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三年级教材的特点:教材的设计体现了“以人为本”的教育思想,遵循了“为用而学,在用中学,学了就用”的原则。同时也注意了小学生的年龄特点,使他们在听听、说说、唱唱、玩玩、演演、画画中学习、掌握和运用语言。 本册《英语》第一单元至第十二单元为教学单元。每单元包括六部分:Let’s listen and say;Let’s learn,Let’s act,Let’s read,Let’s read and draw; Let’s chant, Let’s have fun。A部分为全单元基本句型、单词等语言材料及其功能的集中展示;B部分为A部分的拓展,或对A部分进一步巩固;C部分为语言操练,为学生灵活地运用本单元基本句型提供情景;D部分为趣味阅读,进一步让学生在生动有趣的故事中熟悉语言材料,强化语言综合运用技能,并培养初步的阅读能力;E部分为语音归类,培养学生的语感及自学能力;F部分为各种趣味活动,创设轻松学习和运用语言的环境,让学生在活动中巩固所学知识技能,激发学习兴趣。知识内在联系:










7、Unit8谈论的是动物的名称和学习用品的名称,这两个单元主要训练的是句型“What’s this?”“It’s a/an…” 。



7、Unit11谈论的是家禽家畜的名称,这个单元主要训练的句型是This is…”。Unit12学会用英语说生日快乐。


















Good morning



What’s your name?



Review unit1--3



How old are you?



This is my family.



Who’s he?



Review unit4--6



It’s a dog



What’s this?



It’s a mouth.



Review unit7--9



Touch your head.



I like the head.



Happy birthday!



Review unit7--12







5、形成性评价列入学业学习评价,按照20% 的学习行为和口语学习评价,80%的双基评价。以促进学生的学习为主要目的。







内 容 分 析




本册《英语》第一单元至第十二单元为教学单元。每单元包括六部分:Let’s listen and say;Let’s learn,Let’s act,Let’s read,Let’s listen,read and write;Let’s have fun。A部分为全单元基本句型、单词等语言材料及其功能的集中展示;B部分为A部分的拓展,或对A部分进一步巩固;C部分为语言操练,为学生灵活地运用本单元基本句型提供情景;D部分为趣味阅读,进一步让学生在生动有趣的故事中熟悉语言材料,强化语言综合运用技能,并培养初步的阅读能力;E部分为语音归类,培养学生的语感及自学能力;F部分为各种趣味活动,创设轻松学习和运用语言的环境,让学生在活动中巩固所学知识和技能,激发学习兴趣。第十















7、Unit11谈论的是家禽家畜的名称,Unit12谈论的是学习用品的名称,这两个单元主要训练的是句型“What’s this?”“It’s a/an…” 。

学 生 分 析

学生从未正式接触过英语,但平时在生活中偶尔听别人说过一些简单的日常单词,对学习英语有浓厚地兴趣,学习英语的自信心较强,但是教学难度很大,同时有一小部分学困学生,他们的学习能力和学习习惯等都比较差,所以在今后的教学中,除面向全体学生,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,充分调动他们的自主能动性、积极性,并发挥团队协作精神,营造互帮互助、共同学习英语的语境外,还要分层次教学,既照顾优生,又兼顾了差生。教 学 目 标







教 学 策 略






6、运用多媒体和其他电教手段把知识学习演变成动画游戏,激发兴趣,加深印象。教 学 实 施



Unit2Who are you?2课时很好 Unit3What’s your name?2课时很好 Unit4Are you Lingling?2课时很好 Unit5Who’s he?2课时很好 Unit6This is my family.2课时很好 AementⅠReview unit1--61课时很好

Unit7Is he a soldier?2课时很好 Unit8What’s he?2课时很好 Unit9This is a nose.2课时很好 Unit10Touch your head.2课时很好

Unit11It’s a cow.2课时很好 Unit12What’s this?2课时很好 AementⅡReview unit7--121课时很好

Unit13You’re a lion.1课时很好 Unit14A computer is your friend.1课时很好



三 年 级 英 语 上 册 教 学 反 思

和平小学:吴瑶 Unit1 Hello!教学反思

今天上了本学期的第一单元,上完后对课堂的教学进行了一下思考。 在教学过程(本文来自优秀教育资源网斐.斐.课.件.园)中,我按照新课标的要求,采用体现以学生为中心,以活动课为主的课堂教学新模式,强调学生的参与和体验,注重激发学生学习的积极性,而且运用多种形式的教学方法,做到动(acting)和静(gueing game)相结合,情景设置及对话表演,使学生在尽量真实的环境中进行交际。


这些成果的取得都离不开设计教案时精心准备,我根据教学的 对象,我注意了以下几点:(1)走下讲台、蹲下身子、溶入学生、互动学习;(2)低起点,小步子,大容量,快节奏,重反馈。


Unit2 Good morning 教学反思




Unit3 What\'s your name?教学反思

课堂实效的目标未能圆满实现,仅小部分孩子会用What’s your name?My name’s…这两个句型。备课时没有充分考虑三年级学生掌握英语的实际水平,认为What’s your name?My name’s…非常简单,孩子学起来应该不难,但对于以前没有学过英语而且对拼音掌握还不是很好的某些孩子来说是很难的,课后有的不教英语的老师都觉得说My name’s…很拗口,更何况是三年级的孩子呢?确实单词my里面m要读/m/,单词name里面的m也要读/m/,所以班上很多学生就直接说成My mame.

教学过程中我同时让学生掌握前面几节课和本节课学的介绍名字的两种表达方式:I’m…和 My name’s…,没想到有的学生将二者混合在一起,我问What’s your name?得到的回答是I’m name…,有的学生漏掉’s直接说My name…

课堂前半部分学生因图片的呈现,学习兴趣很高。可能因为练习时是机械操练,练习方法单一,所以导致课堂后半部分有些学生积极性不高,注意力逐渐开始分散,课堂纪律不大好,有些学生开始搞小动作,砖头说话,不认真听讲。所以当我问What’s your name?得到的回答也是What’s your name?也就是说有些学生根本不知道我问的是什么意思,这是不应该纠正他的错误而应该回答他My name’s Ms zhu.这样他可能就会根据我刚才的回答正确地回答出My name’s…。 设计活动不是很丰富,只有小组比赛,同桌表演,分角色朗读的活动,学生的兴趣停留在图片上,所以当用图片的任务来练习What’s your name?和My name’s…时几乎所有的学生都会问和答,可当用自己的名字来问答时很多学生就不会了。说明他们的兴趣已经不高了,这也符合小学生的特点,因此以后要从学生实际水平和特点出发来备课,尽量设计一些符合教学内容和学生特点的活动来吸引学生的注意力,提高课堂效率。

Unit4 How old are you教学反思


游戏导入是课堂教学的重要组成部分。利用恰当的游戏引入新课是激发学生学习兴趣的有效途径,也是一节课成功的关键。本节课我组织学生开展了指颜色的游戏,这 种引入新课的方法不但复习了大量的词汇和句子,为学习新课作了铺垫,这种引入新课的方法自然轻松,学生在不知不觉中进入学习新知识的状态。

在新知学习中,我采取了群组合作和创设情境的方法。群组学习是新课程倡导的学习方式,它培养了学生的自主学习能力和合作精神,突破了大班教学的时空限制,提供给不同层次学生的学习参与机会,为不同层次的学生提供了有利的学习条件,。在这个环节中我还尽可能运用实物,图片,电化设备来 充实生动的语言情景。



Unit5 This is my family 教学反思

This is my family 这课的内容是集功能型与交际型于一体的交际训练课。在这节课中,我采用多样化的教学手段,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作学习,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。

本节课的重点就是让孩子们掌握grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin这几个家庭成员的名称。因为在第五课里面已经初步学习了father,mother,brother,sister这几个关于家庭成员的单词,所以在新授时,我通过提问“Who is he/she ?”先对已学的单词进行复习,从而引出新的知识,并对其进行学习。单词的学习比较枯燥,为了让孩子们积极有效的学好这些词汇,在教学的过程中,我采用了多种游戏的方式来进行学习巩固。



Unit 6 Who’s he ?教学反思

今天在三一班上了Who’s he ?这一课,感觉上的比较成功,这节课有以下几个特点:




Unit 7 It\'s a dog教学反思

三年级学生开始学习英语的一般疑问句及肯定,否定回答,主要是学习用Is it a „.句型询问物品的名称,并做出肯定或否定回答。。教学的重点是Is it a„句型,同时为第二单元中It’s a „.的学习做铺垫和准备。

在教学设计中,我把重点定在Is it a „句型上,在教学中我通过用旧知引入新知,再用新知来学习新知的方式进行层层推进的教学方式来突破该重点和难点:出示:pen 单词卡片,问:Is it a pen ?引导学生用Yes, it is.回答、板书。用Is it a dog?示范。引导学生用该句型说更多的话,并予以奖励。出示kite单词卡片,教读、操练,通过手势表现放风筝的动作,然后对学生说Is it a?。再通过出示一系列的单词进行操练、小组活动来对该句型进行进一步的巩固和运用。 在学习这一句型后,我设计了一个小组活动展示的环节:由小组事先准备关于文具、颜色的卡片,让学生们根据自己的画用这节课所学的句型:Is it a„来询问同桌自己的作品,以达到巩固运用的目的。

在实际的教学过程中,由于在新授 Is it a„?这个环节中花的时间过多,没有能很好的突破Is it a„„这个教学的重难点,从学生的学习反馈上看,教学没有能达到预期的效果,只有约一半的学生达到了教学的要求,这是相当的遗憾的。在今后的教学工作中,我会在教学设计的时候,对这方面的要求更严格,教学设计更严谨。

Unit 8 what\'s this?教学反思

本节是一节新授课,主要针对What’s this? It’s a„.句型进行训练,最终使学生能将课堂所学运用到实际生活中去, 提高他们运用语言的能力。因此我采用“任务型”教学法。在组织教学中,我安排了问答,小组对话等练习形式。充分发挥他们在课堂中的主体地位,使他们对学过知识能够烂熟于心,最终能够举一反三达到学习语言的目的.


Unit 9 It\'s a mouth教学反思 本课的教学目标分别是:

1、知识目标:学习运用This is his…介绍“他的 …… ”并学习新单词his,head,hand,arm,leg,foot.



开课时,我通过唱歌的形式,启动课堂教学,既活跃了课堂的气氛,又让学生带着愉悦的心情走入课堂的学习。在复习环节利用Free talk复习旧知,为新课教学做铺垫.在新课教学中,利用图片、实物、肢体语言让学生直观地感知、理解、学习、掌握新语言点.在单词教学时,注重学生的语音,强调元音字母的发音,让学生注意听范读并操练,养成良好的语音学习习惯。学完新词后,把它融入句子进行操练,再通过形式多样的游戏活动巩固语言点,同时也活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习积极性.学生在拓展运用这一环节,我让学生自己做活“教具”,点着自己身体的各个部位并说出其名称。通过介绍自己的身体部位,达到运用语言的目标.这节课我还有很多不足的地方,例如:学身体部位的单词没有每个词都让学生做动作,单词\\句子练习度不够,希望在今后的教学中,我能吸取经验,使我的教学更精彩。

Unit 10 Touch your head教学反思 教学重点是掌握6个单词head、eye、ear、mouth、nose、face,并较好的运用句型This is my(your) …介绍自己及他人的五官。

对于小学生来说,英语不同于母语,学习起来有一定的困难。因此,这节课在教学过程中我首先注意培养学生学习英语的兴趣,有几个方面都能调动学生的积极性,首先我通过画画的形式把五官画出来,每画一个五官让学生猜,激发学生的兴趣;其次为了巩固学生单词的认知,我组织学生开展了几次游戏----“话筒传音”、“炸地雷”、“开小火车”等;在这节课将要结束后,我让学生画一幅自己的肖像画,然后用“this is my ?”来介绍自己的五官。我在课堂教学中以游戏、歌曲、chant、TPR等多法并用的方式组织教学,将课堂变为活的情景,让学生在听、说、读、玩中感知语言、实践语言。


Unit 11 I like the bird教学反思


Unit 12Happy birthday教学反思 我对新课文的教学顺序是先让学生初步接触了解重点句子:Hereisyour…,接着通过吸引小学低年级学生的好奇、喜欢接触新鲜事物的心理出发,课文生词呈现的形式是以简易的变魔术的方式处理的,在呈现单词同时,有所侧重present的发音及实际意义,并开始运用于句子\"Hereisyourpresent\",让学生在接触课文前了解句子体会其意境。最后通过cake上的单词\"happybirthday\"进入课文学习,在听力处理方面我按照教学法程序,先让学生整体感知课文,继而理解语篇,最后跟读深刻理解。在学生理解语篇方面我是让学生逐句理解的,这做得是不够到位的,或者说是做错了,其实低年级的教材内容很简短,就算不给他们逐句理解,他们看图都能大概清楚讲的内容。我觉得理应通过简单的再续提问再听全篇录音来理解。后面我设计了一个过生日的环节,邀请本月要过生日的同学上台,继而按生日气氛的模式,全班一起对上台的同学道贺、唱生日歌、送礼物。下个步骤是通过我随堂拿学生的物品(如:book和pen)让全班学生一起操练Hereisyour…,在这个步骤取得的效果不是很好,主要是学生还不能完全掌握Hereis,这时候我就意识到了,在起初呈现这个词组的时候读是读了,语境也体现了,但没有把单词卡的背面意思给他们看,或许这一步我做了的话他们的理解会深刻点,然而却忽略掉了。最后快下课了,我匆忙地让他们玩游戏,以方便男女决出胜负,满足他们好胜心理,体会成就感。时间拿捏不准,最后的复习新知识、布置家作这两个步骤还没有操作,这也是一大错误。

推荐第4篇:三年级英语总结 湘少













1、首先要树立起学生的自信心。初学英语时,要有一个切合自己实际的目标,通过循序渐进的学习,在心中建立成就感。 .



4、课堂内外多听多说英语。老师要尽量用英语讲课,这样能使学生更多地接触英语。每堂课要用一定的时间让学生用所学过的日常用语和课堂用语进行不同形式的对话。也可以结合实物、图片等用英语进行简单的描述。多听录音磁带,要使听和说有机地结合起来,增强学生听的意识和说的能力。 .学习英语一定要勤学苦练,要靠日积月累地坚持学习,要不怕困难,只有这样才能逐渐达到熟练运用的程度,达到能听懂、看懂英语,能用这个工具进行交际的目的。









本套教材的特点是图文并茂,形象生动并且与生活实际联系密切。在课上我充分利用直观教具、动作表演、卡片、挂图、实物,随时随地取材或根据课文内容创设语言环境,并尽量多地使用英语,逐步过渡到用英语进行课堂教学,使学生置身于一个英语的环境中。比如说第一单元中,涉及到的内容都是关于claroom里的内容,非常贴近实际,对课本中的Let\'s learn中的对话鼓励他们在同学们面前大胆表演。有意创设的语言环境,形象直观,生动活泼,也有助于学生理解所学英语,引起兴趣;视听结合也便于加深初学印象,强化记忆。


德国教育家第斯多惠说:\"教学的艺术不在于传授适应,而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞。\"每当学生用英语讲完后,我就给予他们鼓励,让他们感到自豪,有一种成就感。对于不同程度的同学,在课堂上给予不同程度的问题,让他们回答,他们的一丁点进步也及时得到鼓励,从而使他们都觉得,只要自己认真跟着老师学,就能学得好,树立起学好英语的心理优势。在课堂教学中要求学生人人参与,加强交际的互动性。在课堂交流中,少批评,多表扬;少指责,多鼓励,努力找到学生的优点,常以\"Very good!\"、\"Great!\"、\" Excellent!\"、\"Well done!\"、\"You are very clever!\"等等来鼓励他们的积极参与,充分唤起他们说英语的自豪感。








推荐第5篇:最新湘少版 三年级英语上册教学计划
























3、巧用实物、头饰、卡片、chant 等来帮助进行单词教学。







制定者:王娟 指定时间:2014年9月



湘少版) 浏阳市小学教师统一备课纸科目English年级3































































































Unit 1 hello!

Period 1



2、能运用“Hello! I’m„.”进行问候、作自我介绍;



重点:能运用“Hello! I’m„.”进行问候、作自我介绍 难点:句型“Hello! I’m„.”

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候。

T: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you! 用中文或动作帮助学生理解。 Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、T: Hello, boys and girls.I am your English teacher.I am Mi Han.用动作帮助写生理解“I am „”

T: Today we’ll learn Unit 1 “Hello!” 板书课题及主题句。带读单词one.

2、走到几个学生面前并与之打招呼。T: Hello, I’m Mi Han .放慢速度,强调口型,帮助学生理解并回答:“Hello, I’m „” 游戏——Making friends 让学生离开座位找朋友,找到好朋友后,用“Hello!”问好,并用“I’m „”作自我介绍。

S1:Hello, I’m „ S2: Hello, I’m „ S3: „

T: Hello, I’m Mi „ Ss: Hello, I’m „

3、听课文A部分录音,跟读。Step 3 Practice 游戏——A little actor 准备一个纸盒,装入写有Anne, Lingling, Peter, Mingming等人名的纸条。学生抽中谁,就扮演谁,进行角色表演。 游戏——Dragon game Step 4 Consolidation 创设清净,自由会话。 评价、练习、家庭作业。 教学后记:

本节课是三年级的第一堂英语课,孩子们第一次接触英语,都充满了好奇心,对于学习英语兴致都还很高。第一节课以简单的介绍及打招呼为主题,让孩子敢于开口说英语,并认识本册书将要认识小朋友Anne,Lingling,Peter,Mingming,Dongdong,Dino,Mi Li等人物,效果较好!

Period 2



2、复习句型“hello/hi!I’m „”;

3、能在适当的场合运用“Nice to meet you”向他人致意。


重点:自我介绍, 运用“Nice to meet you!”向他人致意。 难点:理解too的用法。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候。 复习句型。 师生会话示范。

Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、教师扮成学生,并假设在上学的途中遇到同校不同班的几个同学。T:Hello! I’m„Nice to meet you.S1:„

帮助学生回答:“Nice to meet you, too.”,帮助学生理解“Nice to meet you, too.”通常用于回答。 Step 3 Practice


2、听课文B、C部分录音,看课文,理解意思,然后有感情的朗读。Step 4 Consolidation



本课堂复习了前面所学句型Hello/Hi,I’m „,并学习心得句型“Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you ,too!在学习新句型时,我加入了一个游戏,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,孩子们玩得很开心,但在最后检查时发现学生掌握不够熟练,须加强训练。

Period 3






重点:字母Aa、Bb、Cc及在单词中的发音;歌曲“Hello!” 难点:理解新单词,朗读句子。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候。


Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、出示字母卡片Aa、Bb、Cc。带读;教学生书写Aa、Bb、Cc, 分辨字母大小写,然后让学生按照范例正确书写字母,个别检查和辅导。让学生用身体语言来表演Aa、Bb、Cc,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2、出示新单词的卡片,强调字母Aa、Bb、Cc在单词中的发音,并让学生跟读体会。T: Aa、Aa、Aa、Anne, Bb、Bb、Bb、bag, Cc、Cc、Cc、cat。

3、听课文E、F部分录音,跟读字母,单词,句子,理解句子大意。Step 3 Practice 教唱英文歌曲“Hello!” Step 4 Consolidation 1.鼓励学生自由创设情境,大胆进行会话。 2.评价、家庭作业。 教学后记:



Unit 2 Good morning.

Period 1



2、能运用“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”向他人问好,及对此作出回应;



重点:运用 “Good afternoon!”向他人致意。

难点:灵活的运用“Hello!”“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”向他人问候致意。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候。


Step 2 Presentation and drill.

1、T: Hello, boys and girls.Today we’ll learn Unit two “Good morning” 板书课题及主题句。带读单词:two

2、任意走到一个学生面前打招呼。T: Good morning, I’m Mi Han.帮助学生理解并回答:“Good morning, I’m „ ”接着,再询问两三个学生,让同学们理解“Good morning”的意思。


4、听课文A部分录音,跟读。Step 3Consolidation




本堂课的教学内容是简单的日常对话,能灵活运用Good morning/afternoon.Goodbye.来向他人问好,并及时做出回应,通过反复操练学生能轻松说出三个句子。但对Good afternoon.发音掌握不牢,以后上课要多与学生对话,反复使用这一句型。

Period 2



2、复习“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”的用法。

3、能运用“Who are you?”来询问任务,及对此问题做出回应。



重点:运用 “Good afternoon!”向他人致意。运用“Who are you?”来询问任务,及对此问题做出回应。

难点:运用“Who are you?”来询问任务,及对此问题做出回应。

三、教学步骤: Step 1 Warming up


2、复习“Hello!”“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”的用法。

3、听课文B、C部分录音,跟读。然后让学生们戴上人物面具,分角色表演。 Step 3 Practice Game----Listen and act.Step 4 Consolidation



T: Hello/Good morning, I’m Mi „ Who are you? 帮助学生理解并回答:“Hello, I’m „ ”接着,再询问两三个学生,让同学们理解“Who are you?”的意思。



考虑到上一节课学生对课文的掌握程度,这一节课对Good afternoon.进行了反复操练。再通过情景导入,让学生理解Who are you.让学生能问能答。


Period 3



2、能唱歌曲“Good morning”。



重点:字母Dd、Ee、Ff、Gg的读音和书写,Dd、Ee、Ff、Gg在单词中的发音;歌曲“Good morning”


三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up


2、复习本单元已学句型。Step 2 Presentation and drill.

1、放课文E部分录音,出示新单词卡片,强调字母Dd、Ee、Ff、Gg在单词中的发音,并让学生在边听边感觉单词中相同的发音,跟读体会。T:Dd、Dd、Dd、dog, Ee、Ee、Ee、egg, Ff、Ff、Ff、fish, Gg、Gg、Gg,goat。



3、听课文E、F部分录音,跟读字母,单词和句子,理解句子大意。Step 3 Practice

1、听课文G部分歌曲,有感情的跟着磁带唱。Step 4 Consolidation



7 教学后记:


Unit 3 What’s your name?

Period 1



2、掌握并熟练运用句型“what’s your name?/my name is „”。

二、教学重点、难点: 重点:掌握新单词及新句型。

难点:掌握并熟练运用句型“what’s your name?/my name is „“

三、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up




Step 2 Presentation and drill.


