门宴》) ③若属皆且为所虏(《鸿门宴》) ④卿但暂还家,吾今且报府。(《孔雀东南飞》) 2.暂且,姑且。

①存者且偷生,死者长已矣!(《石壕吏》) ②誓不相隔卿,且暂还家去。(《孔雀东南飞》) 【且夫】句首助词,表示下文是更进一步的议论,“况且”,“再说”。例:



3、且夫臧获婢妾,犹能引决,况仆之不得已乎(《报任安书》) 【且如】就像。





教育管理学的内容,可以分成两个维度:管理职能维和教育、教学业务维。 那么,教育管理学有这么多的内容,我们可以把它分成三个层次来认识它。 一是,教育事业的管理,二是,教育组织的管理,三是教育管理人员的自我管理。这三者之间是从整体到局部,从大到小的关系。









第三个层次,管理者的自我管理。 管理者素质高可提高管理的效率。


















那么这三个层次就是我们教育管理现代化的主要特点。 试讲三:我国教育行政体制改革


建国以来我国进行了三次重大的教育行政体制改革。 第一次1958年-1959年,主要是中央从全权负责放权给地方,中央负责方针、政策、规划,办好直接管理的学校。地方负责中学、职业教育等和部分高校,新建高校等。这次改革,中央放权给地方,由于缺乏教育发展的宏观控制,产生了地方盲目发展教育的问题,也就是这次放权放得太大了,所以有了第二次改革,从1961-1963年,中央收权,加强集中统一领导,十一届三中全会,我国经济体制、政治体制改革,商品经济的发展,使得教育管理过分集中,不利于教育的发展,教育必须放权,1985年,《中共关于教育体制改革的决定》是第三次教育改革,概括为三个方面,:中央放权给地方,教育领导部分放权给学校。政府放权给社会。























讲课人:普江婷 学生:七年级 课时;20分钟





3、提高学生对外国绘画作品的欣赏水平,培养学生 运用语言、文字等形式表达自己感受的能力。



教学重点:欣赏西方各种题材的油画作品在不同方面体现的不同特点 教学难点:西方传统绘画的主要特点:现代西方绘画的欣赏与评价


(学生)收集西方传统绘画的图片 (教师)多媒体设备、西方传统绘画作品


(1)组织教学互相问好,查看学生准备情况 (2)课件演示两幅油画作品:

《蒙娜丽莎》达芬奇——写实(传统具象绘画) 《马蒂斯夫人像》马蒂斯——抽象(现代抽象绘画)

老师问:请哪位同学根据题材、绘画语言、绘画风格三方面分析两幅作品的共同点与不同点。 教师回答:一幅写实,一幅抽象。


(3)播放课件,进一步欣赏作品 ①、欣赏《阿尔诺菲尼夫妇像》


② 欣赏《蒙娜丽莎》 我想这幅画是大家在熟悉不过得了,偶尔每个人总会提起蒙娜丽莎的微笑,我想应该没有谁会不知道这幅画是谁画的吧?有谁不知道吗?大家一起说是谁吧?那下面就请同学简单的赏析一下这幅画吧。 学生自由发挥



b构图:三角形(金字塔),更稳定; c题材:肖像,是人非神。







此画不仅精确的描绘出了水果和篮子的形态、色泽和质感,还将水果上的斑点与枯萎的叶子描绘得达到了可以乱真的地步。从中能够清除地看到西方绘画的高度写实技巧。 ⑤、欣赏作品《读信的妇女》

