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《国宝档案》 20130101 新年特辑——青花美韵




青花莲池游鱼纹盘就是元青花。大展上的精品之一,现藏于中国湖南省博物馆。它口径为45厘米,底径为25厘米,是元代景德镇窑的代表作品。此盘体形硕大,釉面光亮,所绘青花色彩艳丽明快。盘外壁绘有缠枝莲花和石榴纹。盘内壁从盘沿到盘心,共有三组纹饰,盘心绘有鲂鱼,鳜鱼各一条,上部为鲂鱼,鲂鱼头小身大,嘴部微张,细鳞明显。它高耸着背鳍,翘首摆尾在水中游弋。盘心下部的鳜鱼,就是唐代诗人张志和“西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥”里提到的鳜鱼,鳜鱼尖嘴,下颌长着尖尖的牙齿,鳃盖、背鳍和臀鳍上都长着尖尖的刺,鱼身上花斑细腻,鱼背部青料浓郁,至腹部颜色逐渐变淡,鱼腹留白,显得自然生动,鲂鱼和鳜鱼的四周长满了莲花、莲叶和各色水草,它们姿态柔美,随水波漂动,极具动感,两条鱼自在游弋于莲叶之间,颇有江南水乡,玉溪连夜的诗情画意。在中国古代,鱼戏莲叶间还有着美好的吉祥寓意。莲的谐音为连。鱼的谐音为余。整个画面的意思是连年有余,象征富裕生活的绵长久远。腹壁与盘心以白环相隔,绘有一圈象征富贵的缠枝牡丹。牡丹浓淡相宜,娇艳柔美,盘的口沿处,绘有一圈海水纹,奔放流畅的线条,让人想起海面上追逐奔跑的浪花。 青花莲池游鱼纹盘的构图,极具匠心,盘心与腹壁之间的空白,仿佛水墨画上的留白。使得整个画面既疏朗有致,又突出了盘心,“鱼戏莲叶间”的绘画主题。在元青花瓷器上,像鱼纹盘这样的动物纹饰非常普遍。这些动物大多有着吉祥的寓意和生动的造型。它们大都张嘴摆尾,动感十足,给人以鲜活生动的艺术魅力。在中国古代,鱼代表富裕喜庆,所以元青花瓷器上的鱼藻图案非常多。


鸳鸯寓意夫妻和睦,爱情美满。孔雀寓意富贵满堂,吉祥如意。凤鸟是百鸟之首,祥瑞的化身。麒麟则是仁慈的象征,是只有太平盛世才会出现的瑞兽。龙代表权威和尊贵,大部分是皇家御用之物。在元青花所有的动物纹饰中,龙的形象最为普遍,这些龙大多神态威猛,腾空飞舞,具有中国元朝龙的典型特征。 这件青花龙纹象耳瓶上的龙为四爪龙。龙昂首张口,腾飞于云海之中。青花波涛龙纹盘中的龙,龙身纤长,似从水中腾飞而起,劈开的海水在龙身四周激起朵朵浪花,气势恢宏。在以云龙纹装饰的元青瓷器中,最奇特还要数这件的青地白花云龙纹菱口盘了。它的盘身通体施青料,盘中央用白色勾勒出,一条追赶火球的巨龙,巨龙神态威猛,腾空飞舞。整个盘子的构图非常简练,线条活泼流畅,描绘出一幅神龙出水,驾云而行的壮美景象。青地白花云龙纹菱口盘属于青地元青花白花的,于白地青花的风格正好相反。它是以青料为地,纹饰留白,形成以暗衬明的艺术效果。由于元青花所用青料,产自伊朗,非常昂贵,通体施青料成本很高,所以青地白花的瓷器非常稀少。这件青花海水白花龙纹,八棱梅瓶,同样是罕见的青地白花。梅瓶青花浓郁,以青地白花的技法勾勒出四条张牙舞爪游龙。游龙翻腾于波涛之间,非常壮美。

您也许会觉得奇怪,元青花不过蓝白两色,为什么能把各种动物描绘地如此生动呢?原来就像中国水墨画中的墨分 一样。青料也分五彩。中国古代工匠把青料的浓淡色彩运用得恰到好处,才塑造出了鲜活精美的动物形象。在元青花瓷器上,你会看到遥相呼应的鸳鸯,深情鸣唱的孔雀,展翅飞翔的凤鸟,翘首回望的麒麟,以及各种姿态的龙。工匠利用青料浓淡之间不同的颜色,以深浅不同的青色塑造出各种动物的形态之美。青花云龙纹象耳瓶中的龙,以浅白的淡青色勾勒出龙鳞,以浓郁的暗青色渲染龙头及龙身部位。在青色上浓淡色差的恰当对比使得龙的形象非常生动。祥云的绘画同样巧妙,从祥云中间开始的深浅不同的色彩变幻使原本是青色的祥云,具有看迷人的绚丽色彩。青花莲池游鱼纹盘中的鱼,同样具有色彩上的变幻之美。鱼背处青料浓郁至鱼腹部逐渐变淡,至腹鳍部位甚至出现留白,呈现出鱼身自然变幻的色彩之美,显得生动逼真,活灵活现。这种画法与宋代《春溪鱼藻图》,颇为相似。其高度写实的画风应当是承袭宋元绘画技法而来。显示出绘画者精湛的绘画技巧。表明当时制作元青花的工匠大部分具有很高的艺术造诣。