T: Hello, boys and girls.We have a new friend today.Let’s look here.(教师出示指套人物Mi Hu 和Dino 。) 表演对话: Mi Hu: Welcome to our school.Nice to meet you.Dino: Nice to meet you, too.Mi Hu: What’s your name? Dino: My name is Dino.I want to meet some new friends.Can you help me? Mi Hu: Yes.T: Boys and girls, this is Dino.He want to meet you.教师带着Dino的指套走到学生中间,随机提出问题:What’s your name?引导学生回忆教师表演的对话“Mi Hu: What’s your name? Dino: My name is Dino.”中寻找答案。

2、游戏—Loud and low voice 教师大声说单词(what/your/name/my),学生小声重复,或者教师小声说学生大声说。


9 1)教师以书中部分同学的名义,走到学生们中间,提出问题,师问生答。如: T: I’m Anne.What’s your name? S1: My name is „ 2)生问师答。




Step 3 Consolidations





Period 2


1、复习句型“what’s your name?/my name is „”

2、能听懂“stand up, please./sit down,please.”并做出相应动作。


能听懂“stand up, please./ sit down,please.”并做出相应动作;

三、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up




Step 2 Presentation and drill


T:(戴上Dino的指套,装出Dino的声音。) Boys and girls, I’m Dino.Nice to meet you.What’s you name? S1: My name is Sustain.T: What’s you name? S2: My name is „„




教师发出口令:“Stand up.”or “Sit down.”,学生做出相应动作,看谁反应快。

5、听课文C部分录音,模仿其语言、语调,掌握的正确读音,能听懂“stand up, please./ sit down,please.”并做出相应动作。



S1: Hello, stand up, please.What’s you name,S2? S2: My name is „„.What’s you name, S3? S3: My name is „„ „ „

11 Step 4 Consolidations





‘What’s your name ? My name is„”为主题,以与每位学生密切相关的知识为主线贯穿始终,通过快速反应游戏,操练Stand up.Sit down.学生能迅速作出反应。


Period 3


1、掌握并熟练运用句型“what’s your English name?/my English name is „”



掌握并熟练运用句型“what’s your English name?/my English name is „”;能掌握字母Hh、Ii、Jj、Kk的读音和书写,了解Hh、Ii、Jj、Kk在单词中的发音。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up


2、唱已学的英语歌曲。Step 2 Presentation and drill





1)用动作或图片展示Hh、Ii、Jj、Kk的书写。 2)教师将字母卡贴出来,学生跟录音读。

3)放课文E部分录音,出示新单词卡片,强调字母Hh、Ii、Jj、Kk在单词中的发音,并让学生在边听边感觉单词中相同的发音,跟读体会。 T:Hh、Hh、Hh、hat, Ii、Ii、Ii、ice cream, Jj、Jj、Jj、juice, Kk、Kk、Kk、kite。 Step 3 Consolidations




Unit 4 How old are you?

Period 1



2、掌握并熟练运用句型“How old are you?/I’m„”。


掌握并熟练运用句型“How old are you?/I’m„”。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up



Step 2 Presentation and drill


2、老师提出问题,你想知道我的年龄吗?然后引出句型“How old are you?/I’m„”并板书。


T:Hello!Nice to meet you!How old are you?

S1:Hello! Nice to meet you too! I’m ten.How old are you? S2:I’m nine.How old are you? „„


5、听课文A部分录音,跟读。Step 3 Consolidation




Period 2


1、复习句型“How old are you?/I’m„”。

2、掌握1—10的英语单词,运用这些单词对“How old are you?”作出回应。


掌握1—10的英语单词,运用这些单词对“How old are you?”作出回应。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up



Step 2 Presentation and drill


2、T: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you too.T: How old are you?

S2: I’m„,How old are you? S3:I’m„,How old are you? S4:I’m„,How old are you? „„



3、学生表演课文C部分。Step 3 Consolidation



Period 3


1、复习句型“How old are you?/I’m„”。




三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up




Step 2 Presentation and drill





1)用动作或图片展示Ll、Mm、Nn、Oo、Pp的书写。 2)教师将字母卡贴出来,学生跟录音读。

3)放课文E部分录音,出示新单词卡片,强调字母Ll、Mm、Nn、Oo、Pp在单词中的发音,并让学生在边听边感觉单词中相同的发音,跟读体会。 T:Ll、Ll、Ll、lemon, Mm、Mm、Mm、milk, Nn、Nn、Nn、nose, Oo、Oo、Oo、orange, Pp、Pp、Pp、pen.

5、练读E、F部分,请同学表演G部分。Step 3 Consolidations




Unit 5 This is my family

Period 1




3、能运用句型“This is „„”介绍自己的家人。


能熟练运用句型“This is „„”介绍自己的介绍家庭成员。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 利用已学句型进行师生问候。 Step 2 Presentation and drill


T:This is my family photo.Do you know they? 说完用中文帮助学生理解,然后板书句型“This is „„”。

2、指着照片里面的人物让同学们猜猜是老师的什么人,然后老师用句型“This is „„”进行一一介绍。


4、玩游戏—finger family 让同学们在自己的手指上画出自己的家人,然后用句型“This is „„”向同学介绍自己的finger family。


6、听课文A部分录音,跟读。Step 3 Consolidation



Period 2



3、能运用句型“This is „„”介绍自己的家人。


能熟练运用句型“This is „„”介绍自己的介绍家庭成员。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 利用已学句型进行师生问候。 Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、看B部分插图的照片,用句型“This is „„”介绍该照片里的人。




1)让学生听录音,教师出示挂图,展示D部分对话。 2)帮助同学理解对话内容。 3)分角色进行对话表演。 Step 3 Consolidation



Period 3


1、复习句型“This is „”。




三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up



Step 2 Presentation and drill


1)用动作或图片展示Qq、Rr、Ss、Tt的书写。 2)教师将字母卡贴出来,学生跟录音读。

3)放课文E部分录音,出示新单词卡片,强调字母Qq、Rr、Ss、Tt在单词中的发音,并让学生在边听边感觉单词中相同的发音,跟读体会。 T:Qq、Qq、Qq、queen, Rr、Rr、Rr、rice, Ss、Ss、Ss、sing, Tt、Tt、Tt、tea, „„

5、练读E、F部分。Step 3 Consolidations





Unit 6 Who’s he?

Period 1



2、能用Who’s he/she?问别人,能用He/She’s my„„回答,介绍家庭成员。


能用Who’s he/she?问别人,能用He/She’s my„„回答,介绍家庭成员。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up



Step 2 Presentation and drill


T:Good morning/afternoon.Nice to meet you.Ss:Good morning/afternoon.Nice to meet you.


3、拿出一位同学的全家照片 指着学生的母亲问:Who’s she? 引导学生回答:She’s my mother.板书mother,并带读,学生练习说mother



6、听课文A部分录音,复述听到的内容,并跟读。根据各小组所带家庭合影,会话并表演。 Step 3 Consolidation



Period 2





能用Who’s he/she?问别人,能用He/She’s my„„回答,介绍家庭成员

二、课前准备 Step 1 Warming up


Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you! Hello, Mi ! Nice to meet you!


3、复习上节课的句型,教师创设情境。Step 2 Presentation and drill



2)听录音课文B、C部分,学生自由跟读。 3)帮助学生看懂家庭分支图。 活动二: 分组游戏:

将各组每位同学带的照片集合到组长手中,然后组长任意抽一张,提问:Who’s he/she?组员抢答:He/She is my„„



1)听课文D部分录音,看课文理解意思,然后在组内仿照这种形式交流。 2)老师叫小组代表上台表演,加以鼓励。


让学生模拟和家长一起来报到时情境,见面问好、自我介绍及对家长、老师的介绍。 Step 3 Consolidation





Period 3


1、复习句型“Who’s he/she?问别人,能用He/She’s my„„回答”。




三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up


Step 2 Presentation and drill


1)用动作或图片展示Uu、Vv、Ww、Xx、Yy、Zz的书写。 2)教师将字母卡贴出来,学生跟录音读。

3)放课文E部分录音,出示新单词卡片,强调字母Uu、Vv、Ww、Xx、Yy、Zz在单词中的发音,并让学生在边听边感觉单词中相同的发音,跟读体会。 T:Uu、Uu、Uu、up, Vv、Vv、Vv、violin, Ww、Ww、Ww、watch, Xx、Xx、Xx、box, Yy、Yy、Yy、yellow, Zz、Zz、Zz、zoo.

5、练读E、F部分。Step 3 Consolidations





Unit 7 It’s a dog

Period 1


1、能听懂、会说单词 a cow ,a pig ,a duck, 能分辨并模仿这几种动物的叫声moo ,quack, oink.

2、能用“What is it ? It’s a „”谈论动物。



重点:掌握新单词,及运用“What is it ? It’s a „”谈论动物 难点:掌握“Is it a „.?” 。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 warming up


2、听英语歌曲“I Can Sing My ABC\"。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 游戏----- Who is the fastest? 将全班同学分成三组进行比赛。将牛、鸭子、猪三种动物的脸部器官卡片分发给各组。在最短的时间内拼出完整的动物形象的为胜。 出示拼好的牛的头像。 T: What is it ? 帮助学生回答“It’s a cow.”。出示单词卡片a cow。板书单词a cow和句型“What is it ? It’s a „.”。带读,然后让学生单个练习、分组练习。 T:Read after me.A cow ,a cow, c-o-w ,cow.T: What is it ? Ss: It’s a cow.让一名学生模仿cow的声音和动作。 T: Who can act a cow? S1: Moo! Moo! T: What is it? Ss: It’s a cow


3、用同样的方法教单词 a duck ,a pig.

4、听课文A部分录音,跟读。Step 3 Precise 游戏—Quick response(快速反应)


游戏-----Gue, gue, gue! (猜一猜) 以课文A部分为游戏内容,分角色进行游戏。 Step 4 Consolidation




Period 2


1、能听懂、会说单词horse、dog、hen、mouse, 能分辨并模仿这几种动物的叫声。

2、能用“What is it ? It’s a „”谈论动物。



重点:掌握新单词,及运用“What is it ? It’s a „”谈论动物 难点:“It is a„.” “It isn’t a„..”的用法。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 warming up


2、听英语歌曲“I Can Sing My ABC \"。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 游戏-----Gue, gue, gue! (猜一猜) 以课文A部分为游戏内容,分角色进行游戏。 用同样的方式来猜 a hen.T: What is it ? Ss: It’s a cow./a pig/a duck.T: No, it isn’t.It’s a hen.板书单词,带读,然后让学生单个练习、分组练习。 T: What is it ? Ss: It’s a hen.板书句型“What is it ? It’s a „.”。解释“What’s it?“是“What is it ?“的缩写。

让学生模仿a hen.T: Cluck, cluck! Can you act a hen? 用同样的方法教单词a horse、a dog.听课文B部分录音,跟读.Step 3 Precise 游戏-----Gue, gue, gue! (猜一猜)

27 以课文B、C部分为游戏内容进行游戏。

听课文D部分录音,跟读,模仿,理解故事内容。然后有感情的朗读。 Step 4 Consolidation




Period 3


1、能熟练的运用“What is it ? It’s a „”交流。



4、掌握字母Aa、Bb、Cc、Dd的正确书写、能唱歌曲“Old MacDonald”



三、教学步骤 Step 1 warming up 师生问候。

Step 2 Presentation and drill





5、教学英语歌“Old MacDonald” Step 3 Consolidation





Unit 8 What’s this?

Period 1



2、能用“What is this ?”询问物品的名称,并能用“This is a „”做出回应。



掌握新单词,学会运用新句型“What is this ?”询问物品的名称,并能用“This is a „”做出回应。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up


2、听英语歌曲“What is this ?”让学生跟着小声哼唱。


出示图片或实物 (a dinosaur, a doll, a water bottle, a family photo) T: What is this? Ss: A dinosaur/doll/„ Step 2 Presentation and drill


T: Look! What is this ? This is a schoolbag.Ss: This is a schoolbag.带读。然后让学生单个练读,分组练读。纠正他们的发音。

2、用同样的方法教单词pencil, pen,. 游戏——Dragon game S1: What is this? S2: This is a pencil.What is this? S3: This is a „




30 Step 3 Practices


2、选两位同学、给出一些学习用具,让其利用What is this ? This is a „”进行表演。



Period 2



2、能用“What is this ?”询问物品的名称,并能用“This is a „”做出回应。



能用“What is this ?”询问物品的名称,并能用“This is a „”做出回应。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up


2、复习已学的学习用具单词。Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、邀请一名男学生到讲台运用What is this ? This is a „”进行表演。

2、用同样的方法教其他新单词,引导学生用句型“What’s this ?”进行表达。

3、听课文B部分录音,跟读。出示课文B部分图片,引导学生运用“What is this ? This is a „”进行表演。

4、教师引导学生读懂C部分内容。Step 3 Consolidations






Period 3


1、利用句型“This is „„”介绍本课所学的文具单词。




利用句型“This is „„”介绍本课所学的文具单词。掌握字母Aa的辅音读音及英标。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 warming up 师生问候。

Step 2 Presentation and drill




4、教学字母Ee、Ff、Gg、Hh的书写过程。Step 3 Consolidation





Unit 9 It’a mouth.

Period 1



2、理解表示歉意用句型“I am sorry”。

3、学会运用句型“What is this ? This is a „”介绍面部器官的单词。


学会运用句型“What is this ? This is a „”介绍面部器官的单词。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up



出示图片或实物 (a pencil, a ruler, a pen, a book) T: What is this? Ss: A pencil / ruler /„ 拿出teddy bear.T: Look! This is a teddy bear.Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、出示teddy bear.指着它的鼻子。 T: Look! What is this ? This is a nose.Ss: This is a nose.带读。然后让学生单个练读,分组练读。纠正他们的发音。

2、用同样的方法教单词mouth, eye, ear. 游戏——Dragon game S1: What is this? S2: This is a nose.What is this? S3: This is a „

3、出示课文A部分教学挂图。T: Who is she? What’s she?

Ss: She is Mi Li, an English teacher.

34 T: What are they doing? 让学生带着问题听课文A部分录音,复述所听内容。

听课文A部分录音,跟读。读的时候指着自己脸上相应的部位。 Step 3 Practices 分小组练习课文A部分。分角色表演。

游戏——Monkey see, monkeys do. 一名学生做出各种表情,边做边指着相应的五官。另一名学生充当“Monkey”学着做。 Step 4 Consolidation

1、游戏——Quick response 教师发出指令“Point to your nose„”学生迅速做出反应,指着相应的器官。看谁的反应又快又准。



Period 2



2、能运用句型“It’s a „„”对面部器官进行介绍。



能运用句型“It’s a „„”对面部器官进行介绍。认识his和her,并理解其意思及用法。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up


2、复习已学的面部器官名称。游戏——Golden finger 教师说五官名称,学生快速地指到相应的部位。 Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、邀请一名男学生到讲台上当“模特”,给他画像。在黑板上画出,带读单词head 和句子 This is a head。

2、用同样的方法教其他新单词,引导学生用“What’s this ?”询问他人面部器官,并获得信息。

3、游戏——Golden finger 出示课文B部分图片,教师发出指令,学生迅速做出反应,指到对应的部位,并完整地表述。

4、听课文B,C部分录音,跟读。Step 3 Practices 游戏——Golden finger 四人一组进行游戏,一人发出指令“Point to your„”其余三人迅速指到对应的部位。又快又准的一个可以发指令。 Step 4 Consolidations


情景: 美术课上,教师给同学们展示了喜、怒、哀、乐等各种表情的脸谱。然后要同学

36 们发挥创意,自己画脸谱。可以请班上同学当“模特”。然后相互展示和介绍自己的作品。 S1: Look! Who is he? S2: Sorry, I don’t know.

S1: This is Wang Ming! This is his nose! And this is his eye! S2: Ha ,ha !






Period 3



2、能运用句型“This is his/her „„”对面部器官进行介绍。



掌握字母Bb在单词中的发音及音标。能运用句型“This is his/her „„”对面部器官进行介绍。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up



游戏——Who is the winner? 根据教师的指令做出反应,指到相应的部位,并完整地进行表演。做错的淘汰,坚持到最后的为胜。分组到讲台上进行比赛。 Step 2 Practice an drill


2、老师引导学生理解F部分的内容大意并掌握字母Bb的发音及音标。Step 3 Practices


2、教学字母Ii、Jj、Kk、Ll的正确书写。Step 4 Consolidations





Unit 10 Touch your head.

Period 1



2、能听懂、会说指令Touch your...Raise your...,并能作出较快的反应;



重点:熟悉指令 Touch your...Raise your...难点:发送指令并迅速而正确地作出回应。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up



游戏—Quick response (快速反应)

根据老师的指令快速作出反应。 T: stand up, please Point to your face/nose/...please. Sit down, please. Look at the blackboard, please.Step 2 Presentation and drill


T:What’s this? It’s a monkey. Ss:A monkey. T:This is his head.Touch your head, please. 用动作示意,帮助学生理解。板书,并带读。 Ss:This is my head.Touch my head.

2、用同样方法教单词hand, toes, right/left leg, raise. 游戏—monkeys see, monkeys do (学学做做)

让一名学生装扮成monkey, 教师做,monkey跟着学。集体或分组进行游戏。 T:Now, you act as s monkey, ok? Do with me.

39 Raise your left leg. Ss:Raise my left leg. T:...


4、听课文A部分录音,跟读课文。Step 3 Practice


2、游戏—climb ladders (爬楼梯)

教师发出指令,学生作出反应。反应快的可向前走一步,最先到达讲台的为胜。 Step 4 Consolidation




Period 2








难点:理解故事大意;理解hand ,toe的复数形式。

三、教学步骤 Step1 Warming up



游戏-----Gue, gue, gue! (猜一猜) 看教师的口型,学生猜单词或句子。

T:Hi, everybody.Let’ s play a game.Please look at my mouth and gue the word.


T:Please look at me and listen to me carefully.I’ll read a rhyme for you. One, two, touch your/my head. Three, four, raise your/my hand. Five, six, listen to me. Seven, eight, let us run. Nine, ten, try it again. 教师边说边做动作。

T:Can you? let’s have a try.Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、T(指着自己身体):This is my body.Touch, touch, touch, touch my body. Ss(跟着做):This is my body.Touch, touch, touch, touch my body. 带读。让学生集体练习,单个练习。

2、用同样的方法教单词neck, arm, foot.



游戏—Quick response(快速反应)

教师用新单词发指令,学生迅速作出反应。然后让学生们分组游戏。 Step 3 Practice 游戏—Simon says (西蒙说)

T: Today, I’ll invite my good friend to play with you.His name is Simon.look, he is coming. (拿出小木偶)

Simon: hi! good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Simon.nice to see you.Simon: nice to see you, too.let’s play a game \"Simon says\".Ss: Simon says.Simon: Are you ready? Do with me.Ss: Yes, we are ready.Simon: Ok! Let\" s begin.Touch you’re...Ss: Touch my...






Period 3






三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up


2、复习身体各部位名称,以及相关指令。 Step 2 Presentation and drill


S1: Hello! l\" m bb.what\" s your name? S2: My name is gg.Who’s he? Step 3 Prectise




4、教学字母Ii、Jj、Kk、Ll的正确书写。Step 4 Consolidation



Unit 11 I like the bird。

Period 1



2、能利用句型“This is „„”介绍小动物。

3、能运用句型“I like „„”表达自己喜欢什么小动物。


能利用句型“This is „„”介绍小动物。能运用句型“I like „„”表达自己喜欢什么小动物。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up


2、复习已学的课堂指令 Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、出示小猫、小狗等小动物的图片,引导学生用句型“This is „„”介绍小动物,用句型“I like „„”表达自己喜欢什么小动物。



4、听课文A部分录音,跟读课文。Step 3 Practice





Period 2



2、复习句型“This is „„”“I like „„”。

3、掌握否定句“It isn’t „„”,理解come on。


掌握否定句“It isn’t „„”,理解come on。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up



Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、教学B部分的单词,然后运用句型“This is „„”“I like „„”进行练习。



4、阅读理解D部分内容,教师教学句子大意,着重讲解否定句“It isn’t „„”,然后分角色表演。 Step 3 Consolidation





Period 3



2、会运用句型“You’re a „„”。




三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up


2、复习所学小动物的单词,并运用所学句型进行表演。Step 2 Prectise


2、老师引导学生理解F部分的内容大意并掌握字母Dd的发音及音标。Step 3 Practices


2、教学字母Rr、Ss、Tt、Uu、Vv的正确书写。Step 4 Consolidation






Unit 12 Happy birthday!

Period 1



2、能够运用“Happy birthday!”对朋友表示生日的祝贺,用“Here is a gift for you.”送出礼物。


能够运用“Happy birthday!”对朋友表示生日的祝贺,用“Here is a gift for you.”送出礼物。

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up



Step 2 Presentation and drill


2、给出句型“Happy birthday!”“Thank you very much.”让同学自由会话。


4、听课文A部分录音,跟读课文。Step 3 Practice





Period 2



2、复习句型“Happy birthday!”“Thank you very much.”


句型“Happy birthday!”“Thank you very much.”

三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up



Step 2 Presentation and drill




4、阅读理解D部分内容,教师教学句子大意,然后分角色表演。Step 3 Consolidation





Period 3



2、复习句型“This is „„”“I like „„”“I’m „„”。




三、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up


2、复习已学句型。Step 2 Prectise

1、阅读课文E部分内容,理解句子大意,然后按照其步骤复习句型“This is „„”“I like „„”“I’m „„”。

2、老师引导学生理解F部分的内容大意并掌握字母Ee的发音及音标。Step 3 Practices


2、教学字母Ww、Xx、Yy、Zz的正确书写。Step 4 Consolidation






推荐第8篇:湘少版最新版(版)三年级上册教案Unit 1 hello

Unit 1 Hello!

Period 1


1、能听懂、会说、认读新单词Peter , Anne .

2、能用Hello! Hi ! 向他人打招呼,能运用I’m„ 进行简单的自我介绍。



重点:能听懂、会说、认读新单词Peter , Anne ,mi , bag , cat , 能用“Hello! Hi ! 向他人打招呼。

难点:I’m的发音。 课前准备

图片、单词卡片、人物头像、教学挂图、教学磁带。 教学步骤

Step 1 Greetings 师生课前问候。 Step 2 Presentation 1.Hello ! Hi ! 从本单元的歌曲Hello !中引出。

深入到学生中,用Hello ! Hi !与学生交流。


T: Hello, boys and girls.I am your English teacher.I’m Mi Liu.⑵用中文帮助学生理解“I’m „”的意思。 ⑶指导学生代入自己的姓名,练习介绍自己。 S1: I’m ...S2 :I’m ...⑶让学生之间练习说“I’m„”,老师可以点几个学生练习。



⑵情景操练:学生戴上熟悉的人物的面具头饰,运用句型Hello ! I’m ...进行表演。

4、The dialogue .课文学习:教师可以分步骤循序渐进地引导学生熟悉课文。 第一步:初步了解课文。 Listen and count .不打开书,只听音。听音前,教师给出任务:你听到了几个人物?分别是谁? Listen and find

打开书,听音,学生边听边画出所有人物,检查刚才听到的是否准确。 第二步,熟悉课文。 Listen and number .根据听音的内容,在课文中的人物图片下方,按顺序标上相应的序号。 Listen and repeat

1 听音,跟读。老师强调I’m的发音,引导学生正确模仿,提醒学生注意模仿语调。 第三步,拓展课文。 分组进行课文朗读表演。

教师通过展示课文中的人物图片,学生根据自己喜欢的人物进行自我介绍。 S1: Hi ! I’m Peter .S2 : Hi ! I’m Anne .Step 3 Practice

1、自我介绍以及相互问候:教师准备写有一些英语名字的纸条让学生抽选,然后让学生分成4人一组,根据抽选的名字扮演角色表演对话。S1: Hello! I’m Peter .S2 : Hi ! I’m Anne .

2、情境对话:学生2~4人为一组,根据情境,模仿对话进行表演。Step 4 Homework




Period 2


1、能听懂、会说、认读新单词Linda , Benny , mi , bag , cat ,听懂help ,会说、能理解Nice to meet you .

2、能运用Hello! Hi ! 向他人打招呼,能运用I’m„ 进行简单的自我介绍。


重点:能听懂、会说、认读新单词Linda , Benny , mi , bag , cat ,能运用Hello! Hi ! 向他人打招呼,能运用I’m„ 进行简单的自我介绍。

4、难点:Nice to meet you .课前准备

图片、单词卡片、人物头像、教学挂图、教学磁带。 教学步骤

Step 1 Greetings 1.师生问候。

2.学生介绍自己的姓名。S1: Hello! I’m ....S2 : Hi ! I’m ....Step 2 Presentation

1、Part C : Let’s act


2 分角色表演课文对话。


2、Part D


第一步:Listen and see .教师通过CAI呈现故事,让学生根据猜测故事的大致内容。

第二步:Listen and circle .听音,圈单词。学生一边听录音,一边圈出不认识的单词和句子。 第三步:Listen and read .教师运用自然拼读法帮助学生读单词help ,教师创设情境帮助学生理解Nice to meet you .第四步:Listen and repeat .听音,模仿。学生跟着磁带跟读,注意语音语调。 第五步:Read .学生尝试自己朗读。 Step 3 Practice

1、游戏:变声猜人。一个学生站在讲台上,背对讲台,由教师随意选一人变声说Hello , I’m ...讲台上的学生来猜是哪位学生说的,猜对了再继续用Nice to meet you .互相问好,没有猜对的则要大声读出教师指定的句子或者单词。

2、情境对话:学生2~4人为一组,根据情境,模仿对话进行表演。情境:周末和爸爸妈妈去别人家做客,看到和自己年龄相仿的小朋友,互相自我介绍并问好。 Step 4 Homework



Period 3


1、能认读字母Aa, Bb , Cc, 并了解其在单词中的发音。

2、听懂、会说、认读新单词bag , cat .

