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XXX银行XX支行: 为方便我公司因结算业务的需要,现需要在贵行开立一般存款账户,请予办理。谢谢!



开 户 申 请




长期以来,公司一直坚持“质量第一,用户至上”的质量方针,守法经营,规范运作。并秉承“一流的服务 一流的品质”的企业理念,以高效、诚信、便捷、低价的经营理念为全省广大客户提供优质的药品、优良的服务,与广大客户一起同心结缘、致力民健、合作共赢!





请仔细阅读并保留: 重要通知:开户表格内容请用电子打印填 由本人签写。手工填写表格内容的方式我行 网站上获取(2013年12月1日起开户表榴 行开户申请!) 工作时间:北京和上海分行周一至周五,上午9; 30一11: 30(公共假期除外) 广州分行周



30一11: 30(公共假期除外) 受德国大使馆委托,我行协助中国留学生在德国开立带有冻结条款的自保金账户,并开具存款证明供自 费赴德留学生用于申请签证。









二、手续费(学生资料录入本行系统并向学生提供个人编号后此项费用不予退款) 请开户者将人民币现金850元(含国际快递费及分行手续费)交纳至我行以下账户: 1.北京分行

开户者至营业柜台,提交开户材料经分行审核通过后,将获得相对应的手续费汇款路径。 2.广州分行

收款单位:德意志银行(中国)有限公司广州分行 账号:44001580514053001010 开户银行:中国建设银行广州天河城支行

开户银行地址:广州市天河路208号天河城广场2层201A 3.上海分行


三、自保金汇款方式及存款证明取得程序: 1.开户者在我行递交申请表格并取得个人编号后,即可由本人或亲属将保证金从任何一家可办理境外

汇款业务的银行电汇至我行开立在德意志银行法兰克福总行的学生总账户中。汇款详细路径如下: 一北京分行开户者

收款人开户银行名称及地址(57): Deutsche Bank AG,

Frankfurt, Germany Frankfurt H.O.,Taunusanlage 12, 60325 (SW工FT: DEUTDEFFXXX) 收款人名称(59): Deutsche Bank (China) Student B.J 收款人账号(59):IBAN: DE64 5007 0010 0951 2724 01

汇款附言(70):开户人姓名(拼音): 位数组成) 个人编号(REFERENCE NUMBER): 一广州分行开户者

收款人开户银行名称及地址(57) Deutsche Bank AG EFFXXX) Frankfurt H.0

Taunusanlage 12, 60325 (SW工FT: DEUTD



a m


e G

r U f 卜入



r F 收款人名称(59): Deutsche Bank (China) Student GZ 收款人账号(59):IBAN: DE95 5007 0010 0951 2344 01

汇款附言(70):开户人姓名(拼音): 位数组成) 个人编号(REFERENCE NUMBER): -上海分行开户者

收款人开户银行名称及地址(57) Frankfurt H.0 Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Frankfurt Germany

(SW工FT: DEUTD Deutsche Bank AG EFFXXX) 收款人名称(59): Deutsche Bank (China) Student SH 收款人账号(59):IBAN: DE63 5007 0010 0951 2633 01

汇款附言(70):开户人姓名(拼音): 数组成) 个人编号((REFERENCE NUMBER): (9位

*请注意: (1>个人编号不是账号。但是在汇款时,必须在汇款单的汇款附言上写上本人姓名(拼音)及个人编

号(REFERENCE NUD}BER)。对在汇款附言中,未注明本人姓名及个人编号所造成的汇款延误及其他后


(2)请将款项折换成欧元汇出,具体自保金额请咨询德国大使馆。(一般不少于8} 040欧元,开户

城市为波恩Bonn则自保金额不得少于9, 640欧元,开户城市为卡尔斯鲁厄Karlsruhe则自保金额不

得少于9, 020欧元,汇款时请另外多汇200欧元,作为境外汇款手续费及德国开户分行费用。)此



8, 040欧元,请不要往账户中先汇少量款项.2.我行将在您汇款足额到账后,开具存款证明(一般为汇款之日起一周左右,遇节假日顺延),并




四、个人账号通知函: 个人账号通知函是您个人账号开立成功的通知函(个人账号与个人编号不同,请勿混淆! 一般从您汇款之日起,一个月左右可以获得,我行将依照您开户时所留信息,将个人账号通知函以






