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学生评语—英文版 easy-going boy.you are very active in daily life.you leave me an impreion of serious.wish you a happy life.you are a hardworking girl.maybe a little naughty sometimes.try to be more independent.wish you a succeful study.you are a frank boy and a dream-follower.wish you step into your ideal university.you are an industrious girl.try to be more mature in daily life.believe yourself.best wishes.you are an optimistic boy.keep this mind and stick to it.your life will be full of sunshine.you are a knowledgeable girl.reading is an excellent way to broden your view.stick to your dream, you will succe.you are a smart boy.though you have some troubles on english study.i wish you can get a good performance on all subjects.you are a well-educated girl.you have a broad mind.wish you achieve your dream.you are a serious and hardworking girl.maybe a little shy.try to open your mind to the world.best wishes.you are an honest girl.try to be more active on cla.be confident.you are the best.you are a brilliant girl.try to be more energetic on study.wish you a wonderful future.you are an out-going girl.your handwriting is good, but need more practice.practice makes perfect.believe yourself.best wishes to you.篇2:英文学生评语


勤奋、刻苦的学习的你可以成为任何人的榜样,锲而不舍、一丝不苟的学习态度更是你成绩稳步上升的重要保障。人生最需要的是拼搏,最难得的是坚持。希望勤奋好学的你会心想事成,老师深深地祝福你! (转载于:大学生评语英文) 你待人随和、诚恳,热爱集体是你的美德。对待同学总是谦虚友好,对待学习总是毫不怠慢,你学习上的进步,老师和同学们都看在眼里,同样也为你感到高兴。继续努力吧,愿你成绩能进一步提高! you are so easy-going and sincere that every clamate can get along well with you.we are pleased to see you have made so much progre.work harder and you will make greater succe. 你有一颗纯真的心,你的笑容如春风洋溢。你品行优良,待人诚恳,表里一致。我想,你有良好的心理素质,只是要多加注意学习的细节。多思多练做好知识的归纳和问题的反思,你的成绩会有很大的提高。 you have a simple heart and you are always smiling.your words are in accord with your ideas.if you pay more attention to the details in study and practice more, you will make greater achievement. 你的言行彬彬有礼,反映出良好的家教.希望你能大胆积极的融进集体中来.希望你能凭借自己的执着和毅力,克服语言的障碍.知识无法完全靠传授而获得,你必须亲自实践.学习是一个手脑结合的过程,要加强动手能力,这样才能提高学习效率. 你是一位非常用功、功课认真用心的学生,在知识的海洋里孜孜不倦、勤于探索、勇于创新,勤学对于人生非常重要,老师祝福您百尺竿头更进一步!祝你梦想成真

英语老师给学生的评语 1新年寄语 吴进兴平时你少言寡语,但你待人有礼貌,为人诚恳,团结同学,好学上进,老师知道你始终在不懈努力,在此希望你再接再厉,多讲究方法,把成绩高的更好,加油吧, no way is impoible to courage 勇敢面前没有通不过的路。 2新年寄语 阮伟清你是个聪明上进心很强的男孩,你尊敬老师,团结同学,待人有礼貌,虽然你上课发言还不够积极,字写得还不够端正美观,但老师发现你一直在努力地改正。加油吧,只要功夫深,铁棒磨成针,你一定会成功的!nothing seek, nothing find.无所求,则无所获。 3新年寄语 朱琼滨你是我们班上的小才女,优秀的成绩,逼真的绘画,优美的字迹赢得了同学们的青睐。但你一定要记住:天才出于勤奋,老师希望你更加严格要求自己,不断进取,进一步提高英语,成为一个更出色的你。the more noble, the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。 best wishes for yo 4新年寄语 李洁玲 你是一个品学兼优的好学生,待人诚恳、礼貌,思想上进,每当课堂上看到你专著的神情,老师就打心里面为你高兴,你聪明灵慧,总是有与别人不一样的好办法、好主意,这将助你走上更成功的道路。让我衷心为你祝福:你的明天会更美好。nothing is impoible to willing mind (or heart).有志者事竟成。 5新年寄语 赖志超你性情温和,言语不多,但你待人诚恳、礼貌,思想上进,有明辨是非的能力。老师知道你一直都在努力,从没放弃,如果你能多考虑学习方法,你会更优秀。choice of the end covers choice of the means.选择目的包含着选择手段 6新年寄语 叶建婷我特别欣赏你的个性:直爽。你快人快语,直抒胸襟,你办事利索、果断,不拖泥带水,你眼睛里闪烁着智慧的光芒,证明你是一个思维敏捷的女孩。愿你在知识的海洋里遨游,做一个强者、胜利者!choice of the end covers choice of the means.选择目的包含着选择手段 7新年寄语 李碧云 你忽闪着一双聪颖、智慧的眼睛,在全班同学和老师心目中树立了优秀学生的形象,全部同学都默默地把你作为榜样。上课专心听讲、认真完成作业。你团结同学,待人有礼貌,诚恳。老师布置的事情,你能默默地记在心里,积极去做,从来不用老师操心。care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋,带来好运气。 8新年寄语 叶战远在老师的心目中,你是一个懂事、诚恳、有上进心而又有一种不服输倔强性格的好学生,曾经有一度你对自己放松了,在老师的教育下,你终于又鼓起勇气,努力拼搏,其实只要你专下心来,踏踏实实,你的成绩是很优秀的,我期待着你每一次的进步!

同时我希望你能认认真真书写。我真诚地祝福你:明天会更美好。he laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。 9新年寄语 廖少惠你是个聪明、活泼而又开朗大方的女孩,总是无忧无虑的,你对待师长很尊敬,对待他人总是很坦率,对待工作总是很认真,对待班级活动总是很投入,对待自己的总是很谦虚,你有自己的理想,你为班级带来很多欢快。 愿你永远快乐、上进,做一个成功的人!he laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。 10新年寄语 何宇良你给老师的第一个惊喜是你那优美的造句,简直漂亮极了!你给老师的第一个惊喜是你那精彩的回答,思维的敏捷。无疑,你是个好学生,但最近,你却常犯一些很不好的毛病,那就是粗心、对班级漠不关心。粗心会使你失掉很多分数,你说呢?聪明的男孩,老师希望再次看到你对班级负责的身影!happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others.吸取他人教训,自己才会走运。 11新年寄语 伍庭英一学期来,你在学习上突飞猛进,一下子跃进了尖子生的行列,让老师和同学们刮目相看,可又有谁知道,在这成绩的背后凝聚着你多少心血,当得知你每天晚上刻苦钻研难题时,我非常感动,这可真印证了那句古话:锲而不舍,金石可镂。勤奋是人最可贵的品质,它将使你终身受益,助你取得成功!weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it.弱者等待机会,强者创造机会。 12新年寄语 廖国方你是位聪明又可爱的好学生,是老师心目中的优秀生,老师好喜欢你上课专心听讲,勤奋好学的劲儿,这学期你上课回答问题次数多了,书写速度也加快了,但要记住快中还要求好,千万别粗心,这样好成绩会一直跟你交朋友的。!weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it.弱者等待机会,强者创造机会。 13新年寄语 梁应健 你近来狠了不少,每一次当老师走进教室的时候,都能看到你认真学习的专心劲,但是时间不多了,还需要继续努力,希望你能抓住,争取更大的进步!老师想对你说的是,要多考虑学习方法,大胆提问,试试看。heaven never helps the man who will not act.自己不动,叫天何用。 14新年寄语 李丽丽你那双珍珠般的眼睛里,盛满热情聪慧,上课时,你总是认真听讲;做作业时,努力思考;工作上,你认真负责,是个尽责的好学习。如果在好的基础上,勤奋刻苦,专心致意,不分散精力,你还有什么可挑剔的!请谨记:你的奶奶的衷心期待。it never rains but it pours.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。 16新年寄语 廖尔婷你是一个聪明、活泼、上进心很强的优秀学生。课堂上有你响亮清脆的回答,课后有你关心集体的身影。你的字迹秀美,每次看你的作业都是一种享受。作为一个舍长,你真是非常尽责。老师一直都很喜欢你,你知道吗?老师衷心希望你会做得更出色!继续努力! 17新年寄语 陈慧玲 你是一个纯洁无暇、敢于发表自己见解的好学生,你的勤奋和好学是班里出了名的。上课总能看到你坐得端正的身影,听到你清脆的嗓音。学习,工作你总能带着一股认真的劲儿。瞧你,字迹端正了,成绩更突出了,大家也更喜欢你了。继续加油吧!你将成为一个更出色的班干部。happine takes no account of time.欢乐不觉时光过。 18新年寄语 廖杰源你是一个聪明机灵的学生,课堂上,你总是认真听讲,从不漏掉一个点儿。你更是一个全校闻名的好学生,自觉勤奋,关心集体,乐于助人,新年到来了,老师衷心祝福你:树起理想的风帆,抵达科学的彼岸;坚定信念,做个雄鹰翱翔蓝天。 the more noble, the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。 19新年寄语 温颖娴你是个聪慧、活泼,非常可爱的女孩。平时能歌善舞、兴趣广泛、知识全面、思维敏捷,特别使老师高兴的是,你的语言是多么丰富,多么与众不同,简直棒极了。学习时,你总是专心致志,勤学苦练,决不放过一个疑难问题;同学有困难时,你总能及时伸出温暖的手。我祝福你:祝福好运伴随你,祝福成功伴随你!老师相信,你的明天会更加美好。neceity is the mother of invention.需要是发明的动力。 20新年寄语 陈晓东 真人不露相这句话用在你身上最合适了,在你不爱说话的外表下,藏着一颗勤奋,努力,上进的心,再加上你的聪明,才智,你学什么东西都特别快。瞧你,每次月考都取得了优秀成绩!要是你还能在大家面前大声地发表你精辟的见解,那同学们就更喜欢你了。加油吧,你将会是个很有出息的男孩!lost time is never found again.岁月既往,一去不回。 21新年寄语 邱慧斌在大家面前,你有很多优点:唱出的歌,婉转动听;写出的字,工整娟秀。你是我们班其中一个全面发展的学生。你发言积极,见解独到,学习成绩优异,工作能力强,不愧为同学眼中的好学生。老师相信你那坚毅的精神一定会敲开成功的大门,愿你明天更美好。 no cro, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。 22新年寄语 苏慧然 还记得吗?老师说过:你的本性是从不为困难低头。你像只快乐的鸟儿,你的大眼睛里盛着的是聪明、机灵、乖巧......老师是那么的喜欢你。但你还记得吗?early bird catch the worm.希望你刻苦拼搏,走在时间的前头,迎接最后的胜利。勤奋的汗水一定会换来成功的喜悦!no man is born wise or learned.没有生而知之者。 23新年寄语 李丽敏你总是默默无语地认真学习,即使遇到了挫折也毫不气馁,沉静之中带着几分倔犟,淳朴之中透着踏实,每次打开作业都能欣赏到你清秀的字体,每次批改作文

