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临朐县第一实验小学 联系电话:3212369





激发兴趣 点读笔 培养听说读写能力 小组合作学习课内课外英语自主学习能力 指导方法 良好的学习习惯







补缺,你一言、我一语,你猜一点、我发现一点地相互启迪,取长补短,培养每个学生的个性潜能,实现自主学习;强化训练,开发自主学习的思维潜能。 教师要在英语听、说、读、写教学中,有效结合点读笔,训练学生学会发散思维、聚合思维、求异思维、猜测思维、直觉思维等。鼓励学生大胆质疑问难,启发学生运用旧知来探索新知。让学生主动探究、搜集资料,培养他们获取信息、处理信息的能力;科学评价,促进自主。要制定相关的英语自主学习能力评价指标体系,建立个人学习档案袋,让学生积极参与评价活动,使评价成为学生自己的事。采用自评、小组评、互评、教师评、家长评的方法促进自主学习能力的发展。具体做法如下:



外研社点读书《歌曲歌谣集》中的歌曲、chant 内容同课文相关连,大量复现了课文关键词与关键句。这就为老师备课、上课提供了丰富的资源。比如“should,shouldn’t,should”这首歌,在学习三年级起点第五册Module10 Manners时播放,集中呈现了这一模块的关键词“should,shouldn’t”与关键句“You should„”和“You shouldn’t„”。用歌曲和chant的形式去呈现并运用语言远比机械操练更容易让学生感兴趣,这一课在这首歌曲的帮助下重难点很容易就被攻克了。

也可以把相关的MP3文件下载到点读笔中,在课间就开始循环播放。这样既集中了学生注意力,又激发了学习兴趣,营造了快乐的学习氛围。在教授五年级Module9 Unit1时需要一首节奏欢快又与feeling有关的歌曲进行热身,课本中没有合适的。我从网上搜到了“If you are happy”这首歌,把它下载到了点读笔中,在课前就用点读笔循环播放,营造了预想的欢快氛围,很容易就导入到新授课中。

(二)呈现新知 在教学实践中,我发现对于单词教学,利用与课本配套的单词卡片或自己制作的图片效果最好。但在这个环节一般是教师亲自领读,学生接触不到最纯正的发音。在运用点读笔进行教学之后,我就开始考虑这个问题,如果单词卡片也能被点读,学生既能看到非常直观的卡片和图片,又能听到纯正发音,那该有多好!于是我进行了大胆的尝试,我把新单词从单词表中剪下来贴在单词卡片上,没想到成功了。这样呈现新单词时就可以点读单词卡片,让单词的音、形、意得到有机结合,实践证明这种方法在教学中起到了很好的效果。当然,经过这次试验,也打开了我的思路,不仅在学习单词时可以用这种方法,我还可以根据需要从我们的教材中整合材料来设计各种听力活动。








工等。教学中教师可以充分利用点读笔设计,如 Listen and point, Listen and number, Listen and order, Listen and colour, Listen and draw, Listen and act等活动。








老师在课文中找出相近句进行点读,学生进行听辨。要做到相近句子的听辨翻译准确必须认真倾听句子的关键词,从而培养了学生善于抓住句子的关键能力。比如,“You should „”与“You shouldn’t„”,“There are enough„”与“There aren’t enough„”这些相近句子通过多次听辨学生才能掌握听辨技巧。我们随时可以用点读笔对相近句进行听辨训练
























1.点读单词,跟读对比,标出读不准的单词。 2.点读课文,运用点读翻译模式,了解课文大意。 3.点读课文,跟读对比,标出重难点句子。



1.点读单词,跟读对比,要求读熟,在家长或同伴的帮助下能听写过单词。 2.点读课文,跟读对比,要求读熟并能根据课文改编一个对话。


可以帮学生借一些与学生能力相近或稍高点的阅读材料,在点读笔的帮助下学生会在兴趣高涨的状态下不由自主地丰富了自己的词汇与句式。点读笔为学生 6


总之,培养学生自主学习能力,是一个系统工程,需要师生双方的配合。激发兴趣、指导方法、利用先进手段养成良好的学习习惯是培养学生自学能力的三大着力点。教师教给学生的知识是有限的 ,而学生在英语学习中遇到的问题是无限的。只有让学生充分利用现有资源学习,让学生自觉自愿地、主动地学,才能为他们进一步学习和使用英语打下良好的基础。





提 纲













1.直译法(Literal Translation)

2.意译法(Free Translation)





摘 要








比喻就是“打比方”,即用一种事物来比喻另一种事物。比喻的结构一般由本体、喻体和比喻词构成。比喻的作用主要是化平淡为生动;化深奥为浅显;化抽象为具体;化冗长为简洁。比喻包括明喻、隐喻(也叫暗喻)和借喻。 ①明喻(Simile)。一般是本体喻体都出现,中间用比喻词like、as等连接。广告英语运用这一手法能更加具体、形象地介绍商品,如衣服广告“Light as breeze, soft as cloud.” 广告制作人用breeze和cloud作喻体把衣服的质地感和舒适感体现了出来,使消费者马上联想到穿上该品牌衣服后那种轻柔舒适的感觉,继而产生购买欲。


费者从速购买,最后达到宣传目的。如一家保险公司的广告“You’re better off under the Umbrella.”它把该保险公司比喻成一把保护伞(umbrella),better off 又有“较自在、较幸福”之意,使消费者认为“购买本保险,永远自在又安全。”

③借喻(Metonymy)。借喻是本体和比喻词都不出现,直接把喻体用在本体的位置上。借喻的着重点是通过联想使读者不仅知道所指的是什么,而且还能联想起所说事物的特征。广告英语中常运用借喻以唤起消费者的想象力和注意力。如“The most sensational place to wear satin on your lips.”这是一则成功的口红广告。广告词中只出现喻体satin(缎子),使人联想到抹上这种口红后,嘴唇会像绸缎一样光亮、柔滑。


拟人是把物品或生物当作人来描写,并赋予其人的情感或言行。广告中运用拟人手法能给商品以生命,使它变得具有人情味,给消费者一种亲切感。如劳力士手表广告,Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest.用拟人的手法把Rolex表人格化,从其不需休息这一点暗指该表走时准确,劲力十足,其质量值得消费者信赖。


夸张就是故意夸大事实。广告制作人和商人为了树立商品形象、给消费者留下深刻的印象,他们在制作广告时常使用夸张手法,以便吸引人们的注意力,刺激其购买欲。例如:“Look young in only 2 weeks!” 这则广告不禁使人想起一句中国化妆品的广告词:“今年20,明年18。”它告诉人们使用本产品会显得更年轻。


英语 pun 分为 homophonic pun(谐音双关)和 homographic pun(语义双关)。英语广告中双关的运用含蓄风趣,耐人寻味,能激发读者联想,加深商品印象,极具促销作用。如宣传安全驾驶的公益广告“Better late than the late.”(迟到总比丧命好),仿拟英语成语“Better late than never.”(晚来总比不来好)的结构,同时巧妙利用 late 一词的双关之意:late 表示“晚的、迟到的”, the late 则指 the dead。


押韵分头韵(alliteration)和尾韵(rhyme),常用在诗歌中,由相同或相似的韵脚组成。广告英语中使用押韵可使广告词富有节奏感,读起来铿锵有力,朗朗上口,听起来赏心悦耳,令人印象深刻。如饮料广告“Flash.Dash.Claic splash.”

(闪光、炫耀、经典的飞溅),此广告是尾韵,三个词均以[∫]音结尾,韵味十足,且三词由静至动,极富诗意。再如Pepsodent 牙膏广告的口号是“Wonder where the yellow went.”(黄斑牙到哪里去了?),消除牙齿黄斑这种功效是此广告的宣传重点。五个词中有三词wonder,where,went 押头韵,读来上口,印象深刻。译文巧妙换用反问辞格,引读者自己找出答案。


对比是利用两个意思相反或相互矛盾的词语形成一种鲜明的对照,用来加强句子的语气,给人留下深刻的印象。如“Outdoors the earth frozen to a 3-foot depth; Indoors warm and cozy like spring.”这是一则电暖器广告,意思是“外面冰冻三尺,屋内春意融融”。通过outdoors与indoors以及frozen与warm and cozy鲜明的对比,使严寒里能给人带来温暖的电暖器更具吸引力,让人禁不住想去购买。

除了上面讨论的修辞格,英语广告中常用的修辞手法还有排比(parallelism),如Marlboro香烟广告:Come to Marlboro country,.Come to where the flavor is.(来到Marlboro的乡村世界,来到特殊风味的所在地);反复(repetition),如化妆品广告:Make up your mind before you make up your face.(化妆前慎用化妆品);对偶(antithesis),如Budget出租车中心广告:Big thrills.Small bills.(大刺激,小花费。);反语(irony),如: If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarettes, don!t listen!they!re probably trying to trick you into living.(如果有人一直在劝你戒烟,不要理他!-他们大概是想骗你活得久一点)(余富林等,2003:155)。 因篇幅有限,此处不再一一详述。



1.直译法(Literal Translation)。

所谓直译,就是保留广告原文句子结构和修辞效果,努力再现其形式、内容和风格。英汉语言中对应的修辞格明喻、暗喻、拟人、夸张、转喻、反语、排比、押韵等常用直译法。如 “Take Toshiba, take the world.”译文:“拥有东芝,拥有世界。”原广告运用了押韵和夸张两种修辞手法。译文在形式和内容上与原文完全一致,行文简洁,朗朗上口,再现了原广告的信息和美感。

2.意译法(Free Translation)。

意译法可以弥补语言上的词汇空缺或语言结构上的差异。虽然英汉两种语言在修辞手法上存在某些惊人的相似之处,但同时也存在着许多差异。如果无视这些差异而采用直译,不但不能保持原文中修辞格的神韵,反而会歪曲原文的意思,造成译文语言晦涩难懂。所以为了使译文符合原文的语言规范和表达习惯并具有可读性,这时就不得不舍弃或改变原文的形式或某些修辞手法,采用意译法,以增强译文表达效果。例如:“She wants to put her tongue in your mouth.”这则外语培训广告运用了“双关”修辞手法,句中的tongue是一词多词(舌头、语言),在此应意译为:“她要把她的母语教给你。”


有时有些修辞格很难在译文中充分体现出来,如押韵、仿词、回文等,在这样的情况下可通过换格、补充、加重语气、加上脚注等策略加以补救,以求最大限度地再现原文的修辞效果。我们称这种方法为“弥补法”。如一则海滨浴场的宣传广告:“ More sun and air for your son and heir.” 译文是“沐浴和煦的阳光,呼吸清新的空气,带给你温馨的家庭,赋予你健康的身体。”很明显原文运用了押韵手法,在汉语里找不到表达效果与之相似的修辞格,只好舍弃原文形式,而保留内容,毕竟翻译首先是考虑内容上的翻译,其次才是形式和风格。




[1]崔刚:广告英语[M]。 北京理工大学出版社,1993;

[2]谭卫国:英汉广告修辞的翻译[J]。中国翻译, 2003,(2);


[4] 余富林等。 商务英语翻译(英译汉)[M]。中国商务出版社, 2003。

Obstacles and Methods of English Fast Reading

Cai Jiahua

(Jieyang Vocational & Technical College EE062)

Abstract:Advertisement is an act of busine competition.The ultimate purpose is publicizing the products, For which English advertisement writers often use figures of speech such as simile, metaphor, personification, pun, rhyme, etc., to make the language vivid, powerful and expreive.The translation of figures of speech can be flexibly proceed by employing literal approach, free approach and complementary approach due to the differences between English and Chinese language culture.This paper imprees some characteristics and functions of the figures of speech, also demonstrates some methods of translation in figures of speech for English advertisement with some practical examples, which can help customers understand and accept English information, study and apply the figures of speech.

Key Words : English advertisement; figures of speech; translation.


商 务 英 语 期 末 测 试


Report on a survey about how Soundblaster can improve on their succe.I will give my conclusion and suggestion about my survey.


The aim of this report is to give some advice to busine on how can Soundblaster remain succeful and competitive.In this year, Soundblaster want to release a CD and reach the pinnacle of succe once again.So they want my consultancy to prepare a report on how they can improve on their succe.I am going to help them sell the CDs well.And I will give them some advice about their problem in the end.


According to the recent market investigation, first of all, the past few years Soundblaster sales of merchandise on last three tours is reduced.From 2001 to 2007, CD sales are decreasing year by year.The sales of their first album reached 3.5 million in 2001.And then, the second album sales reached the highest point with 5.1 million in 2003.However, the album sales have plummeted since 2004.Talk to the World had the same funk guitar sounds and disco rhythms like the phenomenally succeful album in 2003。Hear to Believe, It made people feel they were still living in 2003.Maybe the Soundblaster wanted to cherish the memory of the remarkable succe in 2003, but their appearance and music terms were actually outmoded at that time.

The band is now planning to record and launch a new CD.They want my consultancy to prepare a report on how they can improve on their succe.Then I did a market research, I found that most of the people thought, the Soundblaster are not in style anymore, more and more new and fashion bands are born in a special way, they sang the “new” songs fans like,

they wear the “new” clothes fans like, they speak the “new” words fans like, and so on.So they can’t come into the fans’ eyesight.


In order to help them to reborn, I would recommend that they can follow the tips here; maybe the tips can help them come back to the clouds.First of all, I’ll define a clear target for Soundblaster.Their next studio album’s sales volume should return to 5.0 million copies.And they will hold a vocal concert, and the population should upon 15 thousand.Secondly, each of the band’s members should hand in hand and heart by heart,have the same interests, goals and styles, so they can get their hearts together to make more intact and perfect songs.Also, they must live in harmony.If they can’t do that, they will not concentrate on creating music.Only they have a good environment, they can create music well.What’s more, they’d better promise that they make songs in their own styles, in this way, they’re going to be more special than other bands.According to the research, the original songs seem more popular and they how to develop the music.Learn the knowledge and the theory of the music.And what are the steps to make a complete song? What music type do fans like? Which music style does suit them? And when they make music by heart and follow the feelings, more fans will come to them.They can also go to see other bands’ music concert, listen to their great albums, watch their programs, their behaviors, know about how they sing, how they make up, how they play.So in this way, they can learn more good things from those excellent bands.But remember one thing; do not copy others’ style completely!Fourthly, if they want to increase their sales of music, they should advertise and propagandize more.They can hold a fans-meeting at a popular shop.The video shops in the list of ranked sales are the focus of publicizing; they can consult to organize propaganda activities with a video shop.Following are the main ways: hang a poster and propaganda

posted banners on the outer walls, such as small print posters, calendar card, homework table, the key licensing, bookmarks, and other small gifts as a surprise buy the album.(These things had better not be some single propaganda leaflets, but have certain practice, so the people won’t throw away those without looking!) Send the original album to all the radios in time, and then radio the main songs.They can design T-shirt, and wear the special T-shirt to attend some Charity activities and donate their albums.Give albums through the interpersonal relationship to play in the supermarket, chain fast food restaurants, coffee shops, beauty shops, bar, cafe, stores bus subway and music community, etc.Fifthly, nowadays, more and more people love watching movies.There are so many fantastic things in the movies.People love them, and love their dogs.So the songs, props, clothes, words in a popular movie are so attractive to people.The movie score is the soul eence of the movie, it brings shouting, suit, and the most sincere emotional feeling, it can raise the theme which the movies want to expre and give a person a kind of beautiful enjoyment.According to this, the Soundblaster can make a theme song for a movie, then a large amount of movie fans will like their songs, it will do well to them.Sixthly, in modern times, there are so many ladies pursuit vogue are dote on aftershave and perfume.The aftershave is neceary, and the perfume can increase a woman\'s charm, reflect personal taste temperament, so in this hot situation, they can Launch a range of aftershave or perfume called their band’s own name------Soundblaster.They can make it their second industry by selling their own perfume.At the same time, include this smell in the CDs, not only can it raise their profile and the extraordinary taste of the fashion, but also increase their CD sales.I have summarized their problems in all aspects that they should improve.And through my investigation, I’ve given my useful and practical

experience and advice.Okay, I said too much, and I believe that, if they

according to these methods to do, they may succeed soon.Wish them luck and a great CD sales.