3、熟练运用Hello! Hi ! 向他人打招呼,能运用I’m„ 进行简单的自我介绍,能在情境中理解We learn / say / sing / like ...

4、能利用形象记忆法记忆字母Aa, Bb , Cc .教学重点及难点 重点:能初步运用本单元单词和重点句型创设情境向他人问候并介绍自己;了解字母Aa, Bb , Cc的大小写。

难点:了解字母Aa, Bb , Cc, 在单词中的发音。 课前准备

字母卡片、图片、单词卡片、人物头像、教学挂图、教学磁带。 教学步骤

Step 1 Greetings


2、复习人名:Gue and gue .教师通过CAI呈现人物头像的一部分,学生猜一猜,并快速说出人物的名字。

3、Sing a song Hello !

3 听音,学生跟唱。

教师配以动作,手势等,激发学生的兴趣和热情。 Step 2 Presentation

1、Part E Let’s read and draw .⑴通过手指字母操呈现Aa, Bb , Cc, ⑵出示字母卡片,带读。


⑷出示单词Anne , bag , cat , 运用自然拼读法拼读单词,并强调字母Aa, Bb , Cc在单词中的发音,让学生跟读体会。

2、Part F : Let’s chant .⑴出示字母卡片Aa, Bb , Cc, 带读。

⑵通过手势帮助学生理解We learn / say / sing / like ...⑶听录音,学生看书,跟读,模仿。 ⑷跟着chant 多读几遍。

⑸教师带领学生击掌打击节奏朗读,由慢到快,培养韵律感。 Step 3 Practice

1、游戏:Say and say .学生任意抽取教师手中的一张卡片,然后运用句型Hello ! I’m ...进行自我介绍。 S1: Hello! I’m ....Nice to meet you ! Ss : Nice to meet you , too !


Step 4 Homework



推荐第9篇:湘少版三年级what is he?教案

Unit 11What’s he ?


1、能听懂、会新单词a fireman, a policeman, a policewomen;

2、能使用句型"what’s he ?"询问他人的职业并做出回答。


重点:掌握表示职业的词汇,以及使用句型“What’s he ?” 询问他人的职业,并做出回答。

难点:掌握单词fireman 的发音;区别 “he”和“she”用法;辨别各种职业。




Step 1 Warming up


T: Hello! I’m Mi„

S: Hello! I’m„

T: Glad to meet you!

S: Glad to meet you too!

2.唱英语歌曲 “Hello!”

Step 2 Presentation and drill


游戏——Quick response

准备数张表示职业的图片(a teacher, a postman, a nurse, a soldier, a doctor, a driver等)放在讲台上。教师说其中一个名称,学生快速抢到相应的图片。先拿到的获胜。

2.出示单词卡片a fireman.T: Look at this picture.What’s he ?

Ss: He is a fireman.

帮助学生回答。板书句子“What’s he ? He is a fireman.”并带读。然后让学生单个练读,分组练读。

3.出示单词卡片a policeman和 a policewoman.

T: Is he a soldier?

Ss: No, he is a policeman.

T: Right! A policeman is a man .A policewoman is a woman.Is she a policewoman?

Ss: Yes, she is.


4. T: Who can he the little teacher and ask the question “What’s he”?让几位学生当“小老师”来提问,其余的学生回答。反复练习。

5. 用同样的方法教句型“What’s she ? She is a doctor.”


Step 3 Practice





Step 4 Consolidation and homework




1、能听懂、会说新单词a pupil;并能辨别人物职业;



重点:复习和学习一些表示职业的词汇;使用句型“What’s he?”询问他人的职业,并做出回答。





Step 1 Warming up

1. 师生问候。

2. 唱已学的英文歌曲。


游戏——Climb ladders


Step 2 Presentation and drill

1.准备单词卡片a pupil, 用一张白纸遮住卡片,慢慢地展示给学生。 T: What’s he?

Ss: He’s a pupil.T: What are you? Are you a pupil?

S: Yes, I’m a pupil too.

帮助学生回答。板书单词a pupil,并带读。然后让学生单个练读,分组练读。

1 游戏——Ask and answer


T: What’s he?

S: He’s a fireman.

T: Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.


Step 3 Practice



游戏——Gue, gue, gue!


Ss: What is he/she?

S1: He/she is a „

S2: Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn’t.He /she is a„

Step 4 Consolidation and homework




What’s he ?

He’s a ______.4.作业。仿照D部分,自己编一个有趣的故事。






4 教育学生应从小确立人生目标,树立人生理想。







Step 1 Warming up

1 师生问候。

2 唱已学的英语歌曲。

3 复习已学的职业名称。

游戏——Golden finger


Step 2 Presentation and drill

1 复习已学的字母。

游戏——Magic eyes

教师快速闪现字母卡片,学生快速说出字母。卡片闪过的速度逐渐加快。 2 出示字母卡片Hh,板书,并用升、降调带读。让学生跟读体会。

3 出示新单词卡片,强调字母Hh在单词中的发音,并让学生跟读体会。

4 示范字母的书写,区分大小写。然后让学生按照课本的范例书写练习。个别检查和辅导。

5 听课文E部分录音,跟读字母、单词和句子。帮助学生理解句子大意,让学生感知字母在单词中的发音。

游戏——Dragon game

Step 3 Practices


Step 4 Consolidations

1 创设情景,自由会话。

情景: 20年后的一天,班上的老同学大聚会。大家都有了各自理想的职业,彼此进行着愉快的交流。

S1: Are you a teacher?

S2: No, I’m not.I’m a doctor.

T: Is he/she a„?

S3: Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn’t.

2 鼓励学生自由创设情景进行表演。

3 评价。对谈论得积极的学生给予表扬,并奖励一些理想职业的图片。 4 家庭作业。跟家人和朋友谈谈自己的理想。
























单位:端里完小 姓名:易小猜 科目:英语 年级:三年级

类别:教学工作计划 年度:2017年上学期



这学期我继续担任三年级的英语, 一部分学生思维敏捷,且对英语学生比较感兴趣,学生课堂表现积极、主动,乐于参与,乐于表现自己(尤其以女生为主)。但大部分学生尤其是男生基础较差,而且生性比较懒惰,不要背,不要读,在教学中要充分考虑他们的接受能力,给他们适当压力,想办法帮助他们尽快提高,打好英语基础。











2、巧用实物、头饰、卡片、chant 等来帮助进行单词教学。







第一周 Unit1 How are you? 第二周 Unit1 How are you? 第三周 Unit2 Are you Lingling? 第四周 Unit3 What colour is this balloon? 第五周 Unit4 Look at the T-shirts.第六周 Unit4 Look at the T-shirts.第七周 Unit5 What time is it? 第八周 Unit6 How many pens are there? 第九周 Unit7 Is this an orange? 第十周 Unit7 Is this an orange? 第十一周 Unit8 I like a sunny day.第十二周 Unit9 What’s the weather like? 第十三周 Unit9 What’s the weather like? 第十四周 Unit10 Is he a farmer? 第十五周 Unit11 What’s he? 第十六周 Unit11 What’s he? 第十七周 Unit12 I go to school by bus.第十八周 Aement I & II 第十九周 Have a test.


和平中心小学2015-2016第一学期 五 年 级 英 语 上 册 教 学 反 思


Unit1 What dose she look like?教学反思

本课的核心话题是谈论人的外表形象(look),‘talking about sb’s look’是教学重点,设计多姿多彩的切合学生实际的各种任务,创设情景以提高其听说读写水平。通过学习语言材料,让学生获得运用所学的有关词汇,短语及句型,描述人的外貌特征,并能结合实际生活进行灵活运用的能力。并借用媒体来提高学生的学习兴趣,让学生通过亲身体验、实践、合作与探究等方式学习英语。使学生确实从学习中学会了如何谈论外貌,同时还学会了识别不同人物外貌特征,丰富了学生生活,同时也是一种真实的体验,增加了学生的语言实践,促进了他们在整个教学活动中主动参与。同时对学生进行了情感教育,要求他们不以貌取人,多发现别人的优点,学会友好地描述别人的形象。



Unit2 I do like a hamburger教学反思

英本单元的主题是食物。在SectionA中,学生会学习到一些食物和水果的名称,比如汉堡包,西红柿,三明治,蔬菜等。并且学习句型would you like…?and the answer:Yes,I do./No,I don’t.学生要通过做很多听力和口语练习来掌握此句型。




Unit3 Do you want some rice?教学反思

在本节课的教学设计中,首先我以Free talk和 chant作为课前的热身活动,从小学生已经学过的食物入手,开始很自然的将学生引到了本堂课的正题。既复习了第一单元的单词和句型,又活跃了课堂气氛,调动了学生的学习积极性,并为新课的导入作好了铺垫。在接下来的整个新授过程中,我将情景教学法、直观教学法、游戏法、听说演唱法等有机的溶为一体,为学生创设了一种轻松、活泼、和谐、有趣的学习氛围。


Unit4 Can I use your pencil,please?教学反思

本节课主要学习句型Can I use your pencil? sure. 这堂课的教学重点是复习巩固已经学过的学习工具的单词以及本单元的重点句型“It’s …your….”同时学习新单词,教学内容比较多,形式也很多样,就整堂课学生的表现来看,大多数同学参与意识都比较强,主动性较高,都能够真正做到“玩中学,学中玩”。但是,在以下几个环节要进行改进:

1.在热身部分,我通过课件呈现,想让学生进行抢答以复习巩固Where is my….?的句型。但是学生并没有表现出很强烈的抢答欲望。在评价形式上我并没有很好的利用抢答来调动学生的积极性,没有把小组竞赛落到实处。由于赶时间,评价也不及时,没有对学生及时鼓励。


3.use的发音和意义学生也理解得不够好,在实际中的运用较差。Excuse me .通过老师给出各种实际运用的例子,

Unit5 Can I have a pet?教学反思

本课内容不多,重点是本科的新单词:pet rabbit hold basket cage,以及重点句型Can I have a/an…? Yes, you can.No, you can’t.的操练。hold一词,old已学,同学掌握了h的读音,就能够自己拼读出单词,同学们能够很掌握新的单词。接下来我以I am happy today.Let’s go to the pet shop.引出课题Can I have a pet?同时让同学们注意pet用升调读,用手势大拇指表示Yes, you can.用食指摆动表示 No, you can’t.这种方式同学们能够集中精力,积极参与其中。学了重点句型后,我借助图片询问Can I have a/an dog/cat elephant/monkey…?全班齐声回答Yes, you can.或者 No, you can’t.


Unit 6 Which one do you want?教学反思

英语课程的学习是学生通过体验实践参与合作与交流的的方式和任务型教学途径发展学生的综合运用语言的能力。本课堂我以“Which one do you want?”为主题,先组织学生唱一首英语歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,然后利用部分实物、图片及单词卡片复习颜色、服装、学习用品等词,为接下来本单元的学习做好铺垫,在课堂中,我坚持以学生为主体的活动安排,运用真实的实物教学,贴近学生生活创设购物情景,一次引出新知,激发学生学习的兴趣,将单词教学放到一定的情景中,做到“词不离句”使教学衔接比较自然,步步引入,一步步学习及巩固,同时对全班同学的表现进行评价,对做的好的学生给予表扬,对做的不好的学生进行鼓励,本课堂中学生对于句型Which one do you want?掌握较好,能够灵活运用句型,但是仍有一部分学生不敢大声讲英语,怕开口说英语,我认为这部分学生在我以后的教学中应更加注重观察,良好的英语学习氛围,作为新老师,首次接触这本教材,对于教材的掌握不牢,我应多专研教材,处理教材,多向有经验的教师请教,以使自身获得更大程度的提高。

Unit 7 What time do you get up教学反思

本堂课的内容是湘少版五年级上册第八单元“ What time do you get up?”。

作为本单元的第一课时,主要的教学目标是:让学生能听懂,会说短语get up, have breakfast, have English cla, come home,能听、说、读、写几个简单短语。能运用句型“What time do you …?”询问他人的作息情况,并能对该询问作出回应,还要能听懂、会说本课A部分对话。对学生的尽要求是掌握句型,能用英语准确迅速地反应出时间的说法。更高的要求是能自编对话,完成Short play。课堂重点是对新词、句型的掌握,难点是熟练说出时间,理解have的不同含义。通过课堂,向同学们渗透的情感目标是:按时做好每件事,养成良好的习惯。



Unit 8 Lingling helps her parents教学反思

本节是一节新授课,主要针对What’s this? It’s a„.句型进行训练,最终使学生能将课堂所学运用到实际生活中去, 提高他们运用语言的能力。因此我采用“任务型”教学法。在组织教学中,我安排了问答,小组对话等练习形式。充分发挥他们在课堂中的主体地位,使他们对学过知识能够烂熟于心,最终能够举一反三达到学习语言的目的.


Unit 9 What’s your hobby?教学反思

《What’s your hobby》是一节真实、自然、生动、有趣的小学英语课。




Unit 10 What dose that sign mean?教学反思

英语课程标准强调,从学生的学习兴趣和生活经验出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。小学英语课堂必须树立“语言学习的外延和生活外延相等”的观念,教师要围绕 “in life, by life, for life(在生活中、通过生活、为了生活)”设计教学活动,从生活和英语的结合上,探索有效途径。为此,在本课的教学中,我充分考虑到教学内容贴近学生的生活,使学生通过活动化的方式运用课堂所学的语言。 1. 来源于生活,服务于生活




Unit 11 I’m sorry教学反思

本课通过I’m sorry.等句型和词汇学习,学习“主系表”结构,掌握三个形容词sorry, tired, broken的意义和用法及名词seat。初步了解过去时态和情态动词


的表示请求的句子:May I use your book? May I use you pen?等。同时教育学生要使用礼貌用语。


Unit 12 The Spring Festival!教学反思

本教案设计遵循新课标“培养学生跨文化意识”的理念,注重英美文化的讲述、理解,弘扬了中华文明,让学生享受了一顿文化交融的大餐,提高了学习兴趣,为进一步学习英语奠定文化基础。例如教师利用精简的语言、精美的课件介绍了春节的来历,又通过丰收的节日联系到中国庆祝丰收的节日Spring Festival进行教学,很好地为学生拓宽了知识面,增强了学生探寻知识的好奇心,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣,让学生在感受、体验、参与、合作过程中来学习语言,感受用英语交流的乐趣和愉悦感。在不同的语言情境中去进行口语交际,在不同的情境中进行知识的迁移,很好地提高了小学高年级学生的英语口语运用能力。








全书配有彩色卡通式插图,设计新颖活泼,生动有趣。本教材的设计与编写体现了对传统外语教学思想的继承和发展,在比较、分析和研究多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,博采众长,取其精华,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。 三.教学目标















5、培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯 五.教学措施




第14篇:原版 湘少版四年级上册英语教案

Unit one

Nice to meet you!

Period 1 Teaching targets.1. The target of knowledge: 1) Learn these new words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing 2) Learn these sentences: be doing sth 2. The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure.3.The targets of emotion: To love the living surrounding.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can describe the other ‗s actions.Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up Greetings.Learn to sing a song

Use the cards to go over the new dialogue Game—Quick response

Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : Hello,boys and girls ,,nice to meet you again,today is the first day of this term.let‘s go to a park and have a look,what will happen in the park! Show a picture of a park ,learn the new words A swing 2.Show the pictures and put them on the picture (in the park),and learn to say the words.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher,leads reading 4.Look and say: High and low voice Step3 Fast reading and listening 1) Show the pictures

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves

2)Listen and repeat ,leads reading 3)Listen and imitation Step4 Instive doing Reading the dialogue carefully Listen and repeat the dialogue Retell the story ,check the resul

Period 2 Teaching targets.1) Consolidate these new words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing 2)Can master these sentences: be doing sth 2.The targets of emotion: To love the living surrounding.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can describe the other ‗s actions.retell the story Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up Greetings.Learn to sing a song

Use the cards to go over the new dialogue Game—Quick response Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T :Let‘s listen and repeat the story together

Show the new words ,requires the pupils to read ,go over the words.Step3 Practice 1) Show the pictures

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialog

ue by themselves

2)Listen and repeat ,leads reading 3)Listen and imitation Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out A: Sports meeting ,the children are watching the athelets.They‘re talking about the sports .2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words 2) Learn to sing a song Main points : The new words and sentences, the English song Difficult point: Can describe the other‘s actions; learn to sing the song Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up Greetings.Go over the four-skill words

Play a game – magic eyes 3.Use the cards to go over the new dialogue ,and make sentences with the present time ,they are required not to make the same sentences 4.Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to read the words ,and try to say the words 2.ow the new words ,leads reading ,and learn to sing the song.3.Listen to tape and follow it ,sing the song together Step3 Practice 1) Part F Explain the situation for the cla (The children want to see a film , requires pupils to find out how the children reach the cinema) 2)Requires the pupils to find the answers ,say their answers first ,then write down on the book. Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation Notes:

Unit2 It‘s a circle

Period 1 Teaching targets.1. The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: wake up, make the bed, wave, I‘m late 2) Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time) 2. The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure.3.The targets of emotion: To form the health living habit Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point:sb do (does )sth at some time.Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Learn to sing a song-London Bridge is falling down 3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Gue ,gue, gue 4.Retell the story—Unit 1

Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : You‘re very good.You are all good pupils.And Katie ia a good pupil too.Everyone likes her .She is never late for school.She always gets up early every day .Then she makes bed .after breakfast, she waves her family goodbye.T says the sentences and does the actions to helps pupils to understand the meanings.learn the new words Lead reading the words and check the results.According to the words ,sk some questions and requires pupils to answer the questions.T: Do you get up early everyday?… 2.Game –Patting flies.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher,leads reading 4.Look and say: High and low voice Step3 Fast reading and listening Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question What time does Katie‘s father leave for work?

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves 2)Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive doing

1)Reading the dialogue carefully 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Consolidate these new words 2)Can master these sentence structure: sb do (does) sth every day 2.The targets of emotion: To love the life.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can use the present time of the third person Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.sing a song

3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Golden finger Say something about your daily life Step2 Presentation and drill Show the new words : always ,often , usually ,never Requires the pupils to read ,go over the words.

Teacher explin the grammar for the pupils .Eg.Katie always get up early.Notes: always表示―老是,总是,一直‖与never相对 Never表示―永不,决不,从来没有‖ Often表示―常常,时常,通常‖ Usually表示―惯常地,通常地‖ Step3 Practice 1) Part D 1)ractice in pairs,according to the form to say something about Peter‘s day. 2)Group work Step4 Consolidation always often usually never Makes breakfast for family Washes clothes in the morning Cooks dinner for the hildren ….

1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar 2) Can finish Part E Main points : The new words and sentences

Difficult point: Can describe the other‘s actions ,make differences between ―always,never,often,usually‖ Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Go over the four-skill words Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Explain the sentences for the cla ,then requires the pupils to communicate with others ,according to the information in the form.2.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to finish Part E,check the answers.3.Listen to tape and follow it

4.Requires the pupils to find the answers ,say their answers first ,then write down on the book. Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out

2)Estimation Notes:

Unit3 Look at this elephant

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words: underwater world , picnic, library,science story 2) Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time) 2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure: the imperative sentence Can describe person‘s willing with the imperative sentence 3.The targets of emotion: Can describe person‘s willing with the imperative sentence Main points :The new words and the imperative sentence.Difficult point: Let‘s do sth .

Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings. Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : Hello ,boys and girls .I don‘t feel happy today ,can you gue why? Requires the pupils to gue the reasons.Ss: …

T :Let me tell you , My new watch miing yesterday(show a watch)I want to go to the library to read the science stories ,but my friend told me it was not open.I want to the park for a pinic,but my friend wanted to go to the shopping center.Say the words and show the cards ,helps pupils to understand the meanings.learn the new words Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Patting flies.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher, leads reading Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question Where did the go?

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to find the answer . 2)Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive doing 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then finish the form pople Suggestions Peter Go to the Underwater World

Ling ling Go to the park for a picnic/go to the shopping center Mingming Go to the library Anne Go to the beach Results Too late to go out 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3)According to the form,retell the story Finish patC ,then listen and repeat Step5 Consolidation Require the pupils to act it out Estimation s Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master these sentence structure: the imperative sentence 2) Can retell the story

2.The targets of emotion: To love the life.Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can use the imperative sentence Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.sing a song

3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Golden finger Look at the picture and retell the dailogue Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T:Ok,you ‗ve done a good job.today is very hot,I feel very thirsty .Are you thirsty now?I want to have some water Hmm,I‘m not thirsty .But I don‘t have breakfast ,I feel hungry… Lead the pupils to say :Let‘s go to the hospital! 2.Do and say(Game) Game—Making friend Hot thirsty bored hungry happy sick Restaurant swimming pool , cinema park hospital cafe Step3 Practice 1 .Part D

1) Finish Pard D 2)Group work: Have a competition

Put the cards into a box ,requires pupils to choose one card ,and make a sentence Eg:hot I feel hot ,I want to the swimming pool Step4 Consolidation Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Discu where do you want to go ,take a note 2)Estimation

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar 2) Can finish Part E,F Main points : To consolidate the grammar Difficult point: To improve the ability of speaking Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing an English song

Game –Gue,gue,gue Choose a card and do the action, requires pupils to gue Step2 Presentation and drill T: I want to buy some milk ,where can I go? S: You can go to the supermarket T: I wan to see a football game ,where can I go? S: You can go to the stadium …

Have a free talk with their partners Game—Quick response T says the name of the place ,requires the pupils to say the activity which we can have Eg: S1:Cinema S2:See a film …

Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation Notes:

Unit4 These are flowers

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: egg yolk , grapes, tea , mooncake 2) Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2)Can tell the story and understand some traditional festive culture 3.The targets of emotion: Main points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story .Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.3.Retell or act out the Unit2 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : mooncake ,

eggyolk ,grapes

T: I‘m hungry ,I want to eat this after cla.Do you know what it is?

Lead the pupils to answer like this: It‘s a mooncake

Write the word and lead reading : mooncake , the Mid-Autumn Festive , eggyolk , grapes Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Magic eyes.3.Game –Brain storn Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question How could Chang‘e fly to the moon? 2.Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Why did Chang‘e take the magic medicine? What did shi bring with her to the moon? Was Chang‘e happy on the moon?

How did people celebrate Mid—Autumn Festive? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3) Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation

Show the picture about the story ,and give them the key words ,retell the story Estimations

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master these words and phrases: shall,except ,each other 2) Canact out the story 2.The targets of emotion: To understand the festive culture of traditional festive Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can act out the story Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Use the cards to go over the words Step2 Presentation and drill T put an ornament of Chang‘e

T: I want to fly to the moon,I shall take this medicine Help pupils to understand the meaning

T: I feel so lonely here .There is no one except the rabbit and me .I mi my husband .We mi each other very much.