都能感受到你的执着。你会成功的,我始终对你充满信心。nothing to be got without pains but poverty.只有贫困可以不劳而获得。 24新年寄语 叶伟能 这个学期对你来说是个丰收的季节,一次次月考的成绩确实令人感到兴奋。你是一名聪明、文静而好学上进的女孩,每当看到你上课时聚精会神的神情,老师就打心里面为你高兴,事实证明你是很优秀的。在此,老师祝福:你永远快乐、上进、成功! 25新年寄语 谭 琛 你是个聪明、性格开朗而又爱好广泛的女孩,能歌善舞,同学们都喜欢接近你,与你在一起谈笑风生,你懂礼貌,尊敬老师,关心集体,还有一手工整漂亮的字,学习上严格要求自己,不满足现状,有竞争思想,你的优点不胜枚举。老师想,如果在考试时你能做到更细心答题,你一定会跟优秀靠得更近一些。better and better.there is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。班主任:mr zhong 26新年寄语 廖锦仪如果生命是树,那么,理想是根,勤奋是叶,毅力是干,成功是果,你基础好,头脑灵活,又写得一手好字,如果能树立奋斗目标,勤奋、执着地去追索成功,你的生命之树一定会开花结果。he who does not advance loses ground.逆水行舟,不进则退。 27新年寄语 赵文君你的不断追求,给你带来不断进步,你是一个纯真可爱的女孩,你思维敏捷,想象力丰富,某些问题有自己独到的见解。的确,你很聪明,常问出别人无法想到的问题,多么与众不同。老师同学都很欣赏你。愿你前程似锦。 no one can call back yesterday.昨日不会重现。 28新年寄语 廖玉琼 你踏踏实实,从来不骄傲。你是一个文静大方的女孩,有自己的主见,默默地吮吸着知识的甘露,学习成绩出色,老师喜欢你在知识的海洋里畅游的学习劲头。在此老师衷心祝你:永远快乐,象一只蝴蝶一样在大自然中自由飞舞;但愿美好的未来属于你!wise man have their mouths in their hearts, fools have their hearts in their mouths.智者嘴在心里,愚者心在嘴里。 29新年寄语 赖均飞你是个非常优秀的男孩。你聪明,往往能答出其他同学答不出的问题,你从不向困难低头,所以每次月考都能取得好成绩,你的兴趣广泛,尤其是爱好足球,这给你带来与他人切磋的机会。同学们永远都会记得你在竞技场上顽强拼搏的身影。希望今后你再接再厉,更上一层楼!nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 30新年寄语 张银喜你是一个性格独立坚强的女孩,与人相处懂得谦让,能热心助人,尊敬老师,热爱学校生活,积极参加课外活动,爱劳动,学习认真,成绩优良,老师希望你以后

加倍努力,克服粗心大意,讲究方法,争取更大进步!愿成功伴随你。work makes the workman.勤工出巧匠。 dont give up until you make it. 31新年寄语 阮冠林还记得吗?跑道上你奋力冲刺的一刻,有多少人为你呐喊、为你加油、为你喝彩,而当时的我,好激动、好兴奋!自此,那一幕便深深地烙在我的脑海里。你学习也很努力,工作态度一丝不苟,你为班级争得了许许多多的荣誉,我感谢你!继续努力吧,我深深地为你祝福!加大力度突破英语使你更优秀。work makes the workman. 32新年寄语 梁业亮有段日子,你对待学习有所松懈,老师看在眼里,急在心里,如果在学习上有什么困难,老师很愿意帮助你,因为你一直是位很乖巧、很努力的好学生,不过,最近你又有了进步,这可真让老师松了一口气。相信自己吧,你是一位有聪明才智的人,你一定会用勤奋、上进谱写出一曲成功的乐章。everythingwill go well.nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 33新年寄语 苏嘉健你思维敏捷,想象力丰富,某些问题有自己独到的见解,关心集体,是老师的得力助手,从而赢得同学们的好评。在学习上近来你已有很大进步,但是还需要不懈努力,尤其是文科。希望你改进学法,多问多思。愿成功伴随你。heaven never helps the man who will not act.自己不动,叫天何用。 34新年寄语 陈敏玲你是一个很有个性的好学生,性格开朗又独立,有个人思想,也相当地倔强,对很多事情亦不会斤斤计较,尊敬老师,有责任心,做事踏实,聪明机智,学习成绩不断进步,老师祝愿你能积极地融入集体,快乐地在学校里生活,象一只快乐的鸟儿,自由飞翔。愿你永远快乐、明天更加美好。he who risks nothing gains nothing.收获与风险并存。

35新年寄语 李志威你很聪明,通过你的努力,这学期你的成绩进步了,可你的身边还有粗心、懒惰、不愿思考这位朋友,使你和好成绩还有一定的距离。聪明的你,想获得优异的成绩,一定知道怎么做了,对吧!相信在不久的将来,你一定会和好成绩交上朋友的。消除偏科情况,迎接最后胜利。祝你成功!succe belongs to the persevering.坚持就是胜利。

36新年寄语 廖文思有着小鸟般的童心的你,是那么活泼,那么可爱,为同学们带来欢乐与美的享受,学习上,你成绩不断进步,深得老师和同学们的赞赏,希望你在新的学习生活中不求真知不罢休,老师等着你的好消息。where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 37新年寄语 何健飞这学期你各方面的表现都很不错,学习成绩稳步提高,我一直对你充满信心,相信你能靠实力做一个出类拔萃的人,希望你加倍努力提高英语成绩。


Coupled with smart you work hard you can achieve very good results.You are a smart little girl, respect teachers, love learning, the claroom often to see your eyes full of Aura, and consciously take the initiative to learn more.But when teachers see you operating the scribbled writing on and go to school often say when whispering, can not help but frown a smart girl, the next semester you will not be disappointed teachers, right? If you can set strict demands on themselves, to speak boldly to set their goals high and then some, then the teacher, students will be more like you, it up! 你的聪明加上你的勤奋,就能取得很好的成绩。你是一个聪明的小女孩,尊敬师长,爱学习,课堂上常能见到你充满灵气的眼睛,学习上较自觉主动。可是当老师看到你作业本上潦草的字迹和上课经常讲悄悄话时,不禁皱眉了,聪明的女孩,下学期你一定不会让老师失望的,对吗?如果你能严格要求自己,大胆发言,把自己的目标定得再高一些,那么老师、同学会更喜欢你,努力吧! Your quiet, delicate beauty, cla, eyes always focused to listen and work completed carefully and clean, you can have beginnings and ends of each dut-y conscientiously completed, the teacher really likes you.Active in the claro-om raise their hands to speak, your quick thinking, excellent verbal communic-ation skills.But there is one point, whether to speak or do something to impr-ove the speed! This is the key to succe! 你文文静静,秀气美丽,课堂上总是眨着乌溜溜的眼睛专心地听讲,作业完成得认真又整洁,每次值日你都能有始有终,认真完成,老师真喜欢你。在课堂上积极举手发言,你的思维敏捷,口头表达能力非常出色。但是有一点,无论是说话,还是做事,要提高速度!这是成功的关键! You are a quiet little girl and stable, loving teacher, love the cla, courteo-us, learning to consciously take the initiative, excellent results.School actively speak your progre this semester to a maximum.Your understanding, too eage-r to help those in difficulties, you are also very hard, learning is always meti--culous, seriously, if you can see more after-school books, to improve their reading ability, more than the accumulation of a good vocabulary, and that your a higher level of performance will be! Beautiful when you smile, laugh some more.你是一位文静稳重的小女孩,爱老师、爱班级,讲礼貌,学习自觉主动,成绩优秀。上课积极主动地发言,是你这学期进步最大一项。你善解人意,热心帮助有困难得人,你也很勤奋,学习总是一丝不苟,认真对待,如果你课后能再看些书,提高自己的阅读能力,多积累好的词汇,那你的成绩会更上一层楼的!你笑的时候很美,一定多笑一笑。

你是个聪明、活泼而且非常可爱的小女孩。思维敏捷, 学习积极主动。 特别使老师高兴的是,你的 英语词汇量 丰富, 造句 多么与众不同。

你是个聪明、活泼而且非常可爱的小女孩。思维敏捷, 学习积极主动。 特别使老师高兴的是,你的 英语词汇量 丰富, 造句 多么与众不同,简直棒极了。

你是一名聪明、文静而勤奋好学的孩子。学习上能刻苦钻研,课堂上常能听到你那清脆悦耳的回答声;你工作积极,乐意当老师的小助手;成绩总是 那么优秀 ;平时你总是带着甜甜的笑容,与同学友爱相处。 相信你在新的一年里会有更多的收获的! 在老师的眼里,你是一位很乖巧可爱的女孩,你的字迹潇洒漂亮。看你平时不多言多语,课堂上你却专心听讲,认真完成作业,课堂上你也 总是 把手举得高高的,让同学听听你那 精彩 的 回答 ,常常受到同学和老师的赞赏。老师希望你继续努力 ,你 会得更出色 的 ! 你思维敏捷,想象力丰富,某些问题有自己独到的见解。的确,你很聪明,常问出别人无法想到的问题,多么与众不同。但你好动, 有时 不专心, 如果能克服缺点, 这样的话你一定 会很棒的 。

