人人范文网 自我介绍


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Hello,everyone.My name is ***(你的名字),I\'m *(你的年纪) years old.I study in ***(你的学校名) primary School.I\'m in Grade*(你的年级) Cla*(你的班级).I\'m going to be a junior high school student, i feel very happy.

I like football and English very much,and i often play football with my clamates after schoo.(这段可以改成你喜欢的东西)My English teacher is ***(你英语老师的名字),she/he(女的选she,男的选he) is very nice to us,I like her/him(女的选her,男的选him) a lot.

There are three members in my family:my father,my mother and I.Both of parents love me and I love them too.

That\'s all,thank you!






①Iwhat is your major?

AMy major is Busine Administration.I am especially interested in〃Marketing〃.


②IWhich university are you attending?

AI am attending×××University.③IHave you received any degrees?

AYes.FirstI received my Bachelor degree in English Literatureand then an MBA degree.

④IWhat course did you like best?

AProject Management.I was very interested in this course when I was a student.And I think it’s very useful for my present work.

⑤IDo you feel that you have received a good general training?

AYesI have studied in an English train-ing program and a computer training program since I graduated from university.I am currently studying Finance at a training school.介绍工作经验:显露实力,避免炫耀

①IHave you ever been employed?

②IYour resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghaimay I ask why you left?

AI worked in a foreign rep.office for one year.HoweverI left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull.I found another job that is more interesting.

③IHave you done any work in this field?

④IWhat qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be succeful in your field?

⑤IWhat have you learned from the jobs you have had?

AI have learned a lot about busine know how and basic office skills.In additionI learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues.

⑥IWhat’s you major weak point?

AI haven’t been involved in international busineso I don’t have any experiencebut I have studied this course in the International Busine Training Center of the×××Company.

⑦IWhat are your greatest strengths?(实话实说好了,不必客气,但应注意语气和表情,不要给人炫耀之感。)

⑧IPlease tell me about your working experience.

⑨IDoes your present employer know you are looking for another job?

ANoI haven’t discued my career plans with my present employerbut I am sure he will understand.性格爱好:表现积极、合作的一面

①IHow do you spend your spare time?

②IAre you interested in sports?

③IDo you think you are introverted or extroverted?

④IWhat kind of personality do you think you have?

AI always approach things very enthusiastically.When I beg in somethingI don’t like to leave it halfdone.I can’t concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished.

⑤IWhat is the most important thing for you to be happy?

ADifferent people have different ideas.I think the most important thing for me is having a good relationship with my family members and my friends.My family has always been very closeknitand my friend sand I spend a lot of time together.Without that I would be much le happy than I am.

⑥IWhat makes you angry?

ADishonesty.It’s unacceptable.

⑦IWhat are your personal weaknees?

AI’m afraid I’m a poor talker.I’m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time.That is not very good for busineso I have been studying public speaking.

⑧IAre you more of a leader or a follower?

AI don’t try to lead people.I’d rather cooperate with everybodyand get the job done by working together.工作要求:我能胜任

①IDo you think you can make yourself easily understood in English?

AYesin most circumstances.

②IAre you available for travel?

AYesI like traveling.I am youngand unmarried.It’s no problem for me to travel frequently.

③IHow about overtime work?

AOvertime work is very common in companies.I can work overtime if it’s necearybut I don’t think we will work overtime everyday.

④IHow long do you think we can depend on your working here?

⑤IDo you like regular work?

ANoI don’t like regular work.I am interested in different projects with new opport unities and new challengebut I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so.

⑥IWhat salary do you expect?

AShall we discu my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.

⑦IDo you work well under preure?

AWorking under preure is exciting and challenging.I don’t mind working under preure.I work well under the secircum stances.People canI Can.

⑧IDo you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration?

ANonothing in particular.

⑨IHow soon can you begin working for us?

AI need about two to three weeks for neceary formalities.I will quit then transfer to your company.面试结束:礼貌道别

①IAny questions?

AWhen will I know your decision?

②IHow can we get in touch with you?

③IWe will notify you of our decision by mailis this convenient for you?

④IThank you for your interest in our company.

AThank youMr.Smith.Goodbye.Thank you for your time.

⑤IYou will be hearing from us very soon.Please send the next applicantin on your way out.

AOK.Thank you very much.




1.I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company.


2.I have been in the busine for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department.


3.I have had five years\' experience with a company as a salesman.


4.For the past three years, I have been in the office of the Brothers Trading Co., where I have been ad still am an accountant.


5.I am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the Green Trees Co., in teh general clerical work of the office.


6.I am 25 years of age, and have had two years\' experience in my present post, which I am leaving to better myself.


7.I am nineteen years of age, female and have had two years\' experience in a company\'s delivery office.


8.I am just leaving school, and am eighteen years of age.


9.I am twenty years of age, and am anxious to settle down to office work.


10.Since my graduation from the school two years ago, I have been employed in teh Green Hotel as a cashier.



1.Good morning everyone.


2.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.


3.Good evening, teachers and fellow students.


4.It’s my great honor to introduce myself to you here.


5.It’s my pleasure to introduce myself to you here.


6.I’m very happy to introduce myself to you here.


7.I’m very glad to introduce myself to you here.


8.I feel very honored to introduce myself to you here.我感到很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

9.It is a great pleasure for me to introduce myself to you here.我是如此的高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

10.It is a privilege to be speaking to you today.


11.I am very proud to be addreing you this evening.今晚能在此应邀讲话我深感荣幸。





Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here to introduce myself.各位早上好,很高兴在这里介绍自己。 Although this is my first time to introduce myself in English, but I believe that I can make a good performance .and hope that through this simple introduction, you can remember my name ,remember my face and i believe that we will become friends in no distant future。 虽然这是我第一次用这种方式介绍自己,但是我相信我会有个良好的表现。希望通过这 个简单的介绍,更多的人们能认识我,记住我的样子。也同样相信我们不久有机会会成为朋 友。 My name is TB and I am 24 years old, born in HEBEI province.I graduated from QinGdao University.My major is Hotel Managerment.I spend most of my time on study and I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major.It is my long cherished dream to be an manager in hotel and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability.我叫 tb,24 岁。河北人。毕业于青岛岛大学。所学的专业是旅游管理。上学期间努力 学习专业知识,现在我同样希望能有机会实现我做酒店管理的愿望,充分发挥自己的专业能 力。 In addition to the above-mentioned , in my spare time I like playing badminton, listening to pop music and surfing the Internet.Playing badminton can exercise my body, let me have more perseverance.Listen to music can make me relax, make me more confident.Internet can eich my knowledge, so that I have more experience.除了上面说到的,在我的业余时间,我喜欢打羽毛球, 听流行音乐和上网冲浪。打羽毛球可以锻炼我的身体,让我有更多的毅力。听音乐可以让我 放松,让我更有信心。互联网可以丰富我的知识,扩充更多的知识。 ok .That\'s a little about myself,thank you 好,那就是关于我的简单介绍。谢谢。 篇2:面试时如何用英语自我介绍


2006年10月13日 星期五 05:40 P.M. 对形形色色的问题,而最令人哑口无言的,往往是一些最简单和最常见的题目,比如\"请你自我介绍一下\"。大多数应征者的反应是--我应该如何作答呢? 其实要懂得应对此问题,就要先做好准备You\'ll have a better chance of impreing the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview.The first thing to realize is that the question, \"Tell me about yourself,\" provides you with a great chance to promote your strong points.This is particularly important when applying for a job that is different from what you have done in the past.You need to show the interviewer that your previous jobs provide you with skills that can be used in the new job.WHAT TO TALK ABOUT 如何介绍? 你可以选择三个重点来介绍自己,但避免重复履历中曾提及的资料。Around this skeleton should be the meat of your answer; your le obvious, but important skills.Here are some of the skills that you might want to mention.你可以介绍自己是: Problem solver 解决问题能手 Creative thinker 充满创意 Accurate 小心谨慎 People person 与人相处融洽 Team player 合群 Organized 组织力高 This doesn\'t mean that you just say, \"I\'m a great problem solver.\" Instead, explain how you used your problem-solving skills at your previous job.事例比自我夸耀更能说明问题。

自我介绍的时间不要过长,最好是一至三分钟。最初你可能会觉得时间太长,但当你真正要介绍自己三项特质时,你就会发现时间不够用了。 WHAT TO SAY 应说什么? What you actually say, in terms of the words you use, is something that you have to decide.You need to create an answer that sounds natural and, at the same time, interesting.背答案估计没有人愿意听。The way to determine whether your answer is natural is simply by writing a first draft of the answer and then read it out loud.When you do this, you\'ll probably spot things that you have to change.当你构思答案时,你要想想应该如何说出,内容要令人感兴趣,不沉闷,避免滔滔不绝地只说自己的强项。 Here are some final things to think about when answering the question \"Tell me about yourself.\" Mention major awards or accomplishments that relate to your career; 阐述工作上的重要成就或奖项 Promote your strengths, but do not mention any of your weaknees; 推销自己的长处,但不要提及自己的弱点 Try to be funny if you can, but don\'t force it; 可以的话,尽量说得幽默有趣 Summarize your career and education, but don\'t recite a list; 概括说出你的工作经验和学历,但切勿背诵 Don\'t start with your date of birth; 不用提及你的出生日期 Avoid information that is not career-related.The fact that you own a dog won\'t get you a job 避免说一些与职业无关的事,例如:你有一只狗,这并不能为你争取到工作 Always answer this question 经常思考和解答这条问题 Try to sound natural 对答要自然 Relax and enjoy yourself! 放松心情,尽力而为。祝你面试成功!

pesonel statement(introduction)

good morning,my dear teachers,my dear profeors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yonghao,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent city.my undergratuade period will be accomplished in chang\'an university in july ,2004;and now,i am trying my best for obtaining a key to tongji university. generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in.i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard .to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my cla who own his homepage.forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence.during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.and just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese che.also english is my favorate.i often go to english corner to practise my oral english on every thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying. ok, that is all,thank you for your attention. my hometown------luoyang i am from luoyang,a beautiful city in henan province.it is famous as the \"capital of nine dynasties \" and enjoy yhe honer that luoyang peony is the best in the world. luoyang played a very important role in chinese history.so it has a profound cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved.such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china ang white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chnese buddhism. luoyang peony is world-famous.every year, many tourists travel to luoyang to see the beauty of peony .the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world. i like my hometown very much. Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I hope i can make a good performance today.I\'m confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly I am 26 years old,born in shandong province . I was graduated from qingdao university.my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003. I spend most of my time on study,i have paed CET4/6 .and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. In July 2003, I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I\'m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job. And in August 2004,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I\'d like to find a job which is more challenging.Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment.That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position. I think I\'m a good team player and I\'m a person of great honesty to others.Also I am able to work under great preure. That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance. Good morning ! I\'m very happy to come here to study with you.Now i will introduce myself briefly I am 16 years old,born in ShanHai province.I spend most of my time on study.and i have acquired basic knowledge of my course during my school time.