根据最近的市场调查,首先,过去的几年里,有关SoundBlaster的商品销售量在最后的三次巡演中减少。从2001到2007,CD销量逐年下降。他们的第一张专辑的销量在2001年达到3500000。第二张专辑的销量达到了最高点,在2003年卖出5100000。然而,这张专辑从2004年以来销量暴跌。Talk to the World这张类似吉他演奏的声音和迪斯科的节奏的专辑在2003大获成功,Hear to Believe这张专辑使人们感到他们的生活还是2003。也许SoundBlaster想珍惜2003年获得的显著成功的记忆,但是它们的外观和音乐术语实际上在当时是过时。




以推出一系列的古龙水或香水叫他们乐队的名字------ Soundblaster。他们可以通过出售自己的香水开发他们的第二产业。同时,含有这种气味在CD里,不仅可以提高自己的知名度和非凡的品味和时尚,也增加了他们CD的销售。我总结了他们应该提高的各方面问题。通过我的调查,我已经给出了我的有用的和实际的经验和建议。好吧,我说的太多,而且我相信,如果他们按照这些方法去做,他们很快就会成功。祝他们好运和有个巨大的CD销量。

















在社会生活日益信息化的今天,书本不再是唯一的知识来源,学生的作业也应逐步走向生活。在布置作业时,笔者有意拓展学生的学习空间,引导学生在实际生活中观察英语、积累英语、学习英语。如学了 BookI Unit8 “How can I get to the nearest bank”单元后,学生普遍知道 Parking(停车场)、No Parking Any Time (任何时候不准停车)、Speed limit55(限速55公里)、Road Closed (道路封锁),在此基础上布置学生开展生活英语“大搜集”活动,让学生搜集身边的英文商标、广告标语、银行标语,提示标语。通过完成这个作业,学生能发现生活中处处有英语,觉得学习英语很重要,从而更坚定了学好英语的信心。


语言具有交际性,只有在实践过程中才能体现出它的本质特点。新课程、新教材的教学任务是一种以应用为动力、以应用为目的、以应用为核心的教学途径。“调查”这类作业就能很好地体现这一精髓。如在Book I Unit 5“What’s your hobby这单元之后,要求学生调查10个同学的喜好及不喜好,家人以及5个老师的爱好并整理出一张表格,内容可以包括姓名,年龄,职业,外貌,能力(第二单元),爱好等。在调查过程中,学生积累了知识、培养了信息处理能力、学会了探索问题的方法。


讨论教学是培养学生阅读能力的有效手段。阅读后的讨论,一是为了检查学生对文章的理解情况,二是总结文章的中心思想,悟出某些句、段的内涵,评价文章的特色和对比文化的差异。例如,学了BookII Unit8 “If you want to talk,you can go online”这个单元后,设计以下作业:Is it good or bad for us to surf on the Internet? Q: Is it good or bad for us to surfing on the Internet?(有正反两方面的观点)

正方:S1:I think it’s good.Because surfing on the Internet can widen our mind.S2:It’s a good help for our work and study.

S3:We can listen to the music on the Internet.

S4:We can make all kinds of friends by chatting.

反方:S1:I think it’s bad.Because surfing on the Internet for long time is bad for our health.

S2:It effects our study a lot.

S3:It’s bad for our eyes.

S4:Playing games and cards is a waste of time.





用英语进行交流不仅是学习的标志,而且是生活的需要。语言知识为言语技能服务的意识早已深入人心,为此笔者常设计一些趣味性较强的作业,使之成为课堂教学的补充和延伸,使英语真正运用于生活实际。如BookI Unit1 Nice to meet you,让学生设计一张名片,用英语写上自己的名字、年龄、学校、地址、爱好、格言等等,还可以设计英语书签。这样既培养了学生创新思维和独立思考的能力,又给学生带来了无穷的乐趣和吸引力,也使英语与生活真正融为一体。


苏霍姆林斯基说过:“对所见所闻的观察,倾听和体验,犹如通向美的世界的窗口。”英语的课堂教学也是美的生成过程——培养学生发现美、感受美、追求美、表现美和创造美的能力。如学了BookII unit4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation后,要求学生联想家乡的交通现状,主要的交通方式,环保问题如何,交通文化如何等等。然后,让学生思考家乡、所在城市发展中存在的问题、发展前景等,以便第二天交流。


词汇教学是英语教学中的一个重点和难点,笔者通过利用每个单元单词给学生取英文名字的形式,把枯燥乏味的单词教得有声有色,使学生兴趣盎然。具体方法如下:用每个单元的生词为学生取英文名字,以BookII unit3为例,在教新单元之前,让学生预习单词,选取自己最喜欢的单词作为自己的名字,如第一个学生叫“accountant (会计) ”,第二个学生叫“intelligent (才能) ”等等。每个学生都有了英文名字后,让他们在听写本上中文名字的旁边,签上自己的英文名。不仅如此,笔者还要求他们第二天向全体同学解释这个词的词性、词义。过一两天再交换英文名字。如此一来,学生的学习兴趣大大提升,单词拼写方面也有很大提高。

下学期,我会针对目前存在的不足,以及现阶段所设想的作业设计法充分运用到课堂中区,继续做好教育教学工作,争取更大的成绩。我相信今日含苞欲放的花蕾,明日一定能盛开绚丽的花朵 。


用好导学案 实现高效课堂



课堂教学是教学的主渠道,它是学生掌握知识、培养素质和能力、开发智力的主要途径。那么课堂教学中采取什麽样的教学策略,才能够实现教师少教、学生多学的教育目的呢?从前年开始,我校结合当前的教学实际,从最基本的课堂教学入手,进行了一系列创新教学法的尝试,实行“学案导学”的课堂教学模式。 “学案导学”教学法是一种新型的教学模式,它旨在通过学案的“导”促进学生的自主学习,培养学生的自学能力,提高课堂教学实效性,此方案的实施取得了良好的教学效果。



学案设计包括以下5个环节:学习目标、课前预习、课堂探究、当堂反馈、课后反思。下面以陕旅版五年级英语上册第五单元Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?为例说明。

学案示例: 1.学习目标 知识目标:


supermarket , beside ,between ,Children’s park ,take a bus ,get off the bus (2)听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型: 1) Excuse me .Yes? Can I help you?

2) Is there a „„near here / the„„ ? 3) I want to buy „„ Can you tell me the way to„„ ? Go along the „„

4) The „„ is beside /behind it. 能力目标:通过完成阅读任务,增强细节信息捕捉能力和综合理解能力;通过小组合作和口头表达形式提高口语表达能力。

情感目标:鼓励学生和他人进行对话交流,培养学生的口语能力。 2.课前预习

(1)自学、试读新单词和新短语:supermarket ,beside ,behind ,between, street, along (2)预习对话:

1)带着以下问题阅读并讨论理解对话: What does the man want to buy? Can you tell him the way to the supermarket? 2)找出对话中的重点短语及句式,了解它们的用法。 如:want+ 名词;want + to +动词;there be 句型的一般疑问句。 (3)仔细阅读对话中的句子,试着总结表示问路的句子和指路的句子。 3.课堂探究

这一课是本单元第一堂课。老师首先通过展示一些介词图片让学生说出它们的意思,再出示课文中的情境图,从图片信息中地进入课文的主题,从而引起学生对学习目标的注意。在阅读前展示一个街区图,扮演路人来问路,假装要去超市,和学生进行打招呼,并问路,引出主要句型。最后通过小组合作讨论的形式进行情景演练,掌握主要句型。再通过小组合作学习对话,交流知识点。在展示环节中分组回答预习中的问题,并可另提新问题让其他同学回答。 在黑板上展示出自己找出的重要短语和句型,并在全班举例讲解,教师适时点拨、补充。


(1)复述课文,老师出一段文字,中间有不少空格,学生根据课文内容填写空格。(2)出示街区的情境图,让学生扮演警察和路人,用所学的句型练习问路和指路。学生通过课堂练习,可对课上所学内容进行及时巩固。 5.课后反思









read, say, talk, sit, teach, wash, go, watch, carry, fly, cry, do, swim, take, make, sing, play ①请写出直接加-es的动词一般现在时形式;


③请写出以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i再加-es的一般现在时形式。 当学习了问路的句型后会安排这样的活动:




















实施情感教育 优化课堂教学

摘 要:课堂蕴含着巨大的生命力,课堂是教师工作的主战场,随着新课程改革的大潮,教学中强调三维目标。其中情感目标的实现,要求英语教师要创设英语学习氛围,形成积极的情感体验,学会充分挖掘教材中的情感因素。本文介绍了情感教育的内涵,英语教学过程中实施情感教育的方法并阐述了情感教育在英语教学中的作用。

关键词:课堂教学 情感教育 情感体验 情感渲染 作用







英语是一门趣味性的课程,在教法上它不同于语文和化学,在课堂上我们要尽量为学生创设一种活泼生动的语言氛围,通过这种氛围的创设来提高学生学习语言的一种积极性。作为一名英语教师,我们每一节课都必须带着快乐的情绪走进教室,在课堂上做到百分之百的投入,让自己融入到一种积极的情感态度中来,通过自己的情感去感染学生,使他们在英语学习中充满激情,充满活力。比如我在上高一英语必修四的unit4 body language中,我为学生用手语表演和演唱了《感恩的心》,学生热烈的掌声,

— 1 — 立刻使我和学生都很兴奋,然后我又让学生们上台表演一些手势语,让大家来猜表达的意思。学生的表演,以及和其他学生的互动立刻创造了欢快轻松的课堂气氛,让他们对这篇课文也很感兴趣,自然的过渡到课文。



在高一英语必修三unit1 Festivals around the world中的 Reading部分介绍了很多节日,我让学生用英语介绍感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)以及父亲节、母亲节。如今年5月14日母亲节,我为学生设计了这样一道书面表达题:你的美国朋友Catharine问你在这一天有何打算。请你给她写一封回信,谈谈你要做的事情,并简单说明原因。在学生的作品中,有的写帮助母亲做家务;有的写给母亲送礼物;还有的写给母亲送贺卡等等。

又如选修七unit1 Living well中这一单元内容涉及“残疾人的生活”、“如何关心残疾人”、“特殊奥运会”等。在Warming up部分有四幅图片,我引导学生讨论如何去关心残疾人、为残疾人献爱心。另外在选修八的unit3 Inventors and inventions教学中,可以让学生通过小组讨论一些生活在身边的如Bill Gates等伟人、名人的不平凡的人生经历,学习他们的拼搏精神和创业态度,学习他们敢于尝试、勇于冒险和善于质疑的科学精神及顽强拼搏的毅力,从而懂得人生需要奋斗,以激发学生的积极情感。




— 2 — 的方式:如:对表现好的,别忘了用“Very good!” (很好!)、“Excellent!”(好极了!);对表现一般的,也可用“Good”(好)、“well-done”(不错)来表扬,让他们品味成功的欢乐和喜悦,培养激发他们学习英语的兴趣;对表现欠佳的,切不可加以斥责或冷嘲热讽,可以用“Make it easy.”(别紧张)、“It doesn’t matter, just have a try”(没关系,来试一下)、“Try it again.”(再试一次)、“I believe you can do it better next time.”(我相信下一次你一定能做得更好)等这类鼓励性的语言,同时也可用一些身体语言,如:耸耸肩,微笑,点头等减轻学生心理压力。表扬不仅对受表扬的学生有鼓励作用,还会给其他学生树立榜样,指出努力方向。



在教学中可以采用多种教学方法,比如:1)运用直观教学手段,巧设情景。实物、图片、录像、幻灯、模型、简笔画等是最常用的直观道具,教师可以利用那些易于准备和携带的实物运用多媒体,可以进行相关的图片,音乐,电影进行辅助,2)学生讲课,学生提问。3)生活景观情景。教师可结合贴近有关日常生活内容引导学生进行“答记者问”等活动。运用提问,学生角色扮演,讨论,辩论,游戏,。这些教学方法,激发学生学习英语的热情,优化课堂教学。比如:语文教学中指导学生有感情的朗读课文占据着很重要的地位,它可以使学生进一步了解课文内容,体会人物思想,同时对学生也是一个很好的情感教育机会。英语教学中,我觉得我们也应该让学生通过朗读来加强自己的情感体会。或许我们应要求学生不仅仅是会读,而是要有感情朗读。在教学中,我就尝试着引导学生有感情的朗读英文句型,鼓励他们用夸张的表情和语调来表达自己的情感。例如:我在教学句型“It’s a surprise.”,“ It’s unbelievable! ”时就指导学生将自己的感情融入到句子中,把surprise和unbelievable的感情表达出来。学生们都感到异常兴奋,用惊讶夸张的表情和语调朗读这两个简单的句型。通过这种有感情朗读的方法,加深了学生对句型的理解,对

— 3 — 单词记忆也很深刻。








[1]卢家楣:情感教学心理学.上海:上海教育出版社.2000年版; [2]教育部:英语课程标准解读.北京:北京师范大学出版社.2002年版; [3]孟春国:英语课程改革中情感教学的实施.中小学外语教学.2004年第7期; [4]黄远振:情感的内涵及其与英语课程的关系.中小学外语教学.2010年第10期。

— 4 —






1、在课堂上,尽可能多创设语言环境,注重情景对话,在开展对话中始终以学生为主体,引发他们的联想思维,由单一的讨论内容过度到综合内容,把几个不同 内容的话题串联起来,让学生练好各种句型,不孤立教学单词,培养学生讲英语的良好习惯,进行多种训练。教名词单词时,尽可能用具体的实物或者图片对应相应的单词来教,而不是单词对应中文。这样建立的是认知和物的关系,而不是英文和中文的关系。动词可以用相应的动作来教,或者你比划什么动作,学生用英文说出来。单词能自然的说出来了,离句子就不远了.接下来是多锻炼英文思维,在课堂上,尽量全程说。即使有时被学生问到不会表达的,我们可以课后去查阅,然后第二节课告诉学生,这一点很难,如果坚持下来了,老师和学生都会有很大的进步。而且让学生觉得是我们和他们一起学习,拉近距离。If you never speak out your thoughts, you may be not aware of your mistakes ever.让学生自由用英语交谈,模仿课文内容进行对话,也可以自由发挥。每学一个句型,都要达到熟练的程度,通过重复、模仿、替换、转换、扩展等多种训练来提高学生的口语。从简单的句型着手,然后进行角色扮演。如学到I'm watching TV.这单元要求学生带一张照片,就照片里的人物正在做什么进行对话,在热烈的气氛中学会并应用所学的句型,淡化语法知识讲解,也可以让他们看看操场上的同学们正在做什么,用所学的句型来表达。让他们多练习口语已提高运用语言交际的能力,也能让他们在阅读方面游刃有余。通过这种交流活动,使学生真正掌握日常交际英语的用法。在学中用,在用中学,使语言形式与语言应用相联系,达到真正的口语练习,培养学生讲英语的习惯。


羞、不敢开口,除课堂内没有机会训练。所以在平时课堂中,我们要采用鼓励的方法,帮助学生消除心理障碍,以表扬为主对他们进行语言训练。在教学中多给些有趣的话 题,围绕平时学生喜欢的展开话题,在面向全体学生中要有所侧重。训练中,把侧重点放在有心理障碍的同学身上。除了鼓励、指导外,应给他们较多的锻炼机会, 使他们由怕说变为敢说,甚至主动说。营造一个宽松和谐的课堂气氛。在口语练习中,应培养学生积极向上的情感态度,这有助于学生克服英语学习过程中遇到的困 难。“怕错”是学生学习英语的主要障碍之一,我们要表扬好的学生也要及时发现和表扬有进步的学生。如果学生练习中出错了,一般不纠正,老师只需把正确的答 案说一遍,或让几个学生再问答同样的问题,使出错的学生意识到正确的说法。对于学习差的学生,通过耐心和鼓励让他感觉到自己也正在前进,消除学生的紧张情绪,对那些胆怯、内向型的学生,保护学习动力。老师应注意在课堂上多用鼓励性的话语来激励学生不怕出错,大胆发言,在不断的语言实践中使自己的英语表达准 确流畅。如:在学生出错或思路堵塞时,耐心鼓励说:“Don’t worry, tryagain.”对于课堂表现突出,回答正确的学生,教师可以给与语言激励。如:Fantastic! (极好的) Well done!(做的好) That’s the best.(真出色), Great!(真棒)。

3、加强听说训练,培养口语的语感。利用早读课坚持听新教材的课文录音,让学生模仿,朗读不能总是采用跟我读的形式,而是要注意创造情景,让学生懂得不同句子 的重音有不同的语感,显示说话者不同的语言心理。同样,语调的不同,重音的变化,体现了说话者不同的心理状态。在每次听力训练后就模仿、跟着录音朗读。然 后把班上的学生分为四组,每组选一位学生进行朗读比赛,最后选出一名获胜者,让这位同学带读,增强他们学习的兴趣。这样朗读绘声绘色,津津有味,整个课堂 兴趣盎然,学习积极性也大大提高。英语是一门“活着”的语言,有灵活性和实践性,因此,在课堂中,教师一定要注意教学方式的生动有趣,创造氛围,提高学生 学习热情。创办英语角。可以组织学生在英语角中进行朗诵比赛,英语课外知识竞赛,编写小小英语报之类的活动,利用课余时间提高学生们对英语的热情。我们要 把这个场所当成学生施展英语才艺的大舞台,在旁若无人的交流中培养他们的学习兴趣。

4、适时增添游戏,创设情景。在英语教学过程 中,可根据文中对话编排游戏,或者创设一个相关情境,要求学生利用所学句型和词汇进行英语对话。如 bingo(宾戈)、Listen and do the action (听音做动作)、Find your friend (找朋友)、Listen and color (画一画, 涂一涂) 通过多听、反复感受,从而加深了印象,这样不仅可以让



