人人范文网 申请书


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Dear Sir or Madam,

I\'m writing in response to the advertisement you placed in Chicago Newsdaily for a librarianon Monday, Aug.23.


我是看到你们 8月23日星期一在《芝加哥新闻日报》上招聘图书管理员的广告后才写此信的。

I graduated with a Master\'s degree in telecommunicationsin 1992 and began my career at California State University as a young teacher.In 2002, I was promoted to aociate profeor and DeputyDirector of the Department of Telecom Engineering.


In the past ten years, I have been actively involved in academic researches and have published several articles in “Telecom Now”, “Engineering Research” and “Telecom Strategies”.I also teach marketing strategies on a part-time basis at the university.


However, my husband has recently been relocated to Chicago by his company and I am, therefore, seeking a position in the same area in Chicago.


I have enclosed my resume that outlines in detail my qualificationsand experience as well as an open letter of recommendation from California State University.


Please give me a feedback at your earliest convenienceif my qualifications meet your requirements.


I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Sue Huang



Sue Huang 沪江

第一节 索取入学与奖学金表格申请书信范例

索取入学及奖学金表格是申请程序的第一步,这一步比较简单容易。只要学校 初选名单确定下来,便可发函索取表格。索取申请表格的信函格式与商业书信大致 相同。这类申请信函最好寄到单位,而不要写给个人,以免因工作调动而耽搁。以 美国大学为例,申请的受理单位可能有以下几种:

1.由Office of Admiions统一受理一切入学申请函件,包括大学部与研究 生院;

2.由Office of the Registrar 受理,权限同1; 3.由Office of Student Service受理,权限同1;

4.由Office of Foreign Student Advisor 受理国外学生入学申请函件; 5.由Office of Foreign Admiions 或Office of International Scholars 受理国外学生入学申请函件;

6.由Graduate School, Graduate College 或Office of Graduate Studies 受理研究生院的入学申请函件;而Office of Admiions 受理本科部的申请; 7.由各所属分院(如College of Eng.) 分别受理入学申请信件,也有很多学 校先由Office of Admiions 接受申请,供给所需表格,然后一切通信改由各分 院负责,大的学校大多采用这种方式,因为他们每年受理的申请函件高达上万件。

有的申请人对所报学校可能不够了解。这样,如果申请读本科,就应写信给 Office of Admiions; 如果申请读研究生,就应写信给Office of Graduate Admiions.这种写法的信件肯定能到达承办人的手中,称呼的方法可采用下列二 种方式之一: (1) Director

Office of Admiions

Dear sir:

(2) Office of Admiions

Dear Sirs:

顺便提一下,在选择学校时,应考虑各种利弊因素。其中包括地理位置、学科 设置、教学质量、学校规模、录取标准、费用高低、资助条件、住房情况、服务设 施等。


Department of Chemical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China Dear Sir: I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Chemical Engineering at your institution.My desired date of entrance is Fall, 1994.Please send me neceary application forms at your early convenience. If poible, I also wish to obtain a graduate aistantship so that I may support myself and obtain more practical experience while pursuing graduate study. I obtained my B.E.(Chemical Engineering) in 1989 and M.S.(Chemical Engineering) in 1992 from Tsinghua University.At present.At present, I work as a teacher at the same University. I have taken the TOEFL and received a score of 607.I am going to take GRE General Test this coming October. Would you please send me the application forms for admiion and financial support? Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,

Henry Yu

范例2 索取研究生入学表格(建筑与土木专业) Department of Architecture Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China

I would be most grateful if you would send me details of post graduate study facilities or scholarships in civil engineering which Columbia University may be offering to student from overseas.I majored in architecture and graduated from Tsinghua University in 1989. I have studied English for more than 6 years up to intermediate level. If any scholarships are available, I would appreciate it if you would send me the neceary application forms. Sincerely, Xie Dong

范例3: 索取大学研究生院指南和入学申请表

Department of Mathematics Peking University Beijing 100871 P.R.China Dear Sir: I am going to graduate from Department of Mathematics in Peking University in June next year.I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your University next fall to study applied mathematics for Ph. D.degree. I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of your university and any other neceary information, and also a set of application forms for admiion. Thank you for your kind aistance.

Sincerely yours,

Xie Dong

第二节 个人简历范例

成功的申请可以帮助你按自己的条件进入最合适的学校,是不可忽视的一项, 个人简历是反映一个申请者自身情况的材料。国外绝大多数的学校都要求申请者提 供,并作为审查批准入学的重要依据之一。

个人简历的英译很多,如“Personnel Vita”、“Autobiographical Statement”、“Personal Statement”、“Autobiography”、“Resume”。其中

“Resume”写法稍有不同。个人简历一般应简要写明本人所受教育、专业兴趣、工 作经历、所取得的成绩及家庭背景。



,如姓名、出生时间及地点、家庭背景等。良好的家庭教育对你的成才当然有利。 但美国对此不很重视,一般可以不写。第二段可以围绕你的求学经过来展开,但不 要用流水帐式的写法使叙述过于生硬刻板。第三段以你的大学生活为主,你为何选 此学科,可以与前面的叙述相呼应。第四段要说明你个人的能力、性格。 2.内容要着重在你留学的动机,目前所取得的成绩,你终生的目标。

3.个人简历避免过多的形容词,例如,想象力十分丰富、创造力超群等,宜举 小小的例子来说明。


范例1 计算机系毕业生个人简历

I have the honor to present a brief introduction of myself to you in compliance with the requirements of your graduate admiion I was born in November 7th, 1966, at the town of Changing, Beijing. My parents are doing busine and farming.I have one elder sister, one younger sister, and two younger brothers.The family is in a well-to-do country with harmonized atmosphere. After my elementary and junior high school education at my hometown, I went on my senior high school education at a public vocational technical high school at the neighboring county Fangshan.Courses I have taken there include: mechanical structure, applied mechanical dynamics, material strength, heat treatment analysis, and electrical engineering.I also had practice courses on lathe work, bench work, casting, engineering drawing, and electronic television repair skill.After graduation from this technical school, I found a job at the Evergreen Traffic Corp.When I had worked one year in mechanical design and heat treatment analysis, I was admitted to the Computer Science Department of Beijing Institute of Technologies. Computer science education was an extension of my pursuit in electronic knowledge, it had led me into the world of applied electronics.Courses I had taken are: Calculus, Computer Programming (FORTRAN, COBOL, ASSEMBLY, and BASIC), Computer architecture, algorithm, maintenance, system analysis, and some related courses in Accounting, Statistics, Operating research, Digital value analysis. Beginning at the second year of college, I participated in a work study program and was aigned to the computer center of Far East Textile Corp.as night-shift computer operator, The computers I dealt with were CDC 3300 MSOS and IBM 370-115 DOS/VS system.The major work I had done was the system transference of CDC 3300: MSOS to IBM 370-115 DOS/VS. In 1989, I was employed by China Automobile Corp.as a computer programmer, and was informed to work on the first of June. For the first six months of my service, I was in charge of the IBM 4331; DOS/ VSE System Operation, and later on dealt with personnel / payroll and financing system programming works.In the second year, I was promoted to be a system analyst for personnel/ payroll system.In an attempt to upgrade the efficiency of computer data proce and to simplify users operating procedures, I redesigned the whole working system and I succefully transferred a Batch operation from oriented system to on-line system.In the third year, I spent five months in the developing of subsystem of financing-accounting.No sooner had I finished that system than I was reaigned as a Subsystem Programmer in charge of DOS / VSE, CICS, and VTAM.At that position I have full responsibility for affairs of technical transition, system development, recruit training, and network communications. With the elapse of time and the accumulation of experiences, I am now familiar with all of the popular computer languages: FORTRAN, COBOL, ASSEMBLY, and BASIC.Other than these languages, I have also learned and practiced in planning, designing, and analyzing of the following computer applications: DL/ 1, Data Base, On-line (CICS, BMS), Data Communication Network (ACF/ VTAM / NCP), VM, DOS / VSE Operating System: Personnel / Payroll, Accounting Application System and etc..For these achievements I owe a great deal to China Information Aociation Since I have taken almost every training course they have offered. With the ever-increasing level of my work, I am feeling strongly that the theoretical study and actual practice are equally important and dependent on each other.Though I personally poe many years of experiences in actual practices, there is always need for me to extend my existing theoretical basis for future research.My love for computer sciences and my inquisitivene had pushed me to apply for your graduate school admiion, and I have decided .should I be accepted by you, I will concentrate on the field of net-work-data-communication, then make a breakthrough on my current ways of thinking in computer related research and development.Finally, I expect that I, myself, as one member of today\'s world of computer domain, I should strive to offer my best profeional computer service to our society.

范例2 电子工程毕业生个人简历

My name is Xie Dong.I was born on August 25, 1965, in Hengyang, Hunan Province.In 1977 I graduated from Harbin Technical Institute where I majored in electronic engineering, and then I was aigned to work in an electronic apparatus factory as a technician for nine years. During this period I gained some practical experience in designing and manufacturing several varieties of electronic apparatus.In the fall of 1983, I was admitted to the Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University as a graduate student.Six months before I took the examinations, I started to study higher algebra and analysis by myself in my leisure time.Since the enrollment I have completed all the courses required by the graduate program, making straight A both in my undergraduate and graduate courses.My performance in the graduate seminars of Differential Calculus and Mathematical and Physical Formulas shows that I have got a good grasp of the fundamentals of mathematics.

I have been studying English intensively for six months.I have attended an English cla taught by an American profeor.Ms.Kathy Swift, from the City University of New York.According to her, within a few weeks of my arrival abroad, I should have no difficulty either in functioning on a daily basis or in participating fully in graduate studies. Presently I am interested in applied mathematics and later I would like to do research in control theory.If I am accepted as a graduate student.I plan to stay for 2-5 years pursuing a Ph.d.degree.I am sure I would make progre in my future career. 范例3 电机系毕业生个人简历


My name is Harry Lin.On May 25, 1958, I was born in Xinying, a little town in Southern Fujian.My father is a farmer, planting bananas and pineapples, and my mother takes care of the house.I have two brothers and one sister.Though not well-to-do, my parents have been able to provide the whole family with sufficient means to live decently and enjoy all modern conveniences. My early education was received in my hometown, i.e.six years in primary school and three years in junior middle school.After completing nine years of formal education in 1958.I went to Xiamen and participated in the joint entrance examination for five-year junior colleges.Fortunately, I was admitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Xiamen Junior Engineering College.I chose Electrical Engineering as my major because, on the one hand , I liked Physics very much; and on the other hand, electrical industry is a major sector of the economy of China. The five years of intensive training came to an end in June 1978 when I received a diploma.And in July 1980.I was hired by Nan Ya plastic Company and have served as a junior electrical engineer at the company to the present.I enjoy the work and feel competent for the job. In working, however, I\'ve Found that what I have learned in school is limited and far from sufficient to handle sophisticated jobs.Therefore, I have decided to extend my education and would like to enter an American institution firstly to earn a Bachelor\'s degree in Electrical Engineering.Then, if poible, I would like to continue my education toward a Master\'s degree. After this objective is reached, I will return to my country and seek a job in a public firm.Most probably I will continue to work with Nan Ya Plastic Company.