对室内的空间感和光线、氛围的真实描写,是这幅画突出之处,细节的真实更是增添了作品的魅力 ⑥、欣赏《干草车》和《拾穗者》

这幅作品从题材上看,都是对农民现实生活的真实场景的写照,没有进行夸张变形。 ⑦、欣赏作品《马拉之死》


⑷、欣赏完作品后,同学们能不能总结出西方传统绘画的主要特点呢?(学生讨论并回答) 教师总结答案:追求视觉的真实效果,注重作品的题材内容 ⑸、巩固学过的内容


肖像画 《阿尔诺菲尼夫妇像》

风俗画 《水果蓝》

静物画 《马拉之死》

历史绘画 《干草车》和《拾穗者》







回顾我们今天欣赏作品的过程,大家可以思考一些问题,课后大家可以使用以下词句作为开头,写出两三点收获。 我学到了„„ 我惊讶的是„„ 我再次发现„„


活动时间:2012年6月7日 活动名称:科学—探索 活动内容:认识我的小手





活动重点:使幼儿了解手的功用,鼓励其多用自己的小手做力所能及的事情。 活动难点:培养幼儿正确洗手的好习惯。 活动准备:图片(手)、课本












5、小朋友们看看老师两个大拇指上的表情是什么呢?(笑脸、苦脸)为什么其中一个表情是哭脸呢?(引导其观察和发现: 笑脸的大拇指是干净的,而哭脸的大拇指是脏的。)



活动反思: 小朋友们和老师一起用“洗手六步骤”来洗一次手,要在生活中养成正确洗手的好习惯。小朋友们回到家里可以将正确的洗手步骤教给爸爸妈妈,让家人都养成一个好的洗手习惯。在家里要多多发挥你们小手的作用,做些了力所能及的事情,争做一名能干的好宝宝。



导语:今天我们来讲一讲作文的一个小部分,情绪心理描写。 【提问】:1.如果学校有联欢晚会,老师举荐你去表演诗朗诵,这个时候你会有什么反应呢?






情绪心理描写,简单来说,就是把你的情绪,心理活动,比如说你心里想些什么,或者你遇到什么事情的时候,你的心里反应。甚至身体的反映都写出来。如刚才所说的,会不会心跳加速?会不会紧张的手心出汗?会不会开心的不知道说些什么?等等等等,我们今天来简单的学一学怎么表达出内心的想法。 内容:

其实很简单,刚才我们已经说过了,遇到这些事情的时候,我们都会出现什么样的反应,不管是心里的活动,还是身体上的变化,从我们的笔下写出来,就是文章了。只不过说,我们不能简单的把口语中,口头上的表达随便的写下来,要经过我们大脑的加工,变成符合逻辑的,比较正式的文字。今天我们就来联系这三种情绪的描写:紧张,惴惴不安和喜悦 紧张:大家说一说,大家在什么样的情况下会出现紧张?。。。。。。。、





脸红,耳朵热,耳朵红,可以用“红的像傍晚的火烧云一样” 惴惴不安。喜悦








1、师指出:我国汉字结构优美,有上下、左右……结构,如果把“杏”字上下一颠倒成了什么字?“呆”把“吴”字一颠倒呢?(吞)……一个数也可以倒过来变为另一个数,比如“3/4”倒过来呢?(4/3)“1/7” 倒过来呢?(7/1也就是7)这叫做“倒数”,随即板书课题。










(1) 师:下面,请大家各自举例加以说明。

(2) 学生先独立思考,再交流。













2、练习六 5(判断)





Grammar: the Object Clause


1.掌握引导宾语从句的引导词:that , who, what, how, where , when and whether 2.掌握宾语从句的语序:主句+引导词+主语+谓语。 3.掌握宾语从句主句与从句在时态上的呼应。 4.掌握宾语从句的标点。 5.能综合运用宾语从句。



三、教学步骤: (一)导入(5min):

回顾上一课时所学内容,及宾语从句的定义,引导词。 (二)宾语从句的语序(20min): 无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都必须使用陈述语序,即“主句+连词+宾语从句(主语+谓语+„„)”句式。根据连接词在从句中所担任的不同成分,可分为以下四种:

1) 连接词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语。常见的连接词有: who,,which等。

如:Could you tell me who knows the answer,please?你能告诉我谁知道答案吗?

The small children don't know what is in their stockings.这些小孩子不知道袜子里有什么东西?

2)连接词+名词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语的定语。常见的连接词有:whose,what,which,how many,how much等。如:

He asked whose handwriting was the best in our cla.他问我们班上谁的书法最好。

The teacher asked us how many people there were in the room.老师问我们房间里有多少人。

3)连接词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语、状语或表语。常见的连接词有:who(m),what,which,how many,how much, when,why,how,where,if /whether(在句中不充当任何成分)等。如: He hasn't decided if he'll go on a trip to Wuxi.他还没决定是否去无锡旅行。

Could you tell me what I should do with the money ?你能告诉我我如何处理这笔钱吗?

