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【精彩讲稿】The Importance of Being Different—Be Different from Yourself!

2013-06-15 13:12:57

武汉大学 陈东

Nowadays, people all over the world, at least in this house, seem to be emphasizing the importance of being different from others.They say that to be different from others makes you stand out, wins you an edge, brings you more chances and so on.I believe this is totally true.But we might have overlooked another kind of being different, that is, to be different from yourself.

I suppose to be different from the inside is even more important than to be different from the outside.It is because trying to be different from yourself directly results in eential improvement inside you whereas the efforts to be distinct from others might stay in the superficial level.I would like to give a story to illustrate.I gue lots of you are using Nokia mobile phones, a famous brand from Finland.But I dare say not many of you know how these phones came into being.Actually, when I was visiting Helsinki University in Finland, a Finnish friend told me that Nokia was once a company engaged in making boots.And one day, when the highest leaders were discuing how to strengthen their company, one of them said “Let’s make something different!” And then, they began to make phones.Today, Nokia is well-known throughout the world for its phones but not for its boots.I think without making such a difference from itself, Nokia would never be so succeful.

To sum up, I would say that to be different from yourself is more important than to be different from others.As long as we concentrate on improving ourselves and transcend ourselves, we would not be the same and cannot be the same as others.Excellence will make you stand out saliently!Thank you.Comments:

The speaker has conveyed his idea about the topic “being different from yourself” very succefully.The angle he chooses to discu the topic is refreshing.Instead of talking routinely about being different from others, he chooses to emphasize that being different from yourself is more challenging to oneself and doing so can contribute to humanity.He also further strengthens his point of being different from yourself by saying that being different from inside is more important than being different from the outside.This is a very enlightening idea which makes the audience interested and want to listen on.The example of Nokia being different from itself, from

a boots making company to a mobile-phone making one is convincing and illuminating since Nokia enjoys popularity among Chinese people.

The speaker speaks with comfort and confidence.He maintains a proper speed of speaking and this enables a full understanding for the audience, who are led by and eventually convinced by him.He has got good pronunciation, intonation and good control of pauses while he is speaking.He smiles towards the audience and maintains close eye contact with them.The speaker uses gestures during his speech.Some gestures are properly used though some sometimes seem to be a bit awkward.The suit Chen Dong wears seems to be one size larger so it hangs a bit loose on him.Except these le than satisfactory aspects, that is, some improper gestures and the loose suit, the speaker has extinguished himself from the other speakers in the aspects of content, the organization and delivery of a speech.A very convincing and competent speaker!


【精彩讲稿】A Word That Has Changed the World

2013-01-22 17:04:14

湖南师范大学 彭培根

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is an art of language: Once it helped to spread the evil fire of Fascism but also soothed the pain of World War II; it helped to stir racial discrimination but also brought us the dream of equality; it claimed the division of a nation but also held the two parts together.

So what am I talking about? Not guns, not bombs, not nuclear power.I’m talking about speech--a word that has changed the world.Speech has changed the world at different times.From these speeches, we sucked the meadow of wisdom, and gained our faith and courage.The world has become a different place because of these speeches.When the whole Britain

was facing the awe-struck world during World War II, Winston Churchill firmly claimed, “We are still masters of our fate.We are still captains of our souls!” And by his speech, the British people were greatly inspired and kept on fighting until totally beating Hitler.When the federate army was at the dawn of their victory at Gettysburg, Abraham Lincoln uttered, “Government of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” And this line is still being frequently quoted even today.When Nelson Mandela finished serving 27 years of prison time, he was still hopeful and told the world, “That the greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” And his speech has paed the spirit of freedom to the whole South Africa.

So why can speech change the world? Ralf Emerson once said, “Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.” The power of speech, unlike the power of weapons, works to give people hope over despair, paion over indifference and positivity over negativity.And that is why speech has changed the world.At a[ a应改为the。] time of Great Depreion, Roosevelt spoke to aure his people a bright future.At a[ 同上。] time of racial discrimination, Martin Luther King claimed “I Have a Dream” and inspired millions of African Americans.A great speech shares the best of minds to the ma of people.And when the ma of people receive that wisdom, huge differences are going to be made, differences that may shape the history of a country and influence the world.

