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发布时间:2023-01-05 18:00:40 来源:导游词 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版



Hello.My name is one minute self introduction English, from Shandong, 23 years old.In this year, I graduated from XX University, majored in Busine English, I work in the Xinhua Bookstore outlets, have certain experience of goo customer service.Good my English foundation, has obtained the university English four levels of certificates, but also practice in foreign trade company.

I adhere to the principle of attitude decide everything, I believe that as long as the down to every detail, good customer service, through their own unremitting efforts, will be in with excellent performance.

Here for your company\'s * * position, is to have learned to their full play, and learn and grow here.I hope to have this opportunity, and you can become colleagues.


Good afternoon! teachers, my name is jinjiamei, and my English name is wistaria, the top of the aticle is \"think it over \" I\'m ready,and are you ready? so let\'s begin to talk: we have taller buildings ,but shorter tempers, we have wider freeways ,but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have le, we buy more ,but enjoy it le; we have bigger houses, but smaller family, we have more convient, but le time; we have more knowledge,but le judgement; we have more medicine,but le wellne; we have multiplied our poeions, but reduced our values. we talk too much ,love too little, and lie too often. I hope you\'ll think it over ,and tell me if you \'re agree with me ~~ that\'s all,thank you~


篇1:英语一分钟演讲稿 一分钟英语演讲稿 一分钟英语演讲稿,

ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i?m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.today my topic is “youth”.i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.first i want to ask you some questions:

1、do you know what is youth?

2、how do you master your youth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshne ; it is the freshne of the deep springs of life .youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease.this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 .nobody grows old merely by a number of years .we grow old by deserting our ideals.years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul .worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ?s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what?s next and the joy of the game of living .in the center of your heart and my heart there?s a wirele station : so long as it receives meages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of peimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.that?s all ! thank you!篇2:一分钟英语演讲 my favorite color 我最喜欢的颜色

blue has always been my favorite color, and i think it will always continue to be so.i have several reasons for liking this color best.first, it is a very soothing color and makes people happy.how do people feel when they wake up to day when the sky is a dirty grey? sad and gloomy.but when the sky is a deep blue, good cheer and joy enters our hearts.another reason why i am most partial to blue is that it is the color of oceans and rivers and lakes on a sunny day.whenever i go swimming, i feel as though i were reborn.i have also heard that in english, the term “true blue” means to be faithful.as i have a great respect for the quality of faithfulne, this is one more reason for my liking blue so much.蓝色一直是我最喜欢的颜色,而且我认为一直都会是这样。



我认为,蓝色是一种优雅、高贵的颜色,我有几套不同颜色的衣服,但是不知怎么,蓝色似乎是适合我。同时,我的朋友都说,每当我穿蓝色的衣服时,似乎看起来更修长、更高佻。 我也听说过英文里有个名词,“不褪色的蓝”,意思是忠实的,因为我很崇尚忠实这种品德,这又是我这么喜欢蓝色的另一个理由了。 gloomy a.忧郁的 partial a.偏爱的 refined a.优雅的

the generation gap 论代沟

i remember that when i was in my teens, i used to rebel at many of the “do’s” and “don’ts” my parents used to dictate to me.for example, when i kept on playing jazz records on the record player, my father used to condemn such music as sheer noise and replace them with disks of claical music that i always considered extremely dull.my mom and dad were also very particular about the friends i went out with, always quoting the maxim the “one rotten apple could ruin a whole barrel of apples.” when i insisted that i sleep with my pet dog peppy, they immediately said no because they thought that i would be bitten by fleas.these are just a few examples of many of the things that i thought my parents were ueasonable about.today, however, i am also the father of a boy of fifteen, and i find that i, too, am preuring my son with a lot of rules and regulations that he seems to find hard to swallow.the other day, i noticed that my son’s hair was altogether too long, so i told him to go to the barber’s and get it trimmed short.ordinarily, he is fairly obedient, but this time he put his foot down.“what’s wrong with long hair?” he said.“all my buddies have long hair.and besides, it’s my own hair, isn’t it? i don’t think you have the authority to order me to cut it short, even if you’re my father!”

when i was a boy, if i had spoken with such impertinence to my father, i know that he would have given me a good thrashing.but i suddenly realized that we are now living in a more liberal world, and that my son’s insistence on wearing his hair long was merely an instance of the generation gap that existed between us.so i relented, and so he still wears his hair long. 论代沟

记得我十几岁时,我总是反抗父母指定我做及不要我做的许多事。例如,当我用唱机听爵士唱片时,父亲总指责这种音乐只是噪音,而换上我一直认为是最沉闷的古典音乐唱片。 我爸爸妈妈对和我一起出去的朋友也很挑剔,并常引用格言说:“一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥。”当我坚持要和我的小狗佩比一起睡,他们马上说“不行”,因为他们认为我会被跳蚤给咬了。 这些只是我认为父母许多不合理的事中的一个例子。然而,今天我也是个十五岁小孩的父亲。我发现自己也用一大堆我儿子似乎觉得难以忍受的规定来压迫他。前几天,我注意到我儿子的头发实在太长了,所以便叫他到理发店去修短。平常他是很听话的,但这次他坚持。 “长头发有什么不对?”他说,“我所有的朋友都留长头发,况且,这是我自己的头发,不是吗?我认为你没权力命令我把它剪短,即使你是我父亲。” 小时候,如果我对父亲讲话这么无礼,我知道会招来一顿好打。但是我突然了解到我们现在是生活在一个更自由的世界。我儿子坚持留长发,只是存在于我们之间的代沟的一例。因此我态度变温和了,也因此他现在还留着长发。 generation n.一代 dictate v.指定;命令 jazz n.爵士乐 condemn v.指责

particular a.挑剔的 maxim n.格言 flea n.跳蚤

put one’s foot down坚持反对



除去林肯的许多优良品德不谈,他最令我钦佩的原因是,只要他认为是对的,即使他的信念还未普遍为人接受,他就敢去做。他对那些不赞同他的人,有着无比的耐心和宽容,克制自己忍受他们对他的无礼,令人敬佩。他也有男性气概原谅他的反对者。内战结束后,他对待以前的敌人无比宽大。刻在华盛顿特区林肯纪念堂上的几句话,是从他著名的第二次就职演说是摘录出来的。开头的几句话,我永远不会忘记:“不要对任何人怀有恶意,要博爱世人„„。” emancipator n.解放者 discourtesy n.无礼貌

restraint n.(感情之)抑制 manline n.男子气概 opponent n.对手;反对者 erstwhile a.以前的 inaugural a.就职的

environmental protection 环境保护




我可以继续不断地描述我故乡遭受的可怕改变,但时间有限。所以最后我想说的就是,用严厉措施来保护环境的时候已经到了。 elapse v.(时间)溜走;(光阴)逝去 shangrila n.香格里拉(人间的理想乐园) cherish v.珍视,珍爱 civilization n.文明 ubiquitous a.无所不在的

crystal-clear a.如水晶一般透明的 filthy a.污秽的 measure n, 措施

small kindne平凡的善行


平凡的善行就是一些我们在日常生活当中所做的、简单的好事。不只对我们的亲友,结全然陌生的人也一样;不是为了报酬,完全是出自一种为他人福祉的慷慨、无私的精神。 我们每天看报,常得知富有的慈善家所作“伟大的善行”。他们捐很多的钱盖学校、图书馆、免费为穷人看病的医院、孤儿院等等。当然这 值得民众赞美的慈善行为。但我认为,那些没受到大众传播媒介褒奖或赞扬、具有服务大众热忱的市民所作较小的善行,一样值得赞赏。 我认为在上帝眼中,一个好心的白领阶级,即使在工作一天后极度疲惫,在挤满通勤者的火车上让位给老弱或残障者,也一样值得赞美,甚至比那些捐一百万元建造一座新的老人院的亿万慈善家更值得表扬。

在任何国家的大城市,居民的共同倾向就是“自扫门前雪”。对于那些无法赶上这种快速竞争步调的人,气氛是冷默无情的。让我们发起个人运动,试着来修正这促情形。无论事情多么微不足道,每天是行一善,那么我们的社会将会更适于居住。 remuneration n.报酬 apprais v.报告,通知 philanthropist n.慈善家 orphanage n.孤儿院 laudable a.值得赞美的 acclaim n.称赞,喝采 plaudit n.赞扬 crippled a.残废的 atmosphere n.气氛

inconsequential a.不重要的篇3:一分钟英语演讲稿 一分钟英语演讲稿


everytime i am asked what i want to do in the future.i think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job.doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting with diseases and making people feel good.i think it is a pleasure to try my best to bring happine to others.it is a feeling of pride and i am fond of it.in modern life, a ma of people work day and night to seek wealth and as a result they ignore their health.it is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life.i dreamed to be an excellent doctor who can help them have a right to enjoy life again.curing people is a doctors holy responsibility.being a doctor is my dream job, now i should study hard to gain more knowledge to reach my goal.演讲稿二:一分钟英语演讲稿

my favourite colour is green,we can see the colour everywhere:tree leaves are green,gra is green and so on.green is also a healthy colour,during our lives,we seeing this colour more often is good for our eyes,and why we dont called those natural food like red food,blue food or purple food? so you can understand how impotant it is.green means life,hope youth and etc.thats my favourite colour:green,i hope more and more people will like green like me.thanks for listing! 演讲稿三:一分钟英语演讲稿

everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful.but what is true beauty? perhaps you can get the answer from the following story. this morning i went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents.on the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by.but he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down carelely.instead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode away quickly.we were all very angry with the young man.to our happine, a girl in plain dre ran forward at once, helped the lady up and took her home.we all praised the girl. from this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance.a person who is dreed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul.only a person who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful.演讲稿四:一分钟英语演讲稿

youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshne ; it is the freshne of the deep springs of life .youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease.this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 .nobody grows old merely by a number of years .wegrow old by deserting our ideals.years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul .worry ,



Good afternoon and nice to see you at this sunny afternoon.

