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Unit 1


The playwright Oscar Wilde was noted for his epigrams.His admirers kept flooding him with letters

2 有些汽车不能再行驶了,需要报废,但车子的金属还是好的,这些金属可以重新利用 When a car gets out of use, it has to be scrapped.But the metal that the car was made of is still in good condition; it can be put to use again

3 中国入世后与国际接轨,所有在华企业应该统称为中国的企业,这些企业应该完善企业形象,强调贸易联合,迎接国际竞争的挑战

After China’s entry into the WTO and the international community, all enterprises in China should be referred to as Chinese enterprises.They should improve their images, lay emphasis on commercial union and greet the challenges of international competition

4 我们要广泛团结港澳各界人士,共同维护和促进香港、澳门的繁荣、稳定和发展

We should unite with people from all walks of life there in a joint effort to maintain and promote the prosperity, stability and development of Hong Kong and Macao 5 一旦有副总统职位空缺,总统就提名一名副总统,经国会两院多数票批准后就职

Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice-President, the President shall nominate Vice-President who is appointed to take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congre

6 杰克担心自己不在家的时候有人会闯进那个房间,就煞费苦心地在门上装了一根铁质的铁条

Jake was afraid that during his absence someone might gain acce to the room he went out of his way to fix elaborate bars upon the door

7 斯伯里奇一升为副总裁负责企业的产品销售,就着手向南美开辟市场

The moment Sperlich became vice-president of his company in charge of product sales; he set out to open up markets in South America

8 登山队员们爬到半山腰时,多数人感到呼吸困难,精疲力竭,最后只选择返回

When halfway up the mountain, most of the climbers were out of breath and exhausted, so they had no way but to turn back at last

Unit 2

1 我们与当地一些公司联合筹款,为那些在地震中幸免于难的无家可归者重建家园

We are working in aociation with a number of local companies to raise money to rebuild homes for the homele who have survived the earthquake

2 落后或不发达的国家可以低价引进最新技术,而无需负担研究、发明和开发费用

The disadvanced or under-developed countries can just introduce the latest technology at a low price without having to bear the cost of research, invention and development 3 香港需要适应力强和训练有素的人才,方能应付未来的挑战,把握良机,获取长远利益 Hong Kong is in need of talented persons who are adaptable and well equipped so as to meet the challenges ahead, embrace good opportunities and reap the far-reaching benefits

4 一种动物如果不能再每一代都生下足够的后代来与死亡率抗衡的话,它们将走向灭绝 An animal species becomes extinct when it fails to produce enough young in each

generation to keep pace with the death rate

5 一些科学家的理论认为,是一场巨大的爆炸知道了无边的宇宙世界,运行于浩瀚的黑色天体间,并最终孕育出各种形态的生命

Some scientists theorize that a catastrophic cosmic explosion sent infinite worlds spinning out into the vastne of the Great Dark, the worlds that would one day bear life forms of diversity

6 据预测,在未来的四年中,互联网上的视频数量将翻两番。人们能够观看的视频也将从现在的短片升级为长达一小时的节目

It is predicted that over the next four years, the number of videos watched over the internet will quadruple, with videos upgrading from short clips to hour-long programmers

7 许多科学家相信,如果人类继续漫不经心地对地球过度开采,人类的大灾难-地球的毁灭-将是不可避免的

Man scientists believe that the greatest human tragedy-destruction of the earth-is inevitable if we human beings keep inadvertently exploiting the natural resources of our planet exceively

8 这份报告的主题是,二氧化碳排放及其他生态灾难引起的气候变化,不可持续的消费模式才是气候变化的罪魁祸首

The key meage of the report was that unsustainable consumption patterns were responsible for climate change linked to carbon emiions and other ecological catastrophes

Unit 3

1 要做到诚实可信,必须要让别人认为你是真诚的,这可能需要时间

For you to be credible, you must be perceived as sincere, which may take time 2 尽管三张类型的白日梦都很常见,积极型的幻想最有可能作为解决问题的跳板,而消极型和支离破碎型的白日梦使人容易感到焦虑不安