你是一个文静的女孩,默默地吮吸着知识的甘露,学习成绩十分出色,老师喜欢你在知识的海洋里畅游的学习劲头,更愿意 听 到你 流利的英语 。

这学期 后半期 , 你 学习成绩 逐 步提高, 只要勤奋, 相信你 一定会有更大的收获。 老师想送你一句话: 天下无难事,只怕有心人。 困难 是 挡不住勇敢者的脚步 的 。 你是位聪明又可爱的小男孩,老师好喜欢你上课专心听讲,勤奋好学的劲儿 。 书写也 越来越漂亮 了,但要记住 学习英语一定要多读多听 , 注意纠正自己的发音, 这样 你才会说得一口流利漂亮的英语 。 成功的喜悦是辛勤的汗水浇灌出的,而懒惰的人大多一事无成。其实,你是很聪明的孩子。你发现没有, 只要勤奋一点,你的听写就会多对一个; 只要努力一下,你的字就可以写得漂亮 ; 让脑子多思考一下问题,你就可以得出令人满意的答案,努力吧,你 会有 更大的进步! 你有礼貌 、聪明、机灵 ,问题的回答总是很精彩。 可是你有时仍贪玩,爱纪律松懈,也让老师失望。好孩子,你那么聪明,要是把更多的心思用在学习上,谁也比不上你。努力吧,老师期待着你更大的进步!你可以成为一名佼佼者 的! 你聪明伶俐,思维敏捷 。你看,你一认真起来单词、课文一会儿就背到了。但不专心听讲是你最大的缺点, 假如你能纠正你的这些不良态度,老师相信,你将是最棒的!努力吧! 你是一个聪明机灵的小男孩,只是 在 学习上缺乏积极主动 。希望你在学习上多下点功夫。我相信你定能取得好成绩,你说对吗? 老师 能 发现你身上的优点:尊敬老师,聪明机灵 ,能积极举手回答问题。老师希望你课堂上再专心些,作业本上潦草的字迹再工整一些。你要知道 老师 一直在 期待你的进步。

你有些调皮,有些好动, 有时也会 挨批评,可在老师的心中,一直认为你是个聪明的孩子。学习是靠持之以恒的,如果你能把学习的激情融入每时每刻,静下来认真思考,勤奋学习,那么,你 会更优秀的!



期末英文评语MickeyMickey is such a smart boy who is a very good learner.He still loves to participate and answer questions.He is happy to be in cla and speaks very confidently.I am very happy with all his development over the past few months! SherylSheryl is still a pleasure as ever.She is getting more and more confident with sentences these past few weeks and she is really trying to put things together herself.She’s doing great and I am really happy with her.JakeJake is really doing absolutely fantastic in cla.He completely understands what is going on in cla and he seems to enjoy cla so much more.He participates in everything and loves to help out the other children with their sentences.I am so impreed.DanielDaniel is still making improvements every week.He still has a lot of catching up to do and he still has to work on his sentences but he is definitely getting better all the time.Keep practicing and keep up the super work.JillJill is doing fantastic the past few weeks.She seems to have a much better understanding of what is going on in cla and because of this reason she is starting to participate much better and pay attention more.MyronMyron is such a bright little boy with huge potential for learning.He is saying sentences with such ease and his pronunciation is excellent.He is gaining confidence every week and I am so happy with him.TonyTony is superb as always.He is still very well behaved in cla and therefore learns new language very quickly.He is great at remembering vocabulary and he is putting good sentences together.He’s doing great.AllanAllan has been doing great again this week.He picks things up quickly but tends to forget them easily so please keep practicing at home.He is participating well and his sentences are improving all the time.TomTom is really great at participating in activities that I am leading, he can repeat after me extremely well and he loves to learn new things.He still has some catching up to do so keep practicing at home but I am really happy with him.LisaLisa is still making huge improvements all the time.She is getting much better at listening and her pronunciation is constantly improving.I am really pleased with all the progre she has made and I am so proud of her.RobbieRobbie is a really confident bright little boy with huge potential.He has good pronunciation and he is very well-behaved in cla.His listening is really improving and I am so pleased with all his progre.DuduDudu has made maive improvements recently.He is listening very well in cla and therefore is learning so much more vocabulary.He is very well behaved and participating really well in cla.I am so pleased with him.ThomasThomas is making really good progre recently.He still struggles with new vocabulary so keep practicing at home but he has become much more social in cla and enjoys participating a lot more now.Keep up the good work! YvonneYvonne is still an absolute pleasure to teach.She is improving all the time and she speaks very clearly, she also loves to participate.This week she has been doing really great at saying new sentences and I’m very pleased.DavidDavid is doing really well in cla the past week.He is making improvements all the time and slowly building up more confidence.His sentences need some work so please keep practicing but other than that I am really pleased.ChristinaChristina is starting to say more sentences and is starting to get a better understanding of what’s going on in cla recently.I am really pleased with all her efforts.She is listening more and I am really happy.JasonJason is making developments every week but he is still easily distracted and not confident with his speaking.He will grow out of this soon but in the meantime please keep practicing at home with him.WendyWendy is a very bright girl as always who really has great learning potential.She learns things very easily and is always happy to participate.Her sentences are getting better all the time and I am really pleased with her.HardyHardy is such a bright little boy who is doing fantastic as always.He is great at making up his own sentences and he is always happy to learn new things.I am so proud of all his hard work in cla.Keep it up!




You are an intelligent and hardworking model from whom everyone can learn.Perseverance is the guarantee for you to make steady progre.Hard work is very important in our life.May all your wish come true

你待人随和、诚恳,热爱集体是你的美德。对待同学总是谦虚友好,对待学习总是毫不怠慢,你学习上的进步,老师和同学们都看在眼里,同样也为你感到高兴。继续努力吧,愿你成绩能进一步提高! You are so easy-going and sincere that every clamate can get along well with you.We are pleased to see you have made so much progre.Work harder and you will make greater succe.

你有一颗纯真的心,你的笑容如春风洋溢。你品行优良,待人诚恳,表里一致。我想,你有良好的心理素质,只是要多加注意学习的细节。多思多练做好知识的归纳和问题的反思,你的成绩会有很大的提高。 You have a simple heart and you are always smiling.Your words are in accord with your ideas.If you pay more attention to the details in study and practice more, you will make greater achievement.你的言行彬彬有礼,反映出良好的家教.希望你能大胆积极的融进集体中来.希望你能凭借自己的执着和毅力,克服语言的障碍.知识无法完全靠传授而获得,你必须亲自实践.学习是一个手脑结合的过程,要加强动手能力,这样才能提高学习效率.Your are polite and well-mannered, reflecting that you have received good family education .Hope you can overcome the language barrier by hard work and perseverance.Knowledge can’t always be gained by being educated so you should learn through practice.Only in this way can you improve the learning efficiency


You are a hard-working student with excellent performance in study.Hard work is very important in our life.May all your wish come true!


Wang junjie

You have made some progre in your English this term.Working hard in the main subjects makes you get more succeful than before.

Liu jiahao You are a lovely and innocent boy。Although you are so active in cla,your grade is just so-so。you are enthusiastic,getting along well with clamates,but you love fun and games,that effects your study。If you can deal with study and play well,you will be a great boy。


You have made progre in English.Word harder and I believe you mill be good at English.


You are good at Chinese.I appreciate your Chinese paages.Though you have little English foundation, you show great interest in learning English.You need to keep trying your best.


Your English is not very good, but I think if you work hard, you’ll mode much progre in English.Believe in yourself.I believe your English will be good if you work hard and come to ask me for help if you need.


Your work is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes.Try to spell you r words correctly.Avoid mipelling!

Qing zhifeng

Although you’re late in achieving, you have caught up well you’re your studies.I would like to see you getting fast development of your written and oral skills in English.


You are really doing a good job in your English.Your English is excellent, yon have achieved great succe, of course this is because you work hard and you have interest in English.I hope you can continue to work hard and I believe you’ll be the best.I’ll be proud of you! Jill

You\'d better be more careful! Pay more attention to verbs and their uses! Work harder and then you\'ll make much progre! Li xianlong You are a quiet boy.I can see your great improvement in English.You listen carefully in cla and participate in the cla activities quite well.You understand what is being taught and sometimes you are active in answering questions.You can speak English very clearly.Keep up the good effort.I believe you can make it.


You come from a far away country, but our mind and heart are close.During nearly one year time, all the teachers like you very much and you get along well with others.Hope you will have a good vacation.


You have changed a lot.I can see your great improvement in English.You listen carefully in cla and participate in the cla activities quite well.


You are the loveliest boy I have seen.I like your smartne very much.If you can study harder, I will feel happier.

Zhang peng If you share part of your energy in studying, I believe you can do quite better.Do not lose heart; we are all here with you.


I find you\'ve made a lot of progre! I think you can work more next semester!

He zeyang

Pay attention to what you have to do.I hope you can take a serious attitude towards your studying, no matter it is Chinese, English or math, etc.

Zhang minqing You are an active student.Maybe other students envy your energy and your diligence.Sometimes, you are not strict with yourself, so you break the school rules unconsciously.In my opinion, if you can be stricter with yourself, you would become much better.Don’t lose heart, if you try, you are surely better.