This cla feels just like a big family to me.I\'m interested in sport,pop music.I also enjoy playing games on net.I would love to play with you sometime.I hope I can become your friend soon and make our dreams come true together. I think I\'m a good team player and I\'m a person of great honesty to others. 英语自我介绍必读


1、Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is .It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself.I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today. 上午好/下午好/晚上好!我的名字叫……。今天有机会进行自我介绍深感荣幸。我乐意回答你们所提出来的任何问题。我希望我今天能表现的非常出色。

2、I am years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of Physical Education.


3、My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/


4、In the past 1/2/3 years, I spend most of my time on study.I have paed CET3/4/6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice.


5、Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing.I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters…… .Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training.


6、I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on.


7、Thank you!


> 自我介绍;面试中一般都会要求考生先做简单的自我介绍,自我介绍的时间一般为2-3分钟左右。自我介绍是很好的表现机会,应把握以下几个要点:首先,要突出个人的优点和特长,并要有相当的可信度。特别是具有实际管理经验的要突出自己在管理方面的优势,最好是通过自己做过什么项目这样的方式来验证一下;其次,要展示个性,使个人形象鲜明,可以适当引用别人的言论,如老师、朋友等的评论来支持自己的描述;第三,不可夸张,坚持以事实说话,少用虚词、感叹词之类;最后,要符合常规,介绍的内容和层次应合理、有序地展开。最后,要符合逻辑,介绍时应层次分明、重点突出,使自己的优势很自然地逐步显露,不要一上来就急于罗列自己的优点



Autobiography My name is ________.I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________.There are ________ people in my family.My father works in a computer company.And my mother is a housewife.I am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, I like to read novels.I think reading could enlarge my knowledge.As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master.In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games.A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning.But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese. My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds.I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future. 二:

Autobiography I am.I was born in .I graduate from senior high school and major in English.I started learning English since I was 12 years old.My parents have a lot of American friends.That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English. In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes.I used to go abroad for a short- term English study.During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things. I think language is very interesting.I could expre one substance by using different sounds.So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge. 英语面试自我介绍范文 good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually eoll in this prestigious university in september.now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have paed CET4/6 with a ease.and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice.besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company.through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry.compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progre since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, me, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard.but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.i gue you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i won\'t give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education.i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident.sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my clamates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online.through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment.by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club.i had a few glorious memory on stage.that is my pride. 内容:







Hello, everybody! I am Lin Tianyi, my English name is Lucy.I am 11 years old, I have a happy family, my parents love me very much. I like play piano and swimming, my good friend Zhang Xiaoyue like swimming too. I like to eat fish, I have finished one fish once. At weekend, I am used to look in my grandmother, sometimes I will go to climb with my parents. That\'s me, a lovely girl. Thanks! 自我介绍用语大全之问候类

1.Good morning everyone. 大家早上好。

2.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. 先生们,女士们下午好。 3.Good evening, teachers and fellow students. 老师们,同学们晚上好。

4.It’s my great honor to introduce myself to you here. 很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

5.It’s my pleasure to introduce myself to you here. 我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

6.I’m very happy to introduce myself to you here.


7.I’m very glad to introduce myself to you here. 我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

8.I feel very honored to introduce myself to you here. 我感到很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

9.It is a great pleasure for me to introduce myself to you here. 我是如此的高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

10.It is a privilege to be speaking to you today. 今天能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸。

11.I am very proud to be addreing you this evening. 今晚能在此应邀讲话我深感荣幸。 篇3:英文自我介绍范例及模版


My name is.....and i am ...years old now. I come from Datong Shanxi Province.I like English very much,because it\'s useful for me.I\'m a good student in our school.And in my cla every one likes me.I always take part in a lot of activities in my cla.In the college, I want to make more progre.Thank you!


Teachers,good afternoon.Allow me to briefly talk about myself. My name is - Xianning graduated from the south gate of the private secondary schools.Tourism now studying at the school in Hubei Province.Studying hotel management profeional.I was a character,cheerful girl,so my hobbies is extensive.Sporty.In my spare time likes playing basketball, table tennis,volleyball,skating.When a person like the Internet at home,or a personal stereo.Not like too long immersed in the world of books,and family members have told me,Laoyijiege is the best.Talking about my family,then I will talk about my family has.Only three people my family,my grandmother,grandfather and my own.My grandfather is a engineer,I am very severely on peacetime,the Church me a lot.Grandma is a very kindly for the elderly,care for my life in every poible way.Therefore,I have no parents in their care,childhood and growth were full of joy. I like this hotel management profeional,because I like to live in a strict order of the management environment.I have my profeional self-confidence and hope,as long as the efforts will be fruitful,this is my motto.Since I chose this profeion,I will follow this path,effort,perseverance path. Thank you teachers.I finished presentation.


各位老师,下午好。请允许我简单介绍一下我自己。 我的名字叫——毕业于咸宁南门私立中学。现就读于湖北省旅游学校。学习饭店管理专业。





Hello, everyone! My name is and my English name is.I’m 15 years old.I’m a student in a very beautiful school called Liangbing Middle School and I am in Cla 1 Grade 7.My hometown Liangbing is also a beautiful town. I’m very happy and I like to make friends with others.I also like singing but traveling is my favorite, I have been to many interesting places in China but I haven’t been to other countries.What a pity! At school, I study Chinese,math, English, history, politics and so on.I like all of them.I often help my teacher takecare of my cla and I think I am a good helper.I live with my parents and we go home on time every day. When I am at home, I often help my mother do some housework and my mother said I am a good helper, too.My mother is a barber.She cuts hair very well.She is kind.Many people like her.she often teaches me the way of learning well, if you want to learn English well, here is some of my advice.At first , you must read many articles and know many words, if you meet up with some new words, you can look them up in the dictionary, you should know their meanings, how to read them and spell them.If you keep working hard, you will be succeful.Then, you ought to speak English as much as poible.Remember an old saying, Nothing is impoible in the world if you put your heart into it.That’s all, thank you.

Hello, Everybody! I am very glad to stand here to give you my introduction.I am from Liangbing MiddleSchool.I am studying in Cla 1,Grade 7.I love my hometown Liangbing because it’s a very beautiful town. I have many hobbies, such as reading books, listening to music, surfing the Internet and traveling.But listening to music is my favorite.I like pop music best.My idol are Jay.I am a lively girl.I like making friends and chatting with them.I can play the Chinese Kungfu.I paed all ten levels when I was in Grade 5.However, because of the busy study, I don’t have any free time to practise it.What a pity!I am good at Math and English and I like English better.In my opinion, it’s very easy and fun to learn and use English and this contest is a great chance for me to learn English from others.My saying is god help those who help themselves and I will never give up during my course of learning. Now, after listening to my introduction, do you know me well? That’s all.Thank you!


英语自我介绍范文模板格式1 说明:在横线处填写自己的内容就可以了,其他都是照抄的,写作文必备的自我介绍模板,


Hello, everyone!My name is ________(姓名).I\'m a ________(数字年龄) years old ________(girl or boy).I live in the beautiful city of ________(城市).I\'m an active, lovely, and clever ________(girl or boy).In the school my favorite subject is ________(你喜欢的科目)..Perhaps someone thinks it\'s difficult to study well.But I like it.I believe that if you try your best, everything can be done well. I also like sports very much.Such as, ________(你爱好的运动)., volleyball and so on.I\'m kind-hearted.If you need help, please come to me.I hope we can be good friends! OK.This is me .A sunny ________(girl or boy). 看一下下个英语自我介绍作文模板吧


My name is________ .There are ________(数字)

people in my family.My father is a Chemistry teacher.He teaches chemistry in senior high school.My mother is an English teacher.She teaches English in the university.I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.

I like to read English story books in my free time.Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read.Reading E- books is fun.In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.

I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects.Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future. 第三个英语自我介绍范文例文模板

My name is________ .I am from ________.There are________(数字)people in my family.My father works in a computer company.He is a computer engineer.My mother works in a international trade company.She is also a busy woman.I have a older sister and a younger brother.My sister is a junior in National Taiwan University.She majors in English.My brother is an elementary school student.He is 8 years old. Because of my father, I love surfing the Internet very much.I play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day.I wish I could be a computer program designer in the future.And that is why I am applying for the electronics program in your school.


My name is ________.I am graduatefrom ________ seniorhigh school and major in ________.There are ________ people in my family.My father works in a computer company.And my mother is a housewife.I am the youngest one in my family.

In my spare time, I like to read novels.I think reading could enlargemy knowledge.As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master.In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games.A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning.But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds.I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future



About Myself

My name is Li Hua.I was born in the city of Dalian, Liaoning Province.I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990.Then I entered NO.6 Middle School where I mainly learned the subjects like Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry and computer.I have been very fond of and good at English and computer ever since.Therefore I placed first in the school computer competition last year.My hobbies include swimming in summer, skating in winter as well as collecting stamps and listening to popular music in my spare time.