Ladies and gentlemen, as a saying goes, “Words create worlds”, speech has changed the world by words and the greatne the words carry.Speech has changed the results of wars, the idea of millions, the wheel of history and it has undoubtedly changed the world.Thank you!


This is a very good speech.It is well structured, logically written and effectively delivered.The opening comments are intriguing, or would have been more so if the word ‘speech’ had not appeared in the title.The development is very well explained with examples of speeches at famous points in history.The speaker cleverly chose examples of speeches that are so well known, he didn’t have to explain them in any detail.Had he had to do so, it would have slowed the rhythm of his argument and taken up too much time.He did rather ignore his own point that a speech can also stir people to negative and destructive action, such as racial discrimination.It would have been a helpful example of how a speech can stir racial discrimination if he had mentioned how Hitler, another great orator, had stirred the German nation up against the Jews.He chose to concentrate on the positive outcomes of great oratory so perhaps should not have mentioned the negative or at least should have argued that the positive has generally outweighed the negative.

His vocabulary is excellent and he uses some interesting phrases that cleverly produce word pictures in the minds of his audience.For example, “we sucked the meadow of wisdom” and “A great speech shares the best of minds to the ma of people.” This use of language helps to bring the ideas in a speech alive.

His delivery is also very good.He has a strong voice, speaks at a comfortable pace, uses pauses and emphasis extremely well, and he does not harangue or shout but makes his belief and paion clear.This does not mean that all speakers should try to speak in this way.We all have different types of voice and to use such a strong voice when speaking about a more sensitive topic may not be so effective.His pronunciation and enunciation are excellent.His eye contact is quite good, although he could look a little longer into the eyes of some of his audience.His gestures are natural and the final wide stretch of his arms to encompa the audience and the world very effective.

By Sue Kay

(点评专家:Sue Kay,中国社会科学院外籍专家,博士生导师,多次担任“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛和“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛评委。讲稿及点评摘自《英语演讲选评100篇(2006-2011)》。)

【精彩讲稿】Olympian and Paralympian,Man and Superman

2013-01-22 16:59:52

西南交通大学 张瑞婷

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

Usually we give the name “superman” to someone who performs outstandingly in some aspect in life.In this case, people like to compare different athletes.Often they will regard the Olympians as the men, and Paralympians as the supermen, or the other way round.But I think before we draw a definite conclusion, let me tell you a story about a man who’s all the four titles mentioned in this speech.

I’m sure you’ve all heard of his famous book A Brief History of Time.When the author of this book, Stephen Hawking, found out that he had gotten

the ALS disease, he was told that he had no more than a few years to live.But he didn’t give up hope, he didn’t wait for his death, and he didn’t surrender to the illne.Instead, he picked up his notes and began researching.He chose to devote his time to science and discovery.He chose to not think about his condition, or regret the things it prevents[ it prevents应改为 that prevent。] him from doing, and a miracle happened: he still lives[ lives应改为alive。].He is left permanently disabled, but somehow he is enjoying his life more than ever and now he is one of the greatest scientists in the world.

Ladies and gentlemen, he created a miracle because of his strong determination and willpower.And not only did he benefit himself, but he also brought great contribution to the entire human race.There is[ is应改为are。] a lot we can learn from him, from this man who never gave up hope, from a man with an Olympian’s mind and a Paralympian’s body, an ordinary man who became a superman.Thank you very much!


The speaker is very persuasive while she is presenting her understanding of Olympian and Paralympian, Man and Superman”, a very complicated iue.She uses the life story of Stephen Hawking, the author of the book A Brief History of Time as an example to show that people with Olympian spirit, yet Paralympian’s physical condition can still achieve a lot and contribute to the development of human society.Since Stephen Hawking is well known all over the world, this real life example enables the audience to get her point very directly and clearly.

The whole speech is well cut, with one part devoted to the explanation of what men and supermen may mean.Just as she has explained in her speech, she points out that “Olympians as the men and Paralympians as the supermen”.Then other two parts of the speech contain a description to prove her definition and her restatement of her point of view.The clear organization of the speech enables the audience follows her closely and inevitably become convinced.

The speaker speaks with confidence and the delivery is smooth.She has got very clear pronunciation and proper intonation.The only problem is that her voice is a bit low and thin.

By Fan Weiwei