您的保证金在转入德国分行的个人账户后,才开始计利息。 ,︼Q门

如有任何疑问,欢迎通过以下方式联系本行: 1.北京分行

垂询电话:(010) 69698181 传真:(010) 69696710 地址:中国北京市朝阳区建国路81号华贸中心1号写字楼26层(100025) 2.广州分行

垂询电话:自动(020) 85104000 传真:(020)38107487 人工:(020) 85104006 地址:广州市天河路208号粤海天河城大厦22层02-03单元(510620) 垂询电话:自动(021) 20802800 人工:0021) 20804824 传真:(021)68591120 地址:上海市浦东新区世纪大道8号上海国金中心二期30层(200120) 阅读确认回执




行账户或银行卡。 签字: 日期: (此回执在开户申请人确认并签字后,由银行方归档保存。 姓名: 出生年月: 德国开户城市: 联系电话(手机/}庭电话): 通讯地址(邮寄地址): 邮编: 存款证明(请选择):自取 个人账号通知函(请选择




邮寄 自取邮寄

(上海分行存款及个人账号通知函只能邮寄通知,通知时何详见开户程序说明) 填表日期: Copy for the Bank .几 .....二f.口 二r.Branch number Customer number 日LZ .Account holder Ms./Mrs Mr Title First name/s Surname Maiden name Date of birth Place of birth Marital status Single Married aeed jointly Other Nationality US Citizienchip? Profeion Email 丫aS No Country of birth USA 丫aS No S t u d e n t Registered addre\' Addre supplement (e.g.c/o) Street House no Postcode Town/city Country .万Bank account for private aets


Busine or other investorz Note on statutory VAT:

VAT旧No.For the fees charged for services, the cash account/securities account agreement, plus the account settlement/account statement, together form

the invoice for VAT purposes.If no VAT is shown separately and no expre reference is made to VAT being included in the invoiced amount, the services invoiced are bank or financial services exempt from VAT VAT旧No.for Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG, 60262 Frankfurt: DE811907980 .In accordance with the German Anti-Money Laundering Act (GwG), all customers are obliged to voluntarily and immediately notify the bank of changes which occur during the busine relationship to their personal data or beneficial ownership to be determined pursuant to this Act (\' 4 (6) and \' 6 (2) No.1 Anti-Money Laundering Act).Details on trustors and beneficial owners:万I am acting for my own account..I would like become a customer of Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG and acquire products under the customer number indica- ted above.The following agreements shall apply to the busine relationship: Inclusion of busine conditions:

Current account agreement, accounting period: The busine relationship is governed by the bank\'s General Busine

The accounts are kept as ongoing current accounts, unle a deviating Conditions.In addition, special conditions apply for individual busi-

regulation exists.Unle otherwise agreed, the bank iues a periodic ne relationships containing deviations from or supplements to the

account balance statement for current accounts at the end of each bank\'s General Busine Conditions; these consist in particular of con-

quarter.The legal effects of a periodic account balance statement and ditions for joint accounts, for the use of account statement printers,

the duties to examine its contents and, where applicable, to raise ob- for cheques, for payment transfers, for direct debits, for permitted

jections are regulated in Section 7 of the General Busine Conditions.overdrafts.for Deutsche Bank debit cards.for savinas accounts.for credit cards.for tax-related entries within the scone of the taxation of

}-asn accounr ana securrcies accounr nouncauons: capital aains and special conditions for securities transactions.Conies U

me ornermse agreea, an accounrs openea unaerrne cusromer mas- of the individual sets of conditions can be obtained from the bank\'s

rer numper specmea apove are aesignarea ror me accounr sraremenr branches or at www.deutsche-bank.de/start.These will be handed out

Printer.Any notifications which cannot be retrieved using the account or sent by post upon request.

statement printer will be sent to the dispatch addre agreed above.民︺,︺‘J,曰‘J工曰﹂斑﹂>斑﹂、J目l目

‘J﹂l曰、咬︺ ,l曰﹂斑﹂‘J Will also be the dispatch addre unle agreed otherwise ZPlease also submit an‘Exemption from Deduction of Capital Gains Tax\" form, where applicable

