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Best wishes!









1996年大学毕业后,我回到了北京。从1996年8月—2001年2月在北京樱花通商公司担任一名职员。由于这是一家从事商品流通与广告代理的贸易公司,与我所学的专业相差较远,所以我必须从头学起。虽然有压力,但同时这也给我带来了极大的挑战性。在工作时间里,我虚心地向公司里有经验的职员学习怎样做业务,积极主动地完成各项工作;下班后,翻阅了大量与工作相关的书籍,认真学习。经过努力,我从一名办公室助理逐渐地升职为一名做业务的职员。就是在这期间,我大量地接触了计算机,学会了使用各种办公软件,对计算机科学产生了浓厚的兴趣,并看了一些有关软件设计与开发方面的书。为了寻求个人事业的发展,在2001年3月我跳槽到了北京阳光视野企业管理顾问有限公司。这又是一个全新的领域,它充满了挑战与刺激性,我又开始了忙碌而快乐的学习过程。经过一年多的努力,我已成为培训部的优秀员工。随着对计算机科学的深入了解,我发觉程序设计语言对我有很大的吸引力,于是我决定要系统地学习计算机程序设计语言。在2001年12月我利用工作以外的时间参加了由北大青鸟集团与印度APTECH公司合作开办的Aptech Certified Computer Profeional——ACCP软件工程师认证培训课程。课程分为初级程序员、程序设计员和软件工程师三个阶段的学习。在2002年6月这个职业资格认证得到了国家劳动和社会保障部认可,对通过培训考试合格的人员,北大青鸟APTECH向学员颁发其国际化标准的ACCP证书,与此同时,国家劳动和社会保障部职业技能鉴定中心根据ACCP证









家庭对每个人来说都非常重要,因为它是我们接受教育的第一课堂。我的外公曾是一个电力科学家,奶奶则是个朴实的农民, 父亲是人民警察,母亲是一位会计从业人员,他们对我的言传身教,对我的人生观、价值观的建立和发展起到了极其重要的作用,同时也帮我建立起了诚实、勤劳、永不言败的性格。所以受他们的影响,我对金融类学科有着十分的兴趣。我的家庭是我一生中最重要的财富,是它赋予了我学习这方面学科的兴趣,以及勇往直前的的性格。

通过对专业知识的学习,使我对经济金融类学科产生了浓厚的兴趣,我拜读了胡碧教授的《货币银行学》,书中他用通俗易懂的案例,将迷雾般的金融原理与人们普通的生活有机的结合到一起,使我掌握了将大多数人觉得枯燥的金融学原理,在实际生活中的学习方法,同时也使我对胡碧教授产生了崇拜之情。同年,我又拜读了James C.Baker的代表作《国际金融》,通过这本书的学习,使我迷恋上了金融方面的知识。由于对知识的强烈渴求,使我更加专著的学习金融反面的理论知识,并且我遇到了一位良师,中国金融行业非常著名的胡碧教授。胡教授将货币银行的理论与实践相结合,向我们传授货币银行,以及经济投资方面的知识。这种教学方法很符合我的学习习惯,所以我很快就进入了状态,我们经常在一起探讨中国期货行业的发展和世界期货市场的价格波动。








Law Personal Statement 法律专业个人陈述(PS)范文

English, being the most diverse language in the world in terms of vocabulary range and one of the most heavily influenced by other cultures, makes for fascinating study and usage.Drawing influences from Celtic, West Germanic dialects, Latin, Greek and French to name but a few make the English language riveting both in terms of use and etymology.The almost ambiguous way writers can create texts that can evoke completely opposite emotions with the same language.Shakespeare created an initially pitiable character of Macbeth and transformed him into a detestable shell of humanity.Whereas, Bront created Jane Eyre who you genuinely empathised with.The ability to construct these characters and real emotions from words is truly amazing.

The ability to expre yourself clearly and concisely is important in any course and work of life and my part time work in the garden centre Dobbies has helped develop my communication skills.This involved

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working with customers often in problematic situations,listening, explaining and solving problems or queries they may have.This also involved working with and around other employees which has developed my team working skills.I have also been given the opportunity to help train a new employee by having them shadow with me,this involved a large amount of communication between myself and the new member of staff as the learning curve is at times rather steep.This too shows the trust my employers have in my competence of work.

For years I have played rugby at various levels, from school and club to district.In S2 playing with West of Scotland and winning the Scottish Championship with myself being awarded Man of the Match.The responsibility of playing at a high level has taught me the importance and ability of effective teamwork and when need be the aptitude to exercise confident leadership.

I have in recent months, in my spare time began to teach myself British Sign Language through resources from the internet and material from local libraries.This challenges my time keeping as, although, I have a strong willingne to learn but have to balance my learning around other work for school and activities.

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Slightly over a year ago,18 other pupils and I were involved in an expedition to Peru.This was funded by a year of fundraising, the extra work required greatly developed my determination and resolve to achieve my goals.The charity work completed on our expedition included the construction of a new room for a school in a small village called Cachicatta.This work contributed to my progre of attaining my Millennium Volunteer Silver Award which the voluntary work in Peru has contributed to.

Sports, other than rugby, play a large part in my life.I enjoy running recreationally but have previously I have competed at a high level in athletics competing for a Scottish Pentathlon team against England, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Wales.I too enjoy Judo;although relatively new to the sport I find the challenge of learning greatly enjoyable.

Music is important to my life, both listening and playing.I play both electric and acoustic guitar both at a fairly moderate level.I too enjoy listening to a wide variety of music and support many artists both local and well established.

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.daodoc.com/





Geography Personal Statement

I am choosing geography for one main reason and this reason has many subdividing links.I want to continue to study geography at higher education because I find it interesting.I enjoy this subject because of its content and the way in which it overlaps with so many other subjects.This therefore makes geography a very useful subject and one I am very keen to continue to understand and develop.Because geography overlaps with many other subjects and that the course encompaes many techniques and skills I find it as being a very useful tool in the future workplace.I enjoy finding out how and most importantly why.If this includes why is such busine parks situated on suburban fringes to why does the global distribution of earthquakes effect human activates in that particular area.I believe geography will develop my analytical skills which is important because I want to become an intelligence officer

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in the armed forces.I also like travelling and my knowledge and techniques have helped me explain many things like reasons for terraced farming in areas of Maltaand infrastructure in Florida.My teacher once said to me in secondary school.

travel, your start to notice things around you and your be able to understand whatand why are certain things there.

I am currently studying A2 geography and biology.This is also accompanied by AS physical education and an AS physics which I completed in my first year.I am enjoying my courses this year because I find the content relatively easy to digest as opposed to physics last year.I found this subject fairly challenging last year because the content comprised itself mainly of numbers, figures, theories and set equations which where some what difficult to interpret.As opposed to the courses iamdoing this year where I find the content easier to consume because I can relate it to visual situations.I enjoyed parts of the course last year because there where noticeable links between the subjects.For instants geography and biology cro over more than once during the year.I have developed new skills such as my oral and working with others on coursework As I noted above my aspirations for the future lay within the

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armed forces.I need to have well developed analytical skills as well as good oral skills.