I am very glad to be here for interview.

My name is YYX .I come from DLUFL and my major is english special lised in busine.

Computer, books, films and climbing moutains are my favourite.

I have been a cla president for nearly 4 years, and I also have been an interpreter at Dalian Garment Fair for twice.

I think all these exprience and my responsibility, creating thinking and paion would make me qualify for this job.

And what\'s more, my laptop computer is Hp, so I have a better way to recgonize Hp.

I believe that it would be a challenge and a chance for me to be a Hp man.

That\'s all ,Thank you so much!



如今需要我们用英文做自我介绍的机会越来越多,下面是小编收集整理的一分钟英文自我介绍范文【5篇】,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 一分钟英文自我介绍

Good morning.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.My name is ***, 24.I come from ******,the capital of *******Province.I graduated from the ****** department of *****University in July , the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a headteacher of a cla in junior grade all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you.

I am openminded ,quick in thought and very fond of my spare time,I have broad interests like many other like reading books, especially those about ****.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on addition ,during my college years,I was once a Netbar , I have a comparative good command of network am able to operate the computer am skillful in searching for information in am a football fan for team is my ,I feel great pity for our country’s team.

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unle he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******.一分钟英文自我介绍

My name is ________.I am graduatefrom ________ seniorhigh school and major in ________.There are ________ people in my family.My father works in a computer company.And my mother is a housewife.I am the youngest one in my family.

In my spare time, I like to read novels.I think reading could enlargemy knowledge.As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a wellknown scientist or a kungfu master.In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games.A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning.But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds.I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.一分钟英文自我介绍

Good morning !

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview,

I hope i can make a good performance today.I\'m confident that I can succeed.

Now i will introduce myself briefly

I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .

I was graduated from qingdao university.my major is i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of XX.

I spend most of my time on study,i have paed CET4/6 .and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

In July XX, I began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao I\'m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.

And in August XX,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test I want to change my working environment, I\'d like to find a job which is more challenging.Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment.That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.

I think I\'m a good team player and I\'m a person of great honesty to others.Also I am able to work under great preure.

That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.一分钟英文自我介绍

Good afternoon and nice to see you at this sunny afternoon.

I am very glad to be here for interview.

My name is YYX .I come from DLUFL and my major is english special lised in busine.

Computer, books, films and climbing moutains are my favourite.

I have been a cla president for nearly 4 years, and I also have been an interpreter at Dalian Garment Fair for twice.

I think all these exprience and my responsibility, creating thinking and paion would make me qualify for this job.

And what\'s more, my laptop computer is HP, so I have a better way to recgonize HP.

I believe that it would be a challenge and a chance for me to be a HP man.

That\'s all ,Thank you so much! 一分钟英文自我介绍

My name is Steven Cheung

I hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.The course has provided me the formal training neceary to be a nurse.Besides, I poe ten years of extensive experience ranging from Nursing Aistant to Nursing Supervisor at XYZ Hospital.My responsibilities include patient aement and staff development, as well as the coordination of other health care services such as dietary, food nutrition, physical therapy and pharmacy.

I believe my strong clinical background and experience make me a valuable aet to your hospital.I would be pleased to attend an interview.













岳麓书院英文导游词 2009-2-12 9:30 页面功能 【字体:大 中 小】【打印】【关闭】 Good morning! ladies and gentlemen: Today we will go and visit the yuelu academy! yuelu academy is one of the four famous academies in china, and it was established by zhudong, magistrate of tanzhou prefecture in 976a.d at the time of northern song dynasty.the academy accepted disciples throughout the song, yuan, ming and qing dynasties.it was only in 1903 that the academy was transformed from a school of traditional confucian learning to an insitute of higher learning and in 1926 it was officially named hunan university.Early in 1015, emperor zhen zong of the song dynasty awarded the academy hid majesty\"s own handwriting \"yuelu academy\" on a tablet.form then on many famous scholars and great thinkers gave lectures here, among them were zhangshi, zhuxi and wangyangming, thus making a great impact on the province\"s culture and education.most of the existing buildings here were constructions of the ming and qing dynasties, and the bulk of the engraved stone plates and inscribed tablets have all been kept intact, in 1956 the academy was listed as a historical site at the provincial level and later, in 1988 it became a historical site at the state level.the last restoration project started in 1981 and the major part was completed in 1987.Now, here we are at the \"he xi platform\", \"he xi\" means the \"the splendour of the sunrise\", it was named by zhuxi, a great idealist philosopher of the confucian school during the song dynasty, the platform was first built on the top of yuelu hill, by zhanshi, and later in 1528, a pavilion was built on it, but it became deserted with the paing time.in 1790 luodian, the master of the academy, built a platform at the present site, in 1820, the succeeding master, ouyang houjun, renamed it \"he xi platform\" in order to memory zhuxi and zhanshi.it was restored in 1868.On the inner walls of the platform are two big chinese characters \"fu\" and \"shuo\", which mean \"bleing\" and \"longevity\" respectively.legend has it that the character \"shuo \"was written with a broom soaked in yellow mud by a taoist master at the time master luodian was attending a banquet in honour of the examination officials and those dispels who had paed the civil exam hence it has been regarded as having \"celestial touch\" the character \"fu\" was written by luodian, the master himself.This gate in front of us is the main gate, the gate was formerly built at the time of the song dynasty, and was then called \"central gate\".the main gate underwent both destruction and reconstruction in the course of time.the present structure was once thoroughly renovated in 1868.The characters \"yuelu academy\" on the horizontal tablet were inscribed by emperor zhen zong of the song dynasty.it was presented as an award to zhoushi, the master of the academy, when he was summoned to the emperor\"s presence.on both door posts are couplets which read \"

the kingdom of chu, unique home of the talents, the academy of yuelu, the very cradle of all \".it was composed in the qing dynasty by the master of the academy, yuan jiangang and his disciple zhang renjie.This gate was the second gate, it was first built in 1527 during the ming dynasty.it underwent repairs and restoration many times .it was completely devastated during the anti-japanese war .in 1984, the gate was restored to its former state.This is the lecture hall, where the students had leons here, it was first built at the time of the song dynasty and was once named \"jing yi hall\".now, it has a more elaborate name \"the hall of the loyalty, filiality honesty and integrity\", because on the inner walls of the hall are engraved four big chinese characters:\" loyalty, filiality, honesty and integrity.they were handwriting by the great scholar, zhuxi, who once lectured here.others, such as the school regulations, the administrations and way to read were masterpieces of the masters of the academy.on the two horizontal tablets hanging on top were written: \"Learn before you can probe the infinitene of the universe.\" \"The doctrines taught here in the south are genuine confucian doctrines.\" They were inscribed by the emperor kangxi and qianlong respectively during the qing dynasty.The building in front of us is the yushu library, \"yushu\" literally means \"imperial books\", so yushu library ,built in 999a.d in the early song dynasty, was a place to keep imperial books.books were continuously sent here during the succeeding dynasties.the library was first named \"claics treasuring house\" in the song dynasty, \"claic venerating house\" in the yuan and ming dynasties, and finally \"yushu library\" in the qing dynasty,.it had been repaired and expanded many times, and now it has a collection of over twenty thousand chinese claics.this building was rebuilt on its original site in 1986.The two small pavilions xi quan and ni lan , built during the song and ming dynasties, were restored to the right and left of the compound galleries in order to display cultural relics.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to KM, a beautiful city of eternal spring.My name is Tom, and I am pleased to be your tour guide.An old Chinese saying goes like this: friends should come from afar, isn’t this delightful? So I am very delighted to have this chance to serve you, to show you the most beautiful of KM and YN, to feed you the most delicious local food, to introduce to you the most precious local specialties.In one word, I’ll try my best to help you have a happy and gainful tour here.

Now, you must want to know some general info about this city.Situated at the center of YN-GZH Plateau, KM has a history of over 2400 years and now serves as the capital of YN Province.It features pleasant climate all the year round and various natural sceneries as well as places of historical interest.

A poem portraits KM like this:

the weather is like April constantly,

flowers bloom for four seasons.

Hence its name ‘city of eternal spring’.It’s neither hot in summer nor cold in winter.The average temperature in summer is about 23℃ while that in winter is about 9℃, and the average temperature year round is approximately 15℃.There are two distinct seasons here: the dry season and the rainy season.The rainy season is from May to Oct.when the humid air from the Indian Ocean brings rich rainfall.The other months are the dry season with very few rains.