鼓励学生课后大声朗读课文并背诵,做到连贯、流畅,甚至有感情的背诵。要求学生多看些英文小故事,让学生用自己的话复述一些短文或英文故事。还可以让学生多背诵一些经典范文,各种英语小故事,学生们背的越多,表达能力就越强。通过这种阅读训练提高口语水平。也可以让他们在英语角自由谈一些有关他们生活中的 小事件或让学生复习训练所学的知识。温故知新,让学生反复操练。熟悉有关日常生活、兴趣爱好、风俗习惯、科学文化等方面话题。更多的了解中英文化的差异。




论文题目:如何让学生喜欢上英语课 作者姓名:何康

工作单位:罗田县大崎乡李婆墩小学 通讯地址:罗田县大崎乡李婆墩小学 邮编:438622


电子信箱:xiaqihong188@163.com 教龄:8年




[关键词]新课标 英语教学 英语学习作为一名英语教师,我一直困惑不解:为什么很多的学生对英语毫无兴趣?为什么那么多的学生在本该在英语课堂大胆自如地运用语言,而今却缄口不语?怎样使学生们对英语产生兴趣?能不能努力地使我们的英语课每天都成为学生们最期盼的课程?为此,在教学中我作了一些尝试,采用了一些教学方法来丰富我的课堂,从中体会到了新课改带来的生机勃勃的小学英语课堂。


英语教学家罗素曾说过“爱,是一缕金色的阳光,凡是教育缺乏爱的地方,无论是学生的品格和智慧都不能充分和自由地发展。”爱是教育工作的源泉,教师只有热爱学生,才能使其亲其师,信其道。教师对学生的爱的具体表现为:既要对品学兼优的好学生关心爱护,更要对“双差生”多鼓励宽容,相信他们的潜力和能力,成为他们的良师益友。 哪里有情感的火花闪烁,哪里就有成功的教学。现代教育论认为:情感是课堂教学中的一条主线。学生喜欢不喜欢这学科不是因是否重要。而是师生融洽的情感起着至关的作用。为此,教师无论在课堂上,还是课下,把学生当朋友,关心、尊重、要有耐心。把微笑带进课堂——把和谐的微笑撒向每个学生,把爱心带进课堂——用爱去感化每个学生,对每个学生要不惜褒奖的言辞,去赢得学生的喜爱。



发他们对英语的满腔热情、满腔爱。有人说“好的开头是成功的一半”,孔子也曰:“知之者,不如好之者;好之者,不如乐之者。”可见,要学好英语,笔者认为应先从培养学生学习英语的兴趣入手,只有培养学生学习的兴趣,才能激发他们的学习热情。针对以上问题,笔者把英语活动渗透于整个教学过程中,在“活”字上大做文章,做到让学生在整整一节课上,伴随着语言信息的输入,不停地“动”,使学生快乐地渡过45分钟,令45分钟在笑声与知识的融合旋律中变成轻松“一瞬间”, 营造出一种轻松、愉快、和谐的课堂气氛。指导学生开展形式多样的英语活动。如:唱英语歌;朗诵;表演课文或对话;写英语小作文;实物演示等多种活动。还可以设计游戏1:看师口型,抢答师说的词、句。2,听指、听击打等等比赛游戏。增强了学习英语的趣味性,活跃了课堂氛围。使学生有了展示自我的舞台。从而提高了学生用英语进行交际的能力,增强了学习兴趣。






教师应重视课堂教学例句的选用及教学评价,以鼓励为主,保护和增强学生的自信心。很难想象,一个语言贫乏的教师能够调动起学生的情感因素。教师激励性的语言能使学生充分进入角色。教师评价时的语言艺术对调动学生的情感因素有着重要作用。学生说英语时,经常害羞、胆怯,这种情绪使他们的思维受到阻碍、压抑,久而久之,学生再也不敢开口了。所以可用鼓励性的话语如“Great/Wonderful/Perfect /Excellent /Well done/How cool”或激励性的话语如“Try again / I think you can do it better”等。


要想学好并掌握英语这门语言,光靠课堂的学习是远远不够的。因此,教师要有意识地督促学生在课外积极练习,这也需要采取一些方法来激发学生自主学习兴趣。比如:改革开放给人们吹来了不少“洋”味,广告、商品、游乐场所、酒店、旅游胜地、电视广播媒体等等,对我们的学生产生了极大的影响。我总是鼓励学生去搜索这方面的材料,并联系所学的知识,去深化吸收。例如有个学生问卖洗发水广告时说了句‘头皮?No way !’”是什么意思?要求学生在课下用英语打招呼,时间久了就会养成习惯;再如老师给学生布置的作业可以是用学过的内容给家里的物品贴上标签,使他们在家中可以随时温习单词;还可以组织英语角、英语兴趣小组或者组织英文口语或写作的比赛,使他们相互交流经验,取长补短。这样可以使学生在课外也有学习英语的环境。


表演是把知识转化为能力的过程,是学生最兴奋的时刻,也是训练学生运用英语进行交际的机会。同时展示学生运用语言的才能。学生此时可以尽情发挥自己的组织能力、想象能力、表演能力。同时表演又是富有创造性和挑战性,使课堂教学形象化、趣味化、交际化和生活化。例如,我们每学完一个单元都让学生自由编排,但是要求声、情、动作并茂。(比一比哪组的声、情、动作最有创意)。又如,我们学完每个chant or song都编排出舞蹈等形式



英语对话是在一定情景下的习惯性语言如果脱离了情景,对话也就失去了意义。在教学中,不可能将真实的生活情景搬到课堂,但能模拟真实情景,创设接近生活的真实语言环境,这有利于学生理解和掌握对话内容。例如:两个学生见面相互打招呼,自我介绍,这样的表演既容易又很逼真,学生兴趣很浓,表演时全身心投入,神态惟妙惟肖,对内容的理解便不感到困难,使学生有身临其境的感觉,大大地激发了他们内在的表达欲望,从而积极地参与对话活动,加深对对话内容的理解。其次创设生活环境。让学生一见到英语教师就感到英语的存在,在课堂上,教学语言尽量使用英语,让学生感到已经置身于英语世界中。比如,在维持纪律时,使用一系列英语语句:“Please sit well.(请坐好);Put down your hands(放下你的手);Look at me, please.(请看着我)”开始学生也许会显出惊奇,但实践证明,只要坚持,反复说,反复用,并加以手势,体态语辅助,天长日久学生是不难理解的。








中学英语教学要给学生打好口头、笔头的方面的基础。学好语法有助于打好这两方面的基础。 对学生进行听说训练不应视为只能听懂、会说现成的套句,要培养学生举一反三的能力。交际能力是一项包含 多方面、多层次的知识和能力在内的综合能力,在中学英语教学中不宜提倡培养学生的交际能力,应大力提倡 培养为交际初步运用英语的能力这一教学要求。我国的英语教学受制于我们的社会制度、英语的特点、教学目的、学生特点等因素。这些因素决定了我们 英语教学的特点。一 对中学英语教学目的的认识


英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯,为进一步学习打好初步 的基础;使学生受到思想品德、爱国主义和社会主义等方面的教育;发展学生的思维能力和自学能力。对学生进行听、说、读、写训练,培养学生为交际初步运用英语的能力都是为了打好初步的基础。打好初步的基础,应包括打好口语和书面语两方面的基础。为此,要求学生要切实掌握英语的语音、语调和拼读技巧;掌握基本句型和习语;掌握基本语法知识和一定量词汇及其用法;掌握词的变化规律和一般构成 规律;掌握阅读技巧以形成语言能力(linguistie competence)和言语能力(speechcompetence)。打好初步的基础不能简单地理解为只会说几句装配好的现成的套话这样一个简单概念上。英汉两种语言不是同族同宗语言,有各自的发生发展过程,有各自的特点。两种语言在语音、语法、词汇三方面相差甚远,两种语言的形态、结构有很大差异。这导致学生在学习英语过程中难点多,形成语言能 力和言语能力的困难多。所以,为了打好初步的基础,对中国学生来说,必须学好英语的语言结构,这样才能 形成组词成句组句成篇的能力,这样才能形成举一反三触类旁通的能力。当前初中学生学英语,由于使用新教材,学生的听说能力有很大增强。但这种增强,似有些虚假成分。如有的学生的听说能力范围只限于书本上的话,把书上的话稍加变动便听不懂说不出来。产生这种现象的原因是语法问题没有解决。语言能力源于语法知识。语言能力包括理解和表达两个层次的内容。理解在先,表达在后。语言的理解能力是语言表达能力的先决条件。没有充分的理解,便不可能产生有效的表达。掌握一

门外语的关键是弄通和 内化这门外语的结构,而掌握语法是通向这一目标的最佳途径。

听、说、读、写全面训练,不同阶段略有侧重。 在中学英语教学过程中,既要重视口头训练,又要重视笔头训练,二者应有机结合,综合训练,互相促进,不可偏废。学生在学英语时,口语和书面语符合几乎同时出现。这对培养学生听、说、读、写四种能力的均衡、协调发展很有好处。语言能力和言语能力的综合训练,口语能力和书面能力的综合训练,是语言教学成功的关键。我们的中学生一般在11-12岁间上中学,17-18岁间高中毕业。在这六个年级三个阶段里,学英语的特点各不相同。在初级阶段(初中1-2年级)学生年龄较小,模仿力强,语言的羞耻感差,是重点进行听说训练的好机会。在这个阶段把听说技能培养出来,就为进入中、高级阶段打下较好的基础。反之,在这个阶段如果放弃了听说 训练,在中、高级级阶段便不容易学下去。中级阶段(初中2年级——高中1年级)是过渡阶段。这个阶段除要继续抓好听说训练外,还要引导学生开 展阅读训练。与此同时还要逐渐完善语法教学内容,丰富学生的词汇量为进入以培养阅读能力为主的高级阶段打下基础。高级阶段(高中2-3年级),由于学生心理方面的微妙变化,他们非常重视语言的客观评价,不大愿意开口,怕说错让别人笑话。经验证明,在这个阶段才开始抓听说训练为时已晚,其效果往往不完全令人满意。这个阶段的重点应放在抓阅读训练和综合技能提高这两个方面,但也要注意学生的口语训练。 二 尽量使用英语,适当利用母语。在英语课堂上师生要尽量多用英语。

教师说英语即为学生提供了听的机会;师生对话、学生之间对话,也 为学生创造了听说的条件。但在教学过程中并不排除必要时可以使用汉语。有时还可以采用英汉夹杂的办法讲课。如讲抽象词、复杂 的语法规则,用英语讲学生就很难接受,用汉语讲既可节省时间、分散难点,又有助于提高教学效果。为了实现原则上用英语讲课的要求,教师可以采用非语言手段引导学生听懂英语。在学生整个学英语过程中,母语对英语的干扰和促进作用是极为明显的。排除其干扰作用,发挥其促进作用,这是教师的经常性工作。 三 发挥教师的指导作用,充分调动学生的主动性和积极性。在教学过程中,教师是时刻都在起作用的因素。教师的指导作用体现在对教学内容的安排,重点、关键的 确定,教学活动的组织与实施等方面。教师本人的品德、素质,如语音语调、语言的流利程度、书写的规范程 度等方面,对学生来说就是最有说服力的教材。课堂上教师要面向全体学生,关心全体学生的全面发展,培养学生学英语的兴趣,做到既教书又育人。教师要调动学生学英语的主动性和积极权性,使学生乐于参加言语实践活动,在教师指导下积极操练语言,成为课堂的主人。



提高中国学生英语写作能力的有效途径2010-10-02 11:46:46Tag: 英语学习方法学英语学习英语我要评论(0)提高中国学生英语写作能力的有效途径:本文试图从分析国外目前流行的英语写作教学连径.特别是中国大学外语写作教学的理论和实践入手,提出符舍我国国情、学情和教情.有利提高我国学生英语写作能力的有效速径。1引言

写作是一个如何寻找最有效的语言进行思想感情交流的连续过程。无论用母语还是用第二语言写作,都具有挑战性。学习语言离不开写作.写作不仅能巩固已学的语言知识,也是一种重要的交际手段。当以英语作为第二语言的学习着将自己的想法写在纸上,见到自己的意见能印成书面文字并能和他人一道交流时,他们便感到自己有了一种在新文化中的发言权。他们学习语言的动力也因此得到激发。写作之所以增强学习者的语言习得.是因为当学习者尝试用词、句子或者更大的语段进行写作、有效地交流自己的思想时,强化了他们在课堂所学的语法和词汇。写作能有效促进语言知识的内在化。Swain(1 985)提出“可理解输出”(comprehensible output)假设,认为包括写在内的语言产出性运用有助于学习者检验目的语句{去结构和词语的使用.促进语言运用的自动化,有效达到语言习得的目的。当学习者用英文表达意思时,不得不主动地调用已学过的英语知识,斟酌语法规则的运用,琢磨词语的搭配.掂量词句使用的确切性和得体性。通过写作,英语知识不断得到巩固并内在化,为英语技能的全面发展铺路。然而,学会写作不容易.因为它是一个迂回复杂、动态的过程,受到各种认知和社会因素的约束,用外语写作的修辞环境则更为复杂,涉及到跨社会、跨文化因素的制约和影响。在我国,英语写作一直是英语教学中最为薄弱的环节。尽管广大外语教师作出了不少努力,但收效甚徽,学生的写作能力始终未能达到预期的目标.离教学大纲的规定相距甚远。据统计。自从1987年将写作纳人大学英语测试(CET)以来,学生的写作平均分始终在5到7分之间徘徊(满分为i5分)。学生英语写作水平与其学习英语的时间形成强烈的反差,写作教学在外语整体教学中存在着严重滞后的现象。造成这种局面的原因是多方面的,一是我们的外语教学对写作一直重视不够;二是写作教学方法陈旧落后。因此,寻找有效的EFL写作教学途径,提高我国学生EFL写作能力已经刻不容缓。


传统的写作教学大致都是采用成品教学法.以传统技法的讲授和作品为中心,强调正确的语言用法和形式.强调文章的传统修辞模式,如记叙文,描写文.说明文,论说文或诗歌等。这种教学法的理论基础是行为主义理论(behaviorist theory),认为教学过程就是教师给予刺激,学生作出反应(response)的过程。一般来说,成品教学法偏重引导学生理解观察、试验、思维所得到的结果,而忽视形成概念、揭示规律中的认识括动的方法。其基本特征是:教师用较少的时间得出结论,大部分时间用来操练技能。教学过程具有较大的神秘性。教师的教学只是演绎、讲解,甚至生硬注人,学生的学习则是被动接受,没有主动地创造和探索。成品写作教学法的课堂以教师为中心,主要讲授修辞手法、语法规则、文章发展模式和写作技巧等;然后,教师提供一篇范文,进行课堂分析,重点放在修辞形式和结构模式的选择上;最后,就是给学生布置一道写作题目,要求他们模仿范文的形式写出一篇类似专业作者水准的文章来。学生整个写作过程都是在教师完全支配下完成的,毫无自由创作的空间.写作成了机械的输入和输出的过程。教师把学生第一次交上来的作文当作最终产品进行判分;判分的标准主要是文章的修辞形式和语言的正确度,好像每篇文章只是句子层次上的一系列分裂的片段,而不是一篇既有形式也有内容的完整语篇。学生作文得分的高低,在很大程度上取决于它是否符合预先规定的结构模式,是否遵守了课本上和教师在课堂上规定的条条框框。这种教学方法的结果是:学生只为教师而写作,只注意形式而忽略内容,写出来的作品矫揉