I am linjiang.I was born in jilin changchun.I graduate from Henan University of Urban Construction.I started learning English since I was 15 years old.My father is a farmer .And my mother is a housewife.I am the youngest one in my family.My brother have a lot of American friends.That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English. In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes.I used to go University for a short- term English study.During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things. I think language is very interesting.I could expre one substanceby using different sounds.So I wish I could study and read more English enlarge my knowledge.


My name is .There are 4 people in my family.My father is a Chemistryteacher.He teaches chemistry in senior high school.My mother is an English teacher.She teaches English in the university.I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam. I like to read English story books in my free time.Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read.Reading E- books is fun.In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations. I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects.Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.




My name is xx There are 4 people in my family.My father is a Chemistry teacher.He teaches chemistry in senior high school.My mother is an English teacher.She teaches English in the university.I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.I like to read English story books in my free time.Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read.Reading E- books is fun.In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.

I hope to study both English and computer technology bcause I am interested in both of the subjects.Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.


I am a 10 years old boy.Smart and handsome.I am proud of mself.Because I can get perfect scores in Chinese, math and English.It is not good enough, I am also proud of being an elder brother.That is a Friday evening, my baby brother was crying all the time.My parents were both cooking for dinner.I said to my mum, let me look after this little thing.My mum said, “Are you sure you can?” “ Yes ,believe me I can.” I answered.Then mum went to the kitchen.I went towards my baby brother.“ Oh baby, don’t cry.I will sing a song for you…” I carried him and sing songs for him.After a while, he was asleep.I was so tired.My parents were happy and praised me a good boy.This is my first time to look after my baby brother and I feel proud of myself.


Good afternoon, teachers! My name is XuLulu.I`m 11.I come from Cla1 Grade 5 of TongPu No.2 Primary School.There are 4 people in my family.My father is tall.My mother is pretty.My sister has long hair.And I`m a good student.However, my home is near the school, I often get up early.Because I must work hard.after school, I like playing computer games and reading books.I`d like to eat apples.They are sweet and healthy.And I like Tuesday best.We have English, music, computer and P.E.on Tuesdays.My math teacher is Mi Huang.Her cla is so much fun.So my favourite cla is math.And I like Chinese and English, too.This is me.An active girl.Please remember XuLulu.Thank you very much!


Hi, boys and girls, good morning, it is my plearsure to take this change to introduce myself, my name is ***, i am 10 years old.About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me, my father and mother are all very kind, welcome you to visit my family if you have time!

I am a very outgoing girl(boy), I like reading、playing games and listening to music, of course, I also like to make friends with all the people in the school, I hope I will be your best friends in the sckooe life.


篇1:简单的英文自我介绍怎么说 简单的英文自我介绍怎么说


i am very gald to introduce myself .i am from liaoning province.i graduated from shandong university and majored in microbiology.i love music and looking books, especially the history books. 我非常开心可以在这里做自我极少,我来自辽宁,毕业于山东大学的微生物专业,我很喜欢音乐和看书,尤其是历史类的书籍。



do you like me? i’m a lovely and funny girl. thank you! 篇3:工作面试简短英文自我介绍 面试简短英文自我介绍


my name is ...i was 19 years old.i am a senior high school student.i am good at surfing online.my hobby is widespread,such as reading,listening to music, playing basketball.i am young,bright,energetic with strong study-ambition.i have good presentation skills and positive active mind eential.my future is to be a teacher.i hope i can make more children acquire knowledge 我的名字是……我19岁。我是一个高中生。我擅长网上冲浪。我爱好广泛,如阅读,听音乐,打篮球。我是年轻的,明亮的,富有浓厚的学习目标。我有良好的表达能力和灵活的头脑。我的未来想当一名教师。


篇5:简短的英文面试自我介绍 (2)讲究态度






篇7:英文自我介绍 简单英语自我介绍范文

篇8:简单的英语自我介绍 good morning ! it is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, i hope i can make a good performance today.im confident that i can succeed.now i will introduce myself briefly (先介绍你自己) i am 26 years old, born in xx province . i was graduated from xx university.my major is xx.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of xx. i spend most of my time on study,i have paed cet4/6 .and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. (然后介绍下你为什么要去这个公司balabala。。

i think im a good team player and im a person of great honesty to others.also i am able to work under great preure.(最后表个决心) that’s all.thank you for giving me the chance. 除了自我介绍,最经常问的就是你的优缺点了。

1、what is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)


2、what is your greatest weakne?(你最大的弱点是什么?)


篇9:简单的英语自我介绍模板 简单的英语自我介绍模板

篇10:简单的小学英语自我介绍 范文一:

my name is pat and im from taiwan.right now, im a student.i study very hard every day.i like going to school.because im eager to learn.i enjoy learning english.its my favorite cla.i like to make friends and i get along with everyone.this is the introduction i give whenever i meet new people.it tells people a little bit about me and about what i like to do. 我的名字是派特,我来自台湾。我现在是学生。我每天都很用功念书。我喜欢上学,因为我渴望学习。我喜欢学英文。那是我最喜欢的课程。我喜欢交朋友,而且我和每个人都处得很好。这就是我每次认识新的人时,所作的自我介绍。


hello, everyone.my name is ***(你的名字), im *(你的年纪) years old.i study in ***(你的学校名) primary school.im in grade*(你的年级) cla*(你的班级).i like football and english very much, and i often play football with my clamates after school .my english teacher is ***(你英语老师的名字),she/he(女的选she,男的选he) is very nice to us, i like her/him(女的选her,男的选him) a lot. there are three members in my family: my father, my mother and i.both of parents love me and i love them too.thats all, thank you! 范文三:

hello everyone 大家好~ my name is ( ) 我叫某某某 i m ( ) years old 我几岁了

i m a student of cla( ) and grade( ) 我是几年级几班的学生 i have many interests 我有很多爱好 i like (drawing)(singing)and(……)我喜欢画画 唱歌 … i want to be a (teacher)(doctor)(……) 我希望做一名…老师 医生…… i like to make friends with everyone 我喜欢和大家做朋友 图片已关闭显示,点此查看




图片已关闭显示,点此查看 thanks very much 非常感谢


hello, everybody.大家好

my names( ).我的名字叫( )

so my english is very good.所以,我的英语很好.

i hope that every of you will love me。

篇10一:简短英文自我介绍 简短英文自我介绍

end.well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese che.also english is my favorite .i often go to english corner to practise my oral english on ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying. ok, that is all, thank you for your attention 篇10二:简短英文自我介绍 简短英文自我介绍


众所周知,自我介绍是日常工作中与陌生人建立关系、打开局面的一种非常重要的手段,因此,让自己通过自我介绍 或得到对方的认识甚至认可,一种非常重要的职场技术。新人用英语的自我介绍,我们来看看。


my name is xxx, quanzhou experiment elementary school graduates of 2009.

my teacher is lively, cheerful, and generally sunny girl students, learning is one of the cla, the students are very glad to become a good friend of mine.

i have many features:

1.the newspaper in hand, make six study life i made many zhang copies out the newspaper, each received my former teacher\'s consistent high praise.go to town cherishing life newspaper appraisal, hand the good grades have won the second prize.

2 write brush calligraphy from the third grade, brushes just started, i like this one door of traditional chinese art.but want to write good brush calligraphy, still must persevere, insist to practice every day.this way i also want to quit, but still insist on mother\'s encouragement, also attended many times, and righteousne spring to write the calligraphy competition, also experience the fun.

3 reading english, from kindergarten claes begin mother sent me to learn english, insist to still continue again, i deeply love the english courses, with chinese teachers from childhood falteringly study, now with fluent english conversation, i got a lot of improvement.now, i entered the new collective quanzhou one, i will continue to work hard and play my specialty.


Leaders, Members:

Hello, everybody ——! (Bows)

My name is XXX, from Hunan XX, I am cheerful, honest, easy to get along with others; likes playing basketball, climbing and running.

I am very pleased and honored to join the “XX” to the family, where not only provided me with a growth exercise, showing a good platform for self, but also for giving me the chance to meet more new colleagues, new friends.- To take this, I am very grateful to all the leaders, thank you all so give me a good opportunity.(Bow)

I first arrived, there are many aspects of the knowledge I need to learn, but also hope in future we can work great weekend!

I believe that through our mutual understanding and mutual understanding, we will not only become a career go hand in hand with the struggle of his comrades, life will be like-minded, woe friend.

Finally, I would like and we can work together for our common cause and work hard!

Thanks everyone! (Bow)


Hello every one

First let me introduce myself.My name is ***, ** years old.i am from ******,a beautiful city in henan province.it is famous as the \"capital of ****\" and enjoy yhe honer that l***** peony is the best in the world.

****** played a very important role in chinese history.so it has a profound cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved.such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china ang white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chnese buddhism.

****** peony is world-famous.every year, many tourists travel to ****** to see the beauty of peony .the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world.i like my hometown very much.

I am very glad to be here for this interview.I graduated from ****** College in July, **** and major in finance.Then, I was a teacher in abc, When I was a senior school student, I am interested in thought and began to read a certain claic work of Marxism, especially I finished reading “the florilegium of Mao ZeDong”.From then on, I have dabbled in more and more theoretical works and accumulated great interests in theory study, especially in Marxism.

I have a dream, a dream of my study.I wish devote my whole life and energy into the development of the Marxism.If I have the opportunity to study in abc University, I’ll dabble in as much as document about the specialty as poible.If it is poible, I want to get the primary accomplishment in my major, at least, a stable basis.