范例4 化学系毕业生个人简历 AUTOBIOGRAPHY

I was born in Beijing, China in 1945.In my early school years I attended Lao Song Primary School.After my graduation I entered the Beijing lst Girls School This is the best middle school in Beijing.Girls are admitted on the basis of a competitive entrance examination.During my middle school years I was very active in school activities while still maintaining a high academic record.Twice I won the first prize for the best in the Three Principles—1) Outstanding grades, 2) moral character, and 3) Good health.This prize was a great honor.I regularly attended the youth Group and there I met several Americans who helped me to improve my English.Upon graduation from middle school I entered Beijing University.This was also on the basis of a competitive examination.It was a very frightening thing to take this test, because there was not enough room in Chinese Universities for every one who wished to attend.I was very fortunate to have a good background and a high scholastic average.These helped me a great deal.

I majored in Chemistry at Beijing University.This was mainly because I enjoyed it so much in middle school and I hoped some day to teach it in college or perhaps do some research.As an undergraduate I enjoyed all my courses, but I especially liked my major subject.My faculty advisor, Dr.Wen, helped me choose the courses which were of the most interest to me.He also encouraged me to do outside reading and research.With his help I became a lab aistant which broadened my knowledge of chemistry.Dr.Wen also strengthened my desire to study abroad and suggested several American Universities which had good reputations in my field.As a result of his encouragement and a great deal of study, I graduated from Beijing University with very high grades—almost at the top of my cla. In addition to my primary interest in chemistry, I have always been interested in Chinese literature and painting.While I was at the university, I took some painting and art courses.I found painting could relax me and enables me to see things in a better perspective when I was depreed or when I had a problem. In the future my goal is to get my M.A.and my Ph.D.from an American University in the field of Chemistry.I plan to return to China to teach in a middle school or a University.This is because I feel very strongly that China needs better educated, better informed teachers.

范例5 会计系毕业生个人简历


I was born on December 6, 1967 in Shijiazhuang, the largest city in Hebei, China.I lived there until completion of senior high school study in 1984. In September 1984, I was admitted to Tianjin Finance and Economics College after succeful performance in the competitive college entrance examination.In the four years that followed, I studied in the Department of Accounting and Statistics of that college and obtained a diploma in June 1988. In August 1988.I began to work in busine and was an aistant at Da Xing Enterprise Corp.Since November 1980, I have been working with Electronic Memories & Magnetics Corp.At first.I was a junior accountant; then succeively I became aistant to Accounting Manager, accountant, and senior accountant (present position).The attached Personal Data gives a detailed account of my work experiences. As a result of my six and a half years of experience in accounting.I have become thoroughly familiar with accounting operations in medium size busine firms.This, however, can not satisfy my ambition and desire for knowledge.To meet the needs of career development in the future, I have decided to continue my education.My plans are first to complete baccalaureate study, and then to work toward an MBA degree in the field of accounting. Most busine firms in China are expanding, and many new companies are being set up every month.My proposed study will no doubt reinforce my qualification for a more gainful executive position.

第三节 读书计划范例

读书计划是入学审查的一项重要文件,它是申请人未来导师无法直接面对申请 人之前,所得到的先入为主的印象,第一印象往往事关重大。读书计划英文有许多 说法如Objectives, Plans for Study, Academic Statement, Academic Objectives, Educational Goals, Statement of Purpose, Letter of Intent等 。它应包含:

1.选择该校的理由; 2.准备主修什么学科;


4.与主修和主攻方向有关的知识背景和工作经验; 5.从事该研究的目的和毕业后的打算。

有的学校提供读书计划表格要求填写,还有的学校要求将个人简历和读书计划 合二为一。这些在对个人简历和读书计划的写法有所了解后,都不难完成。

范例1 计算机系毕业生读书计划

When I was a high school boy, my father undertook a task of rearranging a data proceing system with computer equipment for a government office.Which increasing contact, I decided to be a computer engineer to satisfy my curiosity about this incredible machine. To realize the dream of getting into this miraculous world of computer, I studied very hard to pa the College Entrance Examination. According to the result of the Exam, I was admitted to Beijing University of Science and Technology, majoring computer science.A year later.I transferred to Tsinghua University, which is famous for its computer science. During my five-year undergraduate study in the university, I had scholarship every semester because of my excellent academic performance. Besides, I tried to spend every summer working in a computer firm to get practical experience.I have produced a small Pascal compiler and a sample computer storage system for a company.Also I joined the research work \"the arrangement of computer image\" for the department. I believe the future century will be a \"computer\" century and the world will greatly depend on it.Therefore it is neceary for us to broad my knowledge on this part.I intend to help the development of my country in this area.emphasizing in the objectives such as office automatism, the build-up of computer network, artificial brain and CAD / CAM, etc. If I am able to complete my master degree within two years, I plan to continue to pursue a Ph.D.degree thereafter.As soon as I complete my study, I will come back home immediately to contribute what I have learned to my own country.

范例2 医学工程专业转攻计算机专业读书计划

I majored in Biomedical Engineering at Nankai University after graduating from high school.There, I took courses on Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Programming, and Microproceor.Therefore, I became greatly interested in the field.In my spare time, I attended BASIC Training Cla and read lots of related books whenever I was free. Also, I decided to further my study in the field of Computer Science. After the graduation.I was hired by Tianjin Medical Equipment Co., LTD.to be a Service Engineer taking charge of the maintenance of X-ray instruments of Phillips and Siemens.Owing to the need of the work.I attained ASSEMBLY and PASCAL Training claes and realized more of the importance of Computer Science. I would like to enter your Graduate School to study Computer Programming and System Analysis as computer is definitely going to play an important role in the life of humanbeing.Upon the completion of the study, I will return to China to devote my knowledge to Biomedical Engineering, to manufacture new products to be either marketed or applied to hospital management and help computerizing hospital management.

范例3 经济系转计算机系读书计划

After my undergraduate study at Hebei University where I majored in Economics.I became a sales representative for Tang Shan Textile Co. I have worked in this position for about three years.In my work, I have witneed the growing role played by computers in today\'s busine administration and research.This trend became acute after the advent of minicomputers and microcomputers. The computer programmers and engineers trained in this country cannot meet the preing demand.I wish to devote myself to the application of computers and therefore, I have decided to pursue an M.S. degree in Computer Science.If admitted, I will concentrate my studies on the computer software. I have some fundamental knowledge regarding the characteristics and capabilities of computers in a course on the Introduction to Computer Science which I took as an undergraduate, Neverthele, I am willing to take more prerequisite courses if neceary. Upon completing the studies, I will return to my country and seek a position as a programmer.

第四节 推荐信范例

大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信。有力的推荐是录取的重要条件 之一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料( 如成绩单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。因为向来有“名师出高徒”之 说。推荐信的格式与一般书信基本相同。有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼, 正文,信尾谦称,签名,推荐人姓名,职称及工作单位等部分。但推荐信还应着重 以下方面:


2.必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度( 偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等)。

3.对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价,这是推荐信的核心。主要包括被推荐者的天 赋,学习成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面。 4.必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。

最近一些学校出于各种原因,设计了推荐表格,由推荐人填写,但其主要内容 也和推荐信涉及的相同。

范例1 计算机教授推荐信

At the request of Mr.Xizhen Chen, my former student in the Department of Computer Science, Beijing Univ.of Sciences, I am glad to write this letter furnishing my evaluation of his academic aptitude for your reference.Mr.Chen is interested in your graduate program in Computer Science. I came to know him in September 1987 when Mr.Chen enrolled in my cla on FORTRAN IV Programming, a three semesters\' course.In the cla he was one of the most outstanding students.At the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be \"A\" according to our grading system.I also found him good at other studies. After the cla, he had personal talks with me several times.He indicated a great interest in computer hardware, In my opinion, Mr.Chen has a potential in Computer Science, which can be further developed. In view of his previous achievements in this College, I am firmly convinced that Mr.Chen will make a succeful graduate student.Your favorable consideration of his admiion will be highly appreciated.

范例2 商管系教授推荐信

It gives me a great pleasure to recommend Mr.Cheng as a transfer to the School of Busine Administration of your University in the summer quarter of 1989. During academic year 1980-1984, he was a student in our Department, World College of Journalism.I found him very diligent and intelligent. He often participated in extracurricular activities contributing a great deal to community affairs. Though Mr.Cheng graduated from this college 5 years ago, he keeps, contact with me very often.Worthy of mention also is his personality, honest, reliable, responsible and mature. I strongly recommend this promising young man and your favorable consideration and aistance to him will be very much appreciated.

范例3 法律系教授推荐信

I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Mi Nan Li, who graduated from this College with an L.B.degree in June 1978. Mi Li was admitted to the Department of Law of this College in 1974 through highly competitive entrance examination which is conducted annually and is open to the whole nation.Even in such a selective group.Mi Li made herself distinguished.As profeor and dean of the College, I have acce to her records of academic work and moral conduct, In her fourth year study, I instructed her in Anglo-American Laws on Trespa.So I have known her quite well. Mi Li\'s performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester.In our university and in other university here, 80 is considered \"A\" , the highest level. As far as I know, Mi Li wishes to continue her study in Law for an advanced degree.I am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability to undertake the study. I recommend Mi Li without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.

第五节 各种证明材料

证明材料一般出自有关单位,文字应规范、严谨,并加盖有效印章。申请者应 提供的证明材料主要有以下几种:

1 学历、学位证明,主要是大学、研究生毕业证书,硕士学位证书,博士学位 证书;

2.成绩单,成绩单是任何申请人都必须提供的,我国大专院校的成绩评定大多 采用百分制,而美国则以采用等级制为多,其平均值通常用平均成绩点数(GPA) 表示,因此,必须注明所采用的记分方法,最好能提自己在班级所排名次,现在, 美国大多数学校都要求申请者通过ETS直接提供TOEFL或GRE成绩: 3.财力证明;


5.学业(术)奖励和工作证明,一般学校尽管不作要求,但获得过奖励和有过 实际工作经验的申请者,在录取时必定会得到优先考虑,这一点在申请助教、助研 及奖学金时尤为重要。

范例1 大学毕业证书

Let it be known that Mr.Wang Chumming, native of Shandong Province, born on January 17, 1962, having specialized in seismological geology in the Geology Department of Changchun University from October, 1978 to July, 1982 and having completed the four year undergraduate program with qualified standing, is hereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation.

范例2 研究生毕业证书

Mr.Kang Jiangrong was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in April, 1968.From September 1985 to December 1989, he was a postgraduate student in our institute, majoring in Textile Machinery, He fulfilled his study plan, and paed oral examination on his thesis in July 1989. He was allowed to graduate.

范例3 硕士学位证书

Certificate of Master Degree University of Shanghai

We the undersigned hereby certify that Mr.Jiang Shan having fulfilled the requirements of the Ordinances and Regulations of the University was by the University authority admitted to the Degree of Master of Science in Electronic Engineering at a Congregation held in the University on July 14, 1989.