,︺,︺,︺,︺,︺,︺,︺习,︺,︺ Branch number Customer number 日LZ .Consent to transfer data to SCHUFA (German General Credit Protection Agency) (applies to I hereby authorize the bank to report data relating to this ac- count relationship (account application, operation and closing) to SCHUFA Holding AG, Kormoranweg 5, 65201 Wiesbaden.Irrespective of this, the bank will also pa on to SCHUFA de- tails of outstanding claims I have failed to repay on time.Pur- suant to \' 28a (1)sentence 1 of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) this is permiible in cases where I have failed to repay an obligation as and when due, and provided that filing such a report is required to safeguard the justified interests of the bank or third parties, and 一the claim is enforceable or has been explicitly recognized by

me, or 一if I have received at least two written reminders following the

due date of the claim and the bank has informed me in advan-

ce一but at the earliest with the first written reminder一that

a report of this kind will be made after a minimum period of

four weeks, and I have not contested the claim, or 一if the contractual relationship underlying the claim can be

terminated by the bank without notice for reason of payment

arrears, and the bank has informed me that it plans to report

this.In addition, the bank will also file a report to SCHUFA on any other failure to meet contractual obligations (including account misuse, credit card abuse or other fraudulent activity.Pursuant to \' 28 (2) of the Federal Data Protection Act旧DSG) such reports may only be made to the extent required to safeguard the justified interests of the bank or third parties, and provided there is no reason to aume that these considerations are overridden by the legitimate interest of party in question to preclude such a report.To this extent, I release the bank from banking secrecy.current accounts only) its obligation to maintain SCHUFA records and procees the data it receives.SCHUFA uses its database, for instance, to compute a probability ra- ting for the purpose of aeing of credit risk (score proce.SCHUFA forwards data received to its contracting partners in the European Economic Area and Switzerland to enable them to ae the creditworthine of natural persons.Contractual partners of SCHUFA consist of companies which bear a risk of financial default in connection with services rendered or goods delivered (especially banks, credit card companies and leasing firms, but also enterprises such as rental firms, trading and telecommunications companies, energy suppliers, insurance firms and collection agencies. SCHUFA will make personal data available only if the potential recipient can prove to their satisfaction in each specific case that it has a legitimate reason to obtain said data, and only after giving due consideration to the interests of all parties concerned.For this reason the scope of data provided can vary depending on the type of contrac- ting partner involved.In addition, SCHUFA may use the data to

sup- verify the identity and age of persons in response to a request made by a contracting partner, such as an Internet-based ser- vice provider.I may request a report from SCHUFA regarding stored data relating to my person.Further information on the SCHUFA re- porting and scoring proce can be obtained at www.meine- schufa.de.The postal addre for SCHUFA is: SCHUFA Holding AG, Privatkunden ServiceCenter, 尸ostfach 10 34 41, 50474 Koln.Declaration of consent on the forwarding of personal Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG, Deutsche Bank AG and Servicegesellschaft der Deutschen Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden mbH一referred to together as \"Partners\" 一as well as the independent financial advisor at the Branch where my account is held, work together to provide me with comprehensive customer advice and support.I can obtain the name of the financial adviser from the notice in the Branch or through periodic notifications in my account statement.In order for me to be comprehensively advised and ported on all banking and financial services, e.g.construc- tion finance, loan or investment products by Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG as well as the other partners and the financial adviser responsible in each

re- spective case, I hereby consent to permit Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG to forward or provide my personal details to the above for electronic retrieval purposes.Provided they are required for advisory and support purposes, information

as well as for discretionary portfolio management, the follow-

ing details may be forwarded:

.Personal information (name, addre, date of birth, marital

status, profeion and similar data)

.Cash and securities account information (in particular





agreements/layouts, e.g.loans, conditions, payment transfer

agreements, telephone/online banking, authorized represen-

tatives or similar)

.Creditworthine and financial and aet information (in par-

ticular, income, financial circumstances, investment goals,

investment experience, advisory requests or similar)

.Agreements (conclusion/layout/conditions) which are forwar-

ded to other companies (e.g.Zurich Deutscher Herold Le-

bensversicherung AG for insurance contracts, GEFA-Leasing

GmbH for leasing agreements) I hereby declare my consent that the information may also be forwarded to future partners within Deutsche Bank Group in Ger- many.I will be informed of this separately in writing and promptly so that I may withdraw my consent before the information is forwarded.To this extent, I also hereby release Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG from its obligation to maintain banking secrecy.Signing this declaration is voluntary and may be revoked at any time without affecting the contractual busine relationship.