篇1:大学生英语自我介绍 honorable judges, good morning! it’s my great honor to stand here and introduce myself to you .i’m a little nervous now, but i hope i can make a good performance today. my name is xxx and xx is my english name.i’m a confident, optimistic girl.my major is xx, and i want to be an outstanding xx in the future .i gue you may be interested in why i choose this speciality.i would like to tell you that i think xx is an exciting and promising job.as to my hobbies, i like travelling, reading, food , especially watching english movies.in my campus life, i learn how to balance entertainment and study.in the past two years, i have learned some practical skills and gained some major certificates.besides, i was selected as a merit student, and received the first prize scholarship.that’s all thank you! 篇2:大学生英语自我介绍 大学生英语自我介绍 good morning ! it is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, i hope i can make a good performance today.im confident that i can succeed. now i will introduce myself briefly i am 26 years old,born in shandong province . i was graduated from qingdao university.my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003. i spend most of my time on study,i have paed cet4/6 .and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. i think im a good team player and im a person of great honesty to others.also i am able to work under great preure. that’s all.thank you for giving me the chance.

1、good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is .it is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself.i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today. 上午好/下午好/晚上好!我的名字叫„„。今天有机会进行自我介绍深感荣幸。我乐意回答你们所提出来的任何问题。我希望我今天能表现的非常出色。

2、i am years old, born in province/beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest„„ of china, and i am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at capital institute of physical education.我今年„„岁,出生在„„省/北京,它位于中国的东北/东南/西南„„等部。我目前是首都体育学院大一/大二/大三/大四的学生。

3、my major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/ 我主修篮球/排球/足球/羽毛球/乒乓球/网球/田径/游泳/跆拳道等运动训练专业。在我毕业以后,我将会获得学士学位。

4、in the past 1/2/3 years, i spend most of my time on study.i have paed cet3/4/6 and i have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice. 在过去的1/2/3年中,我把大量的时间用在学习上。我已经通过了大学英语2/3/4/6级。而且,我已经从理论和实践二方面对运动训练专业的基础知识有了一个大致的了解。

5、besides, i have attended several sports meetings held in beijing.i am also the volunteers of china tennis open, chinese badminton masters„„ .through these i have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training. 除此以外,我还参加了在北京举行的许多运动会。我还是中国网球公开赛,羽毛球大师赛„„的志愿者。通过这些,我对运动训练专业有了一个更深刻的了解。

6、i have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on. 我有很多兴趣爱好,如唱歌、跳舞、画画等。

7、thank you! 谢谢大家!

篇3:大学英语教师上课的自我介绍 大学英语教师第一堂课(开场白,自我介绍等) as for teaching and learning, i like an old saying by benjamin franklin “tell me and i forget.teach me and i remember.involve me and i learn.” so i want all of you to get involved in my cla as much as poible, instead of just being a listener.to make sure that you are involved, i have some rules for you to follow for these 2 years.and your final score will be decided on how well you follow these rules. final score: cla attendence 5% (application for leave is effective only with the signature of your tutor; being late for more than 5 minutes would be treated the same as being absent ) cla performance 20%(answering questions, activities, exercises, after-cla tasks, self-study in network claroom etc.) oral test 10% (the last week of each semester, you will take an oral test) group aement 5% (you will set up several groups of 5-6 .the last week of each semester, members in each group should ae the other members of the same group)(aement criteria: attitude, action, achievement) final exam 60% group work: set up groups with whoever you want.5-6 form a group.elect a group eader.the leader should be responsible for the whole group.during the semester, each group will have to finish several tasks aigned by me.(preview jobs, research, role-play, oral practice etc.)the group leader should report to me the absence of your members, if not and i find out, both of the absent student and the leader will be punished. every other week, you will have another two claes in network claroom to study.(self-directed english learning system) after-cla task: read the article in listening book from p7-10.how to improve your listening and speaking. 篇4:大学英文自我介绍 大学英文自我介绍 hello,everyone! childhood.genuinene,perseverance,conscientioune,the urge for improvement are the characters my family gives me.today,but for their support,i would not be this confident.many thanks to my family.i love them all. i’m an optimistic,energetic,outgoing,active,humorous girl with any amount of hobbies,such as listening to music and writing my blog.what deserves to be introduced is my blog on sina,which takes me a lot of pains.it’s without much gaudy decorations,but many articles which are really worth reading.the website addre is here.your prensence and guidance are requested. unlike many other girls,i’m quite good at sports.swimming,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc.are my preferences.in spite of my height,i have a good jumping capacity.due to this,i’m the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member of the female volleyball team in our school.in addition,i’m fond of playing che.i’ve got a silver medal when i was a child.futhermore,i’m a very versatile girl.piano and clarinet are my forte.they all get the ninth level.besides,i’m a good organizer and leader in the school activities.i organized many english speech contest,also took a part in it and ranked among the best.especially,i directed an english play called“the sound of music”,which is a gorgeous succe,so that every audience spoke highly of it.i’m very proud of that. to conclude,i’m sure i won’t let you down.i hope that you can give me a chance to study in xiamen university,which is the shrine in my mind, and i’ll give you much glory in return. that’s all.thank you for your attention. 篇5:英语自我介绍(大学生适用) good morning everyone! in addition, during my senior high years, i participated in many activities organized by school, such as working as volunteer, taking part in tree planting, which urged me develop industrious and responsible characters. now, admitted by hefei normal university, i feel obliged to work even harder, facing up to the following challenges.my standing here is a step i make to witne my endeavor. at the end of my introduction , i’m eager to present you a piece of song.well , now ,listen! when i was young id listen to the radio waitin for my favorite songs when they played id sing along it made me smile. those were such happy times and not so long ago how i wondered where theyd gone but theyre back again just like a long lost friend all the songs i loved so well. every sha-la-la-la every wo-o-wo-o still shines every shing-a-ling-a-ling that theyre startin to sings so fine. when they get to the part where hes breakin her heart it can really make me cry just like before its yesterday once more. lookin back on how it was in years gone by and the good times that i had makes today seem rather sad so much has changed. it was songs of love that i would sing to then and id memorize each word those old melodies still sound so good to me as they melt the years away.every sha-la-la-la every wo-o-wo-o still shines every shing-a-ling-a-ling that theyre startin to sings so fine. its yesterday once more. 篇6:大学生面试必备 英文自我介绍


i am a third year master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong university, p.r.china.with tremendous interest in industrial engineering, i am writing to apply for acceptance into your ph.d.graduate program. education background at the period of my graduate study, my overall gpa(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department.in the second semester, i became teacher aistant that is given to talented and matured students only.this year, i won the acer scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university.presently, i am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of excellent graduation thesis. research experience and academic activity besides, in july 2000, i got the opportunity to give a lecture in english in asia control conference (ascc) which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation.in my senior year, i met prof.xiao-song lin, a visiting profeor of mathematics from university of california-riverside, i learned graph theory from him for my network research.these experiences all rapidly expanded my knowledge of english and the understanding of western culture. i hope to study in depth in retrospect, i find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the ph.d.program.my future research interests include: network scheduling problem, heuristic algorithm research (especially in ga and neural network), supply chain network research, hybrid system performance analysis with petri nets and data mining. please give my application materials a serious consideration.thank you very much good morning ! it is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i hope i can make a good performance today.im confident that i can succeed. now i will introduce myself briefly i am 26 years old,born in shandong province . i was graduated from qingdao university.my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003. i spend most of my time on study,i have paed cet4/6 .and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. i think im a good team player and im a person of great honesty to others.also i am able to work under great preure. that’s all.thank you for giving me the chance. 第三部分:面试英语自我介绍演讲稿 general introduction i am a third year master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong university, p.r.china.with tremendous interest in industrial engineering, i am writing to apply for acceptance into your ph.d.graduate program. education background in 1995, i entered the nanjing university of science & technology (nust) -- widely considered one of the china’s best engineering schools.during the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department.i was granted first cla prize every semester,in 1999, i got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admiion test. at the period of my graduate study, my overall gpa(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department.in the second semester, i became teacher aistant that is given to talented and matured students only.this year, i won the acer scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university.presently, i am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of excellent graduation thesis. research experience and academic activity in retrospect, i find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the ph.d.program.my future research interests include: network scheduling problem, heuristic algorithm research (especially in ga and neural network), supply chain network research, hybrid system performance analysis with petri nets and data mining.

1、good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is .it is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself.i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today. 英语面试实战指南

i:interviewer(面试者)a:applicant(求职者) 介绍教育背景:简明扼要,实话实说


①iwhat is your major﹖

amy major is busine administration.i am especially interested in″marketing″.(不仅回答了问题,还顺带一句介绍了自己较为感兴趣的方面,简明扼要。) ②iwhich university are you attending﹖ ai am attending×××university. ③ihave you received any degrees﹖

ayes.firsti received my bachelor degree in english literatureand then an mba degree.④iwhat course did you like best﹖ aproject management.i was very interested in this course when i was a student.and i think it's very useful for my present work. ⑤ido you feel that you have received a good general training﹖

①ihave you ever been employed﹖

②iyour resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in shanghaimay i ask why you left﹖

ai worked in a foreign rep.office for one year.howeveri left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull.i found another job that is more interesting.③ihave you done any work in this field﹖

④iwhat qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be succeful in your field ⑤iwhat have you learned from the jobs you have had﹖

ai have learned a lot about busine know how and basic office skills.in additioni learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues. ⑥iwhat's you major weak point﹖

ai haven't been involved in international busineso i don't have any experiencebut i have studied this course in the international busine training center of the×××company. ⑦iwhat are your greatest strengths﹖(实话实说好了,不必客气,但应注意语气和表情,不要给人炫耀之感。) ⑧iplease tell me about your working experience. ⑨idoes your present employer know you are looking for another job﹖

anoi haven't discued my career plans with my present employerbut i am sure he will understand.性格爱好:表现积极、合作的一面

①ihow do you spend your spare time﹖

②iare you interested in sports﹖

③ido you think you are introverted or extroverted﹖

④iwhat kind of personality do you think you have﹖

ai always approach things very enthusiastically.when i beg in somethingi don't like to leave it halfdone.i can't concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished.⑤iwhat is the most important thing for you to be happy﹖

adifferent people have different ideas.i think the most important thing for me is having a good relationship with my family members and my friends.my family has always been very closeknitand my friend sand i spend a lot of time together.without that i would be much le happy than i am. ⑥iwhat makes you angry﹖

adishonesty.it's unacceptable. ⑦iwhat are your personal weaknees﹖

⑧iare you more of a leader or a follower﹖

ai don't try to lead people.i'd rather cooperate with everybodyand get the job done by working together.工作要求:我能胜任

①ido you think you can make yourself easily understood in english﹖ ayesin most circumstances. ②iare you available for travel﹖

ayesi like traveling.i am youngand unmarried.it's no problem for me to travel frequently. ③ihow about overtime work﹖

④ihow long do you think we can depend on your working here﹖

⑤ido you like regular work﹖

⑥iwhat salary do you expect﹖

⑦ido you work well under preure﹖

aworking under preure is exciting and challenging.i don't mind working under preure.i work well under the secircum stances.people cani can. anonothing in particular. ⑨ihow soon can you begin working for us﹖

①iany questions﹖

awhen will i know your decision﹖

②ihow can we get in touch with you﹖

③iwe will notify you of our decision by mailis this convenient for you﹖

athank youmr.smith.goodbye.thank you for your time.

