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Unit oneCompany Operation and Management 1.1 Teamwork 团队合作

Succeful team building requires attention to each of the following Twelve Cs.成功的团队建设要遵循以下12条建议:

Clear expectations: Do team members understand why the team was created? 明确目标:团队成员是否明确团队组建的目的?

Context: Can team members define their team’s importance to the accomplishment of corporate goals? 组建背景:团队成员是否明确团队对于实现企业目标的重要性?

Commitment: Do team members perceive their service as valuable to the organization and to their own careers? 敬业精神:团队成员是否认识到团队对于企业以及对自身事业的成功都很重要?

Competence: Does the team feel that its members have the knowledge, skill, and capability to addre the iues for which the team was formed? 团队能力:团队是否感知其成员拥有应对种种问题的知识、技能和实际能力?而团队组建的目的就是为了解决这些问题。

Charter: Has the team taken its aigned area of responsibility and designed its own miion, vision, and strategies to accomplish the miion? 团队规章:团队是否明确自己的职责范围并规划出自己的目标、远景和对策以完成使命? Control: Do team members hold each other accountable for project timelines, commitments, and results? 内部控制:团队成员是否对项目时间安排、应承担的义务和结果等共同负有责任? Collaboration: Do team members cooperate to accomplish the team charter? 协作精神:团队成员是否能相互协作、遵循团队章程?

Communication: Do team members communicate clearly and honestly with each other? 内部沟通:团队成员之间能否明确、诚实地进行相互沟通?

Creative Innovation: Does the team value creative thinking, unique solutions, and new ideas? 创新改革:团队是否注重鼓励创新思维、独特的解决办法和新的想法?

Consequences: Is the organization designing reward systems that recognize both team and individual performance? 结果影响:团队是否制定奖励制度来奖励团队以及个人的工作表现?

Coordination: Are teams coordinated by a central leadership that aists the groups to obtain what they need for succe? 协调配合:团队是否有领导核心来协调工作、帮助各小组取得成功?

CulturalChange: Does the organization recognize that the more it can change its climate to support teams, the more it will receive in pay back from the work of the teams? 改进文化:企业是否认识到越是通过改变企业氛围来支持团队的工作,就越能够从团队的工作中得到回报?


Incremental performance need or opportunity

True interdependence Share accountability Mutual trust Full cooperation

1.2 Internal Communications 内部沟通

沟通方式:face-to-face communications, E-mail, telephone, notice-boards, Internet.必备词汇:

Overall purpose 整体目标 Feedback on performance

1.3 Reducing Production Cost 降低生产成本



Reducing Customer Service减少客户服务 Cutting Corners偷工减料(不可取) Train Workers培训员工

Get Quality from Suppliers从供应商处购买优质的产品 Total Quality Management(TQM)Tools全面质量管理工具

1.4 Reducing Overheads减少管理费用


Hire the right number of people Reduce training costs Barter services Reevaluate your facilities Rent equipment Call on friends 必备词汇:

1.5 How to Deal with a Heavy Workload 如何应对繁重的工作


coffee break rooms ,free soda,fresh fruit, M&Ms and pastries咖啡,免费提供汽水、新鲜水果、巧克力和点心

free health cliniceldercare program免费医务室和养老计划

an exercise physiologist to help employees suffering from stre运动生理学家专门为深受压力困扰的员工提供帮助

wellne and exercise programs to help employees alleviate stre and enhance their health康复和健身计划

1.6 Work Environment工作环境

重要性: Work is an important determinate of health.It can influence health positively or negatively 注意要点:

Appropriate use of space/Spatial design Ambient light Office appliances Safety inspection Individual creativity(好的环境有利于)

1.7 Logistics物流


Customer service is the most important output of an organisation’s logistics system.客户服务是企业物流体系最重要的内容。

Logistics encompaes much more than just the transport of goods.物流所涵盖的绝不仅仅是货物的运输。

timing, quantity, supporting services, location and cost时间调配、数量、辅助服务、地点和成本

改进物流服务措施: Companies can regularly conduct customer satisfaction surveys to get neceary feedback on their services, so that they know the needs and expectations of their customers.And they can also implement a system to monitor the performance of their employees and reward outstanding performers to maintain high level customer service.