So ladies and gentlemen, now you must have a question in your mind: why is the climate like this? The geographical location of KM is about at the same latitude with Guilin, Xiamen and Taipei.But these places are much hotter in summer and colder in winter.The reason mainly lies in the topography and landscape of KM.The city is located on the plateau area with an altitude of over 1800 m.So it’s not very hot in summer.In winter, the high mountains to the north of KM block the cold air from Siberia.Therefore, the affect of the cold air to the weather of KM is not as strong as other areas in China.Consequently, KM enjoys a pleasant climate all the year round.

KM’s history goes back over 2000 years to the Waring States Period of ancient China.In BC 279, a general of Chu Kingdom in the area of today’s Hunan and Hubei provinces came here with his troops and settled down near Dianchi Lake which is a large lake adjoining the southwest edge of today’s KM city.In AD 109, during the reign of emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, the city of \"Kunzhou\" was established to the southeast of present day Kunming.Towards the end of the Yuan Dynasty, which was about 600 years ago, this area became known as KM County.In 1832, a traditional city with high wall was erected, which became Kunming municipality in 1928.

In the book Guide to China the author says that if your time is limited while visiting China and you could only afford to travel around one place, the best choice is YN Province, because it is the most ethnically diverse province in China with various landscapes.It’s absolutely true.26 ethnic groups inhabit different areas of YN Province.During the long course of history, each ethnic group has developed their own unique culture and diverse customs.In different ethnic communities we can see different architectures, costumes, and taste local foods of various flavor, of which the most famous one is Acro Bridge Rice Noodle whose name originated from an ancient legend.Most of the ethnic groups are good at singing and dancing and they also have their own traditional festivals, such as the Torch Festival of the Yi people, the Splashing Water Festival of the Dai people.Their marital customs are also different, among which the most amazing one is that of Muosuo people who is a branch of Naxi ethnic group and lives in Shangri-la.They actually don’t get married all their life.I’ll explain to you the details during our tour later.

Now we’ve arrived at our hotel.Please gather your belongings and follow me.


Introduction for the Fashui Tianmu Hotspring Hello,everyone here.Welcome to Fashui Tianmu Hotspring.It\'s my honor to be your guide and i\'m so glad to service for you.Wish you have a perfect time with me .We are located in Fashui village Zixi town of Fuzhou,near to the 316 national road.The resort is about 20 kilometers far away from Zixi town,70 kilometers from Mount Longhu and 170 kilometers from Mount Wuyi.On entering into our company,you can know the whole resort was picture perfect.First of all,we\'ll know about the basic information together.The resort was made to the national AAAA tourist hotel.The total planning land area is 6000 acres.Construction planning area is about 300000 square meters.And the total investment of Projects is 600 million yuan.As you see,the resort is surrounded by mountains which are with fresh air and elegant environment.according to researchs,percentage of the greenery coverage is over ninety-two percent in all over the resort.So it is considered as a natural oxygen bar. Then let\'s know about the structure of the resort.It is divided into Forest resources exploration area,Hot spring bath area,Fitne recuperate area,Sports competitive area,and VIP(short for Very Important Person) functional areas.As for sales production,it mainly includes hotspring,Room Division,food and beverage department,conference,and it relies on the Taoism culture.In total,it gives priority to us with fresh and natural feelings,must be an idea place for tourism,relaxation,various Busine Transactions ,trainings and meetings. Next we\'ll visit from hotspring,Room Division,food and beverage department to conference.The first site is hotspring center which is our Featured Products.It contains indoor area and outdoor area.There are swimming pool, Hot spring fish recuperating,lounge hall,maage rooms,billiard saloon ,aromatherapy house and so on indoors.Outdoors there are many hotspring pools with various functions and characteristics.Those are Nine characteristics area,water park which includes Python slide and wave pool,Four beauties area,Five Elements zone,SPA(short for Solus Par Agula)area and Taoist Culture area.By enjoying them,it not only makes us escape from strain and dust,but also help us keep healthy and beautiful.



各位游客大家好!欢迎来到毛泽东故居参观.现在大家面前的这栋古朴的农舍叫“上屋场”.1893年12月26日,中国人民的伟大领袖毛泽东同志就诞生在这里.大家可以看到毛泽东同志的故居是一栋坐南朝北土木结构的典型的南方农舍,它面临绿水,背依青山,成凹字形结构,这里的老百姓称它为“一担柴”.当年这里居住着两户人家,东边13间小青瓦房是毛泽东家里的;而西边四间茅草屋则是他邻居家的,中间的堂屋为两家共用.Hello, everyone! Welcome to the former resident of Mao ZeDong”.Now, we are facing a simple and unsophisticated farmhouse .we call it Shangchangwu.And our great chairman Mao Zedong was born in this place on December 26th, 1893.Although it is a quite common farmhouse with U-shape construction in South China, it poees beautiful views with limpid water and green mountains.Once, here lived two families, Mao’s family and their next door neighbor.And the thirteen and a half rooms on the left hand belong to Mao’s family.

大家抬头看大门顶端挂着的这块“毛泽东同志故居”的金字红木匾,是邓小平同志在1983年4月2日亲笔题写的.现在请大家和我一起进堂屋参观.这里就是前面提到的两家共用的堂屋,它在南方是摆酒席和宴请客人的地方,大家看到这里的方桌和板凳都是原物.这个呢叫做神龛,它是用来神佛和祖宗用的.毛泽东小的时候经常在这个地方帮助父母劳动,用水桶挑水,大家看到的这个大水桶就是当年的原物.Look up! There hangs a red tablet inscribed with golden characters “The former resident of Mao Zedong”.The inscription was written by Chairman Deng Xiaoping on April 2nd, 1983.Now, let’s enter into the central room.It’s a place for Mao’s family and their neighbors enjoying together to entertain guests.The old fashioned table and chairs here are settled as they were many years ago.Please look at this! It is called Shenkan, which is a family area of worship of God and ancestors.When chairman Mao as a child, he often helped his parents doing some housework in this place.And the big buckets here are the original items in those years.

这里是厨房,请大家来看这口炉灶,过去农家的灶多用泥砖砌成.这口灶呢是在故居复原陈列的时候,根据老人的回忆复制的.这里是火堂.南方农家一般都会有这间冬天架柴烧火取暖的房子,你们看这上面还有个挂钩,俗称“炉膛钩”,它是用来挂壶烧水的,当然也可以用来煮饭,冬天全家团团围坐边吃边聊,那可是热气腾腾的呢!1921年的春天,毛泽东在筹建共产党的过程中,回到韶山,他邀弟妹们围炉烤火、拉家常.弟弟毛泽民一口气讲了这几年遭受的灾难.毛泽东说:“是的,这些不只是我们一家发生的事,天下大多数人都这样,就叫乱民不得安生,所以我们要舍小家为大家,出去做一些有利于大多数人的工作”.后来,在毛泽东的谆谆教导下,全家人相继离开家乡走上革命道路.在长期的革命斗争中毛泽东一家先后有6位亲人英勇献身.Here we come to the kitchen.Please look at that cooking range.It is made from mud bricks according to the memory of the old people when recovering the exhibition.There is a big Brazier put in the middle of the room.The southern peasant families usually have a room to keep warm by firing wood in winter.And there is an iron hook hung above it.It is called “Lutanggou” and it was used to boll water and rice.It is really a lively atmosphere when the whole family gets together and sits around the brazier to warm themselves and chat together.In the spring of 1921.It’s around this brazier that Mao Zedong persuaded his relatives to join the revolution.After hearing his brother Mao Zenmin’s suffering in that troubled times, Mao Zedong said that: “yes, it is not happen on only us, but all of us in the whole country! We can’t live without fighting against the evil.So we should do some benefit things for our society in spite of the safety of ourselves.” Afterwards, by the guiding of Mao Zedong, all his families devoted themselves to the revolutionary career.And there are 6 families sacrificed in the war.我们现在进入的是毛泽东父母卧室.1893年12月26日,毛泽东同志就诞生在这间房子里,墙上挂的是毛泽东同志父母的遗照.他的父亲毛顺生生于1870年10月,是一位非常勤劳俭朴、精明能干的农民,不幸的是在1920年因患有急性伤寒病儿取胜,享年50岁.应该说父亲的勤劳节俭和善于持家理财为早年毛泽东外出读书提供了一定的经济基础.这是他的母亲文氏,他的母亲生于1867年,她是一位勤劳善良的、聪明贤惠的农家妇女.她性情温和,富有爱心,经常接济周围的乡亲.父母亲所具有的劳动人民的优良品德对少年时代的毛泽东影响很大.1959年毛泽东看到母亲这张照片时还说:“我还是挺像我母亲的”.大家现在看到的这张陈旧木床也是当年的原物.Now we come into the bedroom of Mao’s parents and Mao was born just in this room on December 26th, 1893.There are portraits of Mao’s parents on the wall.His father—Mao Shunsheng was born in October, 1870 and was a very simple and diligent farmer.But unfortunately he died from acute febrile in his fifty in 1920.we should say that it is the father’s industry and good housekeeping management that supported Mao Zedong out learning in his early years.This lady was Mao’s mother—Wenshi.She was born in1867 and was not only diligent but also intelligent.This farm woman was so warm-hearted that she was always helping other neighbors.The good moral character of the parents gave a deep impreion upon the great man.When Mao Zedong watched the portrait of his mother in 1959, he signed: “I’m really looks like my mother.” And yes, this old wooden bed in front of us is also an original one..