4)连接词+名词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语或表语的定语。常见的连接词有:what,which,how many,how much,how等。如: Do you know which cla he is in ?你知道他在哪个班吗? She asked me if I knew whose pen it was.她问我是否知道这是谁的钢笔。 特殊情况: 1.what is the matter„ 2.what is wrong„ 3.there be (四)课堂练习(20 minutes): 练习



2012-06-06 20:548961277| 分类:求职就业| 浏览3896次

我打算面试一个高中的英语教师,试讲十分钟,不过没有学生,现在也不知道试讲哪课、哪个部分,讲课要中英结合,因为评委不是全部都是英语专业的,有校长、教育局那些人,请问讲什么内容比较好?没有教材,评委也不一定听得懂英语,我觉得讲阅读不太好,但是讲语法的话又会很枯燥。 我打算准备两种课型,阅读课和语法课,请问我该如何准备?

提问者采纳 2012-06-06 21:48 应该是面试的时候会给你一篇文章,一般来说是高中课本随机的课文,给你一段时间准备,然后让你根据课文实时上课,你以前有哪个英语老师上课方式你比较欣赏的,你可以模仿他的来做准备,高中上课基本都是阅读与语法同时讲,很少只讲阅读(评委会觉得你只是在做精读),或者只讲语法(如你所说,十分枯燥,而且很难讲),切记不要慌,讲课时要面向评委,板书时注意不要让身体挡住黑板,如果你的基本功扎实,十分钟都不够你讲,如果你基本功有所欠缺,放慢语速是不错的选择,将重点放在你擅长的知识面,多举几个例句,说的详细一点,应该没什么问题,祝你好运!





到时候面试的人会告诉你是哪一种,万一他们没说,自己先问一下,省得你想按第一种说他们打断你说是第二种,这样会让你变得有一点紧张 追问




最常见的是给你课本指定第几课要你试讲,没有别的要求,给一点时间做准备就开始。你可以结合阅读与词汇,语法讲课,也就是英语精读与语法的结合,将重点放在你擅长的地方,尽量使讲课流畅,有内容。如果你不喜欢这样的方式,退一步的选择是只讲词汇和语法,这个要你把握好时间,另外对你的基本功要求非常高;但是千万不要只讲阅读,分数一定会很低。 还有很重要的一点,千万不要以为评委不懂英语就不知道你讲课的好坏。 最好的建议是:找上一届应聘同一所学校的老师问一下,当初他们是怎么试讲的,有的放矢才能增加胜算,祝你成功。


同学和老师我都问了,不过我觉得没什么建设性的东西。按你说的讲精读,那我必须有教材,这样我就先提前准备一下讲精读的内容讲阅读的时候把翻译、language points和语法都讲,十分钟的话应该就是一两段。不过如果到时他安排的是另外一本书,那我就完蛋了,没准备



如果到时候他给你的文章是你没有准备的,也不要慌张,最坏的是把文章从头到尾分析一遍,将其中的词汇,词组提炼出来,将语法点找出来,逐句分析,高中英语一篇课文讲十分钟完全没有问题,万一到时候时间多了,建议你附加课后练习拖时间,至于你说的假装提问我倒不建议,与其说:Do you know……?不如说:We know…….


很感激你,请问可以跟你要个QQ吗?我觉得你可以教我很多东西,有什么问题都想咨询一下你 回答



欢乐拔丝薯|四级采纳率37% 擅长:英语考试地下城与勇士欧美流行乐宠物电影 按默认排序|按时间排序


2012-06-06 21:54tjt555|四级

这就是说课,当然是阅读好上了,只有十分钟,只讲一下教学步骤,教学设计就行,网上很多的,高中英语新课程一般是warming-up reading一个课时上,语言点一个课时, 后边听力,learning about language, using-language是另外的课时,但惟独第一个课时的最好上,你可网上随便下个课件,语法一般不愿上公开课,但也有涉及特别新颖的,就会的高分







回答 我同意::最好的建议是:找上一届应聘同一所学校的老师问一下,当初他们是怎么试讲的,有的放矢才能增加胜算,祝你成功。


我也同意:: 就算无生授课也要环节完整,而且各个环节之间要注意衔接和连贯性。各环节内部可以通过设置问题来激发课堂气氛也能调动听课评委的兴趣。十分钟试讲应该也是完整的一堂课!只是去掉学生的活动部分后你的整个课堂语言压缩在一起的。