⑤iyou will be hearing from us very soon.please send the next applicantin on your way out. aok.thank you very much. 此外,面试官还可能问及你的家庭情况,如家人对你的影响等,也应事先有所准备。

资料: 英语自我介绍常用十句话


2.i have been in the busine for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department. 本人在过去十年在商界担任人事部主任迄今。


4.for the past three years, i have been in the office of the brothers trading co., where i have been ad still am an accountant. 本人曾经在兄弟贸易公司服务三年,担任会计工作,现仍在职中。

5.i am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the green trees co., in teh general clerical work of the office. 我今年20岁,曾于绿林公司服务两年,担任一般文员工作。

6.i am 25 years of age, and have had two years experience in my present post, which i am leaving to better myself. 我今年25岁,已在目前的职位工作两年,兹为寻找更上一层楼,准备离开此职位。


8.i am just leaving school, and am eighteen years of age. 本人18岁,不久即可毕业。

9.i am twenty years of age, and am anxious to settle down to office work. 本人20岁,希望能找到一个公司,以便安定下来。

10.since my graduation from the school two years ago, i have been employed in teh green hotel as a cashier. 两年前,自从离校后,在格兰酒店担任出纳员。 自我介绍用语大全之问候类 1.good morning everyone. 大家早上好。

2.good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. 先生们,女士们下午好。

3.good evening, teachers and fellow students. 老师们,同学们晚上好。

4.it’s my great honor to introduce myself to you here. 很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

5.it’s my pleasure to introduce myself to you here. 我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

6.i’m very happy to introduce myself to you here. 我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

7.i’m very glad to introduce myself to you here. 我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

8.i feel very honored to introduce myself to you here. 我感到很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

9.it is a great pleasure for me to introduce myself to you here. 我是如此的高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

10.it is a privilege to be speaking to you today. 今天能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸。

11.i am very proud to be addreing you this evening. 今晚能在此应邀讲话我深感荣幸。

introducing yourself at an interview (应征面谈) good monring.its a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself.my name is philip wong, and i am a candidate for the position of overseas sales representative. my background and work experience are tailor-made for this position.i studied marketing as an undergrad here in taiwan, and in 1985, i received my mba from the university of texas school of busine.for five years now, i have utilized my skills and knowledge as the aistant director of exports for magic kitchen supplies. philip在应征面试时,是这样介绍自己的:


mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。 ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。

a person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。 a stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。 work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。

bright,aggreive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。 ambitious attitude eential.有雄心壮志。

willing to work under preure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。

willing to aume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。

mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。 with a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。

strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。 strong leadership skills.有极强的领导艺术。

ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。

highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。

the ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 strong leadership skill while poeing a great team spirit.有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。

be highly organized and effecient.工作很有条理,办事效率高。 willing to learn and progre.肯学习进取。 good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。

positive active mind eential.有积极、灵活的头脑。

ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。善于同各种人员打交道。

have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。

young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。

able to work under high preure and time limitation.能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。

be elegant and with nice personality.举止优雅、个人性格好。

with good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。 the main qualities required are preparedne to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。

having good and extensive social connections.具有良好而广泛的社会关系。 being active, creative and innonative is a plus.思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。 with good analytical capability.有较强的分析能力。




1.Good morning.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.My name is ***, 24.I come from ******,the capital of *******province.I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a cla in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you .I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books, especially those about *******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparatively good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country’s team.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unle he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******.

2.Good afternoon .I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .First of all ,my english name is ...and my chinese name is ..If you are going to have a job interview ,you must say much things which can show your willne to this job ,such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ...and I am eager to get an opportunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to .then you can say something about your hobbies .and it is best that the hobbies have something to do with the job.

What is more important is do not forget to communicate with the interviewee,keeping a smile and keeping your talks interesting and funny can contribute to the succe.

I hope you will give them a wonderful speech .Good luck to you !

3.good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september.now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have paed CET4/6 with an ease.and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice.besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company.through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry.compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progre since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, me, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard.but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.i gue you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i won\'t give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education.i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident.sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my clamates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online.through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment.by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club.i had a few glorious memory on stage.that is my pride.















































我叫xxx,是xxx师范学院数学系应用数学专业的一名应届毕业生.我有期望,有希望,有信心去面对这份即将来临的工作. 大学四年是我思想、知识结构及心理、生长成熟的四年.在大学期间,我自己认真学习专业技能,所以我掌握了较强的专业知识,并把理论知识运用到实践中去.我所学专业是应用数学,在熟练掌握各种基本软件的使用及硬件维护过程中,有独特的经验总结.在实习期间,我思索激励教法、课件制作和教具选择,在课堂上取得了学生主动要学的效果,得到了校领导和指导老师的好评. 我的知识能力得到了很大的提高.在学好应用数学专业课的同时,我勤练教师基本技能,有较好的教学语言表达能力,掌握了教育学和心理学的许多知识,在假期从事的家教工作中加以运用.在实习期间,我思索激励教法、课件制作和教具选择,在课堂上取得了学生主动要学的效果,得到了校领导和指导老师的好评. 我从小就对老师万分的敬仰,希望有朝一日自己也可以像老师那样,把自己的知识一代一代的传下去,把中华民族的文化和美德继续传播给子孙后代.尤其对父辈循循善诱的引导深受感染;对父辈们的殷殷嘱咐,使我踏踏实实、勤勤恳恳做人;对所受到的学校教育,让我用科学的理论知识的专业技能干好每一件事;坦诚、踏实的性格,让我在工作中与领导、同事相处融洽,较好的完成了各项任务. 我期望有一个合适的平台,用我的热情和智慧去全力开拓、耕耘.我希望能到贵学校任职,为贵校的发展出一份力,相信我的付出也正是您的英明选择.我会用我的实力证明一切.我坚信只要不断地在社会这个大熔炉中学习,用“心”去面对一切,必然能不断战胜自己、超越自己,逐步走向成功. 假如,我通过了应用数学专业面试,成为众多教师队伍中的成员,我将不断努力学习,努力工作,为家乡的教育事业贡献自己的力量,决不辜负“人类灵魂的工程师”这个光荣的称号篇二:数学教师 面试自我介绍

数学教师 面试自我介绍

应聘教师自我介绍如何做?这个要看自己学习的是什么专业和应聘的是哪种岗位,根据自己的特长和学校对老师职位的要求情况做好充分的准备。以下便是一位数学老师应聘自我介绍的范文。 各位考官早上好。我是xx师范学院数学系xxxx届数学教育专业的一名毕业生,名叫xxx,很高兴能有机会在此向各位考官学习! xx师范学院数学系是我们学院最悠久、教学质量最优异的系别,在此学习环境下,使我的知识能力受益匪浅。在学好专业课的同时,我勤练教师基本技能,有较好的教学语言表达能力,掌握了教育学和心理学的许多知识,在假期从事的家教工作中加以运用。在实习期间,我思索激励教法、课件制作和教具选择,在课堂上取得了学生主动要学的效果,得到了校领导和指导老师的好评。 我出生于教师家庭,对父辈循循善诱的引导深受感染;对父辈们的殷殷嘱咐,使我踏踏实实、勤勤恳恳做人;对所受到的学校教育,让我用科学的理论知识的专业技能干好每一件事;坦诚、踏实的性格,让我在工作中与领导、同事相处融洽,较好的完成了各项任务。 我期望:有一个合适的平台,用我的热情和智慧去全力开拓、耕耘。

我希望:能到贵学校任职,为贵校的发展出一份力,相信我的付出也正是您的英明选择! 我坚信:只要不断地在社会这个大熔炉中学习,用“心”去面对一切,必然能不断战胜自己、超越自己,逐步走向成功! 谢谢大家!篇三:免费师范生自我介绍·数学 自我介绍

尊敬的各位领导,老师: (早上好!)今天能够站在这里参加面试,有机会向各位老师请教和学习,我感到非常的荣幸.希望通过这次面试能够把自己展示给大家,希望大家记住我! 我叫李建臣!是西南大学数学与统计学院2016届数学与应用数学专业的一名毕业生。数学与统计学院是我们学校历史最悠久、教学质量最优异的学院之一。同时数学与应用数学专业也是国家“985工程优势学科。 在学院的领导下,学院逐步形成了良好的学习环境,我的知识能力逐渐提高,各种校级和院级活动让我受益匪浅。在学好专业知识的同时,我勤练教师基本技能,有较好的教学语言表达能力,掌握了教育学和心理学的许多知识,在假期从事家教(教育机构兼职)工作中加以运用。在实习期间,我思索教学法,课件制作和教具选择,在课堂上取得了学生主动学习的效果,得到了指导老师的好评。并且,我实习的班级,期末考试数学平均成绩比同类班级高8分左右。