范例4 国家教委出具的公费留学财力证明

PEOPLE\'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA TO Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that Mr.Wan Li, born, June 17, 1960, a native of People\'s Republic of China, graduated from Tsinghua University, and he has been awarded a government scholarship by this commiion for studying abroad. The scholarship is for two academic years.covering his / her living costs, full tuition required by the host university, round trip travelling expenses, as well as other miscellaneous fees. The money will be given directly to M, who is then responsible for the payment of fees to the university. Any aistance and advice you may render to M during his / her study tour will be highly appreciated. Director Bureau of International Cultural and Educational Relations

范例5 健康证明书

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that Mr.Lin Chonghan is physically and mentally healthy.This statement is based on his health history and a physical checkup.My observation of his health condition is that he is capable of doing extensive hard work, both manually and intellectually. Sincerely yours,

Dept.Of Internal Medicine Post Hospital

范例6 工作证明

INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BUREAU MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS July 11, 1986 To Whom It May Concern, This is to certify that Mr.Shu duly paed the qualification examination as a Mechanical Engineer and has been granted a certificate, Taikong No.6314 dated February 3, 1982 to this effect by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Particulars of the certificate follow: Name: Shu Native Place: Sichuan Province Date of Birth: November, 1955 Claification : Mechanical Engineering Sincerely yours, K.A.Wang Director General 范例7 参加学会、社团证明

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that Mr.Liang is a member of IEMC (Institute of Education for Ma Communication) since 1982. To the best of my knowledge, Mr.liang has been a senior lecturer teaching in the Dept.of Ma Communication, Beijing University since the beginning of 1984.He is also teaching some courses in Joint College. I would like to mention that Mr.Liang is responsible.aggreive and gets along with his colleagues very well.Hence, he also demonstrates superior scholastic capacity and his potential for further academic growth. If there is any information regarding this gentleman, please do no hesitate to let me know. Best Regards.

范例8 职称证书

INSTRUCTOR\'S LICENCE Date: Feb., 1984 File No.Jiangzi 19045 This is to certify that Mr.Cheng Qin, a native of Chengdu City, China, born on March 26, 1966, has been qualified for instructorship pursuant to Teacher\'s Qualification Regulations of Colleges and Universities. Minister of Education: Submitting School: Sichuan College of Technology

范例9 大学获奖证明

Tsinghua University NO.742821 November 22, 1985 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that Mi Liu a senior student in our Department of International Trade College of Law, received four times the Book Coupon Awards, which only students among the top five percent are entitled to.


第六节 联络与催询书信范例

当申请人按照学校规定提供各种材料以后,并不能就此静坐等待结果。在绝 大多数情况下,还得与对方学校保持联络。所寄去的材料也未必完全符合对方的要 求,如有这种情况,对方会来信要求更正、补充或处理。可能发生的问题很多,其 中常见的包括:


2.TOEFL、GRE或其他考试成绩未收到—— 多数学校对这些成绩只承认ETS寄 去的正本,而不接受申请人提供的成绩单。但ETS处理需时最少六星期,这种延迟 常被对方认为未收到;

3.TOEFL成绩低于标准,要求重考—— TOEFL成绩最低标准470分到550不等;

4.拟修专业填写不详—— 许多申请人在填表时,未把拟修专业(Proposed major)填明,对方来信要求补充; 5.缺少自传、读书计划等材料; 6.尚未收到推荐信; 7.要求提供学位证明;

8.要求更改专业—— 拟修专业的课程已取消或每年只在秋季开课。 9.提出的财力证明数额不足或未经银行证明。

以上所说的问题常常发生,其原因或是由于申请人不熟悉申请程序,或是由于 邮递的延误。但不论原因如何,申请人接信后应该尽快查明予以更正,并将处理情 况函复对方。缺少的材料如已寄出很久,仍未到达,则很可能投递错误而遗失。申 请人应该再寄一次。

另有一些学校,由于行政人员不足,不会主动与申请人联络,你不寄齐材料他 就不审查你的申请,这是常事,故申请人在时隔

一、二个月后未得到对方任何信息 ,便应该去信催询,请对方告知申请是否已完成,或是否已收到所需的一切材料。

不过主动联络必须适度。催询过频会使对方厌烦,申请人必须考虑对方处理所 需的时间,不能期望每一询问函件都立即得到反应,一般而言,当材料寄出后,可 去函告知,并询问材料是否收齐或是否还需补寄任何材料。

如果入学申请已被批准,通常对方会先以正式函件通知,然后再发Ⅰ-20表, 也有些学校要申请者填写一张回执,说明是否接受,还有些学校要求先缴一笔定金 (deposit) ,然后才发Ⅰ-20表,这种定金通常在注册时可抵充学费。如果不止一 个学校发来录取通知,那么,在慎重选择后应及早通知不去的学校,并退还Ⅰ- 20表。

范例1 请求受理入学申请(企管专业本科)

Enclosed is my completed application form.I have also requested all my credentials to be forwarded to you.They should reach you shortly. I would like to aure you of my deep intention to attend your Undergraduate School of Busine Administration for the spring semester of 1989.I sincerely hope that you will proce my application and expedite my papers at your earliest convenience. 范例2 申请表已填寄,为何又寄来新表

I have just received from your office an application form and information for international students.However, I have completed and submitted the same form and paid the $ 25 admiion / evaluation fee before. Would you please tell me if my application and fee have reached you or if the recent materials were sent me by mistake?

Thanks for your aistance.

范例3 寄交申请表及申请费

Thank you for your letter and the application forms Enclosed you will find the completed forms and three checks (80 dollars) for the application fee and the first month\'s rent for dormitory.The additional 5 dollars will be deposited at your college.I shall appreciate any favorable action you might take in admitting me to your college for the spring semester of 1990. I am most anxious to hear from you soon.Thank you for your attention.

范例4 寄交入学及资助申请表并催寄Ⅰ-20表

Attached I am sending you the completed application forms for admiion and financial aid for the fall term of 1989.I would like very much to be admitted into your Department of Social Work for a bachelor\'s degree. I have requested that the letters of recommendation and my academic transcript be sent to you.I also hope to receive your Ⅰ-20 form as soon as poible. I am most anxious to hear from you soon.Thank you for your attention.

范例5 请美国大学将成绩单转寄他校

I wish to request that official transcripts of my academic record be forwarded to the Graduate Admiions Offices of the following institutions: University of Texas, Arlington—2 copies University of Maryland, College Park—2 copies Eastern Illinois University—2 copies Florida Tech University—1 copy Long Island University, Brooklyn Center—2 copies Enclosed you will find a check for $ 25.00 to cover the cost of these transcripts. For your reference, I attended the University between September, 1990 and February 1991.and received an M.S.degree in Civil Engineering. Your prompt response to this request will be greatly appreciated. Check enclosed please.

范例6 补寄申请费及财力证明

I am sorry that I forgot to enclose the application fee in my previous letter.Attached herein you will find a check for $ 20 as the fee. Also enclosed is a statement of my mother Mrs.Lin, which is supported by a certificate of deposit.The amount of financial resources is more than sufficient to cover my educational expenses. Thank you very much for your aistance.

范例7 附财力证明,但仍请考虑奖学金

I am enclosing the completed application for an aistantship and a certificate of account balance iued by my bank.It is hoped that you will send me an I-20 form at your early convenience. As mentioned in my previous letter, I do wish to obtain an aistantship for Fall 1989.But if the financial aid is not available. I will come to enroll with my own funds first and wish to be considered for financial aid later in Spring or Fall 1991.The money in my account was supplied by my parents, and I want to be independent of them as early as poible.

范例8 通知已考TOEFL,成绩将由ETS寄发

Thank you for your letter of May 16, 1990, I took the TOEFL in mid-May and the score is due to come out in mid-June.The ETS will send you an official score report as soon as it becomes available. Your kind attention to my application is much appreciated.

范例9 通知TOEFL和成绩单已请ETS和学校寄发

With reference to your letter dated March 15 regarding my application, I wish to inform you that I requested ETS to forward my TOEFL and Tsinghua University to send my transcript to your office about eight weeks ago.They may have reached you or will reach you shortly. Many thanks for your aistance.

范例10 通知TOEFL及GRE成绩已寄出(附收据) Thank you for your letter of July 25.I wish to inform you that the official copies of my GRE and TOEFL scores have been requested.Enclosed you will find acknowledgments from ETS which show the code of your University as a recipient of my scores. Your aistance is very much appreciated.


Dear Sir or Madam:

My name is xxx, a student studying A-Level courses at 自己学校.I intend to spend my college years in a 学校 by the end of 时间 for my higher education at the same time to develop my scientific skill since I love to have a career in the field of Chemical Engineering.

I had been an excellent student ever since I started my education.When I was 13 I paed the entrance exams of Chengdu Foreign Language School, the leading high school in Sichuan Province.This school accepts only 1000 top students among some 300000 candidates in the province each year.One year later I started to learn chemistry.I was extremely interested in (be extremely fond of) knowing how a reaction happens, and used to find out the answer by myself.Because my personal knowledge is limited, I could not understand the profeional words and graphs, which disturbed my mind for a while.A short time later, I decided to learn more about its basic know-how.I am very proud to say that I did quite a good job in my middle school.I maintained as one of the top 5 students of the 60-students in my cla.In September 2005, after two years (junior) senior high school education, I transferred to BRS for A-Levels.I have chosen mathematics, physics and chemistry in order to study chemical Engineering.With a great effort in absorbing knowledge, I began realizing that chemical world is so huge that is completely out of my imagination.Chemistry is widely applied in vast areas in our daily life.I performed well and won a first-cla scholarship(奖学金) in my second year in BRS.I am confident that I will achieve AAA for A-Level in math, physics and chemistry, which should enable me to (be able to do sth) enter an excellent USA university.(个人简历,说优点)

I am quite confident that I can arrange both my study and my daily life well in new environment.I also took part in a great deal of (many) social activities and some of them were really impreive.For instance, I found a part time job in a real estate company as a salesman for a month.I really enjoyed it and learnt a lot about how to expre my opinion, communicate with different kinds of people and also about how to deal with an individual and how to work in a team.I had great honor in companying the president of the university of Minnesota when he visited BRS with his subordinates(属下).We had a great talk about my school during his visit.

I’ve made up mind to(下决心) read for a Bachelor degree in Chemical engineering in UK.The education in UK is well developed.The universities have perfect facilities with a long history and with some kind of strong financial and economic support.The shorter period(时期) of courses also attract me.Last but not the least, conscientious study atmosphere and the rich culture of this beautiful country, always inspire my desire for further studies in UK.Apart from(除了) my academic excellence, I enjoy many activities in my leisure time.Basketball, computing and music are my main interests.I play the goalkeeper for our football team.

I would be grateful if you could give my application your favorable consideration.I am looking forward to hearing from you in the future.

With all my best regards,

Yours truly,



Reference in support of Mr.LI Ruhan\'s application

It is a great pleasure for me to recommend Mr.LI Ruhan, one of the most outstanding

students in Beijing Royal School, to your university of Bachelor\'s program in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering related field.

Three years ago, I returned China from Cambridge University where I had studied for my PhD in physical chemistry and then worked for over 10 years, to establish a British type school, Beijing Royal School (BRS) to offer A-level program to Chinese and international students.We recruit students who have completed their Chinese senior high school to AS/A-level program restrict.In August 2004, Mr.Li intended to join our AS cla straightly in September 2004 although by then he just completed two years education in his senior high school.I then personally give him thorough interview on math, physics, chemistry and English conducted in English.After the interview I immediately offered her a place in AS cla, where I lectured physics.Therefore he skipped one year and joint the cla in September 2004, and soon become one of the most excellent students in academic performance.He has maintained among the top 20% of his cla.He is active in cla discuion and group project.He helps his clamates in study and in other respect.He can manage his time most efficiently as compare with his clamates.He likes projects and open problems.No wonder he progrees so quickly.

Mr.LI is very responsible as well as pleasant person.He has helped many students in many aspects.He has helped his teachers in organizing some cla or school activities.He concerns about the elder and the weak people.

I also know that he came from a famous provincial Key school in Sichuan Province.This school selects 1000 out of about 300000 students in that province.At the key school he received a lot of awards and honors such as most outstanding student awards.