Li kuncheng

Do hope you can get great progre in writing and study harder? Never give up and try hard, you will see a different world.

Study hard.You should know what is the most important for a student.

Liang jiahao Study hard.You should know what is the most important for a student. I\'m sure you can do your work better next time.You have done your work better this time.I believe that nothing is impoible as long as you work hard.

Kenny You are a very good boy.You enjoy learning English and absorb what is being taught quite well.In cla you listen carefully and think actively.You participate in the cla activities very well.You need to try harder in reciting words and the weekly topics.I believe you can make it.


You have a solid foundation in English.You are also hard—working in cla and can finish homework within the given time.Generally speaking, you are fairly good.


I\'m sure you can do your work better next time.You have done your work better this time.I believe that nothing is impoible as long as you work hard.


You often raise your hands in cla.You absorb what is being taught very well.You are a fast learner and you can read the texts and weekly topic fluently.It will be great if you can imitate more to improve your pronunciation.

Dai lingzhi You show great interest in learning English.In cla, you like to answer the teacher’s questions and enjoy performing very much.What you need to improve on is to learn how to work independently and try to find some ways to memorize English words.


Though you have a little foundation of English, you try to keep up with others.I can see your great improvement, especially from your performance in cla recently.You are catching up, keep up the good effort.

Shirley This semester, your interest in English isn’t like before.What’s wrong with you? In cla, you should try to follow the teacher and participate in the cla activities.You really need to keep trying her best.


You are an honest student, respect the teachers, get along well with your clamates .you always take pride in our cla and often do many things that can make our unit better.However, I think you should pay more attention to the way you study, and then I believe you can get better grades.Keep on!


You are very careful in cla.You take notes and completed the homework with in the given time.Therefore, you have got high score in English exam.At the same time you have very good behavior.You are easy to get along with.You also respect teachers and the other students very much.

Zhan yachun

Your handwriting is really beautiful.I like it! You can take part in the acclivities in this cla.That’s good! Keep up the good effort.

Though you have little foundation of English, you try to keep up with the others.I can see your great improvement.Especially from your performance in cla recently, you are catching up.

You are a very sweet girl.You enjoy learning English and are improving very fast.In cla you are very active in thinking and participate in the cla activities very well.You can speak English clearly and confidently.Keep up the good effort.

You are a quiet boy.I can see your improvement in English.You listen carefully in cla and raise your hands very often.Now you can speak English much better than before.Come on.













Amanda – Amanda has been going well, she is saying the words.But after a little bit of encouragement, she is becoming a little bit more confident with her speaking out loud in cla.Keep practicing sentences at home.Colin – Colin is going well; he is active and answers all the questions I am asking from him.He is very eager to get u

p in front of the cla and do the action or find the new pictures and say the word.Ivy – Ivy is participating very well in the cla, she always likes to say the new words or sentences that we have just learnt.When asked a question; she thinks very hard and comes up with some great unique ways of saying the sentence.MiaStephen is going well in cla, he was very shy to begin with.But he has now opened up a little bit and is saying the new words and sentences.He is becoming active in the cla which is really good.Yinuo- Yinuo is a very bright and smart little girl, her English knowledge is fantastic.She is very active in cla and really enjoys getting up in front of the cla and practicing the new words and sentences.She has a great grasp on the leons and understands everything we are doing.Mia -Amy is going well; she has started to become more active in the cla, which is really great to see.She is saying the new words and sentences well; is getting more active in cla.SophiaSiy has opened up more in cla; in the beginning she was a little bit shy.But now she is saying the new words and sentences rally well.She is getting more active which is really good to see.OscarJodie is going really well in cla, she is participating in almost every activity and is very active.She enjoys getting up in front of the cla and practicing what she has just learnt.Charles -Charles is active during cla and has a good understanding of what is going on in the cla.He will get up and say the new words and sentences.Carrie - Carrie is a smart little girl, she has a good understanding of English and is really starting to participate in the cla well.She now enjoys getting up in front of the cla and practicing the new words.Maggie – Maggie is going well in cla, she has opened up a lot since the first cla we had.She is saying the new words and sentences really well and is coming up in front of the cla to practice what she has just leant.


1.You are a hardworking girl/boy.No pains, no gains.I hope you will make more progre in English study in the future.你是一个努力的孩子。付出才有收获,我希望你能在未来的英语学习取得更大的进步。

2.You are a nice girl/boy.I believe you’ll be succeful on your study.你是一个不错的孩子。我相信你能在学习上取得成功。

3.You may have some difficults on English.I hope you will make more progre in later day.你在英语上也许有一些困难。我希望你在今后的学习上取得进步。

4.You are a clever girl/boy.I hope you make more improvement on your study.你是一个聪明的孩子。我相信你能在学习上取得进步。

5.You are an outgoing girl/boy.You are very active on cla.Work harder you will make more progre.你是一个外向的孩子。你在课堂上非常积极。我相信你更努力一点就能取得更好的进步。

6.I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day.Come on.我希望你能在今后学习中书写上取得更好的进步。加油。

7.Your English is very good.I hope you can be more outgoing.你的英语非常棒,我希望你能更外向一点。

8.You are a shy but hardworking boy/girl.Try to be more active on cla.Be confident, you should trust yourself.你是一个害羞但是努力的孩子。请在课堂上更积极一点。自信一点,要相信自己。

9.You are a nice girl/boy.Pay more attention on your English study.Wish you a succeful future.你是一个不错的孩子。在英语学习上多用心一点。相信你将来更成功。

10.You are a clever boy/girl.I enjoy your activene on cla.Come on.你是一个聪明的孩子,我喜欢课堂上积极的你。加油。

11.Congratulations on your progre.I’m sure you can make it.Come on.你祝贺你的进步,我相信你能做到。加油。

12.You are a clever girl/boy.This term you have done a good job.你是一个聪明的孩子。这学期你做的很好。

13.This term you did a good job.I’m so proud of you.这学期你做的很好,我为你感到骄傲。

14.You have done your work better this time.I believe that nothing is impoible as long as you work hard.这次你做得非常的好。只要你努力,我相信没


15.I’m sure you can do your work better than next time.我相信你下次会做得更好。

16.The harder you do, the sooner you will improve.你越努力,你就越早进步。

17.No pains, no gains.I hope you will make progre in the future.Work harder and you will make more progre.没有付出就没有收获。我希望你后面可以进步,越努力,进步越大。

18.Come on.I’m sure you will make it soon.加油,你能获得进步。

19.I’m sure you will make more and more progre if you keep on practising your spoken English.我相信如果你继续练习你的口语,你会获得更大的进步。

20.If you don’t exert yourself in youth, you will regret it in old age.少壮不努力老大徒伤悲。

21.Time flies like an arrow.Don’t lose your time by trifling.Please work harder.光阴似箭,莫虚度光阴,请好好努力。 22.Learning without thinking leads to confusion.Thinking without learning ends in danger.Please work harder.学而不思则罔,思而不学则


















重难点突出,教法选择灵活恰当,教学过程设计较详,并有体现“以学生为主体”教学理念的师生互动过程设计。 板书设计有创意,知识联络图文结合。 作图非常规范,非常漂亮,还有课后小结。 注意用不同的色彩强调语句中的重点,一目了然。 教案非常详细,结合时政,有大量的文字叙述。 教案格式规范,一笔一划书写很认真,很漂亮。


城关二小数学组教学常规检查小结 冯鑫鑫

一、检查概况 2011年12月19日教导处联合各年级组长、教研组长对全校后阶段的教学常规工作进行了检查。此次我们数学组共有17名教师接受检查。总体来说绝大多数教师的工作成效是令人欣喜的值得肯定但同时也存在一些问题有待进一步整改。

二、主要成绩 ㈠、教案编写情况⑴实效大。大多数教师编写教案能根据学情课型紧靠《课标》重点突出体现特点落实目标渗透理念教学环节清晰合理富有针对性和实用性。⑵“余粮”足。大部分的教师能精心准备认真撰写数量足够大多数教师有一周的“库存粮”。⑶形式活。教案呈现方式多有自己撰写有集体备课个人增减有在文中批注等但更多的是自撰的。⑷有反思。大部分教师都能及时地在教案后面写上自己的教学感受体验思考顿悟内容丰富形式灵活。 ㈡作业布置与批改⑴作业布置有广度大多数教师能践行中心校就作业布置的具体要求做到“堂堂有作业课课有练习”。有一部分教师还从时间类型要求等不同层面上做“细活”。⑵设置作业有维度多数教师能根据学情与教材特点从夯实基础落实目标提高能力发展潜力等多重目的出发自设了形式多样富有成效的综合作业。⑶批改作业有效度教师们都能及时认真细致准确地批改作业做到符号规范反馈及时重视矫正。充分发挥评价的激励作用。












3、该节课能以旧引新,寻找新旧知识的关联和生长点,注重知识的发生发展过程, 能找到教材特点及本课的疑点,并恰当处理,在课堂上设疑问难,引导点拨,是一节很有个性特点的课


5、该节课教学过程设计完整有序,既体现知识结构,知识点,又注意突出学生活动设计,体现教学民主、培养学生良好的学习品质 课堂结构完整,密度恰当。





































其次,要看重难点的突破,由概念和抽象造成的难, 应努力使之具体化或形象化,尽量采用实验,教具或具体实例去说明。由复杂造成的难,就要把难点分散成几个简单部分逐个解决。这里是最能体现“教无定法”的地方。这是评价一个教学设计最主要的指标。是教师个人教学智慧、教学水平的体现,也是教师教学理念的体现。 第三,看这节课的设计前后衔接是否连贯,顺畅。整个教学设计是否具有整体性。 板书设计:板书设计要有新意,能突出重点。









2013-04-03 10:28:25| 分类: 教学 | 标签: |举报 |字号大中小 订阅




4、本节课各种学习活动设计具体、充分注意学生学习习惯的培养,因材施教,调动学生自主学习的积极性,遵循常规但不拘泥,根据学生的差异和特点, 从具体到抽象对教材进行处理,是一节很成功的课

5、该节课教学过程设计完整有序,既体现知识结构,知识点,又注意突出学生活动设计,体现教学民主、培养学生良好的学习品质 课堂结构完整,密度恰当。

6、该节课教学程序设计巧妙,在教学过程中能运用上新颖独特教学方法、言简意胲, 引导点拨学生,学生动口、动手、动脑,主动参与教学过程,使学生做出的作品图文并貌,有美感,整节课很完美。








14、该节课教学环节清晰、完整具体, 能活化教学内容,使之生活化,课堂教学的开放性、师生关系的民主性、教学模式的多样性,培养学生良好的学习品质,体显出该教师教学能力非常强.







