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酒店名称 the name of the hotel

酒店地址 the addre of the hotel

天津市空港物流加工区 Tianjin Airport Industrial Park area/ No.55,Zhongxin Avenue,Airport

Industrial Park,Tianjin,P.R.China

酒店邮编 the postcode of the hotel

酒店电话 hotel telephone number

酒店传真号码 hotel fax number

酒店网址 hotel web site

品牌定位 brand positioning

独特卖点 unique selling point

业主公司 Owning Company

董事长 Chairman

酒店管理公司 the hotel management company

总经理 General Manager

规划设计公司 planning design company

建筑设计公司 architectural design company

室内设计公司 interior design company

天津滨海国际机场 Tianjin Binhai International Airport

天津市中心 downtown Tianjin

停车场 Car Park


间/套客房 rooms and suites

房型 room types

高级单人房 Superior King

高级双人房 Superior Twin

豪华单人房 Deluxe King

豪华双人房 Deluxe Twin

豪华套房 Deluxe Suite

总统套房 Presidential Suite

俱乐部豪华大床房 Club Deluxe King

俱乐部豪华双人房 Club Deluxe Twin

俱乐部套房 Club Suite

俱乐部豪华套房 Club Deluxe Suite

无烟房 non-smoking room

门市价 rack rate

优惠服务 benefits be available

优先登记入住及结账服务 personalized priority check-in and check-out

免费欢迎果盘 welcome fruits upon arrival

每日免费自助早餐(早晨7:00-10:00) daily complimentary buffet breakfast served from 7:00

a.m.-10:00 a.m.

每日免费享用下午茶(下午3:00-下午5:00)daily complimentary Afternoon Tea Snacks from

3:00 p.m.to 5:00 p.m.

每日免费享用特款鸡尾酒(晚上6:00-7:30)daily complimentary Evening Cocktail from 6:00

p.m.to 5:00 p.m.

每日免费享用各种软饮料 daily complimentary refreshments

免费使用宽带互联网 complimentary broadband internet acce

免费每日80元洗衣(不可累计)RMB 80.00 laundry credit per day (Non-accumulated) 免费每日中英文报纸 complimentary local newspaper and China Daily

每日免费使用会议室2小时(建议提前预定)complimentary ues of conference room for 2 hours

per day(Advance reservation is recommended)

可延迟退房时间至下午3:00(视当日房况而定) late check-out till 3:00 p.m.without extra

charge(Subject to the room availability)

预订部 reservation

宾客服务中心 Guest Service Center

礼宾部 Concierge

快件服务-国内及国际 courier-local and international

就诊服务 medical and dental information

高尔夫预订 golf booking

豪华轿车租赁 limousine hire

行李搬运、存放及维修 luggage handling,storage and repair

药店信息-购买地点 pharmacy-locations

邮递及包裹服务 postal and parcel service

出租车服务-24小时 taxi-available 24hours

商务中心 Busine Center

数码设备 audio visual equipment

文件装订 binding facilities for documents

激光打印 laser printing

黑白扫描 black and white scanning

自带电脑文本打印 connection to printer from laptop

快件服务 courier services

会议室 boardroom

传真 facsimile

上网服务 internet acce

文件塑封 laminating

办公台及电脑租赁(配打印机) PC work station and computer rental(with printer facilities) 文字处理 word proceing and desktop publishing

机票预订及确认 airline bookings and confirmations

航空信息、机票确认及预订 airline information,confirmation and reservation

手机租赁 mobile phone rental

机场接送 airport transportation

航空机票代理处 Airline Ticketing Office

洗衣服务 laundry service

失物招领 Lost and Found

宗教服务信息 religious service information

鲜花服务 Florist

旅游安排 tour and travel arrangements

叫醒服务 wake-up calls

货币兑换 currency exchange

美元USD英镑GBP新加坡元 SGD欧元 EUR日元 JPY港币 HKD加拿大元CAD澳大利亚元 AUD

美国运通卡 American Expre

大莱卡 Diners Club

Visa卡 Visa

万事达卡 Master Card


国内卡 domestic cards

长城卡(中国银行) Great Wall-(Bank of China)

牡丹卡(中国工商银行) Peony-(ICBC/Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 太平洋卡(交通银行) Pacific Card-(Bank of Communications)

龙卡(中国建设银行) Dragon Card-(China Construction Bank)

商业银行信用卡(中国商业银行) Merchant Bank International Credit Card-(China Merchant


金穗卡(中国农业银行) Kins Credit Card-(Agricultural bank of China)

银联 Union Pay

POS机 Point of Sale


中餐厅 Chinese Restaurant

粤菜 Cantonese food

湘菜 Hunan food

西式及亚洲菜肴 Western and Asian food

日式餐厅 Japanese Restaurant

现代日食菜肴 modern Japanese dishes

零点区 A La Carte

包间 private rooms

全日制餐厅 All Day Dining Restaurant

送餐服务 Room Service

自助早餐 breakfast buffet

自助午餐 lunch buffet

自助晚餐 dinner buffet

服务费 service charge

宴会服务 banquet service

会议室 meeting room

招待会式 in reception style

剧院式 in theatre style

宴会式 in banquet style

课桌式 in claroom style







酒店实习报告英文版(英文版 毕业论文)



