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发布时间:2020-03-02 19:40:22 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版


1.生日派对Birthday Party

We cannot believe a whole year has gone by!

It feels like it was just yesterday that we welcomed our sweet little angel, Rebecca into this world.Now she\'s a whole year old and we have nothing but joy in our hearts.

We want to share this joy with all our loved ones.So please, do join us, as we celebrate Baby Rebecca\'s first birthday on 08/15/2010 at our humble home.Please bring your family along and we shall all have a wonderful time together.

Hoping to see you, Mr.and Mrs.Johnson

Addre 123, XYZ Lane, Zip Code.

2.鸡尾酒会Cocktail Party

Dear Ms.Shell,

My husband and I just moved into the neighborhood a few days ago.We live in 31/S, right on your lane.We\'ve decided to throw a small cocktail party this Saturday, to get to know you\'ll, our wonderful new neighbors a little better.Nothing fancy, just a few people, a few drinks and a lot of interesting conversation.

Do come over for the party.I\'m sure we\'ll all be great friends!

Looking forward to seeing you soon, Donna Kruger.

3.订婚派对Engagement Party

We are all a little weird and life\'s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdne is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdne and call it love.~ Dr.Seu

Dr.Seu definitely knew exactly what he was talking about when he wrote that! I found my someone weird 3 years ago and I finally puckered up the courage to

ask her to marry me.Weird that she is, she said yes (thank you weird God).

We\'d like you to join us in celebrating this weirdne at our engagement party on the 08/17/2010 from 7 pm onwards at 10/JKL, WER Street on FTG Avenue.

R.S.V.P.Carrie Smith: 1234567890 Hugh Dunham: 9876543210

4.欢送会Farewell Party

Dear All,

We\'d like to take this opportunity to invite you all to attend a farewell party in honor of Mr.David Melon (or Mr.D as he is fondly known).I\'m sure all of you will agree that David has been a terrific bo and an inspiration to almost all of us when it comes to work and family life as well.So, let us all come together and wish him love and luck for his well earned retirement.

This Friday, 5 pm onwards, in the conference hall on the first floor.

Human Resources Department, ABC & Co.Pvt.Ltd.

5.正餐Formal Dinner

Dear Mr.& Mrs.ABC,

It is with great pleasure that we, Mr.& Mrs.LMN, invite you to attend a dinner party at our residence on the 08/19/2010.It is a formal party and many important people from the corporate world, like yourself, will be attending.We would be delighted if you would bring your precious children along as well.

The time and addre are mentioned in the enclosed leaflet.

Thank you and looking forward to seeing you, Mr.and Mrs.LMN











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