Declaration of consent for the forwarding of personal information to public authorities in the home country, foreign resident authorities and representations of Deutsche Bank I declare my consent for Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschafts- kunden AG to forward any required information in connection with my stipend/visa to the relevant authorities, foreign resi- dent authorities and representations of Deutsche Bank relating to the blocked account hereby applied for via fax and/or email.I hereby release Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG from its obligation to maintain banking secrecy to the ceary extent.ne- This declaration is voluntary and may be revoked at any time without affecting the busine relationship..Notice regarding data protection law: The bank procees and uses the personal information you provide for the purposes of advertising as well as market and opinion research.You may withdraw your consent to the proceing and use of your personal information for these purposes at any time..In the past, you一as a private investor一were able to choose whether your bank withheld and deducted church tax on your capital gains or whether you preferred to do this with your personal income tax return.On 1 January 2015, you will no longer have this choice.In future, banks have a legal obligation to request from the Federal Central Tax Office the data neceary for automatic church tax deduction once a year in the period between 1 September and 31 October (starting in 2014) and to subsequently deduct church tax.valid for all banks taking part in the deduction procedure.The official form n German only) can be downloaded at www.formulare-bfinv.de Submitting an objection means that your bank will not withhold church tax.Consequently, the Federal Central Tax Office must inform your local tax office of your objection, stating your name and addre as the tax- payer.At the same time, you are obliged to submit a tax return with annex KAP in order for your tax office to deduct the church tax.If you so wish, you have until 30 June 2014 to object to information on your religious affiliation being forwarded.This objection must be declared to the Federal Central Tax Office using an official form.The objection is For more information, please contact the Federal Central Tax Office An der Kuppe 1,53225 Bonn, online at www.bzst.de or by phone on +49 (0)228/406门240..

I hereby apply for the following products.If I cease to use these products in future, the agreements relating to the opening of a bank account (1 to 6) remain in force.万The Young Account

No monthly fee

If poible please allocate the account to a branch close to my place of study.

My university/language school is called:

And is located in (specify place): 万.hereby enter into the following agreement with you in respect of this blocked account: A credit balance of , 8.040.00 */,,* (\"blocked balance\") is blocked for the benefit of the regional body under

(different sum if required)* public law to which the foreign resident authority responsible for the account holder\'s current place of residence in Germany, or last place of residence if he/she has moved out of the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, is attributable (\"blocked account beneficiary\") represented by this foreign resident authority.If further balances are paid into the account, the blocking agreement does not apply to any balances in exce of the blocked balance.As regards the blocked account beneficiary, the block shall only take effect after the full blocked balance is paid into the blocked account.After the blocked balance has been paid in in full, the account holder may freely dispose over the blocked balance up to a monthly sum of , 670.00*/,,* per month without the consent of the blocked account beneficiary, with the exception of the

(different sum if required)* basic sum specified in further detail below.If the full disposal amount is not fully utilised in the respective month, this increases the free right of disposition in the following months by a corresponding amount (accumulation).Dispositions above a sum of , 0.00*/,,* (\"basic sum\") from the blocked balance are only poible with the

(different sum if required)* special agreement of the blocked beneficiary.Where a blocked account is opened for the first time, the first disposition over the blocked balance requires a special service contract to be signed by the account holder in a branch of the bank in Germany.In addition, dispositions over the blocked account are only poible with the consent of the blocked account beneficiary.Dispositions over any balance in exce of the blocked balance一after deduction of the freely disposable sums一are excluded from this provision.As soon as the blocked balance has been fully disposed of pursuant to this agreement, the block expires.Otherwise the block only ex- pires if the bank is provided with an expre written approval from the blocked account beneficiary.This agreement to block the aforementioned balance is subject to the condition subsequent of the presentation of a consular certification of the rejection notice of the account holder\'s visa application.In the event that the condition subsequent occurs, the account holder may dispose over his/her balance via a transfer instruction and is required to close the account as soon as poible.