你所说的阅读式教学我知道,先是skimming让学生浏览一遍文章总结文章大意,,然后scanning根据问题找答案,十分钟内讲阅读课,首先要展示warming up 和pre-reading设一些问答、讨论环节,然后再假装提问,进行skimiming ,scanning,就算给学生自己看书的时间是可以跳过,但是教师引导学生给出general idea和问题答案总结这块还是要进行,按你说的十分钟要弄一个完整的课,可能么?


warming up 和pre-reading设一些问答、讨论环节即使有学生参与,也不能用时过多,我们会控制在2-5分钟,因为阅读课就要突显阅读,让学生读!你用两个问题,图片什么的快速导入,学生所有的活动时间略过,老师在课堂上本来就只有一个引导作用,学生完成任务的活动省去了,应该十分钟没问题呀,我们说课还要说大量理论依据,前边大量的什么重难点就只要十分钟呢


2012-06-07 09:05 图书试用网|网友





2012-06-06 22:26Davi122|二级


第16篇:教资考试面试高中英语试讲教案《Breaking the record》


教资考试高中英语试讲教案《Breaking the



教学目标 (一)知识技能

①通过本课的学习使学生能够在理解的基础上复述课文 ②在阅读中体会并初步掌握生词、词组、句型的用法 ③体会作者在写本文时是如何进行内容安排的 (二)情感态度

①了解吉尼斯纪录的相关知识、以及勇于挑战并打破 纪录的杰出人物应具备的品质 ②鼓励学生打破“我不行”的心理暗示让意念统领身体走出一条完美的道路 (三)能力目标

①通过词族和词缀的学习让学生掌握一种记忆单词的方法 ②通过三读法让学生掌握速读、跳读、精读的要领 教学重点难点 (1)重点:

1.了解记叙文的文体特点并以此指导阅读;2.训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读微技能; 3.对文章深层次的理解及细节的欣赏,认识及分析主人公的人物特征及人物性格。 (2)难点: 1.阅读技能的训练; 2.对记叙文的鉴赏能力及人物评价。 教学过程

Leading-in (discuion)更多教师资格考试信息请关注:http://sx.zgjsks.com//




To show Ss pictures about some famous athletes to let them know something in common about these people--the key of succe.Some words may be used in this activity :

Sports champion athlete winning breaking records challenge exciting confidence physical ability speed strength Something in common: concentration confidence good physical abilities speed strength flexibility athletic skills strong will interest hard training 目的及依据:本环节通过看图讨论激发学生的学习兴趣激活已有的背景知识,使学生能运用已有的知识和经验思考本单元的中心话题。能起到温故而知新的作用。

Pre-reading Task one to show students some pictures which occur in the text, First, lets them to know the name of the activity and the way to do it, Second, let the students experience one or more of this, such as somersaulting doing jumping jacks, Third, thinking and discuing ① Would you consider each activity to be serious sports? ② Which activity would you like to try? Would you need to be fit to do any of them? ③ Do you think you could do any of them for any length of time? (Indication:Different activity requires different physical fitne psychological personification such as coordination strength balance? concentration strong will devotion) Now cla we will read a story about a man called Ashrita Furman who has broken Guinne更多教师资格考试信息请关注:http://sx.zgjsks.com//




records.(过度) (读前部分设计依据及目的:本部分根据学生的认知规律而设计,首先让学生借助图片了解运动的名称及运动方式,其次,让学生体验其中一项或几项活动,体验后让学生思考问题 这种方式呦浅入深、由感性认识到理性思考了解文章当中提到的运动项目降低阅读难度 ,为下一步阅读理解做好充分的准备) While reading Task two Listening (scanning)(close your book 此处把快速阅读与听力整合在一起正大课堂容量加快课堂节奏) (提高学生的听力水平培养快速获取所需信息的能力) Task two Listen to the tape, after listening tick the topics that the author does not cover physical skills needed for events ② number of records broken ③ his family life ④ kind of records broken ⑤ why he became a sportsman ⑥ countries he likes best⑦ place and date of birth ⑧ his occupation ⑨ his education ⑩ his first Guinne record (目的及依据,新课程理念要求让学生对语篇整体学习,为此首先让学生快速把握文章结构要点让学生从整体明白文) Task three Skim the text and answer the questions ①Who is Ashrita Furman? ②When and why he entered the Guinne book of world records? ③When did Ashrita become a student Chinmoy? ④When did he first come acro the Guine book of the world records ⑤ What are some of his pgysical difficulties? A walking with a bottle of milk on his head B standing on top of a Swi ball C somersaulting D doing gymnastically correct lunges ⑥ what happens in an event that prevent Ashrita from giving up? Post reading更多教师资格考试信息请关注:http://sx.zgjsks.com// 山西总部地址:山西省太原市长治路226号高新区动力港二层



