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The Chinese people pay more attention to the harmonious relation between human beings and nature.“Nature and man are one”is a familiar statement in traditional Chinese ideology.Much emphasis is laid upon the moral cultivation and temper refinement as well as the spiritual enlightenment on the part of the individual rather than upon the logic reasonning.For thousands of years,China,so to speak,has been under the influence of a holistic system of thoughts,which is largely composed of Confucianism initiated by Confucius and Mencius,Taoism initiated by Laozi and Zhuangzi,as well as Buddhish with Chinese characteristics,among which Confucianism played a fundamental role in shaping China.

(二)关汉卿是元代成就最高、影响最大的剧作家,他一生写了60多部杂剧(zaju),现存的还有18部,大多表现了下层妇女的苦难和斗争。他的代表作《窦娥冤》(Injustice to Dou E)是元杂剧中最著名的悲剧。剧中描写了善良的女子窦娥,遭到坏人陷害,被官府关进监狱,最终含冤被杀的故事。关汉卿的创作对后世戏曲的发展产生了巨大的影响。他不仅是中国伟大的戏剧家,也是世界文化名人。


Guan Hanqing was the greatest and most productivive playwright/dramatist of the time.He created over 60 zaju plays,of which 18 are still extant,mostly about the misery and stuggles of women at the bottom of the society,His representative work “Injustice to Dou E ”is the best known of the zaju tragedies.It tells of a kind-hearted young woman falsely accused and thrown into prison by the local authorities and finally murdered.Guan’s plays had great influence on the development of drama of later generations.He is not only the greatest playwright/dramatist in China,but also one of the cultural celebrities of the world.

(三)印刷术发明以前,读书人要得到一本新书,只有一个字一个字地抄写。隋末唐初时,发明了雕版印刷术(block printing),提高了印书的速度。但是每印一本书都要雕大量的版,还是十分费事。到了900多年前的北宋时期,毕昇经过反复试验,发明了活字印刷术(movable type printing)。他把字刻在一小块一小块的胶泥(clay)上,放在火里烧硬,做成一个个活字( movable characters)。活字印刷术的发明大大加快了世界各国文化发展、交流的速度。

Before printing was invented,a scholar had to copy word for word if he wanted to own it.In the Sui and Tang dynasties,the technology of block printing was invented, and therefore the speed of printing was increased.But when a book was to be printed,many wooden blocks had to be engraved so it was rather troublesome.Till the Northern Song Dynasty more than 900 years ago,Bi Sheng invented movable type printing after repeated experiments.The invention of the printing technique greatly sped up the international development of culture and exchanges.

(四)京剧(Peking Opera or Beijing Opera)是中国流行最广、影响最大的一个剧种,有近200年的历史。京剧在形成过程中,吸收了许多地方戏的精华,又受到北方方言和风俗习惯的影响。京剧虽然诞生在北京,但不仅仅是北京的地方戏,中国各地都有演出京剧的剧团(troupe)。京剧作为中华民族戏曲的精华,在国内外都有很大的影响。许多外国人专门到中国来学唱京剧。许多京剧表演艺术家也曾到世界各地访问演出,受到了各国人民的喜爱。


Peking Opera is the most popular and influential opera in China with history of almost 200 years.In the course of its formation,it absorbed the best from many other local operas and was affected by Beijing local dialect and customs.Though Peking Opera originated from Beijing,it is not a localized opera exclusive to Beijing only.Peking Opera troupes can be found in most regions of China.Peking Opera, as the national opera,enjoys a high reputation both inside and outside China.Many foreigners have come to China to learn Peking Opera,while many Beijing Opera troupes and famous opera actors and actre have frequently been invited to perform a Peking broad and have been highly appreciated by foreign audiences.

(五)汉字是世界上最古老的文字之一,也是世界上使用人数最多的文字。汉字的数量很多,总数约60000个,其中常用字约6000个。汉字历史悠久,千百年来,中国人都是用繁体字(Traditional Chinese characters/Traditional Chinese)来书写,但是,笔画繁多的繁体字,难认、难记,也难于书写。1949年以后,为了普及教育的需要,中国政府统一对汉字进行了较大规模的简化工作,先后有2000多个繁体字被简化字(Simplified Chinese characters/Simplified Chinese)取代。现在,简化字是联合国的工作文字之一。

The Chinese characters constitute one of mankind’s oldest systems of writing ,and have the most users in the world.There are numerous Chinese characters,totaling about 60,000,with about 6,000 basic ones.Chinese characters hanve a long history.For thousands of years,Chinese people had been writing in Traditional Chinese.However,the Traditional Chinese characters are difficult to identify,memorize and write due to their complicated strokes.From 1949,for the sake of the popularization of education,the Chinese government simplified the Chinese Chracters on large scale.There are more than 2,000 Traditional Chinese Characters that were simplified to today’s appearance.Nowadays Simplified Chinese is one of the working languages used by the UN.