Studying geography will help me develop these skills to a standard well recognised in my chosen field of profeion.I\'m also looking to travel in the future and my knowledge of geography will help me understand the places I visit in much more detail.

I have had one experience in paid employment and one work experience placement.During my work experience I worked at H+S aviation.This is a company that repairs helicopters and light aircraft.During my time here I experienced the importance of meeting deadlines as these engines where urgently needed for the customer.I also established working with a team and co operating with many departments.One important skill I learned is attention to detail/ this was very important because the slightest of inaccuracy could cause the aircraft engine to malfunction causing death to the customer.During my paid employment I worked at a café in ASDA.I learned many important leons here like health and safety along with food hygiene.I also exercised working in a busy environment and good communication and team skills were neceary to achieve the goals.I feel that many of the skills I have learnt are relevant not just to geography but life in its self.

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Team skills may be put to good use in a fieldwork situation as well as meeting deadlines and attention to detail.These all figure in some aspect of the course and university life in general.

I enjoy sporting activities a lot and they are important in social well being.I enjoy playing golf and especially football.I have reached semi profeional for Fareham town where I scored the winning goal on my debut at this level, being only the third player to ever to do this.I have also had trials with the major south coast profeional sides such as Portsmouth, Southampton and Bournemouth.I enjoy leisure activities such as fishing and camping and I go away regularly in the summer to carry out these activities.

I also enjoy socialising with friends at the weekends but football usually takes precedence over socialising.There are specific areas around the city where these can be exercised together.I enjoy spending time with my family, either going out for the evening,spending the weekend camping and fishing or just play football or golf.

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.daodoc.com/




网址:http://www.daodoc.com Personal statement (会计学 )模版

A Master’s student of accounting at Xiamen University, the best higher-learning institution in China’s strategically important Province of Fujian, acro the Straits from Taiwan, I would like to pursue Ph.D.studies in your distinguished program so that I can be aured a teaching career in my motherland.

My education so far is characterized by indisputable excellence.During the four years of my undergraduate studies, my GPA was consistently the highest in my cla of 135 students.As you can see from the transcripts of my academic record, I received straight A’s for all the courses except for first-year Physical Education.My graduation was rated “Outstanding”, the highest rating poible.An in-depth analysis of the ethical standards of Chinese auditors, the paper was later published in a quality profeional journal as a seminal study of a rarely studied topic in China.As the unquestionably best student in my year, I was accepted into graduate studies by the university without the normally mandatory entrance examinations.

In recognition of my academic performance and other strengths, I was decorated with many honors and accolades during my undergraduate studies.I was elected the monitor of the cla and the Vice President of the university’s Student Union, making me the most important female student leader on campus.Among the financial awards I won was the Jiageng Scholarship, the university’s most prestigious award named after its founder Chen Jiageng, one of the best known patriotic Chinese in the first half of this century.The Jiageng /scholarship is offered to only ten students each year, and the offer is usually presented to the recipients by the university’s president in person in a grand ceremony, as it was in 1996, when I got it.

In my undergraduate studies, I had broad academic interests, although I majored in accounting.I regularly read academic journals, both Chinese and international, to keep me abreast of the latest developments in accounting and other related fields.I devoted considerable time to learning such subjects as law and economics.My extensive knowledge provided me solid grounding as I narrowed down my research interest to profeional ethics of accountants.In a country that has only an inchoate legal regime governing profeional practice.Enforcing high ethical standards is both difficult and critical.But studies have been scant and haphazard so far.I am glad that I have made quite some contribution to the country’s discourse in this area.

My undergraduate studies were greatly enriched with a most rewarding internship program.As a CPA aistant working for the Accounting Firm affiliated to the university, I took part in the auditing of several major corporations.In the proce, I learned not only to put my book knowledge in practice but also acquired first-hand knowledge of how Chinese accountants, operating under inadequate laws and regulations, handled difficult iues.Such knowledge has constituted an important part of the basis for my research on the ethical questions of Chinese accountants and auditors.本文来自作文地带团队写作QQ: 578691213 In my graduate studies, I have broadened my intellectual horizon and refined my accounting expertise.The courses I took related to both theories and methodologies of accounting and auditing.But the more significant part of my learning is to be found perhaps not in the courses 作文地带-有翻译、写作团队的英语作文网站


网址:http://www.daodoc.com but in the research projects that I have taken part in together with my profeors.I have, for example, helped my profeors in compiling and editing a major textbook for the continuing education program of the ALL-China Aociation of Certified Accountants.The book, Cases of Auditing, has just been published and is expected to substantiate the curriculum of the continuing education program.

In my Ph.D.studies, I wish to focus my studies and research on auditing, particularly in relation to audit risk, auditor’s decision-making, ethics of auditing.I am also interested in accounting theories.I heard of Penn State University while I was still an undergraduate student, and I know that its accounting program is marked by selectivity and excellence.I hope that, by studying in your program, I will be able to build on my academic record so far for a promising career as a teacher in China a few years down the road.


本文来自作文地带团队写作QQ: 578691213




个人陈述,(PERSONAL STATEMENT,以下简称PS)是申请英国等西方国家的大学/研究生录取时由申请人写的关于自我的一篇漫谈体文章。当然有的学校要求的文章题目不一定叫PERSONAL STATEMENT,如有的学校让你写出动机(Motivation)兴趣,经历等。由于在中国的升学体制中,基本上是唯分数论的,因此中国的申请人对这类文件的写作和思维方式不熟悉。而欧美大学录取学生,发放奖学金,是通过全面综合考察申请者的条件来决定的。



































个人简历作为一种自我宣传与自我推销的媒介,其作用也日益受到申请者的重视。如果申请者的个人简历,只是简单的罗列个人资料,或者随便堆砌一些内容,这样的个人简历是很难打动招生委员会的。如果申请者倾注精力创作出内容全面、重点突出的个人简历,那样给招生委员会的印象一定要好得多。成功申请美国常春藤名校耶鲁大学(Yale University)生物医学工程博士的任同学,其经历就值得借鉴,在申请过程中,美国留学网专业服务团队全程为他准备申请材料。在个人简历中着重介绍了他在学校参与科研项目,以及一些发表论文的实践经历。这份重点突出的高质量个人简历,为他成功申请耶鲁大学(Yale University)提供了有力的保障。


WWW.SLL.CN 专业课老师或者班主任,商科学生还可以找自己的老板做推荐人。




一份出色的留学申请文书,是你成功申请美国名校不可缺少的材料。例如:成功申请哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)EE专业硕士的吴同学。在吴同学的申请过程中,在Eay中,独具特色的展示了吴同学的学习经历,让吴同学从众多的申请者中脱颖而出,成功申请哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)EE专业硕士。






Engineering Personal Statement 工程学个人陈述(PS)

In the 21st century engineering plays a more vital role in our lives than ever before.As I look around myself I observe numerous devices that were designed and constructed by engineers.This fills me with a desire to be a part of this great prolific system of creativity and ingenuity.