Task five Discuion on Ashrita’s motivation ①Why did Ashrita challenge the Guinne world records instead of taking part in the Olympic games? ②Why does he keep on trying to challenge different Guinne records? ③Why didn’t he take part in a conventional sports instead of un conventional and funny one? ④Why did Ashrita took part in active sports after learned quiet mediation? Task six discuion on Ashrita’s belief.work in group four or five each group may be for it or against it, choose one, and discu with your group, (divide the cla into two parts for-part and against part, then have a cla report) Task seven Summary and homework Task one Write an article about the imagination about the outlook of Ashrita Task two work in group to find more information about Ashria through internet as well as books about after cla each group should try brief paper about ahsrita.更多教师资格考试信息请关注:http://sx.zgjsks.com//



第17篇:高中英语外研版book3 module5试讲教案 writing

Module 5 Great people and great invention of ancient china

writing Teaching aims: 1.knowledge and ability Make students understand how to write argumentation.

2. proce and method Help students improve their writing ability by imitating the structures of sample eay.

3. Emotion and values

Through this period student can write argumentation to expre their ideas about some subjects.

Teaching key Points

1) Learn the structures of argumentation.2) Discu the advantages and disadvantages of a certain subject.

Teaching Difficult Points

How to write a good piece of argumentation.

Teaching Aids Pictures and blackboard

Teaching Methods Activity Method Cooperative Learning Method

Teaching Procedures Step 1 Lead-in/warming-up (show a picture to students) T:Look at the picture.what’s this? S:It’s a car.T:What can you think of through this picture? You can just say the key words,like fast.S:It’s fast. It’s convenient for people to travel.

It causes air pollution. Too many cars will causes traffic jam……

(the teacher writes the answers on the blackboard) T:So,as we know,more and more people have a car.Cars not only have many advantages but also have some disadvantages.And what do you think of cars?Today we are going to learn how to write argumentation to talk about this subject.

Step2 to learn the structures of argumentation Activity 1 Read the eay and finish activity1 individually.Answers:D C A B So from activity1 we know argumentation is consisted of theintroduction,advantages,disadvantages andthe conclusion with writer’s own opinion.


Read the eaay again and answer these questions.T:how many advantages are described? S:there are 2….T:how many disadvantages are described? S:there are 2…

T:what phrases does the writer use to start the last paragraph? S:In conclusion

Step3 practicing (Show a picture of TV to students) Look at this picture.Work in pairs to discu the advantages and disadvantages of TV S:advantages are Disadvantages are…

Step4 summary Today we have talked about the advantages and disadvantages of cars and TV.Andwe know how to write argumentation.

Step5homework Write an eay on this subject:the advantages and disadvantages of TV.

Blackboard design Module 5 Great people and great invention of ancient china

Writing Cars-fast



advantages 1,2

-air pollution


- traffic jam

writer’s own opinion



-waste time

-bad for eyes



【课题、章节】:《贞观之治》,人教版《中国历史》七年级下册。 【课型】:新授课 【教具】:黑板 【教学方法】:讲授法 【教学目标和要求】:



























【老师】在上一节课的内容当中,我们学习了《繁盛一时的隋朝》,因为隋文帝励精图治,所以国家统一,社会安定,隋朝出现繁盛局面。可隋炀帝即位之后,骄奢淫逸,施行暴政,人民起义此起彼伏,最终导致了隋朝的灭亡。那唐朝是谁建立的呢?唐太宗是唐朝的建立者吗?带着这个问题,请同学们阅读课本第7页的内容。 【学生】唐太宗不是唐朝的建立者,唐朝是李渊建立的。 【老师】李渊什么时候建立的唐朝? 【学生】618年。