A fee of , 50.00 shall be billed for the first registration and each extension of the blocking agreement which the bank is entitled to charge to the blocked account.万Deutsche Bank Card一Young Account with PIN (personal identification number)

Card and PIN should only be sent to the account holder after his/her entry to Germany

and to the addre then specified by him/her.

Minors may be iued with a Deutsche Bank Card for the Young Account if rights of disposal have been granted The transaction limit of the card is , 300 per day and , 600 over seven days * If a different figure is specified, then the specified figure applies.If no different figure is specified, the prescribed default amount applies in all cases Branch number Customer number BLZ .Onllne banking Registration of my accounts and any securities for Deutsche Banl

The bank is a member of the Deposit Protection Fund of the Aociati- on of German Banks (Einlagensicherungsfonds des Bundesverbandes deutscher Banl

will notify the customer of the respective deposit protection limit upon request.It can also be found on the Internet at www.banl

Type of document No./reference Date Iuing authority Confirmation of accuracy of data (always requried) Neutral idenitity verification (always requried) Stamp 1st signature of employee of representation/branch (always required) 2nd signature of employee of representation/branch (always required) 口.,only one legal representative, guardian。。ca re r.。named.。、。.。application, respective evidence。,custody must be enclosed。。。co py Send us the complete documentation signed by the customer, certified copy of paport/旧card, certified application to open account and, if available, a copy of the confirmation from the university/language school to the following addre: Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG Frankfurter Straf3e 1 04024 Leipzig, Germany 口Copy/-ies of paport/identity papers prepared

The documents enclosed correspond to the originals provided to me today.Branch number Customer number 日LZ .Account holder Ms./Mrs Mr Title First name/s

Surname Maiden name Date of birth Place of birth Marital status Single Married aeed jointly Other Nationality US Citizienchip? Profeion Email 丫aS No Country of birth USA 丫aS No S t u d e n t Registered addre\' Addre supplement (e.g.c/o) Street House no Postcode Town/city Country .万Bank account for private aets


Busine or other investorz Note on statutory VAT:

VAT旧No.For the fees charged for services, the cash account/securities account agreement, plus the account settlement/account statement, together form the invoice for VAT purposes.If no VAT is shown separately and no expre reference is made to VAT being included in the invoiced amount, the services invoiced are bank or financial services exempt from VAT VAT旧No.for Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG, 60262 Frankfurt: DE811907980 .In accordance with the German Anti-Money Laundering Act (GwG), all customers are obliged to voluntarily and immediately notify the bank of changes which occur during the busine relationship to their personal data or beneficial ownership to be determined pursuant to this Act (\' 4 (6) and \' 6 (2) No.1 Anti-Money Laundering Act).Details on trustors and beneficial owners:万I am acting for my own account..I would like become a customer of Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG and acquire products under the customer number indica- ted above.The following agreements shall apply to the busine relationship: Inclusion of busine conditions:

Current account agreement, accounting period:

The busine relationship is governed by the bank\'s General Busine

The accounts are kept as ongoing current accounts, unle a deviating Conditions.In addition, special conditions apply for individual busi-

regulation exists.Unle otherwise agreed, the bank iues a periodic ne relationships containing deviations from or supplements to the

account balance statement for current accounts at the end of each bank\'s General Busine Conditions; these consist in particular of con-

quarter.The legal effects of a periodic account balance statement and ditions for joint accounts, for the use of account statement printers,

the duties to examine its contents and, where applicable, to raise ob- for cheques, for payment transfers, for direct debits, for permitted

jections are regulated in Section 7 of the General Busine Conditions.overdrafts.for Deutsche Bank debit cards.for savinas accounts.for credit cards.for tax-related entries within the scone of the taxation of

}-asn accounr ana securrcies accounr nouncauons: capital aains and special conditions for securities transactions.Conies U

me ornermse agreea, an accounrs openea unaerrne cusromer mas- of the individual sets of conditions can be obtained from the bank\'s

rer numper specmea apove are aesignarea ror me accounr sraremenr branches or at www.deutsche-bank.de/start.These will be handed out