教学案例评析常用语 教学点评常用话语集锦





第三,总体概括教学案例突出的特点,与前面的理论要契合(三四句) 第四,分点阐述其特点(一两句理论阐述,两三句亮点分析,结合教学案例中的具体做法谈,注意语言简洁,深入浅出,评价客观,不说过激词语,最好能体现归纳能力)






(2)我们在教学时应该敞开心扉,以平等的心态去和学生交流。 (3)教师是一个平等的参与者和合作者,学生成为学习活动的真正






(1)新课程强调:“应尊重学生在学习过程中的独特体验。” (2)现代教学论认为,民主、和谐、宽松的课堂教学氛围是促进学生自主学习、主动发展的关键所在。课堂上师生合作、生生合作、平等讨论、相互补充的气氛浓烈。教师给学生提供充分展示自己的机会,让学生张扬自己的个性。学生们无拘无束地表现自己的感受,轻松愉快地用语言表达自己的见解。在言语实践中学习语言,在积极思维中发展思维,在交流表达中提高表达能力。教师的平等参与不仅加大了师生间的亲和度,而且对学习重点有效地进行点拨和引导,增加










(3)德国教育家第斯多惠认为:教学艺术的本质不在于传授知识,而在于激励、唤醒和鼓舞。这堂课能够体现教师真正地唤起学生的主体意识。教师再教学中,适当地放手,让学生自己去创造、去实践。没有用条条框框的模式去束缚学生的创造力,更没让孩子按教师的思维、想法去行事。让学生自己发现问题,在愉悦、宽松的氛围中,学生敢于想、敢于说。“ 一石击起千层浪 ” 学生的思维发生碰撞,迸发出耀眼的火花。教学中教师努力提供把学生置身于问题情境之中的机会,营造一个激励探索和理解的氛围,为学生提供一个有启发性的讨论模式,通过学生的自主活动来体验知识的产生和形成过程。学习是学生的自主行为。我们的教学更重要的是唤醒和激发学生主动参与学习的意识,使学生产生学习需求。因为兴趣是少年儿童认知活动的动力,最好的学习是学生对所学有内在兴趣。从上面的教学设计可以看到,教师从课文出发,引出了所要学习的新内容,并进一步激发了学生的阅读和自学兴趣。学生们都精心准备,全身心地投入,主体性参与极高。这样就激活了学生的内驱力,变“要我学”为“我要学”,由被动地学转为主动地学。真正体现了教学的艺术不在于传授本领,而
















《语文课程标准》明确指出:“口语交际是听与说双方的互动过程。”这一点向我们指明了“双向互动”是口语交际的主要特点。也就要求教师在具体的口语交际课教学中,努力创造双向互动的教学情境,让学生积极主动地参与口语交际实践。 《语文课程标准》也指出:口语交际的教学活动应在具体的交际情境














14、关于优美课件的评价: 课件是为教学服务的,它能创设生动的情境,形象直观并能获得审美愉悦,扩充了课堂资源。合理的课件可以调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。但教学效果的好坏关键还是课堂的设置,教师的调控,学生的



对于课堂教学而言,“良好的开端是成功的一半”, 特别是运用精彩的导入语,能够感染学生的情绪,激活学生的思维,激发学生的求知欲,充分调动学生的积极性,为授课的成功奠定了良好的基础。教师开课妙在不径直点明主题,却激起了学生的探究欲望。如此开课体现了教师精心安排又不着痕迹的教学艺术。


教案规范、详细,教学目的明确,既有知识目标,又有情感目标,还有德育目标。 重难点突出,教法选择灵活恰当,教学过程设计较详,并有体现“以学生为主体”教学理念的师生互动过程设计。

板书设计有创意,知识联络图文结合。 作图非常规范,非常漂亮,还有课后小结。 注意用不同的色彩强调语句中的重点,一目了然。 教案非常详细,结合时政,有大量的文字叙述。 教案格式规范,一笔一划书写很认真,很漂亮。 [教案评价标准]


1、明确(目标明确,具体,便于师生操作), 教案评价标准






































1.Time is flying away,and years are paing by.Only our friendship is always in my heart.Farewell,my friend!Take care,my friend!流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。朋友,再见!朋友,珍重!

2.Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I\\\'ve send you.朋友,你喜欢星空吗?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独、忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。

3.Life is a profound book.Other\\\'s notes cannot replace your own understanding.May you find and create something new in it.生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解。愿你有所发现,有所创造。

4.Don\\\'t be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world.Seize your chance and value your opportunities.May our friendship be everlasting.人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。

5.Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longing.Wishing you happine forever!时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远!

6.I have three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joy be always with you and me!May we often meet each other!我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我心间,三愿我们常常相见!

7.Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.思念是一条细长的线,一端系着你,一端系着我,时刻连接着两颗跳动不息的心。

8.If I should meet thee,

After long years,

How should I greet thee?

With silence and tears.

—〔Britain〕George Gordon Byron

多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?泪流默无声。 ———〔英〕拜伦

9.If life cheats you,don\\\'t be disappointed and worried.Calmne is needed in melancholy days.Believe that pleasantne is coming.Long for the bright future though you are unhappy. All will pa by and everything will be over.Past things will be pleasant memories. —〔Ruia〕Alesander Pushkin

假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急。阴郁的日子需要镇静。相信吧,那愉快的日子即将来临。心永远憧憬着未来,尽管你现在常常是阴沉的。一切都是瞬息,一切都会过去,而过去了的,将会变成亲切的怀念。 ———〔俄〕普希金




Unbalance collar领不平衡(平服) Asymmetric collar领不对称(领位 Uneren collar width左右领宽不一致 Uneren neckline左右领圈不一致 Uneren cocollar point领尖不对称

Uneren lapel shapes左右前领咀形状不一样

Too much easing at C.F neckline前领口溶位太多(有太多溶位于前领中领窝)

Collar band is twisting领坐扭曲不平服 Collar too tight at CB后领中太紧

Fullne at front collar and lapel领及前领不平顺 Neckline is not smooth领子装得不服帖不平顺 High & low back neck后领圈有高低

Edge of front opening is crooked前门领边不直 Front opening not stright前门领边不直

Front facing is exposed at bottom hem前门领贴在下摆处外露 Front opening faocing is shorter than body前门领贴短于大身 Neck was stretched 领圈拉松

Too much tie on front collar前领处有豁口 2.sleev&armhole袖和夹

Puckering at left/right armhole左右夹圈有溶位不平服

Too loose at right armhoie uneren for left/right armhole右夹圈有拉松左右夹圈不对称

Sleeve running to back 衣袖走后 Sleeve running to front衣袖走前 Too loose at front sleeve seam前袖骨拉松 Too tight at back sleeve seam后袖骨过紧 Poor cuff setting克夫装得不好

Underarm seam was stretched袖低缝被拉松 Armhole setting not smooth袖孔不圆顺 Ease on sleeve cap is uneven袖顶缩拱不均匀 3.fornt/back前后幅(片) Hiking at back lining too short吊里

Curve at CF zip (too much fullne at CF zip)前中拉链溶位太多

Curve at CF zipper because of no easing of zipper前中拉链无溶位(引起拱起不平服)

Hiking at back/hiking at front后幅吊起/前幅吊起

Lining too big too short ;too small ;too long里布太大,太短,太小,太长

Crain lines are not match at front & back panel前后幅布纹不相称 Front length uneven左右前长不一致

Too loose at shell too loose at back/lining turn insider out低松,

面鬆,向外反 4pocket袋

High-low pocket高低袋

Both pocket set uneven左右口袋装得高低不一致 Pocket not smoth/squared袋不平服、不够正方 Pocket flap not centered ovev pocket袋盖不居中 Both pocket shapes are uneven左右口袋形状不一致 Bottom part of pocket is sagging口袋下部下垂 Pocket flap is mispalaced袋边位置不对 Pocket is smiling袋口开得不吻合 Pocket opening is fray袋口有毛口 Pocket shape distorted口袋变形

Pocket size and shape is not follow samle exactiy 口袋尺寸和形状未按纸样做(实样)

Pocket welt is uneven上下袋唇不均匀 Poor pocket setting口袋装得不好 5binding (拉捆)包边

Piping is

twisting and not smooth捆边扭曲不平顺 Piping is uneven捆边不均匀 6pleats缩褶

Uneven shriving at back waist seam后腰缩碎褶不均匀


Teaching Plan Be Careful with Numbers in Listening Cla: Cla 12, Senior Two Date: May 16,2007 Teacher: Ni Yazhen School: Zhi Yuan Senior High School Teaching Material: P75 S2B Oxford English;

Additional material(The new Star Wars movie, Be Careful with Numbers) Teaching Objectives: Knowledge objectives: To enable students to listen and complete some exercises Ability Objectives: To encourage the students to have basic skills of listening.Emotion objectives: To cultivate the cooperation through peer interaction Teaching aids: Multi-media Teaching and learning method: Guiding for learning Teaching Procedures: I.Presentation

Today we’ll have a cla on listening practice “Be careful with numbers in listening”: First we’ll play a game.Then, we’ll practice.Lead-in

A game on number II.Performance: Quick and accurate response to numbers is very important in daily communication. Telephone numbers, addrees, prices, temperatures, time and dates all closely linked with the use of numbers .Besides, numbers also play a very important part in broadcast programmes such as reports Now let’s listen to some advice from experts.