造作、空洞乏味。另外,大多数作文题目脱离现实,设有考虑到学生作为写作主体的交际需要。致使他们对写作失去信心,写作是应付差事,从而影响了学生的创造性思维和写作技能的发展和提高。从20世纪60年代起.人们逐渐认识到了传统写作教学法的弱点。写作理论家们发现,现代的文章很少严格遵守修辞手册里制定的结构原则,而且很多研究表明:语法掌握的好坏和写作能力之间并没有必然的联系。针对结论教学法的不足,写作教学的研究者和教师们纷纷从多层面探索写作教学的新方法和新路子。于是各种教学法应运而生,如“过程法”、“环境法”、“范文法”、“体裁法”、“社会一文化法”、“认知法”、“功能法”、“评论法”等等。影响较大的有传统的成品法、20世纪70年代开始出现的写作过程教学法(proce approach)和近几年出现的体裁法。过程教学法的理论基础是交际理论,强调写作的认知过程。这种教学法认为写作是一个用语言进行发现的过程,是一个用语言探索我们的知识、探索我们对知识的感受的过程,是一个用语言了解我们的世界、评判我们所了解的世界知识及交流我们所了解的世界知识的过程。写作过程教学法不再把重点放在语法、篇章结构等语言知识上.而是放在制定计划、寻找素材、撰写草稿、修改编辑等写作过程和技能上。在过程的具体描述上虽然意见不一致,但较典型的是把写作教学过程分为写前准备、撰写草稿、修改(revising)和编辑(editing)等四个阶段。写作过程教学法将教学活动的目标既指向认识活动的结果,又指向写作认识活动的过程.让学生积极参与写作认识活动,在理解写作过程的同时.学会和掌握写作学习的方法。过程教学的基本特征是:展示知识发生、发展的尽可能充分的、丰富的情景,让学生在这种“情景”中产生认知的冲突,激发求知、探索的内在动机;适度地再现人类的认识过程,渗透与知识有关的思想方法;注重暴露和研究学生的思维过程;适当推迟呈现问题的结论。教学过程具有较大的透明度,教师的教是创造情景,着眼引导,学生的学是参与探索.着眼会学。过程教学活动中学生在教师的指导下,追求、发现和利用外来的信息。在这种状态下.学生既表现为教育影响的客体,又表现为认识活动的主体,教师为学生积极参与认识活动设汁学习的情景,提供全面、清晰的有关信息,学生在教师的正确引导下.在教师刨设的情景中积极参与认识活动,从而做到真正有效地理解学习过程。但是过程写作教学法也有不足之处·在过程{击看来,似乎所有类型的写作过程都是一样的一不重视对不同类型语篇写作的训练(Badger&White.2000)。近20年来,国外许多学者和英语写作教师开始认识到写作成品教学法和过程教学法都有不全面的问题。随着语言学家对篇章体裁研究的深入·开始探讨以体裁为基础的教学方法。体裁教学法认为写作教学首先是帮助学习者提高体裁意识和提高学习者对与体裁密切相关的修辞结构和语言特征的认识。因而与写作成品教学_i去类似.主要注重对语言的应用能力的培训。所不同的是体裁法认为写作随着产生它的社会语境的不同而有所变化.应尽可能多地让学生接触英语社会里不同的体裁。这个教学方法注重语境和写作目的.提高学习者对不同体裁的语义框架的认识,学会写作不同体裁的文章和整体写作能力。这个教学方法较好地处理了写作任务必须解决的三个问题:




语言基本功恰恰又是外语学生的弱项;2)各类文章的写作都采用同样的过程.忽略了不同体裁文章篇章结构区别;3 7过程法花费的时间过长,特别是单独与学生的交流费时更多,教师每一堂课不可能关照到每一个学生。另外,我国的外语教学课时有限,尤其是非外语专业学生的课时更少,过程法没法解决班大,课时少的问题}4)同学反馈(peer feedback)会因为水平较差的学生缺乏对同级作文的批判性思维能力、无法作出有效的评估而流于形式;5)不利于进行限时作文写作技能的培养。一种当前比较流行的主要教学法——体裁教学法可以克服过程法的某些不足,但是其缺陷也很突出:1)体裁的规约性可能导致教学活动呆板和枯燥,学生写作出现千篇1律现象;2)容易造成课堂教学出现以语篇为中心的倾向,教师容易偏重对语篇的描述和复制.忽略学生创造性写作活动的开展。学生的学习显得有些被动;3)由于体裁种类繁杂.课堂教学难以穷尽学生将来可能遇到的所有体裁}4)对写作技巧重视不够。


第三.我国的外语写作教学滞后也有教育决策部门的责任。虽然我国的各级学校外语教学大纲几经修改.提出了全面培养学生听、说、读、写四项外语技能,但是在实际教学过程中差不多90%的时间都花在“阅读”这一项接受性技能上·对于像“写作”这类运用性技能的培养却放在微不足道的位置。这是国家制定的各级考试“指挥棒”指挥的结果。翻开各类外语笔试试卷一看便知.最能反映语言运用水平的写作所占比重不超过四分之一。再者,国家教育当局主持编写的外语教材·除大学外语专业的教材外.一般都没对写作教材进行“单列”。这样编排教材非常容易造成“写作”时间被“阅读”材料的处理挤掉.使写作得不到系统训练。外语写作技能培养已是被人遗忘的角落。我们的这种外语教学局面与西方的“Every coursewe teach in this university is a writing course.”形成了鲜明的反差。要扭转我国外语写作教学滞后的问题,光靠几位学者微弱的呼声是无济于事的。






4 2读写结合

Krashen提出的可理解性输入假说理论认为.决定二语习得的关键是接触大量可理解的、有趣而又关联的目的语。阈读可以说能为写作提供所需的输入。马广惠、文秋芳(1999)通过研究发现阅读能力对写作能力有影响作用。因为阅读能力强的学生,更有能力从阅读中获取表达词汇。英语表达(复用)词汇水平对英语写作能力有着至关重要的影响。学生词汇量越大,他们可写的内容就越多,文章会更长,主题思想得到充分发展的可能性也越大,文本的质量也越高。这里指的主要是评判性阅读(critical reading)。大量的阅读能帮助学生扩大词汇量.通过上下文语境掌握词汇的准确用法和句法知识。其次,阅读各类题材和各种内容的文章,可以增强学生的文化背景和百科知识,提高他们的认知能力,再者,阅读能培养学生细致观察语言、假设判断、分析归纳、推理验证等逻辑思维能力。通过阅读,还可使学生了解地道的外语书面语特点.避免在写作中将书面语和口语体混淆(刘海量、刘亚宁.1999)。将写作与阅读融为一体,能把语篇结构的分析、语言知识的传授和写作技能的训练结合起来.使之成为一个相得益彰的统一体,达到以读促写,以写带读的目的。这样既能从更高层次上对阅读材料进行准确、深人的理解,又使每一篇阅读材料成为学习写作的良好范文.从而保证学生在大量阅读中有充分的写作模拟训练。“读写结合”强化了语言本身的整体性,缩短了语言知识和应用能力之间的距离。具体地说,通过阅读,学生与作者的思想感情相沟通,学习写作技巧,获取写作经验,领悟见解,掌握信息,从而激发学生去思考,感悟,井开拓思路.扩大视野。阅读中培养的思维分析、推理习惯和能力以及学到的语言知识、语法规则等使得写作成为表达思想的自然愿望,而不再从心理上畏惧写作,把写作看作是被动应付的苦差事。阅读对写作的好处还在于:1)通过阅读可以培养语感。学生写作时之所以感到力不从心,就是因为他们语感差,没有形成英语的思维定势。2)通过语篇分析能培养建构篇章的能力。根据建构语言学理论,外语学习者必须在言语中掌握语言现象.不断地建构自己个体的语言体系.同时学会利用语言体系中的材料建构话语。通过阅读,在学生对英文写作特点和技巧有了初步认识之后,让学生进行大量的写作实践,如写读书报告、读书札记和书评.或写出所阅读文章的提纲(outtine)等等。也可以让学生写作与所阅读文章题材类似的文章。“读写结合”的写作教学模式比较适合课时少.写作内容和课程没有单列的非外语专业学生。




根据我国大中小学校学生的外语教学课时少、班级人数多,不可能将写作课与其他外语课程分开来教的特点。因此,为了提高广大中国学生的英语写作能力.利用计算机开展网络写作教学是最佳途径。在我国,网络写作教学不仅符合我国的国情和教情,与传统的教学方法相比它还有自己独特的优势:1)由于外语学习受学习者情感因素的影响很大,有时学生会因为害怕不能成功的交际而产生一种焦虑感。写作是一个复杂的心理过程,涉及到多方面的知识和能力的综合运用,同时也受情感因素的影响。在网络这种虚拟环境下写作可以消除学生的写作心理障碍;2)由于学生可以在网络上直接与教师或同学进行充分的沟通和交流,学生可以得到比传统教学模式更多的来自教师的个别辅导和同学的帮助;3)利用计算机进行文档处理使文章的修改和校对变得非常容易。学生可以免除反复抄写的劳苦,从而变得乐意修改,提高文章质量;4)网络写作教学能以人为本,体现以学生为中心的教学模式。学生可以根据自己的实际水平选择写作学习的起点和侧重面,实现个性化教学和异步教学;5)学生可以充分利用英特网和本校教师编写的网络写作教材提供的资源,使学生能非常窨易地找到写作中所需的材料.写作起来得心应手,轻松愉快;6)计算机辅助教学可以采用多种方法和模式.可以综合成品法、范文法、过程法和体裁法等各种写作教学方法的优点。我们在本校利用自己开发的大学英语写作CALL软件“Col—lege English Writing Workshop”.开展英语写作教学的实践结果证明,运用计算机技术开展英语写作教学是外语写作教学的一次革命,因为它突破了传统写作教学的时空限制。网络以及计算机写作平台的虚拟写作环境为学生提供了无拘无束.充分表现个人性格特点的园地,增加了学生写作的主动性。





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汨罗市 沙溪镇中心小学 余威



(一) 用游戏导入

课堂教学离不开组织教学,组织教学应该贯穿教学的全过程。这种组织活动就可以借助游戏。如在课开始前,我们可利用stop--go 游戏(由6-8名学生组成各个小组,形成一个群体,教师发出 go 的指令,学生开始没有规则的走动,几秒后教师发出 stop 指令!大家停止走动,位置最靠近的几名学生开始就各种话题进行交谈。)代替传统的师问生答千篇1律的形式。又或:在课前可经常开展一些与新授课有关的游戏,如:在教学 1-10 数字时可通过全班做 jump 5/6/10...times 游戏既活跃了气氛,激发兴趣,又为新课做了心理及知识上的准备。




用游戏引入新知识。字母是和单词是学好英语的基础。在教学26个字母时,可用 follow me,who\'s my brother? 等游戏引出26个字母。在低年级的单词教学中教师可充分利用神奇的 “Magic box” ,引出文具、动物、水果等等的单词。

用游戏操练新授知识。语言是一种交流工具,学习了新的语言后,可利用游戏让学生尽快的掌握运用。如在学习:Are you ...? 句型后,可让学生进行猜人、猜年龄、猜性别等游戏,学生往往兴致盎然,起到了很好的操练效果。

用游戏巩固新授知识。在教学单词时,可以把同类词用歌曲游戏的形式结合起来复习。如用教唱 What is this? 来复习文具、动物、交通等单词。学生边唱,边演边问答,多种器官联动,即提高了复习效率,又活跃了思维。











5、对话类游戏 对话是小学英语教学的核心,它体现了语言的交际能力。情景表演游戏是对话教学中最受学生欢迎而又最常使用的游戏










德国教育家福禄培尔认为:“游戏是儿童活动的特点,通过游戏,儿童的内心活动和内心生活变为独立、自主的外部表现,从而获得愉快、自由和满足,并保持内在与外在的平衡。儿童游戏往往伴随着语言的表达,这有利于儿童语言的发展。”国内外的实践也表明,科学的采用游戏教学大有稗益。总之,游戏的目的就是激发学生的内在动机,培养他们的创造精神,使他们的思维得到扩散。 在想象活动中,学生可以发挥自我,把自己只置身于另外的情景中,不仅口语得到锻炼,创造力和想象力也得到发展。



学生姓名: 指导老师:

摘 要:随着语言教学技术的进步,老师逐渐把教学的重点都转移到语言技能上。这是语言教学的一次锐变,正因为如此,各个技能的教学上都存在不足还有很大的提升空间。英语教学的四个技能分别是听、说、读、写。阅读理解是英语技能教学中的一个重要部分。因此,本文的主要内容就是如何提高阅读理解能力。在文中笔者将分析如何通过知识拓展来提高阅读能力。文章共有五个部分。第一部分中笔者将对文章进行简单介绍。笔者在第二部分重点分析了阅读理解能力的两个组成部分--非知识技能和知识性技能。第三部分中,笔者阐述了知识拓展的意义、方法、以及如何运用到具体教学中去。第四部分,笔者分析了在提高阅读理解能力的过程中可能会遇到的一些问题,以及相应的解决措施。最后一部分,笔者对文章进行了总结,并再次强调知识拓展对阅读能力提高的意义。


Improving Reading Comprehension Ability by

Expanding Knowledge

Undergraduate: Supervisor:

Abstract: With the advances in technology of language teaching, teachers’ teaching focus gradually has shifted to language skills.This is a sharp change in language teaching, because of this, there exist inadequacies and there is still much room for improvement of these skills.The four skills of English language teaching are respectively listening, speaking, reading and writing.Reading comprehension is an important part in them.Therefore, the main content of this paper is to improve reading comprehension skills.In this paper the author analyzes how to expand knowledge to improve reading ability.The article consists of five parts.In the first part, the author makes a brief introduction of this paper.The second part focuses on the analysis of the reading comprehension ability ------non-knowledge skills and knowledge skills.In the third part, the author expounds the meaning of expanding knowledge, the methods of expanding knowledge, and how to apply to specific teaching.The fourth part, the author analyzes some problems that students may encounter in the proce of improving reading comprehension ability, as well as the corresponding solutions.In the last part, the author makes a summary of the article and re-emphasizes the meaning of expanding knowledge to improve reading ability.

Key words: reading comprehension ability; expansion of knowledge;


1.Introduction ................................................................................................................5 2.Brief introduction of reading comprehension ability .................................................5 2.1 Basic skills of reading ..........................................................................................5 2.1.1 Skimming and scanning ..............................................................................6 2.1.2 Extensive reading and intensive reading .....................................................6 2.1.3 Choosing a proper skill ...............................................................................7 According to reading purpose...................................................................7 According to style of reading materials ....................................................7 2.2 Knowledge skills of reading .................................................................................8 2.2.1 Vocabulary and basic knowledge of grammar.............................................8 2.2.2 Psychological feelings and cognitive psychological procees ...................8 2.2.3 Cultural differences and background knowledge ........................................9 3.Expending knowledge ..............................................................................................10 3.1 Signification of broadening knowledge .............................................................10 3.2 Expending knowledge from the teachers’ part ...................................................10 3.2.1 Choosing suitable materials for students ...................................................10 Materials from magazines, newspapers and novels ...............................10 Materials from Internet, radios and movies............................................11 3.2.2 Cultivating students’ awarene of expanding knowledge ........................12 Cultivating this kind of awarene by testing .........................................12 Cultivating this kind of awarene by knowledge contests ....................12 Cultivating this kind of awarene by playing games ............................13 3.2.3 Cultivating students’ good habits during expending knowledge ...............13 The habit of making notes ......................................................................13 The habit of asking and answering questions .........................................14 The habit of summarizing .......................................................................14 3.3 Expending knowledge from the students’ part ...................................................15 3.3.1 Learning to find useful information ..........................................................15 According to the style of reading materials ............................................15 According to the current events ..............................................................15 According to the history of English countries ........................................15 3.3.2 Respecting the individual characteristics ..................................................16 Choosing a suitable way .........................................................................16 Finding an interesting point ....................................................................16 3.3.3 Cooperating with others ............................................................................17 Sharing resource .....................................................................................17 Reciting the key points ...........................................................................17 Checking the results by testing ...............................................................18 4.Poible deficiencies and solutions during improving reading ability .....................18 4.1 Some poible problems .....................................................................................18 4.1.1 Lack of perseverance .................................................................................18 4.1.2 Lack of doing exercises .............................................................................19 4.1.3 Lack of knowledge in vocabulary and grammar .......................................19 4.2 Some proposals to solve these problems ............................................................19 4.2.1 Helping students to learn ...........................................................................19 4.2.2 Arranging practice tasks ............................................................................20 4.2.3 Strengthening basic knowledge .................................................................20 5.Conclusion ...............................................................................................................20 Bibliography ................................................................................................................22 Acknowledgment .........................................................................................................23

1.Introduction Language is a neceary tool of human communication.There are about 200 languages.English is an official language in 52 countries as well as many small colonies and territories.It has become the most useful language to learn for international travel and is now the language of diplomacy.English is also the dominant language in electronic communication.English is neceary for us.The best way to improve English is to improve English skills---listening, speaking, reading, and writing.In this paper, the author will analyze the improvement of reading comprehension ability.

Reading is a very important part among them and reading is very difficult for students.Firstly, this part is very important and difficult in testing.Meanwhile, the cloze also has close links with reading.When people are learning to read, many teachers or students will focus on vocabulary and grammars, ignoring the relationship among reading and knowledge.Therefore, in this paper, the author will analyze the improvement of reading comprehension ability and the expansion of knowledge.Reading comprehension ability can be divided into two parts.One is the basic reading skills.The other is knowledge skills.The knowledge is indispensable to reading.The expansion of knowledge is neceary.Sometimes, some people have enough vocabulary and a good knowledge of grammar, but they can not read smoothly and finish their exercises correctly.The reason is the lack of knowledge.The expansion of knowledge and English learning can not be separated.What’s more, when people are broadening their knowledge, they will think English learning is interesting, and they won’t feel bored.The point of the paper is how to expand knowledge to improve the reading comprehension ability.The author intends to expand knowledge from two aspects.The first one is on the teachers’ part.Teachers should help students to choose materials, and train the students reading interests, and let them develop good reading habits.The second part is on the students’ part.Students should learn to select reading materials, and to find a suitable way, and to cooperate with clamates.Then the author will analyze the poible problems during expanding knowledge.At last, the author will make a conclusion.