There are many factors that have promoted my choice of pursuing a career in engineering.Since my childhood I have been fascinated by the mechanism by which devices function.I recall often opening numerous devices to observe the contraptions that lay within.My fascination has not waned over the years; instead it has been nurtured by the environment that I inhabit.My father is a computer engineer and many of my uncles have occupations in the field of engineering.Living in the residential camp of a multinational oil company has provided me with ample opportunities to converse with renowned engineers.Through my

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observations I have noticed that engineers are dedicated individuals that work towards making the world a better place for the rest of us.

At my high school I joined the Physicists’ Society and the Applied Mathematics Society.It was through this experience that I discovered my profound interest in Physics and the application of Mathematics to real world scenarios.To complement this I had a wonderful Physics teacher that enriched my learning experience.Both my physics teacher and my guidance counsellor encouraged me to pursue a degree in engineering as they believed that I had the neceary skills.It was then that I decided that I would certainly enter the field of engineering.

With this decision in mind I began reading numerous scientific journals such as New Scientist, Scientific American and National Geographic to keep abreast of any advancement in the field of engineering.I also took a more profound interest in Physics experiments and found that I particularly enjoyed experiments involving circuits.I attended two Engineering Education Programs offered by Saudi Aramco that helped me understand more about my prospective career.I worked aiduously and achieved numerous awards such as the Physicist of the Year Award, Advanced Mathematics Achievement Award and the

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Busine Studies Merit Award.I was also the Valedictorian for Grades 9 and 10.

To complement my academic life I have participated actively in extracurricular activities both outside the school and inside it.I founded the Students’ Aociation and currently operate it as the Secretary-General.As the Secretary-General I organised two science fairs, held numerous debates and initiated a Model United Nations.I addreed numerous speeches to the school and actively participated in debates at the Model UN.I feel that these activities have refined my communication skills.I also learnt how to organise and coordinate events succefully.

I participated in a variety of sports and played on both the school’s soccer and cricket team.These sports have shown me the importance of teamwork and allow me to participate prolifically in a team.I hope that my captaincy of the school cricket team and my role in the Students’ Aociation have developed the leadership skills that I will require at university and later in my career.

Along with my interest in reading scientific journals I find reading fiction to be a gratifying experience.I read fiction from various genres, ranging from the works of Charles Dickens to the science fiction of

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Michael Crichton.I find that reading allows me to utilise my imagination.I also enjoy writing creatively, bicycling and designing machinery.

Although I am applying as an international student I often visit the United Kingdom and believe that I will be able to adapt to life there.As I am taking the most rigorous course that my school offers I feel confident that I will be able to cope with the aiduous work required at university.

As an engineer I would like to be at the forefront of engineering research, advancing the integration of the concepts of physics, chemistry and biology resulting in an amelioration of our daily lives.

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.daodoc.com/









上中学的时候我就知道,意大利是欧洲文艺复兴的发源地,在艺术、时尚、宗教、料理、电影、建筑、经济及音乐等方面具有重要的影响力,现在的意大利走在时尚最前沿的国家,拥有无数顶尖的时尚品牌,在悠久的历史文化的衬托下,散发着无穷的魅力,去意大利求学是我一直以来的梦想。意大利优秀的学校很多,最吸引我的就是贵校--polimoda。我了解到,polimoda时尚学院是全世界最为著名的时尚专业院校之一,有着优厚的师资力量,是国际时尚奢侈品业备受推崇的专业院校,坐落在国际时尚创意设计与奢侈品管理教育之都、世界历史文化名城意大利佛罗伦萨 ,在实习和就业方面都有着巨大的优势,如果能在这样一所优秀的学校学习,会是我一生都为之自豪的事情。

时尚买手与产品管理是我一直以来都非常想上的一个专业。我认为,一个好的时尚买手,需要非常高的时尚敏感度,眼光要非常好,具有优秀的判断力和服装品位,必须是既理性又具有创造力,熟知服装的面料、流行,服装的设计要点、加工工艺及流程、周期 ,了解消费者以及市场,同时对报表、财务也非常熟知,懂得如何平衡成本和预算。我相信通过学习时尚买手与产品管理这个专业我能够拥有这些能力,我热爱这个专业。










从小我就很喜欢画画,在小学时参加学校的各种画画比赛,小时候也有受到妈妈的影响,经常见到妈妈踩着缝纫机制作衣服的情景,那一件一件精美的衣服穿在自己的身上是无比的欢喜,想着在我们这里也就只有我妈妈有这样的手艺。从小受妈妈的影响,有着一双巧手,做着自己喜欢的diy物品--布娃娃、手机链等。我希望通过在马兰欧尼学院的 学习是自己的能力有所提高,并把自己所学到的知识传播给更多的人,是他们对马兰欧尼学院有更多的认识,也使他们对意大利文化有更深入的了解。




通过这些都为我的专业知识储备了大量的信息以及资源。 本人很喜欢服装设计,先王通过在马兰欧尼学院的虚席是自己达到更高的设计水平,并了解到未来人们对服装的需求和定位,时代的发展离不开服装的发展,我们要在不同的时代做出不同的服装设计来满足人们的需求。毕业后回国,并把自己在马兰欧尼学院学习到的专业知识充分的运用到自己的工作当中,传播到更广阔的领域,实现自己的人生目标

第11篇:留学美国 个人陈述

































通过以上方法,相信很多内容会在你脑海中出现,比如目标,重要经历,个人优势等等,我们要把大量想法精简,找出最能表现你自己的。你必须找出一个主题,这个主题不仅得将你的个性特征与经历完美融合形成一个连贯整体,还要表达你对进入这所学校的强烈愿望。 审理材料的也是一个正常人,也会疲惫,如何给一个每天阅读50-100份类似文稿的人留下一个持久的印象并非易事,这就要求你的文章必须精简,有想法,有主题,不能把所有你认为优秀的东西都列在上面,必须有所删减。在删减过程中要注意:你选的主题是否有利于突出你个人的价值?有没有具体的事例以能更生动描述你的经历?你的主题有噱头吗?你的主题是不是申请表上一些内容的简单重复?文章中有支持主题的段落吗?你能完整回答提出的问题吗?能在限定的次数内充分表达你的观点吗?你的主题会牵扯到许多其他人吗?例如信奉上帝,民主党或共和党……争议性的东西最好不要出现在这些主题中。













Personal Statement


When occasionally reading the master piece Letter to a Young Lawyer by Alan Dershowitz, I was deeply attracted by words such as Lawyer, Justice, Practice Mentality, and Creed of Life.These words led to my further meditation on the qualities of a lawyer---critical thinking, efficient methods to defend one’s opinions, logical mentality.Living in a society in desperate need of justice and rightne, I had determined to devote myself to the cause of law resolutely.And the first thing is to be equipped with profeional knowledge and practice skills.Thus, after graduation next year from Chongqing University, which is listed in 211/985 project, I intend to further my study at your university due to your prestigious reputation in this area