Printer.Any notifications which cannot be retrieved using the account or sent by post upon request.

statement printer will be sent to the dispatch addre agreed above.Will also be the dispatch addre unle agreed otherwise ZPlease also submit an‘Exemption from Deduction of Capital Gains Tax\" form, where applicable Branch number Customer number 日LZ .Consent to transfer data to SCHUFA (German General Credit Protection Agency) (applies to I hereby authorize the bank to report data relating to this ac- count relationship (account application, operation and closing) to SCHUFA Holding AG, Kormoranweg 5, 65201 Wiesbaden.Irrespective of this, the bank will also pa on to SCHUFA de- tails of outstanding claims I have failed to repay on time.Pur- suant to \' 28a (1)sentence 1 of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) this is permiible in cases where I have failed to repay an obligation as and when due, and provided that filing such a report is required to safeguard the justified interests of the bank or third parties, and 一the claim is enforceable or has been explicitly recognized by

me, or 一if I have received at least two written reminders following the

due date of the claim and the bank has informed me in advan-

ce一but at the earliest with the first written reminder一that

a report of this kind will be made after a minimum period of

four weeks, and I have not contested the claim, or 一if the contractual relationship underlying the claim can be

terminated by the bank without notice for reason of payment

arrears, and the bank has informed me that it plans to report

this.In addition, the bank will also file a report to SCHUFA on any other

sup- failure to meet contractual obligations (including account misuse, credit card abuse or other fraudulent activity.Pursuant to \' 28 (2) of the Federal Data Protection Act旧DSG) such reports may only be made to the extent required to safeguard the justified interests of the bank or third parties, and provided there is no reason to aume that these considerations are overridden by the legitimate interest of party in question to preclude such a report.To this extent, I release the bank from banking secrecy.current accounts only) its obligation to maintain SCHUFA records and procees the data it receives.SCHUFA uses its database, for instance, to compute a probability ra- ting for the purpose of aeing of credit risk (score proce.SCHUFA forwards data received to its contracting partners in the European Economic Area and Switzerland to enable them to ae the creditworthine of natural persons.Contractual partners of SCHUFA consist of companies which bear a risk of financial default in connection with services rendered or goods delivered (especially banks, credit card companies and leasing firms, but also enterprises such as rental firms, trading and telecommunications companies, energy suppliers, insurance firms and collection agencies. SCHUFA will make personal data available only if the potential recipient can prove to their satisfaction in each specific case that it has a legitimate reason to obtain said data, and only after giving due consideration to the interests of all parties concerned.For this reason the scope of data provided can vary depending on the type of contrac- ting partner involved.In addition, SCHUFA may use the data to verify the identity and age of persons in response to a request made by a contracting partner, such as an Internet-based ser- vice provider.I may request a report from SCHUFA regarding stored data relating to my person.Further information on the SCHUFA re- porting and scoring proce can be obtained at www.meine- schufa.de.The postal addre for SCHUFA is: SCHUFA Holding AG, Privatkunden ServiceCenter, 尸ostfach 10 34 41, 50474 Koln.Declaration of consent on the forwarding of personal Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG, Deutsche Bank AG and Servicegesellschaft der Deutschen Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden mbH一referred to together as \"Partners\" 一as well as the independent financial advisor at the Branch where my account is held, work together to provide me with comprehensive customer advice and support.I can obtain the name of the financial adviser from the notice in the Branch or through periodic notifications in my account statement.In order for me to be comprehensively advised and ported on all banking and financial services, e.g.construc- tion finance, loan or investment products by Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG as well as the other partners and the financial adviser responsible in each

re- spective case, I hereby consent to permit Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG to forward or provide my personal details to the above for electronic retrieval purposes.