【老师】公元618年建立的唐朝,定都哪里? 【学生】长安。

【老师】定都长安,李渊被后人称为什么? 【学生】唐高祖。


【老师】也就是说,贞观之治,它是一个时间?一个方针?还是出现的一个局面?一个景象?是繁盛的局面,还是萧条的局面?那形成贞观之治繁盛局面的原因是什么?请同学们看课本内容,找出答案。 【学生】首先,唐太宗吸取了隋亡教训,明白了统治者不可过分压榨农民。第二个是,在唐太宗时期,他还重视发展农业生产,而且还减轻了农民的赋税劳役。第三个是,他沿用了隋朝的三省六部,还增加了宰相人数,在地方合并了州县。最后,唐太宗比较善于用人,重视纳谏。







如果没有玄武门之变,太子李建成即位之后,是否也会吸取隋亡教训,采取类似于唐太宗的统治措施,成为千古帝王的治世楷模呢? 【学生】我觉得不会,因为李渊建立唐朝以后,李建成,还有那个李元吉,他们都非常讨好皇帝的妃子,所以李渊非常喜欢李建成,虽然他也很有才,但他不把心思用在正题上面,比起李世民来就差远了。而且,虽然他手上也有很多能人,但他不用,魏征就是他的门人,多次给他提意见,他常常不理会,那这样的人即位之后,一定是用小人而不用君子。



【老师】同学们说的有道理。历史呢,我们不能重复,但我们可以假设,可以想象,可以从已经发生过的历史当中学到借鉴。我们今天的新课基本上就结束了,首先我们学习了唐朝的建立,了解了唐太宗的基本史实,知道了贞观之治繁盛局面出现的原因,最后对唐太宗进行了评价:说唐太宗是历史上少有的明君,是一位千古帝王。那我们说 我们学习历史的目的是最终能从历史当中学到什么。在我们学习了贞观之治这一课的内容之后,你认为可以借鉴到什么?

【学生】我觉得在日常生活中,要吸取失败的教训,看到别人做错的地方,把它记下来,就可以避免自己犯同样的错。还要多听取别人的意见,很多人都说过,一个人和另一个人的思想相交换,就变成了两个思想,所以要多听取别人的看法,从而是自己变得更加完善。 【学生】在贞观之治以前,李世民并不能成为皇帝,因为他是李渊的第二个儿子,但就是因为他努力争取,才得到皇位,为后人造就了一番事业,所以我认为,有的时候有的东西并不是属于我们的,但我们要努力去争取,这样或许会产生不一样的结果,为很多人带来幸福。 【作业】:





















汉武帝、唐太宗 【教学小结】:





1.了解货币在商品交换中的作用及其基本职能 2.理解金钱在现代经济生活中的意义 教学内容分析

第一课“神奇的货币”是思想政治必修1《经济生活》的起始课,起着引领和导入作用。货币既是生活所离不开的,也是经济学中重要的基本概念。第一框“揭开货币神秘的面纱”从历史的角度,阐述了货币的起源,剖析了货币的本质,解释了货币的职能,引出了纸币及电子货币的相关知识。而货币与商品紧密联系在一起,讲货币就不能不涉及商品,因此本框还涉及到商品、商品的价格等内容。 教育教学目标 1.知识目标


(2)了解由物物交换到以货币为媒介交换的必然性 (3)理解货币的本质

(4)理解货币价值尺度和流通手段两个基本职能,知道货币还有储藏手段、支付手段、世界货币等职能 (5)理解纸币的涵义及优点

(6)知道纸币的发行量必须以流通中所需要的货币量为限度 2.能力目标


(2)通过简要说明纸币的含义和作用,懂得制造假币是违法行为,并了解爱护和正确使用人民币的相关知识,提高鉴别假钞的能力。 3.情感、态度、价值观目标


(2)确立与市场经济相适应的诚信、公平竞争等意识。 教学重、难点


2.难点:(1)货币的本质是一般等价物 (2)纸币是国家发行并强制使用的货币符号 教学方法

1.教法:情境教学法。创设教学情境,学生自主探究。 2.学法:探究式学习、合作交流式学习、体验式学习。 教学过程 1.课程导入:


学生活动:通过教师引导,回忆生活活动,感知生活离不开金钱,从而引发探究欲望和兴趣。 2.进行新课:









教师归纳:我们在购买一件商品的时候首先考虑到的该商品应是我们所需要的,其次是该商品质量好,价格便宜,可以用成语概括为物美价廉。这就涉及到商品的两个基本属性,即价值和使用价值。 2.商品的基本属性:价值和使用价值(板书)




(二)货币(板书) 1.货币的产生(板书)

教师活动:指导学生阅读课本,了解货币的产生过程。 学生活动:阅读课本,讨论问题。 教师归纳:货币产生的四个阶段:












【学生答2】自己放家里存起来,以备需要。 【师点评】这类同学应该是对生活很有计划的人,相信他们的人生道路会在平稳中前进,但要注意钱的安全性。




【师点评】这类同学是生活的乐观派,也是拉动国家经济增长的动力之一。 【问题】 如果你准备用工资去市场购物的话,那么你到市场买什么?大概花多少钱?









除此之外,随着社会的发展,商品交易范围越来越大,慢慢超出了国界,这时货币产生了另一种职能,即世界货币。 3.货币的职能(板书) (1)基本职能(板书)

1价值尺度:A.含义 B.价格 C.观念中的货币(板书) ○价值尺度就是作为衡量商品价值大小的尺子,把商品的价值,也就是包含的人类劳动多少用金银表示出来。

教师活动:金银为什么能成为价值尺度,衡量商品价值大小? 学生讨论。



2流通手段:A.含义 B.商品流通的含义及公式 C.现实的货币(板书) ○教师活动:同学们看教材第4页,思考这种商品交换活动与直接的无物交换有什么不同?


教师总结: 在直接的物物交换中,卖和买两个过程是同时进行的,不可以分开的。货币产生后,商品交换是以货币为中间媒介进行的,交换活动分成卖和买两个过程,卖和买在时间上、空间上都可以分开。这种以货币为媒介的商品交换,就叫做商品流通。用公式表示:商品――货币――商品。

教师活动:在商品流通中,货币发挥了什么作用? 学生活动:思考讨论,回答问题。


教师活动:在商品流通中,货币能否是观念中的货币,而不用现实货币? 学生活动:思考讨论,回答问题。

教师点评:货币执行流通手段必须是现实货币,因为它是财富的代表。 教师活动:在此引导学生讨论“教材P6探究活动二” 学生活动:思考讨论,回答问题。




教师归纳:不是,流通中实际需要的货币量是受一定规律支配的,它主要由商品的价格总额和货币的流通速度所决定的。用公式表示为:流通中所需要的金属货币=商品价格总额/货币流通次数 (2)货币的其它职能:贮藏手段、支付手段和世界货币(板书)大家可以看书,自己了解一下。





教师活动:为什么小小一张纸币有这样的功用? 学生活动:学生思考。


2.含义:由国家发行的、强制使用的货币符号(板书) 3.纸币的发行量



教师总结:纸币的发行量必须以流通中实际需要的货币量为限,如果超过这个限度就会“钱不值钱”了,引起物价上涨,通货膨胀;相反如果小于这个限度会使商品销售发生困难,想买东西,可手上没钱,造成通货紧缩。这种通货膨胀、通货紧缩现象,往往是与货币发行违反发行规律有重要关系。 4.制造假币是违法行为




(四)正确对待货币(板书) 教师活动:我们现在处于市场经济的环境中,有许多人唯利是图,一切向“钱”看,认为有钱能使鬼推磨,金钱是万能的,能够买世界上所有的东西,但真的拥有了金钱就拥有一切吗?