2.Learn to say the new words 3.Require the cla to estimate the teacher‘s performance 4.Read the story ,then act out the story(three pupils as a group) Step3 Practice 1 .Game--Brain storm Game—Little actor Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Discu where do you want to go ,take a note 2)Estimation Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words Can sing the song:Do Re Mi To cultivate the pupils‘ patriotism, to promote their culture knowleage

Main points : To consolidate the words and can sing the song :Do Re Mi

Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing an English song Game – Make friends Choose a card put the cards to the stickers Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T: I want to buy some milk ,where can I go? S: You can go to the supermarket T: I wan to see a football game ,where can I go? S: You can go to the stadium …

2.Have a free talk with their partners 3.Game—Quick response Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation Notes:

Unit5 I like noodles

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:living room,phone,loudly,noisly,quietly Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can use the adv.skillfully 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the education of good-manners ,to help students to form the habit of good behavior Main points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story .Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.Do Re Mi 3.Retell or act out the Unit4 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : living room,

phone,loudly,noisily,quietly T: Who are they?They are my friends,Lingling and Dongdong,Do you know where they were yesterday?They were in my home. T describes the situation vividly, lead the pupils to understand with exaggerational countenance and objects.T:…

Write the word and lead reading the new words,explain the words for the students.Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Look and say(Consolidate the adv.) Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question What ‗s the weather like today?

Why can‘t Mrs.Chen hear herfriend on the phone? 2.To help the pupils to understand the word: heavily

3.Listen and imitation(Ask the pupils to find the adv.And draw out) Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Who is Mrs.Chen talking to? What are the children doing in the living room? How is Dongdong playing?

Who is talking louding? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3) Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form it Rain heavily outside Lingling and Dongdong Play noisily in the living room Mrs.Chen Talk not clearly on the phone Dongdong Play noisily Lingling Talk loudly Lingling and dongdong Play quietly in the bedroom Estimations Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the adv.:slowly,quickly,softly 2) Can act out the story 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English Main points :The new words and sentence structure.

Difficult point: Can act out the story Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Use the cards to go over the words 3.Game—Quick response 4.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue,have a match Step2 Presentation and drill Countiue the game,lead in the new words T walks slowly, guides the pupils to describe the teacher‘s action:The teacher is walking slowly Help pupils to understand the meaning,learn to say the words 2.Learn to say the other new words:softly,speak; Play a game—Singing different tune T: Speak slowly Ss:Speak quickly …… Step3 Practice 1 .Part D Devide into groups,requires the groups to describe the pictures oraly.Step4 Consolidation 1) Free talk(The teacher introduce herself in English with different

speaking speed ,to edify the students to expre their willings politely) 2)Estimation

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words 2)Can advance the ability of performing language comprehensively 3)Can enhance the interestings of learning English Main points : To consolidate the words

Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Go over the words Requires threestudents to play game,one puts up a word(verb),another put up a word(adv.),the others make a sentence with the two words 4.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill

PartE T points to the Mrs.Zhao T: Who is she? Ss:She is Mrs.Zhao T: What is she doing? Answer: She is dancing happily 2.Use the same way to learn another words:politely,carefully 2.Have a free talk with their partners Step3 Practice Requires the students to expre :what is ..doing PartF T:What are they doing ? 3.Listen and sing Step4Consolidation Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Situation: one morning ,you and your friend go to the park,you see many people are doing morning exercises ,you are talking about it 2)Estimation


Unit6 turn right!

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: week,worried,scared,measure,weigh, Heavy,light 2)Can understand and retell the text 2.The targets of skills: To improve the skills of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the physique education Main points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story ,the method of special question Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Perform the song :Row your boat Use the cards to go over the words Game—Magic eye

Game—What‘s miing 4.Retell or act out the Unit4 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : week, worried, scared, measure, weigh, Heavy, light T show a phote of baby(a student‘s phote).

T:Look,he is one of our clamate.He looked very weak Write the word and lead reading the new word ,explain the words for the students.T: his mother measured him,and he was only 90centimetres,his mother weighed him,he wad only 12 kilogrammers.Use the same way to learn the other words Lead reading the words and check the results.Show another photo

T: Look,he grows fast .Who is he? Do you know? (point out the pupil) T: Is he light now? Ss: No ,he is heavy Learn the new words,lead reading the topic sentence and the words.3.Game –Look and say(Consolidate the adv.) Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question

T: This is Peter ,he is weak,his mother is worried about him,what‘s the matter with him?Let‘s read the text quickly and try to answer How did Peter feel when he saw the doctor? Was the doctor friendly?what did he do? 2.To help the pupils to understand the word: scared Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully, hen answer the following questions: Where did Peter go? Why did Peter go there? How old was he? How tall(heavy) was he? 2)Listen and answer the questions 3) Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form Estimation(评价) Estimate the performance of the pupils‘, conform and encourage,to filter their potential of learning English Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the sentence structure 2)Can improve the skills of learning English 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English Main points :To master the special question of questioning the other‘s basic situation

Difficult point:To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song:Row your boat 3.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue,have a match Step2 Presentation and drill Introduce a new friend T:Today ,I‘llintroduce you a new friend,please ask him some quedtions.ok? Ss:OK! T:My name is Sun Wukong Ss:How old are you ?

T:I‘m very old.Ss:…

2.Play a game—Quick renponse Step3 Practice 1 .Part D Devide into groups,requires the groups to describe the pictures orally.Finish writing exercises ,(can discu by groups) Step4 Consolidation 1) Free talk(The teacher introduce herself in English with different speaking speed ,to edify the students to expre their willings politely) 2)Estimation

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words 2)Can advance the ability of performing language comprehensively Main points : To consolidate the words

Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture

Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Go over the words Requires threestudents to play game,one puts up a word(verb),another put up a word(adv.),the others make a sentence with the two words 4.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill PartE T points to the Mrs.Zhao T: Who is she? Ss:She is Mrs.Zhao T: What is she doing? Answer: She is dancing happily 2.Use the same way to learn another words:politely,carefully 2.Have a free talk with their partners 3.Game—Quick response Step3 Practice Requires the students to expre :what is ..doing PartF

T:What are they doing ? 3.Listen and sing Step4Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, 2)Estimation


Unit7 Whose is this?

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:foolishi,bull,horn,kill,rbbed,idea,ugly Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can use the sentence structure:These horns are too big to expre the feature of the things 3.The targets of emotion: To educate the pupils not to believe bad-man easily Main points :Understand the story and use the sentence structure:Th

ese horns are too big to expre the feature of the things Difficult point: Retell the story .Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.Row your boat Game—Making friends Teacher puts the word cards on the Bb,requires the students to collocate into suitable phrases Beatuful, fat, tiger, pig, squirrel, tall, elephant, bird, strong, big, giraffe, small, monkey, naughty Step2 Presentation and drill Learn the new words:kill and foolish 1)Show a picture,a little with a bat in her hand T: What does she want to do? Help the pupils to answer like this:She wants to kill the fly.Write down the word and lead reading T:Can she kill the fly? Ss:No,she can‘t ,she is foolish

Write the word and lead reading the new words,explain the words for the students.Lead reading the words and check the results.

2.Use the same way to learn the other words: bull, horn Step3 Fast reading and listening T: What do you think of the horns Ss: They are small.T: Yes, they are small, they are too small for the bull, Why are the bull‘s horns so small?

2.Read the dialogue quickly , then answer the following question Why are the bull‘s horns so small?

3.To help the pupils to understand the word: heavily Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Where was the bull? What did the lion wan to do to the bull? What the lion say to the bull? What did the bull do? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form(six elements of a narration) time Long,long again place In a field characters A lion and a bull

reason The lion was hungry course the lion wants to eat the bull the horns are too big rubbed his horns against the tree smaller than the lion‘s ears

result The lion jumped on the bull and killed it

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the adv.: too,just 2) Can use the adv.:too and just to discu things 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English Main points : Can use the adv.:too and just to discu things Difficult point: To perceive the structure of sentence pattern:They are too small Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.Game—Linked heart T showa some words (foolish,bull,kill,rubbed,horns,idea)choose two

pupils to take one word ,and remember in the heart ,the other pupils to gue which word the student choose Free talk

T:Are the bull‘s horns too big? Ss:No, they aren‘t

T:Why did the lion say that the bull‘s horns are too big? Ss:Because the lion wanted to kill the bull ….

4.Look at the picture and retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill PartD Lead in the new dialogue,learn the sentence pattern T:Yseaterday was my birthday,my father /mother/husband just came back from Beijing,he/she bought some clothes for me,look,here they are (show a clothes)Doyou think it is ok for me?I don‘t think so,I think it is too big for me.Do you think so? Learn to say :It is too big T:Look ,what do you think of this one? Ss:It‘s too small T: Yes ,I think so,I can‘t wear id ,it is too small.(show another one) T:Look this one ,what do you think of this one?

Ss:It‘s just right for you

Learn to say this sentence:It‘s just right for you .3:Finish partC Step3 Practice 1 .Requires the pupils to make sentences with:it is too… T writes down the pupils‘ sentences

Clean one part of the sentences,ask pupils to add the last part KING OF REMEMBER Step4 Consolidation Free talk

Situation:MiLi is doing shopping in a supermarket ,she is satisfied with a sweater,she wants to try it one.2)Estimation Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1`)To practice the usage of too 2)Can advance the ability of listening Main points : To practice the usage of too Difficult point: Understand a story by listening the story

Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill T shows a jacket T: Can you wear this jacket? Ss:No,I can not.It‘s too small Write down the dialogue S1:Can you wear the jacket S2:No,I can not ,it‘s too small.Can you wear this pyjamas? Step3 Practice PartF Pair work,discu the pictures,finish the exercise The bos is 500kg,I can‘t lift it,It is too heavy I can not wear this pair of trousers.They are too long.I can‘t drink this tea,it‘s too hot

The toy car is 500yuan ,I can‘t buy it ,it‘s too expensive Step4Consolidation 1.PartF Look and answer the questions

What do you learn from picture4 What do you learn from picture6 What do you learn from picture7 Listen and arrenage 2.Retell the story Notes:

Unit8 She wears a white and black sweater

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:garden ,hole,pleased,small,bigger,angry 2)Can understand and retell the text 2.The targets of skills: To improve the usage of adjective comparative degree To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively 3.The targets of emotion: To educate the pupils not to bully the small and weak Main points : To improve the usage of adjective comparative degree Difficult point: Understand the sentence pattern:…ate most of the food ,leaving only a little for the smaller bird Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing the song :Row your boat Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : 1)T show a picture of a garden

T:Look,what ‗s this ? Ss:It‘s a garden

Learn to say the word:garden 2)T points to the hole T:Look,what ‗s this ? Ss:It‘s a hole

Learn to say the word:hole 3)T:Why are the birds looking at the hole? Encourage the pupils to elaborate their imagination,answer the question.Use the same way to learn the other words:smaller ,bigger Lead reading the words and check the results.4)T: Is he angry? Ss: Yes ,he is.Learn the new words,lead reading the topic sentence and the words.Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question Whose singing is louder ? Whose singing does the girl like better? 2 .Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading Help the pupils to understand the sentence pattern:…ate most of the

food ,leaving only a little for the smaller bird.1)Reading the dialogue carefully, then answer the following questions: Where did the birds live? What did the two birds look like? What happened to the smaller birds? Who gave food to the birds? 2)Listen and answer the questions 3)Finish Part C Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form TIME Long,long again PLACE In a garden CHARACTER A smaller bird,a bigger bird,a girl REASON …… COURSE …….RESULT …… Estimation(评价)

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the form of the adjective comparative degree 2)Can use the adjective comparative degree to compara two things Main points : Use the adjective comparative degree to compara two things Difficult point: The form of the adjective comparative degree Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song

3.Look at the picture and retell the text:the horns are too big Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Requires the pupils to come to the Bb(one is thin,one is fat) T: S1 is fatter than S2,S2 is thinner thanS1 Learn to say the new words:thinner ,fatter Requires the pupils to come to the Bb(one is taller,one is shorter) T: S1 is shorter than S2,S2 is taller thanS1 Learn to say the new words: taller ,shorter Step3 Practice 1 .Part D

Finish writing exercises ,(can discu by groups) 2.Require two pupils to come to the Bb,ask the other to describe their clamates Step4 Consolidation Free talk( survey your clamates‘ birthday, height,weight ,fill in the form,then give a report) names birthday height weight Anne … … 2)Estimation Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets. 1)Can master and perform the form of the adjective comparative degree 2)Can use the adjective comparative degree to write a short paragraph Main points : Master and perform the form of the adjective comparative degree Difficult point: Use the adjective comparative degree to write a short paragraph

Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.PartE T shows a long and s short ruler T: My ruler is longer than yours Learn to say the word :longer T shows two books at different prices T: This book is cheaper than that book Learn the word:cheaper 2.Use the same way to learn another word:older 3.Sum up: A is/are + adjective comparative degree + than B Step3 Practice 1.PartE 1)Two students to discu the pictures 2)Finish writing exercise Step4Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, 2)Estimation


Unit9 It‘s one hundred

Period 1

Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words: turns,pick up,put dwon,shout at 2) Retell the story with the development order of a story 2.The targets of skills: To perceive the Simple Future Tense: be going to do To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the education of loving nature and protecting animals Main points : To perceive the Simple Future Tense: be going to do Difficult point: To perceive the Simple Future Tense: be going to do Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up

1.Greetings.Quick response Teacher give an order ,the pupils take a response and do the actions T:We are going to play a game ,you are going to do as I ask you to ready? Put up your hands,put down your hands Turn left, turn right …

Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : T: Put down your hands ,your legs and listen to me.T does the actions ,help the pupils to understand the word T:Oh, bad luck!Can you help me pick them up? Ask a student to pick up the chalks T: Look,he is picking up the chalks ,thanks! Learn to say the phrases: put down , pick up Listen and repeat Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question T:Please read the paage as fast as you can ,you are going to answer the following questions Where are Lingling and Dongdong ? What is Dongdong going to do?

2 .Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading Help the pupils to understand the sentence pattern:…ate most of the food ,leaving only a little for the smaller bird.1)Reading the dialogue carefully, then answer the following questions: What is Lingling looking at? What is Lingling going to do when she turns to look at Dongdong look at? Do you like Lingling ?Why ? 2)Listen and answer the questions 3)Finish Part C Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,according to the following form Lingling Looks at the monkey Is going to shout at Is going to take form…and scold

Dongdong Is goig to pick up Is going to throw Is going to cry Estimation(评价) Notes:





我们所使用的湘少版四年级上册的教材是根据《英语课程标准》要求进行 编写,以“话题---功能---结构---任务”相结合的原则,力求使话题、功能、结构和任务四个方面在比较真实的情景中紧密联系,融为一体;本教材提倡“任务型”的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。

本教材共由12个单元和两个评价单元组成,其中第一~第十二单元为新授单元。新授单元主要由A、B、C、D、E、F,G七个板块构成。新版教材相较于老版多了一个新的板块,Let’s read and write,旨在使学生通过该部分故事的学习能将所学单词和句型运用于片段中从而达到真正理解语言并使用的目的。














课时安排 1


2 2

Unit 1 nice to meet you.

2 3

Unit 2 what’s that?

2 4

Unit 3 look at that elephant.

2 5

Unit 4 those are eggs.

2 6

Unit 5 I like biscuits.

2 7

Unit 6 whose is this?

2 8

Aeement I

2 9

Unit 7 We’re soldiers.

2 10


2 11

Unit 8 this is my brother’s painting.

2 12

Unit 9 this is our flat.

2 13

Unit 10 where’s the cat?

2 14

Unit 11 your homework is good.

2 15

Unit 12 I can swim fast.

2 16

Aeement II

2 17

Unit 13 your plate is orange and grey.

2 18

Unit 14 what can you see?

2 19









2 2 2





本教材共有14个单元组成,其中第一~第八,第九~第十四单元为新授单元,主要有A、B、C、D、E、F六个板块构,以下主要分析新授单元各板块。 A Listen and say 情景对话教学。

本板块除了仍然有对话理解的背景材料外,对话篇幅明显增长,难度也增加,主要出现的语法有一般现在时(第三人称单数作主语)、现在进行时、一般过去时;情态动词、there be结构等等。通过该板块的教学,着重训练学生的朗读能力和会话能力。在教学中,教师要尽量创设交际活动的情景,增强语言实践的真实感,并采用―先听说、后读写,先整体、后局部‖的方法,引导和鼓励学生积极、主动地参加语言实践活动。

B Let‘s listen and read 词汇教学。主要按话题归类和图词结合的方式呈现新的词语,有名词、动词、短语或他们的混合形式及过去式。在这些词语中,有的在前面已经出现过,但有的是第一次出现;有的只要求―三会‖,有的却要求掌握。教师在教学中,要尽可能用学生已知的情景引出新的词语;并与句型教学有机地结合起来,使学生能在情景中学习和运用词汇;不能盲目提高要求,应承认学生认知水平的差异性。

C A bout the story 阅读教学 本板块为语篇的听力理解和对话的阅读理解训练,着重培养学生理解和书写的能力。教师在教学中,要充分挖掘课本所提供的材料,为学生营造较为宽松的环境,进行由浅入深的训练;要把握好听的时机,为有困难的学生提供多听的机会;要利用讲评为学生提供再次练习的机会。

D Let‘s practice 句型的口语训练教学。本板块以图为主,提供了主要句型,旨在通过比较真实的语言情境滚动的方法操练本单元和已学过的内容。学习句型的目的是为了掌握句子结构, 以便在适当的交际情景中运用这些句型去表达思想,因此句型应放在情景中操练,力求使学生通过操练学到现实生活中有交际价值的语言。教师在教学中,要尽量减少机械操练,创设较真实的情景,以小组活动为主,鼓励学生积极参与,对于不同层次的学生都要给予肯定;发现问题,要及时纠正,并进行语法现象的归纳和总结。

E Let‘s read and write 读写 本板块是课文学习的延伸,通过阅读、观察,培养学生的理解和判断能力,养成良好的阅读习惯。教师应鼓励学生课前预习,以初步理解所学内容;教学中,教师要运用图片、简笔画,多媒体等直观手段,让学生整体感知语篇内容。教师要加强对学困生的关注,尽可能为他们提供展示的机会;为学有余力的学生提供看图说话或文字材料复述的机会。

F Let‘s find out 本板块是趣味性的综合练习。通过游戏、调查、做手工等活动巩固所学内容,培养学生的听、说、读、写能力和注意、观察、记忆、思维、想象、动手等能力。教师要鼓励学生积极参与这些活动,让他们通过模仿、体验、实践和合作等方式发展能力和智力,感受成功的喜悦。教师在教学中,要根据所教学生的特点做到有详有略,合理安排;利用教学资源,培养学生自主学习意识。总之,英语活动课的设计一定要以语言的运用为出发点和落脚点。






1按四会与三会要求掌握所学的单词。 2能按四会要求掌握所学的句型。

3能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流, 并做到大胆开口,发音正确,所用话语与场合符合。

4能在图片、手势,情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语与录音。 5培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写规范整洁。



8能演唱以学过的英语歌曲,朗诵已学过的歌谣。 9能渗透给学生良好的自学英语的方法。








A适当增加教学内容量,以滚动式教学,以反复渗透巩固的方法提高学习效率。 B语音教学中采用―分散出现,集中归纳,经常接触‖的方法。 C初步渗透任务型教学的教学理念。


课次 课时 周次 Unit 1、2 5 1-2 Unit 3 5 3-4 Unit

4、5 5 5-7 Unit 6 5 8-9 Unit

7、8 5 10 Unit 9 5 11-12 Unit

10、11 5 13-14 Unit 12 5 15-16 Unit13 5 17-18 Unit14 5 19

Unit one

The children are playing in the park

Period 1 Teaching targets.1. The target of knowledge: 1) Learn these new words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing 2) Learn these sentences: be doing sth 2. The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure.3) Can describe the other ‗s actions.3.The targets of emotion: To love the living surrounding.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can describe the other ‗s actions.Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up Greetings.Learn to sing a song

Use the cards to go over the new dialogue Game—Quick response Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : Hello,boys and girls ,,nice to meet you again,today is the first day of this term.let‘s go to a park and have a look,what will happen in the park! Show a picture of a park ,learn the new words A swing Show a swing and says : This is a swing ,let‘s put it in the park,write the word on the blackboard.Leads reading the new word 2.Show the pictures and put them on the picture (in the park),and learn to say the words.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher,leads reading 4.Look and say: High and low voice Step3 Fast reading and listening 1) Show the pictures

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves

2)Listen and repeat ,leads reading 3)Listen and imitation Step4 Instive doing Reading the dialogue carefully Listen and repeat the dialogue Retell the story ,check the resul

Period 2 Teaching targets.1) Consolidate these new words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing 2)Can master these sentences: be doing sth 3) Can retell the story 2.The targets of emotion: To love the living surrounding.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can describe the other ‗s actions.retell the story Teaching aids : cards,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up Greetings.Learn to sing a song

Use the cards to go over the new dialogue Game—Quick response Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T :Let‘s listen and repeat the story together

Show the new words ,requires the pupils to read ,go over the words.

Teacher explin the grammar for the pupils ,and asks them to make sentences with the present time am/is/are +doing Step3 Practice 1) Show the pictures

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves

2)Listen and repeat ,leads reading 3)Listen and imitation Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out A: Sports meeting ,the children are watching the athelets.They‘re talking about the sports .2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words No

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words 2) Learn to sing a song 3) Can finish Part F Main points : The new words and sentences, the English song Difficult point: Can describe the other‘s actions; learn to sing the song Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up Greetings.Go over the four-skill words Play a game – magic eyes 3.Use the cards to go over the new dialogue ,and make sentences with the present time ,they are required not to make the same sentences 4.Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to read the words ,and try to say the words 2.ow the new words ,leads reading ,and learn to sing the song.3.Listen to tape and follow it ,sing the song together Step3 Practice 1) Part F Explain the situation for the cla (The children want to see a film , requires pupils to find out how the children reach the cinema) 2)Requires the pupils to find the answers ,say their answers first ,then write down on the book. Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite the story Notes:

Unit2 Katie always gets up early

Period 1 Teaching targets.1. The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: wake up, make the bed, wave, I‘m late 2) Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time) 2. The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure.3) Can describe the other ‗s actions.(the third time) 3.The targets of emotion: To form the health living habit Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point:sb do (does )sth at some time.Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Learn to sing a song-London Bridge is falling down 3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Gue ,gue, gue 4.Retell the story—Unit 1 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : You‘re very good.You are all good pupils.And Katie ia a good pupil too.Everyone likes her .She is never late for school.She always gets up early every day .Then she makes bed .after breakfast, she waves her family goodbye.T says the sentences and does the actions to helps pupils to understand the meanings.learn the new words Lead reading the words and check the results.According to the words ,sk some questions and requires pupils to answer the questions.T: Do you get up early everyday?… 2.Game –Patting flies.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher,leads reading 4.Look and say: High and low voice Step3 Fast reading and listening Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question What time does Katie‘s father leave for work?

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves

2)Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive doing 1)Reading the dialogue carefully 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3)Retell the story ,check the resul

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Consolidate these new words 2)Can master these sentence structure: sb do (does) sth every day 3) Can retell the story 2.The targets of emotion: To love the life.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can use the present time of the third person Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.sing a song

3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Golden finger Say something about your daily life Step2 Presentation and drill Show the new words : always ,often , usually ,never Requires the pupils to read ,go over the words.Teacher explin the grammar for the pupils .Ask stuents to read the dialogue of Part A ,then the dtudents are required to draw line under the adv.Eg.Katie always get up early.Notes: always表示―老是,总是,一直‖与NEVER相对 Never表示―永不,决不,从来没有‖ Often表示―常常,时常,通常‖ Usually表示―惯常地,通常地‖ Step3 Practice 1) Part D 1)ractice in pairs,according to the form to say something about Peter‘s day. 2)Group work

3)Finish the hand writing ,then check the answers Step4 Consolidation always often usually never Makes breakfast for family Washes clothes in the morning Cooks dinner for the hildren ….