With great determination and sense of miion, I devoured the pages to learn and think in and out of cla, resulting in the top-ranking score at various courses, for instance, 87% for Lawyers, Notarization and Arbitration Practice; 85% for Corporate and Busine Law; 85% for Financial Law; and 90% for Jurisprudence.Neverthele, I know that a consistent praise is far away to make my dream realized.Hence I submerged myself in the sea of reference books in the law field, such as The Concept of Law by H.L.A.Hart,An Introduction To The Principles of Morals and Legislation by Jeremy Bentham,Justice in Robes by Ronald Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously by Ronald Dworkin, Constitution Law of United States, The laws by Plato, etc.Since many cases concerns economic disputes and my second major is economics, I also read some books in this field such as The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets by Frederic .S.Mishkin, Economics by Paul .A.Samuelson,The Problem of Social Cost by Ronald Harry Coase, etc.Apart from that, after a half year’s training, now I am very confident to pa the Judicial Vocational Qualification Test in the near future.

I had been the programme manager of SIFE (Student In Free Enterprise) programmes at my university, which is an international non-profit organization that works with leaders in busine and higher education to mobilize university students to make a difference in their communities while developing the skills to become socially responsible busine leaders.There I had leaded my team taking a series of social cases among which I would like to share the most unforgettable ones.

Our first programme was the Bangbangjun Program.“Bangbangjun” is a typical Chongqing way to call the luggage porters, who are the migrant workers.Suffering from frequent discrimination, they live their lives at the foot of the social ladder.There are some companies to manage their busine.Through on-site inspection we found that the situation was worse than our imagination in those companies.Deficiencies and shortages existed everywhere such as in legal security, internal systems, labor rights, and the financial management.With the help of the supervisor

as well as lawyers and busine consultant we tried to find universal busine modes to benefit as more porters as we can.After 3 years’ endeavor we succeeded in bringing the company with advanced busine modes and legal aids, setting up websites and establishing brands, perfecting taxing structure and internal regulations; strengthening employees’ protection and helping the company in refunding.There, my tasks were to lead my team to supervise the operation of the procedures, provide legal guidance in equity and interest allocation, social insurance and the proce of refunding.Additionally, I also did researches on the life status of migrant workers and guided them to protect their legal rights.In the end I wrote the annual report for the programme.

Much as I applied of my profeional skills and felt about the hardships of the migrant works, I congratulated myself that I had chosen such a noble cause.

Moreover, I had participated in another programme named FedEx Migrant Workers’ Children Succe Skills Program.The aim of the programme was to achieve better communications between migrant worker parents and their children, promote more educational opportunities for these children, and help them to establish a scientific life and social value.In order to lead my team to fulfill the task, I invited profeionals to come to offer psychological consultation; gave inspiring speeches, recruited volunteers to teach them social etiquette and hygiene knowledge; and organized books and stationery donation activities.

With these management experiences I had a more comprehensive understanding on how to lead a team to fulfill a task, making it so easier in the third programme called Global Entrepreneurship Week in Chongqing University.By patrols speeches and entrepreneur interviewing did we provide a communication and resource-sharing platform for university students.In this way did students could learn from the entrepreneurs’ experience and knowledge in a more vivid way.This time I followed up the whole proce from scheme, arrangement, implementing, leading the team to solve problems encountered, especially in the status limitation, content prescription, and school official approval convincing.

Besides, I took other programmes as well such as GSVC(Global Social Venture Competition), in which I was responsible for checking agreement and compliance; and EOP(Economic Opportunity Program), in which I took charge of protocoling the framework of their cooperation with primary school.

Apart from my practice experience in SIFE, I had another internship in summer vacation in Beijing’s No.1 Intermediate People’s Court, where I had learned basic criminal litigation procedures, connecting procees with public security organ and procuratorial organ and the criminal litigation defending skills.One other internship I had was in Bangbangjun Moving Company from 2009~2011.In that company I helped the staff with my profeional advice in checking agreement and compliance;

formulating the regulations, explicating the division and aign of stock rights, etc.

When I was exhausted from my work and studies, I would do some exercise to get myself refreshed and revitalized.As the reward of unceasing efforts of being the national second-level athlete, I did a good job in 2008 Swimming Competition of the University Games in Chongqing, and won the third place of 50-meter freestyle, the third place of 100-meter butterfly, and the first place of 4 × 100-meter freestyle respectively.Additionally, I also performed well in 2009 Swimming Competition of Healthy Campus Games in Chongqing, and won the first place of 50-meter backstroke, the second place of 4 × 100-meter mix-style and freestyle respectively.

As for career planning, I intend to pursue my further study of international busine law or trade law after paing the Judicial Profeional Qualification Test; In order to be a partner of law office, I would accumulating my experience mainly in non-lawsuit legal matters and foreign matters; afterwards there would be some further academic demands such as applying for Phd degree.

The legal system in P.R.China now is changing with a higher pace compared with that of the economics globalization, resulting in a greater demand for qualified lawyers who can deal with international cases such as political disputes among countries, busine disputes among enterprises, and cultural transmiion.I want to be one of them who can handle international affair easily due to their domestic education and experience abroad.Wherefore hoping that by contrasting, coordinating and coalescing could I view law and justice from a new and unique angle, I intend to apply to study at your honored university.Sincerely hope that you would spare a careful thought on my considerate decision and I am looking forward to your favorable reply.Thank you!


Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University

Personal Statement

For nearly one year, when all other colleagues had gone back home after work or to the bars for relaxation, I kept myself busy with the designing, programming, and refactoring work.When I got home every day after ten o’clock in the night, I would read papers of XXX and continue for seeking the universities and profeors attractive to me until one o’clock in the morning.My sense of responsibility for the company made me obliged to finish all the projects in my hands before I leave for America.And my yearning for the free American environment which is easy to inspire researchers’ potential made me willing to live such hard life under much greater preure.

Although over two years’ software development work in Beijing Grandsoft Technology Co., Ltd has already helped me accumulate considerable experience in software programming and designing and make some achievements admirable in others’ eyes, I, who will be promoted as a senior development engineer, know clearly that only the xxx program in your department can fully exert my strength and make my pursuit come true.

I know that I belong to the kind of people who are able to better realize the life values and meaningfulne while doing certain interesting things, who enjoy challenges and thinking and who are always in pursuit of creative ideas.However, the work I was taking up now is almost always repetition of what has already existed.That’s why I gave up the achievement without hesitation.I know that I will be able to master the most advanced technology and thoughts in the xxx program.In such a bright and promising field, I believe I will be able to inspire all my ability in facing challenges, and finally become a top talent to make contributions to the development in the field.