这里是毛泽东的卧室.墙上的这张照片是毛泽东和母亲及两个弟弟与1919年春天在长沙的合影.当时毛泽东同志在长沙工作,小弟毛泽覃在长沙读书.因母亲病重,大弟毛泽民送母亲去省城治病,所以他们母子四人才有机会留下这唯一的一张合影,也就是这年10月毛泽东的母亲去世了,这张珍贵的照片由于在毛泽东外婆家珍藏而幸存下来.这里是毛泽东小时候学习的地方,当年,毛泽东晚上读书就是用的这盏小油灯.毛泽东他天资聪颖,又酷爱读书,夏天的晚上蚊子特别多,他就在床边放一条凳,凳上放一盏灯,人躲到蚊帐里面,将他头伸到外面来看书.冬天,他常常躺在被子里读书到深夜.甚至在他13至15岁停学在家劳动的时候,他也刻苦攻读.This is Mao’s bedroom.The portrait on the wall was the group photo of Mao’s mother, Mao’s two brothers and himself in spring 1919 in Changsha.That year, Mao worked in Changsha and his little brother also studied in the city.Because his elder brother sent their badly sick mother to see a doctor in the provincial capital, the families had the chance to leave the memory.Also in this year’s October, his mother died.And the cherish photo was carefully collected by Mao’s mother’s family.The bedroom is also the study of Mao Zedong.Look, this is the oil lamp accompanied by Mao reading in his childhood.In summer nights, there were many mosquitoes.So he put up a mosquito net and only left his head outside to read.And in winter, he often stayed up to read books with this oil lamp.Even when he dropped out of school in his 13 to 15, he still read as many books as he could get 请大家抬头看,可能大家没有注意在这间房的上方有个小阁楼,也就是在这个小阁楼上建立了中共韶山支部.请大家跟我继续参观,这里是毛泽东家放农具的地方,毛泽东从6岁开始参加劳动.13岁到15岁,因家里缺乏劳动力,他便休学在家从事农业劳动.所以说毛泽东还正式当过两年农民呢.这里放的水车、石墨等都是他当年用过的原物.好了,我的讲解就到这里了,希望毛泽东故居的参观能给你留下美好的回忆

Your attention, please! Otherwise you’ll mi an attic in this room.And it is in this room that the ShaoShan Branch of the Chinese Communist Party was set up.Ok, follow me please.Here is the site where MaoZedong placed his farm tools.He began his work at the age of six.From the age 13 to 15, because of lack of physical labor, he dropped out of school to work on the farm.Therefore, he was a profeional farmer for two years.The water wheels and graphite here are stuff used by MaoZedong.Ok, so much for today.Hopefully, you shall have pleasant and unforgettable memories of the resident.

凤凰古城Phoenix Ancient City (蔡隽翻译)


Hello, everyone! Welcome to Phoenix Ancient City.Phoenix Ancient City not only boasts clear water and green mountains but also has many places of historic interest.It is always the tourism holy-land for people.There are some ancient gate towers and old courtyards in Ming or Qing dynasty and the flagstone walking streets in the town.There also has Nanhua national forest park and Huangsiqiao ancient town in Tang dynasty out of the town.And all of these relics \' elegance still remain as before.凤凰不但风景秀美,而且人杰地灵。中华民国第一任内阁总理熊希龄、著名作家沈从文和著名画家黄永玉都是凤凰人。《边城》、《湘女萧萧》、《湘西剿匪记》等十多部影视剧也都是在这里拍摄。

Phoenix Ancient City is a glorious place that has nurtured outstanding people, especially in modern times.Xiong Xiling (Prime Minister of the Republic of China), Shen Congwen (a literary giant), Huang Yongyu (a famous painter)are all from Phoenix Ancient City.The remote town, Girl from Hunan, Exterminate the banditi in Western Hunan province and other more than ten films and Tvs were taken in this old town.好了,我们现在到的这个地方就是我国著名作家和考古学家沈从文先生的故居。沈从文故居是他的祖父沈洪富于清朝同治元年所建。1902年12月28日,沈从文先生就诞生在这座具有明清建筑风格的四合院里,并在这里度过了他的童年和少年时期。1919年,沈先生只身来到北京。开始了他从文的艰苦生涯。创作了《边城》、《湘西》等一系列文学作品,不久就蜚声中国文坛,几乎与年长他20多岁的鲁迅先生同名。20世纪50年代之后,沈先生潜心于中国古代服饰的研究,写出了惊世之作《中国古代服饰研究》。沈从文的作品与人品表现出了强烈的一致:自然、厚朴、谦逊、勤奋、博大而凝重。沈先生一生所创作的500多万字的作品,是世界的文学瑰宝,给后人研究旧中国和旧湘西留下了宝贵的历史资料。 Ok, now we come to the former residence of Shen Congwen.Mr.Shen was a famous writer and archaeological in China.The courtyard was built by his grandfather Shen Hongfu in the first year of Reign of Qing Emperor Tongzhi.Mr.Shen was born in this place on December 28th,1902 and he also spent his childhood and boyhood here.He left for Beijing to persue his literary dream in1919.He soon won a reputation for himself as high as Luxun by his famous literary woks:The remote town, The Western of Hunan province。After 1950, Mr.Shen devoted himself into the study of China ancient dre and wrote out his staggerings The Study of China Ancient Dre.Natural,simple,modest,diligent, profound and dignified are the characters of Mr.Shen .He wrote about more than five millions words in his life.And his famous literary woks not only are art treasure for the whole world but also the valuable materials for people to study the old China and old western Hunan province.这里是中华民国第一任内阁总理熊希龄先生的故居。1870年7月23日,熊希龄先生就出生在这间小平房里。熊先生少年时期就具有忧国忧民之心,9岁的时候,他的私塾教师出了一副上联:“栽数盆花,探春秋消息”。熊先生立即对出下联:“凿一池水,窥天地盈虚”。一时传为佳话。熊先生成名后,积极主张维新变法,曾经创办《湘报》、时务学堂和常德西路师范学校,是湖南与谭嗣同齐名的维新派中坚。后来,熊先生又出任东三省财政监理官、热河都统、财政总长等职务,1913年就任中华民国第一任政府总理,当时的这一任政府被舆论界称为‘才子内阁’。后开,因为熊先生反对袁世凯独裁,被袁世凯逼迫解散内阁,辞去了总理职务。1937年12月5日,熊希龄先生病故于香港,享年67岁。

This is a former residence of XiongXiling, who was the first prime minister of the Republic of China.On July 23, 1870, XiongXiling was born in this flat.Mr.Xiong was concerned about the destiny of country and people in his boyhood.When he was 9 years old, his private teacher gave the first line of his couplet: “planting flowers discovers the changes of seasons.” Mr.Xiong gave the second line of his couplet immediately: “digging wells uncovers the contents of Earth.” When Mr.Xiong became famous, he was active to promote WeiXin Reform.He set up XiangBao newspaper, ShiWu school and ChangDeXiLu Normal school.He was one of the backbones of WeiXin Reformists as TanSitong.Later, Mr.Xiong aumed the financial supervisor in the three northeastern provinces, ReHe commander, financial General and so on.In 1913, he was the first Prime Minister of the Republic of China.At that time, this group of cabinet was name “talent cabinet”.Later, because Mr.Xiong objected the dictator-YuanShikai, this cabinet was dismied and Mr.Xiong resigned his position from the government.On December 5 ,1937 Mr.Xiong was past away in Hongkong at the age of 67.现在大家看到的是虹桥,这座桥始建于明朝洪武年间,清朝康熙九年又经过加修,桥面上原有的吊脚楼亭,1956年修公路的时候,原来的楼亭和两侧的牌坊均被拆除,就成了现在这个样子。桥下大家可以看到有一排百年历史的旧吊脚楼。吊脚楼下是凤凰传统体育节目——赛龙舟的地方。

Now this is HongQiao, which was built in HongWu period of Ming Dynasty.In the ninth year of KangXi in Qing Dynasty, it was renovated.In 1956, the pavilions and towers and arches were torn down.Under the bridge, there are lines of ancient stilt-houses at the age of 100 years.Under the stilt houses, there is a place for dragon boat competition, which is FengHuang\'s traditional sport.大家沿着当年管道,到达的是沈从文的墓地。这里看到的是黄永玉先生为纪念表叔沈从文而题写的铭文:“一个士兵要不战死沙场,便是回到故乡。”大家看到沈先生的墓地没有隆起的土堆,只有一块原始状态的五色石耸立其间,这里没有雕栏玉砌的装饰物,只有一条放牧,打菜的石板小路横贯期间,这象征着沈从文先生永远与普通民众在一起。沈先生的骨灰一半撒在面前这条沱江里,一半就葬在这快五色石下,他就像面前的这条沱江,发源于大地又回归大地,他像陪伴他的这块五色石,来源于大地又回归大地!作为墓碑的五色石正面刻写着沈先生的手迹:“照我思索,能理解我;照我思索,可认识人。”是的,正是这样的一种信念,使沈先生舍弃升官发财的从军道路,选择了清苦的从文生涯。正是这样一种信念,使沈先生挥动了他那如椽巨笔,将他认识的湘西人介绍给全世界。在墓碑背面,刻写着沈先生妻妹张允和女士的铭文:“不折不从,星斗其文;亦慈亦让,赤子其人。”这四句话,简明扼要地总结了沈先生的一生。