While all three types of daydreams are common, positive imaginations are likeliest to serve as spring boards for problem solving, negative or scattered daydreams may predispose a person to anxiety

3 根据皮尔逊的相关分析,护士的心理健康肯定与其年龄、护龄、学历、职称、职务等密切相关

According to Person correlative analysis, mental health of the nurses is positively correlated to age, nursing duration, educational background, profeional title and post

4 经理化检验证实,该康复仪器无放射性污染,对人体绝对无毒、无副作用

Physical and chemical tests verify that this recovery device has neither radioactive pollution nor toxic side effects

5 这项重要发现对本地考古学来说是一项突破,并有助于我们了解早期居民生活的方方面面 This important discovery is a breakthrough in local archaeology and will shed light on many aspects of early settlers’ life

6 爱德华公私分明,不把生意中的道德准则运用到死人关系中去

Edward is scrupulous in separating public from private interests; he does not carry over his busine ethics into his personal relationships

7 仔细考虑以后,她终于让理智战胜了她的偏见

After careful consideration, she at length succeeded in letting reason prevail over her prejudice

8 智商测验的得分会因教育程度以及社会、经济的水平而有很大的差距,甚至主持智商测验的考官的肤色也会对得分有很大的影响

Intelligence quotient test scores vary considerably with educational, social and economic levels-even the skin color of the examiner conducting the IQ test may have a significant effect


1 地方政府因办事效率低而遭到民众的抨击,这已不是第一次。

This is not the first time that the local government has come under fire from citizens for failing to do its job efficiently.

2 如何在网络环境中实施有效的手段保护版权和确保信息安全,已经引起学术界、企业界以及政府部门的关注。

How to bring into effect measures to protect the copyright and ensure information security in the network has captured the attention of the academia, busine world as well as the government.

3 尽管利息付款的数额很大,有些国家并未根据国民收入的减少而减少公共支出的其他项目。 Despite high interest payments, some countries have not reduced other items of public expenditure in line with the declining national income.

4 在大量消耗能源的工业国家和发展中国家都不可能降低能源的使用,因此要广泛地将洁净能源投入使用。

Cleaner energy sources must be put to wide use, both in the energy-consuming industrial world and in developing nations, which cannot be expected to cut back on their energy use.

5 新来的人认为如果老乔治这次没得到提名,他会老老实实地退出竞选,让位于年轻人的候选人。党派的头头们却不这样看。

The new comers think that if old George doesn’t get the nomination this time he will loyally quit the campaign and make way for a younger candidate.The party boes think differently.

6、他想要清楚地表明,英国并不梦想在欧洲共同体边缘过着一种舒适的、与世隔绝的生活。 He wants to make it clear that Britain does not dream for some cozy, isolated existence on the fringes of the European Community.


Although we find no evidence of actual bias, we hold that the actions of the trial judge seriously damaged the reputation of the District Court and called into question the integrity of.

8 地处市郊的区政府宣布,从现在起区财政将每年拨款伍佰万元来补贴在农村地区工作的教师。

The suburban District government announced that the district’s financial department would allot 5 million yuan every year from now on to subsidize teachers working in rural areas.Unit5

1 减肥的关键是不吃高热量高脂肪且人体所需营养含量极低的食物

The key to losing weight is not to turn to what are high in calories and fat but low in the nutrition that our body requires.

2 他坚持说他的公司一直履行最高道德标准,并否认做过任何不当的事情

He insisted that his company had always maintained the highest ethical standard, and denied it had done anything improper

3 体内缺乏维生素A,不但会影响身体发育,降低对疾病的抵抗力,还可导致夜盲症。

The lack of VA body not only affects the body’s growth and lower its resistance to diseases, but also can cause night blindne.

4 女性烟民死于肺癌的可能性是非吸烟者的12倍

Women who smoke are 12 times more likely to die from the lung cancer than non-smoker.5 这是人们一直追求的美好理想,一个也只能在艺术中成为现实的理想

This is an ideal people have been dreaming of all along, an ideal that can only become reality in works of art.