Moreover, my studying and working experiences make me very confident in myself to believe that I have got the ability and potential to realize my pursuit.I became interested in computer science in Chongqing Nankai Middle School, a school emphasizing cultivating personal interests.But my unusual performance in the National Entrance Examination failed me for entering the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University.Being clear of my interest and goal, I spent quite a lot of time in computer science besides the basic courses required by the university.Although I didn’t gain an extraordinary GPA, I succeeded in transferring to the School of Software.Afterwards, my GPA continued increasing and my foundation in the major was consolidated.

I have a good habit in learning and working.No matter how great the preure was, I would stick to my studies after work.And I finished reading books like Interconnection Networks - An Engineering Approach and reviewed (Introduction to Algorithms, Computer Networks, Database Systems Concepts) twice.In addition, I am very creative.I could solve the instability in file transmiion by using FTP/HTTP

method instead of the original Web Service/COM+ method to cope with different network situations after independent thinking; I could solve the problem of difficulties in managing the patch files by putting the client patch files on the server for Auto update, improving the clients’ satisfaction greatly.What’s more, I am very strict with myself and always keep a heart for excellence.I succefully became a formal employee in advance during the probation period.And I gained the Intermediate Engineer position in only one year which normally took three years by others.At the same time, my strong sense of responsibility helped me never disappoint my supervisors and colleagues even when it was neceary to work overtime continuously or all night.

Besides, I can even get enlightened when facing failures.My experience in taking charge of the GCM—Grandsoft Cost Management project can be cited here as an example.In this project, we adopted C/S structure using COM+/Web Service as the communication method, and SQL Server 2000 as the database.Although the SQL was optimized and different DB engines and components were tried, the querying efficiency was not improved obviously when dealing with ma data and complex busine logics.However, I learned in the course how to improve the efficiency of database query for huge amount of data, how to conduct efficiency test and experiment and how to use the simplest query to realize the huge busine logics.In trial use of the Qlikview software of a profeional data query company, although I was not able to solve the problem, I learned the BI thoughts to cache data into the memory to improve the application efficiency.

However, though I have laid a solid foundation in my years of studies in Tsinghua University and my self-studies during the work, though I have improved my ability in practice and problem-solving, I still lack in theories which can be seen from the above examples.Only practice is not enough to solve problems completely.The importance of theories can be also seen in my adjusting the tree traversing algorithm.I improved the GCM product’s tree building efficiency by dozens of times after I analyzed the general law of data distribution.Therefore, I am more determined to continue my further education abroad.

Having gone through the thinking during the learning-working-learning proce, I believe that I’ve already found what I need.The xxx program will be the most meaningful place for me in my life.The next ten years of concentrative research coupled with my determination to accept new challenges will enable me to become a paving stone on the road of CS development.


Master of Accounting

Personal Statement

In 2009, when everyone in China was saving money for real estate investments, I was putting money away so that I could come to the United States and study.This was not a popular decision among my family and friends.Why would I give up a great job and life to travel half way acro the earth and become a poor college student again? I don’t know how many times I tried to explain to them that I thought it would be a good investment and that in the end it would benefit my life and my career tremendously.The second reason (and maybe the most important) is that I truly enjoy learning and obtaining knowledge; it makes me feel I am growing as a person and gives me a great sense of self-satisfaction.

My grandfather was a respected profeor at a prestigious university prior to the Cultural Revolution and both my parents are senior engineers who graduated from the best university in China.Though we were never rich by any means, my parents always made it a priority to take me to museums, bookstores, and famous colleges in their spare time.I loved reading stories about famous scientists, especially those who persisted in their theories no matter how difficult the situation.The atmosphere in my house was one that allowed me to cultivate my mind and find my paion.

My decision to major in accounting came from my three-year term as the treasurer of my high school cla.There I was responsible for recording, archiving receipts, making the annual budget, and collecting and refunding money for programs.This job transformed me into a patient and organized person who wanted to learn more about financial management.In 2001, I enrolled as an accounting student at the (college name).(college name) is one of the most competitive universities in China and my time there taught me a lot about the spirit of hard work.Each of my last three years at the university I was awarded a level 3 scholarship as an outstanding student.Upon graduation my major GPA was a 3.6 which ranked me among the top 15 percent of my cla.

To prove my accounting sense and financial management capability I postponed my graduate education and accepted a position as an auditor at (accounting firm name) Beijing Branch.During my 4-year employment there I had the opportunity to experience the full range of planning, auditing, and reporting.Among my duties there were: (1) the designing of suitable audit methods for clients, (2) using procedures to exam and analyze accounts, (3) evaluating the fairne of financial statements and reports, (4) and providing recommendations regarding improving operations and financial positions of clients.

My largest client when I was with (accounting firm name) was (company name).I worked as an auditor of their IPO program and on the first annual audit after that.One of the things I am most proud of is the Revenue and Cost recognition model I created while I was there.It was based on the percentage-of-completion method and could check for inconsistencies within the data, calculate the revenue of projects, and exam clients’ combination results when there are inter-subcontracts.This model was adopted as the major tool for the entire team of auditors (approximately 100) and to my knowledge is still used in (company name’s) audit team today.

My work there not only confirmed my competence in the accounting field, but also trained me into a diligent and persevering profeional.More than 50% of my clients were new clients, meaning we had no records in our database to refer to.The challenge of starting from the very beginning is streful and exciting at the same time.I found myself extremely motivated when I had the authority to design procedures and make decisions.The feeling of succe and confidence I gained from serving new clients is the main reason why I stayed with the (company name) team for 20 months.My work there gave me a great sense of self-satisfaction and was recognized by my peers and supervisors.I was rewarded for my hard work by being one of the top paid employees at my level during my last three years of employment.

When working as an auditor, the thing that interested me most is the conversion between different GAAPs.My experience of serving publicly listed companies in China, Hong Kong, and the US made me realize there are many theoretical differences between PRC GAAP, IFRS, and US GAAP.The accounting principles adopted by different countries not only show their stages of development, but also expre their culture and social preferences.So is it really poible that we eliminate the GAAP difference by implementing IFRS? I am not sure what the right answer is but it is my opinion that the current IFRS employed in Hong Kong is vague and can be the source of many discuable iues.US GAAP, on the other hand, provides a much more advanced and structured approach to accounting.Maybe the US will adopt the IFRS eventually, but I believe that the US GAAP will still provide helpful guidance in the future.Learning more about the US GAAP is one of the main reasons I want to pursue an Education in the United States and I hope to obtain the AICPA license prior to my graduation.

I chose the accounting program at the (college name) not only because of its great reputation, but also because of the financial services option that I am especially interested in.Though my auditing experience proved my accounting skills, I also want to learn more about financial tools, such as bonds, forward contracts, and arbitrage.New businees are relying more and more on the capital markets and having a solid knowledge of financing is a neceary commodity in the accounting field.With (college name’s) financial services option I would be able to take more than 20 credit hours of finance claes, which will help me become much more proficient in the area of financial analysis.