1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar 2) Can finish Part E Main points : The new words and sentences

Difficult point: Can describe the other‘s actions ,make differences between ―always,never,often,usually‖

Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Go over the four-skill words 3.Use the cards to go over the new dialogue ,and make sentences with ―always,never,often,usually‖

Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Explain the sentences for the cla ,then requires the pupils to communicate with others ,according to the information in the form.2.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to finish Part E,check the answers.3.Listen to tape and follow it

4.Requires the pupils to find the answers ,say their answers first ,then write down on the book. Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text Notes:

Unit3 Let‘s go to the Underwater World

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words: underwater world , picnic, library,science story 2) Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time) 2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure: the imperative sentence Can describe person‘s willing with the imperative sentence 3.The targets of emotion: Can describe person‘s willing with the imperative sentence Main points :The new words and the imperative sentence.Difficult point: Let‘s do sth .

Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Free talk: say something about their daily life Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : Hello ,boys and girls .I don‘t feel happy today ,can you gue why? Requires the pupils to gue the reasons.Ss: …

T :Let me tell you , My new watch miing yesterday(show a watch)I want to go to the library to read the science stories ,but my friend told me it was not open.I want to the park for a pinic,but my friend wanted to go to the shopping center.Say the words and show the cards ,helps pupils to understand the meanings.learn the new words Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Patting flies.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher, leads reading Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question Where did the go?

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to find the answer . 2)Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive doing 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then finish the form pople Suggestions Peter Go to the Underwater World

Ling ling Go to the park for a picnic/go to the shopping center Mingming Go to the library Anne Go to the beach Results Too late to go out 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3)According to the form,retell the story Finish patC ,then listen and repeat Step5 Consolidation Require the pupils to act it out Estimation Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master these sentence structure: the imperative sentence 2) Can retell the story 2.The targets of emotion: To love the life.Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can use the imperative sentence Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.sing a song

3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Golden finger Look at the picture and retell the dailogue Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T:Ok,you ‗ve done a good job.today is very hot,I feel very thirsty .Are you thirsty now?I want to have some water Hmm,I‘m not thirsty .But I don‘t have breakfast ,I feel hungry…

Lead the pupils to say :Let‘s go to the hospital! Teacher explin the words for the pupils .Lead reading :sick,hungry ,hot,thirsty,bored 2.Do and say(Game) Game—Making friend Hot thirsty bored hungry happy sick Restaurant swimming pool , cinema park hospital cafe Step3 Practice 1 .Part D 1) Finish Pard D 2)Group work: Have a competition

Put the cards into a box ,requires pupils to choose one card ,and make a sentence Eg:hot I feel hot ,I want to the swimming pool Step4 Consolidation Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Discu where do you want to go ,take a note 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , recite the text Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar 2) Can finish Part E,F Main points : To consolidate the grammar Difficult point: To improve the ability of speaking Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing an English song Game –Gue,gue,gue Choose a card and do the action, requires pupils to gue Step2 Presentation and drill T: I want to buy some milk ,where can I go? S: You can go to the supermarket T: I wan to see a football game ,where can I go? S: You can go to the stadium …

Have a free talk with their partners Game—Quick response T says the name of the place ,requires the pupils to say the activity which we can have Eg: S1:Cinema S2:See a film …

Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text Notes:

Unit4 It‘s the Mid-Autumn Festive

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: egg yolk , grapes, tea , mooncake 2) Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2)Can tell the story and understand some traditional festive culture 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the education of east-west culture ,to encourage the interesting of study Main points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story .Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.3.Retell or act out the Unit2 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : mooncake , eggyolk ,grapes

T: I‘m hungry ,I want to eat this after cla.Do you know what it is?

Lead the pupils to answer like this: It‘s a mooncake

Write the word and lead reading : mooncake , the Mid-Autumn Festive , eggyolk , grapes Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Magic eyes.3.Game –Brain storn Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question How could Chang‘e fly to the moon? 2.Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Why did Chang‘e take the magic medicine? What did shi bring with her to the moon? Was Chang‘e happy on the moon?

How did people celebrate Mid—Autumn Festive? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3) Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation Show the picture about the story ,and give them the key words ,retell the story Estimation Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master these words and phrases: shall,except ,each other 2) Canact out the story 2.The targets of emotion: To understand the festive culture of traditional festive Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can act out the story Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Use the cards to go over the words

3.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue,have a match Step2 Presentation and drill T put an ornament of Chang‘e

T: I want to fly to the moon,I shall take this medicine Help pupils to understand the meaning

T: I feel so lonely here .There is no one except the rabbit and me .I mi my husband .We mi each other very much.2.Learn to say the new words 3.Require the cla to estimate the teacher‘s performance

4.Read the story ,then act out the story(three pupils as a group) Step3 Practice 1 .Game--Brain storm Game—Little actor Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Discu where do you want to go ,take a note 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , recite the text Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words Can sing the song:Do Re Mi To cultivate the pupils‘ patriotism, to promote their culture knowleage Main points : To consolidate the words and can sing the song :Do Re Mi Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture

Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing an English song Game – Make friends Choose a card put the cards to the stickers Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T: I want to buy some milk ,where can I go? S: You can go to the supermarket T: I wan to see a football game ,where can I go? S: You can go to the stadium …

2.Have a free talk with their partners 3.Game—Quick response Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text

Unit5 The children are playing noisily

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:living room,phone,loudly,noisly,quietly Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can use the adv.skillfully 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the education of good-manners ,to help students to form the habit of good behavior Main points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story .Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.Do Re Mi 3.Retell or act out the Unit4 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : living room,phone,loudly,noisily,quietly T: Who are they?They are my friends,Lingling and Dongdong,Do you know where they were yesterday?They were in my home.

T describes the situation vividly, lead the pupils to understand with exaggerational countenance and objects.T:…

Write the word and lead reading the new words,explain the words for the students.Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Look and say(Consolidate the adv.) Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question What ‗s the weather like today?

Why can‘t Mrs.Chen hear herfriend on the phone? 2.To help the pupils to understand the word: heavily

3.Listen and imitation(Ask the pupils to find the adv.And draw out) Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Who is Mrs.Chen talking to? What are the children doing in the living room? How is Dongdong playing? Who is talking louding? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3) Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form it Rain heavily outside Lingling and Dongdong Play noisily in the living room Mrs.Chen Talk not clearly on the phone Dongdong Play noisily Lingling Talk loudly Lingling and dongdong Play quietly in the bedroom Estimation(评价) Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the adv.:slowly,quickly,softly 2) Can act out the story 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can act out the story Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Use the cards to go over the words 3.Game—Quick response 4.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue,have a match Step2 Presentation and drill Countiue the game,lead in the new words T walks slowly, guides the pupils to describe the teacher‘s action:The teacher is walking slowly Help pupils to understand the meaning,learn to say the words 2.Learn to say the other new words:softly,speak; Play a game—Singing different tune T: Speak slowly Ss:Speak quickly ……

Step3 Practice 1 .Part D Devide into groups,requires the groups to describe the pictures orally.Finish writing exercises ,(can discu by groups) Step4 Consolidation 1) Free talk(The teacher introduce herself in English with different speaking speed ,to edify the students to expre their willings politely) 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , recite the text

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words 2)Can advance the ability of performing language comprehensively 3)Can enhance the interestings of learning English Main points : To consolidate the words

Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture

Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Go over the words Requires threestudents to play game,one puts up a word(verb),another put up a word(adv.),the others make a sentence with the two words 4.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill PartE T points to the Mrs.Zhao T: Who is she? Ss:She is Mrs.Zhao T: What is she doing? Answer: She is dancing happily 2.Use the same way to learn another words:politely,carefully 2.Have a free talk with their partners 3.Game—Quick response Step3 Practice Requires the students to expre :what is ..doing PartF T:What are they doing ? 3.Listen and sing Step4Consolidation Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Situation: one morning ,you and your friend go to the park,you see many people are doing morning exercises ,you are talking about it 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text

Unit6 How tall are you

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: week,worried,scared,measure,weigh, Heavy,light 2)Can understand and retell the text 2.The targets of skills: To improve the skills of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the physique education Main points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story ,the method of special question Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Perform the song :Row your boat Use the cards to go over the words Game—Magic eye Game—What‘s miing

4.Retell or act out the Unit4 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : week, worried, scared, measure, weigh, Heavy, light T show a phote of baby(a student‘s phote).

T:Look,he is one of our clamate.He looked very weak Write the word and lead reading the new word ,explain the words for the students.T: his mother measured him,and he was only 90centimetres,his mother weighed him,he wad only 12 kilogrammers.Use the same way to learn the other words Lead reading the words and check the results.Show another photo

T: Look,he grows fast .Who is he? Do you know? (point out the pupil) T: Is he light now? Ss: No ,he is heavy Learn the new words,lead reading the topic sentence and the words.3.Game –Look and say(Consolidate the adv.) Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question T: This is Peter ,he is weak,his mother is worried about him,what‘s the matter with him?Let‘s read the text quickly and try to answer How did Peter feel when he saw the doctor? Was the doctor friendly?what did he do? 2.To help the pupils to understand the word: scared 3.Listen and imitation(Ask the pupils to find the adv.And draw out) Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully, hen answer the following questions: Where did Peter go? Why did Peter go there? How old was he? How tall(heavy) was he? 2)Listen and answer the questions 3) Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form Estimation(评价) Estimate the performance of the pupils‘, conform and encourage,to filter their potential of learning English Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the sentence structure 2)Can improve the skills of learning English 3)Can further the interestings of learning English 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English Main points :To master the special question of questioning the other‘s basic situation Difficult point:To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song:Row your boat 3.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue,have a match Step2 Presentation and drill Introduce a new friend T:Today ,I‘llintroduce you a new friend,please ask him some quedtions.ok? Ss:OK! T:My name is Sun Wukong Ss:How old are you ? T:I‘m very old.Ss:…

2.Play a game—Quick renponse Step3 Practice 1 .Part D Devide into groups,requires the groups to describe the pictures orally.Finish writing exercises ,(can discu by groups) Step4 Consolidation 1) Free talk(The teacher introduce herself in English with different speaking speed ,to edify the students to expre their willings politely) 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , recite the text Notes

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words 2)Can advance the ability of performing language comprehensively 3)Can enhance the interestings of learning English Main points : To consolidate the words

Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture

Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Go over the words Requires threestudents to play game,one puts up a word(verb),another put up a word(adv.),the others make a sentence with the two words 4.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill PartE T points to the Mrs.Zhao T: Who is she? Ss:She is Mrs.Zhao T: What is she doing? Answer: She is dancing happily 2.Use the same way to learn another words:politely,carefully 2.Have a free talk with their partners 3.Game—Quick response Step3 Practice Requires the students to expre :what is ..doing PartF T:What are they doing ? 3.Listen and sing Step4Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text

Unit7 These horns are too big

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:foolishi,bull,horn,kill,rbbed,idea,ugly Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can use the sentence structure:These horns are too big to expre the feature of the things 3.The targets of emotion: To educate the pupils not to believe bad-man easily Main points :Understand the story and use the sentence structure:These horns are too big to expre the feature of the things Difficult point: Retell the story .Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.Row your boat Game—Making friends Teacher puts the word cards on the Bb,requires the students to collocate into suitable phrases Beatuful, fat, tiger, pig, squirrel, tall, elephant, bird, strong, big, giraffe, small, monkey, naughty Step2 Presentation and drill Learn the new words:kill and foolish 1)Show a picture,a little with a bat in her hand T: What does she want to do? Help the pupils to answer like this:She wants to kill the fly.Write down the word and lead reading T:Can she kill the fly? Ss:No,she can‘t ,she is foolish

Write the word and lead reading the new words,explain the words for the students.Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Use the same way to learn the other words: bull, horn Step3 Fast reading and listening T: What do you think of the horns Ss: They are small.T: Yes, they are small, they are too small for the bull, Why are the bull‘s horns so small? 2.Read the dialogue quickly , then answer the following question Why are the bull‘s horns so small?

3.To help the pupils to understand the word: heavily 4.Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Where was the bull? What did the lion wan to do to the bull? What the lion say to the bull? What did the bull do? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form(six elements of a narration) time Long,long again place In a field characters A lion and a bull reason The lion was hungry course the lion wants to eat the bull the horns are too big rubbed his horns against the tree smaller than the lion‘s ears

result The lion jumped on the bull and killed it Estimation(评价) Homework: Listen and retell the text ,copy the words and sentences

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the adv.: too,just

2) Can use the adv.:too and just to discu things 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English Main points : Can use the adv.:too and just to discu things Difficult point: To perceive the structure of sentence pattern:They are too small Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.Game—Linked heart T showa some words (foolish,bull,kill,rubbed,horns,idea)choose two pupils to take one word ,and remember in the heart ,the other pupils to gue which word the student choose Free talk

T:Are the bull‘s horns too big? Ss:No, they aren‘t

T:Why did the lion say that the bull‘s horns are too big? Ss:Because the lion wanted to kill the bull ….

4.Look at the picture and retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill PartD Lead in the new dialogue,learn the sentence pattern T:Yseaterday was my birthday,my father /mother/husband just came back from Beijing,he/she bought some clothes for me,look,here they are (show a clothes)Doyou think it is ok for me?I don‘t think so,I think it is too big for me.Do you think so? Learn to say :It is too big T:Look ,what do you think of this one? Ss:It‘s too small

T: Yes ,I think so,I can‘t wear id ,it is too small.(show another one) T:Look this one ,what do you think of this one? Ss:It‘s just right for you

Learn to say this sentence:It‘s just right for you .3:Finish partC Play a game—Singing different tune Step3 Practice 1 .Requires the pupils to make sentences with:it is too… T writes down the pupils‘ sentences

Clean one part of the sentences,ask pupils to add the last part KING OF REMEMBER Step4 Consolidation Free talk

Situation:MiLi is doing shopping in a supermarket ,she is satisfied with a sweater,she wants to try it one.2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , recite the text Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1`)To practice the usage of too 2)Can advance the ability of listening 3)Can enhance the interestings of learning English Main points : To practice the usage of too Difficult point: Understand a story by listening the story Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill T shows a jacket T: Can you wear this jacket? Ss:No,I can not.It‘s too small Write down the dialogue S1:Can you wear the jacket S2:No,I can not ,it‘s too small.Can you wear this pyjamas? Step3 Practice PartF Pair work,discu the pictures,finish the exercise The bos is 500kg,I can‘t lift it,It is too heavy

I can not wear this pair of trousers.They are too long.I can‘t drink this tea,it‘s too hot

The toy car is 500yuan ,I can‘t buy it ,it‘s too expensive Step4Consolidation 1.PartF Look and answer the questions What do you learn from picture4 What do you learn from picture6 What do you learn from picture7 Listen and arrenage 2.Retell the story 3.Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text

Unit8 My singing is louder than yours

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:garden ,hole,pleased,small,bigger,angry 2)Can understand and retell the text 2.The targets of skills: To improve the usage of adjective comparative degree To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively 3.The targets of emotion: To educate the pupils not to bully the small and weak Main points : To improve the usage of adjective comparative degree Difficult point: Understand the sentence pattern:…ate most of the food ,leaving only a little for the smaller bird Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record,picture Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing the song :Row your boat Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : 1)T show a picture of a garden T:Look,what ‗s this ? Ss:It‘s a garden

Learn to say the word:garden 2)T points to the hole T:Look,what ‗s this ? Ss:It‘s a hole

Learn to say the word:hole 3)T:Why are the birds looking at the hole? Encourage the pupils to elaborate their imagination,answer the question.Use the same way to learn the other words:smaller ,bigger Lead reading the words and check the results.4)T: Is he angry? Ss: Yes ,he is.Learn the new words,lead reading the topic sentence and the words.Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question Whose singing is louder ? Whose singing does the girl like better? 2 .Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading Help the pupils to understand the sentence pattern:…ate most of the food ,leaving only a little for the smaller bird.1)Reading the dialogue carefully, then answer the following questions: Where did the birds live? What did the two birds look like? What happened to the smaller birds? Who gave food to the birds? 2)Listen and answer the questions 3)Finish Part C Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form TIME Long,long again PLACE In a garden CHARACTER A smaller bird,a bigger bird,a girl REASON …… COURSE …….RESULT ……

Estimation(评价) Require the pupils to talk about how to not to bully the small and weak ,link with their reality

Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the form of the adjective comparative degree 2)Can use the adjective comparative degree to compara two things Main points : Use the adjective comparative degree to compara two things Difficult point: The form of the adjective comparative degree Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song

3.Look at the picture and retell the text:the horns are too big Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Requires the pupils to come to the Bb(one is thin,one is fat) T: S1 is fatter than S2,S2 is thinner thanS1 Learn to say the new words:thinner ,fatter Requires the pupils to come to the Bb(one is taller,one is shorter) T: S1 is shorter than S2,S2 is taller thanS1 Learn to say the new words: taller ,shorter 2.Play a game—Quick renponse Step3 Practice 1 .Part D Finish writing exercises ,(can discu by groups) 2.Require two pupils to come to the Bb,ask the other to describe their clamates Step4 Consolidation Free talk( survey your clamates‘ birthday, height,weight ,fill in the form,then give a report) names birthday height weight Anne … …

2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , recite the text Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets. 1)Can master and perform the form of the adjective comparative degree 2)Can use the adjective comparative degree to write a short paragraph Main points : Master and perform the form of the adjective comparative degree Difficult point: Use the adjective comparative degree to write a short paragraph Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.PartE T shows a long and s short ruler T: My ruler is longer than yours Learn to say the word :longer T shows two books at different prices T: This book is cheaper than that book Learn the word:cheaper 2.Use the same way to learn another word:older 3.Sum up: A is/are + adjective comparative degree + than B Step3 Practice 1.PartE 1)Two students to discu the pictures 2)Finish writing exercise Step4Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text

Unit9what is dongdong going to do?

Period 1

Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words: turns,pick up,put dwon,shout at 2) Retell the story with the development order of a story 2.The targets of skills: To perceive the Simple Future Tense: be going to do To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the education of loving nature and protecting animals Main points : To perceive the Simple Future Tense: be going to do Difficult point: To perceive the Simple Future Tense: be going to do Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record, picture Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.Quick response Teacher give an order ,the pupils take a response and do the actions T:We are going to play a game ,you are going to do as I ask you to ready? Put up your hands,put down your hands Turn left, turn right …

Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : T: Put down your hands ,your legs and listen to me.T does the actions ,help the pupils to understand the word T:Oh, bad luck!Can you help me pick them up? Ask a student to pick up the chalks

T: Look,he is picking up the chalks ,thanks! Learn to say the phrases: put down , pick up Listen and repeat Game—Simon says Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question T:Please read the paage as fast as you can ,you are going to answer the following questions Where are Lingling and Dongdong ? What is Dongdong going to do? 2 .Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading Help the pupils to understand the sentence pattern:…ate most of the food ,leaving only a little for the smaller bird.1)Reading the dialogue carefully, then answer the following questions: What is Lingling looking at? What is Lingling going to do when she turns to look at Dongdong look at? Do you like Lingling ?Why ? 2)Listen and answer the questions 3)Finish Part C Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,according to the following form Lingling Looks at the monkey Is going to shout at Is going to take form…and scold Dongdong Is goig to pick up Is going to throw Is going to cry Estimation(评价) Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the new words and phrases 2) The simple future tense Main points : Master and perform the new words and phrases Difficult point: The simple future tense:be going to Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song Free talk Require the pupils (5)to come to the BB,act out the text(Dong Dong,Lingling,Monkey,Tiger,the narrator) …Dongdong is going to cry .He is going to put down the stone and say sorry to Lingling.Lingling is going to see the animals with Dongdong together …..Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Shows an umbrella ,and pretend to opening it T: What ‗s this ?It‘s an umbrella ,what am I going to do? Ss:You are going to open the umbrella.Shows a newspaper T:What‘s this?It‘s a newspaper.What am I going to do? Ss: You are going to read the newspaper.T:No,I‘m not going to read the newspaper,I am going to buy some meat,I am going to put the meat in the paper Learn to say the new words Play a game—Gue,gue,gue Step3 Practice 1 .Part D Finish writing exercises ,(can discu by groups) 2.Require the pupils to practice with partners Step4 Consolidation Free talk( Look and tell a story) Picture1:Lili want to go through the street ,a dog is sitting near the shop Picture2:Lili is going to buy some meat Picture3:It‘s raining ,Lili is going to open the umbrella

Picture4:Lili finds the dog want to bite the meat ,she run home,and the dog run after her .2)Estimation 3)Homework: Draw comic strip ,tell a story with the simple future tense Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the simple future tense:be going to 2)Can sing the rhyme Main points : Use the sentence pattern (be going to )to write sentneces Difficult point: Understand and sing the rhyme Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song Game---Ask and answer The pupils do the actions ,and use the sentence pattern (be going to ) What am I going to do?Teacher answer their questions Eg:S1:What am I going to do? T:You are going to… Step2 Presentation and drill Game---Gue,gue,gue Sentence pattern Is he /she going to…? Step3 Practice 1.PartE 1)Two students to discu the pictures 2)Finish writing exercise Step4Consolidation Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners,

The Spring Festive is coming ,the pupils are talking what they are going to do. 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue

Discu the actions for the Spring Festive

Unit10 Are you going to visit Anne?

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words: stairs,follow,film.excited,huge Retell the story with the development order of a story Can use the sentence pattern: Are you going to…? 2.The targets of skills: To perceive the Simple Future Tense: Are you going to do sth? To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively Main points : To perceive the general question of the Simple Future Tense: Are you going to do sth.Difficult point: Retell the story Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record, picture Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.Sing a song Retell partA of Unit9 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : T shows a card:stairs T:What are these? help the pupils to answer:They are stairs.Write down the word,explain the meaning and lead reading T looks like very happy T: Are you happy today? Ss:Yes,we are

T: I‘m very happy today,I‘m excited!because I‘m going to see a film.Learn to say the words: excited ,film Use the same way to learn the other words 2.Listen and repeat 3.Game—Magic eyes Lead the new sentence pattern T: Today is Friday ,What day is it tomorrow? Ss:Tomorrow is Saturday.T:What are you going to do?Are you going to see a film? Ss:Yes ,I‘m.

Write down the sentence pattern,learn to say Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question T: Yesterday was a holiday,Lingling and Dongdong wanted to go out ,Dongdong followed her ,please tell me: What is she going to do? 2 .Listen and imitation,require the pupils to master the difficult sentences Step4 Intensive reading Help the pupils to understand the sentence patterns 1)Reading the dialogue carefully 2)Finish Part C(Pair work) Step5 Consolidation Retell the story Estimation(评价) Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the new words and phrases 2)The simple future tense(READING AND WRITING) 3)Can understand the Part D Main points : Master and perform the new words and phrases Difficult point: The simple future tense:be going to Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song

3.Use the cards to go over the words:stairs ,follow,film,excited, Require the pupils (5)to come to the BB,act out the text(Dong Dong,Lingling,Monkey,Tiger,the narrator) Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Shows a picture T: Where is this ?It‘s an amusement park, do you like playing there?Let‘s go and play.Points to the picture T:What‘s this?It‘s a roller-coaster,this is a merry-go –round.Learn to say the new words Play a game—Gue,gue,gue Step3 Practice 1 .Part D Finish writing exercises ,(can discu by groups) 2.Require the pupils to practice with partners 3.Look at the picture and tell the story 4.Game—Ask and answer Step4 Consolidation Free talk( Look and tell a story) Situation:a foreigner come to Changsha,he is a stranger to the city,someday he wants to do shopping ,but he doesn‘t know where he would go,so he ask for a taxi driver 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and tell a story with the simple future tense Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Can describe the picture of partE 2)Can use the simple future tense to describe the future actions Main points : Can describe the picture of partE Difficult point: Can use the simple future tense to describe the future actions Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Free talk(about the simple future tense) Step2 Presentation and drill Lead in the new situation T:I‘m going to the park this weekend.what‘s Lingling going to do this weekend? Requires the pupils to gue what is Lingling going to do this weekend,then show the picture :Lingling is swimming T:What‘s Lingling going to do this weekend? Ss:She is going to swimming.2.Use the same way to learn the other pictures,help the pupils to use:He/She is going to… Step3 Practice 1.PartE 1)Two students to discu the pictures 2)Finish writing exercise 3)Game –Happy paing Step4Consolidation 1)Requires the pupils to survey what his/her friends is going to do this weekend, then choose some groups to give a report

Name Ride a bicycle See a film Play basketball Buy something Go to swimming …

Lingling Mary Ken …

2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue

Discu the actions for the Spring Festive NOTES:

Unit11 When are we going to swimming?