2.Brief introduction of reading comprehension ability 2.1 Basic skills of reading Reading is to extract the required information from a written text as efficiently as poible (Zou Shen,Yang Rensheng 2005).There are different styles of reading according to different situations.The technique you choose will depend on the purpose for reading.For example, you might read for enjoyment, information, or completion for a task.If you are exploring or reviewing, you might skim a document.If you’re searching for information, you might scan for a particular word.You need to adjust your reading speed and technique depending on your purposes. In the following we will introduce four ways of reading and how to choose a reading way according to the reading purposes and the style of reading materials.2.1.1 Skimming and scanning Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text.When you read newspapers, you’re probably not reading it word-by-word, and you will scan the text.Skimming is done at a speed three to four times faster than normal reading.People often skim when they have lots of material to read in a limited amount of time.Use skimming when you want to see if an article may be of interest in your research.There are many strategies that can be used when skimming.Some people read the first and last paragraphs using headings, summarizes and other organizers as they move down the page or screen.You might read the title, subtitles, subheading, and illustrations.Consider reading the first sentence of each paragraph.This technique is useful when you’re seeking specific information rather than reading for comprehension.Skimming works well to find dates, names, and places.It might be used to review graphs, tables, and charts.Scanning is a technique you often use when looking up a word in the telephone book or dictionary.You search for key words or ideas.In most cases, you know what you’re looking for, so you’re concentrating on finding a particular answer.Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases.Scanning is also used when you first find a resource to determine whether it will answer your questions.Once you’ve scanned the document, you might go back and skim it.

When scanning, look for the author’s use of organizers such as numbers, letters, steps, or the words, first, second, or next.Look for words that are bold faced, italics, or in a different font size, style, or color.Sometimes the author will put key ideas in the margin.2.1.2 Extensive reading and intensive reading

Extensive reading is a kind of reading skill which emphasizes the speed of reading and is in order to understand the main idea of the paper.Extensive reading is used for reading a long piece of paper, or for leisure reading.This approach does not require a thorough understanding of the material, only emphasizes browsing effect, and pays attention to reading fluency.For example, when people read detective novels, they are usually employed in this way of reading.

Compared with extensive reading, intensive reading, which is slow, careful reading of a small amount of difficult text – it is one focusing on the language rather than the text.Intensive reading is used for reading more esoteric material.It is not the pursuit of fluency speed, but the understanding of details or comprehension accuracy.For example, when people read the argumentative, they learn to use precise manner in order to understand the point of view, arguments and conclusions;When people comment on the style of literary works, people also need to read the works by precision, in order to accurately understand the eence of works. 2.1.3 Choosing a proper skill According to reading purpose Reading is regarded to be important because it can be entertaining and educational, can open up new worlds and enrich people’s life, and can improve hand-eye co-ordination and enhance social skills.People read for different purposes.Skimming and Scanning help students pick out specific information quickly, training them to tailor their reading rate depending on their purpose.(Edward B.Fry 1989) In this part, the author will introduce three purposes of reading and how to choose a suitable skill according to these purposes.1.Reading for survival.The type of reading is to satisfy a certain demand.For example, read the product price list, in order to make purchase decisions; read the road signs, in order to find the nearest metro station.In this kind of reading people need to find out some useful information, so we can scan.2.Reading for pleasure--- reading relaxation in one’s spare time.For example, reading a novel on weekends.This kind of reading is just for fun or to pa the time.Therefore, people can skim or use intensive reading skill and extensive reading skill. 3.Reading for learning.This type of reading is aimed at obtaining information and knowledge, broadening one’s vision, and enlarging one’s knowledge scales.This type of reading material can be profeional or ma style.The purpose of reading is recent or long-term.Such reading is also included in order to master a foreign language.So this kind of reading needs intensive reading. According to style of reading materials There are three kinds of reading materials and they are expository, narrative, argumentative.Now the author will introduce how to choose a skill to analyze them.Firstly, Narration refers to the way that a story is told, and so belongs to the level of discourse.Different kinds of narration are categorized by each one’s primary grammatical stance.People should find out the narrator is in the story or not.What’s more, the narrative is the article which is used to describe things.Time, characters, locations, causes, through, the result is six elements of narrative.Therefore, people should scan when they are reading narratives.Secondly, the function of an argumentative eay is to show that one’s aertion (opinion, theory, and hypothesis) about some phenomenon or phenomena is correct or more truthful than others’.Argumentative writing is the act of forming reasons, making inductions, drawing conclusions, and applying them to the case in discuion.It clearly explains the proce of one’s reasoning from the known or aumed to the unknown.Therefore, people can use intensive reading skill to read them.Thirdly, the expository eay is a genre of eay that requires people to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner.It needs a clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that appears at the beginning of the eay.Expository writing aims to tell the reader something.The reader should scan to find detailed information.2.2 Knowledge skills of reading 2.2.1 Vocabulary and the basic knowledge of grammar If the sentences, paragraphs, articles are buildings, vocabulary is the building bricks.Therefore, vocabulary plays an important role in the construction of the language system.For a foreign language learner, the lack of vocabulary will not only affect the communication with others, but also restricts the further improvement of reading ability.From the long-term teaching, small vocabulary is one of the main obstacles to students’ English learning in China.In general, the vocabulary size of students is in proportion to reading speed.If the vocabulary size of students is larger, their reading speed will be faster.Solid knowledge of language is the basis of the various language skills.Therefore, it is also important to improve reading ability.Although grammars have been taught by teachers in the claroom, but the mastery of them often varies from person to person.Especially, we can find these phenomena in reading.When some students encounter some long, difficult sentences or sentences with complex insert ingredients, they can not analyze them correctly, resulting in misunderstanding, which affects the correct rate of the reading comprehension.Conversely, if they can master the sentences, syntactic structure during reading, even meet some new words, but they can also achieve a good understanding of the materials.Therefore, to lay a good language knowledge basis is to improve reading ability.Reading practice has proved that the language factor is the fundamental obstacles in reading, and only a solid knowledge of the language can improve the reading ability.2.2.2 Psychological feelings and cognitive psychological procees Psychological emotional differences will have an important impact on reading.There are many psychological emotional factors, such as learners’ motivation, interest, self-confidence and sense of anxiety, etc.Interest is the best motivation of learners.Psychologists believe that interest can make people’s psychological activities active, so that people’s thinking is more active.Therefore, interesting reading will have the best results.In the selection of reading material, you should strive for a selection of fun, novelty and diversity.Teachers by introducing knowledge in actual teaching can arouse students’ curiosity and interest in reading, and improve their reading comprehension ability.In short, a variety of content, a variety of genres and interesting reading exercises help to avoid the generation of the weary, to maintain and enhance students’ learning enthusiasm.

Reading is a proce of information proceing, namely the acceptance, storage, conversion, extraction and use of information proce.There are many different cognitive styles, leading to differences in cognitive strategies.“Bottom-up model” strategy has always been the traditional teaching of reading in China.The focus of its teaching is the smallest of the discourse composition.“Top-down mode is used in the United States.The pattern focuses on using known information to infer unknown information.Emphasis is placed on the interaction of language and thought, and the selection of the representative linguistic cues, such as the title and the main idea of the article.With the progreively understanding, these hypothesized be confirmed, denied or corrected, and finally readers understand the main idea.Practice has proved that the common defect performance of these two models of information transmiion is unidirectional rather than bidirectional.Therefore, combination of these two modes can correctly understand the cognitive and is beneficial to improve the efficiency of reading.2.2.3 Cultural difference and background knowledge Language is living, is the carrier of culture.Every language has its development of soil.Reading comprehension should not only know the language itself, but also understand the development and change in the language transfer information and the implication of its deep meaning.Cultural differences between English and Chinese words mainly refer to the corresponding sense of cultural differences.The first one is the surface meaning of cultural differences; the second one is the deep meaning and background knowledge.These differences are due to cultural and historical influences.Therefore, if people want to improve the reading efficiency, they need to know the knowledge of English national history, society, culture and science.In addition, the East-West cultural psychological differences also exist.The two languages are different, so the psychological strategy taken by in reading proce may be different.Chinese readers in the reading proce prefer to use a decomposition strategy, while the English readers prefer to use centralized strategy.So foreign language reading teaching not only teaches a kind of knowledge and skills of communication, but also teaches a kind of deep cro-cultural language thinking training.Background knowledge and text production are related to socio-cultural and situational factors.Separated from background knowledge, foreign language teaching of reading has become a river without water.Of course, the impact of background knowledge on reading comprehension is multifaceted and multi-layered.It may affect individual expreions of understanding and may also affect on the overall understanding.Being not familiar with the background knowledge often leads to difficulties in understanding the main argument or central idea of the whole article or the whole book.3.Expending knowledge

3.1 Signification of broadening knowledge Language is tool which is used to communicate and each kind of language has his survival environment.For example, when a teacher teaches his/her students to learn some sentences, he/she must put these sentences in a particular situation.We call this situational teaching method.However, some people can’t make good use of this method.There are many complex words which have kinds of meanings.Such as, “compound”.Vocabulary and grammars and other important eentials of language can not leave its survival environment.The knowledge is the survival environment of language.Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which includes information, facts, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education.If a gentle man meets a beautiful lady, and he wants to get married with her.He must be familiar with her, and then he can marry her.If people want to learn English well, he must have a good knowledge of English and English countries.We can know from above that when someone’s knowledge is extended, at the same time his reading ability will be improved.

3.2 Expending knowledge from the teachers’ part 3.2.1 Choosing suitable materials for students Nowadays, it is easy to find something to read but teachers should choose suitable reading materials for students.These materials can be English and Chinese, but they should have relationship with English and English countries.The school is a good place for language learning.At school, students have acce to more useful learning materials, and have a better learning atmosphere.What’s more, the teacher can ask several students to buy a kind of magazine, so some students can reduce the economic preure, and this approach can enrich the reading material.Proper extracurricular reading not only increases students’ knowledge, but also strengthens the students’ learning interest.It creates a good atmosphere for language learning.Now, the author will introduce six kinds of materials.All of them have different effects on students. Materials from magazines, newspapers and novels The three kinds of materials are made of papers and are easy to find them.However, each of them has different characteristics.Magazine: academic or profeional publications that are not peer-reviewed are generally profeional magazines.It generally published on a regular schedule, containing a variety of articles.Its sales models are various.Magazines are more interesting.They are easier to be accepted by students.Each iue of magazine has different themes.Their contents are useful.There are many useful magazines, such as Crazy English, New Oriental English and so on.A newspaper is a scheduled publication containing news of current events, informative articles, diverse features and advertising.A wide variety of materials have been published in newspapers, including editorial opinions, criticism, persuasion, entertainment features.The newspaper’s effectivene is very strong.Most of its contents are about life.They can strengthen students’ knowledge of society, and expand the horizons of students.21st century and China Daily are good newspapers.A novel is a book of long narrative in literary prose.The genre has historical roots both in the fields of the medieval and early modern romance and in the tradition of the novella.The background of the novel has strong historical characteristics.People can understand the cultural differences between English-speaking countries and China through the novel.They can enhance the students’ cultural awarene and promote their transposition thinking. Materials from Internet, radios and movies With the development of communication technology, the network has gradually become part of people’s lives.But the network is a double-edged sword.Therefore, the teacher will play his due role, to provide students with the information site, to help students to avoid the adverse effects of bad information.The information on the internet has three benefits.First, the network information updates at a fast speed, so that students can know English national events quickly and adapt to the changes.Second, the content of network information is rich, which can broaden students’ understanding of English speaking countries.Third, the network information is easy to store.Radio is also one way for us to get information, for example, listening to air English, English night, listening to English songs.Listening to the radio has many advantages.First, students can alleviate visual fatigue and develop a variety of learning styles.Then, students can get relaxed and enjoy their learning, increasing students’ interest in learning.Thirdly, these English columns combine English learning with life, making learning closer to life Good movies are also useful to the students.Each film has a distinct theme, no matter it is the desire for freedom, or the courage to struggle, different people will have different views and harvests.Students can know more about life from movies.English films have taken their country as the background, students can learn from these films about the state of knowledge.Many movies have been made through the claic story which can increase students’ cultural accomplishment and improve the students’ ability of appreciation.The movies combine learning with amusement which is easier for students to accept.3.2.2 Cultivating students’ awarene of expending knowledge There is an old saying in China: Teachers open the door while students study by themselves.Education is not only teacher’s teaching responsibility, but also students’ learning objective.Students should be active to read.Interest is the starting point of knowledge, is thoughts and the ability to improve the inherent power.Teachers should stimulate students’ interest of expanding knowledge, and then they will actively expand their knowledge. Therefore the teacher should train them awarene of expanding knowledge. Cultivating this kind of awarene by testing The first method which can be used by the teachers is testing.Testing is the basic method for teachers or the schools to test students’ learning outcomes in the learning proce.Teachers can find the problems of students in the learning proce, and then teachers can change their methods in order to improve student’s ability.What’s more, students will try their best to get a better evaluation making a good atmosphere for study.The exam is also conducive for the students themselves to stimulate motivation to learn.The teacher may arrange the content of the examination according to needs.Teachers based on students’ level arrange difficult levels.First of all, teachers can arrange some questions about the English common sense.For example, “Shakespeare is a playwright or not?”

“Empire the sun never sets means the United States or United Kingdom?” “Big Ben is in London or Paris?”

Secondly, Teachers select a number of famous sentences and let students judge where the sentences come from.Such as, “To be or not to be, that’s a question?”

A Hamlet; B Uncle Tom’s Cabin; “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.”

A Edison; B Bacon Thirdly, teachers choose some English-speaking countries’ reading and ask students to finish them, so that students can expand their knowledge and improve their reading skills together. Cultivating this kind of awarene by knowledge contest In the proce of teacher training students to expand knowledge awarene, English knowledge contest is a good way.Knowledge competition mainly refers to the activity whose main content is knowledge competition.Knowledge competition can make students more active in learning and increase their interest of expanding knowledge.In the teaching of reading preparation activities teachers can arrange several English knowledge contests, so that students can know their shortcomings.Therefore, in the proce of learning, students will have the awarene to make up for this.In the following the author will introduce an example.If teachers want to talk about Charles Dickens and his work Oliver Twist, so they can carry out a contest about the author and his works.Firstly, students were divided into two groups, and then they can start to answer the questions.The teacher can arrange appropriate reward and punishment.The teacher can make the following questions: 1, Charles Dickens’ works? 2, What are the characteristics of Charles Dickens’ works? 3 What is the theme of Oliver Twist? Then the teacher expands the reading cla based on the answers of these questions, and students will have a better understanding of the content.The students will have the awarene to expand their understanding of these writers and their works. Cultivating this kind of awarene by playing games Interest is the best teacher, and games activities are good ways to promote and stimulate the interest.By playing games, teachers can train students’ consciousne of broadening knowledge.What’s more, the games can stimulate students’ interest in learning.The teacher can arrange games according to the elements of reading.Here the author will introduce several games. The word Solitaire: each student say a word and the behind word’ first letter should be the last letter of the front word.The game can let the students learn more words.This game has some difficulty, so there may be some students who can not answer the word.Some students may fail in the game, but they will not lose their interest in learning, instead it will stimulate their competitivene.They will study harder.Storytelling: each clamate tells a custom in western countries, for example, in the western countries, the brides will wear white, because it is a symbol of purity.Gue!Gue!Gue!: One student makes gesture and another person guees the word.Thus, students can be more familiar with the words.

3.2.3 Cultivating students’ good habits during expending knowledge In proce of knowledge expansion, teachers provide students with a lot of useful materials for students to read.In fact, some students do as teachers’ require, but there is little succe, and the reading speed of students is not accelerating, and their comprehensive ability has not been improved.So we can know that there is a problem in reading habits.Only to develop good reading habits can ultimately improve the reading speed and quality (Chen Shenghua.Cultivate good reading habits to improve reading efficiency 2007). The habit of making notes During the proce of broadening knowledge, taking notes is eential, and taking notes is to explore new knowledge.There are a lot of benefits to take notes.(1) Taking notes can help make up for the lack of memory and effectively improve the reading efficiency.(2) Making notes can exercise the ability to think.When someone is reading a book, he/she should make notes which can exercise rational thinking, logic and analysis capacity.(3) Taking note can accumulate useful materials and broaden their horizons, and improve the language expreion ability.(4) The notes will make people generate new thinking to study new problems.(5) Taking notes helps to expand knowledge.The proce of taking notes is also an active proce of thinking, which can mobilize the eye, brain, hand, promoting the understanding of the expanding content.(6) Taking notes helps review and memories the expanding knowledge.If you do not take notes, you will quickly forget the knowledge that you have learned.If students take notes in their own words, they can understand the knowledge better. The habit of asking and answering questions When people read an article, they will ask themselves some questions about this article.This is the purpose of reading.Increasing the purpose of reading, you will know what you want to find in the article.You will not read just for read.You will be more clearly structured.Extended knowledge also needs the direction and purpose.With a clear goal, we will not get lost.When we are broadening knowledge, asking question is the best way to help us sort out our thinking.What’s more, these problems are the important points.In the proce of expanding knowledge, first of all, we have to ask ourselves some questions, “What is the main content of this knowledge?”