After graduate school, I plan to go back to China and consider a career in a new developing industry.The ability to see my accounting and financial management knowledge evolve into a hopeful, healthy, developing busine is my motivation for this choice.

Although many of my family and friends may not think that coming to the US to study is the best decision, I believe it will broaden my knowledge of accounting to an extent that I could never find in my home country.Also it will allow me to follow my own paion and learn from another culture which will be an invaluable aet for the rest of my life


Finance is the lifeline of modern economy and if there is no finance globalization, there is no economy globalization.Finance globalization promoted to enlarge international finance market; multinational trade species and the scale, to make finance innovative appeared, strengthen international capital function and to play an important role on the resource distribution in the world.With the communication among nations increase and the technology information development, the development of finance tends to globalization.Finance globalization is the motor of economy globalization, finance and economy was one of the important factors for holding for the whole world, information, technology and other industry were developed on the base of finance and economy.

The economy strength of a nation decided its place in the world.In the future, the world finance market would present themselves with different styles; non-eential economy began to play an important role in the world, the development of information industry made finance market develop more quickly.Moreover, finance influenced largely on the daily life of common people and made common people more concern the development tendency of finance then before and made out the relevant reaction according to getting information from all aspects, for example, the change of inflation, stock and exchange rate etc.All that influenced common peoples (people’s) lives and economical programs.

I began to realize that finance in fact was the different (difference) between microcosmic and microeconomic and macroeconomic knowledge through my

learning in the university, and it owned strong practice and was not abstract knowledge.For instance, currency banking, investment and international finance etc.all offered many cases and made me realize the meaning of finance.Then I knew that finance covered a wider scope and researcher needed strong academic background and ability on macro-control by practices and analysis of cases.For example, I acted as a leader of group, each group represents an enterprise and discued whether open new produces instead of old produces, I told every member to answer for a part and consult materials, then we talked about them together and found some materials had superposition and didn’t have close logic, even each member had different emphasis and expreions which made me know cooperation was very important in a enterprise.So I held the second meeting to talk about these questions.I asked all members to look for materials relevant to this case respectively and then analyzed them together.During the proce, we thought about them deeply and fully, finally we got a best scheme.

Through this experiment, I became lover finance major than before, because it not only brought me model and data but also interest on (in) connecting knowledge with practices to make data and model vivid.Even each new idea produced different result.Finance is not a material concept but is social science, which contains a wider scope.I am very glad to involving discovering unknown things in this field.Just like discuion, many members’ thoughts inspired me and we got satisfied results.Finance is a social science which embodied human being is the eential.We could cultivate our academic taste during the learning symposia and academic discuion proce.In the practices we could cultivate intuition added combination with academic background and mathematic theory; we could understand finance better.

So I pay attention to connect theory and practices more than before, in my spare time I took part in social practices, for example I visited “international finance” of newspaper office and “Shanghai stock exchange”, besides I took part in planning for the “second finance year meeting” in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.During the proce, I met many finance people and got a chance for visiting Holland bank.Moreover I often consulted lots of finance journals and website materials etc.In order to connect theory with practices better, I carried on special researches on these problems.

For example, I began to research “RMB Globalization problem” and its aim was to review substantial economy and non-substantial economy how to influence currency international globalization from demonstration and theory angle to help us understand the experiences and leons happened on the proce of each national currency globalization and offered some feasible references for RMB international globalization.I connected the fact of our national economy development, especially, the base fact of RMB used by some nations around China, through researching the general rule of currency internationalization globalization, to discu the problem on RMB international globalization proce.

First, I reviewed the main countries’ currency globalization proce in the world, and found that currency globalization must have two basic conditions.The first was rich economy strength; the second was to keep valuta long stabilization.Second, I pointed out RMB globalization was the neceity choice of our national economy persisting development and the benefit of currency globalization according to the impersonality requirement of economical globalization development, and RMB globalization would more enlarge the degree for opening to foreign.

At the same time I thought that stable, quickly developmental national economy and larger economical scope made RMB of our country globalization strengthens and higher ability against risk, the last part emphasized the proce of RMB globalization and the research on keeping away from risk.The proce of RMB internationalization was: first implement RMB regional strategy on the basis of East Asia currency cooperation and East Asian free trade, then implement RMB globalization stratagem under many perfect factors influence.

But during this proce, it was very difficult for me to research non-substantiality economy in China.At present familiar to us, it was the stock market, while in China the stock market system did not very perfect and exist some problems on efficiency, security and fair.For example, I consulted many materials and knew several stages of Chinese stock iue, international paper department how to iue stock and the relative policy and system of stock market, then I asked my advisor how to comment on it and collected some comments of experts on the website.Besides I logged in MARKET WATCH and bought several stocks to do experiment to find out the conclusion that China it was more perfect, so Chinese stock market needed to be improved.

Finance is very important in all fields and no other field can exist with breaking away from finance, so the requirements for financer should be improved in the future.Above all, in the future society, the requirement for financer was higher than before, the talent only mastered profeion will unfit the future society.Because in China there are limit resources for me and I am impreed by your esteemed university, so I decided to go abroad for my future education


Applicant for Finance Program from Renmin University of China

Personal Statement

My interest in finance can be initially traced back to the bestseller entitled Rich Dad, Poor Dad written by Kiyosaki Robert T.and Lechter Sharon L..Though a ten-year-old boy at that time, I was much fascinated with the economic knowledge conveyed in simple expreions of the book which I read for several times and shared the cases in it with my friends.My motivation to explore the financial world also benefits from my parents both of whom have achieved higher education in finance and engaged in the relevant fields.Having received a rigorous academic training for my past undergraduate study in Renmin University of China, I’m eager to educate myself on an international scale.

Finance appeals to me by its extensive and profound nature.As far as I’m concerned, the relationship between finance and economy is akin to that between blood and body.Just as the physical conditions can be reflected from the circulation of blood according to the Chinese medicine, the economic operation of a country can be judged from its financial status, funds flow, etc.My exposures to the profeional courses of Money and Banking, Corporate Financing, Macro/Micro Economics, Econometrics, International Finance, and Insurance as well as the mathematical courses such as Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics have enabled me to lay a solid academic foundation of finance.Meanwhile, bearing in mind sound interpersonal skills and hands-on ability are the basic personal qualities required of a succeful financial person, I availed myself of various opportunities to undertake practices.I began to invest in the stock market in 2007.In face of the frustrations at the outset, I audited all the courses of security analysis and investment on campus, read a lot of financial magazines and newspapers and consulted some profeors and my parents.I was uplifted during such a proce, not only in money making, but also in grasping the principles and regulations behind the stock market.I value my experiences in conducting research programs which acted as bridges linking my theoretical knowledge with the larger world where it would be applied.More importantly, I got much enlightenment and inspiration from making presentations, like my presentations regarding the comparison and analysis of appreciations of Yuan and Yen along with the cases of insurances.In these presentations, I tried to arrive at flexible and comprehensive command of complicated knowledge.Besides, I derived self-confidence and sense of joy in immersing myself in the fields where my interests genuinely lay.