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:bench,sand,dangerous,swimming suit 2)Understand and retell the story

3)Can use the sentence pattern: when are we going to do sth? 2.The targets of skills: To perceive the Simple Future Tense: when are we going to do sth? To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively Main points : To perceive the special question of the Simple Future Tense: When are we going to do sth.Difficult point: Retell the story Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record, picture etc Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song:The days of a week 3.Free talk: T:What are you going to do tomorrow? Ss:I‘m going to …

T:Are you going to …? …

Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words and sentence pattern:

T:I‘m so happy today,because I received a letter from my best friendQiqi,she is in HainanIsland now.She sent me a photo,would you like to have a look? Show the photo T:Look!This is my friend what is she doing? Help the pupils to answer: She is sitting on the beach and playing sand.Write down the word,explain the meaning and lead reading Learn to say the words: beach, playing sand Use the same way to learn the other words:swimming suit and the topic sentence 2.Listen and repeat 3.Game—Loud and low voice 4.Lead the new sentence pattern Write down the sentence pattern,learn to say Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question T: Summer holiday is coming ,Lingling and Dongdong are going to go out with their friends What are Lingling and Dongdong going to do? What can‘t Dongdong do first?

2 .Listen and imitation,require the pupils to master the difficult sentences Step4 Intensive reading Help the pupils to understand the sentence patterns 1)Reading the dialogue carefully 2)Finish Part C(Pair work) Step5 Consolidation Act out the dialogue ,choose a pupil to act as a narrator Estimation(评价) Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the new words :housewife ,stall, 2)The simple future tense :be gong to do sth 3)Can understand the Part D Main points : Master and perform the new words and phrases Difficult point: The simple future tense:be going to Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song

3.Use the cards to go over the words:beach,sand,dangerous,etc Step2 Presentation and drill 1 .Part D T:What can you buy in the fish shop? What can you get from the bank? What can you get from the market? Do you like reading? Where can you get books? When are you going to the bookstore? Help the pupils to understand the questions ,then answer the questions Write down the sentence patterns ,then lead reading When are you going to … I‘m going to …at…

Pair work,to discu the pictures then finish the exercises Act out the story Step3 Practice Free talk,according to the following form: where when who What The fruit shop After supper My mother Buy some fruits The bookstore This Saturday My brother Buysome books … … … …

Step4 Consolidation Situation: X-mas is coming ,your monitor is asking the arrangement of the party 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and tell a story with the simple future tense Notes: Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Can describe the picture of partE 2)Can use the simple future tense to describe the future actions:be going to do sth Main points : Can use the simple future tense to describe the future actions Difficult point: Listening comprehension Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record etc Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song:The days of a week Free talk(about the simple future tense)

T:Good morning ,are you going to have a computer leon tomorrow? Ss:No,we are not.T:When are you going to have a computer leon? Ss;We are going to have the computer leon on Monday Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Show a photo T: Look at this photo!Last Sunday ,I played with my friends ,we took some photos at the basketball court ,we had a lot of fun Write down the phrase ,lead reading 2.Talk about the picture of Part E Step3 Practice 1.PartE 1)Two students to discu the pictures 2)Finish writing exercise 3)Finish listening exercises Step4Consolidation Sunday … Monday Tuesday Wednesday …

1) a survey 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue NOTES:

Unit12 Christmas

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words: Christmas tree,decorations,stocking,etc 2)Understand and retell the story

3)Can understand and introduce the western traditional festival--Christmas 4) To cultivate the pupils‘ patriotism, to promote their culture knowleage ,to filter their interesting of learning English 2.The targets of skills: To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively Main points : Understand and repeat the text Difficult point: Performance

Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record,objects,etc Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song:Happy new year Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words and sentence pattern: T: Hello,boys and girls,I‘m very happy today,a new friend is coming ,look

Give the music:A Merry Christmas!Ask a pupil to act as Santa Claus,teacher greet with him T: Hello, Santa Claus Nice to meet you! Snta: Nice to meet you ,too! (Stop the music) Help the pupils to know :Santa Claus!(Father Christmas) 2.Put on the Christmas map T:Now ,I‘m Santa,hello,boy and girls ,nice to meet you ! Ss: Hello,Santa,nice to meet you too! …

Learn to say the words: Christmas tree(card),stocking,presents 3.Listen and repeat Part A 4.Pair work:read the dialogue with partners Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question T: Just now we learned something zbout Christmas,do you want know more about it? Please read the text as quickly as you can and answer the following questions: Whis Father Christmas? What do people do during Christmas? 2 .Listen and imitation,require the pupils to master the difficult sentences Step4 Intensive reading Help the pupils to understand the sentence patterns 1)Reading the dialogue carefully 2)Finish Part C(Pair work) Step5 Consolidation Act out the dialogue , choose a pupil to act as a narrator Estimation(评价) Homework: Listen and repeat the text Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can sing the song: A Merry Christmas

2)To improve the interesting of learning English through performace 3)Can understand the festival culture of traditional festival Main points : Sing the song Difficult point: Retell the text Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song

3.Use the cards to go over the words 4.Game—Little actor Step2 Presentation and drill 1 .Part E Listen to the tape Learn to sing the song Listen and sing Performance Link the words to sentences Step4 Consolidation 1)Information 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and tell a story with the simple future tense Notes: Period 3 Christmas Party

Unit13 I‘m as happy as a bird

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:carry,clever,underdtand,difficult,friendly 2)Understand and retell the story

3)Can use the sentence pattern: as…as 2.The targets of skills: To perceive the comparative degree of adjective: To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively Main points : Retell the story Difficult point: the structure:as..as Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record, picture etc Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Free talk Step2 Presentation and drill Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words and sentence pattern: 1)T brings some books in the hand,and the books looks like too heavy to light T: Oh, the books are so heavy that I can‘t carry it.Who can carry for me?Who can help me? S1:Let me help you .T: Thank you ,you are so friendly

Write the words:carry ,friendly on the Bb,lead reading 2)Show some English readings T: S2,please read this story for us.S2:Sorry,I can‘t read the story.

T: It doesn‘t matter ,this book is too difficult.

Write down the word,explain the meaning and lead reading T: Who can read it? S3: Let me have a try.…

T: You are very clever,I feel very happy,and I think I am as happy as a bird,do you understand?

Write down the words on the Bb:clever,understand ,happy as a bird Write down the sentence pattern,learn to say 2.Listen and repeat Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question T: One day ,the children were free,Where did they go?What did they do?Please read the story quickly and see what the story is about? 2 .Listen and imitation,require the pupils to master the difficult sentences Step4 Intensive reading Read the story again,discu the following questions: Where were the children? What was Dongdong doing? What did he want to do? Did they need any help?Why? Did Dongdong speak to Peter? How did Dondong feel ? What kind of person do you think of Dongdong? Help the pupils to understand the sentence patterns Reading the dialogue carefully Listen and repeat Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,according to the following form: Dongdong Carry books The old man Not as strong as Get the book The young girl Not as tall as Understand the book Peter Not as clever as Estimation(评价) Homework: Listen and repeat the text

Tell the story for your family Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the structure:as…as

Aprove the situation,to improve the pupils‘ ability of perform and arrange the language , to filter the pupils‘ aspirations of learning English Main points : Can master and perform the structure:as…as

Difficult point: Describle the things and persons with the comparative degree Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.Retell PartA Game –Gue,gue,gue Group1: S1:Is she a girl Ss:Yes,you are right S2: Is she tall? Ss:No,no,no S3: Is she short? Ss:Yes.S4: Is she thin? Ss:Yes.S5: Is she beautiful? Ss:Yes.S6:She is as happy as a bird.….

Group2: …

Step2 Presentation and drill 1 .Part D Pair work, ask the pupils to discu T: Read the description carefully,discu and find out how tall each child is.2.Finish the exercises Step4 Practice Situation: The first day of the new term , how did you feel?What did you help your teacher and clamates do? Did you show your writing tools? Please make a dialogue with your partners ,then act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Make sentences with ―as…as‖ ve,they can live in t

l pattern:


Lead reading) w?

her grandma,Little Red Riding Hood is afraid of the wolf,and her grandma is afraid of the wooen answer my questions

ntences to..jumped out of …ran for help

Estimation(评价) Homework: Listen and repeat the text

Copy the new words Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the structure:as…as

Aprove the situation,to improve the pupils‘ ability of perform and arrange the language , to filter the pupils‘ aspirations of learning English Main points : Can master and perform the structure:as…as

Difficult point: Describle the things and persons with the comparative degree Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.Retell PartA Game –Gue,gue,gue Group1: S1:Is she a girl Ss:Yes,you are right S2: Is she tall? Ss:No,no,no S3: Is she short? Ss:Yes.S4: Is she thin? Ss:Yes.S5: Is she beautiful? Ss:Yes.S6:She is as happy as a bird.….

Group2: …

Step2 Presentation and drill 1 .Part D Pair work, ask the pupils to discu T: Read the description carefully,discu and find out how tall each child is.2.Finish the exercises Step4 Practice Situation: The first day of the new term , how did you feel?What did you help your teacher and clamates do? Did you show your writing tools? Please make a dialogue with your partners ,then act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Make sentences with ―as…as‖ Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Can understand the new words: camel,fox,lion,bull,brave 2)Can use the adjectives:brave,clever,happy,strong,angry,quiet 3)Can write the sentences with‖as…as‖

Main points : Can write the sentences with‖as…as‖ Difficult point: Choose the references to compare things Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record etc Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Warming up T: I can run, I can run as fast as a rabbit. I can climb, I can climb as quickly as a monkey I can jump , I can jump as far as a kangaroo I can swim , I can swim as freely as a fish Step2 Presentation and drill T: Do you like animals, what‘s your favorite animal?Why? Requires the pupils to talk about theirs favorite animal.Teacher writes down the adjectives

T: My favorite animals are samels(shows the pictures)they are brave,they can live in the desert,we call them ―a boat of the desert‖

T: Do you like fox?(show the picture ) Foxes are very clever ….

2.Finish the puzzle (Part E) Step3 Practice Game—Little Doctor Requires the pupils to say the animals‘ names Eg: The foxes are very clever The camels are very tall. The horses are very strong. The lions are very brave. …

2.Finish part F Step4Consolidation 1)Ask the pupils to investigate what‘s your friends‘ favorite animal 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue NOTES:


2014年五上英语Unit 4 Can I use your pencil,please(湘少版)

Unit 4 Can I use your pencil,please? Period 1



1、词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词borrow,use,Englishbook,Chinese book, dictionary,marker,eraser,glue.

2、句型:Can I use your pencil?Yes.Here you are.Thankyou.You are welcome.(二)应用目标

1、运用句型“Can I use your „?”表达个人的需求,并能礼貌地回应。



1、重点:能听懂、会说、认读新单词borrow,use , English book,Chinese book, dictionary,marker,eraser,glue.能运用句型“Can I borrow/use your pencil,please?””Yes,here you are.”

“Thank you.” “You are welcome.”





Step 1 Warming up


2、Game: Show me your things Let’s play a game: Show me your things.Please show the things as soon as poible.Read aloud while you show the things.T: Where is your English book? S: Here it is .This is my English book.T: Where is your pencil? S: Here it is .This is my pencil.T: Where is your eraser? „„

要求学生边读边展示物品。还可以发出以下指令:寻找schoolbag,sharpener,glue,pencil-box,pen,exercise book等。 这个游戏旨在以旧带新,复习以前学过的一些文具类单词。 Step 2 Presentation

1、New Words (1)Listen to the tape of Part B and repeat.有些词以前接触过,要鼓励学生听清楚,发准音。 (2)运用“直观教学法”教授新词,让学生在真实的情境中习得语言。

T:Today,we are going to learn Unit 4.Open your books.Oh, I am sorry,I forgot to bring my English book here.Excuse me ,Can I use your English book,please?(板书或贴图:English book) S: Yes.Here you are.T: Thank you.S: You are welcome.T: I don’t know the word.Who has a dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? S: Here you are.T: Thank you.S: You are welcome.以同样的方法教授Chinese book,marker,eraser,glue.(3)出示单词卡片。先看图说单词,然后过渡到看单词想图画。 (4)听音,标号。

2、Dialogue (1)Listen to the tape of Part B and repeat.Answer the question Where are Peter’s pencil,ruler,andEnglis book?

(2) Read in roles.角色扮演训学生进一步熟悉对话。 Step 3 Home work




Period 2




2、句型:能基本运用“Can I borrow/use your pencil,please?”“Yes,here you are.”“Thank you.”“You are welcome.” (二) 应用目标

1、运用句型“Can I „?”表达个人的需求,并能礼貌地回应。




1、重点:运用句型“Can I „?”表达个人的需求,并能礼貌地回应。在阅读中,能给相应的图片标上序号。





Step 1 Warming up Greetings Step 2 Presentation 1.教师出示黑板刷、尺子、书本、铅笔等实物,让学生用“Can I „”回应教师的要求。 T:Clean the blackboard,please.

S: Can I use a brush? T: Yes.Here you are.S:Thank you.„

除了教师向学生发出指令外,学生之间也可以进行对话。 2.Work in pairs.在小组内操练对话。 3.Show time.小组上台展示。 Step 3 Let’s read 1.Pre-reading 观看课文图片,提问: (1) What is he making? (2) What does he neek(需要)? 2.While-reading (1) Read the drill cards 将6个句子分别做成6张句卡。每出示一个句子,请一名学生来读,然后表演出来。 (2)Read by yourselves and number the pictures.(3) Check the answers.Step 4 Homework 1.背诵A部分。(优生) 2.熟读B部分单词。(学困生) 3.默写单词。(全班)

Period 3




2、句型:能基本运用“Can I ...”句型及相关的礼貌用语。


1、熟练运用句型“Can I ...”及相关的礼貌用语,完成E部分的填空形式的写作。

2、能在生活情境中运用“Can I ...?”解决问题。


1、重点:熟练运用句型“Can I ...”及相关的礼貌用语,完成E部分的填空形式的写作。




四、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up Game: Find the ruler 请两名学生离开教室,大家把尺藏起来。这两名学生返回教室后,用句型提问来借尺。看谁先借到,谁就是胜利者。 Step 2 Consolidation Make sentences.

Make sentences with “borrow,use ,English book,Chinesebook,dictionary,marker,eraser,glue”.依次出示上面的词,让学生进行造句比赛。 T:Make a sentence with”borrow”.S: I want to borrow an umbrella.T: Can I borrow a pen,please? ...Step 3 Presentation

1、板书对话模板 wants to

Can I use

? Can I use

? It’s a nice



Let’s write 给出2-3分钟让学生自由写,然后给学生以展示的舞台,让他们读出自己写的对话。 Step 4 Let’s read

1.将即将连线的每个句子做成句卡。Can I use your pen,please? Can I use your scarf,please? Can I look at your picture,please? 2.Look and act 每出示一个句子就粘贴在黑板上,学生简单地利用道具或比划表演出来。 3.Match the sentences to the pictures 让学生独立完成。 Step 5 Homework 1.做练习册上的练习。(全班) 2.背诵A部分,默写B部分单词。(优生) 3.熟读B部分单词和本课重点句型。(学困生)

文章来源莲 山课件 w ww.5Y k J.c oM 相关教案: 没有相关教案


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period One 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1.能掌握中国传统佳节——春节的一些风俗的表达方法; 2.培养学生的阅读能力。

教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) 1.重点:描述春节的情景。 2.难点:掌握与春节有关的词汇。

教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。 2.自由对话。

T: What’s the date today? Ss: …

T:(出示春联) What’s this ? Ss: 春联.T: When do you put this on your door? Ss: We often put them on the door before “chunjie”

T: Spring Festival is “chunjie”.Today we’ll learn something about the Spring Festival.

板书课题.Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.T: The Spring Festival is an important festival in China.It is the same as Christmas in America.Do you like the Spring Festival? Ss: Yes.T: But why? Who can tell me some customs during the Spring Festival? What do you do during the Spring Festival?


T: You are very clever.But do you know how to say these in English? 通过实物或单词卡片呈现新单词和短语 a family dinner, exchange red packets ,burn firecrackers, lion dance, dragon dance.板书单词并带读。 2.让学生快速阅读课文A部分,了解文章大意。

T: Different people have different ways to celebrate the Spring Festival.Now please read the text to find out how the Li’s family celebrate the Spring Festival.Step 3 Practice

1.听课文A部分录音,回答问题。What is the Li’s family doing? 2.再次阅读课文,讨论并完成以下问题。 What is the Li’s family shopping for? What does Mingming enjoy doing? Who will come to Mingming’s house on the eve of the Spring Festival? Who enjoy the Festival most? Why? What do children receive? What do they do during the day? Step 4 Consolidation 1.两人一组根据关键词(shop for, enjoy shopping, on the eve of the Spring Festival, have a meal, wear, receive, burn firecrackers, watch, have great fun )复述课文。 选几位同学分别表演调皮学生和老师,表演课文A部分。要求表演夸张,幽默,不出声。另选一位学生为他们的表演配音。 2.评价。 3.练习。 4.家庭作业。



科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period Two 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1.能掌握中国传统佳节——春节的一些风俗的表达方法;


教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) 1.重点:描述春节的情景。 2.难点:掌握与春节有关的词汇。

教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。2.自由会话。 出示一张母亲节日历卡片。

T: What day is today?S: It’s Sunday.T: Yes, and today is Mother’s Day .


Step 2 Presentation and drill.1.T:The night on December 24th is called the Christmas Eve, then how do we call 年三十? 帮助学生回答:Eve of Spring Festival.然后出示单词卡片eve of Spring Festival ,鼓励学生自由联想并大胆说出与春节除夕有关的一切事物,用中英文说出均可(red packets, a family reunion dinner, burn firecrackers, cleaning, 吃饺子,贴对联,拜年等)培养学生的发散性思维。想象力丰富且知识面广的学生可获奖励。 2.听课文C部分录音,跟读。 Step 3 Practice.1.两人一组,练习课文C部分对话。 游戏——Super little hero (超级小英雄) 将学生分成两大组进行比赛。首先各组派出代表回答必答题;然后进行抢答。抢到的问题可以自己回答也可以把问题留给对方回答。答对了加分,答错减分。积分多的为超级小英雄。所问问题可以是有关东方节日的也可以是有关西方节日的。 Why do people exchange oranges? Who give the children red packets? What other customs does Lingling have? What customs do American people following during the Christmas? 2.学生互相交换搜集的资料,并将有趣的信息讲述给大家听。培养学生的研究性学习的能力。 Step 4 Consolidation 1.创设情景,自由会话。 情景:过年。(让学生自由讨论自己家过年的情形。)

S: Before the Spring Festival, my family is always … 3.评价。4.练习。5.家庭作业。



科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period Three 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1.能掌握中国传统佳节——春节的一些风俗的表达方法;


教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) 1.重点:描述春节的情景。 2.难点:掌握与春节有关的词汇。

教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.

Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。

2.演唱英语歌曲Happy new year! Step 2 Presentation and drill 课文D部分

T: Now Spring Festival is coming.Many people buy flowers and put them in their homes.Please read Part D and tell me: What do people say when they meet? What can children get from their parents, uncles and aunties? 让学生快速阅读课文然后回答问题。 Step 3 Practice 1.听课文D部分录音,跟读。然后完成笔头练习。 2.学习课文F部分英语歌谣。 Step 4 Consolidation 全班一起举行一个小型的新年晚会。教师首先放音乐Happy New Year!,让学生感受节日的气氛。然后,由学生们一起诵读课文F部分英语歌谣.T: The Spring Festival is coming.Let’s spend the time together and share the happine.S1: The Spring Festival is here, everybody is happy.Let’s sing and dance.2.创设情景,自由会话。 情景:过年。让学生们自由组合,组成家。各家讨论如何欢度即将到来的春节。然后挑选其中一家,将他们过年的情形表演出来。 3.评价。 文章来

源莲山课件 w ww.5 Y K J.cOm 相关教案: 没有相关教案

•上一篇教案: 2014年五年级英语上册Unit 11 I am sorry(湘少版)

•下一篇教案: 2014年五上英语Unit 4 Can I use your pencil,please(湘少版)


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 11

I am sorry.Period One 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1, Knowledge aim

Learning the new words and sentences just like angry/frightened/happy/proud/sad/shy/tired/The boy feels sorry/The girl feels sad /The boy is angry/The boy is proud /The girl feels shy/The boy feels frightened/The boy is tired/The girl is happy and so on.

2, Ability aim

Improve the students Oral English and let students know something about expreing feelings.

Let the students can make communication with each other.3, Moral aim

We must attend the cla seriously.教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) New words Expreions and sentences 教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step 1, Revision 1.Greetings, Good morning/afternoon everyone/ how are you/Who is on duty today? 2.Go over leon 11.Step 2.Presetation 1.Turn on the computer and learn the words according to the pictures: feel sorry happy 2.Learn the sentences according to the words and pictures of part A.3.Watching TV.Step3.Drills 1.Follow the tape.2.Read after the teacher.3.Read out the words and sentences according to the computer 4.Check up the result.5.Make a role-play under the teacher’s directions.Step4.Exercise 1.Remember the words.2.read Part A after cla and practice the role-play.



科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 11

I am sorry.Period Two 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1, Knowledge aim

Learning the new words and sentences just like angry/frightened/happy/proud/sad/shy/tired/The boy feels sorry/The girl feels sad /The boy is angry/The boy is proud /The girl feels shy/The boy feels frightened/The boy is tired/The girl is happy and so on.2, Ability aim

Improve the students Oral English and let students know something about expreing feelings.

Let the students can make communication with each other.3, Moral aim

We must attend the cla seriously.教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) New words Expreions and sentences 教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step1.Greetings.Revision T: Cla begins

S: Stand up.Good morning/afternoon teacher.T: Good morning/afternoon.Sit down please.

S: Thank you! Revision Ask some Ss to make the role-play again to review the following: 1.Words: feel sorry angry happy 2.Sentences: I am sorry…

Lead students to the new knowledge.Step 2. Presentation.

1.Learn Part B: Let us learn.2.Draw a table on the Bb.3.Ask student to use the knowledge they have learnt to finish the table.Step3 Drills 1.Read Part B after the teacher for twice.2.Precise by themselves.3.Ask students to make actions before the teacher’s desk.Step 4 Exercises 1.Ask parents: What they do every day after work.2.Try their best to recite A and B.



科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 11

I am sorry.Period Three 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1, Knowledge aim

Learning the new words and sentences just like angry/frightened/happy/proud/sad/shy/tired/The boy feels sorry/The girl feels sad /The boy is angry/The boy is proud /The girl feels shy/The boy feels frightened/The boy is tired/The girl is happy and so on.2, Ability aim

Improve the students Oral English and let students know something about expreing feelings.

Let the students can make communication with each other.3, Moral aim

We must attend the cla seriously.教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) New words Expreions and sentences 教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step1

Learn Part D: Let us write Step2

Do the exercises and check the answers.


Let’s have fun.