Task 1 Be Careful with Numbers (Play the recorder Twice)

Individual work→pair work(check the answer with your partner)→Group work(Underline the important sentences.e.g.The differences between million and billion, “-teen’s” and “-ty’s” are …..“Seventeen point five million.”…)Whole cla read the key sentences.


Numbers are all around us. Let us practice with numbers and learn to be good at numbers.(First read out the following numbers… Watch the screen) Task 2 Listen to some statements about the brief history of films and TV.

First check the answers in groups.If you have different opinion , please raise your hands.Judgement: (First students give themselves a judge. Then teacher does it) It seems no challenge.Now, We’ll do challenge exercise.So pay special attention to the numbers in the paage and select the correct answer from the choices listed below.

First teach the students new words in listening material.Then ask students to read out the numbers in Star Wars.III.Promotion: Challenge exercise

Star Wars

Listen to the tape twice →Check the answers

IV.Conclusion: What we learned today is “Be careful with numbers in numbers.”

Remember the following points when you are doing listening tasks: 1.Take great care with the spelling of names and with addrees and phones numbers, prices, time and dates...2.To find the right answer, you may need to do simple calculations or combine two sets of data.3.Listen carefully for words and phrases such as these:

half / twice as expensive as…


Book2 Leon7




气球从小吹到大,小朋友由坐着到站起来,最后要爆掉。拍拍手说“pia” 说到pia的时候小朋友要赶紧坐下,否则就被老师抓住了

这些都是什么呢?BOOKS!!! 今天我们一起来做小小搬运工哦

请小朋友们利用身体的不同部位来搬书。(头顶,后背夹,屁股夹...),其它孩子别忘了要说book, 来加油哦.说的好的小朋友都能来做小小搬运工哦。

Leon8 躺在“病床上”的2个小朋友,简简单单就可以导入课文,what\'s the matter? I have a fever。并且,制作起来也很简单,只要用卡纸围成圆筒状,贴在黑板上即可

Leon9 利用手势教turn on/off 圆圈代表turn on

叉叉代表turn off Leon10 刷牙洗脸让我们的宝宝们养成好的生活习惯是这节课的重点哦!!!

看看我们的龇着大牙的开心宝宝的牙齿多白啊,秘诀就是I brush mt teeth day and night.哈哈哈刷牙也可以这样哈

这一课还可以用到另外一个教具,我们一起来看看吧。 首先有一个小朋友


小朋友赶紧手一起来做个讲卫生的小朋友,我们的牙齿小卫士来了。拿起牙刷把牙上的细菌一扫而光.一边刷,一边念我们的魔法咒语I brush my teeth ,day and night。


,shampoo,shower 丢丢乐


I clean my body ,from head to toe



冀教版九年级下册Unit 5教案(英文版)

Unit 5 Culture Shapes Us Leon 33: Welcome, Guest! Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: shape, perhaps, though Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Good manners at table.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn different cultures.2.Practice the object complements and attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The object complements.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discuing the following questions: What do you know about dinosaurs? List the names of some types of dinosaurs you know of.Discu the questions in groups.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then discu it in groups.Make a complete answer.Then present it in the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Where was Danny yesterday afternoon? He was at Dinosaur School.2.Did Danny learn Dinosaur song at school? Yes, he did.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task Read the text and encourage the students to ask more questions about this part.S1: What did Danny learn at Dinosaur school? S2: He learned dinosaur culture.S3: When will they have dinner together? S4: On Saturday.Step4.Practice Do with the main grammar: the object complements.Point out the sentences with object complements: I find other cultures interesting.Make examples by the students: We must keep the claroom clean every day.Step5.Activity Invite your friend to your home.What do you do? Make up a dialogue with your partner.Then let them present it in front of the cla.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.What do you think dinosaur food is like? Do you think Brian and Jenny will like the food? Write down your ideas.Then share it with your partner.After a while, let some students show their answers in front of the cla.Remind them to tell the students why they think so.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercise book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.

Summary: Students are strange to hear of the Dinosaur culture.We all want to know what real Dinosaur culture is, including their food, songs, clothes and so on.Give the students time to say some other countries’ culture in front of the cla.Let them search on the Internet for more information.

Leon 34: Danny’s Dinosaur Dinner Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: knock, hang, hang up, offer Oral words and expreions: hung, hanged Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the Dinosaur culture.2.Cultivate the students’ cooperation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn something about having a meal.2.The object complement and the attributive clause. Teaching Difficult Points: Have a meal.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discuing the following questions:

Have you ever invited a guest to your home? Have you ever been a guest? What’s the worst food you’ve ever had? Discu the following questions in groups.Then present it in front of the cla. Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.When Jenny and Brian come to Danny’s home, he is in the _____.2.Danny gives Brian and Jenny some _____ to eat.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Reading task Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false.1.Jenny and Brian come to Danny’s home on Sunday.2.Jenny and Brian drink some milk in Danny’s home.3.Dinosaur food is certainly different.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again and retell the story in their own words.Correct their grammar mistakes after he finish telling the story. Ste5.Do with the language points: Make sentences with the useful phrases: Would like to…? Help yourself to… S1: Would you like some dumplings? S2: Yes, I’d love to.S3: Would you like to have an apple? S4: No, thank you.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Divide the cla into several groups to finish the activity.Every member writes his ideas on a piece of paper.

Are guests important in your home? What do you do to make guests feel comfortable? Let the students show their dialogues out in front of the cla. Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in cla.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.

Summary: It is important for you to make your guests feel comfortable.At first, you must be polite.Then you can provide them with different drinks and fruits.Ask them what their favourite food is.Of course, as a guest, you must be polite enough, too.Leon 35: Keeping Culture Alive Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expreions: hand in, strange, mind, share Oral words and expreions: Chinatown Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more about foreign cultures.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.3.Grasp the important grammars.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about the Chinatown.2.Having meals.3.Object complements.Teaching Difficult Points:

Object complements

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discuing the following questions: Have you ever heard of Chinatown? What do you think of it?

Work in groups.Everyone writes his or her answers down.Then discu for five minutes.Present it in front of the cla.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.This is the _____ time for Danny to Chinatown.Would Chinese students visit _____ _____ _____.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Did Brian enjoy the school trip?

2.Is there an area called Little North America in Beijing?

Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again.Then ask the students to retell the story in their own words.They can practice with her partner first.Step5.Do with the language points: Let the students read the text again.Sum the new words and language points in this leon.Make up sentences with the new words and the language points.S1: Must I hand in the paper now? S2: Let’s share the experience in the summer holiday.S3: I shall share the fruit with the little girls.S4: Will it rain tomorrow? S5: I don’t think so.Step6.Activity Group work.If there were Little North America in Beijing, what will it be like?

Divide the cla into groups to finish the task.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then change it with the others.Then choose the complete one to present in front of the cla.Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish this part in groups of three or four.One student sums his group’s advice.Then present it in front of the cla.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.

Summary: Chinatown is used for Chinese in America.They can speak Chinese.It if convenient for those people who can’t speak English live there.They are all kinds of shops there.

Leon 36: So We Can Be Friends Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: difference Oral words and expreions: Peru, Scotland, bagpipe Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more about the foreign culture.2.Learn to sing English songs.Teaching Important Points: 1.Keep one country’s culture.2.Grasp the object complement.3.How to use keep.Teaching Difficult Points: Keep one culture’s culture.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures about the foreign culture.Pointing to the pictures, ask the students to gue where they are and what special culture they have.Step2.Listen to the tape for two times.While they are listening, let the students sing after it in a low voice.Step3.Read the song as a poem.Let them find if it has rhythms.

Step4.Ask the students to know the meaning of the song with the help of the pictures.Step5.Listen to the tape again and sing after if for several times. Step6.Let the volunteers sing in front of the cla.Step7.Come to PROJECT.1.List the differences between the Chinese and Chinese cultures.Finish it in work group.Talk about the different ways in China and Canada.What are the differences between the two countries?

2.Ask the students to act short plays out in front of the cla.Show what would happen in Canada and what will happen in China.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.

Summary: Different countries have different culture.We must keep it.Students should know more about it.It can help them when they go abroad to study further.Ask the students to search more after the cla.Then present it in the next leon.

Leon 37: The Fox and the Stock Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: fox, flat, hardly, fetch, thin, stick, regard, realize, promise Oral words and expreions: stork, Aesop, rudely, beak Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about more about the foreign culture.2.The importance of cooperation in the world.3.Improve the student’s creation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.The leons we learn from the story.2.The object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Different Points: Practice object complement and the attributive clauses.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discuing the following questions: Tell a story about the animals.What can we learn from the story? Finish the task in groups.Let some students come to the front and tell his cla his wonderful story.Step2.Listening task Listening to the tape and find the correct answers to the following questions.1.There is a _____ and a _____ in the story.2.The fox brought the soup in large flat _____.

Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Is the fox polite to the stork? 2.What are the stock’s noodles in? 3.Were they still friends?

Finish the task in cla in oral. Step4.Read and tell the stories by their own words.Step5.Do with the new language points in this text.1.“Certainly” said the stork, who was doing her best to be polite.

Do one’s best S1: I am doing my best to learn well.2.The stork fetched two tall, thin jars.

Fetch=go and come back S2: Can you fetch me two bottles of water, please? Step6.Work in groups.Divide the cla into groups.Then one member of the group tells a story which are with animals about characters.Then let the others sum the leons that we learn from the story.Step7.Homework Find the most wonderful story after cla.Prepare to tell the cla in the next leon.