My other unique aets are attributed to my internships in different units where finance invariably plays an important role.When I worked in China Foreign Exchange and Trade Centre, I gained a full understanding of the trading systems of commercial banks and raised my own proposals which were soon adopted about their function setting.Meanwhile, I found a trader’s work busy but interesting, which allowed me to see my own strength and weakne gauged with the profeionals.I had my profeional skills and teamwork spirit honed during my internship in People’s Bank of China where I learned about the functions of the central bank and my prominent performance won recognition from the persons in charge there.Furthermore, my on-the-spot investigations in a goal

Applicant for Finance Program from Renmin University of China

mine enterprise and a copper mine enterprise allowed me to see other fields where finance matters tremendously through my exposure to the financial conditions, profit resources and development trends of the enterprises.These experiences, combined with my bountiful extracurricular activities such as the volunteer position of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, involvement in organizing exhibitions and shows have prompted me to set my own career goals—compared to the research work, I prefer a more practical career.And I have learned to focus on the way to achieving my goals—to pursue more advanced education in America, the ideal place full of practical opportunities regarding finance and economy as a whole.

I have long admired your esteemed university for its significant achievements in the teaching and research of finance.Your program of finance, with its well-structured curriculum, highly-productive faculty as well as a multitude of real-world projects matches my academic background and interest perfectly.I hope to work in a world-cla financial institution or a transnational enterprise after the completion of my master program and your diverse student body and strong alumni work will no doubt become a stepping stone leading me to my career goal.Fully prepared and determined, I’m convinced that your university is precisely my starting point.



Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University

Personal Statement

For nearly one year, when all other colleagues had gone back home after work or to the bars for relaxation, I kept myself busy with the designing, programming, and refactoring work.When I got home every day after ten o’clock in the night, I would read papers of XXX and continue for seeking the universities and profeors attractive to me until one o’clock in the morning.My sense of responsibility for the company made me obliged to finish all the projects in my hands before I leave for America.And my yearning for the free American environment which is easy to inspire researchers’ potential made me willing to live such hard life under much greater preure.

Although over two years’ software development work in Beijing Grandsoft Technology Co., Ltd has already helped me accumulate considerable experience in software programming and designing and make some achievements admirable in others’ eyes, I, who will be promoted as a senior development engineer, know clearly that only the xxx program in your department can fully exert my strength and make my pursuit come true.

I know that I belong to the kind of people who are able to better realize the life values and meaningfulne while doing certain interesting things, who enjoy challenges and thinking and who are always in pursuit of creative ideas.However, the work I was taking up now is almost always repetition of what has already existed.That’s why I gave up the achievement without hesitation.I know that I will be able to master the most advanced technology and thoughts in the xxx program.In such a bright and promising field, I believe I will be able to inspire all my ability in facing challenges, and finally become a top talent to make contributions to the development in the field.

Moreover, my studying and working experiences make me very confident in myself to believe that I have got the ability and potential to realize my pursuit.I became interested in computer science in Chongqing Nankai Middle School, a school emphasizing cultivating personal interests.But my unusual performance in the National Entrance Examination failed me for entering the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University.Being clear of my interest and goal, I spent quite a lot of time in computer science besides the basic courses required by the university.Although I didn’t gain an extraordinary GPA, I succeeded in transferring to the School of Software.Afterwards, my GPA continued increasing and my foundation in the major was consolidated.

I have a good habit in learning and working.No matter how great the preure was, I would stick to my studies after work.And I finished reading books like Interconnection Networks - An Engineering Approach and reviewed (Introduction to Algorithms, Computer Networks, Database Systems Concepts) twice.In addition, I am very creative.I could solve the instability in file transmiion by using FTP/HTTP method instead of the original Web Service/COM+ method to cope with different network situations after independent

Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University

thinking; I could solve the problem of difficulties in managing the patch files by putting the client patch files on the server for Auto update, improving the clients’ satisfaction greatly.What’s more, I am very strict with myself and always keep a heart for excellence.I succefully became a formal employee in advance during the probation period.And I gained the Intermediate Engineer position in only one year which normally took three years by others.At the same time, my strong sense of responsibility helped me never disappoint my supervisors and colleagues even when it was neceary to work overtime continuously or all night.

Besides, I can even get enlightened when facing failures.My experience in taking charge of the GCM—Grandsoft Cost Management project can be cited here as an example.In this project, we adopted C/S structure using COM+/Web Service as the communication method, and SQL Server 2000 as the database.Although the SQL was optimized and different DB engines and components were tried, the querying efficiency was not improved obviously when dealing with ma data and complex busine logics.However, I learned in the course how to improve the efficiency of database query for huge amount of data, how to conduct efficiency test and experiment and how to use the simplest query to realize the huge busine logics.In trial use of the Qlikview software of a profeional data query company, although I was not able to solve the problem, I learned the BI thoughts to cache data into the memory to improve the application efficiency.

However, though I have laid a solid foundation in my years of studies in Tsinghua University and my self-studies during the work, though I have improved my ability in practice and problem-solving, I still lack in theories which can be seen from the above examples.Only practice is not enough to solve problems completely.The importance of theories can be also seen in my adjusting the tree traversing algorithm.I improved the GCM product’s tree building efficiency by dozens of times after I analyzed the general law of data distribution.Therefore, I am more determined to continue my further education abroad.

Having gone through the thinking during the learning-working-learning proce, I believe that I’ve already found what I need.The xxx program will be the most meaningful place for me in my life.The next ten years of concentrative research coupled with my determination to accept new challenges will enable me to become a paving stone on the road of CS development.




自述,即Personal Statement,是所有出国文件中最重要的部分,它是申请者最主要的自我包装。申请的过程就是要把自己倾销给评审者的过程。你的任务是让这一文件反映你的个性和才智。写自述即使对以英语为母语的北美、英联邦国家学生也是颇费心力的事情。对中国申请者来说,用英语写作本来就是困难的事,更何况自述是为了表现和包装自己,有违我们的文化习俗,所以写起来往往倍感吃力。中国申请者往往没有面谈的机会,因而这份文件愈发显得重要。需要忠告所有的申请者:必须捉住机会,充分且恰如其分地表现你的人格魅力、聪明和已取得的成就。制作自述要花大量的精力,决不能草率从事。你已经花费了多年的心血,完成了大学甚至是研究生的学习,你也可能又在随后的工作岗位上积累了宝贵的经验,现在又通过艰苦卓尽的努力成功地考过了IELTS、TOEFL和GRE。然而,你的任务并没有结束。你必须静下心来,有条不紊地处理多种文件,这其中自述是重中之重。



















温馨提示:专业的事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10年来,监审留学一直致力于留学文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。如果您有写作方面的需求可以 联系QQ:970865017,按时交稿,绝不拖延,再也不用发愁。