开始。春节是在农历(the Chinese lunar calendar)每年的一月一日,通常在公历(the Gregorian calendar)的一月下旬到二月上旬这个阶段。春节这种习俗,在中国已经传承了几千年了。如今,每年春节之前,全中国的各大火车站、长途汽车站、飞机场都会异常忙碌。人们想方设法,及时回到各自的家中,与家人团聚。

In China,the Spring Festival is the most important festival in a year.It marks the end of the previous year and the beginning of the new year.It is the first day of the first lunar month each year,usually between the last ten days of January and the ten days of February.The Spring Festival as a custom has been celebrated in China for thousands of years.Nowadays,each year before the Spring Festival ,all railway station , long-distance bus station and airports in China are extremely busy.People try their best to come back to their homes in time for family reunion.

(七)中国地域广阔,人口众多,即使都使用汉语言,各地区说的话也不一样,这就是方言。方言俗称地方话,是汉语在不同地域的分支,只通行于一定的地域。汉语方言十分复杂,相互之间存在语音、词汇、语法三个方面的差异。为了方便各地区人民之间的交流,中国政府十分重视推广普通话的工作,鼓励大家都学普通话(putonghua or Standard Chinese or Mandarin Chinese)。

China has a vast territory and a large population.Even though people all use the Chinese language,they speak it differently in different areas.In other words,they speak different dialects.Generally called local language,dialects are branches of the Chinese language only used in certain areas.They are complicated and differ from each other in three aspects:pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar.The most outstanding differences can be found in pronunciation.For the benefit if promoting cultural exchange among people in different areas,the Chinese government attaches great importance to popularizing putonghua and encourages people to learn it.

(八)早在战国时期(the Warring States Period),中国人就使用磁石(magnet)


制成了指示方向的仪器——司南。到了宋代,人们把磁石和方位盘(an azimuth plate)结合起来制成了“罗盘”。罗盘进而演变成我们今天所熟悉的指南针。指南针的发明,给航海事业带来了划时代的影响,世界航运史也由此翻开了新的一页。明朝初期郑和七下西洋(seven maritime voyages),15世纪哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)发现新大陆和麦哲伦(Ferdinand Magellan)环绕地球航行等壮举,都是指南针用于航海事业的成果。

As early as the Warring States Period,the Chinese invented sinan, a direction-indicating instrument using a magnet.In the Song Dynasty,people created luopan by combining a magnet needle with an azimuth plate,which envolved into what we today know as the compa.The invention of the compa had an epoch-making influence on navigation,thereby opening up a new era in the history of international navigation.The extraordinary achievements——Zheng He’s seven maritime voyages in the early Ming Dynasty,Christopher Columbus’discovery of the New World and Ferdinand Magellan’s sail round the world in the 15th century——were made poible because of the application of the compa for navigation.

(九)中秋节在农历八月十五,正好在秋分(the autumn equinox)前后。农历每月的十五日是月亮最圆的时候。中秋之夜,人们与家人一边品尝瓜果和月饼,一边赏月。月饼最早用于祭祀(sacrifice)的目的,逐渐变成了中秋节的特有食品。中国人对月亮有一种独特的情感,他们认为中秋月圆是合家团圆的象征。分散在各地的家人会在这一夜回家团聚,赶不回家的人也要打电话回家问候父母和亲人。

The Mid-Autumn Day,the August 15th of the lunar calendar,falls during the autumn equinox.The fifteenth of each lunar month in the calendar is the day of the full moon.On the night of the Festival,people enjoy fruits and moon cakes with their family members as they appreciate the moon’s beauty.The moon cake,which was


originally used for sacrifice,has gradually become a special food of the Festival.The Chinese people have a special emotion for the moon.They believe that the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a symbol of family reunion.It is for sure a time for family members to be reunited at home.Those who can not make it home would make phone calls and send their best regards to their parents and relatives.

(十)在中国中部河南省安阳市,有一片面积约24平方公里的都城废墟,俗称殷墟(the Yin Ruins),这是个注定要被要被永远载入世界文明史册中的名字。自从1928年首次发掘以来,这里出土了包括甲骨(tortoise shells)、青铜器(bronze wares)在内的大量文物(cultural relics)。甲骨上的文字即甲骨文(the oracle bone script)的发现则是世界考古史上的大事之一。甲骨文记载了3000多年前中国社会政治、经济、文化等各方面的资料,是现存最早最珍贵的历史文物。甲骨文一直是研究中国古代历史特别是商代历史的最重要的直接史料。

In Anyang,in central China’s Henan Province,there is a capital city ruins of 24 square kilometers called the Yin Ruins,whose name is destined to make a difference in the history.Since its first excavation in 1928,the Yin Ruins has provided the world with numerous cultural relics including tortoise shells and bronze wares.The discovery of the characters on the shells ,also known as the oracle bone script,is a great event in the history of archaeology.The characters of the oracle bone script recorded the information of 3,000 years ago about Chinese social politics , economics ,culture and so on.They have been the most important direct historical materials for us to study on Chinese ancient history.



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新世纪大学英语3期末考试句子翻译by vivian