Summary: All of the students know many interesting stories about animals.We can learn important leons from the story.They must respect others in their life, or they might have a fight.This is the same as man.We must respect others in our life.Then we can have a peaceful world.

Leon38: One Country, Many Cultures Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: central, although, respect Oral words and expreions: immigrant, tolerant, dancer Teaching Aims:

1.Know about the culture in the world.2.Keep one country’s culture.3.Create the students’ basic abilities.Teaching Important Points: 1.The details about Canadian cultures.2.Different cultures have different features.3.Practice the object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The object complement and the attributive clauses.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discuing the following questions: How many cultures does China have? How many can you name? What are some of the interesting things in your culture? Discu the questions above in groups.Then every group answer the questions one by one.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear: 1.Only _____ percent of all Canadians are from First Nations.2.Canada has _____ official languages.Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false. 1.Most Canadians speak both languages: English and French.2.Canadians have many cultures.3.There is a Canadian way of understanding the world.

Finish the task in cla in oral.Step4.Read the text again and encourage the students to ask more questions about the text.Why is Canada home to many cultures? Can people from different cultures live together? Step5.Practice Explain some English words in English.ancestor, central, immigrant, respect, tolerant ancestor: the first people who came to live here

central: in the middle of immigrant: people who come here from other places

respect: be polite to sb.or sth.tolerant: not complain Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT.” Work in groups.

1.Gue the meanings of “bilingual” and “multicultural”.Explain them in English.Then look them up in the dictionary.Let’s find out the exact meanings of the words.2.Talk about different customs.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then change their ideas in the groups.Finally, give a report in front of the cla.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Search more information about Canadian cultures on the Internet.

Summary: Different countries have different cultures.One culture also has many cultures.When you go to another country, if you know its culture, you may make mistakes.So it is good for you to know more about more about one country.Leon 39: Memories of Canada Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions: memory, accept Oral words and expreions: host Teaching Aims:

1.Different cultures in the world.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.3.Grasp the main grammars in this unit. Teaching Important Points: 1.Know about the different cultures between China and the other countries.2.The unit grammars: the object complement and attributive clauses The Difficult Points: The differences between Chinese cultures and the Canadian ones.

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of leon: new leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by talking about the Canadian cultures in groups.Then sum it by one student in each group in front of the cla.Pay attention to the differences between Chinese cultures and Canadian ones.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Did Li Ming eat many things that he had never eaten before? 2.Which country has more people, Canada or China? Finish the task in cla in oral.Step3.Read the text and decide the following statements are true of false.1.The food was the only thing that was strange.2.Li Ming went to Chinatown in Canada.3.The one who served them at the restaurant that day was from Shanghai.Step4.Do with the new words .The new words: host, accept 1.host: the persons who live in their own houses

2.accept: look on sth.as his own S1: We are the host of the 2008 Olympics.

S2: Mary got some red flowers, but she didn’t accept them.Step5.Do with the language points: 1.Even in the city, it felt like there was so much space.

feel like doing S3: The cat didn’t feel like eating anything because of his illne.2.The Chinese people in Canada are very proud.And they work hard to keep their culture alive.keep+adj.S4: It’s our duty to keep our claroom clean.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.Finish the task in groups of three or four.Every member in each group writes their diaries down.Then exchange them in groups.Talk about why you went there and what made the trip unforgettable or special.Step7.Show some pictures about different cultures in different countries.Let them what they are doing.What festival they are celebrating? Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.

Summary: We learn so many different cultures in this unit.Every country must work hard to keep one’s culture.China is a country with a long history.We must keep our country.At the same time, know about more culture about the other countries’.It is good for the development of the world.

Leon 40: Unit Review Teaching Content: Mastery words and expreions from Leon33 to Leon40.Oral words and expreions from Leon33 to Leon40.Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the cultures in the world.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.3.Grasp the main grammars in this unit.Teaching Important Points: 1.The different cultures in different countries.2.The main grammars in this unit: the object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The main grammars in this unit: the object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of leon: review leon Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discuing in groups: what do you about the different cultures in different countries? Discu in groups for five minutes.During the time, each group exchanges their ideas in groups.Then sum the best ones to show in front of the cla.Step2.Finish the exercises on Page 49.At the same time, write the difficult ones on the blackboard.Step3.Come to “Grammar in Use”.Solve the problems on the blackboard.

Ask the students to make up dialogues with the main grammars or sentences. The attributive clauses: S1: I like the skirt my mother bought for me yesterday.S2: He doesn’t mind whose coat it is.The object complement: S3: Keep the door open.It’s hot inside.S4: Don’t keep me waiting.Step4.Come to “Speaking the Language”.Finish the dialogue.Make up similar dialogues and act it out in front of the cla.Ask several groups to speak in front of the cla.Praise the good ones.At the same time, point out their mistakes.Step5.Come to “Putting it All Together”.1.Finish the exercise in Part A. 2.Finish Part B in groups.

Divide the cla into several groups of three or four.Then discu the following questions in groups.Make a list of the things that threaten your culture.What you personally will do to keep your culture? Share ideas with another group.Do they have the same opinions? Step6.Work in groups.

Finish Part C in groups.Talk about good Chinese table manners and write them down.Exchange the ideas in groups.Then exchange the ideas with another group.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Search more information about different cultures on the Internet.

Summary: Cultures are important to one country.It represents the peoples’ spirit in this country.So we must work hard to keep it.Some old cultures need to protect.When we go abroad to study further, we must work hard to keep our cultures, too.


Unit Two

Trends and Fads Introduction

Fashion is something popular among people during certain time, but it is always fun and interesting to see how style, trends and fads change our lives over the years and how they even try to make a comeback in our society.Everyone remembers a favorite toy or something popular that he or she grew up with, but they have moved out of life with the paing of time.

Exploring the Topic

1.Do you think fashion is good or not? In my opinion, fashion is good for the following reasons.First of all, it makes life different from time to time, thus enriching our life by providing with something new and colorful.Second, it helps us make choices while shopping.Third, it helps promote busine and the national economy.2.Why do people like to follow the fashion? To follow the fashions seems to have become the general trend among young people in the modern society.But if we analyze the reasons, the following points should be taken into account.Firstly, they don’t want to be considered out-of-date.Secondly, they have a strong desire to show they are different from others.Last but not the least, they are curious about and interested in anything that is new.Background Information

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, is an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services.It is recognized as the leading federal agency for protecting the health and safety of people—at home and abroad—providing credible information to enhance health decisions, and promoting health through strong partnership.CDC serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion and education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States.The British Virgin Islands Comprised of 36 islands in the Caribbean (16 of which are inhabited); about 113 kilometers east of Puerto Rico, north of the Leeward Islands, and adjacent to the U.S.Virgin Islands; principal islands are Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Anegada and Jost Van Dyke.In 1666, British planters took over control of the island group from the original Dutch settlers.The Islands attained the status of British colony, and remained part of the Leeward Islands from 1872 until 1956, when the British Virgin Islands became a separately administered entity.In 1967, a new constitution provided for a ministerial system of government headed by a Chief Minister.The island group remains under British control today..Section A

Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and Fads Warming-up Look at the pictures below, and discu with your clamates: how has people’s life changed in China during the past 60 years?


one-piece dre


Chinese tunic suit


liberation shoes


overalls; dungarees; jeans 喇叭裤

the flared trousers; the bell-bottoms 海魂衫

a sailor’s striped shirt 蛤蟆镜



grain coupons


an enamelled cup 雪花膏

face cream 连环画

serial pictures 水枪

water pistols 弹弓

a slingshot; a catapult 掌上游戏机

handheld game console Main Idea Our lifestyle is changing all the time and there are different trends and fads at different times.Not only clothing and hairstyle, but also the whole ways of living are changing rapidly.But why do fads change so quickly? For some people, they just want to make money while for others, they simply want to take part in new and original activities.In spite of the difference between a fad and a trend, fads exist in every country.And no one knows what changes in lifestyle will happen next.Structure

Part Ⅰ: para.1 Introduction to the topic of the paage: trends and fads Part II: Para.2-4 Illustration of the existence of different trends and fads at different times Part III: para.5-6 Explanation of the reasons of fads coming and going.Part Ⅳ: para.7-8 Concluding the paage Intensive Reading trend n.【1】 a fashion or style 时尚;时髦

e.g.There is a trend among young people to study abroad.年轻人中流行出国留学。

【2】 a general tendency or direction in the way a situation is changing or developing 倾向;趋势;趋向 e.g.If current trends continue, the world population could be 7 billion by the year 2010.

按目前的趋势,到2010 年全球人口将达到70 亿。 tendency


e.g.Unhappy parents have a tendency to bring up unhappy children.

不幸福的父母养育的子女也往往不幸福。 她天生比较谨慎。

She has a natural tendency toward caution.appear v.【1】 become able to be seen; come into sight

出现;呈现 e.g.The symptoms don’t appear until a few days later.


【2】 seem; give other people a particular idea or feeling 似乎;好像;看来

e.g.Love appears to be more beautiful in stories than in real life.

故事里的爱情似乎比现实生活中的要美一些。 advertisement


e.g.This advertisement is full of exaggeration.



I’ve just seen your advertisement for jobs in the newspaper and I would like to apply.complain


e.g.To complain about things all the time makes one sick.



If goods are not well made, you should complain to the manufacturer.fame


e.g.His fame did not come until after his death.



One of the disadvantages of fame is that people point at you in the street.cause v. lead to or be the cause of 导致;引起;使发生

e.g.The child’s headache may be caused by stre.


n.【1】a person, thing, or event that makes something happen 原因;起因

e.g.Scientists are searching for the cause of the disease.


【2】a principle, aim or movement that is strongly defended or supported 事业;目标

e.g.The organization has succefully gotten support for its cause.