Along with this lines, we can reach to the grave \\tomb of ShengCongwen.HuangYongyu inscribed: “A soldier died in the war field or in his hometown.” The grave of Mr.Sheng has no bump earth.Only a primitive five-color stone stands on the top of the grave.There are no Carved balustrades and marble steps, only a small bluestone road goes through it.It symbolizes that ShengCongwen will stay with common people together forever.Half of his bone ashes had been thrown into the TuoJiang River and the rest of it has been buried into the five-color stones.It symbolizes that he is like the TuoJiang River and five-color stones which originate from the earth and returned to the earth at the end.In the very front of the grave, there are inscriptions of Mr.Sheng: “with my thought, you comprehend me; with my thought, you recognize human beings.” Yes, because of this belief, Mr.Sheng gave up power and money through joining army.He chose the poor and pure literature career.Because of his fantastic writing, the XiangXi has been introduced to the whole world.At the back of his grave, his sister-in-law inscribed: “Never give up his belief, never gave up his writing; hold kindne and humblene forever, hold love and charity forever.” These words reflects the whole life of ShengCongwen.好了,我的讲解就到这了,希望凤凰能给大家留下一个美好的印象,有机会我们再相聚凤凰,谢谢大家!

Ok ,that\'s all today.Hope Phoenix Ancient town can leave you a deep and beautiful impreion.May we get together some day in this beautiful place.Thank you !

Langshan Mountain Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to Langshan Mountain for sightseeing.Very pleased to be your tour guide.Lang Shan Mountain is a national geologic park as well as a national key scenic area.It is located in Xining county, southwest part of Hunan province.Legend has it that emperor shun made a stop here and was astonished at the fantastic natural beauty here, saying “this mountain looks good, so we may name it Lang Shan mountain”.That’s how the mountain got its name.Lang Shan Mountain is famous for its unique Danxia landform, composed of red stone forest, peek cluster and deep gorge .According to scientific research, a few million years ago, here was an inland lake, due to the movements of earth’s crust, the land here appeared out of the deep water, which formed the structure of the red sandy conglomerate Danxia landform.Dear friends, here we are at the Ox Nose Castle [\'kɑ:sl].Isn’t it a strange name? The fact was that ox –nose-shaped holes were seen in pair on the right side of a giant stone in the southeast.The giant stone was, therefore, locally known as hill of ox nose.During the late Qing dynasty, shidaka, one leader of the Taiping Uprising, led his army here. In memory of the historical event, the place was renamed as Ox Nose Castle.Looking up, you can spot several huge characters “天下第一巷”, which means No.1 lane in Chinese.They were written by profeor Chen Guoda, a famous Chinese geologist and academician of Chinese academy of science, when he made a visit here in 1993.The lane is 0.8 m at its widest point and 0.3m at its narrowest point.Walking through the lane, you shall have a special experience.Cannot wait, let’s go!

Now we can enjoy the spot of Bajiao Stronghold, which lies in the border between Hunan and Guangxi.Bajiao means octagon in Chinese.The fact lies in that 8 peaks on the top of mountain are closely connected, resembling octagonal lotus.Ladies and gentlemen, can you see a camel-shaped peak? It’s the camel peak, composed of four stone summits.Each stone represents camel\'s head, body, ridge [ridʒ] and tail respectively.Seeing far away, it is like a huge camel galloping in the wild field.This is the chili peak .it is the most marvelous [\'mɑ:viləs] peak in Langshan Mountain.It is 180 meters in height, the top is big and the bottom is small.Its shape is exactly like a mature Chili.In 2002, French Spiderman Alain Robert succefully challenged the Chili Peak, barehanded.Now we are at the Zixia cave scenic area.Zixia Cave is actually not a really cave, but a canyon

[\'kænjən] surrounded by high red cliffs.There is one entrance to enter the canyon.It was said that the Zixia Cave is a mysterious allure [ə\'ljuə] .When the sunset shines on the red cliffs, it reflects thousands of rosy [\'rəuzi] cloud.The whole canyon is full of purple rays and mystery.Hence the name of Zixia Cave (Rosy Cloud Cave).After entering Zixia Cave you can hear brook [bruk] murmuring, bird singing happily and see splashing [splæʃ] waterfalls, green bamboo and blooming wild flowers.It was said that the True Man (Immortal[I’mɔ:təl] Man) of Zixia cultivated Taoism here.After enjoying the greatne of Langshan Mountain, now it’s time to enjoy the gentlene of Fuyi River.Originated from Cat mountain in Guangxi province, the Fuyi River gets through the whole Langshan Scenic Area.It is the mother river of Xinning county.The water of Fuyi River is so clean that you can see fish and sand under it.The sand in the beach is pure and white.The two sides are green bamboo and steep crags [kræg].

Now we can see the general-like rock in the distance, one the six scenic wonders of Langshan Mountain.It used to be a peak and turned into a pillar during the late stage of Danxia landform development.It stands 400m in height,40m in circumference [sə\'kʌmfərəns],still visible when you are 5km away.Hopefully, you shall have pleasant and unforgettable memories of the mountain.Welcome you back to Langshan Mountain for another sightseeing tour at your convenience.Thank you very much!




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i call/**, come from shandong province.this year is 21 years old, , is a student who will soon graduate.

paes the foundation knowledge that the teachers guidance controled a calculator with personal effort firmly in the school.mainly studied c language at the software aspect.c#.java etc.plait the distance language, the data structure, vf.acce etc.database is applied, calculator operate system.studied the dreamweaver web page manufacture and the asp network to weave a distance also.studied the calculator network at the hardware aspect, the calculator construction with maintain.combine many times to attend to pack machine, set the fulfillment of the net operation leon, make me control the work principle of the calculator and the set of the calculator network net proce.

in addition, i attend various activities of the school organization to come to the oneself of 锻炼 actively and do various part-time to increase social experience.the teacher is divided into the group to us in the experiment and practice of the leon remaining to complete miion, make we the deep comprehension arrive the importance of the team.the and the rise time acquires the school scholarship during the period of school, three staffs.

however necearily limited at the knowledge that the school learn, therefore i would ready to take advice study in the later work, the backlog working experience, the exaltation work ability.hope your company to give me a displays an own opportunity!

this with the result that



Hello, everyone.I’m very happy to stand here to introduce myself.大家好,很高心站在这里介绍我自己。

My name is Wang Xiaoming.I’m 14 years old, from Zhen Jiang Zhong Shan Road Primary School.It’s a beautiful school, and I love it very much.


I’m a happy and talented boy.I like to make friends with others, and I get on well with my clamates.Basketball is my favorite sport.I always play basketball in my spare time.Through this game, I get many benefits.我是一个快乐、聪明的男生。我喜欢交朋友,并且我和班上同学相处的很好。篮球是我最喜欢的运动,我经常在空余时间去打篮球。通过这项游戏,我获得了很多有益的东西。

At school, I study Chinese, Math, English, History, and so on.I like all of them.And I’m doing well in my study.I’m interested in learning English very much.I believe that I will do well in future.I won’t let you down.


Thank you for your listening.感谢您的聆听。


Good afternoon madam and sir

I am glad to be here to meet all of you.First please let me introduce myself.

My name is*****, 21.I come from Qinhuangdao,a beautiful cost city of Hebei Province.I am a college student Majored in food science and engineering,studying at the life sciencedepartment of Heilonjiang University,chemisty and biology is my major subjects.I have been studying hard since I enter the life science department.Now I am monitor of my cla andget along with my clamates.

Since this march ,I’ve been working as an aistant at the heilongjiang university work-study office,and performe well.I am very lucky to get the chance to be inteviewed by you。

I am open-minded ,quick in thought energetic and positive .like other youngers。I havebroad interests,especially search the Internet and do some schemes。I usually organise team-work activities,thus,I’m good at communicating with others and making frieds widely.What’s more I can act consonace with the requirements of the occasions and have a experience of administrate a cal which consists of 60 students.At the end of the work I became friends with them.

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unle he keeps on learning .Of course, if I weregiven the chance to work for new Oriental, I would spare no effort to make a difference.

Thank you




My name is Li Yang.I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored Mechanical Engineering.

I was once a poor student of English,and it was my biggest headache and trouble-maker.I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifele words.

But through hard work in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games,I found myself a totally different and exciting new world.Not only did I pa Band four and Band six College English Exams very easily with high marks,but importantly,I began to use English.

Finally,I developed a new Language Cracking System myself,I began to teach German not long after I started to learn this terribly difficult language in my own way.It was a miracle but I made it.To speak


Hello everybody.My name is (Lily) .Im (twenty )years old.I live in (beijing)。I very love English.I read English every day.I yell English every day, My favorite sports are tennis and swimming.

I play tennis all the time since I\'m a child.My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher.We are all interested in English.My parents want me to be an English thacher when I graduate.I hope we can be friends.let\'s help each other from now.


My name is XX .21years old.Graduated from XX school.My hobbies, such as reading extensively, dancing, singing, etc.I think English is very useful to us, because the world many people speak English, if I can speak good English, I can talk with them and with their friends.