Among Chinese porcelains, the rarest one with the most elegant beauty is the blue and white porcelains of the yuan dynasty.Its color as beautiful as the blue sky and white cloud is fascinating.today, I will introduce a group of very beautiful blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty for you.For scarcity, the blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty are very precious.According to the statistics by experts, there are only over 400 blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty acro the world, in which more than 200 ones are in china and about half are collected overseas.recently,shanghai museum, has gathered the fine blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty from many museums in the world, and held an exhibition.Blue-and-white porcelains plate with patterns of swimming fish and lotus pond is one of the fine ones on the exhibition.It was collected in hunan provincial museum, china, at present.It has a caliber of 45 cm and a bottom diameter of 25 cm, which is a typical one of those made by Jingdezhen kiln of the yuan dynasty.It is large and glazed.The blue-and-white color is very bright, and the outer wall is drawn with lotus and pomegranates patterns, while the inner wall, from rim to center, has three groups of patterns.The plate center is drawn with one gurnard and one mandarin fish.Gurnard is on the upper part.It has a head small and a big body, a slightly open mouth, and apparent scales, which towers its dorsal fin and swims in the water.The mandarin fish on the lower part is the one mentioned in the verses “in front of xisai mountains, egrets fly here and there; peach flowers are in full bloom and there are fat mandarin fishes swimming in the river”, written by zhang zhihe,a poet in the Tang dynasty.Mandarin fish has a sharp mouth and sharp teeth on the lower jaw.On branchiostegite, dorsal fin and anal fin, there are all sharp pricks, and the fish body has fine patterns.The blue color at the back of fish is strong, and the color becomes le slight gradually at the belly, being white.so, it is very natural and vivid.Around gurnard and mandarin fish, there are lots of lotus flowers and leaves as well as various waterweeds.They are graceful and flowing with water waves, being highly dynamic.The two fishes swim freely between the lotus leaves, having a poetic flavor of “fish playing between lotus leaves” in the regions south of the Yangtze river.in ancient china, “fish playing between lotus leaves” has a good auspicious meaning.With the partial tone of lotus “lian(succeion)”and the partial tone of fish “yu(surplus)”,the whole picture implies a good wish of “being more rich year after year”, symbolizing a far-reaching rich life.The belly wall and plate center are isolated by white rings.a circle of peonies winding tree branches, a symbol of wealth, are drawn.The peonies are charming and beautiful.Around the rim, a circle of seawater waves.These unrestrained and smooth lines remind us of the running waves on the sea.The layout of this plate shows a high ingenuity.The blankne between the plate center and the belly wall seems to be the white on Chinese monochromes.thus,the whole picture is layered and also highlights the theme of “fish playing between lotus leaves” at the plate center.One the blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty, it is very common to have animal decorations like those on the plates with fish of patterns.Most of these animals have auspicious meanings and vivid sculpts.Most of them open their mouths and swing their tails, being very dynamic, which brings a vivid artistic charm to us.In ancient china, fish symbolizes richne and happine.so; many blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty have the patterns of fish and weeds on them.Blue-and-white porcelains jar with fish pond patterns has the similar decorative theme as that of blue-and-white porcelains plate with patterns of swimming fish and lotus pond.The jar has a circle of seawater waves at the rim and a circle of peonies winding tree branches at the shoulder and neck part.At the belly, there are blooming lotus flowers flowing lotus leaves, and the waterweeds swaying with the waves.a mandarin fish and two carps play between waterweeds and lotus leaves.Mandarin fish, lotus flowers and leaves are very similar to those on the blue-and-white porcelains plate with the patterns of swimming fish and lotus pond in form.We could almost imagine that they two were probably made by the same person.As for the blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty themed by lotus pond, this blue-and-white jar with patterns of mandarin ducks in lotus pond is also included.It is decorated with seawater waves at the rim and drawn with a small lotus pond at the body.In the pond, lotus flowers are in bloom, lotus leaves sway in the wind, a pair of mandarin ducks are swimming and tweeting, as if they are telling their stories to each other.It is very vivid.The animal patterns on the blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty are very dynamic.Besides alive fish and vivid mandarin ducks, there are also images of peafowl, phoenix, kylin and Chinese dragon.On the body of this blue-and-white porcelain jar with peafowl and peony patterns, there are a couple of peacocks, a male and a female, one is moving while the other is still.One turns its head, staring, and the other raises its head and is going to fly.They both open their mouths to tweet as if they are calling each other and singing a love song.The front side of the four-ear flat rectangular pot is decorated with the patterns of phoenix and kylin.the phoenix is flying with its wide opened wings and the kylin is looking back with its tail up.Around the phoenix and kylin, elegant and poised peonies bloom.On the other side of the pot, there is a couple of peacocks.One of them is flying with its wide-opened wings while the other is looking up with its raised head.They are also surrounded by peonies of various postures that wind tree branches.On the both sides of the pot, there is a string of chrysanthemums respectively, the upper part of which is decorated with auspicious patterns.The whole pot is so complicated and looks very luxurious.The mandarin duks, peafowl, phoenix, kylin and dragon on the blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty all have fine implied meanings in ancient china.the mandarin ducks imply the meaning of a harmonious couple and a romantic love.The peafowl implies the meaning of wealth, honor and good fortune.phoenix is the leader of birds and the symbol of auspiciousne.kylin is the symbol of mercy, and it is an auspicious animal only appears during the time of the peace and prosperity.dragon represents authority and dignity and is mostly used only for imperial family.Among the animal patterns of blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty, the image of dragon is the most commom.most of these dragons are brave and fierce in appearance, flying to the sky.They all have the typical features of Chinese dragon in the yuan dynasty.The dragon on the blue-and-white elephant-eared porcelain vase with dragon-and-cloud patterns has four claws.It flies in the cloud sea with raised head and opened mouth.The dragon on blue-and-white porcelain plate with the pattern of a Chinese dragon in water has a slender body.It seems to be flying up from water waves and the split seawater sprays around it, with lots of waves.That is really magnificent.Among the blue-and-white porcelains decorated with cloud and dragon patterns, the most peculiar one is this blue-and-white plate with cloud and Chinese dragon patterns.The plate body is overall blue-painted and on the center there is a white-outlined giant Chinese dragon chasing a fire ball.The Chinese dragon looks brave and fierce, and is flying up toward the sky.The plate has a simple layout and its lines are so lively and smooth.Thus, we can see a magnificent picture of a Chinese dragon coming out of water and flying above the clouds.The blue-and-white plate with cloud and Chinese dragon patterns belongs to blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty which have a blue base and while patterns, which is the right opposite of those with a white base and blue patterns.It mainly uses blue pigment for background and white patterns to form the artistic effect of highlighting bright color.The blue pigment used on the blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty is produced In Iran and is very expensive, and it would cost much to paint blue over the whole body, so the blue-base and blue-and-white porcelains are very rare.