I am glad to have such a bright boy as my student.He is a promising student to achieve AAA/B for Math, Physics and Chemistry in A-level exams.He will have every succe in his future study and career.He deserves the high quality university education in the word.Her application has my strongest support.

If you have any further enquiry, please feel free to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Yuyan Liu, PhD Cambridge University

Headmaster of Beijing Royal School

National Distinguished University and Research Profeor of Physics


Enjoy the letters and improve your English!

ÄѵÃÒ»¼ûµÄºÃÎÄÕÂ, Ò»·âÀ´×Ô±±¾©¹ó×åѧУµÄѧÉú, Ò»·â³ö×Ô½£ÇÅ´óѧ²©Ê¿±ÊÏÂ.

Dear Sir or Madam:

My name is Ru Han Li, a student studying A-Level courses at Beijing Royal School (BRS).I

intend to spend my college years in a British university by the end of September 2006 for my

higher education at the same time to develop my scientific skill since I love to have a

career in the field of Chemical Engineering.

I had been an excellent student ever since I started my education.When I was 13 I paed the

entrance exams of Chengdu Foreign Language School, the leading high school in Sichuan

Province.This school accepts only 1000 top students among some 300000 candidates in the

province each year.One year later I started to learn chemistry.I was extremely interested

in knowing how a reaction happens, and used to find out the answer by myself.Because my

personal knowledge is limited, I could not understand the profeional words and graphs,

which disturbed my mind for a while.A short time later, I decided to learn more about its

basic know-how.I am very proud to say that I did quite a good job in my middle school.I

maintained as one of the top 5 students of the 60-students in my cla.In September 2005,

after two years senior high school education, I transferred to BRS for A-Levels.I have chosen

mathematics, physics and chemistry in order to study chemical Engineering.With a great

effort in absorbing knowledge, I began realizing that chemical world is so huge that is

completely out of my imagination.Chemistry is widely applied in vast areas in our daily

life.I performed well and won a first-cla scholarship in my second year in BRS.I am

confident that I will achieve AAA for A-Level in math, physics and chemistry, which should

enable me to enter an excellent UK university.

I am quite confident that I can arrange both my study and my daily life well in new

environment.I also took part in a great deal of social activities and some of them were

really impreive.For instance, I found a part time job in a real estate company as a

salesman for a month.I really enjoyed it and learnt a lot about how to expre my opinion,

communicate with different kinds of people and also about how to deal with a individual and

how to work in a team.I had great honor in companying the president of the university of

Minnesota when he visited BRS with his subordinates.We had a great talk about my school

during his visit.

Ive made up mind to read for a Bachelor degree in Chemical engineering in UK.The education

in UK is well developed.The universities have perfect facilities with a long history and

with some kind of strong financial and economic support.The shorter period of courses also

attract me.Last but not the least, conscientious study atmosphere and the rich culture of

this beautiful country, always inspiring my desire for further studies in UK

Apart from my academic excellence, I enjoy many activities in my leisure time.Basketball,

computing and music are my main interests.I play the goalkeeper for our football team.

I would be grateful if you could give my application your favorable consideration.I am

looking forward to hearing from you in the future.

With all my best regards,

Yours truly

Ru Han Li

Reference in support of Mr.LI Ruhan\'s application

It is a great pleasure for me to recommend Mr.LI Ruhan, one of the

most outstanding students

in Beijing Royal School, to your university of Bachelor\'s program in Chemistry or Chemical

Engineering related field.

Three years ago, I returned China from Cambridge University where I had studied for my PhD in

physical chemistry and then worked for over 10 years, to establish a British type school,

Beijing Royal School (BRS) to offer A-level program to Chinese and international students.We

recruit students who have completed their Chinese senior high school to AS/A-level program

restrictly.In August 2004, Mr.Li intended to join our AS cla straightly in September 2004

although by then he just completed two years education in his senior high school.I then

personally give him thorough interview on math, physics, chemistry and English conducted in

English.After the interview I immediately offered her a place in AS cla, where I lectured

physics.Therefore he skipped one year and joint the cla in September 2004, and soon become

one of the most excellent students in academic performance.He has maintained among the top

20% of his cla.He is active in cla discuion and group project.He helps his clamates

in study and in other respect.He can manage his time most efficiently as compare with his

clamates.He likes projects and open problems.No wonder he progrees so quickly.

Mr.LI is very responsible as well as pleasant person.He has helped many students in many

aspects.He has helped his teachers in organizing some cla or school activities.He

concerns about the elder and the weak people.

I also know that he came from a famous provincial Key school in Sichuan Province.This school

selects 1000 out of about 300000 students in that province.At the key school he received a

lot of awards and honors such as most outstanding student awards

I am glad to have such a bright boy as my student.He is a promising student to achieve AAA/B

for Math, Physics and Chemistry in A-level exams.He will have every succe in his future

study and career.He deserves the high quality university education in the word.Her

application has my strongest support.

If you have any further enquiry, please feel free to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Yuyan Liu, PhD Cambridge University

Headmaster of Beijing Royal School

National Distinguished University and Research Profeor of Physics




A 信头(Heading)包括写信人地址和写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角。在比较熟识的朋友之间的通信,写信人的地址常可略去。地址的写法通常是由小到大,如:门牌号、街道名、市(县)名、省名、国名(邮政编码通常写在城市名之后)。这同中文书信的地址写法完全相反。日期写在地址的下方,可以写1~3行。通常有下列两种定法: (a)月、日、年(美式):如August 15, 200__ (b)日、月、年(英式):如15th august, 200__ ,月、日的后面用逗号,年份后面不用标点。

B 称呼(Salutation)指写信人对收信人的称呼,如Dear Xiaojun,写在日期下一两行,顶格写,称呼后面可用逗号,也可用冒号,一般用Dear…或My dear…开头。

C 正文(Body)这是书信的主体部分,即写信人要表达的内容。正文一般在称呼下方隔两行处开始写,正文的首行左边一般留约5个字母宽的空白。

D 结束语(Complimentary Close)它是书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“祝好”、“致礼”之类的话语。如 “Best wishes”等

E 签名(Signature)签名通常签在结束语下方的中间偏右的位置,即使是打写机打出的信件,最后仍需亲笔签名,签名由写信人和收信人的关系和亲疏程度而定,一般只需写名不写姓,但若用了较庄重的结尾套语,此时可签全名。在签名的上方可根据写信人和收信人的关系写Sincerely yours/Yours sincerely(用于长辈或朋友之间),或Respectfully yours/Yours respectfully(用于对长辈或上级),注意开头字母要大写,末尾要用逗号。 申请信





一、英文求学申请信的格式和正文内容(Application for Admittance)























Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply for a place in the MA program in Economics of your university for the 2003-2004 academic year.

I am presently a fourth-year student at the Department of Economics, Beijing University.In the past three years, I have done well and have received quite a number of scholarships and honors.When I graduate and take my Bachelor\'s degree in June 2003, I wish to work for my Master\'s

degree in Economics at your Graduate School.

I would be grateful if you could send me an Application Form for Graduate Admiion and a Financial Aid Form as well as information about your university.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

Dear Sir or madam,

I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in___(信息来源) of


Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a

___(职位名称).___(原因之一).On the other hand, ___(原因之二).

I would be very grateful if you grant me a personal interview.If you need to know more

about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at___(电话号码).

Thank you for considering my application.I am looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


I have learned that you are hiring---

I would like to apply for---

I am interested in a ---position in your firm.

I would appreciate an interview at your convenience.

I am well qualified to--- for the following reasons.

My interest and skill in ---contribute to my qualification for this job.

----------------------- Page 1-----------------------

Letters of application

Letters of application-1(for a scholarship)

61 Daizong Street

Tai’an, Shandong 271018


April 10, 2010

The World Bank

Attention: Scholarship Program

1919 World Trade Building

10 First Avenue

New York, NY 10001


Dear Sirs:


those who are going to study languages at a university.I would like to haveyou send me an application form.

I received a score of 620 on TOEFL taken October 25, 1990, and would




----------------------- Page 2-----------------------

publication in the West.

Thank you for considering me.

Sincerely yours,

(signature)Huang Houping


Application for Admiion

Dear sir or madam: I am writing to apply for an admiion in the IMBA program in Wuhan university of the 2015 academic year.Pioneering, independent, and responsible, that’s my life value.As a woman who has all her life without ever hitting the rough waters, I decided to learn something rare in the working system in State Grid and challenge myself in a different area.My short-term goal after graduating from Wuhan University is to acquire a better development in my company.In the long run, I intend to pursue my own interests.Academically, obtained two bachelor’s degrees in Electric Engineering and English Literature at Wuhan University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology .I developed a broad perspective of problems at work and life.I will talk about the same merits that the inter-company and inter-personal relations share with international relations.In the Global Busine Strategy discuions, I will share my knowledge of the diverse political environments and legal structures, widely disparate cultures and busine norms, and varied negotiation strategies and tactics in different countries.I believe my unique perspectives will enhance my clamates’ knowledge and contribute to the diversity of ideas.

Profeionally, over the past few years, I volunteered to join every managing project in my department, managed my own reputation in the company, and met a group of friends with similar aspiration.The fundamentals I grasped through these efforts, coupled with practical project fieldwork, have better prepared me towards my career goals.I founded the first and only women’s climbing team in my company and won the first prize in the mountain-climbing competition in my company.I established the first narrator team in the company and whenever there are superiors come and inspect in both technical and management fields, it is our duty to give a brief and easy understanding introduction of what we have done.

However, currently I need more to move on in this relentle journey.Important knowledge and skills, such as solid understanding in finance and management, in depth comprehension of organization operation, and seasoned insight on busine strategy are eential to enter strategic consulting.In face of more complicated financial instruments and hidden risks, in order to addre these opportunities, I need to be equipped with vertical industry expertise, global vision, and a well connected network.

Wuhan University’s premier faculty and top courses, can arm me with neceary knowledge and practical know how to build more bricks to my pursuit.I can further deepen my industry perception, and establish connections that could ultimately become cornerstone to realize my firm-owner dream. I believe the experiences at Wuhan University will propel me on career track and eventually establish results and relationships within the MBA. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely, Tong Xiao


Letters of Application Sample 1: Job application letter April 9, 2002 Nicholas Slick Ace Communications 100 Fifth Ave.New York, New York 10011 Dear Mr.Slick:

I am writing to inquire about career opportunities in the fields of marketing and advertising.I am very interested in working at Ace Advertising, specifically in the Art Department.

I will be graduating from Saint Michael’s College in May with a double major in Busine Administration and Fine Arts.At Saint Michael’s, I have developed a very unique educational experience that has combined the financial, theoretical, and practical aspects of a busine education with the creativity and design theories of a fine arts education.I have also become proficient with the computer applications prevalent in these fields, particularly Adobe Photo Shop, and QuarkXPre.As an intern at XYZ Communications, a major advertising firm in Burlington, Vermont, I was part of a creative team responsible for developing the graphic images illustrating the advertising copy for magazine and billboard promotions.During the summer of 1999, I studied in Venezuela where I acquired insight into the busine and artistic forces affecting marketing and advertising, especially in a global marketplace.As a result of these experiences, I am confident that I will bring both technical skills and a fresh perspective to the creative team at Ace Communications.

I am enclosing my resumé.Samples of my work can be viewed online at www.smcvt.edu/personalweb/apallett.References are available upon request from the Student Resource Center at Saint Michael’s College at (802) 654-2547.

I would appreciate an interview with you at your convenience.I will be available at my campus addre until my graduation on May 13th.After that I can be reached at my permanent addre.