Provided they are required for advisory and support purposes, information

as well as for discretionary portfolio management, the follow-

ing details may be forwarded:

.Personal information (name, addre, date of birth, marital

status, profeion and similar data)

.Cash and securities account information (in particular





agreements/layouts, e.g.loans, conditions, payment transfer

agreements, telephone/online banking, authorized represen-

tatives or similar)

.Creditworthine and financial and aet information (in par-

ticular, income, financial circumstances, investment goals,

investment experience, advisory requests or similar)

.Agreements (conclusion/layout/conditions) which are forwar-

ded to other companies (e.g.Zurich Deutscher Herold Le-

bensversicherung AG for insurance contracts, GEFA-Leasing

GmbH for leasing agreements) I hereby declare my consent that the information may also be forwarded to future partners within Deutsche Bank Group in Ger- many.I will be informed of this separately in writing and promptly so that I may withdraw my consent before the information is forwarded.To this extent, I also hereby release Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG from its obligation to maintain banking secrecy.Signing this declaration is voluntary and may be revoked at any time without affecting the contractual busine relationship.Declaration of consent for the forwarding of personal information to public authorities in the home country, foreign resident authorities and representations of Deutsche Bank I declare my consent for Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschafts- kunden AG to forward any required information in connection with my stipend/visa to the relevant authorities, foreign resi- dent authorities and representations of Deutsche Bank relating to the blocked account hereby applied for via fax and/or email.I hereby release Deutsche Bank Privat- and Geschaftskunden AG from its obligation to maintain banking secrecy to the ceary extent.ne- This declaration is voluntary and may be revoked at any time without affecting the busine relationship.Branch number Customer number 日LZ .Notice regarding data protection law: The bank procees and uses the personal information you provide for the purposes of advertising as well as market and opinion research.You may withdraw your consent to the proceing and use of your personal information for these purposes at any time..In the past, you一as a private investor一were able to choose whether your bank withheld and deducted church tax on your capital gains or whether you preferred to do this with your personal income tax return.

On 1 January 2015, you will no longer have this choice.In future, banks have a legal obligation to request from the Federal Central Tax Office the data neceary for automatic church tax deduction once a year in the period between 1 September and 31 October (starting in 2014) and to subsequently deduct church tax.valid for all banks taking part in the deduction procedure.The official form n German only) can be downloaded at www.formulare-bfinv.de Submitting an objection means that your bank will not withhold church tax.Consequently, the Federal Central Tax Office must inform your local tax office of your objection, stating your name and addre as the tax- payer.At the same time, you are obliged to submit a tax return with annex KAP in order for your tax office to deduct the church tax.If you so wish, you have until 30 June 2014 to object to information on your religious affiliation being forwarded.This objection must be declared to the Federal Central Tax Office using an official form.The objection is For more information, please contact the Federal Central Tax Office An der Kuppe 1,53225 Bonn, online at www.bzst.de or by phone on +49 (0)228/406门240..I hereby apply for the following products.If I cease to use these products in future, the agreements relating to the opening of a bank account (1 to 6) remain in force.万The Young Account

No monthly fee

If poible please allocate the account to a branch close to my place of study.

My university/language school is called:

And is located in (specify place): 万.hereby enter into the following agreement with you in respect of this blocked account: A credit balance of , 8.040.00 */,,* (\"blocked balance\") is blocked for the benefit of the regional body under

(different sum if required)* public law to which the foreign resident authority responsible for the account holder\'s current place of residence in Germany, or last place of residence if he/she has moved out of the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, is attributable (\"blocked account beneficiary\") represented by this foreign resident authority.If further balances are paid into the account, the blocking agreement does not apply to any balances in exce of the blocked balance.As regards the blocked account beneficiary, the block shall only take effect after the full blocked balance is paid into the blocked account.After the blocked balance has been paid in in full, the account holder may freely dispose over the blocked balance up to a monthly sum of , 670.00*/,,* per month without the consent of the blocked account beneficiary, with the exception of the

(different sum if required)* basic sum specified in further detail below.If the full disposal amount is not fully utilised in the respective month, this increases the free right of disposition in the following months by a corresponding amount (accumulation).Dispositions above a sum of , 0.00*/,,* (\"basic sum\") from the blocked balance are only poible with the