“What features do they have?” “What do I want to know?” Then we will solve these problems one by one.We need compare the final answer with our original idea, and then we will harvest more.In the following authors will introduce an example.

Students read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, they can ask these questions: What do the pride and arrogance referring for? Does the hero finally find happine? The questions they raised will help them to find the important points. The habit of summarizing To summarize is to put in your own words a shortened version of written or spoken material, stating the main points and leaving out everything that is not eential.Summarizing is more than retelling; it involves analyzing information, distinguishing important elements from the unimportant and translating large chunks of information into a few short cohesive sentences.Fiction and nonfiction texts, media, conversations, meetings, and events can all be summarized.For example, to summarize the movie Memento, you might state: The movie Memento is a backward chronology of a man who tries to find his wife’s killer, but has short-term memory lo.He keeps track of facts by taking pictures of events and tattooing facts onto himself.Summarizing teaches students how to discern the most important ideas in a text, how to ignore irrelevant information, and how to integrate the central ideas in a meaningful way.Teaching students to summarize improves their memory for what is read.Summarization strategies can be used in almost every area.Why do students need to summarize? It helps students learn to determine eential ideas and consolidate important details that support them.It enables students to focus on key words and phrases of an aigned text that are worth noting and remembering.It teaches students how to take a large selection of text and reduces it to the main points for more concise understanding.3.3 Expending knowledge from the students’ part 3.3.1 Learning to find useful information According to the style of reading materials In daily life, our reading material can be divided into several kinds, such as newspapers, magazines, public notices, novels, and so on.However, they can be divided into three categories in accordance with the literary style.They are expository, narrative, argumentative.What’s more, the three claifications and the reading material of examination have a close contact.So it is useful for students to collect materials according to their literary styles.The narrative is the article which is used to describe things.Time, characters, locations, causes, procees and the result is six elements of narrative.The function of an argumentative eay is to show that one’s aertion.Each argumentative eay has an argument.And the author should find some numbers, some theory, some tables… to support his/her argument.If people want to analyze an expository, they should know what the author says.Expository writing aims to tell the reader something.The authors convey the knowledge by explanation, which is the central idea of expository writing.According to the literary styles, most of the materials belong to the three categories.When a reader is familiar with the structure of the text, he/she can analyze it efficiently. According to the current events Current events refer to some important things which happened in our lives recently.With the development of communication technology, every area becomes more closely linked, and to understand current events help students be familiar with Western society.To understand current events can broaden our horizons and increase our knowledge.And current events are closely linked with reading.First of all, the reading materials of examination are related to these current problems.If students learn more about current affairs, they will improve the reading speed and increase the effectivene of the answers.Secondly, in reading materials, the author may be combined with social practice to talk about his/her feelings.In fact, when students know the events, they has digested these materials.In the exam, we may encounter reading about the following event.Whitney Houston is one of the world’s most famous singers.Her death is the lo of the world.Although her halo shining, but her drug using experience is bad, so the author can expand the article on this point, to expre their ideas.If the reader is familiar with Whitney Houston, he can easily complete the reading. According to the history of English countries The history of a country is a nation’s growing experience.To understand a person, you have to know the person about his past.To learn a foreign language you need to understand the history of this country.A country’s history not only deeply impacts the development of a country, but also impacts people psychological emotion of this country.When the students are learning English, they must understand the history of Western countries.First of all, the historical stories are very interesting, so they can increase students’ learning motivation.For example, The World’s Greatest Swordsman, The Old Cat, The City Mouse and the Country Mouse.Secondly, history creates the current culture.A country’s language and culture are based on the history of the country.Some proverbs come from the history.Such as, Like father, like son; New wine in old bottles; A fox may grow grey, but never good.Last but not the least, reading material also has a great relationship with history.The United States President Lincoln often appears in the historical theme.The Emancipation Proclamation iued by Lincoln changed the position of slaves.Reading materials often appear on this event.3.3.2 Respecting the individual characteristics Choosing a suitable way In the learning proce, we should pay attention to individuality.Good learning method can improve the efficiency of learning.It not only can deepen the understanding of knowledge, but also improve the test scores.What’s more, our study method also established the self-confidence of learning.This shows the importance of the learning method.The way which suits the characteristics of the student is a good method of learning! Group teaching method has neglected the students’ personality.Everyone’s learning relies on memory to complete.Each person has a different type of memory.Only according to its own characteristics to expand knowledge can achieve a multiplier effect.Memory types are divided into three kinds, auditory type, intermediate type and visual type.The advantage of the first type is that they can remember the things which they hear well than what they see.Therefore, this kind of person can broaden knowledge by listening to the radio, listening to stories.Intermediate type is between the auditory and visual type.This type can use many methods to expand knowledge.Such as, reading books, watching TV, listening to the radio etc.The third person can remember the things what they see well than what they hear.This kind of person will need to learn by seeing, for example, watching movies, reading books. Finding an interesting point Interest in learning is the most realistic and most active ingredients to learning.It is an internal power which directly promotes active learning.It is the love of learning, resulting in a strong curiosity.Only when students have a strong interest in learning, they will feel excited in learning and be inspired to pursue knowledge, to explore the mysteries of science.Therefore, students who want to undertake effective learning must enhance the interest in learning. Students who find a topic of interest can be more effective to expand knowledge.This point is the starting point where students start their way to expand knowledge.Knowledge is relevant.As long as students have a correct starting point and insisting on this point for a long-term, they will be able to expand it into a surface.For example, when a student likes the lovely Cupid, then he would go back and find some of the myths, and then he would find a charm Athena in these stories, and then he might be fascinated by Greek mythology.When he knows these stories, he will find different points between the myths of the East and West.Through comparing, he would get his own opinions.He may also change the points of interest, and like food of West.But the first point opens the door for him to expand their knowledge.3.3.3 Cooperating with others Sharing resource The 21st century is the era of information explosion and people can easily find types of information, but it requires a lot of time to sort these data.Therefore, we need to learn to share information..Resource sharing is that somebody shares his/her information which he/she collects through a number of ways with others. Resource sharing allows students to learn more things and it is more convenient and efficient to acce knowledge.For students, information sharing has 3 major benefits.First of all, it can enable students to save time.Students only have a few extra-curricular times, except for college students.Resource sharing is conducive to student to arrange time, and to have enough time to relax.Secondly, the sharing of resources is conducive to the diversification of resources.Students have different interests, hobbies, so they will expand their knowledge from different angles.Even though some students have the same hobby, they may look for different information.Therefore, resource sharing is helpful to enrich materials.Thirdly, the sharing of resources can help students to save money.Students are simply the consumer cla, so resource sharing can reduce waste and strengthen cooperation between the students. Reciting the key points Recitation is an effective method of learning English and is an effective way of knowledge input.It not only helps students to master some English basic knowledge, but also can cultivate students’ sense of language.In the learning proce, students must master the scientific methods to improve the efficiency of English text.Reciting by cooperation is an effective method.This method has five advantages.First of all, reciting can help students to increase the sense of language and to expand the knowledge and can indirectly improve the students’ ability of reading comprehension ability.Secondly, reciting with other students avoid rote recitation.We can share the recitation of tips which make the recitation more interesting.Thirdly, students can find errors by themselves.Each people recites in accordance with his own ideas, therefore, he will ignore some mistakes.Fourth, reciting the focus of knowledge is helpful for students to master the syntactic structure and to improve the students’ reading ability and is helpful for students to deepen understanding of the article.Fifth, the students’ cooperation is conducive to the diversification of the reciting. Checking the results by testing Strengthening cooperation between students is conducive to expanding knowledge, but they also need an effective way to test their learning achievements.On above, the author introduces the teacher to test their learning outcomes and find students’ inadequacies by testing.Now the author will introduce the student test methods as well as the benefits of them.First of all, the author will introduce three methods of testing.(1) Students recite the expanded knowledge with each other; (2)To do a simple speech about this knowledge; (3)To make a summary about the expanded knowledge.Then, the author will introduce the benefits of these testing. First of all, the teachers usually take testing by doing exercise; however students have many methods to test their learning outcomes.These ways change tests and make the test more interesting.Secondly, these tests are not only the recognition of knowledge, also the representation of knowledge.The students can have a better understanding of knowledge and these ways are conducive to the further expansion of knowledge.Last but not the least, these tests have le preure which creates a relaxed learning atmosphere for students.4.Poible deficiencies and solutions during improving read- ing ability

4.1 Some poible problems

4.1.1 Lack of perseverance There is an old saying in China: “learning needs persistence”.In the proce of learning English, students need to continue to adhere.The expanding of Knowledge also requires long-term adherence to achieve a certain effect.However, many students lack the perseverance.Through summarizing, the author finds the following questions.First of all, there are many ways to broaden knowledge, such as, watching films, listening to music.However, in the proce of learning, students will meet many problems which they can not solve, and then the students will lose confidence, and patience.Secondly, the proce of learning is very hard.A lot of students don’t have enough perseverance to study.They often spend three days fishing nets, while two days drying.Last but not the least, the students’ schoolwork burden is very heavy, so they spend little time on English, or spend no time on English learning. 4.1.2 Lack of doing exercise Learning is a long and complicated proce.Broadening knowledge is good for improving reading ability, but there are still some problems.When some students do as teachers require, but their reading comprehension ability doesn’t get improved.In the author’s opinion, these students are lack of doing exercises.Edison said, genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration. There are two reasons why students lack doing exercise.First of all, the consciousne of students to practice is not enough.The junior middle school and the high school students are not adult, they needs teacher’s supervision.Secondly, unified teaching materials are not suitable for all regions of the students.Students can find suitable materials for doing exercise.These books are not too difficult or too simple for students.

4.1.3 Lack of the knowledge of vocabulary and grammar The lack of basic knowledge is a significant problem in proce of expanding knowledge.And this iue makes a great deal of influence on the expanding of knowledge.When students are expanding their knowledge, they often encounter unfamiliar words or unfamiliar sentence structures, and many students will become frustrated after repeatedly blocked and then lose their interest in the expansion of knowledge.A lot of students are lack of the basic knowledge from the beginning, so they are lack of interest in expanding knowledge.They do not expand their knowledge.What’s worse, they will stay in a place for a long time, and their reading comprehension ability will not get improve, and finally they have to give up learning English.There are three reasons for these phenomena.First, students don’t start to learn English with a serious attitude, so learning loses balance.Secondly, the students do not spend enough time on the study of basic knowledge.They ignore the importance of fundamentals.Thirdly, they do not have a scientific way to learn the words and grammars.For example, they do not know how to put the words and grammar structures into a language environment.4.2 Some proposals to solve these problems

4.2.1 Helping students to learn In order to let the students to expand their knowledge, the authors propose some solutions for the problems above.In the English learning proce, you will feel dull and lack confidence.At that time, you shouldn’t force yourself to learn, because your mood begin to conflict with the English learning.Then the students can relax to see some very familiar knowledge, which can train self-confidence for them.On the other hand, they can choose one thing you like to do.When you meet some problem, do not give up easily.Because you can learn from others’ experience, and through their succeful experience, you can support and encourage yourself.Keep a good state of mind.Learn to learn in a proper way.Nowadays, the students’ burden is very heavy, if they want to learn each branch well, they need to arrange a reasonable learning plan for themselves.Please pay attention to cro learning, and do not put too much time on a subject.Allow the brain to relax.Learn to think and you will have a deep understanding of knowledge.4.2.2 Arranging practice tasks According to the problems, the author suggests that, teachers should give students suitable preure to make progre.Therefore, the authors hope that teachers aign the students learning task.The task can be divided into two types.The first is the cla task.The second is extracurricular task.Cla task is concentrated, which is helpful for teachers to know the students’ overall situation.The teacher can be targeted for teaching, so that it can effectively improve the students’ ability of fast reading.Extracurricular task can let the students be more familiar with reading skills.Extracurricular task is not very difficult, but it is helpful for students to practice reading skills.The students also need some books to do exercises.The book which is not suitable for students’ level is an outstanding problem.Teachers should pay more attention on the problem.4.2.3 Strengthening basic knowledge If people want to build a skyscraper, he must get enough bricks and good construction techniques.If people want to have a good harvest in language learning, he must know the basic knowledge language.Basic knowledge is the foundation of language learning.However, there is a problem about the basic knowledge.Therefore, The authors identified a number of ways to solve these problems.First, learn to infer the meanings of words through context.Learn to understand the meaning of the word without a dictionary.Learn to reduce the difficult, and sometimes you can choose to read Chinese materials, and then read English materials.Second, learn to recite the basic knowledge and lay a good foundation for future learning.Third, look for some scientific approaches to learn, for example, Situational teaching method, cooperative learning, and so on.5.Conclusion With the rapid development of economy, foreign language learning is becoming more and more important.In the foreign language learning,Reading is an important part.Reading has a very important role in many exams, such as, TOEFL, IELTS, CET4, MET4, MET8 and other profeional testing.Nowadays, in the examinations, reading eay number is increasing.This is a higher demand for English teaching.However, all levels of students have similar problems that reading speed is too slow, and unable to adapt to these examinations.Meanwhile, the cloze also has close links with reading.Therefore, in this paper, the author chooses reading comprehension ability to analyze.So far, there are many studies about reading, such as the speed of reading, reading methods and so on.However, people pay little attention to the improvement of reading ability and the expending of knowledge.So the author chooses this topic.From this paper, we can know the importance of expanding knowledge and the close relationship between the reading ability and the broadening of knowledge.In the paper, the author makes a little research about the improvement of reading comprehension ability by expanding knowledge.The author analyzes the theme from three parts.First of all, the author makes a brief introduce about the reading comprehension ability.Only when a person knows his enemies very well, he can defeat them.Only when a person knows reading ability very well, he can improve his reading ability.The reading ability is demanded by non-knowledge skills and knowledge skills.Secondly, the significations of expanding knowledge are shown.Reading and the expending of knowledge are inseparable.Knowledge skills have a close relationship with the knowledge which the students have mastered about English countries.When the students are more familiar with the knowledge, they can use le time to finish their reading efficiently.What’s more, the most important part of the paper is how to expand knowledge to improve the reading ability.The author analyzes the point from two parts--the teachers’ part and the students’ part.The students’ part is the key point.Third, the author proposes some poible problems and methods to solve them.

Reading is not only important to students, but also important to teachers.The purpose of this article is to inspire people’s interest of learning through expending knowledge, and finally improve people’s English.Through the paper, the author hopes teachers should pay more attention to the expanding of knowledge and student’s reading ability can get improved.


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[10] Zou Shen, Yang Rensheng.An introduction to English language testing [M].Beijing: Higher education pre, 2005.[11] 陈胜华.养成良好习惯,提高阅读效率[J].英语知识杂志社.2007, (05).

[12] 胡壮麟.语言学教程[M].北京: 外语教育出版社, 2009.[13] 李秉德.教学论[M].北京: 人名教育出版社, 2004.[14] 刘

继.英语阅读理解能力的培养[J].基础教育外语教学研究.2005, (05): 24-25.[15] 王笃勤.英语教学策略论[M].北京: 北外教学与研究出版社, 2006.


At the point of finishing this paper, I’d like to expre my sincere thanks to all those who have lent me hands in the course of my writing this paper.First of all, I’d like to take this opportunity to show my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, ...who has given me so much useful advices on my writing, and has tried her best to improve my paper.Secondly, I’d like to expre my gratitude to my friends who offered me references and information on time.Last but not the least, I’d like to thank those who help me.Without their help, it would be much harder for me to finish my study and this paper.