The octagon prunus vase with blue seawater and white Chinese dragon patterns is also a rare blue-base and white-patterns one.The vase is rich in blue, has four flying Chinese dragons with opened mouth and stretched claws outlined with blue-base and white-pattern method.They are flying in great waves and look very magnificent. Maybe you would wonder that how could the various animals be described so vivid with just blue and white two colors on blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty? In fact, it is just like the five colors of ink in Chinese ink paintings.The blue pigment can also be categorized into five colors.The ancient Chinese craftsmen used the dark and light colors of blue pigment just to the point, so they create the vivid and delicate animal images.On the blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty, you could see mandarin ducks echoing each other at a distance, a peafowl singing with emotions, a phoenix flying with wide-opened wings, a kylin looking back with a raised head and dragons of various postures.The craftsmen used the different colors between dark and light blue to create the beauty of various animals in different forms.For the dragon on the blue-and-white elephant-eared porcelain vase with cloud-and-dragon patterns, the scales are outlined with light blue which is light white, the dragon head and body are painted with dark blue.The proper contrast between the dark and light blue makes the Chinese dragon very vivid.The painting of auspicious clouds is also very skilled.The color change in shade, staring from the center of the auspicious clouds, makes the blue auspicious clouds have an amazing and gorgeous color.The fish in the blue-and-white porcelain plate with patterns of swimming fish and lotus pond also has the beauty of color changing.The color is dark blue on the fish back, turns lighter on the fish belly, and is white even on the pelvic fin, showing a beauty of color changing on fish body.So, the fish looks vivid, as if it is alive.The painting method is very similar to that of “picture of a fish pond in spring” of the song dynasty.Its highly realistic painting style should be an inherit of painting skills of the song and yuan dynasties, which shows the exquisite painting skills of the painters and indicates that most craftsmen making blue-and-white porcelains had very great artistic attainments at that time.The appearance of blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty opened a new era of transition from bisque to faience.Colors, staring from blue-and-white porcelains of the yuan dynasty, appeared on various porcelains.Many blue-and-white porcelains represented by blue-and-white plate with patterns of swimming fish and lotus pond let us see the beautiful colors that bloosom on porcelains.