(different sum if required)* special agreement of the blocked beneficiary.Where a blocked account is opened for the first time, the first disposition over the blocked balance requires a special service contract to be signed by the account holder in a branch of the bank in Germany.In addition, dispositions over the blocked account are only poible with the consent of the blocked account beneficiary.Dispositions over any balance in exce of the blocked balance一after deduction of the freely disposable sums一are excluded from this provision.As soon as the blocked balance has been fully disposed of pursuant to this agreement, the block expires.Otherwise the block only ex- pires if the bank is provided with an expre written approval from the blocked account beneficiary.This agreement to block the aforementioned balance is subject to the condition subsequent of the presentation of a consular certification of the rejection notice of the account holder\'s visa application.In the event that the condition subsequent occurs, the account holder may dispose over his/her balance via a transfer instruction and is required to close the account as soon as poible.A fee of , 50.00 shall be billed for the first registration and each extension of the blocking agreement which the bank is entitled to charge to the blocked account.万Deutsche Bank Card一Young Account with PIN (personal identification number)

Card and PIN should only be sent to the account holder after his/her entry to Germany

and to the addre then specified by him/her.

Minors may be iued with a Deutsche Bank Card for the Young Account if rights of disposal have been granted The transaction limit of the card is , 300 per day and , 600 over seven days * If a different figure is specified, then the specified figure applies.If no different figure is specified, the prescribed default amount applies in all cases Branch number Customer number 日LZ .Online banking Registration of my accounts and any securities for Deutsche Bank OnIineBanking for use by the account holder.Acce is facilitated by the PINlfAN proce: a daily transaction limit of , 2,500 will be applied for.The PIN and TAN shall only be activated and iued after the account holder has entered Germany and to the addre then specified by him/her.The terms and conditions for the acce to the bank via electronic media, for the waiver of printed account statements and for the Electronic Broking Service (EBS) apply.口.p

Town/city Signature of account holder 口

The bank is a member of the Deposit Protection Fund of the Aociati- on of German Banks (Einlagensicherungsfonds des Bundesverbandes deutscher Banken e.V.) and the Compensation Scheme of German Banks (Entschadigungseinrichtung deutscher Banken GmbH). This covers all liabilities that must be reported on the balance sheet under \"Liabilities to customers\".Among these are demand, term and savings deposits, including registered savings certificates.The protection limit for each creditor amounts to 30% of the bank\'s liable capital relevant for deposit protection until December 31,2014, 20% until December 31, 2019, 15% until December 31,2024 and 8.75% as of January 1,2025.The new protection limits apply as of the key dates specified above for deposits formed or extended after December 31,2011,irrespective of the date on which the deposit was formed.The old protection limits apply to all deposits formed before December 31,2011 up to when the deposit matures or the next poible date of termination.The bank will notify the customer of the respective deposit protection limit upon request.It can also be found on the Internet at www.bankenverband.de.Liabilities in respect of which the bank has iued bearer instruments e.g.bearer bonds and bearer certificates of deposit as well as liabilities to banks are not covered by this protection.Protection of claims arising out of dealings in securities: If, contrary to its duty, the bank is unable to return securities to the customer, alongside the bank\'s liability in the event of a claim for da- mages, recourse can also be made to the Entschadigungseinrichtung deutscher Banken GmbH (Compensation Scheme of German Banks).The claim against the Compensation Scheme is limited to 90% of the value of these securities, but not more than the equivalent of , 20.000.I have been instructed that there is no protection by the Deposit Protection Fund for bearer securities iued by the bank.X Signature of account holder



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我公司在**新区建设污水处理站,需向贵公司申请安装施工用水及后期污水处理站建成后正式运营用水(用水量为5吨/天,水管管径DN50 )。项目名称为:***新区污水处理站,建筑面积516.6平方米。

****有限公司 2015年11月16日





因**省高值耗材集中采购结果已公示,本公司为中标企业**(医疗器械有限公司)指定的配送商,本公司将严格遵守国家相关法律政策及贵院的规章制度,提供优质的产品,秉着配合贵院的工作最大程度的为患者提供满意的服务,特申请在贵院开户。 中标产品:##

## 配送企业名称:** 地址:** 联系人: 电话:





































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1)确认报名后,毕业生可在个人中心-我的求职-我的工作申请页面,看到“申请撤销”的按钮,输入申请删除的原因确定即可; 2)随时关注个人中心-待办事项-我的消息中的消息通知,关注个人中心-我的求职-我的工作申请,在工作申请栏中,看到“删除”按钮,即可删除已报单位的志愿,重新填报其余单位。

























申请人: 蒋南先

2014年 3月17日