I look forward to talking with you soon.Thank you for your consideration.


Arthur Pallett

Sample 2: Enrollment application letter Dear Sir,

I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master’s degree in your university.

My Name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics, Huabei University.Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get my B.S.degree.I plan to continue my study and research in this field.I chose Boston University because ther are a congenial team of researchers, an array of databases and research projects in your School of Physics.I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school.And my solid academic background will neet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.

I will appreciate it very much if you could send my the Grauate Application Forms, the Application Form for Schloarships/Atantships, and other relevant information.

My mailing addre is shown on the top of this letter.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

Sample 3: Applications for scholarships

Dear Sir,

I should like to apply for one of the scholarships that your department may be offering to students from other countries.Would please send me the neceary application forms and any further details about the scholarships?

I am a postgraduate student in Beijing Science and Engineering University.I am majored in microelectronics engineering, and have done some research work during my study years.I hope to have a further study and continue to do my research work if I succeed in obtaining the engineering scholarship.

Enclosed please find two letters of recommendation and my score report card.

Thank you for your consideration.I look forward to your reply.

Respectfully yours,

Ma Mingtao

Sample 4: Financial aid application letter

Dear Peter Jackson,

I am pleased to learn of my admiion to your two-year program of studies leading to degree of M.S.in chemistry.Indeed, I have dreamed of this opportunity since completing my undergraduate study.

In order to reduce the financial responsibility of my parents, I earnestly hope to obtain some kind of financial aid in the form of a teaching or research aistantship.

Would you kindly consider this request and advise me as to the poibilities? Should further information be required, please let me know at your earliest convenience.I look forward to hearing good news from you.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Li Useful Expreions: 常见求职及申请信的导语句型:

I am writing to apply for ...I wish to apply for the post mentioned in your advertisement in Beijing Daily of March 21.I am writing to expre my interest in ...I am writing to formally request ...I should like to apply for the job advertised in yesterday’s newspaper.

Your advertisement for a sale manager in … has impreed me.I feel I can fill that vacancy … The requirements outlined in your advertisement makes me confident that I am qualified for the position.I am writing in response to your advertisement for the position of …

It is with considerable interest that I enclose my resume in response to your … advertisement for a Human Resources Manager.


I feel that similar contributions might be made to your firm as well.

I feel that, with my overall qua1ifications and desire, I could contribute significantly to your company.I feel that I can make a strong contribution to your company.I would appear to have excellent qualifications for this position ...I feel confident that I can provide the kind of leadership that you are seeking for.I am convinced that my interest together with my academic background and working experiences will make me better qualified in applying a course of a higher level.

在信尾表达进一步联系的愿望,表示感谢的方式: I would be pleased to have the opportunity to interview with ...I would appreciate the opportunity to discu how I might further contribute to your ...Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you shortly.I am very interested in this position and would appreciate the opportunity to further discu during a face-to-face interview.Thank you for you consideration.I really appreciate your reply and the interview you may grant me.Thank you again and I am looking forward to hearing from you.I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as poible.If there is anything further I could add to a review of my qualifications or goals, please do not hesitate to call.I hope to hear from you soon.

Dear (insert name or \"Hiring Manager\" if name is unknown):

Your advertisement on Monster for a (insert job title) fits my experience and qualifications perfectly, and I am writing to expre my interest in and enthusiasm for the position.As an accomplished sales leader, I have achieved seven-figure revenue growth, international market penetration and succeful product launches for leading global corporations during my career.

In addition to my desire to join your team, you will find I am a dedicated and driven profeional whose recent accomplishments include: * An increase of international sales from 1 percent of the company\'s total revenue to 75 percent, capturing more than half of the entire European market and one-third of the Latin American market within two years.* Dramatic expansion of customer base, leading to seven-figure revenue growth rates that far exceed the pace of larger, more established competitors.* Development of a 75-member dealer network acro 30 countries in six continents.* Attainment of 100 percent customer retention rate through expert relationship-building skills and a commitment to a solution-focused, service-first sales approach.* Launch of a new London office, expected to double sales revenue by 2003.* Introduction of three innovative product lines, following comprehensive market research and competitive-intelligence gathering.

Your software products are truly on the cutting edge of technology -- you offer products that can change the way a company conducts busine on the Internet.I am excited by this technology and would be able to translate this excitement to a busine benefit for your current and future clients.If you agree that my qualifications are a close fit to your needs, I would be delighted to meet with you personally to discu strategies for expanding (name of company\'s) market presence.

I will follow up with you in a few days to answer any questions you may have.In the meantime, you may reach me at (phone number) or via email at (email addre).I look forward to our conversation.


Dina Smith

34 Second Street

Troy, New York 12180

October 4, 2001 Ms.Gail Roberts

Recruiting Coordinator Department DRR 1201 Database Corporation

Princeton, New Jersey 05876

Dear Ms.Roberts:

Your advertisement for software engineers in the January iue of the IEEE Spectrum caught my attention.I was drawn to the ad by my strong interest in both software design and Database.

I have worked with a CALMA system in developing VLSI circuits, and I also have substantial experience in the design of interactive CAD software.Because of this experience, I can make a direct and immediate contribution to your department.I have enclosed a copy of my resume, which details my qualifications and suggests how I might be of service to Database.

I would like very much to meet with you to discu your open positions for software engineers.If you wish to arrange an interview, please contact me at the above addre or by telephone at (518) 271-9999.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Joseph Smith

1234 15th Street

Troy, New York 12180

January 30, 2002 Mr.John M.Curtis Recruiting Coordinator HAL Corporation

55 Washington Avenue New York, New York 10081 Dear Mr.Curtis:

As an experienced computer programmer who is presently pursuing a master\'s degree in electrical engineering at Renelaer Polytechnic Institute, I am writing to request information about poible summer employment opportunities with HAL.I am interested in a position that will allow me to combine the talents I have developed in both computer programming and electrical engineering.However, as you can see from the attached resume, I have extensive experience in many related fields, and I always enjoy new challenges.

I feel that it is important for me to maintain a practical, real-world perspective while developing my academic abilities.I am proud of the fact that I have financed my entire education through scholarships and summer jobs related to my field of study.This work experience has enhanced my appreciation for the education I am pursuing.I find that I learn as much from my summer jobs as I do from my academic studies.For example, during the summer of 1986, while working for IBM in Boca Raton, Florida, I gained a great deal of practical experience in the field of electronic circuit logic and driver design.When I returned to school in the fall and took Computer Hardware Design, I found that my experience with IBM had thoroughly prepared me for the subject.

Having said all this, I realize that your first consideration in hiring an applicant must not be the potential educational experience HAL can provide, but the skills and services the applicant has to offer.I hope the experience and education described in my resume suggest how I might be of service to HAL.

I welcome the opportunity to discu with you how I might best aist HAL in fulfilling its present corporate needs.I will be available for employment from May 14 through August 31, 2002.Please let me know what summer employment opportunities are available at HAL for someone with my education, experience, and interests.You can reach me at the above addre or by phone at (518) 271-0000.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Joan Doe



1463 49th Avenue North

St, Peterburg, Florida 33703

Tel: 9810883986

Email: Gooding@gmail.com

June 18, 2010

Ms.Rita Hu

The Aughan Group, inc.

45 North Bank Street

St, Peterburg, Florida 33705

Dear Ms.Hu,

I am writing to you in response to your ad for the entry-level account atant, which appears in the St.Peterburg Times on June 15.

I am currently attending the University of Southen Florida and will be graduating at the end of this month.My degree is in busine administration.My recently completed interrnship with Affiliated Account has been an important part of my education and that’s why I am interested in the opportunity to work with you and your staff at Vaughan Group.

I am confident that I poe the combination of skills and training neceary to become a valuble aet to the Vaughan Group.As you can see from my attached resume, I have dedicated myself to academic excellence with th long term goal of working as an advertisement profeional.I feel that my background is suited to the needs of your firm and this position will offer me the challenges I am seeking.

I am eager to learn more about the position you advertise at the Vaughan Group.I am availabe for an interview at your convenience and looking forward to hearing from you in the near future.


William R.Gooding



Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply for a place in the MA program in Economics of your university for the 2003-2004 academic year.

I am presently a fourth-year student at the Department of Economics, Beijing University.In the past three years, I have done well and have received quite a number of scholarships and honors.When I graduate and take my Bachelor’s degree in June 2003, I wish to work for my Master’s degree in Economics at your Graduate School.I would be grateful if you could send me an Application Form for Graduate Admiion and a Financial Aid From as well as information about your university.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Jia Ming

推荐第8篇:英文 职业申请信

Room 119, Building 1 Qilu University of Technology Jinan, Shandong, China 3 October 2015 Mr.Wang, Human Resources Manager

Shenzhen Wenjing Culture Communication Co, Ltd Block 2,No.1, Guowei Road, Liantang, Luohu District, Shenzhen

Dear Mr.Wang: In response to your advertisement in Yingjiesheng.com, I respectfully offer my services for the position of a full-time English teacher.I will graduate from Qilu University of Technology on 10 June 2017 with a Bachelor degree in English and an overall GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.

In visiting your Web site, I am attracted by your company, which is one of the leading enterprises in Shenzhen.According to your advertisement, I know that you plan to hire someone who is able to coach both primary school pupils and high school students.When I was a freshman, I exactly was a part-time English teacher for several primary school pupils.Besides, I also worked in an English training agency in which I fully improved my ability in mastering the cla.The high school students loved my teaching style so much and they enjoyed communicating with me about their study and life.What’s more, I also worked as a tutor to coach a high school girl.What deserves to be mentioned is that she had made a great progre in English and won many English contests.So I am really good at one-to-one teaching, fully meeting your requirement.By all teaching experiences, I am very familiar with the teaching materials of primary school and high school in Shandong and in order to adjust myself to your esteemed company I have been studying the teaching materials of Shenzhen recently.Please see me enclosed resume for additional information about my qualifications and who are willing to provide recommendation for me.And I have developed aportfolio including other working experience in details which can prove that I am a young personwith good team-work spirit and patience.I desperately hope that you will give me a chance to prove that I am worth more than you pay me.Your prompt reply in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Vicky Enclosure: resume and list of references


Application letter

Dear Mr.Wang

It is a great honor that you can spare time to read this application letter written on behalf cla 1401 from SUIBE-UCLan joint program.We are aigned to make small busine on our own.So we are applying for the place in front the school canteen for our busine activities.They are all for our course: module EB2010-English for International Busine Enterprise.Our activities will last about 1 month form March to April 2017.We sincerely hope that you would agree to grant us with a small stand beside the college’s canteen.

I believe these commercial activities will affect whole SUIBE, and bring strong busine atmosphere here.And we whole cla is very excited and eagled to have this chance to work for our own dreams.

There are 6 groups in all: FANG Xiaohao, DAI Shengtao, TANG Zhuowen, NIU Runbo, MA Xiaobo---Wall Shelf WANG Zihao,CHENXindi,HEJiahao,GONGZenxin,WANG Jun--Phone holder Lin Zhihao、Liu Lizhen、Wang Yuyu、Liu Li、Dong Xiaoyu--Dryer Du Xixia,GaoYa,WuShaoxuan,DaiJiayi,LuJiayi--Mobile Phone toughened membrane Fu Yufan,Xu Bing,LiQin,Jin Shuhan,Li Weiwei— Socks

We’ll appreciate it very much if you can give us the permiion for our busine.