小学数学新教师面试自我介绍稿,要贴近实际,不要太虚假!! 我来回答

回答 (1) □颜良 8级 2009-07-25 尊敬的各位考官、各位评委老师:通过考试,今天,我以本岗位笔试第一的成绩进入了面试。对我来说,这次机会显得尤为珍贵。我叫***,今年27岁。1997年7月我从**师范学校艺师美术专业计划内自费毕业。由于从97年起国家不再对自费生包分配,使我与“太阳底下最光辉的职业”失之交臂。幸好,当时河西马厂完小师资不足,经人介绍,我在该完小担任了一年的临时代课教师。回想起那段时光真是既甜蜜又美好,虽然代课工资很低,但听着同学们围在身旁“老师”、“老师”的叫个不停,看着那一双双充满信任的眼睛,那一张张稚气的小脸,生活中的所有不快都顿时烟消云散了。我原想,即使不能转正,只要学校需要,就是当一辈子代课教师我也心甘情愿。不料,1998年起国家开始清退临时工和代课教师,接到了学校的口头通知后,我怀着恋恋不舍的心情,悄悄地离开了学校。今天,我想通过此次考试重新走上讲坛的愿望是那样迫切!我家共有三姊妹,两个姐姐在外打工,为了照顾已上了年纪的父母,我一直留在他们身边。我曾开过铺子,先是经营工艺品,后又经营服装。但不论生意做得如何得心应手,当一名光荣的人民教师始终是我心向往之并愿倾尽毕?? 自己改改,不行看下面的




贵校良好的管理体制,浓厚的教学氛围和积极进取的精神使我将其作为自己的首选目标,相信在贵校领导的帮助指导下,通过自身的努力,我会成为一名合格的人民教师,希望贵校能给我提供一个施展才华的机会! 我的家乡在内蒙古赤峰市,辽阔的原野塑造了我开朗大方的性格,纯朴的乡情给予了我善良的品质,艰苦的条件培养了我知难而上乐观自信的精神。这些都令我获益良多。 大学的四年时光里,我本着自强不息,学以致用的原则,一直以认真的态度对待学习。在学好专业课的同时,我也注重综合知识和综合技能的培养与提高,广泛的涉猎了文学,哲学,心理学,教育学等方面的书籍,计算机理论与操作也具有一定的水平。在教师技能方面,我勤学苦练,不断提高自身的整体水平,并在教育实习中取得优异成绩。这些都为我成为一名合格的人民教师打下了坚实的基础。 在思想方面我积极向党组织靠拢,关心集体,团结同学,并加入“xx”协会,多次参加了义务劳动和社会活动。同时我也积极参加“行走在团旗下”文艺汇演,中小学实践教学,足球赛等课外活动。力求使自己成为高素质的复合型人才!








自荐人:xxx xxxx年xx月xx日









收笔之际,郑重地提一个小小的要求:无论您是否选择我,尊敬的领导,希望您能够接受我诚恳的谢意! 此致


自荐人:xxx xxxx年xx月xx日

本人是xx师范大学xx系教育专业xx级学生,现经过四年的大学生活,业已达到一名合格毕业生的要求。 进入xx师大校门的那一刻起,我就遵照校训“勤奋创新、为人师表”全面系统地塑造自己,在各方面严格要求自己。学习成绩优良,年年均获专业奖学金,更为注重专业知识的积累和教学基本功的训练,课余在xx大学旁听了计算机课程,具有一定的计算机操作能力,此外,我大量阅读了历史、教育、心理等书籍,开拓视野,积累了作为一个教师所必需的广泛知识。读书期间,利用寒暑假从事家教工作,在试讲和教育实习期间积极锻炼自己,对板书、教案等多加揣摩,进一步掌握了中学生的学习和心理规律,在吉林省实验中学高中部实习期间得到了师生的一致好评。

在思想上,我积极要求进步,努力培养作为教师的情操和胸怀。在我国第一次无偿献血中成为一名志愿者。作为教师,还应拥有健康的身体、良好的心理素质和优秀的组织表达能力,因此,大学四年中我参加了年级篮球比赛、长跑比赛,系“红太阳”舞蹈队等活动,取得了一定成绩,很好得到了锻炼。 我热爱教师这一职业,教书育人不仅仅是一项工作,一名真正的教师将会影响到学生的一生。大学四年学习让我自信能成为一名优秀教师,相信今后在社会上我能很好地发挥自己的知识和能力。


pesonel statement(introduction)

good morning,my dear teachers,my dear profeors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yonghao,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent city.my undergratuade period will be accomplished in chang\'an university in july ,2004;and now,i am tryingmy best for obtaininga key to tongji university.

generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thingi am interested in.i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard .to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my cla who own his homepage.forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence.during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.andjust owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.

well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese che.also english is my favorate.i often go to english cornerto practise my oral english onevery thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying.ok, that is all,thankyou for your attention.


























part a


------good morning.my name is „„,and this is my colleague„..he is just going to

listening to us .are your name is„..?

------first of all, we’d like to know sth.about you, so i’m going to ask some

questions about yourself.



1.where are you from?

2.how long have you lived there?

3.how do you like it? why?

4.do you live near here? where about?

5.what do you think are the good points about living in this city? ------family

1.could you tell us sth.about you family?

2.what does your family usually do for the weekend?

3.what do you think about living together with your parents? ------leisure

1.do you have any hobbies?

2.how did you become interested in the hobbies?


1.why do you choose to study at our institute?

2.why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job? 3.what are your favorite subjects?

4.what kind of job did you do?

5.have you ever worked during the vacation?

6.why do you want to go back to study instead of going on with your work?














7.what qualifications are needed in order to do your job well? 8.what did you enjoy most about your campus life?

------future plans

1.what do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?

2.do you think english is important for your future plans? in what aspects is it important?

part b


------now i’d like you to talk about sth.for about 3 minutes.here is a list of topics(将一组话题或问题递给学生),pls read the topics and choose one from

the list you like to talk about.you’ll have 5 minutes to prepare for your talk.

(5 分钟后)could you tell me what you want to talk about? all right, you’ll have 3 minutes to give your talk.would you begin?(the interloculor may intervene only when neceary)


1.give your comment on the statement that “a part-time job is an important experience that every college student should have.”

2.use specific examples to set forth your views on the saying “haste makes waste”.

3.describe one of your own experiences to demonstrate that “nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced”

4.explain your understanding of the conventional belief that “age brings wisdom”

5.what are the current problems of college education? how to resolve them?






3.介绍你的家庭(could you tell us sth.about you family?)


I am open-minded, willing and have broad interests like basketball, reading and especially in

I also have many interests in my spare time.I like playing football,which is an effective way i think to improve my body health,and it can teach me how to join in a group and deal with other people.Drawing and writing is another favor to me.5.为什么想读研,

Because at present, I could do many things in a superficial level, but not be competent to do things profeionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability.So I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value.

I choose the major in order to broad my view in biology scince,and enhance my research ability.I will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study.

I like my majior.i will study hard in it in the postgraduate period, I think the postgraduate study can enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future career.


The major that I hope pursue for my further education is 研究方向.Because原因 I find integrated circuits are playing a more and more important role in our

modern society.And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, our domestic integrated circuits industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us.


I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time.And I hope I can form a systematic view of micro electronics and IC design technology and make a solid foundation for future profeion after three years study here.


Five years\' university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve myself.It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability (such as doing expriment as much as poible).In the university life,i have made many good

friends.They help me improve my study and research ability, do ererything just like a man,and often give me good example to follow.


I think that interest is the best teacher。**************



Good afternoon,dear profeors:

(基本情况)I am very glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.

My name is ZYL, 23 years old and come from *天中* Medical College.and Iwill receive my bachelor degree in this June

(家乡家庭)Ji an is my hometown,a beautiful city in jiang xi province.It is famous as the 红色旅游、井冈山,the environment is well.every year, many tourists trave l to 井冈山to see the beauty of *****.the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world.I like my hometown very much补充英文介绍。 (介绍自己及自己的背景,重点突出,简洁明了)

或介绍大学所在的城市 天津

兴趣爱好Besides above,I also have many interests in my spare time.I like swimming and playing piano,and chinese che (代表人物有谁)

Everyone have a dream,and even when I was a young boy,my dream is to be a doctor,relief people from misery and turn to the healthy life.

大学生活Five years\' college education give me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,ando lot of practices to improve myself.It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability.(such as doing expriment as much as poible).In the university life,i have made many good

friends.They help me improve my study and research ability, do ererything just like a man,and often give me good example to follow.

报考原因I plan to focus my research in 专业名称.And I hope I can have a systematic view of it and making a solid foundation for future profeion after three years study here


Generally speaking,I am a hard working student especially do the things I am interested in.I think that interest is the best teacher in one\'s whole life.I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.In the past 5years,I spend most of my time on study, Because of my deligence in study, I gained the schoalarships each year。 and I have acquired basic knowledge of medicine both in theory and in practice.by practicing in 医院名称


I always believe that a docter will easily lag behind unle he keeps on learing.I am a deligent, studious, and creative person.Of course, if I am given a chance to study in 广中医, I will study harder, and, with your guidance and help, I wish I can, someday, like you, devote myself to the great cause of conquering (消化系统疾病)the disease.That\'s all, Thank you for your attention.

OK,thank you for giving me the chance.I hope to see you again and soon.(结束语)


Good morning !

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview,I hope i can make a good performance today.I\'m confident that I can succeed.

Now i will introduce myself briefly

I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .

I was graduated from qingdao university.my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003.

I spend most of my time on study,i have paed CET4/6 .and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

In July 2003, I began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I\'m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.

And in August 2004,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I\'d like to find a job which is more challenging.Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment.That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.

I think I\'m a good team player and I\'m a person of great honesty to others.Also I am able to work under great preure.