Step4 Watch VCD.

教学后记 文章来

源莲山课件 w ww.5 Y K J.cOm 相关教案: 没有相关教案

•上一篇教案: 2014五年级英语上册Unit 10 What does that sign mean(湘少版) •下一篇教案: 2014年五年级英语上册Unit 12 The Spring Festival(湘少版)


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period One 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1.能掌握中国传统佳节——春节的一些风俗的表达方法;


教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) 1.重点:描述春节的情景。 2.难点:掌握与春节有关的词汇。

教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。 2.自由对话。

T: What’s the date today? Ss: …

T:(出示春联) What’s this ? Ss: 春联.T: When do you put this on your door? Ss: We often put them on the door before “chunjie”

T: Spring Festival is “chunjie”.Today we’ll learn something about the Spring Festival.板书课题.Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.T: The Spring Festival is an important festival in China.It is the same as Christmas in America.Do you like the Spring Festival? Ss: Yes.T: But why? Who can tell me some customs during the Spring Festival? What do you do during the Spring Festival?


T: You are very clever.But do you know how to say these in English? 通过实物或单词卡片呈现新单词和短语 a family dinner, exchange red packets ,burn firecrackers, lion dance, dragon dance.板书单词并带读。 2.让学生快速阅读课文A部分,了解文章大意。

T: Different people have different ways to celebrate the Spring Festival.Now please read the text to find out how the Li’s family celebrate the Spring Festival.Step 3 Practice

1.听课文A部分录音,回答问题。What is the Li’s family doing?

2.再次阅读课文,讨论并完成以下问题。What is the Li’s family shopping for? What does Mingming enjoy doing? Who will come to Mingming’s house on the eve of the Spring Festival? Who enjoy the Festival most? Why? What do children receive? What do they do during the day? Step 4 Consolidation 1.两人一组根据关键词(shop for, enjoy shopping, on the eve of the Spring Festival, have a meal, wear, receive, burn firecrackers, watch, have great fun )复述课文。

选几位同学分别表演调皮学生和老师,表演课文A部分。要求表演夸张,幽默,不出声。另选一位学生为他们的表演配音。 2.评价。 3.练习。 4.家庭作业。



科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period Two 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1.能掌握中国传统佳节——春节的一些风俗的表达方法;


教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) 1.重点:描述春节的情景。 2.难点:掌握与春节有关的词汇。

教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。2.自由会话。 出示一张母亲节日历卡片。

T: What day is today?S: It’s Sunday.T: Yes, and today is Mother’s Day .


Step 2 Presentation and drill.1.T:The night on December 24th is called the Christmas Eve, then how do we call 年三十? 帮助学生回答:Eve of Spring Festival.然后出示单词卡片eve of Spring Festival ,鼓励学生自由联想并大胆说出与春节除夕有关的一切事物,用中英文说出均可(red packets, a family reunion dinner, burn firecrackers, cleaning, 吃饺子,贴对联,拜年等)培养学生的发散性思维。想象力丰富且知识面广的学生可获奖励。 2.听课文C部分录音,跟读。 Step 3 Practice.1.两人一组,练习课文C部分对话。 游戏——Super little hero (超级小英雄) 将学生分成两大组进行比赛。首先各组派出代表回答必答题;然后进行抢答。抢到的问题可以自己回答也可以把问题留给对方回答。答对了加分,答错减分。积分多的为超级小英雄。所问问题可以是有关东方节日的也可以是有关西方节日的。 Why do people exchange oranges? Who give the children red packets? What other customs does Lingling have? What customs do American people following during the Christmas? 2.学生互相交换搜集的资料,并将有趣的信息讲述给大家听。培养学生的研究性学习的能力。 Step 4 Consolidation 1.创设情景,自由会话。 情景:过年。(让学生自由讨论自己家过年的情形。)

S: Before the Spring Festival, my family is always … 3.评价。4.练习。5.家庭作业。



科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 12

The Spring Festival Period Three 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1.能掌握中国传统佳节——春节的一些风俗的表达方法;


教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) 1.重点:描述春节的情景。 2.难点:掌握与春节有关的词汇。

教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.

Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。

2.演唱英语歌曲Happy new year! Step 2 Presentation and drill 课文D部分

T: Now Spring Festival is coming.Many people buy flowers and put them in their homes.Please read Part D and tell me: What do people say when they meet? What can children get from their parents, uncles and aunties? 让学生快速阅读课文然后回答问题。 Step 3 Practice 1.听课文D部分录音,跟读。然后完成笔头练习。 2.学习课文F部分英语歌谣。 Step 4 Consolidation 全班一起举行一个小型的新年晚会。教师首先放音乐Happy New Year!,让学生感受节日的气氛。然后,由学生们一起诵读课文F部分英语歌谣.T: The Spring Festival is coming.Let’s spend the time together and share the happine.S1: The Spring Festival is here, everybody is happy.Let’s sing and dance.2.创设情景,自由会话。

情景:过年。让学生们自由组合,组成家。各家讨论如何欢度即将到来的春节。然后挑选其中一家,将他们过年的情形表演出来。 3.评价。 文章来

源莲山课件 w ww.5 Y K J.cOm

相关教案: 没有相关教案

•上一篇教案: 2014年五年级英语上册Unit 11 I am sorry(湘少版)

•下一篇教案: 2014年五上英语Unit 4 Can I use your pencil,please(湘少版)


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 8.Lingling helps her parents .Period One 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) Enable Ss to learn and say the dialogue in Part A.

Enable Ss to learn to say these words: a sign, a cinema, No mobile phone, No talking, No fishing, Do not go in, No picking of flowers, No spitting.

教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) Teaching focal points: Learn to read the phrases: cook a meal, iron clother, water plants, have a meal

Teaching difficult points: S can use the phrases make new sentences.教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.

Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step1.Greetings & warming up Step 2 Presentation Greetings:

T: Hello! Everyone!

Nice to see you!

New phrases.

CAI: T: Look.Let’s talk about the pictures.

Picture 1: She cooks a meal.Picture 2: He iron clothes.

Picture 3: We have a meal.Picture 4: I water plants.

Teach:.cook a meal, iron clothes, have a meal, water plants

Listen to the tape and point.

T teach to read it.S spell it.Row by row read it.Step3.Practic

1.Listen to the tape.2.Listen and repeat.3.Pair work: read and read.4.Make new sentences. 动态修改


科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日 课题 Unit 8.Lingling helps her parents .Period Two 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1.Review the phrases in Part B. 2.Learn to read the new dialogue 3.Ss can act the dialogue.教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) 1.Teaching focal points: Learn to read the new dialogue.2.Teaching difficult points: Ss can act the dialogue.教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.

Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step1.Greetings & Warming up

Step 2 Presentation

1.Game—A little master—hand

The teacher provides the word card, brief on the pronunciation of a part of the vowel, students read words, see who reads fast the most accurateliest, choose “A little master—hand\"

2.New dialogue.

CAI Talk about the pictures.T: My mother makes the bed.I help her.

S1: My mother irons the clothes.I help her.S3: My father water the plant, I help him.


1.Listen to the tape, then repeat.2.Free talk.3.Pair work.4.Learn to the dialogue.



科目 English 年级 5 班级 7 授课时间年月日

课题 Unit 8.Lingling helps her parents .Period Three 教学目标

(含知识传授、能力培养、思想教育目标) 1.Review Part A.

2.Ss can act the dialogue.

3.Ss can practice Part C.教材分析(含重点、难点、关键点) Teaching focal points: Review Part A.,Ss can practice Part C Teaching difficult points: Ss can act the dialogue.教法提示 Reading./Listening./Talking./Singing.

Play Games.

Making actions.教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.教学过程设计(含作业安排) Step1.Greetings & warming upw

Step 2 Presentation

Game—Little parrot.

T: Makes the bed.S: Makes the bed.

S1: Irons the clothes.S: Irons the clothes.Act dialogue:

S2: Do you help your mother and father at home every Sunday?

S3: Yes, I help them.My mother makes the bed.I help her.My mother irons the clothes.I help her.My father cleans the windows.I help him.My mother cooks a big meal.I help her.


1.Listen to the tape, then repeat.

2.Free talk.

3.Pair work

4.Say rhyme.

文章 来源莲山

课件 w ww.5 y kj.Co m 相关教案: 没有相关教案





1、Am I a student?我是学生吗?Yes,you are./ No,youaren’t.

2、Is this /that/it a chair?这/那/它/是一把椅子吗?Yes,it is./No,itisn’t.

3、Is she/Amy your sister?她/艾米是你的妹妹吗?Yes,she is ./ No,sheisn’t.

4、Is he/Mike your brother?他/迈克是你的哥哥吗?Yes,he is./No,heisn’t.

5、Is your brother helpful at home?你哥哥在家有用吗?Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.

6、Is there a forest in the park?在公园有一个森林吗? Yes,there is./No,thereisn’t.是的,有。/不,没有。

7、Are there any pandas in the mountains?在山上有熊猫吗? Yes,there are./No,therearen’t.是的,有。/不,没有。

8、Are they dusks?它们是鸭子吗?(问物)

Yes, they are./No,theyaren’t.是的,它们是。/不,它们不是。

9、Are they famers?他们是农民吗?(问人)

Yes, they are./No,theyaren’t.是的,他们是。/不,他们不是。

10、Are you a teacher?你是一个老师吗?(问you用I回答) Yes, Iam./No,I’m not.是的,我是。/不,我不是。

11、Are you teachers?你们是老师吗?

Yes,we are./No,wearen’t.是的,我们是。/不,我们不是。


1、Do you like apples?你喜欢苹果吗?Yes,I do./No,I don’t.喜欢。/不喜欢。

2、Do you often play football,Mike and John?迈克和约翰你们经常踢足球吗? Yes,we do./No,we don’t.是的。/不是。

3、Do they like apples?他们喜欢苹果吗?Yes,they do./No,they don’t.喜欢。/不喜欢。


1、Does your sister like apples?你姐姐喜欢苹果吗?Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.

2、Does your brother like apples?你哥哥喜欢苹果吗?Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.


1、Can Iwear my new shirt today?我今天可以穿我的新衬衫吗? Yes,you can./No,you can’t.可以,你可以。/不,你不可以。

2、Can you set the table?你会摆饭桌吗?Yes,I can./No,I can’t.

3、Can Tom set the table?汤母会摆饭桌吗?Yes, he can./No, he can’t.

4、Can Sarah set the table?萨拉会摆饭桌吗?Yes, she can./No, she can’t.

5、Can Mike and John (they) sweep the floor?迈克和约翰/他们会扫地吗? Yes,they can./No, they can’t.会,他们会。/不,他们不会。

6、Can I help you?=What can I do for you?我能帮助你吗? Yes,please.I want two pears.



1、What’s this/that/it ?这/那/它是什么?It’s a desk.它是一张椅子。

2、What are they/these/those?它们是/这些/那些是什么? They are apples.(问物时根据实际情况回答)

3、What do you do?=What are you? (what后面加人便问职业)你是干什么工作的? I am a teacher.我是老师。

4、What does your father do?=What is your father?你爸爸是干什么工作的? He is a doctor.他是医生。

5、What do they do?=What are they?他们是干什么工作的? They are nurses.

6、What can you do? 你会做什么? I can cook the meals.我会做饭。

7、What can your father/brother do? 你的爸爸/哥哥会做什么? He can sweep the floor.他会扫地。

8、What can your mother /sister do?你的妈妈/姐姐会做什么? She can cook the meals.她会做饭。

9、What do you like?你喜欢什么?I like pears.我喜欢雪梨。

10、What would you like for breakfast?早餐你想吃什么? I’d like some milk and bread.我想吃牛奶和面包。

11、What would you like for lunch?午餐你想吃什么? I’d like fish and green beans.我想吃鱼和青豆。

12、What would you like for dinner (supper)?晚餐你想吃什么? I’d like fish and tofu.我想吃鱼和豆腐。

13、What’s the weather like in Beijing?北京天气怎么样? It’s warm and windy.

14、What’s your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么? I like +任何食物。

15、What’s your favourite meat?你最喜欢的肉是什么? I like +肉类。

16、What’s your favourite fruit?你最喜欢的水果是什么?I like +水果。

17、What’s your favourite drink?你最喜欢的饮料是什么?I like +饮料。

18、What’s your favourite cla?你最喜爱的课程是什么? My favourite cla is+课程/ I like +课程

19、What is your favourite animal?你最喜欢的动物是什么? I like +动物 20、What’s your favourite sport?你最喜欢的体育是什么?I like swimming.

21、What do you have on Mondays?星期一你上什么课? I have English,math and art.

22、What is your mother like?你的妈妈长得怎么样? She is tall and young.

23、What’s your father like?你的爸爸长得怎么样?

He is tall and strong.

24、What is your room like?你的房间怎么样?

It’s big and nice.

25、What do you do on the weekend?周末你通常做什么?I often play football.

(二)由what colour(什么颜色)引导的特殊疑问句

1. What colour is the dog?这只狗是什么颜色? The dog/Itis yellow.2. What colour is it?它是什么颜色?

It is green.它是绿色。

3. What colour is your shirt?(单数)你的衬衫是什么颜色?My shirt/It is white.

4. What colour are your jeans?(复数)你的牛仔裤是什么颜色?My jeans/They are blue.

(三)由what time(几点)引导的特殊疑问句

1、What time is it?=What’s the time?现在几点钟?It’s seven o’clock./It’s 8:50.

(四)由what day(星期几)引导的特殊疑问句

1、What day is it today?今天星期几?

It is Monday.今天是星期一。

2、What day is it tomorrow?(明天星期几?) It is Tuesday.明天是星期二。


1、How are you ?你好吗?I’m fine,thanks.我很好,谢谢。

(六)由how old(多大,几岁)引导的特殊疑问句

1、How old are you?你几岁?

I’m ten(10).我10岁。

2、How old are they?他们几岁? They’re thirteen(13).他们13岁。

3、How old is Mike/he?迈克 /他几岁?

He’s ten(10).他10岁。

4、How old is Amy?艾米/她几岁?

She’s ten(10).她10岁。

(七)由how many(多少)引导的特殊疑问句

1、How many apples are there?有多少个苹果?(How many接名词的复数)

There is one(1). 有一个。(回答单数) There are twelve(12).有12个。(回答复数)

2、How many apples do you have?你有多少个苹果?I have three.

3、How many applescan you see?你看见多少个苹果? I can see one.

4、How many daysare there in a week?一个星期有几天?There are seven.

5、How many people are there in your family?在你的家里有多少个人?There are three.

(八)由how much(多少钱)引导的特殊疑问句

1、How much is the shirt/it?衬衫/它是多少钱? It’s thirty yuan.

2、How much are the shirts/they?这些衬衫/它们是多少钱?They’re sixty yuan.


1、Where is the closet ?衣橱在哪里?(问单数)It’s near the bed.

2、Where are the pictures?这些图画在哪里?(问复数)They’re on the wall.

3、Where are you from ?你来自哪里?

I’m from China.

4、Where are they from?他们来自哪里?They’re from Canada.

5、Where is he/she from?他/她来自哪里?He/She is from America.注意:Where问地点,一般回答有地点介词in,on, under, behind, in front of, near, from, over等。


1、Why do you like apples?你为什么喜欢苹果? Because they’re healthy.因为它们很健康。


1、Who is that man?那个男人是谁?

He is my father.他是我的爸爸。

2、Who’s that boy?那个男孩是谁?He \'s my brother.他是我的哥哥。

3、Who is that woman?那个女人是谁? She is my mom.她是我的妈妈。

4、Who’s that girl?那个女孩是谁?

She is my sister.她是我的姐姐。

5、Who are they?他们是谁? They are John and Mike.他们是约翰和迈克。

6、Who are you?你是谁?

I’m Amy.我是艾米。

7、Who are you?你们是谁? We’re Amy and Sarah.我们是艾米和塞拉。


1.Whose book is this/that/it?这/那/它是谁的书?It’s my baby brother’s.它是我弟弟的。 2.Whose book are those/these/they?这些/那些/它们是谁的书?They are Amy’s books.它们是艾米的书。 文章 来源莲

山课件 w ww.5 Y K j.Co M 相关教案:

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•上一篇教案: 2014年五上英语Unit 8 Lingling helps her parents教案(湘少版) •下一篇教案: 2014年新版五年级英语上册重点句子复习



Unit 1 Nice to meet you . 教学目

标 1 能听懂、会说新单词 nice,are ,thanks ,brother ,sister; 2 能听懂、会说本课对话;

3 能灵活运用Good morning , How are you ? Glad to meet you 等问候语进行日常问候。 教材

分析 重点: 用 Good morning , How are you ? Nice to meet you 向他人致意。 难点: This is … .He is my brother /She is my sister .教法

提示 讲授法,谈话法,演示法,情景教学法,情感教学法,师生互动法,阅读法 教学准备 多媒体课件,单词卡片 教学过程设计 Step 1 Warming up 1 师生问候。

T: Good morning ,boys and girls .Ss: Good morning ,Mi .T: Nice to meet to you .Ss : Nice to meet to you , too .游戏--------击鼓传球

击鼓传球,鼓声停时,球落在谁的手里,则需迅速地用一个单词描述他的暑假生活,如happy ,good ,busy ,free ,interesting 等。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1 复习。

教师用不同的问候语向不同的学生进行问候。 T: Hello ,S1.Nice to meet you .S1: Nice to meet you ,too .T (向另一个学生):Hi ,what’s your name ? S2: My name is … .T: Glad to meet you .S2: Glad to meet you too .然后,教师把闹钟分别拨到不同的时间(上午、下午、晚上的时间)。 T:Look ,it’s nine/three/eight .How do you greet your friends? Ss: Goog morning ./Good afternoon ./Good evening .2 呈现课文。

鼓励学生大胆地说出自己听到的句子,并板书句型Good morning , How are you ? I’m fine ,thanks .分别用以上句子向学生问候。 游戏-----(锁链游戏) S1:How are you ? S2:I’m fine .Thanks .Hello ,how are you ? S3: Fine, thanks .…


T: Look , this is ..He is my brother .板书句子He is my brother .带读,让学生理解This is …和 brother 的含义。 让学生画一张兄弟或姐妹的画,用句型This is … He is my brother ./She is my sister 作介绍。

3 听课文A部分,跟读。 4 三人小组练习。 Step 3 Practise 操练和运用课文B部分。 1 问同学们想不想念他们的老朋友Dino ,请他们运用今天学习的句型向Dino问好。(学生或老师扮演Dino )。

2 结合以上表演向Dino 介绍你的新同学。 3 听课文B部分录音,分角色表演。 Step 4 Consolidation 1 创设情景,自由会话。。

情景: 你和妈妈在超市碰到了同学。


你和爸爸在书店遇到了老师。 2 评价 。

家庭作业。背课文。 教 学 后 记

小学教师统一备课纸 (NO: ) 科目 英语 年级 三 班级 时间 年 月 日 课题 Unit 1 Nice to meet you .节次 三课时 教 学 目

标 1 能听懂、会说课文C部分对话; 2 能用“This is …” 介绍朋友; 3 能阅读并理解课文D部分小故事。 教材 分析 重点: 创设情景练习用“This is … ” 介绍他人。 难点: This is … .Who are you ? 教法

提示 讲授法,谈话法,演示法,情景教学法,情感教学法,师生互动法,阅读法 教学准备 多媒体课件,单词卡片 教学过程设计 Step 1 Warming up 1 师生问候。

T: Good morning ,boys and girls .How are you ? Ss: I’m fine , thank you .

可适当运用几种回答的方法,如“Just so so .” “I’m sick today .” 等。 2 教师运用课文A、B部分的语言向单个学生问候。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1 教师叫学生上台。 T: Hello , How are you ? S1: Fine ,thanks .S2: Fine ,thank you .T (指着其中一个学生问):This is S1 ,and this is S2 .鼓励学生互相问候。 S1: Glad to meet you .S2: Nice to meet you too .板书句子This is … ,并告知学生这个句型可用来介绍朋友。 Step 3 Practise 1 阅读对话。 2 分角色表演。 Step 4 Consolidation 1 创设情景,自由会话。。 情景A: 老师来你家家访,你先向老师问好,然后,你介绍老师和父母互相认识。 情景B: 在你的生日聚会上,介绍不认识的朋友认识。 2 课文D部分。

1) 带着问题阅读课文D部分小故事。 T: What can you see in the picture ? How does Dino greet the dog ? What is Dino saying ? 2 )听课文D部分录音,跟读。 3 ) 三人一组表演对话。

3 评价 。对学生的表演进行评价,评出“礼貌奖”。


Unit one

Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays? Period 1

一、Teaching aims: 1.Enable the Ss listen, read, say and write the new words: learn words and sentences, play games, learn writing and practice listening.2.Enable the Ss be familiar with the past tense.3.Sentence: What did ...do during the summer holidays?

二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss listen, read, say and write the new ords and talk about the past events.

三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss be familiar with the past tense.

四、Teaching tools: Tape, pictures

五、Teaching method Oral method

六、Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings and games.Simon says: word list-play, learn, write, talk, listen, do, have, go, take, read, speak, teach and holidays.2.Make a conversation with the Ss.T: Glad to see you again.Ss: Glad to see you too.T: What did you do during the summer holidays? Ss: I went to Hainan„ Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.Show the picture of “learn words and sentences”.

T: This is a picture of Mingming during the summer holidays.What did he do? Ss: He is learning words and sentences.T: He is not doing it now.He learnt words and sentences during the summer holidays.2.Learn the other words in the same way.3.Read together.4.Little teacher.Step 3 Practice T: He learnt words and sentences.They played games.She learnt writing.He practised listening.(Action) learn words and sentences, play games, learn writing and practice listening„ 2.The Ss act and say. Listen to the tape of Part A and then answer these questions.What did Anne do during the summer holidays? What did Mingming do during the summer holidays? 3.Listen and repeat. 4.Pair-works.5.Act it out.Step 4 Consolidation 1.Evaluation.2.Do Ex.3.Homework.Copy the new words.Design of the blackboard: Period 2

一、Teaching aims: 1.Enable the Ss listen, read and say the dialogue; 2.Enable the Ss master the sentence pattern: What did you do during the holidays? 3.Enable the Ss master read the short paages and judge True or False.

二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss listen, read and say the dialogue;

三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss master the sentence pattern: What did you do during the holidays?

四、Teaching tools: Tape, pictures

五、Teaching method Oral method

六、Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Act and say. 1).(Action) learn words and sentences, play games, learn writing and practice listening„ 2).Tom: I played games.Ss: Tom played games Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.Listen to the tape and learn the Word Bank.What did you do during the holidays? I read many books. I visited my grandparents. I played games with my friends.Step 3 Practice 1.Listen to the tape and repeat.2.Pair-work.3.Group-work .Step 4 Let’s Read

1.Read the short paage and then judge True or Flase.2.Read the paage again and underline the key sentences.3.Check the answers.Step 5 Consolidation 1.Evaluation.Notes: 英语学习切不可盲目,周密有效的计划。英语基础对于英语学习至关重要,对英语基础不好的同学更应加强这一要求。

Period 3

一、Teaching aims: 1.Enable the Ss talk about their holidays.2.Enable the Ss and write down their holidays.

二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss describe their holidays.

三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss to talk about and write down their holidays

四、Teaching tools: Tape

五、Teaching method Oral method

六、Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Read Part A together.Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.Ask students to talk about their summer holidays and then let them finish Part E: write down your answers 2.Check the answer.3.Ask two Ss to talk about their answers.