So I hope to have the chance to exercise myself.In my home, my father has three people in the catering company work, my mother is a housewife, I sometimes very outgoing personality sometimes love quiet, I believe I can do this job.Glad to meet you can today.

I hope you can give me this opportunity, thank you


Everybody is good, I was young in the! Very glad to come to your company for an interview today!

I am 26 years old this year, graduated from the Hunan Vocational College of Engineering Department of information engineering, School of information management profeionals! Graduated in 2007 to now almost 5 years, I used to be a programmer, network maintenance, testing and so on work! I hope your company can give me a chance! Thank you.


My name is __________ .I am from ______________ .There are _______________ people in my family.My father works in a computer company.He is a computer engineer.My mother works in a international trade company.She is also a busy woman.I have a older sister and a younger brother.My sister is a junior in National University.She majors in English.My brother is an elementary school student.He is 8 years old.

Because of my father, I love surfing the Internet very much.I play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day.I wish I could be a computer program designer in the future.And that is why I am applying for the electronics program in your school.


dream, it is a fantastic word! i like it! everyone has a dream, so do i.we can’t do anything without dream!

i like wild animals.tiger, elephant, panda, polar bear, koala and dolphin! they are so lovely! there are so many animals live in the wild! i like them!but many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction.for example, with the development of cities, their living areas have become narrower and narrower.many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis.at the same time, man is killing them just for getting their fur, skin, teeth and meat.

protect them, protect our resources of ecology too.all of us should realize that the lo of any species is the lo of ourself.killing wild animals certain is prohibited.we should say “no!”to leather clothing.we should say “no!” to eat them.we should set up many national parks as wild life.let them live there, happy and safe.

wild animals and us are member of the planet!


hello,everybody! i’m very glad to be here.now i feel my heart beats very faster.it is a joke.let me make a deep breath for relax.my chinese name is chenyuheng,you can call me steven in english too.i came from yucai boarding school in wuhan.today,i wanna show my best to everyone.

ok, now, do you want to know more about me?my favourite food is egg fried rice,because it is yummy,easy and healthful .i like it!my favourite colour is black,it is so mystery and cool! i have so many black t-shirt.my favourite movie is harry port.i feel the actor very handsome.i have so many hobbies.i like swimming very much.in summer,i can swimming in the pool with my friends.i feel i am a fish when i in the pool .i also like playing the computer games.if you like, you can join our team.

this is me, a clever and energetic boy.i like making friends,too.so i have so many good friends, do you want to be my friends?

thank you,thank you give me a chance.

thank you……all!


Good morning.I am glad to be here for this interview.I’m 姓名 and I have been working as a 职业 at 公司 for ...years since my graduation from 大学 University.During my undergraduate years, I developed an interest in 学科.Then I took several selective courses on 学科 and read a lot of literature in this field.However, it is one thing to study 学科 theory in university, but another to put theory into practice.That’s why I decide to be a 工作职位 to enrich both my 学科 knowledge and practical experiences.!


hello, everybody.i am ning cai chen from beijing, i am working for an agent for a electric company in beijing.it is about five months since i came to the united states, and i mi my family very much.it\'ll be several months before they come here, and i hope to continue to have an enjoyable single life till then.thanks.


My name is ________.I am graduatefrom ________ seniorhigh school and major in ________.There are ________ people in my family.My father works in a computer company.And my mother is a housewife.I am the youngest one in my family.

In my spare time, I like to read novels.I think reading could enlargemy knowledge.As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master.In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games.A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning.But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds.I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.

















My name is xxx, xxx, aged xx.Graduated from the School of Journalism and Publishing, Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology in June this year, majoring in marketing.I have done insurance sales and freight forwarding sales before, so I have the neceary experience in sales.

In addition, I have worked in xinhua Bookstore, and I have the neceary experience in serving customers well.My English foundation is good, I have obtained CET-4 certificate, CET-6 has 400 points, and I have also interned in a foreign trade company.I adhere to the principle that attitude decides everything.

I believe that as long as we do every detail steadily, serve customers well, and through our unremitting efforts, we must have excellent performance.I am confident that I will do a good job in this position.I am willing to submit to your company\'s arrangement, be able to take up the position at any time, and prepare for long-term development in your company, because it is your company that has given me such an opportunity.


Distinguished leaders and judges:

Good morning (afternoon)!

My name is xx.I am 24 years old.I am a 2013 graduate of xx major in xx university.The position I am applying for is xx.

I have been in xxx company, xx company, xxx company research or internship, understand xx busine procees, xxxx operation and production management.

Integrity and hard work are the principles of my life, calm and calm is my attitude when things happen, research and due diligence are the requirements of my practice.Looking back on the four years\'study and life in the university, I feel deeply and gain a lot.I have mastered the profeional knowledge and trained myself in all aspects of quality and potential.I also have some shortcomings, but I face up to shortcomings and shortcomings, and constantly strive to improve myself.

In addition to my profeional counterparts, I feel that I also like this position very much.I believe that it can make me fully realize my social ideal and reflect my own value.I also think that I have the potential and confidence to do this job well.

Thank you very much xx for giving me the opportunity to study in this interview.Thank you!


Good examiners!

It\'s a great honor for me to be able to attend an interview for civil servants and to have the opportunity to introduce myself to the examiners.My name is this year.I hope I can show myself and improve myself through this interview.Han nationality, the highest degree is university undergraduate.I usually like reading books and browsing information online.

My personality is more open-minded and easy-going.Be able to relate to everything around you, live in harmony with relatives and friends, and have full confidence in life.I\'ve been practicing before, so I have the neceary practical experience.In the four years of studying in the field, I have developed a strong personality, which has enabled me to overcome some difficulties in study and life, and to make progre with my heart.

If I have the chance to be employed, I must be able to get exercise in my work and realize my own value, strive to be a public servant of the people and a qualified civil servant.At the same time, I also realize that the relationship between people and work is based on self-perception.I think I have the potential and confidence to do a good job.

Civil servant is a sacred and noble profeion.It pursues the maximization of public interests.Its fundamental purpose is to serve the people and the country.Lei Feng said: human life is limited, and serving the people is infinite, I want to put the limited life into infinite serving the people.This is also the best interpretation of my perception of civil servants.

As the saying goes: sailing can not be without direction, life can not be without ideals, and I would like to become an excellent national civil servant under the leadership of the CPC - Producer - Party, earnestly study the Three Representatives, eight honors and eight shames, and serve the people wholeheartedly.So, this job can realize my social ideal and life value, I hope you can recognize me, give me this opportunity!


My name is ______________ I graduated from __________ major Before graduation, I had internship in xx company, xx company and your company are similar industries.

I am open-minded, good at smiling, good at communicating, simple Japanese and ballet.I believe that all this will be the greatest wealth of my work.I have noticed your company for a long time, and your company is undoubtedly the best person in the industry (fill in the honors or achievements of the company you know).At the same time, I understand that this is a young and energetic team.I am eager to be one of them.

If I am lucky enough to be employed, I will create the best interests for the company as my best interests, not bargaining.Sincerely do everything well, and work together with colleagues.Work hard, study hard and make progre!

Thank you!


My name is so-and-so, from Shandong Province, which is the birthplace of the country of etiquette.I have the generosity and frankne of Shandong people.Although I can not be called a Shandong big man, frankne and optimism are my unchanged nature.

Although I look thin, but my shoulders are not immature.She took on the responsibility of the whole cla in three years of high school.In the cla, I personally communicated and communicated with the head teacher and the students.She bears both honor and grievance, so I think my thin body actually has.It fills me with courage and confidence that I should always keep my mind in the face of hardship, frustration and humiliation and deal with thorny problems from a peaceful and multi-faceted point of view.

I am strict with myself and exercise myself in many ways: reading is an important way for me to increase my knowledge and absorb wisdom, and is also the best way to strengthen self-cultivation; painting gives me a colorful world, I use the brush I have only learned for two years to describe my childish and ideal world; speech, it gives me I want to convey my thoughts, mature or immature viewpoints to the audience, communicate with them, listen to their opinions, and improve myself.Music, I get the happine and tranquility of my mind from music, and music teaches me how to comprehend life carefully.

With the growth of these potentials, together with my optimistic personality, peaceful attitude and modest behavior, I think I will integrate with my clamates and make our due contribution to the whole of us.


Self-introduction Good morning, Everyone.I am glad to be here to introduce myslf to you .Since this is not my first time to make a self-introduction in English ,I think I can make a good performance today and hope that through this simaple self-introduction, all of you can remember me.Now I will introduce myself briefly.My name is Wuxujun, you can also call me Oven Wu.I am 21 years old ,come from SuZhou, JiangSu province .I was graduated from JinLing Institute of Technology .My major is Vechicle-Engineering.I have been studying hard since I entered the

college and I have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.I used to be a vice minister of the propaganda department in Students\' Union .During my tenure, I am capable of organizing a completed event or competition.I’m a typical Capricorn, I think I am a person with strong determination to succeed and is willing to aume responsibilities.Also I am able to work under great preure.I feel that my strongest advantage is my ability to stick to things to get them done.When I finish a job and it turns out just as I’ve planned, I can feel a real sense of accomplishment.As the old saying goes \"no one is perfect\", I also have shortcomings.For example, I\'m such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.I will try to correct my weakne in the future.In addition to the above-mentioned , I have many hobbies in my spare time.I like painting, listening to pop music and reading books.Painting can cultivate my aesthetic idea and at the same time,relaxing myself.Also I like healthy forms of exercise, such as running、swimming、playing badminton and so on.From my life at university, I have learnt how to balance study and entertainment.That is my pride.Ok !That’s all.Thank you for your attention.