That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.自我介绍(self-introduction)

1.Good morning.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.My name is ***, 24.I come from ******,the capital of *******Province.I graduated from the ******* department of

*****University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a cla in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you .I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books, especially those about

*******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparatively good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for

years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country’s team.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unle he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ******

in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******.

2.Good afternoon .I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .First of all ,my english name is ...and my chinese name is ..If you are going to have a job interview ,you must say much things which can show your willne to this job ,such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ...and I am eager to get an opportunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to .then you can say something about your hobbies .and it is best that the hobbies have something to do with the job.

What is more important is do not forget to communicate with the

interviewee,keeping a smile and keeping your talks interesting and funny can contribute to the succe.

I hope you will give them a wonderful speech .Good luck to you !

3.good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september.now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have paed CET4/6 with an ease.and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice.besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our

advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company.through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry.compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progre since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, me, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard.but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.i gue you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i won\'t give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education.i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident.sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my clamates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online.through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment.by the way,

i was a actor of our amazing drama club.i had a few glorious memory on stage.that is my pride.

3.What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)


I feel that my strongest aet is my ability to stick to things to get them done.I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I’d planned.I’ve set some high goals for myself.For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction.And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor’s thesis.

4.What is your greatest weakne?(你最大的弱点是什么?)


I\'m such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.英语面试实战指南




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08旅游管理本科(5)班 江金平40号 Good morning !

My name is Jiangjin,and you can have my English name Rita ,which means to be brave and honest.It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I would like to answer whatever you may raise .I hope I can make a good performance today and I'm confident that I can succeed.Now I will introduce myself briefly .I am 24 years old,born in a small town which calls Liancheng of Fujian province .Now I will graduate from Minjiang university soon.my major is Tourism Management and i will get my Undergraduate degree after my graduation in the year of 2012.

In my opinion,if somebody want to do well as an excellent tour leader guide,what they need are profeional skills, paion and patience .I think I am quite fit for these requirements.

First,during my college time,I study hard and got good grades ,even keeping three consecutive years to obtain scholarships.So I was know well of my major knowledge such astravel agency practice, Tourism development and planning.In 2010,I have got Chinese tour guide certificate and English tour guide certificate.when I was sophomore,I have paed CET6 .In my spare time,I took some part-time jobs as a tour guider,even have served for the foreign tourists.So,I am confident about my profeional knowledge and skills.

Second,I have hearty personality and enough responsibility.For my job,I always keep my paion ,as the same time I can also feel happy and have the sense of achievement.Just only you like you job,you can keep having the paion.I treet my tourists as my friends,and always do my best to serve them and fulfill their requirements.During the proce,I get the same respect and friengship back from them.So both of us could have the wonderful traveling experience.

Third,because of my paion to my job,I believe that I can have enough patience to do my job.Actually,I always have good relasionships

withthe old and the chirdrens tourists.Customer is God,in my heart,I should be friengdly and keep patient to them,it’s my reponsibility to take good care of them.If you can’t keep patient to your job and your friends,that means you don’t fit the job.

All above,it’s my presentation.With my Love of the travel, my paion of this job, my conditions that I had,I hope that your agency can give me a chance to display my talent.I will work hard, study hard to prove that your choice is right.Thank you!



I am ...years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of physical Education.我今年……岁,出生在……省/北京,它位于中国的东北/东南/西南……等部。我目前是首都体育学院大一/大二/大三/大四的学生。

My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/


In the past 1/2/3 years, I spend most of my time on study.I have paed CET3/4/6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice.


Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing.I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters…… .Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training.


I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on.


Thank you!



Personal Statement of Dou Fang (at least 500-word)

我是一个爱好新鲜的人。从我小时候开始,我就每时每刻都有强烈的refresh myself的愿望,不管是很小时候所拥有的玩具,还是我懂事之后所读的书本,再到后来,我发现我会不断的获取新的信息,这样的我会感到十分满足。我同时也愿意以我的理解把所了解掌握的东西表达给其他人所让他们知道。后来我在大学时终于明白原来我一直是一个“传媒人”。

I love new things.When I was still young, I owned the wish of refreshing myself every second in my daily life.From the toys I had and the books I touched, I found an exciting fact that I prefer the proce of collecting new information and thus getting satisfaction,.Meanwhile, I would like to share the knowledge with my friends.When I entered the university, I finally realized that I was a‘media man’.记得我从小就爱看电视,不管是什么节目。父亲爱好摄影,总会带我到各处照相,母亲是做图案设计工作的设计师,似乎这三者联系起来可以得到什么,没错,就是我,一个总会有很多创意的新点子,又喜爱记录身边的人、事、物,最好是动态的„„于是在当时,北京广播学院(现中国传媒大学)就是我一直的梦想。我要靠自己的努力去实现它!高中时,我就积极参加校学生电视台的工作,校刊的版面设计美编工作,以及各类活动的策划工作等。这些经历都使得我在跨入媒体工作者行业的大门更近了一步。

For my father has a habit of taking photographs, and my mother always designs patterns, my family impact me so much.The influence results in that I, always spilling outmany creative ideas, tend to record persons and things around, especially dynamic ones.At that time, when I knew a little about Beijing Broadcasting Institute ( now Communication University of China)中传, I cognized thatit was an appealing place, which could give me an opportunity to make my dream come true.So I made my mind to enter that university with my endeavour.When I was in my senior school, I worked in student TV station, participated in designing layout of school magazine and other activity planning..All these valuable experiences made me closer to the career of a median.自身的兴趣爱好和过去的努力最终换来的回报(成果)使我在2006年顺利地通过了中国传媒大学的艺术类招生考试并收到了广播电视编导专业的录取通知书。我更加珍惜这样一个能让我有充分空间来发展自己展示自己的环境了。在刚入学的时候,我的老师就告诉我们说,在传媒领域做工作,理论和实践各有它的特点,我们应当在充分掌握理论基础的情况下多去实践,才能有效果。跟随他的建议,我大二上学期去了中传手机电视台来兼职实习,在那里担任摄像、编辑及后期包装的工作。这是我第一次在正规的电视机构实习,同时又可以作为一次新媒体领域的尝试。手机媒体有其自身的特点,虽然我在课堂上就了解了这点,但在手机电视台的实习却让我在实践中对手机媒体的特点有了深刻的切身体会。举个简单的例子,在我刚到那里制作第一期节目的时候,我十分认真努力地构思设计了每一处环节,可是拿到责编那里去审核的时候,却被要求重新来过。因为我没有充分的考虑到手机媒体的特点,观众在小小的屏幕上观看视频同我们日常看电视是有很大不同的。我明白了在制作任何节目的时候,都要充分考虑到它的特点,不然的话是无法达到预期目标甚至起到相反效果的。这次实践经历也让我对新媒体领域产生了浓厚的兴趣,我感到它将在未来有更广阔的发展。它蓬勃的生命力使我非常渴望将来在新媒体领域有所作为。

My interestin media and my nonstop struggle, in the end, help me enrolled in major of TV editing and directing in Communication University of China.And I valued the opportunity to fully show myself to others.When I just enter the university, my adviser told me thatin media, practice and theory both have their unique characteristics while it is effective that we should practise more on the base of solid theory foundation.So, when I was a sophomore, I got a practical training in mobile TV station in our university, shooting camera, editing and packing.This is my first- time internshipin a formal television institution; also, I treat it an attempt to the field of new media.Despite I had already known the fact that mobile phone media had its own character, Igained a lot form the job.I still remember the first program I made.I tried my best to design each detail, but was still ordered to do it again after audit, resulting from that I failed to consider the specific of mobile phone mediadifferent from ordinary television media in our daily life-.During the proce, I learnt that every program should be thought about its own character; otherwise, it was not easy to reach the goal, even would be counterproductive.This experience also made me interested in the field of new media which I have a strong premonition will have more advancement in the future.I am eager to make achievements in this area full of vitality.在积极参加各种实践的同时,我从未放松对专业课的学习。我深知作为一名广播电视编导专业的学生,过硬的技术是我日后制作媒体节目所必须具备的工具。而优秀的节目还需要有吸引人的内容,这依赖于媒体工作者对时代脉搏的准确把握,对日常生活的深入思考,对多种知识的积累。在大学期间,我不放过任何机会,积极地培养着自己的这种能力。在2009年中华人民共和国举办国庆阅兵活动前夕,我得知为了国庆阅兵,被称为“中华第一街”的西长安街将要实施道路拓宽改造工程。祖祖辈辈在那里居住的居民将不得不搬离红墙根。我敏锐地感到这将是一个非常值得记录的事件。因此我迅速制定好计划,将这一新闻事件进行了报道。但是在采访后不久,这里很快就被夷为平地,当时的被采访对象们现在都已不知去向,这篇报道也已经成为对这片最后的角落的记忆。这部作品最终被提名为“最佳电视新闻”,然而对我来说重要的并不是这一奖项,而是我对社会的思考。

Despite attending various practices and internships, I never fall behind in study.I got to know deeply from matriculation that as a student major in TV Editing and Directing a solid foundation in technic will be neceary in producing media program afterwards.Besides, an outstanding program must be attractive which relies on a good master of time changing, a deep thinking of daily life and accumulation of broad knowledge.In college, I grasped each chance to actively cultivate that kind of ability.On the eve of 60th National Day Parade in 2009, I got an information that West Chang’an Avenue known as China First Street was about to be widen for convenience of parade which resulted that residents who lived there for generations were forced to leave forever.I incisively noticed it a valuable news material, thus rapidly setting down the plan and reporting in time.Soon after interview, flat replaced previous hutong and interviewees then could hardly be found again now, so this report has been the eternal memory of this last corner.This works is succefully nominated as “The Best TV News” at last while to myself, the most important gain is what the society reflects to me.


