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发布时间:2020-03-04 02:05:07 来源:范文大全 收藏本文 下载本文 手机版

Every school have its own library.The students can read books and do their homework at the library.But nowadays we can see many students reserve a seat in the library.It\'s common phenomenon that students put their books on the desk,bags even food to occupy seats for their friends in library.

It\'s a good phenomenon for student which shamed their interest of studying.On one hand, reserving a seat don\'t fair to the students who don\'t have the seat.On the other hand,if students sit next their friends,their learning efficiency will be largely decreased.They may surf the Internet to discu which to buy or so on.This phenomenon influence both of the students and the students who around them.

In my opinion,l don\'t like reserving a seat.Here are some of suggestions to solve this problem.The school may have a software which students can book a seat in the internet.This can help those who don\'t have the seat to study in the library.Also we can put a poster in the desk in order to warn the student not to reserving a Seat.

University is the place for every students study.So l hope every students can have a seat to study in the library.

Every school has its own library.The students can read books and do their homework at the library.But nowadays we can see many students reserve a seat in the library.It\'s a common phenomenon that students put their books on the desk, bags even food to occupy seats for their friends in library.

It\'s a good phenomenon for student which shamed their interest of studying.On the one hand, reserving a seat doesn\'t fair to the students who don\'t have the seat.On the other hand, if students sit next their friends, their learning efficiency will be largely decreased.They may surf the Internet to discu which to buy or so on.Both the students and the students who around them may be affected.

In my opinion, l don\'t like reserving a seat.Here are some of suggestions to solve this problem.The school may have a software which students can book a seat on the campus network .This can help those who don\'t have the seat to study in the library.Also we can put a poster in the desk in order to warn the student not to reserving a seat.

University is the place for students study.So l hope every student can have a seat to study in the library.











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