Students of Cla 1401





A 信头(Heading)包括写信人地址和写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角。在比较熟识的朋友之间的通信,写信人的地址常可略去。地址的写法通常是由小到大,如:门牌号、街道名、市(县)名、省名、国名(邮政编码通


通常有下列两种定法: (a)月、日、年(美式):如August 15, 200__ (b)日、月、年(英式):如15th august, 200__ ,月、日的后面用逗号,年份后面不用标点。

B 称呼(Salutation)指写信人对收信人的称呼,如Dear Xiaojun,写在日期下一两行,顶格写,称呼后面可用逗号,也可用冒号,一般用Dear…或My dear…开头。

C 正文(Body)这是书信的主体部分,即写信人要表达的内容。正文一般在称呼下方隔两行处开始写,正文的首行左边一般留约5个字母宽的空白。

D 结束语(Complimentary Close)它是书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“祝好”、“致礼”之类的话语。如 “Best wishes”等

E 签名(Signature)签名通常签在结束语下方的中间偏右的位置,即使是打写机打出的信件,最后仍需亲笔签名,签名由写信人和收信人的关系和亲疏程度而定,一般只需写名不写姓,但若用了较庄重的结尾套语,此时可签全名。在签名的上方可根据写信人和收信人的关系写Sincerely yours/Yours sincerely(用于长辈或朋友之间),或Respectfully yours/Yours respectfully(用于对长辈或上级),注意开头字母要大写,末尾要用逗号。






一、英文求学申请信的格式和正文内容(Application for Admittance)










正文部分一般可以从三个方面组织内容: 1.用简短的开场白明确陈述写信的目的,即申请什么专业和学位,从何得知申请信息等

入学申请应明确说明申请何类性质或何种学位的课程,准备何时入学等; 2.主体段用来概述自己的情况,包括年龄、专业、学历、资历、特长、兴趣等,旨在给








Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply for a place in the MA program in Economics of your university for the 2003-2004 academic year.

I am presently a fourth-year student at the Department of Economics, Beijing University.In the past three years, I have done well and have received quite a number of scholarships and honors.When I graduate and take my Bachelor\'s degree in June 2003, I wish to work for my Master\'s degree in Economics at your Graduate School.

I would be grateful if you could send me an Application Form for Graduate Admiion and a Financial Aid Form as well as information about your university.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Dear Sir or madam,

I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in___(信息来源) of ___(信息发布日期).

Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a ___(职位名称).___(原因之一).On the other hand, ___(原因之二).

I would be very grateful if you grant me a personal interview.If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at___(电话号码).

Thank you for considering my application.I am looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming 常用语:

I have learned that you are hiring--- I would like to apply for---

I am interested in a ---position in your firm.

I would appreciate an interview at your convenience. I am well qualified to--- for the following reasons.

My interest and skill in ---contribute to my qualification for this job.

----------------------- Page 1-----------------------

Letters of application

Letters of application-1 (for a scholarship)

61 Daizong Street

Tai’an, Shandong 271018


April 10, 2010

The World Bank

Attention: Scholarship Program

1919 World Trade Building

10 First Avenue

New York, NY 10001


Dear Sirs:

I have recently heard that the World Bank is offering scholarship for

those who are going to study languages at a university.I would like to have

you send me an application form.

I received a score of 620 on TOEFL taken October 25, 1990, and would

like to improve my English abilities by studying in an English university.

Although my major is biochemistry, I want to improve my English well

enough to translate recent Chinese research in my field into English for

----------------------- Page 2-----------------------

publication in the West.

Thank you for considering me.

Sincerely yours,




Letter of application-2 (for a position)


338E.44 St.

New York, NY



May 5, 2002

Profeor Li Bing

Department of English

Beijing Foreign Studies University

Beijing 100081


----------------------- Page 3-----------------------

Dear Profeor Li,

I am interested in teaching English in the People’s Republic of China.I am






and literature.An acquaintance of mine,

Mr.Zhang Wei of your University suggested that I should write to you.

Presently, I work as a teaching aistant in a college in Los Angeles, California.

My background is strong in the liberal arts, especially in the English language.

I have got my Ph.D degree in linguistics from university of Michigan.

Enclosed you will find a copy of my resume.Basically, I am interested in a

position as a foreign language expert or as a teacher.

If you have any position available, please allow me to interview with you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Respectfully yours,

Martin Lews


Letter of application-3 (for further study)

Dept of Computer Science

----------------------- Page 4-----------------------

Tsinghua University

Beijing 100084


Feb.28, 2006

Profeor S.M.Smith

Computer Engineering Department

Maachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, Ma, 02139

Dear Profeor Smith,

I am writing to you about the poibility of further studies in the field of

Computer Engineering leading to the Ph.D degree at your institution.Would

you please send me the neceary information and forms?

I am 25, male, majoring in computer science.I received my B.E.

(Computer Science) in June 1998 and M.E.(Computer Science) in March 2001

from Tsinghua University in Beijing.I kept on ranking in the upper 5% of my

undergraduate cla and graduate cla.I do believe that the







of great help for my further

study in the area of Computer Science.

I have taken the TOEFL Test (score 637) and GRE General Test (score

2170).I am going to take the GRE Subject Test on Computer Science this

----------------------- Page 5-----------------------


Thank you very much.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Sensen Li

Encl.: resume Enjoy the letters and improve your English!

难得一见的好文章, 一封来自北京贵族学校的学生, 一封出自剑桥大学博士笔


Dear Sir or Madam: My name is Ru Han Li, a student studying A-Level courses at Beijing Royal School (BRS).I

intend to spend my college years in a British university by the end of September 2006 for my

higher education at the same time to develop my scientific skill since I love to have a

career in the field of Chemical Engineering.

I had been an excellent student ever since I started my education.When I was 13 I paed the

entrance exams of Chengdu Foreign Language School, the leading high school in Sichuan

Province.This school accepts only 1000 top students among some 300000 candidates in the

province each year.One year later I started to learn chemistry.I was extremely interested

in knowing how a reaction happens, and used to find out the answer by myself.Because my

personal knowledge is limited, I could not understand the profeional words and graphs,

which disturbed my mind for a while.A short time later, I decided to learn more about its

basic know-how.I am very proud to say that I did quite a good job in my middle school.I

maintained as one of the top 5 students of the 60-students in my cla.In September 2005,

after two years senior high school education, I transferred to BRS for A-Levels.I have chosen

mathematics, physics and chemistry in order to study chemical Engineering.With a great

effort in absorbing knowledge, I began realizing that chemical world is so huge that is

completely out of my imagination.Chemistry is widely applied in vast areas in our daily

life.I performed well and won a first-cla scholarship in my second year in BRS.I am

confident that I will achieve AAA for A-Level in math, physics and chemistry, which should

enable me to enter an excellent UK university.

I am quite confident that I can arrange both my study and my daily life well in

environment.I also took part in a great deal of social activities and some of them were

really impreive.For instance, I found a part time job in a real estate company as a

salesman for a month.I really enjoyed it and learnt a lot about how to expre my opinion,

communicate with different kinds of people and also about how to deal with a individual and

how to work in a team.I had great honor in companying the president of the university of

Minnesota when he visited BRS with his subordinates.We had a great talk about my school during his visit.

Ive made up mind to read for a Bachelor degree in Chemical engineering in UK.The education

in UK is well developed.The universities have perfect facilities with a long history and

with some kind of strong financial and economic support.The shorter period of courses also

attract me.Last but not the least, conscientious study atmosphere and the rich culture of

this beautiful country, always inspiring my desire for further studies in UK

Apart from my academic excellence, I enjoy many activities in my leisure time.Basketball,

computing and music are my main interests.I play the goalkeeper for our football team.

I would be grateful if you could give my application your favorable consideration.I am

looking forward to hearing from you in the future.

With all my best regards, Yours truly Ru Han Li Reference in support of Mr.LI Ruhan\'s application

It is a great pleasure for me to recommend Mr.LI Ruhan, one of the most outstanding students

in Beijing Royal School, to your university of Bachelor\'s program in Chemistry or Chemical

Engineering related field.

Three years ago, I returned China from Cambridge University where I had studied for my PhD in

physical chemistry and then worked for over 10 years, to establish a British type school,

Beijing Royal School (BRS) to offer A-level program to Chinese and international students.We

recruit students who have completed their Chinese senior high school to AS/A-level program

restrictly.In August 2004, Mr.Li intended to join our AS cla straightly in September 2004

although by then he just completed two years education in his senior high school.I then

personally give him thorough interview on math, physics, chemistry and English conducted in

English.After the interview I immediately offered her a place in AS cla, where I lectured

physics.Therefore he skipped one year and joint the cla in September 2004, and soon become

one of the most excellent students in academic performance.He has maintained among the top

20% of his cla.He is active in cla discuion and group project.He helps his clamates

in study and in other respect.He can manage his time most efficiently as compare with his

clamates.He likes projects and open problems.No wonder he progrees so quickly.

Mr.LI is very responsible as well as pleasant person.He has helped many students in many

aspects.He has helped his teachers in organizing some cla or school activities.He

concerns about the elder and the weak people.

I also know that he came from a famous provincial Key school in Sichuan Province.This school

selects 1000 out of about 300000 students in that province.At the key school he received a

lot of awards and honors such as most outstanding student awards

I am glad to have such a bright boy as my student.He is a promising student to achieve AAA/B

for Math, Physics and Chemistry in A-level exams.He will have every succe in his future

study and career.He deserves the high quality university education in the word.Her

application has my strongest support.

If you have any further enquiry, please feel free to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Yuyan Liu, PhD Cambridge University Headmaster of Beijing Royal School National Distinguished University and Research Profeor of Physic



(1)Dear Sir,

My name is XXX.I took part in the IELTS test(General training) on 25th May in your cenetr for the purpose of immigration.0227 is my candidate number.I am writing to apply for the reaement of my test results.

As a pre-requisites of profeion aement, I need to take a IELTS test and reach at least level 6 on all four components.However, my writing is only at level 5.I have been in Australia for one year and have published several papers in English.I think my English writing should have reached at level 6.My poor score of writing maybe is due to my poor handwriting on the test paper.I will have lots of trouble if I wait for three month for the next test.Therefore, I want my writing part to be remarked.Enclosed are my original test results and payment for this application.

Any help from you will greatly be appreciated.



(2)Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is XXX.I took part in the IELTS test (Academic Training) on mm-dd-yy in your center for the purpose of pursuing the Master Degree of XXX abroad.XXX is my candidate number.I am writing to apply for the reaement of my speaking test results.

As pre-requisites of profeion aement, I was informed that I have to take an IELTS test and reach at least level 6 on all four components by a university.However, my speaking is only at

5.I have been prepared the IELTS for nearly one year.I talked to my father in English everyday at least 2 hours in the past year.My father is an interpreter, who is working at a harbor bureau nearly forty years.I think my English speaking should have reached at level 6.My poor score of

speaking maybe is due to little nervous during the speaking test, after all that is my first time to take part in the speaking test of IELTS.I will lose the golden opportunity of applying the good reputation university if I wait for three months for the next test.Therefore, I will appreciate if my speaking part to be remarked.Enclosed are my original test results and the payment for this application.

Any helps from you will greatly be appreciated.



Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is ***.I took part in the general training IELTS test on 12 December 2012 at University of Technology, Sydney Australia (Centre Number: AU140) for the purpose of applying for Skilled – Graduate (Temporary) visa (subcla 485) in Australia.My candidate number was ******.I am writing to you to apply for a re-mark of writing part of my IELTS test.