Good afternoon madam and sir I am glad to be here to meet all of you.First please let me introduce myself. My name is*****, 21.I come from Qinhuangdao,a beautiful cost city of Hebei Province.I am a college student Majored in food science and engineering,studying at the life science department of Heilonjiang University,chemisty and biology is my major subjects.I have been studying hard since I enter the life science department.Now I am monitor of my cla and get along with my clamates.Since this march ,I’ve been working as an aistant at the heilongjiang university work-study office,and performe well.I am very lucky to get the chance to be inteviewed by you。

I am open-minded ,quick in thought energetic and positive .like other youngers。I havebroad interests,especially search the Internet and do some schemes。I usually organise team-work activities,thus,I’m good at communicating with others and making frieds widely.What’s more I can act consonace with the requirements of the occasions and have a experience of administrate a cal which consists of 60 students.At the end of the work I became friends with them.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unle he keeps on learning .Of course, if I were given the chance to work for new Oriental, I would spare no effort to make a difference.Thank you


Welcome to cruise the beautiful Lijiang River! Our boat is leaving Zhu Jiang port .It will take us 4hours to reach our destination –Yangshuo.If you have any difficulty and requirement, please don’t hesitate to ask us, well, it is time to set sail.Here I want to wish all of you a pleasant journey and all the best.Dear visitors, our ship are along the rivers, the first scenic area we are going to tour is zhujiang scenic area, and we will soon see bat hill.Here, I would like to give you a brief introduction of the Lijiang River.originates from the northern side Guilin within the boundaries of Xing’ an County\'s cat mountain.The scenery of Guilin has been called the finest under heaven.And the Lijiang River is the embodiment of Guilin landscape.Lijiang is one of the three national key scenic spots in Guangxi and also one of the first batches of Chinese 5 A grade scenic spot.From Guilin to yangshuo\'s 83 kilometers, is the eence of the lijiang river, so there is the saying \"the hundreds lijiang river, the hundreds gallery,\" said this area is the most typical karst landscape development areas, integrated with green mountains, elegant water, strange hole, stone beauty in a body, To cruise along the lijiang river on matter whether it’s fine or rainy you’ll find it is a fascinating experience.Numerous strange peaks stand upright on the bank of the river, and you’ll see their vivid reflections changing constantly as the travel boat goes .The marvelous landscape will present you a painting in a poem and a poem in a

1 painting .the different landscape at each turn of the river certainly offers you a different taste.Green mountains beautiful waters reflect each other, with the slowly voyage, opened the landscape painting, you see, right in front of the ship is the Bat Hill.The two peaks with flat yellow cliffs look like two flying bats .look head you will find two peaks like two lions playing with a ball

.to cruise along the Lijiang River you have to use your imagination.Dear visitors, we just finished see beautiful scene, now, our boat will take a big turn to the Yangdi scenic area , here is another splendid spots.Look at the bank, from narrow to wide, enlightened, even the skylight also very bright, here is the the history of the lijiang river, You see, there is a very high precipice with a plain cliff face? There are many lines in green ,yellow and white colors which make up a huge colorful landscape painting , the content of the picture as you imagine, the more you think the more it looks like..Why there will be so many cliff painting? this is painting masterpiece of lijiang cliff, look at the mountain before us , does it looks like the shape of the nine horses, called Nine- horses Painting Hill, which is 416 meters high, look carefully at this picture mountain, can see a few horse? Various forms of horses .some stand there quietly, some bowed their heads and drinking water, some is raising its head some is running with hoof raised.Look at the horse right above, bow in drinking water, tail high become warped, some people think that

2 tail like a horse, is running forward.How many horses does the hill have? It depends on your imagination: Average person is visible for three, four horse, to see that nine horses, is not easy.Oh, the friend can see nine horses! In ancient times, you should be the first talent! The legend said when the Monkey King unwilling to be the Superviser for the Heavenly Horses, he went against the heaven, the horse also slip to earth ,they lost here and refuse to leave , so the jade emperor dispatch a horse master to catch them , while ,upon seeing the horse master ,the horses hide themselves in a cave behind the cliff since they do not want to go back to the heaven anymore ,it was so strange just as they entered ,the hole of the cave suddenly disappeared ,so the horse master can’t get in , the horse had connected themselves with the cliff ,later their image appeared on the cliff ,as we can see today ,when the jade emperor know this ,he got so angry that he turned that horse master to a stone ask him to stay here and look after the horses forever .people later know there are 9 horses ,people paed by ,rest here ,enjoy the scenery and count the horses ,from time to time , a Folk came to being , it said: \" beautiful painting ,strong horses, to see how many can you see? Seen seven in the second place, seen nine is champion “.It is said when Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong visit here, Zhou was called No1 scholar, while Mao is called No2.thats why I say that friend is first talent , now you may also test your imagination by counting the horses ,ok ,just a joke .Now we will move to

3 the

famous yellow clothes reflection ,we see, the beauty of the landscape in lijiang embodied in the reflection especially the beauty of yellow cloth reflection , which is the most intoxicating reflection ,which has printed on the back of 20 yuan RMB ,you can gue how specie it is , encircling here is clear, green water through at the end, from the water we can see a piece of green large slate ,equal in length and width , like a yellow cloth ,thus it’s name ,even size peaks stand out water ,gracefully, like seven young girl, people calling them \"seven fairies ” According to legend, it was turned by the fairies from the heaven ,as our boat goes ,you can see their vivid image change constantly ,you can take some photos to catch some gimps of them ,since the fairies

only willing to show it’s gorgeous body in the world of the picture on a sunny day ,like today, so you should not mied it . Dear visitors, we arrived the yellow cloth beach,.Look, the boat, , from the mountains of the inverted image, true have \"on the ship, trenchant saw green hill in the uplink\" Artistic conception.You see, our boat is travelling in the water which reflects the image of green peak, isn’t it?

Now, please look front, you will see the river shore set in the green trees from houses? That is the Xing ping town .Actually it is an old castle complex surrounded by towering peaks .the simple but elegant flying-eaves, roofs with colorful paintings present the folk residence from

4 the Ming and Qing dynasties .Dr. Yet-sun and US president Bill Clinton visited the village when they cruised on the Lijiang River.

Now, our travel boat arrives at Yangshuo, please be ready to get off! We’ll go shopping in the West Street .At 5 pm we’ll travel back to Guilin by coach, have a good time!




Ladies and Gentlemen:

On behalf of our travel agency, I would like to extend a welcome to you.Wish you have a pleasant stay in Chengdu.

There is a saying that \"once you come to Chengdu ,you do not want to leave \" Which reveal the charming of this city.

The splendid Chengdu city is renowned for its fertile land and agricultural wealth.It is the capital of Sichuan province and the center of its economy culture ,politics and information.With many images, Chengdu is a colorful and charming city.City of brocade,city of leisure and Eden of the east are several of its widely spread names.

According to historical records \"Chengdu was built into a city with one year\'s effort.And then,it became the capital the next year.\" In Chinese, Chengdu literally means \"the becoming capital\".

The total area of Chengdu is about 12600 square kilometers, and the city proper occupies an area of 87 square kilometers.According to the recent population census,Chengdu\'s entire population was close to 11000 million,of which 1/6 live in the urban area Lying in the eastern part of Chengdu plain,Chengdu is strategically situated in western part of the Sichuan province by the mingjiang River.It extends about 166 kilometers from east to west about 192 kilometers from north to south.

Chengdu enjoys a generally subtropical and monsoon climate.Therefore,warm and moist weather dominate most days of a year.The four seasons are clearly demarcated,The average annual temperature is around 16\'C ,while the rainfall is about 997.6million meters.

Topographically speaking, Chengdu is high on the relief map in the northwest but low in the southeast.The highest elevation is 5364 meters and the lowest 387 meters.The average elevation of the city is 500 meters.36.4 percent of the land area of Chengdu is occupied by plains while 63 percent is hilly lands and mountions.

For the purpose of administration,Chengdu is divided into 7 urban districts, and 12 suburban counties.

The municipal people\'s congre as the legislative body which enacts all the local laws and supervises their execution is the supreme organ through which the citizens exercise their power.The municipal government of Chengdu is the executive body of the highest organ of administration.The city flower is the hibiscus and the ginkgo tree is the city tree.

Chengdu is honored as a city of lights ,a sea of flowers, and a home of delicacies.In downtown area,long and wide avenues are dotted with green trees,and pretty flowers are flanked by high-building.Chengdu is a beautiful city full of vigor and vitality.Besides drinking tea in the local teahouse,and tasting local snacks in some special restaurants,one can either taste the typical Sichuan cuisine local wine and find out some local special products like shu embroidery,bamboo-woven porcelain ware and lacquer ware,you would be pleased to immerse into the local chengdu people\'s slow pace of live.