教师归纳:如信用卡、支票、汇票等。随着信息技术的迅猛发展,特别是银行计算机网络系统的实现,出现了用电子计算机进行储存、转账、购买、支付的电子货币,人们越来越多地借助于银行的电子计算机系统完成自动转账业务。 3.课堂小结:

本节课我们通过从货币的起源入手,共同探讨了货币的本质、职能及纸币、电子货币的相关知识,同时又涉及到商品、商品的价格等内容。通过以上对货币神秘面纱的逐步揭开,我们应该在正确认识货币的基础上,合法地获取它,合理地利用它,做金钱的主人。 教学体会




一、教学目标 【知识与技能】

1.掌握相关的文言实词和虚词及古今异义现象;2.学习文章曲折回环,思念迭起,引人入胜的写法。 【过程与方法】

1.在诵读的基础上,落实字词,疏通文章,熟知课文内容。2.通过讨论、辨证地看待作者在文章中寄托的理想社会 【情感态度与价值观】


二、教学重难点 【教学重点】

1.掌握、积累一部分文言常用词语,了解古今异义现 2.理解本文记叙的顺序、详略,体会本文优美、精炼的语言。 3.了解本文反映了一种怎样的社会理想。 【教学难点】




四、教学手段 PPT课件、图片




有一群人在秦朝时躲进了一个与世隔绝的地方,从那时候起,这群人就世世代代在这里生活,直到东晋末年才被一个渔人发现。这个隐匿了五六百年的神秘地方就是桃花源。欣赏完这一幅幅优美的图片,无不让人心生向往。今天就让我们一起再访桃花源。 (二)初读课文,整体感知 1.检查预习

豁然开朗(huò) 屋舍俨然(yǎn) 阡陌交通(qiān mò) 黄发垂髫(tiáo) 便要还家(yāo) 刘子骥(jì) 诣太守(yì) 2疏通词句

为业:靠……谋生。 缘:沿。

夹岸:夹着溪流两岸。 杂:别的。 鲜美:鲜艳美丽。 异:诧异。所从来: 穷:穷尽。 舍:舍弃,放弃。 豁然:开通、敞亮的样子。 开朗:开阔明亮。平旷:平坦开阔。 属:类。 悉:全。

信然自乐:喜悦,心满意足。 咸:都。

鲜美:古义:鲜艳美丽;今义:(味道)新鲜 交通:古义:交错相通;今义:交通运输 妻子:古义:妻子儿女;今义:指男方的配偶

问讯:打听消息。 先世:祖先。 妻子:妻子儿女。 邑人:同乡人。

不复出焉:不再从这里出去。焉:于之,从这里。 间隔:断绝了往来。 叹惋:感叹,惋惜。 延:请。

语告:告诉(他)说。 不足:不值得。 志:做记号。 诣:拜见。 如此:像这样。 遣:派。 欣然:高兴地。



绝境:古义:与世隔绝的地方;今义:没有出路的延:古义:请;今义:延长、延伸 地方



明确:课文以武陵渔人的行踪为线索,可以按照逢桃花源、访桃花源、寻桃花源的顺序来述。 2.概括桃花源给大家留下的印象

津:古义:渡口,这里问津指探访。;今义:口液 桃花源美在何处?请以“这里 美,你看 。”为句式给大家描绘一番。(例:这里屋舍美,你看房屋整整齐齐。) 3.总结:桃花源风景真是美不胜收:桃林美;土地美;屋舍美;田池美;桑竹美;阡陌美。美在环境幽雅,风景秀丽,美在资源丰富,美在静谧祥和。 4.桃花源神秘在何处? 桃林神秘:夹岸数百步,中无杂树。 山洞神秘:仿佛若有光,形状奇特。 林中人神秘:乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。 结局神秘:不复得路,探访未果。 5.桃花源的幸福表现在何处? ①黄发垂髫:怡然自乐(和平安定、丰衣足食) ②男女:往来种作(没有战乱,安居乐业) ③渔人(侧面烘托):杀鸡作食,皆出酒食(民主平等,民风淳朴) 总结:桃花源幸福表现在生活和平安定,丰衣足食,民主平等,民风淳朴。 (四)品味语言,体会情感 1.小组合作学习,探讨主题

(1)桃花源美在风景秀丽,美在民风淳朴,美在生活幸福,美在平等自由。不过,请同学们想—想,在东晋时代,这么美的地方真的存在吗? (2)有人说陶渊明的是积极追求美好生活,也有人说他是消极逃避现实,你怎样评价? (3)有人说陶渊明的《桃花源记》是积极追求美好生活,也有人说他是消极逃避现实,你怎样评价? 2.拓展延伸,深化课堂


六、小结作业 作业:背诵全文。