In order to be able to apply for the work visa, I need to get at least band 5.5 for all of the four components (Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening).But I only get 4.5 for writing part.I have been studying in Australia for 4 years and finished my bachelor degree last month.I know that I will receive a bachelor degree with Distinction which is the highest level of my degree in the graduation ceremony held in May 2009.I think my writing skill should be at least band 6.I even got band 6 for writing in an academic IELTS test three and a half years ago.It will be inconvenient for me to sit another IELTS test as the earliest test I can book is in April 2009 and my current student visa will expire in March 2009.Therefore, I would like to have my writing part remarked.

I found a part time job in an Australia public listed company before finishing my bachelor degree and now I am working full time in that company.I believe my employment with my company is a strong evidence of my English competence, as my resume and cover letter were reviewed in the recruitment proce.

The human resource manager told me that if I can get the work visa, she would give me a permanent full time job offer.

In other words, if I cannot get 6 for writing, I will not be able to apply for the work visa and lose my job subsequently.As you know, now it is very hard to find a job during the current receionary economy.I really don’t want to lose my job just because I cannot get the work visa.Furthermore, I am working on a project which can improve the work efficiency of my department and I am the only one in my department who has the skills to do it.If I lose my job, it will certainly bring inconvenience to my department.

Thank you for your time.Enclosed is my original test report form.I appreciate every effort you put in the remarking proce.Thank you very much.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Best regards



第12篇:国外 英国 美国 高中 大学 本科 英文 申请信

April 11, 2012

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is, studying in,School, Shenyang China.Going to Britain for schooling is one of my long cherished dreams.As far as I know, British education system pays more attention to student’s personal development, in which teachers try to motivate students and make each student special, and students work and find answers by themselves instead of just remembering a lot of information as in China.

Nurtured in a college profeor’s family, I’m hardworking, outgoing, confident and optimistic by nature.Always with a clear objective, I have made myself a gifted student in my school.I have consistently been a top 5% student during the past years.In addition, to realize my overseas education dream, currently I am preparing for the SAT and IELTS.Of all the school subjects, I am particularly strong in mathematics and physics, which I regard as foundation to every branch of science and technology and which will be my further specialties.After entering this full boarding school, I can quickly find my feet and get well with all kinds of individuals.When I suffer setbacks, I can always overcome them by some positive ways.

I am crazy about reading, which has been one of my favorite hobbies since childhood.The most recent English book I have read is “A short history of nearly everything” by Bill Bryson, which talks about the material world around us from the smallest particles to the biggest cosmos.I’m curious about the foundation of evolution theory.From this book I know that the only way to scientific succe is from constant observation and reasonable aumption.For me, I think the most important factor to succe is persistence and the courage to challenge the authority is also indispensable.I want to be someone like Charles Darwin.

I have actively involved myself in a variety of activities, from which I not only improved my leadership and communication skills but also acquired a pioneering spirit and the ability to do teamwork, making me more confident when working with others.Having been a cla monitor for years, I have always been ready to help teachers to manage routine tasks.In doing these, I gradually feel that everyone is unique, and that we should accept and respect each other’s differences to maintain a cordial and harmonious atmosphere.

I am keen on outdoor sports and enjoy a range of activities from tennis to skating and cycling.I have cycled to 6 different cities around my hometown with my beloved father, totally about 1,000 kilometers.I am planning my wildest dream to cycle to Lhasa, Tibet, which will be more than 3,000 kilometers.In this challenging journey, I know I will meet numerous difficulties, but I am certain that there will be no difficulties in my future life if I can make it.

I care about some social iues a lot and am doing a consistent social problem probe titled “A Study on Elementary Educational Equity in the Area of Shenyang ” , which focuses on the current unfair situation caused by lack of qualified teachers, other teaching resources, etc.in many schools in my local city.I want to propose some beneficial suggestions to make a change, hopefully to draw the attention of the educational authorities.

I understand that oversea schooling life will be demanding and challenging, but I am convinced that it will give me the best chance to achieve my potential, leading to a succeful and promising career.All in all, I am fully ready for your selection, for my study in your college physically and spiritually.

Sincerely Yours


To whom it may concern:

As Ms.***’s Mathematics teacher, I write this letter in support of her application to your university with delight and enthusiasm.***, one of my favorite students in my 20 years’ teaching career, has the energy and preservation to persist in her goal.And she will undoubtedly fulfill her dream, with the help you offer on her road growing up.

I first got to know *** in my Math cla.She listened carefully with whole attention and did her aignments perfectly with her great mathematics sensibility.I remembered it was the time when I first introduced Analytic Geometry to the cla, which is undeniably a big challenge for most 11th graders, but ***, who was in Grade 10 at that time, did an amazing job.Once, I intentionally aigned a problem related to midpoint chord, which I hadn’t covered in my leon, but *** handed in an excellent aignment with detailed analyses in every step during the proce.She was the only student who got the answer correct, and since that time, I have bore in mind that she is granted a strong sense in Math.However, her intelligence is not the only thing that contributes to her achievements.No matter how busy she was with all sorts of extracurricular activities, *** had never got out of the top five in my Math cla.Being asked to share her learning method with the rest of the cla last semester, she said that two important things in her code were listening carefully in cla and solving every problem she had, however tough.She is a brilliant girl with her own efficient learning strategy that can always help her out.

Although being outstanding in cla, *** is also a good girl to befriend with.Her outgoing personality, friendly smile, the urge to improvement and effective action attracted her clamates.It is out of question that she is popular within the cla.I enjoy chatting with her, because she shows her paion in life, which has an impact on me as well.She found great inspiration in the works she had accomplished.As a result, she keeps an optimistic attitude in the face of challenge, believing in herself.The confidence, along with the efforts she makes, helps her overcome the difficulties.

Besides the hardworking in academic study, *** is enthusiastic to extracurricular activities.Owing to her endeavors, her ability outside the cla is obviously improved.In the several social practical activities during summer holidays, she participated in different kinds of jobs, varied from bank staff to charity volunteer.I can see that she obtains a distinction from plenty of work.The skills and mature she presents illustrates her superiority in the ability to progre and learn.Besides her excellent performance in my Math cla, Sha demonstrates her intelligence as long as she has made up her mind to set about.*** is an honest, smart and open-minded person with a resolution to her goal.

I have no doubt in ***’s future accomplishments under the condition of appropriate guide.Therefore, I am happy to give this favorable recommendation and hope that you will consider her merits in making your decision.If you have any questions about her, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Senior Mathematics Teacher Beijing National Day SchoolNo.6, Yuquan Road

Haidian District, Beijing Tel: 86-...........

E-mail: ******@126.com


December 31, 2012

In re: Rose

To whom it May Concern:

When approached to write a letter of reference on behalf of the above student, I was so happy to comply.

As her teacher of Politics, I have had the pleasure of having this fine young lady in my cla.The Politics course, a comprehensive subject involving knowledge of various fields, such as economics, philosophy, politics and culture, mainly focuses on cultivating students’ personality and building up a solid knowledge background.She has excelled in those subjects.She’s included in the category of top-notch students I’ve ever acquainted with.And I believe she will continue to do well in the further study in your university.

It is worthy to mention her critical thinking and special interest towards social phenomena.She always came to me with penetrating questions and new ideas in different fields, most of which was derived from her extensive reading.She has written an article discuing the effect of collision between Chinese tradition and western culture on Chinese spending psychology, in which I can see her profound and active thought.To collect data, she investigated nearly three thousand people in our school and in the shopping mall.And I was surprised to find that she has read all the books I recommended to her as reference, such as the Positioning by Trout, Pricing and the Psychology of Consumption, and Psychology and Consumer Culture.More importantly, I found that she had in-depth understanding to some key chapters when she discued with me.Her idea and solutions are creative and critical, went far beyond the knowledge of her peers.

Since I have been teaching in this school for about 20 years, I have had the opportunity to ae the analytical abilities of many students.Mi Rose is definitely not a study machine.She is always ready to the road of exploring the wisdom rather than simply accumulating materials.She is never afraid of facing difficulties and failures, and she could pack up and restart her journey to study.I appreciate such kind of student like Mi Rose with so much aspiration to study and persistence in pursuit of her dream.I believe she will be your treasure as she usually was in our school and you will be proud of her as I do.

And therefore, I strongly recommend Mi Rose to your esteemed university.

Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours,


Politics Teacher of the Cla

School: Beijing National Day School

E-mail: *******9@qq.com

第15篇:Model Application Letter 英文申请信

Model Application Letter

Rm.316, New College Dormintory

Xuanwu University, 2270 Zhongshan Road

Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210008

Tel: (025) 9709399


August 25,2010

Dr.Guoliang Li

Director of the Human Resources Office

Shanghai Star

20F,Huaihai Building

200 Huaihai Road (Middle)

Shanghai 200021

Dear Dr.Li,

In searching for employment opportunities on the Internet, I learned of a job vacancy in the Public Affairs Reporting Section of your newspaper.I believe that my qualifications match the requirements you have listed for the position.

As a journalism major at Xuanwu University in Nanjing, my academic training has enabled me to develop my writing and editing skills, particularly in the reporting of public affairs.At college, English, Reporting Public Affairs, Advertising and Public Relations have been my favorite subjects.I would like to utilize my interests and training to the fullest through working on a newspaper as well-known as your own.

My resume reflects my experience as a journalistic intern with two newspapers in Nanjing.While working there I did both research work and reporting..I greatly enjoyed work as a profeional reporter and the challenge of writing to deadlines, all of which I succefully met.

I have won several awards for my journalistic work and I was admitted to the Journalists’ Aociation of Jiangsu Province last year.I was the vice chairman of the Students’ Union in my university for two years.The enclosed resume provides further information about my experience and background.

I wonder if it would be poible for us to meet one of these days so that you could learn more about the specifics of the job.Please call me anytime on (025)9709399 Monday through Friday.Thank you for your time and consideration.



Hong Qin






感谢您给我这次难得的机遇,请你,以平和的心态 来看完这封求职信,由于时间仓促,准备难免有不足和纰漏之处,请予以谅解!

其实,我只是报着一种平静而真诚的心情,把这看 作是交流和沟通的平台。真的,这可能是我人生中又 一转折,至少会是人生中一次不一般的经历。

入校以来,我坚持刻苦学习,通过二年的积 累,拥有了作为一名学生应该掌握的理论基础知识 和专业知识。

在学校期间,注重锻炼自己的协调合作能力, 积极热情的参加学校的团体活动,并获得了一些荣誉称号。同时我也利用课余时间加强对自己实践能 力的培养,来充实自己的课余生活,吃苦耐劳。

首先,我想表明一下个人的工作态度。也可能是阅 历的浅薄吧。一直到现在我都固执地认为:我的工作 就是一种学习的过程,能够在工作中不断地汲取知 识。当然,钱很重要,不过对我来说,充实而快乐的感 觉就是最大的满足了!

如果非要推销自己的话,我想个人的生活经历让 自己考虑问题更细致一些。第一,从十六岁开始,一直 独自一人在校生活,自理能力不成问题。第二,在中专 期间,让我更加有一种紧迫感,危机感。第三,课外的 活动,让我有了一种为人处的经验,。真的很感谢 这两种经历,无论从哪方面来说,锻炼价值都是相当 大的。在工作中,一直是以中专生的学识,中专生的姿 态来要求自

己,做到了三心,即细心,耐心,恒心;二意, 即诚意,真意。

当然,自己也并不是具备什么压倒性的优势,甚至 从某种程度来说,优势即是劣势,我深信我会一步一 个脚印走的更好!但我也明白自己的平凡,知道自 己在各方面还需要进一步提高。或许在贵公司的求 职者中我不是最优秀的,但我相信自己的综合实 力,更相信您的慧眼。希望贵公司能给我一个展现 自己的平台。我所在乎的不仅仅是薪酬的多少,更 重要的是在工作中到底获得了多少作为一个人的尊 严。可不管怎么说,只要兴趣所在,心志所向,我想这 些都是完全可以克服的

最后,恭祝贵公司事业蒸蒸日上,祝您工作顺利! 恳切盼望您详考、谨虑,使我与贵公司共同发展, 求至善、创辉煌!


