Step 3 Let’s Have Fun 1.Cla work.Look at the pictures, describe Mingming’s and Anne’s holidays.2.Cla work.describe your holidays.Step 4 Consolidation 1.Do Ex.Workbook 2.Evaluation.3.Homework.Revise 英语学习切不可盲目,周密有效的计划。同时老师要给学生明确各阶段的学习目标,并制定相应的措施来保证目标的实施,要加大督促检查的力度,并在此基础上进行总结。在教学过程中,应留意思想教育与知识教学互相渗透,寓思想素质教育于知识教育之中

Unit2 katie always gets up early

Period 1 Teaching targets.1. The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: wake up, make the bed, wave, I‘m late 2) Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time) 2. The targets of skills:

1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure.3) Can describe the other ‗s actions.(the third time) 3.The targets of emotion: To form the health living habit Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point:sb do (does )sth at some time.Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Learn to sing a song-London Bridge is falling down 3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Gue ,gue, gue 4.Retell the story—Unit 1 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : You‘re very good.You are all good pupils.And Katie ia a good pupil too.Everyone likes her .She is never late for school.She always gets up early every day .Then she makes bed .after breakfast, she waves her family goodbye.T says the sentences and does the actions to helps pupils to unders

tand the meanings.learn the new words Lead reading the words and check the results.According to the words ,sk some questions and requires pupils to answer the questions.T: Do you get up early everyday?… 2.Game –Patting flies.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher,leads reading 4.Look and say: High and low voice Step3 Fast reading and listening Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question What time does Katie‘s father leave for work?

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves 2)Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive doing 1)Reading the dialogue carefully 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3)Retell the story ,check the resul

Period 2 Teaching targets.

1)Consolidate these new words 2)Can master these sentence structure: sb do (does) sth every day 3) Can retell the story 2.The targets of emotion: To love the life.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can use the present time of the third person Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.sing a song

3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Golden finger Say something about your daily life Step2 Presentation and drill Show the new words : always ,often , usually ,never Requires the pupils to read ,go over the words.Teacher explin the grammar for the pupils .Ask stuents to read the dialogue of Part A ,then the dtudents are required to draw line under the adv.Eg.Katie always get up early.

Notes: always表示―老是,总是,一直‖与never相对 Never表示―永不,决不,从来没有‖ Often表示―常常,时常,通常‖ Usually表示―惯常地,通常地‖ Step3 Practice 1) Part D 1)ractice in pairs,according to the form to say something about Peter‘s day. 2)Group work

3)Finish the hand writing ,then check the answers Step4 Consolidation always often usually never Makes breakfast for family Washes clothes in the morning Cooks dinner for the hildren ….

1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words Notes: 要努力使基础知识转化为技能,要不断


Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar 2) Can finish Part E Main points : The new words and sentences

Difficult point: Can describe the other‘s actions ,make differences between ―always,never,often,usually‖ Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Go over the four-skill words 3.Use the cards to go over the new dialogue ,and make sentences with ―always,never,often,usually‖ Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Explain the sentences for the cla ,then requires the pupils to communicate with others ,according to the information in the form.2.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to finish Part E,check the answers.3.Listen to tape and follow it

4.Requires the pupils to find the answers ,say their answers first ,then write down on the book. Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text

Notes: 学生在学习中将会碰到许多困难,因此,信心十足,目标明确是成功地进行英语教学的一个重要因素

Unit3 I like my computer

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words: underwater world , picnic, library,science story 2) Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time) 2.The targets of skills:

1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can understand the sentence structure: the imperative sentence Can describe person‘s willing with the imperative sentence 3.The targets of emotion: Can describe person‘s willing with the imperative sentence Main points :The new words and the imperative sentence.Difficult point: Let‘s do sth .

Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Free talk: say something about their daily life Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : Hello ,boys and girls .I don‘t feel happy today ,can you gue why? Requires the pupils to gue the reasons.Ss: …

T :Let me tell you , My new watch miing yesterday(show a watch)I want to go to the library to read the science stories ,but my friend told me it was not open.I want to the park for a pinic,but my friend wanted to go to the shopping center.Say the words and sh

ow the cards ,helps pupils to understand the meanings.learn the new words Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Patting flies.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher, leads reading Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question Where did the go?

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to find the answer . 2)Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive doing 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then finish the form pople Suggestions Peter Go to the Underwater World

Ling ling Go to the park for a picnic/go to the shopping center Mingming Go to the library Anne Go to the beach Results Too late to go out 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3)According to the form,retell the story Finish patC ,then listen and repeat

Step5 Consolidation Require the pupils to act it out Estimation Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences Notes: 六年级英语学习主要是以深化基础知识为主。我想,在学习中要分阶段学习,在第一阶段要以大纲为标准,以课本为依据,按照课本的编排顺序,每一册、每一单元、每一课都要细致地学习,力求基础,全面。所谓基础,是指学习要抓住―三基‖,即基础知识、基本技能和基本解题方法。

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master these sentence structure: the imperative sentence 2) Can retell the story 2.The targets of emotion: To love the life.Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can use the imperative sentence Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce:

Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.sing a song

3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Golden finger Look at the picture and retell the dailogue Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T:Ok,you ‗ve done a good job.today is very hot,I feel very thirsty .Are you thirsty now?I want to have some water Hmm,I‘m not thirsty .But I don‘t have breakfast ,I feel hungry… Lead the pupils to say :Let‘s go to the hospital! Teacher explin the words for the pupils .Lead reading :sick,hungry ,hot,thirsty,bored 2.Do and say(Game) Game—Making friend Hot thirsty bored hungry happy sick Restaurant swimming pool , cinema park hospital cafe Step3 Practice 1 .Part D 1) Finish Pard D 2)Group work: Have a competition

Put the cards into a box ,requires pupils to choose one card ,and

make a sentence Eg:hot I feel hot ,I want to the swimming pool Step4 Consolidation Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Discu where do you want to go ,take a note 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , recite the text

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar 2) Can finish Part E,F Main points : To consolidate the grammar Difficult point: To improve the ability of speaking Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing an English song

Game –Gue,gue,gue Choose a card and do the action, requires pupils to gue Step2 Presentation and drill T: I want to buy some milk ,where can I go? S: You can go to the supermarket T: I wan to see a football game ,where can I go? S: You can go to the stadium …

Have a free talk with their partners Game—Quick response T says the name of the place ,requires the pupils to say the activity which we can have Eg: S1:Cinema S2:See a film …

Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text

Notes: 查缺补漏后,学生的基础知识已比较全


Unit4 The Mid-Autumn Festive is coming

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: egg yolk , grapes, tea , mooncake 2) Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2)Can tell the story and understand some traditional festive culture 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the education of east-west culture ,to encourage the interesting of study

Main points :Understand the story and retell it.

Difficult point: Retell the story .Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.3.Retell or act out the Unit2 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : mooncake , eggyolk ,grapes

T: I‘m hungry ,I want to eat this after cla.Do you know what it is?

Lead the pupils to answer like this: It‘s a mooncake

Write the word and lead reading : mooncake , the Mid-Autumn Festive , eggyolk , grapes Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Magic eyes.3.Game –Brain storn Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question How could Chang‘e fly to the moon?

2.Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Why did Chang‘e take the magic medicine? What did shi bring with her to the moon? Was Chang‘e happy on the moon?

How did people celebrate Mid—Autumn Festive? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3) Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation Show the picture about the story ,and give them the key words ,retell the story Estimation Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master these words and phrases: shall,except ,each other 2) Canact out the story 2.The targets of emotion: To understand the festive culture of traditional festive

Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can act out the story Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Use the cards to go over the words

3.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue,have a match Step2 Presentation and drill T put an ornament of Chang‘e

T: I want to fly to the moon,I shall take this medicine Help pupils to understand the meaning

T: I feel so lonely here .There is no one except the rabbit and me .I mi my husband .We mi each other very much.2.Learn to say the new words 3.Require the cla to estimate the teacher‘s performance 4.Read the story ,then act out the story(three pupils as a group) Step3 Practice 1 .Game--Brain storm Game—Little actor Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose

some to act it out Discu where do you want to go ,take a note 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , recite the text

Notes: 好的讲评应该在讲评之前认真地分析,找出学生的错点,并在课堂上讲评时抓住这些错点,帮助学生弄清出错的原因,使学生及时纠正错误。

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words Can sing the song:Do Re Mi To cultivate the pupils‘ patriotism, to promote their culture knowleage

Main points : To consolidate the words and can sing the song :Do Re Mi Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture

Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce:

Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing an English song Game – Make friends Choose a card put the cards to the stickers Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T: I want to buy some milk ,where can I go? S: You can go to the supermarket T: I wan to see a football game ,where can I go? S: You can go to the stadium …

2.Have a free talk with their partners 3.Game—Quick response Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text

Notes: 无论是开始复习的夯实基础阶段,还是构建知识网络、归纳基本方法及技巧阶段,都要在立足于课本的基础上进行。但同时,


Unit5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrow

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:living room,phone,loudly,noisly,quietly Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can use the adv.skillfully 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the education of good-manners ,to help students to form the habit of good behavior Main points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story .

Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.Do Re Mi 3.Retell or act out the Unit4 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : living room,phone,loudly,noisily,quietly T: Who are they?They are my friends,Lingling and Dongdong,Do you know where they were yesterday?They were in my home. T describes the situation vividly, lead the pupils to understand with exaggerational countenance and objects.T:…

Write the word and lead reading the new words,explain the words for the students.Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Look and say(Consolidate the adv.) Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question What ‗s the weather like today?

Why can‘t Mrs.Chen hear herfriend on the phone?

2.To help the pupils to understand the word: heavily

3.Listen and imitation(Ask the pupils to find the adv.And draw out) Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Who is Mrs.Chen talking to? What are the children doing in the living room? How is Dongdong playing? Who is talking louding? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3) Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form it Rain heavily outside Lingling and Dongdong Play noisily in the living room Mrs.Chen Talk not clearly on the phone Dongdong Play noisily Lingling Talk loudly Lingling and dongdong Play quietly in the bedroom Estimation Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences

Notes: 单靠唱歌游戏不能培养学生持久的兴趣。新鲜劲儿一过,孩子们就会厌倦。所以,唱歌游戏应该作为初中学生学习英语语言知识、技能的一些手段,而不是培养兴趣的手段

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the adv.:slowly,quickly,softly 2) Can act out the story 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can act out the story Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Use the cards to go over the words 3.Game—Quick response 4.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue,have a match

Step2 Presentation and drill Countiue the game,lead in the new words T walks slowly, guides the pupils to describe the teacher‘s action:The teacher is walking slowly Help pupils to understand the meaning,learn to say the words 2.Learn to say the other new words:softly,speak; Play a game—Singing different tune T: Speak slowly Ss:Speak quickly …… Step3 Practice 1 .Part D Devide into groups,requires the groups to describe the pictures orally.Finish writing exercises ,(can discu by groups) Step4 Consolidation 1) Free talk(The teacher introduce herself in English with different speaking speed ,to edify the students to expre their willings politely) 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , r

ecite the text

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words 2)Can advance the ability of performing language comprehensively 3)Can enhance the interestings of learning English Main points : To consolidate the words

Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture

Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Go over the words Requires threestudents to play game,one puts up a word(verb),another put up a word(adv.),the others make a sentence with the two words 4.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill PartE

T points to the Mrs.Zhao T: Who is she? Ss:She is Mrs.Zhao T: What is she doing? Answer: She is dancing happily 2.Use the same way to learn another words:politely,carefully 2.Have a free talk with their partners 3.Game—Quick response Step3 Practice Requires the students to expre :what is ..doing PartF T:What are they doing ? 3.Listen and sing Step4Consolidation Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Situation: one morning ,you and your friend go to the park,you see many people are doing morning exercises ,you are talking about it 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text Notes: 目前在小学的英语教学中,不要求学生


Unit6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: week,worried,scared,measure,weigh, Heavy,light 2)Can understand and retell the text 2.The targets of skills: To improve the skills of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the physique education Main points :Understand the story and retell it.

Difficult point: Retell the story ,the method of special question Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Perform the song :Row your boat Use the cards to go over the words Game—Magic eye Game—What‘s miing 4.Retell or act out the Unit4 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : week, worried, scared, measure, weigh, Heavy, light T show a phote of baby(a student‘s phote).T:Look,he is one of our clamate.He looked very weak Write the word and lead reading the new word ,explain the words for the students.T: his mother measured him,and he was only 90centimetres,his mother weighed him,he wad only 12 kilogrammers.Use the same way to learn the other words Lead reading the words and check the results.Show another photo

T: Look,he grows fast .Who is he? Do you know? (point out the pupil) T: Is he light now? Ss: No ,he is heavy Learn the new words,lead reading the topic sentence and the words.3.Game –Look and say(Consolidate the adv.) Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question T: This is Peter ,he is weak,his mother is worried about him,what‘s the matter with him?Let‘s read the text quickly and try to answer How did Peter feel when he saw the doctor? Was the doctor friendly?what did he do? 2.To help the pupils to understand the word: scared 3.Listen and imitation(Ask the pupils to find the adv.And draw out)

Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully, hen answer the following questions: Where did Peter go? Why did Peter go there? How old was he? How tall(heavy) was he?

2)Listen and answer the questions 3) Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form Estimation(评价) Estimate the performance of the pupils‘, conform and encourage,to filter their potential of learning English Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentences Notes: 在小学英语的教学中,因为课文的简单易懂,所含的信息量少的缘故,很多中学英语教师忽视了文化对语言的影响,而导致了一些语言情景的不真实,和虚假的语言的产生。

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the sentence structure 2)Can improve the skills of learning English 3)Can further the interestings of learning English 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English

Main points :To master the special question of questioning the other‘s basic situation

Difficult point:To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song:Row your boat 3.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue,have a match Step2 Presentation and drill Introduce a new friend T:Today ,I‘llintroduce you a new friend,please ask him some quedtions.ok? Ss:OK! T:My name is Sun Wukong Ss:How old are you ? T:I‘m very old.Ss:…

2.Play a game—Quick renponse Step3 Practice 1 .Part D

Devide into groups,requires the groups to describe the pictures orally.Finish writing exercises ,(can discu by groups) Step4 Consolidation 1) Free talk(The teacher introduce herself in English with different speaking speed ,to edify the students to expre their willings politely) 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , recite the text

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words 2)Can advance the ability of performing language comprehensively 3)Can enhance the interestings of learning English Main points : To consolidate the words

Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture

Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up

1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Go over the words Requires threestudents to play game,one puts up a word(verb),another put up a word(adv.),the others make a sentence with the two words 4.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill PartE T points to the Mrs.Zhao T: Who is she? Ss:She is Mrs.Zhao T: What is she doing? Answer: She is dancing happily 2.Use the same way to learn another words:politely,carefully 2.Have a free talk with their partners 3.Game—Quick response Step3 Practice Requires the students to expre :what is ..doing PartF T:What are they doing ? 3.Listen and sing

Step4Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, 2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,and try to recite text Notes:英语教师的教学重点是放在教学内容,教学大纲和考试形式上呢,还是将教学注重点转移到学生的性格、兴趣、情绪等方面的培养和控制 这是,现代教育思想转变的重大原则问题。

Unit7 What can I do?

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:foolishi,bull,horn,kill,rbbed,idea,ugly Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1) Can understand the four –skill words.2) Can use the sentence structure:These horns are too big to expres

s the feature of the things 3.The targets of emotion: To educate the pupils not to believe bad-man easily Main points :Understand the story and use the sentence structure:These horns are too big to expre the feature of the things Difficult point: Retell the story .Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.Row your boat Game—Making friends Teacher puts the word cards on the Bb,requires the students to collocate into suitable phrases Beatuful, fat, tiger, pig, squirrel, tall, elephant, bird, strong, big, giraffe, small, monkey, naughty Step2 Presentation and drill Learn the new words:kill and foolish 1)Show a picture,a little with a bat in her hand T: What does she want to do? Help the pupils to answer like this:She wants to kill the fly.Write down the word and lead reading

T:Can she kill the fly? Ss:No,she can‘t ,she is foolish

Write the word and lead reading the new words,explain the words for the students.Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Use the same way to learn the other words: bull, horn Step3 Fast reading and listening T: What do you think of the horns Ss: They are small.T: Yes, they are small, they are too small for the bull, Why are the bull‘s horns so small?

2.Read the dialogue quickly , then answer the following question Why are the bull‘s horns so small?

3.To help the pupils to understand the word: heavily 4.Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Where was the bull? What did the lion wan to do to the bull? What the lion say to the bull? What did the bull do? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue

Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form(six elements of a narration) time Long,long again place In a field characters A lion and a bull reason The lion was hungry course the lion wants to eat the bull the horns are too big rubbed his horns against the tree smaller than the lion‘s ears

result The lion jumped on the bull and killed it Homework: Listen and retell the text ,copy the words and sentences

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the adv.: too,just 2) Can use the adv.:too and just to discu things 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English Main points : Can use the adv.:too and just to discu things Difficult point: To perceive the structure of sentence pattern:They ar

e too small Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.Game—Linked heart T showa some words (foolish,bull,kill,rubbed,horns,idea)choose two pupils to take one word ,and remember in the heart ,the other pupils to gue which word the student choose Free talk

T:Are the bull‘s horns too big? Ss:No, they aren‘t

T:Why did the lion say that the bull‘s horns are too big? Ss:Because the lion wanted to kill the bull ….

4.Look at the picture and retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill PartD Lead in the new dialogue,learn the sentence pattern T:Yseaterday was my birthday,my father /mother/husband just came back from Beijing,he/she bought some clothes for me,look,here they are (show a clothes)Doyou think it is ok for me?I don‘t think so,

I think it is too big for me.Do you think so? Learn to say :It is too big T:Look ,what do you think of this one? Ss:It‘s too small

T: Yes ,I think so,I can‘t wear id ,it is too small.(show another one) T:Look this one ,what do you think of this one? Ss:It‘s just right for you Learn to say this sentence:It‘s just right for you .3:Finish partC Play a game—Singing different tune Step3 Practice 1 .Requires the pupils to make sentences with:it is too… T writes down the pupils‘ sentences

Clean one part of the sentences,ask pupils to add the last part KING OF REMEMBER Step4 Consolidation Free talk

Situation:MiLi is doing shopping in a supermarket ,she is satisfied with a sweater,she wants to try it one.2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words , r

ecite the text

Notes: 在课堂教学中英语教师要十分尊重学生,注意激励学生,关注学生学习过程。在当前“减负”工作中,英语教师尤其要注意体察学生在课堂上的心理感受,亲近学生,使学生喜爱英语教师和英语课,从而提高英语课堂教学的效益。

Period 3 Teaching targets.1`)To practice the usage of too 2)Can advance the ability of listening 3)Can enhance the interestings of learning English Main points : To practice the usage of too Difficult point: Understand a story by listening the story Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill

T shows a jacket T: Can you wear this jacket? Ss:No,I can not.It‘s too small Write down the dialogue S1:Can you wear the jacket S2:No,I can not ,it‘s too small.Can you wear this pyjamas? Step3 Practice PartF Pair work,discu the pictures,finish the exercise The bos is 500kg,I can‘t lift it,It is too heavy I can not wear this pair of trousers.They are too long.I can‘t drink this tea,it‘s too hot

The toy car is 500yuan ,I can‘t buy it ,it‘s too expensive Step4Consolidation 1.PartF Look and answer the questions What do you learn from picture4 What do you learn from picture6 What do you learn from picture7 Listen and arrenage 2.Retell the story 3.Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words ,an

d try to recite text

Notes: 学会英语,不但多了一对耳朵,一双眼睛,和一条舌头,甚至是多了一个头脑!因为语言是人类思维的工具,认识世界的工具,掌握一种语言也即掌握了一种观察和认识世界的方法和习惯。

Unit8 We shouldn‘t waste water

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:garden ,hole,pleased,small,bigger,angry 2)Can understand and retell the text

2.The targets of skills: To improve the usage of adjective comparative degree To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively 3.The targets of emotion: To educate the pupils not to bully the small and weak Main points : To improve the usage of adjective comparative degree Difficult point: Understand the sentence pattern:…ate most of the food ,leaving only a little for the smaller bird Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record,picture Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing the song :Row your boat Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : 1)T show a picture of a garden T:Look,what ‗s this ? Ss:It‘s a garden

Learn to say the word:garden 2)T points to the hole T:Look,what ‗s this ?

Ss:It‘s a hole

Learn to say the word:hole 3)T:Why are the birds looking at the hole? Encourage the pupils to elaborate their imagination,answer the question.Use the same way to learn the other words:smaller ,bigger Lead reading the words and check the results.4)T: Is he angry? Ss: Yes ,he is.Learn the new words,lead reading the topic sentence and the words.Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question Whose singing is louder ? Whose singing does the girl like better? 2 .Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading Help the pupils to understand the sentence pattern:…ate most of the food ,leaving only a little for the smaller bird.1)Reading the dialogue carefully, then answer the following questions: Where did the birds live? What did the two birds look like?

What happened to the smaller birds? Who gave food to the birds? 2)Listen and answer the questions 3)Finish Part C Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form TIME Long,long again PLACE In a garden CHARACTER A smaller bird,a bigger bird,a girl REASON …… COURSE …….RESULT …… Estimation(评价) Require the pupils to talk about how to not to bully the small and weak ,link with their reality

Homework: Listen and repeat the text ,copy the words and sentence

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the form of the adjective comparative degree

2)Can use the adjective comparative degree to compara two things Main points : Use the adjective comparative degree to compara two things Difficult point: The form of the adjective comparative degree Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record Teaching Proce: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song

3.Look at the picture and retell the text:the horns are too big Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Requires the pupils to come to the Bb(one is thin,one is fat) T: S1 is fatter than S2,S2 is thinner thanS1 Learn to say the new words:thinner ,fatter Requires the pupils to come to the Bb(one is taller,one is shorter) T: S1 is shorter than S2,S2 is taller thanS1 Learn to say the new words: taller ,shorter 2.Play a game—Quick renponse Step3 Practice 1 .Part D Finish writing exercises ,(can discu by groups) 2.Require two pupils to come to the Bb,ask the other to describe t



一、My new teacher 我的新老师

My new teacher I have a new teacher.She is Mi Wang.She teaches us English.She is about 30 years old.She is tall.She has long hair and big eyes.She can sing very well.She often sings English songs in her cla.Mi Wang is very kind to us .We all love her.我有一个新老师。她是王老师。她教我们英语。她大约35岁。她长得高。她有长发和大眼睛。她能唱得很好。她经常在课上唱英文歌。王老师对我们很和蔼。我们都喜欢她。

二、My day我的一天

My day Hello, I am Anne.I get up at 6:00a.m.every day.I have breakfast at 6:30.Then I go to school at 7:00.I have English leon at 8:30a.m..I have lunch at 11:00.I have my computer leon at 2:00p.m..I go home at 5:00p.m.Then I do my homework.I have dinner at 7:30.p.m.I go to bed at 9:00p.m.I have a good time today.大家好,我是安妮。我每天早上六点起床。我在六点半吃早餐。然后我7点去学校。我八点半上英语课。我11点吃午餐。我两点有电脑课。我在下午五点回家。然后我做作业。


三、My hobby 我的爱好

My hobby I like English very much.I read English every morning and write a diary after school.I often listen to the radio to study English.I often listen to English songs, too.Do you like English? 我非常喜欢英语。我每天早晨读英语,放学后写日记。我经常听广播学习英语。我也经常听英文歌曲。你喜欢英语吗?

四、手工课上明明发现他自己忘记带剪刀(sciors)和胶水(glue)了。于是他向玲玲借剪刀和胶水。发挥你的想象力,写一篇小对话。 要求:条理清楚,语句连贯,不得少于5句话。 Mingming: Excuse me.Lingling: Yes? Mingming: .Can I use your glue, please? Lingling: Yes, here you are.Mingming: Can I use your sciors, please? Lingling: Yes.Mingming: Thank you .Lingling: You’re welcome.Mingming, where are your things? Mingming: They are in my schoolbag.Lingling: Where is your schoolbag? Mingming: At home.