6 本世纪内的最后十年是为下个世纪前五十年的经济打下基础,创造良好条件的关键。 The last decade of this century will be crucial for laying a foundation and creating good condition for economic development on the first half of the next.

7 电子邮件谈判比面对面谈判更容易演变成令人不快的交流。

Email negotiations are more likely to degenerate into an unpleasant exchange than face-to-face encounters.

8 殷勤待客是一种我们以食物与住宿款待他人而不求回报的美德。

Hospitality is the virtue which induces us to feed and lodge others without expecting anything in return.

Unit 6

1 为回报他们的热情款待,我们写一封感谢信并邀请他们在方便的时间回访。

In response to their hospitality, we wrote a thank-you letter and invited them to pay a return visit at their convenience.

2 新的酒店正迅速建起,以接待越来越多的游客。游客们可以在这个旅游胜地尽享现代旅游的舒适和便利。

Now hotels are springing up to accommodate an increasing number of tourists, who can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of the modern tourism in this resort.3 每当遇到这类问题,我的脑海就会一片空白,甚至不记得自己的生日。

When confronted with such questions, my mind goes blank so much so that I can hardly remember my own date of birth.

4 大多数人已经学会如何识破这类骗局,也不会轻易相信这份看似诱人的机遇。

Most people have learned how to see through such swindle and will not be credulous of this seemingly enticing opportunity.

5 一些科学家认为最终这两颗流星将与银河相碰撞并融为我们所在这个星系的一部分。 Some scientists believe that these two meteoroids will eventually collide with the Milky Way and become one of the parts of our own galaxy.

6 人们提出截然不同的可能性来结束发生在这个小镇里一系列离奇的袭击马匹事件。

Vastly different poibilities were put forward to explain a series of bizarre attacks on horses in the small village.

7 送到编辑部的所有文章都会先接受初审,但只有最具价值的文章才会继续接受完整的专家评审。

All papers submitted to the editorial office would come under cursory scrutiny, but only the most valued ones would go on to receive full expert review.

8 该市附近发生了地震,成千上万的人在地震中丧生。当她得知自己的家人全部安然无恙时,激动的热泪盈眶。

An earthquake hit the vicinity of the city, killing thousands of people.When she learned that all her family came out safe and sound, her eyes were suffused with excited tears.

Unit 7

1 假如石油确实找到了,这位外国投资者就有优先权来开发这个油田

If oil is found, the foreign investor will be given priority in the actual exploitation of the oil field

2 我告诉他如果我们照他的话去做就会赔本的时候,他立刻改变了论点并说他考虑的是道德原则,而不是利益得失

As soon as I told him that we could lose money if we followed his advice, he shifted his ground and said that he was concerned with moral principles, not profits 3在激烈竞争下,市场需要往往会让位于竞争需要

In a highly competitive environment, the needs of the market usually give way to the need for competition

4 申请者应该将自己的学术履历或个人经历加以梳理,发觉自己能脱颖而出的特点,进而加以强调

An applicant should comb his academic history or personal experience for anything that makes him stand out, and then highlight it

5 培养对人的热诚知心,将会自动使我们安心,并帮助我们消除所有的恐惧和不安

Cultivating a warm-hearted feeling for others automatically puts our mind at ease and helps remove whatever fears and in securities we may have

6 品牌对那些处于市场竞争中的公司很有意义,因为产品在市场流通中的生命周期已被缩短,这使得成本很难收回

Brands make good sense for companies that compete in markets, for product life cycles have shortened, making it difficult to recover the costs

7 你要了解目标学校的详情以便能够按照学校的要求修改申请

You need to find out details for your target schools so you can tailor your application according to their requirements

8 户外广告设施应当牢固、安全,并与周围环境协调,符合美化市容的要求

Outdoor advertising facilities shall be firm and secure, be in harmony with their surroundings, and shall meet the demand of beautifying the city appearance