On Training Methods of Short Term Memory in Consecutive Interpreting 交替传译中短时记忆的训练方法

Name: Li, Lingling

Cla: 2007English Education Cla 2 January 4, 2010


ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................3 1.Introduction ..................................................................................................5 2.Brief Introduction of Interpreting .............................................................5 2.1 Background information ......................................................................5 2.2 Interpreting ...........................................................................................6 3.Memory System ..........................................................................................8 3.1 Short term memory ..............................................................................8 3.2 Short term and long term memory .......................................................9 3.3 The Effort Eodels by Daniel Gile ......................................................10 4.Characters of short term memory ..............................................................12 4.1 Input of information ...........................................................................12 4.2 Capacity .............................................................................................12 4.3 Modality .............................................................................................12 4.4 Information Lo ................................................................................13 4.5 Retrieval .............................................................................................13 5.Memory Training .......................................................................................14 5.1 Visualizing materials: ........................................................................15 5.2 Retelling in the Source Language ......................................................15 5.3Mnemonic to Memory ........................................................................16 5.4 Grouping information together ..........................................................17 5.5 Aociation .........................................................................................17 6.Conclusion .................................................................................................18 Bibliography ..................................................................错误!未定义书签。

ABSTRACT Interpreting is important and popular nowadays owing to its communicative function in fields of politics, economy, culture, education and so on.However, it’s not easy to be a qualified interpreter because the training methods are not systematically completed.This thesis is mainly dealing with the methods of training short-term memory in consecutive interpreting (CI).According to Effort Model from Daniel Gile, the short term memory is an eential part in the proce of interpreting.In order to be a qualified interpreter, student interpreters need large quantity of practice and skills.Considering of this, the author makes some research about the training of short term memory and hopes this training can help student interpreters improve short term memory.Key words: consecutive interpreting (CI); short term memory; Effort Model; training methods

口译因其在政治、经济、文化、教育等方面有着重要的交际功能,因此在当今社会越来越显示出其重要性并且逐渐受到人们的重视。然而,由于目前口译训练方法仍然不够系统和完整,因此想成为一名合格的口译人员实属不易。本论文主要介绍了交替传译中短时记忆的训练方法。根据Daniel Gile 的精力分配模式,短时记忆在口译过程中起到举足轻重的地位。 为了成为一名合格的译员,训练者需要进行大量的练习并且掌握口译技巧。考虑到这个问题,笔者通过搜集整理和自己的亲身经历总结了短时记忆 的训练方法,希望能够帮助训练者提高短时记忆。

1.Introduction There are three kinds of memory system and short term memory is the eential part in interpreting, so in this paper the author mainly does research about the short term memory.Chapter 1 is an introduction about planning of this paper.In Chapter 2, it shows a general introduction about interpreting and its current situation in China.This helps us to get a more clear understanding about advantages and disadvantages of CI in order to find the weaknees.According to the analysis in Chapter 2, the author believes that the memory training is a big obstacle encountered by the student interpreters.Considering of this, the author decides to start with the memory system, so in Chapter 3, it mainly shows three types of memory systems as well as how they work and what functions they have and the illustration is focused on the concrete connections between the short term memory and CI.In Chapter 4, the author shows the characters of short term memory and the problems interpreters meet due to the characters.In Chapter 5, according to all above and research, the author finds some methods dealing with the problems.Finally is the conclusion and some suggestions in future research.2.Brief Introduction of Interpreting 2.1 Background information Interpreting becomes a very popular job nowadays due to the world globalization in fields of economy, politics, culture and s on.With the rising position of China, especially hosting of 2008 Olympic Games and 2010 Shanghai World Expo as well as entering WTO, China plays more and more important role in the world, so international communication become more frequently.This brings large requirement of interpreting which is considered responsive and practical, both quality and quantity.However, interpreting industry is facing serious situation: lacking of systematical training methods and high quantity of teachers.2.2 Definition of Interpreting Interpreting is the facilitating of oral or sign-language communication, either simultaneously or consecutively, between users of different languages.The proce is described by both the words interpreting and interpretation.Profeional Interpreting can be mainly claified into simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting in terms of the way of interpreting.In consecutive interpreting (CI), the interpreter speaks after the source-language speaker has finished speaking.The speech is divided into segments, and the interpreter sits or stands beside the source-language speaker, listening and taking notes as the speaker progrees through the meage.When the speaker pauses or finishes speaking, the interpreter then renders a portion of the meage or the entire meage in the target language.A qualified interpreter is required to cover various fields of knowledge and poees good psychological quality as well as a strong memory.Due to this requirement, interpreting is a challengeable work.2.3 Quality of a good interpreter 2.3.1 Profound knowledge As a good interpreter, the basic quality is to master the source language and target language.Moreover, an interpreter should have a good knowledge of the culture of both countries, such as the customs, the history, the humorous expreions as well as the current event and popular tendency.For example, when interpreter heard “Baudelaire’s translation of Poe may be \"better\" poems than those Poe wrote; but those who read them have read Baudelaire\'s version of Poe; not Poe.” In this sentence, there are two names Baudelaire and Poe.Baudelaire is a French writer, who is famous for translating the works by American writer Edgar Allan Poe and is acknowledged better than the original works.If the interpreter knows this, it is not difficult to translate it as波德来尔所译的爱伦坡的诗,也许比爱伦坡自己所写的更好;但读那些诗的人只是读了波德来尔所译的爱伦坡;而不是真正的爱伦坡.Therefore, a good interpreter should self enriching greatly and improving continuously.2.3.1 Strong memory Owing to the special characteristics of interpreting, interpreter should have a strong memory.On the one hand, interpreter has to master a large amount of vocabulary and idioms, such as画蛇添足 to paint the lily;用小虾钓大鱼 to throw a sprat to catch a whale.Besides, for some Chinese idioms, interpreters should remember the original story, such as东施效颦Tung Shih imitates Hsi Shih.Hsi Shih was a famous beauty in the ancient kindgdom of Yueh.Tung Shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways.The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a distorted way that the ugline of the ugly becomes even worse.On the other hand, interpreters should have a good memory to expre the meaning speakers said.Owing to the limited time, note-taking can only write down the main point and the whole meaning can only be expreed though the strong memory.

3.Memory System 3.1 Short term memory Short-term memory (or \"primary\" or \"active memory\") is the capacity for holding a small amount of information in mind in an active, readily available state for a short period of time.The duration of short-term memory (when rehearsal or active maintenance is prevented) is believed to be in the order of seconds.In an early and highly influential article, The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two, the psychologist George Miller suggested that human short-term memory has a forward memory span of approximately seven items plus or minus two and that was well known at the time.

David A.Sousa, in his book ,how the brain works refers to the term short term memory as all of the early steps of temporary memory leads to long term memory.According to his idea, short term memory can be divided into sensory memory and working memory.Sensory memory is the very first step for the source information coming into one’s brain with the shortest duration and can hold a certain amount of information, but these information can only lasts 0.25-2 seconds and disappears rapidly.Working memory refers to information stored for further proceing.Working memory boasts both storage and proceing functions.The two functions are interrelated with each other.When encountered with new or difficult tasks, then more proceing capacity is required, thus leaving le capacity for storage function (David W.Carroll, 2000.49).During the researching, the authors doubts that decay causes forgetting from short-term memory often offer as an alternative some form of interference: When several elements (such as digits, words, or pictures) are held in short term memory simultaneously, their representations compete with each other for recall, or degrade each other.Thereby, new content gradually pushes out older content, unle the older content is actively protected against interference by rehearsal or by directing attention to it.3.2 Short term and long term memory Psychological studies of human memory make a distinction between short term memory and long term memory.The idea of short term memory simply means that you are retaining information for a short period of time without creating the neural mechanisms for later recall.Long-Term Memory occurs when you have created neural pathways for storing ideas and information which can then be recalled weeks, months, or even years later.To create these pathways, you must make a deliberate attempt to encode the information in the way you intend to recall it later.Long-term memory is a learning proce.And it is eentially an important part of the interpreter\'s acquisition of knowledge, because information stored in long term memory may last for minutes to weeks, months, or even an entire life.The duration of short term memory is very short.It is up to 30 seconds.Peterson (1959) found it to be 6 - 12 seconds, while Atkinson and Schifrin (1968) and Herb (1949) state it is 30 seconds.Memory in CI only lasts for a short time.Once the interpreting aignment is over, the interpreter moves on to another one, often with different context, subject and speakers.Therefore, the memory skills which need to be imparted to trainee interpreters are short term memory skills.Another difference is that short term memory is proceed largely in terms of speech sounds, while long term memory depends mostly on meaning.In the early 1960s, Conrad, in connection with work for the British Post Office, conducted experiments on memory for letter codes.Conrad’s subjects were presented visually with sequences of unrelated consonants and were required to write them down immediately afterwards.He noticed that the short term memory errors made were not random, but similar in the sound to the correct item.Subjects mistakenly remember the words as words with similar pronunciation more than similar spelling.This indicates that the material is more easily remembered in terms of their sound rather than their visual appearance.Since the interpreters deal with the vocal materials, short term memory can do well to training.3.3 The Effort Eodels by Daniel Gile (1)C = KL + ELK + A Comprehension =Knowledge for language+ Extra-linguistic Language + Analysis (2)CI =L + N + M + C Consecutive Interpreting =Listening Analysis+ Note-taking+ Short-term Memory+ Coordination In consecutive interpretation, the interpreter takes notes while the speaker speaks, then delivers speech to the listener in the target language according to his or her memory and notes.Consecutive interpretation is performed in two phases, the listening and note-taking phase, and the speech production phase.(3) CI = Rem + Read + P Consecutive Interpreting=Remembering+ Note-reading+ Speech Production

In phase two, high capacity in taking notes is beneficial to the Rem component, since good note-taking reduces the capacity requirements for Rem.Besides, mastering a certain amount of linguistic and extra-linguistic knowledge will lead to succeful transferring form source language to target language.Since short term memory plays an important role in CI, the author decides to take a further step on short term memory.4.Characters of short term memory 4.1 Input of information It is generally held that information enters the short term memory as a result of applying attention to the stimulus, which is about a quarter of a second according to the findings of both Sperling(1960) and Crowden(1982).However, McKay\'s (1973, in Radford and Govier, 1991: 382) findings do not fully support this, aerting that unattended information may enter the short term memory.4.2 Capacity As mentioned in the previous section, the capacity of short term memory is limited and small.Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) propose that it is seven items of information (give or take two).Miller (1956) says it is seven \"chunks.\" Another poibility may be that the limiting factor is not the short term memory\'s storage capacity, but its proceing capacity (Gro: 1990:55).4.3 Modality To store information in short term memory, it must be encoded, and there is a variety of poibilities as to how this operates.There are three main poibilities in short term memory: (1) Acoustic (Phonemic) coding is rehearsing through sub-vocal sounds (Conrad, 1964 and Baddeley: 1966).(2) Visual coding is, as implied, storing information as pictures rather than sounds.This applies especially to nonverbal items, particularly if they are difficult to describe using words.In very rare cases some people may have a \"photographic memory,\" but for the vast majority, the visual code is much le effective than this (Posner and Keele: 1967).(3) Semantic coding is applying meaning to information, relating it to something abstract (Baddeley: 1990, Goodhead: 1999) 4.4 Information Lo There are three main theories as to why we forget from our short term memory: (1) Displacement—existing information is replaced by newly received information when the storage capacity is full (Waugh and Norman: 1965) (2) Decay—information decays over time (Baddeley, Thompson and Buchanan, 1975).(3) Interference—other information present in the storage at the same time distorts the original information (Keppel and Underwood: 1962).4.5 Retrieval There are modes of retrieval of information from short term memory: (1) Serial search—items in short term memory are examined one at a time until the desired information is retrieved (Sternberg: 1966).(2) Activation—dependence on activation of the particular item reaching a critical point 5.Memory Training The purpose of short term memory training in CI is to achieve a better understanding of the source language, which will lead to adequate interpreting.As Lin Yuru et al.put it, \"Memory in consecutive interpreting consists of nothing more than understanding the meaning, which is conveyed by the words\" (Lin et al., 1999:9).Understanding is the first step in succeful interpreting; therefore, memory training is to be provided in the early stage of interpreter training.Memory functions differently in consecutive and simultaneous interpreting because the duration of memory is longer in CI than in SI.There are different methods of training short term memory for CI and SI respectively.Interpreting starts with the encoding of the information from the original speaker.According to Gile\'s Effort Model, interpreting is short term memory-centered activity; the proce of interpreting could be re-postulated into: Encoding of information from the Source Language + Storing Information + Retrieval of Information + Decoding Information into the Target language In Consecutive Interpreting, there is probably up to 15 minutes (depending on the speaker\'s segments) for the interpreter to encode and then store the information.This is the first phase of Gile\'s Effort Model for CI.In the second phase of Gile\'s Model, the interpreter starts to retrieve information and decode it into the target language.According to the previous description, there are three main poibilities of storing information in short term memory: (1) Acoustic Coding; (2) Visual Coding and (3) Semantic Coding.Visual coding may be used by interpreters in conference situations with multimedia.Notes in interpreting are to aist in such visual coding of information.But in most interpreting contexts, interpreters will depend on acoustic and semantic coding.Therefore, exercises should be designed for this purpose.The following methods are recommended: 5.1 Visualizing materials: Visualizing means that to visualize what the speaker is speaking, for instance, to form a scene to strengthen the short term memory of the interpreter.A British psychologist named Frederic C.Bartlett(1998:279) regarded memory as the reconstruction of an image.The conclusion of the study showed that the capacity of memory of pictures viewed and images is easier to remember than vocabulary and expreions This kind of exercise aims to promote the ability of an interpreter to actualize and visualize the information he listened, which is designed to sensibility of human’s brain to image of language resources.5.2 Retelling in the Source Language The instructor either reads or plays a recording of a text of about 200 words for the trainees to retell in the same language.The trainees should not be allowed to take any notes.In the first instance, trainees should be encouraged to retell the text in the same words of the original to the largest poible extent.The following tactics should be used by the trainees after a certain time of training on retelling: Categorization: Grouping items of the same properties; Generalization: Drawing general conclusions from particular examples or meage from the provided text; Comparison: Noticing the differences and similarities between different things, facts and events; Description: Describing a scene, a shape, or size of an object, etc.Trainees are encouraged to describe, summarize, and abstract the original to a large extent in their own words in exercises.5.3 Mnemonic to Memory Mnemonic is a device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as an aid in remembering.Mnemonics are methods for remembering information that is otherwise quite difficult to recall.A very simple example of a mnemonic is the \'30 days hath September\' rhyme.The basic principle of Mnemonics is to use as many of the best functions of the human brain as poible to encode information.The human brain has evolved to encode and interpret complex stimuli—images, color, structure, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, spatial awarene, emotion, and language—using them to make sophisticated interpretations of the environment.Human memory is made up of all these features.Typically, however, information presented to be remembered is from one source—normally words on a page.While reading words on a page reflects one of the most important aspects of human evolution, it is only one of the many skills and resources available to the human mind.Mnemonics seek to use all of these resources.By encoding language and numbers in sophisticated, striking images which flow into other strong images, we can accurately and reliably encode both information and the structure of information to be easily recalled later (Manktelow:2003).5.4 Grouping information together Random lists of things (a shopping list, for example) can be especially difficult to remember.To make it easier, try categorizing the individual things from the list.If a person can remember that, among other things, he wanted to buy four different kinds of vegetables, he’ll find it easier to remember all four.Another example: probably 17761812184818651898 won\'t be easily remembered, but try putting a space after every fourth number.Now those numbers are years, and they can be easily remembered by picking key events from each year (e.g., Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican-American War, Civil War, and Spanish-American War).5.5 Aociation

The reason that most of people can\'t remember their friend\'s phone number is because 535-3473 just a string of numbers that have no obvious connection to their friend.In order to use one’s memory efficiently, the best way is to actively create an aociation for things one is trying to remember.For example, write out a phone number: five three five three four seven three.Now try to create a clever phrase that starts with the first letter of those words: fairy tales feel true for some time.Now that phone number can be much more easily remembered.

Alternatively, one could create a story that involves 5 characters buying 3 things and doing 5 more things with them by using imagination.The point is that one wants to connect the phone number to something else.6.Conclusion Keeping a good short term memory in consecutive interpreting is a significant aspect, which the train interpreters need to grasp.From the above analysis, we can conclude that short term memory skills in consecutive interpreting could be acquired by effectively designed training methods.With a well-\'trained\' short-term memory, interpreters are actually equipped with an effective tool for the encoding and decoding information.Even though the author has found and summarized some training methods, these methods are not suitable for every trainee.In the future research, the author believes that every student interpreter needs to explore practical training methods for themselves, which can lead a better result for their future career and be transformed into theories.