在写这种在逆境中奋起的自述时,应通过事实来描述过往的经历及这段经历对自己的求学、事业和人生目标的正面影响。切忌耽于自我怜悯,或以一种谴责评判的方式使文章显得布满怨气。本章列举的第7例Bi Niniu (真名隐)的自述改后稿可说是这种自述的经典之作。

2.自我成长型:这种申请人在生活、学业和工作上虽不可避免地碰到了某些挫折,但相对来说,他们的生活比较一帆风顺。写这种自述一定要用正面、肯定的语气,清楚、精炼,同时又要充分、多方面地展示自己独特的才智、事业和求学的追求方向。本章列举的第31例Cai Tian先生的自述即属于这一类型。







我在去年帮助我老公做了20几所学校的申请,所以在申请方面也积累了一些经验。我相信Personal Statement (PS)和Recommendation Letter (RL)的写作可能是大家在申请过程中遇到的最大问题了。思马得工作室出的一些GRE的书,在这些书的后面有做书信服务的广告,说是一个G2300,T660,GPA3.7的人被美国大学拒之门外,而一个G不足2000,T607,GPA2.9的申请者却获得众多大学的录取和奖学金,原因就是申请书信决定着他们的命运。我相信确有其事,因为在我的身边就有这样的例子。我在上研究生的时候,高我一届的一位师姐,曾经对我说过,他们那一届申请的同学里面,确实存在着GT分数最高的一个男生去了一所极差的学校,而GT勉强上2000和600的一个女生却去了他们那一届所有申请者中最好的大学。


















这个原则来源于我看到的OF156表上,申请学生签证时必须填的学习计划。以后大家会看到,这一项中给的空格特别小,估计也只够写下30-40字的,而学习计划则是多么庞大的一个课题啊!老公不禁抱怨美国人小气,那么节省纸张。其实,美国人倒不是为了节省纸张,而是为了节省时间。不会有人会有时间去看你的冗长的叙述的,所以你一定要写的简洁。我认为一篇PS以一张半A4纸为宜,最多也不能超过两页。一封RL也就一页纸。但是,你在这么少的篇幅里一定要写出你的个性。如果能用一句话写的,千万不要用两句话。有效的用一些同位语插入,缩短你的篇幅,当然这是以句子流畅为前提的,不要把文章写的象GRE的阅读那么晦涩难懂。每段开头最好有一个topic sentence,这样让看的人可以最快的抓住主题,不要让人家看半天也不知道你想说什么。反正要用最短的篇幅反映最多的内容。譬如说我给老公在OF156表上写的学习计划是这样的:某某领域,在中国正方兴未艾,而美国某某大学的某某教授是这个领域的领头羊,我相信我在某某大学学习这个专业一定会对我回到中国后,在这个领域的发展起到巨大的促进作用的。基本上两句话就够了,既说明了你学这个专业的目的,也说明了你为什么回国。











As a child I often accompanied my father to his small coin shop and spent hours watching him work.When I was older, I sometimes set up displays, waited on customers, and even balanced the books.This experience instilled in me the desire to own and manage my own busine someday, yet I understand that the busine world today is more complex.This complexity requires more education, and with that in mind, I am applying to the Master’s of Busine Administration program at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB).


In addition to my helping out in my father’s busine, I have had numerous other work experiences that further enhance my qualifications for this program.My resume enumerates the various positions I have held at Kerasotes Theaters, Chili’s restaurants, and Indiana University’s new Student Recreational Sports Center (SRSC), and what all of these positions have in common is an emphasis on serving the public effectively.Further, as an aistant manager at the Showplace 11 and a staff coordinator at the SRSC, I have gained valuable expertise in managing employees and creating work schedules.Both of these positions have allowed me to develop my sales and people skills, which are extremely important in an increasingly service-driven marketplace.



Not all of my work experience has been as a paid employee.Part of my volunteering experience at Middle way House, the local battered women’s shelter, involved extensive work on computers, including word proceing, organizing databases and creating spreadsheets.Also, I recently participated in an internship program for academic credit with the Eli Lilly corporation in the personnel division.As a management intern, I was able to watch the workings of a major corporation up close and would like the opportunity to combine my experiences with the theoretical background available in the MBA program at IUB, with its emphasis on computers, marketing and human resources.


My succeful internship is one element of my overall academic succe as an undergraduate here at IUB, yet I have also made time for a variety of extracurricular activities, including working for my sorority and competing in intramural basketball.My positive experiences here have resulted in my desire to stay in Bloomington to continue my academic endeavors; furthermore, continuing my education here would allow me to make important busine contacts, with the career goal of opening my own computer consulting firm in the Midwest.以上是百利天下留学为您介绍的英国留学个人陈述范文的相关介绍,希望对您有所帮助。如果想了解更多英国留学相关知识,可拨打百利天下留学免费咨询电话:400-890-6000,或者登陆百利天下留学英国站官网:http://uk.bailitop.com/ 进行了解咨询。


Personal Statement

To whom it may concern:

First, please allow me to introduce myself.I am XXX; I graduated from XX University majoring in XX in July2012.Hereby, I apply for your master program in International Busine Management.

In the first year of university, I joined organization of busine management.During that period, my communicative and organizational abilities were improved greatly.Besides, I paid much attention to profeional courses and read textbooks and profeional books in the library to enrich my knowledge.In the second semester of junior and senior years, I served internships in an international enterprise.In practice, I realized the importance of solid foundation profeional management knowledge.This experience also developed my strong interests in international organizational management and operations, which made me to choose international busine management in your university when I decided to study abroad.Because I am planning to be in charge of integrative management in an international enterprise after graduate in the future, and I think my bachelor program background will help me on the busine fields, however, the theoretical knowledge and practical skills on international events management will be more neceary and important, which could give me strong supports on my work.

I studied diligently; I am good at thinking and actively remitted to lecturers about difficult questions.Besides, I established a study group with my clamate in my middle school, we often discued problems.So I could have positive influences on my clamates, making the cla actively and aiduously.I like to communicate with my clamate and lecturers about what we learned, what we are interested in, what happened between us and in the worldwide, which makes me have lots of friends and boarded our horizon.Furthermore, I believe my intense interest in the course will affect the cla, and my experiences on management through internships could be considered as some cases of study.For international busine management, an international surrounding is also good for our study and I am pleased to provide the related documents and materials from my country.

Thank you for taking your precious time to read my application! Your favorable consideration of my application will be highly appreciated.

Applicant: XXX

Date: XX


个 人 陈 述 根据个人具体情况去写,主要把自己的个性特点、特长、爱好描述出来





三、为什么去这所学校(根据这所学校的特点,表明出这所学校是最适合你发展的学校), 要写出你对这所学校的认识及你后期的目标,如申请哪个大学、想学哪个专业等 以上每部分写出你特有的真实的东西就好,给别人展示不一样的你!

注: 以一篇记叙文要求去写:真实、可信、具有说服力。