1. 总体上,求职信的格式、用字、措辞都应规范和正式,显示出求职者自身受到的良好教育,在求职方面是个”内


2. 在求职信中,有两点是能引起经理人兴趣的:1)你能为公司做什么;2)公司要求你具备的能力。大多数人忽视了第二点,喋喋不休地描述自己的才能,而不考虑什么样的能力是对公司有益的。因此在表述证明能力时,把它分成两部分:1)核心技能,具备职位所要求的资历和学识;2)拥有更为广泛的的知识背景和更多专长,对公司有所帮助。拥有的核心技能是你能被接受的基本理由,拥有的广泛知识和专长会使你在众多竞争者中脱颖而出。

3. 求职信中,减少使用”我”的频率,而强调”你”,把”我具备”转变成”我有你需要的”,引起人事经理想与你见面的兴趣是你能为企业创造的价值。因此,求职信看起来应该更像一份人事建议而不是恳求工作。

4. 在发送简历之前,校对你的求职信,确定不出现拼写、语法、语气等这类愚蠢的错误。如果可能,找一些参


5. 尽可能表露出你对公司及公司所处行业的熟悉,了解公司的发展和业务,不妨在求职信中简短评价公司及其顾客的状况,让人事经理觉得你能很快胜任新职位,而不是让人觉得你不过是从电话簿、广告上才知道公司的名字和地址。

6. 让阅读你求职信的人事经理对你有较深入地了解,用自己的语言表述自己取得的成绩、技能和背景,强调它们能给公司带来新价值。表述应尽可能具体,不妨使用些专业用语,使人事经理相信你过去的业绩和你能做什么。

7. 求职信条理清楚,每一段落都应有个表述的中心。在信的第一段开宗


8. 将求职信mail 给负责招聘的人或可能成为你上司的经理人,而不是整个公司,不过千万别妄加猜测收信人的性别,以免闹笑话,令人不快。如果招聘信息中没有注明收信人和收信的电子邮箱,那么不妨电话问一下,这会使收信人对你留有印象,因为只有你的信标明了收信人。

9. 你可能会同时应聘数份工作,但不要把求职信写成公式化的,不要让人事经理看出你同时在向几家公司求


10. 不要在求职信中夹放照片,除非你应聘的是演员、模特或其他表演性工作。记住,在求职信中夹放照片的结果是,很可能人事经理通过你的照片想象你的性格、为人,以次判断是否考虑与你见面。

11. 求职信的开头有很多形式,但无论你使用什么方式开头,都应该尽快进入主题,”开门见山”至少在写求职信时是个好方法。

12. 在求职信中结尾时,别忘了提出见面一谈的请求,表达你已做好进一步接触、沟通的准备,让你未来的人事经理你是个有信心、有准备的人,这会使人事经理对你求职申请多考虑一些。












1. 总体上,求职信的格式、用字、措辞都应规范和正式,显示出求职者自身受到的良好教育,在求职方面是个”内行”。

2. 在求职信中,有两点是能引起经理人兴趣的:1)你能为公司做什么;2)公司要求你具备的能力。大多数人忽视了第二点,喋喋不休地描述自己的才能,而不考虑什么样的能力是对公司有益的。因此在表述证明能力时,把它分成两部分:1)核心技能,具备职位所要求的资历和学识;2)拥有更为广泛的的知识背景和更多专长,对公司有所帮助。拥有的核心技能是你能被接受的基本理由,拥有的广泛知识和专长会使你在众多竞争者中脱颖而出。

3. 求职信中,减少使用”我”的频率,而强调”你”,把”我具备”转变成”我有你需要的”,引起人事经理想与你见面的兴趣是你能为企业创造的价值。因此,求职信看起来应该更像一份人事建议而


4. 在发送简历之前,校对你的求职信,确定不出现拼写、语法、语气等这类愚蠢的错误。如果可能,找一些参考工具帮助你写求职信,保证求职信的准确、得体。因为求职信中的语法错误而丧失进一步接触的机会,实在不值。不过,应该用自己的语言表达内容,而不是看起来像从书上抄录下来的,准确反映出你的能力、性格特点、你的知识面和你对工作的态度。

5. 尽可能表露出你对公司及公司所处行业的熟悉,了解公司的发展和业务,不妨在求职信中简短评价公司及其顾客的状况,让人事经理觉得你能很快胜任新职位,而不是让人觉得你不过是从电话簿、广告上才知道公司的名字和地址。

6. 让阅读你求职信的人事经理对你有较深入地了解,用自己的语言表述自己取得的成绩、技能和背景,强调它们能给公司带来新价值。表述应尽可能


7. 求职信条理清楚,每一段落都应有个表述的中心。在信的第一段开宗明义,随后安排段落,确定段落中心,并确定所有的段落都服从一个目标。每一段落的语句不要超过7句,最好控制在5句以内,语句长短不一,不过避免使用句子长句,也不要使用断句,一页篇幅足够了。为了使你的求职信在众多的信中突出,可以在关键语句下面划线、加粗、或使用表格,如果在网上发送求职信,你还可以改变重要部分文字的颜色,使收信人能在最短时间里了解你要表述的大意。

8. 将求职信mail 给负责招聘的人或可能成为你上司的经理人,而不是整个公司,不过千万别妄加猜测收信人的性别,以免闹笑话,令人不快。如果招聘信息中没有注明收信人和收信的电子邮箱,那么不妨电话问一下,这会使收信人对你留有印象,因为只有你的信


9. 你可能会同时应聘数份工作,但不要把求职信写成公式化的,不要让人事经理看出你同时在向几家公司求职。因此,尽管基本内容不同,但对每一份求职信都要有针对地对待,所以避免含糊其词的说词,公司的名字、背景等情况千万不要搞错。

10. 不要在求职信中夹放照片,除非你应聘的是演员、模特或其他表演性工作。记住,在求职信中夹放照片的结果是,很可能人事经理通过你的照片想象你的性格、为人,以次判断是否考虑与你见面。

11. 求职信的开头有很多形式,但无论你使用什么方式开头,都应该尽快进入主题,”开门见山”至少在写求职信时是个好方法。

12. 在求职信中结尾时,别忘了提出见面一谈的请求,表达你已做好进一步接触、沟通的准备,让你未来的人事经理你是个有信心、有准备的人,这



To: Profeor Sasaki

XXXX requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for studying at your university.I’m the dean of institute.I am pleased to comply with her request.

Three years ago, because of the high scores in the College Entrance Examination Mi XXX went to our university and became my student.In my contact with her during three years.I was deeply impreed by Mi XXX’s performance.During these three years she took part in a lot of activities didn’t distract her study.Got the scholarships and helped the instructor to manage the cla as a leader.Thus I confirmed that she is a diligent student.Besides all above, I may also say he was a well-rounded.He has many good guarantees for her future succe.

I feel that Mi XXX is a student of great potential.Knowing that she is planning to further her studies in Japan, I am very pleased to recommend her to your university and I sincerely hope that you will accept her application.







范例一: 假如你是刘雪,从中国日报上了解到某公司需要招聘一名工程师。请用英语写一封求职信。内容应包括:学历、能力、工作经历

Dear Sir:

I learn from China Daily that an engineer is needed in your company.I wish to apply for the position。交代消息来源,表明求职心愿)

I’ m Liu Xue.I expect to get a Master’s degree from Beijing University in 2010.In the past few years, I have got experience in designing new projects and developed good profeional competence in my subjects.I worked in my holidays for a company that designed engines for jeeps.I helped them design several parts of the new engine.It made me think I would like to work in a company like yours.(学历、能力,工作经历)

I understand that I have the qualifications and experience that you need for the personnel in your company.I would appreciate it if you would take my application into consideration .Looking forward to your early reply.(自我评价、盼望尽快收到答复,并表明感激之情)

Yours faithfully,

Liu xue

范例二: 你所在的城市即将举办国际贸易博览会。有关部门现向全社会招聘志愿者。要求:






生词:国际贸易博览会 the International Trade Exposition

Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for taking your time to read my letter.As the coming of the International Trade Exposition, I\'d like very much to be a volunteer.

All our citizens are hosts for this special event.Above all, I promise I should endeavor to serve with enthusiasm our distinguished guests from all over the world.Besides, I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history, so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendid culture.What\'s more, as we all know, English as an international language, will play an important role in communication during the Exposition, and I am good at it.I can expre myself fluently and clearly in English.

To sum up, I believe I can be a qualified volunteer.I will value it and do all I can if I could be accepted to be one.Yours,

Li Hua


Dear sir,

I hear that our school will welcome some Canadian students to stay with us for or two weeks.Students who want to invite them to stay can take part in it.I want to try.

First , my parents and I can speak English well.That benefits us to communicate with each other.Second, our house is big enough for he or she to stay.Furthermore , I live near the Huangpu River.It has a good view of Shanghai.Last but not least , in my home, he or she will enjoy much China culture.My grandpa and grandma are good at handwriting.My grandma also has a good skill in Chinese painting.I think our friendly will give him a both interesting and comfortable experience.

Thank you for your reading during your busy work..I hope that you will agree with me .

Yours sincerely,

Li Hong



)申请信;个人背景及参与这项计划的目的;-谁会与您一同申请前来( 单身或与家人 );-大概阐述您如何维持在马来西亚生活( 财务能力 );指出您想要采用的财务标准;定期存款或每月国外收入( 只供年龄50岁或以上者 )。


3)三张马来西亚IM.12表格( 社交访问准证表格 )

4)一份马来西亚第二家园MM2H 表格。


6)公证属实的整本护照复印件(复印每一页並公正盖章有个人资料与照片的那一页 )。如果新护照的日期还没超过一年,必须吧旧护照每一页复印并公证属


7)公证属实的结婚证书( 携同配偶者 )

8)公证属实的出生证书( 携同孩子者 )

9)公证属实的银行结单报告 / 其他财务文件以证明您有能力支付在马来西亚的生活费。银行存款証明越多越好50歲以上你必须要有最少RM350,000(美金USD108000左右) 存款。50岁以下你必须要有最少 RM550,000(美金USD168,000


10)至少三个月公证属实的薪资核算单 / 退休金( 年龄超过50岁以上及申请








Directions: You want to apply for a job as a personal secretary to the general manager of a company.Write a letter to the Human Resources Department of that company offering your services.Your letter should be no le than 100 words.You dont need to write the addre.Dont sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Anita instead.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to expre my interest in your recently advertised position for a personal secretary to the general manager.I am fully confident that I am the right person for the job.

I know that my future bo have lots of work each day, however, it is exactly the challenge inherent in my perspective job that attracts me and makes me to submit this application to you.I have worked as the private secretary in an insurance company for two years and gained many experiences.I believe my qualifications and work experiences will combine to produce an excellent work performance.

I would like to meet you to discu the poibility of working in your company at a continent time.I can be reached at 8976-5678.

Thank you for considering my application.Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,