关键字:英语教学 素质教育 教师 转变 观念 要求 正文:





在英语素质教育的教学中,优化课堂教学模式是重点,也是实施素质教育主渠道。然而,要实现优化课堂教学,这就要求我们教师应做到优化教学目标的制定,优化课堂教学的设计,优化教学方法的组合等,通过优化课堂教学模式,以达到实施素质教育的目的。 1.优化教学目标的制定





首先,教师要发挥自己的指导作用,做到深入浅出,画龙点睛,一语道破,起到指导作用,以达到“导”在关键上的目的。其次,在学生课前预习,划出难点,带着问题听课时,或学生在自学中遇到了困难,迫切需要教师解难答题时,教师应及时进行指导,把握好关键时刻,恰到好处,这时学生的思想集中,全神贯注,认真听讲,可收到最好的效果。当然,除备好课外,教师还应精心设计,分析哪些材料让学生自学,哪些材料由教师精讲,哪些材料用讲练结合形式进行;应考虑精讲火候,研究怎样才能讲深讲透,讲得条理分明,深入浅出,使讲解富于启发性。同时要避免教师“抱着走”、包办代替或唱独角戏,而应把教学的重点从“教”转移到“学”上,使学生变被动为主动,真正成为教学活动的主体。这样有利于培养学生自己找规律,自己作总结,通过独立思考,发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,真正以“主人翁”的身份积极主动地参与教学活动。 3.优化教学方法的结合






总之,初中英语实施素质教育,是一次面向二十一世纪教育改革的重大问题。在实行素质教育的改革浪潮中,重视培养高素质学生的这一使命,对教师提出了更高更新的要求,我们面临着兴趣爱好各不相同,渴望得到教师指导的学生 ,唯有自己不断地探索,才能适应实施素质教育的要求。















首先,学会倾听。 在小组讨论过程中,要求一人先说,其他人必须认真听并且不能打断别人的发言,要能听出别人发言的重点,对别人的发言做出判断,有自己的补充或独到见解,在这样要求下训练,学生不但养成了专心听的习惯,而且培养了学生相互尊重的品质。这种品质的功能可能影响到学生的一生发展。



最后,学会评价 。合作学习活动中评价不只是教师对学生做出的简单的评价,在小组合作、大组交流阶段都包括学生之间的相互评价、学生的自我评价和学生对教师的评价等。教学中可以通过教师的范评引导学生互评,如让学生倾听他人发言后,用准确流畅的语言评价,以增强评价的能力勇气、提高评价的水平。







的语言情景,置学生于真实语言中,是Learn English ,而不是Learn about English,,应该努力创设直观、有趣的英语学习情景,并引导学生积极参与进来,大胆实践、大胆交际,充分调动学生的学习积极性和学习兴趣,以达到想学英语、想用英语说的目的。

2、自主尝试学习小组成员先自主完成导学案等学习任务,自主思考、总结,找出解决不了的问题,或提出新问题、新思路、新方法、新思想。做好小组内合作、探究时的发言准备和小组互查准备。如七年级英语下册Unit1 Can you play the guitar?第一课时,学生应自主学习1a的词汇和图中的对话,找出不会的读或理解的词汇、句子。draw的读音就是一个难点,很多学生不会发/dr/。







评价与激励是小组合作学习持续发挥效用的动力。小组合作学习评价要以个人与小组相结合,以小组评价为主的原则。为了鼓励学生的积极性、倡导团队精神,鼓励、鞭笞学习小组整体过关。教师要对学生自学、小组交流合作、展示、反馈、英语词汇的听写、背诵纪律等各方面进行评价,打出每组的分值。 由科代表及时公布在小组学习积分表中。落后小组不得评为先进,教师课后要采取措施督促优组帮落后组,组内优生帮落后生,促使每个小组都进行反思,保证全员达标、共同发展。科学、合理、鼓励创新的评价,有利于保证教育质量,有利于促进创新精神和实践能力的培养,也有利于学生个性的张扬。



英语辅修 课程论文

题目: 从“梦想”谈中西方文化差异

院(部): 辅修班级:

专业学号: 学生姓名: 授课教师:

201 年 月 日

从 “梦想”谈中西方文化差异




美国最受欢迎的新媒体网站之一《Huffington Post》的总主编Arianna Huffington要为今年即将入围《时代》最有影响力100人名单的李开复写一段评语,她概括李开复的个人经历为一个由移民、创新和无惧三个关键词组成的“典型的美国梦”(Kai Fu Lee’s story has elements of what we think of as a typically American story ---- of immigration, innovation, ultimately and fearlene)。何谓“美国梦”? “美国梦”反应了什么样的西方文化?

“美国梦”缘起于美国殖民时期, 在19世纪得以大发展。尽管随着历史的变迁,“美国梦”的意义有所变化,而且在20世纪更是不断遭到人们的质疑与批评,但其基本要素并无变化,且至今仍然被大多数美国人视为一种普遍的信仰。若是用一句话来概括,“美国梦”就是:在美国,每个人经过努力不懈的奋斗都可以获得成功,过上美好的生活。在这其中,人人平等、大家机会均等乃是其灵魂,而人的才能、勤奋与坚忍不拔则是必要条件,其最为显著的特征则是下层阶级向上层阶级的流动。还有人从广义和狭义两方面解说它,广义上指美国的平等、自由、民主;狭义上是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好生活的理想,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。










(三)、实现中国梦必须凝聚中国力量,这就是中国各族人民大团结的力量 “中国梦”的本质内涵是实现国家富强、民族复兴、人民幸福、社会和谐。









[1] 蔡立颖.浅谈中西方文化差异 .今日科苑 2007:24.[2]王雪,顾相菊.集体主义和个人主义.科技信息 2010:27.

第17篇:教案 论文

语文园地八 学习目标







口语交际 谈话导入


2、在我们刚刚送走的20世纪这100年的时间里,科学技术高速发展,人类的许多幻想已成为现实。课前,我们进行了一次社会调查《昨日的梦想——今天的现实》能简洁地向大家汇报你调查到的情况吗? a、学生依据调查的情况汇报。

(可以是家庭生活的内容;可以是社会或生产建设巨大变化的内容;可以是有关自然的;可以是有关医学的;可以是国内的,也可以是国际的。) b.教师相机展示资料图片。 指导学生交流


谁来当众介绍你的“奇思妙想”? a.出示文字屏幕:

愿大家,展开想象的翅膀,畅想未来,畅谈自己的奇思妙想:可以说说未来的衣服、食品、住宅、交通等,也可介绍个人的制作。 b.指名读以上学习提示。








听的方面;神态(举止、态度),质量(接收信息容量)、信息反馈(语言及思维机智)等。 总结感悟











b.出示自己搜集的错用滥用的成语广告词。 c、生生交流,动手修改。 日积月累


常言说“不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江河。”知道这句话的意思吗? a、交流看法。




c、选出代表在班内交流对名句含义的理解,认识。 d、齐读、背诵、巩固。



1、试着读读对联。你觉得哪个词不好读? a、讨论怎样读准对联中的多音字。 b、交流看法,理解对联的意思。 c、齐读对联。

2、读茶杯盖上的“五字循环句” a、个人试读并质疑。

b、解疑:想想五句话里省去的同一个词语是什么?(茶) c、将其带入恰当的的位置,再读一读。 d、试着说说每句话的意思





以往的课堂教学,学生一般要在教师提问时,才有机会发言,而课堂时间有限,发言人数一般较少,而且发言的压力感也较强,很多同学都很害怕课堂发言。分组协作学习的实施,使在不变的课堂时间里,学生发言机会大大增加,学生不再等老师提问,而是主动发言。由于在同龄人之间,较少权威因素和压力感,学生一般都能畅所欲言,即使是面对全班同学的发言,由于经过小组讨论,学生准备充分,所以发言的学生也较少有压力感。因而,学生在课堂上的参与度大大提高,学生的参与意识也不断增强。从而也使学生的主体地位,得到充分体现。 (3)分组合作学习,加强了学生间的交流与合作,有利于培养学生良好的合作品质,也有利于增强班集体的凝聚力。
















1、重点:单词三会 singer

dancer dentist;句子三会:I want to be a doctor单词四会 dad mum doctor nursery 句子四会: What’s your dad?He’s a doctor What’s your mum? She’s a nurse



Step1 、Warming up \\Revision

1、出示职业卡片复习单词tailor writer actre actor reporter driver nurse

2、说chant tailor tailor tailor He’s a tailor

writer writer writer She’s a writer

actor actor actor He’s an actor

driver driver driver She’s a driver

nurse nurse nurse He’s a nurse

3、师生示范,学生拿全家福一名同学来当主持人采访搭档 T:What’s your mum ?

S:She’s a writer.T:What’s your dad?

S: He’s a tailor .

T:What do you want to be in the future? S: I want to be a doctor.Step




dancer dentist

2、chant 练单词


Norman is a doctor---------------


1)师生示范 首先将所有学习过的职业综合到一起,每位同学选择自己将来想做的职业 2)师生示范

T:What do you want to be in the future?

S:I want to be a doctor. What do you want to be in the future? T:I want to be a doctor..3)学生问答找同行找到的有奖励

4、句子活动:将各种职业的图片挂起来以小组为单位猜组内成员父母的职业。(书中活动三) 1)师生示范

S1:What’s your mum? T:Look at this S2:Is she a nurse? T:No Ss3:Is she a doctor? T:Yes 2)小组活动及展示

5、听录音跟读leon 16

6、Just write 1)、连词成句


your What’s mum



He’s (3)、

your What’s dad



She’s 2)、找一找



(1)教师将完整的句子中拿掉一个单词What’s your mum?去掉mum,让学生来找少了哪个单词。 (2)学生找到后让学生把这个单词拼出来m-u-m mum,同样的方式拼dad、

doctor 、nurse 、What’s your、

He’s 、

She’s .



3、Check and Additional


There are many different jobs for us.For example,tailor 、writer、






Chen Hua is a writer.She writes books for children, She works at a newspaper office in Beijing.She goes to work by car.Betty,a policewoman, likes helping people.She likes shopping .She goes to work by bus.

Hu Ming is a dentist.He works in a hospital.He enjoys his job.Where does he live? He lives in Hong Kong, and he goes to work by car. 根据你所读的小短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1.All the jobs are the same. ( ) 2.Chen Hua works in Beijing. ( ) 3.Betty is a policewoman. ( ) 4.Betty doesn\'t 1ike shopping.

( ) 5.Hu Ming works in a bank and goes to work by car.

Step4:practice 首先:进行一次小调查,调查自己的好朋友 What’s your dad?

What’s your mum?

What do you want to be in the future?

其次:找同学到前面来描述自己的调查 This is my friend ,He is a boy,His father is a ----- ,

His mother is a -----, He wants to be a -------in the future.Gue Who is he ? 最后:让其他同学来猜一猜此同学调查的人是谁。Is he --------- Step5:Summary

第19篇:英语 教案

Chapter 4 Masterpieces of the Epic 一.Teaching aims Knowledge and ability aims Read about Banquet at Hongmen and Trojan War, A War for A Beauty, learn new words and expreions and learn to use verb tense consistency, and write a letter of job application.二.Teaching key points The key words and expreions in the paage: Vocabulary: banquet, humble, conquer, summon, toast, captive, shield, bar, charge, present, torture, revolt, seal, withdraw, downfall, reward, observe, bandit, trifle, beckon, courtesy, chopper Phrase: occur to sb.in attendance upon, shoot a glance, take leave, follow suit, end up, burst into, at stake, knock sb.down 三.Teaching difficult points: 1).To use the key words and expreions and write a letter of job application.

四.Teaching methods: 1).Task-based and students-centered 2).Individual work, pair work and group work 五.Teaching aids: Work sheets, blackboard and PPT.六.Teaching procedures: The first period:Speaking(Warming Up and speaking)

Step 1 warming up

T: Think about the following three questions and discu the questions with your partners 1.What do you know about the the Records of the Grand Historian? 2.Who was honored as the father of Chinese historian? 3.Why did Lu Xun positively comment the Records of the Grand Historian as the Unmetrical Li Sao and Incomparable Splendor of Historian? Talk about the stories from Historical records according to the given pictures in Page 102, that is Burning the Books and Burying the Scholars Alive, Returning the Jade Intact to Zhao, Farewell My Concubine and Bearing the Rods and Asking for Punishment

The second period: Reading Step 1: the structure of the paage: • • • Part one para (1-3): introduction to Shiji, the Records of the Grand Historian

Part two para (4-9): a brief introduction to five parts of the book Part three para (10): the historical significance/value of Shiji

Step 2: Language points Notes: 1.Han Dynasty: The Han dynasty(206 BC ~ 220 AD) was the second imperial dynasty of China, preceded by the Qin Dynasty (221~207 BC) and succeeded by the Three Kingdoms period (220~280 AD).It was founded by the rebel leader Liu Bang, known posthumously as Emperor Gaozu of Han.It was briefly interrupted by the Xin Dynasty (9~23 AD) of the former regent Wang Mang.This interregnum separates the Han Dynasty into two periods: the Western Han or Former Han (206 BC ~ 9 AD) and the Eastern Han or Latter Han (25~220 AD).Spanning over four centuries, the Han period is considered as a golden age in Chinese history.

2.Emperor Wu of Han: (156 BC~ 87 BC) personal name Liu Che, courtesy name Tong, was the seventh emperor of the Han Dynasty of China, ruling from 141 to 87 B.C.New words monumental adj.very important and having a great influence, especially as the result of years of work 意义深远的;(著作等)浩瀚而不朽的 Example Shiji is a monumental history of ancient China and the world.《史记》是古代中国和世界不朽的历史

virtually adv.very nearly true; for most purposes it can be regarded as true 事实上 Example This word has virtually dropped out of usage today.这个词实际上现在已不再使用了。 overlap v. extend over so as to cover partly 重叠;与…重合 Example The upper layer of blanket should overlap the lower. 毛毡的上层应与下层重叠

conceive v.to form an idea, a plan, etc.in your mind; to imagine something 构思;设想 Example You may conceive a new world in the atomic age. 你可以设想出原子时代的新世界

compose v.to write a letter, poem,speech etc.usually with a lot of care and thought (用心) 写 (信、诗、演讲稿) Example He started at once to compose a reply to Anna.他立刻开始给安娜写回信

hereditary n.a title or position in society is paed on as a right from parent to child 世袭的;世代相传的 Example In some countries,the position of the head of state is hereditary.在一些国家,国家元首的职位是世袭的

doctrine n.a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, a political party, etc.(宗教或政党等所信奉的)教义,教旨,教条,信条 Example

Christian doctrine基督教教义

proclaim v.to publicly and officially tell people about something important 宣告,公布;声明; Example Britain proudly proclaims that it is a nation of animal lovers.英国自豪地宣称它是个热爱动物的国家

Useful expreions: deal with 以…作为内容;讨论 Example ...the parts of his book which deal with contemporary Paris .… 他书中有讨论当代巴黎的部分 allow (sb/ sth) to do sth

允许,许可,准许(某人或某事物)做某事物 Example

The bo does not allow me to use the telephone. 老板不允许我使用电话

Paengers are not allowed to smoke. 乘客不得吸烟

account for (数量、比例上) 占 Example

Computers account for 5% of the country\'s commercial electricity consumption. 电脑占了这个国家商业用电的5% range from 范围由……到…… Example

His interests range from che to canoeing. 他的爱好从下国际象棋到划独木舟 dedicate to 把(时间、精力等)用于 Example They dedicated themselves to helping the poor. 他们致力于帮助穷人

• eg: --- Everyone is more reluctant to travel these days,

not least the Amaricans.


--- Dieting can be bad for you, not least because it is a cause of stre.


• eg.--- I suspect that we live not in an age of science and empiricism,but rather in the age of ego.


---A gift is invariably something you did not choose but rather something that someone else thought you should have. not…but rather ...

不是/没有…而是 not least ...尤其;相当重要地


Grammar Verb Tense Consistency

Verb tense consistency on the sentence level

1.Keep tenses consistent within sentences.

2.Do not change tenses when there is no time change for the action.

3.Since there is no indication that the actions happened apart from one another, there is no reason to shift the tense of the second verb.

4.Change tense only when there is a need to do so.Usually, the timing of actions within a sentence will dictate when the tense must change.Verb tense consistency on the paragraph level 1.Generally, establish a primary tense and keep tenses consistent from sentence to sentence. 2.Do not shift tenses between sentences unle there is a time change that must be shown. Verb tense consistency on the eay level 1. Use present tense when writing eays about your own ideas, factual topics, the action in a specific movie, play, or book.

NOTE: When quoting from a work, maintain the present tense in your own writing, while keeping the original tense of the quoted material.2.Use past tense when writing about past events, completed studies or findings, arguments presented in scientific literature

3.Use future tense when writing about an event that will occur in the future. How to write A Letter of Job Application 1.Opening part

Refer to the position applied for and explain the reasons for it.Tell how you learned about the position 2.Body

Supply information on yourself.This should include: •Personal background


•Academic qualifications •Work experience

•Personal skills and your character

When you are stating these experiences and qualifications, you are supposed to be careful with language and intonation.Make your selling of yourself positive, confident and not hypocritical. 3.Ending

At the end of the letter, ask for an interview at the convenience of the prospective employer and state clearly the time at which you are available and how you can be reached.

七.Homework Recite the new words and useful expreions, and write a letter of job application.



Teaching Aims: 1.Knowledge aim: students’ mastery of new words, phrases and grammar practice

2.Emotion aim: love not only family members but also your family 3.Ability aim: improve four skills of English, especially reading skill.Teaching Key Points: Mastery of new words, phrases and the good usage of expreions and grammar Teaching Difficult Points: Students can put what they learn into practice and communicate with others fluently Teaching Methods: Community language teaching, Task-based language teaching, computer-aided instruction Teaching Aids: Multimedia, related materials like pictures and word cards Teaching Procedures: 1.Step1: leading in and warming up(2mins) Greet with students and sing a song, show photos of family to attract their attention and inspire their interests.2.Step2: Pre-reading(3mins) Most of students have been attracted into this cla, so I will show some photos of family in which there are my family members.I will let you gue who they are.Then students will have a discuion about their family and their family members and find volunteers to share with us.

3.Step3: while-reading(25mins) At this period, we will let you do two activities.Activity1:Fast reading I will give you 5 mins to read the whole paage to conclude the main theme.

Activity2:Careful reading I will give them 10 mins to reread this paage and finish the following two tasks 1) I will ask them to answer three questions related to this paage to know how much they got from this paage.2) I will let them find important grammar and phrases 4.Step4:Post-reading (10mins)

I will let students retell this paage with key words and phrases given to test their memory.5.Step5:Summery and Homework(5mins) Discu in groups about love in your family and how to love your parents.Write one composition after cla about your family with new words and phrases which have been learned.