The excavated remains from yangzi mount proved that there were human beings inhabited in chengdu as early as the later stone age

Around 4000-5000 years BC,in the news stone age,people began to live in a much lager scale area.Their footprints can be found in Chengdu including Xinjin, Chongzhou and many other counties.

Around 400 years BC,the king of the kaiming Dynasty moved its capital to chengdu.Since then,Chengdu has been the capital of Sichuan area for more than 2000 years.what is more, Chengdu as a name for this city has never been changed.

In 316 BC LiBing built the dujiangyan Irrigation system.By the mid of the eastern Han Dynasty,The first public school in china was established by Wen Weng, a magistrate to the Shu prefecture.

Chengdu has been a city that many rebels fighting for during the war time.About 7 separated sovereigns were established when the central government was too weak to control this encircled mountainous area.In 24AD, Chengjia state was established in Chengdu bu gongsun shu.In 221 AD,the shuhan kingdom was built by liubei.IN 907 Ad,Mangjian established the former shu state in chengdu.In 934AD, Meng zhixiang established the later shu state in chengdu.IN 994AD li shun established the da shun state in chengdu.IN 1644AD,zhang xianzhong had the DAxi peasant sovereignty established in Chengdu.

As we known,that chengdu has been the formal name for this city since its born,there are also many given nicknames, which tells us the history of chengdu city in a special way.The first city in Chengdu built in Qin dynasty was nicknamed as \"the tortoise city \", for people followed a big tortoise crawling to build the wall.

In the western Han dynasty, with booming economy, Chengdu was a highly famed for brocade.The silk and brocade was sold for the overseas.So,it was called\"the city of brocade \".

As meng chang,the king of the shu state, ordered that the hibiscus planted along the city wall,which made the forty kilometers of the wall as beautiful as brocade, Chengdu was known as \"the city of hibiscus.\"

Nowadays, Chengdu as a metropolitan in the western region is famous for its booming economy.In fact,its glory could be traced back long ago.As early as western han dynasty, Chengdu with the population of 350000 was listed as one of the most flourishing cities together with luoyang linzi handan yuan.It was in tang dynasty that yanghzou was the most prosperous city while chengdu was in the second place.At that time, the long famed brocade in chengdu was booming with the developed economy together with paper, silk, porcelain and the lacquer ware production.In 1023 Ad in the song dynasty, a special administration was set in Chengdu to regulate jiaozi the earliest currency iued in China.when Marco polo, an Italian busineman, arrived in Chengdu in yuan dynasty,he was deeply impreed by the prosperity and richne, which had been described vividly in his book,travels.

With its flourishing economy, talented scholars were born in chengdu area.Sima xiangru and Yang xiong were the most prominent scholars in the han dynasty.In the following dynasty, many of the talents either were native of chengdu or had certain romance with chengdu city.That all poets under heaven came to chengdu was the slogan at the tang dynasty.Li bai, Dufu, and Xuetao, Sushi and Luyou just named a few.And Zhangdaqian, Xu beihong, Guo moruo and marshal Chengyi were the proud of chengdu city .

Chengdu is proud of its cultural background and scenic beauties.we can see a clear history with all the sites and evidence that exists.On the vast and fertile Chengdu plain,there are many historic remains that reveals the past of this city.Sangxingdui museum displays the ancient city, ancient kingdom, and ancient shu, which is considered as one of the ten most valuable discoveries in china.The Jinsha ruin is anther important remain that has been discovered in recent years.The Dujiangyan irrigation system built about 2000 years age contributes to the fertile land and agricultural wealth of Chengdu.In Chengdu city, we can visit the royal tomb of Wangjian, the Wuhou temple, the Dufu\'thatched cottage, the river viewing pavilion park, and Qingyang temple.

Around Chengdu sity, there are many beautiful and impreive natural scenery sports, such as Mt Emei, Mt Qingcheng, Mt xilingxueshan Etc.Those are the best choices to smell the fresh air.

The famous cultural city, chengdu,is not only known for her history of more than 2300 years, but also noted for its leisure life style.Chengdu portrays itself as the eden of the east, for it is aociated with leisure affluence and romance, just like the orifinal garden of eden of biblical reputation,leisure is definitely the true color of the city.

On a fine day, one can go to a plain tea house, find a bamboo chair,lie on it in the most comfortable position and order a cup of tea.You can half a dozen newspapers and flip through the pages as you like.You might doze off in all the comfort.You might slop tea while watching tea art or various performances, such as the breathing of fire or acrobatics.

The leisure and idlene of chengdu is also reflected in various local snacks.The snacks are delicious yet inexpensive,and a food break is a good way to kill time.After dusk in the summer, the native like to go out to sit on the dikes of the Funan river to drink beer,eat snacks, and enjoy the slow pace of life.



Fellow friends: Hello! Sincerely welcome you to come to Taishan, today I and everybody will mount the summit together from the Taishan east road.

This big, ancient Taishan has contained the rich nature and cultural accumulating, has been included by the United NationsEducational,Scientific and Cultural Organization the world natureand the culturalheritage name list.Now, we still had such to ask \"like ancient;Dai Zong husband how \" Then, marches into togetherwith me themountain, understands Taishan\'s charm.Here is daimiao.From daimiao the start, after the Dai Zong workplace,a fontanel, the red gate, center the fontanel, rises theimmortal workplace to the south fontanel, is the road which ancienttimes emperorancient rite of making sacrifices Taishan paedthrough, now iscalled by the well-known person \" Ascends to heavenscenic area\" Also calls the east road, is in the presentTaishanmountaineering 6 roads most ancient.We will mount from thisroadGoes against Extremely.

Everybodynoted has been palatial daimiao front, but also some smallertemple,this was \" Remote senate pavilion \" Was same yearemperor theancient rite of making sacrifices Taishan\'s initialstation.Sameyear the king came when Taishan held the ancient rite ofmakingsacrifices Standard Offers a sacrifice to, all first must in herehold simply paysrespect to the ceremony, therefore before MingDynasty, called thiswas \" Gra senate pavilion \" .When the MingDynastyperforms the extension, changes name is \" Remote senatepavilion\" .Although is a character is easy, the base wasreverentactually contains.

The friends,China\'s ancient architecture has the unique status in theworldconstruction history, this remote senate pavilion constructionideaalready will stem from the ancient rite of making sacrificesgrandceremony from this but step by step to enter the high tide fortheprelude the need, after also will be esthetics thoughtmanifestingwhich China ancient times first damped raises. In the rightnoon time gate was daimiao, was even is a mysterious side.daimiaohas the like this charm, decides to it own characteristic.First,its fence then is different with the general temple, the fenceweek1,300 meters, 5 cornerstones, on build Blue Big the brick,aumesthe trapezoid, gets down the width 17.6 meters, on the width11meters, the high approximately 10 meters, altogether have 8gates:Center is the right noon time gate, is daimiao main entrance.Enters bythe right noon time gate daimiao comes, the front surfacematches thefontanel, takes \" which Kong Zi said; Germany matchesworld \"Meaning.Matches the fontanel two sides, east for WorksThree the marquispalace, west for too , between three palaces tothe wall isconnected, the constitution daimiao among as soon asenters thecourtyard. Croed thekernel peaceful gate, then is grand big Song Tiankuang, itcalls thetowering extremely palace, is this temple main body.Day palacesurface extravagant 9, 643.67 meters, depth of a house 5,17.18meters, pa the height 23.3 meters.Everybody looked that,the day palace is situated above the spacious white stationbase,periphery the stone carving fence surrounds, the cloud shapelooksthe column uneven row, caused the day palace to have themarvelouseffect with all around environment. Around theday palace serves with the winding corridor, has formeda bigcourtyard, in China\'s construction, the porch plays enable thespaceto have thoroughly, collects was mad, close, is rigorous andalso isrich in the change the role, this is in the worldconstructionhistory all performs to praise.daimiao the windingcorridor closely iurrounding a double-eaved roof Palacebigbuilding, straight and thelofty contrast has aroused the people today palace revering.Ourcountry the ancient architecture fullyrealized in world notabsolutely greatly absolutely small, the sizeis produces from thecontrast, besides all around Even Low thewinding corridor, in front ofthe day palace in the platform hasalso repaired two exquisiteimperial tablets pavilions, both hashighlighted the day palace,and to the grand center house holdstranquilly is comfortable,therefore the day palace certainly wasnot the grand twocharacters may summarize. slanders theback door from the day to leave, has the bricks andstones road andthe latter imperial palace is connected.When songzhenzong sealsTaishan, because Taishan will seal will be \"Emperor \" The emperormust have \" Latter \" Thereuponthen has matched Madame \" for it; Shunext two \" .Lookedlike from this point, daimiao if said is theTaoism god governmentoffice, but also was inferior to said likesthe imperial palace, thiskind of layout had further disclosed thefeudal ruler uses daimiaocarries on the political activity theutility goal. A momentago, we were along daimiao main spool thread tour, butadvocates thespool thread two sides, originally in addition has 4individualcourtyards, around the east side two courtyards, first is\" Chinesecypre courtyard \" Hands down 6 copals whichMartial emperor of Handynasty plants on in this courtyard; Latter is\" East imperial place\" Is emperor offers a sacrifice to theplace which Taishanstays.