After three years’ study, I started to step in full-time internship.When other students chose major media institution, I persisted in my mind of contacting with various culture, so I came to Center for Ethnic and Folk Literature and Art Development, Ministry of Culture, P.R.C.The first task I met with was editing a anthropology documentary.Before that I have nothing about

anthropology which made me realize the importance of referring a variety of areas of knowledge as a communication practitioners.Due to my good work winning colleagues’ approval, I was

appointed as the aistant director of “Pursuing the Trace of History - The Records of Compilation and Publish of Books Focusing on 10 Perspective of Chinese Traditional Arts”.I felt it an arduous task and a heavy responsibility in that this documentary would display in National Grand Theater lasting for one month and in The Great Hall of the People during conferences.Facing complicated materials, I saved much precious time in early working for late editing because of my previous study of Chinese traditional culture, thus guaranteeing a satisfying result.


After these years’ study and practice, I feel it important for me to pursue further study if achieving a better development in media area and major of XXX in XXX University would be a perfect match to me.My ulterior objective is to become a profeional producer.Through my experience, I find that what I have learnt in undergraduate is far enough.Life experience and

culture awarene as well as academic ability play equally.Hong Kong happens to be somewhere witnees a integration of Chinese and Western culture.Moreover, as the economic center of Asia, this city continuously receives fresh things and ideas from all over the world.I believe I would achieve more if being able to study in Hong Kong.


Good morning.My name is (名字).I am honored to be here to get the opportunity to become(你想成为的职业或岗位)I was born in XXX Province.And I paed four years campus life in(大学名称)University study on (主修专业)..

I participated in lots of school activities and social practice during my four years oflife.And the experience did a good job to improve the skill of communication and enhance the ability of organization.Also, my sense of team spirit is developed.I’m a person who likes challenges.


During my 3 years at work experience, Ive always tried hard to seek, confront and

conquer challenges, as you can find from my resume.And Im sitting here in front of you, well aware that you are going to give me a big challenge.A challenge about applying a job I never done it before.But people says Faith moves mountains When opportunity knocks ,I’ll take it.


Thats all.Thank you.(一定要记得谢谢喔、感谢贵单位给你展示自我的面试机会,这样也比较礼貌)

Introducing Yourself at an Interview (应征面谈)

Good monring.It\'s a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself.My name is Philip Wong, and I am a candidate for the position of Overseas Sales Representative.

My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position.I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1985, I received my MBA from the University of Texas School of Busine.For five years now, I have utilized my skills and knowledge as the Aistant Director of Exports for magic kitchen Supplies.Action Appliances is a forward-looking company.I am aware that you are expanding into new markets, particularly in the U.S.Thus you are going to need aggreive, take-charge sales representatives.At magic Kitchen, during my five years there, we expanded our U.S market share by 25%.This is just one example of my ability to go out there and sell products.

A position with your company would be both a learning experience and a great opportunity.I look forward to becoming part of the Action team.Thank you.


早安,很高兴能在这儿跟各位介绍自己;我是Philip Wong,来此应征海外业务代表。 我的背景和工作经验使我足以胜任这份业务代表的工作,我在台湾念大学,主修行销,1985年,再从美国德州大学的商学院得到工商管理硕士的学位。过去五年来,我以这些专业知识及技巧担任神奇厨具用品公司的外销部副主任。




Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。

Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。

Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。

A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。

Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。

Bright,aggreive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。

Ambitious attitude eential.有雄心壮志。

Initiative,independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。

Willing to work under preure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。

Willing to aume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。

Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。

With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。

Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。

Strong leadership skills.有极强的领导艺术。

Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。

The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 Strong leadership skill while poeing a great team spirit.有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。

Be highly organized and effecient.工作很有条理,办事效率高。

Willing to learn and progre.肯学习进取。

Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。

Positive active mind eential.有积极、灵活的头脑。

Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。善于同各种人员打交道。 Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。

Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。

good morning, my name XX, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a

interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september.now i will introduce myself briefly,i am XX years old,born in XX province ,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX university.my major isXX.and i will receive my bachelor

degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have paed CET4/6 with a ease.and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice.besides, i have attend

several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company.through these i have a deeply

understanding of domestic packaging industry.compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progre since 1978,our

packaging industry are still underdeveloped, me, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard.but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.i gue you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont ,if i can pursue my master

degree here i will combine law with my former education.i will work hard in

thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident.sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my clamates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online.through college life,i learn how to balance between study and

entertainment.by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club.i had a few glorious memory on stage.that is my pride.

Good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september.

Now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang

province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have paed CET4/6 with a ease.and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice.besides, i have attend Several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company.through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry.compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progre since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, me, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard.but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.i gue you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education.i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character?

I cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident.sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my

clamates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online.through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment.by

the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club.i had a few glorious memory on stage.that is my pride


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview.I hope I can make a good performance today.I\'m confident that I can succeed.Now I will introduce myself briefly.I am 24 years old, born in Jiangsu province.I graduated from Xuzhou Institute of Technology。

.My major is Mechanical engineering and automation

.And I will get my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2013.I spent most of my time on study, and I’ve paed CET-4 during my university.And I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major.It is my long dream to be an engineer and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability.I feel I can gain a lot from working in your company.That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.I think I\'m a good team player and a person of great honesty to others.Also,I am able to work under great preure.I am confident that I am qualified for the post of engineer in your company.

That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.






Dear respected profeors

Good morning, First it/s my great honor to be here for this interview.

My name is ````, I was born ``` years ago in `````` , a beautiful city of ````` province.I got my bachelor/s degree in accounting from Xian international studies university in June `````, the same year, I worked in credit card call center of China Construction Bank in Tianjin from July to the end of December.Last year, I prepared the post graduate entrance exam for quite a long time.So , I stand here with great excitement and honor today.Next, please give me the allowance to introduce myself further.

After four year’s college life, I enhanced my viewand practiced my major and abilities with the increasing knowledge .Thanks to my Alma mater’s deep language learning atmosphere,I can master English skillfully .And I paed the CET 6 and the TEM 8 succefully; with the help of my teachers, I can have a general knowledge on what I learned.I also won several times of school-level scholarship, which, got the approval by my teachers and clamates; at the same time, as a minister of the sales department for the college journal, I organized many kinds of activities with great courage and the communication skills, meanwhile, I also put the management knowledge into practice.

About working in the credit card center,though it is not a long time experience, I learned a lot and clearly recognized myself .In the training section, I learned with an open mind and integrated in to the group as soon as poible.In each comprehensive test, I can always be among the best of more than 80 people.As the monitor, I worked as an aistant for the teachers with energy, which got the approval by the teachers and colleagues.I also got the approval by my leaders for my hard working.According to communicating with the customers, i realized the different service quality in the same industry.The reasons leading to the differences caused my thinking and made me interest in the knowledge on enterprise culture and the management of human resources.

After the deep consideration, I realize my desire for the profound knowledge.As working in Tianjin, I have the chance to walk in Tianjin University in my free time, feeling its academic atmosphere and its elegant demeanour.All these make me the yearn for this university and firm my faith in entering into this university.Finally, I get this precious opportunity to meet all of you here.I feel so excited and deeply honored.And I sincerely hope the teachers can give me an opportunity to study in this university for increasing my knowledge, expanding my view, being friends with those beneficial teachers and students.

thank you for all teachers!






My undergraduate major is (本科所学专业名称), and I specialized in (本科所学专业方向).

也可以说The subject I learnt in my university is (本科所学专业名称).如果您现在是上班族,可以用以下句式简要表述目前从事的工作:

I’m now working for (目前就职公司的全名)as a/an (您目前的职位).


I’m about to complete my undergraduate study at (你就读院校的全名) and to receive my Bachelor’s Degree in (即将获得的本科学位名称).I wish to continue my study in this area.


若您的家乡是省会城市: I’m from (城市), capital city of (省份).

若您的家乡不是省会城市,是某个省的大城市: I’m from (城市), a major city in (省份).

若您的家乡是个美丽的小城镇: I’m from (城市), a beautiful city in (省份).It’s quite famous for its (您家乡的特色美景等).——如果没有很出名的特色,可以不讲。


若您曾在某公司实习过:I’ve been an intern at (实习的公司名称).

I have some practical experience in this area, and I cooperated quite well with others.

表述选择这个学校或专业的原因:The reason for my choice is that….

表述贵校有很棒的教学设备和研究平台:It provides the top quality facilities for (您想学的

专业) and the best platform for further research in this area.



本科——undergraduate 研究生——postgraduate

大一学生——freshman 大二学生——sophomore

大三学生——junior 大四学生——senior

学位——degree 文凭——diploma 证书——certificate

本科学位——bachelor’s degree 硕士学位——master’s degree

同等学力——an equivalent education level


奖学金——scholarship (学位)论文——thesis (论文)导师——supervisor

实习生——intern 实习期——internship 兼职——part-time job

学生会——students’ union 学生会主席——president of the students’ union

干事——secretary 学生干部——student leader



Medical examination医学检验

Harbin Medical University哈医大

In Harbin University, I study in medical laboratory specialty在哈尔滨科大学我学习医学检验专业

Undergraduate course last year本科最后一年

Good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers (my dear profeors)。 I am very glad to be here for your interview.

Firstly, I will introduce myself to you briefly.My name is XX, twenty-nine years old, born in guyuan, niangxia Province.In year 2003, I entered Harbin Medical University, majoring in Medical examination.During that 5 years study, I appreciate the education my university gave me and I study very hard.In 2008 June I completed my undergraduate study at Harbin Medical University and received The degree of Bachelor of Medicine.I wish to continue my study in this area.

Secondly, I want to talk about my working experience.Undergraduate course last year I in the clinical laboratory of No.1 Hospital of Peking University practice.In 2008 August after graduation to XX, until now.

I always believe, one will easily lag behind unle he keeps on learning.So I took a Jilin University graduate, in the future for the inspection and make greater contributions to the cause。

Well, in my spare time, I like football。Ok, that‘s all, thank you for your attention.