该组织成功地为其事业赢得了支持。 desire n.a strong hope or wish


e.g.Attractive store displays can create a desire for the goods.

商店引人注目的陈设能激发人们的购买欲望。 v.(formal) wish or want very much( 正式)渴望;想要

e.g.He suddenly desired a gla of beer at the sight of the advertisement.

看到这则广告,他突然很想喝杯啤酒。 area n.【1】(the range or limits of) a subject, activity, etc.学科范围;领域;方面

e.g.He has a wealth of experience in this area.


【2】a part or division of a region or of a country 地区;区域

e.g.The police are trying to prevent people from entering that area.

警方正设法阻止人们进入那个区域。 creative


e.g.The problem is turning creative ideas into real products.

问题是要把有创造性的想法变成真实的产品。 有创造力的人必须能够想象出某种事物、人物及场景。 Creative people must be able to imagine objects, people and scenes.economy n.【1】 the system by which a country’s wealth is produced and used


e.g.To understand a country’s economy, economists check the growth in a certain industry.

为了解一个国家的经济,经济学家们核查某种产业的增长情况。 【2】 (an example of) the careful use of money, time, effort, etc., in order to avoid waste 节约;节省

e.g.Let’s begin with economy in stationery.




e.g.We offer additional courses to help students speak English more fluently.我们另外开设其他课程以帮助学生更流利地说英语。 如需任何其他信息,请来电。

Please call for any additional information if you require.frequent

adj.频繁的;屡见不鲜的;常见的 e.g.He needs frequent rests during work.他工作中时常需要休息一下。


Robberies are quite frequent in this city.survive vi. continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to death 幸存;活下来;残存

e.g.I can’t survive on $30 a week.

靠每星期30 美元的生活费我没法生活。

vt.continue to live or exist after 比······活得长;经历······之后还存在

e.g.Only special plants can survive the terrible climate of a desert.

只有特殊的植物才能在可怕的沙漠气候中存活下来。 out of date 过时的;不用的

e.g.Don’t listen to him—his ideas are out of date.



Rose is going to remain the most popular flower because love is never out of date.in/out of fashion 流行/不流行

e.g.At present, Tang garments are in fashion in China.



People laughed at him because his clothes were old and out of fashion.and the like 诸如此类;等等

e.g.A furniture store sells beds, tables, chairs and the like.



My little boy’s bag is always filled with small animals, leaves and the like.pay attention to 留心;注意

e.g.People thought he was stupid and never paid attention to him.



It is always important for doctors to pay attention to what the patients say.come and go 来来去去;忽隐忽现;变化无常 e.g.People come and go, but I will never forget you.



Fashions come and go, but this style has always been popular.make money 挣钱;赚钱

e.g.He came all the way to China just to make money.



Don’t forget this is a commercial busine and we are here to make money.Exercise Using the Right Word

Complete the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s).Fill in each blank with one word only.Use the words from the word list of Text A in this unit.1.I’m going to sell the house, together with the f_________.2.You had a traffic accident, so you’ll have to ap_________ in court.3.There is an ad__________ for our new product in the local newspaper.4.I de____ nothing other than to be left in peace.So just go away.5.It is f_______ to spend money on something you don’t use.

6.We should try hard to develop tourism (旅游业).Tourism cr_____ jobs for local people.7.The development of the world’s e_______ will bring about many new problems.8.Mother will need ad_______ help to do the work since she is not in good health.

Working with Expreions

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.

1.Unfortunately, the hat I had just bought was no longer______ fashion.2.You ought to pay more attention _____ the quality of these goods.3.I want to complain ______ the food and the service in this restaurant.4.The trend at the moment is ____ a more natural and le made-up look.5.I will meet Mr.Smith _______ the book club at 10 o’clock.6.We have invited an expert ______ this area to give us a speech.7.I have a strong desire _______ fresh air after staying in the small room for several hours.8.His knowledge is only limited ________ what is taught in cla.Translating 1.如果他一开始谈论过去,你就永远都没法从他那儿脱身。(get away from)

If he starts talking about the past, you’ll never get away from him.2.冬天失业率有上升的趋势。(tendency)

There is a tendency for job loes to rise in the winter.3.在我不断地要求下,父亲终于同意和我一起去澳大利亚了。 (frequent)

Because of my frequent demands, father finally agreed to go to Australia with me.4.他把老店卖了,开了一家新店,以便赚更多的钱。(make money)

He sold his shop and opened a new one to make more money.

Section C Practical Writing Letters of Acceptance or Declination

受邀请人在收到请柬后应尽快答复,回复方式一般没有请柬那么严格,但也分正式与非正式两种。如果是严肃场合, 应该用回柬 。其格式与请柬相类似。对一般的请柬,可以写一封短信表示接受邀请或者遗憾 。如果非常要好的朋友,打电话表示接受或拒绝也是可以的。

不管你是否接受邀请,都应该表示感谢。如接受邀请, 就该提一下你是多么盼望去参加;如果你不得已需要谢绝邀请,就应该以适当的理由表示歉意。回复的格式和措词都应与邀请信一致。 Sample Dear Mr.Brown,

Thank you very much for your kindne in asking us to attend your opening ceremony, but we regret very much that we will not be able to go there as we already have an important previous engagement that day.We send our congratulations and best wishes to you and will be together with you in spirit on this happy event.



Useful Patterns

1.Mr.and Mrs.Zhang Lin accept with pleasure Mr.and Mrs.Bryn Adams’ invitation to dinner on the fifth of May 7:00 pm, at the Peace Hotel.2.It was very kind of you to invite me to spend next weekend with you, but unfortunately, I can’t come because I shall be away for a conference in Beijing.3.I can’t tell you how sorry I am not to be able to accept your invitation to the party next Friday.I’m going away on Monday and won’t be back until next Saturday.Thank you all the same.






























布置作业量适度,批改规范,没有漏批现象。 用色统一,形式美观,及时复批。

作业本保存完好,错题有复批。学生书写工整。 作业书写规范整洁,格式新颖,批语有鼓励性。 作业批改及时、认真有特色。


不仅批改了作业本,改错本,而且把单元训练习题也全批全改。 在全批全改基础上给每位学生的每次作业都作有简短评语。 作文批改比较规范,有旁批、有总批、有分数。 老师作业批改较勤、次数较多。

通过布置多种形式的作业,全面关注学生,并且作文的批改详细、规范。 教师作业布置基本上均是把学科主干知识、重点内容以作业本形式上交。



1.该节课教学目标清楚明白、教学内容主次分明,具体,易激发兴趣,引导自主探究、合作交流、练习设计体现知识的综合运用,结构合理,衔接自然紧凑,形式多样,重难点把握准确,分量与难度适中,情感态度与价值观三个维度,学法指导得当, 教材特点与学生实际,是一节成功的课

2、本节课各种学习活动设计具体、教学过程设计完整有序,既体现知识结构,知识点,又注意突出学生活动设计,体现教学民主、充分注意学生学习习惯的培养,因材施教,调动学生自主学习的积极性,遵循常规但不拘泥,根据学生的差异和特点, 从具体到抽象对教材进行处理,是一节很成功的课


4、该节课很有艺术,教学安排清晰有序,科学规范。在教材处理上从具体到抽象,化难为易,以简驾繁突破难点。言简意胲, 引导点拨学生,学生动口、动手、动脑,主动参与教学过程,各环节有详细的练习,科学合理有效地培养学生自主,探究,创新能力的发展。是一节很有个性特点的课 .

5、本节课非常成功,设计突出了以学生为本的理念、全面培养学生素养、自主合作探究学习的理念。教师配以亲切活泼的教态,能较为恰当地运用丰富的表扬手段,让学生在学习中感受到成功的快乐。 精心设计练习,并在整个教学过程中注重学生能力的培养,是一节优秀的课。



本节课各种学习活动设计具体、教学过程设计完整有序,既体现知识结构,知识点,又注意突出学生活动设计,体现教学民主、充分注意学生学习习惯的培养,因材施教,调动学生自主学习的积极性,遵循常规但不拘泥,根据学生的差异和特点, 从具体到抽象对教材进行处理,是一节很成功的课


该节课很有艺术,教学安排清晰有序,科学规范。在教材处理上从具体到抽象,化难为易,以简驾繁突破难点。言简意胲, 引导点拨学生,学生动口、动手、动脑,主动参与教学过程,各环节有详细的练习,科学合理有效地培养学生自主,探究,创新能力的发展。是一节很有个性特点的课 .

本节课非常成功,设计突出了以学生为本的理念、全面培养学生素养、自主合作探究学习的理念。教师配以亲切活泼的教态,能较为恰当地运用丰富的表扬手段,让学生在学习中感受到成功的快乐。 精心设计练习,并在整个教学过程中注重学生能力的培养,是一节优秀的课。

撰写教案普遍比较认真。 教案规范、详细,教学目的明确,既有知识目标,又有情感目标,还有德育目标。 重难点突出,教法选择灵活恰当,教学过程设计较详,并有体现“以学生为主体”教学理念的师生互动过程设计。 板书设计有创意,知识联络图文结合。 作图非常规范,非常漂亮,还有课后小结。 注意用不同的色彩强调语句中的重点,一目了然。 教案非常详细,结合时政,有大量的文字叙述。 教案格式规范,一笔一划书写很认真,很漂亮。 教案检查与评价作为教学常规管理的一部分。随着新课程改革的推进,教案改革势在必行,以适应课改的要求。那么作为学校管理者对于教案检查与评价也应适应改革,引领教师编写切实有效的教案,提高教师业务能力。

该节课教学目标清楚明白、教学内容主次分明,具体,易激发兴趣,引导自主探究、合作交流、练习设计体现知识的综合运用,结构合理,衔接自然紧凑,形式多样,重难点把握准确,分量与难度适中,情感态度与价值观三个维度,学法指导得当, 教材特点与学生实际,是一节成功的课




